Anatomy of Promoters Versus Passives Versus Detractors

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Anatomy of Promoters Versus Passives Versus Detractors

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey is a simple one question survey that finds out how likely a consumer would refer your product to others. The survey asks the customer to rate their experiences, generally on a scale of 0-10. A Net Promoter Score Software collects NPS feedbacks, track changes, and gives actionable insights. The result of the NPS survey helps categorize the consumers into three categories- promoters, passives, and detractors.

Why Net Promoter Score? The exercise of grouping customers into promoters, detractors, and passives, is anything but a passive exercise. While general customer experience management software help optimize interactions and nurture customer loyalty, it is a comprehensive task and takes many factors into account. An NPS Promoter Score Survey Software Platform uses a simple question to effectively measure customer satisfaction. The survey is quick, efficient and informative.

Who are Promoters, Passives, and Detractors? According to the score given by the consumer in an NPS survey, the ones who score from a 0-6 are classified as detractors, 7 and 8 are passives, and 9 and 10 are promoters. A detractor can be defined as a consumer who did not like your product or service at all, while a passive is a customer who is neither satisfied nor disappointed with the service, and a promoter is a loyal customer who is most likely to refer the product to others. Since word-of-mouth is the most effective promotion tool, it is important to employ an NPS customer feedback app to identify the categories to which your customers belong.

Who is Important? A Promoter, Passive, or Detractor? A promoter is a customer who is most likely to suggest the service to others. A person is most likely to try a service when it’s suggested by a friend or an acquaintance instead of being suggested through advertisements or other promotions. Once your promoters are identified, it is important to learn about the right things you have done and keep them happy, because according to McKinsey and Company’s research, 20-50% of a company’s revenue is driven by referrals. The passives are tricky because they aren’t disappointed but aren’t going to go out of their way to endorse your product. They are simply consumers and not customers. They don’t really tip the scales towards good or bad, but they offer potential. Passives might switch to similar products based on where they get more incentives, hence a passive could be a potential promoter or detractor based on how quickly the company takes an action to convert them. A consumer is more likely to share negative feedback than a positive feedback, which is why detractors can be harmful. Not only do they take the sales with them but also take away potential sales. To counter one detractor, therefore, a minimum of two promoters will be required. It is therefore of utmost importance to identify a detractor and improve their experience to prevent a domino effect of bad referrals. It is, therefore, important to identify your detractors, promoters, and passives. Customer feedback applications like piHappiness can help you monitor and track customer experience and also helps you take NPS surveys.

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