Volume 117 Fall 2012 Roundup Issue 5

Page 2

Honor Society is growing

For years the Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS) Honor Society has been at Pierce serving the community, and recently the club has made a concerted effort to expand their scope on campus.

The goal of the club is to get community college students together to help out the community and encourage scholasticism, club president Zohal Ghulam-Jelani said.

To be a member, students must have a 3.0 GPA and complete 15 hours of community service.

This semester, the club experienced a 60 percent increase in membership, and AGS stands as the largest club on campus with over 60 members.

For Ghulam-Jelani, the club has grown considerably since she first joined in Fall 2011, her freshman year.

“It was good, but not great,” she said.

Although the club still maintained a notable presence on campus when she joined, Ghulam-Jelani heard from older members that the club’s membership was dwindling.

In response, AGS has since revamped its website and increased the number of events it holds on campus. Internally, the club has also tried to foster a more inclusive environment.

Afsatu Metzger, vice-president of the AGS, stated that in the past the club felt more closed off. In addition, the club had not been highlighting some benefits of being a member, such as transcript recognition when transferring.

Gonzalo Rey/Roundup grey.roundupnews@gmail.com

A new measure approved by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors last month will reward goal-oriented students with a

Academic Senate plans for shortfall

The Academic Senate vehemently discussed ways to evade the fate of other Los Angeles Community College District schools which are under sanctions, during their meeting on Monday.

At the meeting in the Pierce College Services Conference Room, Senate President for Academic Policy, Tom Rosdahl, explained that three other schools in the Los Angeles Community College District— Harbor Community College, Southwest Community College, and West Los Angeles Community College (West L.A.)— asked the district for $750,000 to finance efforts to clear the sanctions.

“Harbor wants $249,000,” Rosdahl stated. “They want $90,000 for half of a salary of an ALO, which is an accreditation liaison officer, for one year expense. They want $20,000 for stipends. I’m sure to pay faculty or classified people to do work.

How The Other Half Loves starts Friday, Oct. 26, and runs through Nov. 4 at the Performing Arts Tent.

Call (818-719-6488) for ticket info.

chance to get a step ahead of their colleagues when it comes to getting classes.

The policy, which was unanimously approved at the Board of Governors meeting on Sept. 11, 2012 at San Diego City College, will

grant priority registration to students who meet certain requirements.

“In the past, community colleges have been able to serve everyone and students could accrue a large number of units or do poorly in all of their courses and still

receive priority registration,” said California Community College Chancellor Jack Scott. “Those students were taking up seats in classrooms and crowding out newer students focused on job training, degree attainment or transfer.”

To be eligible for the new policy, new students will need to complete a college orientation, pass an assessment and develop education plans.

Continuing students who are

[See NEWS, pg.3]

“I think we’re more inviting this semester,” Metzger said.

Since stepping up their efforts, the club’s current membership matches that of the club before she joined, Ghulam-Jelani said.


Health Center promotes self-examinations

classroom education, even in the face of opposition.

October doesn’t warrant any special attention to breast cancer for Pierce College’s Student Health Center.

Instead, clinicians do pink ribbons justice every day by providing individual exams and

Outside the office, Health Center Director Beth Benne teaches warning signs and proper self-examinations for breast and testicular cancers as part of a classroom-based outreach program.

Inside the exam rooms, Benne and her clinical staff teach as they

examine, suggesting that women participate in a breast exam to learn the nuances of their bodies and more accurately detect abnormalities.

“Our best teaching occurs in the clinic. During an individual examination, we help you discover what your breast is like,” Benne said. “We as health educators believe that prevention is key.”

However, a recent change in medical standards by two national gynecological health care organizations mandated that clinics stop teaching self breast examinations, Benne said. Research shows that self breast exams do not affect death rates among women with breast cancer.

[See NEWS, pg. 3]

Ivory Coast native Aichata Traoré, 21, is an accounting major and one of the 21 volunteering student tutors at the Center for Academic Success (CAS) this semester. She spoke no English when she moved to the United States three years ago and attended a 6-month course in a private school to learn the language before enrolling at Pierce College.

French is Ivory Coast’s official language and it is also Traoré’s first language.

She is helping other students improve their skills in “the language of love.”

Traoré spends at least four hours a week at the CAS tutoring students, predominantly on

Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Her motivation to volunteer came from Marie Agel, professor of French, who informed her about the lack of tutors on campus.

“There’s no one to do it and people need help,” Traoré said.

Reaching out to other students has shown her she has the possibility of asking help from others.

“I used to spend my

Tuesdays at home, pretending to be studying, but I would be on Facebook instead,” Traoré said.

“Now, I can actually come here and get help with English.”

The volunteering program has shown her a place of focus and given her the motivation she needs.

Volunteering and being tutored have both been beneficial to Traoré who states that she is doing much better than the previous semesters.

“I can give and receive help at the same time,” Traoré concluded.

www.theroundupnews.com Woodland Hills, California Volume 117 - Issue 5 October 24, 2012 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00
Steve Palma/ Roundup
facebook.com/theroundup twitter.com/roundupnews youtube.com/roundupnews Billel Bensalem/Roundup bbensalem.roundupnews@gmail.com Kashish Nizami/Roundup knizami.roundupnews@gmail.com [See BUDGET, RU ONLINE] Mon.– Oct. 29 High: 81° Low: 60° Sunny Wed.– Oct. 24 High: 74° Low: 53° Sunny Wed.– Oct. 31 High: 80° Low:57° Partly Cloudy PIERCE WEATHER REPORT The Pierce College Weather Station has provided meteorological data to national agencies since 1949. Information for this week’s report comes from meteorology student Kevin Gabriel, who volunteers at the station. Thur.– Oct. 25 High: 78° Low: 57° Sunny Fri.– Oct. 26 High: 83° Low: 59° Sunny Sat.– Oct. 27 High: 87° Low: 57° Sunny Sun.– Oct. 28 High: 87° Low: 56° Sunny Tues.– Oct. 30 High: 82° Low: 58° Sunny International students learn as
ʻpriorityʼ Breast Cancer Awareness month is almost over, but self-exams and mammograms can
Kirsten Quinn/Roundup kquinn.roundupnews@gmail.com
TUTORED:Masoud Eshaghi, left, gets help from Joe Schloner.
everyone has
keep you safe
“How many of us stand in front of the mirrors and stare at our breasts?”
-Beth Benne
Photo illustration: Fariba Molavi

should be free

Pierce is a commuter college; this means that thousands of students come to and from our campus while carrying their personal belongings.

Many of these students depend on public transit and only have their backpacks and purses to accommodate their mobile lifestyles.

That’s textbooks, notebooks, laptops, supplies, lunches, entire academic lives, being shouldered by students that already carry the burden of their studies.

A safe place to store away all this baggage would be great and surely appreciated.

Though there are lockers available next to the student store, they are too expensive and, well, what other reason do you need not to use them?

The bookstore locker fees are: $2.50 per day, $10 per week and $30 per semester.

Using these lockers costs more than purchasing a preferred parking pass and it is apparent that they are not even being used.

The Roundup took a look at these lockers and not even half-a-dozen of these 64 lockers were occupied.

According to Candy Van, assistant bookstore manager, about 15 to 30 students rent lockers for the full semester every year.

That means that less than 0.1 percent out of the 19,000 students on campus use these lockers provided.

Perhaps if advertising was being done to promote the usage of these lockers they’d actually generate some revenue and the money received could be applied towards the returning investment.

Then again there’s also the fact that the electronic payment system on

these high-priced lockers is currently out of order.

It seems that these electronic payment systems that were provided by the college in 2002 to assist students has actually become more of a problem 10 years later.

The only way to access your locker is with assistance from a bookstore cashier, not very convenient for the Brahma on-the-go.

Not to mention, there are also restrictions that come with occupying these lockers during business hours only.

Aside from the lockers up on the art hill for art students, and the lockers in the gym for student athletes, there is no other place for the everyday student to stash their things.

And according to Paul Nieman, director of facilities, there aren’t any plans to include lockers in the new library that is under construction.

Pierce might want to consider doing as they do at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).

CSUN provides currently enrolled students with lockers, free-of-cost. All you need to do is bring a lock.

Getting a locker is as easy as finding an empty one and signing up at the library’s circulation desk.

While the lockers next to the student store lie in abandon, a locker system such as the one at CSUN would be beneficial to the campus in more ways than one.

Providing free lockers would be a great service to a generation of students that are caught in a time of economic worry, especially with so many of them struggling to get to and around campus with over-priced books in their bags.

Thumbs up & Thumbs down

A gargantuan thumbs up to the brave souls who are responsible for covering the huge pile of manure in the Village with a tarp. The Village can now breathe easy.

Enrolling in classes hurts

Priority registration is pointless if given to the majority of students

I marked the day and time of my registration appointment on my calendar with the numbers inked in bright red.

The rest of my life hinged on that moment. Well, at least the next semester.

I did my research. I spent hours fitting together different possible schedules, looking up the courses I needed, and mapping out different scenarios. But nothing prepared me for what came next.

Every single math class that I tried to add was closed. There were no waiting lists.

Even the nearly four-hour long once-a-week Saturday class was full.

It’s clearly stated in the Fall 2012 schedule of classes that “Pierce College does not utilize the wait list system.”

It all added up: my inability to land a spot in a math class extended my stay at this “twoyear” community college another semester.

Granted, I’ve spent a few semesters treating my education like a force-fed dose of medicine, and, had I tattooed my past majors on my arm, my tattoo artist would’ve had a lot of practice crossing stuff out. But is that so uncommon?

And, besides, my academic dawdling landed me in priority registration territory.

Misleading storm clouds soon darkened my bright blue sky.

According to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, in the Spring of 2012 there were 16,398 returning students out of 21,643 that were accounted for.

To clarify, that means 75.8 percent of the student body was granted “priority” registration.

A new set of regulations have recently been passed in California

giving students that have created an academic plan and who maintain good academic standing will now have priority registration, according to a Pierce College Pulse Online article.

This adds to the people that have “priority registration.” Don’t forget, “active-duty military and veterans and current and former foster youth” will continue to have first call on courses, followed by students in Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Disabled Students Programs and Services.

The way I see it, Pierce has two options: either find a less misleading name for “priority registration,” or granite more stringently so it lives up to its name.

Students who petition to graduate or to be certified should be given true priority registration.

These dedicated students are so close their goal. But, if for some reason, they can’t register for a class they need, they’ll have to wait a whole semester before they can try again.

I hope, for their sake, it’s not one of the classes that are only offered in the Spring and Fall semesters.

Sunday Salter, the Director of the Transfer Center, spoke with The Roundup early in the Fall of 2012 on the slow transfer rates.

“[A] dedicated student who wants to transfer in two years [has] got to hustle,” Salter said.

And, from the looks of it, my hustle wasn’t on. I’m 23 and still in community college five years after I took my first math class at Pierce. Hopefully, the Spring will bring better luck. If not, the student body will have to put up with my writings for another year.

Letters to the editor

Professor responds to ‘Professor called out on unions’ –Issue 4, Oct. 17

Don Sparks accused me of hypocrisy for attacking unions. He asserts AFT saved my job. It is clear Sparks has heard fictitious tales of heroism spun by his predecessor. I joined AFT once I came to Pierce because I was told to join by an instructor who wanted me to survive. AFT did nothing to cover the cost of arbitration I won. If AFT is my buddy, a friend of academic freedom, and “saved my job,” why did they refuse legal assistance? Because they wanted me gone. I’ve opposed compulsory unions since an undergraduate; but if AFT wants to supply $50,000 to show they care, I will accept it any time.

The further insinuation that I am a hypocrite for remaining at Pierce needs response. Rather than filing a lawsuit for intimidation and a hostile work environment, I will say that Sparks is a big cry baby, a hypocrite himself, and a coward for refusing to lighten up on AFT’s protectionism. Sparks conveniently forgets that many citizens pay taxes (under threat of seizure of their homes) for Pierce, not just “union” advocates. They HAVE to use Pierce because they have no disposable income left for private college alternatives after paying the 10th highest property taxes nationally. This is their only alternative - and “All the voices need a seat at the table” as Leftists like saying - Republicans, Libertarians and Independents.

Sparks himself is a hypocrite. Unions constantly harass non-union firms like Fresh & Easy. Why not work for Ralph’s - a “unionized” grocer? There is no need to work for Fresh & Easy.

Collectivists like Sparks attempt to impose their organizational preferences by force on free-market non-union industries for the same reason I continue at Pierce: to work “from within” for institutional reforms I believe are just. I’m a “change agent” - just like Don.

Professor congratulates Media Arts Department for winning awards

Please convey my congratulations to all the recent winners of awards in journalism. In my 28 years or so of teaching at Pierce, I have always taken great pride in the excellence of our journalism program. I also offer my congratulations to the faculty who teach and inspire the students.

ROUNDUP: October 24, 2012 Opinion 2 Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com Roundup Editor in chief UD Managing editor ...................... Jose Romero Opinion editor ....................... Calvin Alagot News editor .................... Monica Velasquez Features editor ................ Monica Velasquez A&E editor ............................ Natalee Ayala Sports editor .......................... Charlie Knapp Photo editor .......................... Jasson Bautista Online editor ............................ Jose Romero Cartoonist ................................. Austin Faber Advisers ................................... Jill Connelly .................................. Stefanie Frith ........................................ Jeff Favre Advertising Manager.................. Julie Bailey [For advertising call Julie at (818) 710-2960] Photographers: Kristen Aslanian Carlos Carpio Danny Duarte Nadine Gostantian Sonia Gurolla Martin Lester Lynn Levitt Adriana Lopez Fariba Molavi Steve Palma Todd Rosenblatt Monica Salazar Bridget Smyth Stella Stewart Riley Stigter Lauren Vellve Reporters: Billel Bensalem Duevone Broomfield Violet Canelo Mario Cruz Larry Fobbs Matt Gottesman Oskar Gustowski Navid Khoi Nick McNamara Michaia Hernandez Kashish Nizami Jackie Nova Marquis Parker Kevin Perez Kirsten Quinn Gonzalo Rey David Schub Latrise Simpson Weather Correspondent: Kevin Gabriel Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.
For more comics visit: www.theroundupnews.com Covering up the pile of manure Lack of criminal reports Corrections Volume 117 - Issue 4 News [Page 3] -Photo credit for the HIV testing story photo goes to Jose Romero Sports [Page 6] -The score vs. LA Valley in the Pierce Sports Report is actually 24-6 A thumbs down to the Sheriffs Department for refusing to provide the Roundup with public records. The Clery Act states that colleges must disclose the public with crime reports on and around campus. Lockers
LOCKED UP: Student lockers with an electronic payment system that is not functional sit untouched next to the Book Store on Oct. 18, 2012.
Monica Salazar/ Roundup

District supports responsible students

Joanna Zimring Towne, the director of the Pierce College Career Center, said the changes to priority registration will come into effect starting fall 2014 and will then immediately begin benefiting students, especially those new to Pierce.

“Priority registration for new students who meet the criteria is helpful because new students have a very difficult time getting even one class under the current enrollment priority system,” she said. “This allows new students who take the initiative to prepare themselves to benefit from priority registration and enroll in meaningful classes in their first semester.”

This does not fix the problem for returning students looking for classes.

Continuing students, however, are also highly encouraged to keep track of their progress in order to maintain priority registration eligibility.

“I would recommend that all current students work really hard to maintain good academic standing,” said Phyllis Braxton, dean of student services. “If they are formally on probation,

then they should work closely with a counselor and utilize as many academic support services to improve their grades. We offer probation workshops for students, as well as student success workshops, so students should utilize those.”

a list of alternate courses in case their first-choice classes are not available. If they don’t get the classes they want, they should keep checking the online registration system to see if any spaces open up in the class that they want.”

Students can also attend one of Pierce’s counseling and career workshops or set up a personal appointment with a counselor to clarify their respective goals and objectives, Braxton said.

Although the new priority registration measures will give students a better chance of getting the classes they desire, Braxton still recommends that they remain attentive when it comes to their schedules.

“Unfortunately, nothing guarantees that a student will get a class that they need. However, students can do a few things to improve their chances,” Braxton said. “Students need to know the date and time that they can begin to register and they should have

“I certainly hope (the new measure makes students take their classes more seriously) because that is the intent of the regulations: to support students who can identify their educational and career goals as soon as possible in order to take the appropriate classes and achieve their goals as quickly and efficiently as possible,” Braxton said.

For information on getting classes you need for transferring and the upcoming changes to priority registration, visit the Pierce Counseling Center’s website or drop by the Transfer Center on the first floor of the Student Services Building.

Health Center promotes self-examinations

Based on this research, two gynecological health organizations, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Association for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology,

Breast cancer has a higher cure rate if caught during early stages, frequently without removal of the breast

recommended that clinicians not teach self breast exams, Benne said. But both clinicians’ experiences stand as testimony to the contrary.

“I know a lot of people who have found their own breast lumps,” Sargent said.

“I can count on both hands the number of women I know that found their own breast lumps,” Benne said

in agreement.

“We don’t agree with them, and we don’t follow them,” Benne said.

Both clinicians believe in the power of health education and a woman’s right to know her own body.

“There is nothing wrong with teaching a woman about her body,” Benne said.

“Why not teach them how to perform a free breast exam?” Sargent said.

With the standard age of a first mammogram increasing, women who have a family history of breast cancer

From the age of 20, females should perform monthly self-examinations and seek professional health

may have to pay for mammograms at a younger age, Sargent said.

Breast cancer diagnosed at a younger age is often more aggressive and dangerous than a diagnosis later

in life, giving young women reason to stay vigilant in their self examinations, both clinicians said.

and should start mammograms 10 years prior to the family member’s diagnosis, Sargent said.

Student transported to hospital

A Pierce College student fell due to feeling ill on Wednesday Oct. 17.

Proper education and familiarity with a woman’s own body is paramount to an accurate self breast exam, Benne said.

“I haven’t been directly affected by breast cancer, but I have known a few people that have suffered from breast cancer,” Tynisha Lewis, a first year broadcast journalism major, said. “I get examined and stay pretty up to date with it.”

Mammography screening should begin at age 40 and be scheduled at least once every two years, unless otherwise advised by a health care professional.

“It’s a visual exam as well as a feeling exam” Benne said.

Around age 20, young women should start self breast exams as they begin to get to know their bodies, and exams are best performed every couple months seven to 10 days after the first day of a woman’s period, Sargent said.

Women with family history of breast cancer have higher risk for it

Incident report for September

–Compiled by Monica Velasquez

For more information on selfexaminations and breast exam instructions, drop by the Health Center on the second floor of the Student Services building and make an appointment.

“It’s important for us to become familiar with our bodies,” Benne said. “How many of us stand in front of the mirror and stare at our breasts?”


Student incident outside gym

Two students were detained after sheriffs were called due to an altercation on Wednesday Oct. 17.

Jerry Lobert, 21, saw the two students collide when they both tried to use the same door.

The situation escalated quickly when one student became violent kicking the other in the face, according to Lobert.

Once sheriffs arrived, they placed the aggressive student in handcuffs and continued their investigation.

However, no charges were pressed against either student and they both continued with their day.

Andrea Peterson, 19, was in front of room 1403 in the Behavioral Science Building when officers Justin Ramos and Alfred Guerrero responded to the scene to find Peterson crouched on the ground saying she felt dizzy and nauseous. Paramedics were called in took her vitals and reported that all of her signs were good.

Peterson was transported to a hospital in Woodland Hills.

Free HIV Testing available HIV/AIDS Awareness week continues until Thursday Oct. 25. Free HIV testing is available in parking lot 1 across from the Student Services Building. No appointment is required. Results are confidential and are delivered in 20 minutes. By 4.45 p.m. on Monday, around 30 people had been tested already, according to one of the testers. Testing hours for Wednesday are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursday from 2 to 7 p.m.

ROUNDUP: October 24, 2012 News 3
Monica Velasquez/RoundUp
• 9/11 Violation of restraining order. Suspect apprehended in Lot 4 • 9/13 Student’s vehicle was keyed by an unknown suspect in Lot 7. • 9/18 Grand Theft. Student’s 1997 Honda Accord was stolen from Lot 7. • 9/19 Student property stolen from unlocked vehicle in Lot 7. • 9/24 Student property stolen from unlocked vehicle in Lot 8. • 9/25 Hit and run between a student’s vehicle and an unknown vehicle in Lot 7. • 9/26 Hit and run between a student’s vehicle and an unknown vehicle in Lot 7. • 9/26 Student’s items taken in the North Gym locker room. • 9/26 Student’s items taken in the North Gym locker room. • 9/27 Student assaulted in the Village labeled as a hate crime.
WAITING GAME: Students wait to get their add slips processed on the first day of
Todd Rosenblatt/ Roundup
school at Admissions and Records on Thursday, Aug. 27, 2012.
care exams every 3 years
any changes or irregularities to you healthcare professional immediately. It could save your life.
“Unfortunately nothing guarantees that a student will get a class that they need.”
[cont. from PRIORITY pg. 1] [cont. from CANCER pg. 1] Sept 19th Sept 26th Oct 3rd Oct 17th Oct 24th Oct 31st Publication Schedule Nov 7th Nov 14th Nov 21st Nov 28th Dec 5th Fall 2012
in the Roundup • Reach thousands of students, faculty & staff • Discounts for multiple-run advertising • Looking for employee's? Put your ad on our Job Board • Special discounts for students & campus community CONTACT baileyjd@piercecollege.edu or call: (818) 710-2960 DISPLAY • CLASSIFIED • JOB
-Phyllis Braxton

Cellist delivers dramatic performance

Musician plays baroque music during his return to the free concert series

With just two spotlights creating shadows by dancing off Ruslan Biryukov’s swift arms, the cellist performed a dramatic concert in Pierce College’s Music Building room 3400 to an overflowing room of students on Oct. 18.

The cellist plays solo, as well as in quartets, and plays for the Glendale Philharmonic Orchestra, according to his website. He regularly teaches students in his free time.

“One of my students returned her cello to the store after something was wrong with it,” Biryukov recalled. “I went back to that store and said, ‘I want to have first priority on this cello!’ And I’ve had this ever since.”

Biryukov played the works of George Frideric Handel, Johan Sebastian Bach and Gaspar Cassado in an effort to teach the students about the Baroque Era for various students from classes in the Music department, as well as for students not taking classes in the department.

“I think [Cassado] is important for me as a cellist because he was one himself, and he wrote this music,” Biryukov commented in between pieces of music. “Bach didn’t play the cello.”

As his performance continued, the cellist joked with his audience, making students chuckle as he taught and answered questions concerning the history behind his choices of musical pieces.

“Can anybody describe the garden that this piece might be talking about?” he asked before receiving silence in response.

“Oh, so nobody has read the Bible?”

Biryukov explained after the concert

that while he had tried his hand at other instruments, he could never have seen himself playing anything other than his cello and that he loved the one he currently plays with.

“My mother wanted me to play the piano, since she played,” he stated while smiling. “God, I hated playing the piano!”

With an ending as colorful, if not more, as his performance, Biryukov finished his performance with eyes closed, sweating, and head bowing over his instrument—as if his cello and he were one under the dim lighting.

More information on Biryukov can be found at www.celloart.com.

Pierce College regularly has free concerts on Thursdays at 12:45 p.m. in the Music Building Room 3400. More information about the performances can be found under the Music department off of the Pierce College website.

The making of ‘How the Other Half Loves’ A sneak peak into the production of this semester’s first show

At first glance the red-and-green walls of the set for “How the Other Half Loves” by Alan Ayckbourn, seem off-putting

It’s not until the lights are lowered and the play begins that the audience realizes that they have been transported into not one but two different residences.

Creating both homes was the one main challenge for scenic designer and adjunct instructor of theater

Michael Gend. His solution “was to take both worlds and instead of doing a 50/50 even split across the stage, was to weave elements of both houses in all locations on stage.”

However, with almost two completely different sets on the same stage, Gend and his crew had to create six feet of additional stage.

Arthur Tagg is one of many that make up the backstage crew and had a hand in creating the fantasy world.

“I get everything organized, mop the floor, and get the props ready in the order that they are going to be

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used,” Tagg said. For him and the rest of the crew production started Aug 28. and since then no detail has been too small.

The wallpaper that is seen on the walls, which are technically called flats, was hung by hand and the unique wallpaper design was individually stenciled, according to Tagg. Also done by hand was the painting of the wood floor on the stage. The floor is stained in two differnt wood colors to create guildlines for the actors.

Michael Chandler, who becomes Frank Foster, is one of the six actors that will use the guidelines.

For the next two hours he is Foster, a “big boss” who “forgets the little things”.

This becomes more challenging once Chandler steps off the stage and changes into a one of the different costumes that Foster wears.

Eileen Gizienski, the costume designer and an adjunct professor for the Theater department, took into consideration the limited time that some actors would have to change.

“You have to try and make it so that maybe [the actor] doesn’t change all their pieces of clothing or maybe it’s simple where everything drops, and you can pull everything on,” Gizienski said.

However, students practice changing quickly, and there are also four dress rehearsals where the actors are able to time the change more accurately.

“How the Other Half Loves” is set in 1969 in the suburbs of London and one of the obstacles that Gizienski encountered “was making it so that the pieces that were pulled were wearable, and not pulled off the pages of a magazine.”

The costumes were pulled from

different sources.

“It’s a little bit of everything,” Gizienski said. “Used out of stock items at Pierce, thrift store, vintage shops, and we built about 12 pieces.”

She as well as students bring all the aspects of the actors’ costumes together as part of lab.

Everything from sewing, to pulling shoes, and finding jewelry is done by students according to Gizienski.

Also working closely with the costume crew are students that are responsible for the actors makeup.

This allows for cohesiveness in order to keep the 1960’s feel for the character as strong as possible.

The makeup artists work

together with the costume designer and the director so that the different departments have the same idea when it comes to how the character should look.

“Actors usually have had some experience with putting on stage makeup and the ones that haven’t get help from either students or the other actors in the show,” Gizienski said. “It’s sort of a community effort between hair and makeup.”

Traditionally, costumes along with hair and makeup are done backstage but because of construction they are located in a classroom next to the theater tent.

It is 10 minutes until curtain and the voice of 21-year-old Bree

Cardenas can be heard throughout the costume shop warning actors that dress rehearsal will start at 7:30 p.m.

She then heads back to the tent and passes through the set to take her place in the audience.

As the stage manager, she will follow along with the script to make sure that the actors know all their lines, and that transitions are smooth.

Everything, both on and off the stage, is her responsibility, and before the final curtain she, as well as the entire cast and crew, would have put in approximately 80 hours of work, according to Cardenas.

“There is a connection between

Painter’s passion discreet on campus Opera singer discovered


Who knew Pierce College had their own Enrico Caruso on campus?

Juan Rodriguez, lead painter at Pierce, has been working for the college for about 10 years and is modest and discrete about his hidden talent of being an opera singer.

With a strong voice that has sent chills up many peoples’ spines, Rodriguez always loved singing, not only as a hobby, but as a passion.

Before becoming a painter, Rodriquez had been singing since he was a young boy.

Growing up, he listened to opera in his household along with many other genres of music and felt that he could reach the unreachable high notes that only the famous singers on the radio could hit.

“It just felt like my soul was coming out of my mouth,” Rodriguez said. “It’s a feeling that is hard to describe but it is the best feeling.”

Inspired by well known singers, Mario Lanza, Placido Domingo, and Enrico Caruso, Rodriguez decided to pursue a career in singing. He went to L.A. Valley College and enrolled in singing lessons to improve and master his artistry. He then later met Carl Thomas, a singer for a company in New York which worked on “Phantom of the Opera”, which became a close friend and colleague.

Thomas began to mentor Rodriguez when he noticed the passion and drive Rodriguez had for music. Although classes from Thomas were expensive, Rodriguez felt that a chance to work with a well-known and talented Broadway singer would be an experience of a

us,” Cardenas said regarding working with the same group of people every other day.

“It’s like a quick marriage and a happy divorce.”

By those standards this would be her fourth marriage, already having worked on three previous plays at Pierce.

“How the Other Half Loves” opens Friday Oct. 26 and runs through Nov. 4. Friday and Saturday shows are 8:00 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are avaliable by calling 818-7196488.

“That’s less than the price of a 3D movie,” Gend said. “And we’re in 4D.”

lifetime, and for Rodriguez it was.

“I worked with him for four years,” said Rodriguez.

ROUNDUP: October 24, 2012 Arts & Entertainment 4
Canelo/Roundup vcanelo.roundupnews@gmail.com
Martin Lester/ Roundup OPERA MAN: Juan Rodriguez, 45, shows off his opera singing ability inside the plant facility offices in Pierce College on Oct. 18, 2012. Danny Duarte/Roundup COSTUME DESIGN: Kathryn Juday (left) and Eileen Gizienski (right), costume designers, work before the first dress rehearsal for “How the Other Half Loves” at Pierce College on Oct. 22, 2012. Martin Lester/ Roundup PERFORMANCE: Ruslan Biryukov plays Baroque music and shares his knowledge of music for the students in the free concert at Pierce College in the Music Building room 3400 on Oct. 18.
[See OPERA, RU online]

Rookie team finds its leader

Inaugural women’s water polo team gets inspired by player nding her calling

Being in the pool is like a therapy session for Pierce College water polo player Sam Buliavac.

It has become a place where she can forget all of her problems for the time being and with a ball in hand, she feels she can do whatever she wants.

Buliavac, who has helped with an undefeated record for the women’s rookie water polo team, is finishing up their first season at Pierce. With a hopeful win against Ventura College this Wednesday, they have the chance to go to conference playoffs. By the start of Buliavac’s freshman year at John Burroughs High School in Burbank, her parents expected her to get involved in an extracurricular activity. Having a love for being in the water, she decided on the competitive sport of water polo.

“I didn’t think water polo would be as difficult as I thought it was,” said Buliavac, but I’m so glad I tried it.”

During her junior year of high school, her talent and skill had improved drastically when she became more involved in the sport by playing for the Rose Bowl Water Polo Club in Pasadena.

“Club has taken me to a better level,” Buliavac said. “It really makes a difference.

With college coaches scouting at club games to find the best players for their teams, Pierce College coach and Olympic athlete Moriah

Van Norman, knew she found her next player.

“I heard quite a bit about her from club coaches and it was exciting to finally see her play,” said Van Norman.

The team practices daily from 1 to 3 p.m. where they learn a combination of physical and mental skills of the game. Practices teach the main components of the game with three important words consisting of “creating (by getting ahead of the opponent), reading (the play to look for an advantage over the opponent), and attacking(that advantage).”

“Coach works us hard during practice but its worth it,” Buliavac

always makes us keep trying no matter what and has the ability to lift our spirits.”

While the team supports each other and has bonded, Buliavac and Kurzeka, in particular, have become close, and are each others biggest competition.

“Our friendship has grown throughout the year, but I try to beat her to the finish with more blocks and goals,” said Kurzeka.

As with any family there can be moments of rage. A few weeks ago there was a minor physical altercation in the pool as Kurzeka purposely bumped her arm into Buliavac’s face and left some bruises.

“I did feel bad afterwards, but with words of wisdom, an apology and hugs, we made up quickly,” Kurzeka said. “Even with fights, we are always there for each other no matter what.”

Buliavac’s teammates look up to her and her coach relies on her in the pool and on ground.

said. “I am always motivated by hard coaches and I always do my best to impress her.”

With her dominating skills in the water playing set position (like a quarterback in football), Buliavac is the go-to girl, although admitting she isn’t the fastest of swimmers she has a strong arm, knowledge of her position and of the game which makes up for it.

Teammate Maggie Kurzeka and Coach Moriah both agree Buliavac is a great motivator and has become one of the most dominant players on the team.

“She is a great addition to the team,” said Kurzeka. “She never gives up when we mess up, she

“Sam has a strong voice and I depend on her to relay plays from land to water to her teammates. She is great at being a second coach in the water,” said Van Norman.

Not only is water polo important to Van Norman, she places education high up on the list as well and wishes the best for all of her players to become productive members of society.

“I have high expectations for Sam, she has the opportunity to get into a four-year college or university with a full scholarship,” said Van Norman.

Buliavac hopes to get into Arizona State University where she will continue playing water polo and major in kinesiology.

ROUNDUP: October 24, 2012 Sports 5
Jasson Bautista / Roundup POLO: Freshman set player Sam Buliavac poses for a photograph at the Steven E. Schofield Aquatic Center. Buliavac has become an important part of Pierceʼs first ever womenʼs water polo squad. Jasson Bautista / Roundup
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JUMP: Sam Buliavac has fun before practice on Friday, Oct. 19.


Women’s Water Polo

Citrus Oct. 17 - (W 15-12) vs. Ventura Oct. 24 - 3:30 p.m.

Football wins thriller against Santa Barbara

Third-string quarterback leads comeback in fourth

A foot above the rest


Navid Khoi/ Roundup


In a world where the average height for a male is 6 feet tall, Pierce College football player and sophomore offensive lineman Juan Rodriguez towers over everyone at 6 feet 8 inches and 310 pounds.

Rodriguez even towers over the average height of an NFL lineman, which stands at 6 feet 5 inches tall, according to NFL.com.

“Juan is the biggest player we’ve had here at Pierce since I’ve been coaching,” said head coach Efrain Martinez.

Rodriguez is one of three kids; he has a brother that is 6 feet 3 inches tall and a sister that is 5 feet 11 inches tall.

“I don’t see too many families out there that are as tall as us,” Rodriguez said. “My dad is 6 feet 3 inches tall, and my mom is 5 feet 10 inches tall.”

offensive lineman personifies dedication

But the biggest player at Pierce College didn’t even start playing football until he became a junior in high school, when he attended San Fernando High School.

“I really didn’t know the game too well, so that’s why I never tried out before,” said Rodriguez.

His high school janitor was the one that told him to give football a shot, and to try out for the team.

“He told me to give it a shot, and that I would probably like it,” said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez got the starting tackle position in just his first couple months of playing football.

“I tried it, and it was something that I enjoyed once I started getting into it,” said Rodriguez.

After just two years of playing football, he graduated and enrolled at Pierce College.

“Pierce has a great program that gets people out to good schools,” said Rodriguez.

Assistant head coach Jason Sabolic believes that Rodriguez’s

best attribute is his pass blocking.

“He’s a great pass blocker, because he’s just so long and lanky,” said Sabolic.

Pierce is averaging 385 passing yards per game, and 38 points per game behind an offensive line that includes Rodriguez.

“With his size, he has great natural pass-blocking ability that helps out with our passing game a lot,” said offensive coordinator Jim Thornton.

Rodriguez has high regards about all his coaches, saying that they all help and teach him.

“To make sure the team succeeds, my coaches always tell me that you have to do your job well, and they teach this by example,” Rodriguez said. “It’s really comforting having coaches like this to help.”

But American football isn’t a common sport you see much in Mexico, which is where Rodriguez was born and raised until he was 13 years old.

“You really had nothing else to

do out there other than play soccer,” Rodriguez said. “Just go outside and play some street soccer with your friends.”

After he turned 13 years old, Rodriguez’s family moved out to San Francisco.

“Even though I left Mexico, I will never forget about it,” said Rodriguez. “I’m proud to be Mexican.”

Ever since moving out to California, Rodriguez’s parents wanted to see him graduate and pursue a college degree.

“They feel good about me playing football, because it has me staying in school,” said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez’s ultimate goal is to get a scholarship offer from a university and continue playing football after graduation.

“Football is the reason why I’m in school, just aiming at trying to get a scholarship offer,” Rodriguez said. “Now getting a free education for something that I’m enjoying to do, that’s a pretty cool deal.”

Soccer wins big over rivals Defeats L.A. Valley 7-0 behind hat trick from defender

Gonzalo Rey/ Roundup grey.roundupnews@gmail.com

The Pierce College women’s soccer team returned to their winning ways with a 7-0 victory against Los Angeles Valley College in an away game Friday afternoon, leaving the team with a 9-4-1 overall record.

The Brahmas, who suffered their first loss in the Western State Conference (WSC) divisional play on Tuesday against College of the Canyons, were able to contrast their goalless performance with seven

goals versus LA Valley College, who are currently in last place in the WSC South Division standings.

Three of the goals were scored by sophomore defender Janelle Topete, who had her name on Pierce’s score sheet for the first time. The remaining goals were scored by freshman forward Jacqueline Hilario, who scored twice, and sophomore midfielders Edith Dominguez and Joandra Ramirez, with one goal each.

“The opponent obviously had a lot to do with it,” said Pierce head coach Adolfo Perez regarding the

team’s improvement in comparison to Tuesday’s game. “But we finished our opportunities, and that was a big part obviously. We actually worked a lot on that yesterday.” Joandra Ramirez, the 19-yearold captain of the team, also noted a difference in comparison to Tuesday’s match.

“I think we did well. We tried to connect a lot and play our kind of style of soccer and play our system. That’s how we know to get the win,” Ramirez said. “We were just trying to pass more and get more goals, get things accomplished that

we weren’t able to do last time.”

Sophomore defender Alba Torres acknowledged the team’s efforts as a whole.

“We were passing a lot with the team, we were communicating and we were covering each other’s backs,” Torres said. “We trust our own players. So if one of the rivals passed us, one of our other players would be behind us and get it back.”

The Brahmas are scheduled to face Bakersfield next in The Pit on Tuesday at 4 p.m.

Pierce defeated Bakersfield 3-0 on the road earlier this season.

Volleyball sweeps Cougars on road

Victory marks 54th straight match for women’s team

Oskar Gustowski/ Roundup ogustowski.roundupnews@gmail.com

Pierce College’s women’s volleyball team defeated College of the Canyons (CoC) in straight sets on Friday in Santa Clarita, extending their winning streak to 54 consecutive matches.

The Brahmas, who are now 21-0 in the 2012 season, faced a closer

battle than previous opponents, defeating CoC 25-16, 25-23, 25-20.

“We’re going to get pushed,” said Head Coach Nabil Mardini. “Not every game is going to be a walk in the park.”

Sophomore outside hitter Danetta Boykin, who recorded 13 kills in the game, agreed with Mardini’s sentiments.

“Our emotions got the best of us,” Boykin said. “At one point, we

slumped but we picked it back up. It’s always difficult on the road, but you have to maintain and keep it focused.”

Sophomore outside hitter Sakurako Fujii led the Brahmas with 18 kills while sophomore setter Janelle Futch recorded 42 assists.

“Our outside hitting is very good and can put the ball away,” Mardini said. “They put a lot of pressure on us defensively and we put a lot of

pressure on them with our serving and passing.”

Mardini also credited the Brahmas’ solid blocking by the front line as crucial in finalizing their win.

Pierce has two home games upcoming, with Citrus College coming in on Wednesday and Bakersfield College coming on Friday. Both games are scheduled to start at 7 p.m.

recorded three receptions, all for touchdowns, for 162 yards.

Pierce College football overcame an 11-point fourth quarter deficit to defeat Santa Barbara City College 39-28 Friday at Santa Barbara’s La Playa Stadium.

The Brahmas, now 6-1 on the season, entered the fourth quarter trailing 28-17 and relied on thirdstring freshman quarterback Mike Adens to lead them after starting quarterback Nick Arbuckle left the game with a sprained ankle.

Sophomore quarterback Anthony Neyer replaced Arbuckle in the first half, but struggled, only completing three of his nine attempts for 15 yards and an interception.

Adens shined in replace of Neyer, throwing for 222 yards and four touchdowns.

“Adens stepped up,” said assistant head coach Jason Sabolic. “He had the hot hand throughout the game, so we kept him in to win it for us on the road.”

In addition to his passing game, Adens also led the Brahmas in rushing, carrying the ball 12 times for 73 yards.

“He gives defenses something else to think about,” said Head Coach Efrain Martinez. “He’s a dual threat. He can pass and he can run.”

Adens credited the playcalling of Offensive Coordinator Jim Thornton for the team’s success in the second half.

“Coach Thornton had a great gameplan for me coming into the fourth quarter,” Adens said. “He kept it simple and utilized my speed as well as my ability to throw the ball downfield.”

The Brahmas’ passing attack relied heavily on freshman wide receiver Jaelen Strong, who

“Strong is simply clutch,” Sabolic said. “He stepped up big at the end of the game.”

Adens and Strong connected on two passes in the last five minutes of the game for touchdowns, both more than 30 yards long.

A 38-yard pass with 4:34 remaining gave the Brahmas a 3228 lead and a 69-yard touchdown with 3:07 remaining sealed the victory for Pierce.

Strong’s other catch also went for a touchdown, a 55-yard reception in the second quarter.

Martinez called Strong’s game an “amazing performance”.

“We played average in the game from everywhere on the field, but Jaelen hid our deficiencies with the big plays he made,” Martinez said.

Martinez continued to compliment his star receiver.

“[Jaelen] is the best junior college player in the country right now,” Martinez said. “If you could throw all the players in junior college ball into some kind of draft, like the one the NFL does, I guarantee that Jaelen would go first overall.”

While the coaching staff was quick to praise the Brahmas’ aerial attack, they felt as though the running game could still use some fine-tuning.

Outside of Adens, Pierce ballcarriers combined to rush for 55 yards on 23 carries.

“We have to run the ball better,” said Sabolic. “It’s that time of year where the running game is key to get us where we want to be.”

Pierce will next play host to Antelope Valley College, also with a 6-1 record, on Saturday at Shepard Stadium at 7 p.m.

“This game will determine how our season will end,” Martinez said. “The team that comes out of this with a win is winning the division at the end of the season.”

ROUNDUP: October 24, 2012 Sports 6 Football
@ Santa Barbara Oct. 19 - (W 39-28)
Antelope Valley Oct. 27 - 7 p.m.
Women’s Soccer @ LA Valley Oct. 19 - (W 7-0) vs. Glendale Oct. 26 - 4 p.m.
Women’s Volleyball @ Canyons Oct. 19 - (W 3-0)
Citrus Oct. 24 - 7 p.m.
Martin Lester/ Roundup WEIGHTS: Sophomore offensive lineman Juan Rodriguez poses for a photograph between sets during a workout on Monday, Oct. 22.
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