OVK Inligtingsgids

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OVK Groep Inligtingsgids Dan Pienaarstraat 19, Ladybrand Posbus 96, Ladybrand, 9745 Tel: 051 923 4500, Faks: 051 923 4584, E-pos: ovk@ovk.co.za Alle regte voorbehou. Geen gedeelte van hierdie boek mag sonder die skriftelike toestemming van die uitgewer gereproduseer of in enige vorm deur enige elektroniese of meganiese middel weergegee word nie, hetsy deur fotokopiĂŤring, skryf- of bandopname, of deur enige ander stelsel vir inligtingsbewaring of - ontsluiting.

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VOORWOORD / FOREWORD Die OVK Groep, met sy hoofkantoor in Ladybrand, is ’n vooruitstrewende landboumaatskappy en doen sake regoor Suid Afrika. Die OVK Groep streef deurentyd na die uitbreiding en verbetering van sy dienste aan alle belanghebbendes.

The OVK Group, with its head office in Ladybrand, is a progressive agricultural company doing business throughout South Africa. The OVK Group is continuously aspiring to extend and improve its services to all interested parties.

Die maatskappy is goed gediversifiseer met werksaamhede in verskeie landbougebiede en lewer ’n wye reeks produkte en dienste aan sy kliënte. Verder is die mandjie van produkte wat OVK vanaf sy produsente aankoop, of hanteer, ook goed gediversifiseerd (bv wol, sybokhaar, lewendehawe, graan, lusern, landbou insette, meganisasie, ens). Hierdie produkte word in uitgebreide droëland-, besproeiingsen ekstensiewe weidingsgebiede geproduseer en voorsien OVK volle ondersteuning in hierdie waardeketting.

The company is strongly diversified with activities in various agricultural areas and delivers a wide range of products and services to its clients. The basket of products OVK purchases from its producers and supply to its customers is also well diversified (e.g. wool, mohair, livestock, grain, lucerne, agricultural inputs, mechanisation, etc.). These products are produced in extensive dry land, irrigated and extensive grazing parts of our country, and OVK supplies full support in this value chain.

INDEKS / INDEX Graan ............................................................................. 1 Grain .............................................................................. 2 Nywerhede .................................................................... 3 Industries ....................................................................... 4 Handel ........................................................................... 5 Trade .............................................................................. 6 Meganisasie .................................................................. 7 Mechanisation ................................................................. 8 CMW .............................................................................. 9 CMW .............................................................................. 10 Wol & Bokhaar ............................................................... 11 Wool & Mohair ............................................................... 11 Lewendehawe................................................................. 12 Livestock ........................................................................ 12 Gariep Abattoir .............................................................. 13 Gariep Abattoir .............................................................. 14 Landboukundige Dienste ............................................. 15 Agricultural Services ..................................................... 16 Klientefinansiering ........................................................ 17 Client Financing ............................................................ 18 Lojaliteitskema ............................................................. 19 Loyalty Scheme ............................................................ 20 Versekering ................................................................... 21 Insurance ...................................................................... 22 Logistiek ........................................................................ 23 Logistics ........................................................................ 24 Kontakbesonderhede ................................................25,26 Contact Details ..........................................................25,26

GRAAN OVK Graan bied ’n alles omvattende diens aan die graanprodusent wat insluit die hantering van graan, maar beskik ook oor die kundigheid om effektiewe ondersteuning te bied met graanbemarking.

Dienste by die silo’s sluit in: -

Berging van graan namens produsente, kopers en opbergers; Droging van nat graan; Sif en skoonmaak van graan ten opsigte van giftige sade en gebrekkige pitte; Uitsak van graan; Voldoening aan voedsel-veiligheidstandaarde.

OVK Graan bedryf 15 silo’s: • Ficksburg • Morgenzon • Fouriesburg • Mortimer • Clocolan • Oranjerivier • Cradock • Prieska • Elliot • Rietrivier • Havengabrug • Tweespruit • Marseilles • Westminster • Modderpoort

Graanverkryging: Graanverkrygingskantore is in Bloemfontein, Ladybrand, Hopetown en Cradock. ’n Omvattende diens word aan produsente gebied en ’n bemarkingstrategie word ontwikkel volgens die produsent se behoeftes. Langtermyn besigheidsverhoudinge wat baseer word op vertroue en goeie diens aan produsente, is ons doelwit.





The Grain Department of OVK offers an all-inclusive service to grain-producers. Apart from the handling of grain OVK also provides clients with expert advice on grain-marketing.

Services at the silos comprise of the following: -

Grain-storage on behalf of producers, buyers and storage customers; Drying of wet grain; Screening and cleaning grain of poisonous seeds and inferior kernels; Sagging of grain; Compliance with food security standards

OVK Grain operates 15 silos at the following places: • Ficksburg • Fouriesburg • Clocolan • Cradock • Elliot • Havenga-brug • Marseilles • Modderpoort

• Morgenzon • Mortimer • Oranjerivier • Prieska • Rietrivier • Tweespruit • Westminster

Grain procurement: OVK has grain procurement offices at Bloemfontein, Ladybrand, Hopetown and Cradock. A long-term business relationship, based on excellent service and mutual trust, is the main priority. To this avail clients are provided with a comprehensive service which includes a marketing strategy to suit each client’s specific needs. www.ovk.co.za



NYWERHEDE Clocolan Koringmeule

OVK se koringmeule in Clocolan is een van die modernstes in Suid-Afrika en in pas met die beste ter wêreld. Daarmee saam word die maatskappy se reeks POWER-produkte by die meule vervaardig en verpak. Die hoogs gevorderde maaltoerusting bied voordele ten opsigte van pneumatiese vervoerstelsels, energiebesparing en kleiner siftingsruimte vanweë minder skeidingsprosesse. Beide die nuwe POWER asook die bekende SUPER BAKE- handelsnaam word verpak. Meel word landwyd versprei en is in klein verpakkings en in groter polipropileensakke beskikbaar. Die produkte sluit witbrood-, bruinbrood-, koekmeel, asook gemengde bruinbroodmeel in. Die produkreeks word in OVK se handelstakke, verskeie bakkerye asook aan die groot- en klein handel aangebied en is beskikbaar in verpakkings van 1 tot 50kg.

Tweespruit Meule

Tweespruit Meule is in 1974 gebou en vanaf 2004 is toerusting jaarliks opgradeer om in die toenemende vraag na ’n verskeidenheid kwaliteit-produkte in die mark te kan voorsien. Die meule vervaardig ’n groot verskeidenheid mieliemeel-produkte soos stampmielies, mielierys, super mieliemeel(OVK Super en POWER). 3


Alle produkte is beskikbaar in verpakkings van 1kg tot 80kg. Die meule voorsien ook geel gebreekte mielies, No 1 en No 2 geel meel asook nywerheidsmeel vir dieregebruik.

Ander Produkte

Tweespruit Meule is ook verspreiders van topkwaliteit-hondekos onder die handelsmerk PowerPaws. Pluimvee, gemengde hoenderkos en ’n verskeidenheid voëlsade en ander troeteldierkosse word ook vervaardig en verpak in verskillende grootte verpakkings.

Oos Vrystaat Kunsmis h/a AfriFert OVK belê in die idees en inisiatief van aandeelhouers. ’n Paar OVKaandeelhouers uit die Oos-Vrystaat het aangedui dat hulle ’n groeiende behoefte het om toegang te verkry tot unieke kunsmismengsels wat aan hul spesifieke behoeftes voldoen. OVK het gehoor gegee en saam met die produsente, Afrifert Bethlehem opgerig. AfriFert voorskrif mensel kan op kort kennisgewing vervaardig en aan produsente gelewer word. Dit onderskei hom van soortgelyke instansies. OVK kan dus nou ’n volledige diens beskikbaar stel en stel verhoogde landbouproduksie binne boere se bereik. Sakpas-kunsmismengsels is reeds vanaf September 2015 by alle OVK-handelstakke beskikbaar. www.ovk.co.za

INDUSTRIES Tweespruit Mill

Tweespruit Mill was established in 1974. Since 2004 equipment has been upgraded annually to provide in the growing demand for a variety of quality products. The mill produces a wide range of mealie meal products, among which samp, maize rice and super mealie-meal (both OVK Super and POWER). All products come in packaging ranging from 1kg to 80kg.

Clocolan Wheat Mill

The OVK wheat mill at Clocolan is one of the most modern in South Africa and on a par with the best in the world. The full range of the OVK POWER products is produced and packaged at Clocolan Mill. The advanced milling equipment offers the advantages of pneumatic transport systems, energy-saving and a smaller space required for sifting operations because of fewer separating processes. Packaging of meal is done under both the familiar SUPER BAKE as well as the new POWER trade-names. The meal is distributed country-wide in small-size packaging as well as in larger polypropylene bags. The product range includes white-bread and brown-bread meal, as well as cake flour and a mixed brown-bread meal. All of these come in packaging of 1kg to 50kg and are on the shelves at all OVK trade branches, at several bakeries, as well as in the wholesale and retail trade. www.ovk.co.za

The mill further supplies yellow, crushed mealies, No1 and No2 yellow mealie meal, as well as industrial meal for animal consumption.

Other Products

Tweespruit Mill also distributes top quality dog-food under the trade-name of PowerPaws. Mixed chicken-feed for poultry, a variety of bird-seed and other pet-foods are also manufactured.

Oos Vrystaat Fertiliser t/a AfriFert

OVK favours investing in the ideas and initiatives of share-holders. Several OVK share-holders from the eastern Free State has indicated a need for unique fertiliser mixtures, combined according to their specific requirements. OVK listened and together with the shareholders, established AfriFert. Since then AfriFert has come to distinguish itself from similar institutions and is now able to provide a unique fertiliser mixture for a producer within the hour. These made-to-order mixtures have since September 2015 become available at all OVK Trade-branches. In this way OVK brings higher production within reach of all farmers. INFORMATION GUIDE OVK


HANDEL OVK Handel is een van die maatskappy se grootste steunpilare. Die afdeling bestaan uit 51 handelstakke wat strek van Steynsrus in die noorde tot Willowmore in die suide en ook van Prieska in die weste tot Elliot in die ooste. Na gelang van die streek waarin daar besigheid gedoen word, is alle inset-middele wat ’n boerdery benodig by die takke verkrygbaar. Brandstof word ook by die meeste handelstakke verskaf. In sommige gevalle is dit die enigste vulstasie in die betrokke dorp of distrik. OVK beskik oor 4 handels-streekskantore. Hierdie kantore is gesetel in Ficksburg, Hopetown, Cradock en Burgersdorp. Die suksesvolle funksionering van elkeen van die handelstakke is die kerntaak van hierdie streekskantore. OVK se handelsstreekskantore en die handelstakke is dikwels die spil waarom die plaaslike ekonomie van die 51 dorpe draai. Enige persoon kan sy aankope by OVK se handelstakke doen en staatmaak op diens uit die boonste rakke, gekomplimenteer met ’n wye reeks van produkte en waardetoegevoegde diens.

Bandesentrums OVK bedryf 3 bandesentrums: Ficksburg, Ladybrand en Hopetown. Hierdie bandesentrums spog met opgeleide en gemotiveerde personeel wat hul kliĂŤnte se behoeftes voorop stel. Sommige van die handelstakke beskik ook oor die basiese gereedskap vir die herstel van bande, wat selfs na-ure kan uithelp in noodgevalle.

Brandstof-verspreidingspunte OVK bedryf 6 brandstof-verspreidingspunte, wat in strategiese vennootskap met Total-, Shell- en Engen bedryf word. Hierdie punte is strategies oor die OVK-bedieningsgebied versprei. Brandstof word met 19 goed toegeruste brandstofvragmotors en sleepwaens afgelewer aan die handelstakke, boere en ander eindverbruikers.


The OVK Retail division is one of the stalwarts of the company. OVK Trade comprises 51 trade branches, which are situated across the country – from Steynsrus in the north to Willowmore in the south and from Prieska in the west to Elliot in the east. In accordance with the area of business, all input means required by farmers are available at the branches. Fuel is also provided at most of the branches and in some cases ours is the only service station in the town or district. OVK runs 4 trade regional offices. These are situated in Ficksburg, Hopetown, Cradock and Burgersdorp. The successful functioning of each of the trade-branches is the main task of these regional offices. In many instances these trade regional offices and the trade-branches form the nucleus of the local economy of the 51 districts. The OVK trade-branches are available to all and sundry for their purchases and they can count on expert service, complimented by a full range of products and services with value added services.

Tyre centrums OVK operates three tyre service centres at Ficksburg, Ladybrand and Hopetown. These tyre centres all employ expert and motivated personnel to whom the needs of their clients are paramount. Some of the trade-branches also have the basic means to repair tyres at their disposal and can even supply afterhours support in cases of urgent need.

Fuel distribution depots OVK runs 6 fuel distribution depots, in strategic partnership with Total, Shell and Engen. These depots are situated strategically across the OVK service area. Fuel is delivered with 19 well-equipped fuel-trucks and trailers to all the trade-branches, as well as to farmers and other end users. www.ovk.co.za



MEGANISASIE OVK Meganisasie bied ’n volledige produkreeks en diens aan landbouers binne die bedienings-area ten opsigte van die bemarking van heel goedere, onderdele asook werkswinkelfasiliteite. OVK Meganisasie bedryf agentskappe vir Claas in Hopetown en Cradock, terwyl agentskappe vir Massey-Ferguson, Challenger en Sunflowerprodukte in Bethlehem, Ficksburg, Clocolan, Cradock en Ladybrand gesetel is. Oor OVK se totale bedieningsgebied is ons die agente vir die Jupidex-produkreekse. Die Massey Ferguson en Challenger agentskap sal mettertyd verder oor die OVK gebied uitgerol word.

Toyota-agentskappe: OVK besit en bedryf die Toyota-agentskappe in Ficksburg en Ladybrand. Toyotavoertuie kan oor die hele land aan kliënte gelewer word. Nuwe en gebruikte voertuie kan by ons handelaars aangekoop word. ’n Volledige diens- en onderdele-afdeling, met kundige werkswinkelpersoneel, is eweneens tot u die kliënt se beskikking.




MECHANISATION OVK Mechanisation makes the full package of products and services available to farmers within our area of operations. This includes the marketing of whole-goods and spare parts as well as workshop facilities. Claas agencies are based in Hopetown and Cradock, while agencies for Massey-Ferguson, Challenger and Sunflower-products operate from Bethlehem, Ficksburg, Clocolan, Cradock and Ladybrand. Over all of the OVK area of operations we are the agents for the Jupidex ranges. The Massey Ferguson and Challenger product range and services will be expanded in the bigger footprint of the company in due course.

Toyota Agencies: OVK holds the franchise for Toyota at Ficksburg and Ladybrand from where Toyota vehicles can be supplied to clients all over our operational area. Our traders provide both new and pre-owned vehicles. The full service range and spare parts, with expert workshop staff, are also available to our valued clients.




CMW (Cape Mohair and Wool) OVK se veselafdeling, CMW, is die grootste hanteerder van sybokhaar in die wêreld en die tweede grootste wolmakelaar in Suid-Afrika. Cape Merino asook Premium Pure Cape (PPC) is CMW se gehalte handelsmerke waarmee gepoog word, nie net om premie-pryse vir produsente te verdien nie, maar om die aanbod van gehalte-wol aan te moedig. Hierdie handelsmerke dien as waarborg dat wol en sybokhaar geproduseer word in ’n spesifieke omgewing – en onder diervriendelike toestande. CMW se hanterings-fasiliteite van wêreld-gehalte in Port Elizabeth spog met nuut geïnstalleerde masjinerie. Dit sluit in die nuwe aflaai-fasiliteit vir vragmotors en die nuwe Hoë Digtheidspers vir verskeping. Die wol en sybokhaar hanterings-fasiliteite beslaan ’n vloer-oppervlakte van meer as 8 hektaar. Die werwing van wol en sybokhaar word gerugsteun deur landswye,



professionele Tegniese Velddienste wat ’n enorme bydrae lewer tot die genetiese verbetering van wolskape en angorabokke, asook die kommersiële prestasie van wol, sybokhaar en vleis-produksie. Skeerdienste ook deur hierdie afdeling gekoördineer, deur gehalte skeerders (handspanne of masjienspanne) vir skape en sybokke beskikbaar te stel. Tans het CMW tussen 800 – 1000 skeerders in diens wat rondom 3,4 miljoen KVE per jaar skeer. ’n Opleidings program vir aspirant skeerders word ook bygehou. Uniek aan die CMW skeerdiens is die implementering van die “karretjie spanne” waar slegs 2 skeerders per karretjie opereer. Dit maak die skeerders makliker hanteerbaar en meer koste-effektief vir skeervloere van kleiner as 600 KVE. Die klientefinansieringsafdeling van CMW in Port Elizabeth kan aan goedgekeurde produsente ’n voorskot teen vesel-lewerings toestaan.


CMW (Cape Mohair and Wool) CMW, the Wool, Mohair and Livestock brokering division of OVK, the largest mohair broker in the world and the second largest wool broker in South Africa. With our sought after Cape Merino and Premium Pure Cape (PPC) quality trade-marks we seek, not only to earn price premiums for our producers, but to encourage the production of quality wool. These trademarks vouch for the quality against which wool and mohair have been produced in a specific environment - and under humane animal handling conditions. With its newly-installed machinery the handling facilities of CMW in Port Elizabeth are world-class. These include the off-load facilities for trucks, and High Density Press, prior to shipping. The CMW facilities in Port Elizabeth cover over 8 hectares. The business of CMW centres around the marketing of wool and mohair on the National Wool and Mohair Exchange in Port Elizabeth, of which some 90% is destined for overseas plants. In South Africa CMW counts for one of only two brokers which have the facilities to export both wool and mohair for local buyers. The procurement of wool and mohair is backed by a nationally positioned, professional Technical Field-service team which makes an enormous contribution towards the improvement of the genetics of wool-sheep and angora goats, as well as the commercial achievements www.ovk.co.za

of wool-, mohair- and meat-production. This department also co-ordinates our shearing-service by making quality shearers (both hand-shearing and machine teams) available to producers. CMW currently employs between 800 – 1 000 shearers who shear some 3,4million SSU (Small Stock Unit) per annum. A training programme for novice shearers ensures the continuity of skills. A unique feature of the CMW shearingservice has been the implementation of the two-man ‘karretjie’ teams. These teams make shearing for clips below 600 SSU easier to operate and more costeffective. INFORMATION GUIDE OVK


WOL & BOKHAAR / WOOL & MOHAIR OVK se veselafdeling, CMW, behartig die bemarking van wol en sybokhaar, op die Wol-en-Sybokhaarbeurs. Plaaslike vesel-makelaars, sowel as wol- en sybokhaar kopers word op die beurs verteenwoordig, wat hier meeding om vesel te bekom vir internasionale kliënte. CMW is tans beide plaaslik en internasionaal die grootste sybokhaarmakelaar. Wol en sybokhaar word vooraf voorberei en getoets om te voldoen aan gehalte-indikatore soos mikron en skoonopbrengs alvorens dit op die veiling aangebied word. Die objektiewe meting word deur die Woltoetsburo gedoen. Danksy hersortering kan die waardetoevoeging tot soveel as 30% bedra. Veselvolumes wat nie aan die toegelate minimum volume voldoen om op veiling verkoop te word nie, word in die saamverpakkings afdeling geprosesseer, waarná ’n markverwante prys deur CMW aan die produsent aangebied word. Wol word ingevolge die internasionale AWEX (Australian Wool Exchange)-stelsel getipeer om te verseker dat vergelykbare en markverwante pryse behaal word. Die tekort aan arbeid op plase met skeertyd is ’n groter-wordende probleem en bemoeilik die uitsoek van wol- en sybokhaarstukkies. Hierdie probleem het aanleiding gegee tot die ontstaan van CMW se wol- en sybokhaar hersortering-afdelings binne die CMW pakhuis in Port Elizabeth waar die sortering van stukkies geskied. 11


CMW acts as broker for the small-stock farmer in the marketing of raw wool and mohair, which is traded on the Wool and Mohair Exchange. Local brokers, as well as wool and mohair buyers, are all represented on the Exchange where they compete to acquire raw wool and mohair for international clients and processors. Currently CMW is the largest mohair broker globally and locally attains a mohair share of approximately 80%. As wool-broker CMW is the second largest - and still gaining market-share. Wool and mohair are prepared and tested by the Wool Testing Bureau and comply to international standards regarding testing and marketing. Relevant price indicators such as clean-yield, fibre diameter, tensile strength and other characteristics are attained for catalogue preparations before being auctioned. The shortage of farm-labour during shearing is a growing problem which hampers the on-farm sorting of wool and mohair. Thus that CMW have implemented a sorting division to minimise the problem and increase sorting quality by sorting wool in-house at their warehouse in Port Elizabeth. The value adding, as a result of the re-sorting service, could amount to as much as 30%. Fibre volumes which do not comply with the minimum requirements are processed in the binning department, after which CMW offer the producer a market-related price. Wool is appraised according to the international AWEXID (Australian Wool Exchange) typing system, to ensure that comparable and market-related prices are paid. www.ovk.co.za

LEWENDEHAWE / LIVESTOCK OVK se Lewendehawe afdeling se Tegniese en Bemarkings beamptes is uitstekend geplaas om landwyd ’n omvattende diens te lewer. Met ’n personeel korps van 112 het hierdie afdeling homself met mening in die veilings-bedryf gevestig en naam gemaak met sy puik diens aan beide kopers en verkopers. CMW Lewendehawe is bekend vir sy professionele aanbieding van veilings vir stoetvee, landbou-masjinerie, boerdery staak veilings, asook produksie-, slagvee- en wild-veilings. Abattoirs en voerkrale word ook deurlopend voorsien. CMW Lewendehawe verskaf deskundige advies met stoetvee-dienste, algemene produksie-bestuur, vervoer koördinering en advertensie veldtogte. Tans is CMW die enigste lewendehawe-onderneming wat internet-veilings suksesvol aanbied. CMW stel hom met sy alles-in-een diens ten doel om landwyd die vee-produsent se eerste keuse as afslaers-groep te wees. Vir verdere inligting rakende ons dienste, kan u CMW Lewendehawe gerus skakel of kontak maak met u plaaslike CMW Lewendehawe bemarkings-agent.


OVK Livestock division, with its excellent footprint and infrastructure throughout the major stock-farming areas of South Africa offers a holistic livestock brokering service to producers and the meat trade. Its 112 field agents and livestock marketers render services tailor-made to provide for clients’ needs, ranging from general production advice, stud services and transport co-ordination to the dissemination of market information and the sourcing of livestock for farmers, abattoirs and feed-lots. Add to this CMW’s established markets and numerous product outlets, its growth in market-share is second to none. The professional services rendered by CMW Livestock vouch for its position as leading livestock broker. Nationally CMW remains a leader in ONLINE (electronic) livestock auctions! With eleven years of experience under the belt in this vital trading niche CMW succeeds in connecting sellers and buyers instantly. For further information CMW Livestock may be contacted, as well as your local CMW Livestock representative.



GARIEP ABATTOIR Gariep Abattoir met sy aanleg in Strydenburg in die Noord-Kaap, lewer ’n verskeidenheid dienste wat geskoei is op integriteit en gehalte. Die abattoir hanteer groot- sowel as kleinhandelverkope. Die abattoir is ’n hoëdeursetfasiliteit wat jaarliks FSA-geoudit word. Die huidige gradering is ’n A, wat hul magtig om vleis aan



kettingwinkelgroepe te lewer. Die slagkapasiteit van die abattoir wissel rondom 1 300 skaap, 100 bees, 150 volstruis of 750 kleinwild per dag. ’n Vleisinspekteur en vleisondersoekers onderneem inspeksies van die slagdiere alvorens goedkeuring vir menslike gebruik toegestaan word. Sodanige inspekteurs en ondersoekers funksioneer onafhanklik van die abattoir en vorm deel van IMQAS.


GARIEP ABATTOIR Gariep Abattoir based in Strydenburg in the Northern Cape, provides a variety of meat products. Their stance is one of quality and integrity. The abattoir handles both wholesale and retail transactions. Gariep Abattoir is a high throughput facility which is FSA-audited annually.


Their current abattoir grading is A, which certifies the supply of fresh meat, carcasses and products to retail chain stores. The slaughter capacity of the abattoir varies around 1300 sheep, 100 cattle, 150 ostriches or 750 small game per day. A meat inspector conducts tests on all carcasses before approval is granted for human consumption. These inspectors operate independently of the abattoir and form part of IMQAS.




Weens die snelle tegnologiese ontwikkeling en vooruitgang van boerderypraktyke en instrumente het ’n toenemende behoefte by produsente ontstaan vir landboukundige advies en bystand in dié verband. Van ’n bloot raadgewende begin, het die afdeling binne 6 jaar uitgebrei tot sy huidige kapasiteit en funksioneer dit tans op die voorfront van die nuutste tegnologie. So het OVK die eerste landboumaatskappy geword wat besproeiing-skedulering gebruik wat vogdata deur middel van ’n modem direk aan kliënte kan verskaf. Daar word voorts gebruik gemaak

van ’n skandeerder om grondfisiese en grond-chemiese faktore te bepaal, asook van die varieerbare toediening van korrelbemesting in presisieboerdery. Dienste word aangebied vir die totale siklus van die boerdery, van die bewerking-stadium tot met die oesaktiwiteite. Waardetoevoeging is die kernaspek van hierdie afdeling. Die bystand van kundiges in grondkunde, akkerboukunde, weidingsbestuur en geografiese inligtingstelsels (GIS) stel produsente in staat om hul volle potensiaal te ontsluit ten einde maksimaal winsgewend te kan boer.

Dienste wat gebied word: • ATV: Ontsluit die waarde van u besigheid deur ’n groot verskeidenheid hoogs tegnologies gevorderde presisie-boerderydienste en -produkte. • GIS-stelsel: Bestuur u opbrengs en wins met behulp van die meting van grond. • Innoverende Tegnologiese Oplossings: Sluit Terrasen (GPRS) en Terrascan (Gamma-ray) in. 15



AGRICULTURAL SERVICES As a result of the rapid advance in technology and the concurrent progress in farming-practices and instruments, farmers experienced a growing need for agricultural advice and support in this respect. While the department initially merely operated in an advisory capacity, it rapidly expanded to its current position at the forefront of the latest technology – all within six years. In this way OVK became the first agricultural company to develop an irrigation schedule which is able to supply clients with moisture data directly

by means of a modem. A scanner is also used to determine soil-physical and soilchemical factors, as well as the variable application of fertiliser in precision farming. Services are available for the complete farming cycle - from the cultivation stage right through to the harvesting activities. To add value is the main purpose of this department. The assistance of experts in soil and agriculture, grazing management and geographic information systems (GIS) enables producers to achieve their full potential to farm profitably.

Services offered: • ATV: Unlock the optimal value of your business by means of a variety of technologically advanced precision farming services and products. • GIS-system: Manage your yield and profit by having your soil analysed. • Innovative Solutions: These include Terrasen (GPRS) and Terrascan (Gamma-ray).




KLIËNTE-FINANSIERING Die Kliëntefinansiering afdeling se hoofdoelwit is om die nodige krediet fasiliteite aan kliënte beskikbaar te stel sodat hulle al die ander dienste en produkte wat OVK bied, tot hul voordeel kan benut. Enige Suid-Afrikaanse burger kan by OVK aansoek doen om finansiering en alle aansoeke word op meriete hanteer.

Verskeie finansieringsprodukte is beskikbaar: • Maandrekeninge • Produksierekeninge (somer, winter, 3-, 6-, 9- of 12 maande) . • Huurkooprekeninge (nuwe of tweedehandse voertuie en implemente) • Termynlenings (vee, kalk, omheiningsmateriaal, presisieboerdery) • Voorskotte op vesellewerings • Oorbruggingsfasiliteite op grond van meriete is beskikbaar • Beleggingsrekening (lening F) : ’n Fasiliteit waar ’n OVK-aandeelhouer geld by OVK kan belê en rente verdien teen prima rentekoers minus 2,5%.

Voordele: Rentekoerse • Mededingend; • Hoe beter die sekuriteit, hoe laer die koers; • Enkelvoudig bereken; • Maandrekenings is rentevry indien vereffen voor die einde van die maand wat volg op die maand van aankope Fooie • Geen aanvangsfooi • Geen maandelikse administrasiefooie • Geen onbenutte fasiliteitsfooie 17



CLIENT FINANCING The main purpose of the OVK Client Financing Department is to provide credit facilities to clients to enable them to benefit from all the other products and services available to OVK clients. Any South African citizen can apply for financing with OVK and all applications are dealt with on merit.

A variety of financing products are available: • Monthly accounts • Production accounts (summer, winter, 3-, 6-, 9- or 12 months). • Hire-purchase account (new or second-hand vehicles and equipment) • Term loans (livestock, lime, fencing material, precision farming) • Advances on fibre deliveries • Bridging facilities based on merit are available. • Investment account (Shareholder loan F) – a facility whereby an OVK shareholder can invest with OVK and earn interest at a prime rate minus 2.5% per annum.

Advantages: Interest rates • Competitive; • The better the security, the lower the rate; • Single compounded interest rate • Monthly accounts are interest-free when settled before the end of the month following the month of purchase Fees • No initiation fees; • No monthly administration fees. • No unutilized facility fees.




LOJALITEITSKEMA Die doel Om produsente te beloon vir hul lojale ondersteuning by wyse van ’n lojaliteitsvoordeel wat omgeskakel word in OVK aandele met voordele oor die langtermyn.

Hoe werk dit? • Bona fide-boere ontvang maandeliks ’n lojaliteitsvoordeel op die bruto wins bedrag van hul besigheid met OVK gedoen. • U aandeelhouerslening (Leningsrekening A) word met hierdie voordeel gekrediteer. • Die geld in leningsrekening A, word maandeliks aangewend om OVK Beherend- en / of OVK Bedryf-aandele vir bona fide-boere aan te koop. • Binne drie maande vandat die lojaliteitsvoordeel op leningsrekening A ontvang is, word hierdie geld omgeskakel in OVK aandele.

Wat maak die skema uniek? Kliënte verkry onmiddellik volle eienaarskap van die OVK aandele wat uit hierdie lojaiteitskema verdien word. Daar rus geen verpligting op kliënte om die aandele te behou nie. Hierdie aandele is beskikbaar vir onmiddellike verhandeling. Verhandeling (koop of verkoop) kan elektronies op die OVK webtuiste www.ovk.co.za – gedoen word. Indien u nie toegang tot internet het nie, kan u Maandag tot Vrydag, 08h00 tot 17h00, die landlyn 051 923 4723 skakel, waar u dan van die nodige hulp voorsien sal word.

Drie-ledige voordeel van die lojaliteitskema: • Ontvang lojaliteitsvoordeel op aankope gedurende die maand – die geldwaarde hiervan word maandeliks toegeken en verskyn elke maand op u staat. • Verkry voordeel by wyse van die groei in waarde wat die aandele gedurende die finansiële jaar toon. • Dividende per getal aandele wat die lid op jaareinde besit, word uitbetaal.

Transaksies waarop voordeel verdien word: • CMW - lewering van wol en sybokhaar • Diesel - aankope • Gariep Abattoir - lewering van skape en beeste • Graan - lewering, berging en bemarking • Handel - aankope (by handelstakke asook direkte aankope via OVK handelstakke) • Lewendehawe - uit-die-hand verhandelings en veilings • Toyota-agentskappe (Ladybrand en Ficksburg) • Versekering 19



LOYALTY SCHEME The Purpose To reward producers for their loyal support by way of a loyalty benefit which is converted into OVK shares, with advantages in the long run.

How does it work? • Bona Fide farmers receive a monthly loyalty benefit on the gross profit amount of their business done with OVK. • This benefit is credited to the loan account of the shareholder (Loan Account A). • The money in loan account A is utilised monthly to purchase shares in OVK Holdings- and/or OVK Operations for Bona Fide farmers. • Within three months after receiving the loyalty benefit on loan account A, the money will be converted into OVK shares.

What makes this scheme unique? Clients instantly acquire full ownership of the OVK shares which they earn from this loyalty scheme. The client is under no obligation to retain the shares. These shares are available for immediate trading. Trade (whether buying of selling) may be done electronically on the OVK Website: www. ovk.co.za Should you have no access to the internet, you may call us on our land-line at 051 923 4723, 08h00 to 17h00, Monday to Friday, whence you will be assisted in this respect.

Three-way advantage of the loyalty scheme: • Receive a loyalty benefit on your purchases during the month – the monetary worth of which will be allocated and will appear on your monthly statement. • Achieve an advantage by way of the growth in the value of the shares attained during the course of the financial year. • Dividends per number of shares that the member owns by year-end, will be paid out.

Transactions on which a benefit are earned: • CMW - delivery of wool and mohair • Diesel - purchases • Gariep Abattoir - delivery of sheep and cattle • Grain - delivery, storage and marketing • Trade - purchases (trade-store purchases as well as direct purchases via OVK trade-branches • Livestock - out-of-hand sales and auctions • Toyota-agencies (Ladybrand and Ficksburg) • Insurance www.ovk.co.za



VERSEKERING OVK Versekeringsmakelaars lewer ’n omvattende reeks produkte en dienste, met die klem op korttermyn versekering, persoonlike- of landbouversekering, kommersiële versekering en oesversekering. Verder fokus OVK Versekeringsmakelaars daarop om die regte dekking met kompeterende premies te verskaf asook om eisediens op hoë standaard te vestig. Met bogenoemde beskerming in aanmerking geneem en in ons voortgesette poging om u belange te beskerm, het OVK Versekering ’n markleidende versekeringsproduk, naamlik Advantage, gevestig. Geakkrediteerde versekeringsdeskundiges ontleed kliente se bestaande portefeuljes om risiko en versekeringsbehoeftes te bepaal. OVK Versekeringsmakelaars is ’n gemagtigde finansiele diensverskaffer met FSP lisensienr 909.




INSURANCE OVK Insurance Brokers offers a wide range of products and services, comprising short-term insurance, personal or agriculture insurance, commercial insurance and crop insurance. OVK Insurance Brokers further aims to provide appropriate cover with competitive premiums as well as a claims service of an excellent standard. With the above-mentioned protection in mind and in our continuing endeavours to protect your interests, OVK Insurance Brokers established a first class insurance product, namely Advantage. Accredited insurance experts analyse clients’ current portfolios to determine their risk and insurance needs. OVK Insurance Brokers is an authorised financial service provider with FSP licence nr 909.




LOGISTIEK OVK Logistiek het ten doel om produkte vinniger en teen ’n beter tarief by bestemmings te lewer. Dit verseker ’n meer koste-doeltreffende diens aan OVK en sy kliënte. ’n Uitgebreide sub-kontrakteursvloot kan bykans enige losmaat- en/ of gesakte produk van die meeste groot leweransiers af tot by die kliënt vervoer. Die diens sluit die oplaai op die plaas, asook aflewering in. Die groot verskeidenheid voertuie, asook die groot netwerk, verseker dat die beste



tariewe beding kan word. Ook lei die produk-spesifieke benadering daartoe dat vervoerkoste tot die minimum beperk word. Alle ad hoc-besigheid word hanteer – van plaaslike verspreiding tot nasionale langpadvervoer. Sodoende word ’n volhoubare kompeterende voorsprong verkry. Op hierdie wyse oorbrug OVK Logistiek die uitdagings waarmee produsente gekonfronteer word wat betref die vervoer van produkte of insette.


LOGISTICS OVK Logistics succeed in getting products to their destination faster and at a better tariff. In this way OVK ensures a more costeffective service to OVK and its clients. A comprehensive sub-contractors’ transport fleet can deliver almost any loose and/or pocketed product from most major suppliers to the client. This service includes loading on the farm, as well as delivery there. The huge variety of vehicles available, coupled to the vast network which is covered, ensure that the best tariffs can be brokered. The product-specific approach limits transport costs to the absolute minimum. All ad hoc business is handled – from local distribution to national long-distance deliveries. In this way a sustainable, competitive advantage is ensured, while bridging the challenges which confront producers in all matters of product transport.




Kontakbesonderhede / Contact Details HOOFKANTOOR / HEAD OFFICE Ladybrand ............................................................... 051 923 4500 Klantediens / Customer Services............................ 051 923 4598 E-pos / Email: ......................................................... klantediens@ovk.co.za

STREEKSKANTORE / REGIONAL OFFICES Burgersdorp............................................................. 051 653 1855 Cradock................................................................... 048 881 3484 Ficksburg................................................................. 051 933 7662 Hopetown................................................................. 053 203 9201 Port Elizabeth (CMW).............................................. 041 406 7500

HANDEL / TRADE Aliwal-Noord / North........ 051 633 2417 Arlington........................... 058 453 0020 Barkly-Oos / East............. 045 971 0875 Bethulie............................ 051 763 0681 Boesmanskop.................. 051 673 1010 Brandfort.......................... 051 821 1069 Britstown.......................... 053 672 0022 Burgersdorp..................... 051 653 1902 Clocolan........................... 051 943 9100 Colesberg........................ 051 753 0748 Cradock........................... 048 881 3038 Dewetsdorp...................... 051 541 0015 Dordrecht......................... 045 943 1062 Edenburg......................... 051 743 1182 Elliot................................. 045 931 1042 Excelsior.......................... 051 971 0094 Fauresmith....................... 051 723 0490 Ficksburg......................... 051 933 7600 Fouriesburg...................... 051 223 0268 Graaff-Reinet.................... 049 892 5252 Hobhouse........................ 051 983 0086 Hofmeyr........................... 048 885 0026 Hopetown......................... 053 203 9217 Jamestown....................... 051 641 0621 Koffiefontein..................... 053 205 1035 Lady Grey......................... 051 603 0442

Ladybrand........................ 051 923 4701 Middelburg....................... 049 842 1114 Molteno............................ 045 967 0101 Mortimer........................... 048 886 0772 Paul Roux......................... 058 471 0306 Petrusville........................ 053 663 0085 Port Elizabeth................... 041 406 7535 Prieska............................. 053 353 2851 Reddersburg.................... 051 553 0848 Rietrivier........................... 053 591 7020 Rosendal.......................... 058 211 0740 Rouxville........................... 051 663 0177 Smithfield......................... 051 683 1101 Somerset-Oos / East....... 042 243 0041 Steynsburg....................... 048 884 0035 Steynsrus......................... 056 471 0575 Strydenburg..................... 053 683 0101 Trompsburg..................... 051 713 0165 Tweespruit........................ 051 963 0023 Ventersburg..................... 057 651 4021 Verkeerdevlei................... 051 841 1130 Wepener........................... 051 583 1210 Willowmore...................... 044 923 1261 Winburg............................ 051 881 0040 Zastron............................. 051 673 1074

ANDER DIENSTE / OTHER SERVICES Gariep Abattoir Strydenburg............................................................. 053 683 0190 Kunsmis / Fertilizer Afrifert Bethlehem.................................................... 058 303 1348




GRAAN / GRAIN Bemarking / Marketing............................................ 051 011 1592 Verkryging / Procurement • Bloemfontein........................................................ 051 011 1592 • Ladybrand............................................................. 051 923 4732 • Hopetown............................................................. 053 203 9200 • Cradock................................................................ 048 881 4332 Logistiek / Logistic................................................... 051 011 1592

LANDBOUKUNDIGE DIENSTE / AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Cradock................................................................... 048 881 4332 Ficksburg................................................................. 051 933 7665 Hopetown................................................................. 053 203 9267

MEGANISASIE / MECHANIZATION Bethlehem................................................................ 058 303 0894 Clocolan................................................................... 051 943 9126 Cradock................................................................... 048 881 2894 Ficksburg................................................................. 051 933 7647 Hopetown................................................................. 053 203 9247 Ladybrand................................................................ 051 923 4713

MEULE / MILLS Clocolan................................................................... 051 943 9102 Tweespruit................................................................ 051 963 0001

TOYOTA Ficksburg................................................................. 051 933 2316 Ladybrand................................................................ 051 923 4757

VERSEKERING / INSURANCE Aliwal-Noord/-North................................................. 051 633 3228 Bloemfontein............................................................ 051 011 0104 Burgersdorp............................................................. 051 653 1826 Clocolan................................................................... 051 943 9109 Cradock................................................................... 048 881 1690 Ficksburg................................................................. 051 933 7606 Hopetown................................................................. 053 203 9254 Ladybrand................................................................ 051 923 4725







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