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ASO president answers questions

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Scrambling around

Scrambling around

Associated Students Organization (ASO) President Gabriel Mellibosky on representing Pierce College’s student body, organizing the Oct. 26 rally against budget cuts, and staying on top of it all.

Calvin Alagot / Roundup

Q: ASO, Pierce College's student-run government, is often referred to as our students' "voice." What concerns do we have as a growing college community?

A: As of now, our concerns are the budget cuts, fee increase, and cuts in financial aid. Financial items, but the biggest one I think are the budget cuts, because once you get a class cut it's gone. You just can't go.

Q: What services does ASO provide the students of our campus?

A: We are the voice of the students, as you said. So anything that the students need representation on, we are the people to come to, which most students don’t know. I have tons of meetings with professors and administrators where I can bring up any problem that the students are facing. We also do the organizing of events here on campus; we do the fun stuff for students. Without ASO we wouldn’t have any events on campus, because the clubs are ASO. We wouldn’t have anything entertaining to do other than just, maybe, playing sports for the school. Otherwise we would come to school and then just go home.

Q: As ASO president, what are your biggest goals for your term?

A: For me, personally, the most important thing is to fight for the student’s rights. Last semester when Danny Axelrod was president, I was a senator but me and my friend were kind of his right hand. We helped him with everything he did, so I knew what was coming and now I am continuing what he started, which are the rallies. When something’s not right with the government, society has to react to it. If we don’t react they will keep abusing us, so that’s why we had that rally last semester. We’re having another rally this semester to show that we are not for these budget cuts. Right now my personal goal is to fight the budget cuts and fee increases.

Gabriel Mellibosky
Yenifer Velasquez / Roundup

Q: You are currently organizing the Oct. 26 “Where’s The Funding?” (WTF?) rally. What do you wish to be accomplished through this event?

A: I’m trying to get, not just the students out to protest about the budget cuts, but I also want to get the community involved to show that it’s not just a bunch of 19 and 20 year olds complaining about this, it’s our whole community because it’s not right.

Q: On top of all of this you also have your classes, multiple weekly meetings, and participate in various clubs. How do you manage? Do you even sleep?

A: When I started I wasn’t really used to it, so at first I wasn’t really sleeping or eating that well because I was going everywhere and doing all these things. Now that I am in my third week I’m starting to get used to it, I’m starting to manage my time better. At first it was hard, I have to admit.

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