Volume 131 Fall 2019 Roundup Issue 7

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Uncharted territory...

One step at a time

Lengthy process to raise the student health fee

Last semester, students voted and approved a measure to increase the student health fee, which hasn’t been increased since 1998.

However, the LACCD has yet to implement the measure, which has left some faculty members upset.

Director of the Health Center Benne said that the Student Health Center is currently in a deficit, and that raising the student health fee would provide much needed services for students.

“We can help these kids, we can do this. But we cant do it without money,” Benne said. “It’s frustrating that this process of raising the fee is so slow.”

Not making cents

Money disappears from tutoring budget

staff in July.

Center for Academic

Success Director Crystal Kiekel expressed relief after the CAS budget was restored into their account Monday morning, following Kiekel bringing the issue of missing money to the attention of the Pierce College community.

In June 2019, Kiekel was told that everyone received a 5% budget cut across the board, and that $40,000 had been restored to the CAS budget. So Kiekel hired the fall of 2019 tutoring

However, in early August, when asking to make a routine modification to one of the positions, she was notified the CAS had no budget.

“Assuming this was a mistake, we went on with our business,” Kiekel said. “But we kept asking questions of anyone who would listen about what was going on with our budget.”

In the beginning of the 201819 budget year, Kiekel looked at the CAS budget and saw it was at $0, so she reported this to the Earic Dixon-Peters and Juan Carlos Astorga, and CAS went on spending, assuming that the “glitch” would be fixed.

“When the year ended, we were told that the CAS had overspent its budget. I again reminded our dean and VP that I told them at the beginning of the fiscal year that our money was somehow glitched away, and I didn’t hear anything about it again,” Kiekel said.

When Kiekel realized this wasn’t just a glitch and the CAS wasn’t going to have the funds to pay the tutors for the month of November, she decided that making noise just to administration wasn’t going to be enough and she had to go public.

Pierce College provides about 10% of the tutoring budget.

A whole latte conversations

President opens doors for coffee and chat

When newly instated president of Pierce Alexis Montevirgen first took strolls across the campus to introduce himself to faculty and students, most responded by asking where the president’s office was located.

In order to familiarize the campus to his office in Alder 1019, Montevirgen began coffee with the president events where any member of the Pierce community could drop by to have a conversation on Oct. 21, Oct. 22 and Oct. 24.

“I wanted to provide this environment where it’s more casual and informal where you don’t have to be a member of the senate in order to approach the

president,” Montevirgen said. “I refer to it as there’s plenty of the loud voices but I want to make sure I provide an opportunity for every voice, even the not so loud voice to also have an opportunity to be validated, to be heard, to be acknowledged.”

Malina Koani, has been an assistant to three previous Pierce presidents before working for Montevirgen. She’s worked for former president Kathleen Burke, acting president Sheri Berger and interim president Lawrence Buckley.

Koani says she hasn’t seen presidents open up their office to the general public during her year and a half as an assistant, except for Montevirgen.

“I haven’t seen this type of interaction before in the president’s office where people

can actually come in and sit with the president on a walk in basis,” Koani said. “I think it’s very nice to have that communication and access available to everyone on the campus.”

Professors and students who attended were open to bring up whichever topic at the round table in Montevirgen’s green-walled office, like getting more charging stations on campus for electric cars.

Ronald Smetzer, part-time professor of industrial technology, only teaches on Saturday but drove 30 miles from his home in Newbury Park to talk to President Montevirgen on Oct. 22.

[see COFFEE on pg. 7]

Vice Chancellor of Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Ryan Cornner said that the district is in favor of raising the student health fee too, but doing so is a lengthy process.

“The health fee is a board approved fee,” Cornner said.

This is because it’s the only unrestricted pot of money that the college has. Most of the funding is restricted and can only be spent in a certain way. Therefore, subjects that cannot be covered by restricted funds must all compete for that 10% of the college’s tutoring budget.

Categorical funds cover English, math, English as a second language and gatekeeper courses, which are courses that have high enrollment and low success rates. All other subjects must come out of that college budget.

“As a board approved fee, what we have to do is go through the consultation process to make sure that the entire district addresses the fee the way it needs to be addressed.”

Cornner said that before the fee is brought to the board, it must be discussed by the Student Affairs Committee (SAC). He also mentioned that raising the health fee presents several problems.

“One of the problems with the revenue that comes in is that not all the fees are collected,” Cornner said. “There is a significant group of students that don't actually pay their fees.”

Corrner said that once the overall analysis of the fee has been completed, and that the next step is to coordinate with the colleges in the district to see what they would use the money for. Cornner said this might take between four-tofive-months.

“In anticipation that everything goes well, we’ll likely be bringing a recommendation in early spring and implementation in fall 2020,” Cornner said.

ATF Chapter President

Having tutors accessible to the students is important because CAS sees every student as being capable of success with the right kind of support that they may not receive in class or be able to conjure on their own.

Parisa Borzouei, one of the tutors at the CAS, says students know students better and this contributes to students being able to digest the content better when another student explains it to them.

“Tutors usually know what parts students have troubles with because they have been there,

Bryan Walsh suggested that the district triage money to help cover the health center in the meantime. Cornner said that an allocation of funds is an issue that has to be taken up with the budget committee.

Campus Life

“[The budget committee] controls the allocation of funding that goes through the colleges. They have made recommendations in the past for line-item issues,” Cornner said. “Believe me, it's something that can be discussed.”

Benne said that the health center intends to use the increased fees to hire a fulltime psychologist and to increase hours of operation.

so they can explain everything in an easier way, rather than the professors version,” Borzouei said.

Bruce Rosky, associate vice president, broke down that the budgeting process takes place six months before the annual year begins. Due to the $4.5 million deficit the school is facing, some of the programs had to make cuts.

[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]

Volume 131 - Issue 7 Wednesday,
30, 2019 One
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Hills, California
A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION /theroundupnews @roundupnews
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JACKSON HAYANO News Editor @HayanoJackson ALEJANDRA AGUILERA Reporter @_ale_aguilera ARIELLE ZOLEZZI Sports Editor @ArielleZolezzi Photo Essay
Pages 4 & 5
Behind the scenes of Hookman and Art classes.
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Thursday Concert harmonizes wood wind and acoustic strings.
Football loses on the road in Pasadena. Ben Hanson / Roundup Diana Millan looks to pass during a game against Moorpark College at Shepard Stadium in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 25, 2019. The Brahmas tied with the Raiders 1-1. There is a possibility that for the first time in program history, the team does not make the postseason.
“We can help these kids, we can do this. But we can't do it without money.”
- Beth Benne Director of the Health Center
Katya Castillo/ Roundup Pierce College president Alexis Montevirgen talked to students and staff during Coffee and Conversation with the President in his office in Alder 1021 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 22, 2019. [see SOCCER on pg. 10]

Where are the spooktacular events?

Relax like a mummy

Between school, work and home stress, students often struggle to find the time and space to pause, breathe and be mindful.

What if that place was available on the Pierce College campus?

Pierce should promote mindfulness and meditation through clubs and spaces, benefiting students in their daily lives and increasing their academic success.

"Meditation is believed to help relieve stress, lessen depression, lower blood pressure and improve sleep [while boosting] memory, mood and even social intelligence," according to Aurora Reyes, director of Career Development and well-being at UCLA.

Pierce provides stress groups for students led by mental-health professionals with the goal of helping the participants manage their daily stress.

But Pierce can do more.

Other colleges offer mindfulness workshops, meditation rooms, and even clubs for students to de-stress and look inward.

Halloween is a popular season as people get excited to see their favorite scary movie and drink their pumpkin spice lattes. Other Halloween fanatics enjoy decorating their homes with scary inflatable decors, lightings and posters. Some even convert their homes into haunted houses.

In 2014, Pierce held its last “Halloween Harvest,” which consisted of a 5-acre corn maze, food stands and games. The event was popular and many people were disappointed when it closed down.

Pierce College should bring back their Halloween spirit by holding a “Spooky Season” for the month of October. It’s an event that can help bring the community and students together.

It could begin the second week of October through the first week of November so that Dia de los Muertos could also be celebrated.

The event could consist of pumpkin carvings, crafts, corn mazes, face painting, a haunted house and some rides, depending on the funds. Pierce clubs could be involved by creating the haunted house. A movie screening of different scary movies could be held at the

Great Hall with candies, popcorn and drinks for purchase.

Pierce clubs could be also set up trick-or-treat tables for people to come to on Halloween.

The Art department could host a “spooky crafts” table to let students make decorations to display in classrooms and around the campus.

ASO could host a costume contest with a prize for the winner to encourage students to participate in the event.

As with the Halloween Harvest, the new event can be held at Pierce’s farm and there should be a small fee for people who are not Pierce students to help pay for it all.

ASO should also host it, for at least the first year, to see how it goes.

Pierce students and the community would be able to enjoy Halloween activities without going far away and it would help Pierce get more involved with the community.


Hamilton College has a meditation room in their Center for Religion and Spiritual Life. It’s open for students, faculty and staff throughout the week for quiet reflection and also hosts their Meditation Club and Yoga Club. It is equipped with yoga mats, meditation pillows and plants.

While the Botanical Garden at Pierce offers an environment for students to unwind, it is susceptible to weather, campus noise and foot traffic. An indoor space would block outdoor distractions.

Pierce should transform a room into a controlled space for students and faculty to meditate and reflect. Simple rules limiting the number of people in the room and the noise level would make it an ideal spot for people to de-stress. Students would sign-up in advance for 30-minute time slots and could walk-in if the space is unbooked.

The room should have comfortable seating, peaceful lighting and few distractions. By using an empty room on campus, the college would avoid any cost, making this an inexpensive transition.

Celebrating holidays on campus?

Pro: Wicked good times Con: Shoo the ghosts away

recognition of Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month.

Whether it be birthdays or accomplishments, celebrating is a way to show recognition and appreciation.

So why then, are so many cultures going unrecognized when it comes to their holidays?

While arguments can be made that putting in effort to celebrate holidays on campus can be time consuming along with requiring a budget that as many will say “has to come from somewhere,” there are far more benefits in the long run for the student body as well as the campus.

If people care enough about something, they will make it work.

Although money does not grow on trees, it is often the smallest part of a celebration.

Organization heads or planning committees often find ways to work through and around money hurdles to pay for an event.

Prospective students may view a campus that takes time to acknowledge other cultures holidays, even if it not be their own, as open and inviting. As a result, making it more likely they choose to attend said campus.

According to the National Center of Education Statistics, enrollment of non-white college students has increased, translating to a campus comprised of many backgrounds.

On Sept. 25, an event took place on campus in

During this event, Chicano studies professor, as well as a few students, informed attendees that there is actually a big difference between Hispanic and Latino. Had this event not taken place, those students would not have been informed about the difference between Latino and Hispanic heritage.

Students who have never heard of these holidays will have an opportunity to gain a better appreciation and understanding of what makes said cultures different from one another.

While there is a belief that it may encourage a sense of exclusion to the students who do not celebrate a certain holiday, the fact is they were not going to celebrate that day anyway, so what are they feeling excluded from?

Some may think that it can cause a rift between students, but it would do the opposite. A public event that is celebrating a holiday or culture allows people of different backgrounds to come together and interact with one another.

Not all events have to honor a specific group either.

Some holidays are simply for fun such as Halloween or Valentine’s Day. Students and faculty could use a break from the daily stress of work.

When people are dressing up in costumes or the campus is decorated, the school’s atmosphere changes to being an exciting one.

No one is forced to participate in events but at least the school can give them the option to do so.


Ben Hanson

Cecilia Parada

Kamryn Bouyett

Kevin Lendio

Pablo Orihuela

Rezvan Yazdi

Sergio Torres

Sophia Gomez

Taylor Watson

According to History.com, to ward off ghosts that were returning to Earth for the night, the Celtics began a festival by wearing frightening costumes and lighting bonfires.

Although this is the ancient origin of Halloween, now it’s a holiday known for buying overpriced pop culture costumes and trick-or-treating for free candy.

According to a Statista survey that interviewed 7,419 American adults, 68% of respondents said they are planning to celebrate Halloween this year while the other 32% said they will not celebrate it.

Similarly to this survey, some students attending Pierce will not celebrate Halloween for personal or religious reasons.

One of Pierce College’s core values is, “Enrichment through cultural diversity,” but there is nothing culturally enriching about taping a witch decoration onto a wall.

This is why Pierce should not recognize Halloween as a holiday and avoid catering to celebrate it.

Other events on campus do give students the opportunity to learn about different cultures.

For example, the Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month celebration had traditional aguas frescas, such as horchata, to drink and to immerse students into the culture. What do students learn from Halloween events on

Advisers: Jill Connelly

Jeff Favre

Tracie Savage

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campus? How is receiving candy enriching?

If schools recognize Halloween as a holiday, then what’s to stop schools from recognizing other ludicrous festivities?

Imagine on Oct. 25 receiving breadsticks during class for National Breadstick Day or having the campus host a beer festival for National American Beer Day on Oct. 27. These two holidays are real and if they sound ridiculous, then there is no reason to OK a holiday like Halloween on campuses. Some holidays, overtime, stop being acknowledged.

For example, not everyone agrees with celebrating the infamous explorer on Columbus Day.

As a result, the Los Angeles City Council changed the name in 2017 to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Although some places do close for this holiday, Pierce continues to stay open.

If Pierce can deny a previously controversial event, then Pierce can end Halloween on campus.

Even if Pierce doesn’t host Halloween events, there are still so many other ways to celebrate Halloween outside of campus.

People can go to pumpkin patches, go to theme parks that are covered with eerie decor or go to a movie theater to watch a horror film.

Halloween doesn’t need to be celebrated on campus when there’s a variety of outlets that can fulfill the spooky spirit of the holiday.

Pierce should act as a safe space for students who don’t participate in festivities and avoid recognizing it.


2 Opinions ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019 LETTERS
THE EDITOR 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Editor's Desk: (818) 710-3397 Newsroom: (818) 710-4117 newsroom.roundupnews@gmail.com www.theroundupnews.com Editor-in-Chief .........................Chris Torres Managing Editor ......................Blake Williams Photo Editor .............................Katya Castillo Photo Editor .... Navodya Dharmasiriwardena Opinions Editor .....................Angelica Lopez News Editor...........................Jackson Hayano News Editor....................................Jesse Bertel Features Editor .........................Devin Malone Features Editor ....................Belen Hernandez Campus Life Editor......................Chelsea Westman Sports Editor............................Felipe Gamino Sports Editor ..........................Arielle Zolezzi Reporters: Aaron Estrada Alejandra Aguilera Bryan Carballo Daniela Freire Eduardo Garcia Joey Farriola Maja Losinska Marc Blais Nyle Maldonado Paola Castillo Peter Villafane Samantha Neff Thomas Dillon POLICY: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. EDITORIAL POLICY: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.
Illustration by Jesse Bertel
AARON ESTRADA Reporter @AirOnNews
newsroom.roundupnews@gmail.com From the desk of the Roundup: Editorial Celebrate everyone Safe place for everyone ALEJANDRA
AGUILERA Reporter @_ale_aguilera

Playback permitted PCC allows recording of meeting

After years of debate, the Pierce College Council (PCC) has finally decided to allow their meetings to be recorded.

The decision, made Thursday, Oct. 24, came after input from Pierce President Alexis Montevirgen.

Montevirgen said he had emailed the Los Angeles Community College District’s general counsel to see if there was a legal binding authority. He read out loud what the general counsel responded.

“If the college council has been open to the public, then it would be problematic to not allow recording. This is a public meeting, not private, so no one’s privacy is being impacted,” Montevirgen said.

The email sent to Montevirgen made reference to Meetings, Cal. Penal Code § 54953.5 section a. It declares that anyone who attends an open and public meeting has the right to record with an audio or visual recorder. The visual recorder can be a still or motion picture camera.

After Montevirgen affirmed that the meetings could be recorded, some members of the council expressed concern over what recording the meetings could mean for the committee members and attendees.

The idea of having an official recording every meeting came up. Modern Language Department Chair Fernando Oleas suggested the idea of having the recordings closed captioned.

Some members of the committee argued that there wasn’t enough in the budget to record, close caption and store the recordings.

Stay Aware

Pierce advocates breast cancer awareness

Walsh said the meetings contain sensitive information that could be manipulated and leaked to the media. He said other bodies have experienced secret recordings taken out of context.

“I mean it sounds like we have no choice here, but I think we now it's incumbent upon ourselves to protect ourselves and particularly protect this committee and protect this institution,” Walsh said.

Student Health Center Director Beth Benne said the committees and their corresponding subcommittees are all open. She said the council would be using up valuable resources to discuss the topic.

“They [The Roundup] could've been recording this entire time and so we're going to spend a lot of time, a lot of time, maybe money on something that they could have been doing forever and we didn't even know it,” Benne said. “Call me naive, but this seems like we've got a lot more important things to worry about.”

Walsh said today’s media driven culture is a reason that doesn’t have him in a hurry to record the meetings. He said the minutes taken at the meetings are good enough and the council members are held accountable for them.

“I think of the culture we're in where everyone's recording each other and taking pictures of themselves and just like in a meeting where we can all just kind of talk freely, I don't think it's going to change our behavior at all, but I'm just not in a rush to like record myself and my colleagues because we take minutes,” Walsh said.

The PCC will vote on whether or not they will have an official recording of every meeting at the next scheduled meeting on Nov. 14.

As reported by breastcancer. org, about one in eight U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.

Pierce College offered resources during the Breast Cancer Awareness event Thursday at the Rocky Young Park.

Nursing student Yamil Herrera said that the event aims to increase early detection of breast cancer by providing information.

“It kind of resonated with me because my aunt actually had to deal with breast cancer, and she’s a survivor so this is something that means a lot to me,” Herrera said.

The event was organized by the Student Health Center and the Associated Students Organization.

Vanessa Tillman, a Student Health Center intern, said that the event was organized to inform students about the services provided by the Student Health Center.

“We like to work with the ASO group to do outreach for breast cancer awareness. It is just to get the word out about the Student Health Center because they have so many resources,” Tillman said.

Breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer among American women. It's estimated that about 30% of newly diagnosed cancers in women will be breast cancers, according to Breastcancer.org.

Herrera explained that hanging pink ribbons symbolizes solidarity.

“Ribbons basically represent support for women, even if they don’t have anybody who’s been

A day for arguing

Students debate issues

through breast cancer. It’s just showing support for people,” Herrera said.

“The ribbons are just to actively get people engaged in Breast Cancer Awareness,” Tillman said. “Considering the weather and the wind, we had a lot of people and it turned out pretty good.”

It’s considered taboo to talk about politics at the dinner table. But at Pierce, political discourse is encouraged.

A Day of Politics, held in the Great Hall on Thursday, Oct. 24, put such topics as climate change, homelessness and healthcare up for debate. There was also a candidate panel.

Political Science major Gino Kacherov appreciated the event because it offered an opportunity for students to debate in a healthy manner.

“It’s great that we have a place where we can respectfully disagree with each other, and not get mad and start petty fights,” Kacherov said.

Student clubs and organizations participated in the event, such as Pierce College Democrats, Brahma Leftists, Students for Bernie, MEChA, Political Science Society, Associated Students Organization, Vegan Society, Young Republicans and AGS Honor Society.

interactions with the audience. Lundquist’s opponent, John Lee was scheduled to make an appearance at the event, but did not show up.

Kacherov said that Day of Politics is important because it showcases how many different political views there are on campus. He also expressed concern about the rising dissatisfaction with the twoparty system.

Business major Melissa Marcoe came to the event to learn more about the disease.

“I’ve noticed it’s been happening a lot, so I wanted to check it out so I can learn more about it,” Marcoe said.

Herrera said that self-care is the best way to detect cancer early in both men and women.

“We have flyers with self exams that men and women can do, basically so people can be aware and informed if they ever feel worried so they can do this on their own,” Herrera said.


Kicking off the event was candidate Loraine Lundquist, who is running for the District 12 seat in the Los Angeles City Council.

Lundquist addressed the Los Angeles housing crisis as part of her campaign.

“I would want to have locations for supportive housing within my first year,” Lundquist said. “It is a big problem that has built up over decades. It is not something that is going to be fixed overnight, but I want to create real change right away.”

After Lundquist's opening statements, students debated healthcare and climate change issues, specifically Medicare for All and the New Green Deal.

The debates consisted of opening statements, challenges, rebuttals and

“I think more parties would be beneficial to our system,” Kacherov said. “We are pulling against our own political views and getting more far-left and more far-right. In other countries, if they have more parties the views are being spread and it’s not just one side against the other.”

Pierce College Democrats President Mai Abed agreed.

“I think it’s a bad idea to have a two-party system, we are fighting for a party instead of for a solution and for the people,” said Abed.


ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019 3 News
Are you a business major or considering studying business? NOW is the time to find out more about the possibilities in this field The Business Economics Career and Counseling Departments invite you to have a FREE slice of PIZZA on us when you attend one or each of the following events L O S A N G E L E S P I E R C E C O L L E G E P R E S E N T S # P I E R C E B U S I N E S S M O N T H 2 0 1 9 THE BUSINESS MAJOR Thursday, October 10th 12:45PM - 2:00PM, The Great Hall Over 5000 students at Pierce declare business or related subjects as their major Areas of emphases include marketing, management, accounting, finance, insurance, supervision and international business Martin Karamian department chair is kicking off #PierceBusinessMonth2019 to talk about how to transform your classes into a career What program is right for you: An AA? An AST? A certificate? A Program Completion Award? PROFESSIONALS' PANEL AND Q&A Wednesday, October 30th 1:00PM - 3:00PM The Great Hall Want to know what it s REALLY like to walk in the shoes of a business professional? Meet insiders from Disney Universal Studios Hollywood LinkedIn RSM US Robert Half Wells Fargo Re/Max Gold Coast and OnStride IT Services as they share their roles/responsibilities and how to land jobs like theirs Moderated by one of our own faculty, you will find out about their educational and professional pathway as well as the challenges and perks of their positions Q&A to follow! THE BUSINESS COLLEGE FAIR Wednesday, October 23rd 12:30PM - 2:30PM, The Great Hall Thinking about majoring in business or related field? This college fair is tailored just for you! Representatives from the business departments of transfer institutions such as CSUN, UCLA, Pepperdine, California Lutheran, Woodbury, Azusa Pacific and others will provide information and answer your questions Expand and explore your options! Find the university that meets your needs! IS ECONOMICS THE MONEY MAJOR? Wednesday, October 16th 12:45PM - 2:00PM, The Great Hall Economics is MORE than Money! It is one of the most popular majors at top American universities Kaycea Campbell department chair will tell you what it s all about Many students wonder if Economics is worth the time/energy Attend this workshop to see if its is a good fit for you Learn what to expect in an Economics Major and the benefits of the AA-T Understand career opportunities available as you explore this major and hear from alums talking about their experiences in the world of work If you would like to request accomodations please contact Norine Fine at finend@piercecollege edu at least five days prior to the event
“Ribbons basically represent support for women, even if they don’t have anybody who’s been through breast cancer.
It’s just showing support for people,”
-Yamil Herrera Student
“It’s great that we have a place where we can respectfully disagree with each other, and not get mad and start petty fights,”
-Gino Kacherov Student

Dying to Perform

Cast members of the slasher comedy

“Hookman” paint their faces with makeup and fake blood while music and laughter fills the dressing room as they prepare for their final performance in the Dow Arena Theatre. Like producing and executing a play, getting ready is just as collaborative as it is individualistic. From helping each other properly put on wigs to dancing to relieve nerves, the cast members of “Hookman” are there for each other ahead of a show.

4 Photo Essay ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019
Stage makeup and fake blood stand on a counter in Pierce Collegeʼs Performing Arts Building in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 25, 2019. Photo by Cecilia Parada. BOTTOM: (Left to right) Kimberly Walker and JJ Javier laugh while getting ready to perform in theproduction of “Hookman” in Pierce Collegeʼs Performing Arts Building in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 25, 2019. Photo by Cecilia Parada. Alexa Maris takes curling rods out of her hair while getting ready to perform in the production of “Hookman” in Pierce Collegeʼs Performing Arts Building in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 25, 2019. Photo by Cecilia Parada Jesse Johnson, a studio art major, hems a costume before Pierce Collegeʼs show “Hookman.” Photo by Cecilia Parada. TOP: A sign on the dressing room mirror offers encouraging words before the performance in the production of “Hookman” in Pierce Collegeʼs Performing Arts Building in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 25, 2019. Photo by Cecilia Parada.

En Plein Air

Tall trees and early fall foliage on the Art Hill inspired Art 309 students as they took their canvases and oil palettes and painted en plein air, which is the French term for outdoor painting. Taught by Constance Kocs, this upper level class teaches a variety of techniques using oil paints and related tools. Students interested in oil painting can begin with Art 307, which is offered each semester.

by Katya Castillo

Essay ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019
Copy Jessie Sporer and Aaron Passoff, Art 309 students and co-operators of Jessieʼs Ideas, intently work on their individual pieces on the Art Hill in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 24, 2019. Photo by Sophia Gomez. Aaron Passoff, an Art 309 student and special effects makeup artist, mixes his paints on the Art Hill in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 24, 2019. Photo by Sophia Gomez. Jessie Sporer, an Art 309 student and special effects makeup asrtist, paints flowers on her once empty canvas on the Art Hill in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 24, 2019. Photo by Sophia Gomez. (Left to right) Art 309 students Maryam Kuraym, Shane Hanson and Cassie Corcoran work to build a canvas on the Art Hill in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct.24, 2019. Photo by Sophia Gomez.

Opening up to help others fortify themselves

Pierce student, Marine veteran and triathlon runner publishes his first book

Despite being in the United States Marine Corps, racing in triathlons and being propelled down waterfalls, the biggest challenge in Shawn Tiberio’s life was sitting down to write a book.

At 36 years old, a veteran and first semester Pierce College student, Tiberio just had his first book published this past month. The book is titled “Fortifying Your Mind” and is about “Applying battle-tested tactics proven to help you elevate your life.”

Tiberio is someone who has faced many challenges, such as joining the United States Marine Corps right out of high school, competing in triathlons and participating in canyoneering, but according to him, writing his book was the most challenging of all.

“I look at everything that I have done in life, two deployments to Iraq and one to Afghanistan, all the Ironman and half Ironman trainings, all the stuff that I have ever done, yet sitting down to write this book was the most challenging thing I have ever attempted,” Tiberio said.

“Fortifying Your Mind” is a selfleadership book meant to help readers achieve their goals by utilizing five key concepts that Tiberio learned while serving as a marine. The concepts are simplify, visualize, emotional control, nonreactive and be like a lion. Tibero wants this book to help readers overcome the negative voice in their head, otherwise referred to as “Bazooka Betty” by Tiberio.

Tiberio said that his goal for the book is to be able to help at least one person achieve the success they want.

“If one person reads that book and learns how to shut that little voice off and not listen to it and goes on to achieve anything and everything they have wanted to achieve because of that, then in my opinion the book has been a success,” Tiberio said.

Tiberio decided to write the book,

because he works as a marketing consultant for small businesses, owns some of his own businesses and speaks and hosts different events. Many people that he works and speaks to ask where they could find his book. Tiberio also thought that having a book would hopefully help to spread his message to more people.

Tiberio began writing his book in June 2018. Throughout the process, he worked with a publishing coach, Patrick Snow. Snow said that when he first started working with Tiberio, he knew that he was well on his way to being a successful person and that he just needed a road map to help him get there and that is what he was hoping to provide. Snow also said that Tiberio was extremely hard working and was the perfect client because he followed every step given to him and was diligent about his work.

Tiberio’s girlfriend, Diana Saki, said that he was able to face the challenge of writing this book because of his mental fortitude.

“He is very strong mentally, so when he puts his mind to something, there is nothing that can stop him,” Saki said. “He really pushed through, while working on other things, and he gathered his thoughts and finished the book.”

Before being a published author, Tiberio grew up in Youngstown, Ohio. He said that he played sports and was never a big fan of school. When he was 17, he tricked his mother into signing papers allowing him to start the process of joining the Marine Corps by telling her they were papers he needed signed for a class.

After graduating high school, Tiberio went off to boot camp. After boot camp, he was moved to Okinawa, Japan at the age of 18. Tiberio worked as a combat engineer and as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician. He spent two years in Okinawa, Japan and then did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan before leaving the Marine Corps on May 14, 2011.

Tiberio arrived in Okinawa, Japan two days before the September 11 attacks in 2001. He said that after

the attacks, life in the Marines Corps became very serious.

“Two days after getting there, you realize that everything you thought could happen just got real and it is really happening,” Tiberio said. “It was definitely an interesting next few weeks.”

After the Marine Corps, Tiberio started participating in triathlons in 2013. Tiberio said he started training seriously for triathlons in 2014. From 2014 to 2017, he participated in seven half Ironman triathlons and two full Ironman triathlons. In 2016 and 2017, Tiberio was ranked a bronze level all world athlete, which meant he was in the top 10% for his age group. Tiberio’s last triathlon was in 2017, but he said he is hoping to start participating in them again soon.

After Tiberio finished racing in triathlons, he started taking up the sport of canyoneering. Canyoneering is traveling through canyons in many different fashions such as jumping, climbing, repelling or many other methods. Tiberio said that he has been all over the world while canyoneering, including Spain and Mexico.

Tiberio is currently taking classes in broadcasting and other forms of media at Pierce College. He also is still participating in canyoneering and working as a speaker, consultant and business owner. He hopes that now that his book is out, he will be able to start even furthering himself more and more in his career.

Tiberio hopes that in the future he can achieve his goal that he set out on when he first started his career.

“When I got in business, I set out for a goal that I will leave this planet changing at least a million lives, and I feel like 2020 is the year that I can really start to put the accelerator down on that goal,” Tiberio said.

Tiberio has just recently sold his first 35 copies of his book. After having the experience and facing the challenge of writing and publishing his first book, he thinks that somewhere in the future, there may be a second book.


Marine veteran helps bring LIFE to Pierce’s campus

Love is for Everyone club president finds power through his faith

MAJA LOSINSKA Reporter @roundupnews

With honor, courage and commitment being the core values of the Marines, Alan Carias continues to serve and help others on campus.

Four years in the US Marine Corps prepared Carias to take on new challenges as an aspiring police officer for LAPD.

“Growing up I played with the little soldiers and I never thought that could actually be me,” Carias said. “I was so fearful of growing up, I was very timid and shy thinking about the Marines, ‘Oh my gosh, I could never do that.’ The Marines are supposed to be the toughest of the tough, and I thought I want that for myself because if I can do that, I can do anything in life.”

Despite his parents disapproval, Carias joined the Marine Corps a week after graduating from High School. He had already gained a new form of confidence from high school wrestling and martial arts, but that alone wasn’t enough for him.

“My parents were not supportive, they didn’t want me to go there,“ Carias said. “They said ‘You’re going to get killed! Please don’t go there,’ and I feel like ‘Now I’m 18, I can do whatever I want,’ and I did it.”

Carias is currently a Pierce College criminal justice student and president of the non-denominational Christian club, Love is for Everyone (LIFE). But what makes Carias remain true to his values is his faith.

“After exiting from Marine Corps I found a new power, not necessarily physical, but mentally and spiritually I felt responsible what am I going to do with what God gave me,” Carias said. “My plan after graduating at Pierce is to go to a police academy,”

Carias mentors other students and encourages them to be a better version of themselves through the LIFE club.

“I consider them like brothers, I’m a little older so I am a big brother and

whether it would be at school holding them accountable or being something that they may not have in their life but also hanging out and having fun.,” Carias said. “Mentorship is not all about business, I feel like there needs to be a healthy friendship in it.”

According to Carias, after coming from the Marine Corps in 2016 he was looking for something bigger

and more social. That’s when he joined the club, which expanded his horizons, gave him hope and elevated him.

“I felt like I had a new purpose in life,” Carias said. “When veterans exit the military a lot of them tend to get depressed, others get really successful and there’s a lot in between those two in the spectrum.

inspire him.

Fuemba believes that with the mindset, that Alan owns, he can become a successful police officer.

“Alan would never do something unlawful because he fears God and he has to love everybody. We [Christians] love everybody, even our enemies. His influence will be amazing, not only physically but also spiritually,” Fuemba said. Pierce College Adjunct Instructor of Business Jonathan Panossian knows Carias from church. Carias’s military background is the reason of his structured personality, according to Panossian.

“I have a different profession than him so he kind of picks off of that so he can be better as a leader of the club. He is a very strong guy in a good way and he still has that soft side to him,” Panossian said.

Carias wants to become an evangelist one day. He has plans of writing a graphic novel as well. Besides this and his childhood dreams of becoming a police officer, he has been caring along his passion to dinosaurs as well.

“I absolutely love dinosaurs, I have a huge collection of dinosaurs in my living room,” Carias said. “It drives my wife crazy but I’ve been collecting them for a long time.”

According to Carias’s wife, April Cabral, dinosaurs collection was something she had to get used to when she married him.

“He has his soft side, Cabral said. “He appears to be a hard man because he has a very strong personality, but behind closed doors he is a kid. He has his soft side.”

Cabral is supportive of her husband and his police officer career.

I felt like I was in the middle and it could’ve gone either way really. With this life group I feel like my life really changed drastically because I found a purpose that I never thought in a million years could be for me.”

Carias moved to Los Angeles from Waltham, Massachusetts to a potential career in policing.

“I saw Los Angeles as the dark

city,” Carias said. “It was kind of like the Gotham to Batman. I wanted to be a policeman and I know in LA that’s where the action is, and even far beyond that that’s where the people in need are.

According to Carias, one of his role models besides his father is pastor Blaise Fuemba, who would challenge Carias’s Bible beliefs and

“My wife might not like it very much, but at the same time she understands that this is my lifelong dream ever since I was a little boy. I couldn’t imagine being a soldier or marine but what I could imagine, it was being a policeman,” Carias said.

ROUNDUP: Oct 30, 2019 Features 6
Alan Carias flips a page of the Bible as he reads. Carias, a former US Marine, is now a leader of the Love Is For Everyone (LIFE) club, which aims to guide and answer on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019, in Woodland Hills, Calif.
MARC BLAIS Reporter @roundupnews
Kamryn Bouyett / Roundup
Shawn Tiberio holds his first published book, “Fortifying the Mind,” in front of the business building at Pierce College, Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 24, 2019.

Pierce Alumnus returns to share knowledge

Larry Jordan provides insight into the film and television world; worked on projects including CSI: Miami and NYPD Blue

People who aspire to be filmmakers often look to those who have made it for inspiration.

These industry professionals come from all cultural and educational backgrounds. One in particular came from Pierce.

Larry Jordan, a film and television editor and Pierce alumnus, shared his career experience and gave advice for the Media Arts Speaker Series at The Great Hall Wednesday.

Jordan came down from the stage and onto the same level as the audience. Instead of lecturing, he sat and began an intimate conversation about his career.

“I want to make things that move people,” Jordan said. “I want to make people think and educate them about the world and the things that I thought were important.”

Jordan encouraged students to gather a team of peers and make their own movies and reminded people that anyone with a smartphone can make a movie.

“Hopefully there'll be more good people telling human stories that we can all relate to and hopefully that will help us evolve into better people,” Jordan said.

Jordan has worked on 50 films and television shows during his nearly 40-year career with credits, including Back to the Future, CSI: Miami and Terms of Endearment.

Because of technical difficulties, Jordan was unable to show examples of his work. Instead, he answered audience questions, sharing stories about his family upbringing and journey

to Instead, questions, his getting into show business.

“I had a palm reader once told me: ‘Take one thing and stick with it,’” Jordan said. “I just wanted to be a picture editor. I was young and idealistic and I stuck to my focus.”

is like getting a new education.”

Jordan said he never attended film school because he did not have the patience for it. He worked odd jobs and learned skills as needed with every project. Jordan’s first job was driving a truck for a camera rental company.

“I had ants in my pants and I just wanted to work in the movie business,” Jordan said. “Every film

Jordan said the transition from analog to digital editing transformed the industry. Jordan said new technology made filmmaking more accessible to people outside of the “old boys’ network” that the film industry used to be.

people the opportunity to have their voice heard whenever they want,” Jordan said.

Atena Naghi, a student in the cinema program, said Jordan’s lecture gave her guidance for her future career path as she works on getting her first editing job.

said. “I loved his speech because I see that this opportunity is for me, too. I can get a job, too.”

Film major Johnny Nguyen recommended attending the Speaker Series events because of the many benefits he got from aattending.

perspective and expertise is a triple whammy of good things,” Nguyen said. Jordan now teaches an online course called Master the Workflow that teaches students about how to be an assistant editor.

[From Coffee on front]

According to Smetzer, the Industrial Technology department received two metal cutting machines estimated at $40,000 each during the summer. A request was submitted to Plant Facilities for the machines to be plugged in by an electrician in August, three weeks before the start of the fall semester. Now entering the 10th week of the semester, the machines continue to be unplugged.

“The power is right there. An electrician just needs to come in and hook them up and they haven’t done it,” Smetzer said.

“It’s embarrassing that students ask, ‘When are you going to hook that up.’ It’s bad PR.”

Smetzer has taught full-time at Pierce for 36 years before retiring a few years ago. He said he has experienced similar situations during his career that were left unresolved until somebody at a higher level intervened. Since finding out about the coffee with

818-710-2960 collinsc@piercecollege.edu

“Digital technology gives more

“For six years, I’ve been studying to be an editor,” Naghi

“The extra credit, free pizza and coming to hear [Jordan’s]

the president event online, Smetzer decided to bring the machine issue to President Montevirgen.

After listening to the concern, Montevirgen said he didn’t think he’d “ever have an opportunity to interact or hear” from Smetzer had it not been for the event.

In a separate interview, Smetzer said Plant Facilities, also

me: it,’” be idealistic to listen."


known as Facilities Maintenance and Operations, “prioritize their work schedule and if there’s a fire somewhere, they put the fire out but this is becoming a fire.”

Facilities Maintenance and Operations has not responded with a comment.

Montevirgen plans on hosting future coffee with the president events but they will be arranged when his schedule permits and when he feels specific topics need to be discussed as a campus.

“What’s important is to continue to be consistent, continue to be authentic, and hopefully in time, folks will see and come to realize that I am here to listen,” Montevirgen said. “Not just to listen but also then to move the institution forward in a direction that will allow us to continue to best meet the needs of our students because ultimately at the end of the day, that’s my ultimate goal.”


ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019 Campus Life 7
What’s important is to continue to be consistent, continue to be authentic, and hopefully in time, folks will see and come to realize that I am here
Katya Castillo/ Roundup Melody Cooper, an art and architecture professor, talked to Pierce College president Alexis Montevirgen during Coffee and Conversation with the President in his office in Alder 1021 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Oct. 22, 2019. Cecilia Parada/ Roundup Kay Wolf comforts Tala after being evacuated to Pierce College's temporary Large Animal Evacuation Center in Woodland Hills, Calif. due to the Southern California fires on Oct. 29, 2019. Pablo Orihuela/ Roundup
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Larry Jordan, a film and television editor, spoke to people as part of the Media Arts Department's speaker series in The Great Hall at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif., on Wednesday, Oct. 23.
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Licorice stick produces sweet tunes

Thursday concert series features decorated clarinet instructor Micah Wright



The musician filled the room with enthusiasm as he swayed back and forth while playing intense pieces on the clarinet originating from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

Clarinet instructor Micah Wright is a musician in the Los Angeles area who performs in solo, chamber, studio and orchestra settings. On Thursday, Oct. 24 he performed five pieces on the clarinet and was accompanied by his friend and organist Thomas Mellan on the piano in room 3400.

Wright attended and received his clarinet performance degrees from USC, Rice University, and Drake University. He currently owns a private studio and is a D’Addario Woodwinds performing artist while teaching clinics and masterclasses throughout the Southwest.

Mellan was born in Lyon, France and his catalogue of over 30 compositions includes orchestra, chamber and solo works. He is currently pursuing a Master of Music degree in composition at USC, studying with Donald Crockett.

Wright showed liveliness and love for the music the minute he began to play the first song, “Sonate,” by Francis Poulenc, who is a French composer from the 19th century. The first two movements of this piece started off slow and portrayed heavy emotions while the third movement picked up the pace but still sounded ominous.

Wright has received many national and international awards including winning the 2019 and 2018 Beverly Hills National Auditions. He has also performed as a concerto soloist with several ensembles.

The second song, “Violin Sonata in E minor, K. 304,” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was written in the 17th century and was originally a piece meant to be played by the violin and piano. This two movement piece started off with a much quicker tempo and didn’t consist of as many heavy emotions.

“Mozart wrote several violin sonatas, this piece can actually be played on the clarinet,” Wright said.

Before the third song, “Four Pieces for clarinet and piano, Op. 5,” by Alban Berg, Wright took a minute to talk about the piece.

“It’s very symphonic writing even though it’s just clarinet and piano, it will sound a lot more modern to you than other pieces would,” Wright

said. This piece consisted of four movements and was composed in the early 19th century. Wright and Mellan both said that it does have some similar traits to Mozart’s pieces.

The fourth song, “Scherzo Variations,” was composed by Thomas Mellan himself. He said that the piece includes the clarinet hitting the highest note possible while the piano plays the lowest notes.

Mellan has been awarded first place in the keyboard division of 2015 and 2016 national competitions sponsored by Musical Merit Foundation. Mellan was the Outstanding Graduate of the masters class of 2019 and the undergraduate

Only the biggest matter

Child Develoment Club has first ever film screening

There were few dry eyes in the room during the screening of “No Small Matter” on Wednesday night.

Child Development Club showed their first film screening, bringing more than 50 students. Pierce College was one of the first community colleges to present the flm to their students.

The feature-length documentary film explains the importance of high quality early care and education along with an engagement campaign to inspire, teach and reinforce.

Chair of Child Development

Patricia Doelitzsch, who led the discussion after the film, emphasized on the teachers impact on children and the potential of early education.

“I wasn’t surprised,” Doelitzsch said. “I was crying myself but I got it together when the lights came on. It was just reinforcing for everybody to hear that they’re not by themselves and I think you can feel that when all of the sudden the advocacy kicked in how powerful that is.”

Doelitzsch talked about the impact of preschool teachers providing children with a solid foundation.

“It’s really hard to be in this position and in this department looking at this group of mostly ladies and gentlemen and saying that’s just going to be a struggle to support yourself,” Doelitzsch said. “So then, it has to come from the heart and it has to come from that desire to be the piece of change, to be that person to make that change happen.”


What are you dressing as for Halloween and why?



“I would either dress as a Joker orasahippiebutImostlikely dresslikeahippiebecauseIlike thestyleofitandItʼsprettyeasy. Ialreadyhavesomeofthepieces inmycloset.”

“Ihavenʼtfigureditoutyet.Iguess IwouldbeJamesBondbecauseItʼs easy,Igoteverythingrightthere.”


class of 2017 at the University of Southern California, Thornton School of Music.

Wright and Mellan concluded their performance by saying they were going to cleanse our ears with the song, “Nocturne,” by Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky. This was another slow piece where the pace picks up as is goes on but much like the other pieces, it sounded menacing.

These concerts are free and take place every Thursday from 1-2 P.M. at the Performing Arts Building Mainstage unless otherwise noted. The next concert will be on Oct.31 and it will be a Joint Faculty Recital.

“I havenʼt celebrated Halloween insolongbutIfIweretodressup assomebody,itwouldeitherbe apumpkinorawitchbecauseI thinkitʼsjustinterestingdoingDIY costume.”

She said it’s a struggle teaching in the Child Development field.

“The living wage is very difficult to get to be a preschool teacher. The only way to have a living wage is to teach at a public school, which is not a high quality preschool system right now,” Doelitzsch said. One of the most emotional and hardest parts of the movie was to see other parents struggle, according to Cortes.

“At the same time knowing that It is very consistent with a lot of our own population and students who struggle with their own childcare,” Cortes said.

Child Development student Doris Reyes was one of many who was engaged in the discussion.

“I feel sad because we go to school, we do our Bachelors, we put our effort, but it looks like they don’t

really care,” Reyes said.

Doelitzsch said that a lot of transitional kindergartens and ETK’s are academic and are not providing children what they exactly need.

"That’s where the advocacy kind of comes in to tell the governor and to tell the LAUSD that there should be more playdates and there should be more developmental programs which is really my secret plan,” Doelitzsch said.

Assistant Professor Dr. Alma Cortes said the purpose of the screening was to shed light on the importance of high quality early child education and how important the profession of teaching young children is.

[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]

ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019 Campus Life 8 Weekly Calendar Thurs. 10/31 Fri. 11/01 Sat. 11/02 Sun. 11/03 Mon. 11/04 Tues. 11/05 Wed. 10/30 COLLEGE FAIR on the Mall 10:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M. Pierce College Mall UC Application Workshop 4:30 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. CTC Workshop Room ASO Senate Meeting 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. Great Hall Communication Cafe' 12:00 P.M.- 2:00 P.M. Library Open 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. School is closed The Professionals' Panel 12:30 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. Great Hall
a screening for
3200 at
Angelica Lopez/ Roundup Chair of the Child Development department Patricia Doelitzsc during the film called "No Small Matter" in the business room
in woodland Hills, Oct. 23, 2019.
Angelica Lopez/ Roundup Micah Wright plays the clarinet during his performance in the Performing Arts department's Thursday concert series on Oct. 24, 2019 in the Performing Arts Building Mainstage at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif.
"IdonʼtdressforHalloween anymore,IdidwhenIwaslittlebut Idonʼthavetimeanymore,Ijust stayhomeandwatchmovies.”
-Jonathan Macias Architecture

Women's Volleyball Football Soccer Water Polo Men's Basketball

Winning mentality for the program

Acting head coach Anthony Harris steps in to get team back on track

He’s coached the top prospects in the nation and directed championship winning teams.

Now, Anthony Harris has a new challenge ahead of him—leading the Pierce football team for the remainder of the season.

Harris was named acting head coach after Carlos Woods was placed on temporary administrative leave by Pierce College President Alexis Montevirgen due to potential violations of CCCAA bylaws.

Harris had knowledge of what was going on with the program and the ongoing investigation.

“I had seen what was happening on Twitter. I was approached by the district because I was one of the applicants for the athletic director position and they noticed in my application that I had nine years head coaching experience in football,” Harris said.

Harris said he didn’t need much convincing to take over the position because he loves football and it was a great opportunity for him to show his leadership skills.

He said his first conversation with the assistant coaches was positive.

“After I met with the President, I told him I had to meet with the coaching staff first to see how they were mentally and if they were going to continue in the program. As an acting head coach, I can’t do this alone. You need coordinators, assistant coaches that can contribute. To my surprise, they were welcoming and I was excited to see what we can do,” Harris said.

Harris said the players have been positive upon his arrival.

“I am an advocate. They know I am here for them. I’m here to make sure their needs are being met on and off the field," Harris said.

In high school he was involved in football and track and was coached by legendary coach Jim Brownfield.

At Azusa Pacific University, Harris did a living legend report for the Master’s Program on Brownfield.

“Growing up without a father, young men in athletics look up to their male coaches as mentors, and Coach Brownfield was one to me,” Harris said.

In other accolades as an athlete he received NCAA All-American honors as a sprinter at California

State University, Los Angeles and was a key player for the California State University, Northridge football team when they won their conference.

As a coach, he earned the coach of the year award in 2001 and 2002 at Campbell Hall.

In 2005, he coached the defensive backs at the United States Army All-American Bowl.

“It was the coaching experience of my life. Getting off the plane with someone holding your name. Getting in the hotel and there being a red carpet and going to the fifth floor and seeing all the Under Armour gear. Also being able to coach the top 100 players in the

nation was unreal. I had the pleasure of coaching J.D. Washington, the son of Denzel Washington,” Harris said.

Harris shared that Denzel Washington would go to the practices at Campbell Hall because he was going to be portraying Herman Boone in Remember the Titans.

"During the playoffs, I remember Coach Boone and Denzel coming to several games to watch J.D. and he saw me and said what a good coach I was,” Harris said. He said to have been blessed to be athletic director at all levels and that athletics has given him everything.

“I had the opportunity to be around great student-athletes and coaches and sometimes it doesn’t feel like work because I love it so much and I want to continue to do it as long as I live,” Harris said.

As an athletic director at La Salle, their teams earned 18 CIF championships, 36 league titles, and one state crown while 84 studentathletes earned NCAA or NAIA athletic scholarships.

At Campbell Hall for 10 years, he built an athletic program that excelled by capturing over 40 league titles, six CIF Championships and two state titles.

“I built the program from it being recreational program to a contender in every sport. I would definitely rival it with La Salle, but I had the privilege to be at both schools so I can’t complain,” Harris said.

Acting Athletic Director Genice Sarcedo-Magruder said Harris started making an instant impact when he got cleared.

"He hit the ground running, pulled things together and is willing to learn on the go, which I appreciate," Sarcedo-Magruder said.

She said Harris is seeing the job from a different perspective.

"With his past experience, he is looking at it not necessarily as he is the coach of the team, but that he is the AD. He is seeing the football program as a whole," SarcedoMageuder said.

Counselor Joe Roberson had the opportunity to meet Harris. He said he has a history of professionalism.

"Many people speak highly of him. He has established a high level of consistency which says a lot. Hopefully it ends up being a blessing for the program," Roberson said.

Football showed improvement from their previous game, but it wasn't enough as they lost to the Pasadena City College Lancers.

Despite taking the lead in the second half, they couldn't hold on as PCC beat the Brahmas 3019.

Acting head coach Anthony Harris said games can't be won if they are not focused.

“We didn't respond when the momentum shifted. Our defense played well, but for our offense we are still trying to find our mojo. Tomorrow is another day as we prepare for our next game,” Harris said.

Harris said that they can't get positive results,when there are four turnovers. He mentioned they need to clean up things for the game against LA Harbor.

“We were a little sharper in comparison to last week. We want to put it altogether against Harbor since we will be at home,” Harris said.

The first quarter there was no score from either team. Both defenses stepped up especially on fourth down. Pasadena though will take the lead through Darnell William on a 20-yard run. The extra point from Bracamonte Buci was good.

With 14 seconds left in the half, Kareem Miles scored his first of two touchdowns on a 40yard pass from David McCullum.

Before the score, Pasadena had recovered the football after a fumble, however Pierce one play later would get the ball back courtesy of Jalen Burton.

To begin the second half, Brahmas took the lead through Dennis Mack, however the extra point was blocked by Amir Davis and the Lancers were awarded two points for the defensive PAT. The joy would last until the fourth quarter as Robbie Kindle would give Pasadena the lead.

Things got worse after McCullum saw his pass intercepted by Kaydon Spens.

Ahmad Lipscomb would score on a 18-yard pass from Edward Norton.

Miles would get his second touchdown of the game on a 58yard pass from Andrew Young. Pasadena ran down the clock when they had possession to secure the win.

Brahmas with the loss drop to 1-6 on the season, 0-2 in conference play and host the Seahawks next Saturday.

LA Harbor got the win over the Santa Barbara City College Vaqueros 35-10 and are now 3-4 overall and are undefeated in conference with Hancock College at 2-0.

Kickoff is scheduled for 6 p.m. at John Shepard Stadium.

ROUNDUP: Oct. 30, 2019 Sports 9
FELIPE GAMINO Sports Editor @fgamino13 Nov. 2 vs LA Harbor 6 p.m. Homecoming Game Oct. 30 @ LA Mission 6 p.m. Nov. 1 Halloween Invitational @ Santa Barbara High School
Ben Hanson/Roundup
Nov. 1 @ Oxnard 4 p.m. Nov. 5 vs. SBCC 3 p.m. fgamino.roundupnews@gmail.com Brahmas lose nail-biter to the Lancers
drops to 1-6 overall, 0-2 in conference FELIPE GAMINO Sports Editor @fgamino13 Nov. 1-3 Miramar Tournament @ Miramar College
Acting Head Coach Anthony Harris speaks to players at a timeout during a game against Santa Barbara City College at La Playa Stadium in Santa Barbara, Calif. on Oct. 19 , 2019
Acting Head Coach Anthony
Santa Barbara City College at La Playa Stadium in Santa Barbara, Calif. on Oct. 19, 2019. fgamino.roundupnews@gmail.com
Ben Hanson/Roundup
Harris during
game against
Ben Hanson/Roundup
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Bryan Walker outruns Drew Pendleton during a game against Pasadena City College at Robinson Stadium in Pasadena, Calif. on Oct. 26 , 2019

Soccer lets lead slip

Moorpark College ties the game in the final minutes

Friday's game was an indication of how the soccer season has gone for the Brahmas. The team has been unable to close games against their opponents, which has not allowed them to pick up more wins.

The Brahmas started off the game with a goal in the first half, but the game ended in a 1-1 tie.

Head Coach Adolfo Perez said that being able to get a tie was a positive for the team.

“We couldn’t withstand the pressure,” Perez said. “We had a great chance to win it. We didn’t, but we didn’t lose it which is a plus.”

Due to the heat, there was one water break in each half.

In the 10th minute of the game, the Brahmas had a corner that almost resulted in a goal from Diana Millan but was saved by the Raiders goalkeeper.

The Brahmas took a 1-0 lead with a goal by Gabriela Portillo. The goal came off a corner kick in the 11th minute.

Portillo was feeling sick before the game but decided to play through it. The game entered halftime with the Brahmas leading the Raiders 1-0.

Portillo said even though she was feeling ill, she felt like she had to step up for her team.

“I told myself that I need to make a difference. I need to score,” Portillo said. “I push myself because I want to play for my teammates.”

Assistant Coach Cynthia Rosa said that Portillo playing even though she felt sick showed

the resilience of the team.

“They don’t want to let their team down or let their teammates down. They are willing to pull through little things and everything to get that finish for us,” Rosas said.

Perez said the goal came off a play that the team had been practicing on all week.

“It was a phenomenal goal,” Perez said. “It is funny, we have been working on that all week, so I am happy that it worked out.”

In the second half, the Brahmas committed multiple fouls, which allowed the Raiders five free kicks. The Raiders missed all of those

Splashing in the classroom


The Raiders did eventually tie the game up with a goal by Lillian Nice off a rebound from goalkeeper Joanna Cerda.

In the final minutes of the game, the Brahmas and the Raiders both had corner kick opportunities, but both teams failed to score. The game eventually ended in a tie with a final score of 1-1.

Perez said that he thought the team played well overall and had good energy.

“I think we played hard. We were focused. I think we were focused throughout the whole game,” Perez said. “Moorpark is a good team. They are very strong. It was very hard for us to contain them the whole game, so I thought we did a pretty good job in that.”

The Brahmas will be playing on the road against Allan Hancock College on Tuesday Oct. 29 and against Oxnard College on Friday Nov. 1.

They will be back at John Shepard Stadium on Tuesday, Nov. 5 when they host Santa Barbara City College. Kickoff will be at 3 p.m.


Season Preview:

Men's basketball

With changes on the sidelines and new faces, Pierce men’s basketball are back this season to not only dribble the ball to a championship, but also across the stage to a fouryear.

Head Coach Charles White said he wants to win but his teams academic standing is what matters more to him. He said it doesn’t matter to him whether they graduate in June or take the extra summer.

“I want to make sure you guys are transferring to that next level and that the academic consensus is on point and that they're on target to graduate,” White said.

White said if he were to see less than nine of his players graduate it would be a disappointment.

“I want to win, but to see those guys walk across the stage in a basketball program always does my heart good,” White said.

White returns to the helm after Casey Weitzel left for a job at Midwestern State University.

White said he looks forward to the first game of the season. He said it will be a tough battle to win the conference and to make it to the playoffs. He said he hopes his team will make it.

“Normally in our conference, three teams make it to the playoffs so we want to hopefully be one of those three,” White said. Forward Kevin Fassu said the team has a lot of sophomores and returning players. He said the experience will benefit the team.

“All the guys know what's going to come and know how to handle the situation. I think that we're going to be pretty good team this year,” Fassu said.

He said his team look forward to playing against their rival College of the Desert on Nov. 9.

“I think that's a rival because they beat us the first time about 30

so we're looking forward to getting them back,” Fassu said.

The team is also welcoming new assistant coach Leslie Thompson. He was at Glendale Community College for three years with the men’s program and four years with the women’s team before making the switch to Pierce.

Thompson said he looks forward to hosting them on Nov. 26 and will find it interesting. He said he’s seen the team work together and put in the hard work. He adds they have worked hard on the defense and rebound.

“We have some talent, we've got some skills. I think we have the charisma and character to go long distances, but you've got to do it on the court,” Thompson said.

White said he’s happy with Thompson joining his staff along with other returning coaches. He said his staff is one he can trust and work well with.

“I don’t have to look over my back.

I know they know what they're doing. We're talking the same language and we're on the same page with each other. If we're not, we'll discuss it,” White said.

Fassu said he’s excited for the team in addition to the sophomores and freshmen on the team.

“We have a bright young team, so we're looking really good this year,” Fassu said.

Their first game will be on Friday, Nov. 1 as part of the three-day Miramar Tournament.


The swim and water polo teams are diving for some local and international scholarships as well as keeping good GPAs by balancing both studies and sports.

Coach Micrea Pitariu said he was proud of his players for being good at what they do and showing the school community it is possible.

“It takes a lot of commitment and dedication to be both an athlete and a student. They handle that balance of school and athlete life really well. It’s a great example to other athletes to show what we can do and represent athletes and Pierce as a whole,” Pitariu said.

Ava Recchia, a Psychology major, played a different sport and is now trying to break her own fly record at Pierce College.

“I was a soccer player. First semester in high school I played soccer. Then I did junior lifeguard all summer and the coach from my lifeguard camp ended up being a swim coach and he wanted extra people for the team and I ended up going and I never went back after that and just started doing swim,” Recchia said.

With UCLA and UC Davis in her mind to transfer Recchia says it’s hard to balance both but does it whenever she can she commits to her responsibilities.

“Usually I leave out all my social life and stay at home and study when I have time,” Recchia said. Recchia said that Terhar makes sure they are on track in

all aspects.

“She would make us print our class schedules and give it to her and she would check our academics and she wants us to be well rounded,” Recchia said.

Swim coach Judi Terhar spoke proudly about her swimmers, both women and men. She was proud of their commitment and dedication to the sports as well as their studies.

“Time management is the hardest. Not only do they balance sports and school but jobs and well. Some of them work 30 hours a week so these are highly ambitious, motivated, skilled and intelligent young women and women,” Terhar said.

Terhar said in the journey of swim, time management,

motivation, guidance was never lacking in the Pierce College swim coach.

“My coach definitely. She really pushed me, Sometimes I don’t want to show up to practice but I knew I had too far the team, she always taught us to time manage,” Recchia said.

Swim and water polo teams require a high GPA from the members in order to stay in the team. The swimmers should be well rounded in everything they do.

“The reason their GPA’s are good because it's mandatory. It's expected of them. If you raise the bar high, they’ll step up to it. They are a student first and an athlete second,” Terhar said.

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Ben Hanson/Roundup DIana Millan and Natalie Tapia wrestle for control of the ball during a game against Moorpark College at Shepard Stadium in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Oct. 25, 2019.
Swim and water polo have high GPAs
NAVODYA DHARMASIRIWARDENA Photo Editor @NdezyNs Ben Hanson/Roundup Ava Recchia , Chloe Bryant, Juo Sato and Nanako Fujikura. Taken at the Aquatic Center in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Oct. 15, 2019. They have good grades in their classes.
“I think we have the charisma and character to go long distances, but you've got to do it on the court."
-Leslie Thompson new assistant coach
“We couldn't withstand the pressure. We had a great chance to win it."
-Adolfo Perez head coach

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