OKA Pierre-Alexandre CESBRON
DMA ébénisterie
Session 2014
Project approach Introduction
Introduction The DMA training gives a chance to view stages of a development of a project, from its concept to realization by way of communication. So it is a rich experience. I thank Ecole Boulle, the teachers and pupils with whom I have lived this experienced.
Plan This document presents the evolution of the creation and development for OKA project, so the parts of my presentation and dissertations are as follows. 1.
1 - Ecole Boulle, Hervé Abbadie, Paris, 2013 2 - Personal picture, Paris, 2014
In the first part, the analyses of the theme
“limit”, definitions or inspirations, the construction of
problematic and the proposition of creation.
2 2
In the second part, I explained the different
stages of construction, the process and technic to make this project. 3.
Finally, the conclusion deals with the project
and what this experience brought for me and what problems I had to be overcome.
02 Anglais
Limit Limit is a large theme, because it is a concentrate of profound concepts. It is used for many definitions, but I chose one which explains my project direction: the threshold. The Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales defines the limit like a “separation between two fields.Âť I focused my attention on this barrier because it is a moment of separation from one domain to another.
This threshold determines the domain of another. The gap gives rise to a crossing and thus to communication of the two spaces. This point of passage separates the inside from the outside. The action of crossing over, this threshold reminds me, of the transition between two distinct environments.
Project approach Introduction
Literary inspirations Threshold (the link between two entities ) is subject to a strategic point, it is sometimes voluntarily condemned . George Perec raises the image of the door in Espèces d’espaces ( P.77,78) «The doors separate .The door breaks the space, splits, prohibits, osmosis requires partitioning, there is me and my home, private, domestic, on the other side there are others, the world, the public. You can not go from one to the other by dropping back, you can not pass from one to the other, either one way or the other: you need a password, you must crossover the threshold, you must show your credentials; you must be contacted like a prisoner communicates with the outside.»
Inspired by this author I woud like to generate three main principles that define this threshold. The first concerns the extent of the crossing point, because if the «border» often seems clear and straightforward, it may happen that it is vague, gradual. One is a pivotal moment; the other is like time between two spaces. The second point is the ability to open or close, but why not imagine a situation ajar or simply close which prevents any interaction? Interactivity is also the third point of the exchange and it can be plain or multidirectional, etc... The latter factor depends on how the flow is made between the two spaces; this movement allows the transition and causes the action through, crossing the border, in short to cross the boundary.
04 Anglais
SOU FUJIMOTO Fujimoto wanted, to remove the concept of input and output. In this house the threshold notion is blurred, fuzzy. Discerning outdoors and indoors is difficult because windows and fine structures give illusion of ambivalence. This house, is a good representation of our society, if you think of a social network and open spaces, we want to break the compartments. The limit between public life and personal life is nested, hybridized … This opening to the world come from a societal inspiration, and a modified lifestyle. But we must adapt our daily objects in consequence…
3 - Sou Fujimoto, transpa- rente house, Tokyo, 2010 4 - Personal picture, Paris, 2014
- Question of the border Public / Private.
4 3
On the contrary, this tendency for everything which is public enables the name of the “cocooning” …
Project approach Introduction
TILT DESIGN “Quiet� is a chair for partion, it pushes the user to ignore his surroundings, to isolate himself. This furniture forms a microcosm. Indeed, the packed box is intended to detach the user from the environment around it and creates a small personal space in space. It reflects a desire to create a small world in the world. It is a kind of a secret, a place that promotes peace and comfort, so it prompts the user to get rid of earthly distractions.
In our society where everything goes at a very fast
- How to separate the living space from the work space?
pace, it seems necessary for individuals to take a step back, to refocus. Tilt design prompts the user to do one work in one place and give a time. This position seems
The imbalance in the question comes mainly from
to me a good response to stress and hyper activity in
the professional activity; it enters in the habitat with
our society. It is not to shut out the world, but to find a
technology, telecommuting, work overload...
balance between these two environments.
06 Anglais
Nicolas BAIER Mr. Baier asks the question of the separation of time of human activity, bringing together two separate pictures. The set depicts a man sleeping in a bed and his legs are activated in a workshop. It seems unclear whether the work haunts the dreams or if the dreams haunt work. One is required to do the other and vice versa, yet they are not compatible at the same time. Today many tools allow work to interfere in the personal sphere; it is a fact and there are in contradictions. But without any doubt it is possible to develop «thresholds» involved in the transition Work / Habitat. All this considerations lead me to this problem:
5 - Nicolas BAIER, Oli, Montréal, 2001 6 - Tilt Design, Quiet, Angleterre, 2013
- Alternation between rest and active life
How to separate the professional sphere from that of the family? How to make the transition from public to private sphere in the habitat?
Research & Development Concept
OKA Today people can work everywhere and at all times, because technologies follow us everywhere. OKA is a research project into both professional and personal life. So this piece of furniture is a wall cabinet for the home of a person responsible for a professional activity which takes an important place in his life and who wants to relieve their concerns once in their home. It combines two spaces: one personal visible in a normal time, to put this keys, personal mails, magazines‌ The second space is for business affairs: smartphone, attachÊ case, and other documents. The passage of these two spaces occurs with synchronized movements of six flaps. The total is framed with a wood belt. In is definitive form, the OKA having three materials application, massive paulownia* wood, blue lacquered plywood and black reconstituted leather. The congestion of this wall secretary is minimal so facilitate the passage so its dimensions are 1040 x 684 x 190 mm.
08 Anglais
Use I tried to answer these questions with a mural writing in entrance; it allows to file professional affairs (business smartphone, tie box, documents, computers) and expose the personal affairs of daily life (mails, magazines, keys). The transition from one medium to another is with the articulation of flaps. This furniture is aimed at people for whom professional activities play an important role and wish to relieve their concerns once at home. It will be fixed in the entrance of the house owner.
Research & Development Concept
Development The design and shape to the cabinet has evolved a lot. At the beginning it had 4 legs but in finely it dont had legs. This minimalist approach guided all of my research. However, the idea of including a lot of retractable lockers did not change. Because this principle gives the illusion of a barrier: the entrance passage is blocked when Oka is deployed and entrance is accessible when it is closed. It also can increase the depth effect, as if professional affairs in the cabinet were far, far into the wall, far away from private space! However, the principle mechanism was particularly difficult to develop because it has many constraints (invisible mechanism, little space, fluid movement, durability, ease of fabrication and
Lockers outside furniture, for private affairs, are not
built in the same way as professional lockers inside the secretary. Indeed domestic lockers contain more weight because it must integrate computer cables and mobile phone. It will be characterized by a belt of wood and outside lockers as a simple attachment system for private affairs. The choice of materials is made according to their specifications. Paulownia wood is used its for lightness and strength. Handmade plywood is used for is inside flat and painted parts ( flaps ) and synderme* for wallets of protections, because it’s an adherent surface.
10 Anglais
Description The set is comprised of a frame made of paulownia wood and a network of six flaps with synchronized movements. The mechanism of these elements is hidden between the base and the lower part of the frame. These flaps are painted in a dull blue color and furnished with solid wood lockers and synderme* coating. The base supporting these elements will also be covered with synderme. The final dimensions of the furniture will measure 1040x640x200mm.
Research & Development Concept
Mechanism After conception, an extensive research mechanism was developed. It consisted of three parts: the axes of rotation, the base and the rod*. The axis of rotation is the same for all flaps. This pivot*latch allows disassembling the base of the flaps and ensures the pivoting through 90 째. To manufacture these metal pivots, I took help of jewellery students because the precision of holes required a specific knowledge and tools (precision milling).
The element used to synchronize the movement connected to rod* is attached in the rear of the cabinet to the flaps. The rod* and support are made in multiwall to have to maximum strength and stability. After cutting the layers of multiwall, I traced with the help of a laser control tool for have the most accurate measures. Then, I engrave with the portable router* each of the grooves* and chamfers*. After that, I pasted different items to form the multiwall of the base and the connecting rod*, so I took this opportunity to insert pivot latches in the sandwich multiwall. The accuracy of all these operations was extreme care because the slightest shift generates imperfections and affects the whole mechanism, so it should be accurate to a tenth of a millimeter.
Research & Development Concept
Lockers On lockers, three item types were achieved: the flaps, the wooden part and wallets in Synderme. The flaps were made in plywood by me with urea-formaldehyde glue and wood veneer of samba. After being machined with jigs and router, I drilled the axes of rotation on the edges of the flaps and inserted metal socket to reduce my wear. Finally after a meticulous ginning I sprayed, a blue matt lacquer on them. Wooden fittings are used to stiffen the shelf, it was necessary to pay attention to the grain of the wood. The pieces were made with solid wood, like a wooden sculpture. So I glued wooden blocks, then I machined
Wooden fittings are used to stiffen the shelf, it was was
the parts of the wood through the planer*, chisels* and
necessary to pay attention to the sense of grain of the
wood. The pieces are made with solid wood, a bit like sculpture. So I glued wooden blocks, then I machined
Concerning wallets in synderme, I just developed in a
parts wood through my planer, my chisels and digital
plan to the desired shape, and I used the laser cutting.
control router.
Then, I only had to get them in shape by folding and fixed of them by a glue fish.
Concerning wallets in synderme, I just made a plan developed to the desired shape, and I used the laser cutting. It only remained for me to get them in shape by folding fixed by glue fish.
The frame of OKA is made into nine parts: Four sides, four bends and one metal structure. The sides are grooved with a circular saw to slide a strip to stabilize then. The bends are made with a turned wood, then cut for planed references connecting to the sides. All of this is assembled by pins and secured by a metal structure (wich was welded it beforehand.)
Conclusion of experience Difficulties
Difficulties Management of workshop time was difficult because, for me, the starting of making to the project is late. In more, my project requires a lot of CNC* machining time, but this machine is widely used,so I organized my work in a specific way. Meanwhile, the paulownia wood is very tender, I must be careful for not accidentally damaging it, which involves a lot of precautions. Finally the result of mechanical device was unpredictable, it was necessary to adjust dimensions and technical process after trying.
Glossary - Paulownia wood : It is a Japanese leafy wood, imported to Europe in 1834 - Synderme : reconstituted leather with a rubber binder - Rod : is a mechanical part for synchronizing the movement of all seats - Pivot : it is like a hinge which is listed removed
- Portable router : It is a portative wood machine for profiling as splindle moulcer
Boulle school will promote the OKA at the end of my
- chamfers : It is a flat profil inclined to 45°
diploma, if the furniture is pleasing to some visitors
-grooves : It is a profil like a canal in the material
and that its function is viable in the time, I intend to
- CNC : It is a digital control router
run an edition of 15 copies. Indeed, the study of the
- Planer : It is a manual tool for creating surfaces
project is already done, and the prototype is validated,
- Chisels : It is a typical manual tool of a cabinet maker
so only distribution of the product is left to be done...
for notch, nick and cut solid wood.
However, the manufacturing costs probably involve a price of approximately 2,500 â‚Ź. So OKA will address only to a clientele of a well to do category people. It is, therefore preferable that I plan to sell the production in a partnership with a deluxe edition home, gallery or a premium retailer.
I am indebted to the DMA, of the Boulle school, its professors and students.
They provided me an
opportunity to progress and in learning the arts and crafts and designing activity. It included the project approach applied to OKA and also conducted worshops and decision making. Its design and manufacture workshops taught me to manage my time mutch better and understand how to undertake and manage the unexpected. So it was a rich experience where I had to invest my body and soul! The theme of limit has inspired me for a lifetime ! Thank you Mrs Garg and Mrs Briard for these moments.
École Boulle 9-21 rue Pierre Bourdan
75012 . PARIS