Volume 131 Fall 2019 Roundup Issue 1

Page 7

Enrollment stays consistent from last fall semester

Numbers are 100 percent from this time a year ago

The percentage of students who don’t re-enroll from the first semester to the thrid is up by 11 percent. However, strong numbers from incoming students have kept Pierce’s enrollment steady.

“The good news is that we are 100 percent in terms of head count of where we were at the same time last year,” said Pierce President, Alexis Montevirgen. “Last year we were at 46,964 [students], yesterday we were at 47,551 [students], so that’s 587 more than we were this time last year.”

While enrollment at Pierce is remaining steady, not all classes are safe from cancellation due to low numbers.

Department Chair of Performing Arts Michael Gend said that his department has cancelled one class so far due to low-enrollment.

“I’d say, in my experience, nearly every cancellation that’s happened in my department would have been because of low enrollment,” Gend said.

Chair of Modern Language

Department Fernando Oleas expressed his concern that cancelled classes leads to students droping out or trasfering to other colleges.

“In the first two weeks of school, we are losing a lot of students because of cancelled classes,” Oleas said. “They’re not waiting to see if there’s a possible opening in a new section. They’re going elsewhere.”

Oleas stated that he hopes the new president will take this into consideration and work with faculty to prevent further cancelled classes.

Impact through involvement

New president emphasizes student engagement

When people talk about a successful person, they talk about someone with millions in their bank account, someone who's authored a plethora of bestsellers, or even a professional athlete.

But if you ask new Pierce president, Alexis Montevirgen, what the orthodox definition of a successful individual is, he will tell you that achievements like those would not make him feel accomplished.

“I don't define success as achieving a presidency or becoming president,” Montevirgen said. “It's not how much one makes, it's more in terms of how much of an impact you are able to make with society as a whole because all the money in the world, the highest position in the world, if you're not making an impact with others and improving other people's lives, what’s the point of it?”

From coming to California as an immigrant from the Philippines, to being the oldest sibling and the first in his family to go to school in the United States, Montevirgen assumed the leadership role from a young age.

“I remember being in third

Sports teams short players

Plethora of issues result in athletic programs struggling to fill their rosters

In the past couple seasons of Pierce College Athletics, there has been a decline in the amount of students participating on the sports teams, making it harder for some of the programs to compete.

Tennis Head Coach Long Dao has struggled to find the minimum requirement of student athletes to play. Dao believes that this decline of students has been for a multitude of reasons.

“Usually when I recruit, most of the players ask me about scholarships and how much I can provide them. My answer is always the same," Dao said. "No junior college in California has any athletic scholarships.”

grade where as soon as I got home, I would have to get the rice going for my mom so when she and my dad would get home from work, that dinner's already started and I would have to watch over my brother as well,” Montevirgen said.

“So I always felt as if I had to grow up or I had to mature early and be a leader quicker. So those were my first memories of having to take on leadership responsibilities.”

Despite living in the bay area, Montevirgen decided to attend University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He said his family considered it a bold move because as an immigrant, staying close to family was a big part of their life.

Montevirgen started at UCSD as a premed major and despite graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in biology, he knew all along he did not want to be a doctor like his parents wanted him to be.

“I never had the heart to tell my parents that I didn’t want to go into medicine,” Montevirgen said.

“Knowing how hard my parents worked and continued to work to put me through school, I thought I would be disappointing my parents because of everything they have sacrificed.”

It was not until he became involved with the cross cultural center at UCSD and joined the Asian and Pacific-Islander Student

Alliance (APSA) and Kaibigang Pilipina/o (KP), where he finally realized there are others dealing with the same hardships as he was.

“There are people here that actually want to understand what I'm going through, want to provide you with support and want to help me,” Montevirgen said. “So then I realized, maybe this is what I want to do because I want to be there for other students that come after me who are having a difficult time because there were times where I wanted to just drop out and go back to the bay area.”

By joining cross cultural groups and getting support from his peers, the first-year president understood that his passion was to help students figure out their path to success.

After receiving his Master's degree in education, Montevirgen worked as the coordinator for student organization development and special programs at San Jose State University where he was involved in 300 to 400 different student organizations. He went on to be Associate Director for Multicultural Programs at California State University, San Marcos. Montevirgen was instrumental in helping develop their cross cultural center, which now has just celebrated their 15th anniversary. Montevirgen then brought

his insight to the California Community College system. From 2006 to 2009, he was Director of Student Life for the San Jose/ Evergreen Community College District. From August 2009 to 2014, he served as Dean of Enrollment Services and later, as Vice President of Student Services at College of Alameda.

He then took his passion for student success to Indiana University Northwest where he served as Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for five years before assuming his role as President of Pierce College on July 1, 2019.

Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District, was instrumental in the hiring of Montevirgen and believes that his leadership and character is what made Pierce a perfect match.

Rodriguez also admires his ‘pro-student’ approach to leadership.

“We are proud and pleased that President Montevirgen has joined our team of educational leaders during this critical time of dramatic shift for the state’s community colleges with the transition to the new Student-Centered Funding Formula and the implementation of Guided Pathways and AB 705."

[see NEWS on pg. 4]

Search continues for new athletic director

As the Fall semester kicks off and sports teams begin their journeys to make lasting memories, Pierce College has been unable to find an athletic director to fill the vacant position.

The job was previously held by Moriah Van Norman, who announced she was stepping down in May, ending a tenure that lasted two years.

Pierce President Alexis Montevirgen said they are working closely with human resources to identify an ideal candidate.

"There is progress in the sense of we're continuing to move forward with posting the position and trying to get in that pool in order to be able to bring someone on board as soon as possible," Montevirgen said. "I know we would have already wanted them onboard already, but I think at this point it's just getting them identified and onboard."

Bob Lofrano, who was the athletic director from 2007 to

2017, said he is frustrated with the current situation.

“To someone who played sports here and had some great moments, like the hall of fame dinner where we inducted some great coaches and incredible athletes, it is embarrassing to realize that a college that is still running an athletic program to not have a face of the department. A leader is inexcusable,” Lofrano said.

Lofrano also stressed why having an AD in place is important.

“What high school coach would want to send their athletes to Pierce in this situation? It is kind

of a mess,” Lofrano said. “That is why it is so important to have an athletic director because who is going to sit in the meetings? There are 17 colleges in the Western State Conference and they'll be asking where is the Pierce person.”

Genice Sarcedo-Magruder, dean of Athletics and Title IX coordinator, talked about the reasoning there hasn’t been anyone named as the new AD.

“We are held to the district policies. In the faculty contract we have to open the position internally and we didn't have enough of a candidate poll,” Sarcedo-Magruder

said. “We opened up to the district and it's the same situation.”

Sarcedo-Magruder said they couldn't interview some of the candidates because they were not internal, full-time faculty members, or just didn’t qualify. If they don't have someone within the district, they will open the position externally and will have the posting for six weeks, according to Sarcedo-Magruder.

Dao explained he was hoping the Los Angeles Promise Program would come to his aid, but it's still fairly new to the college and it would only apply to the students coming from a LAUSD high school.

Dao also mentioned most high level athletes are going to want to look at the facilities they will be using, and the tennis courts are past due for renovations.

“Last season, I lost a recruit that ended up being the best player in the conference due to the court conditions,” Dao said.

Another budding issue is if a sports team does end up getting the necessary number of players, they now have to get the newcomers up to speed to the level of the athletes who have been practicing during the pre-season.

Swim and Water Polo Head Coach Judi Terhar explained how latecomers are affected in the teams she manages.

“A number of the athletes that are coming to us now at the beginning of school have missed an entire summer of training, we started back in June,” Terhar said. “Our late-comers coming to us in the first week from other schools not knowing that we already had our orientation, physicals, form ones. Everything that is required had already taken place.”

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[see SPORTS on pg. 8] [For the full story visit theroundupnews.com
TORRES Editor-In-Chief @chris_t_torres
JACKSON HAYANO News Editor @HayanoJackson
Alexis Montevirgen, the new Pierce president, greets the tutors at the Center for Academic Success at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 5, 2019. Montevirgen looks to boost student success and community involvement in his first year as president.
News Self-Defense seminars aim to prevent assault on campus Page 3 Photo Essay EOP&S celebrates its 50th anniversary with buffet-style lunch Page 5 Features Math professor has more than 336,000 subscribers on Youtube Page 6
School is lacking qualified candidates, position has been unfilled for five months
ARIELLE ZOLEZZI Sports & News Editor @ArielleZolezzi Multiple athletic teams are posting flyers on the walls of the South Gym because they are short on players. Photo illustration. Chris Torres / Roundup Chris Torres / Roundup [see NEWS on pg. 4]

Embrace for impact: make room for the crashers

The first few weeks of the semester can be challenging for new and returning students, from navigating their way around campus to dealing with financial aid or simply figuring out if a class fits in with their schedule.

While students who decide to drop a class by the drop date have it easy, those who still need a spot are the ones who face the most difficulties.

Pierce College students who still need to add another class to their schedule but are stuck in limbo should be allowed to crash a course for the first two weeks until the drop date.

Some instructors start the process in the beginning of class and make those who don't get an add code leave immediately. Others wait to take roll at the end of class to drop any no-shows. However, students who don't get an add code on that first day usually aren't allowed to return.

Considering the first day is almost always syllabus day and the real lessons don't start until the next class, students who are already enrolled don't really get an idea of what a course will be like until after the first week. By the end of a second class meeting, they either decide to continue or drop over the weekend.

This is where the problem lies, because those who wanted to add the class already have been asked to leave. On top of that, if students are asked to return because of the first week drops, they have missed material causing them to fall behind.

It would be understandable to make these students leave if there is really no possibility that someone will drop and there are actually no physical seats left for anyone to

sit beside those enrolled. But, if there are seats that aren't being used, what's the harm of allowing them to sit in the back row?

Allowing these students to stay for the entire week would give them the opportunity to add the class as soon as someone drops. This also would make it easier on both

student and professor because no one would need to play catch up.

By the start of the second week, if enrollment has stayed the same, then the crashers would simply leave or a lottery would take place. The students' names would be chosen at random and whoever's name gets chosen will take a spot if not

all of them can be added.

At the very least, students that have the opportunity to stay for two weeks can get familiar with the classes’ dynamics for when they enroll next semester.

Students who are willing to attend a class that they aren’t even enrolled in without any guarantee

Paying for playing the game?

Pro: Pay student athletes

To be successful in college, dedication and self-discipline are needed. Each hour is calculated and planned to ensure assignments are completed and turned in on time. Additionally, time is scheduled accordingly to study.

Student athletes basically work a full-time job with training and participating in official college sporting games. It takes further commitment to physically improve one’s capabilities. Practicing and working out in the gym is required during and outside of school hours.

The average student doesn’t put in the same amount of effort as student athletes put in. Student athletes train their minds and bodies like this on a daily basis, without pay.

They deserve to be paid for contributing to a college’s legacy.

While coaches get hefty paychecks for training athletes, the students who experience the emotional and physical turmoil from playing games receive none.

Considering student athletes are amateurs, it’s not expected that they would be paid millions like the professionals. However, they do

deserve to be paid more than zero.

Although students may get rewarded with scholarships and financial aid, that money is directly used to either pay enrollment fees or books. With the added responsibilities of school and games, who has the time to find a job? Athletes shouldn’t have to go job hunting simply to afford luxuries such as dining out.

The prestige of a college increases when teams win games. Victories allow current students, alumni and staff to bask in the glory of their institution. Without the input of college sports, mostly contributed by these players, college experiences would be completely different.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit that oversees more than 460,000 student athletes. They also create championship games to generate more public interest in college sports.

The organization affirms benefits to its qualifying student members such as partial financial assistance in housing, insurance on “catastrophic injuries while playing or practicing their sport” and connections to careers.

This is the company’s method of compensating its student

members instead of paying them money that can be used freely.

The NCAA does have money to pay students fairly. ESPN reports that they earned $1.06 billion in revenue during 2016 and 2017. However, they choose not to pay students.

In a 2017 NCAA Goals and Score study, Division I athletes stated to have spent an average of 37.3 hours per week working on academics and 35.4 hours per week participating in athletic-related activities.

These hours accumulate to two full-time jobs. While they could be getting income from the amount of hours this adds up to, players have to prioritize either academics or sports instead.

People would most likely complain if they were putting in effort or doing overtime without getting rewarded.

Athletes should be regarded in the same way. It’s time the college starts paying them.


that they’ll get in at the end of the week shows more determination than students who simply added the class online. If anything, perhaps this would encourage those who already have a seat to make a greater effort, because there’s some one out there who will easily take their spot if given the chance.


Con: Don't pay student athletes

Being a student athlete in college could be difficult when having to balance classes, work, practices and playing in games.

While they do more than the average student does, they should not be given pay for playing a sport.

Being on a sports team is a privilege. It is not a requirement for students to actively be a part of. Although there may be some who want to play it professionally after their education, there are those who want to participate simply to be active in their college community.

If students were given money for being on the team, the incentive to play might change from wanting to compete for the fun of it to a cash grab.

Another factor would be is when, how much and who gets paid. Do they get cash for all the practices and games they do or only the game they get to play in? Do they get a total sum once the season is over or after each practice?

Like any other job, what would happen if a player gets injured? Do they get compensated for all

the games they don’t play because they were hurt “on the job” or lose out on pay for something that is out of their control? Questions like these can make payment difficult.

Tensions would rise between the players. What was once a team that played together and for each other has become a work environment. The pressure players would have to do well in each game would increase because money is what they’re essentially competing for. Rather than working for improvement, blame might be placed on each other for messing up certain plays or altogether losing a game.

While coaches do have more control than them, the power imbalance is usually equal. The coaches do teach, but they’re there to win the game just as much as the players. Everyone is there as a team against the other teams. However, if payment was involved the relationship between the players would become one where there are employees and bosses.

There are many organizations, such as clubs on campus that a majority of students put time and effort into. An argument could be why don’t they get paid for putting in the extra time simply because they don’t have any sporting abilities.

If everyone was compensated for doing more than the average of classes and homework, then most of Pierce would be considered employees. Another issue that would arise then would be where this money would be coming from. With the large deficit that Pierce is in, there is no money to be giving students a salary. Students also don’t have the best spending habits. College students on the most part don't know how to manage money, credit card debt and most don't keep a stable budget. According to research in an article by U.S. News, about 83 percent of students at a twoyear colleges check their bank account balances and 60 percent of those students use a budget. Having this extra income without the hard work that comes with doing a traditional job, such as retail or customer service could lead to worst spending habits. Some may think to quit their other priorities because they’re getting money from doing sports. College students should be on the team for the experience and the love of playing sports, not for the opportunity to get paid.

Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

2 Opinions ROUNDUP: September 11, 2019
Letters to the editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Editor's Desk: (818) 710-3397 Newsroom: (818) 710-4117 newsroom.roundupnews@gmail.com www.theroundupnews.com Editor-in-Chief ..........................Chris Torres Managing Editor .......................Blake Williams Photo Editor ..............................Katya Castillo Photo Editor ..... Navodya Dharmasiriwardena Opinions Editor ......................Angelica Lopez News Editor............................Jackson Hayano News Editor.............................Belen Hernandez News Editor ........................................Arielle Zolezzi Features Editor...........................Devin Malone Features Editor......................Belen Hernandez Campus Life Editor........................Chelsea Westman Campus Life Editor................................. Jesse Bertel Sports Editor..............................Felipe Gamino Sports Editor.............................Arielle Zolezzi Reporters: Aaron Estrada Alejandra Aguilera Bryan Carballo Daniela Freire Julian Sandoval Maja Losinska Marc Blais Nick Eisenman Nyle Maldonado Ore Perry Paolo Castillo Peter Villafane Samantha Neff Thomas Dillon PoLicy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. editoriaL PoLicy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A.
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We fight for our lives

Self-defense classes offered for free

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department reported that between 2015 and 2017, there were three reported sexual assaults on the Pierce College Campus. Because of statistics like these, Spice Williams-Crosby and Jennifer Silverstein have taken it upon themselves to teach women how to defend themselves.

Spice Williams-Crosby, an actress, stuntwoman, and martial artist, and Jennifer Silverstein, who was formerly in the Israeli military, created the “I Fight For My Life” seminars after noticing a high demand for women to learn self defense.

“We started our own classes free for women at the House of Champions in Van Nuys, California,” WilliamsCrosby said. “It was just like a onehour class once a week, and the demand just got greater and greater until we decided to put together a whole five hour seminar for a Sunday.”

The seminar covers various selfdefense tactics and simulates possible situations a victim of a sexual assault might go through. Silverstein said that 10-years-old would be the youngest they’d be willing to teach because of the mature subject matter.

“Definitely preteens, teenagers, it’s a must. It’s a must,” Silverstein said.

Despite having a focus on women, the seminar is open to anyone who wishes to learn. They will also teach different methods of selfdefense to match the student’s needs.

“It’s open to men and women or whatever you want to label yourself as,” Silverstein said.

“We don’t discriminate.”

Apart from helping women physically, Williams-Crosby and Silverstein want to help eliminate the feeling of being a victim.

“The bottom line is whether you get attacked, maybe it’s not a big rape, but you get accosted or you’re

touched or you’re at a party or something is happening that makes you feel like a victim, you’ll always be a victim. You’ll always look over your shoulder. You’ll always be scared,” Williams-Crosby said.

Marriage and Fami;y Therapist

Lupita Martinez said that victims of sexual assault expirience mistrust.

“You see a lot of individuals who are exposed to sexual harrasment or rape or any sort of physical or emotional harrasment, [they] tend to be very suspicious of others,” Martinez said.

Martinez said victims of any form of sexual assault may expirience symptoms similar to those exposed to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The symptoms she mentions are hyperawareness, hypervigilance, suspicion, or nightmares.

Martinez recommends for victims to try relaxation exercises when they are feeling uneasy.

“You want to be able to do a guided meditation,” Martinez said.

“We also have progessive muscle relaxation or even just utilizing mindfulness where you just focus on the present moment like what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you taste, and what you touch.”

For victims who are not ready to get help, or want someone to talk

to, Martinez recommended using the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, the Crisis Textline, or the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline provided by RAINN.org. Martinez said the services aren’t limited to one type of situation.

“There’s a huge misconception that the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or the Crisis Textline are only for people that are suicidal, but it’s also for people that are just in crisis,” Martinez said.

Williams-Crosby and Silverstein also mentioned ways women can help themselves physically. Staying off the phone, keeping keys in hand, and checking the inside of the car were the main tips given. They also stressed to keep aware.

“Be aware and be prepared,” Silverstein said.

“Prevent, prevent. Don’t go down that dark alley,” Williams-Crosby said.

The next I Fight For My Life seminar with be on Sunday, October 13, at 11 a.m. at the House of Champions Academy of Martial Arts.

Stay healthy, Pierce College

Health center offers more hours for counseling


Taking care of your mental health is important, and the Student Health Center at Pierce has been increasing its hours of operation to help students. Director of the Student Health Center Beth Benne said that the increased hours are an important step in the right direction.

weeks, and our week is not even done, we’ve had 26 people so far.”

A big issue among the campus is the lack of awareness about the Student Health Center and many students not knowing about the benefits and services they have to offer.

to operate their program and allow services for students to be free.

Beene wants to expand the Student Health Center’s services, although doing so would require raising the health fee.

“If we could charge $21.00, that would pay for a full time psychologist. If we had a full time psychologist, we could expand our mental health exponentially,” said Benne. “I can also expand dental for that matter.”

“Having coverage during all of our operating hours is of primary importance to us for a multitude of reasons,” Benne said. “We started with five hours a week in 1998.”

Supervising Psychologist Niaz Khani has created, maintained and grown the Student Health Center’s post-doctoral Intern Program over the last five years to 100 hours a week. This allowed an increase in resources and keeps costs low.

“We average about maybe 75 to over 100 hours of service per week,” said Khani. “In our first week we had 15 new clients. In the past two

When applying for classes in the fall or spring semester,

Student Carolina Brown thinks that with increased hours at the Health Center, it’s vital to visit and for students to become more aware of the benefits they have to offer.

"I think it’s important for students to utilize the resources they have at Pierce, especially if the student is stressed or having other issues that maybe can be helped with at the counseling center,” said Brown.

students are required to pay a $11.00 health fee that enables the Student Health Center to continue

The Student Health Center is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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Faculty concerned amid cuts

posed faculty run power structure, it was just right over our heads.”

The removal of all English 21 classes throughout Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) at the end of Spring semester has left the English department frustrated and searching for a solution.

LACCD Chancellor Francisco C. Rodriguez ordered that all English 21 classes be cancelled and requested that English 28 classes be severely limited.

English Vice Department Chair Jodi Johnson said that the only consultation they received regarding the decision was being informed that the class had already been cancelled.

“To basically be told ‘thou shall not teach this class’, that has not happened before,” Johnson said. “What’s really surprising is that despite the supposed atonomy of each campus and despite the sup-

Instructor of English Larry Krikorian said he didn’t even get a phone call from the chancellor regarding the decision.

“He at least had to make a courtesy phone call to the chair of the English department. No phone call, no anything,” Krikorain said. “There are no 21’s. They've all been red-lined and actually that was a contract violation.”

After the cancellation of English 21, the English Department started to offer a new class called English 72.

English Chair Brad Saenz talked about the importance of this class and how it will assist students currently enrolled in English 101.

“English 72 is designed to run alongside English 101 and it’s a one unit course that meets for three hours a week, but the way it's designed is so it doesn't have homework, so the class is completely self contained,” Saenz said. “It's designed

to assist students with passing English 101, so if a student chooses, they can enroll in English 72 while they're taking English 101.” English 72 is currently the departments solution to the cancellation of English 21. However, Johnson said that the English department is considering other substitutions for Englsih 21. “We are working to hopefully reinstate 21, but we're also going to have another class, English 94, which is in the curriculum process and is basically 21 by a different number,” Johnson said. “It's silly that we have to create a whole new class and give it a whole new number. But the whole idea is that these classes don't have to be in sequence anymore, so you're not supposed to require people to take 21, then 28, then 101, but the people who want grammar should be able to come in and take a grammar class.”

ROUNDUP: Sept. 11, 2019 3 News
"Having coverage during all our operating hours is of primary importance to us"
- Beth Beene
Photo by Kevin Lendio/Roundup Spice Williams-Crosby and Jennifer Silverstein teach self-defense classes for free to prevent campus assults. Photo Illustration by Jackson Hayano/Roundup
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4 News Briefs A look back over summer break

June 4, 2019

Former Brahma drafted by Dodgers

The Los Angeles Dodgers selected former Brahmas’ infielder Brandon Lewis in the fourth round, 131 overall, of the 2019 Major League Baseball draft.

In 2017 Lewis hit .419 with nine home runs and 39 RBI. He followed it up with an even better 2018 as he hit .399 with 17 home runs and 55 RBI. After leaving Pierce, he transferred to the University of California, Irvine.

For UC Irvine, he started 54 games and hit .315/.408/.598

June 22, 2019

with 14 home runs and 54 RBI.

On June 15, Lewis signed a contract with the Dodgers for $372,500, according to Jonathan Mayo of MLB.com. The deal was about $60,000 below the slot value of the pick, which is worth $430,800. Since teams have a set value available to sign their drafted players, it is common for them to try and sign college draftees below their slot value. It allows them to use the savings to sign players who were thinking of going to college instead.

The Dodgers had just over $8 million available to sign their draft picks.

Since making his debut in the Dodgers' organization on the Rookie League Ogden Raptors,

June 13, 2019

Men's basketball coach heads Midwest

Lewis has been a standout player.

In 56 games at the minor league level, Lewis is hitting .297/.365/.534 with 13 home runs and 46 RBI over 219 at-bats.

On July 31, Lewis was named to the Pioneer League All-Star team by hitting .313 with six home runs and 23 RBI in his first 19 games.

On Aug. 13, he was named the Pioneer League player of the week.

On Aug. 20, the Dodgers promoted Lewis to the single-A Great Lakes Loons, which made him the fourth youngest player on the Loons' roster.

In 12 games for the Loons, Lewis has struggled to produce by hitting .167/.245/.271 with one home run.


LACCD informs students of their rights


With the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) begining immigration raids on Sunday, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) is providing resources to inform undocumented students of their rights to keep them safe.

Just under eight percent of the district’s student body are undocumented immigrants, which is around 11,500 people, according to a report on Dreamers by the LACCD in 2017.

“The LACCD is committed to supporting all of its students, irrespective of immigration

July 23, 2019

status, who seek to receive a quality education at any of the LACCD’s nine campuses,” according to their website. “We understand that the actual and perceived threats of immigration enforcement actions against our undocumented students and potentially their families could adversely affect our students’ sense of well-being and ability to learn. That is why we are focused on addressing these concerns and creating a supportive environment for all members of our diverse student body.”

To help make the resources known, the LACCD sent an email to students through their .edu email accounts and posted a link on their social media. The email included the same link and had a message that said,


Sports Editor


After one season in charge, men’s basketball head coach Casey Weitzel will now be the assistant coach for the Mustangs

July 4, 2019

“This is an important reminder to all LACCD students and their families that it is very important for you to know your rights if you encounter an Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officer or any law enforcement officer questioning you about your immigration status.”

One of the resources provided is a guide on the do’s and don’ts if you are asked about your immigration status by ICE. They recommend you print it out and keep it with you. A PDF version can be found here.

The LACCD also asks that you contact the Chancellor’s Office or local sheriffs immediately if you see federal immigration enforcement officials on campus.


Pierce vending machines vandalized


Sports Editor


On Sunday between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m., an individual broke into the vending machines

located in The Village.

Deputy Nick Saldivar said that items were taken and said they have not caught the person who was responsible for the damages. The companies in charge of the vending machines took them off

campus since the locks on them were broken, according to Saldivar.


BRIEF: LACCD provides online tutoring

The service is free to all students and available 24/7

Pierce students will have a new resource to help them in their classes as the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) announced a free online tutoring program called NetTutor.

The service will begin Monday, Aug. 26, giving new and returning students the opportunity to get additional help

[From athletic director, pg. 1]

“If we have to open the position externally, hopefully we have more of a candidate poll of people who are interested in the position and pick someone that meets the requirements,” Sarcedo-Magruder said.

Sarcedo-Magruder hopes there are enough people after this attempt, and if successful, they will hold interviews and have someone named by mid-Fall.

Since Sarcedo-Magruder knows the procedures and worked closely with Van Norman, she is currently filling in for the AD position. She is confident that the Fall sports will do great and this situation will not make them lose focus.

In 2007, Lofrano was approached by former President Kathleen Burke about taking over as the AD. Up until he retired in June 2017, Pierce only had three athletic directors over 35 years. Since he retired, there have been two AD’s, both of whom stepped down.

“It made sense because after coaching baseball for 35 years. I was ready to stop and it was perfect to go in and do that,” Lofrano said.

“If any of the current coaches would want to apply they couldn't,

online in math, English, statistics, English as a second language and first year experience classes, according to a news release.

NetTutor will be available at all hours of the day while also including specific live tutoring times. Students at all nine of the LACCD schools will be able to use the program.

“This is a great service that the District is providing free to all students,” LACCD Board of Trustees President Andra Hoffman said in a news release. “The best part about NetTutor is that it’s accessible 24/7. Oftentimes, our students study or do homework late at night, so NetTutor is

available on their schedule when they need a little help.”

Students will be able to access NetTutor by going to their online student portals at mycollege.laccd.edu and clicking the “online tutoring” button. There is no registration required.

“We’re making this easy and intuitive for students,” District Vice Chancellor of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Ryan Cornner said.

bwilliams.roundupnews@gmail.com fgamino.roundupnews@gmail.com

because they wouldn't qualify.”

Lofrano said he is open to having a conversation with the administration about the open role. He also offered to help so the program would remain afloat until things settled in.

“If coaches needed advice I will be open to give it to them and I’ll attend the meetings,” Lofrano said. “I am not campaigning for the position, I'm just upset with what I am seeing.”

Head Soccer Coach Adolfo Perez said the situation is not ideal for his team.

"We need someone at the helm. If we wanted to change the time to a game we can't do it because our AD will have to contact their AD to agree on the changes," Perez said.

Head Football Coach Carlos Woods said not having an athletic director won't make them lose focus.

"We have a season to prepare for, it is getting the players and coaches on board for this year. All I can say, it's about trusting the process that the right person will be named," Woods said.

at Midwestern State University.

Under Weitzel, the Brahmas finished with an overall record of 13-15, including 1-7 in conference play.

The announcement was made official on May 24 by the Mustangs’ Twitter account.

Charles White, who was

the associate head coach last season, will be taking over the Brahmas in the Fall. White has been in the program since 2010 and was a key part of their playoff run that year. He took over as head coach in 2015 when Ed Babayan stepped down.


Strong earthquake shakes Los Angeles

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Southern California on a day the United States celebrates one more year of independence. The quake was centered in Searles Valley, a remote area of Kern County, which is 100 miles from LA. It started at 10:33 a.m. and lasted about 30 seconds, according to the Los Angeles Times. There is a “One in 20 chance” this is not the largest shock in that area over the next few days, according to

Aug. 1, 2019

seismologist Lucy Jones. "We should be expecting lots of aftershocks and some of them will be bigger than the 3s we've been having so far," says USGS seismologist Lucy Jones on the earthquake that struck Southern California. "I think the chance of having a magnitude 5...it's probably greater than 50-50."

The effects of this quake were also felt in Arizona, Nevada and Sacramento. The last time an earthquake went above 6.0 in Southern California was 1999.

Since the initial earthquake, there have been more than 40 recorded aftershocks, with at least five registering as a 4.0 magnitude

or higher, according to the United States Geological Survey. After receiving a large number of calls, emergency services requested that people only call in the case of injury or dangerous situations.

“We are very much aware of the significant earthquake that just occurred in Southern California. Please DO NOT call 9-1-1 unless there are injuries or other dangerous conditions. Don’t call for questions please,” the Los Angeles Fire Department said in a tweet.


Former Brahma wins gold medal


Sports Editor


Former Brahma Eric-Jacques Caprani, who was a swimmer for Pierce in 1998, made waves at the European Masters Games held in Torino as he won gold in the 50-yard backstroke. The competition took

Aug. 27, 2019

place from July 28 to July 30 at the Palazzo del Nuoto.

Even though there were roadblocks along the way, including being ill for the competition, Caprani was still able to end up victorious.

“After a year where I got injured a few times, I decided at the last moment to participate at the European Masters Games,”

Caprani said. “I am proud of the gold, although it was less expected than the other two bronze medals I got in the 50-yard fly and 200 individual medley.” He dedicates the medal to his family and former coach Fred Shaw. The closing ceremony was held on Aug. 4.


Womens' soccer drops season opener


Sports Editor @Fgamino13

The new season for Brahmas’ soccer didn’t go their way as

Juan Carlos Astorga, Dean of Student Engagement, is impressed with his wealth of experience and dedication to students.

“He is a social justice champion,” said Astorga. “His commitment is towards diversity and equity and really acknowledging all of our individual communities.”

William Marmolejo, Dean of Student Services, said Montevirgen strikes him as a thinker and he believes he has the right approach and attitude.

they lost on the road to the Chaffey College Panthers.

Forwards Jaden Suchanek and Sherly Godines led the Panthers to a 7-2 win.

Suchanek scored a hat-trick while Godines had a brace.

“I know that some of the previous presidents at this institution who are beloved are those that were a very big part of the community that they really brought the community in. We serviced them and so that's what he wants to focus on and I think that's wonderful,” said Marmolejo.

Fernando Oleas, faculty member with the modern languages department, believes it is time for Pierce to finally bring the community back into the community college.

“People are not fully aware

The Brahmas scored through midfielders Diana Millan and newcomer Nimolakpreet Kaur.


of how we have developed our campus in the last 15 years,” said Oleas. “I think he has figured out what we'll need to see as faculty members and as students and everybody else on the campus. We need to see solid action in terms of what is going to happen in the future.”

Montevirgen said he is thankful for this opportunity and is prepared to make a difference in as many lives as possible.


ROUNDUP: Sept. 11, 2019
“There is progress in the sense of we're continuing to move forward with posting the position and trying to get in that pool in order to be able to bring someone on board as soon as possible."
-Alexis Montevirgen Pierce President
Photo by Chris Torres/Roundup Alexis Montevirgen, the new Pierce president, looks on at the campus next to the Bull on the Mall at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 5, 2019.
[From President, pg. 1]

From lecturing to schooling the web Professor makes successful Youtube channel by doing what he loves

With more than 100 students, 335,000 Youtube subscribers, and millions of views, Steve Chow takes teaching math to a whole new level.

I nside the classroom, Chow teaches Accelerated Elementary & Intermediate Algebra and Calculus 2 with 102 students. But with his Youtube Channel, blackpenredpen, Chow creates and shares videos that help students from all around the world better understand mathematical concepts, and even includes videos that are “just for fun” for math enthusiasts. His most popular video, a 6-hour-long video solving 100 integrals, has over 1.4 million views.

“If you want to get that many views you have to be kind of extreme,” Chow said. “Ideally speaking, you should also add some kind of value to it.”

Nowadays, he has hundreds of thousands of views on each video. “Doing Youtube is like a marathon,” Chow said. “It’s not just an overnight success, it takes time.”

In December of 2012, Chow began his Youtube channel with the hope that it would help him get hired. His first videos were filmed from above, showing a piece of paper with math problems, while his black and red pens revealed the solutions, and his voice provided further clarity. However, that eventually changed, along with his purpose.

“The turning point of me making more videos is when I saw a video of a computer science professor who had cancer and was going to die, but his attitude towards life was amazing,” Chow

said. “He gave a speech and said ‘I didn’t do this for you guys, I did it for three people.’ And he showed a picture of his kids. That gave me the motivation to do more, and that was the point at which I decided to put myself in the video.”

This shift incentivized him to create more and more videos to help students, and he covered topics that are not generally taught in classes or in textbooks; topics he thought viewers would

that’s what my viewers and students like about the way I teach. And I have fun when I make videos. In every single video you’ll see me smiling. It’s not that I’m trying to force a smile it’s just that I really enjoy doing the math.”

His channel not only reached students looking for a little extra math help, but also those who enjoy math or are looking for a challenge, and even professors.

Edouard Tchertchian, Chair of the Math Department at Pierce College, said, “I’ve never met someone who loves math as much as he does… I think we need more people like him to show their affection and their interest in mathematics, and to make people aware of why math is beautiful and fun… He’s like a Youtube Rockstar.”


“If you don’t see my students come to me to ask questions for homework,” Chow said. “Most likely they’re watching my videos.”

Matthew Kim, a computer engineering student, knew about Chow long before taking his class. He has watched many of his videos and was excited when he found out he taught at Pierce.

“I’m actually auditing the class because I wanted to have more experience in Calculus 2 because it’s my weakest subject in the calculus series and because if I have the opportunity to take it with Professor Chow I’m going to take it,” Kim said. “The videos help me not only within the Calculus series but in other mathematical fields as well. And sometimes I just watch them for fun too.”

Chow attributes his popularity to his patience and passion.

“I’m really patient, I think

To his students, viewers, and fellow staff, Chow is known as a passionate math professor. In the classroom, he answers any questions students have, even going so far as to answer those that are unrelated to math.

“If anyone has the opportunity to take a class with Steve Chow I would definitely take it,” Kim said. Chow tries to use his classroom and Youtube channel as a platform to both teach and inspire people, and he also apires to teach them some valuable life lessons along the way.

“Don’t just do the bare minimum, try to put in more effort” Chow said. “I like to tell my students that I run marathons because that not only trains my body but my mind, being consistent. Never give up even though you’re tired. You will really understand that when you experience a marathon. At mile 20 you are tired, but the question is, ‘Can you still keep on going?’ And that’s what I ask my students.”


The best year can be the first year

The new First Year Experience Counselor helps incoming students


Several incoming students who may have felt lost, nervous and afraid as they entered their first year of College were given a tour of Pierce College campus and classes that were offered through the First Year Experience program (FYE).

Judy Lam, First Year Experience

Counselor who is behind this program can empathize with incoming students as she starts her first year at Pierce.

“When I went through college I was really confused,” Lam said. “It took me a really long time to figure out what I wanted to do, I switched my major, I just really wanted to come back and help students figure out college is where you belong, I can help you figure out what to do with your life.”

Sunday Salter, Transfer Counselor said that the FYE program allows new students to get correct information.

“It is important because we have always done a terrible job of on boarding new students.” Salter said “So we created the first year experience center to be a way to

bring students in properly, to have them connect with a counselor and the resources they need so that they know what steps to take next.”

Despite being new to the job, Lam is looking forward to applying her formal training to give students the best possible advice.

“My Undergraduate degree was in linguistics and psychology from UCLA,” Lam said. “I got my Master’s degree in counseling from CSUN it had an emphasis in college counseling, student services, and also career education

and counseling.”

Salter believes that Lam has a well rounded background that will help her as a FYE counselor.

“What she has that is unique is that her other jobs have always been over here in the transfer center. So she has a lot of knowledge about what the long term plan needs to look like for students to meet their goal if it’s transfer.” said Salter.

Computer Science Freshman, Kamaal Walker, has taken advantage of FYE service and shares his experience.

“It feels like a privilege,” he

said. “They really helped me get through everything I needed to know and understand being a first-year student.”

During her time earning her undergraduate and master’s degrees at UCLA and CSUN, Lam found Pierce College to be the right fit for her.

“I just really love the community college population,” Lam said. “Here at the community college I can get students from all walks of life, I get it all here and I like being able to help a variety of people.” Salter said that she is excited

for Lam’s new role at Pierce College and will do a great job in counseling students.

“She’s a really good fit over there and we’re excited. We miss her in the transfer center, she was an amazing, huge part of what we do over here.” Salter said “We’re really happy for her that she has a full time position there now and that she’ll be setting the students up properly for the transfer path.”

Lam looks back on her meetings with counselors during her college days to influence her approach as an FYE counselor.

“The counselor asked me

questions that I didn’t know the answer to, and I got really intimidated, I more or less never went back again,” Lam said. “I’m here for our first-year students to create a space where that doesn’t happen. I want to make sure that when they come to see me, they feel comfortable to ask me questions. Don’t feel bad taking up my time, that’s what I’m here for.”

All students with less than 24 completed units are welcome to set appointments with FYE counselors.

ROUNDUP: September 11, 2019 Features 5
Kamryn Bouyett / Roundup Steve Chow, math proffessor, leads a class at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 5, 2019. Chow also has a YouTube channel BlackPenRedPen where he uploads math videos.
“Doing Youtube is like a marathon. It’s not just an overnight success, it takes time.”
-Steve Chow Math Professor/Youtuber
“It feels like a privilege. They really helped me get through everything I needed to know...”
-Kamaal Walker Comp. Science Freshman
Leah Thompson / Roundup Judy Lam, the new First Year Experience Counselor, sits in her new office located inside the Student Services Building at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 4, 2019.

EOP&S 50th Annviversary

The Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOP&S) program that provides assistance to low-income and disadvantaged students. For their 50th anniversary, EOP&S hosted different activities throughout the week of Sept. 3-6. Students and faculty participated in EOP&S trivia, indulged on root beer floats and tested their skills in an EOP&S-themed scramble board. The week ended with faculty members, students, and alumni gathering at Rocky Young Park for a buffet-style lunch provided by Maggiano’s. EOP&S applications are available on the Pierce website for those who might qualify.

6 Photo Essay ROUNDUP: Sept. 11, 2019
Students and faculty are served food at the EOPS 50th anniversary lunch on Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 6, 2019. Photo by Chris Torres. Kalynda McClean, director of EOPS, laughs during the EOPS 50th anniversary lunch on Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 6, 2019. Photo by Chris Torres. Aida Shilandari, EOPS tutor, converses at the EOPS 50th anniversary lunch on Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 6, 2019. Photo by Chris Torres. (Left to RIght) Richard Ramirez, financial aid technician, and Jason Portillo, financial aid assistant, laugh together at the EOPS 50th anniversary lunch on Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 6, 2019. Photo by Chris Torres. Photos and Copy by Chris Torres


Tapping their toes and gliding through the room were an array of students hoping to be a part of a diverse performance with the Dance Department.

A handful of students spent Saturday, Aug. 28, dancing in the North Gym as they auditioned for Pierce College’s Fall Dance Recital.

Twenty students auditioned for different teachers and student choreographers. The dancers included returning students from the college’s dance department, as well as new students.

Brian Moe, an assistant professor of dance and the dance director at Pierce, said that having to learn multiple pieces of choreography can be challenging, so he chooses to evaluate the dancers on their work ethic.

“The most difficult part tends to be, just being able to literally spend twenty minutes on choreography then throw it away and try something different,” Moe said. “I like to look for their ability to keep going. If they’re looking like a hard worker and they don’t just give up and walk away, then that’s what I prefer.”

The auditions consisted of returning students who were on a dance team last year, but since choreographers and dance pieces change, the returning dancers have to audition again. All the dancers who auditioned will receive a spot in the upcoming recital.

Those who auditioned received a white cloth with a number on it and proceeded into the North Gym to begin their sequences. The dancing started at 12:30 p.m. with a warm-up, and then it was on to the actual performing.

The auditions were structured so each choreographer would teach all

the dancers a quick dance, and then evaluate how well the dancers did. This meant that the students had to learn five different choreographies throughout the course of the auditions.

Char’Donai’ Brooks, one of the student choreographers, says that she is very passionate about her dance piece this semester, so she was looking for dancers who put a lot of affection into their dancing.

“This piece is really home for me, most of my pieces are. I just really want to see the take away of

what I can give to them and what they can share with the audience,” Brooks said. “I was mainly looking around trying to see who didn’t give up or who showed emotion.”

Brooks required students to do push-ups and planks as part of her choreography. She said she wanted to see which dancers wouldn't give up.

[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]

"Ahotdogisasandwichbecauseitissimplyashiftedsandwich,a rotationallyshiftedsandwich.Ibelieveifyoutookasandwichand putitsidewaysitisstillasandwich.Soifyouhaveahotdogand putitsideways,itisalsoasandwich."

“Itisasidewayssandiwich.Whenyouturnitsidewaysitislike sub-sandwich.”

-MatthewPart Horticulture

“Ithinkthatahotdogcouldbewhateveritwouldliketobeand ahotdogcanbeasandwichifitwantstobebecausewhoisto sayitcan'tbe?.”

"Iguessitisasandwichbecause there'sbreadandthere's condimentsinvolved.There'smeat,butitisjustshaped weird."


"Idon'tthinkso.Asandwichisaboutmountingstuffin there,Imeanitisthesamething.It'sjustthatahotdogis less sandwich.”

-JesusDediego Landscaping

Looking into the dark starry night sky

Telescope Night returns to the Center for the Sciences building for night of obvservation of space

A night under the stars to most people is nothing more than a pretty sight. To the Pierce College Astronomy Department, it is an opportunity to connect with the heavens.

The astronomy department had their first telescope night event of the semester at the Center for Sciences building Thursday.

Two telescopes were set up at the patio area outside the planetarium, giving viewers the opportunity to see the moon, various planets and other celestial bodies including stars and nebulae. Students often have trouble with the real-life application of what they study, but this event was an opportunity to learn from in-person observation-and to have fun in the process.

Telescope night seemed to

bring the sky closer to Earth and to provide people with a direct connection to space, according to professor Dale Fields, host of the event and chairman of the physics department.

“One of the things I really enjoy about this is the fact that this is real,” Fields said. “It looks like it’s almost painted on the end of the telescope. It stops these things from being things and they become places. And that is an extraordinary expansion of what we know and how we relate to the universe.”

Students in the astronomy program could also share their knowledge with other students, which made telescope night a learning experience for everyone, according to Fields.

Marielle “Mars” Stober, a geophysics major who controlled one of the telescopes, admired the opportunity to be able to see celestial bodies up close.

“It feels like they’re right in your backyard--almost like you can reach out and touch it,” Stober said.

The planets Jupiter and Saturn were visible to the naked eye, and other observable objects could be identified using the mobile application Sky Guide. More stars and other distant figures came through the telescopes as the night progressed.

The telescopes were also programmed to locate specific celestial bodies. With the aid of these advanced opticals, participants could view the details of the moon’s surface.

Jupiter, as well as four of its moons, Saturn’s rings and Neptune could be targeted with this technology. Beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy was faintly visible for students to gaze upon.

Joshua Becker, who manned one of the telescopes, described what

could be seen when he pointed the optical instrument toward Jupiter.

“The moon gets all the ‘ooh’s’ and ‘ahh’s,’ Becker said. “You can see Jupiter right next to it! Jupiter is one of the favorite summer spots. You can watch its moons shift positions throughout the night.”

Telescope night serves as an opportunity to learn more about space for those who are not in the astronomy program.

Alyssa Olivar, a Pierce student, appreciated her first time attending telescope night.

“I always liked looking at stars, but it was nice to know what I’m actually looking at,” Olivar said. This event was one of two telescope nights the astronomy department will be running this semester in addition to two planetarium events. Family and friends are welcome to attend.


Preview: Club Rush makes its annual comeback

With the start of each semester, comes a fresh batch of new faces who are potential recruits for organizations on campus.

Pierce College will be hosting its next Fall Club Rush on The Mall Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

For many, Club Rush is a

lively event coordinated to bring students closer and create a cultural atmosphere on campus.

Student Body President, Angel Orellana, believes this event to be an essential part in the role of creating a student-based community.

“The difference between a fouryear university and a two-year is that students are there longer.

There is more time for continual growth of student culture at fouryear colleges,” Orellana said.

Orellana believes a two-year college can bring challenges for a lot of clubs, as the new year can be like starting again from scratch.

“One of the things I’ve noticed is that everything having to do with student culture kind of restarts,” Orellana said. “So, Club Rush in general is a way to spread the word about what’s happening on campus and incentivise them to get more involved with the school.”

Nicole Alfaro, the Club Council president of the Associated

Students Organization (ASO), takes part in the planning of the bi-annual Club Rush event.

“The ASO will have a booth at Club Rush with a few games and giveaways. We also will be sharing information on who we are and our impact on campus,” Alfaro said.

The purpose of this event is to create a community atmosphere for new and returning students to help them feel like they belong on campus.

“The goal of Club Rush to me

is to bring student leaders from different backgrounds to come together and recruit new members for their clubs,” Alfaro said. Some students find interest in clubs that relate to not only their interests, but their classes as well so it creates an environment that they can work in.

A member of the swim team, Wyatt Feldman, was a member of the Japanese Club of Pierce College. He said the club granted positive experiences

for his campus social life.

“When I went to the meetings, it was comforting to be doing projects with people I shared classes with, as I also took Japanese classes with my clubmates,” Feldman said. especially in college,” Feldman said.

ROUNDUP: Sept. 11, 2019 Campus Life 7 Weekly Calendar Thurs. 09/12 Fri. 09/13 Sat. 09/14 Sun. 09/15 Mon. 09/16 Tues. 09/17 Wed. 09/11 Club Rush 10a.m.-2p.m. UC TAG-Transfer Admission Guarantee Application Workshop 2p.m.-3p.m. CTC Workshop room Note-TakingStrategies 2:30p.m.-3:30p.m. LLC 5148 UC Application Workshop 1p.m.-2:30p.m. CTC Workshop Room Communication Cafe 12p.m.2p.m. Library Open 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. School is closed Club Rush 10 a.m.-2p.m. Brainstorming Personal Insight Questions for the UC Application 10a.m.-11a.m. CTC Workshop Room MARC BLAIS Reporter @blaismarc20161 Auditioning
Students extend their limbs for Fall dance
a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not? Quotes and photos by Chelsea Westman
Student Eriel Amoroso stretches before a dance audition at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Aug. 31, 2019.
-AndreiNiemczyk Film
Leah Thompson / Roundup Sergio Torres / Roundup Josh Becker setting up for telescope night outside of the planetarium in the Center for Sciences at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 5, 2019.
[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]

Women's Volleyball Football Soccer


After the big win over Cerro Coso College, Brahmas soccer suffered a tough loss against the Antelope Valley College Marauders.

Pierce started off well by creating a few opportunities.

Midfielder Diana Millan came close to scoring, however she fired her shot over the bar.

Head Coach Adolfo Perez felt broken down as his team was not sufficiently strong.

"They didn’t play better than us, but they played harder than us,” Perez said.

When the first half was about to end scoreless, the Brahmas took the lead.

Millan scored the first goal for Pierce with an assist from defender Jessica Palmer.

In the second half, both teams created goal scoring opportunities and Pierce attempted to double their lead over the Marauders.

Toward the end of the game, Antelope Valley scored the equalizer, followed by the game winner from Belinda Lira.

According to Perez, referees gave a lot of extra minutes in stoppage time,

[From Sports, pg. 1]

Terhar also expressed that this poses a challenge on the personal trainers who now have to gear up new athletes in the middle of seasons for athletes who were at Pierce during their off-season.

Soccer head coach Adolfo Perez said coming into his 19th year of coaching, it is getting

more than usual.

"This is not really an excuse, it’s a part of the game we have to learn to win. We have a very inexperienced team,’’ Perez said.

Palmer said the team stop defending in the last minutes of the second half.

"We lost concentration, that’s why we got two goals in one minute,’’ Palmer said.

According to Palmer, the game against Antelope Valley was very challenging.

"The opponent was very athletic, but we need to keep the ball going and stay concentrated the whole game,’’ Palmer said.

Pierce defender Isabel Diaz said the referees weren’t really paying attention.

"We kept fighting but sometimes referees go over time and It just ruins the whole game, the game we’ve been trying to work on,’’ Diaz said.

"We just have to stay focused no matter what’s going on,’’ Diaz said.

Perez said the Marauders did not quit and he takes this loss tough.

"He threw his strongest players on top and they were just able to manhandle us,” Perez said.

The Brahmas next game will be on Tuesday at 4 p.m. against LA Valley before hosting the West LA College Wildcats Friday at 6 p.m.


harder to go out there and recruit, but it is vital in order to keep his streak of being the only college to make the playoffs for 18 straight years.

“It isn’t easy, we aren’t getting paid to recruit. Soccer in college is a fall sport and high school plays in the winter so we are out there two-tothree games a day trying to compete with other colleges

that have a lot more resources,” Perez said.

Though there have been struggles for the Athletics, Perez talked about what it is like to be clear of the danger zone.

“We are blessed on soccer to not have this issue, maybe because I’m always out there recruiting,” Perez said. “It is tough though, we are going

Brahma of the Week

David McCullum

Sport: Football

Position: QB

Hometown: Detriot, MI

High School: Motts

12 completions for two touchdowns while scoring one in the 42-34 loss to Mt. San Jacinto College.

Your overall thoughts on the performance?

“It was actually pretty good, but we got some work to do for the game Saturday and win.”

Do you have any pre game rituals or superstitions?

“Prayer is really important to me. I not only pray before games but after as well.”

Where do you see improving?

“My composure in the pocket. Sometimes I get happy feet. I see stuff a little early.”

How do you want to be remembered by?

“Being a great leader.”

Brahmas Scoreboard Football

Soccer WVolleyball

Water Polo Men's Basketball

BRIEF: Football loses season opener

An hour delay on the kickoff, temperatures nearing the three digits were all were a factor as the Brahmas began the 2019 season with a loss to the Mt. San Jacinto College Eagles.

While being behind 20 points in the half, Brahmas competed in the second losing 42-34.

Both teams come off winning seasons with the Brahmas finishing 6-4, while the Eagles went 7-3.

The first half of the game was close to a repeat of what occurred last year at John Shepard Stadium.

Eagles took the lead through Javier Luna after quarterback

Brett Virgil completed a five yard touchdown pass. They went for the two-point conversion, however it wasn’t successful.

Luna and Virgil would connect again this time for 56 yards and MSJC went up 14-0 with the extra point being good.

The Brahmas would get their first touchdown of the year through Brandon Brock after quarterback David McCullum connected with him for 60 yards.

Towards the end of the first

still work to be done.

through a transition period. I think that not having an Athletic Director on board makes it very difficult for us coaches.”

Teams like women’s volleyball are just starting to get their footing again when recruiting athletes. Edison Zhou, women’s volleyball head coach, said his team is doing better on numbers, but there is

quarter, Cayden Chambers restored a two possession lead for the Eagles.

In the second, Andrew Young stepped in at quarterback and connected with Kareem Miles for 20 yards.

Chambers would go on to score again after Virgil completed a 34yard pass making the score 27-14. With 44 seconds in the half, Jaron Usher gave Eagles a 20-point lead heading into the break.

In the second half however things changed for the Brahmas.

Lord Jones opened the scoring for Pierce however they still had a long way to go. With 2:43 left in the third quarter, McCullum decided to run for it and scored making the game 34-28 and giving Pierce momentum heading into the fourth.

The Eagles however would score a crucial touchdown with 2:50 in the game. Sherod White ran for 49 yards with the two-point conversion being good.

Ian McCullough would score for Pierce off a fumble recovery bur it wasn’t enough.

The Brahmas are back in action Saturday when they host the West LA College Wildcats at 6 p.m.

“Last year we had 11, and I believe that 12-15 is a good number, this season we have 19 which is a lot better than last year,” Zhou said. “We need to be emailing all of the high school coaches in the area, going to clubs to meet players and posting online.”


L @ MSJC 42-34

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ROUNDUP: Sept. 11, 2019 Sports 8 SPORTS SCHEDULE
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1-3 overall fgamino.roundupnews@gmail.com -
Brahmas lose
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Heartbreak for
Monday, September 23rd 1pm-3pm in The Great Hall Admission is FREE Open to students, staff, faculty and community Info: (818) 710-2960 Brought to you by the Media Arts Department Lead Audio Description Writer, Deluxe Media Inc. media ARTS speakers series
If you need an accomodation due to a disability to participate in this event, please contact Sean CollinsSmith at palmercv@piercecollege.edu or (818) 7102960, at least five business days in advance. presents Sept. 14 vs. West LA 6 p.m. Sept. 18 @ West LA 6 p.m. TBD TBD
Sohl Photo courtesy of Justin Sohl
Justin Sohl
Angelica Lopez/ Roundup
Sept. 13 vs. West LA 6 p.m. Sept.17 vs. LA Harbor 4 p.m. L v AVC 2-1 W v Cerro Coso 6-0 L v IVC 2-1
Jennifer Quijada and Diana Millan fight for control of the ball during a game against Antelope Valley College on Sept. 6, 2019, at Shepard Stadium in Woodland Hills Calif.
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