2 minute read

Column: Going too far (Pro)

Police had right to pepper spray UC Davis protesters

Shannon Ma / Roundup

Everyday it seems like citizens are finding new reasons to gather in large groups to protest for a cause they believe in. Which is great, to an extent.

The problem with a lot of these so called organized sit-ins, is that they are not very organized at all.

Most of these demonstrators lack a core message that all of their participants agree on and they tend to fail at properly informing the public and authorities about what they are protesting about.

How is sitting in a tent going to solve that when I could be going to school or getting a job that will help work me away from that?

The students who were engaging in a non-violent sit in were asked by police officers to move out of a pathway.

These students weren’t shot and they weren’t graphically brutalized. They were pepper-sprayed.

The purpose of the sit-in was to protest against the rising cost of tuition, a very admirable and important message to send. But when were they going to move?

Students need to understand that as citizens, we have to reasonably comply with authorities who,are just trying to maintain peace and order for the community as a whole.

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