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Smile, youʼre on camera Should students be required to turn on their cameras for class? Cameras ON PRO

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When classes were in person, professors were able to monitor whether or not their students were paying attention.

Now, the only way to be sure a students are there is if their video is on during Zoom class meetings.


It’s easy for students who regularly turn their webcams off to get distracted by their environment and lose focus. That is why requiring students to keep their video on is vital to their success during this period of distance learning.

Students are more likely to succeed in class when they feel immersed in the subject matter and like they are a part of a group.

When dialing in with no video, students lose out on a majority of key components that make a classroom special.

Teacher-student engagement is a vital part of in-person classes, and there is no reason Zoom classes should be any different.

Much like they would in a classroom, students are required to provide their undivided attention to a lecture when their cameras are on because their professor and classmates can see them.


Judging from my own experience, as well as my classmates, staying motivated and focused during class happens most often when the webcam is turned on.

When a student’s camera is turned off they are more likely to be on their phone, engaging with family members, and doing just about anything but paying attention.

The purpose of online education is to simulate in-person classes, so it’s right that students actually “attend” class as they typically would and interact with others.

Physically showing up for online courses requires students to look more put together, leading to their overall attentiveness and productivity.

As social distancing continues to be a priority, engaging in online classes allows students to get in some human interaction while also staying safe.

The quarantine can be extremely lonely for most students, especially those accustomed to being social and attending school functions. By actively participating in online classes and engaging with peers, students can alleviate some of that loneliness.

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