Volume 130 Spring 2019 Roundup Issue 8

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are not hiring on the spot it gives everyone an idea as to what these job requirements are and is it something they can see themselves doing in the long term,” Meckler said.

Meckler said students are the beneficiary of the fair, and connecting them with job prospects that relate to material taught at Pierce

is helpful. According to Joycelyn Manzano, the director of Human Resources, believes the job fair brings opportunities to students, as most don’t even know where to begin searching.

“We are a Pacific Asian Counseling Service for adults and children, and we are looking for new entry students where we train new employees hands on as most jobs needs experience,” Manzano said. “With experience, it opens up more

job offers for some to move up in the company or somewhere else.”

Many students flooded the Mall to get answers and hopefully new opportunities. A lot of questions were answered by worried students who now feel a lot more comfortable

about their next field of work.

Jackie James, a communications major, said the job fair allowed her to do research.

“Coming here to the fair and getting to ask questions, breaks down if the career I’m choosing is the right path for me,” James said.

James said she found careers she initially didn’t consider.

“I'm a communications major and though I didn’t see anything of that field, I did see child youth centers that are looking for speakers or mentors that may work as well for me,” James said. Getting a job is more than having a resume and a cover letter, students need a vision for success and Pierce College provided key answers that helped clear their vision on Thursday.

Students were presented with possibilities and leads on discovering prospective careers at the Pierce College Job Fair. Representatives from different fields of work came April 11 to the Mall to give information on what it’s like working for their companies.

The Career Center works to put up job fairs every spring to give students options about what they can look for in the job market.

Wendi Meckler, the director of the Career Center, said job fairs are a great opportunity for students to network.

“The reason for this fair is to get students pumped and going as to what their hopes are in the market,” Meckler said. “Though the jobs are not hiring on the spot, it gives everyone an idea as to what these job requirements are and is it something they can see themselves doing in the long term.”

Meckler said students are the beneficiary of the fair, and connecting them with job prospects that relate to material taught at Pierce is helpful.

According to Joycelyn Manzano, the director of Human Resources, believes the job fair brings opportunities to students, as most don’t even know where to begin searching.

“We are a Pacific Asian Counseling Service for adults and children, and we are looking for new entry students where we train new employees hands on as most jobs needs experience,” Manzano said. “With experience, it opens up more job offers for some to move up in the company or somewhere else.”

Many students flooded the Mall to get answers and hopefully new opportunities. A lot of questions were answered by worried students who now feel a lot more comfortable about their next field of work.

Woodland Hills, California Volume 130 - Issue 8 Wednesday, April 17, 2019 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00 A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION /theroundupnews @roundupnews /roundupnews @roundupnews @roundupnews RUONLINE? Job-seeking students explore future career opportunities on the Mall at the Job Fair NYSHEKA HERRING Reporter @RoundupNews Brahmas take charge of their career path [see CLUB OLYMPICS on pg. 5] [For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]
College in
Sonia Gurrola / Roundup Deputy Casey Hefler, gives
to Donna Dubuc-Curtis at the Job Fair on April
11, 2019, at Pierce
Woodland Hills, Calif.
Navodya Dharmasiriwardena / Roundup Antonio Mendoza and Maddy Solimonpoor participate in the three legged race at Club Olympics on April 10, 2019 at Pierce College Rocky Young park, Woodland Hills, Calif. Opinions .................2 News..........................3 Features.......................4 Campus Life...................5 Photo Essay ....................6 Sports................................7 Sports..................................8 The Weather Roundup Wed. April 17 High: 75 Low: 57 Sunny Thur. April 18 High: 82 Low: 58 Cloudy Fri. April 19 High: 80 Low: 56 Cloudy Sat. April 20 High: 74 Low: 54 Cloudy Sun. April 21 High: 76 Low: 55 Cloudy Mon. April 22 High: 85 Low: 59 Sunny Tues. April 23 High: 88 Low: 62 Sunny Wed. April 24 High: 85 Low: 61 Sunny The Pierce College Weather Station has provided meteorogical data to national agencies since 1949 Find out more at piercecollegeweather.com ASO
club-wide competition in the name of school
Getting a job is more than a resume or a cover letter. It takes vision, and Pierce College provided students with an array of potential career paths Thursday.
and upcoming graduates were presented with possibilities and leads on landing prospective careers at the Job Fair. Different employers came April 11 to the Mall to give information on what it’s like to work for their companies.
Career Center works to organize job fairs every spring to give students options as to what they can look for in the job market.
Meckler, the director of
Career Center, said job fairs are
great opportunity for students to
Nathan Chung / Roundup Joey Glasser and Andrew Karp from the Engineering Club compete in the "Three Legged Race" during the Club Olyimpics.
sponsored a
spirit Winning the game of clubs
reason for this fair is to get
the jobs
students pumped and going as to what their hopes are in the market. Though
Navodya Dharmasiriwardena / Roundup Katrina Villegas and Richard Perez pass on the lemon in the egg spoon race at Club Olympics on April 10, 2019 at Pierce College Rocky Young Park.

-Letter to the Editor-

Dear Roundup Editor:

My name is Krikorian, and this is my 32nd year teaching at Pierce.

Thank you, and especially I thank Alexis Canelo, for publishing the article a couple Wednesdays back, about charging student and employee pure electric- or plug-in-hybrid cars at Pierce College.

I attended a brief meeting with a high-level administrator last week at Pierce.

My Dept. Chair went with me. At this meeting I was told not to charge my 2013 Chevrolet Volt at Pierce College anymore.

I will comply.

It makes me sad because I felt good--ya know?--about not polluting the air anymore. (Please, no faculty, please, lecture me on how actually the electricity generated does require carbon pollution--not if it is solar or hydroelectric.)

I have got colleagues in my little Faculty Office Bungalow with young children or grandchildren. I felt good about not pouring filth down their lungs.

Nevertheless, our AFT 1521 Chapter President and other Faculty are ably representing me; and the other many people who drive electric! I will now count on Mr. Paul Nieman's efforts, Plant Facilities, to bring the physical plant of Los Angeles Pierce College into the 21st Century nineteen years after it started: EV charging.

Thank you, again, for Roundup efforts along these lines.

-Letter to the Editor-

I pen this open letter to Los Angeles Pierce College journalism students as an old one who abandoned his news career before it began.

In 2014, I exited LAPC Media Arts department with a minor degree in journalism, a head full of steam and a wantingness to tell meaningful stories. That list is intact, but my modus operandi has changed and my audience, intimate.

The choice then, a full-time gig with a local paper at a meager $30,000 per year or working independently, to write what and when I wanted, seemed naively simple. But, it takes time to cultivate and produce quality independent news, which a site needs to get advertisers – read dollar bills.

Money was not an element of focus as a student journalist. However, mainstream news organizations need advertisers. Advertisers need eyeballs. This is the slippy slope – money for news and how to get it.

Ironically and coincidentally eyeballs are left and right, which is exactly how news organizations of late is splayed – LEFT OR RIGHT. Gone is balance, centrist and dare-to-say dry stories which allow readers to form independent conclusions. So few report the center, that when a story does get righteous publicity, the reporter is often cast as fringe when, in fact, it’s the other way around.

Citizen journalism and independent pay platforms such as Patreon has changed the field of journalism. One may produce real, unbiased, quality journalism for loyal followers who become advertisers through subscriptions. Independent reporters should maintain high journalistic ethics while entertaining subscribers or risk becoming the loathed, or worse, devastating legal action.

So, I encourage you all to become independent citizen journalists and tell the stories which highlight common ground, not the gaps between. This nation deserves reasonable reporters telling reasonable stories and LAPC students can meet that need.

From the desk of the Roundup: Editorial

Afresh piece of fruit simply offers nutritional value that an instant cup of ramen noodles cannot.

Pierce College should offer fresh food options to food insecure students who already use other resources like St.A.S.H. and the Brahma Pantry.

Currently, students at Pierce have access to non- perishable food items. However, the school does not currently offer a fresh food option for these students.

California State University, Northridge has already

implemented this as an extension of their food pantry.

Once a month, the food pantry puts on a “pop -up” food pantry that offers fresh fruit and vegetable options. Located in different areas on campus, students can come to get fresh produce as well as receive recipe cards, so they can learn to make dishes with the food they take home. While having access to nonperishable foods is a useful resource to have on campus, there must also be a demand for fresher foods that do not come in a plastic


The fresh pantry could be run by the Brahma Pantry and happen once or twice a month depending on demand. Students could stock up on fresh foods and gain knowledge on how to cook affordable and nutritious meals.

The food could be provided by donations from students. However, student-based donations will not provide as enough. If the school could propose a contract with a grocery store such as Ralphs, the store could make a donation of fresh produce once a month

More vegan options on campus?

Pro: Healthier choice of heart

meat ranked as a group 1 carcinogen (the same category as cigarettes, alcohol and asbestos).

for the drive.

The drive could be held on The Mall at Pierce. This is a populated area on campus, where most students pass by at least once a day. It is also centrally located near the Brahma Pantry and the Student Health Center.

The implementation of a fresh food bank on campus would give students access to fresh produce and knowledge of new and innovative ways to eat healthier foods.

Con: Preventing more damage

Doctors tell us drinking water, eating a balanced diet and exercising at least 30 minutes a day is good for our health.

Processed and salty foods have been known to decrease a person's energy and health. According to Medical News Today, “Processed foods are usually loaded with added sugar...and its evil twin, high fructose corn syrup.”

They also said these foods can lead to insulin resistance and increase harmful levels of cholesterol. This is why processed foods are not the best option toward one’s overall health and nutritional diet.

Veganism has become popular among Americans and it has been deemed as a healthier alternative. Vegans exclude any type of animal product consumption in their lifestyle, whether that is food or clothes.

Pierce College should offer more vegan options to its students. It’s healthy, better for the environment and doesn’t require any animals to suffer in the process.

According to the Vegan Society’s website, “The World Health Organisation report in November 2015 ranked processed

Eating just 50 grams per day (two rashers of bacon) increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent. It also classified red meat as a group 2A carcinogen.”

Pierce offers on-the-go snack bars, instant soups and meat options. But these choices do not provide the healthiest nutrients for students, instead of including more fresh produce and fruit beverages, which can increase a person's energy.

According to an article by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “Vegan diets are usually higher in dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins C and E, iron, and phytochemicals, and they tend to be lower in calories, saturated fat and cholesterol, long-chain n-3 (omega-3) fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B-12. In general, vegetarians typically enjoy a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), obesity, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.”

When thinking about vegan options at Pierce College, the first idea that comes to mind is how to be healthy and rid the body of waste. Students are becoming more obese because they’re eating unhealthy foods and not giving themselves the proper nutrients needed.

animals harmed or been eaten hurts my feelings,” Enge said.

According to an article by healthy eating, “Vegan diets are naturally low in saturated and trans fats, reducing your risk of developing heart disease and related complications.”

There are students who find it difficult to find vegan options on campus. Some may even go all day without eating. With enough effort, there can be an even amount of vegan options as there are meat related foods.

This will be inclusive. All students, even those who are non-vegan, can enjoy a food variety to pick off the menu.

Full-time vegan students mostly spend their day at school and or work. Sure it is up to them to bring their own food at times, but what if they need to stay longer than expected and get hungry later? What will their options be?

@b3l3nh3rnand3z Photographers:

Schools should be like grocery markets: sell what attracts people, or grow with the community. Pierce needs to start looking around more or perhaps start a poll on what percentage of the school is vegan. Asking them questions like, “Do students have several food options on campus?” is a good start.

All people need to eat. If meat lovers have options, why not vegans?

This will highly benefit students in the long run and maybe even convince meat lovers that there are great vegan food options out there for them to eat as well. This will help promote good health and make sure that vegan students have the options they can be delighted to choose from.

Well, veganism is not as simple as changing a diet and calling it a day. Many complicated procedures must be considered to transition to such a lifestyle.

Vegans exclude all forms of meat, dairy and even fish from their diets. They will refuse to use any products that have been animal tested or eat anything that has come from an animal, such as eggs.

Eating healthy can have just as bad of a downfall as to eating unhealthy. When thinking in terms of students’ eating habits, we have to consider that not everyone wants to go vegan.

Everyone knows that it costs more than your average penny to be fit and healthy.

processed carbs, sugary, fatty foods or more vegan snacks. The lack of nutrients can affect omega fatty acids, B-12, and folate. Any lack of vitamins can cause severe weakness, fatigue and even constipation.

According to the article “Negative Effects of Veganism” posted by SFGate, “Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency can lead to skin rashes, poor wound healing, slow growth in children and increased risk of infection. Breast milk of vegan mothers also tends to be low in omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for proper brain development in infants.”

Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in plant foods such as flaxseed, walnuts and pumpkin seeds, but nutrients have to be converted to activate. The body converts them with only 12 percent efficiency so you need to eat these foods in very high quantities, which may be impractical.

Eleni Enge, a student at Pierce, has struggled with maintaining a vegan lifestyle.

Like Enge, many students have transitioned from processed foods to veganism, but most tend to fall through the cracks. Going vegan is a consistent commitment, and continuously supplying these specific needs may prove problematic for Pierce.

The campus is just fine with selling food and snacks just the way they are. It keeps a balance between the two, whether it’s health or not. Let the choice be made by the person and not be focused upon the school to dictate.

More options would just throw everything off balance, and worries concerning having to pay more for food would arise. It would be more difficult for the school to maintain its supply of lettuce, vegetables and other produce that spoils within a few days if it’s not being sold.

They would need a bigger refrigerator and also invest in more workers to suit these needs.

More investment on the school side meaning more we would have to pay more on the tuition side or out of pocket just to eat and to keep it going.


“I’ve been vegan for three years now and I like it,” Enge said. “However, when I first started it was quite hard for me so I started small and then I gradually progressed.”


Alexandra Rose


Katya Beth Castillo

Nathan Reece


Sonia Gurrola

Students are already struggling at campus trying to get a bag a chips, yet pay double for a salad or vegan burger.

For beginners, when changing a diet, the body wouldn't be use to eating healthy. So to fill that void, we buy the foods that have high


Jill Connelly

Jeff Favre

Tracie Savage

*For advertising call (818) 710-2960

She said her major and outlook toward animals has inspired her to change her diet.

Restricting every students’ diet could be expensive and is not within the school’s budget. If students really cared about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, they could bring food from another reputable source. bhernandez.roundupnews@gmail.com

“It may be easier for me because I’m currently going to school to be a veterinarian, and seeing


in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience

under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

2 Opinions ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019 Fresh food for delight Letters to the editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Editor's Desk: (818) 710-3397 Newsroom: (818) 710-4117 newsroom.roundupnews@gmail.com www.theroundupnews.com Editor-in-Chief .................Natalie Miranda Managing Editor ......................Cameron Kern Photo Editor ....................Christopher Torres Photo Editor .........................Angelica Lopez Opinions Editor ..................ChelseaWestman Opinions Editor .................Richard Espinoza News Editor.............................Alexis Canelo News Editor............................Arielle Zolezzi News Editor..........................Sofi Matzaganian Features Editor..................Nicholas Martinez Features Editor........................Devin Malone Features Editor...........................Susan Lopez Campus Life Editor.....................Noah Goldbloom Campus Life Editor.................... Belen Hernandez Online Editor .......................Danielle Padilla Sports Editor...........................Felipe Gamino Sports Editor..........................Blake Williams Sports Editor.....................Christopher Torres Reporters: Abdul Ali Amberly Padzik Amir Malekpour George Apikyan Gina Wong Harley Davis Jackson Hayano Jesse Bertel Ickler Justin Miranda Nysheka Herring Shaleah Green PoLicy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. editoriaL PoLicy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only
Photo Illustration by Joshua Bleiweiss / Roundup
BELEN HERNANDEZ Campus Life Editor
Brandon SinclairVolkens Cole Toderan
Manes Joshua Bleiweiss Johnathon Guerino Nayodya Dharmasiriwardena Ivan Moises Lozani Sonya Miller Manuel De La Paz

The battle for the senate

Open forum for presidential position

The position for Academic Senate president has not been contested in four years, but that is changing this semester.

Professor of Computer Applications & Office Technologies Jill Binsley said she is eager to have competition.

“We haven’t had two people running for president in a long time,” Binsley said. “It’s exciting when we have more than one candidate for the position.”

The candidates are Professor of Communication Studies Barbara Anderson and Fernando Oleas. Both candidates have been working at Pierce for more than a decade, and held numerous positions throughout the years. Much of the forum centered on the relationship between faculty and administration.

Both candidates agreed that the faculty-administration relationship needed improvement.

But the candidates seem to diverge when it came to how best to deal with administrators.

Anderson, who has worked as a dean, envisioned a cooperative view for the future where the senate and the administration can share a more collaborative role together.

Oleas expressed his belief that to get things done, faculty must be more persistent.

“Administrators are not bad people, but they are business people,” Oleas said. “Faculty views things from the student success perspective. Administration views things through a business perspective. So that is why we must be vigilant.”

Oleas explained that this divide can affect the way Pierce is run. He explained, for example, how the administration was not releasing funds that were promised for improved Wi-Fi. Oleas said he persistently lobbied the district until they released the money.

“Sometimes I sound like a broken record. I repeat things a lot,” Oleas said. “But because I sound like a broken record on the district level, they manage to listen to us. And that is the reason why we have Wi-Fi.”

Anderson stated that the faculty should try to build a better and more winclusive relationship with administration.

“They’re here for a limited amount of time, but we’re here for the long haul,” Anderson said. “We really need to train our administrators on how we want them to treat us. One of the things I would like to do is help grow a better treatment of the senate.”

Anderson said she believes that she is a good choice for the next Academic Senate president because of her experience helping faculty address their goals.

“We need to have leaders that are able to bring out the voices of others. And I have worked with developing faculty leadership throughout my entire career,” she said.

Anderson said her experience working as an administrator would be an advantage.

From gender-neutral bathrooms to preferred pronouns, a group was established Feb. 21 to strengthen LGBTQ communities at all LACCD campuses.

The Los Angeles Community College District created an LGBTQ Advisory Group which plans to meet regularly with the District.

Instructor of Psychology Angela Belden said that she hopes the LGBTQ Advisory Board will bring change to campus.

said. “In the past it’s been extremely difficult because sometimes people invade that space. Some people aren’t going there for the right reasons. Some people, instead of going there to be supportive, are going there to rip and tear [LGBTQ members] down.”

Another issue that Fields believes should be addressed is more outreach for transgender students who have changed their names to fit their identities.

“It’s expensive in California to get your name legally changed and it’s a huge amount of work,” Fields said. “Students don’t have those resources or time.”

Rundown Brahma Blotter

These incidents were reported between 4/7-4/13

“I was the vice president of Honors Transfer Program. I was Dean of Academic Affairs. I’ve had a variety of roles,” Anderson said. “I feel like the information I’ve gained with that has given me insight on how to work well with the administration.”

Oleas believes his experience as the former Chapter President of American Federation of Teachers helped him form meaningful connections with the Board of Trustees.

“I was able to secure good connections with the Board of Trustees,” Oleas said. “When something happens at Pierce, I go to the Board of Trustees. I meet them in person. I address the issues that we have and make sure they implement the changes that we need. I’m very well connected.”

Despite the competition, both candidates wished each other the best of luck.

“Vote for me. Vote for him. Either way, I’ll be buying you all beer next Monday,” Anderson said.


“I hope that they are able to address issues specific to this population,” Belden said. “I know that sometimes there’s a lack of social support at home for LGBT students [and] they tend to have a higher rate of victimization, so I hope they can address some of these issues and bring real services on campus.”

Chair of the Physics Department and Adviser to the Queer Brahma Collective Dale Fields said the LGBTQ Advisory Group is an important step in improving LGBTQ relations.

“One of the primary forces behind it is David Vela, the first openly queer member to serve on the Board [of Trustees],” Fields said.

Although no official plans or actions have been discussed yet, Pierce faculty members described their own hopes and aspirations about what the LGBTQ Advisory Group might achieve.

Fields said that he hopes an LGBTQ center can be created on campus.

“We’re looking for a safe place so we can help students. Some kind of refuge,” Fields said. “A place for information and getting to know other members of the communities.”

Faculty Chair and Adviser for the Queer Brahma Collective James McKeever agrees that an important step in improving LBGTQ relations would be creating a center that could act as a sanctuary for LGBTQ students.

“The concept of creating a safe space is very important,” McKeever

Fields said that Pierce has been trying to integrate these changed names in their classes and documents, but that the problem goes beyond the Pierce campus.

“We still don’t have any districtwide solution to this,” Fields said. “So, I’m hoping that the advisory group will help us.”

Another issue that the LACCD Advisory Board might look into involves gender-neutral bathrooms.

Director of the Health Center Beth Benne said that the LACCD Advisory Board should consider looking into this.

“I would think that genderneutral bathrooms would be an issue,” Benne said. “That seems to be something that the LGBT community is very interested in, primarily for our transgender students who are transitioning from one gender to another.”

Dale Fields said that there are currently a few genderneutral bathrooms at Pierce.

“We’ve gotten some already,” Fields said. “But there aren’t really enough of those around campus.”

Fields said that the LGBTQ Advisory Board is an important step in improving LGBTQ recognition.

“We’ve had [LGBTQ] student clubs, but we also want something institutional,” Fields said. “[Something] that shows we have dedication from the LACCD itself, that says ‘this is important.’”


basketball shorts and a beige baseball cap with a red rectangle. The last sexual assault occurred in 2017, while the last prior incident occurred in 2015.

Reported by: Alexis Canelo

4/4 10:30 a.m.

•Sexual Assault

A female took a ride from an unknown male. The female student stated she was sexually assaulted by the male inside his vehicle near the Equestrian Center.

4/8 1:27 p.m.

•Student Ill

An ill student in Music 3401 was transported to the hospital via paramedics.

4/11 4:50 p.m.

•Petty Theft Bicycle

An unknown suspect stole a bicycle from the South Gym bike rack.

A woman reported a sexual assualt on April 8, after she accepted a ride from a male suspect, according to a Clery report released by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

The victim was offered a ride on De Soto Avenue south of Victory Boulevard while she waited for a bus.

After the vehicle entered the Pierce College campus, the suspect refused to let the victim exit and assaulted her. She eventually vacated the vehicle and reported the assault.

The suspect was last seen in a ‘90s black, two-door sports car with a dark tint on all windows.

He was described as a greeneyed 30-40 year-old male, 5’9”, 200-220 lbs and last seen wearing a green shirt, black

Pierce College

Sheriff’s Station

General Information: (818) 719-6450

Emergency: (818) 710 - 4311

ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019 3 News
Photo by Angelica Lopez/Roundup (L-R) Fernando Oleas and Barbara Anderson standing together as they compete against Senate President at the Senate Candidate Forum on April 15, 2019.
Sexual assault on campus April 8 incident currently being investigated Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photojournalist Nick Ut Thursday, April 18th at 7:30 p.m. in Building 600 in the center of campus, next to the library Admission is FREE Open to students, staff, faculty and community. Info: (818) 710-2960 media ARTS speakers series presents Brought to you by the Media Arts Department SPONSORED BY ASO NATALIE MIRANDA Editor-In-Chief @TheRoundupNews Contact Detective A. Hilzendeger from the Special Victims Bureau if you have any information: (562) 903-7516. The information above comes from the Clery report. Pride at Pierce
advisory group formed

Finding culture through anthroplogy

Department Chair of Anthropology helps bring the world to Pierce College

With relics and fabrics from countries all across the world draped in her office, Department Chair of Anthropology Erin Hayes brings a sophisticated style to instructing a science at Pierce. A style that is shrouded by a warm smile and a laid back attitude.

Hayes became a cultural anthropologist because of her love of travelling and other cultures. She now has an urge as a role model to inspire her students. She wants them to leave her class with a more open mind.

“You don’t have to remember the details,” Hayes said. “But I do want my students to walk away and think there are other ways of being in the world. And those ways also makes sense. And if there’s other ways of being in the world, then that means we make our world and if we make our world we can change it too.”

Hayes explained that this sense of societal awareness first spawned when she joined the peace corps after college and was sent to Ukraine where she worked primarily as an English Instructor for over a year.

“I was just working with kids anywhere from kindergarten to eighth grade,” Hayes said. “You just speak English with them, you know, they’re studying English. So they spoke pretty well. But, this was the language practice that I did with them and I tried to exposed them to American culture. It was a good experience, but it was tough.”

According to Hayes, she was sent to Ukraine in the late 90s when the Soviet Union had recently fallen apart and Ukraine had become independent. Ukraine was in the process of establishing itself as a nation. The US and Western Ukraine wanted to incorporate Western languages and

cultures to their youth. The Peace Corps volunteers at the time, were sent over to help these efforts. Hayes was one of them.

“I ended up being sent to the part of Ukraine that’s fighting right now,”

Hayes said. They annexed Crimea, which is a big peninsula down there and where I was stationed back then.”

Hayes reflects on this time with warm memories, but these memories wouldn’t exist without hardship. She states that it was tough fitting in when American and Ukrainian cultures are so contrasting.

“I stuck out like a sore thumb,”

Hayes said. “Everybody was looking at me all the time and I just felt uncomfortable that way all the time. So it was major culture shock getting used to the weather and the food... we have a kind of a culture where we’re people oriented and customer service oriented. No such thing like that there. So getting used to all of that was kind of a culture shock for sure.”

According to Hayes, her time in Ukraine cultivated what she calls her stamp as an anthropologist. It provided her with a method of taking a more hands on approach to studying cultures.

“You have to see people in their everyday lives,” Hayes said. “You have to go to their homes and hang out with them. You know, you have to invite them into your house, you have to do what normal people do....I think that the Ukrainian experience really helped me understand what I like to do. It’s that kind of participant observation.”

Hayes, who is now a professor of anthropology, continues to stress the importance of her students making these leaps as young anthropologists. She wants them to leave her class with a more open mind.

“Anthropology answers the question of what it means to be human,” Hayes said. “Is it our bodies that make us human? Is it our culture

or our language? There are lots of ways to answer the question.”

Similar to the broader existentialist questions Hayes asks herself as an anthropologist, Jeremiah Reyes finds himself pondering the reasons for our existence as well as a physical sciences major at Pierce.

“The learning process in anthropology really brings in the effect of our own humanity and what it really means to be human,” Reyes said. “Regardless of race, we are all humans on this planet.”

Clayton Gediman is a library technician and a coordinator for the Open Educational Resources (OER) program at Pierce, which Hayes is a contributor.

Gediman states that Hayes has being a close friend and colleague of his for over half a decade.

According to Gediman, they were initially bonded over there similar sense of humour and relaxed style of articulating the dense information found in textbooks.

Gediman works closely with Hayes in the OER programs and admires her methodology of teaching.

“She just has this way of connecting with the students and just talking to them and using her own experience, but also just explaining the concepts where it’s just a really relaxed atmosphere,” Gediman said.

Hayes explained that she appreciates anthropology for how its teachings benefit society. She is hopeful for our next generation and continues to pass on to her students the optimism she has acquired from traveling and studying other cultures.

“Anthropology is an important field in that it teaches us that lesson over and over again, that it is possible to change our world. It is possible to think critically and see what it is about the world that we want to make different now and we can do it,” Hayes said.

ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019 Features 4
ckern.roundupnews@gmail.com Discover Creating Pathways/Abriendo Caminos Are you a low-income, Latino, and/or first generation college student? Are you planning to transfer to Cal State Northridge (CSUN)? Find out more today! Call (818) 710-4462 or e-mail kahwajr@piercecollege.edu Program Benefits • Access to free traditional textbooks, electronic textbooks and materials • Access to graphing calculators, tablets and laptops • Unlimited assistance from tutors • Peer mentoring and connections to faculty at CSUN • Career support services, career events and internship opportunities • Transfer to CSUN Program Majors • Business • Accounting • Marketing • Finance • Management • Graphic Design • Nursing • Engineering
Pathways/Abriendo Caminos is a program dedicated to assisting your success at Los Angeles Pierce College and California State University, Northridge through academic, professional, and personal development. Raffi Kahwajian, Creating Pathways/Abriendo Caminos Activity Director
Danielle Padilla / Roundup Erin Hayes holding a Russian nesting doll, surrounded by other cultural items in her office at Pierce College, Woodland Hills Calif Mar. 13, 2019.

Winning the game of clubs

The first club olympics in over a decade sparks a spectacle of friendly competition

to race in a triathlon which was a combination of all the games.

uncover about your family history, and as an example, she details the life of her grandmother.

There may not have been any gold medals or torches held high, but there were a few broken eggs and twisted ankles at the Club Olympics.

Pierce College ASO hosted the event with competitors from the Ideas Club, International Students Club, Engineering Club, PTK Club and many more different student organizations on April 10, at Rocky Young Park.

The event included a series of games, such as an egg relay race, a balloon toss and a three-legged race.

ASO chair Nicole Alfaro said it has been decades since the clubs joined together for an event like this.

“The last time we did a club Olympics was actually 20 years ago. I was like, we need to bring it back,” Alfaro said.

I.D.E.A.S club member

Karina Villegas said that the $200 cash prize was what motivated her and her teammates to compete in the olympics.

“What motivated me was the price because we're trying to earn money so we could have T-shirts for our club,” Villegas said.

Villegas was optimistic that they would at least place in the top three.

“I feel like it may be a bit competitive because we are going against the running club and they seem very fit,” Villegas said. “I expect to at least get second or third.”

The three winning teams were

The top three clubs where PTK, Engineer Club and AGS Club. The first place winner was the Engineer Club.

President and founder of Engineer Club, Joey Glasser said he enjoyed the event and was happy to participate in it.

“I liked how inclusive it was. You know, everyone was working together. There was no hard feelings. If someone lost everyone was a good sport about it, and that's always a good thing,” Glasser said.

Glasser said he and his club will be using their prize for future projects.

“It's definitely going to go towards building some projects, we are the engineering club so we do build things. We're just going to have to come up with something very intricate,” Glasser said.

Alfaro said that this event was meant to bring unity to all the clubs at Pierce.

“This event is important because we like to bring clubs together,” Alfaro said. “We just wanted to like kind of say thank you but in a fun way and like make them compete against each other to win up to $200 today for their club.”

Alfaro wants all the clubs to feel welcomed and that there is help when they need it.

“We want to get to know them better and make sure clubs understand that they shouldn't be afraid to approach us were here for you,” Alfaro said.

Alfaro is hopes that the club

olympics because an annual event to better help all the clubs.

“I'm wanting to make this a yearly thing,” Alfaro said. “I do want to make sure whoever is chair

continues this and as well as,the therapeutic puppies that were bringing back again this semester.”

Digging into your lineage is like opening doors, each revealing someone who could have been a track star, a military hero or a victim of a historic tragedy.

Umoja helped students unlock those doors through a genealogy event held April 12 in a Library classroom.

Outreach librarian Lisa Valdez hosted the event that showed students how to create their family tree on ancestry.com, and showcased everything she discovered while putting together her own for the past seven years.

“I looked to see how my relatives have died, and it said things like shot, stabbed, strangulation,” Valdez said. “Then I must think about the times I which that they were living, it could have been for any reason. It could have been from racism, but at least it gives you an idea of how these people died. it really makes you think about how we live now and that it is our responsibility to not take for granted what they went through, and what they suffered through.”

Because of the various events happening on campus simultaneously, the turnout was small, but those who did come emphasized its importance.

“There was a lot going on today,” Chaka Hunter, an attendee said. “There was another event my other professor was offering extra credit for, and I was turning in resumes at the job fair, but I didn’t want to miss this, because it is just as important.”

Valdez explains there is a lot to

“I came from a long line of very, very strong women,” Valdez said. “My great grandmother was a nurse and put seven of her nine kids through college. Two of them were track stars, most of them were in the military. Only one female went to the military. She was navy and lived up north where she was a black panther. She also got two Ph.D.’s, one in theology, and one is psychology, and now she's a thug for Jesus.”

Valdez recalls a personal experience she had when going through her family’s documentations to emphasize how you can discover a lot when you look at your family’s past.

“My mother said when she found her birth certificate, she didn’t know her father wasn’t her father,” Valdez said. “When I found my fathers birth certificate, his father wasn’t his father. So, I told my brother, ‘Did you know that neither one of our granddaddy's is really our granddaddy?’ He was like, ‘My whole life is a lie,’ I'm like, ‘These people did not raise you, get it together.’”

Another event attendee Rayquan Blizzard, has ancestors from a foreign country, meaning he would have to pay more on ancestry.com to get their information.

“I’m half Japanese and half black,” Blizzard said. “I have a lot of family in Japan, and I have to get their documents from overseas.”

ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019 Campus Life 5 Weekly Calendar Thurs. 04/18 Fri. 04/19 Sat. 04/20 Sun. 04/21 Mon. 04/22 Tues. 04/23 Wed. 04/17 Transfer Scholarships 2p.m.- 3p.m. CTC Workshop Room Comma Rules for Writing 11:30a.m.- 12:30p.m. Center for Academic Success ASO Senate Meeting 1p.m.-3p.m. Great Hall Communication Cafe noon-2p.m. Center for Academic Success Library Hours 10a.m.-3p.m. School is closed Peer2Peer- Spring Luau 11a.m.- 1p.m. Stdent Engagement Center BELEN HERNANDEZ Campus Life Editor @RoundupNews
Chelsea Westman/ Roundup High school students near the Cafeteria during Senior Day at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on April 10, 2019. Angelica Lopez/ Roundup Karina Villegas and Richard Perez participate in a three-legged race during the ASO's Club Olympics in Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on April 10, 2019.
matters JOB BOARD SUBWAY RESTAURANT : PT WORK!! Become a Sandwich Master!! Bring out your food artistry! We are looking for Part Time help, all different kinds of shifts. Terrific Boss! Great location. Stable work. Send Resume. Beeworkin18@gmail.com Subwaymanagement1110@gmail.com JOB BOARD THE MALIBU TIMES is looking for freelance writers to cover local interest, government & fast-breaking stories. Experience with daily/weekly or community newspaper helpful. Email resume and a few clips to editorial@malibutimes.com Attention: Editor. No Calls Please. I CAN TEACH If you need an accommodation due to a disability to participate in this I can TEACH fair, please contact the Special Services Department at special_services@piercecollege.edu or (818) 719-6430, at least 5 business days in advance. [For the full story visit theroundupnews.com] [For the full story visit theroundupnews.com] [From JUMP, pg. 1]
Senior Day


They say soup is good for the soul. Whether it’s cold outside or a student needs a pick-me-up, soup is a go to option that provides both comfort and a solution to hunger.

Art soup is a service started by Art professor Monika Ramirez-Wee to feed students who are hungry between classes. She makes the soup herself, and Food Forward, a nonprofit organization, donates the fruits and vegetables. Students can help themselves to a bowl every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Art Hill in front of room 3302.

6 Photo Essay ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019
Copy by Angelica Lopez
(Left to Right) Nelly Askari and Amanda King take food during the Art Soup event on the Art Hill at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 26, 2019.
Omobosola Jimoh eats a bowl of fresh soup during the Art Soup event on the Art Hill at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif.,
on March 26, 2019.
on March 26,
Bread and utensils are prepared for the Art Soup event on the Art Hill at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 26, 2019.
(Left to Right) Monika Ramirez-Wee, art professor, and Ronald Lu prepare kale potato soup for students during the Art Soup event on the Art Hill at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on March 26,
2019. Art soup is offered every Tuesday.
Scholten eats a bowl of fresh soup during the
Soup event on the
Pierce College
Woodland Hills, Calif.,
Photos by Chelsea Westman

Brahmas drop the ball

Volleyball loses in four sets against Raiders

Men’s volleyball lost against the Moorpark College Raiders in four sets as they ended their season on the wrong foot.

The Brahmas dropped the first two sets 25-19 and 25-15, but won the third set 28-26 off a Grant DeGrasse kill.

In a tight fourth set, Pierce and Moorpark struggled at the beginning to take the lead, but the Raiders moved ahead with precision and won by a score of 25-22.

Joshua Giron, opposite and middle hitter, said despite the struggles they’ve gone through as a team this year, is a demonstration of how hard they tried to keep up.

“I'm proud of the way we did,” Giron said. “ I don't see it as a rough game. I see it as a kind of perfect way to end our season. We really tried and we gave it our all.”

Coach Joe Arechiga pointed out that some of the team members suffered injuries this season but they still manage to pull through all the games. “We had Wyatt [Bates] setting for a second game,” Arechiga said. “ He just came back from injury, which is incredible. So he showed a great performance.”

Arechiga said he had to make changes due to the injuries.

“Gene played in a position that he wasn't really used to either, and Josh play outside, but he did a great job swinging overall just a really fun game to watch it. and we all played really hard for the last batch,” Arechiga said.

During the first set was completely controlled by the Raiders putting the

Brahmas in a disadvantage from the start. The Raiders played aggressively at the beginning giving the Brahmas

no opening to catch up.

For the second the set, Moorpark worked solidly in every single attack, which the Brahmas struggled to

Vikings slide to victory

Baseball drops to 9-21 in season

The Brahmas were once again led by a strong pitching performance, but the offense faced a dominant starter and a questionable call as they lost to Long Beach City College on Monday, April 15, at Joe Kelly Field.

Making his first start on the mound, Michael Roth pitched eight innings and allowed three runs on five hits, but only one was an earned run.

“I was a little nervous coming into it,” Roth said. “I’ve been here before but I was really feeling it in my warmups and I just rolled with it.”

With multiple games this week, head coach Bill Picketts said he would’ve been happy if Roth went just two or three innings.

“For him to do that takes a whole lot of stress off me because I was really worried about if we were going to have enough innings to go this week,” Picketts said. “So that was huge. Regardless of if we won or lost, that was probably the most important part of this week.”

Unfortunately for Roth, he took the loss as those three runs were all Long Beach needed in their 4-1 victory.

Long Beach starting pitcher Matt Stearns took a no-hitter into the eighth inning and only allowed one unearned run.

The run came in the seventh inning when Hakeem Yatim reached second base on an error, which was re-scored as a double the following day, and Zach Kaminkow later grounded out to drive Yatim in.

The no-hitter was broken up in the eighth inning by pinch-hitter Nolan Bodeau as he hit a single into right field.

“I just came in off the bench, I didn’t really know how this guy threw and he spotted me up pretty good,” Bodeau said. “I got to a deep count and he threw me a really good slider on the outer half and I poked

Sports Briefs: Cheer wins nationals

Harris said. “Their hard work and dedication came through when they performed an amazing routine and captivated the crowd.”


Degrasse was a key player in the game as his assistance and determination helped the team move ahead on different occasions, which Coach Arechiga mentioned how important his presence has been for the team.

“He's an absolutely incredible player or an incredible engine and just so much love for his team and for the game,” Arechiga said. “ Even when we're down to the entire season, he's always been the carrying us keeping us up.”

Gene Kim, setter, said the team can still put up a fight despite having a rough season.

“This last game tonight really showed us that we still competed despite all that we pulled through,” Kim said. “ We basically said, ‘you know what, we can't change what's going on right now. Like we can't change that but we could still not give up.’

Kim said despite they still managed to win a set.

"We faced Moorpark, and they are like at the top of the conference. And we were still able to take a set on. I'm so proud of our team, and proud of the sophomores because they put everything on the floor,” Kim said.

The third set was intense for the Brahmas as they moved through to make a difference in the game, which Wyatt Bates, Giron, and Degrasse were some of the members who helped to put the team ahead.

Their efforts weren’t enough after tough dives and swings, the Brahmas couldn’t claim victory for their last game.

The Brahmas end their season with overall record of 3-13, 1-11 in conference play.

The Brahma cheer team stampeded through the competition and became the college all-girl national champions.

Pierce competed at the Spirit Cheer SoCal Finale Nationals in San Diego.

After the judges scored the Brahmas routine with zero deductions, they were awarded first place.

Zach Harris, the cheer coach and spirit club adviser, acknowledged how proud he was of his team because of how diligent they were throughout the season to ultimately hoist the championship trophy.

“Our cheerleaders work so hard to balance their school, work and practice schedules,”

According to Harris, the team focuses on confidence and strength, which he said are traits that represent the Brahma spirit.

“During warm-ups, they cheered on other teams and truly showcased their positivity,” Harris said. “They were encouraging to everyone and great examples of Pierce diplomacy.”

Harris said their performance was the cherry on top of an obstacle-filled season.

“The crowd was amazed by their solid technique and energy,” he said.

Stay tuned for the full story next week online and in print.


Tennis goes to Ojai

Two players on the tennis team will be representing the Brahmas at the 119th edition of the Ojai State Tournament.

Christian Ponce qualified for both the singles and doubles competition, while Daniel Vinterfeld will be teaming up with Ponce.

Athletic Director Moriah van Norman said she is happy for the two players who advanced.

“It is exciting to have re presentation in state. I’m really proud of them and they will do great,” van Norman said.

Both players advanced, having done well in the conference tournament held at Ventura College the weekend of Apr. 5.

Ponce won the first round matchup against Luis Aceves in two sets by the same score of 6-1. He would be eliminated in the quarterfinal round by Glendale College’s Nicholas Pupiec (6-1 and 6-3). Vinterfeld lost in the first round against GC’s Jinseok Lee in three sets, winning the first one 6-4. He lost the other two 6-4 and 12-10.

The state tournament will take place from Apr. 25-28 at Ojai.

April 15, 2019.

my bat at it and got a hit.”

Following that single, the key moment of the game came when Bodeau slid into second base as Long Beach tried to turn a double play on a ball hit from Johnathan Lavallee.

Lavallee beat the throw to first base but was called out when the umpire said Bodeau interfered with the second baseman.

“It’s gotta be pretty blatant.

They’re trying to protect the second baseman, which is great, but the rule states that if you slide in, you can pop up and you can even go past the bag,” Picketts said. “[The second baseman] didn’t do his job to get out of the way.”

Following the double play, Brent Swearingen, now up with two outs, hit a triple that would have put the Brahmas within one run and the tying run on third base. The next hitter, Dirk Ryan, then flew out,

which would have tied the game.

Instead, the Brahmas ended the inning with no runs and the offense was unable to start a rally in the ninth inning.

“Unfortunately, it went against us,” Picketts said. “Those are two runs that we probably score right there and we’re tied up and I’m probably putting in Lavallee at that point in time because it’s his pen day, and who knows, it could be a totally different outcome.”

With the loss, the Brahmas’ record dropped to 9-21.

They will continue their busy schedule as they travel to Riverside College on Thursday, April 18, before coming back home to host Moorpark College the following day.

ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019 Sports 7
Katya Castillo/ Roundup Nolan Bodeau (36) slides into second base in a game against Long Beach City College at Joe Kelly Field at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on
JOB & INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FOLLOWING MAJORS:  Architecture  Graphic Design  GIS  Media Arts  Office Clerical (CAOT)  Welding  CNC Machining  Computer Science  Engineering  Auto  Business GAIN EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD YOU ARE MAJORING. FULL TIME AND PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE L.A. PIERCE COLLEGE STRONG WORKFORCE CONTACT: MICHAEL WILLIAMS williama3@piercecollege.edu (818) 710-4178
Christopher Torres / Roundup
Joshua Giron spikes the ball in third set of a game against the Moorpark College Raiders in Ken Stanley Court at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on April

Age is just a number in the pool Swimmer Mario Marshall is establishing


Alife is rarely changed by 0.1 second, but for Pierce swimmer Mario Marshall, that was the difference between qualifying for the Olympics and becoming an entrepreneur.

“In 2008, the qualifying time was 55.5’ and my fastest time was a 55.6’,” Marshall said. “Do you know how I felt?”

He goes and re-tries every four years with the dream of making it one day, but for now, Marshall will continue to race as a Brahma and focus on his marketing business.

Marshall is now 37-years-old and is one of the top swimmers on the swim team. He is expected to make it to the state championship this year and possibly break some records.

He first attended Pierce College in 2002 and swam for the team. After becoming ineligible, he was discouraged and instead looked for employment.

In that time, Marshall became a personal trainer and currently works as a marketing consultant. He takes brands and builds them to become fully marketable and public.

Marshall first started getting into the pool around freshman

year. While his two younger brothers had interests in other sports like basketball, Marshall found an interest in swimming.

He had made it clear to his parents that he wanted to join the swim team. To get him started in the right path, his father had him compete in park leagues and other competitions just to get him used to the water.

When Marshall started at El Camino Real High School, he started setting records.

“If we were deeper [had more swimmers] we would have taken first place,” Marshall said. “Sadly, every year for four years from ‘96 to 2000, we were beat by schools that just had more bodies than us. Of course, these were neighboring schools like San Pedro, Palisades and Granada Hills Charter High.”

Marshall said that his family is at the center of his motivation.

“I do everything I do so that I can show my daughters that anything is possible that you put your mind to,” Marshall said. One thing that Marshall lives by is his father’s favorite quote for him, “Figure it out.”

“My parents are my heroes,” Marshall said. “They showed me and taught me that anything is possible as long as you have drive.”

Marshall recalled of when his mother taught at UCLA and was struck by a car when he was in

fifth grade. He says she took that as a sign her teaching time was done and it was time for her to go back to school.

At the age of 50, she had earned two bachelor degrees and two master degrees. Marshall says his mother is a big motivational factor to him being back in school.

One day during the last school year while Marshall was at the Swim Center at Pierce, he glanced up at the record boards. He asked the former swim coach, Fred Shaw, what he would have to do in order to swim again.

Shaw told him he needed nine units, so Marshall got back into classes and returned to the swim team with a goal in mind - break records and make a name for himself.

“If just one person can be helped and be motivated by what

I can do, then it will be all worth it,” Marshall said. “Water is the most powerful force in the world. When it comes to the water, I have to learn how to become one with the water. When you fight the current, things aren’t going to be good.”

Head Coach Judi Tehrar commented on Marshalls skills.

“I’ve only seen a few people with the speed that Marshall has. No one has his determination,” Terhar said. “The only thing he has to really work on is his backstroke. He’s really a freestyle butterfly swimmer, but

Sports Photo of the Week

ROUNDUP: April 17, 2019 Sports 8 SPORTS SCHEDULE Men's Volleyball Baseball Tennis Softball Swim Ojai State Tourament Apr. 25-28 Baseball Records (as of 4/16) 9 2 1
Baseball L v Long Beach 4-1 L v LA Mission 8-7 L @ SD Mesa 9-8 Softball Tennis M Volleyball Swim Season Over Last in conference No recent games April 17 @ Santa Barbara 3 p.m. April 18 @ Riverside 2 p.m. April 23 @ LA Valley 2:30 p.m. Season over April 18 @ AHC 3 p.m. April 23 @ Cuesta 2:30 p.m. April 18-20 WSC Championships @ Santa Clarita Aquatic Center
Brahmas Scoreboard
Winnetka Bowl Take a break from your studies and have some fun at the 20122 Vanowen at Winnetka 818-340-5190 Bowling … Billiards … Arcade Lane 33 Bar & Grill … Bands & Karaoke … It’s all here for you … at the Bowl L @ SMCC 15-1 L v Ventura 15-0 L @ Oxnard 9-1 Men - 3rd Women - 15th
records at 37 For sports updates, follow us on Twitter (@RoundupSports) and Instagram (@PierceSports).Softball 0 1 3 Last in conferenceTennis 0 8 Last in conferenceM Volleyball 3 1 3 6th in conferenceM Basketball 3 1 5 1 Season OverSwim 0 0M Basketball Season Over Joshua
supshaw.roundupnews@gmail.com “The journey
you stop.
Manes / Roundup Marshall looks out at the pool from the starting block at the Steven Schofield Aquatics Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on March 27, 2019. Marshall returned to Pierce and the swim team in 2018 after a 16 year hiatus.
You have
keep going.”
Mario Marshall Swimmer
Katya Castillo / Roundup Roth (24) throws a pitch against Long Beach City College at Joe Kelly Field at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on April 15, 2019. Roth, making his first start, pitched eight innings, allowing five hits and only one earned run, but the Brahmas lost 4-1.

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