Volume 140 Spring 2024 Roundup Issue 1

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Volume 140 - Issue 1

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

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Spring showers

Owen Meza-Vandermeer / Roundup News Nursing major Brianna Jimenez and undecided major Adam Garcia walk down the library stairs at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Feb. 5, 2024.



Budget discussed in Academic Senate

Black History Month Appreciation Lunch

pg. 4

pg. 18

Icy Smith / Roundup News

Owen Meza-Vandermeer / Roundup News

SPORTS pg. 20 Brahmas win home baseball game

Myraneli Fabian / Roundup News

2 Opinion


A one-size-fits-all approach to learning? Think again

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Editor-in-Chief.........Raquel G. Frohlich Managing Editor..Christian Castellanos Copy Editor.....................Brian Khoury Online Editor...............Brandon Harrell Online Editor....................Violet Garcia Photo Editor....................Emil Rizkalla Photo Editor................Myraneli Fabian Opinion Editor......................Tyler Hale News Editor..................Delilah Brumer Campus Life Editor....Gerardo Escobar Campus Life Editor.....Olivia Espinoza Sports Editor....................John Ormeno Sports Editor....................Sadie Shields Social Media Editor......Alfonso Vargas

Reporters Benjamin Hanson Fabiola Carrizosa Marcus Nocerino Nathalie Herrera Raiden Vazquez Spencer Fuller Taj Robles Xavier Boyston Photographers Abraham Elizalde Bahiyjaui Allen Finn Andrade Icy Smith Jesus Rivas Karla Delgado Kyle Camacho Megan Arana Melanie Jurado Owen Meza-Vandermeer Sophie Lotterstein Veronica Rosas Advisers Jill Connelly Jeff Favre Tracie Savage *For advertising, call: (818) 710-2960

How to reconnect when the world has shifted its focus By Taj Robles Reporter

So much time is spent with one’s eyes focused on a screen that it can create tunnel vision, blurring the mind to the surroundings. In a time where so many people are virtually connected yet feel the most alone, there are advantages to in-person learning. The ability to be surrounded by others trying to reach the same goal, passing the class or seeing other confused faces on a certain topic that might have been difficult is where we can see how being physically present can make learning better. One of the many advantages of taking classes in a physical classroom is that students are in a distraction-free environment and can receive a hands-on approach to learning. According to a 2023 study in the National Library of Medicine, students reported higher levels of engagement in an in-person, distraction-free environment. In a distraction-free classroom, students aren’t tempted to open a different tab while listening to an online lecture or have their pets start randomly barking at the neighbor passing by. Being in a physical classroom can allow students to learn the way that’s best for them since most people are visual or handson learners. Many fields of study require learning-by-doing that can’t be done if it is being instructed through a computer. With so much physical disconnect that happened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, being able to be back in a physical setting can be a blessing in disguise. It helps people connect in a way that allows for better engagement where one does not simply have to rely on getting a

text-back discussion response. According to perscholas.org, being physically present instead of behind a computer allows the opportunities to create and build relationships with others that would be difficult behind a screen. There is also the increased participation among professors and students since they can notice when the classroom might not be understanding what they are teaching. Another significant advantage of in-person classes is that tests can be administered without having to worry if students might be cheating. It cuts out that possibility, especially with the types of websites that would allow an online course to be passed so easily. Some students might find the perks of these online platforms to be beneficial, but it is in their best interest to not cut corners. Simply being able to shift focus to the subject at hand and see what it is that they might be lacking in will allow students to ask questions and get an immediate answer. No need to wait and hope for a timely response. “Practical knowledge gained from hands-on learning cannot be replaced by online learning methods,” said Princy A.J., on researchdive.com. Nothing can replicate the feeling of doing things yourself versus seeing it done through a screen. Finding a community of peers going through the same journey leads to an overall better school experience. Physical classes allow for better relationships, participation, learning outcomes and distraction-free environments. They give people back a sense of normalcy.

Online learning is more mainstream than ever

By Violet Garcia Online Editor

The COVID-19 pandemic had life-altering effects for individuals across the globe. From restaurants being shut down to protective masks becoming the new norm, changes were seen almost everywhere. The effects were especially prominent in the academic field, since schools weren’t able to operate normally. As a result, most institutions switched from a traditional, in-person method to asynchronous courses. It is worth arguing that e-learning is a better option than in-person courses. Although day to day life has resumed normalcy, the use of online learning has become more mainstream than ever. For the fall semester of 2022, 53.3 percent of postsecondary students enrolled in online courses, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Online learning grants students a more flexible schedule and allows each one to blend their regular lives with education where they see fit. The National Library of Medicine states this “extended the scope of higher education to include students who would otherwise be unable to attend traditional daytime institutions.” Older adults who return to school, whether it is to finish a prior degree or to acquire a new one, have the latest tools available which further support their academic career. Universities have seen a notable retention rate increase by 9-21 percent than their strictly inperson counterparts, according to a study done by Arizona State University and Boston Consulting Group.

Self-pacing is another major positive when it comes to distance learning. Instead of being forced to adhere to a strict on-campus schedule, students are able to follow the curriculum in a timeline that best suits them. Students who are parents or who hold full-time jobs are the individuals who would reap the most from the fluidity of selfpacing. According to the UC Davis School of Education, 13.4 percent of students at California community colleges are also parents. Online learning makes education more accessible than ever to those who are in timerigid circumstances. Since the coursework is mostly self-directed learning, success rates are up to 80 percent, according to the Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies by Southern Connecticut State University. Along with the freedom of scheduling, the opportunity to learn from a distance also proves to be highly beneficial. Geography is no longer a limit, with students being able to take courses from out-of-state without relocating, encouraging higher enrollment rates. Distance learning can also enhance variety in terms of what classes are able to be taken. Instead of only having the option to take five to six courses inperson, students can take more which would not otherwise be available to them due to time commitments. Online learning can provide more leniency for students, thus being the better option for education.

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Photo illustration by Kyle Camacho / Roundup News

Opinion 3

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What would you like to learn more about during Black History Month? Quotes gathered by Xavier Boyston Photos by Veronica Rosas

“I think learning about Black history as a whole, I think I want to learn that more. In schools, you’re often not taught—talking in the sense of America—we’re not really shown the Black American peoples’ struggle throughout history, so understanding what life was like—so looking at primary source documents. I know one really good book called Warriors Don’t Cry, which shows from a firstperson account what life was like living in the time of slavery in America.” Amaar Siddiqul - Biochemistry major

“How can we make it where kids don’t feel like they’re oppressed anymore, maybe. I feel like for societal norms nowadays, that people of color, they feel like in a way that they have to fit themselves somewhere because of their skin tone or where they’re from. So I think that everybody should be looked at as equal and as human. It’s not something I want to learn about, it’s more something that I think our society should practice.” Ben Martinez - Agricultural Science major

“I want to be able to hear people be more vocal about it and just express more about Black history, about things that Black people in our community have done for other people that people just don’t really shine a light on. A lot of unheard voices that need to be spoken out a little bit more as well, too.” Amali Morgan - Film major

“Something I’m interested in learning more about are what current efforts look like right now, what the legislation looks like and what things have changed throughout the years and probably how it’s affected different areas and things like that since laws tend to be different in different states. I’m interested in learning more about how things have progressed and what hasn’t changed when it comes to racial inequality and things like that.” Tanveer Sandal - Psychology major

“I would like to learn more about the history itself because I think that people have focused only on certain things that have left behind all the suffering and everything. Right now I’m taking History 41 and last semester I took History 42—taking those courses really opened my mind to different things that I didn’t even know.” Ana Abaza - Business Administration major

4 News


Former chemistry professor dies at 83 Longtime teacher left a lasting impact in the community By Delilah Brumer News Editor


ongtime chemistry professor and former Academic Senate President Barrie Logan died on Jan. 2. He was 83. Logan leaves behind a transformative legacy at Pierce College, where he taught for more than 30 years until his retirement in 2006. “Barrie was a lovely man who made friends throughout the campus,” said Ruth Logan, his wife. “He impacted the college from many directions.” Those impacts lasted. Some of his most notable achievements at Pierce and in the local community include his work to secure funding for the Center for the Sciences and his collaboration with other community college faculty across California to create the academic calendar that is still in use today—shortening the semesters so the fall ends before winter break, when it previously reconvened afterward. Although his leadership work was important to him, Logan’s loved ones said he equally valued his day-to-day interactions with students. “He was a gentle, kind person who talked to students as real people,” Ruth Logan said. “He

never talked down to them. He wanted students to learn, so he invented many interactive classroom activities.” Logan spent the majority of his career working with students, even when he held campus leadership roles. He taught at Pierce from 1972 to 2006, then retired and moved to Austin, Texas. He lived there with family until his death. His legacy also lives on in the many professors he mentored, such as current chemistry

“Right from the beginning, he served as a good mentor to me.” Isidore Goodman Chemistry professor

professor Isidore Goodman. “I chose to come to Pierce because I was very impressed by the faculty here and by him,” Goodman said. “I kind of knew I’d be working with him for the rest of my career. Right from the

beginning, he served as a good mentor to me.” Dean of Math and Sciences Donna-Mae Villanueva said she remembers Logan’s kindness to those around him. She recalls when, as president of the Academic Senate, Logan passed a resolution congratulating her on earning her doctorate and presented her with a certificate, to her surprise. “When he gave me the certificate, I didn’t work very closely with him and I didn’t think he knew who I was,” Villanueva said. “If he was like this with me, someone he barely worked with, that says a lot about a man. I think that really encapsulates what kind of wonderful leader he was.” Villanueva said Logan will be “deeply missed,” but his contributions to Pierce will be remembered. “I’m being biased, but I think we have the best science faculty in the entire district and he was a key part of that,” Villanueva said. “He was passionate and just truly a joy.”

Academic Senate discusses enrollment and budget shortfall in first meeting of 2024 By Spencer Fuller Reporter


t the first meeting of the spring semester, Academic Senate President Margarita Pillado introduced new senators joining the senate, and discussed budget, enrollment and fossil fuel divestment topics. The meeting was held on Feb. 12 in Building 600. Pierce Interim President Ara Aguiar presented information about Pierce’s enrollment. The numbers are up 15 percent above last year and are approaching a rebound to pre-pandemic levels, according to Aguiar. As of this semester, enrollment is down 13 percent compared to 2017. “Each semester that goes by, we’re closing the gap further and further,” Aguiar said. Senator Jeff Favre commented on a spike of bots in asynchronous classes, and asked if there are actions being taken to lower the number. “The district now has a whole new mechanism of how they

remove bots from the system,” colleges to reduce general when discussing the budget and Aguiar said. “They actually go in budgets by five percent, funding. and remove them and then they preventing hiring in many areas, “Just to give you an idea, Valley send us a list of anyone that was according to Aguiar. has done a proposal, we’ve done identified using their software “We have been tasked to do some initial proposals,” Aguiar that identifies them.” a three-year projection,” Aguiar said. “Almost for certain we’re “And then we get the list— said. “First year—reduction in going to be about $5 million— each college gets the list—and general funds. And then do a not this year, but next year—in then we actually have someone three-year scenario of what to the hole, at minimum.” reach out to that bot, or that expect.” Enrollment since the winter person, and try to reinstate them The next few years may see semester has been down, and if they’re a real person,” Aguiar a lot of uncertainty, said Aguiar students are encouraged to enroll added. in late-start classes Aguiar noted in the second eight that with artificial weeks of the spring intelligence, bots semester, according to now respond back, Aguiar. Departments do assignments and are encouraged to let answer questions. the administration “In the math know if there is a need department, in the for additional late-start asynchronous classes, classes. the department has Political Science not had student Professor Denise Robb bots,” Senator Eddie prompted a discussion Tchertchian said in on the California an interview after the Fossil Fuel Divestment meeting. Act (SB 252), and The Los Angeles Icy Smith / Roundup News three students spoke Community College The Academic Senate in Building 600 at Pierce in support of it during District Board of public comment. SB Trustees has asked College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 12, 2024. 252 would divest

faculty pensions from fossil fuels, according to Robb. Guided Pathways Coordinator Judy Lam discussed involvement in the Career and Academic Pathways (CAPS) community and upcoming professional workshops in STEM. The Associated Student Organization (ASO) has vacancies and is looking for senators to join, according to ASO President Gayane Zazyan, adding that ASO wants to advocate for students. “ASO interest has been really high, we have a lot of students applying, and we’ve been interviewing and we will be trying to table more outside,” Zazyan said. “We need more interaction out on the Mall, helping students, just so they know who to go to if they need someone to advocate for them.”

Delilah Brumer and Raquel G. Frohlich contributed to this story.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Teleconference held for student media California Community College Chancellor discusses community college issues, updates By Brandon Harrell Online Editor


holders. This way we can be able to catch the fraudulent aspect right at the front end,” Christian said. “For new students coming in, this is what they know. It is for existing students that we need to manage this change. I really encourage students to participate in the ID.me process because it is going to really help our colleges with all of the work they have to do in minimizing these fraudulent enrollments into becoming financial aid recipients.” Vice Chancellor Paul Feist spoke on concerns over SB 367, a bill passed in August 2022 which mandates colleges in California to have Narcan on hand. Narcan, which is the

brand name for Naloxone, is a lifesaving emergency treatment for opioid overdoses. Laney College Professor and Citizen advisor Eleni Economides Gastis’ account asked in the chat if the CCC had a centralized record of which colleges have Narcan and distribute it to students. “We’ve been looking into that and the legislation does not require the community college chancellor’s office to keep those records, so I don’t think that we do,” Feist said. “We suggest that you check with the California Department of Public Health because the colleges and institutions that do want to

provide Narcan have to apply there.” The Chancellor also spoke of the rise in enrollment rates in California. “We are officially above 8% growth. California’s increase in community college enrollment has actually surpassed the rest of the country,” Christian said. “So, when you take the California community colleges, we represent about 20% of the nation’s community college enrollment, but when looking at the data from Fall 2023, the growth we are responsible for is more than half of the nation’s growth.”

he Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC) Sonya Christian held a teleconference Wednesday to discuss the current collegiate landscape with student media throughout the state. The meeting covered subjects such as Narcan availability, enrollment rates and fraudulent class registration. “I want to acknowledge that this is a huge issue that we are dealing with because we have a decentralized student information system with 72 instances of trying to combat smart technologies that are getting s m a r t e r every day,” Christian said. “We are hoping that once we move to a more unified common data platform that we could leverage technology to find solutions as a long-term strategy.” The CCC has also rolled out mitigation strategies recently such as the ID.me system. “ W h a t ID.me does is it passes multi-factor authentication Screenshot by Brandon Harrell / Roundup News for existing A slide addressing enrollment is shown during a student media teleconference hosted by the California Community Colleges s t u d e n t Chancellor’s Office on Feb. 14, 2024. a c c o u n t

News Briefs

News 5

Sheriff’s Blotter Reporting by Christian Castellanos No crimes were reported between Feb. 12 and 18. The crime log is made publicly available at the Pierce College Sheriff’s Station. Pierce College Sheriff’s Office General Information 818-719-6450

Emergency 818-710-4311

Controversy in Student logo contest LACCD free speech zone for Multicultural introduces On Monday, Feb. 12, a religion-based dispute occurred in the early afternoon on the Mall by the library. No crime was committed, and the person was in compliance with school policy as he was in a free speech zone and put away the microphone when asked to, according to Deputy Sheriff Isaac Jorge. See image left. Jesus Rivas / Roundup News

Day 2024

safety app

Pierce students can participate in a logo contest for Multicultural Day 2024, for which the theme is “I Am: A Celebration of Identity at Pierce College.” Entries are due by March 15. For more information, contact co-chair of the Pierce College Diversity Committee Michael Habata at habatamh@piercecollege.edu.

The Los Angeles Community College District has debuted a new mobile app, providing safety alerts, emergency and mental health information and other resources. In order to log in to the LACCD interface, students can download the Everbridge app in their device’s app store.

6 Campus Life


Speed-dating: Meet the counselors edition Students get a chance to learn about the academic process By Marcus Nocerino Reporter


he decision to go to college is a choice that is not taken lightly, and can be daunting without help. And with 145 disciplines, 85 academic degree programs, and many certificates being offered to Pierce College’s 20,000 students, who can students go to to talk about their plans? The Brahma counselors, of course. The Meet The Counselors event gave students the opportunity to

become acquainted with different counseling areas and learn more about the transfer process in Building 600 on Valentine’s Day. There was pizza, a raffle, prizes and music for individuals to enjoy, and students and faculty took pictures at a photo booth with Valentine’s decorations and signs for attendees to hold. Students can transfer from a community college within two years, or get their associate’s degree. “I work with students with disabilities to help them with accommodations, and assist

them with their courses and educational plans,” Academic Accommodations Center Counselor Nishat Hamid said. The room was decorated with heart shaped balloons, red and pink tablecloths and table booths for each counselor that attended the event. Bags were also given to students to use as souveniers and students, and faculty wore red and pink shirts for the occasion. According to hospitality major Jessica McKissick, she continued her education to explore other passions she was interested in.

Finn Andrade / Roundup News Students sign in to the Meet the Counselors event in Building 600 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.

Finn Andrade / Roundup News Students wait for the Meet the Counselors event to begin in Building 600 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.

“I’m a retired chef, so I’m just getting more education because in the future I want to teach,” McKissick said. “I don’t know what I’m going to end up teaching, so might as well broaden the spectrum.” Students who showed up to the event hung out with each other and played a game of bingo designed to provide them with facts and answers about university transfer and counseling services. Some counselors at Pierce

did not plan on pursuing this career, but according to Director and Counselor of International Student Services Abby Watson, she loves her job. “I actually fell into it accidentally,” said Watson, who was initially getting her masters degree in psychology. “I was also working in education, so when I was doing that, I decided not to be a therapist, which is what I was going to school for and decided to focus on counseling education.”

A look into the archives: 70 years of the Roundup


n this day 61 years ago, the Roundup published Volume 25 Number 13. In its four pages, this issue covered the addition of two language laboratories, Chilean (previously spelled Chilian) educators touring campus as part of a wider project to improve Chilean junior colleges, Copy by Raquel G. Frohlich.

the establishment of the scholastic grant Martin Pollard Award, a Pierce alum stationed in Venezuela as a Peace Corpsman, German Expressionist prints—on loan from the Fred Grunwald collection—on display in the library, a profile of Pierce students planning to visit over 20 countries in the summer break and Brahma

sports. Campus news briefs included the continuation of Language Arts programs, such as poetry readings and prose selections, a Korean exchange student living in Woodland Hills seeking carpool options and a Dean of Instruction joining the Thoreau Society. A Feb. 21, 1963 archived issue of the Roundup in the newsroom on Dec. 19, 2023. Photo by Raquel G. Frohlich.

Campus Life 7

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Students share love for clubs More than 62 clubs gather on the Mall for two-day event By Raiden Vazquez Reporter


ith dozens of clubs signed up to participate in the Valentine’s-themed ASO Club Rush held on the Mall, the trial of hosting it two weeks into the semester—rather than three— seemed to have paid off. From the 11 a.m. start, there was a significant increase in participation that hadn’t been seen in a while, according to Student Engagement Coordinator Lara Conrady Wong. A head start might just have been all that was needed. “The clubs would have more time to get chartered, go to fundraising training and they can start their fundraising and meetings sooner,” Conrady Wong said. “We had over 62 clubs sign up for Club Rush, so we’re back to pre-pandemic numbers.” One of the popular club booths was the Knitting and Crocheting Club. “It’s looking really good, we’ve got a whole page and a half of just names,” Knitting and Crocheting Club member Citlali

Navarro said. The handcrafted hearts decorating the booth showcased the communal aspect of the club that Navarro finds to be its appeal. “The fact that we are all working on something similar, just in general working together to create something you can tangibly feel and see,” Navarro said. The Coding Club received support from Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization that aims to address biases in the tech field. “There is a huge gender gap when it comes to technology,” Coding Club member Nahyan Noor said. “Girls Who Code is here to encourage more women and non-binary people to join the tech field, and we are trying to create that safe space and community.” The club helps people get into coding in multiple ways, such as technical workshops for interview prep, job research, coding projects and coding workshops for those new to coding, according to Noor. The Coding Club’s booth

had on display devices they constructed for people to interact with. As Club Rush overlapped with Valentine’s Day, the device on show was a “Rizzometer,” a heat sensor that included arduino and LED lights. Other clubs that had interactive displays were the Pre-veterinary Club’s petting zoo and the Chemistry Club’s experiments. The polysnow and carbon dioxide demonstrations caught people’s attention. The baking soda and vinegar reactions released carbon dioxide to fill the pink balloons that adorned the booth, while the polysnow demonstrated the tactile results of chemistry. “Everyone’s been liking our experiments that we’ve created for our chemistry club,” Chemistry Club member Ethan Nasseri said.

Karla Delgado / Roundup News ASO President Gayane Zazyan (center) and students dance to “Cha Cha Slide” during Club Rush at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.

Karla Delgado / Roundup News (Left to right) Helen Zarayan and Lisete Cruz work together to create an experiment using fake snow, water and food coloring to make a small volcano during Club Rush at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 15, 2024.

See ‘ASO Club Rush’ on page 19.

8 Dean’s List



Fall 2023 Dean’s list

Mesrop Abadzhyan Matthew Abajian Nicole Abarbanel Joyce Abarca Anthony Abasi Sarah Abdel Mabood Maged Roshdy Abdelmalak Maryam Abdollahi Parizadeh Abedin Akbar Abedinimaman Herschel Aberson Artemy Abolins Andre Jon Abonales Nareh Abovian Petros Abrahamian Raffi Abrahamian Riva Abrams Bryan Abrego Shohre Abri Eitan Abrishami Malihe Abtahi Tasneem Abu Leil Maya Abukhzam Victoria Abundiz Shlomi Abutbul Helen Acabal Jonathan Acabal Maria Acabal Denisse Acevedo Esteven Acevedo Flores Juliana Acevedo Gutierrez Gavin Aco Kristal Acosta Raenan Acosta Fernando Acuna Helia Adabkhahi Hovannes Adamian Nina Adel Eva Adi Roja Adinehpour Bagheri Tina Adnani Michael Adwani Carolina Agadjanova Nellie Agaronyan Jasmine Agavian Niloofar Aghdasi Ellena Aghilian Anthony Agopian Monte-Krikor Agopian Chad Agruso Mya Agsaulio Cyntia Aguilar Isaac Aguilar Jason Aguilar Josephine Aguilar Rafael Aguilar Yoanna Aguilar Samantha Aguilera Victor Aguilera Bryan Aguirre Cristian Aguirre Emma Aguirre Hailey Aguirre

Sandra Aguirre Irving Agurcia Sanchez Aiden Agustin Sara Ahadrooyny Karina Aharonian Mariam Aharonian Sina Ahmad Khanlou Mojtaba Ahmadi Zainab Ahmadi Marwa Ahmadjamshid Subhana Ahmadzai Tashfiah Ahmed Mahshid Ahouraei Edan Aichel Judith Akachukwu Behzad Akhlaghi Sarinah Akhter Joya Akiel Yulia Akimkina Karim Akkaoui Anthony Akmal Arthur Akopyan Shayan Alamgir Afshan Alamshahzadeh Damilola Alarapon Jeanette Alarcon Matias Alatorre Reem Alawadhi Rachel Alba Emilio Alban Xavier Alban Nataniel Albek

Ana Rachel Albuquerque Vianna

Ricardo Alcala Maria Alcantar Erick Alcaraz Kevin Alcaraz George Alejandro Errol Aler Ashley Alexander Sylvia Alexander Mary Alexandrou Jacqueline Alfaro Sulafa Alhunaty Syeda Ali Caitlin Aligo Ramziya Alimbekova Shauntrei Alipio Mohammadamin Alipourian Naiya Aljaber Evan Alkhoury Sarvenaz Allahyarbeigi Mia Allen Minnelly Almaraz Hasti Almasi Ronelle Almoquira April Almora Nathan Alonso Kyle Marisse Alquizola Muhammad Alsup Brandon Altbush Albert Alvarado Diana Alvarado Dionne Alvarado Francelia Alvarado Leslie Alvarenga Alicia Alvarez Jennifer Alvarez

Josh Alvarez Marlon Alvarez Rosario Alvarez Kevin Alvarez Campos Mia Alvarez Renteria Jorge Alvarezponce Antonella Alvelo Sandra Alvis Jesse Amador Jacob Amanya Roberto Amavizca Clelia Amaya Leticia Amaya Mayco Amaya Jake Amigo Haroon Amini Sam Amini Mohsen Amiri Nicolas Amiri Dehlavi Garcia Diana Amirianzadeh Ashley Marie Amponin Maria Angelina Amponin Ariel Amsalem Rizza An Chanyaphon Ananbanditkul Ashley Anaya Keziah Anaya Aloysius Ancheta Julia Anderson Salvador Andrade Zain Andrawes Gohar Andreasyan Tatiana Andrews Eric Anfinson Elika Angeland Rebeca Angulo Manal Anis Rachel Anonuevo Brian Anthony Kian Anvar Zoe Anwer Irving Apaez Cassidy Aparicio Ana Apaza Poma Emily Apikian Christian-Yuri Aquino Leslie Arabaca Zhanna Arabkertsyan Cristina Aranda Logan Araneta Juliana Camille Aransazo Bahram Arasteh Edgardo Arauz Magdeleine Arce Hasell Archila Jose Angelo Arcilla Mehrad Ardaghi Denise Ardiles Jessica Ardon Daniel Arellano Mia Arellano Monica Arenas Alison Arevalo William Arevalo Salm Ariannejad Lizzett Ariaslinares Nery Armaz Haig Armoudikian

Jessica Arnone Catherine Aromin Cristopher Arreola Braiden Arriola Muhammad Arshed Ksenia Artemyeva Badalyan Artashes Arutunyan Niki Arzani Michael Arzumanyan Leila Asady Emilina Asatryan Stella Asatryan Daniel Ascencio Sara Ascencio Yousuf Asghar Nahid Asghari Natanel Asherian Alex Ashikian Faranak Ashrafi Mahdi Ashrafi Christian Ashton Anna Askari Yahyavi Alexander Aslanian Manouchehr Aslanian Anthony Asnaran Grant Asner Helena Asner Anthony Assily Tristan Astalos Eric Atayde Nazia Athar Hadar Atias Julia May Atienza Bita Atshani Jacob Attarzadeh Ryan Atwell Christine Auxier Anahit Avalyan Lucia Avellaneda Samuel Avendano Eliran Avigani Mariane Avila Kathy Aviles Martin Avina Melissa Avina Yaelle Avtan Olatundun Awopeju Armin Ayadehahvazi Amy Ayala Donavan Ayala Jessica Ayala Nathalie Ayala Sean Ayala Yanileth Ayala Calles Kirsten Ayapana Rachel Ayers Andrew Ayoub Olivia Ayvazian Arad Azadavar Avisa Azami Shadan Azar Keyvan Netanel Azaran Samiullah Aziz Behnam Azizi Mariam Azizi Ethan Azizollahi Vania Azurdia


Soraya Babaahmadi Alexandra Babiner Nasrah Babu Julya Baca Ellie Bachsian Mitra Badihi Daniel Badinfekr Anastasiia Bagdadian Anush Bagdadian Alireza Bagherironaghi Rana Baghestani Dania Bahrami Elnaz Bahrani Maryam Bahrani Chyenne Bailey Zen Baird Ellis Baker Sheila Baker Esmaeil Bakhshi Barsam Bakhshian Atoosa Bakhtari Andy Bakir Margalita Bakuradze Haley Balberan Renee Balcorta Abbas Baldiwala Carny Balian Sam Balizadeh Karami Tamara Baljian Matthew Ballesteros Vicente Balmoja Angela Balon Leah Balsin Aida Baltayan Francesca Martina Baltazar Maneh Balumyan Nathan Bamshad Azadeh Baniasad Smriti Baniya Rachel Banks Evan Banuelos Jacklynne Banuelos Naomi Barahona Hailey Barbera Andy Barcenas Saro Bardekjian Andrew Barillas Nathan Barillas Reanna Barin Charlotte Barlow Divan Barnard Justice Barnes Ahron Barnett Jesus Barrera Rachel Barrido Briana Barrientos Yancarlo Barrios Elliott Barsiasa Torrey Barthell Emma Basaldua Izabella Basilyan Ashley Bassirat Chloe Bassirat

Dean’s List 9

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Vincent Bastida Anton Batac Anna Bateman Nikola Batri Ariella Bauer Maya Baugher Justin Bautista Forouzesh Bayat Nephity Bazaes Amber Beasley-Allen Tracy Beavers Sophia Becher Jayda Beckwith Bedros Bedrosian Aidan Beemer Nathan Behdadnia Sabrina Behjou Ava Behnezhad Marcus Behtash Kristina Bell George Beloklokov Kyla Belschner Mia Ben-Ami Maria Benavides Brandon Benbaruh Gavin Bendixen Matan Bendor J. Guadalupe Benitez Alyssa Benner Angello Bennett Jordan Bennett Pouya Benvidy Meirav Benzion Christine Berberian Ruzanna Berberyan Dennis Berezniak Marigold Berg Julio Bermudez Isabella Bernhardt Eiliya Natalia Berrio Ortiz Melissa Besecker Meika Best Siena Betance-Sanchez Gilberto Betancourt Arian Beyk Aryan Bhattarai Amreet Bhullar Brooke Bianco Joseph Bias Sandra Bibian Laura Bidder Makayla Bigler Nataliya Biletska Melinda Birke Ben Birman Nicholas Bitar Bethel Bizindavyi Shandi Blanco Rendon Freddy Blandino Tatiana Blankenship-Alegre Maryan Blaschuk Jason Bock Kevin Boecher Ana Boghosian Sarah Boktor Mathilde Bolduc Poitras Aaron Bollinger Daniel Bolotin Kevin Bonilla Brizeyda Bonilla Vacio Nicholas Bonzell Tracy Boronkay Jared Borowitz

Hazzel Borrayos Benedetta Borsari Jeffrey Boruff Chandra Bouchard Ryan Boudaghi Patric Boules Monet Bourbour Armen Boursalian Riley Bowman Samuel Boyle Deniz Boysan Dahniqua Bracken Shayne Bradley Katherine Bradmiller Troy Brady Daniella Brami Shani Brami Chelsea Bran Dustin Branyon Jenna Brashear Alan Braun Celeste Bravo Luca Brendle Helen Brennick Virginia Bretado Joy Brickhouse Clay Brigham Javier Briseno Taylor Brooks David Broukhim Elisabeth Brown Ian Brown Key’Asia Brown Adisyn Brunson Jonathan Bry Rita Bshara Dario Bucci Vanessa Buchbinder Diana Bucio Speros Budreaux Russell Buelna Spenser Buentipo Edgar Bugg Thi Nhu Y Bui Nikita Bulantsev Marc Bullock Zulma Burgos Gonzalez Deandre Burkett Chloe Burman Lisa Burman Gino Burmanloffredo Nicole Burns Trent Burris Bonna Burrows Nicole Bustamante Zaira Bustillo Colby Butler Brooke Buttke Albina Bytyqi


Emily Caballero Marvin Caballeros Mariel Cabral Rosales Antony Cabrera Jessica Cabrera Marcelo Cabrera Sandra Cabrera Mark Anthony Cacal Melissa Caceres

Chengzhi Cai Juan Caicedo Castillo Anthony Caldera Emily Caldera Joshua Calderon Jake Caldona Dylan Calzada Joshua Calzada Genesis Camacho Ximena Camacho Jorge Camacho Robles Carlos Camarena Miguel Camarena Mariana Camarena Gonzalez Jade Campana-Bernardino Klover Campbell Michael Campbell Sheila Campos Victor Campos Samantha Campos-Valdivia Elizabeth Campos Martinez Darling Canales Christopher Canas Annalisa Cancio Cynthia Candelario Christopher Cannon Eliza Anne Cano Adamary Cantillano Norielyn Cantos Marius Gabriel Cape Zen Marius Cape Jon Sebastian Capuyan Mayra Carcamo Maximus Cardenas Nicholas Cardenas Norsofhia Cardenas Sasha Cardenas Matias Carhuamaca Elizabeth Carias Keoski Angelica Carlin Madison Carlon Gabriella Carlos Jennifer Carmona Laura Carmouche Manuel Caro Lauren Carpiohorta Justin Carranza Samantha Carranzasalas Patricia Carrasco Emileo Carreon Samantha Carrillo Perez Fabiola Carrizosa Nicolas Carter Chantal Cartwright Karina Casarez Nalani Casarez Cade Cashman Vanessa Casillas AidenCass Guadalupe Castaneda Rebecca Castaneda Leilani Castanedasui Yulianna Castano Esmeralda Castellanos Veronica Castellanos Andrea Castillo Jasmine Castillo Sophia Castillo Celene Castro Jacqueline Castro Mariana Castro Michaela Mari Castro Pablo Castro

Victoria Castro Danny Catalan Esmeralda Catalan Oscar Catalan Casynee Caukin Anton Cavelaris Norelia Cedano Priscilla Cedillo Damian Celedon Sophia Celik Era Cenolli Samantha Angelica Cepeda Federica Cermenati Diany Cerritos Clarissa Cervantes Roee Cfir Alejandra Chacon Sabastian Chacon Samuel Chacon Martinez Sanam Chadrouz Karina Chaire Teni Chakarian Andranik Chalikyan Kymberly Chapnick Angela Chavez Dacia Chavez Hailey Chavez Jacob Chavez Jesse Chavez Kayla Chavez Sean Chavez Annmarie Chediak Nelly Cheema Mai Chemo Yingxiao Chen Zhuoya Chen Kelly Cheney Madison Cheramie Nikita Chernyshenko Donya Cheshmaghil Elijah Chesler Francesca Chew Megan Chew Jerrod Cheyno Angelica Chitchian Ruzanna Chitchian Jasmine Chiueh Gene Cho Madison Cho Audrey Choi Eun Ah Choi Jongmin Choi Justin Choi Sabin Choi Adelayda Chojolan Arman Cholakian Nabeeha Chowdhury Pawel Chowdhury Amelie Chuan Max Chung Timothy Chung Adrian Clark Matthew Clark Cody Cochran Emily Coffey Alicia Cohen Arieh Cohen Dean Cohen Elijah Cohen Paz Cohen Michelle Cohn Mya Coleman Breeana Colon

Mckenna Colton Jhozeil Comia Dajan Concha Mayra Conde Scarlette Constanza Emily Contreras Sylvia Contreras Noah Coombs Alexander Corea Joerdan Corneau Evelyn Cornejo Stephanie Cornelio Christian Corona Rebekah Corona Elisa Corona Bugarin Shawn Corri King Peyre Cortas Alissa Marie Cortez Daniel Cortez David Cortez Diego Cortez Elijah Cortez Mayumi Antoinette Cortez Nicolas Cortez Paola Cortez Erik Coss Miah Costa Elyse Cotton Kaelyn Cotton Rebecca Cox Laura Crane Thomas Cresse Daniel Cristea Emily Crocker Amanda Crockett Samantha Cross Jonah Cruanas Andrew Crudge Domenica Cruz Julian Cruz Luis Cruz Raymond Cruz Yesica Cruz Sarah Cruz Samuy Christian Cruz Pereira Brittany Cuarenta Cassidy Cuarenta Abigail Cuellar Ivonne Cueva Giancarlo Cuevas Ingrid Cuevas Amelia Cuevas Taylor Zhenrui Cui Bodhikhan Cummings Irma Curiel


Haley Dablo Drew Dalton Bao Long Dam Andrea Damian Allison Dang Nicholas Daniali Christian Daniels Ester Danil Jody Danker Jeremiah Dansker Thong Dao Solmaz Darabian Isabella Darbinian

10 Dean’s List Arezoo Dardashti Olivia Darensbourg Parsa Dargahi Francheska Eunice Dator Addison Rachel Daulo Nicole Dautel Bruno Davanzo Natalie David Devean Davis Jasmine Davis Jordan Davis Mason Davis Matthew Davis Sharell Davis Tobin Davis Sophia Davison Brateil Davoodeshagh Mavaneh Bertina Davoodi Michael Davtian Davin Davudians Farideh Dawoudi Wreikojene Dawson Daniella De La Pena Maria Fernanda De La Rosa Anette De Leon Rafaela De Souza Jonathan Dean Elijah Decastro Kate Decker Luc DeCoster Giancarlo Deet Daniella Dehart Aidanek Dehkanova Ilia Dehmohseni Jamen Dejesus Mario Del Angel Angela Del Val Kervenn Chaz De la Cruz Oshani Delankapedige Sarah Delao Sophia Delgadillo Raul Delgadillo Villareal Cristian Delgado Francisco Delgado Karla Delgado Vivian Delgado Andrew Delmarto Ryan Delos Reyes Ian Delossantos Daniella Delshad Phoebes Deng Jackson Denise McGrath Samantha Dennehy Ella Dennis Khoren Derbeshyan Colette Derohanian Mia Derrick Dylan Desilva Enna Develyan Brian Devine Nicholas Devine Zsoubin Dewitt Kit DeZolt Bhavanbir Dhandi Camille Diamante James Diamond Youshia Dian Austin Joshua Diaz Isabela Diaz Ismael Diaz Maria Diaz Michelle Diaz Ernesto Diaz Jimenez

theroundupnews.com Oryza Diazfranco Sara Dibaei Christopher Dickerson Elsie Dickinson Hill Joseph Dickson Spencer Diep Jesse Dillon Kelly Dinh Nghiem Aryan Dini Aldrich Diniz Ashton Diniz Sanaz Dinyaryan Maxuellen Dionisio Melissa DiTommaso Ngoc Do Jeffrey Dolenar Jerahmeel James Domingo Damian Dominguez Jesus Dominguez Yareli Dominguez-Silva Nazeli Donikian Thalia Donis Naiya Donovan Spencer Donovan Aidan Dorado Daniel Dorado Ethan Dorcey Nariman Dorraji Samantha Doucette Dorsa Doudinia Karina Dovlatian Asia Downes Theo Doyle Sabrina Drey Jacob Drori Joshua Drye Alexa Duarte Francesca Ysabelle Duarte Ivania Duarte Cody Dukhovny Shelby Dukic Fiona Micaehla Dulla Isaiah Dumas John Silvester Dumayag Colin Jerico Dumlao Nyla Duncombe Briana Dunn Deon Dunn Dan Duong Sarah Duong Jose Duran Noely Duran Hailey Durand Robert Durham Natalie Duron Yann Jessy Dushime Marianela Dutra Africano Hannah Dycus Hovanes Dzhgalyan Ellen Dzhragatspanyan


Demeil Eaywazisaei Yangijeh Aida Ebrahimi Vilma Echeverria Liang Eckstein Mai Ederi Briana Edwards Candace Edwards Dawn Edwards

Richard Edwards Golnaz Eghbalibeidokhti Majid Eidgahy Lyn Eisen Hanna Ejikeme-Daniel Aren Ekmekjian Tania Eksir Samantha Elias Laleh Eliasi Bakhtiari Jose Elizalde Celline Eljurdi Rachelle Eljurdi Grace Elkins Serena Elkins Aaron Ellis John Ellis Cameron Ellison Breeanna Ellsworth Edgar Elvira Noy Elya Layla Emad Leorah Emrani Xavier Encinas Miku Endo Avaya Rianne Eneria Beatriz Enriquez Bianca Enriquez Emelin Enriquez Yuvia Enriquez Mehran Ensan Abigail Erazo Ethan Erfanian Daniel Escamilla Sarai Escamilla Sedrick Escamilla Angelina Escarcega Sophia Escartin Gweneth Escobar Malia Escobar Samantha Escobar Mani Esfandarmaz Samuel Eshaghdarvish Jack Eskigian Liana Esmailian Brandon Espana Michael Esparza Jasmine Esparza-Banuelos Shirel Espejo Westermeyer Jessica Espinosa Brianna Espinoza Damaris Espinoza Olivia Espinoza Robert Esquivel Vaughn Esseveld Denise Estana Edgar Estrada Elizabeth Estrada Xochitl Estrada Negar Etemaadi Karen Etienne Ron Ettedgui Lauren Evans Stephen Evans Van Evans Michelle Evoniuk Leyla Eydi Vytautas Ezerskis


Jorge Fabian

Samantha Fabisch Deema Fahmy Mikayla Faircloth Liam Fairweather Rawan Faissal Arian Fakhra Sabrina Fakhuri Rebecca Fantini Melina Farabolini Mario Farias Teagan Farrell Jack Hayden Farris Farbod Farrokhnezhad Layloma Faryad Fatima Farzam Rana Farzinabri Jacob Faturechi Bradley Faulkner Alafa Fauziah Elizabeth Fawcett Justin Fayman Jeremy Featherston Jenica Faith Felicitas Jordan Felix Sergio Felix Jorge Felix De La Torre Jose Felix De La Torre Maegan Fellner Samantha Fels Mathew Fernandez Nathan Fernandez Sebastian Fernandez Viviann Fernandez Antony Fernando Alessandro Ferradini Renteria Marguerite Ferrante Jason Ferrero Sima Feyssik Adriana Field Erin Field Luke Field Jacob Fields Robert Fikhman Margarita Filaretova Cassidy Filosa Elan Filous Kyle Finley Keani Finney Alexandria Fiore Salomon Jennifer Firestone Lindsay Fisher Daniel Fishman Tal Fishman Levon Fitilchyan Stella Fleiss John Flinn Renata Flippo Allanis Flores Brisa Flores Cassandra Flores David Flores Desiree Flores Heidy Flores Jeannette Flores Jennifer Flores Jose Flores Lauren Flores Robin Flores Sorayda Flores Laura Flores Lopez Delia Flores Salazar Elissa Flores Torrontegui Michelle Florez

Bernadett Fodor Maximilian Fonberstein Aaron Fooshee Hannah Forster Brianna Foster Hailey Frait Zoey Francis Jose Franco Ruby Franco Kiaira Franklin Alicia Freas Leia Frederick Augustus Frinhani Chris Froehler Zhehao Fu Corrine Fuentes Randy Fuentes Spencer Fuller Tawan Funches Durr Ahva Furohar


Lior Gabay Lucin Gaboyan Noah Gabrielzadeh Katrin Gadulshin Andrei Gaina David Galdjie Giovanni Galeano Mandy Galeck Delaney Galicia Kailani Galindo Kaleah Galindo Adrian Gallo Natalie Gallo Christian Galvan Denise Galvan Raul Galvan Saul Galvez Ericka Gamab Kenji Eduardo Gamarra Abel Gamboa Robert Gamboa More Christian Gamez Miriam Gamez Torres Janelle Gangano Janessa Ganivet Matthew Garbe Alex Garcia Alyssa Garcia Audrey Garcia Caroline Garcia Celeste Garcia Christopher Garcia Deneb Garcia Edward Garcia Eli Garcia Elizabeth Garcia Frank Garcia Frankie Garcia Hannah Garcia Hazel Garcia Isabela Garcia Jorge Garcia Jose Garcia Juan Garcia Katerina Garcia Natalie Garcia Rafael Garcia Roberto Garcia

Dean’s List 11

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Sebastian Garcia Sharon Garcia Tlaloc Garcia Alonso Garcia Ugaz Brenda Garcia Curiel Alyssa Gardea Cynthia Garrett Emma Garrett Melvin Garrett Ivy Garry Giselle Garzon Ricardo Gaspar Paul Gebreselassie Patricia Louise Gellekanao Samantha Gellekanao Diane Genabe Trevor Gentry Nicolette Geoola Joshua Gerolaga Mia Gershfeld Grabiela Gervacio Leon David Gesaryan Shirin Ghaedfasaei Fereshteh Ghahremani Farzi Ghahremanloo Karen Ghajar

Mahvash Ghalamdoost Pirbazary

Shokoufeh Ghalebi Elen Ghaltakhchyan Mojgan Ghamoos Farzad Ghanaat Fatemeh Ghanbari Sarnia Ghanbari Rachel Ghanizadeh Anil Gharachourlou Alexander Gharibian Nasim Gharibshahi Ariana Ghashghaei Ava Ghashghaei Anna Ghazaryan Nick Ghaznavi Helya Ghodrati Yengejeh Nazanin Gholami Alireza Ghorbani Fatemeh Ghorbani Kayla Ghossein Isabella Gibson Jessica Gil Marcela Gilberto Stav Gilboa David Ginosyan Christopher Giron Monzon Aroutioun Gkrigkorian Maricela Godina Rocio Godina Ashley Goel Shayla Goel Alexsandr Gogiberidze Ani Gogoshian Julia Golberg Joshua Gold Marla Goldstein Golnaz Golzaran Alondra Gomez Chelsea Gomez Elisa Gomez Jessie Gomez Joseph Gomez Luis Gomez Nicholas Gomez Selina Gomez Zuleima Gomez Lisbeth Gomez Alvarez

Dayany Gomez Gonzalez Yu Gong Citlalli Gonzaga Jocelyn Gonzales Alejandra Gonzalez Alfonso Gonzalez Carolina Gonzalez Cesar Gonzalez Emily Gonzalez Endri Gonzalez Isabel Gonzalez Jacob Gonzalez Jazmine Gonzalez Joseph Gonzalez Judyan Gonzalez Juliana Gonzalez Julio Gonzalez Keilah Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez Manuel Gonzalez Pamela Gonzalez Paulina Gonzalez Sophia Gonzalez Mercy Gonzalez Vincen Cristina Gonzalez Carbajal Sierra Goodyear Michael Gorbatov Sarah Gordy Ryan Gorji Steven Gorman David Gorodkin Christina Goschin Joshua Gould David Gourgenian Zakhrokhon Gozieva Samantha Grabeel Ariana Gracia Karinna Gracia Jacqueline Gramajo Diane Granados Diego Granados Jamie Granados Katheryn Granados Iris Granillo Jayden Grant Julia Grant Richard Grant Shaked Graziani Guy Greeff Melissa Green Tyandre Gregg Ariana Grigorian Levon Grigoryan Melanie Grigoryan Justin Grigyan Edden Grimberg Yaneli Guandique Matthew Guardado Steve Guardado Sophie Guardian Ximena Guarneros Covarrubias Maxwell Gudino Iri Guerra Stephanie Guerra Stephanie Guerrero Bryan Guerrero Rodriguez Isabella Guerriera Pedro Guevara Alvarado Jenelle Naomi Guevarra Yanette Guillen John Andrei Guillermo Anna Liza Guingao Larry Guisti

Rebeca Guizado Orjen Gullapyan Abdulaziz Gulomov Gabriel Gumbiner Nikki Gupta Jake Gurse Armando Gutierrez Ashlee Gutierrez Bryan Gutierrez Chassen Gutierrez Jesus Gutierrez Katelynn Gutierrez Milton Gutierrez Tanya Gutierrez Ethan Guttman Alexandria Guzman Brian Guzman George Guzman Giselle Guzman Jaqueline Guzman Jennifer Guzman Samantha Guzman


Kathy Ha Ngoc Thao Nguyen Ha Steven Ha Alison Haber Noam Hacham Teny Hacopian Claudia Haddad

Naghmeh Hadypourlashkarian

Hilly Hagag Pegah Haghiri Juliette Hagobian Orion Hahmtaklender Lucienne Haig Shahin Hakakian Nafisa Hakim Jaden Hakimi Jadon Hakimipour Shirel Hakimipour Kai Hale Maya Hale Tyler Hale Andrew Hall Raiden Hall Aiman Hamati Arman Hambartsumyan Benehyahoo Hamedanikohan Sara Hameed Shah Mohammad Hameem Laura Hamilton Jessica Hammett Kenneth Hanchera Brittney Hang Ethan Hanina Dalal Hanneyan Sean Hansen Yasamin Haratian Mark Harmon Macintyre Harrington Earldeja Harris Josephine Harris Kenya Harris Piero Hartonian Amalia Harutyunyan Owen Harwig Firoozeh Hassanzadeh Katrina Hatami

Izabella Hatton Martin Hauptman Jennifer Hawes Yul Hawkins Chad Hayes Henry Hayes Monique Hayes Djimon Hayrapetian Edden Haziza Ommer Haziza Sigal Haziza Lingyu He Luann Heidenreich Elie Helfand Shana Hemmatyar Brandon Hemmings Nichelae Henderson Elisa Henriquez Marianne Henriquez Natalie Henriquez Tijera Henry Alexsis Herbert Miriam Herera Laurine Hermoso Alexis Hernandez Angel Hernandez Carlos Hernandez Cristina Hernandez Daisy Hernandez Elida Hernandez Frederick Hernandez Hernan Hernandez Jacob Hernandez Jennifer Hernandez Jonathan Hernandez Kaden Hernandez Kailey Hernandez Karina Hernandez Kohl Hernandez Maria Hernandez Melanie Hernandez Mireya Hernandez Onam Hernandez Samira Hernandez Sarai Hernandez Solaris Hernandez Stephanie Hernandez Vanessa Hernandez Vanessa Hernandez Michell Hernandez Flores Francisco Hernandez Ramirez Tiana Herod Betzy Herrarte Adan Herrejon Anya Herrera Bryan Herrera Kevin Herring Ryan Herron Jayden Higginson Daniel Hilario Paige Hilario Aric Hill Bonnie Hines Faith Hinojosa Katie Hirahoka Jaclyn Ho Thanh Ho Natalie Hofmann Jasmine Hogan William Hokr Revilla Hollands Alphina Holovchenko Tobey Tu Hong

Samuel Hookham Michaela Hooper Benjamin Horowitz Tekla Horvath-Fenyvesi Joe Hoshina Ava Hoshyarsar Cameron Hoshyarsar Robert Hoskins Mohsen Hosseini Asal Hosseni Jean-Luc Hounanian Terrell Houston Alan Hovanesian Edgar Hovhannisyan Sara Hudgens Emily Huerta Marissa Huete Joshua Hughes Liliia Hulievata Shane Hummel Christina Hunanyan Ming Chung Hung Nicole Hunnicutt Sean Hunt Sovereign Hurley Ramses Hurtado Mohammed Hussain Emilie Huynh Giao Huynh John Huynh Patrick Huynh Timothy Huynh Vu Huynh Vazken Hzor


Brian Ibanez Emily Ibarra Marvin Ibarra Michelle Ibarra Diego Ibarra Roman Mariam Ibrahim Erik Illanes Zachary Ilous Abhulimen Imafidon Nathalie Imamoto Jorge Imatong Thomas Impliazzo Spencer Ingalls Zamourad Iqbal Bahram Irani Hunter Isbell Shunsuke Ishibashi Ayeshah Islam Reifet Islam Juan Islas Julio Islas Haley Isman Diego Iuvancic Yulia Ivanitskyy Eden Ivgy


Hirbod Jabbarnezhad Cheyenne Jackson Nathaniel Jackson Shandani Jackson

12 Dean’s List Jericho Jacob Elora Jacobs Sean Jacobson Mina Jafari Mohammad Jafari Thomas Jaffray Hussain Jafri Shan Jafri Farzad Jahani Zaira Jaimes Shikha Jain Seyedmostafa Jalaladdini Nika Jalali Behshad Jalili Sheida Jalilibabakandi Jamila Jamaly Asma Jameel Dia James Nikolas Jamgochian Melody Jamneshan Adrian Janeway Ashley Janibekyan Nadia Jannati Andrina Jansen Daniela Jara Farid Jaraiedi Siavash Jaraiedi Amanda Jaramillo Natinael Jatana Alexa Javaherian Haily Javaherian Justin Javaherian Mina Javandi Julian Javate Sayeh Javid Nia Mahnaz Javidi Daniela Javier Gabriel Javier Rafael Javier Zyde Franz Javier

Nicole Jayamanna Mohottige Dona

Natalie Jemjemian Andrew Jenkins Rodger Jensen Mayuree Jerrard Trinity Jewett Bosen Jia Baharak Jianfar Abigail Jimenez Amy Jimenez Anthony Jimenez Jessie Jimenez Martin Jimenez Olivia Jimenez Ramiro Jimenez Yanira Jimenez Sara Jivraj Enosh Jiwanmall Ashley Johnson Cara Johnson Damont Johnson Julian Johnson Kathleen Johnson Kayla Johnson Trevor Johnson Nicole Johnstone Vishesh Joisar Luke Jokanovic Anika Jones Bret Jones Diane Jones Gerard Jones Paul Jones

theroundupnews.com Storm Jones Dulani Jordan Stephanie Jordan Joye Jordan Ragsdale Matteo Joseph Ashley Joshi Saeedeh Jourabbafi Naji Brenda Juan Sara Jubier Lynn Julian Cameron Junod Sally Jurdi

Phasja Kelley Kiana Kelley Fann Nicole Kellogg Tracye Kennedy Linda Ker-Smith Ryan Kerbeck Ethan Kerendian Fatemeh Kermani Isabella Keroglyan Tara Keshavarz Daniel Keshishian Katrina Keshishian

Aishton Kacker Rose An Mary Kadavumkal Mylee Kadjar Robert Kaewdee Pardis Kafi Elad Kahana Hera Kakar Haniyam Kalat Aren Kalaydjian Krikor Kalayjian Indigo Kale Sarah Kaleem Pamela Kalidasan Nooraldeen Kalla Andrew Kalustian Daniel Kalustian Mohammad Kamal Shahreen Kamal Elham Kamyab Joshua Kang Natalie Kangarloo Habiba Kapasi Abigail Karaduzovic Faezeh Karandish Amalia Karibyan Mariyam Karim Shoshana Karp Alec Karpov Alexander Karzen Leila Kasaii Maribella Kase Natalie Kashanirokh Shaylin Kashanirokh Ryan Kassebaum Nicole Kasyan Nick Katushenok Harrison Katz Lily Katz Ashleen Kaur Gursimran Kaur Jasleen Kaur Rajwinder Kaur Vesper Kay Nathan Kayanirad Monica Kaye Sedona Kaye Samantha Kayne Edward Kazangian Elijah Kazanjian Hakop Kazaryan Mohammad Kazemeyni Saam Kazemi Jackson Keating Scott Keener Olivia Keess Luc Keller

Arneh Khachatoorian Hamlet Khachatryan Fatemeh Khaef Dela Khairo Neilla Khalili Sara Khalilian Noelia Khamenia Aaliya Khan Maria Khan Md Imran Khan Nasiha Khan Noor Khan Saughat Khan Skye Khan Geet Khanagwal Parsa Khandadash Gretchen Khanlian Ava Khatibtohidkhaneh Kiarash Khatibtohidkhaneh Shaban Kheivehgi Abigail Kheradyar Chan Myae Oo Khin Izabella Khin Suprit Khinda Alec Khoboyan Aleena Khoboyan Maksim Khokhlov Itai Khoramian Aria-Iman Khorasani Nima Khorrami Soroosh Khoshavi Arian Khosravy Brian Khoury Irene Khudaverdyan Karen Khukoyan Oisin Kiely Aileen Kim Alexander Kim Ava Kim Chaewon Kim Corey Kim David Kim Haley Kim James Kim Leyana Kim Noah Kim Sammy Kim Sungji Kim Terence Kim Lauren Kimotsuki Kayla Kindredshafron Adam King Jackelyne King Sing Alexandra King Sing David Kirakosian Artsemi Kisialiou Ashley Klaiman Elior Klein Jaylin Knowles Stephen Knowles


Panteha Keykhahomidesfandabadi

Lasha Kobaidze Nicole Kocherga Monika Kochinyan Alan Kocis Elene Kodabakshian Kainoa Koga Ethan Kohanbash Leila Sadat Kohandani Eden Kohanim Jonah Kohansedgh Adina Kohanzad Mykhailo Kolbasov Timothy Kolden Kahlia Konan Joshua Kopell Ryan Kossarian Carina Kossoff Kayla Kossoff Mathew Kostoglou Aleksandr Kotchian Olivia Kousa Alexandra Kovalev Andrew Koziol Sean Krasner Aiden Krueger Andrew Krupp Matthew Krzewinski Andy Kumagai Jeremy Kumagai Eishita Kumar Harshita Kumar Riley Kunce Jia Ci Kuo Trent Kupczyk Yukiko Kuranishi Iuliia Kurinna Issei Kurita Anna Kuroda Jeremy Kwee Giar Kwok Christina Kyababchyan


Bless Labadlabad Brad Labancz Theresa Lacayo Cassidy Ladou Timothy Lafreniere Nathaniel Lagos Liad Lalehzari Leanna Lalikyan Andrew Lam Karie Lam Tien Lam Julia Lamprea Hector Landeros Layla Lang Sarena Lao Kenley Lapiner Jessica Larios Nathaniel Larosa Kristen Larson Anastasiya Lastouskaya Ebadollah Latifi Sarina Latifi Fereshteh Latifi Azizi Marla Joie Latonio Diana Lau Stephanie Lau Reena Ayen Lauguico

Finn Lavere Dorian Lavergne Talia Lavi Carolynne Lavoo Riley Fairen Lawrence Velimir Lazarevic Michael Lazebnik Angelica Lazo Khang Le Kobe Le Minda Molina Le Phuong Le Trang Dai Le Madain Leal Nikita Lebenkov Rosie Ledezma Akira Lee Dustin Lee Euihyang Lee Jody Lee Joosang Lee Logan Lee Steven Lee Yoo Jin Lee Amanda Leflore Grant Lehmann Andrea Lehr Kaleb Lemaire Natalya Lembo Nickalas Lembo Brittany Lemos Giovanni Lemos Carlos Lemus Giovani Lemus Kevin Lemus Jacinto Omar Leon Sandra Leon Christopher Leon Cespedes Shelse Leones Lillian Leonhardt Leayah Leventer Phoenix Leverenz Vadym Levertov Gali Levi Sua Leviant Michelle Levin Emma Levy Annette Lew Jonathan Lew Lisa Lew Alicia Lewis Cooper Lewis Jack Leylian Portia Leyva Trinity Leyva Samten Lhamo Darren Li Dexuan Li Jinze Li Jino Liangco Jim Cedrick Libut Francesca Liebenthal Izel Lightfoot Garcia Jade Lim Timothy Czar Lim Zachary Patrick Lim Ariel Mae Limos Lucia Lin Joally Linares Briana Lincoln Eric Lind Luis Lindao Simone Linscomb

Dean’s List 13

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Abigail Litovich Mutterperl Chang Liu Israel Liu Junze Liu Hirusha Liyanage Lance Terrenz Llamado Roberto Llamas Nicole Llerena Jessica Llordi Richelle Lo Amanda Loa Chanta Lobin-Thomas Long Loc Elizabella Lockwood Martin Lokaj Isabel Lomeli Jean Claude Harold Lompot Mary Rose Lone Elk Alex Lopez Amanda Lopez Andrew Lopez Anthony Lopez Ariana Lopez Benjamin Lopez Carla Lopez Daniel Lopez Eduardo Lopez Elizabeth Lopez Enrique Lopez Gisela Lopez Giselle Lopez Jacqueline Lopez Jessica Lopez Juan Lopez Lou Angelo Lopez Mariell Lopez Marjonie Lopez Melanie Lopez Monique Lopez Oscar Lopez Pedro Lopez Saira Lopez Valery Lopez Wendy Lopez Abel Lopez Garcia Rosendo Lopez Rivera Jubenal Lopez-Diaz Francisco Lopez-Flores Arash Lorestani Sophia Lotterstein Jordan Louden Alyson Love Danielle Lovell Ryan Lowery Scott Lowery Alfredo Loyola Hernandez Laura Lozada Alejandra Lozano Cathy Lozano Lana Lozano Tetiana Lozutska Carlene Lu May Lu Giovanni Lucero Joshua Luedtke Lidia Luna Matthew Luna Danielle Lurye Gia Lydon Mary Lynch

Matthew Maccarthy Kyla Macdonald Carl Macewan Gizelle Macias Justice Macias Michael Macias Sarah Macias Lauren Maclean Aaron Madarsolouk James Madison Sam Madjdisorkhabi Bryan Madrigal Iliana Madrigal Jonathan Madrigal Khusrav Madzhidov Lanz Nicole Magalong Daniel Magana Isaiah Magana Christian Magcalas Rodrigo Magdaleno Marc Magistro Anette Magno Amin Mahajan Raissa Belle Mahawan Joshua Mahgerefteh Dzianis Mahila Melina Mahmoudkalaei Jessica Mahoney Christopher Mahsaradjian Jalaladdin Mahzooni Soroor Mahzooni Tayebeh Mahzooni Isabella Malekan Mostafa Malekmohammadi Leo Malhan Christian Malki Daniella Malkoukian Daisy Malone Jell Maloney Curtis Jerome Manacsa Allysa Manaloto Neo Manasan Aisha Mandokhil Matthew Mandrick Robert Manes Musab Mangi Lori Mangol Pauline Manlucu Karl Benedict Manolong Albert Manquero Mina Mansourabadi Nima Mansouri Vazgen Manukyan Bernie Mapili Jonathan Marcia Aaron Marcus Sourena Mardanpour Angela Margaryan Isabelle Marin Kevin Marin Andreea Marinescu Isabella Marino Jamie Markado Eric Markel John Marks Ava Markwell Kramer Jean-Alexandre Marot Raman Marozau Elyssa Kae Marquez

Omar Marquez Isabella Marrone Christopher Marroquin Rebeca Marroquin Joseph Marsella Ian Marte Jack Martin Jada Martin Julia Martin Adrian Martinez Amy Martinez Azucena Martinez Briahna Martinez Cesar Martinez Evan Martinez Isaac Martinez Jasmine Martinez Karla Martinez Lesly Martinez Luis Martinez Marco Martinez Moises Martinez Monica Martinez Ramon Martinez Ricardo Martinez Ryan Martinez Yeleana Martinez Mary Martirosyan Bruno Marvelli Sofia Marvelli Farzam Marzi

John Michael Angelo Masangcay

Sean Mashayekhi Noah Masrour Ana Mata Escalera Mikayel Matanyan Dominique Matelson Jeffrey Mateo Rohan Mathews Alexis Mathis Sion Matian Jonah Matos Mark Mattes Amy Mayorga Jonathan Mazalian Peter Mazin Ian-Samuel Mazon Drusilla Mbabazi Antoine Mbok Caitlin McCarty Kaia McArthur Jessum Robert McBirney Mason McBride Matthew McCaw Dylan McDermott Alexis McIntosh Tatyana McIntosh Alexander McKay Alexandra McNair Jasmine Mcnair Kerri Medders Damaris Medina Haydee Medina Matthew Medina Sandra Medina Stephanie Medina Victoria Medina Breanna Medrano Genesis Medrano Roza Meghrazi Madison Meguerditchian Anthony Meguerian Salar Mehdiyar

Roya Mehrabinasab Mehdi Mehrnia Amirhossein Mehrpour Maria Mejia Abril Mejia Gonzalez Lourdes Melchor Duarte Joselyn Melendez Katherine Melendez Kevin Melendez Darwin Melgar Christina Melgoza Michael Melikyan Jasmin Meliton Arghavan Memarian Diana Membreno Andrea Mena Samantha Mendes Carmen Mendez Diana Mendez Nancy Mendez Adolfo Mendoza Anna Mendoza Lorenzo Mendoza Ariadna Meneses Galvez Mateo Menjivar Mary Mergenthaler Manal Merhom Tenorris Merkel Mansour Merrikhinasrabadi Jennifer Mertell Ilan Mesri Talia Mesri Raha Mesrinejad Samantha Metken Ellaine Meyer Cole Meyers Lesley Meza Stephanie Meza Keoni Miao Angelica Chloe Miclat Amelia Miller Cailyn Miller Carl Miller Luc Miller Ryan Miller Meaghan Miller Lopez Ryder Mims Thecla Min Emin Minasyan Omid Minazadeh Astrid Minjarez Sugich Sara Miralaei Gabriela Miramontes Annette Megan Miranda Francisco Miranda Karol Miranda Stephanie Miranda Leopoldo Mireles Sophia Miron Sonia Miroshkhina Ariyan Mirzaei Hayk Mirzakhanyan Natalie Misirian George Mitchell Nicole Mizrahi Dachi Mkheidze David Mkrtchian Mandana Mobed Gabriela Moctezuma Kayla Nicole Model Priyanka Modi Matthew Mogel Nazanin Moghim

Fatemeh Mohammadi Mobina Mohammadi Mozhgan Mohammadi Nilofar Mohammadi Sina Mohammadi Shahrzad Mohammadidayen Kiana Mohasseb Sepideh Mohebi Robina Mohseni Sara Mohseni Yelda Mohseny Soha Mohtar Merhi Dara Moini Chagharvand Aiden Mokhtar Neda Molaie Caitlin Molina Daniel Molina Jasmin Molina Michael Molina Michelle Molina Roberto Molina Sidney Molina Xavier Molina Nicholas Molinaro Becky Mondragon Michelle Monge Diego Monne-Medina James Monroy Najmeh Montaseri Natalia Montealegre Cesar Montecortez Sabrina Montenegro Trisha Marie Montenegro Cristian Monterrosa Bella Montes Ellis Montes Mahoganii Montgomery Daniel Montiel Jazmin Monzon Kawehena Mooney Janna Moore Shae Moore Eden Moosheh Shirazi Wendy Mora Sadaf Moradi Mehrang Moradi Vajargah Mahdi Moradkhani Analy Morales Antoinette Morales Arthur Morales Jacob Morales Jazmin Morales Robi Morales Samuel Morales Mia Moran Ethan Morantz Benedetta Morari Daniel Mordekhai Josue Morelos Dillon Moreno Isela Moreno Mario Moreno Matthew Morgan Matthew Morgan Katreia Mori Jo Morley Kristina Morrow Efa Mosayyebi Michael Moshkovich Gianna Moskalenko Natalie Moskalensky Jaedon Mosquera Joshua Mossayi

14 Dean’s List Faria Mostafa Mina Mostajabi Obteen Motamen Shakia Moton Mahboubehalsadat Mousavi Eduard Movsisyan Abby Moyse Alisa Moyse Anastasia Mozgolova Daniel Mulford Forogh Mulk Zohra Mulk Samantha Mummolo Angel Munoz Marvin Munoz Paz Rose Muradyan Agapi Murafetis Arturo Murillo Angelo Murilloparada William Murphy Ana Murtaza Carlin Mustamandy Brian Myers


Judith Nabbona Niyousha Naeiji Shahla Naeimi Ruqaiyah Nagarwala Elana Naghi Lily Nagy Maziar Nahmou Emily Naiman Parvin Najafiani Jennifer Najera Saeedeh Najiantabriz Zohreh Najimi Maryam Najmi Aline Nakamura Chica Justyne Nakano Alexander Naldzhyan Dong Joon Nam Azam Namdarian Alyssa Namm Tranesh Nanayakkara Jacob Napuli Lilit Nargizyan Fatemeh Narimani David Narinyan Jack Nary Mishelle Nasir Ethan Nasseri Lucasian Naumann Xitlaly Nava-Palomino Justin Navarrete Jose Navarrette Fatima Navarro Karen Navarro Mari Francine Navarro Henry Navasardyan Navasard Navasardyan Arsalan Navid Yasamin Nayeri Lindsey Nayoan Tanya Nazareat Stephan Nazarian Emily Nazaryan Cassidy Nelson Zoe Nelson Nina Nemati

theroundupnews.com Brian Nemorin Kerolos Nesem Sameem Nessari Meredith Neuschotz Ryan Nevsky Rilee Newman Bella Newnan Kathlyne Ngo Andrew Nguyen Bao-An Nguyen Brian Nguyen Calvin Nguyen Christine Nguyen Deborah Nguyen Di Nguyen Ellie Nguyen Emily Nguyen Emily Nguyen Harrison Nguyen Jonathan Nguyen Nghi Nguyen Nina Nguyen Phuong Trang Nguyen Quynh Nguyen Robert Nguyen Roland Nguyen Tammy Nguyen Thuy Nguyen Tina Nguyen Tommy Nguyen Trieu Nguyen Tuan Nguyen Uyen Nguyen Willie Nguyen Jonathan Nicassio Angela Nichols Michael Nicholson Mark Nicolai Thana Niedermann Zebiniso Nigmatullaeva Amir Hossein Nikbinmoghaddam Hajar Nikpour Scott Nimura Carmen Lilia Nino Bohorquez Sivan Nir Aleks Nisanov Zaara Nomair Nahyan Noor Abrahim Noori Jalal Noori Nazila Noori Tyler Norman Adriana Norris Isabella Norris Ryan Nosco Christina Nosrat Tiffany Nosrati Michael Nouri James Noverola Angel Novoa Angel Nunez Jacqueline Nunez Anwar Nur Aaron Nussbaum


Devon O’Connell Elizabeth Oakley Blessing Obiukwu Edward Ocampo

Jeremias Ocegueda Rachel Ocegueda Brook Ochoa Cassandra Ochoa Janet Ochoa Patricia Beatriz Ochoa Iyunoluwa Odebunmi Heidi Odom Tyler Odom Gavin O’Flaherty Harutun Oganyan Yuval Ohayon Angela Ojeda Marilyn Ojehonmon Samanth O’Keefe Jenna Oleson Danilkar Olivares Leah Oliver Sabrina Olmos Blessing Omasi Colin O’Neill Alicia Ontiveros Therese Orbase Candy Orellana Adrienne May Orense Ashtan Orlan Siena O’Rourke Amy Orozco Kailey Orozco Kassandra Orozco Andrew Ortega Cristal Ortega Ashley Ortiz Carl Luis Ortiz Dayanara Ortiz Priscilla Ortiz Joshua Osamor Domonique Oseida Samantha Osmanian Matthew Osorio Boror Mai Ostrow Vincent Otake Gabriel Otiniano Paul Outram Owen Ovando Gabriel Ozo


Jake Pace Damien Pacheco MichellePadilla RobertPadilla Derek John Padolina Katrina Padolina Emelysse Paez Jayleen Pahua Azizjohn Paimani Sarina Pakravan Jennifer Palacio Sandy Palacios Ashley Palma Taylor Palma Jared Palmares Carlos Palmer Tabitha Palmer Tomas Palmieri Stephanie Palomo Maegan Panes Pamela Panes Shiley Panhassi

Yuritzi Paniagua Ravyn Panopio Gabriela Parada Ramirez Navid Parandian Erika Pardo Shir Parienta Nicolette Paris Ashley Park Jasmine Park Junia Park Ryan Park Songhyuk Park Kyle Cerlybeth Parpan Robert Parr Quinton Parra Jeffrey Parry Maya Parsi Mitra Parsinia David Pashaee Clemente Pasillas Miriam Pastrana Fatemeh Pasvari Robert Pate Keya Patel Lorenzo Patricio Michael Patterson Olivia Patton Yesennia Paxtor Jennifer Paxtor Vasquez Valeria Payan Adrian Payne Andrew Payton Edwin Pazmiletich Alexandra Pearlstein Serena Pechickjian Christopher Peddijanto Yolanda Pedretti Hengjun Pei Ryan Pekar Saryana Pekler Jasmin Pelayo Amy Pena Daniela Pena Rivera Emma Penney Kate Pentz Maria Alexandra Peralejo Emily Peralta Rosa Peralta Leila Percoco Eryn Perea Elizabeth Pereda Gonzalez Livia Pereira Essbell Pereira Almanza Fedir Peresadko Abel Perez Ashley Perez Benjamin Perez Bianca Perez Diego Perez Edgar Perez Evelyn Perez Fernanda Perez Gabriela Perez Jeramayah Perez Jose Perez Kate Perez Lara Perez Maricruz Perez Melissa Perez Nadia Perez Sebastian Perez Vanessa Perez Xitlali Perez

Christopher Perez Escobedo Samantha Perez Francisco Jacqueline Perez Rodriguez Lizbeth Perez-Garcia Christian Perez Escobedo Ryan Perry Samantha Perryman Ethan Petersen Kiley Peterson Hannah Petok Dominick Petrotta Braxten Pfeiffer Gomez Hue Pham Nguyen Kim Ngan Pham Nguyen Nhu Ngoc Pham Richard Phan Taylor Phan-Lac Madelyn Phillips Jamie Phung Matthew Piamonte Isabella Piangerelli Jared Picado Guy Pichayanon Keri Pina Gabrielle Pineda Jonathan Pineda Samantha Pineda Erika Pinto Manuel Pinto Manfredi Pirico Mitra Pirzay Jessica Podgur Emily Poitan Mendez Sebastian Polanco Monroy Mitchell Polinsky Ethan Ponce Idania Ponce Jacob Ponce Avelina Popova Grace Portales Aaron Porter Angela Porter Jan Portillo Matthew Portillo Ronald Portillo Quinteros Riley Posadas Michael Potter Anthony Poulakos Kristine Poulos Setareh Pourfakhr Abhi Pradhan Nicole Prescott Alyssa Prestin Jonathan Price Kylie Price Andrew Prieto Nicole Prizer Isaiah Prophet Matthew Puentes Alyssa Pugmire


Mena Qayeum Amy Qose Allison Quach Michelle Quan Fernando Quijada Jiana Quinones Alvaro Quintanilla Gomez Elizabeth Quintero

Dean’s List 15

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Daniel Rabadi Mustafa Rabie Rana Rabizadeh Kevin Rackley Ashraf Raeisi Moqaddas Rahim Neda Rahimi Spano Rahimzadeh Mary Rahjooy Sabira Rahman Somaita Rahman Nasrin Rahmanattar Cayman Rai Jada Rai Lawrence Raju Manasvi Ramakrishnan Sylvanah Ramihanta Adrian Ramirez Briana Ramirez Darlene Ramirez Freddy Ramirez Gabriela Ramirez Ivan Ramirez Jennifer Ramirez Jose Ramirez Natalie Ramirez Talia Ramirez Matthew Ramos Daniela Rangel Jorge Rangel Jose Rangel Jennifer Rangel Hernandez Mufaddal Rangoonwala Melissa Ranjbar Mia Rapaport Ali Rasam Abdullah Rasheedi Raein Rashidi Sharifabad Radmehr Rastani Korosh Rastegar Razi Yuliia Rastvortseva Susana Ravelo Louise Ravenscroft-Audinet Shreya Ravi Angelina Ray Conor Ray Bella Rayas Meesam Raza Joshua Rebueno Iris Recinos Juan Recinos Nick Recinos Brianna Reed Sophia Reed Nicholas Reeves Arman Refahi Jamie Regula Lex Rehfeldt Oscar Renaldo Angel Rendon Sebastian Resendiz Shayan Reshadi Nezhad Anna Reshetnikova Marzia Reshtin Kristen Retreagecoons Laura Revilla Eric Revuelta Eric Rey

Fanny Reyes Gabriel Reyes Gabriella Reyes Isai Reyes Jerson Reyes Joshua Reyes Maryanne Reyes Michelle Reyes Neri Reyes Shirley Reyes Diana Reyes Bueno Mitchell Reyna Antonio Reynolds Arshia Rezvani Rebecca Rian Aaron Richards Karen Richardson Zachary Rickerman Vincent Rincon Kristin Riojas Jaylene Rios Edwin Rios Torres David Rittenhouse Blanca Rivas Christopher Rivas Daniel Rivas Evelyn Rivas Jesus Rivas Maria Rivas Mark Rivas Melany Rivas Miah Rivas Obed Rivas Patrick Rivas Roselyn Rivas Timothy Rivas Vanessa Rivas Alan Rivera Andy Rivera Destiny Rivera Jose Rivera Ricardo Rivera Trinidad Rivera Tricia Robichau Irene Robinson Khalil Robinson Yasmin Robinson Alondra Robles Joshua Robles Laura Robles Riley Robles Alejandro Rocha Gerson Rodas Judy Roditis Alejandra Rodriguez Ammy Rodriguez Amy Rodriguez Angelina Rodriguez Annabella Rodriguez Benjamin Rodriguez Brenda Rodriguez Cynthia Rodriguez Cynthia Rodriguez Daniel Rodriguez Daniel Rodriguez Diana Rodriguez Eddy Rodriguez Edgar Rodriguez Edward Rodriguez Henry Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Katrina Rodriguez Leslie Rodriguez

Lessly Rodriguez Minerva Rodriguez Renzo Rodriguez Rosalinda Rodriguez Hilda Rodriguez Cortes Karen Rodriguez Lopez Emily Rodriguez Arana Anthony Rodriguez Hernandez Esther Roeung Pamela Rojas Paola Rojas Samantha Rojas Krystal Rojas Perez Brooke Romano Alexa Romero Domenic Romero Jacob Romero Joshua Romero Leslie Romero Nicholas Romero Stephanie Romero Marlene Romero Mejia Angelo Rosales Janelle Rosales Karen Rosales Stephanie Rosales Mendoza Kelly Caitlin Rosapapan Eden Rosen Rachael Rosenberg Ethan Rosete Bardya Roshani Alexis Ross Erin Rosser Babak Rostami Madeline Rostami Hanieh Rouzbahani Roya Row Andrew Roytman Raziel Rozehzadeh Jennifer Rozell Christopher Rubinstein Eric Rubio Justin Rubio Ian Ruelas Gomez Vianney Ruelas Mejia Christopher Ruiz Ricardo Ruiz Reilly Runge Natalie Rusak Bo Rushing Arsh Rustogi Lorena Ruvalcaba Gregory Rzyan


Lea Saab Avidon Saadatfar Erik Saakyan Mekram Sabbagh Allyson Sabido Feih Sabio Idania Saborio Tyler Sacks Brooklyn Saculles Sayed Sadat Yas Sadeghi Azita Sadeghimiandoab Mahdiar Sadeh Zana Zainab Sadeq Kobakiwal Moumita Sadhu

Mohammad Sadoughi Haniyeh Sadr Ali Sadri Erfan Sadri Liron Saedi Arya Saei Arash Saei Delcheh Fahimeh Saeidi Debra Saeidian Sabah Safadi Soraya Safari Mehrnoush Safavi Ghazal Safdari Satggin Saghatti Jalali Aidan Saghian Sopnel Saha Gloria Sainez Sahil Saini Santana Sakai Leslie Salas Angelina Salazar Peter Salazar Xavier Salazar Medina Kavian Salehi Tara Salehi Desiree Salgado Bezhan Salimshoev Samantha Salinas David Salzberg Dylan Salzberg Isaac Samano Edward Sampson Hanna Samson Riley Samuels Anton San Jose Dylan San Jose Raquel Sanabria Roya Sanandajian Brenda Sanchez Carolyn Sanchez Erika Sanchez Ismael Sanchez Karen Sanchez Raul Sanchez Sebastian Sanchez Victor Sanchez Roman Sanchez Cruz Natasha Sanders Alex Sandoval Alexander Sandoval Angel Sandoval Cindy Sandoval Clyde Sandoval Mariena Sandoval Rochelle Sandoval Jasleen Sangha Brandon Sani David Santana Jesse Santoyo Erika Sarabia Fernando Sarabia Olga Sargsyan Samvel Sargsyan Kristine Sarkisian Nicole Sarkisian Valerie Sarmiento Romina Sarubbi Sarah Sarvini Joshua Sassoon Nithun Sathyadharshanan Jonathan Saucedo Viviana Saucedo Deanna Savakova

Lara Sayabalian David Saz Kenneth Scalir Angela Schaefer Jennifer Schimmels Henry Schrage Kristin Schrage Kennedi Schreiber Cameron Schrumpf Brian Schultz Yam Schutzer Jenna Schwartz Aisling Schweiger Rebecca Sculler Talat Sedarati Chanel Sedgh Ava Sedigh Mohammad Sediqi Pablo Sela Alexander Sembiring Aakash Senthilnathan Seyeddaarya Sepehrin Denisse Serbellon Anthony Serrano Maria Serrano Ryan Serrano Tu Seto Jonathan Seung Jorge Sevilla Niki Sezar Masoumeh Shadfar Amber Shaffer Solmaz Shaghaghisahzabi Mariam Shah Vidhi Shah Emad Shahin Rosie Shak Naomi Shalev Alan Shamash John Shamonnia Shayan Shams Sina Shamsi Bryna Shamtoob Mega Shania Benjamin Shanks Tomer Shapira Summer Sharaga Iram Sharif Amir Sharifi Faezeh Sharifi Arshia Sharifpour Desiree Sharim Shirah Sharim Brenda Sharlein Haley Sharma Sanjit Sharma Sara Shatela MargaretShaughnessy Marcus Shaw Arvand Shayani Shahan Shayesteh Heidi Sheaks Jamus Sheehan Dana Shegolevsky Adjhanys Shehady Sonya Sheikh Hosseini Mahsa Shekarian Ashley Shellmire Talia Shelton Leeor Shemesh Anthony Shepard Mia Sher Michael Shiff

16 Dean’s List Blake Shine Nathan Shirazi Remiel Shirazi Kimiya Shirvanipoor Noam Shmoel Amber Shopay Amirhossein Shoshtarian Ojasvi Shrivastava Nikita Shuliko Farzaneh Siami Maral Siavashpour Maryam Siavashpour Janet Sibrian Amaar Siddiqui Mya Sidell Coraima Silva Frank Silva Paola Silva Teresa Silva Ira Silverberg Brandon Silverio Mason Silverstein Theophilus Gabriel Sim Kyle Simadibrata Dvir Simon Liron Simon Latrise Simpson Julian Sims Joseph Sinaie Tianna Singer Khavitha Singh Khushpreet Singh Parneet Singh Rajvir Singh John Singson Erik Siranosian Talar Siropian Zachary Siskowic Larissa Siswanto Gisselle Skarseth Lisa Skinner Shayla Skoglund Lotem Skolnick Anna Smith Cameron Smith Isabella Smith Kristina Smith Kyanna Smith Paula Smith Robert Smith Sophie Smith Morgan Smukler Ryan Snyders Noah Socher Yasmin Soferi Isabel Sohn Ilia Sohrabi Jafar Sohrabi Soheila Sohrabi Oluwafunmilayo Soile Jasmin Solano Joie Solano Alheli Solis Karla Solis Ruth Solis Armando Solis-Vargas Martin Solisreyes Aiden Solomon Arsema Solomon Gzel Solomon Viuna Soltani Kasra Soltankhah

theroundupnews.com Ariana Soltanzadeh Kayla Sondhi Joseph Song Paramee Songsang Kunal Sood Jason Soriano Benedetta Soro Ethan Sosa Eric Soskin Celeste Sotelo Ashley Sotnik Saveliy Sotnikov Ashleigh Soto Itzel Soto Rafael Soto Roselyn Soto Dulce Soto Vasquez Erika Soto Chavez Shahla Sotoudian Elena Sourenian Catherine Spangler Toyia Spann Lauryn Speights Andrea Spencer-Knerr Abby Spencer-Knerr Morgan Spencer-Knerr Emma Spissman Vanessa Splopuk Jovan Ssemakula Paulette Santa Maria Amy Stanley Danielle Stark Cecily Steele Miles Stein Dana Steinhauer Michael Stella Andrew Stepanyan Christopher Stewart Victoria Stickeler Orit Stieglitz Steven Stinnett Nina Stoianov Maxwell Stolarz Amy Stopp Shaun Stpeter Katelyn Stratton Kyler Strickland Claudia Stringfellow Ortiz Kaila Strong Diane Stroud Patrick Stuart Briallen Stuczynski Jacob Stutz Jorge Suarez Lourdes Suasnabar Ehram Subhan Fawaz Sudarmo Caleb Suh Arthur Sukiennik Olivia Sulejmanagic Samir Suleymanov Ali Suliman Mark Sullivan Samiha Sultana Celeste Sum-Ramos Aaron Sunshine Andrew Sura Sirinapha Suwanphanich Summer Svec Hannah Swanson Tara Swanson Matthew Sweiss

Deomarie Mico Sy Harman Syan Zoha Syed Lisa Syverson Kaden Szymanski


Khanh Ta Nikki Tabakh Sara Tabakh Sean Earl Tabarejo Subha Tabassum Nayereh Taghavi Nastaran Taghizadeh Zohreh Taghizadeh Cameron Tahoor Mirveys Tajik Mariam Takesian Luke Talamantes Enny Talok Eden Talor Rita Tanchian Kaleigh Tapaoan Jess Tarantelli Nicole Tardencilla Tina Tashtchian Hure Taslagian Ripsik Tatevosian Yoshitaka Tatsumi Shamsi Tavakoli Christian Tavitian Elby Taylor Madison Taylor Tomie Taylor Tynisha Taylor Vahid Tayyar Sophia Tchamkertenian Ceerley Tecum Montgomery Teeple Jalan Tehranifar Jian Tehranifar Rajiv Tejura Camille Tellez Daphne Tenne Renata Teper Ayax Teran Camargo Serineh Terpetrossyan Ebert Terrones Rafael Elina Terzyan Peter Tevonyan Thuy Hoang Thai Jacob Theiss Carly Thomas Joseph Thomas Reed Thorne Kelly Thorpe Diwya Thurusinghe Angelia Tjen Jessica Tobon Pavia Todd Ariyon Tolbert Leonard Tolentino Sabrina Tolentino Adam Tollers Tatiana Tomilina Joean Tongson Sylvestre Toni Rivka Topete

Miriam Topuridze Nadia Torabi Hokmabad Yasmine Torbati Sonny Torch Kevin Alexander Torio Anna Torosyan Julie Torosyan Rita Torosyan David Torres Dayana Torres Edward Torres Esmirna Torres Giselle Torres Gustavo Torres Isaac Torres Isabell Torres Julia Torres Nikki Torres Tatiana Torres Viviana Torres Luis Torres Hernandez Danilo Torres-Garcia Benicio Torrez Jesus Toscano Bryan Toubi Donya Toussi Ariana Tovar Jason Tovar Nicole Tovar Henry Tovmasyan Bryce Townsend Alan Tran Alton Tran Ethan Tran James Tran Minh Tung Tran My Tran Natalie Tran Pauline Tran Tiana Tran Tracy Tran Truc Tran Carmen Trejo Jaden Tretter Angela Trinidad Sean Tristan Maxim Trofimenko Kelsey Trout Joanna Trujillo Maximiliano Trujilloponce Ethan Truong Thu Truong Gabriella Tuchman Romeo Tulabot Matthew Turcios Aidan Tyree Angeles Tzun


Abdon Ubeda Zamora Daiyan Uddin Yair Ugalde Chukwuemeka Ugorji Tasnia Ullah Jason Umana Jose Umana Kanjul Ummal

Sadie Unholz Francisca Urenda Gerard Urgelles Rosaura Uribe John Urquizo Flores Natalie Uygan Meline Uzunyan


Elika Vafaei Niloufar Vahid Ramezani Ealli Vaknin Ralph Valadez Raul Valdes Samuel Valdez Lorenzo Valdez Larios Evelin Valdez Pino Angie Valencia Ryan Valenzuela Kevin Vallecio Yvonne Van Zandt Jack Vanderbrug Keira Vandermolen Dale Vanslyke Emmy Vantassell Danielle Vanvelzen Matthew Vardanyan Candice Varela Jacqueline Varela Solis Dalila Varjonen Carol Vasquez Jeimy Vasquez Hernandez Aiden Vaynshteyn Alani Vazquez Daisy Vazquez Joshua Vazquez Lesley Vazquez Natalia Vazquez Jesus Vazquez Torres Wendy Vazquez-Villegas Cristina Vega Denise Vega Riley Vegting Christian Vela Jared Velarde Enrique Velasco Giancarlo Velasco Johann Velasco Janet Velasquez Luis Velasquez Vyenna Velasquez Samantha Velez Erik Vences Jackilyn Venegas Natalie Veniaminova Stephanie Ventura Alyssa-Reese Verayo Kobe Vergara Syd-Anthony Vergara Tanaysia Verrett Katie Vicente Ashley Lance Vicera Ralph Villa Karla Villacorta Natalie Villafana Samuel Villanueva Mariana Villarreal Guerra Kelvin Villatoro

Dean’s List 17

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Kimberly Villatoro Maksym Vinichuk Mark Vinsonhaler Les Vion Divagoo Vital Andrew Christopher Vitug Anet Viveros Rosangelica Vizcarra Heidi Vo Kien Vo Martin Volk Megan Volpe Mara Vosganian Alexandra Voutsinos Joshua Vu Rylan Vu Trisha Vuong


Reya Waddell Nesrine Wahbi Mina Wali Victoria Wall Terrence Waller Smoque Walsh Taylor Walters Mei Wang Meiyi Wang Michael Wang Sibo Wang Amethyst Wannawak Amanda Warlick Carol Watkins Venice Weaver Chamari Weerasinghe Daniel Weinstein Logan Weissler Madison Weissler Maxfield Wells Dylan Weltoncoogan Michael Wertenberger Cali Willard Rasha Willes Samaha Alexa Williams Christan Williams Dyani Williams Kenneth Williams Lance Williams Malachi Williams Jane Willyluitwieler Claire Wilson Drayden Wilson Justine Wilson Michael Winkler Ryan Winkler Ryan Wirthlin Preston Witwit Stacey Witz Karl Wohlfromm Joshua Wolf Brandon Wolfson Andrew Womack Michael Wong-Sasso Dylan Wood Emma Wood Jessica Wood Reece Wood Josie Woods

Diondre Wright Jackson Wright Kenneth Wright Nuoya Wu Heidi Wyrick


Heidy Xec


Aaren Yaacoubian Dahlia Yablon Nagham Yacoub Shai Yaish Isabella Yakich Kenneth Yamabe Erin Lois Yambao

Jhannen Phoebe Yap Josephine Yario Nida Yarkhan Gabriel Yasinskiy Aaron Yasmeh Byron Yax Rozana Yazdani Nahid Yazdanparast Anastasia Yazichyan Natalie Yechzkia Vivian Yee Liliana Yegiazaryan Ruzanna Yernjakyan Anastacia Yolo Ryan Yoon Matthew York Kiyarash Younessi Elinor Younessian Christian Young Ava Yourdkhani Dylan Yribe Wai Yuen Jhoana Yumul Timur Yunusov


Amir Zabeti Sam Zadeh Doron Zaghi Orhan Zahidi Shamila Zahidi Mark Zaini Natasha Zakaria Ani Zakaryan Lamya Zakiuddin Lesly Zaldana Fahim Zaman Maria Zambrano Victoria Zamora America Zarate Helen Zarayan Hamideh Zare Nava Zarghani Dino Zarookian Adam Zarovski Asma Zarrougui Jallabi

Anthony Zarsange Nallely Zavalza Gayane Zazyan Timothy Zdanof Andrea Zelaya Maritza Zeledon Sean Zemlyak Josue Zepeda Yan May Zhang Zhiyi Zhou Bita Zibaeimoghadam Seth Zielicke Zeve Zilberberg Nathan Zilberman Brianna Zimmerman Arya Zokaie Nirel Zollelhyan Yasmin Zubair Ben Zuckerman Alondra Zuniga Rosalia Zuniga Kristy Zuniga Rivas Danielle Zvingler Marina Zykova

The farm is where the cool kids are


new herd of baby goats was born at the Pierce College farm. The farm hands isolated the smaller kids into the pens to be bottle-fed as they were delivered the weaker of the triplets.

Photos and copy by Tyler Hale.

BOTTOM LEFT: One of the bigger kids at the farm at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 1, 2024. TOP: Two kids in a basket at the farm at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 1, 2024. BOTTOM RIGHT: An adult chews straw while the kid looks for milk at the farm at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 1, 2024.

18 Photo Essay


Black History Month staff & faculty appreciation lunch Owen Meza-Vandermeer / Roundup News Psychology major Angel Nuñes (left) eats food with computer science major Robert Gomez-Cruz (right) during the Black History Month celebration lunch in the Multicultural Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.

Owen Meza-Vandermeer / Roundup News Attendee James Coleman (left) gets served food by Lisa Valdez and Kimberly Onaga (right) during the Black History Month celebration lunch in the Multicultural Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.


n Feb. 14, students and community m e m b e r s gathered in the Multicultural Center to celebrate Black History Month with food, music and conversation. “The reason we wanted to do this event was to honor and celebrate the Black staff and faculty on our campus,” Multicultural Center Coordinator Tatevik Melkumyan said. “The event was open to all Owen Meza-Vandermeer / Roundup News Undecided major Brenden Domingo and civil engineering major Aidan Callas eat food during the Black History Month celebration lunch in the Multicultural Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.

students, staff and faculty, but we really just wanted to honor and thank them for all of the work that they do throughout the year here.” Along with celebrating Black History Month, the lunch coincided with the first day of ASO Club Rush, so many students came by to enjoy a quick bite, to relax after walking around the Mall and to participate in the celebration.

Copy by Owen Meza-Vandermeer. Myraneli Fabian contributed to this story.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Photo Essay 19

ASO Club Rush

Karla Delgado / Roundup News (L to R) Mufaddal Rangoonwala, mechanical engineering major, and Ruqaiyah Nagarwala, Bioinformatics major, stop by to pet the farm animals that the Veterinary Science Club provides so students can get to know them and share a furry moment during Club Rush at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024. Myraneli Fabian / Roundup News Computer science major Alissa Perez demonstrates what testing fluids in the lab looks like during Club Rush at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024.

Veronica Rosas / Roundup News Film Major Noori Kahn does a henna tattoo during Club Rush at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024. “I hope students can find themselves through joining clubs within a community,”Kahn said.

Owen Meza-Vandermeer / Roundup News A container full of cigarette butts sits on a table for the Breathe Initiative Coalition while Koreatown Youth + Community Center representative Ian Panaroma speaks to attendees during Club Rush on the Mall at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024. “If you ever do like any cleanup on the beach, on campus, the number one thing you’re gonna find on the ground are cigarette butts because they’re just discarded anywhere and that’s also a reason why not to have designated smoking areas on campus, because if people are smoking on campus, if people know that you can smoke on campus, they’re more likely to just throw their butts wherever. Not just in the designated smoking area,” Breathe Initiative Coalition representative Jade Frank said.

Sports 20

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Pierce prevails in nail-biter against Antelope Valley Brahmas win home game with a score of 8-7 By Delilah Brumer News Editor


ierce College baseball pulled off an 8-7 win against Antelope Valley College on Tuesday. In a close and intense game, consistency was key for the Brahmas, according to Head Coach Bill Picketts. “I thought it was a game where we competed all nine innings,” Head Coach Bill Picketts said. “That’s exactly what I ask of them.” The Brahmas approached the

field on Tuesday with a season record of 1-5, while Antelope Valley Marauders arrived at Pierce’s Joe Kelly Field with a 6-1 win-loss record so far this season. These previous stats didn’t stop the Brahmas from giving the game their all—and the commitment paid off. “It’s good to play these games,” Picketts said. “We’ve recently had some rough games and I wanted to see how they handled it. Obviously with the win, they handled it great.” Tuesday’s game was mostly close from start to finish, with a 2-2 tie as of the end of the third

inning. In the fourth inning, the Brahmas scored four runs, propelling them to a total of six points with half the game to go. The Marauders scored one point. The standout fourth inning was due in part to third baseman Patrick Fernandez hitting a triple when he went up to bat. “That inning felt really, really good,” Fernandez said. “I’m glad that I helped the team. We brought it back and we brought it home.” In the fifth inning, the Marauders tallied three points, while the Brahmas scored two,

Benjamin Hanson / Roundup News Jayden Shim pitches during a game against the Antelope Valley Marauders at Joe Kelly Field at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 13, 2024.

bringing the score to 8-6. Competition throughout the rest of the game remained fierce, but the final innings proved to be low-scoring, with the Marauders picking up one point and the Brahmas not scoring any additional points. Picketts lauded the team’s consistently strong pitching as a key part of their path to success. Pitcher JJ Torrente took to the mound during the fifth, sixth and seventh innings. “It was all about believing in myself and my teammates,” Torrente said. “I was able to throw strikes and have the trust

Myraneli Fabian / Roundup News Head Coach Bill Picketts huddles on the field at the end of the second inning with the team against Antelope Valley at Joe Kelly Field at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 13, 2024.

Pirates build a lead over Brahmas

Men’s basketball lose to Pirates

Women’s basketball perseveres after loss

TOP RIGHT: Isiah Salim (#10) leads the ball against Vernon Henry (#1) during a game against Ventura College at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Feb. 14, 2024. The Brahmas lost 45-85.

By Tyler Hale Opinion Editor


he Brahmas played a home game against Ventura College on Valentine’s Day, and what started as a promising game for Pierce ended in victory for the Pirates with the final score at 54-74. The home team ended the first period with a comfortable lead of 16-10, but multiple rebounds plagued the second, giving the visitors a good turnaround at 2834. Point Guard Chassen Gutierrez, who held the team together—scoring the most points in the first half—credited the team for keeping things neckto-neck at the start. “It’s a team sport,” Gutierrez said. “Everyone played a part in the outcome we had in the first quarter. But then we didn’t have the best defensive game, which put us in the hole, and we weren’t able to get back out of that.” The Pirates were able to expand their lead with their three-point shots in the third quarter, with a

30 percent average overall. Power Forward Tijera Henry, who scored the most points the entire game, reflected how the team wanted to get even with the Pirates for their previous loss back in January. “We lost around by 20 the first time around and walked away with some injuries,” Henry said. “All of us tried to come together as a collective to do better our second time around.” Though the Brahmas made an effort to make a comeback with 34 rebounds, they could not keep pace with the Pirates. Head Coach Thara Innocent reflected on trying to keep the team together as the defense faltered. “I felt like we were trying to find our rhythm back in the second half,” Innocent said. “We tried to come back, but the hurt from the last three losses was there. All you can do is learn from this and keep moving forward.”

that the defense would make the outs for me.” Coming off of this early spring win, the Brahmas are looking to build momentum and turn around after a rocky start to the season, according to Picketts. “I’m just super happy we won,” Fernandez said. “The team is good but we just haven’t been working together well enough. Today we were able to come together and we fought for that win.”

BOTTOM RIGHT: GD Deng (#3) dribbles the ball against Beckham Rutherford (#13). BOTTOM LEFT: The Pierce basketball team listens to Head Coach Charles White.

Myraneli Fabian / Roundup News

Abraham Elizalde / Roundup News

Myraneli Fabian / Roundup News

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