Volume 141 Fall 2024 Issue 1

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Carlos Tuazon, Kaitlynn Sutakajana and Sherin Ballutay sit with second-year student Angela Figueroa at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Aug. 26, 2024.
Melanie Jurado / Roundup News
Karla Villacorta / Roundup News
Delilah Brumer / Roundup News
Moses Murga / Roundup News

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Letter from the editor: Adding a new chapter to a 70-year legacy

“Hi, my name is Delilah Brumer and I’m a student journalist at the Roundup News. It’s so nice to meet you.”

If you ever see me around campus, this is how I’ll introduce myself, almost certainly smiling and speaking really quickly.

That role I introduce myself as — student journalist — means a lot to me and to all of us at the Roundup. I’m always proud to say I’m a student journalist, because my title carries with it the privilege and responsibility of informing the Pierce College community.

At the Roundup, we strive to fairly report on the issues affecting students, faculty and staff and we do so while holding ourselves to professional ethical standards. This means we’re here to cover everything important

to the Pierce campus. It also means that while we thoroughly work to ensure our coverage is accurate and balanced, we’ll always own up to our mistakes.

I hope that as you flip through the Roundup, you learn something new. I also hope you see the diverse experiences and perspectives of your community represented.

These 16 pages constitute the first issue of the Fall 2024 semester — and the newest chapter in the Roundup’s 70-year legacy. This is us introducing (or re-introducing) ourselves to you. We publish weekly in print on Wednesdays, but we also hope you’ll read our work at theroundupnews.com or on social media @roundupnews.

Even though I’ve been a journalist in one form or another

for nearly six years, it’s still a lot of pressure leading this newspaper. But I believe in the capabilities of the Roundup staff — and in the importance of our work.

Our relationship with the Pierce campus does not only go one way. If you ever want to share a story tip with us, please send an email to newsroom. roundupnews@gmail.com. Don’t ever hesitate to ask us questions, tell us about an event or let us know how we can improve. You’ll often see us out on the Mall and we’d love it if you say hello.

Thank you for entrusting me to serve this campus as the Roundup editor-in-chief. It’s so nice to meet you.

Editorial: From the desk of the Roundup

For the love of lit: Pierce should host a

College life can be monotonous. Book fairs offer a welcome distraction from academics. These fairs typically create an environment of entertainment, meeting authors and the opportunity to enjoy books and reading. Pierce should consider hosting a book fair. Reading may seem like a chore to some people, but there are some benefits that most people enjoy. According to an article in Education Week, “book fairs help engage students in recreational reading, which research has shown can improve reading scores.”

A well-planned book fair at

Pierce would also provide a fun atmosphere and enable students and faculty to socialize.

Long Beach City College has held an annual book fair for the past seven years. This event is for all ages and “features books and authors, music and entertainment, food, and activities for the kids.” The Festival of Great Reads was held on April 27 of this year.

Pierce can invite alumni who may be writers as well as renowned authors hoping to publicize their works. This will inspire students and visitors to think about literature as a possible career path as well as increase their interest in reading.

A look into the archives:

70 years of the Roundup

On Sept. 13, 2001, the Roundup published a special edition, two days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people. The issue included articles on the timeline and fallout of 9/11, which occurred 23 years ago on this day.

One of the few special editions in the Roundup’s history, the front cover of Volume 95 Issue 2 featured a photo of the flags on the Pierce College campus lowered to

half staff, as well as a photo illustration.

Within the pages of the newspaper, articles covered the Pierce community’s grief and reactions to the attacks. The Roundup also published information about crisis counseling available at Pierce and a campus blood drive scheduled to support the people wounded by the attacks.

Beginning in 1996, the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, held annually at the University of Southern California, is known as “one of the world’s most significant literary gatherings. This celebrated event presents various authors representing diverse genres, from established literary figures to emerging talents each year.”

Book fairs offer many educational as well as entertaining activities.

According to USC’s L.A. Times Festival of Books website, “Attendees can engage in panels and discussions, facilitating enriching exchanges among fellow book enthusiasts, authors,

book fair

scholars, and thought leaders. From storytelling sessions to book signings and interactive exhibits, a wealth of experiences awaits visitors of all ages.”

A similar event at Pierce can be cost-neutral. Pierce would incur some cost for security, maintenance and other staff, which would be offset by income generated from book sales, other merchandise and food and beverage sales at the cafeteria or invited food trucks.

Some other local book fairs are usually held in April. Pierce should consider hosting the event earlier or later to avoid conflicting with the other fairs.

Two archived pages of the Sept. 13, 2001 special edition of the Roundup, laid out in the newsroom on Sept. 3, 2024. Photo by Delilah Brumer.

Should Pierce offer more Friday classes? Longer

Additional options would give students room to breathe

Including more class availability at Pierce College on Fridays would not only offer students more flexibility within their hectic schedules, but an extra day of classes would create more balance on campus overall.

Walking onto campus the first few weeks of school can be a lot on its own. Stopping by the financial aid office with important documents or seeing a counselor to make sure all your ducks are lined up can be overwhelming. These lastminute campus errands, coupled with new semester anxiety, long

of “Tetris” with classes due to conflicting time slots. This extra day could alleviate the pressure of prioritizing classes and prevent burnout from packing everything into two or three days.

While Pierce offers flexibility with classes such as asynchronous or synchronous schooling, not all students benefit from taking classes in this way. A lot of students benefit more from physically walking into a class and learning in a traditional classroom setting.

Friday classes do have their pros and cons, as an article in The Hill News explains. According to the article, having ample Friday class offerings can lead to a “more evenly distributed”

weekends would improve students’ health

Proposals to extend the weekend to include Friday offer significant benefits, especially in terms of mental health and productivity. Pierce College should change scheduling to minimize Friday classes, allowing students to have three-day weekends.

sleep,” according to an article in the Orange County Register.

Having an extra day off can lead to improved efficiency and job satisfaction. Students are better able to manage their personal and professional responsibilities when they have sufficient time to recharge.

How do you plan your class schedule?

congestion. This is not only stressful for students but can also overwhelm campus staff.

Increasing the availability of Friday classes would lead to less foot traffic in offices, classrooms and smaller course waitlists. Not everyone has their schedule lined up perfectly at the start of the semester, leading to a lot

Some classes are hybrid and still require students to come in person each week. For students who have part time jobs, an already packed class schedule or familial obligations, this extra day of classes can give a lot of students some room to breathe. needed flexibility for students, according to Keystone Education

Offering more Friday class options at Pierce would relieve pressure from crowded office visits, packed classes and neverending waitlists. For most, it would free up weekends, mornings or afternoons for work, internships or other obligations.

More Friday classes would create a better balance between school and social life, benefiting students’ mental health and emotional well-being.

A primary benefit of a threeday weekend is its positive impact on mental health. According to an article in the Daily Tar Heel, “Friday classes are bad for mental health” because they often lead to increased stress and fatigue. The article highlights that students face significant challenges in balancing academic demands with their personal lives, leading to a heightened risk of burnout. Extending the weekend to include Friday could relieve some of these pressures, allowing students a lot of time to relax and recover.

According to an article in Neuroscience News, having a three-day weekend can “improve sleep duration, increase physical activity and was associated with overall healthier behaviors.”

Incorporating Fridays into the weekend offers clear benefits improved mental, spiritual and physical health and increased productivity. By extending the weekend, Pierce can create a more balanced and effective approach to both work and academic life. The potential impact of this change is positive, making it a compelling consideration for future schedule reforms.

A longer weekend provides students with additional time to manage stress, engage in leisure activities and maintain a healthier work and life balance. This extra day off could be crucial in reducing the mental strain associated with a compressed academic schedule.

Three-day weekends can lead to “increased daily movement, less time sitting and improved

Carnival comes to campus

LEFT: A Ferris Wheel from the Guadagno & Sons Carnival set up behind the Equestrian Center parking lot at Pierce College in Woodland Hills Calif. on Sept. 5, 2024.

“I just wanted earlier classes so I could have the rest of the day for myself.”

Aaron Schneider - Computer science

“I schedule two days a week so I get enough social interaction but I don’t get overwhelmed.”

Ramiyah Murphy - Law

“I prioritize the classes that require more time and just need more work and organization.”

Bianca Esparza - Pre-vet medicine

“I prioritize my major, which is art, because that’s what I want to do in my later years.”

“I take classes that sound fun but also fit my future plans.”

Tristan Chrakyan - Automotive

Interviews by Matthew Stewart
Photos by Karla Delgado
Angelina Guerrero / Roundup News
Christian Carrillo - Art

From blueprint to finishing touches

New Academic East building is part of Pierce’s construction efforts

Pierce College is transforming a 20-year dream into reality by constructing a new cuttingedge building for the math, psychology and computer science departments, setting the stage for innovation.

After nearly two decades of planning and anticipation, the grand opening for the new Academic East building is set for Oct. 11, marking a significant milestone in the college’s construction and modernization efforts.

Pierce President Ara Aguiar expressed her excitement about the new Academic East building. The new facility, which will feature modern classrooms, computer labs and faculty offices, is set to replace older structures

that are slated for demolition.

“I know it’s going to be a beautiful building,” Aguiar said.

“It’s going to provide state-ofthe-art opportunities for our students, and I’m really looking forward to it.”

Aguiar also mentioned that several additional buildings are planned for the near future, contributing to a significant transformation of the campus landscape.

“It’s wonderful to be able to teach in those new rooms because they’re so beautiful,” Aguiar said.

Calculus professor David Soto expressed cautious optimism about the project.

“It’s a building that has been promised for more than 20 years,” Soto said. “The only feeling that I have is that I will believe it when I see it constructed.”

Soto also noted his hopes about

the potential impact of the new building on student enrollment.

“It might help attract new students,” Soto said. “On the same token, it’s not only about constructing new buildings. It’s about promoting a culture of community among students.”

Angela Belden, a statistics and developmental psychology professor, shared her enthusiasm for the upcoming facilities.

“It’s going to be fabulous to have a newer building that people can use and teach without having to add it into a room that things don’t really fit in,” Belden said. “It’s going to be a game changer for all of us. Having a computer lab that’s functional, that’s stationary, that students can use and that faculty can teach in is going to help tremendously.”

With the grand opening just around the corner, Aguiar said she looks forward to the positive

Faculty express developmental course concerns

Faculty public commenters opened the Sept. 9 Academic Senate Meeting in Building 600—the first of the fall semester— with concerns over a decrease of student placements into developmental courses.

English professor Curt Duffy was one of three educators who spoke about the fallout of Assembly Bill (AB) 1705.

AB 1705, signed into law in 2022 and which builds on AB 705, “specifies that colleges must rely on high school coursework, high school grades and high school grade point averages when determining how to place and enroll new students,” according to EdSource. With this law, colleges cannot require students to take remedial classes or repeat courses that they have already completed in high school or college, and “any one measure can demonstrate that a student is ready for transfer-level classes and that low performance on one measure should be offset by a higher performance on another measure,” according to EdSource.

“Approximately 60% of Pierce College students would benefit from pre-transfer math and English courses,” Duffy said. “Courses that Jacqui Irwin’s AB 1705 flexibly made off-limits.”

English professor Karin Burns added to Duffy’s thoughts.

“All college students must now enter at the English 101

at Academic Senate

transfer level,” Burns said. “AB 1705 removed developmental courses like our English 28, wrongly assuming that all community colleges’ placement procedures failed them.”

Failure rates have become higher in transfer-level courses because the students have not had the appropriate developmental coursework, explained Duffy.

After the public comments, Academic Senate President Margarita Pillado introduced Pierce President Ara Aguiar, who gave the college report.

Aguiar gave a formal response as to why the search to fill a new counseling position was unsuccessful, one reason being that all possible candidates lacked the required expertises.

“I called the colleges and none of them had any CTE [Career Technical Education] or adult education background,” Aguiar said.

“The intent was that that position would be filled and paid by Strong Workforce and the Adult [Education] Block Grant so that it would not negatively impact program 100 [Communication Studies].”

Aguiar also said the Strong Workforce Program has been faced with state reductions resulting in the loss of close to $17 million, and gave an analysis of what effect that would have on the counseling department.

Throughout the past five years, there has been a staff increase in the

counseling department of a little over five full-time faculty members in order to balance the load of that department, according to Aguiar. The positions are paid for, but the source of that money has gone over budget by close to three quarters of a million dollars, money that will then have to be pulled from other sources around the college, Aguiar said.

“I just want everyone to know that I have to go back and look at that carefully in terms of how these decisions are being made to expand the department at that level,” Aguiar said.

The next Academic Senate meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 23, in Building 600.

changes that this new space will bring to Pierce’s educational environment.

“This new building is a step

toward creating a more engaged and technologically equipped learning atmosphere,” Aguiar said.

Pierce College Council talks enrollment, safety

Although student enrollment numbers have not rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, the Pierce College Council (PCC) revealed increased Summer and Fall 2024 enrollment at an Aug. 29 meeting.

Vice President of Academic Affairs Mary-Jo Apigo discussed that summer semester enrollment was 14% higher this year compared to last year.

She spoke about the importance of stopping fraudulent accounts from enrolling at Pierce in online classes, which has been an ongoing district-wide challenge.

“Our Fall [2023] numbers were unreliable,” she said. “That data was unreliable because of the volume of fraudulent enrollments we had.”

Previous Academic Senate meetings revealed that with artificial intelligence, bots now can submit assignments.

Despite these challenges and uncertain data, Pierce is working to grow its student body and as of the first week of the semester, fall enrollment exceeded last fall’s enrollment by 3%.

“Our enrollment picture is looking really promising and really great right now,” she said.

Pierce President Ara Aguiar updated the PCC on the current state of eight-week courses.

“We did cancel some classes that were low-enrolled,” Aguiar said. “However, we did add classes to the second eight weeks that were in high demand with waitlists.”

Deputy Isaac Jorge alerted the PCC about ongoing automobile and towing-related scams that have occurred on campus and in a small vicinity surrounding it.

“What the scam is, they come and take that car, they say they are from your insurance,” he said. “They take it really really far and they pretty much kidnap your car, they don’t tell you where it’s at and they charge you per mile.”

He concluded his report by noting that West Valley Occupational Center (WVOC), which is across the street from Pierce, has had six lockdowns in the past two weeks.

On July 23, a threat made to the WVOC campus, which was later deemed to not be credible, caused Pierce to go into a lockdown as well, which lasted 45 minutes.

Vice President of Administrative Services Rolf Schleicher expressed frustration over how some staff and students have responded to lockdowns.

“When there’s a lockdown, we want people going indoors, we don’t want people jumping in their cars or roaming around,” he said. “A lockdown means that there is a potential shooter or assault happening, so we want people coming indoors.”

Aguiar also said it is important to take lockdowns seriously.

“The immediate action from people is not to take it seriously,” she said. “The kids are not listening, no one is listening.”

The PCC will hold its next Zoom meeting at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26.

A danger sign warns passersby to steer clear of the Academic East construction site at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Sept. 4, 2024.
Moses Murga / Roundup News
Angelina Guerrero / Roundup News Academic Senate President Margarita Pillado speaks during a meeting at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Sept. 5, 2024.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A global lesson through drum beats

Music professor performs at first ASO concert of the semester

Pierce College’s music department had its first Associated Student Organization (ASO) concert of the new school year on Sept. 2 in the Performing Arts Building, leaving the audience with knowledge about drumming from different parts of the world.

ASO Concert Director Kevin Good kicked off the fall concert season displaying various styles of drumming and incorporating rhythmic patterns from different parts of the world. Good focused on global rhythms by performing Dagomba drumming from Northern Ghana, Ewe drumming from the Volta Region of Ghana and Ritmica created by Jose Eduardo Gramani.

“I started as a drum set player, but I’ve always felt a deep connection to rhythm, not just as a musical element but as part of culture,” Good said.

He displayed this love for rhythm through complex bell

patterns which is a key feature in Ghanaian Ewe and Dagomba drumming. Good explained these patterns are the backbone of many African rhythms and can provide a foundation for other elements of music.

After a brief introduction and showcase of different rhythmic patterns, Good performed his composition titled Kane, which he said refers to the Hawaiian god who represents creation, light and life. As a composer, Good created this piece as a way to allow others to find their rhythmic love and understand rhythmic cycles with their specific instrument.

Good explained how he borrowed different styles in his pieces after traveling to Ghana and learning Ghanaian style of music.

“Understanding rhythm deeply will allow you to explore various styles, whether it’s classical, jazz, or global drumming traditions like Dagomba or Ewe drumming,” Good said.

Brian Wulf, a Pierce College

student who attended the concert was intrigued by the different rhythmic patterns presented. Wulf was interested mostly in how the fluidity of the drumming is different from what people are used to in their day-to-day lives.

“Our way of timing and our way of thinking about timing and how it’s different from other

places in the world,” Wulf said.

Wendy Mazon, the department chair of music, said she really enjoyed learning more about African drumming and music.

“African rhythms and traditions have been borrowed in different parts of Western music by other composers,” Mazon said.

Music department secures equipment upgrade

The San Fernando Valley has another Steinway school, thanks to a partnership between Pierce College and the musical instrument company.

By becoming a Steinway school, the Pierce music department was able to get new pianos at a discounted price. The process of replacing the pianos has been three years in the making, according to Music Department Chair Wendy Mazon.

Garineh Avakian, who is a professor of voice and choir, came up with the idea of bringing Steinway representatives to do an assessment of the Pierce pianos.

“I actually called the Steinway

pre-pandemic,” Avakian said.

“So this was pre-2019 or early 2019 and I called them out so they could come and do a free consultation and assessment of all of our pianos.”

The music department’s previous pianos were more than 70 years old, Avakian said.

The department was spending substantial funds tuning them up.

“So in the long run, we’re actually saving money by getting newer equipment and newer instruments,” she said.

Pierce President Ara Aguiar and the administration were able to help obtain funding for the music department to acquire new pianos from Steinway.

“We were able to obtain sufficient funding for the pianos, and then they gave a school

discount,” Aguiar said. “I’m thrilled that we were able to make this transition. We’re looking forward to it,” Aguiar said.

Mazon said the quality of the instruments are going to be significant to the students as they learn to be musicians.

“An instrumental class, choir, band, to our theory musicianship courses, all of those are AMP programs, so instrumental because students are going to be able to play on these quality instruments,” Mazon said. “The instruments are going to stay in tune. It is amazing and that’s very important for people’s ears when they’re learning to become musicians.”

Avakian is hoping with all the new equipment from Steinway that this will attract more students and increase enrollment.

“We’re hoping to up our enrollment with attracting quality students that are interested to continue in music and in the arts,” Avakian said. “We’re hoping to have quality performances be done and maybe even have more revenue for the college.”

Mazon is thankful to the administration’s support by helping the music department receive new pianos.

“I’m glad that we have such a supportive senior administration,” Mazon said. “With their help we were able to get these pianos, and I’m so happy that they support the arts and really saw the need and helped us to get those.”

Blotter Brahma

Crime Log

A hit and run in Lot 7 was reported on Aug. 28, 2024.

Campus Incident

A student with a medical emergency in front of the Library was transported to a hospital for further evaluation on Sept. 4, 2024.

The crime log is made publicly available at the Pierce College Sheriff’s Office.

Pierce College Sheriff’s Office General Information 818-719-6450


News Briefs

Extreme heat hits Woodland Hills

Anyone who went to the Pierce College campus during the past week was met with the sweltering temperatures impacting the Woodland Hills neighborhood and much of the San Fernando Valley. Several early September daily highs climbed above 115 degrees — and the New York Times recently named Woodland Hills the hottest neighborhood in all of Los Angeles.

As Woodland Hills feels the heat this summer, so do many other parts of California and the globe. International climate experts recently named Summer 2024 the hottest on record, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Pierce President Ara Aguiar reminded students to stay hydrated and remain in the shade or inside while on campus in this extreme heat.

Varios altos diarios del principio de septiembre llegaron a más de 115 grados y recientemente el New York Times nombró Woodland Hills como el barrio más caluroso de todo Los Ángeles.

Mientras Woodland Hills siente el calor del verano, también lo hacen otras partes de California y del mundo. Expertos internacionales del clima recientemente nombraron septiembre del 2024 como el mes más caluroso registrado, según el Los Angeles Times. Presidente de Pierce, Ara Aguiar, recordó a los estudiantes que deben mantenerse hidratados y estar en la sombra o bajo techo.

“Es importante estar consciente en nuestro microambiente aquí en Pierce, porque es más caliente aquí”, dijo Aguiar.

Parking passes required

En español

“It’s important to be conscientious in our particular microenvironment here at Pierce, because it is hotter here,” Aguiar said. As of Sept. 9, parking passes are once again required for all lots at Pierce College. Students can purchase a parking pass for $20 at the Business Office.

Calor extremo azota Woodland Hills

Cualquier persona que fue al campus de Pierce College durante las semanas pasadas se encontró con temperaturas sofocantes afectando el barrio de Woodland Hills y la mayoría del Valle de San Fernando.

Copy by Delilah Brumer. Translation by Gerardo Escobar.

Music professor Kevin Good performs his original piece “Kane” in the Performing Arts Building at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Sept. 3, 2024.
Delilah Brumer / Roundup News
Students Melinda Birke, Alany Solis-Coleman and Madeleine Mckay sing during musical theatre class at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on September 5, 2024.
Melanie Jurado / Roundup News

New faculty faces around campus

Fifteen new full-time staff and faculty have recently been hired at Pierce College, and of those 15, many are looking out at a long, dedicated track ahead of them. Not a running track, but a no-less-lengthy tenure track.

The departments that have welcomed new faces range from Physics and Planetary Sciences to Accounting to American Sign Language.

Learn more about some of these newest members of the Pierce community here.

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “I’m actually a Pierce graduate myself. I completed this nursing program and I had a really positive experience. I love encouraging [the students] because I’ve gone through it. I feel like I truly relate to what they’ve experienced. When I first started nursing school, I almost dropped out the first two weeks because it was very different from what I anticipated. The way that you study for it is very different and it was very overwhelming. So I’ve been in a very similar situation. I’ve been in their shoes and being that support person and helping them get through their struggles and encouraging them to keep going, I really love that.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: “I enjoy going to concerts and attending music festivals.

Q: What made you want to pursue theater?

A: “I never intended to be a theater artist or film artist of any kind. I was just doing it because I hated going to high school. It was a very different time, and I was very queer. From an early age, I just didn’t feel like I fit in… But I found this children’s theater tour and I auditioned… I found this beauty and creativity in it and in myself, and I just got addicted to it.”

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “What I found was that at a certain point, my perspective shifted from wanting to facilitate my dreams, and it started to become about I really started to love facilitating other people’s dreams.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: “I was raised in rural Alabama, in a tiny town with only one red light.”

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “ASL [American Sign Language] is fun to teach, and I love to see how the students start to love immersing themselves into ASL and teaching them about Deaf culture.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: “I love learning languages and have lived in three different countries: Thailand, Colombia and Spain. I know seven languages: Hebrew, American Sign Language, English, Korean, Korean Sign Language, Israeli Sign Language, Thai Sign Language, Spanish and Colombian Sign Language. From 2009-10, I used to volunteer teaching in a Deaf school in Thailand helping hearing teachers learn how to teach Deaf students properly.”

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “For me, it is to share with students the truth of nature and practically in a way that they can fulfill their academic goals and move on in their career path. And I feel these are all very interesting to me. Yes, all very rewarding as well.” People are inclusive. They welcome me, and then they like to introduce themselves, talk to me and even the students

Q: What made you want to pursue biology?

A: “I wanted to be a scientist when I was in elementary school. I participated in one of the scientific competitions, and then I won a prize, and then, ‘Oh, that is so exciting.’”

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “When I started the class, also the first time of full-time teaching, I was so nervous, and like a student, too. But when I started, I learned together with the students, and it was more exciting than nervous, so I became more prepared and then I really enjoyed the interactions with the students, especially at Pierce.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: “I love to cook, especially Korean food and American food.”

greet each other, greet the teachers. Teachers greet the students and the people like to socialize with each other, to get to know each other and to help out each other to do well in the school. This is something I really like about Pierce.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: “I’m a basketball player, I play pick up games. I don’t shoot as well as I calculate the projectiles in class. But I kind of like to play sports.”

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “Overall, I think, big picture, that why I’m teaching ESL is because I like to help immigrant students succeed and build a life in the United States.”

Q: What are you looking forward to this year?

A: “I’m doing collaborations with [other departments] to create assignments that my students can do, where they’re able to improve their speaking skills and also find out what resources are available for them to not feel so isolated within an American college, but feel at home here.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: I used to be a Fulbright Scholar. I did [the Fulbright scholarship] in the Philippines. It was a great opportunity.”

Q: What makes you passionate about teaching?

A: “I started at a community college. No one in my family or extended family had ever really pursued much higher education before. So, community college was really sort of the turning point for me where I started taking my education seriously. I saw all the things that I could do. That was really awesome for me. Economically, education and I think community colleges specifically really provide this sort of like stepping stone for people to get to a better place. We give them the tools to get to where they want to go.”

Q: What’s a fun fact about you?

A: “I have a lot of hobbies. I make pottery. I play baseball. I like to ferment foods. I make my own colognes and scents.”

Shmuel (Sammy) Khorsandi ASL
Russell Swift Biology professor
JP Evans - Theater & cinema professor Minhee Ko - Microbiology professor
Rachel Cerdenio-Howell Non-credit ESL professor

Student Engagement Coordinator Lara Conrady Wong, with the Brahma Bodega, helps direct a student outside of the library at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Aug. 26, 2024. The Brahma Bodega and Basic Needs Program provides students with access to food, ongoing support and referrals to educational resources.

Pierce kicks off new school year

As the 2024-25 school year kicked off on Aug. 26, the Pierce College campus bustled with students, staff and faculty.

The first week of the fall semester featured resource booths set up along the Mall, daily streams of morning traffic in each parking lot and a petting zoo full of goats and chickens ready to welcome the Pierce community. The petting zoo, hosted by the Pierce College Veterinary Sciences Club, was set up at Rocky Young Park on the first two days of class.

Peer mentors and representatives of the Associated Student Organization (ASO) sat near the Library and Learning Crossroads area throughout the week, answering questions and serving free breakfast provided by the Brahma Bodega. Copy by Delilah Brumer.

Pre-vet medicine student Luis Torres Hernandez (left) and art and animation student Madisen West (right) discuss the veterinary sciences club during the petting zoo event held during the first week of fall classes at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Aug. 27, 2024.

The petting zoo booth welcomes students on the first day of the fall semester in Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Aug. 26, 2024.
Moses Murga / Roundup News
Students walk along The Mall at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Aug. 26, 2024.
Abraham Elizalde / Roundup News
Moses Murga / Roundup News
Karla Delgado / Roundup News

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Spring 2024 Dean’s List

Jonathan Abadia

Mesrop Abadzhyan

Joyce Abarca

Anthony Abasi

Madison Abdallah

Sarah Abdel Mabood Maged

Roshdy Abdelmalak

Hamed Abedi

Parizadeh Abedin

Herschel Aberson

Artemy Abolins

Petros Abrahamian

Raffi Abrahamian

Shohre Abri

Josue Abrigo Beserra

Malihe Abtahi

Esteven Acevedo Flores

Rocio Aceves

Rosa Aceves

Raenan Acosta

Kristal Acosta

Hovannes Adamian

Jarrod Adriano

Oren Afrahim

Farzad Afrasyabi

Dora Afridi

Lusine Agabekyan

Jasmine Agavian

Gwenyth Agdaian

Trinity Agerbeek

Saanvi Aggarwal

Atabak Aghaseyedabolghasem

Niloofar Aghdasi

Yvette Aghilian

Ellena Aghilian

Audrey Agniel

Anthony Agopian

Thalia Agopian

Jonathan Agrito

Renato Aguila

Andrea Filamer Aguilan

Yoanna Aguilar

Andrie Aguilar

Marissa Aguilar

Alejandro Aguilar Jimenez

Jhevanise Aguilar-Horner

Samantha Aguilera

Dulce Aguilera

Edwin Aguirre

Sandra Aguirre

Cristian Aguirre

Mayra Aguirre-Vazquez

Irving Agurcia Sanchez

Sara Ahadrooyny

Karina Aharonian

Asher Ahdoot

Sina Ahmad Khanlou

Sophia Ahmadi

Zainab Ahmadi

Ali Ahmadi

Asalsadat Ahmadpanahi

Subhana Ahmadzai

Tashfiah Ahmed

Suha Ahmed

Brianna Ahmedov

Suyeon Ahn

Mahshid Ahouraei

Edan Aichel

Kepreen Ajimal

Afzal Akanda

Darian Akhlaghi

Alexander Akhoian

Haris Akhtar

Tina Akhtari

Sarinah Akhter

Joya Akiel

Yulia Akimkina

Karim Akkaoui

Olisaemeka Akpati

Afshan Alamshahzadeh

Xavier Alban

Nataniel Albek

Ana Rachel Albuquerque Vianna

Emily Alcaraz

Kevin Alcaraz

Kristine Aleksanyan

Sylvia Alexander

Mary Alexandrou

Jacqueline Alfaro

Cecilia Alfaro

Hanan Alfeazi

Sarggeos Alfeazi

Jonathan Alfonzo

Sulafa Alhunaty

Maliha Ali

Syeda Ali

Insiyah Ali Hussain Kapasi

Ramziya Alimbekova

Shirin Alizadjahani

Sarvenaz Allahyarbeigi

Mia Allen

Mina Allen

Vince Elijah Almariego

Hasti Almasi

Rawad Almhanna

Asal Sadat Almousavi

Zuhair Almukhtar

Kyle Marisse Alquizola

Jorej Alsaigh

Brandon Altbush

Jordan Altman

Gabrielle Altmark

Carlos Alvarado

Albert Alvarado

Jesenia Alvarado

Jasmine Alvarado

Miguel Alvarado

Reina Alvarado

Jeffrey Alvarado

Jennifer Alvarez

Jasleen Mikaela Alvarez

Rosario Alvarez

Josh Alvarez

Jennifer Alvarez

Jasmine Alvarez

Kevin Alvarez Campos

Mia Alvarez Renteria

Jorge Alvarezponce

Antonella Alvelo

Jorge Amador

Jacob Amanya

Clelia Amaya

Arshia Ameriseyahouei

Zohreh Amin

Ray Amini

Sam Amini

Diana Amirianzadeh

Brent Simone Amisola

Khalil Ammari

Ashley Marie Amponin

Zixin An

Rizza An

Chanyaphon Ananbanditkul

Keziah Anaya

Ashley Anaya

Shaiyan Ancill

Julia Anderson

Salvador Andrade

Daniela Andrade

Benjamin Andreassen

Gohar Andreasyan

Elika Angeland

Joseph Francis Angeles

Rebeca Angulo

Rachel Anonuevo

Siamak Ansari

Alex Antekelyan

David Antonio

Kian Anvar

Irving Apaez

Ana Apaza Poma

Emily Apikian

Zhanna Arabkertsyan

Alexander Aragon

Christopher Aragon

Matthew Arakelian

Fabio Arambulo

Mackenzee Aranda

Paulina Arceo

Hasell Archila

Andre Theo Arcilla

Faviola Arciniega

Yessenia Arciniega

Mehrad Ardaghi

Andrew Ardalan

Denise Ardiles

Jessica Ardon

Mia Arellano

Daniel Arellano

Ashmy Arevalo

Anelis Argueta

Cindy Argueta

Leslie Argueta

Salm Ariannejad

Esai Arias Peinado

Alina Armen

David Armen

Joenard Armijo

Haig Armoudikian

Kelly Armstrong

Jonathan Arouh

Cristopher Arreola

Tristan Arreola-Neal

Braiden Arriola

Shannon Arrospide

Carlos Arroyo Juarez

Muhammad Arshed

Mariami Arsoshvili

Ani Artemyan

Ksenia Artemyeva Badalyan

Avetis Arutiunian

Niki Arzani

Evelyn Arzumanova

Michael Arzumanyan

Emilina Asatryan

Natanel Asherian

Alex Ashikian

Christian Ashton

Anna Askari Yahyavi

Katelyne Aslett

Anthony Asnaran

Helena Asner

Davit Asoyan

Mehdi Assadi

Tristan Astalos

Eliana Astorga

Eric Atayde

Nazia Athar

Soul Atia

Hadar Atias

Julia May Atienza

Gabriel Atienza

Mariam Atikian

Tigran Atoyan

Bita Atshani

Natalia Attarzadeh

Ryan Atwell

April Atwell

Khin Aung

Ani Avanessian

Sahba Avazpour

Lucia Avellaneda

Samuel Avendano

Melany Avendano Perez

Daniel Avetisyan

Adrian Avetisyan

Eliran Avigani

Kathy Aviles

Yaelle Avtan

Armin Ayadehahvazi

Sean Ayala

Nathalie Ayala

Donavan Ayala

Savanna Ayala

Amy Ayala

Andrew Ayoub

Olivia Ayvazian

Anahit Ayvazyan

Hovsep Ayvazyan

Rosha Azadegan

Farshad Azam

Avisa Azami

Shadan Azar Keyvan

Netanel Azaran

Samuel Azaren

Samiullah Aziz

Ethan Azizollahi

Debbi Azizollahi

Sabrina Azrilyan

Vania Azurdia

Mada Azzuz

Soosan Babaahmadi

Nailah Babatunde-Bey

Lida Babayan

Alina Babayeva

Alexandra Babiner

Justin Isaiah Bacchus

Ellie Bachsian

Mitra Badihi

Daniel Badinfekr

Anush Bagdadian

Alysa Bagdasaryan

Celine Baghdasian

Alireza Bagherironaghi

Hossein Bahrabadi

Dania Bahrami

Elnaz Bahrani

Maryam Bahrani

Rehma Baig

Andy Baik

Zen Baird

Sheila Baker

Ellis Baker

Barsam Bakhshian

Atoosa Bakhtari

Andy Bakir

Margalita Bakuradze

Haley Balberan

Renee Balcorta

Abbas Baldiwala

Brianne Baldomero

Helen Baldwin

Carny Balian

Corrine Nicole Balingasa

Sam Balizadeh Karami

Tamara Baljian

Angela Balon

Leah Balsin

Francesca Martina Baltazar

Harel Balul

Nathan Bamshad

Omid Banaie

Katherine Banda

Roozhan Bandi

Azadeh Baniasad

Rachel Banks

Evan Banuelos

Nandini Bapat

Alina Bardakjian

Saro Bardekjian

Simon Bardekjian

Aaron Barekye

Divan Barnard

Isabella Barraza

Alexis Barrero

Carla Barreto

Rachel Barrido

Angela Barrientos

Fernando Barrios

Linda Barrios

Elliott Barsiasa

Kelly Barth

Christian Bartle

Emma Basaldua

Izabella Basilyan

Neelofar Bassam

Ashley Bassirat

Chloe Bassirat

Parvaneh Bassiri

Anton Batac

Aniano Battad

Justin Bautista

Jedidiah Bethel Bautista

Violeta Bautista

Jessica Bautista

Alessandra Bayanin

Forouzesh Bayat

Nancy Becerra

Vicky Becerra

Natalie Beckman-Smith

Jayda Beckwith

Aidan Beemer

Emi Beth Begino

Arshan Begpour

Shahla Behjou

Maryamsadat Behnam

Ava Behnezhad

Mehdi Behtarinnezhad

Aryan Beigi

Bardia Beihaghi

Bardia Beik

Justin Bell

Kristina Bell

Justin Bell

Colin Bellotti

Nayeli Beltran

Mia Ben-Ami

Ayalla Benami

Sendi Benavides

Brandon Benbaruh

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Matan Bendor

Luna Mia Benedict

J. Guadalupe Benitez

Pouya Benvidy

Parsa Benvidy

Kurt Benz

Daniel Berard

Ruzanna Berberyan

Marigold Berg

Sara Berger

Julio Bermudez

Steve Bern

Siena Betance-Sanchez

Aryan Bhattarai

Joseph Bias

Laura Bidder

Makayla Bigler

Nataliya Biletska

Dana Binkowski

Aimee Birch

Melinda Birke

Ben Birman

Pierre Bizarra

Shandi Blanco Rendon

Michelle Blank

Payton Blanks

Kirsten Blue

Sasha Bobadilla

Conner Bobertz

Kevin Boecher

Ana Boghosian

Sarah Boktor

Mathilde Bolduc Poitras

Aaron Bollinger

Daniel Bolotin

Nasim Bolouri

Danica Myles Bondoc

Holly Bondra

Justin Bonilla

Ana Bonilla

Jacob Booth

Tracy Boronkay

Farnaz Boroomandi

Shirel Boroukhim

Jared Borowitz

Hazzel Borrayos

Benedetta Borsari

Jeffrey Boruff

Linus Bossardt

Zohrab Bostanian

Chandra Bouchard

Ryan Boudaghi

Ray Boudeeb

Patric Boules

Armen Boursalian

David Boussi

Cameron Bowen

Trevor Bowens

Samuel Boyle

Shayne Bradley

Keiaira Bradley

Eileen Bragado

Jazmyne Bragg

Daniella Brami

Sierra Brandt

Jenna Brashear

Alan Braun

Celeste Bravo

Luca Brendle

Helen Brennick

Virginia Bretado

Joy Brickhouse

Benjamin Briggs

Javier Briseno

Sofia Brito

Lindsey Brockway

Zachary Brooks

Emali Brophy

David Broukhim

Ayla Broukhim

Elizabeth Brown

Elisabeth Brown

Antonio Brown

Ian Brown

Breanna Brown

Dasia Brown

Jordan Brown

Justin Brubaker

Delilah Brumer

Benjamin Bryan

Luke Bryant

Rita Bshara

Dario Bucci

Vanessa Buchbinder

Russell Buelna

Spenser Buentipo

Edgar Bugg

Marc Bullock

Nathan Burkett

Deandre Burkett

Zane Burklin

Gino Burman-loffredo

Bonna Burrows

Danielle Busby

Laura Bush

Colby Butler

Brooke Buttke

Angela Buzinovskiy

Albina Bytyqi

Albanita Bytyqi

Yaneth Cabadas-Sanchez

Emily Caballero

Odessa Caballero

Haydee Caballero Robles

Carolina Cabrera

Janice Cabrera

Jessica Cabrera

Angel Cabrera

Leslie Cabrera Gutierrez

Royce Cacacho

Melissa Caceres

Alefiyah Caderbhoy

Jacqueline Calampiano

Emily Caldera

Nathaly Calderon

Briseida Calderon

Maria Calderon-Ruiz

Aidin Callas

Larisse Calvo

Joshua Calzada

Ximena Camacho

James Camacho

Jorge Camacho Robles

Miguel Camarena

Carlos Camarena

Jade Campana-Bernardino

Emilee Campos

Elizabeth Campos-Martinez

Celeste Campos-Rosales

Janneth Canalez

Justin Canas

Christopher Canas

Carlo Canas

Avril Cancellieri-Filippi

Sofia Canchola

Annalisa Cancio

Eliza Anne Cano

Lesley Cano Moreno

Adamary Cantillano

Norielyn Cantos

Zen Marius Cape

Marius Gabriel Cape

Jon Sebastian Capuyan

Alejandra Carbajal

Samarah Carbajal

Sasha Cardenas

Norsofhia Cardenas

Rosemary Cardenas-Lopez

Alan Cardona

Lexington Carey

Kayla Carig

Angelica Carlin

Madison Carlon

Gabriella Carlos

Jessica Carlson

Jennifer Carmean

Desirae Carns

Joaquin Carpio

Gabriel Carranza

Patricia Carrasco

Eric Carreno

Noelia Carreon

Emileo Carreon

Cynthia Carrera

Maria Carrillo

Salina Carrillo

Fabiola Carrizosa

Owen Carter

Nalani Casarez

Christopher Casas

Sophia Casillas

Vanessa Casillas

Ivan Casillas

Aiden Cass

Jake Cassel

Giulia Castaldo

Rebecca Castaneda

Tanya Castaneda

Jorge Castaneda Flores

Maria Castaneda Rivas

Veronica Castellanos

Miguel Castellanos

Esmeralda Castellanos

Adair Castellanos

Eddie Castellanos

Jasmine Castillo

Maritza Castillo

Ashly Castillo

Sophia Castillo

Blas Castillo

Gabriel Castillo Gonzales

Elvis Castillo Lopez

Samuel Castillones

Rebecca Castro

Michaela Mari Castro

Julian Castro

Alyson Castro

Anthony Castro

Oscar Catalan

Casynee Caukin

Nick Cavelaris

Angela Cazares

Norelia Cedano

Diana Cedillo

Era Cenolli

Federica Cermenati

Clarissa Cervantes

Andrew Cha

Alejandra Chacon

Sabastian Chacon

Alex Chacon

Samuel Chacon Martinez

Marvin Chacon Ramirez

Rachel Chaika

Karina Chaire

Teni Chakarian

Alex Chalikyan

Anthony Chalil

Shima Chaman

Stella Chan

Heidy Chan Santay

Kevin Chang

Peymaneh Chaparian

Mila Chapman

Camille Chase

Cade Chase

Angela Chavez

Samantha Chavez

Jesse Chavez

Shiree Chavez

Kayla Chavez

Heidi Chavez

Dacia Chavez

Hailey Chavez

Ryan Checots

Annmarie Chediak

Omar Cheikh-Eljeilat

Mai Chemo

Fangwei Chen

Zhuoya Chen

Angelina Chen

Ziye Chen

Ethan Chen

Tyler Chen

Madison Cheramie

Nikita Chernyshenko

Donya Cheshmaghil

Elijah Chesler

Francesca Chew

Megan Chew

Jerrod Cheyno

Brandon Chezem

Alicia Chien

Leny Chiong

Sean Chism

Ruzanna Chitchian

Angelica Chitchian

Jasmine Chiueh

Madison Cho

Justin Choi

Sabin Choi

Audrey Choi

Eun Ah Choi

Isaac Choi

Michael Choi

Arman Cholakian

Pamela Chow

Pawel Chowdhury

Max Chung

Joseph Clapkin

Mariah Clara

Evelyn Clara-Cantoran

Matthew Clark

Adrian Clark

Robert Clark

Aaron Clark

Elijah Clark

Vaughn Clark

Evan Clark

Ryan Clark

Ray’Quan Clark

Tayler-Faye Clarke

Andrea Cobian

Cody Cochran

Drew Codron

Remy Jean Cohen

Leon Cohen

Emily Cole

Mya Coleman

Christopher Collins

Nehemiah Collins

Maria Colon

Elias Combs

Jhozeil Comia

Sterling Como

Jayda Conley

Christina Contreras

David Contreras

Luis Contreras

Mary Corbett

Paula Rae Cordova

Joerdan Corneau

Christian Cornejo

Guadalupe Cornejo Urbina

Stephanie Cornelio

Rebekah Corona

Dean’s List 9

Laura Corrales

Shawn Corri

Ashley Cortes

Angel Cortesgildo

David Cortez

Daniel Cortez

Willy Cortez Zarate

Andrew Corzo

Erik Coss

Elyse Cotton

Kaelyn Cotton

Zachary Counter

Rebecca Cox

Keiry Cox Vasquez

Claire Craft

Colin Crawford

Thomas Cresse

Jonathan Cristobal

Ana Cristobal

Emily Crocker

Amanda Crockett

Angelica Crook

Samantha Cross

Jonah Cruanas

Andrew Crudge

Raymond Cruz

Domenica Cruz

Luis Cruz

Jose Cruz

Harin Cruz Barrios

Sarah Cruz Samuy

Brittany Cuarenta

Ariana Cuchillas

Vanesa Cuellar Coronado

Rossie Cuenca Juarez

Giancarlo Cuevas

John Culhane

Pearse Cullen

Melinda Culpepper

Irma Curiel

Melanie Curiel

Marisol Custodio

Haley Dablo

Raman Dahal

Tate Dakarmen

Breanna Dalglish

Anita Dalirifar

Bao Long Dam

Andrea Damian

Allison Dang

Nicholas Daniali

Helena Danielyan

Ester Danil

Jody Danker

Netanya Danoush

Jennifer Dansirimitri

Jeremiah Dansker

Solmaz Darabian

Jeremiah Daradal

Arezoo Dardashti

Parsa Dargahi

Sara Dashti

Francheska Eunice Dator

Jacob Daum

Kimia Davarnia

Pegah Davarpanah

Asia-Jae Davis

Brateil Davoodeshaghmavaneh

Bertina Davoodi

Patrick Davoodian

Michael Davtian

Jakleen Dawood

Farideh Dawoudi

Jake Day-Hesse

Alexandra De Jesus

Jose De La Cruz

Daniella De La Pena

Crystal De La Rosa

Maria Fernanda De La Rosa

10 Dean’s List

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Daisy De Lendorff

Ernesto De Los Santos

Rafaela De Souza

Thomas Dylan De Vera

Jonathan Dean

Elijah Decastro

Kate Decker

Ty Dees

Daniella Dehart

Aidanek Dehkanova

Ilia Dehmohseni

Yocelyn Dejesus

Mario Del Angel

Sonia Del Hoyo

Angela Del Val

Ivan Dela Paz

Jacob Delaet

Raul Delgadillo Villareal

Andrea Delgado

Karla Delgado

Francisco Delgado

Khristopher Delgado

Andrew Delmarto

Ryan De Los Reyes

Ian De Los Santos

Santino Mari De Los Santos

Alexandra De Los Santos

Ana De Los Santos

Daniella Delshad

Alexander Deltoro

Jose Deltoro

Lily Demayo

Phoebes Deng

Jackson Denise McGrath

Samantha Dennehy

Khoren Derbeshyan

Marian Derderian

Colette Derohanian

Mia Derrick

Tyler Des Lauriers

Esmeralda Desantiago

Ronald Deschenes

Edith Deschenes

Nicholas Devine

Brian Devine

Zsoubin Dewitt

Tejveer Dhaliwal

Bhavanbir Dhandi

Camille Diamante

James Diamond

Ismael Diaz

Isabela Diaz

Michelle Diaz

Christopher Dickerson

Elsie Dickinson Hill

Joseph Dickson

Elizabeth Diego

Spencer Diep

Dakota Dieter

Nikolay Dilanyan

Hoang Dinh

Lap Dinh

Trong Dinh

Kelly Dinh Nghiem

Aryan Dini

Ashton Diniz

Aldrich Diniz

Sanaz Dinyaryan

Maxuellen Dionisio

Skyla Disney

Melissa DiTommaso

Melania Djuga

Anh Do

Ngoc Do

Amelia Dobbin

Azadeh Dolati

Marcus Bradley Domejes

Brendan Domingo

Damian Dominguez

Jacqueline Dominguez

Jesus Dominguez

Catherine Donaty

Nicolas Dongo

Nazeli Donikian

Gerson Donis

Thalia Donis

Nigel Donohue

Naiya Donovan

Daniel Dorado

Jesse Dorado Gonzalez

Farnaz Doroodian

Dorsa Doudinia

Asia Downes

Sebastian Drake

Jayme Drapkin

Niels Drieman

Jacob Drori

Joshua Drye

Ivania Duarte

Divine Dubar

Hayden Ducharme

Denise Dugal

Cody Dukhovny

Andrew Dumas

Jon Neil Dumindin

Colin Jerico Dumlao

Sarah Duong

Maxwell Dupont

Auryon Duque

Damian Duran

Jose Duran

Robert Durham

Natalie Duron

Kristal Durra

Marianela Dutra Africano

Hannah Dycus

Hovanes Dzhgalyan

Aida Ebrahimi

Liang Eckstein

Kia Edmond

Dawn Edwards

Adelia Edwards

Sophia Edwards

Fatemeh Eftekhari

Chelsea Eftekhari

Dashiell Egan

Golnaz Eghbalibeidokhti

Fred Eiland

Hanna Ejikeme-Daniel

Shirine Ekhteraiy

Aren Ekmekjian

Agahnee Ekollo

Tania Eksir

Roee Elbaz

Luke Ian Elepano

Ben Elimelech

Jose Elizalde

Celline Eljurdi

Jenny Eljurdi

Grace Elkins

Kyle Ellings

Aaron Ellis

Cameron Ellison

Breeanna Ellsworth

Layla Emad

Aidan Emery

Miku Endo

Avaya Rianne Eneria

Thomas Engler

Savannah Engstrom

Emelin Enriquez

Abigail Erazo

Briana Erazo

Ethan Erfanian

Sandra Errama

Yvonne Ersery

Angelina Escarcega

Carlos Escobar

Gerardo Escobar

Gerardo Escobedo

Maria Escorcia

Mani Esfandarmaz

Jillian Amberwin Esguerra

Ross Eshleman

Kami Eshraghi

Jack Eskigian

Justin Eskow

Farimah Esmaeilafjeh

Farinaz Esmaeilafjeh

Brandon Esparza

Stephanie Esparza

Michael Esparza

Jasmine Esparza-Banuelos

Shirel Espejo Westermeyer

Brianna Espinoza

Kori Espinoza

Belen Espinoza

Olivia Espinoza

Julianne Esquillo

Sekena Essa

Vaughn Esseveld

Lucas Essington

Denise Estana

Jennifer Estevez

Guadalupe Estrada

Iris Estrada

Xochitl Estrada

Osvaldo Estrada

Negar Etemaadi

Nickie Etemadinejad

Anait Etoyan

Yasaman Ettehad

Sarah Evans

Brooke Evans

Michelle Evoniuk

Kayla Eyzaguirre

Vytautas Ezerskis

Deema Fahmy

Liam Fairweather

Rawan Faissal

Haleh Fakhrabadi

Hossein Fanaei

Rebecca Fantini

Monae Fantroy-Martin

Najia Faqeri

Aki Farahani

Alexandra Farasat

Izaiah Farmer

Jack Hayden Farris

Farbod Farrokhnezhad

Layloma Faryad

Shafiqullah Faryad

Brandon Farzad

Fatima Farzam

Akram Farzam

Sepideh Farzaneh

Alon Christian Fauni

Yajaira Fausto

Elizabeth Fawcett

Aliakbar Fayazi

Justin Fayman

Rajaa Fayssal

Jeremy Featherston

Olenka Fedorowycz

Lily Feldman

Braden Feliciano

Gavin Felicitas

Anthony Felix

Sergio Felix

Jorge Felix De La Torre

Maegan Fellner

Clyde Joshua Fermo

Patrick Fernandez

Alex Fernandez

Ivan Fernandez

Mathew Fernandez

Jazelle Fernandez

Emma Fernandez

Jonathan Fernandez

Elijah Ferrante

Jaden Ferrari

Jason Ferrero

Brooke Feyder

Adriana Field

Erin Field

Luke Field

Jacob Fields

Kayla Fierro

Mark Figueroa

Maria Figueroa

Heidy Figueroa

Robert Fikhman

Margarita Filaretova

Cassidy Filosa

Gabriel Fine

Kyle Finley

Alexandria Fiore Salomon

Gabriella Fischer

Daniel Fishman

Tal Fishman

Stella Fleiss

Renata Flippo

David Flores

Samuel Flores

Sorayda Flores

Heidy Flores

Damian Flores

Daisy Flores

Cassandra Flores

Precilla Flores

Brisa Flores

Giovanny Flores

Jamie Flores

Laura Flores Lopez

Keiana Flowers

Bernadett Fodor

Maximilian Fonberstein

Emma Fontana

Aaron Fooshee

Brianna Foster

Matthew Foust

Kai Fowler

Hailey Frait

Denzel Francisco

Evelyn Francisco Ruiz

Ruby Franco

Nicole Franco Perez

Maya Frank

Andrew Frank

Kailani Franklin

Kiaira Franklin

Alicia Freas

Diana Freie

Ron Frieborn

Miller Friedman

Chris Froehler

Hallie Frye

Izabela Fuentes

Randy Fuentes

Angelo Fuenzalida

Tawan Funches Durr

Victoria Funez

Nollada Fungladda

Luke Gabbard

Zaven Gaboyan

Lucin Gaboyan

Alexander Gadulshin

Samuel Gaius

Emma Galasso

Giovanni Galeano

Mandy Galeck

Hunter Galimi

Kaleah Galindo

Kailani Galindo

Christian Galindo

Marco Gallardo

Valerie Gallegos

Natalie Gallo

Adrian Gallo

Kristine Galstyan

Christian Galvan

Michael Galvan

Sandra Galvan

Denise Galvan

Ericka Gamab

Kenji Eduardo Gamarra

Abel Gamboa

Juan Gamez Rodesno

Miriam Gamez Torres

Felipe Gamino

Chamly Gammadeliyanarachige

Janelle Gangano

Otgonkhishig Gantulga

Melany Gaona

Garrett Garay

Matthew Garbe

Elizabeth Garcia

Tlaloc Garcia

Linda Garcia

Miliani Garcia

Caroline Garcia

Kimberly Garcia

Sharon Garcia

Hazel Garcia

Audrey Garcia

Daniela Garcia

Sofia Garcia

Hannah Garcia

Rebecca Garcia

Natalie Garcia

Isaac Garcia

David Garcia

Edward Garcia

Rafael Garcia

Frank Garcia

Frankie Garcia

April Garcia

Eli Garcia

Hector Garcia

Juan Garcia

Michelle Garcia

Amy Garcia

Samuel Garcia

Christopher Garcia

Armando Garcia

Victoria Garcia

Katerina Garcia

Juan Garcia

Alonso Garcia Ugaz

Brenda Garcia Curiel

Alyssa Gardea

Alana-Jane Gardettedupre

Cynthia Garrett

Ivy Garry

Nicholas Garside

Giselle Garzon

Keven Gaspar

Lizbeth Gaspar

David Gatica

Anu Gautam

Alexander Gazdag

Paul Gebreselassie

Matthew Gelb

Samantha Gellekanao

Diane Genabe

Tyler Gener

Trevor Gentry

Jonathan Geoola

Joshua Gerolaga

Mia Gershfeld

Grabiela Gervacio Leon

David Gesaryan

Michael Gevorgyan

Sahar Ghafarzada

Ashkan Ghaffari

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

X Dean’s List

Mursal Ghafori

Fereshteh Ghahremani

Karen Ghajar

Mahvash Ghalamdoost Pirbazary

Mojgan Ghamoos

Melika Ghamoushiramandi

Anita Ghanaat

Farzad Ghanaat

Sarnia Ghanbari

Fatemeh Ghanbari

Rachel Ghanizadeh

Anil Gharachourlou

Alexander Gharibian

Maryam Ghasemi

Ava Ghashghaei

Nick Ghaznavi

Vram Ghazourian

Sara Ghobryal

Nazanin Gholami

Ariyanaz Gholami Shekarsaraei

Alireza Ghorbani

Mehroop Ghotra

Cheyanne Gibbs

Guinevere Gibson

Isabella Gibson

Lihi Giladi

Marcela Gilberto

James Giles

Skylar Gilmore

Tigran Ginosyan

Sofia Giraldo

Zaira Giralt

Abisai Giron

Ericka Giron

Jenna Glaseman

Kevin Gleason

Pamela Gloria

Taylor Godfrey

Martha Godinez

Shayla Goel

Ashley Goel

Alexsandr Gogiberidze

Sofia Gogina

Ani Gogoshian

Elias Gold

Anna Goldenberg

Marla Goldstein

David Gomez

Alondra Gomez

Angela Gomez

Nicholas Gomez

Selina Gomez

Jacob Gomez

Zuleima Gomez

Chelsea Gomez

Kimberly Gomez

Jenny Gomez

Justin Gomez

Maria Gomez

Samuel Gomez

Luis Gomez

Alejandra Gomez

Lisbeth Gomez Alvarez

Stephanie Gomez Guevara

Jocelyn Gonzales

Carla Gonzales

Isabel Gonzalez

Julio Gonzalez

Jericko Gonzalez

Victoria Gonzalez

Isabel Gonzalez

Pamela Gonzalez

Xiomara Gonzalez

Luis Gonzalez

Jason Gonzalez

Alejandra Gonzalez

Aaron Gonzalez

Joseph Gonzalez

Karen Gonzalez

Eve Gonzalez

Maricela Gonzalez

Raul Gonzalez

Endri Gonzalez

Millie Gonzalez

Emily Gonzalez

Cesar Gonzalez

Alex Gonzalez

Javier Gonzalez

Rachel Gonzalez

Jessica Gonzalez

Kevin Gonzalez

Jacob Gonzalez

Jasmin Gonzalez

Cristina Gonzalez Carbajal

Sierra Goodyear

Sarah Gordy

Julia Goren

Ryan Gorji

Steven Gorman

Jenna-Maureen Gormley

Christina Goschin

Lena Gottlieb

Joshua Gould

Kathy Gov

Justin Govea

Zakhrokhon Gozieva

Karinna Gracia

Diego Granados

Diane Granados

Sebastian Granados

Kathleen Grant

Richard Grant

Riley Grayson

Shaked Graziani

Marissa Graziano

Ethan Greene

Tyandre Gregg

Eleen Gregoryona

Semira Grevioux

Ariana Grigorian

Abraam Grigorian

Edgar Grigoryan

Meri Grigoryan

Levon Grigoryan

Justin Grigyan

Adi Grimberg

Edden Grimberg

Brandon Grocholski

Mia Grosse

Chloe Grosse

Benjamin Grotemeyer

Yaneli Guandique

Sophie Guardian

Maxwell Gudino

Citlalli Guerra

Wesly Guerrero

America Guerrero

Angelina Guerrero

Isabella Guerriera

Jenelle Naomi Guevarra

Jesus Guicho

Alyssa Guillen

Giovanni Guillen

Esmeralda Guillen Jacinto

John Andrei Guillermo

Lynn Guisti

Larry Guisti

Rebeca Guizado

Gabriel Gumbiner

Daniel Gutierrez

Milton Gutierrez

Viviana Gutierrez

Sabel Gutierrez

Ashlee Gutierrez

Bryan Gutierrez

Jesus Gutierrez

Armando Gutierrez

Adrian Gutierrez

Elena Gutierrez

Kenya Gutierrez-Parada

Alissa Gutman

Nicole Gutman

Ethan Guttman

Jennifer Guzman

Celeste Guzman

Angel Guzman

Bridgette Guzman

Brian Guzman

Michael Gyanjyan

Steven Ha

Kathy Ha

Alison Haber

Teny Hacopian

Claudia Haddad

Nadin Haddad

Naghmeh Hadypourlashkarian

Clara Hageb

Pegah Haghiri

Juliette Hagobian

Orion Hahmtaklender

Lucienne Haig

Shahin Hakakian

Jaden Hakimi

Jadon Hakimipour

Maya Hale

Kai Hale

Tyler Hale

Raiden Hall

Luke Halprin

Benehyahoo Hamedanikohan

Sina Hamedaninezhad

Shah Mohammad Hameem

Laura Hamilton

Retaj Hammad

Kenneth Hanchera

Brittney Hang

Casey Happoldt

Yasamin Haratian

Essence Hardiman

Jaela Hardy

Lela Haro

Julian Haro

Marcos Haro Galvan

Yonathan Haroonian

Macintyre Harrington

Josephine Harris

Earldeja Harris

Brendan Hart

Amalia Harutyunyan

Jahdae Harvey

Owen Harwig

Aidan Harwig

Samar Hasan

Ethan Hasely

Mahshid Hassani

Esmaeil Hassanvali

Firoozeh Hassanzadeh

Shion Hasumi

Katrina Hatami

Jared Hawk

Henry Hayes

Ommer Haziza

Edden Haziza

Sigal Haziza

Niamh Heatherington

Zahra Heidari

Javid Heidari Tabar

Elie Helfand

Shana Hemmatyar

Brandon Hemmings

Nichelae Henderson

Alexsis Herbert

Ella Herman

Cordovan Hernandez

Kohl Hernandez

Onam Hernandez

Aevinn Hernandez

Melanie Hernandez

Natalie Hernandez

Karina Hernandez

Mireya Hernandez

Mayra Hernandez

Matthew Hernandez

Kristal Hernandez

Alejandro Hernandez

Alisson Hernandez

Anel Hernandez

Leslie Hernandez

Andrew Hernandez

Ivan Hernandez

Samira Hernandez

Mya Hernandez

Elenny Hernandez

Crisoforo Hernandez

Sarai Hernandez

Giselle Hernandez

Nayeli Hernandez Mendoza

Kyla Herod

Tiana Herod

Betzy Herrarte

Rosalva Herrera

Kevin Herrera

Anya Herrera

Jennifer Herrera

Guadalupe Herrera

Miriam Herrera Meneses

Ryan Herron

Roman Hess

Jayden Higginson

Paige Hilario

Faith Hill

Maverick Hill

Andrick Hinojosa

Faith Hinojosa

Maritza Hinojosa Saucedo

Katie Hirahoka

Jaclyn Ho

Duyen Ho

Ella Hoff

William Hokr

Babsy Holifield

Revilla Hollands

Alphina Holovchenko

Curtis Hook

Michaela Hooper

Madison Horcher

Benjamin Horowitz

Tekla Horvath-Fenyvesi

Joe Hoshina

Cameron Hoshyarsar

Fatemeh Hosseinzadeh

Mitra Hosseinzadeh Gooya

Karizma Houston

Alan Hovanesian

Maria Hovhannisyan

Edgar Hovhannisyan

Madelyn Howell

Finn Hudson

Vincent Huecas

Emily Huerta

Tatiana Huete

Marissa Huete

Rachel Hughes

Liliia Hulievata

Ming Chung Hung

Nicole Hunnicutt

Sovereign Hurley

Zeshan Hussain

Mohammed Hussain

John Huynh

Vu Huynh

Emilie Huynh

Patrick Huynh

Dennis Huynh

Lucas Ianni

Rocio Ibarra

Dean’s List 11

Adrien Ibon

Anungoo Iderjavkhlan

Priscilia Faith Iglesia

Larysa Ignatenko

Abhulimen Imafidon

Spencer Ingalls

Alexandra Inocencio

Kristina Maria Inocencio

Zamourad Iqbal

Rey Iraheta

Nicholas Isakhanyan

Daniel Isayan

Karina Isayan

Hunter Isbell

Moshe Ishaaya

Shunsuke Ishibashi

Ruzanna Iskoyan

Julio Islas

Stacy Islas

Kimberly Islas Canales

Haley Isman

Diego Iuvancic

Yulia Ivanytskyy

Eden Ivgy

Evelyn Ixta

Christine Izarraraz

Hirbod Jabbarnezhad

Sharika Jackie

Cheyenne Jackson

Nathaniel Jackson

Jericho Jacob

Kevin Jacobo

Elora Jacobs

Sean Jacobson

Mohammad Jafari

Bahman Jafari

Hussain Jafri

Shan Jafri

Farzad Jahani

Seyedeh Sareh Jalali

Nika Jalali

Nazanin Jalalian

Behshad Jalili

Sheida Jalilibabakandi

Jamila Jamaly

Asma Jameel

Dia James

Nikolas Jamgochian

Melody Jamneshan

Dua Jan

Ashley Janibekyan

Nadia Jannati

Daniela Jara

Siavash Jaraiedi

Afruja Jarin

Natinael Jatana

Melissa Jauregui

Justin Javaherian

Shaleev Javaherian

Shanee Javaherian

Haily Javaherian

Mina Javandi

Amir Mohammad Javanmard

Sayeh Javid Nia

Mahnaz Javidi

Zyde Franz Javier

Gabriel Javier

Daniela Javier

Rafael Javier

Marko Jazbinsek

Andrew Jenkins

Mayuree Jerrard

Baharak Jianfar

Arianna Jimenez

Abigail Jimenez

Ramiro Jimenez

Walter Jimenez

Anthony Jimenez

Jessie Jimenez

12 Dean’s List

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Valeria Jimenez Garcia

Sara Jivraj

Kaitlyn Jizmejian

Edwyn Jocol-Perez

Lesslie Jocol-Perez

Ashna Johal

Bekky John

Trevor Johnson

Jahsua Johnson

Anthony Johnson

Gloria Johnson

Julian Johnson

Kayla Johnson

Sierra Johnson

Pari Jokar

Theresa Jones

Paul Jones

Spencer Jones

Anika Jones

Bret Jones

Storm Jones

Dulani Jordan

Matteo Joseph

Ashley Joshi

Sikder Joti

Saeedeh Jourabbafi Naji

Harcharan Jit Kaur Jsarwansingh

Brenda Juan

Angelique Juarez

Mia Juarez

Nancy Juarez

Sara Jubier

Jennifer Juden

Angel Julian

Lynn Julian

Cameron Junod

Lilit Juryan

Colin Justiniani

Seyed Behrad Kabiri

Aishton Kacker

Robert Kaewdee

Elad Kahana

Justin Kahen

Hera Kakar

Nicole Kalajyan

Krikor Kalayjian

Indigo Kale

Sarah Kaleem

Mohsin Kaleem

Kylie Kalfa

Nooraldeen Kalla

William Kalman

Joshua Kang

Katie Kang

Habiba Kapasi

Abigail Karaduzovic

Anthony Karagozian

Kathryn Karamanukyan

Armen Karapetyan

Alvina Karapetyan

Lusine Karapetyan

Justin Karatas

Amalia Karibyan

Kiano Karimi

Arya Karno

Jeff Karnsomprot

Shoshana Karp

Alexander Karzen

Emma Kasabov

Leila Kasaii

Maribella Kase

Rozbeh Kashani Madani

Natalie Kashanirokh

Shaylin Kashanirokh

Ryan Kassebaum

Nick Katushenok

Lily Katz

Simon Katzman

Amanda Kaufman

Ashleen Kaur

Jasleen Kaur

Rajwinder Kaur

Sahar Kavehparsa

Nahid Kavyani

Vesper Kay

Nathan Kayanirad

Monica Kaye

Sedona Kaye

Samantha Kayne

Patrick Kayondo

Joseph Kazanchian

Edward Kazangian

Mohammad Kazemeyni

Bahram Kazemi

Babak Kazemi

Ali Kazemian

Jahan Kazimi

Crystl Kazni

Noa Kedmy

Scott Keener

Luc Keller

Kiana Kelley Fann

Nicole Kellogg

Kyle Kelman

Fatemeh Kermani

Isabella Keroglyan

Bethany Kershishnik

Christian Kesenci

Kiyan Keshavarz

Katrina Keshishian

Christian Keshishian

Daniel Keshishian

Panteha Keykhahomidesfandabadi

Hamlet Khachatryan

Anahit Khachatryan

Natalie Khacheryan

Sophie Khacheryan

Kasra Khademi

Dela Khairo

Sara Khalilian

Noelia Khamenia

Muhammad Khan

Skye Khan

Nasiha Khan

Aaliya Khan

Enayah Khan

Parsa Khandadash

Gretchen Khanlian

Maryam Khatibi Nejad Fard

Shaban Kheivehgi

Izabella Khin

Chan Myae Oo Khin

Itai Khoramian

Nima Khorrami

Khatereh Khoshaein

Soroosh Khoshavi

Arian Khosravy

Brian Khoury

Irene Khudaverdyan

Noorullah Khwajazada

Mi-Jung Kim

Logan Kim

Alexander Kim

Collin Kim

Corey Kim

Suhyeon Kim

Haley Kim

Olivia Kim

Ava Kim

Leyana Kim

Ji-Hyung Kim

Sammy Kim

Scott Kim

Chaewon Kim

Sun Min Kim

Lauren Kimotsuki

Adam King

Doneisha King

Jackelyne King Sing

Kristianna Kinnen

Maxime Kinzler

David Kirakosian

Annabella Kirk

Ashley Klaiman

Elizabeth Klane

Joshua Klein

Justin Klein

Ethan Klimenko

Arman Knajyan

Jaylin Knowles

Henry Knudson

Charlie Knudson

John Koch

Monika Kochinyan

Alan Kocis

Armin Koda

Elene Kodabakshian

Kainoa Koga

Ethan Kohanbash

Jonah Kohansedgh

Rochelle Kohanteb

Satbir Kohli

Mykhailo Kolbasov

Timothy Kolden

Kahlia Konan

Joshua Kopell

Milana Korganyan

Michelle Koshevatsky

Mikayla Kosoy

Ryan Kossarian

Kayla Kossoff

Irina Koundelova

Olivia Kousa

Alexandra Kovalev

Rebecca Koyshman

Marta Kozar

Andrew Koziol

Kate Kramer

Sean Krasner

Joseph Krausen

Diana Kravchenko

Aiden Krueger

Julien Krull

Andrew Krupp

Matthew Krzewinski

Michelle Ku

Elizabeth Kugies

Shourya Kulkarni

Eishita Kumar

Harshita Kumar

Yulia Kurinna

Anna Kuroda

Jeremy Kwee

Christina Kyababchyan

Chelsea Labate

Theresa Lacayo

Liad Lalehzari

Leanna Lalikyan

Brandon Lam

Tien Lam

Karie Lam

Julia Lamprea

Iensley Landas

Silvia Landaverde

Alexis Landeros

Clair Landy

Layla Lang

Nicole Langrudi

Kenley Lapiner

Maya Laquerre

Dahlia Lara

Nathaniel Larosa

Kristen Larson

Rebecca Larson

Emma Larson

Devin Larson

Augustin Lath

Sarina Latifi

Ebadollah Latifi

Fereshteh Latifi Azizi

Marla Joie Latonio

Lexi Laughlin

Daria Lauhon

Talia Lavi

Lauren Lavian

Carolynne Lavoo

Michael Lazebnik

Angelica Lazo

Jenna Le

Khang Le

Kobe Le

Kiet Nhan Le

Lana Le

Lien Le

Kimberly Le

Tommi Leavitt

Nikita Lebenkov

Dustin Lee

Yoo Jin Lee

Angelina Lee

Steven Lee

Brianna Legaspi

Olivia Lehr

Jessica Leighton

Carlos Lemus

Cynthia Lemus

Melissa Lemus

Omar Leon

Christopher Leon Cespedes

Benjamin Leroy

Hollis Lessears

Leayah Leventer

Phoenix Leverenz

Sua Leviant

Jonah Levinson

Naya Levkovitz

Liroon Levy

Emma Levy

Lisa Lew

Jonathan Lew

Will Lewin

Alicia Lewis

Cooper Lewis

Amanda Lewis

Jack Leylian

Portia Leyva

Darren Li

Kylie Liang

Christopher Liew

Zachary Patrick Lim

Timothy Czar Lim

Michelle Lima

Ariel Mae Limos

Lucia Lin

Marcy Linares

Carlee Lincoln

Allan Liquigan

Abigail Litovich Mutterperl

Casey Litton

Chang Liu

John Jerick Liwanag

Nicole Llerena

Kateryna Loboda

Alejandra Lobos

Long Loc

Elizabella Lockwood

Martin Lokaj

Isabel Lomeli

Paulina Lomeli

Jean Claude Harold Lompot

Mary Rose Lone Elk

Vanessa Lopez

Alex Lopez

Ariana Lopez

Marjonie Lopez

Lou Angelo Lopez

Lindsay Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Elizabeth Lopez

Jocelyn Lopez

Jayden Lopez

Monique Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Oscar Lopez

Jennie Lopez

Alexander Lopez

Benjamin Lopez

Erika Lopez

Celest Lopez

Evelyn Lopez Carmona

Rosendo Lopez Rivera

Efrain Lopez Sanchez

Marianela Lopez Silva

Jubenal Lopez-Diaz

Francisco Lopez-Flores

Miguel Lopez Munoz

Jaquelin Lopreto

Sophia Lotterstein

Danielle Lovell

Scott Lowery

Ryan Lowery

Alfredo Loyola Hernandez

Lana Lozano

Sara Lozano

Benjamin Lozano

Brianna Lozano

Cathy Lozano

Daniel Lozano

Tetiana Lozutska

Carlene Lu

May Lu

Ryan Lucas

Joshua Luedtke

Mariel Lukban

Matthew Luna

Aili-Jalene Luna

Patricio Luna

Emily Luyando

Gia Lydon

Liam Lyons

Chershey Mabanto

Niloufar Maboudibina

Kyla Macdonald

Carl Macewan

Gizelle Macias

Sarah Macias

Damaris Macias

Rebecca Macias

John Mackel

Lauren Maclean

Jacqueline Marie Mactal

Arel Madadshahi

Aaron Madarsolouk

Lynn Maddocks

Sam Madjdisorkhabi

Jason Madrigal Viera

Khusrav Madzhidov

Valeria Magallanes

Lanz Nicole Magalong

Daniel Magana

Isaiah Magana

Anthony Magana

Christian Magcalas

Jiselle Rose Magcalas

Rodrigo Magdaleno

Marc Magistro

Javen Vincent Maglalang

Anette Magno

Lauren Magnus

Amin Mahajan

Raissa Belle Mahawan

Sadia Maherun

Joshua Mahgerefteh

Dzianis Mahila

Melina Mahmoud Kalaei

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

X Dean’s List

Jessica Mahoney

Soroor Mahzooni

Tayebeh Mahzooni

Zoe Mais

Biagio Major

Karolina Makowska

Dzmitry Malashanka

Mostafa Malek

Isabella Malekan

Leo Malhan

Jam Zadi Rabail Malik

Daniella Malkoukian

Daisy Malone

Jell Maloney

Jazmine Maloumian

Curtis Jerome Manacsa

Darwin Kyle Manansala

Maritza Mancillas

Delaram Mandegarian

Yvette Mandujano

Robert Manes

Musab Mangi

Lori Mangol

Nathan Manjares

Hovsep Manjikian

Pauline Manlucu

Karl Benedict Manolong

Albert Manquero

Michael Mansaray

Nima Mansouri

Matthew Mansourian

Vazgen Manukyan

Veronica Manzano

Bernie Mapili

Shahaf Marciano

Dahlia Marcus

Heidi Marcz

Francesca Marder

Lisiane Gayle Marin

Tricia Marin

Isabella Marino

Siuneh Markari Davoodian

Alyssa Markarian

Edvin Markaridavoodian

Eric Markel

Amanda Marks

John Marks

Wayne Marks

Ava Markwell Kramer

Amanda Marquez

Farrah Marquez

Valeria Marquez

Elyssa Kae Marquez

Dominick Marquina

Carolina Marroquin

Williams Marroquin Flores

Joseph Marsella

Anna Marszalek

Michael Martin

Nemesio Martin

Danielle Martin

Ryan Martine

Ricardo Martinez

Karla Martinez

Yulis Martinez

Cesar Martinez

Jimena Martinez

Julianna Martinez

Yeleana Martinez

Jose Martinez

Kevin Martinez

Adrian Martinez

Joshua Martinez

Joseph Martinez

Christopher Martinez

Briahna Martinez

Yoselin Martinez

Kevin Martinez Cruz

Melenie Martinez Ramirez

Gabrielle Martinez-Morrison

Masha Martirosyan

Jake Marucut

Anastasia Maryasova

John Michael Angelo Masangcay

Sean Mashayekhi

Laura Masri

Lydia Masri

Noah Masrour

Ana Mata Escalera

Mikayel Matanyan

Kylie Matatya

Dominique Matelson

Lina Matevosyan

Rohan Mathews

Sion Matian

Danika Matias

Mark Mattes

Amy Mayorga

Pania Mazaheri

Peter Mazin

Ian-Samuel Mazon

Antoine Mbok

Kevin McLeod

Matthew McCaw

Stacia McClung

Dylan McDermott

Joshua McFarland

Micah McGavin

Ian McGraw

Alexander McKay

Madeleine McKay

Chelsea McKeever

Pasha McKenley

Ian McKenzie

Christopher McKinney

Jessica McKissick

Ciana McKnoulty

Jasmine McNair

Alexandra McNair

Brenda Medina

Damaris Medina

Matthew Medina

Victoria Medina

Paola Medina

Genesis Medrano

Ayden Medrano

Adriana Medrano

Joab Medrano

Madison Meguerditchian

Anthony Meguerian

Zara Mehraban

Siavash Mehrabani

Maryam Mehradfar

Mehdi Mehrnia

Amirhossein Mehrpour

Natalee Mehrsaz

Solomon Meisels

Luna Mejia

Bryan Mejia

Luis Mejia

Angelica Mejia

Steven Mekhaiel

Zion Melamed

Lourdes Melchorduarte

Vartene Melekeian Khonge

Joanna Melendez

Andrew Melendez

Darwin Melgar

Santana Melgar

Luis Melgarejo Quintana

Michael Melikyan

Jasmin Meliton

Marina Melkonian

Arghavan Memarian

Alejandro Membreno

Alessandra Mencia

Melene Mendez

Sindy Mendez-Garcia

Fernando Mendezvasquez

Anna Mendoza

Aira Mendoza

Julian Mendoza

Joseph Mendoza

Andrea Mendoza

Yulissa Mendoza

Yael Mendoza

Samara Menendez

Ariadna Meneses Galvez

Daniel Menjivar

Mateo Menjivar

Steven Menjivar

Abraham Mercado

Sakina Merchant

Katyska Mercho

Nathalya Merida

Emma Rose Merino-Garcia

Olivia Merlan

Mansour Merrikhinasrabadi

Jennifer Mertell

Farsam Meshkinpour

Ilan Mesri

Talia Mesri

Tristin Meyer

Ellaine Meyer

Cole Meyers

Tiffanie Meza

Jade Meza

Stephanie Meza

Keoni Miao

Angelica Chloe Miclat

Joshua Mihm

Ryan Miller

Amelia Miller

Luc Miller

Carl Miller

King Miller

Cailyn Miller

Meaghan Miller Lopez

Iyla Milon

Ryder Mims

Thecla Min

Melanie Minassian

Emin Minasyan

Madeline Mincey

Parneet Minhas

Astrid Minjarez Sugich

Eric Minor

Angelina Miraglia

Gabriela Miramontes

Stephanie Miranda

Christopher Miranda

Adriana Miranda

Annette Megan Miranda

Sonia Miroshkhina

Shahrzad Mirtahmasebi

Shafigheh Mirzaee

Amir Mirzaeian

Hayk Mirzakhanyan

Brian Mishiyev

Rami Miss

Emily Mitchell

Joy Mitchell

Nicole Mizrahi

Dachi Mkheidze

David Mkrtchian

Negar Mockarramdori

Priyanka Modi

Ryan Moeini

Matthew Mogel

Saba Moghaddamneshat

Nazanin Moghim

Robert Mogill

Mozhgan Mohammadi

Mobina Mohammadi

Bakhtiyar Mohammadi

Hormoz Mohammadi

Nilofar Mohammadi

Sina Mohammadi

Shahrzad Mohammadidayen

Kiana Mohasseb

Sepideh Mohebi

Bushra Mohib

Sara Mohseni

Roxana Mohseni

Robina Mohseni

Mariam Mohtadi

Soha Mohtar Merhi

Aiden Mokhtar

Neda Molaie

Daniel Molina

Hayberson Molina

Becky Mondragon

Michelle Monge

Carlos Monje

Diego Monne-Medina

James Monroy

Lisa Montag

Marcos Montalvo

Javier Montalvo

Najmeh Montaseri

Cesar Montecortez

Isabella Montejano

Sabrina Montenegro

Cristian Monterrosa

Bella Montes

Athea Montes

Anthony Montes

Daniel Montiel

Liam Bailey Monton

Valentina Montoya

Brittany Moore

Annabelle Moore

Shae Moore

Eden Moosheh Shirazi

Sadaf Moradi

Mehrang Moradi Vajargah

Jessica Morales

Geovanna Morales

Antoinette Morales

Jazmin Morales

Vinicio Morales

Yajaira Morales Zamora

Mireya Morales Velasco

Daniel Moran

Juliana Moran

Mia Moran

Ethan Morantz

Ethan Morchy

Daniel Mordekhai

Dillon Moreno

Jose Moreno

Mario Moreno

Matthew Morgan

Matthew Morgan

Shandolin Mori

Franco Morice Nunez

Jo Morley

Angel Morquecho

Fiona Morris

Jacob Mort

Max Morvan

Michael Moshkovich

Yasamin Moshtaghaskari

Gianna Moskalenko

Natalie Moskalensky

Jaedon Mosquera

Joshua Mossayi

Faria Mostafa

Mina Mostajabi

Mahboubehalsadat Mousavi

Abby Moyse

Alisa Moyse

David Mudd

Matthew Muenzenberger

Amirah Muhammad

Daniel Mulford

Dean’s List 13

Zohra Mulk

Josue Munoz

Bryan Munoz

Veronica Munoz

Marvin Munoz Paz

Leby Munsalud

Rose Muradyan

Cesar Murillo

Angelo Murillo Parada

Victoria Murphy

Declan Murphy

William Murphy

Ana Murtaza

Brian Myers

Niayesh Nabipourkalkenari

Svetlana Nabiyeva

Niyousha Naeiji

Shahla Naeimi

Ruqaiyah Nagarwala

Lily Nagy

Kathryn Nagy

Emily Naiman

Hunter Naimy

Aiden Najarian

Brendon Najarian

Saeedeh Najiantabriz

Zohreh Najimi

Maryam Najmi

Flora Najmi

Aline Nakamura Chica

Toraj Nakhei

David Nalbandyan

Dong Joon Nam

Alyssa Namm

Tranesh Nanayakkara

Aidan Nappi

Jacob Napuli

Lilit Nargizyan

Yalda Naser

Darya Naseri

Tyrone Nasibian Winborn

Ethan Nasseri

Peymon Nasseri

Lucasian Naumann

Serhiy Naumov

Justin Navarrete

Karen Navarro

Mari Francine Navarro

Marissa Navas

Henry Navasardyan

Arsalan Navid

Yasamin Nayeri

Ali Nayeri

Lindsey Nayoan

Emily Nazaryan

Lilya Nazaryan

Jamin Neat

Yaroslav Nedoliak

Zoe Nelson

Emanuel Nersesian

Tatevik Nersisyan

Kerolos Nesem

Sameem Nessari

Connor Neudeck

Ben Neumann

Ryan Nevsky

Parmis Nezhadshamloo

Gia Bao Ngo

Kathlyne Ngo

Raelynn Ngou

Thien Nguyen

Tri Nguyen

Bao-An Nguyen

Sara Nguyen

Alexander Nguyen

Megan Nguyen

Emily Nguyen

Nghi Nguyen

Deborah Nguyen

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

14 Dean’s List

Quynh Nguyen

Pham Nguyen

Thuy Nguyen

Harrison Nguyen

Emily Nguyen

Di Nguyen

Nina Nguyen

Cong Quan Nguyen

Tina Nguyen

Minh Hai Nguyen

Cassandra Nguyen

Jacqueline Nguyen

Uyen Nguyen

Steven Nguyen

Michelle Nguyen

Peter Nguyen

Tommy Nguyen

Kathy Nguyen

Phuong Trang Nguyen

Tammy Nguyen

Uyen Nhi Nguyen Pham

Angela Nichols

Michael Nicholson

Ellie Nickel

Thana Niedermann

Daniel Nieto

Scott Nimura

Carmen Lilia Nino Bohorquez

Aishe Niyazova

Jovany Nolasco

Mansoor Nomair

Nazila Noori

Abrahim Noori

Jalal Noori

Jeronda Noria

Christina Nosrat

Tiffany Nosrati

Hashim Nouressadate

Michael Nouri

James Noverola

Edgard Nunez

Monica Nunez

Angel Nunez

Carlos Nuno

Anwar Nur

Simone Nutt

Devon O’Connell

Isyah Obas Cahuaza

Joaquin Obispo

Blessing Obiukwu

Spencer Obosky

Sergio Obrego

Scarlett Ocampo

Jeremias Ocegueda

Brook Ochoa

Patricia Beatriz Ochoa

Cassandra Ochoa

Iyunoluwa Odebunmi

Heidi Odom

Harutun Oganyan

Donald Ogrady

Rylie Oh

Yuval Ohayon

Adam Ohayon

Joshua Ohevshalom

Loren Ohevzion

Maliha Ohi

Angela Ojeda

Samantha O’Keefe

Karen Okudah

Christian Olalde

Jenna Oleson

John Oleson

Erik Olexiewicz

Sergio Oliva

Danilkar Olivares

Sabrina Olmos

Israel Olmos

Bryan Olvera

Anais Olvera

Fernando Olvera

Yuliana Olvera Silva

Negin Omidvaran

Dastan Omurbekov

Colin O’Neill

Celeste Ontiveros

Therese Orbase

Jennifer Orejel

Jessica Orellana

Adrienne May Orense

Ashtan Orlan

Jose Ornelas

Isabelle Orocio

Raymond Orozco

Ednna Orozco

Susan Orozco

Andrew Ortega

Tyler Ortega

Dania Ortega

Dayanara Ortiz

Carl Luis Ortiz

Priscilla Ortiz

Ethan Ortiz

Ashley Ortiz

Justin Ortiz

Suleymi Ortiz

Domonique Oseida

Samantha Osmanian

Matthew Osorio Boror

Lucas Osta Sburlati

Antonin Ostrovsky-Petion

Vincent Otake

Vincent Oxenhandler

Jake Pace

Damien Pacheco

Karen Pacheco

Michelle Padilla

Kacie Padilla

Ivonne Padilla

Caroline Padilla-Ramirez

Emelysse Paez

Ava Page

Jayleen Pahua

Sandy Palacios

Andres Palacios Marin

Collin Paley

Taylor Palma

Ashley Palma

Jared Palmares

Tomas Palmieri

Daniel Pambukyan

Arezou Panahpour

Anelyn Panduro

Maegan Panes

Xenia Paniagua

Ravyn Panopio

Ofelia Papazyan

Princess Paquette

Gabriela Parada Ramirez

Alissa Paradise

Navid Parandian

Camila Pardini

Juan Paredes De Labastida

Nicolette Paris

Ryan Park

Jasmine Park

Bita Parker

Manav Parmar

Jonathan Parmar

Gianna Parra

Quinton Parra

Seifer Parra-Walker

Maneh Parsadanyan

Martin Pasternak

Parthiv Patel

Keya Patel

Shiv Patel

Michael Patterson

Julieta Patvakanyan

Zion Paulino

Kyle Paulino

Lana Pavlovic

Farah Pavon

Jennifer Paxtor Vasquez

Joseph Payan

Adrian Payne

Jaidy Pearson

Yolanda Pedretti

Seth Peeters

Hengjun Pei

Ryan Pekar

Saryana Pekler

Zachary Pelikh

Amy Pena

Alia Pena Herrera

Emma Penney

Maria Alexandra Peralejo

Daniela Peralta

Eryn Perea

Elizabeth Pereda Gonzalez

Livia Pereira

Essbell Pereira Almanza

Sarai Peres

Melissa Perez

Kate Perez

Diego Perez

Benjamin Perez

Xitlali Perez

Abel Perez

Gabriela Perez

Alissa Perez

Noelle Perez

Karina Perez

Lukas Perez

Alyssa Perez

Fernanda Perez

Licet Perez

Vanessa Perez

Lara Perez

Elizabeth Perez

Gia Perez

Alheleah Perez

Maricruz Perez

Maya Perez

Karina Perez

Christian Perez Escobedo

Christopher Perez Escobedo

Paola Perez Flores

Samantha Perez Francisco

Lizbeth Perez-Garcia

Shaila Perry

Ryan Perry

Lauren Petersen

Hannah Petok

Suren Petrosyan

Dominick Petrotta

Andrew Pha-On

Nguyen Nhu Ngoc Pham

Nguyen Kim Ngan Pham

Justin Pham

Kaitlyn Pham

Dylan Phan

Taylor Phan-Lac

Matthew Piamonte

Guy Pichayanon

Juliana Pick

Christopher Pickett

Keri Pina

Samantha Pineda

Gabrielle Pineda

Bryan Pineda

Ariana Pineda Vividor

Julia Pinhey

Erika Pinto

Jacob Pircey

Manfredi Pirico

Jeremy Pittman

Jarret Pittman

Geovanni Placeres

Luke Plasschaert

Jessica Podgur

Kyle Pokorski

Mitchell Polinsky

Ethan Ponce

Jacob Ponce

Angel Ponce-Santa Cruz

Avelina Popova

Grace Portales

Matthew Portillo

Jackeline Portillo

Jose Posada

Miranda Posada

Riley Posadas

Michael Potter

Smarica Poudyal

Anthony Poulakos

Alireza Poustinchi

Joanna Poz

Abhi Pradhan

Nicole Prescott

Kylie Price

Aiden Prieto

Andrew Prieto

Nicole Prizer

Isaiah Prophet

Olivia Prost

Remo Puccio

Matthew Puentes

Andrew Pulido Gonzalez

Matthew Putnam

Jude Pycior

Stephanie Pynes

Christopher Queano

Manuela Quevedo

Joseph Quevedo Stoll

Randy Quezada

Amy Quezada

Derryl Sean Quiamco

Massimiliano Quinn

Ralph Jefferson Quinones

Alvaro Quintanilla Gomez

Oscar Quintero

Verlyn Quiroa Velasquez

Daniel Rabadi

Karen Rabbychia

Sebastian Rabinovich

Cameron Rad

Ashraf Raeisi

Mahdi Rafati

Neda Rahimi

Mary Rahjooy

Sabira Rahman

Somaita Rahman

Shayna Rahnama

Jada Rai

Shayan Ramezani

Ezequiel Ramirez

Kimberly Ramirez

Freddy Ramirez

Gean Ramirez

Keyla Ramirez

Sonny Ramirez

Miriam Ramirez

Andrea Ramirez

Carol Ramirez

Sara Ramirez

Chris Ramirez

Sheryl Ramos

Jocelyn Ramos

Isabella Ramos

Reina Ramos Cuevas

Sebastian Ramos Lewis

William Ramsay

Dominick Ramsey

Jorge Rangel

Daniela Rangel

Jose Rangel

Adriana Rangel

Kayla Rangel

Mufaddal Rangoonwala

Melissa Ranjbar

Stephan Ranjbar

Mia Rapaport

Nina Raphael

Ali Rasam

Jordan Rashed

Abdullah Rasheedi

Mohtadun Rashid

Raein Rashidi Sharifabad

Anthony Rasmussen

Katherine Rass

Radmehr Rastani

Korosh Rastegar Razi

Jaden Ray

Conor Ray

Angelina Ray

Bella Rayas

Meesam Raza

Joshua Rebueno

Ava Recchia

Nicole Red

Zachary Redondo

Sophia Reed

Maya Refua

Jamie Regula

Rumaisa Rehman

Samantha Remondeulaz

Daniel Rempala

Oscar Renaldo

Karina Rendon

Brian Renteria-Mendoza

Shayan Reshadi Nezhad

Milana Resta

Kristen Retreage Coons

Laura Revilla

Eric Rey

Maryanne Reyes

Renee Reyes

Joshua Reyes

Jerson Reyes

Neri Reyes

Alam Reyes

Raul Reyes

Anna Reyes

Isai Reyes

Charlize Reyes

Diana Reyes Bueno

Mitchell Reyna

Caden Reynes

Antonio Reynolds

Navid Rezazadeh

Abanoub Rezkalla

Lenard Rhodes

Mohammad Riaei

Rebecca Rian

Brendan Richards

Aaron Richards

Zachary Rickerman

Katherine Rincon

Zara Rink

Edwin Rios Torres

Miah Rivas

Timothy Rivas

Christopher Rivas

Maria Rivas

Mark Rivas

Blanca Rivas

Daniel Rivas

Roselyn Rivas

Ricardo Rivera

Andy Rivera

Kimberly Rivera

Daniela Rivera

Lixxi Rivera

Gabriela Rivera

X Dean’s List

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Jayden Roberson-Martinez

Andrea Roberts

Khalil Robinson

Irene Robinson

Yasmin Robinson

Jack Robinson

Joshua Robles

Jennifer Robley

Alejandro Rocha

Baran Rod

Nikolai Rodino

Judy Roditis

Rosalinda Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

Bianca Rodriguez

Benjamin Rodriguez

Michelle Rodriguez

Denise Rodriguez

Jody Rodriguez

Leslie Rodriguez

Edgar Rodriguez

Annabella Rodriguez

Renzo Rodriguez

Milene Rodriguez

Kevin Rodriguez

Kevin Rodriguez

Alejandra Rodriguez

Cynthia Rodriguez

Keylee Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

Erika Rodriguez Rivera

Marisela Rodriguez Rivera

Esther Roeung

Elika Rohbani

Adrien Rojani

Aislinn Rojas

Samantha Rojas

Jacob Rojas

Paola Rojas

Carolina Rojas

Jose Rojas Del Toro

Maxim Rojtman

Daniel Lucas Romero

Judith Romero

Tristan Romero

Alexa Romero

Andrew Romero

Gregory Romero-Perez

Joseph Roque

Karen Rosales

Jasmin Rosales

Cesar Rosales

Janelle Rosales

Kelly Caitlin Rosapapan

Goli Rosas

Mia Rosas

Veronica Rosas

Raul Rosas

William Rose

Eden Rosen

Rachael Rosenberg

Ethan Rosete

Bardya Roshani

Sofia Roske

Janice Ross

Erin Rosser

Nathan Rossi

Henry Rossman

Babak Rostami

Sydnee Rousseau

Andrew Roytman

Noah Rozansky

Raziel Rozehzadeh

Jennifer Rozell

Justin Rubio

Eric Rubio

Skylar Ruddell

Natalie Rudolph

Ian Ruelas Gomez

Vianney Ruelas Mejia

Christopher Ruiz

Kelly Ruiz

Nitzia Ruiz

Stephanie Ruiz

Reilly Runge

Natalie Rusak

Bo Rushing

Killian Rushton

Aidan Russell

Valeria Ruvalcaba

Aaron Ruvalcaba

Gregory Rzyan

Lea Saab

Avidon Saadatfar

Ramtin Saadatmand

Erik Saakyan

Lauren Sabbah

Allyson Sabido

Feih Sabio

Mira Chris Sacaguing

Tyler Sacks

Brooklyn Saculles

Maryam Sadatkhonsari

Azita Sadeghimiandoab

Mahdiar Sadeh

Mohammad Sadoughi

Niousha Saedifar

Arya Saei

Hamed Safar Bakhshayesh

Shahrokh Safari

Soraya Safari

Nahid Safari

Satggin Saghatti Jalali

Gor Sahakyan

Salbina Sahakyan

Lilit Sahakyan

Sahil Saini

Liana Salamat Moghadasi

Jasmin Salas

Leslie Salas

Miguel Salazar

Crystal Salazar

Alondra Salazar

Angie Salazar

Andrea Salazar

Yhanire Salazar Mejia

Diego Salazar Gomez

Stephanie Saldivar

Susana Saldivar

Abobaker Saleh

Kavian Salehi

Tara Salehi

Moogeh Salem

Stephanie Salgado

Bezhan Salimshoev

Jeremy Salinas

Samantha Salinas

Aliyah Salvador

Dylan Salzberg

Angelina Samedinova

Leora Samouha

Ryan Samouilov

Edward Sampson

Hanna Samson

Dylan San Jose

Amir Sanati

Anthoni Sanchez

Erika Sanchez

Kimberly Sanchez

Sebastian Sanchez

Veronica Sanchez

Melanie Sanchez

Valerie Sanchez

Karen Sanchez

Victor Sanchez

Walter Sanchez

Alma Sanchez

Emiliano Sanchez

Eric Sandoval

Marysol Sandoval

Rafael Sandoval

Mariana Sandoval

Matthew Sandoval

Nicholas Saneii

Jasleen Sangha

Mark Sangit

Brandon Sani

Nathalie Santamaria

Daniel Santana

Jesus Santillan

Jesse Santoyo

Chloe Saponara

Asher Sapong

Fernando Sarabia

Samvel Sargsyan

Valerie Sarmiento

Hailey Sarrow

Sarah Sarvini

Joshua Sassoon

Deanna Savakova

Lara Sayabalian

Emily Sayadian

Maryam Sayadian

Julia Sayao Lobato Zepka

David Saz

Kenneth Scalir

Daniel Scaramuzzi

Angela Schaefer

Jordan Schoonover

Kristin Schrage

Haydn Schricker

John Schuller

Yam Schutzer

Aisling Schweiger

Zoe Scott

Rebecca Sculler

Eva Sebastien Tavitian

Sayeh Sedaghati

Talat Sedarati

Ava Sedigh

Leah Seidman

Shahe Sekayan

Pablo Sela

Nathan Selivry

Alexander Sembiring

Avindi Senarath Ranawaka Herath

Mozhdeh Sepehri

Monika Serdyukova

Ryan Serrano

Rachel Serrano

Jason Serrato

Jack Serri

Jonathan Seung

Amir Shabo

Masoumeh Shadfar

Mohammadali Shadian

Mina Shafaghi

Amber Shaffer

Mojtaba Shafiei

Solmaz Shaghaghisahzabi

Melany Shahbaz

Arman Shahbazyan

Emad Shahin

Tadeh Shahnazarian

Kiyarash Shahriarikesheh

Rosie Shak

Arshia Shakeri

Helena Shakhikyan

Mirtemur Shakirov

Naomi Shalev

Michael Shaljian

Shayan Shams

Sina Shamsi

Bryna Shamtoob

Shana Shamuilov

Brannde Shanahan

Mega Shania

Tomer Shapira

Summer Sharaga

Amir Sharifi

Arshia Sharifpour

Desiree Sharim

Haley Sharma

Margaret Shaughnessy

Marcus Shaw

Arvand Shayani

Roozbeh Shayanrad

Shahan Shayesteh

Batel Shcherbakov

Heidi Sheaks

Jamus Sheehan

Dana Shegolevsky

Ariela Shehterbaruh

Zarina Sheikh

Sonya Sheikh Hosseini

Saghi Sheikhtaheri

Mahsa Shekarian

Talia Shelton

Leeor Shemesh

Noah Sher

Danielle Sherman

Michael Shiff

Seunghyeon Shin

Blake Shine

Kyler Shinn

Irena Shipley

Remiel Shirazi

Nathan Shirazi

Noam Shmoel

Adi Shmoel

Seyedshayan Shojaei

Peyman Shokri

Amber Shopay

Ojasvi Shrivastava

Steven Shure

Maryam Siavashpour

Jesse Sibrian

Janet Sibrian

Jesenia Sibrian Majano

Aziza Siddiqah

Ahmad Farid Siddiqi

Amaar Siddiqui

Harmehar Sidhu

Jodi Sifers

Teresa Silva

Alyssa Silva

Ira Silverberg

Mason Silverstein

Theophilus Gabriel Sim

Treasa Galiene Sim

Liron Simon

Gloria Simon Aguilar

Kevin Simonian

Arianna Simonyan

Christopher Simpson

Latrise Simpson

Julian Sims

Joseph Sinaie

Heather Singer

Khushpreet Singh

Rajvir Singh

John Singson

Sameep Sinha

Erik Siranosian

Talar Siropian

Larissa Siswanto

Devon Sitte

Lisa Skinner

Lotem Skolnick

Isabella Smith

Robert Smith

Kristina Smith

Carnell Smith

Cameron Smith

Danielle Smith

Paula Smith

Dean’s List 15

Ava Snowden

Ryan Snyders

Kaleb Soderstrom

Kiana Soferi

Ilia Sohrabi

Soheila Sohrabi

Alany Soils-Coleman

Joie Solano

Gabriella Solares

Gzel Solomon

Arsema Solomon

Aiden Solomon

Robert Solorzano

Viuna Soltani

Kasra Soltankhah

Ariana Soltanzadeh

Behnood Soltavi

Kayla Sondhi

Kunal Sood

Jason Soriano

Ethan Sosa

Olga Sosa

Albert Sotelo

Ashley Sotnik

Saveliy Sotnikov

Jessica Soto

Shahla Sotoudian

Elena Sourenian

Catherine Spangler

Brianna Speaks

Samantha Specter

Evan Speed

Lauryn Speights

Morgan Spencer Knerr

Polina Spiridonova

Emma Spissman

Vanessa Splopuk

Monica Spoerl

Ashley Springstead

Jovan Ssemakula

Paulette Santa Maria

Danielle Stark

Jaylin Starr

Cecily Steele

Colin Stein

Treyton Steinbeck

Dana Steinhauer

Michael Stella

Andrew Stepanyan

Matthew Stewart

Jessica Stewart

Victoria Stickeler

Steven Stinnett

Nina Stoianov

Maxwell Stolarz

Luna Stolarz

Amy Stopp

Kenneth Stovall

Robert Straschewski

Katelyn Stratton

Kyler Strickland

Spencer Striffolino

Evelyn Strode

Diane Stroud

Patrick Stuart

Shiyanne Stuart

Victoria Stuber

Karen Stuhr

Jacob Stutz

Kirsten Erin Suarez

Gerardo Suarez

Goretti Suarez

Melanie Suarez Rubio

Lourdes Suasnabar

Diego Suaya

Bryan Suchitemaradiaga

Caleb Suh

Leilani Sui-Castaneda

Justice Sukhasame

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Arthur Sukiennik

Olivia Sulejmanagic

Samir Suleymanov

Ali Suliman

Samiha Sultana

Celeste Sum-Ramos

Aaron Sunshine

Andrew Sura

Joshua Sussman

Kayla Suzuki

Hannah Swanson

Emily Swartz

Kaden Szymanski

Sara Tabakh

Sean Earl Tabarejo

Ani Tadevosian

Armon Taef

Andrew Tafur

Nastaran Taghizadeh

Zohreh Taghizadeh

Hovanes Tagvoryan

Narek Tahmazyan

Cameron Tahoor

Nazgol Tajalli

Mariam Takesian

Enny Talok

Eden Talor

Jenzie Louise Tamayo

Tobias Tanaka

Rita Tanchian

Caroline Tanner

Kaleigh Tapaoan

Nathaly Taracena

Nicole Tardencilla

Larysa Targonina

Tina Tashtchian

Shamsi Tavakoli

Kosar Tavakolihafshejani

Francisco Tayag

Elby Taylor

Tynisha Taylor

Madison Taylor

Vahid Tayyar

Sophia Tchamkertenian

Ceerley Tecum

Montgomery Teeple

Jian Tehranifar

Gagik Tekeian

Camille Tellez

Daphne Tenne

Shayleen Tenorio

Yohanan Teomi

Renata Teper

Ayax Teran Camargo

Hamlet Terarutyunyan

Serineh Terpetrossyan

Aurelio Terrones

Ebert Terrones Rafael

Peter Tevonyan

Jacob Theiss

Carly Thomas

Joseph Thomas

Matthew Thompson

Jasmine Thompson

Reed Thorne

Quinn Thorpe

Ariella Tiber

Melanya Tiratsuyan

Dulani Tissera

Pavia Todd

Kaliela Toledo

Leonard Tolentino

Isabella Tolosa

Alina Tomassian

Joean Tongson

Sylvestre Toni

Miriam Topuridze

Sonny Torch

Kevin Alexander Torio

Natalie Toro

Julie Torosyan

Rita Torosyan

Anna Torosyan

Viviana Torres

Isaac Torres

Guillermo Torres

David Torres

Dayana Torres

Giselle Torres

Arcelia Torres

Julia Torres

Erika Torres

Gustavo Torres

Luis Torres Hernandez

Miguel Torres Martinez

Danilo Torres-Garcia

Yasbeth Torrontegui

Allison Tortolanegreros

Jesus Toscano

Juan Toscano Torres

Donya Toussi

Nicole Tovar

Jason Tovar

Henry Tovmasyan

Sophie Towfighian

David Townsend Caldera

Ethan Tran

Pauline Tran

Minh Tung Tran

Alton Tran

Alan Tran

Ha Tran

Natalie Tran

Nathan Tran

Quyen Tran

Carmen Trejo

Jason Trejo

Yaroslav Tretiak

Ethan Trieu

Angela Trinidad

Sarisha Tripathi

Marisol Troncoso

Joanna Trujillo

Katelyn Trujillo

Maximiliano Trujillo Ponce

Ethan Truong

Thu Truong

Jacob Tsahaye

Mikhael Tsyvilyov

Gabriella Tuchman

Rebecca Tudor

Ruth Tumwebaze

Lawrence Tunson

Etay Turgeman

Natalie Turner

Christopher Turner

Aidan Tyree

Angeles Tzun

Abdon Ubeda Zamora

Kim Uceda

Daiyan Uddin

Thilina Udugamasooriya

Nathan Uehlein

Yair Ugalde

Jose Umana

Julio Umana Barahona

Amina Umerova

Kanjul Ummal

Sadie Unholz

Francisca Urenda

Alyssa Urquidez

Anastasiia Us

Olga Ustiuzhina

Meline Uzunyan

Lillian Valadez

Samuel Valdez

Samantha Valdez

Evelin Valdez Pino

Angie Valencia

Myrella Valencia

Ryan Valenzuela

Regina Valenzuela

Hossein Valivand

Kevin Valle

Tiara Valle

Mia Vallin

Lauryn Van Wagner

Natali Vancini

Jack Vanderbrug

Emmy Vantassell

Lorena Vaquerano

Matthew Vardanyan

Kevin Vargas Piguave

Dalila Varjonen

Salpi Vartanian

Melissa Vasquez

Luis Vasquez

Carol Vasquez

Jeimy Vasquez Hernandez

Aiden Vaynshteyn

Raiden Vazquez

Daisy Vazquez

Wendy Vazquez-Villegas

Dana Vega

Denise Vega

Mia Vega Meza

Riley Vegting

Gabriela Velarde

Enrique Velasco

Carlos Velasco

Vyenna Velasquez

Jasmine Velasquez

Fabiola Velazquez

Samantha Velez

Crystal Venegas

Stephanie Ventura

Alyssa-Reese Verayo

Ethan Verdi

Kobe Vergara

Ulises Vergara

Tanaysia Verrett

Mia Verway

Asal Vessali

Stephanie Viana

Ashley Lance Vicera

Alejandra Victoria

Nathan Vidrio

Karla Villacorta

Victoria Villamarin Cortes

Marlet Villanueva

Amy Villanueva

Mariana Villarreal Guerra

Nathan Villatoro

Jacob Villero

Maksym Vinichuk

Mark Vinsonhaler

Les Vion

Christina Virchis

Perla Virgen

Andrew Christopher Vitug

America Vivanco

Cecilia Vives

Rosangelica Vizcarra

Kien Vo

Heidi Vo

Erik Volk

Megan Volpe

Mara Vosganian

Elsa Vosganian

Alexandra Voutsinos

Svetlana Voynova

Joshua Vu

Jennalyn Waer

Christina Wagoner

Nesrine Wahbi

Mina Wali

Jeffrey Walker

Smoque Walsh

Joshua Walsh Torres

Rocky Milton Wang

Ge Wang

Sainan Wang

Meiyi Wang

Aisha Wardak

Masturah Wardak

Amanda Warlick

Philandria Washington

Carol Watkins

Gwendolyn Watts

Venice Weaver

Madison Webb

Chamari Weerasinghe

Nicholas Weiser

Mollie Weiss

Madison Weissler

Daniel Weizman

Riley Welch

Maxfield Wells

Dylan Weltoncoogan

Michael Wertenberger

Yasir White

Gibson White

Dekotah Wiley

Cali Willard

Jaden Williams

Tiana Williams

Alexander Williams

Sereneti Williams

Whitney Williams

Christopher Williamson

Claire Wilson

Drayden Wilson

Michael Winkler

Rowan Winston

Ryan Wirthlin

Russell Wise

Preston Witwit

Stacey Witz

Karl Wohlfromm

Janett Wohlfromm

Joshua Wolf

Reece Wood

Dylan Wood

Jessica Wood

Erica Woods

Josie Woods

Diondre Wright

Claire Wu

Heidi Wyrick

Hailey Wysong

Heidy Xec

Monica Xochipiltecatl

Samantha Yabes

Karen Yadidi

Lital Yaghoubi

Shai Yaish

Isabella Yakich

Erin Lois Yambao

Emma Yamin

Jieyao Yan

Joshua Yancor

Elaine Yang

Luke Yansick

Nida Yarkhan

Aaron Yasmeh

Dean’s List 16

Liliana Yegiazaryan

Elizabeth Ylarde

Alia Yollis

Anastacia Yolo

Natalie Yoo

Elinor Younessian

Christian Young

Ava Yourdkhani

Parham Yousefinejadnouei

Jordan Youssefi

Gian Ray Yumul

Amir Zabeti

Doron Zaghi

Shamila Zahidi

Natasha Zakaria

Ani Zakaryan

Anna Zakharyan

Lamya Zakiuddin

Fahim Zaman

Maria Zambrano

Paola Zamora

Angel Zamora

Mijail Zamora

Isabella Zamudio

Shirel Zamzelig

Harold Zapata

Melissa Zaragoza

Helen Zarayan

Hamideh Zare

Nava Zarghani

Dino Zarookian

Adam Zarovski

Asma Zarrougui Jallabi

Anthony Zarsange

Heidi Zavala

Cynthia Zavala

Nallely Zavalza

Gayane Zazyan

Henri Zazyan

Timothy Zdanof

Cezar Zebian

Andrea Zelaya

Sean Zemlyak

Kaylie Zenan

Josue Zepeda

Hazel Zepeda

Anthony Zetino

Eai Zeya

Shirui Zhang

Yang Zhang

Kaizhou Zheng

Dzmitry Zhgirau

Julia Zibelberg

Ethan Zilberberg

Zeve Zilberberg

Brianna Zimmerman

Nikita Zlobin

Asal Zolfaghari Hessari

Nirel Zollelhyan

Noah Zollman

Lily Zorian

Kyle Zornes

Yasmin Zubair

Ben Zuckerman

Rosalia Zuniga

Kristy Zuniga Rivas

Danielle Zvingler

Marina Zykova

Byron Yax Baquiax

Nahid Yazdanparast

Maria Yazichyan

Nadia Torabi Hokmabad

Yasmine Torbati

Ealli Vaknin

Oren Vaknin

Rylan Vu

Alyssa Vu

Anthony Yearta

Jaren Yee

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