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Brief: Mandatory COVID-19 testing extended a few weeks
Cleared4 at any time, and can schedule appointment times for COVID-19 testing, upload vaccination status or fill out an exemption form.
Exemption forms must be filled out at least two days in advance prior to the deadline day to give the District enough time to look over and approve it.

LACCD Director of Communications and External Relations William Boyer wrote in an email that students and faculty should complete the requirements as soon as possible, and to contact the District if they have not yet received any emails from Cleared4.
“Do not waste valuable time contacting the District,” Boyer wrote. “Due to the volume of last-minute requests, it might take Cleared4 up to 48 hours or longer to respond to your request.”
“It’s pretty easy because we just place the items in the students' trunks when they drive up to campus,” Corwin said.
The Brahma Pantry also supports students through referrals to campus and community student support programs, CalFresh enrollment support, case-management support, rental assistance and anything else they may need Corwin said.
Along with their partnership with Everytable, members of the LAPC Bookstore help with purchases and organizing.
Brahma Pantry volunteer Kimberly Castillo said that the event is a huge benefit to the community.
“I think a lot of our students during these times really are in need,” Castillo said. “I give props to D’arcy from the Brahma Pantry who put this toether and to everyone else who’s here volunteering to support our students.”
Corwin said that she has received emails from students that have given her positive feedback and shown appreciation for the services.
“Students were saying that it was like opening a present,” Corwin said. “They said that it felt like it was a holiday to receive all the fun stuff so that made me feel good.”
Jeannine Fisher came to the event to pick up a care package and said how grateful she was for the service.
“Oh my, this has been such a complete blessing,” Fisher said. “Things are a little tight and this helps take some of the stress off of me financially.” glomeli.roundupnews@gmail.com
Brief: Bots in late start classes
BY TRISHA ANAS Editor-in-Chief
BY TRISHA ANAS AND ANGIE ALVAREZ Editor-in-Chief and Reporter
The Los Angeles Community College District announced a grace period for compliance with the vaccination mandate, which was put into effect on Sept. 1.
Board Policy 2900 required faculty and students who plan on being on campus to submit either proof of full vaccination status or a medical exemption form by Oct. 18.
Pierce College Student Health Center Assistant Loralyn Frederick said that the policy also requires everyone to get a free baseline COVID-19 test with the company Biocept, regardless of vaccination status.

The deadline has been extended to Nov. 3 at 5 p.m. for employees and Nov. 19 at 5 p.m. for students.
To register, faculty and students need to first make an account on Biocept’s system, Cleared4, via an email link from “no-reply@cleared4work.com.”
From there, each person will be given a unique link where they’ll be able to access
Boyer wrote that if anyone is having trouble with their accounts or needs their link resent, they should contact the Cleared4 Help Desk immediately via covidcolleges@biocept.com.
COVID-19 testing hours at Pierce are on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the North Gym 5600.
With late-start classes beginning next week, students are not the only ones who are registered.
Pierce Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
Donna-Mae Villanueva sent an email warning professors to look for fake bots or bot students in the upcoming sessions.
“Thanks to our [distanced learning] team and Kim Rich in particular, we suspect many of these 'bot students ' are registered in several of our late-start classes that begin Oct. 25,” Villanueva wrote.
Office and Financial Aid, we are working on determining which ones are fake without breaching Title 5 regulations. Students cannot be removed without the burden of proof.” tanas.roundupnews@gmail.com and aalvarez.roundupnews@gmail.com tanas.roundupnews@gmail.com
Villanueva said that while this issue is concerning, they’re not allowed to automatically remove students.
“As soon as we know next steps, we may reach out to you to remove students,” Villanueva wrote.
Earlier this year, the California Student Aid Commision found that 105 of 116 colleges within the California Community College system were targeted by this financial aid scam.
“Working with the District
Front page: "Astrology" should've been "astronomy."
Opinions page: End of column was cut off.
"There will also be a Day of the Dead event which will be held on Nov. 1."
News page: End of article was cut off. " " We’re actually cleaning that to ensure that the system is working without failure.” LACCD Chancellor
Francisco Rodriguez said he will continue hosting the town hall webinars for more updates on the pandemic, COVID testing and vaccinations, as well as student and campus life. Rodgriguez also provided an FAQ sheet that addressed the most common questions asked during the town hall webinar as well as LACCD faculty members."
Campus Life: First column, fifth paragraph, "Earnest" is misspelled.
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