Christina Conrad - All Along the Dark Avenues of the Soul - exhibition catalogue

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you are the one – the one who lays the ghosts all along the dark avenues of the soul you plant thorn trees to commemorate the dead you are the one – the one who binds the bodies in labyrinth after labyrinth you wander you are the one – the one who anoints the one who binds the bodies all along the dark avenues of the soul

-Christina Conrad

1. Ah merciful one 190 x 150 mm

2. The Button Collector’s Dream 310 x 340 mm

3. The Holy Mother 450 x 70 x 150 mm

4. The Weight of the Yellow one Caused the Mauve one to go away 330 x 170 mm

5. She was Unforgiving, he would not say sorry 330 x 160 mm

6. The Disappointed One becomes warlike 290 x 140 mm

7. The Button Collectors Daughter 470 x 90 mm

8. Stoneking - Love Pitching Into Chaos 360 x 160 mm

9. Monkey called Moose 200 x 150 mm

10. In the Eye of a Serpent 200 x 150 mm

11. The Long Wait 350 x 80 mm

12.Thru Glass Darkly 300 x 100 mm

13. Beloved of a beloved of a beloved 500 x 130 mm

14. (Small one) dubious one 150 x 75 mm

15. She shalt remain Buttoned 330 x 100 mm

16. The Long Suck 410 x 140 mm

17. Some of Them learned to knit 320 x 150 mm

18. Love 340 x 110 mm

19. Fortitude my Lover 500 x 85 mm

20. Blue Horror 410 x 190 mm

21. All day the cat sat in the long grass horror stalked 400 x 130 mm

22. The Eternal Stare 340 x 110 mm

23. Gone - gone 380 x 230 mm

24. All my beloved - ghosts 250 x 270 mm

25. Guardians of the Tomb 450 x 90 mm

26. A Cock Lept 460 x 60 mm

27. Head Hunter 500 x 120 mm

28. Greedy for love he stared hard 230 x 160 mm

29. Chariot of the damned 220 x 290 mm

30. While She cavorted He left 480 x 190 mm

31. Yellow one brooded, Pink one slid into Oblivion 200 x 80 mm

32. She longed for a Pink Bag 330 x 170 mm

33. He gloated, She wept dolls legs 410 x 120 mm

34. She was a disbeliever, he was gullible 450 x 90 mm

35. Her Aching Teeth 180 x 70 mm

36. The Ancient One 240 x 80 mm

37. Tiger Dreaming 440 x 150 mm

38. The Fickle One 270 x 60 mm

39. A Duplicate Pair 260 x 70 mm

40. The Elusive one shut his high wooden gates 270 x 110 mm

fox glove it was last year same time same time as this the sweet peas were black by the side of the road I did not know the fox gloves then last year same time same time as this I was hidden hidden by the walls dark red a long road lay between us the hills were burnt black black the manuka trees black black the sweet peas by the side of the road I did not know the fox gloves then the throats of the fox gloves are spotted spotted inside the black storm has passed leaving the river yellow & swollen at the foot of the house the leaves of the fox gloves are pale fur between the hills I shall never know the river yet I bathe my head in its waters walk on its smooth stones I shall never know the trees that stand on the other side I know only the fox gloves the fox gloves ~ Christina Conrad

All Along The Dark Avenues of The Soul

18th August - 2nd October 2016

All earthen ware clay fired to 1100 degrees, painted w/ slip oxcide, applied when wet All works POA and made 2016 1. Ah merciful one 190 x 150 mm 2. The Button Collectors Dream

310 x 340 mm

3. The Holy Mother

450 x 70 x 150 mm

flat icon

4. The Weight of the Yellow one Caused the Mauve one to go away 330 x 170 mm 5. She was Unforgiving he would not say sorry

330 x 160 mm

6. The Disappointed One becomes Warlike

290 x 140 mm

7. The Button Collectors Daughter

470 x 90 mm

8. Stoneking – Love Pitching into Chaos 9. Monkey called Moose

360 x 160 mm 200 x 150 mm

10. In the Eye of a Serpent

340 x 130 mm

11. The Long Wait 350 x 80 mm 12. Thru Glass Darkly 300 x 100 mm 13. Beloved of a beloved of a beloved 14. (Small one) dubious one

500 x 130 mm 150 x 75 mm

15. She shalt remain Buttoned

330 x 100 mm

16. The Long Suck

410 x 190 mm

17. Some of them Learned to Knit

320 x 150 mm

18. Love 340 x 110 mm 19. Fortitude my Lover

500 x 85 mm


20. Blue Horror 410 x 190 mm icon 21. All day the cat sat in the long grass horror stalked

400 x 130 mm


22. The Eternal Stare

340 x 110 mm

23. Gone – gone

380 x 230 mm

flat icon

24. All my beloved – ghosts

250 x 270 mm

flat icon

25. Guardians of the Tomb

450 x 90 mm


26. A Cock Lept 460 x 60 mm icon 27. Head Hunter 500 x 120 mm icon 28. Greedy for love he stared hard

230 x 160 mm

29. Chariot of the damned

220 x 290 mm

30. While She Cavorted He Left

480 x 190 mm

flat icon

31. Yellow one brooded, Pink one slid into Oblivion

200 x 800 mm

32. She longed for a pink bag

330 x 170 mm

33. He gloated she wept dolls legs

34. He was a Disbeliever she was Gullible

410 x 120 mm

230 x 100 mm

35. Her Aching Teeth

180 x 70 mm

36. The Ancient One

240 x 80 mm

37. Tiger Dreaming

440 x 150 mm

38. The Fickle One

270 x 60 mm

39. A Duplicate Pair

260 x 70 mm

40. The Elusive one shut his high wooden gate

270 x 110 mm

________________________________________________ LITHOGRAPHS

1. Love


540 x 250 mm


2. Some blackened creativity


450 x 650 mm

ed. 7/18

3. Gloves


640 x 455 mm

ed. 3/10


370 x 560 mm

ed. 10/17 + ed. 11/17

5. The final judgement


380 x 560 mm


4. The Dream x2

pierre peeters galleries 251 PARNELL RD, PARNELL, AUCKLAND +64 9 3774832 WWW.PIERREPEETERSGALLERY.COM

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