Volume 119 Fall 2013 Roundup Issue 11

Page 2

to aid deaf Budget won’t cover hiring needs

The archers take grip of their bows, select their arrows and focus on their targets 50 yards away. The Queen’s Championship is at stake as 30 participants approach the line and take aim, pulling back on their bows’ strings.

A drop of sweat rolls down Nikolaos Phaistos’s cheek, and the wind sways his body as he holds 30 pounds of tension on his 17th century-style bow.

“Fire!” the master archer yelled.

Arrows whistle off their bows and fly through the air, raining on their targets. After all the arrows have been fired, Phaistos saw that he had been defeated by a fraction of an inch and was out of contention to be the Queen’s Champion in archery.

Instead of dwelling on his defeat, however, Phaistos turned to his competitors and congratulated them on their success.

“Hezzah!” Phaistos shouted in celebration of his fellow patrons.

While Phaistos is out of a medieval archery tournament, Nick Sumandra can blend in with any 21st century crowd.

During the week, 40-year-old Sumandra is a sign language interpreter at Pierce College, aiding deaf or hearing-impaired students in accomplishing their educational goals.

But, during his free time and weekends, he assumes his 17th century persona, Phaistos.

“Nikolaos Phaistos is a mercenary archer

from the Greek island of Crete,” Sumandra said of his alternate persona. “He was hired by the Medici family to find their lost daughter, Cecilia.”

He proceeded to tell the story of finding Cecilia in Persia, but instead of returning her to her family, he joined her clan and her quest to make right in the world.

“That’s the fun part,” Sumandra said. “You can make your own history in a true historical context even though it’s not real history.”

the Medici family to find their lost daughter, for Creative Anachronism, a nonprofit

Sumandra is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to research and re-creation of medieval and renaissance culture, according to organization officials.

Despite the need to fill 48 vacant positions, Pierce College may only hire five new professors according to senators at the Academic Senate meeting on Monday, Dec. 2.

“The SCA holds archery tournaments, fencing competitions, heavy armor battles, which all lead to larger battles between kingdoms around the world in our international gatherings,” Sumandra said.

As a teen, Sumandra’s uncle taught him to shoot bows and arrows in his backyard.

“I loved archery but knew that nothing would come of it in life,” he said.

Sumandra put archery aside and, in his early 20s, began taking American Sign Language classes, which led to his current career as an interpreter at Pierce.

“The SCA holds archery tournaments and medieval recreation events

Then, a friend of Sumandra’s told him about the SCA, and that there were archery tournaments and medieval recreation events every weekend.

[See ARCHER , pg. 8]

LAPC Theatre presents

While nobody knows for sure, as the choice is up to the college president, Kathleen Burke, senators Kathy Oborn and Lyn Clark, who are also both on the Faculty Position Priority Committee, were told at a meeting with Burke that there would be five new incoming staffers.

The definition of five new hires is unclear, as 18 people retired last year and Burke did not clarify whether those retirees would be replaced.

“I don’t know if it is five over the 18. It is never an automatic replacement, because some departments may have enough other full-timers, some may not have any full-timers,” Oborn said.

“There is never a ‘let’s always do this.’ It is not a one size fits all.”

Looking forward on campus construction

Development readies for 2018 completion

Students and staff at Pierce College can look beyond the chain link fences around campus construction to see what the future holds for the campus.

There are 14 construction projects in progress, with eight additional projects in moratorium. Once the construction project is completed, Pierce will have more than a dozen new or renovated buildings, according to the September 2013 Los Angeles Community College District Building Program Monthly Progress Report.

Nelger Carrera / Roundup

REHEARSAL: Michele Selin, Mark Hein and Matti Lenora Werber rehearse on Monday Dec. 2, for “Itʼs a Wonderful life: A Live Radio Play” by Jooe Landay at the Pierce College Performing Art Complex, At Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif.

$15General Admission

Dec. 6 – 15

Performing Arts Complex

For tickets call: (818) 719-6488


[See page 6 for full story | Slideshow online]

The Library/Learning Crossroads and Student Services buildings are two examples of what the future holds for the campus, according to Pierce President Kathleen Burke.

“[The campus] should have a unified look,” Burke said.

However it may take a while for this unified look to take shape, as 11 of the buildings under construction are part of the North of Mall project and currently have completion dates of around 2015.

In 2002, these projects were expected to be completed by 2006,

according to the Addendum to the Los Angeles Pierce College 2010 Master Plan Update of the 2002 Master Plan.

When the report was published in July 2010 the project completion dates were pushed back to 2012.

Currently, these buildings are slated to be in use as early as 2015, according to the September Progress Report.

Although some projects, like the Digital Arts and Media building, are not expected to be in use until 2018, construction has already improved some parts of campus, according to Paula Paggi, chair of the Library Department.

Paggi is a fan of the new Library/ Learning Crossroads building, which is one of the 24 completed projects at Pierce.

“It’s just grand compared to the old building. The students find it very inviting,” she said.

Paggi has hope for the future of the campus and believes that once the remaining construction projects are completed, Pierce will have a unique look.

“It’s going to be really a fantastic place because we’re going to have a really good core with up-to-date smart classrooms and functioning areas,” Paggi said.


Senator Cindy Herbst, who attended the FPPC meeting to advocate for a position within the American Sign Language department, was unhappy that her department was near the bottom of the list at number 39 of 48 positions.

“Would it be appropriate if we had a letter we wanted to send to Kathleen to add to the suggestive list she is gonna get from this committee, or is that not appropriate,” Herbst said.

Senator Constance Kocs, who is president of the FPPC, said that the agreement made with last year’s Senate president that was signed by Burke says that when the FPPC has created a prioritized list, that list will be forwarded to the president of Pierce College.

“That agreement almost excludes the Senate’s involvement,” Kocs said. “In response to that, I do not know if Kathleen would entertain recommendations or opinions coming from faculty. I cannot say that she would not.”

Traditionally, the Senate as a body determined whether or not it endorsed the list that comes from FPPC, and then it could send opinions or wishes to deviate from the list to the president according to Kocs.

“As a body, we should still try to have our hand in it,” Kocs said.

By default, cinema and history are the first two positions to be filled. Oborn said that according to an agreement years ago, if someone lost their new hires within their first year, they automatically get to replace them. If Burke decides to hire five new faculty members, the other positions that will be filled according to the list compiled by the FPPC are theater, geology 1 and English.

RUONLINE? Woodland Hills, California Volume 119 - Issue 11 Wednesday, December 4, 2013 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00 Monday Dec. 9 High: 63° Low: 40° Mostly Sunny Wednesday Dec. 11 High: 58° Low: 38° Partly Cloudy The Pierce College Weather Station has provided meteorological data to national agencies since 1949. Thursday Dec. 5 High: 56° Low: 35° Sunny Friday Dec. 6 High: 58° Low: 38° Sunny Saturday Dec. 7 High: 58° Low: 37° Showers Sunday Dec. 8 High: 60° Low: 40° Sunny Tuesday Dec. 10 High: 59° Low: 41° Partly Cloudy A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION UP www.theroundupnews.com /theroundupnews @roundupnews /roundupnews /roundupnews Wednesday Dec. 4 High: 60° Low: 37° Sunny PIERCE WEATHER REPORT I N S I D E Photo Essay: Brahma Life Flashback . . . PAGE 4 & 5 »»» Saturday, Dec. 7 & Sunday, Dec. 8 | 11 a.m. ‒ 4 p.m. ««« LIBRARY OPEN THIS WEEKEND Pierce sign language interpreter helps students reach educational goals Boo Reyes / Special to the Roundup AIM: Nick Sumandra, an interpreter at Pierce College, draws his bow during a tournament. Archer
It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio
Kate Noah Copy Editor Boo Reyes Special to the Roundup

umbs up & thumbs down

UP: Pierce Farm Center

The holidays are being celebrated through the month of December at Pierce’s gateway to the community.

DOWN: No clear plan Pierce administration has not articulated any plans for the land that the evicted Farm Center operates on.

-Campus CompassHoliday Memories Hopeful New Year

“Me and my cousins played football in the front of my grandma’s house. I grew up there.”

Growing toward a degree, career

Stop rushing community college students into hasty career decisions

rating system proposal.

“Ending the school semester is the only thing I’m looking forward to.”

Community colleges are a great way for anyone undecided on a career to discover themselves and their educational goals, but a growing trend in government is to rush students through this process. In the Spring 2012 District Student Survey, prepared by Pierce College research analyst Kate Astor, it shows that while almost three quarters of students want a degree within their lifetime, a quarter of students have initial goals that do not involve a fast track to a four year college.

Some of the initiatives to speed the time to transfer are “Community colleges: intersession extension programs” (AB955) which allows additional intersession courses, President Obama’s College Scorecard which provides rating information about colleges weighted for transfers and the California Community College Chancellor’s Student Success Scorecards which also provide the student with transfer rates for the community colleges.

“We get together towards the end of the year. You come home, stay together and share our joys and eat and play and have fun.”

“Getting a better position at my work and also getting the classes I need to transfer.”

In Pierce’s mission statement it says that the goal of Pierce is to help identify and achieve student’s educational goals, gain career experience and a “variety of enrichment activities.” President Emeritus of California Federation of Teachers Martin Hittleman spoke with the Roundup about the scorecards as well as President Obama’s new college

“Every student who has come to a community college – the experience here has been successful,” he said. “They [students] grow, they learn a lot, they get more centered, they learn more about themselves, they go out into the world with more tools.”

Hittleman disagrees with the current trend of churning out degrees, saying that community colleges are not the sort of learning institution which should be comparison-shopped based on transfer ratings.

Although Pierce is a two year institution, not everyone who wants to leave in two years is able to. Also, it will take others at least that amount of time to discover what they wish to study and to get into those classes.

Students who are unsure of what they wish to study should not be forced to choose a path before they are sure of themselves.

While attending a community college, one can explore their interests while working toward a degree or transfer degree. The Career and Transfer Center in the Student Services Building is a great place to start.

The protagonist of MTV’s hit show “Daria” once stated “My wish is not to wake up at the age of 35 and realize I hate my life and job, because I was forced to choose a career when I was a teenager.” The same should apply to the students who are unsure of what to do with their lives.

“Getting together at the dinner table talking with our grandfather. We talked all night.”

“Simple goals to keep me moving on to success and to graduate.”

“When I was a little girl, my grandfather, who I would call my pappa, he and I would make dressing together completely from scratch.”

“Christmas with my dad. He passed away a few years ago so Christmas with my dad was the best.”


Volume 119 Issue: 10

“My education. It’s been a long time coming and not a lot of people can appreciate it when they’re younger.”

“I’m transferring next year and I’m hoping that finals go well – finally on a career path.”

Page 1: DIG photo caption, the volleyball game against Hancock College was played on Nov. 20 and the story continued on page 7.

Stober Special to the Roundup

It’s 11 p.m. on a school night and a spry spider monkey named Rikki stares me down. Daring to defy the incarnation of ADHD my fingers begin to type. As words form, the imaginary creature throws a fit howling for attention. Hopping on the bed he is impossible to ignore. This is his way of telling me I am doing something wrong.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder or “ADHD” stepped into my life the day I told a push puppet toy to drop dead in the first grade. The CDC states that 3-7% of children within the United States will be or have been diagnosed. Symptoms include impulsiveness, talkativeness, trouble concentrating

and hyperactivity. It’s like having a caffeinated monkey inside your head.

I wasn’t happy to hear the diagnosis. Nobody is excited when their doctor tells them that the chemicals in their brain are imbalanced. Unlike a blemish this could not be subtracted from my anatomy. It was then that the imaginary hairball appeared to me.

Repackaged with a warning label I was suddenly the laughing stalk of my school. From elementary to junior high the curse of ADHD loomed like a dark ominous cloud. I became angry—depressed even because it did not make sense to me. Desperate and at my wits end I finally agreed to see a professional.

Enter Doctor Pollack, a kind redhaired woman with a jovial chuckle and maple brown eyes hidden behind

glasses. She was the first person to suggest that my ADHD was working against me because I was rejecting it rather than accepting it.

Staring my other half in the eyes I gave him a name, Rikki; it means powerful ruler. Suddenly the gears shifted, turning clockwise for the first time. Now instead of fighting me that monkey would be my beloved partner in crime.

Despite the difficulties, ADHD has a superhero flipside. Creativity and unconventional thinking are a God-send when taking geometry. When hyper-focus hits, that wimpy monkey magically transforms into the Rambo of all study aides. However, there are days when the mind rebels. Sneaky as ever, procrastination will wrap its slimy arms around me, choking out all and any creativity. For two semesters I

could not bring myself to focus even with the assistance of medication. My grades dropped to unacceptable standards meriting a letter of academic suspension.

With the boot camp tactics adopted from Miriam Gottlieb of Pierce’s Special Services things began to turn around. She explained—in words I could manage—that because the brain is a muscle it can burn out just like legs when running or arms when swimming.

The revival of my academic life was possibly the greatest comeback since Lazarus. Instead of coping with ADHD I am thriving off of its unsung benefits. Working on the same wavelength at last, Rikki knows when to buckle down for business. For that matter he also knows when to call for a timeout.

Dropping a class is a viable option over an “F”

In high school, students are forced to hang on through tough classes and maybe receive an “F,” but in college one can just drop the class with no damage done to their academic record. Not a lot of new students

consider dropping a class as an option, but they should. If someone is failing a class they should drop it unless they can pick up their grade before the end of the semester. No one wants an “F” emblazoned on their academic record forever.

Students may want to drop a class if they don’t understand the course materials after several meetings. If you have no idea what the professor is talking about or

have failed a test or two because the class is way too hard, dropping the class is an option to explore.

Everyone’s situation is different. Whether it’s a car accident or an out of town work trip, dropping a class is there for our benefit as students and dropping does not affect your record in a negative way, but beware the three strikes rule that prevents you from taking the same class three times.


Before you make the final decision, it’s recommended that you chat with your professor about your standing. There could be extra credit available to patch up your grade.

The last day to drop a class for the each semester is in the class catalog and is usually referenced in the syllabus. Most class changes can be processed online on the Pierce College website.

Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com ROUNDUP Editor in chief .... Calvin Alagot Managing editor......................... Genna Gold Online editor.................. Michaia Hernandez Opinion editor ..............................Tim Toton News editor ..............................Tracy Wright Features editor ..................Monica Velasquez Sports editor ............................... Carlos Islas Raymond Garcia Copy editor....................................Kate Noah Photo editor ................. Mohammad Djauhari Monica Salazar Cartoonist ..............................Maria Salvador ................................Lauren Vellvé Advisers ................................... Jill Connelly ........................................ Jeff Favre .................................. Stefanie Frith Advertising Manager.................. Julie Bailey [For advertising call Julie at (818) 710-2960] Photographers: Jonathan Andrino-Vela Anabella Apfelbaum Carlos Carpio Nelger Carrera Talia Farber Dayana Manriquez Saba Masoomi Bobak Radbin Reporters: Ethan Hanson Gabrielle Hutchinson Jeffrey Howard Caleb Johnson Jasmin Miko Kashish Nizami Chiara Perbil Manuel Rios Todd Rosenblatt Mike Washington Kat Wilson Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof. 2 Opinion ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 –EDITORIAL–
Maria Salvador / Roundup
There is a monkey inside my head
Lauren Vellvé / Roundup Chryz Ortega, 21 Sociology major Dalyop Baget, 23 Health science major Luis Martines, 20 Spanish major Nicole Grandstaff, 51 General education Gavriela Mendoca, 26 Psychology major

News Briefs

Finals workshops

The Center for Academic Success will host a series of workshops in different fields to help students prepare for finals during the weeks of 12/2-12/16.

Documentary series

The Resistance Documentary Film Festival is back at the Great Hall on Thursday, Dec. 5 and will be screening

“How to Survive a Plague” at 2:30 p.m. Drinks and other refreshments will be served.

Campus open house

A campus-wide open house will take place on Monday, Dec. 9 from 2-4 p.m in the Student Services 3rd floor lounge. Light refreshments will be available and the choir will be performing.


The Career & Transfer Center will hold “The Common Application” workshop from 10-11 a.m. and “Networking Your Way Into a Job” workshop from 1-2 p.m. on Dec. 10.

Campus closed Pierce will be closed December 24-25 for Christmas and also December 30- January 1 for New Year’s Holiday.

Development slow on structural projects

[CONSTRUCTION cont. from pg. 1]

This “fantastic place” can be hard for students like Vanessa Barrientos, a 20-year-old electrical engineering student who has yet to see Pierce not under construction.

“It’s still here. I don’t know what they’re going to do exactly,” Barrientos said.

However, she is interested to see what the future holds for the construction sites at Pierce.

“I want to see the outcome, I want to see the before and after. It’s taking them forever. If it’s taking them forever they must be building something special,” Barrientos said.

While half of the planned construction projects at Pierce College have been completed, there remains more than $220 million in the school’s construction budget to finish the remaining projects, according to the September Progress Report.

According to the document, 24 of the 48 campus construction projects at Pierce have been completed with 62 percent of the $627.8 million construction budget spent to date.

One of the uncompleted projects is the Digital Arts and Media building which is expected to replace the former library building that will most likely be demolished and rebuilt, according to Burke.

This building has a current budget of $46.6 million, according to the September Progress Report, and is expected to link the Mall and Arts Center.

“Part of what needs to be done with this building is we need to have a means of bridging the height between the Mall and the Arts Hill, and that’s about 80 feet,” Burke said. Pierce is estimated to be construction-free in April 2018, according to the September Progress Report.

Annual festival returns

Farm Center celebrates Christmas

In the spirit of seasonal festivities, the Pierce College Farm Center is hosting its annual “Santa’s Magical Wonderland” event until Dec. 23. The event is filled with timeless holiday traditions, including choosing from a wide variety of Christmas trees, hayrides and pictures with Santa Claus himself.

Robert McBroom, director of the Farm Center, has been working on the event since the Halloween Harvest Festival ended on Nov. 3.

“It’s transforming from scary to merry. We go right off into Christmas after Halloween,” McBroom said. “There will be over 800 trees, all different types and sizes.”

McBroom went on to say that the event was not so much about the trees but bringing people from the community together. The program is “one of the last traditional Christmas experiences in the Valley,” he said.

“The Farm Center at Pierce College is trying to keep up the tradition of

Feminism celebrated

Club hosts panel on common misconceptions

have an abortion,” Robb said.

given was to explain what the basic definition of feminism is.

going out with the family to purchase Christmas trees while absorbing the experience of the holidays,” McBroom said. “It brings the community closer together.”

Frankie Paglianti, cashier at the Farm Center Market, was eager for the upcoming activities while preparing the centers for one of their biggest events of the year.

“It’s like a winter wonderland,” Paglianti said. “If you buy a tree over five feet, you get a picture with Santa and a free hayride.”

Factor Funes, a Farm Center employee who deals with manual labor, was also excited for the possibility of another busy season.

“I like the festivities, especially working with the trees,” Funes said. “It is hard work setting up everything for this event, but it’s worth it in the end.”

The event also features a “Family Entertainment Package” that includes most of the services offered at the event for the price $26.00.

After “Santa’s Magical Wonderland” ends, the next event for the Farm Center will be its annual Easter weekend celebration.

The Pierce College Feminist Club hosted the Feminist 101 Panel on Monday, Dec. 2 in the Great Hall, where students and faculty addressed misconceptions and the history of feminism.

The panel included club president Michelle Borsco, Professor of Sociology James McKeever, Professor of Political Science Denise Robb, and Serena Josel, a representative from Planned Parenthood.

The term feminism entered the English language in 1910 and its meaning has been manipulated from then on, according to Robb.

“In this day and age, women are still being suppressed for many things, and society is not acknowledging it or doing anything about it,” Robb said. “Feminism doesn’t involve hating men, but just about pushing for equality.”

The first question the panelists were

“The basic idea of feminism is that men and women are equal, but to me feminism is more of a sisterhood where women come together to help support one another in this movement,” Josel said.

McKeever said he supports womens rights and that being a male feminist isn’t a negative thing.

“I think being a feminist has made me more understanding of what women go through,” McKeever said. “It allows me to be a more complete human being.”

A man’s role in feminism is to be supportive of women and not make decisions for them, according to McKeever.

Another panel question was if you need to be pro-choice to be a feminist.

“There is a feminist group I researched that was pro-life, but I think it causes a big problem because feminism is about supporting women’s decisions, not telling them they can’t

McKeever explained that it is fine for a woman to ask an opinion on a decision, but it’s up to them to make up their mind.

“What a woman decides, such as having an abortion or not, is between herself and a physician, but it is okay to ask for opinions,” McKeever said.

Feminism has a while before it reaches the history books, but with persistence and hope women will soon be fully equal, according to Robb.

“Yes there was the civil rights movement but there is still suppression and women must work towards equality,” Robb said.

Josel and the rest of the panel foresee a bright future for feminism hoping that young Americans can turn this movement from a belief into an action.

“I am very optimistic about the future of feminism,” Josel said. “I am confident that young women and men are increasingly recognizing that gender is a construct and that people should be treated equally.”

The Foundation for Pierce College will receive $241,920 over the next two years as part of a grant from the Amgen Foundation to fund the Amgen Biotech Experience, aiming to provide a more hands-on science education to the campus.

Sherry Tsai is in charge of overseeing the program in the Los Angeles area. She took on the position of site director after Marty Ikkanda retired, a professor of biological sciences from Pierce who joined the program two decades ago.

More than 20,000 students are taught through this program in southern California, with nine other sites across the United States and the United Kingdom.

“I think that it’s a great program that really impacts the LA area,” Tsai said.

The funds given to Pierce College will help extend science education to other schools in the area, giving teachers the necessary skills and equipment to pass this knowledge to interested high school and middle school students.

Pierce is the center of the program in the Los Angeles area. The grant from Amgen is directed to the Foundation, which then distributes the funds to the other centers for the program in the state.

Karin Steinhauer, coordinator for the Pierce site and lead laboratory technician, organizes and runs the workshops where teachers are given the knowledge necessary to run the program in their classrooms, as well as

sending out the equipment needed for the program curriculum.

“This is a really good example of how industry can directly help the school districts,” Steinhauer said. “This is one of the few ways the kids can still get hands-on learning.”

The training, curriculum, equipment and supplies are offered for free; the schools just need to ask for the training and then send the teachers to the workshops.

The curriculum is even aligned to the STEM requirements for education. The program only covered schools in Conejo, California in the first years, but now the LA sites cater to over 200 schools in the area.

“The program was started in 1990 by a group of Amgen scientists and local educators,” said Kristen Davis, one of Amgen’s media contacts that deals with questions related to company philanthropy, among other topics.

The program expanded its curriculum in 1999 with the help of Ikkanda, and continued to grow in size each year.

“The Amgen Foundation supports science education efforts that provide pivotal, hands-on science experiences for students,” Davis said.

Amgen has committed more than $8 million to the project in schools since it began in 1990, according to a press release.

Alongside support for the biotechnology program, Amgen has donated more than $80 million in science education funding to other nonprofit organizations around the world, according to a press release.

ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 News 3
and Application Workshop [12/10]
Compiled by Genna
pierce college sheriff‘s station General Information: (818) 719 - 6450 Emergency: (818) 710 - 4311 11-25 - Injury - A female student was sent to the Health Office after she tripped and fell, hitting her face on the pavement by the pool. 11-25 - Traffic accident - A twovehicle traffic collision occurred in Lot 7. Both of the drivers exchanged information. 11-25 - Verbal disturbance - A student was having an argument with a staff member at the Health Center. 11-25 - Attempted vehicle burglary - An unknown suspect broke into a vehicle in Lot 7 by breaking the drivers side door handle. 11-26 - Suspicious person - A barefooted transient was making a scene in the North Gym and was told to leave campus. 11-27 - Burglary - A staff member reported a computer was stolen from his office in the Horticulture Building. 11-27 - Ill student - A student was reported ill in class in the Anthropology Building. 11-30 - Verbal disturbance An argument occurred during a basketball game in the South Gym.
aims to help students and the science education department Pierce Foundation receives $241,920 grant
- Compiled by Tracy Wright
Nov. 24 – Nov. 30 incident report
Finals schedule
Caleb Johnson Roundup Reporter Chiara Perbil Roundup Reporter
Have your AA Degree? You Can Attend Law School. You can attend Trinity Law School upon completion of your Associates Degree. Go straight to law school. Save time, save money, and get a great education with unlimited opportunities. Apply today FREE!* *Application fee waiver code: JCA213 For more information: www.tls.edu

Baseball: Brahma coach Bill Ford throws up his hand in triumph as his balsa team comes up with a double play to halt the threat of a Pasadena rally. If you look closely you can see the play in Coach Ford’s glasses. Looking on the pitcher Mike Summers. Photo by Ron

Baseball: Alex Sawson, 20, economics major, and Eric Bloom, 26, assistant coach, former Pierce baseball player, re-enact the photo from 1962 photo

Songleaders, who will also be on the basketball scene throughout the season, are (l-r) Arlene Karlin, Sue Pottle, Jan Sherman, Donna Atkinson, and Head Song-leader Marti Paulsen.

Brahma Flashback

Looking back at 75 years

Story by: Monica

Cheer: Rushanda Duquesnay, Karlanda Duquesnay, Emmanuel Jefferson, Morgan Winston, Serna Baltazar, Samira Faal do their best to re-enact the cheerleaders pose from the 60s on Nov. 17, 2013.

by Carlos Carpio

The dust-covered planes of what was once an all-male college that focused solely on agriculture have come a long way in 75 years.

From becoming co-ed to building a new state-of-the art library and planning for the expansion and modernization of new classrooms, the essence of Clarence W. Pierce School of Agriculture, now known as Pierce College, has stayed the same. Dr. Leland Shapiro, Agricultural Department chair, remembers the Quonset hut that served as the first and only classroom of Pierce when it first opened in 1947.

In recent years, Pierce has also been known for the sports programs, most notably its three-time state championship women’s volleyball team.

Athletic Director Robert “Bob” Lofrano credits the students for making the programs well known.

Sports such as Womens Volleyball, as well as football, have come a long way since the 90s, according

ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 Throwback Special 4
Raffaelli 1962
above at the Joe Kelly Field, Nov. 21, 2013 Photo by Monica Salazar Photo Photo by Holly McKimson

Typewriters: Pierce journalism students type busily at the recent Journalism Association of Junior Colleges convention.

Brahma Life Flashback years

of Pierce history

Monica Velasquez

to Lofrano.

“Back in the 90s, football didn’t win a game. They didn’t win games for two or three years,” he said. “Now the program is really on an upswing. The last two years they’ve been 9-2. That’s 18-4 in the last two years with two bowl victories.”

Public Relations Manager Doreen Clay, an alumnus, first started taking classes at Pierce in 1992.

Over the years, Clay has seen the college change aesthetically.

Because the college was designed originally as a high school, the grounds were spacious and beautiful but the buildings were less than stellar, according to Clay.

A large amount of change came with the Pierce Master Plan and vision of past college president Rocky Young. That, along with bonds that were approved by Los Angeles voters, allowed for construction to begin.

“It was unbelievable changes,” Clay said. “The physical campus is astounding.”

Laptops: Journalism students use modern tools to get their stories done at Pierce College on Wednesday November 27, 2013.

Student Names Clockwise Top ( Maria Rodriguez, Justin Mirandez, Joey Cohen, Monica Jackson, Ashley Alter). Photo by Carlos Carpio

Library girl: Upcoming final exams are the reason for the bemused expression on the face of sophomore Ann Kaelin, elementary education major, as she begins putting in her time in the library.

ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 Throwback Special 5
Photographer Vic Yates copped honorable mention award at the convention in the news photo contest for this picture. Grazing (left): Cattle can still be seen at Pierce College, Woodland Hills, Calif. Sept. 7, 2013 Photo by Lynn Levitt. Farm Field (right): A herd of cows roam the fields while cowboys on horses keep watch at the Pierce College Farm. Photo by Stu Berman 1963 Library: Jessica Aguilar, 21, nursing major, is posed just like the shot from 1960s photo above on Nov. 21, 2013. Photo by Nelger Carrera

Instrumental leap for Pierce musician Student plays for local symphony

From a high school marching band to the Pierce College Orchestra, one talented student exceeds in his musical ability to become a part of the San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra.

Linguistics major and music minor Christian Muñoz, 23, was appointed first chair concert master for the 2009 student orchestra.

From middle school to college, Muñoz had picked up several instruments and learned to master them. Originally, the musician started playing the violin for Mulholland Middle School, where he took a strings class for three years, learning the viola and cello.

Cigarette butts used as art

When smokers discard their used cigarettes, the smoky stubs get tossed this way and that, making a huge mess.

Stephen Alamango, a Pierce College art student, took notice of all the cigarettes lodged in greenery or left on parking lot floors and decided to make an art project out of it.

His art piece, “The World is My Ashtray,” focuses on collecting the

forgotten cigarette butts to make a statement.

“My mother was a smoker, so I suffered from second-hand smoking,” Alamango said. “But I don’t smoke. I hate it.”

He spends about an hour before class to collect cigarette butts around the planters in the Art Building’s courtyard, enough to fill a coffee canister.

“I’ve picked up enough to fill this can each morning,” Alamango said. “It’s funny because this is a non-smoking campus.”

He hopes to remind both smokers and non-smokers alike that trash doesn’t disappear as soon as it

Spring Semester

Feb. 10-June 9, 2014

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catch this whole side on fire.”

leaves your fingertips.

“[My project] speaks for itself,” Alamango said. “It’s like a picture of a story that tells a thousand words.”

Although his pieces convey many messages, Alamango wants to focus on drawing attention to the absolute lack of care.

“We throw our cigarette waste out there, and it takes about 14 years before it biodegrades,” he said.

Alamango said that he found all of his cigarette pieces in kindling, with some still lit.

“It’s one in 250 — I calculated — that are still glowing,” Alamango said. “We just need one of those to


He has crafted the discarded pieces into a shell that will go around the plants in the courtyard, like cacti and roses, to highlight the total lack of consideration.

“This is the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “There’s a lot more.”

The project reeks of stale smoke, so as not to invoke his classmates’ gag reflexes, he works outdoors. Alamango had tried to coat the bottom of his project with silicone to try to suppress some of the smell.

“He’s not allowed to bring the project inside,” said Melody Cooper, Alamango’s teacher in the Introduction to Ceramics class.

“He’s a lot better than he gives himself credit for,” said Nicholas Levonian, who has known Muñoz for 16 years. “He just kind of picked it up really quickly and really fast. While the rest of us were working on it, he just picked it up and thought ‘Well, this is easy’ and he got it and was having fun with it.”

By the time he left Birmingham High School, Muñoz had learned to play the tenors drum set, the snare, the piano and the xylophone as a part of his alma mater’s marching band.

As his high school’s concert season approached, Muñoz learned to play the trumpet, melophone, french horn and baritone. For jazz band, he learned to handle the saxophone.

After high school he tried the student orchestra on campus.

“The student orchestra is an interesting experience. It’s a good orchestra where intermediate and advanced students are simply challenged to a level where music is easy,” Muñoz said.

That same semester and year in the fall of 2009, James Domine, who instructs the student orchestra at Pierce, asked Muñoz to further challenge his musical skills and join the SFV Symphony Orchestra.

“Chris is a very talented young man who demonstrates a lot of musical ability. He plays and is a very capable violinist,” Domine said. “He shows a lot of promise and quite a musical career ahead of him if he chooses to do that.”

According to Muñoz, his studies in linguistics and music come hand in hand. In linguistics, he is able to translate and understand foreign culture according to movement, speech and sound. Muñoz then explained that music is a universal language and is understood around the world with different cultures.

“Music is a very important part of everyone’s life, whether they know it or not,” Muñoz said.

Theater opens new show Friday

Season continues with Pierce adoption of live radio play

A holiday classic is given a relatively modern take with “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” performed as a 1940s live radio show, and is opening Friday in the Performing Arts Complex.

The show continues through this weekend and the next. Friday and Saturday shows begin at 8 p.m., while Sunday shows at 2 p.m.

The play follows the story of the original film, but the stage is set in a radio station where the actors perform to the crowds listening to their radios at home — this was before the spread of television.

“It gives the audience a chance to see how a lot of radio worked in those days,” said Michael Sande, producer of the show. “The main thing being the sound effects.”

The foley artist, who performs the special effect sounds that would be needed for the purely audial experience that the play reenacts, is played by Michelle Hallbauer. The six other actors (Vince Cusimano, Shannon Mary Dixon, Mark Hen, Amir Khalighi, Michele Selin and Matti Lenora Werber) will be playing the actors in the show, portraying multiple characters and changing their voices to suit.

“Six people actually play about 20 characters,” Sande said. “It’s a unique challenge.”

Sande says that the cast and crew have been preparing since they received the rights to perform the show, which was something that was difficult to acquire.

The popularity of the show meant that Pierce’s theater department had to compete with every other theatre in the Los Angeles area, professionals included. Only one

production can be done in the county at the same time, according to Sande.

script, which was encouraged by the playwright, according to Sande.

The most notable addition is a singing group called The Clarinda Sisters, who are modeled after The Andrew Sisters, a popular group from the time period of the play.

“It’s a fun show to do,” Sande said. “It’s something none of us have really done before.”

Tickets are $12 for students and seniors, and $15 for general admission.

“We were very lucky to get it,”

Sande said.

The director, Frank Catalano, made a few changes to the original

To purchase tickets, call (818) 719-6488 or go to LAPCTheatre. brownpapertickets.com.

ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 Arts & Entertainment 6 See both schedules online at www.piercecollege.edu/schedules See both schedules online at RegisterNow! with 100 Classes Winter Intersession
5 weeks: Jan. 6 - Feb. 7, 2014
Carlos Carpio / Roundup RECYCLING: Stephen Alamango works outdoors on his cigarette butt art project, “The World Is My Ashtray,” on Monday, Dec. 2. Alamangoʼs uses unaltered cigarette butts, glue and wire mesh for his piece. Jasmin Miko Roundup Reporter Bobak Radbin / Roundup MUSICIAN: Christian Muñoz, 23, is a former member of the Pierce College student orchestra. He now plays for the San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra. Monday, Dec. 2 Caleb Johnson Roundup Reporter Nelger Carrera / Roundup REHEARSAL: Shannon Mary Dixon (left) rehearses with Vince Cusimano for the play “Itʼs A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” in the Performing Arts Complex Monday, Dec. 2.
“It’s a unique challenge.”
-Michael Sande Producer

The only title that matters is teacher

Professor focuses on the success of others instead of himself

It’s on the front page of the LA Times. It’s making news headlines all across the media.

Comet Ison will make its orbit around the sun and it will be viewable to those on Earth who have been tracking its progress since 2012.

Dr. Dale Fields, Ph.D. has posted regular updates about the comet’s progress on his Web page.

Fields is an assistant professor of astronomy.

He teaches Astronomy 1: Elementary Astronomy, and its lab, Astronomy 2.

He is also the discipline adviser for the Astronomy Department and the faculty advisor to the Astronomy Club.

Fields earned his bachelor’s degree in astronomy and physics from the University of Arizona in 2002, and his Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 2006, and he has been teaching at Pierce ever since.

Despite his handful of titles, Fields’ main focus is on the students.

He said he really wants his students to succeed in his class and in their college career.

In order to achieve this goal, Fields tailors his classes to meet the need of general education, rather than focusing on science majors. He also offers extensive office hours in the hope that students will take advantage of them.

“I would love to see more of my office hours filled with students,”

Fields said. “Then I know they are really trying.”

According to Fields, astronomy is not easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not doable. If students take the time to prepare and the time to complete their work, it can be done.

“It’s a hard class,” Fields said.

“Because you are thinking about things in a different way, you are making connections with your brain rather than just learning concepts.”

Fields also has scheduled viewing nights for his students throughout the semester.

The times are posted on his faculty Web page. He also has planetarium shows.

He also finds time to be the Astronomy Club adviser.

Jordana Rataizer is a 23-year-old astrophysics major who is the club’s president and founder.

“I was shocked that there wasn’t a club on campus, so I started it up in the middle of last semester,” Rataizer said. “We meet Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the Astro Lab [92047].”

While together, they discussed astronomy tours and camping plans while playing Blokus, a strategy game.

While Rataizer sees Fields as a professor, her time as club president has caused her to see him in a different light.

“I feel like he’s on our level, we talk about nerdy stuff,” Ratraizer said. “It gives us hope.”

Irvin Rojas, 20, who is majoring in mechanical engineering, first met Fields when he took his astronomy class over a year ago. He was one of

Check out the stars by enrolling in Astronomy 1 with Dr. Fields in the spring.

Monday and Wednesday at 9:35 a.m. section: 0533

Monday and Wednesday at 11:10 a.m. section 0545

Wednesdays: 2:45 p.m. section 0705

7 p.m. section 3309


2:45 p.m. section 8016 7 p.m. section 3310 Fields also teaches Astronomy 2 which can be taken for lab credit.

Tuesdays: 2:45 p.m. section 0714

the first members of the Astronomy Club when Rataizer created the club.

“He has become a friend,” Rojas said of his adviser. “He’s fun to talk to besides astronomy and is very knowledgeable.”

Club members are also looking forward to spending time outside the classroom as they plan an upcoming trip to Lake Cachuma in March.

Originally the plan was to go to Solvang, Calf.. to take advantage of the black sky, according to club vice president Hillary Manly-Sullivan.

“It’s dark and ridiculously beautiful,” Manly-Sullivan said. “I’ve seriously never seen more stars in my life.”

However, the trip has been rescheduled in order to allow for more fundraising.

Back for another round Former Pierce College students return to as sta

known as Pierce College, it was not a college, but a part of the Los Angeles Unified School District as grades 13 and 14.

A lot has changed in the 75 years from the physical size of the college to the new buildings that are now for co-ed students.

There was dust on the floor when the first class of the all male students began.

When medical doctor Clarence Pierce first opened Clarence W. Pierce School of Agriculture, now

However, former students have decided to return for the ultimate Throwback Thursday and become part of the staff.

Dr. Leland Shapiro, Chair of the

LOCATOR: Dr. Dale Fields

They are also going to take advantage of the new moon so that there is no light pollution from the moon, and the locations makes it ideal because there will be no light from the city of Los Angeles,

Manly-Sullivan said.

In addition, the club gets together when astronomical events are scheduled to occur.

“Last semester, we got together for a partial eclipse. It’s fun. We

Nelger Carrera/ Roundup

lecture each other sometimes,” Rataizer said.

Joining the club’s Facebook Page, Pierce College Astronomy Club, will keep new members informed of the club’s activities.

Agriculture Department first came to Pierce in 1968.

When first starting out as a student at Pierce College, Shapiro started out as a pre-vet and animal science major, but later switched in his junior year to dairy science and biology.

Coming back to Pierce after graduating in the summer of ’76, Shapiro was “hired both as the dairy herdsman and as the dairy instructor. I have been employed full time ever since.”

In 1972, Kathy Oborn, future chair of political science, economics, criminal justice and Chicano studies, walked the Mall as a student of Pierce College, returning in 1978 to continue her education and eventually graduating in 1981.

Today, on top of being the chair of political science, economics, criminal justice and Chicano Studies, Oborn is also the Academic Senate president.

“It is the faculty’s voice on campus in areas that involve education, the classrooms, things like that,” Oborn said.

On her decision to return to Pierce, Oborn said as a student she had many faculty mentors who really meant a lot to her and she felt as if she “never really left Pierce.”

“The whole experience of being a student here at Piece meant a lot.

It was empowering,” Oborn said. “Being here at Pierce made me feel as if I had opportunities to excel, to learn and to achieve. I liked what Pierce had to offer.”

Unlike Oborn, Robert McBroom did not return to the classroom.

A student attending Pierce College in 1986, McBroom studied subjects such as business and agriculture. Making his return to the college in 2005, McBroom had a plan to develop the Pierce College Farm Center.

Always having been a part of agriculture, he felt like he had never really left Pierce or the Farm.

It has “always been near and dear to my heart,” McBroom said.

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assistant professor of astronomy and Astronomy Club advisor, sets the telescope to track down planets on the Science Center Building during a star viewing event, on Wednesday Sept. 11. Mike Washington Roundup Reporter Monica Salazar / Roundup IN CHARGE: Alumnus, Robert McBroom who studied business and agriculture at Pierce, is now the Farm Centerʼs director. He over sees the preparation of all the events including the annual Harvest Festival on Wednesday Sept. 25. Manuel Rios Roundup Reporter

Group helps interpreter realize passion for archery

[ARCHER , cont. from page 1]

“Nikolaos Phaistos is a mercenary archer from the Greek island of Crete,” Sumandra said of his alternate persona.

“He was hired by the Medici family to find their lost daughter, Cecilia.”

He proceeded to tell the story of finding Cecilia in Persia, but instead of returning her to her family, he joined her clan and her quest to make right in the world.

“That’s the fun part,” Sumandra said. “You can make your own history in a true historical context even though it’s not real history.”

Sumandra is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to research and re-creation of medieval and renaissance culture, according to organization officials.

“The SCA holds archery tournaments, fencing competitions, heavy armor battles, which all lead to larger battles between kingdoms around the world in our international gatherings,” Sumandra said.

As a teen, Sumandra’s uncle taught him to shoot bows and arrows.

“I loved archery but knew that nothing would come of it in life,” he said.

Sumandra put archery aside and, in his early 20s, began taking American Sign Language classes, which led to his current career as an interpreter.

Then, a friend of Sumandra’s told him about the SCA, and that there were archery tournaments and medieval recreation events every weekend.

“I went to my first archery tournament and felt, right away, that I was in my element,” Sumandra said. “I went home that night and joined up.”

That was four years ago. Since then, he has become an active participant in weekly gatherings and has achieved the title of Chiron, the highest level of archery in the SCA. This position allows Sumandra to teach and train others within the organization. He uses his signing skill when there are deaf or hearing-impaired people who want to participate in SCA festivities.

“Sure, signing is not [of the

Little boy in big leagues

historical] period, but I want to make sure that everyone feels included and welcomed as friends,” Sumandra said. “That’s what’s important to me, to live chivalrously and take care of people, and the SCA just gives me more opportunities to do that.”

His love of archery and passion for medieval and renaissance history made joining the SCA an obvious endeavor to pursue, but his time with the organization has given him more than just a chance to dress up and shoot arrows.

“My code of behavior in life has always been based on medieval chivalry, and what has kept me going with the SCA is that chivalrous, and fun, and historical, and friendly environment it creates,” Sumandra said. The environment is also what drew Conrad Claus — Conrad, king of Caid in the SCA world — to the organization.

As king, Claus has an obligation to attend events throughout his “kingdom,” which spans California, parts of Arizona and Las Vegas.

“The SCA creates such a strong sense of culture, and that’s why I take the time and energy to come to all these events,” Claus said. “I see all of these people as my friends, and why would someone not take the time and energy to visit and be with friends?”

SCA organizer Julie Lawrence, 50, also known as Meliora Deverel, baroness of Altavia, says that it is her love of history that drew her in.

“The SCA covers all areas of everyday life of the 17th century from all cultures, including the arts, speech, food, dress and sciences of the time,”

Lawrence said. “It’s about creating the atmosphere of those times, and that’s what I love about it. There’s something romantic about that too.”

Lawrence says that because of the similarities SCA members have with each other, many of them have become friends outside of the group. This is the case with her and Sumandra.

“No matter what our persona is here, we are all still the same person in our regular lives,” she said. “But it’s still fun to get to know what people do on a daily basis.”

13-year-old piano prodigy takes on college

Erin Quinn Special to the Roundup

When Ben Krasner was 11 years old in 2009, he was featured in the “World’s Smartest Most Talented Kids” segment of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”

Now 13 years old, Ben, also a recipient of the Malibu Times 2011 Citizen of the Year Dolphin Award, studies astronomy at Pierce College.

He started playing the piano when he was 5. When he was still 5, he also had his first recital. He chose to play 10 pieces.

“I remember him being on this beautiful stage, and he wasn’t intimidated. You could hear an artist. Not necessarily a pianist yet, but an artist. He was doing it with so much flare,” said Ben’s mother, Ann Krasner.

Though Ben is studying astronomy currently, he hopes to double major in music and economics.

“I’m excited about performing and teaching. I want to become a professor and do tours,” he said. “I guess I’m most excited about traveling the world and performing.”

Natural talent runs in the family, as Ben’s 22-year-old sister, Danielle Krasner, is the youngest person to ever attend Yale University.

Prior to attending the Ivy League research university, she majored in biochemistry at California State University, Los Angeles at 12 years old and graduated after four years.

“I’m following in her footsteps,” Ben said.

Ben has been taking lessons from the same teacher, Lubov Sorochkina, for more than six years.

“She is really just great,” he said.


In addition to his three-times-aweek practices with Sorochkina, Ben says that he tries to practice at least four hours everyday. As a piano prodigy, Ben travels internationally to perform. For instance, when he traveled to Moscow to perform at an international festival at 7, he had to overcome a few obstacles along the way.

“I got burned a couple of times by hot pastries. I got my fingers crushed in the subway door, and I hit my head on the playground floor,” he said. “I performed and literally five minutes later, I just fell asleep.”

Ann recalls the story.

Ben’s parents motivate him and his siblings every day.


“My mom sits with me and goes through all the remarks my teacher said and things like that,” Ben said.

As a prodigy who is passionate about his craft, Ben is an inspiration to those around him.

“He was playing beautifully, and he went behind the curtains, and everyone gave him a standing ovation. Everyone was looking for him at the end and he was sleeping,” she said. “He did a beautiful job.”


“We are motivated to one day become as talented as he is,” said Bryan Barcinas, a friend of Ben’s. “He’s a role model for the younger generation.”

Krasner Ben’s mother

Top 5: Mobile eatery standouts from local food truck festival

Kristin Tzintzun

During Wednesday and Friday nights, Chatsworth Street in Granada Hills has become host to more than 25 gourmet food trucks that set up shop and sell their culinary creations on the boulevard. Here are the top 5 food trucks that come out during the Granada Hills Food Truck Festival, in no particular order.

1. The Grilled Cheese Truck The Grilled Cheese Truck offers a variety of their own unique creations, from cheesy mac and rib and brie, buffalo chicken and three-cheese melts to the dessert melts filled with marshmallows, Nutella, bananas and other sweet ingredients. If the menu items aren’t enough for you, you can make your own creation with a combination of any of their 15 or so savory ingredients.

Twitter: @grlldcheesetruk

2. Crepe’n Around Crepe’n Around offers everything from the sweet to savory crêpes. Among their dessert crêpes are s’moreinspired ones with truckmade Callebaut chocolate sauce, marshmallows and graham crackers and Berries & Cream. Their savory crêpes, on the other hand, include chicken pesto, ham and Brie cheese and maple-braised pork. The business was named one of Los Angeles’ top 10 food trucks by Zagat.

Twitter: @CrepenAround

3. Da Burger Boss

This 1920s gangster themed food truck offers a variety of burgers that will make you come back for more. All of their delicious burgers are put together with their very own “special sauce” and served with matchstick fries. Be sure to try the Patrolman, a big, juicy burger served with bacon, blue cheese and sweet cranberry-apple mashup held together with grilled glazed donuts.

Twitter: @daburgerboss

4. The Churro Man The Churro Man food truck makes its own fresh handmade twisted churros topped with the most delicious combination of cinnamon and sugar. Served warm and fresh and filled with sugary goodness, the food is a must for anyone with a sweet tooth. Not only are the churros tasty, but they’re also sold at an affordable price, even for broke college students. For a real treat, get five churros for a mere $4.

Twitter: @The_Churro_Man

5. Sweet Arleen’s Sweet Arleen’s offers many different cupcakes featured on “Cupcake Wars” on Food Network. As a three-time winner of the competition show, the truck bakes up flavors like chocolate marshmallow and salted caramel brownies. Sweet Arleen’s also serves traditional cupcake flavors like Southern-inspired red velvet topped with a delicious whipped cream cheese frosting and the classic vanilla cupcake.

Twitter: @sweetarleens

Top 5: Products for personal self-defense

It could happen to anyone. No matter how many miles you cash out at your local gym or how many selfdefense classes you take, you’re never going to be too prepared to handle yourself in the presence of a threat. Instead of arming yourself to the teeth with knives, guns and hand grenades, try one of these self-defense products.

1. Date Rape Drink Test

You hear about it in the news or in cheesy daytime dramas, but the dangers of being given a spiked drink are all too real. Drink Safe Tech has produced a simple way to detect colorless and odorless drugs that disappear from the body within 24 hours. While it’s not a self-defense product, preventative defense is just as important. Costing less than your favorite Starbucks cappuccino drink, the Date Rape Drink Test is $1.50 at drinksafetech.com.

2. Monkey Fist keychain

Straight from the 1800s, the Monkey

Fist is an old tool with a modern design. At its center is a small steel ball bearing wrapped in paracord. This crude — if not caveman-esque — tool can definitely stop an assailant in his tracks. It’s also highly portable with the keychain attachment. While this product is available through Walmart ranging from $25 to $30, for the more do-it-yourself types, all the items can be found at the local hardware stores, with several online tutorials to help you retain your piece of mind.

3. Cat defense keychain

Don’t judge this product by its cover. While this keychain may be cute, the stainless aluminum charm has been disguised as a cat, with its eyes doubling as spaces for your fingers, and ears doubling as twin spikes for an incredibly effective piercing punch. This ferocious feline is primarily available at amazon.com, and generally costs about $5.00.

4. Pepper spray or mace

One of the most used self-defense products is the pepper spray, and for good reason. The sheer amount of development that this concept has gone through is astounding. A person is now able to completely customize what type of pepper they can pack. From concealable lipstick to sprays disguised as pens, or even a quick release key chain, most pepper sprays now come infused with an ultraviolet detection component, which help to identify attackers.

5. Tasers

Tasers offer what police agencies describe as the “less than lethal” option to deal with an attacker. Stun guns can take many different shapes; some fire two fish hook prong projectiles that literally stick themselves into the target, while others require direct contact to work. These electric angels are commercially available online from $20 to $60, but you may also buy them at Quartermaster Uniforms.

Campus Life 8 ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013
Erin Quinn / Special to the Roundup RELAX: Ben Krasner, 13, sits at Rocky Young Park on Wednesday, Nov. 20. Krasner is currently studying astronomy at Pierce College. When he was 11, he was featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” as a musical prodigy.
“I went to my first archery tournament and felt, right away, that I was in my element.”
-Nick Sumandra Pierce College student
the Though Ben is studying astronomy the “I’m following in her footsteps,” said.
is really just great,” he said. As a piano prodigy,
obstacles along the way. in the subway door, and I hit my head minutes
Ben travels
was playing beautifully, and “He did a beautiful job.”
to those around
sits with me and goes
him. generation.”
Special to the Roundup
“I remember him being on this beautiful stage, and he wasn’t intimidated.”


Information for timeline provided by the California Community College Athletics website and piercecollege.edu


Gary Comer wins individual state championship in the 400 meter dash 46.6 seconds.


Track team wins state championship in 4x400 relay race with 3:14.2 time.


Track team wins third consecutive state championship in 4x400 relay race with 3:10.1 time.


Ernie Shelby wins individual state championship in the long jump reaching 23 feet and 8.25 inches.


Rich Achee runs 48.4 seconds to win state title in the 400 meter dash.


Track team wins second state championship in 4x400 relay race with 3:13.9 time. Men’s cross country wins state with an overall score of 76.


Bob Hansen takes state in the 800 meter dash running a 1:51.4 time. Dave Reed takes state in 177 lb. weight division in men’s wrestling.


Ron Gaddis wins in the 400 meter state championship in 48.3 seconds.

Doug DeCinces earns second AllStar Conference honor. DeCinces went on to have a prolific baseball career in the majors from ‘73-’87 winning the silver slugger award in ‘82 with the Baltimore Orioles and became an all-star with the California Angels in ‘83.


John Normis gets state championship in the shot put with a 55 foot 1 inch throw.


Brian Donahue runs a 1:49.9 time to earn a state championship in the 800 meter dash.


Ron Williams runs for a 45.79 time to win the state championship for the 400 meter dash.

Women’s tennis wins state championship for team play.


Mark Harmon and Jimmy Allen earned All-Conference honors as a quarterback, wide receiver duo. Harmon went on to transfer to UCLA where he was named the Bruins’ Rookie of the Year.

Following graduation, Harmon ventured into the world of acting where he got an emmy nomination for his role in the television movie “Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years.” Harmon is currently starring in the hit TV show “N.C.I.S.”

Allen also went with Harmon to UCLA where he was named to several All-American teams.

Allen entered the NFL draft in 1974 where he was selected by the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Allen played with the team for 4 seasons winning two Super Bowls in ‘75 and ‘76. Allen was traded to the Detroit Lions in ‘78 where he finished his career playing until ‘81.


Life long Brahma dedicates career to school’s student athletes

“Memories pressed within my mind … memories,” croons a deep male voice in a South Gym office hugged between the volleyball and baseball coaches’ offices.

Though Bob Lofrano often breaks into a tune, his reason for breaking into the Elvis Presley song is a case of nostalgia as he thinks about the decades he has spent with Pierce College first as a student baseball player and now as athletics director.

“I went to our volleyball match when our girls played at Moorpark College recently,” Lofrano said. “What flashed into my mind is, ‘I remember when I was playing for Pierce. I hit a two home runs at the top of the 13th inning to win the game here.’”

During his years here in 1968 to 1969 as second baseman for Pierce, Lofrano recalled his coach, Joe Kelly, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame and which the Joe Kelly Field is named after.

“He was a great inspiration to me. He even told me, ‘You’re like a coach on the field.’ I’ll always remember that,” he said. “He was right because I coached for 35 years between Chatsworth High School and Pierce.”

He illustrated a different era at Pierce when he talked about his experience with the Vietnam War, how he watched the draft at school on someone’s TV set, and how he would’ve been drafted had he not been a full-time student and had his student deferment since his birth date.

“I have a memory of that like it happened last night,” Lofrano said. “Mine came on Day 150.”

After going on to California State University, Northridge from Pierce as a physical education major and then teaching at Chatsworth High School, he taught P.E. here full time and was the baseball coach.

“Coaching a ball player is a different connection with a young man or a young woman,” Lofrano said. “You’re with them three hours a day for five, six days a week, so it’s not like going to your English class for an hour a day.”

Since he knew from a young age that if he didn’t become a professional Cubs player that he wanted to a coach, he explained that he had some of his best memories

from his period of coaching.

“You get a special connection with them,” he said. “Some of them become almost like sons to you over the years.”

But athletics is not the only place where the director becomes deeply involved in, according to baseball head coach John Bushart, who has known Lofrano for 18 years.

“Pierce athletics has been very successful on and off the field,” Bushart said. “Without Bob I don’t think any of that would have happened, and I don’t think Pierce would be as successful as it is.”

Another close colleague of Lofrano’s, Dean of Academic Affairs Barbara Anderson, also said Lofrano has influenced Pierce College in other areas than just academics, using an example of a

time when the school didn’t have a place for the writing lab because of construction.

“Even if another department needed help with something, he would try to help us get something done,” Anderson said. “One time a classroom needed chairs, so Bob helped move chairs around. He’s done things that are officially out of his job description but have been good for the campus and has filled a need when there is one.”

Anderson felt that because Lofrano cares so much for the school by doing such things in addition to athletics that he could possibly tackle another position at Pierce College yet again.

“He really bleeds Pierce scarlet,” Anderson said. “He’s a great ambassador for the college. In fact, I think that’d be a great role for him.”

No matter what role he does take on, Lofrano like the time he has spent with Pierce, and his colleagues seemed to not want it any other way.

”Overall, I think the campus is better off because of who he is and that he’s here,” Anderson said. “And because he breaks into song everywhere he goes. It makes the campus a more joyous place.”

Jane Natenstedt wins individual state competition in tennis. Women’s tennis wins back-to-back state championships going an impressive 24-0 run in conference play in the ‘78 and ‘79 seasons.


Women’s tennis wins its third state championship after three years.


Mens volleyball wins state championship.


Barry Zito posted a 2.62 ERA and went 9-2 with 135 strikeouts in 103 innings. He was named to the All-State and All-Conference teams. Zito transferred to USC the following year where he was named Pac-10 pitcher of the year.

Zito was drafted as the 9th overall pick by the Oakland Athletics. In 2002 Zitto won the American League Cy Young Award. He went on to join cross town rival the San Francisco Giants in 2006 and won World Series title in 2010 and 2012.


Alexandra Ordonez went on to win the individual state championship in tennis.


Football finishes season with a perfect 10-0 record

Eric Kramer quarterback of the football team that went undefeated transferred to North Carlonia State where he was named Atlantic Coast Conference Player of the Year in ‘86.

In ‘88 Kramer went north of the border to play for the Calgary Stampeders in the Canadian Football League.

Kramer went on to play with the Detroit Lions signing with the team in ‘93 . While with the Lions Kramer lead the team to an NFC Central Division title and brought the Lions to the NFC Championship game.

In ‘95 Kramer signed with the Chicago Bears and set the team’s singleseason records for attempts (522), completions (315), yards (3,838) and touchdowns (29).

Kramer is currently working at Fox Sports Network Detroit covering the Lions as an in-studio analyst.


Covelli “Coco” Crisp earned 1st Team All-Conference as a centerfielder, leading the team in Batting Average, Home Runs, and Stolen Bases.

Following his single year at Pierce, Crisp entered the MLB draft where he was selected by the St. Louis Cardinals. He was eventually traded to the Cleveland Indians in 2002 where he made his Major League debut. In 2006 the Boston Red Sox traded for Crisp where the team went on to win the 2007 World Series.

Crisp is now playing with the Oakland Athletics where the team won the American League West Division this past season.

2000-2003 2006

Alexandra Rodgers broke 4 of Pierce College’s swimming records and was named AllAmerican in 2 events, as US National Champion in the 50yard Backstroke and the 100-yard Backstroke.

Mens volleyball went on an impressive four year wining streak taking back-to-back-to-back-to-back state championships.


Women’s volleyball made an impressive three-peat winning back-to-backto-back state championships including going undefeated in overall play in 2011 and 2012.

ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 Sports 9
Nizami Roundup Reporter Lynn Levitt / Special to the Roundup “HIS”TORY: Bob Lofrano has evolved with Pierce through the years from student to Athletic Director.
“He really bleeds Pierce scarlet.”
-Barbara Anderson Dean of Academic Affairs


Women’s Basketball (4-2)

Cuesta Tournament

Dec. 5 - Dec. 7

Championship year Football team succeeds despite losing key players

The Brahmas football program for the past three seasons has been associated with talent and the ability to bring players who have been otherwise thrown away and/or undervalued and turning them into high-caliber players.

Yet in these past three years the Brahmas were unable to garnish a division championship despite having this insurmountable amount of talent, until this year.

This season the Brahmas had the odds stacked against them, having lost some of the most premiere talent that has ever set foot on John Shepard Stadium. Marcus JenkinsMoore who played linebacker last season at Pierce came and went on to the grand pastures of the Big 12 when he signed with Kansas.

Former Pierce wideout Jaelen

Strong, possibly the greatest athlete to ever come out of Pierce now dominating the Pac-12 with Arizona State. In his latest game Strong had four receptions, 142 yards and a touchdown against Arizona and has led the Sun Devils to the Pac-12 championship game.

With all this being said, it was a major question of how the Brahmas were going to be able to replace the talent, let alone be able to compete at a high level the way it did the season before.

Yet the 2013 team who many thought to be less talented was able to win the Brahmas their first division title since 2010.

The Brahmas this year relied heavily on a stout defensive line that included sophomore defensive end Jonathan Johnson. Johnson, once known as a raw player who lacked in both experience and maturity, transformed his game into being one of the most feared linemen in

the state.

Johnson was selected this season as the Western State Conference defensive player of the year.

With the success that Johnson has had during his time at Pierce he has now propelled himself to being one of the big name players, Division I college coaches are looking for. He is expected to commit to Arizona State or University of California, Berkeley.

Another question for the Brahmas was how Nick Arbuckle was going to do after losing Strong as well as former Brahma, now Miami Hurricane tight end Beau Sandland. Could Arbuckle still be the same quarterback or better without these players at his disposal. The answer was yes.

This year Arbuckle threw for 2,500 yards and with 13 touchdowns and only 13 interceptions, Arbuckle proved his worth and he will be a likely prospect for any college needing an arm of his caliber.

Men’s Basketball (2-7)

Antelope Valley Tournament

Dec. 6 - Dec. 8

STIFF ARM: Matthew Dash, 22, runs past Brock Kap, 8, of Glendale College on

Overall this Brahmas squad accomplished what many deemed to be, not impossible, but improbable.

The Brahmas this season did

less talking and more walking.

They took what they had and molded a team that both knew how to light up the stat sheet as well as

Carlos Carpio / Roundup

playing confident, controlled and convincing football. As a result this team won the American Division Championship.

Pierce splits games in tournament Brahmas win 2, lose 2 in Neil Edwards Classic Soccer team comes up short Pierce lose to Orange Coast in penalty kicks 5-3

Pierce College’s men’s basketball team participated in the Neil Edwards Classic, winning their first game, and losing their next two games.

Entering the tournament, held from Nov. 29-Dec. 1 with an overall record of 2-4, the Brahmas first faced off against Sierra College on Friday, winning 79-70.

Sierra’s own Matt Scott had 20 points, five rebounds and two assists.

It wasn’t enough as Rodney Walters helped lead the way for the Brahmas, scoring 26 points with two rebounds and two assist.

Pierce’s Terrel Funches did his part as well, scoring 18 points with nine rebounds and one assist.

Pierce’s second game was played the following day against Chaffey

College, losing in a blowout 90-61.

“We just need to start working together,” said Pierce’s freshman starting center Beau Brown. “We are a very brand new team.”

Jeff Nibo scored 21 points in his team’s win, adding four rebounds and one assist.

But even the heroics of Jordan Fuller were not enough to overcome the tough play of Chaffey.

Fuller was the leading scorer for the Brahmas with 18 points, one rebound and three assists.

Teammates Charles Honest, Terrel Funches and Rodney Walters each scored 11 points.

In their third game of the tournament against Orange Coast College on Sunday, the Brahmas failed to keep up with Orange Coast after entering halftime with a tie, eventually losing 94-87.

“We aren’t used to playing with each other yet,” said Brown.

“In practice we just got to focus

on getting the ball to each other and focus on not getting turnovers because we got a lot of turnovers in our last tournament.”

Brad Buchignani was too much to handle for the Brahmas, scoring 28 points with six rebounds and four assists.

Orange Coast’s Devaun Evans was his team’s second leading scorer with 25 points, eight rebounds and seven assists. For Pierce, Terrel Funches scored 20 points, adding eight rebounds.

Rodney Walters followed, putting up 17 points, one rebound and two assists.

“We also got to work on our free throws,” said Brown. “If we just made our free throws, we probably would’ve won most of those games.”

The Brahmas will next be in action on Dec. 6 as they participate in the Antelope Valley Tournament which will conclude on Sunday Dec. 8.

The Pierce College women’s soccer team played their most physical game of the year against Orange Coast College in the second round of the 2013 California Community College Athletics Association Women’s Soccer Southern California Regional which ended in penalty kicks.

The Brahmas were without head coach Adolfo Perez, who was suspended for six games due to not posting stats, and lost starting defender Karina Ramirez.

Ramirez took a hard shot to the back of the knee and had to be lifted off the field by OCC’s training staff.

The Brahmas remained focused despite Ramirez’s injury holding the Pirates scoreless in the first 90 minutes of play. After regulation the score remained

tied and overtime was needed.

The Brahmas finally got the space they needed in the first half of overtime, when forward Michelle Somers found midfielder Diana Argueta on a breakaway, who scored the game’s first goal in the 98th minute.

The goal sent the Brahmas into an ecstatic craze on the bench, but their excitement would not last for very long.

In the closing minutes of the second half of overtime, OCC forward Shellie Zito took a shot that went under the crossbar but over the reach of Brahmas goalie Jenna Koziol to tie the game at 1-1 and forced the Brahmas into a penalty kick shootout.

The Brahmas were unable to

convert on two of their penalty kicks before their final penalty try. With the game and Pierce’s season on the line Stefany Soto stepped up to take her penalty kick and advance to the next level. However, Soto shot the ball off the crossbar, which meant the Pirates needed to convert just one more penalty to win. The Pirates would score on the penalty kick and defeat the Brahmas 5-3, after a thrilling 120 minutes of play in which both teams could not best each other.

“It was a tough loss,” assistant coach Cruz Hernandez said. “These girls gave it their all and poured their hearts into this game. In the end we came up empty, but as a coach I couldn’t be more proud.”

ROUNDUP: December 4, 2013 Sports10
Nov. 15 in the Brahmas 41-16 blowout win at Shepard Stadium.
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