content Emergence delivery of sweet donuts by bike all over the world History with cinnamon ...3 $ Mind map & coffee ...... 5 $ Set "Philosophy" .......... 7 $ Set "Naming" ................. 8 $ Contemporary glazed.... 9 $ Historical frosted ....... 11 $ Type apple crust............. 13$ Logotype exotic............... 14$ Final logo crisp.............. 15$ Rainbow............................ 17$ Formed donuts.................. 19$ Types & sparkles.............. 22$ Poster pastry.....................26$ Secret ingredient..............30$ d nutso Emergency
When life hits you with those "I need a donut NOW" moments, we've got your back!
Picture this: it's
been one of those weeks—you know, the kind where you're just counting down the minutes until Friday. Or
it's just a particularly rough day, and you need a little pick-me-up. We get it. We're not saying donuts solve everything, but hey, they definitely help!
So,here'sthescoop:onetime,weordereddinner,andguesswhat? Atinydonutlandsinourlapsasasurprisebonus.I'malllike,"Nah, notfeelingit,"andstashitinthefridgeforlater.Fastforwardtothe nextday—stresslevelsarethroughtheroof,hunger'skickingin, andwhatdoIfindinthefridge?Broccoli.Justbroccoli.Andthen, shininglikeabeaconofhopeinaseaofgreens,thereitis:the emergencydonut.That'swhatIdubbeditinthatdesperatemoment. Andyouknowwhat?That'swhenthelightbulbwentoff.Whynot createaglobalemergencydonutdeliveryservice?Becauselet's faceit,whenyouneedadonut,youneeditNOW.Cuethebicycle brigade—notrafficjamsaregonnastandinthewayofyoursugary salvation.Sohereweare,readytoswoopinanddeliverthose sweet,doughydelightsrightwhenyouneedthemmost.Becausein aworldfullofbroccoli,sometimesyoujustneedadonut.
d nutso Emergency
Arimo was designed by Steve Matteson as an innovative, refreshing sans serif design that is metrically compatible with Arial™. Arimo offers improved on-screen readability characteristics and the pan-European WGL character set and solves the needs of developers looking for width-compatible fonts to address document portability across platforms.
CocoBikeR s a typeface variant from the COCO GOTHIC family of sans serif geometric typefaces. It’s inspired by contemporary grotesque typefaces, with a runic mood and geometric proportions. Dedicated to hipster culture and bike lovers, it has been designed as a display Small Caps typeface, but it’s still readable in text blocks.
Lumberjack is a free display font designed by Aleksei Kalinin from Russia. The slab serif font family is available in four styles: Regular, Rough, Inline and Shadow and supports multiple languages include Basic Latin, Central European, Baltic, Turkish, Cyrillic letters etc.
when you need a donut - you need it NOW
When you need a donut - you need it now!
When you need a donut - you need it now!
d nutso Emergency
Whenlifehitsyouwiththose"IneedadonutNOW"moments,we'vegot yourback!Picturethis:itsbeenoneofthoseweeks—youknow,the kindwhereyourejustcountingdowntheminutesuntilFriday Or maybeitsjustaparticularlyroughday andyouneedalittlepick-meup.Wegetit.We'renotsayingdonutssolveeverything buthey,they definitelyhelp!
d nutso Emergency
When you need a donut - you need it now!
When you need a donut - you need it now!
When you need a donut - you need it now!
When you need a donut - you need it now!
When you need a donut - you need it now!
Whenlifehitsyouwiththose"IneedadonutNOW"moments, we'vegotyourback!Picturethis:it'sbeenoneofthoseweeks —youknow,thekindwhereyou'rejustcountingdownthe minutesuntilFriday.Ormaybeit'sjustaparticularlyroughday, andyouneedalittlepick-me-up.Wegetit.We'renotsaying donutssolveeverything,buthey,theydefinitelyhelp!
d nutso Emergency
when you need A DONUT you need it NOW! when you need A DONUT you need it NOW! when you need a donut you need it NOW!
When life hits you with those "I need a donut NOW" moments, we've got your back! Picture this: it's been one of those weeks— you know, the kind where you're just counting down the minutes until Friday Or maybe it's just a particularly rough day, and you need a little pick-me-up. We get it. We're not saying donuts solve everything, but hey, they definitely help!
When life hits you with those "I need a donut NOW" moments, we've got your back! Picture this it's been one of those weeks you know, the kind where you're just counting down the minutes until Friday Or maybe it's just a particularly rough day, and you need a little pick-me-up We get it We're not saying donuts solve everything, but hey, they definitely help!
it NOW! d nutso Emergency
d nutso Emergency when you need
you need
Customers can ask the staff for help when choosing a set of donuts. There are also different options: a heart-to-heart talk for 10 minutes, a hug, a plush toy and much more. It looks like a real emergency letterhead, once again making reference to the title and creating a unique experience.
Grabsomeflour,eggs,andagoodmood.Let’screatelittleroundjoysthatwill makeyouforgetallaboutdiets.
Oilforfrying(andextranapkinstofightthegrease) Preparation:
Mission"Mixing":Grababowl(acleanone!)andmixtheflour,sugar,salt,and bakingpowderinit.Don’tforgettoturnonsomemusictoliftthedough’sspirits.
Eggsinaction:Cracktheeggsintoabowlwiththemilkandwhiskeverything together.Youcanimagineyou’reabartenderinthekitchen.
Unitingworlds:Pourtheliquidintothedrymixtureandkneadthedough.Ifthe doughdecidestobesticky,addmoreflour.Butdon’toverdoit,oryou’llhaveto stretchitlikeyoga.
Shapingmasterpieces:Rolloutthedoughandcutoutcircles.Ifyoudon’thavea cutter,useaglassandabottlecap(let’sbecreative).
Attention,heat:Heattheoilinadeeppanorpot.Themainthinghereisnottoget distracted,orthefiredepartmentwillbeyourfirsttasters.
Fryingtovictory:Carefullylowerthedonutsintotheoilandfryuntilgolden.Turn themovertoensureevenbrowning.Takethemoutandplacethemonpapertowels togetridofexcessoil(oreatitwiththedonuts–whowilljudge?).
Decorateandenjoy:Sprinklewithpowderedsugarordecoratewithicing.Enjoy yourdonutsandthesenseofaccomplishment!