Portfolio 2009-2018

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Content Repurposing of Villa Matilde as a private art gallery p.3 - private commission - 2016

ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM p.5 - Master thesis - 2014

Renovation of the public bath for the town of Bellinzona p.11 - Erasmus Placement internship - 2011

A new rest stop in the highway to Sori p.12 - composition laboratory - 2012

A complete rethink for an abandoned tower in Genoa p.14 - Restoration laboratory - 2012

A new square in Wien for Europan 2011 p.16 - Europan competition - 2011

A new city hall for the town of Leivi p.18 - Composition laboratory - 2011

A new provincial center for the city of Alessandria p.20 - Composition laboratory - 2010

Study of modular housing for the city of Genoa p.22 - Composition laboratory - 2009 2

2012 Repurposing of Villa Matilde as a private art gallery 2016 Private commission for the restoration of Villa Matilde and conversion as an art gallery Villa Matilde is a XIX Century villa built in the famous peninsula of Sestri Levante, Italy. The lower gallery facing the garden has been unused for a long period of time, and it was facing various levels of decay caused by water infiltration and a general state of neglect. The client is an art reseller and wanted the gallery to be used as a personal exhibition space.

Villa Matilde today

Initial analysis for the possible repurposing. 3

2012 2016

Repurposing of Villa Matilde as a private art gallery


mq. 3,96

mq. 3,66

mq. 3,66

mq. 3,66

mq. 3,66

mq. 5,73

mq. 3,66

mq. 4,62

mq. 4,62

100.95 100.00 97.57















98.57 97.48








pannelli espositivi attrezzati con impianto illuminazione

mq. 8,02

pannelli espositivi attrezzati con impianto illuminazione



mq. 7,52







.21 97

9 .55 99


.25 97

.41 97

.45 97

1 9.7

.32 97

.40 97

9 9.5 .57 99


0 9.4

.52 97

.57 98 .58 97

.52 97 .47 97

.47 97

.56 97

.48 97

.33 97

.29 97

.44 97

.54 97

.28 97

.33 97

00 0.0 10

.47 97

Area espositiva

.37 97

.45 97

.31 97

.33 97

.35 97

.83 99

.39 97

.21 97

.11 97

.32 97

.36 97

.44 97

.44 97


7 0.0 10

5 9.8

7 0.1 10

gradini in ardesia

lastre di ardesia

7 1.1 10

2 1.1 10


.45 97

4 0.2 10

.49 97

.40 97

6 0.8 10


ciottolato genovese


2 0.5

3 0.7 10

lastre di travertino lastre di ardesia

0 1.0 10

5 1.1 10

marmo esistente lastre di ardesia

lastre di ardesia

6 1.0 10

5 0.9 10

1 10

ciottolato genovese



3 1.0 10 10


.98 99


7 1.0 8 1.0 10 NOTE :


Area espositiva


3 1.1 10



pavimentazione in pianelle toscane di recupero cm. 20 x 20 e 20 x 40)

P pannelli espositivi attrezzati con impianto illuminazione

Initial project for the repurposing


2014 ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM

Master thesis in architecture In the final years of study in the University of Genoa I had the opportunity to study the movement of radical architecture that took place in Great Britain and Italy in the 1960s. The University of Genoa in March of 2013 held a two days conference called “Rebels matters, radical patterns”, a series of international seminars, where we had the opportunity to meet Andrea Branzi (Archizoom), Piero Frassinelli (Superstudio) and Peter Cook (previously ARCHIGRAM, now studio CRAB). I had already encountered Archigram previously in my course of study because it was the theme I and my group chosen in the course of Theory of Contemporary Architecture, focused on the study of the architecture of the last century and of the first decade of new millennium, and aimed to the activity of producing symbols and signifying processes of the chosen theme. We took advantage of the presence of Mr. Cook to write an interview with the help of ADD (Doctoral School for Architecture and Design) and to meet him personally, and that pushed me even further the interest in the group, resulting the starting theme of my graduation thesis.

My work started from the study of ARCHIGRAM’s Instant City, a project conceived as a travelling installation of screens, mobile structure and technological gizmos made for the non-metropolitan areas of the United Kingdom. Starting from London, the Instant City would have visited one by one the cities not influenced yet by the modernity, turning them to part of “The Grid”, a network of cities connected by advanced services and information links. Arriving from the sky, a giant blimp evocatively named “Skyhook” would lower screens and structure to the city center, and helped by groups of specialized technicians arriving with many trucks of material it would change the face of the city center. The development of the project was extensively conceived, but was impractical and extremely expensive (a recurring problem of most of ARCHIGRAM works) mostly due to the limitations of the time. OrganiGRAM has been developed with the objective of solving those issues.


2014 ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM 2012 The method I developed aims to solve the issues using technologies not available at the time. The mobile structures are replaced with organic modules built in place using a 3d printer, reducing greatly the amount of material that needs to be transported and the planning and disposition in automatically organized through the software I developed. The script makes the structure “space aware” limiting the natural growth to a set of boundaries, as the containing limit and the relation with the object inside the space. The internal set of parametric rules constrain the code to generate inhabitable modules, and a report for the number of modules, disposition instruction, amount of material and cost is generated subsequently.

The core algorithm simulates the natural disposition of the living cells

The grasshopper code 6

2014 ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM

Definition of the growable volume

Analysis for a possible sprawl distribution

Development of the bounding boxes

Definition of the modular faces

Generation of the structure

Generation of the window system

3D Print of the modules locally

The modules are shredded into granulate to be melted again after the use 7

2012 ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM 2014

The analyzed area is divided in green areas (growth allowed) and red zones (growth forbidden).

The 3D print model for a temporary city exposition, limited to a single branch 8

2014 ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM

Application example: Woodstock re-imagined as a growable temporary dwelling


2014 ORGANIGRAM - A Parametric approach to the vision of ARCHIGRAM

Application example: temporary city exposition


2012 Renovation of the public bath for the town of Bellinzona, CH 2011 Erasmus Placement Internship The public bath of Bellinzona by Aurelio Galfetti is part of the architectural heritage of Switzerland. Built in 1970 it’s one of the most striking examples of modern architecture of Ticino. During my internship I worked at the survey and renovation of the structure, focused to tun it back to its original condition using exactly the same materials. The projects were digitalized and every detail of the building was put in a catalogue.






A new service station in the highway to Sori

Final year composition laboratory The objective of the composition laboratory was to design a service station next to the highway E80, in a panoramic plane in the hills of Sori. The required outcome was to offer a surprising architectural feature that could attract the travellers, and was obtained using a cantilivered portion protruding over the highway. The drivers would see the station Thru the Moebius Strip –out Relazione Progetto and they Lo spazio di rifornimento dotato di un’area di right after coming of thedi tunnel would then beè encouraged to stop. The building is conceived as a single ristoro indipendente ma dalla quale si intravede Il proge�o na sce dall’unione di due volontà, una di stretched volume, and the ending part houses the hanging thata esso offers a complete visual of the surrounding l’accesso all’autogrill verorestaurant e proprio. L’accesso essere un pano�co sfru�ando la posizione prominente è permesso da uno sfasamento delle pare� che sulla valle e l’altra di colpire il viaggiatore invogliandolo landscape . The project includes the gas station, a market and a panoramic restaurant. instrada naturalmente il visitatore versoil ristorante e a visitarlo. L’edificio è posizionato subito al di fuori della galleria autostradale Castelle�o del comune di Sori in modo di comparire come una sorpresa inaspe�ata e in grado di provocare �more, in quanto l’automobilista si troverà a dover passare al di so�o della sala, ma avrà un sufficiente spazio di manovra per poter perme�ersi di infilarsi nello svincolo e visitare la stru�ura. A quel punto si infilerà con la ve�ura in uno degli ingressi che lo porteranno a due spazi dis�n�, prima quello di rifornimento/manovra e poi quello dedicato al parcheggio.

l’area panoramica.

L’accesso al corpo principale è pensato come un percorso, una volta entra� ci si trova nella hall principale che è distribuita tra spazi comuni e ascensori, mentre proseguendo si arriva al percorso della spirale ascendente che porterà infine al selfservice. In tu�a questa prima parte bisogna ricordare che pare� e soffi�o non hanno aperture e che la

oratorio di progettazione A.A. 2011/2012

luce arriva in maniera diffusa da esse grazie la natura semiopaca del policarbonato che le compongono. In questo modo la luce solare vera compare in lontananza dietro la curva, invogliando il visitatore carico di aspe�a�va a proseguire. Infine si arriva dal ristorante, che offre una vista simultanea della vallata e delle macchine che sfrecciano al di so�o della gente, acuendo il senso di stupore.

Pietro Monero


un sufficiente spazio di manovra per poter perme�ersi di infilarsi nello svincolo e visitare la stru�ura. A quel punto si infilerà con la ve�ura in uno degli ingressi che lo porteranno a due spazi dis�n�, prima quello di rifornimento/manovra e poi quello dedicato al parcheggio.


ascensori, mentre proseguendo si arriva al percorso della spirale ascendente che porterà infine al selfservice.

proseguire. Infine si arriva dal ristorante, che offre una vista simultanea della vallata e delle macchine che sfrecciano al di so�o della gente, acuendo il senso di stupore.

In tu�a questa prima parte bisogna ricordare A new service inaperture thee chehighway to Sori che pare�station e soffi�o non hanno la


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orio di progettazione A.A. 2011/2012

Pietro Monero



A complete rethink for an abandoned tower in Genoa

Fourth year restoration laboratory The subject of the restoration is a tower located in the western quarter of Genoa called Cornigliano. The area was an exclusive location of ancient villas and gardens by the sea, but after the XX Century industrial expansion many of them were demolished or hidden by the factories. Our tower is the only remnant of the Villa Spinola - Muratori and a bare renovation would have been useless because of the small usable floor surface and the inconvenient access , then an integration with a new functional building was necessary. The first two floors offer a reading room and a small auditorium, and the two least accessible floors in the tower contain an audiovisual library, with a limited access.



A complete rethink for an abandoned tower in Genoa



A new square in Wien for Europan 2011

Competition Focus: from a marginal status to a significant image The existence of an ancient urban system put the conditions for a certain way of land use: we can call this “idea of the city”. This relationship with the existent city is not erasable as a reference and as a physical material: it opens methodological perspectives and cultural objectives. The site encourages readjusting it, to sharpen and recalibrate it whilst adding new components to those already present to enhance its performances and attractiveness. Starting from this simple ascertainment, our approach is an attempt of urban scale growth or addition: we want to demonstrate the validity of this kind of urban regeneration as a smart and innovative method, in order to redefine the identity of the place.



A new square in Wien for Europan 2011



A new city hall for the town of Leivi

Third year composition laboratory The New city hall for the city of Leivi was designed after a meeting with the mayor of the town the new concert hall with at least 120 seats, the new local police station, the new registry office and the municipal building.



A new city hall for the town of Leivi



A new provincial center for the city of Alessandria

Fourth year composition laboratory The project site on the edge of a consolidated city, located in a residual space out of the historical center, between the main road and the river Boate. The idea of the project is to redraw the city border through the building itself and to design a new square between the building and the old city, creating a landmark and a new «door to the city», where most of the services are accessible for the population. The provincial center had to include a police commissioner, a conference room and a restaurant.



A new provincial center for the city of Alessandria


2009 Study of modular housing for the city of Genoa Second year composition laboratory The project is study for a solution in a dystopian case of massive overpopulation in the city of Genoa. We had to design a modular housing to be placed in a city interstice, like under an elevated highway, and we had to choose a theme among infection, sprawl, blister, illegal occupation. Because the paranoia of an uncontrollable growth is a past concept from the last century, the design was inspired from the futuristic concepts cars designed in the ‘60.


2009 Study of modular housing for the city of Genoa


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