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Come on through to the Brahma drive-thru Pantry provides students with support and necessities
The campus has not returned to its preCOVID bustling daily activity, but Pierce College is reaching out and giving students a helping hand.
Pierce held a Brahma Pantry and Basic Needs Program Drive-Thru event on Oct. 14, from 2-3 p.m., at the Student Dropoff.
Brahma Pantry and Basic Needs lead coordinator D’arcy Corwin talked about the importance of spreading awareness for the event.
“I always want students to know that they have a support system in our program and at Pierce,” Corwin said. “I feel amazing when the students connect with us and show that they want our support because I never want students to feel isolated.”
Corwin said that in order to be eligible for these services, a student needs to be enrolled in a one credit or non-credit course. In order to reserve a ticket, students need to sign up through the “Brahma Pantry Welcome Form” that can be found on the Pantry’s website. From there, their application will be reviewed and validated.
“I want to make it known that even if a student may not be able to get a care package at that moment, we will definitely make sure a student comes away with something and receives services,” Corwin said.
Students who participated in Thursday’s event were able to take home both a vegetarian wrap and a protein chicken wrap, depending on their dietary restrictions.
Everytable is a program that the Brahma Pantry works with to provide meals that are pre-packaged. Students can heat them up without cooking involved, which is easy and healthy, Corwin said. All packages go to students and if some are not distributed, they will be given at a different event.
The Brahma Pantry also provides care packages that include shelf-stable items such as dry pasta, rice, pasta sauce, different snacks and toiletries.