ONE Time for a change
2009. If there has been any other year so fraught, I cannot imagine when it was. The global economy has gone into freefall, banks and corporations have collapsed, possibly it is too late to make much of a difference to climate change, and now my daughter has announced she is leaving her husband of 20-odd years and going to live with her new man on the other side of the valley. I feel abandoned. I had a couple of strokes over a year ago that left me paralysed on the left side of my body. It has been a struggle really, as each day I make very small improvements, but not so that anyone would really notice. One of the things I find hard to accept is not being able to dress well. I am one of those people who like to look attractive. It takes at least an hour in the morning to wash and dress, by which time I feel exhausted. Pulling up my pants is a major enterprise, (gone are the days when I can wear a control body stocking), and trying to put on my bra is another. I have to pull the part with the hooks to the front of my body to meet the eyes on the other half and then after trapping my fingers several times, I have to twist the whole thing around and squeeze my weak arm into the armhole, and navigate the other arm into the other armhole and pull it up. I had a mastectomy a few years ago so I have a special bra that holds the prosthesis. You can imagine how heavy that is inside the cup, so the whole thing has to be hauled up and adjusted. I bought some specially designed mastectomy bras that are really very attractive but of course they are designed with both cups having a pocket. Consequently my remaining breast looks bundled up. Oh, I know I am an old lady now, but I still want to look good underneath my clothes. What I really need is a nice caring young man who will help me dress, and perhaps give me an encouraging stroke now and then. My ankles swell up. This has been an ongoing problem for many years. For some reason it has never been resolved, except briefly in hospital when I was put on a powerful diuretic and a urine catheter. Something wrong with kidneys no doubt. When I was younger I used to like to wear smart and sexy shoes. The last time I bought some really gorgeous shoes was twenty years ago. I am almost 80 now but still want to wear nice shoes. Instead I have to wear practical lace ups or flat Velcro fastened clodhoppers that don’t go with summer skirts. To stop my legs from swelling I have to wear support hose. You cannot imagine what a performance it is to take them off and even worse to put them on. I was already having