Harry Wong

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HARRY WONG COASTAL RHYTHMS 25 September - 20 October 2012

251 Parnell Road: Habitat Courtyard: Auckland: p.peeters@xtra.co.nz (09)3774832 :www.ppg.net.nz

25 September-20 October 2012

Harry Wong; Coastal Rhythms “The languages of the spirit are but the supervibrations of the great physical nature.” Vasarely

Harry Wong has long been fascinated by both Pop and Op Traditions. In his new exhibition, Coastal Rhythms, semi-abstract coastal forms painted on the reflective, luminous medium of Perspex, are endowed with graphic and optical potency. There is, in Wong’s ongoing preoccupations, an interest in exploring the shifting zone between the figurative and the abstract. He says, “...our brains compensate for what is missing ... I deliberately reduce unnecessary pictorial information that would detract from the essence of pure form which is the core of my non-objective study.” His previous series Strata, was informed, among other things, by the internal geometries, and layers of the earth. Victor Vasarely, Op Art’s originator, was initially inspired by the “inner geometry of nature” and on a holiday, the optical changefulness of coastal environs. Wong too, has long been moved by the phenomenon and macrocosmic implications of forms in nature, he says, “...it is this obvious rhythm that strikes in me an innermost chord.” In Coastal Rhythms this often conveyed with a sense of pulse; of units of colour-form or black and white resonating and vibrating against each-other. Pacific Harbour, is the historical lynchpin in Coastal Rhythms. It was painted on his signature medium of perspex for the 1978 Benson and Hedges Awards. It is the pre-cursor of Wong’s present-day interest in the ‘big picture’, of conveying the cyclical essence, of ebb and flow of nature through a lyrical and carefully composed series of forms suggestive of New Zealand’s coast-line.


The Whipping Room: oil on board: 600 x 420 mm 1 Ninety Mile Beach, Acrylic on Perspex , 2400 x 1200 mm

2 Headlands Far North, Acrylic on

n Perspex, 1100 x 2000 mm

3 Muriwai, Acrylic on Perspex, 2000 x 1500 mm

4 Piha, Acrylic on Perspex, 1200 x 1200 mm

5 Pacific Harbour 1978, Acrylic on Perspex, 2130 x 1240 mm



Ninety Mile Beach


Headlands Far North








Pacific Harbour 1978




251 Parnell Road: Habitat Courtyard: Auckland: p.peeters@xtra.co.nz (09)3774832 :www.ppg.net.nz

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