Volume 118 Spring 2013 Roundup Issue 9

Page 5

Horses evacuated to Pierce

Equestrian Center temporarily houses horses om wild re

More than 25 horses owned by Hidden Valley residents ordered to evacuate due to the blazing Springs fire were taken to Pierce College’s Equestrian Center over the weekend.

As a school with the amenities to keep horses on campus, Pierce plays a part in a network of Southland facilities that work with emergency crews and haulers to aid with large animal evacuations, according to Betsy Connolly, a horse science instructor who helped organize the evacuation.

“We all coordinated because we know we can’t keep people safe unless there is a plan to keep their horses safe,” she said. “Horse owners will not leave their precious horses behind.”

The 28,000-acre Springs fire, which spread across Ventura County, damaged 15 homes and resulted in mandatory evacuations, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Art Gallery Director Monika Del Bosque lives in Newbury Park, about a block away from where mandatory evacuations began, she said in an email. She said that she voluntarily evacuated twice due to the blaze.

“I could have gotten very afraid about losing my possessions, but it’s

just stuff in the end,” Del Bosque said in the email. “I was more concerned about how it would have impacted my children and their loss of possessions. But for me, it’s just material goods. Everything is replaceable in the end. The things that aren’t—they’re fleeting.”

Meanwhile, at the Equestrian Center, a map was set up by a registration table to help identify where each horse was kept. Horses were catalogued and assigned ID tags for organization. Also, stalls were zip tied, and buckets of water were set up for each enclosure.

Connolly said that the evacuation alert was issued at approximately 2 p.m. on Friday, May 3, and that shortly after, she received the call to start the temporary sheltering process.

“[The fire and sheriff’s departments] made the decision to open up Pierce,” she said.

The threat subsided sometime around Saturday evening, and the horses were taken back by the haulers Sunday.

“Fortunately, the weather cooperated once the sun went down,” Connolly said. Though the school provides the evacuation site facilities, LA County oversees the process.

“The county has jurisdiction. We just worked for them,” Warner said.

Student and faculty volunteers worked with an emergency evacuation team to keep the process of sheltering the horses as smoothly as possible. [See HORSES, page 3]

Annual student art show opening

8:00 p.m. in the Art Garden and the show runs through May 29.

LA college district seeks new chancellor

Students and faculty to be asked what they want in a new college leader

Michaia Hernandez/Roundup mhernandez.roundupnews@gmail.com

Tim Toton/Roundup oton.roundupnews@gmail.com

A team from a national search firm assisting the Los Angeles Community College District with its search for the next chancellor is hosting an open forum on Monday, May 13 from 1 to 2 p.m. in Business Education room 3200.

The event, put on by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), is aimed at helping the team gather feedback from students, faculty and staff to create a profile for its ideal candidate for chancellor.

“We expect to hear as much information as we can from everyone. The collective voice of the district will determine what the profile will include,” said ACCT Executive Vice President of Research, Education and Board Leadership Services Narcisa Polonio, who will lead the national search. “We need to know what you need.”

Similar forums will be taking place in the other eight schools in the LACCD.

The meetings mark early efforts of the district to move forward with finding a replacement for current chancellor Daniel LaVista.

In line with the search, the board will be providing regular reports on the search process through the district website, which will be updated within the next couple of weeks, according to an email circulated by the LACCD Board of Trustees President Steve Veres.

According to an email “The Board is committed to conducting an open, transparent, and equitable national search as we seek the next leader for our District.”

In addition to the ACCT, the Board of Trustees is working with a new 11-member committee that will serve as a candidate clearinghouse of prospects brought in from the search firm contracted by the board, trustee Scott Svonkin said during a May 1 LACCD meeting.

“[ACCT] does the publicity to the possible pool of applicants,” Svonkin said. “Working with our

human resources, they screen the applicants to make sure they meet our basic qualifications. All of those applicants that qualify will be given to the committee. The committee evaluates them and then sends their recommendations to the Board of Trustees.”

A sticking point was member No. 1: board president, and whether or not he was mandated to attend every meeting and interview conducted by the new committee and whether he would have a double vote on a candidate given his double role.

“I would like us to amend this formally,” Field said.

The “board president,” as a member of the committee and the language of “moderator” as the role of board president was removed from the resolution and passed by a unanimous role call vote, except for trustee Park who was absent.

“We have a really aggressive goal of trying to have a new Chancellor on at the beginning of the academic year,” Veres said. “We’re doing focus groups at each of the campuses, from Pierce to Mission to Valley to all across the district, people will have a chance to give input on what they feel what they want to see in a new Chancellor.”

The board will meet again on May 15 to further define the selection of the committee chair.

LaVista began his term on Aug. 1, 2010.

On one of the highest plateaus on campus a small group talks about the textures, colors and lines of dozens of pieces of student art before anyone thwacks a nail into a chalk white wall.

Art Gallery Director Monika Del Bosque, also an associate professor of art, leads the loose democracy of gallery assistants and art students through the space switching pieces and taking votes.

The gallery has been here since the 60s and the idea behind the annual student art show is to highlight the efforts of students who have taken courses at Pierce over the year, Del Bosque said.

The opening and award ceremony of The Annual Student Show is May 9 from 6:00 to

Even though the show hasn’t opened, the winners have been chosen and will be announced on opening night.

Guest juror Karen Rapp, director of the Vincent Price Art Museum at East Los Angeles College was already out to view the entries and make her decision, Del Bosque said.

“She looks at everything - it takes a few hours – she looks at all the video pieces – looks at all the 2D, 3D art and then makes her decision,” Del Bosque said.

In the student show, there are a lot of different types of art to think about and to relate to, though not everybody is able to appreciate it, Del Bosque said. “That makes it a more challenging and exciting show to install,” she said.

Blayn Barbosa currently attends Student Art Center in Pasadena as a graphic design major but returned to Pierce just to take the exhibition design class with Del Bosque, he said.

“There have been 100 entries and we’ve been setting up for about a week,” Barbosa, 31, said. “Students are allowed to show their material from this last year in the previous spring. It’s a mix of ceramics, graphic design, prints, painting and sculpture.” Del Bosque knows many museum curators personally so students have gotten jobs working as docents at museums after taking this class, he said. “This class – could not find it anywhere else. It has been invaluable.“

Last year, 23-year-old illustrator Nicole Ellsworth was in the design installation class [See ART, page 3]

RUONLINE? Woodland Hills, California Volume 118- Issue 9 May 8, 2013 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00 Monday May 13 High: 90° Low: 63° Mostly Sunny Wednesday May 15 High: 87° Low: 62° Sunny The Pierce College Weather Station has provided meteorological data to national agencies since 1949. The information in this graph was provided by our weather correspondent, Sean Clemmons. Thursday May 9 High: 72° Low: 57° Partly Cloudy Friday May 10 High: 79° Low: 59° Partly Cloudy Saturday May 11 High: 86° Low: 62° Sunny Sunday May 12 High: 90° Low: 63° Sunny Tuesday May 14 High: 88° Low: 61° Mostly Sunny A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION ROUNDUP www.theroundupnews.com /theroundup @roundupnews /roundupnewsroom /roundupnews Wednesday May 8 High: 69° Low: 55° Sunny PIERCE WEATHER REPORT I N S I D E FEATURES: ENCORE student blazes own trail Page 4 For a map of the trail drawn by ENCORE student Bongeon Park, see theroundupnews.com
Tim Toton / Roundup PREP: Blayn Barbosa and Afshin Shidanshidy hang artwork in the Student Art Gallery on May 3 at Pierce College.
Student works to be showcased May 9 at the Art Garden Tim Toton/Roundup oton.roundupnews@gmail.com
Michaia Hernandez / Roundup GIMME SHELTER: A horse evacuated from Camp Shalom in Malibu, Calif. is kept in a stall of one of the barns at the Equestrian Center on Friday, May 3. The horse is one of approximately 25 animals evacuated to Pierce College over the weekend due to spring fires. File Photo / Roundup CHANCELLOR: Daniel LaVista began his term on Aug. 1, 2010.
“If my horse ever had to be evacuated – just seeing how well they’re taken care of here – I would want them here.”
-Randi Katz Agricultural Assistant

umbs up & umbs down

Pierce helps horses escape danger

A fire in Newbury Park put local horses into danger, and they had to be evacuated.

Pierce College opened its doors (or barn) to more than 25 displaced horses to give them a safe place to stay until the fire fizzled out.

Thank you to all the volunteers who stepped up and worked to accommodate the influx of horses.

SIS stops students from dropping

The deadline to drop classes at Pierce was Sunday, May 5, but some students had trouble dropping.

The Student Information System had a malfunction and some students were unable to drop their classes at the deadline. They even took to the Pierce Facebook page to voice their grievances. The drop deadline should be extended due to the problem with the SIS.

Give bicyclists and boarders a space

Pierce should be inclusive to alternative modes of transportation

Pierce College lacks a policy that acknowledges the biking, skating and boarding population of our campus.

The only online documentation of a bicycle policy is a one page PDF labeled “Bike Safety Rules” which is approved by former Pierce President

Robert M. Garber and former Vice President of Administrative Services Kenneth B. Takeda, back in 2007.

This document is not easily found on Pierce College’s website.

The Work Environment Committee is currently working on a new policy, and there are some suggestions the Roundup thinks would be a benefit to students.

Rather than attempting to enforce a policy that limits the use of bikes, roller blades and skateboards on campus, the governing bodies of our campus could push for a policy that includes them.

These rules ban the use of skateboards and skates on campus, but it also states that “No bicycle riding permitted on pedestrian sidewalks and mall walkways. Riding on sidewalks adjacent to classrooms, the library, gyms, gardens, grass areas, or in any other college facilities is also not permitted.”

This section of the Bicycle Safety Rules is followed by an underlined message for students to walk their bikes within the restricted areas at all times.

It is possible that Pierce students continue to break these rules because they are unaware of the policy.

It is also possible that law enforcement on campus is not strictly ticketing for any abuses of the policy.

So what good is a policy that is not visibly posted or enforced?

Perhaps the Associated Students Organization (ASO) could draft a policy to present to the Pierce College Council (PCC) considering that many of these outlaw bikers and boarders are students.

It doesn’t make sense to exclude the entire biking and boarding population. We need a policy that works for all students, not against them.

Without a proper policy or procedures in place, people have been securing their bikes in inconvenient places, such as benches, classroom ramp rails, and light poles.

Bicycle racks would be a simple way to encourage the eco-friendly method of transportation. There is an apparent need for them in the Village and up on the Art Hill, for these locations are somewhat distant from the center of campus.

The ASO could consider allotting some of their funds for this purpose.

The ASO could also consider allotting some funds toward a bike lane along the Mall, this would ensure the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians alike by giving two wheeled travelers a path to ride down.

But what about skateboards and skates?

As for boards and skates, it can be written into this new policy that no tricks are to be performed on campus and that they should be used for transportation purposes only.

Students need to let their voices be heard in order for changes to be made.

Student artwork should be on display at Pierce

folding chairs, an old couch, and ripped down streamers as an attempt to clean up the wall decorations.

You even question whether to be concerned about the students lying around as if like bums hoping for the “ching” of a coin falling in their cup.


Volume 118 - Issue 8

The Great Hall is central to Pierce College for holding exceptional events such as the Day of Politics, Meet your Major Fair, PACE Orientation, and so on. When The Great Hall isn’t being utilized for main events, it resembles a sort of deserted Spring Fling. Across the room are scattered

The Great Hall looks more like the Great Depression. It seems that what our campus needs is style, creativity, and an artistic viewpoint.

In 2011, there was a yarn bombing made by Brian and Christy Chambers.

The trees following the stairway to heaven, also known as the art department staircase, were

enveloped in colorful knit sleeves and our Pierce bull statue was even cloaked a new knit sweater and hood.

This generated ceaseless excitement on campus because it was visually striking and combated the mundane bungalows and construction sites our students normally see everyday.

We don’t have to go as far as another knit bombing, although the idea is not discouraged, but rather take the opportunity of empty wall space in the Great Hall to display incredible student artwork from graphic design, drawing, painting, and multi-media classes.

Integrating student artwork

throughout the campus would also produce a sense of achievement to those chosen to be exhibited.

The costs of display cases to secure the artwork are considerably cheaper and more affordable in comparison to other aesthetic investments, such as the questionable installation of a fog generating fountain along our mall.

Sure, a fog fountain looks spooky but was it a practical purchase?

Pierce College could use some decorative enlightenment on campus and an effective solution is sitting right on top of the art hill.

If our campus can flourish with creativity and support our art students then let’s do it.

Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com ROUNDUP Editor in chief .... Calvin Alagot Opinion editor ................... Nick McNamara News editor ................... Michaia Hernandez A&E editor ............................... David Schub Sports editor ............................... Carlos Islas Assitant Sports editor ......... Danielle Meegan Social Media editor .............. Natalee Ayala Photo editor ........................... Jasson Bautista Multimedia editor ............................ Eli Diaz Copy editor .................................. Kate Noah Cartoonist ................................. Austin Faber ..............................Maria Salvador ................................Lauren Vellve Advisers ................................... Jill Connelly ........................................ Jeff Favre .................................. Stefanie Frith Advertising Manager.................. Julie Bailey Photographers: Carolyn Arredondo Carlos Carpio Mohammad Djauhari Sonia Gurrola John Gutierrez Dayana Manriquez Katie Noah Steve Palma Monica Salazar Reporters: Melody Ademisoye Christian Alvizuris Duevone Broomfield Violet Canelo Erika Correa Teja Foster Ray Garcia Lauren Holmes Jeffrey Howard Eric Jones Fahema Kakar Danielle Meegan Javier Meliton Nicole Pinto Aarica Roberson Martin Torres Tim Toton Weather Correspondent: Sean Clemmons Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof. 2 Opinion ROUNDUP: May 8, 2013 —EDITORIAL—
On page 3, the caption for a photo in “Up close and personal” mentioned Pierce the goat, where Pierce is actually a sheep.
up the campus by putting
online at theroundupnews.com for this week’s polls.
some creativity in Great Hall Check
Jay ‘n’ Rodney by Austin Faber For more comics visit us online at theroundupnews.com Lauren Vellve lvellve.roundupnews@gmail.com Column Roundup reporter
Poll ResultsQ: Are you going to, or did you, participate in Denim day? Out of 22 No 50% Yes 90% No 9% Yes 50% Q: Do you know what Denim day is? Out of 21 Q: Were you inconvenienced by the library computers and WiFi not being operational? Out of 21 No 28% Yes 28% No 38% Yes 71% Q: Did you attend the Farm Walk? Out of 21 Maybe 33%
Illustration by Lauren Vellve / Roundup

Library still missing Wi-Fi

technology bugs and setbacks.

News Briefs

-- Compiled by

Registration for fall 2013 ongoing

Students anxious to ride the Internet cloud in the new Library and Learning Crossroads will have to wait at least one more week.

There is still no set date for when Wi-Fi is expected to be up and running, according to Pierce IT Manager Mark Henderson. Workers stopped installation on May 1 to focus on a more pressing issue.

“The other project was the fax and phone for Community Services,” Henderson said.

The worker responsible for completing the set up of the Wi-Fi is on vacation for the rest of this week but will return to work at the library Monday, he said.

The LLC opened to students on April 10 and has had minor

Paggi said that Wi-Fi at the new library is being held up by “a couple of parts,” and that when they arrive, Wi-Fi will be up and running.

“Testing and deployment will be conducted over the next few days,”

Henderson said in a May 2 email.

Still, there are banks of new fullyoperational research computers hooked up to the Internet.

When asked about using the banks of computers with a hard wired Internet connection, regular library user Guillermo Granados said he’d rather not use or rely on a secondary computer to do his online work.

“It’s a pain in the neck [not to have Wi-Fi],” Granados said. “[With it] I would be able to actually do research. All I can do now is read my textbook and take notes.”

College shelters horses

[HORSES continued]

In addition to volunteer workers and the facility, Pierce provided food and water for the horses, according to Samantha Gartsman, president of the Boots and Saddles Club.

However, because not much of LA county was affected by the Springs fire, there weren’t many horses sent to Pierce.

“We could have anywhere from 100 to 300 horses,” said Jim Brown, one of the security officers on campus who helped out with the evacuation, on Friday.

Lori Seely, from the LA County Animal Care and Control Volunteer Equine Response Team, says that she has worked with the Pierce team “a thousand times.” She applauds the campus team on their ability to keep up with the emergency situation.

“They’re amazing,” Seely said. Regardless, the process went

Incident Report 4/24 - 4/29

smoothly, according to volunteers.

“If my horse ever had to be evacuated –just seeing how well they’re taken care of here –I would want them here,” said Agricultural Assistant Randi Katz. Incidentally, the weekend was also the first time Pierce hosted a 4-H youth development event, which included equine competitions planned for the arenas in the Equestrian Center. For the event, approximately 20 horses were kept in one of the barns on site.

“I feel like it was a double whammy for us,” Katz said. “We tried to get them accommodated [at the same time as the evacuation].”

It has been two or three years since the campus was last used as an evacuation center for displaced animals.

“California has the best emergency response system in the world,” Connolly said. “Everybody knows where to go, what to do and how to do it.”

4/24 -- Miscellaneous Incident -- An employee at the Pierce College Farm reported that somebody was tampering with farm equipment.

4/26 -- Student Incident -- A student was being aggressive and demanding with Special Services staff.

Student work featured in annual show

[ART continued] with Del Bosque for another show but this year she is in the show.

“I’m happy to be a part of the show in general. If you win something it’s great, too, ” she said. Ellsworth submitted a children’s illustration of a library with a pig, fox, and rabbits that was drawn in 2012 using a one-point perspective and cross hatching in graphite called “A Fox’s Library,” she said.

Another contestant is fine art major Irina Kenij, whose very first oil painting was selected to join the other pieces of private adventure and exploration. Her painting is called Memory of Iran and it is a self portrait with Arabic symbolism and a quotation from Bahá’u’lláh, she said.

Kenij said her painting is like “when you close your eyes and things start exploding in your mind.”

Fall 2013 registration for continuing students is currently under way. To find your registration appointment, you can check the Student Information System. A full schedule of classes is posted on piercecollege. edu.

Film festival marks Mental Health Month

The Student Health Center and Building Healthy Communities Initiative will be screening “First Break” in the Great Hall on Wednesday, May 8 from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and Thursday, May 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. The documentary explores the impact of a “first break” in mental illness on three young adults and their families. Popcorn, fresh fruit and lemonade will be served. The event is open to the public.

Fundraiser to feature wheels

The Future Automotive Service Technician’s Club is hosting a car show fundraiser Saturday, May 11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in front of the Industrial Technology building.

See the planets and stars from Pierce College

The Astronomy program of the Department of Physics & Planetary Sciences is hosting a viewing night on Wednesday, May 15 on the patio deck in the Center for Sciences building. All are welcome to join. Telescopes will be brought out at around sunset.

Honor society organizes nacho bar

In place of the chili cook-off scheduled May 6, the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society will be setting up a nacho bar from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. along the Mall walkway below the Associated Students Organization office.

Party to celebrate retirees

Faculty and staff are invited to attend a party celebrating the retirement of 15 faculty members on Monday, May 13 from 2:15 to 4:15 p.m. in the Great Hall. There will be cake served.

Student photographers spotlighted

Work from students taking photography-centric classes at Pierce College is on display until May 23 on the second floor of the Library and Learning Crossroads. The exhibit is hosted by the Media Arts Department, and sponsored by the Associated Students Organization. Workshops available

Stop by any of these workshops organized by the Career and Transfer Center. Open to all students, they all take place in the Career and Transfer Center in the Student Services building.

• “Financial Fears? How to Pay for College” – May 8 at 11 a.m.

• “Connecting Majors to Careers” – May 8 to 9 at 11 a.m.

• “I Didn’t Get In, Now What?” – May 9 at 1 p.m.

• “I Got Into a UC., Now What?” – May 14 at 1 p.m.

• “I Got Into a CSU, Now What?” – May 14 at 11 a.m.

ROUNDUP: May 8, 2013 News 3
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Tim Toton/ Roundup BUILDING: The Library and Learning Crossroads, which opened April 10, does not have Wi-Fi yet. Setup will resume Monday, according to IT Manager Mark Henderson (not pictured).
Tim Toton/Roundup oton.roundupnews@gmail.com

Leaving a trail

ENCORE student designs a path for hiking

At first glance, Pierce College may not seem like an appealing hiking trail to people on campus, but one student has carefully crafted out the perfect trail. Bongeon Park, a student in ENCORE—a program for elder students—has crafted and perfected a hiking trail through the campus starting at the top of the Performing Arts Building and ending approximately 2.5 miles away.

Park keeps the well-detailed map of the route with him at all times, happily sharing with his classmates and anyone who is interested.

Dressed in red plaid T-shirt, faded denim jeans and a well-equipped backpack on his back, Park is ready to begin his journey, which usually takes him two hours to complete.

As Park starts his hike, he makes sure to set his pedometer, meticulously logging each destination in his journey beginning with the 174-step stairway that leads down from the Arts Center.

“I see many students walking up and down, up and down, but the campus is a natural way to exercise,” Park said, gripping his compass cane for support. “While you’re on the campus you walk on the stairs.”

With the abundance of eye-catching plants and creatures, the Botanical Garden—which he nicknames “desert garden”—that follows after the stairway is one of Park’s favorite hiking spots.

“That garden has lots of turtles, lots of little cute animals. The first thing I noticed was all the [cacti] right in the middle of the campus. It’s so beautiful,” Park said, pointing at the turtles as he walks by. “If you’re very quiet you can even meditate.”

As a passionate yoga activist, Park engages in daily meditation, which helps him clear his head during his hikes. Park’s wife, Soon Park, can attest to her husband’s love for hiking.

“My husband loves to hike. He seems very interested in the routes. I think it’s a very good idea, and he’s helped make a nice route for students to hike,” Soon Park said.

With hiking through the campus and yoga, Park continues to stay physically active hiking around Los Angeles. He is even enrolled in the health and fitness

classes offered by the ENCORE program.

“I try to enrich myself [and] learn more. The P.E. class is always one of my favorite ones, because physical exercise is very important.” Park said.

Park remembers when he first started walking through the hiking trails that he mapped through the college.

He first started hiking in his native country of South Korea, and began searching for trails convenient for him to hike through when he moved to America.

“Suddenly, one day it came to my mind—hiking is one of the best exercises. Why not share with other students?” Park said. “Surprisingly, the response was good, but later somebody told me that the teacher copied it and distributed it to the class.”

Chris Netto, Park’s ENCORE instructor for health and fitness, began telling her students about the alternative workout Park designed.

“He asked if I wanted to share it with some of the other students. I thought the students might enjoy that, and I posted that on my website for the students to access it. They could even share it with their friends if they want,” said Netto.

The Braille Trail, a trail designed for the visuallyimpaired to experience nature, is Park’s next stop on his map. Park admires the natural beauty that runs rampant through the trail as he walks through the heavy foliage of the path. He stops to point out a bridge he likes, calling it “romantic and rural.”

Following his short walk through the Braille Trail, Park gears up for the real endeavor, trekking up a steep hill. He calls it the “East Hill to West Hill hike.”

“[This is] the hardest part of the hike,” Park said.

Despite the difficult task at hand, Park remains unfazed and properly prepared with his backpack full of hiking essentials including fruits, water, a book and his favorite peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.

Park slowly continues up the steep hill. As others on the path race past him, Park is steady but diligent in walking, moving at his own comfortable pace.

“You have your own time, your own pace, and sometimes you can fall into deep thinking about yourself, what you are currently facing or anything. Sometimes good ideas come from that,” Park said.

A reward awaits Park at the top of the hill: a scenic view of the San Fernando Valley along with a cool and refreshing breeze.

“Isn’t it refreshing?” Park said, gazing out at the


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scenery. “So nice.” Park makes his way toward the end of his trail, passing the Farm and making a stop by a “secret pool” in Canon de Lana, where he meditates before he comes full circle in his trip.

Park offers his final thoughts on reaching his destination in the form of a favorite proverb of his.

“The journey is important. If you’re in the journey, the journey owns you,” Park said, smiling. “But if you finish the journey, it’s yours.”

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ROUNDUP: May 8, 2013 Features 4
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Lynch/Site Coordinator
Monica Salazar / Roundup REFLECTION: Bongeon Park, who hikes across Pierce College on April 26, starts his walk at the top of the music building and continues through the farm to Canon de Lana, where the duck pond is. John Gutierrez/ Roundup CLUB: The auto club is hosting a car show fundraiser on May 11. To learn more about the club, visit theroundupnews.com.

First time bassist proves his talents

With a 10 year di erence in age he can still hang with the band

Unsound through a mutual friend who was renting a room with one of the members.

Unsound was formed officially in 2008: drummer Tim Lambert, 29, and guitarist Danny Goor, 31, have been playing together for 10 years; rhythm guitarist Scott Shryack, 32, heard their music through Craigslist and wanted to join them when he got back to the United States from Iraq; and lead singer Chris Guerra, 32, met the members through MySpace.

When the band first thought of naming themselves Unsound--the name was inspired after Guerra had seen an “Unsound” sticker--the name had already been taken by another band. However, that band had a falling out, so they took the name.“It’s supposed to be like an unsound bridge. You know what I mean? That kind of thing where it’s not exactly stable,” Guerra said. “That’s more or less what we’re trying to convey in the name.”

Randall--who, until that point was strictly a guitarist--would jam with them in their at-home studio.

“There was only one guitar amp, so they would always hand me the bass,” he said.

Randall recalls the phone call that the members made to ask him to join the band:

“‘We just have a funny question-do you play bass?’”

said. The band primarily plays heavy original rock ‘n’ roll.

“My [vision] for the whole project was to keep it darker. I like that dark feel when I hear heavy rock,” Guerra said. “We wanted to keep it melodic. I didn’t wanna do the screamo thing or anything where I’m, like, growling or anything like that. But I wanted to keep the music underneath thick and hearty.”

“Something to float on,” Randall chimed in.

Still, the band has songs that are

“They thought I had a lot of potential. It turned out that I’m actually a far better bassist.”

more radio-friendly anthems.

“Hell, I like to have my own song stuck in my head all day. That’s cool,” Guerra said. “That’s what we’re going for.”

do this all day long,” Randall said. “Being rich and famous and living in a mansion is nice, but if we could just support ourselves and play music at the same time, that’s all we’re really going for.”

Even though Randall joined a year ago, the band hasn’t been playing that many gigs because the members wanted to have a recorded CD on hand first.

Right now, the band works around the members’ work schedules by practicing around three times a week at night.

Paladino’s bartender Amber Blomgren, who listens to music from all the bands that are set to play for the club’s newsletters, describes Unsound as a “really good local band.”

“I like their melodic undertones,” she said. “There’s also the fact that I could tell that they were actually musicians, not just rockers.”

At the end of their seven-song set, the band thanked the crowd for coming to see them play.

“Can you like us [on Facebook]? Please?” Guerra asked the audience.

Carla Reyes, 37, came to Paladino’s the day of Unsound’s performance to see Maiden-LA, an Iron Maiden tribute band. Wanting to hear all the bands set to perform that day, she came for Unsound’s performance.

The first riffs from the guitar broke the hypnotic feel of the somber background music that had been emitting from the speakers by the stage, and neon spotlights flickered intermittently, casting shadows on the handful of people scattered around the interior of the club.

Meanwhile,glowing multicolored Christmas lights strung along the rod bars running across the ceiling above the stage bounced off the five-membered band poised to begin their set. As the first of five performances

for the night, Unsound played on Friday, April 19 to a fairly empty Paladino’s Night Club, a 300-person capacity venue that features rock ‘n’ roll tribute and original bands during the weekends.

“It’s always hard for the opening act. They’re usually just as good [as the headliners] but no one goes to a club at 8 p.m.,” said club promoter Bryan Keith, who booked Unsound to play at Paladino’s.

The interlude between the second and third songs is broken by someone, a friend of the band’s, yelling out, “Turn Max up! We can’t hear him.”

When 20-year-old Max Randall joined Unsound as a bassist a year

ago,he had never really played bass before.

“They thought I had potential,” said Randall, who is taking a nearly full load of courses at Pierce College. “It turned out that I’m actually a far better bassist than I am a guitarist.”

He started seriously playing guitar at the age of 14. He wanted to learn how to play “One” by Metallica, and had asked one of his friends to teach him. When he couldn’t learn it, he decided to switch over to piano. Then on his 15th birthday, his father bought him a guitar. Randall started getting lessons, but eventually decided to teach himself. Randall met

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“‘Not even a little bit.’”

“‘Do you want to learn?’”

“I’m their mid-life crisis,” Randall said with a laugh.

A few songs into the band’s gig at Paladino’s, Unsound debuted their new song, “Bound to Fall,” and took to interacting with the audience.

“Is it good?” Guerra asked the audience.

“I liked the bridge!” someone hollered from one of the tables.

“That was a great song,” somebody else yelled out.

Unsound is Randall’s first band.

“I’ve been in two small projects where we had the idea of becoming a band, but it never happened,” he

Despite the approximate 10-year age gap between Randall and the rest of the members, the group has a camaraderie that they consider their strongest suit.

“There’s always something going on. I love that about our band, that we could always just stop what we’re doing and start jamming out and actually write music together without arguing and any of that other stuff you have at other bands,” Guerra said.

While the band is trying to make a name for itself, all the members are working full-time jobs.

“Bands are expensive. I wish I had plenty of money and we could

“I would listen to them again,” she said, comparing Unsound to rock band Incubus. “Regardless of the [lack of people in the audience], I’m gonna follow them. I’m not here for the people but for the bands.”

That’s not to say that being a part of Unsound is all business.

“We’re trying to get famous before next semester,” he said, grinning. “This is like my time to hang out with my friends. It’s not like a job at all. It’s fun, and it gives me a reason to get out of the house.” Follow Unsound on Facebook at facebook.com/unsoundband. Unsound is performing at Paladino’s on June 28, at 9 p.m.

Summer Session

One eight week session: June 17-August 10

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ROUNDUP: May 8, 2013 Arts & Entertainment 5
Monica Salazar/ Roundup ROCKINʼ OUT: Unsound, plays at Paladinoʼs Club in Tarzana, Calif., on April, 19. Musicians of the band include: (L-R) Scott Schryack, 32, rhythm guitar, Maxwell Randell, 20, bass, Chris Guerra, 32 ,lead singer, Tim Lambert, 29, drums, and Danny Goor, 31, lead guitar.
Check schedules online at www.piercecollege.edu/schedules
The course list is available online at http://summer.csun.edu ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS APRIL 3 Pierce.1/4.Smr.03.13
Michaia Hernandez/Roundup mhernandez.roundupnews@gmail.com

Dedication pays off

Despite early setbacks, men’s volleyball player manages to succeed

Among all things that are inevitable, death has the ability to hurt, alter, and change those who are still living, and volleyball player Evan Bender is no exception.

According to the 2012 Census Bureau, approximately 151,600 people die a day and two every second but the stats for losing a cousin, grandfather and dad all within a year and a half is still a mystery for Bender.

“All three [deaths] happened while I was at Pierce playing volleyball so it was hard to focus and stay on the right path,” said Bender.

Now 21, Bender’s determination to succeed surpasses that of personal preference or skill.

He does it for his family whose spirits now occupy the stands and their words of encouragement serve as the adrenaline that displaces his pre-game jitters.

Standing at a lean 6 feet 6 inches, Bender is usually found proudly sporting Pierce paraphernalia as he walks the gym halls making sure everyone is aware of his next game.

Bender is a big promoter of not only volleyball but all Pierce athletics as he attends various sporting events and the other teams gladly return the favor.

“It’s a beautiful thing what he did for the program,” said Joseph Roberson, a Pierce academic counselor.

“An upper-class male Caucasian could be standoffish,” Roberson said. “Where else do you see black football players yelling from the front row at a volleyball game? He did that.”

Coming into this season, Bender already established a game plan nine months before he would even step foot onto the court.

“It’s not all about winning, we brought a sense of brotherhood back to Pierce this year,” said Bender. “I wish I was a freshman now so I could witness the great things that will happen next season, it’s been magical.”

A very recognizable face on campus, Bender speaks to everybody, even asking a young lady about her day while trying to scramble for a parking space in the congested lot in front of the South Gym.

“Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know you, he will approach you without any problems at all,” said Daniel Williams, fellow co-captain of the men’s volleyball team. “He is just real like that.”

Not only does he embrace the task of being Pierce’s unofficial cheerleader, Bender embodies the definition of a true Brahma according to head volleyball coach Lance Walker.

“He is always going the extra mile,” said Walker. “Whenever there is a problem he is like ‘what can I do, how [can] I fix it?’”

This previous season Bender single-handedly brought in close to $1,000 in sponsorship money to help keep a struggling program running. He also takes it upon himself to email and text his teammates to make sure they show up to practice and games on time. “I have a lot of words for Evan,” said Walker. “Hard worker, dedicated... he is just an all-around good guy.” Though very enthusiastic about what he does, had the baseball program at El Camino High School in Woodland Hills not faced cancellation, Bender might have been catching fly balls instead of serving them.

Growing three inches during the summer of his high school junior year Evan was almost unrecognizable by his class mates, but his 6 feet 4 inch presence drew the attention of the volleyball staff.

“I loved volleyball so much that my first year playing I tried out for a club team and made it,” said Bender. “I was fortunate enough to be coached by Jeff Stork who is a gold medal Olympian.”

Despite being a late bloomer, Bender’s athleticism and tall stature landed him a starting position at El Camino but his inexperience and lack of fundamentals caused him to red shirt his first season and only play five minutes in his second season at Pierce College.

“So actually this year is my first real season,” said Bender. “The other years I was just learning the game and trying to get two percent better every day.”

In Bender’s first year as a starter he was named to the First Team All-Conference, selected as a First Team Final Four All-State Player, and served as co-captain

along with Daniel Williams whom he personally recruited.

“I met him at a tournament and he said I should play Pierce ball,” said Williams. “I thought, hey cool I’ll meet you there.”

Together Williams and Bender helped to transform a below .500 program into Western State Conference champs all while taking third in the state championships.

“I’m interested in going to UC Irvine or UC Santa Barbara,” said Bender.

Keeping his options open, Bender has spoken to coaches at University of the Pacific, Cal Baptist University, University of Southern California, and Lance Walker’s former school, Pepperdine.

As of right now Bender has over a 3.3 grade point average and hopes that a degree in business will land him at a Fortune 500 Company if volleyball doesn’t pan out.

Once a scared teen, Bender has used his misfortune to motivate him onto a path of success bearing a big smile all the way.

“He’s Evan Bender, you got to love him, you can’t hate him,” Williams added.

ROUNDUP May 8, 2013 Sports 6
“He’s Evan Bender. You got to love him, you can’t hate him.”
- Daniel Williams, volleyball player teammate to Evan Bender
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in transferring
Salazar / Roundup
VICTORY: Evan Bender, co-captain of the volleyball team, towers at 6 feet 6 inches under cloudy skies at Pierce
on May 7, 2013. Bender is interested
to the
of California, Santa Barbara.

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