Volume 119 Fall 2013 Roundup Issue 10

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WIN: Pierce displays the American Division Championship trophy after defeating the Chaffey College Panthers, 21-13, on Nov. 23 at Grigsby Field in Rancho Cucamonga.

Pierce wins American Division Bowl

With a division title on the line, the Pierce College football team won its third bowl game in the last four years and clinched the first American Division Championship since 2010.

The Brahmas were victorious over the Chaffey College Panthers making a comeback in the second half after being down 13-7 finishing the game with a final score of 21-13. “Winning was our goal,” said defensive line coach Kort Huettinger. “And we did it. These guys played their hearts out. They did what they were supposed to. Two years in a row.”

Returning to the field from an important win the prior week against Glendale Community College, the Brahmas started off strong against Chaffey College with a 50-yard touchdown pass from Nick Arbuckle to sophomore tight end

Academic Senate to change bylaws

News task force created

Approximately three months after the Pierce College Academic Senate voted to promote one of its vice presidents to presidency following weeks of heated discussion, the group is still arguing over setting up a special election for faculty to vote on a new president. During the latest Senate meeting on Nov. 18, debate on a motion to do a special election “as soon as feasible to fill the remaining terms of office” took up nearly the entire meeting, according to those

Council votes for rental increase Pierce College’s operations are losing money

The Pierce College Council voted 13-4 Thursday to recommend that the college president increase on-campus rental prices for services and areas used by the community.

The college rents classrooms, the pool, the football stadium, the gym and other facilities around campus to raise revenue to maintain facilities.

The current rates are significantly lower than many other colleges in the area and are below fair market values, according to Associate Vice President of Administrative Services Larry Kraus.

“What we found is that we are very low in our pricing,” Kraus said. “In many of our operations we are losing money.”

Tyler Kolodny in the first quarter.

Chaffey responded quickly scoring a touchdown on the team’s next drive on a one yard run by quarterback Dimitri Morales to tie the game at 7-7 and cap a 73 yard drive with 2:34 remaining the first quarter.

The Panthers were able to score again in the second quarter when Morales connected his second touchdown of the game on a nine yard pass to running back Jamie Snowten taking a 13-7 lead after kicker David Young missed the extra point attempt.

Going into the second half Pierce was able to stop Chaffey on a big drive when cornerback Max Lyons came up with a huge interception in the red zone and returned the ball 97 yards to put the Brahmas at the 1 yard line.

[See CHAMPIONS, pg. 8]

Volleyball digs for four-peat // Online

present at the discussion. Because of this, some items included in the meeting’s agenda were not discussed.

“It’s a time suck, basically,” said Kathy Holland, adjunct faculty atlarge representative. The motion was passed with 18 yeses, 11 objections and 5 abstentions, according to notes provided by the Senate’s secretary to Richard Skidmore, chair of the Bylaws Taskforce.

However, the result that the motion passed was reported in error, as the Academic Senate bylaws state that amendments to the bylaws — special elections to this effect are not covered by the document — require a two-thirds majority vote, not a simple majority vote.

Nelger Carrera / Roundup

DIG: Kira Guarino, #6, digs the volleyball at the volleyball game against Hancock College. Pierce College won 3-0. At Pierce College in Woodalnd Hills, Calif. on Nov. 21, 2013.

[See page 8 for full story | Slideshow online] [See BYLAWS, pg. 3]

This change in pricing will attempt to remedy the loss by looking at a study comparing Pierce and other similar places, and charging the fair market price derived from that.

“When we talk about the pool, we know the definite cost,” Kraus said. “Right now we are losing money on that pool because it is so expensive to maintain.”

There is worry amongst a few of the council members that this could alienate the community by driving them out with the high prices.

Deborah Hefter, current manager of the pool, voted against increasing the on-campus rental prices for this reason.

“To have that pool just sitting there empty is going to cost us way more money than it is to have people in there using it,” Hefter said.

A slow increase in the rates over time had been attempted, but it was rejected because it wasn’t aggressive enough, with the flat increase going forward to the president. The worries of alienating the community were calmed by possible freedom in pricing and the thought of revisiting the issue if problems arise.

“It will have some impact on our community,” Vice President of administration Rolf Schleicher said. “There’s no doubt about it.”

Gus Sandoval, president of the associated students organization, believes this is a necessary step to get business at the college moving again.

“If we don’t act, the district will continue to not approve our contracts,” Sandoval said. “If we start losing community involvement, we can revisit the issue.”

RUONLINE? Woodland Hills, California Volume 119 - Issue 10 Wednesday, November 27, 2013 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00 Monday Dec. 2 High: 70° Low: 47° Mostly Sunny Wednesday Dec. 4 High: 65° Low: 42° Sunny The Pierce College Weather Station has provided meteorological data to national agencies since 1949. Thursday Nov. 28 High: 65° Low: 51° Partly Cloudy Friday Nov. 29 High: 67° Low: 47° Few Showers Saturday Nov. 30 High: 73° Low: 47° Sunny Sunday Dec. 1 High: 75° Low: 48° Sunny Tuesday Dec. 3 High: 66° Low: 43° Partly Cloudy A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION UP www.theroundupnews.com /theroundupnews @roundupnews /roundupnews /roundupnews Wednesday Nov. 27 High: 74° Low: 51° Partly Cloudy PIERCE WEATHER REPORT I N S I D E Feature: L.A. Kingʼs in-arena host . . . PAGE 7 »»» Thursday, Nov. 28 ‒ Sunday, Dec. 1 ««« CAMPUS CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING
Roundup Reporter Carlos Carpio / Roundup
“We came out and we put our foot on their throat and we kept it on their throat and we never let up.”
-Bobby Baker Defensive Back

umbs up & umbs Down

UP: Winter coat weather

The brutal heat of summer has finally broken and students are bundling up in winter fashion.

DOWN: Poor governance Pierce College Council’s closed-door meeting mentality and Academic Senate’s semester long squabble for leadership.

-Holiday Habits-

Who you gonna call?

An institution of higher learning requires the flow of information from all levels of the administration and faculty so that students’ basic questions can have immediate answers.

With that in mind, administrators should be more accessible and responsive to student inquiries and concerns regarding a wide range of issues.

The Roundup sent three basic questions via email to six of the college’s administrators about how students could get questions answered more efficiently. Only two responded within a week.

Although it took the respondents about a week to reply, they were willing to take suggestions to make the stream of information to students smooth and more accessible.

Teachers and professors are required to have office hours to address student concerns, so it makes sense to have administrators do the same.

When people raise issues and concerns, administration should be transparent, accessible and responsive to those needs.

A sample of this problem is demonstrated by a recent survey the Roundup conducted. The survey asked 25 students whether or not they had unanswered questions about campus safety, construction and technology and if they knew where to get answers.

More than half of the students polled had unanswered questions, yet 88 percent of them did not know where to get information, nor did they try.

Most students asked were perplexed by where to go for answers, while the scant students who did attempt to get answers did so through a teacher.

Pierce can learn from the city of Los Angeles in respect that all citizens have access to a “one-stop” phone number, 311, which allows citizens to inquire in one location regarding a myriad of city services and have their needs addressed.

Although the school recently introduced a new main phone number, it’s just as flawed as the old line. Students continue to get the runaround or accidentally disconnected when looking for certain departments or persons on campus.

The phones need to be manned by appropriately trained employees who have the proper knowledge to either answer the question or direct them to the proper individuals who should promptly address their concerns.

However, even the best working communication system will fail miserably if the officials responsible for addressing these concerns refuse to make themselves available or ignore messages left.

In respect to lack of responsiveness, the weekly meeting between the Roundup and Administrative Services designed to get the most accurate information possible to pass on to the student body has been abruptly cancelled for no apparent reason.

An institution that is designed to educate and assist students should do just that.

Community college four-year degrees


Community colleges would veer away from its original goals and create tension with CSUs and UCs if they provide bachelor’s degrees, as the Chancellor of California Community Colleges has proposed.

The primary mission of a community college, according to the state’s 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education, is to provide academic and occupational instruction for students through the first two years of undergraduate education.

Community colleges offer English as a second language (ESL) courses, workforce training services and adult education. So, adding four-year degrees to their goals would cause a shift in the Master Plan and would broaden their scope.

Competition with state colleges

and universities would ensue when students bypass a more costly education, affecting CSU and UC enrollment numbers and budgets.

Doctorate faculty to teach an upper division courses as well as more classroom space, books and access to advanced laboratory equipment would cost CCCs significantly.

Pierce does not even have the budget to open some of their existing buildings for public use, like numerous new rooms in the Library/ Learning Crossroads Building, or money to keep its foundational Agriculture department afloat.

CCCs should fix existing issues like making sure millions of students do not sit on floors to crash classes. It makes more sense to first focus on perfecting the somewhat flawed system before any changes are made.

Thousands of community college students are turned away each year under the original mission.

The chancellor’s office should make sure existing educational programs are operational before funneling very limited funds into new ventures.

Opinion -Pro-

Pierce College is already convenient and inexpensive, but if students could earn a bachelor’s degree as well, the school’s prestige would shoot up several rungs.

The California Community College Chancellor’s Office established the Baccalaureate Degree Study Group in May 2013 to study whether or not CCCs should offer four-year degrees as 20 other states already do. The group will deliver its recommendation in January 2014.

President and CEO of Mt. San Antonio College Bill Scroggins said in an online magazine article that community colleges cannot meet the demand for skilled workers in technical fields and those fields increasingly require four-year degrees. Therefore, CCCs should


adapt to these changes. If schools like Mt. San Antonio gave out degrees for applied fields like nursing, it could only benefit communities and produce more work-ready students.

Students that live in walking distance to Pierce would agree that going here for a bachelor’s degree is affordable geographically and monetarily.

Pierce’s accessibility might be the only chance some have to achieve a higher education so it should offer the alternative.

Also, a bachelor’s degree would encourage community college students to apply themselves to a specific focus earlier as opposed to waiting to transfer to a California university.

With all of the new buildings on campus contributing to Pierce’s new university feel, the school should simply follow through on its growing presence in the community with four-year degrees.

California community colleges owes its 2.4 million students the same opportunity to earn bachelor’s degrees that 21 other states have provided their students.


Volume 119 Issue: 9

Page 5: “Framing local buildings,” Annabelle Bonebrake’s name was misspelled.

Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com ROUNDUP Editor in chief .... Calvin Alagot Managing editor......................... Genna Gold Online editor.................. Michaia Hernandez Opinion editor ..............................Tim Toton News editor ..............................Tracy Wright Features editor ..................Monica Velasquez Sports editor ............................... Carlos Islas Raymond Garcia Copy editor....................................Kate Noah Photo editor ................. Mohammad Djauhari Monica Salazar Cartoonist ..............................Maria Salvador ................................Lauren Vellvé Advisers ................................... Jill Connelly ........................................ Jeff Favre .................................. Stefanie Frith Advertising Manager.................. Julie Bailey [For advertising call Julie at (818) 710-2960] Photographers: Jonathan Andrino-Vela Anabella Apfelbaum Carlos Carpio Nelger Carrera Talia Farber Dayana Manriquez Saba Masoomi Bobak Radbin Reporters: Ethan Hanson Gabrielle Hutchinson Jeffrey Howard Caleb Johnson Jasmin Miko Kashish Nizami Chiara Perbil Manuel Rios Todd Rosenblatt Mike Washington Kat Wilson Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof. 2 Opinion ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013 –EDITORIAL–
Maria Salvador / Roundup
Vellvé / Roundup
* Answers out of 50 responses from students on campus as compiled by opinion editor Tim Toton. What’s on the menu? How much are students going to spend this holiday season? < $100 $101$250 > $500 $251$500 17 11 17 5 Top five favorite foods: 1. Desert 2. Mashed potatos 3. Turkey 4. Stuffing 5. Kabab 10 9 8 5 4 Top five least favorite foods: 1. Vegetables 2. Turkey 3. Cranberries 4. Pie 5. None 12 11 6 5 5 Do students like to travel during the holidays? Yes -31 No -19 Who gest the big gifts? 1. Parents 2. Siblings 3. Family 4. Others 5. Self 15 5 7 14 9 Who is the craziest relative during the holidays? Uncle or aunt - 17 Brother or sister - 9 Cousin - 6 None - 6 Mother or father - 5 Grandparent - 4 Self - 2 All - 1 5
Students apathetic, accepting about unasked campus questions

Issues with special election

[BYLAWS cont. from pg. 1]

“Most of the senators do not know their bylaws nor are they familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order,” Skidmore said.

Skidmore said he was informed that the Academic Senate’s executive board discussed the error, and is now waiting for a decision.

The motion and succeeding lengthy discussion is only part of the ongoing debate on the succession of presidency, after former Senate president John Zayac resigned for personal reasons before he officially began his term.

“There are some members of the Senate who do not want to follow the bylaws, and they want to target the current sitting president,” Skidmore said. “You cannot arbitrarily ignore the bylaws.”

Kathy Oborn, current Academic Senate president, took the position after the group voted to recognize her as the rightful executive.

“Kathy Oborn is put in a bad situation. It’s a no-win situation for her,” Academic Senate member James McKeever said. “I really do believe she wants to do the right thing, but I don’t know if there’s a

News Briefs

Spring calendar online

The spring 2014 calendar is now available online. The spring semester begins Monday, Feb. 10.

Thanksgiving holiday [11/28 - 12/1]

The campus will be closed Thursday, Nov. 28 through Sunday, Dec. 1 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Classes will resume on Monday, Dec. 2. Farm Center celebrates [11/29 - 12/24]

The Pierce Farm Center Christmas Celebration runs from Friday, Nov. 29 to Tuesday, Dec. 24. Santa Claus will be on stage for pictures Monday to Friday from 5 to 10 p.m. and weekends from noon to 10 p.m. until Monday, Dec. 23. There will be five varieties of trees to purchase, a large model nativity scene and wagon rides.

Deadline approaches [11/30]

The deadline to apply for fall 2014 at CSUN is Saturday, Nov. 30 at 11:59 p.m. Students are encouraged to visit the Career & Transfer Center and meet with counselors to ensure correct transfer requirements. Extended clinic hours are available on Wednesday, Nov. 27 between 4:30 and 7 p.m.

Club to host panel [12/2]

The Feminist Club will be hosting a panel discussion addressing misconceptions about feminism with a question and answer session in The Great Hall on Monday, Dec. 2 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. For more information contact pierce.femclub@gmail.com.

P.A.C.E. hosts orientation [12/2]

The Program for Accelerated College Education will hold an orientation in The Great Hall on Monday, Dec. 2 at 6 p.m.

Library extends hours [12/9-12/15]

The library will be open for additional hours during the week before finals on Saturday, Dec. 7 and Sunday, Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Pierce changes number

The college has introduced a new main phone number, (818) 710-4100.

proper path to get there.”

The issue has brought to light problems with the group’s bylaws — the group’s book of laws — as well as the Senate’s unfamiliarity as a whole with Robert’s Rules of Order, a parliamentary procedural periodical.

“Sometimes it takes a crazy disaster like this to get people to think, ‘We need to update our bylaws,’” Holland said.

While the Bylaws Taskforce is currently working to make changes to the entire document in time for next semester, there are some senate members who are pushing just for a section on special elections to be given priority.

“Until we come to terms with that, it’s the white elephant in the room,” said Margarita Pillado, vice president of curriculum.

However, many members of the taskforce say that taking their time is important to ensure a thorough revision of the bylaws.

“You can’t just call for a special election. You have to give us a bit of time. Other people want to fix this and fix other problems later, but I say, ‘Why not do this right the first time even if it takes us a bit

longer?’” said Anthony Gabrielli, Senate and Bylaws Taskforce member. “We need to go back and make it a coherent change that occurs. I don’t believe there is any debate on whether a special election should be included but it has to be formulated in a way that doesn’t affect the bylaws.”

Holland agrees with Gabrielli.

“This is something we should not do in haste because if we do it in haste it will come back to haunt us. It’s always appropriate to take more time than necessary to cross the T’s and dot I’s because bylaws are the rules of our group. If our bylaws are a mess we function as a mess,” she said.

There are also faculty members like Modern Language Department Chair Fernando Oleas, who don’t even think that the elections are ever going to happen in this situation.

“They just manipulate [the situation] not to hold elections,” he said.

Members of the taskforce say they are trying their best to get the process done as quickly as they can.

“Nobody on the task force is delaying or forestalling the process to get a special election,” Gabrielli

said. “This isn’t going to take long if they just leave us alone.”

This is the first time the Senate has had to deal with problems like this, according to Holland, who has been active with the group since the late ‘90s.

“If at the end of the term, it would be a non-issue, but because it’s at the beginning of a two-year term it becomes more significant and much more meaningful to people,” she said.

McKeever describes the situation to be “like a tug of war.”

“People dig really deep in the trenches. We’re just going to pull and pull until it falls apart,” he said. “Because of this, it’s tearing the campus in two. It shouldn’t be that way. What’s really being lost is what we’re here for: educating students.”

Holland says that considering how long it is taking for the situation to blow over, it might take even longer for everyone to recover.

“It’s that explosive and crazy. It’s a disaster. You never recover from disasters immediately,” she said. “It takes time to reestablish relations and get back to where we can all work together.”

Finals schedule

Finals begin Monday, Dec. 9 and go through Sunday, Dec. 15.

Nov. 17 - Nov. 23

11/18 - Missing person - The Los Angeles Police Department was looking for a missing male student who was later found off campus.

11/18 - Petty theft - A student’s iPhone was taken off of her desk. It was never found.

11/18 - Ill student - A student fainted in class and was taken to the hospital by a paramedic.

11/19 - Vandalism - A staff member reported graffiti in the men’s restroom on the second floor of the new library.

11/19 - Suspicious circumstances - Two males were harassing students on the campus Mall for money as they walked pass.

11/19 - Argument - An argument occurred between a student and staff member by Copytech.

11/21 - Petty theft - A student returned to class to pick up their laptop in Room 8402 after accidentally leaving it behind, but it was not there. Nothing was turned in to lost and found.

11/21 - Suspicious circumstances - A male was detained after he walked up to a female student and tried to kiss her. The matter is still under investigation.

11/21 - Verbal - An argument occurred between a student and staff member in the conference room of the Center for the Sciences Building.

11/21 - Disturbance - A student reported an argument between a math professor and one of his students during class.

11/22 - Disturbance - A student was causing a disturbance in the International Office demanding to be seen. The student was warned and advised by officers.

11/23 - Verbal - An argument occurred between two people over a parking situation by the cross-country track.

pierce college sheriff‘s station


Officers called on reporters

Public meeting ends early due to student recording devices

After a vote to recommend to raise the price of the rent of campus facilities, the Pierce College Council (PCC) meeting came to an abrupt end when chair Lyn Clark noticed student reporters recording.

She then announced that recordings were not allowed and asked the students not to return to the meetings.

“We have students in violation of our policy of no recording and I’m sorry

I didn’t notice before but these students. I’m going to ask that they leave,” Clark said. “I’m going to have to also ask that they not return because they have not abided by our rules and they know about them and they have been told and their sponsor also knows and I’m very disappointed that they did not follow through as they should have but I will be more aware of it next time because I know this body does not appreciate being recorded. We certainly welcome participation, we welcome students, but we don’t welcome those who will not follow our rules.”

Members of PCC agreed to the motion and campus safety officials were called when PCC member Curtis Smith refused to return a cell phone back to a student reporter.

Officers arrived on the scene shortly and returned the item back to the student reporter after surveying the situation.

The officers then said that the reporters and PCC will have to work out the civil issue among themselves.

The next PCC meeting is on Dec. 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the College Services Building Conference Room.

Potential new hires for Pierce

Departments convene to discuss hiring new sta members

Deliberations within the Faculty Position Priority Committee took place Friday in the Online Conference Room on the first floor of the Library/ Learning Crossroads Building to determine which department at Pierce has the highest need for new staff.

The FPPC takes each staffing need into account and rates its level of importance according to a scoring rubric containing eight factors such as program viability, staffing needs, program needs, etc. The rubric scores are then compiled and those with the highest scores are discussed among the committee.

While positions need to be filled within 40 disciplines throughout different departments, only a handful of those will be chosen due to budgetary restrictions. Ten staff members appeared before the committee during the time allotted for public commentary to advocate for positions within their departments, and

were permitted two minutes in which to plead their case.

Cindy Herbst, who teaches American Sign Language and ASL English Interpreting, opened the public commentary time with a request – in sign language, which she then translated – for a new full-time hire within the Modern Language Department due to a retirement last year.

“I get that they have a list and they have to prioritize,” Herbst said. “I’m speaking on behalf our need for a new full-time teacher and hoping that the priority will be given attention. I know they have other things to consider.”

Herbst asked the Committee to take into account not only the fact that her department had a retirement last year, but that she herself will be retiring next June, which she said would leave the entirety of the program in the hands of part-timers.

Committee member Kathy Oborn spoke on behalf of the need for continuity in any given department, and said that if someone has been teaching at Pierce for 37 years and is on their way out, it would be smart to hire

someone for that department so they have time to mentor the new teacher.

“If you have a department with only one full-timer, and we wait for that person to retire, then you have no mentoring of that department and you lose the continuity,” Oborn said.

Margarita Pillado, who advocated for a position in the Spanish Department, is the chair of the Curriculum Committee and told the FPPC to consider the shortage of office space for teachers, but Lyn Clark said that space would not be an issue.

“The ASO is vacating those rooms next to the Great Hall,” Clark said. “That’s a central campus location and nothing has been decided on who is going to be in there. They could be used for office space, so I don’t think that should be a consideration.”

The FPPC put a list of 48 positions in order of priority and have passed that list on to the Academic Senate for approval. From there, the list will be given to Pierce President Kathleen Burke, who may choose to pass over any position she does not agree should have priority.

ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013 News 3
report –
- Compiled by Tracy Wright
Information: (818) 719 - 6450 Emergency: (818) 710 - 4311
Kate Noah Copy Editor
at art, music, food trucks, junkalicious! NOV
4 DEC 15 • 8am-3pm

Communicating in more ways than one

Learning the basics of American Sign Language: it is all in the eyes

‘Children of a Lesser God,’ at the Ahmanson Theater.

For most classes, 38 students would make plenty of noise.

The group outside the Village classroom at Pierce College is extremely quiet—but their hands and arms are moving rapidly and most are making eye-to-eye contact with each other.

The professor arrives, unlocks the door, and the students file in and take their seats.

American Sign Language 1 (ASL) is ready to begin.

Professor Cindy Herbst has taught for 34 years at Pierce College and is the ASL instructor.

“ASL is a two-year Associate in Arts degree program in American Sign Language and English interpreting,” Herbst said.

“Employment opportunities in sign language interpretation is the goal, from educational to community based settings, like medical, appointments with lawyers, doctors, mechanics; all things people do everyday of their life.”

Professor Herbst was a hearing child who grew up with deaf parents.

Growing up she knew they were different from other families, but she spent a lot of time around other hearing family members, therefore she learned how to verbally communicate and sign at a young age.

Starting at five years old, she would translate for her parents.

“I saw the original play,

It was a significant depiction of the deaf experience that was offered to the grand population, on a larger scale than what typically happened before.

It was such a successful production on such a grand level like that.

So that was the beginning of people’s awareness of a different way of living life,” Herbst said.

Miguel Rodriguez, a student at Pierce College, “is very well known by many of the students in the ASL program” according to Herbst.

He is majoring in mathematics and hopes to become a math teacher.

He was not born deaf but lost his hearing at 3 months from an illness.

Rodriquez’ parents decided to put him in oral school so he would be able to communicate with them.

In school he understood pictures and concepts of what the teacher was teaching, but was unable to speak.

The teacher decided it was best he go to a school where he would learn how to sign.

His family also tried to learn how to sign in order to communicate with him.

When they did not understand each other they would draw pictures to communicate until he was able to write.

“I attended a deaf elementary school where I felt comfortable and at home,” Rodriguez signed.

His whole world changed when he had to attend a non-deaf middle school.

“I felt out of my element, but not as much as when I attended high school. In middle school, my

Top 10 study snacks

Choosing the right food for nals can make the di erence between a passing grade and a fail

parents would translate for me and keep me under their wing, but in high school I was on my own and had to learn how to interact with the hearing,” he signed

A student who benefits from the program is Lane Green, 21, interpreting major. Green wants to use his

1. Nuts

Pistachios, almonds, walnuts, and peanuts contain a high amount of crucial fatty acids to help the students’ endeavors. Also they are a good source of protein and are easy to carry, containing unsaturated fats or the “cool” fat, which is a good calorie intake choice.

2. Coffee and tea

Staying awake for late night study sessions can be hard without the proper boost.

Coffee will act as a stimulant, boosting the ability to retain one’s studies.

While tea affects problem solving and focus positively, overuse of either will have negative side effects. Drink accordingly.

3. Fish

Particularly salmon and albacore tuna which both have high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acid.

interpreting skills to help children. Green is in ASL 3. He has been signing for almost 5 years.

“Several of my family members have Aspergers syndrome or are deaf.” Green said. “I love the method of communication. It is a very straightforward method of language.”

4. Energy drinks

Drinking these on a regular basis is not a great idea, but twice the amount of caffeine, and high amounts of vitamins B6,B3,B2, and B12 will keep you up during long studies.

5. Cocaine (Energy Drink)

Worthy of its own mention, forced to change it’s name in 2007 by the FDA.

The drink cocaine has three times the amount of taurine of a monster.

Need to stay up for 17 hours studying, this bad boy is for you.

6. Berries

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and cranberries are always beneficial. They are high in antioxidants, which helps blood flow by lowering toxin levels in the bloodstream. They are easily accessible at your local grocery store

Like any culture around the world there are certain guidelines that everyone should follow.

22-year-old cartooning and animation major Steven Asidilla, who is currently taking American Sign Language 1 with Instructor Kristine Hall, was surprised with some of the guidelines.

Do: Signing students, both hearing and deaf, tend to stand a few feet apart. It is acceptable to walk in between them while they are signing.

Don’t: Just like when two people are talking it is rude to eavesdrop on their conversation, staring at individuals when they are signing is the equivalent.

Do: Individuals who are deaf tend to be patient and it is acceptable for another person to spell out certain words to communicate.

Deaf culture: Do’s and Don’ts Club reestablished a er year long hiatus

After its resurrection from the Pierce College club graveyard, the American Sign Language Club steadied its feet this fall semester after about a year of holding an inactive status.

This is an alternative for students interested in learning American Sign Language (ASL) which taught in both the fall and the spring semester.

However ASL 1, along with all the odd number classes is only taught in the fall and the even numbers in the spring.

According to the club president Elizabeth Ulloa, 23, the ASL Club got back on its feet mid-semester to open an opportunity to students who share a common interest and want to be able to communicate through sign language.

“It’s important to come together and sign to one another,” Ulloa said. “We get to develop the fluency and comfortability of signage amongst each other, as well as we get to share what we’ve learned from other classes.”

Deaf communities from the San Bernardino County, Orange County, Torrance, Ventura and the local city of Northridge come together for “deaf events” that the Pierce club members attend as well, Ulloa said.

Once a month within the San Fernando Valley, groups gather together anywhere from a central Starbucks location, bookstores, pizza parlors or sometimes Subway. California State University, Northridge also holds seminars to network within, said Ulloa.

“There’s a lot of people that know there’s deaf people in the world but don’t encounter them. It turns into ‘how would I communicate without having to write notes?’ That’s what this club is for, along with the classes that Pierce offers,” said club secretary and American sign language interpreting major Francisco Meza, 22.

Concurrent enrollment student Rosa Robertson, 17, is enrolled in Cindy Herbst’s American Sign

7. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate only, no milk chocolate will do, but higher amounts of concentrations are ideal. Increasing blood flow to the brain with increasing awareness and clarity.

8. Raw vegetables

Cooking vegetables often takes out the nutrients the body and brain needs the most. For the better grades, eat your vegetables which provide a student necessary nutrients to increase productivity and help during those study hours.

9. Water

Hydration is necessary to keep one’s brain focused and in tip-top shape. Whether from the tap or from the bottle, water is your best friend when trying to remember those difficult equations.


Language course at Pierce and joined the club after taking classes with a personal interpreter.

“The club is a good way to learn about ASL and to learn how to practice. You get to find out about more events everywhere,” Robertson said. “I like the language of American sign. It’s a great way to learn about general knowledge about deaf culture.”

Meza joined the club in order to stay fluent with the communication style as it is very easy to lose the skill.

According to both officers, learning to sign can be difficult for different people because every person who signs uses a personal style at the language.

Flexibility is the key to learning how to be able to differentiate and understand the different signs people are accustomed to.

With some club members as interpreters to other students, Ulloa described interpretation as a more complex process.

“To interpret for others, you have to be able to process the information, bring it into the mind, and spit it out. It isn’t as easy as socializing where you keep the message at mind. The challenge would have to be seeing signs and turning it into English syntax,” she said.

However, the language isn’t hard to distinguish as children came to the recent Halloween Festival at Rocky Young Park and the club taught the kids how to sign Halloween related terms.

Because of its uninvolvement in the semesterly Club Rush, the ASL Club is still working its way up the ladder of recognition.

With events up in the air from seminars, restaurant fundraisers and campus workshops, the club is creating a stance in campus participation.

“We’re still trying to think of different ways to fundraise. It’s a new group of officers and members. ,” Ulloa said.

“This club is a work in progress. We’ve got our ideas for the spring so look out for us.”.”

10. Comfort foods

Nothing beats some good old comfort food. Studying can be a drag, so anything fried and high in calories will make it a bit more bearable when burning the midnight oil during the next two weeks.

Want more Top 10 list? Check out the roundupnews.com for this and all the latest updates on campus news.

ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013 Features 4
Lynn Levitt Special to the Roundup Jasmin Miko Roundup Reporter Lynn Levitt/ Special to the Roundup PRACTICE: (L to R) Damarix Contreras, Lexi DiBendetto, and Lindsey Morrison sign the word for tent or camping, in professor Cindy Herbst American Sign Language 1 class on Wednesday Nov. 20. Lynn Levitt / Special to the Roundup SIGN: Professor Cindy Herbst teaches her American Sign Language 1 class the word world on Wednesday Nov. 20. Zachary Felder Special to the Roundup

Finding a way for art

Financial issues don’t stop illustrator om pursuing dream

Chloe Myaskovsky was completing her college applications while her family was in the process of moving out of their foreclosed Calabasas home of eight years. Her father had just lost his job as a computer technician, and her family was experiencing financial difficulty. Still, she says her parents told her not to worry.

“They told me, ‘Don’t bother packing. Take care of your college applications and we’ll figure it out from there,’” she said.

Chloe, 20, ended up getting acceptance to every school she applied to, including the Maryland Institute College of Art, her dream school. She was getting ready to move there when her parents declared bankruptcy.

“Literally a week or two before Maryland Institute College of Art, my parents were like, ‘You can’t go. We can’t afford for you to go,’” she said. “I literally had all my books purchased. I had all my sheets for my bed, all my supplies and stuff.”

Chloe ended up attending Pierce College as an undecided major in the spring semester of 2012. She also now helps her parents, who are still unemployed.

Inspired by her artist mother, Chloe started drawing when she was around 2 or 3, according to her father, Robert Myaskovsky.

“Other kids had TVs; we had crayons,” Robert said.

Chloe’s similarity to her mother when it comes to art seems to end there, according to Robert. While Chloe’s mother focuses on abstract

work, she tends to draw inspiration from comic book-style drawings.

“With the way they draw, you wouldn’t even know they were related,” he said.

Chloe considers art to be the “axis on which [her] life revolves.”

This is evident to friend Genine Schwartz, 21, a California State University, Northridge student she met when working at Red Robin.

“Anything accessible that can be drawn on is drawn on,” she said. “She always draws awesome things everywhere.”

Her style with art, according to Schwartz, is reflective of her.

“It’s very distinctively her, because you can see her personality in everything she creates,” she said. “She thinks outside of the box. She can contribute a different perspective that you wouldn’t necessarily initially think of.”

In addition to art, Chloe also places importance on helping her parents. When she previously worked at Red Robin, she used a portion of her income to help out her parents and younger brother.

“I had to make that sacrifice. My parents needed me home more often for moral support,” she said.

She says that part of her desire to help her parents is her upbringing as a child of Chinese and Russian parents.

“Here in America, especially on the West Coast, there’s this whole individualistic mentality where you’re supposed to leave the nest and pave your own way, so to speak,” she said. “Because I come from the background that I do, the whole Chinese-Russian thing, it’s a lot about family.”

Regardless of her current financial situation, Chloe is determined to go through with her

passion for art.

Robert also says that he never felt concerned about Chloe’s future, as far as career goes.

“I came from a country where artists might not be as well off, but

Play writing more than just an avocation

69-year-old student nds passion

more than my latest passion as a playwright,” Catherine said.

are usually treated very well,” he said. “In Russia, to be an artist is a good thing. It’s a privilege to be an artist.” For the full story, visit theroundupnews.com.

Harpist and flutist display diversity with concert

musical productions over the years, with Marshall performing in PBS specials, “America’s Got Talent,” and “Glee.”

Harpist Jacqueline Marshall and guest flutist Eve Bañuelos displayed their musical prowess and diversity, performing to a full house during a free concert Thursday, Nov. 22. Marshall and Bañuelos met each other in the University of California, Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra and have worked on a number of

The student orchestra is gearing up for its annual free concert, scheduled for Friday, Dec. 6 at 7:30

Specializing in contemporary chamber and symphonic music, Bañuelos has also performed onand off-screen, touring China with the Young People’s Symphony Orchestra and even guest performing on “Tosh.0.”

Both well-experienced with their specific instruments, Marshall and Bañuelos played a mixed program, performing a variation of a work by Frederic Chopin, the Irish traditional composition “Danny Boy,” and an excerpt from the play “Carmen.”

Composed by Gioachino Rossini,

p.m. in Music 3401. The concert is open to the Pierce community.

The repertoire will consist of Symphony #104 by Australian composer Joseph Haydn and the flute concierto by Antonio Vivaldi,

his variation of a theme by Frederic Chopin could be considered as what is called in today’s music a remix. Rossini’s influence is heard in the piece when longer notes are broken up and shortened to accentuate the normally calming flow of the song.

The Irish classic “Danny Boy” was recognizable by most of the listeners and played in its entirety. The composition is heavily influenced by the harp, one of the most prominent instruments in the history of Ireland.

“Carmen,” a story of love and jealousy between a soldier and a gypsy, includes a mixture of gloomy and mysterious melodies.

The two also performed a classical tambourine and a

according to James Domine, orchestra director.

“Students who attend can expect live music. These are pieces they don’t hear very much,” Domine said. “Our concert is free, so it allows students the resources they

contemporary piece to show how their instruments’ sound and styles have changed through the last few centuries.

Contemporary music often refers to a modern style of music, implementing newer and farfetched techniques.

For Marshall, this even meant kicking and knocking on the wooden part of her harp to add auxiliary effects. Bañuelos included tactics such as saying a word while blowing into her flute, or modulating sounds from her throat to expand her tone’s range.

There will be no concert next week due to Thanksgiving, with the last free Thursday concert event taking place on Dec. 5.

need to learn about the artistic and cultural tradition of the music we play. Students would otherwise have to pay to see the music we’re playing if they wanted to see it live.”

The orchestra rehearses Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Music 3401.

Wearing leggings, tennis shoes and a comfortable blouse with a jacket layered on top, Catherine Collins Campbell could be any other student at Pierce College, but her eyes and her spirit tells there is a lot more to her.

More than 69 years ago, Catherine was born in Nova Scotia, Canada. Her first job was working two years for the Department of Agriculture in Canada as a home economist.

“Leaving Nova Scotia, I moved to Vermont, Montreal, California, up to Seattle and Vancouver, then back down to California,” Catherine said. “I found myself taking psychology in a University of California, Los Angeles extension course.

Catherine is a student in the ENCORE program at Pierce. She heard about the program through people older than her, she said.

ENCORE is aimed at assisting older students with their desire to go back to school, according to the program’s website.

The program offers free noncredit courses that focus primarily on the interests of the students that it caters to.

She owns up to being an opinionated armchair social psychologist, even after getting her degree in nutrition.

Catherine has had a varied career: a nutritionist, food stylist for television commercials, daily columnist in vegan nutrition for Healthy Choices, European fashion buyer, film acquisition for online streaming, talent agent, and social networking for film distribution.

“I loved them all, but none

She has been volunteering in her avocation — the theater — while being the sole support of her son, Carey Campbell. “Plays just come to me,”

Catherine said. “But the rewriting is a ton of work.”

It took her 12 years to teach herself to write her first play, “Love in the Time of Witch Hunts.” It was inspired by a short story she found while reading Ms. Magazine.

“I put it in my safety deposit box. Then I started writing around this short story,” Catherine said.

It took her ten years to get the rights for the story.

Now Catherine works on eight to ten plays in progress, depending on her mood or the news of the day. She names Tennessee Williams and Bertolt Brecht as her favorite playwrights.

“I grew up in Santa Monica in the neighborhood of the Odyssey Theater. My mother was a director’s assistant,” said Carey. “I grew up backstage.”

Carey is also a writer and is completing a documentary, “Back to the Garden.”

Happily preparing for her last career, a life in the theater, she is excited about her theater class with instructor Gene Putnam.

“He is so skilled in all aspects of theater having taught and directed full blown plays.” Catherine said.

She draws inspiration from the women of the world.

“I love to hear the diverse voices of women around the world. Interestingly, women in countries under siege are the most prolific. I’m grateful to have playwriting to fill my retiring years. It is especially joyful work and these political times are so juicy.”

ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013 Arts & Entertainment 5
Lynn Levitt / Special to the Roundup BOOK: Catherine Collins Campbell, 69, reads a book on playwrights in the Pierce College library. Campbell is a student in the schoolʼs ENCORE program. Nelger Carrera / Roundup DRAW: Illustrator Chloe Myaskovsky, 20, shows off one of her artworks from her sketchbook on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Inspired by her mother, Myaskovsky has been doing art ever since she was 3. Lynn Levitt Special to the Roundup
Duo brings personality to performances
Student orchestra prepares for upcoming concert
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Areas on campus le untouched or abandoned during construction

Although there are buildings and places at Pierce College that have been improved, there is still a lack of needed attention to untouched construction zones and abandoned areas around campus. These abandoned locations, which seem to grow every year, negatively affect the overall campus experience and aesthetic.

The construction began in 2001 with only half of the 48 projects currently completed, according to LACCD Building Program. Of the projects, 12 are in construction, one is in design, three are in planning, and eight are in moratorium. This fenced-in dead space effects the appearance of the campus as well as the school morale.

WELCOME TO PIERCE (Top Left): This abandoned parking kiosk is located across Lot 8. Sept. 10. GREEN HOUSE (Middle Right): The back door of the greenhouse, which is located near the Pierce College weather station, is now locked and gated. Nov. 17.

TATTERED COUCH (Middle Left): A desolated couch is left beside a road close to Lot 8. Sept. 10. UNDERDEVELOPMENT (Bottom): UnfInished classrooms, buildings 600, 900 and 800, located north of the Mall, have been fenced in for more than a year. Nov. 22.

Photos by Bobak Radbin / Roundup

Photo Essay 6 ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013

Playoff Bound


American Division Champions! The Pierce College football team won its second American Division Bowl defeating Chaffey College 21-13 on Saturday, Nov. 23 with quarterback Nick Arbuckle named the offensive player of the game and Max Lyons the defensive player of the game. The Brahmas capped their season with a 9-2 overall record.

BULLET: Carrlyn Bathe, 25, majoring in broadcast journalism, is the in-arena host for the Los Angeles Kings and host for their online content, “Kings Vision”. Monday Nov. 18.

Voice of the L.A. Kings

Journalism student nds passion for broadcasting with NHL team

Pierce College hosts a myriad of students with unique careers, for one individual the opportunity to work with the 2012 Stanley Cup Champions is just one step in a hopeful career.

Carrlyn Bathe, 25, majoring in journalism, is making her way into the broadcasting industry by working with a prestigious sports organization, The Los Angeles Kings. Her road to be in front of the camera as the in-arena host and host for “King’s Vision” online at lakings.com has been different than most people.

Bathe grew up in the world of

hockey with her father, Frank Bathe who played for the Philadelphia Flyers and Detroit Red Wings as a defenceman over nine seasons.

“Growing up with a dad who was a NHL player, the kids I grew up with made it a bigger deal than I thought it was,” Bathe said. “It was just natural growing up that way and I didn’t realize how special that was.”

Coming over to Los Angeles from Maine at 19 years old Bathe sought to make it into the movie industry as an actress and signed up for castings in the LA area.

After a while Bathe came across an audition for the LA Kings Ice Crew, an interactive liaison between the fans and players.

“I went thinking I love hockey so much that I should give this a shot,” Bathe said. “I didn’t read all the requirements and you were supposed to come in a sports bra, spandex black pants, your hair down and makeup done. I literally went in pigtail braids, jeans and a T-shirt, and brought my skates.”

Bathe ended up joining the Ice Crew and worked with the organization for five years.

Volleyball seeks another title

ree time state champions return to playo s

The Pierce College women’s volleyball team ended its regular season on a positive note Wednesday night, sweeping Allan Hancock College to share the Western State North (WSN) Division Championship.

The Brahmas dominated at home winning in three sets by scores of: 25-13, 25-14, 25-14.

Head Coach Nabil Mardini was pleased with his team’s performance on how they finished the regular season before playoffs.

“We need to fine tune our offense a bit, but our serving and passing was great,” said Mardini. “We’re looking pretty good.”

Sophomore opposite hitter Paige McFerren led the Brahmas’ offensive attack, tallying seven kills to go along with seven aces accounting for 14 of Pierce’s points.

“We just went out there and played the Brahma way,” said McFerren. “We did really well with shaking things off and coming back.”

Wednesday’s match meant

saying goodbye to several sophomores including co-captain and libero Brittani Elser, who contributed with four aces and 11 digs on the night.

“Our expectations were to play hard and to capitalize on Hancock and win in three,” said Elser. “I thought it was sentimental since this is our last regular season game at Pierce.”

For the Bulldogs, the team struggled without its starting libero.

“Our libero was gone so it made it tough but we did well,” said Gabriella Lecats, middle position for Hancock.

Pierce’s communication throughout the game was effective as well as their passing and serving throughout the night.

“I thought [Hancock] played scrappy and pushed us a little bit,” said Elser.

In total the Brahmas tallied 32 kills and 45 digs to go along with 13 aces.

“We played what we call the Brahma way,” said outside hitter Jessica Martinez. “We went out there aggressive and ready to win.”

Co-captain Kira Guarino finished the game with 11 kills and freshman Brooke Rudebusch had 25 assists.

The team ended the season with a four game winning streak and overall record of 18-10.

Pierce finished tied 11-1 in conference play with Santa Barbara City College and shared the WSN Division Championship.

The three time state defending champions will be going for its fourth consecutive title starting the playoffs with a first round regional match scheduled Tuesday, Nov. 26 against Fullerton College.

“That’s what being a coach is all about,” Mardini said about his team going to regionals.

For coverage of the volleyball team’s playoff game on Tuesday night visit theroundupnews.com.

“They gave me opportunities the more seniority I got,” Bathe said. “By year five, I was writing blogs for Fox Sports West and doing my own videos to go with them.”

While with the Ice Crew, Bathe wrote a variety of blogs such as one about her family and their involvement in the sport of hockey and another about playing hockey on a pond.

“I did a whole piece on what it is like to play hockey outside because people down here don’t get to experience that,” Bathe said.

After proving herself a capable writer and comfortable in front of the camera with her blogs and videos, her boss Brooklyn Boyars, director of presentation and events reached out to her for a new role in

Women’s three time state defending champions return back to the playoffs after sharing the division title with Santa Barbara College. Pierce finished its season with an overall record of 18-10 grabing the ninth overall seed. The Lady Brahmas will compete against eigth seed Fullerton College on the road Tuesday night, Nov. 26.


The women’s soccer team advanced past the first round defeating San Bernadino College 2-1 scoring both goals in the second half. Pierce the 14th ranked team will face off agains the 11th ranked Orange Coast College team on Tuesday, Nov. 26.

Pierce College women’s water polo team made it pas the first round of the SoCal Regionals after defeating Palomar 20-9. The team lost to Golden West College the No. 1 seeded team 14-7 in the second round. The team ended its season with a 13-4 overall record and 7-0 in conference.

the organization.

“I suggested to her to move on to camera roll,” Boyars said

The Kings were looking to bring in a male and female role and they wanted to use her improv background, according to Boyars.

“She was kind of a fan favorite,” Boyars said. “Fans gravitated to her because she is not just a cute girl, but is the real deal and can talk [hockey].”

Moving from the Ice Crew to her position as in-arena host sparked a new motivation for Bathe.

“I’m really trying to hone in on my craft right now,” Bathe said. “I would love nothing more than to be a sports broadcaster on the NHL Network. That’s my absolute dream. To be able to inform people

Volleyball For more sports updates, visit theroundupnews.com

about something that I’m passionate about would be extremely ideal.”

Daryl Evans, Kings Radio Color Commentator and former Kings player from 1981-85, got to know Bathe while she was on the Ice Crew when he was working with them as a skating consultant.

“She has a great understanding for the game,” Evans said. “When you mix those two things, the passion and the knowledge its a good mixture to get involved and excel with the [NHL]. I think the league will welcome her in addition to their team. She would compliment it nicely.”

Bathe is inspired to finish at least her associate’s degree.

“I feel like you should do what you love for work,” Bathe said.

ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013 Sports 7
Mohammad Djhaurai/ Roundup
Raymond Garcia
Sports Editor
“I feel like you should do what you love for work.”
-Carrlyn Bathe
In-Arena Host for the Los Angeles Kings.
Genna Gold News Editor
“We just went out there and played the Brahma way.”
-Paige McFerren Sophomore outside hitter.
Water Polo

Brahmas win American Division Bowl

[CHAMPIONS, cont. from pg. 1]

Pierce capitalized on the turnover three plays later when Arbuckle connected with receiver Shaquan Hall on a five yard touchdown pass to take a 14-13 lead.

Arbuckle finished the game 30-38 with three touchdowns, 313 yards and was named the game’s offensive most valuable player.

“We came out and we put our foot on their throat and we kept it on their throat and we never let up,” said defensive back Bobby Baker. “Not once. And the defense was just phenomenal.”

For Pierce, the defensive backs came to play when the Brahmas forced another interception by Jay’Onn Myles to keep the Panthers scoreless for the last two quarters and put Chaffey out for good.

“The biggest play was Jay’Onn’s interception with about two minutes left,” Brahma quarterback Nick Arbuckle said. “We were up by one point. That was huge for us. That gave us a chance to score at the end and that really put a dagger in their heart.”

BLOCK: Reggie Lesueur, 21, of Chaffey College is blocked by Art Sanchez, 41, giving Jacob Wims, 34, a chance to run a few more yards. Pierce College wins the American Division Championship Bowl against Chaffey with a score of 21-13 on Saturday, Nov. 23, at Grigsby Field at Chaffey College. The win secures Pierceʼs third bowl game win and second championship.

Pierce advance in 2-1 victory Brahmas win rst playo road game in 13 years

The Pierce College women’s soccer team kept their season alive with a 2-1 win over San Bernardino Valley College in the first round of the California Community College Athletics Association 2013 Women’s Soccer SoCal Regional.

Pierce took to the field without its head coach Adolfo Perez, who was suspended for failing to turn in the team’s statistics, according to Athletics Director Bob Lofrano.

Perez was not the only one as 26 other coaches were suspended for failing to turn in their teams’ statistics.

“When you get 27 coaches affected across the board in the state,” said Perez “There’s something wrong somewhere.”

Although Pierce played without Perez on the sideline, they were led

by assistant coaches William Diaz and Cruz Hernandez.

“I think Willy and Cruz did a good job,” said Pierce’s forward and leading goal scorer Michelle Somers.

The Brahmas managed to win the game despite giving up a goal in the first minute and 20 seconds of play to SBVC’s sophomore midfielder Maria Navarro. The first half belonged to SBVC who controlled the match until halftime. The windy climate benefitted SBVC during their dominant first half.

During the second half, Pierce was able to use the windy climate to its advantage and managed to stay calm and collected, and eventually drew even with a corner kick goal.

The goal was scored by Somers, who was able to beat the keeper with her header after connecting with the corner kick cross put in by sophomore defender Karina Ramirez in the 58th minute of the


In the 72nd minute of play, Pierce would strike again and take the lead after Somers was able to control the through ball from Ramirez, and coolly shot the ball past the keeper.

“It’s pretty remarkable for a kid that hasn’t played in five years,” said Perez about Somers’ goals this season. Although the team won, they will be without Perez for the next five games.

“Not being there at playoffs is the worst punishment, I think,” said Perez. “Especially after never being suspended in 13 years.”

The team will now focus on its Tuesday match up against Orange Coast College, who eliminated Pierce in the 2012 playoffs.

The game will be played on Tuesday Nov. 26 at OCC at 2 p.m.

For full story about the Nov. 26 game visist theroundupnews.com

After the interception, the Brahmas drove 40 yards down field to score with 57 seconds with Arbuckle finding Hall a second time for a 36 yard passing touchdown putting the nail in the coffin for the Panthers.

With 41 seconds left in the game, Chaffey College tried to make a push for the endzone to tie the game but Pierce’s defense stepped up big, stopping them short of the goal line as time ran out on the Panthers.

“A big driving force for this team is our defense,” said Arbuckle. “We knew we were going to have to go in to the game having to score 3040 to win and it’s such a pressure off my back and pressure off the whole offense. The defense does it every week. They did it today. They made plays to keep us in the game.”

The Brahmas ended their season seizing the American Division Championship and won the team’s third bowl game in the last four seasons. The Brahmas won the American Division Championship for the first time since 2010 after winning the Patriot Bowl last season.

As for next season, the Brahmas will be without some key players on both sides of the ball as they are getting offers to move on to fouryear universities like California State University, Berkley and the University of Oklahoma.

“How do you bring that back next year,” said Huettinger. “Hopefully we get a new class coming in next year and keep winning.”

ROUNDUP: November 27, 2013 Sports 8
Volleyball (16 - 10, 9 - 1)
Soccer (12 - 4 - 2, 8 - 1 - 1)
SPORTS SCHEDULE Nov. 26 @ Fullerton 7 p.m. Nov. 26 @ Orange Coast College 2 p.m.
Women’s Basketball (2-1)
29 vs. LA Harbor 5
Men’s Basketball (2-4) Neil Edwards Classic Nov. 29 - Dec. 1
Carlos Carpio / Roundup
“A big driving force for this team is our defense.”
See both schedules online at www.piercecollege.edu/schedules See both schedules RegisterNow! with 100 Classes Winter Intersession Just 5 weeks: Jan. 6 - Feb. 7, 2014 Spring Semester Feb. 10-June 9, 2014 Register Now
-Nick Arbuckle Pierce quarterback

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