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CON: Keep states closed

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PRO: Reopen states

PRO: Reopen states


The coronavirus has caused the majority of the world to go into quarantine.


The state of California and its counties has a Safer at Home order that is in e ect at least until the end of May, but it’s likely that the date will be pushed further back.

Quarantine is the safest way to help prevent the spread of the virus. Lockdown has been in order for almost two months and some nonessential businesses have considered reopening even though the virus has not shown any signs of slowing down.

A vaccine could take as long as 12 to 18 months to be FDA approved, produced and ready to be administered to people.

According to an article published by U.S. News, an expert for University of Maryland’s Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health said there are three di erent phases to the trial process.

“Phase I trials test whether the vaccine is safe, and usually last about six months,” the expert said. “Phase II trials examine how well the vaccine works in creating an immune response within volunteers, and last up to a year. Phase III trials track the e ectiveness of the vaccine in preventing infection in people who are being exposed to the pathogen.” vbretado.roundupnews@gmail.com

The U.S. and the world needs to remain on lockdown until the virus is either gone or has fewer cases being reported.

Although it may be boring, it is better than being sick in the hospital not knowing if you are going to make it through.

Businesses such as fast food restaurants,pharmacies,grocerystores and hospitals should be the only places thatremainopen.Essentialworkersare already risking their health everyday by continuing to work.

Nonessential businesses that are losing money have been persistent in trying to get their store to reopen but even if they do, customers should avoid going inside to maintain safe social distancing.

Florida reopened its beaches about a week ago and had many people show up and ignore the lockdown orders. The state still has plans to reopen more beaches in the coming week, but has some restrictions that people need to follow.

This idea isn’t smart at all. All it takes is one sick person in a public space to infect other people.

Anyone you know can have the virus and they might not even know it because they haven’t had symptoms and the virus is asymptomatic.

It is simply safer to take extreme precaution by staying inside where you’re surrounded by only people you know have not gone out in a while or at all.

If everyone stayed inside, the virus could potentially end faster.

If states reopened, it is likely that the number of people who are at risk of catching it will only grow.

My first few weeks of quarantine were mainly spent adjusting to online school and this “new normal” way of life. I am an extrovert and so much of my day used to revolve around outside activities, so acclimating to life strictly at home took some time. I was also so used to seeing friends on a daily basis but video chatting has allowed me to stay social even when I can’t leave the house.

As I am sure many of my peers can attest to, online school is both easy and hard.

Zoom classes have allowed us to stay in touch with professors and students, but many of us need the structure of campus life and in-person classes to stay driven. Although class from the comfort of your own home sounds appealing, it has many students, myself included, lacking focus.

Aside from school, I did recently take up a few personal projects and hobbies to keep myself occupied.

I’ve always played piano but in recent weeks I’ve been learning how to produce music which is something that I may have not had the time for otherwise.

I’ve also taken up painting which I’ve especially enjoyed since I can include my younger sister in my projects and that allows us to bond while we’re both home.

I’ve been able to participate in online volunteering projects, as well as work on my own nonprofit which is something I’d always wished I had more time for.

The most important thing for me has been staying active even if that means just doing laundry because as long as I’m occupied I’m not bored.

I’ve also been taking my dogs on walks regularly, making sure to walk far from people, which is my favorite activity since I can actually get out of the house.

Boredom aside, however, I’ve used this down time to do some inner reflection, as cliche as that may sound. I’ve been able to really sit down and process my goals and how I plan to achieve them.

We live in a fast paced world where many people forget to slow down and relax, so as chaotic as this time may feel, I believe there will be a lot of good that comes from it.


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