Volume 114 Spring 2011 Roundup Issue 1

Page 2


President absent

Pierce College President, Kathleen Burke-Kelly, is filling the presidential vacancy at Los Angeles Mission College until a replacement is named.

As reported first on therounduponline.net in January, Burke-Kelly took over as acting president at Mission College Feb. 1, and is expected to remain there until April 1.

According to a press release from the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Chancellor’s office, her past experience as interim vice president of academic affairs at Mission from 2006 until 2007 made her an eligible candidate for the position.

“My plan is to be back [at Pierce] no later than April 1,” said BurkeKelly, in an interview with the Roundup earlier this year. “If the new president [at Mission] is not able to start in April then we will have to look into other options.”

Park Café suffers food shortage

to a decision,” said Kraus.

Pierce College’s Park Café hit a snag when Bruce’s Catering tendered their resignation weeks ago.

The College has been looking to replace the catering company since receiving two-week notice from its operators, but have been unsuccessful so far, according to Associate Vice President Larry Kraus.

“We are currently in talks with several catering companies but have yet to come

There is still food available on campus at the Freudian Sip and a hot dog stand near the Business building.

Many students are dreading the loss of the outdoor café.

“I hope that they get something here soon,” said Jennifer Hyde, a 23-year-old philosophy major. “I’m on campus all day on Mondays, and I hate having to leave to get food between classes.”

There were numerous reasons for the loss of the Café in the Park, most important of which was reportedly low sales

numbers, according to Kraus. Bruce’s Catering refused to comment.

“We are really just getting our feet wet with this whole thing,” said Kraus. “We thought more people would use the service.”

The construction plans for the new cafeteria are estimated to take upwards of two years.

“I just wish they’d hurry up,” said Jason Prepton, a 19-year-old music major. “I mean, I like the outside café alright, but the closer we get to summer the less I think I’m going to like it.”

Not all students on campus, however, are as disappointed with the loss of the catering truck as others.

“They weren’t very good,” said Jeremy Vandyke, a 30-year-old history major. “I’d rather eat the stale pizza at the [Freudian] Sip then eat off a roach coach.”

Larry Kraus hosted meetings with several catering companies on Monday Feb. 28, and a new catering service will be approved soon.


During Burk-Kelly’s term at Mission, former interim president Joy McCaslin has taken over the presidency at Pierce College.

“I collaborate with her on the issues [at Pierce],” said McCaslin. “It’s an enormous construction program, there are a thousand details and scheduling of classes.”

According to the Chancellor’s press release on the matter, McCaslin’s experience as an interim president has prepared her for this role.

“I will talk to Kathleen to make sure things go in the direction she wants,” said McCaslin in January.

Other faculty members fear for the duration of Burke-Kelly’s term at Mission.

“The fear is that this will drag on for more than two months,” said Debbie Swarens, a member of the Pierce College Council.

Black History Month closes with civil rights speech

In honor of Black History Month, the Associated Student Organization (ASO) sponsored an event featuring a speech from assistant professor of economics, James McKeever on the Civil Rights Movement.

The two-hour event took place inside the Great Hall, including food, games and prizes. McKeever talked about different issues such as education, incarceration, budget cuts, unions and inequality. He emphasized the importance of understanding that the Civil Rights Movement is equality for all, not just African Americans.

The speech, followed by a quick PowerPoint that read: “Not Brown Enough,” outlined President Obama’s negligence toward middle class America.

“Fuck Main Street and lets start thinking about Cesar Chavez Boulevard and Martin Luther King Drive,” said McKeever. “The only change we got is the change in our pockets.”

He went on to discuss the achievement of the Egyptian people, who overthrew their government in only 18 days. The breakthrough caused a lot of controversy around the world.

“How many days will it take you to restore your education system?” said McKeever, after alluding to an illusion of democracy in the minds of Americans.

Shahda Hashemi, a student at Pierce especially enjoyed McKeever’s speech.

“He talked about the Egyptian people.

It’s true, it’s their business if they want a Muslim leader,” said Hashemi.

The PowerPoint also presented a picture of McKeever’s son. He went on to share

the story of the first time he took his son to a rally and why it’s crucial to teach our youth about civil rights.

“Should children really know about this? Yes, we’re fighting for their future,” said McKeever.

Mayra Bocanegra/ Roundup mbocanegra.roundupnews@gmail.com

He then concluded with the importance of understanding racial inequality. He believes that in order to move beyond ‘black and white,’ we have to stop focusing on our differences, but rather look at our similarities in order to promote unity.

Students were able to ask questions and give their input at the end of the presentation.

The event ended with an invitation to eat and chances to win gift cards by playing trivia games covering topics like culture, arts, literature, figures and history.

therounduponline.net Woodland Hills, California Volume 114 - Issue 1 March 2, 2011
Students’ food options limited as Bruce’s Catering leaves campus
OUT WITH BRUCEʼS, IN WITH TATAS: Javier Perez hands over orders from students to cook inside the Tatas Catering truck, the newest vendor at the Park Café. Kevin
Jose Romero / Roundup
Reynolds/ Roundup
Madison Bell/Special to the Donna Rodriguez/ Roundup
drodriguez.roundupnews@gmail.com Roundup
Stephanie Pardo / Roundup
Economics instructor educates students on equality ROUNDUP BLOGS Photo Essay Page 6 Demolition of the Country Café. Check out “Whatʼs Next” by Sydney Grossman, managing editor. In her most recent entry Grossman discusses meeting Arianna Huffington of the L.A. Times. http://www.therounduponline.net/ ̶INSIDE SECTION ̶ One copy free, each additional copy 50¢
TRANSLATED IN ART: Student Maiqui Layaoenʼs painting stands outside the Great Hall in honor of Black History Month.

Pay up, or shut up

With limited funds students need to bow to fee hikes or stop crying

Pierce College is among the best community colleges in the country, but there is one thing many of its students refuse to learn.

In order to learn from certified experts in a school with modern equipment alongside approximately 22,000 other students, you have to pay for it, or at least that would make sense to sensible people.

This is where our student body starts to develop two popular, albeit ironic causes:

Most are expressly opposed to any fee increases on the horizon, but they don’t care for the lack of classes stemming from budget cuts either.

As inferred earlier, the money to support education has to come from somewhere, so the cost should naturally fall upon the consumer.

This is not entirely true, yet.

According to the Los Angeles Community College District’s (LACCD) finalized budget for 2010-11, Pierce accounts for more than $68 million of the district’s $452 million unrestricted general fund; within the district, Pierce is second only to East Los Angeles College.

The author of the aforementioned and publicly available budget was also kind and calculator savvy enough to confirm that, given our budget and enrollment figures, Pierce’s expenditure per full time equivalent student is

$3, 746.

Non-international full time students, smart money says you haven’t given the school over $3,000 this year.

As a matter of fact, the “other local” section of our school’s budget, which compiles student fees with other miscellaneous income from the community, only accounts for $17 million. (If every student pays equally, that would be less than $800 per student)

How much does the school receive from the federal government? $26 million. That’s almost as much as the University of Florida receives. ($37 million, in case you were wondering)

What kind of entitlement does it take to

—Letter from the EIC—

money used for the construction to each school in LACCD was wasted due to issues occurring with each project that had to inevitably be corrected?

These questions are important.

fight for fee stabilization when we aren’t even matching the already tight-belted Congress’ contribution, or even displacing the cost we represent to the school?

At this junction, you might be saying, “Well, it’s not my fault that my school spends more money on me than I give them.”

Well, it is in part the student population’s fault.

The LACCD budget is released prior to its relevant school year, so it is based primarily on appropriations, which are estimations based upon the previous year’s statistics.

Last year, the budget anticipated $24 million from Pierce’s local sector but only received a little over 80 percent of that. On top of that, the state of California shorted our school about $8 million.

These are all reasons that an eventual fee increase is inevitable; remember this marathon of statistics the next time someone’s petitioning on the Mall to prevent a fee increase or a friend complains about the myriad of budget cuts. Instead of carrying our own weight and actually earning our education like the meritocratic society we feign to be, community college students are acting like spoiled brats. You get what you pay for.

Make a difference

organizers, entrepreneurs and even University Professors.

The elected representatives will serve as part of our legislative body that will govern our city for the next four years.

It is important to educate ourselves about the people running for these positions in order to make the best decisions for our well-being.

Voting helps voice our opinions and beliefs and can help us elect a leader who shares our same views and values.

Mayra Bocanegra / Roundup

With the March 2011 Primary Nominating Elections quickly approaching, residents of Los Angeles are urged to register to vote.

In the past, voter turnouts have been very low and this time around it is beneficial for all residents to register and exercise their right to choose a representative.

By voting, you become part of a contribution to help our society.

When you don’t vote, you are giving up one of the most important rights you have in this country. You are basically allowing other people to make decisions for you, some which you might not even agree with. This election will cover the race for seven city council chairs, which include Los Angeles Unified School District and Community Colleges Boards. The elections will also include 10 measures regarding pensions, restrictions on campaign contributions and a “tax imposement” for medical marijuana.

Among the 52 candidates, are current community

Many people think that there is no real point in voting due to the mistakes of past leaders.

However, voting for a new term allows you to make a change for your city’s future and help build new plans and projects for our city.

Take the City of Bell’s salary controversy scandal in 2010 for example. Bell City officials were caught receiving huge salaries, while the city faced high property taxes.

The investigations also found voter fraud in the municipal elections and other irregularities under the council.

People became leery after the scandal, that is why it’s crucial for everyone to cast their vote and let their voice be heard. Serving our civic responsibility will allow us to maintain people in our council who have honest and loyal ideas for our communities.

With critical and life changing measures on the table, we have many more tough decisions to make. These measures could impact our lifestyles in such a manner that could either have a positive or negative effect on the different aspects of our lives.

The last day to register to vote for the March 2011

Primary Nominating Elections is Feb. 22, 2011.


It’s our campus, it’s our problem.

Just as the budgets available to California Community Colleges and our campus itself continues to change all around us, so does the staff of the Roundup in time for the spring semester.

With a new and returning team of writers, photographers and editors our goal is to provide the student body and faculty with the most up-to-date news concerning Pierce College.

We are committed to providing our readers with an in depth look into the beautification projects around campus, Los Angeles Community College District decisions, any breaking news requiring immediate attention and options for food (now that the Country Café has been demoed).

We, at the Roundup encourage you to ask questions and rely on us to provide you with enough knowledge to formulate your own answers.

Where is our college president?

Do you know that she is currently the acting president at our sister school, Los Angeles Mission College?

How much is the construction around campus costing and where is the money coming from?

Did you know that much of the

Not only will we be addressing the aforementioned, but while doing so we will act as a safe collected space to question those in authority who steer our learning opportunities and the goals we dream of accomplishing here.

In addition to news the Roundup covers arts & entertainment events, showcase interesting things and people on campus, cover Brahma sports and give recognition to everyone that makes a difference at Pierce.

Our online website is updated daily with photos, multimedia, new stories, while the print edition is provided exclusively to Pierce College on Wednesday mornings.

It is our hope that we can assist in making each student more knowledgeable of what is going on around them in the place where they spend the majority of their time.

Students at the college level should take concern and be informed in what is directly affecting their education. The more informed we are, the better we are able to change what we are dissatisfied with to improve our situations, and the stronger our desire is to do so.

This campus has so much to offer its students, more than what you may know is available to you.

Our commitment is to bring these opportunities to your attention to improve your careeer here at Pierce.

We welcome any thoughts and opinions in letters to the editor, which we run weekly in either print or online.


Voting is a hype


When voting for some candidates people look at the looks and race, also how that candidate motivates them. They ignore what the candidates have proposed to the country.

People will vote depending on situations, but they always say after they vote that “it was a waste of time” and does not help them with their every day life.

“It’s a trick that make us feel more powerful,” said Pierce College student Jarrod Kenney.

Most people are misinformed, and they vote just to feel like they’re a part of something.

By logic it is hustle - people registering, updating. Information takes time and money.

At the end what happens?

People are urged to vote when elections approach, but with what purpose?

Is it just to vote for change? Or just to participate? Or is it just for the hype of it?

Most likely, that is how most people end up, overhyped and somewhat fooled because does voting have a radical effect?

I’m afraid not.

Voting is a futuristic action and people might be voting for an illusion.

Voting takes affect when people have the same position, not when people vote against a company that has millions of dollars and most important-

Do the people elected fix the bumpy road or do they just make a bunch of promises they can’t keep?

I think it’s just a bunch of politicians making promises they can’t keep.

After all, the modern vote is more like an opinion and some topic that gives people something to talk about and not to act about.

Once candidates win and take their respective position, they go into a power-trip and all their promises go out the door.

In the words of Kanye West, “no one man should have all that power.”


ROUNDUP: March 2 2011 OUNDUP: March 2, 2011 Opinion 2 Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Web site: www.therounduponline.net E-mail: roundupnews@earthlink.net Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is noon Thursday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published ROUNDUP OUNDUP Editor in chief Kat Mabry Managing Editor ........Sydney Grossman Opinion Editor ..................Bryan Melara News Editor ..........................Travis Vail Features Editor.................Coburn Palmer A&E Editor ...........................James Hermon Sports Editor............................Mark Gillman Photo Editor..............................................UD Online Editor...........................Joe Kukuczka Multimedia Editor.....Victor Stephen Kamont Advisers................................. Amara Aguilar .................................... Jill Connelly ................................... Stefanie Frith .......................................Rob O’Neil Advertising Manager...................Julie Bailey [For advertising call Julie at (818) 710-2960] as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof. Photographers: Emad Abbasi Tatia Calhoun Crystal Endless John Gutierrez Sever Koutianov Evan Lipton Cesar Monge Stephanie Pardo Jose Romero Rick Rose David Schub Devon Trammell Reporters: Alexis Antoniadis Mayra Bocanegra Rodrigo Carbonel Nelger Carrera Fanny Cano Dan Cromar Cynthia Garcia Michaia Hernandez Tracy Hernandez Sienna Jackson Navid Khoi Sage Lynn Eduardo Razo Julian Reyes Lorrie Reyes Kevin Reynolds Donna Rodriguez Melody Soto Donny Urrutia —EDITORIAL—
Nelger Carrera / Roundup

LACCD Chancellor speaks out against Los Angeles Times articles

Six part series on the Build LACCD program draws criticism

The Los Angeles Times has published the first two installments of what will become a six-part investigative piece on mismanagement and wasteful spending by the Los Angeles Community College District’s roughly $6 billion Build LACCD program. The Build program is responsible for the ongoing renovations of the Pierce College campus and its eight sister schools in the LACCD system.

Pierce College received at least $290 million from Proposition A (passed in 2001) and AA (2003) for the renovation of existing structures, according to a 2010 report from the Pierce College Bond Oversight Committee.

LACCD Chancellor Daniel

J. LaVista released a formal

statement yesterday about the Times investigation, calling the series “sensationalist.”

“The timing is suspect, and the reporting is one-sided. So far, we are sorely disappointed,” said LaVista. “While the Times notes that half the $6 billion is still to be spent and there is time to “correct” things, I say to the Times that with only two articles published, there is an even better opportunity to correct their sensationalist tone and one-sided and biased reporting.”

The $6 billion in funding comes to the LACCD in the form of bonds passed from measures and propositions passed by Los Angeles voters in the last decade, with spending managed by the civilian Bond Oversight Committee.


Build LACCD breakdown:

• Current expenditure: $2,933,331,631

• Remaining budget: $3,179,692,099

• Expected completion: 2014

Bond Committee meeting schedule:

• Thursday, March 24, 4:00 p.m.

• Thursday, June 23, 4:00 p.m.

• Thursday, September 22, 4:00 p.m.

• Thursday, December 15, 4:00 p.m.

Pierce forms its first robotics club

Club members are gearing up for an upcoming competition with CSUN

They met in a workshop and began assembling their machines; machines that would end up climbing, scooping and running without human assistance.

The Pierce College VEX Robotics team met again Friday to work on their robot, which they hope will defeat the CSUN robot in the upcoming competition.

The team is new to the college and was created this semester after many Pierce students who had attended high schools with robotics teams got together to continue their passion. There are robotics teams in schools ranging from elementary school Lego robots to computerized metal robots made by high school students.

“It replaces a lot of educational opportunities that

Construction to close Mason Street

Academic Senate opts for new walkway for pedestrian safety

The Pierce College Academic Senate confirmed during a meeting Monday that a section of Mason Street will be closed to allow for construction of a new student walkway.

A plan has already been approved to close Mason Street between Olympic Drive and El Rancho Drive in order to build a student walkway in its place, providing a safer path for students to go between classes when the proposed construction in that area finishes.

“The closing of that part of Mason Street will start at the end of the spring semester,” said Academic Senate President Tom Rosdahl. “Most campuses’ traffic goes in a circular way and the college goes in the middle of that circle, cars shouldn’t be in the middle of the circle.”

According to Rosdahl, the main reason for the closing of Mason Street is the construction of new buildings in that area. This section of Pierce will have a second building for the Auto Center and a Green Technology building which will feature architecture, environmental technology and

pre-engineering courses.

The closing of the intersection will also address the problem of non-students using El Rancho Drive to cut through Mason Street, making traffic more dangerous for students.

“It is a terrible idea; nothing is going to make traffic safer than bringing more traffic controllers,” said Hovik Ishkhanyan, a 24-year-old business major. “Closing down the street is not going to make traffic safer, it is just going to make the other streets worse.”

This would make students who enter campus through Mason Street turn right onto Olympic Drive, then left into Parking Lot 8, left at El Rancho Drive, and a right onto Mason Street before finally ascending the Art Hill.

“As long as it slows down drivers and it reduces accidents, it’s a good thing,” said Christian Espinoza, a 21-year-old engineering major.

This is part of the Pierce College’s renovation master plan, which will be going on approximately until the spring semester of 2013, according to Academic Senate officials.


aren’t there any more,” said Ray Straub, vice president and founding member. “Kids can bend things, wire motors and break things.”

Building robots helps promote science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.

After graduating high school, the students found they no longer had an outlet for their hobby.

Ray Straub joined Club President James Azmoun and founding members Neil Shore and Joseph Su to create the first Pierce College robotics team.

The team paid the $1,500 start-up fee to join VEX and started planning their robot.

There are 13 roster members in this brand new club, with more joining all the time, like Angel Bernal.

“I’ve always been into building remote control cars,” said Bernal. “I discovered I had

a talent for being creative.”

Rules for building the robots are the same year-to-year, but the competition changes yearly to promote creativity.

The robots compete in a field that is 12 square feet, with two robots on opposing teams running at any given time.

There is an autonomous round in which the robots operate by themselves from student written computer programs using Easy C, a computer programming language; and an operator round in which students control their robots.

Each team will build their robots using only parts from VEX.

The robots will start out no larger than 18 inch cubes, using no more than 10 motors, 10 rubber bands, and two feet of Velcro.

They are also not allowed to pin opposing robots, or leave

pieces of themselves on the field.

This year, the robots will score points by picking up rings and putting them on posts and by climbing ladders. There will be a robotics competition against CSUN and other colleges on April 2 at CSUN.

The club meets in the CNA lab room 3808 Tuesdays from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., and Friday’s from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Anyone seeking to learn more is encouraged to attend a meeting or email the club president at jamesazmoun91@ gmail.com

“You have to be willing to destroy what you create,” said Azmoun.


ASO plans March in March and Club Rush

Tracy Hernandez / Roundup

The Club Council met in the Great Hall Monday to discuss current activities the Associated Student Organization (ASO) will be having soon, including a rally against budget cuts and Club Rush.

ASO advisor Brad Saenz oversaw the meeting and announced that the ASO is organizing a rally on campus. The clubs will not only meet to protest the impending fee increase, but there will also be a debate between professors.

“Even though they have not settled on a date, there is a 90 percent chance it will happen because they have March 14 in mind and its getting close,” said Saenz.

The meeting also discussed the Club Rush, which will

be taking place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in an effort to recruit new members in clubs on campus. There will also be a dessert contest between clubs during the Club Rush. Winner of the first prize will receive $250 to the club’s account. The runnerup will receive $100. Some clubs in the meeting did not sound enthusiastic regarding the Club Rush because it will be very hectic. Saenz announced they do not have enough tables. There are 25 clubs, but they only have 10 to 15 tables and two tents. Club Rush will take place on the Mall, and it is open to all Pierce College students.


ROUNDUP March 2 2011 OUNDUP: March 2, 2011 News 3
Sienna Jackson/ Roundup Coburn Palmer/ Roundup
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Auto Tech goes green

Grants help the department in gaining new certifications

ing purposes.

Going to and fro

The Pierce shuttle is here for you

If you’re taking performing arts classes this semester, then you’ve probably seen a brand-new-looking, white bus making its way around the vicinity.

The Pierce College Campus Shuttle, which operates continuously Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., gives free rides to students who are having difficulty getting around campus.

“We’re here so you guys don’t have to walk the expanse of the hill to get to your classes,” said 31-yearold Rigo Salgado, who drives the shuttle for the evening shift.

The shuttle’s route is concentrated on the area between the Equestrian Center and the Performing Arts buildings.

Because there aren’t any designated stops for the shuttle, it’s able to pick students up and drop them off anywhere along the route.

“When I can, I try to take the students directly to where their cars are parked,” said Salgado. “It can get dangerous for them to walk to their cars alone, especially late at night.”

The shuttle is also equipped with a lift for wheelchair-users.

Rick Smith, who takes over the shuttle for the morning shift, encourages students to take advantage of this service.

“I don’t understand why there aren’t more people using the shuttle,” said the 47-year-old parttime limo driver. “It’s basically a free ride to get to your classes.”

Architecture major Kamran Zarrin admits that he sees the shuttle often, but he usually prefers to walk around. “It’s so much more convenient, though,” he said after trying it out for the first time. “I’ll definitely start using it from time-to-time.”

Pierce just started working with SMS Transportation Services, Inc., the transportation service provider that owns the shuttle, this semester.

“We have a three-year, allsemester contract with the school,” said transport coordinator Armand Hamzai.

According to Associate Vice President Larry Kraus, it costs an approximate $37 hourly to keep the shuttle running.

“The shuttle should definitely be advertised more,” said Zarrin. “It’s a really good service.”

The Pierce College Auto Tech Department has been making strives to keep with the times and educate students to work with new alternative fuel vehicles.

In the automotive fabrication class they have converted a 1974 Volks Wagon Bug into an electric car.

The students and teachers removed the original gas motor and replaced it with an in-class manufactured motor.

There are nine batteries now powering the old classic.

Next they plan on converting a Scion XP into an electric car, according to Tom Rosdahl instructor of automotive service tech and faculty advisor.

They have also received two new Norwegian Kewet electric vehicles that were donated to the department.

They have also purchased two new alternative fuel Hondas, a Civic CNG natural gas vehicle and a Civic hybrid.

Both new vehicles will be used in the new Hybrid vehicle service and safety class and Intro to alternative fuels.

The Auto Tech department has recently become an official Snap-on Certification Center.

The first certification courses will be offered in March.

The school now gets a 50 percent discount on all Snap-on products.

The Automotive department used federal grant money to purchase $200 thousand worth of Snap-on equipment for train-

“The most popular new course is the Solus training course,” said Tom Fortune Chairman of Industrial Technology. “Of course the most important pre-existing course is still the AST 1 engines course.”

The Solus pro is a scan tool for diagnostic checks on engine systems.

It is the most common scan tool found in auto repair shops, according to Rosdahl.

Pierce will also provide training on the Modis Pro and Verus scan tools which are the more expensive and advanced models.

“This is one of the best automo-

tive departments in L.A.,” said Kenny Leavitt a 29-year-old automotive major and campus book store employee. “It’s really given me opportunities and the Snap-on discount is great.”

An estimated $18 million will be spent as part of the construction on campus for a 20-thousand square foot addition and repairs and re-modeling of the existing building.

There will be three new labs, an alternative fuel lab, emissions lab, and a hybrid electric cars lab according to Rosdahl.

The new proposed building plans go along with the plans to

alter the roadways on campus. The plans are for the building to be located across Mason Avenue from the existing building with the blocked off part of the street becoming a new driveway between buildings.

Classes in the department are one of the most impacted programs at Pierce and have filled up quickly.

“My advise to student’s interested is sign up early show up the first day and don’t be late,” said Fortune.


Keeping us healthy

The Student Health Center gives free medical care to registered students, regardless of insurance. It is located in the second floor of the Student Services building and operates from MondayThursday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

“The rule of thumb here at the Student Health Center is: if we put something in you or take out of you, there will be an additional cost,” said Beth Benne director of the Health Center. Three clinical services are offered: health clinic, psychological counseling and nutrition counsel-

ing.Appointments are recommended, but they serve walk-ins as well.

Benne is in the process of hiring a third psychologist so that one will be available 30 hours per week for students who need more time with the psychologist.

“Students come in and set up appointments; they are not nervous or scared when they come in,” said Gema Mora, a nursing major who also works at the Student Health Center.

The center is for the students benefits. They are both informed and helpful when it comes to answering questions or solving problems.

“For people who have never visited or made an appointment at the health center, I will make it worth your while,” said Benne. “I

can easily give students $11 worth of free condoms.”

The health center is planning to do an outreach for AIDS/HIV Awareness Week from March 21 to 24.

For the full story, visit www. therounduponline.net.

ROUNDUP: March 2 2011 OUNDUP: March 2, 2011 Features 4
I can easily give students $11 worth of free condoms.
-Beth Benne Director of Student Health Center Michaia Hernandez
Roundup mhernandez.roundupnews@gmail.com Eduardo
Razo/ Roundup
erazo.roundupnews@gmail.com Kevin Reynolds/
Endless/ Roundup CHECKUP: A nurse practitioner at the Pierce Student Healh Center consults with student Pegah Malekaninejad about treatment options and a wellness plan.
Jose Romero / Roundup SHUTTLE: Pierce College Campus Shuttle bus drivers Rigo Salgado and Rick Smith pose next to the shuttle before switching off for the day. Jose Romero / Roundup
TOnline Registration Begins April 5 Summer Session 2011 is for you if you are a: Summer Session Dates
GREENER: Instructional-Aid Manuel Garcia points out electric batteries on a Red 1977 Volkswagen that Pierce students have converted into an electric Green Technology vehicle.
The course list is available at http://tsengcollege.csun.edu/summer.html, with additional courses listed as they become accessible. Pierce.SumSess1.4p.indd

ʻStar of the LA Windsʼ returning on Friday

The 100-piece band will cap an evening before heading to Europe this summer

he Los Angeles Pierce Symphonic Winds performed at the Pierce College Performing Arts building Sunday at 1 p.m., with an encore performance at 4.

The annual performance, “Stars of the LA Winds,” featured several solo performances by members of the 100-piece ensemble, set to the music of composers like Michael Kibbe (“Vulcan’s Hammer”) and Scott McAllister (“Freebirds”).

“This is a great ensemble to work with,” said Winds director and conductor Stephen Piazza.

Piazza has worked as a conductor since the early 1970’s, becoming a member of the Pierce music department in 1978.

From what was originally the school’s marching band that played during sporting events, Piazza reshaped the wind band program into an international orchestra.

The Winds’ next European tour will visit France and Luxembourg.

“This show is our way of showcasing talented Los Angeles composers and performers, and making their work open to the community,” said Piazza.

The show opened with a guest performance by The Collective, a group of professional musicians from the ensembles including the LA Opera and Philharmonic, led by conductor Anthony Parnther.

It was their inaugural performance according to Parnther as he spoke to the auditorium of nearly 150 students, families and seniors from around the community.

“It’s a bunch of colleagues who love to get together and make music,” Parnther said during rehearsal earlier that day. “You don’t see that so often these days, musicians making music for music’s sake.”

Piazza briefly discarded his dinner jacket for a floral T-shirt after the intermission, and played a quick-paced clarinet duet with fellow clarinetist Helen Goode based on the song “Freebird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

The song, “Freebirds” by Scott McAllister, was true to the source of inspiration; with red backlighting and rock n’ roll spirit, and clarinets in place of Johnny Van Zant.

The show closed with a medley of music composed by Edward Gregson for the National Shakespeare Company, interspersed with snatches of William Shakespeare’s plays narrated by Robert Joles.

“I love [and] live theater,” said Encore student and volunteer Helen Etting.

Etting, a Van Nuys resident, volunteers at West Valley College and Pierce in the theater departments, handing out programs and faithfully watching every show.

“I look forward to it every time,” Etting said as she clasped her hands together. “I love the theater. We’re so lucky to have such beautiful music right here in the valley.”

More about the Winds

• LA Winds’ next Pierce performance will be Friday March 4, at 6:30 p.m. This evening concert will showcase the talents of local high school students, culminating in a performance by the LA Winds ensemble.

• Free admission

• Where: PAB

• Phone: 818 719-6476

• For more information, visit The Los Angeles Pierce Symphonic Winds webpage at www.lawinds.org.

Noon concert series kicks off with Paris-trained violinist

ASO sponsors 14 free shows on Thursdays at 12:45 p.m. in the PAB

Former UCLA graduate student violinist, returned to Pierce College for her third performance in the Dow Arena Theater this afternoon.

Ji Young An performed selections from composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, Canzonetta Andante, Allegro vivacissimo by P. I. Tchaikovsky and Allemande Lento Maestro by Eugene Ysaye.

An graduated from the Paris National Conservatory of Music and Dance, and earned her master’s in Violin Performance at UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music.

“I’ve been playing the violin for approximately seventeen years,”

said An.

An also plays the piano and her favorite artist is Jazz musicians Bill Evans.

“She is a very talented musician,” said Stephanie Repreza, Nursing major.

An has performed in many countries such as France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

Described as a passionate chamber musician, Young An has studied with Ysaye Quartet, RegisPasquier, Itamar Golan, and Mihaela Martin.

She won UCLA’s All Star competition and performed at Poeme in 2010.

James Lent, who earned his doctorate in Musical Arts from Yale’s school of Music played the

I’ve been playing the violin for approximately seventeen years.

-Ji Young An Professional violinist

piano that accompanied An’s violin performance.

Lent is a prizewinner of the National Chopin Piano Competition, the New York Concert Artist Guild Competition, and the Washington International Competition.

George Burga, biochemistry major, attended the concert and agreed, “she is a really good musician.”

Concert Dates

3/3 Thomas Harte- double bass

3/10 Virtuoso Music for the violin

3/17 Pierce Student Concert

3/24 Brad Dutz/Chris Wabich

3/31 No Concert

4/7 Arnold Schoenberg

4/14 UCLA Camarades


4/28 Kanae Matsumotopiano

5/5 Christian Nova-voice, Francis Garvey- piano

5/12 Ambrose Aubrum-violin

5/19 Music of Persia

5/26 Pierce Student Concert

the piece[s],” said Horn. “I don’t like to express ideas, I don’t like to tell people what to think.”

In a recent speaker series event Stephen Horn spoke about his inspirations, past, motivations and love for surfing at the Pierce College Art Building Feb. 24.

Ceramicist and Cal State Fullerton graduate, Horn lectured on his exhibit entitled “Off the Beaten Path” prior to a reception in the art gallery featuring his work.

“I hope people are drawn into

Horn finds inspirations from the works of artists like Pablo Picasso, Robert Motherwall, and especially the “Mad Potter of Biloxi,” George Ohr.

According to Horn, his work has a strong Japanese influence with strong attention to the Japanese aesthetic of appreciating the natural flaws found in artwork.

“The way he uses different

pieces and puts them together to make one of those beautiful abstract objects its interesting,” said Carolina Gonzalez, a 24-yearold business major. “I enjoyed the experience.”

The exhibit will remain open through March 15.

RU online? For the complete story and images on the exhibit, visit http://www.therounduponline. net/a-e.

ROUNDUP: March 2 2011 OUNDUP: 2, Arts & Entertainment 5
Rick Rose / Roundup MID-PERFORMANCE: Violinist Ji Young An plays Tchaikofskyʼs music at Pierce College afternoon concert series on Feb. 24.
Rodrigo Carbonel/ Roundup rcarbonel.roundupnews@gmail.com Nelger Carrera/ Roundup ncarrera.roundupnews@gmail.com Join the Opinionation Get paid for your opinion! Facts ‘n Figures is looking for people of all ages to join our database. Visit our website at www.Factsnfiguresinc.com; click: join our database Follow the prompts-it’s that easy!! For information call 818 986 6600 At National University, we know you can’t sit in class all day or lock yourself in a library –you’ve got work, family, and friends. You’re transferring because you want to finish your degree and move on into a new career. National University makes that possible with. . . 800.NAT.UNIV getinfo.nu.edu/transfer Transferring? Finish School YOUR Way! NATIONAL UNIVERSITY® >> Streamlined admissions >> No enrollment fee >> Flexible scheduling >> Unique one-course-per-month format >> Scholarship programs SHERMAN OAKS CAMPUS 14724 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 801 • 818.817.2460 LOS ANGELES CAMPUS 5245 Pacific Concourse Drive, Suite 100 • 310.662.2000 Clay leads to ʻOff the Beaten Pathʼ
T/ Roundup sjackson.roundupnews@gmail.com

Another one bites the dust...

Rubble and dust settling after demolition of the Country Cafe

The Country Café is the latest in a long list of older structures being systematically destroyed in order to make way for newer, more technologically advanced buildings across Pierce College.

As more of the old campus falls in the path of progress, the Pierce community recalls 60 years of service, education and social interaction within the walls of the cafeteria.

Over half a century in the making, the Country Café now looks more like ground zero. —UD/ Roundup

ROUNDUP: March 2 2011 OUNDUP: March 2, 2011 Photo Essay 6
UD / Roundup
CRUSHING: Piles of rubble litter the area surrounding the Pierce Country Café on Feb. 28 as construction crews demolish the building to make way for a new library complex, slated to open in 2014. PhotosbyJoeKukuczkaandUD

Tale of the taped Trainers go above and beyond the call of duty


During the Brahma softball rebuilding process, this infielder / pitcher has been arguably the team’s most valuable player. The 5’6” freshman as of last week was leading the WSC conference in batting average (.478), and in home runs (3)., and second in RBI’s (8).


Ryan Santhon, a southpaw is no stranger to big games. With a style comparable to former major leaguer Tom Glavine, Santhon dominates the strike zone with three plus pitches. This was evident when the team ace threw eight innings of quality baseball, limiting regional powerhouse Santa Ana College to only two earned runs.

Miss Jackson is for real. The combo guard from Chatsworth High School led the WSC conference in scoring this season (28.6 points per game), for the 18-11 Brahmas. The team lost in the first round of the regional playoffs to Chaffey College, 81-76.

REST-UP: Athletic Trainer Leonard Ramirez instructs the various athletes while they wait to be treated in the Pierce College training room

Navid Khoi/ Roundup

Trainers are arguably one of the most important assets to a team, they help heal an injury and to prevent an injury, and they are without question the unsung heroes of the team.

This group of individuals are responsible for the care and well being of almost all of the Pierce college athletic teams, making sure they stay fit and healthy through an entire season.

“An athletic trainer is extremely

valuable to a team,” said assistant head coach of Pierce College’s football team Jason Sabolic. “They help prepare the athletes better on a one on one basis, to get them ready to play.”

The man in charge of the football team agrees.

“A trainer is very vital to our team,” Pierce Head Football Coach Efrain Martinez said. “Without trainers our team would have a lot of injuries and that makes my job much harder on me.”

Shari Sipka is just one of the trainers that make the job for a player and a coach much easier by making sure everyone is ready to go to battle in their respective sport; but yet their staff never gets the credit for how much they mean to a team.

“Trainers absolutely do not get the credit they deserve,” Sabolic said.

However, Head Coach Martinez disagrees with the notion that trainers don’t get the credit they deserve, having had plenty of interaction with the training staff being that football is a contact sport.

“At our school the trainers get the credit they deserve, having such good teams like girls volleyball and soccer, I think people see what they do to help

the teams, so yes I think they do,” Martinez said.

To become a trainer you need a minimum of at least your bachelors degree, but a masters is recommended. The field for a trainer is slowly starting to expand, giving a trainer more options for areas to work in other than just sports related. Job prospects should be good in both the healthcare industry and in high schools, but competition is expected for positions with professional and college sports teams.

“Trainers are kind of like teachers, they’re teachers of the muscle group and fundamentals,” Sabolic said.

All in all, Pierce College’s behind-the-scenes Generals are helping to ensure the school’s various athletic programs experience as much success as possible, both in the win column, and in the medical room.



ROUNDUP March 2 2011 OUNDUP: March 2, 2011 Sports 7
Jose Romero / Roundup ICED-DOWN: Pierce Womenʼs Volleyball player Lindsey Karamoto has a ice pack wrapped around her leg by Athletic Trainer Leonard Ramirez Jose Romero / Roundup Photos by: UD and Joe Kukuczka Compiled by Mark Gillman
T E N N I S TENNIS Thursday, Mar. 3 vs. Glendale S W I M M E ET SWIM MEET Friday, Mar. 4 vs. Santa Monica BA SE BA L L BASEBALL Saturday, Mar. 5 vs. Bakersfield BA SE BA L L BASEBALL Tuesday, Mar. 8 vs. Valley M E N S VOL L E Y BA L L MEN”S VOLLEYBALL Wednesday, Mar. 9 vs. Santa Barbara Encino, Irvine and West LA Graduate Campuses The Pepperdine Advantage · Lead the way by adding the prestige of Pepperdine University to your resumé · Complete your bachelor’s degree in two years with evening and weekend classes, and earn your MBA in as little as one additional year · Transfer to Pepperdine’s Graziadio School with a minimum of 60 lower-division units · Guaranteed admission through TAG community college partnerships Learn more by attending an upcoming Information Session Encino Campus: March 8 & March 23 bschool.pepperdine.edu Master the leader in you. The Bachelor of Science in Management

The Brahma softball team showing signs of life

The Pierce College women’s softball 2011 season has begun, and the team is trying to turn the corner after last season’s 0-17-1 record in the Western State Conference (WSC) and 0-31-1 overall.

The Brahmas have started the season 4-8, already surpassing their win total from last season and a half. Up until their first victory over Santa Monica College, the club hadn’t won a game since April of 2009. This season the Brahmas have 16 new players and four returning starters from last year’s squad.

“Messy,” is the word Heather Krahling used to describe last season’s team and play. “It started from the inside, we broke down, there was no chemistry, and bad leadership.”

New assistant coach Danny Moore is one of the reasons the team has turn the corner.

“We owe everything to him,” Krahling said.

Krahling is the team’s top pitcher with a pitching record of 4-2, and a 4.09 Earned Run Average.

in home runs with six, and second with in RBIs with 35.

“Sure we have won four games, but we want to get better every game,” said Grennan on the season so far. “Looking back, that we exceeded our win total and we turned into a solid ball club will be a successful season.”

Whatʼs Next?

The Fall 2010 semester featured many stellar athletes. Each of the three teams won their conference outright, and enjoyed a vast amount of post-season success. These 33 student-athletes contributed to his or her team’s accomplishments, and have signed scholarships to compete at the next level.


Clinton Granger, QB

Ty Harris, WR

Clifford Johnson, CB

Damon Julian, WR

Isaiah Vaughn, FS

Brandon Reeves, LB

Franky Anaya, DL

Kenny Davis, WR

Ryan Middleton, CB

Aldain Barham, CB

Kourtney Bennett, DL

Michael Hodeib, DL

Daniel Riley, DL

Kiyle Playter, FB

Chris Berens, OL

Brandon Hammond, OL

Josh Harmon, FS

Daniel Lopez, RB

Jonathan Tinajero, FS

Daniel Berhe, WR


Temple University

Temple University

Southern Miss.



UT-San Antonio

UT-San Antonio

Portland State

Southwest Baptist

Duquesne University

Southwest Baptist

The team’s top hitter is newcomer Andrea Sixtos, who is in the top five in batting in the WSC Gold with a .478 average to compliment the three homeruns and eight RBI’s.

Along with assistant coach Moore is Jeff Peterson, both joining head coach Pat Grennan this season.

“A lot more hitting and two new coaches,” said Grennan are the reasons the team has improved.

As of now the Lady Brahmas’ are atop the WSC Gold with a batting average of .335, tied for first

His players seem to feel the same. The attitude amongst the team toward achieving a common goal feels contagious throughout the dugout bench and between the white lines.

“I’ve learned a lot. I came from playing high school softball and have gotten better with the coaches help,” said Jessica Mejia a newcomer and standout utility player. “We get along and work together, we are a small family of sisters.”

The Brahmas’ next game will be at home Saturday versus the College of the Desert, which will be a doubleheader starting at 12:00 p.m.


Linard Williams, WR

Mike Costleigh, LB

Joseph Franzo, DL

Erica Vangness

Briana Behrad

Ani Eishoei

Marissa Graska

Samantha Tan Nicole Jovel Erica Ceja

Women ’ s Socc e r Women’s Soccer

—Women’s Volleyball—

Samantha Potter

Women ’ s Volle yball

Theodora Papadopoulos

ROUNDUP: March 2 2011 OUNDUP: March 2, 2011 Sports 8
Eduardo Razo/ Roundup
University Morehouse College Lindenwood University Adams State
College Sterling College Sterling College Menlo College Benedictine College
Mary’s College
State Dominguez Hills
State Dominguez Hills
State Dominguez Hills Cal Stae LA Menlo College
Dakota State
of West Texas A&M
Sarah Martin
University of Hawaii at Hilo University
“Sure we won four games, but we want to get better every game” -Pat Grennan Pierce Softball Head Coach
the corner Upcom i ng sof tba l l ga mes: Upcoming softball games: Saturday, Mar. 5 vs. College of the Desert 12 / 2:00 p.m. (DH) Tuesday, Mar. 8 vs. Chaffey College 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Mar. 10 vs. Alan Hancock 1 / 3:00 p.m. (DH) Juan A. Gutierrez / Roundup OPTIMISTIC: The cool cloudy day sets the tone at the softball teams spring training session at Pierce College.
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Photos by
and Joe Kukuczka

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