Use of Force Analysis for the Pierce County Sheriff's Department

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November 8, 2021 The Honorable Bruce F. Dammeier

About this Report

The Honorable Mary Robnett

In 2020, Executive Dammeier

The Honorable Ed Troyer

convened a Criminal Justice work group comprised of

At your direction and in accordance with Council Resolution 2020-43, the Criminal Justice Work Group is submitting for your consideration a report on the Use of Force by Pierce County Sheriff deputies for the years 2016-2020.

senior staff appointed by the Executive, Prosecuting Attorney, and Sheriff. The work group was tasked with reviewing Pierce County

The report is contained in the following pages. A more detailed version of the report is available at useofforce.

criminal justice policies and practices. Recommended by the

Information provided by the Sheriff indicates the use of force by Sheriff deputies is disproportionate to the racial and ethnic composition of the general population. Insufficient information is available to indicate the use of force is inappropriate to the circumstances confronting deputies when force is used.

Law and Justice Public Review Committee, and produced at the direction of the Criminal Justice work group, this report focuses on demographic proportionality

In addition to this report, the Work Group recommends independent reviews of the use of force, beginning with all uses of force involving juveniles. The Work Group will continue to collect and analyze information and submit reports on each stage of the criminal justice system, including but not limited to charges filed; diversions to mental health and substance treatment programs; negotiated pleadings; trials; and sentencing.

in use of force by the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department.

This report does not address questions of whether use of force was reasonable or justified in any case, nor the specific cause of incidents.

Respectfully submitted, Criminal Justice Work Group



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