March PikaPackage Zine: #6 UPDATED!

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PARTICIPANTS March ‘09 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

3cd Kidstuff // Mitch + Lauren Anna Wadham Christine Berrie Cordial Kitten // Candice Hartsough McDonald Denise Ann Holmes Good Bloom // Holly Bartos Gretchenmist // Belinda Kemp Hello Memo // Helen Entwisle Jess Mess // Jess Racklyeft Julz Handmade // Julz Nally Kate Endle Lertsis Luciana Carossia Melody Seal Mika Creations Mirthquake // Myrte Number Eight // Rachael Amen Paper Kate // Kate Peebles Rosemary Travale Sally Illustration Sim Sima // Sara Christian Silver Tree Art // Suzanne Vinson Sparklepaw // Leslie Thompson Stephanie Fizer Susan Schwake Valerie Pensworth Victoria Usova Yali Paz Gilboa Zoetropa // Pam

about pikapackage A PikaPackage is a quarterly collection of goodies from illustrators and artists, resulting in a free monthly pikapackage giveaway to readers and the rest to be sold as a promotional tool to spread the word about their fantastic art. Participants will also each receive a PikaPackage of their own, plus an option to place a banner on the right hand side of the Pikaland blog under “Participants� for their contribution for just USD10. To read more about the project, or to get yourself a PikaPackage, head on over to

Hello! Hi everyone! It’s good to be back after the December round (the three months just FLEW by!) For 2009, there’s going to be a few changes to the PikaPackage Project, but most noticeably that it’s now going to be a three-month-once affair from now on, instead of being bi-monthly. By spacing it this way we hope that we’ll give adequate time for project entries, and also for us to gather ourselves for each round. And did you realize that it has since been a year since Pikaland first started? Not only that, but the March 2009 package is also a milestone for us in a way -- it’s our 6th round, and also the first anniversary for the project. I am so honored that we have garnered so many supporters, and I am so very grateful for the artists and participants that have become the backbone of the website -- I couldn’t have pull this off it weren’t for both parties! This time round, we have a list of artists whose works I admire greatly -- there’s new faces, and there’s also those who’ve joined us again for another round. From the wonderfully quirky work of Sally Faulkner (who did our cover for this round!) to the deliciously detailed prints of Christine Berrie, there’s so many lovely artists to discover! We hope you’ll enjoy the beautiful offerings from our participants this round! Thank you so much for supporting artists and illustrators everywhere. Amy Ng

*cover art by Sally Faulkner {}

3cd Kidstuff // Mitch + Lauren

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d be unemployed! 2. My worst habit is... being a contrarian (which stems from not always keeping a positive mental attitude) 3. I am in love with... my wife. 4. What/who inspires you? Constraints 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? 20 years of marital bliss plus our 2 young men (sons) of which i’m very proud. 6. What is your biggest fear? In this economy? that the wheels fall off! 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? “Faster than a speeding bullet” (actually, sub 7 minute miles for a 10k would do it!)

Anna Wadham

1. If I wasn’t an artist...I’d be a tramp! I’m not qualified to do anything else. 2. My worst habit is... spending too much time at my computer. 3. I am in love with... all the beautiful things on etsy, only just started exploring it this year after i opened my shop in january. 4. What/who inspires you? in no particular order: childhood toys and objects, patterns and textures and other artists. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? illustrating a picture book- i wondered if it would happen one day. 6. What is your biggest fear? work wise- never creating anything i feel pleased with again, that would be bad! 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? either to be able to time travel or to be invisible for the day so i could spy on people.

Christine Berrie

1. If I wasn’t an artist...I think I’d be involved with music somehow. 2. My worst habit is... Procrastinating! 3. I am in love with... Glasgow 4. What/who inspires you? Peter Blake, Ed Ruscha, Alan Kitching, David Hockney, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Edward Hopper. . 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Studying at the Royal College of Art in London. 6. What is your biggest fear? Spiders. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Super strength - I’m a bit of a weakling!

Cordial Kitten // Candice Hartsough McDonald 1. If I wasn’t an artist...I’m pretty sure I would be doing some sort of data entry or transcription because for some reason I LOVE to type. I enjoy playing typing games for fun! 2. My worst habit is... Being messy. Every so often I will clean up my entire house and say “That’s it! No more! I will be tidy from here on out.” But this only last for maybe a couple of days before it all falls apart again. I really need to find a way to resolve this problem, as clutter creates a lot of stress in my environment ... But I think quitting clutter must be as difficult as quitting cigarrettes. 3. I am in love with... Children’s book illustrations; walking to work in the morning and hearing birds chirping and smelling incense a whole block away from the church; my husband 4. What/who inspires you? Animals, saturated color, delicate lines, other people’s brilliantly executed cartoon witticisms. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Last year I completed work on my first children’s book, which is a goal I have been striving towards for literally as long as I can remember. I only made the pictures, I did not write it; illustrating AND writing my own book will hopefully someday outweigh this current biggest accomplishment. 6. What is your biggest fear? Not accomplishing all the creative goals I know lurk somewhere inside of me. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? The power to go invisible. I always want to inspect other people up close without them knowing about it. I also always feel like I am being watched by other people, so if I was invisible perhaps I could feel a little more free and comfortable in my own skin.

Denise Ann Holmes

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d be a used book shop owner. 2. My worst habit is... Drinking lots of coffee, collecting things that pile up in my apartment and buying too many books! 3. I am in love with... My husband, bike rides, drawing and gardening. 4. What/who inspires you? Old treasures, books, artists, and photography. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Self employment. 6. What is your biggest fear? Flying! I really hate flying. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To fly without an airplane!

Good Bloom // Holly Bartos 1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d still be feeling that sense that something was missing in my life which is what led me to art in the first place! 2. My worst habit is... trying to do too much at once. 3. I am in love with... the color makes my heart happy. 4. What/who inspires you? Other artist’s work, color combinations, patterns, nature, and random ideas that I get. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Besides being a mom, I think trying to explore my creativity when I’ve not tapped into it for most of my life is pretty awesome too. 6. What is your biggest fear? Losing my sweet husband and kids. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Invisibility would be awesome, to magically disappear from my kids when I need a break!

Gretchenmist // Belinda Kemp

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I might still be wondering what i could do with my life that would be worthwhile. 2. My worst habit is... being messy! 3. I am in love with... art supply shops. 4. What/who inspires you? A perfectly strong coffee and reading magazines and blogs. i’m addicted to google reader and am always inspired by my grow ing list of blogs by incredible artists/creative people. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Having 2 kids and channeling my passion/creative impulses {they seem to have occurred round the same time}! 6. What is your biggest fear? That something horrendous would happen to someone i love or me. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Mind reading.

Memo // Helen Entwisle

1. If I wasn’t an artist... if i wasn’t an artist i would spend too much time collecting things and run out of storage space. 2. My worst habit is... my worst habit is worrying about things. 3. I am in love with... i am in love with my new studio and peanut butter milkshakes. 4. What/who inspires you? i’m inspired by things that fly, things that float and gadgets from the past. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? finally getting my website up and running. 6. What is your biggest fear? i’m really not a fan of people touching my knees. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? i’d love to be able to fly, and talk to animals.

Jesses Mess // Jess Racklyeft 1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be a zookeeper who specializes in sloths, as they act similar to me I believe and I think we could be quite good friends. 2. My worst habit is... going into rooms and leaving every cupboard and drawer open. Its quite strange, but if I’m looking for something or making breakfast, I’m so focused on the task I forget about everything else. 3. I am in love with... gardens, coffee, a boy called Matt, my family, friends, wine, art and mountains. 4. What/who inspires you? All of the above, and floating around cyberland looking at all the other amazing artists out there. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? I just did a magazine cover with a natural health mag with a massive circulation which was fun. I also drew for an advert for World Vision late last year. 6. What is your biggest fear? Global warming and our ability to mess up the earth so quickly. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Time (and space) travel. I’d like to go see the hippy 60’s, dance the charleston in the 20’s, see some famous heritage sites as they were being built, that sort of thing.

Handmade Julz // Julz Nally

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be a florist, an interior designer, or stylist 2. My worst habit is... worrying too much. 3. I am in love with... my husband, our 2 kitties, my pink bike & snow cones. 4. What/who inspires you? happy people, supportive friends & family, color, travel, nature 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Making a living selling my art 6. What is your biggest fear? no more internet! 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? i would love to be able to dream of meals & snacks throughout the day and just have them appear before me, ready to enjoy!

Kate Endle

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d be miserable. 2. My worst habit is... the Quarter Pounder with cheese. I’ve tried and I just can’t give it up. It’s my soul food (no more than once a month, though). 3. I am in love with... my boyfriend. He’s so cute and funny. He’s super talented, too 4. What/who inspires you? Other artists like Amy Ruppel, Matte Stephens, Boy Girl Party, Jen Corace, Jonathan Adler, Rex Ray, Trish Grantham, Lorena Siminovich- just to name a few. Blogs like Pikaland, Design*Sponge, Grain Edit keep me going. I love shops like Velocity Art and Design and Anthropologie. I get really inspired while being in cool shops. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? My new studio which is AWESOME!! 6. What is your biggest fear? I‘m not really fearful of anything right now. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I do have super powers, but I can’t reveal them at this time.


1. If I wasn’t an artist... i would be a psychologist. it’s kinda interesting to me to be able to understand people’s mind. 2. My worst habit is... I cannot stop eating and shopping!! 3. I am in love with... well decorated cakes, bitter frozen cacao, dresses, vintage, children illustrated books, and of course, illustrations! 4. What/who inspires you? Those passions from people who’s so passionate about whatever they are doing. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? finally realizing what i love doing the most 6. What is your biggest fear? losing all those passions im having right now 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Reading people’s mind!!

Luciana Carossia

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be a cook for sure, and in my wildest dreams I would be an actress. I have absolutly no talent at all, but I enjoy a good acting and its process. 2. My worst habit is... CHAOS!!!!! I’m a mess. Another inconvinient habit is dropping the pencil over my work when I’m painting, always do it. The pencil stain It’s actually my signature! 3. I am in love with... my husband and children (Pablo, Mati and Lola) even thought it’s corny. 4. What/who inspires you? Small, little, tiny things that take me to other times and places. It could be the smell of bread in the oven, the light reflected in the leaves of a tree or the silence in a forest, a delicate movie, La Valse d’Amelie... 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? My family. It’s also my biggest goal. Everything else comes after. 6. What is your biggest fear? o let go my unfulfilled dreams and projects. To get bitter and hopeless. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Teletransportation. I love travellign, visiting places (new or old and a beloved ones) but I hate the time I spend going from one place to another. But what I specially dislike is loosing 1 hour to go to a near place in the city because of the traffic.

Melody Seal

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be richer but not as happy :) 2. My worst habit is... avoiding the washing-up. 3. I am in love with... kittens, African sunshine, and my boyfriend! 4. What/who inspires you? Things that are not what they seem, carnival, masks, strange animals, my friends, shadows, assorted pens, pencils, paints and pretty paper. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? I have lots of little ones so far.. ask me again in 20 years! 6. What is your biggest fear? I don’t think I have one. I worry about silly stuff, but generally feel optimistic about the future 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? the ability to control time (then i could spend hours and hours making art, and just a few minutes doing all the other boring stuff!)

Mika Creations

1. If I wasn’t an artist... This question is strange to me… In the truth, when I ask this to myself, I can’t think about nothing else than art, creativity and the infinite possibilities with materials.I think not knowing what I could do besides this… This is serious! 2. My worst habit is... Having thousands of ideas, starting thousands projects and then carry out only a small part of them. Gosh! I discourage too often when something goes wrong! 3. I am in love with... All the possibilities that life brings. Inspiring things.I’m in love with everything that’s love, peace, joy and ability to think and look around creatively. Sometimes like a child. And it’s not so easy. 4. What/who inspires you? I don’t think to have something/someone in particular. My main source of inspiration is everything that surrounds me. Techniques, materials, styles, colours, emotions… I love experimenting new things, but also mixing and elaborating. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Being able to devote lots of my time to art and creations in the best way possible, and that my works are loved from people. I’d like my “art” was enough to live without having to think of other jobs… I don’t even know what job I could do as an alternative! 6. What is your biggest fear? Surely not being able to do all this enough seriously, completing all projects and overcoming all difficulties. Live with art is not that easy.. and this scares me. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Maybe my ideal superhero does not exist. But If I could create one with superpowers that I would have, I’ll surely put on it a big dose of… Courage (to bring to life my dreams), Self-Confidence (to do not doubt of my abilities), Joy on heart (to learn how to take everything in the right way), Intelligence (to never do stupid things) and a superdeveloped Sixth Sense to understand what’s the best choice at any time.

Mirthquake // Myrte

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d...I’d...I’d.... I don’t know. I know if I didn’t create my illustrations I would design clothing, but I think that counts as artist. And being a writer too- If that doesn’t count as an answer I think I’d be a politician, or at least try to be. I don’t think I would be elected though. 2. My worst habit is... Not cleaning the house. I personally don’t mind, but it sometimes seems to be a problem for others in my life. My counterargument is that I don’t want to die knowing I always made my bed and hoovered the carpet regularly. A clean house seems so futile compared to the little time we have on this pretty planet. 3. I am in love with... Birds-of course! Little creatures like pika’s or squirrels make me produce strange high pitched noises as well. My pika imitation is famous. Oh and puppies, don’t forget them. They give me the uncontrollable urge to run over and cuddle. 4. What/who inspires you? First of all; Nature. The uber-creation, the perfect work of art. Nothing can beat that. Us humans apparently think we can, because we keep on trying. I sometimes think art of any kind is just an ode to Nature. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Building a bathroom from scratch is a pretty big thing for a girlie girl, I am proud of the plumbing especially. Although I do believe women can do anything they want because they read the instructions. Illustration-wise I think making people smile with my illustrations and the little stories the birds tell you. 6. What is your biggest fear? I have a lot of biggest fears but I am supersticious so I am not saying! 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I am still in doubt. It’s one of these 2 options. Depending on which mood I am in: a)Making the whole world love my work. b)Giving everyone an overload of empathy.

Number Eight // Rachael Amen

1. If I wasn’t an artist... i would feel like something beautiful was missing from my life. 2. My worst habit is... procrastinating. 3. I am in love with... love and mini-goats. 4. What/who inspires you? right now i’m really inspired by vintage hats with birdcage veils. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? deciding to pursue what i love instead of what will get me a mercedes. 6. What is your biggest fear? heights. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? teleportation!

Paper Kate // Kate Peebles

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I think I’d be sad! :( 2. My worst habit is... procrastination. No doubt about it! 3. I am in love with... My beautiful partner. My family and friends. And drawing! 4. What/who inspires you? The internet is such a great source of inspiration - I am constantly amazed by all the talent that people have to share. There is always something interesting to find and I am really inspired by the work are so many artists that we wouldn’t otherwise get to see! 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Completing a fashion degree in 2005. 6. What is your biggest fear? The dark ;) 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I would have super drawing power, so that I could draw things and then they would actually happen!

Rosemary Travale

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be very sad! It’s so much fun to spend my days being creative in my hobby that is also my career. 2. My worst habit is... cracking my knuckles. 3. I am in love with... my sweet and talented boyfriend Craig 4. What/who inspires you? I am really inspired by children’s books and design from the 1950’s. Lately I have been very interested in the whole Super Sentai genre! 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? I was just recently part of the Cut To the Drummer show in Toronto, which was an art show that focused on various drummers. The whole event was to raise money and awareness for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Scholarship fund. I was very honoured to participate in a such a wonderful event that was for a very worthy cause! 6. What is your biggest fear? I honestly try not to even think about stuff like that. I find that if I worry too much about something, I get obsessive or I’ll talk myself out of doing something. You just have to go for it! 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Well, if I could make multiples of myself I could get so much more done, but if I could fly or run super fast then I could travel all over the world whenever I wanted! That would be pretty rad.

Sally Illustration

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would probably become either a paranormal detective, Meteorologist or cake maker (and tester). 2. My worst habit is... Pretending I’m doing illustration work when actually I’m procrastinating on the internet. Oh and making cups of teas. 3. I am in love with... Tilly and The Wall. 4. What/who inspires you? I am inspired by so many things, other illustrators, films, books, art, people, music, cake..., 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Being published by the lovely Guardian. 6. What is your biggest fear? Pigeons. Every day they fly at me. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To fly, become invisible, and paint the world with illustrations. All at the same time.

Sim Sima // Sara Christian 1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d live off the grid as a sustainable farmer. 2. My worst habit is... distraction. 3. I am in love with... so much. To name a few: living in the moment, the characters I make, people who inspire me. 4. What/who inspires you? Expressions, emotions, and communication. I can people-watch for hours and get great subject matter for my paintings. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Showing my art, most recently at Eclectix Gallery, El Cerrito, CA. 6. What is your biggest fear? I’d like to say I’m fearless, but having no control is scary. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Choppin’ blades through negative energy!

Silver Tree Art // Suzanne Vinson

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be a chef + organic gardner + gallery owner. 2. My worst habit is... biting my nails. 3. I am in love with... my hubby + son. fabric. needle + thread. carving. a warm day outdoors. 4. What/who inspires you? Nature. color. vintage fabrics & design. watching my son discover something new. a good story. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Each new print. each new quilt. each creative act is an accomplishment. 6. What is your biggest fear? Not trying something new for fear of failure. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? The ability to move from place to place without losing the time traveling.

Sparklepaw // Leslie Thompson 1. If I wasn’t an artist... I’d probably do something with animals, or candy, or psychology (my college major). I think a being a candy taster would be an awesome way to spend the day. 2. My worst habit is... Procrastination. I always put off what I don’t want to do. But sometimes I think I need that pressure to get the sparks flying. 3. I am in love with... Animals, candy, all things Japanese, music, adorable crafts, color (mint green especially), travel, great art/design/photography. 4. What/who inspires you? Yoshitomo Nara has been a huge inspiration. And I love Japanese characters - especially those used on candy packaging and stationary. They’re always so happy and funny. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? This is the most difficult question for me, but I guess I would say SparklePaw. 6. What is your biggest fear? Loss of freedom. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Invisibility! Being a “fly on the wall” would come in so handy.

Stephanie Fizer

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would probably be a lost little soul. 2. My worst habit is... endlessly worrying about things I have no control over. . . 3. I am in love with... my “job,” John Cusack movies, stripey knee socks, and of course my ultra-supportive and utterly fantastic boyfriend. 4. What/who inspires you? Nature(I’m lucky to live in an area surrounded by woods and mountains), vintage illustration, new tubes of paint, trips to the fabric store, and good music. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Being able to leave my boring desk job several months ago because I was finally able to make a living solely on my illustration work. I’ll never forget that feeling the day I turned in my notice to my terrible boss, I just felt so hopeful and proud of myself and maybe just a tiny bit scared, but it all felt so wonderful! 6. What is your biggest fear? Other than spiders and snakes, my biggest fear is having to go back to that boring desk job I used to work. But you know what, having those memories of how unhappy I was at a desk job just motivates me to work even harder to continue to grow my little illustration business. Fear doesn’t really have to be a negative emotion. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Telekinesis for sure, it would save me much fumbling around at the front door with big grocery bags and packages from the post office if I could just float everything around. And cooking dinner would be a breeze. My second choice would definitely be flying though :)

Susan Schwake

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be so sad! 2. My worst habit is... well, there are so many, where do I begin?! 3. I am in love with... springtime. 4. What/who inspires you? My husband, all things green right now, and nature. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Pretty much running a sucessful business in a tough economy seems big to me right now. 6. What is your biggest fear? I am not secure with really deep water. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To promote happiness and peace.

Valerie Pensworth

1. If I wasn’t an artist... Well in the fourth grade I thought that I wanted to be an underground cave explorer. One time on a family trip we went inside some caves and I remember seeing this magical looking water that was blue as the bluest sky and it looked like crystals were inside it. If there were bright things like that to be found in the dark, then I wanted to find them. Although, I think I am way to claustrophobic to do that now. 2. My worst habit is... having unrealistic expectations about how things are “suppose” to go. Also, I hate hanging up my laundry and refilling the toilet paper on the dispenser. It always shoots off at me and one time it even landed in the toilet!! 3. I am in love with... drawing 1920’s looking faces. There is something about them. AND kitties, kitties, kitties, I talk to them on the street. 4. What/who inspires you? the mystery of not knowing why things are the way they are, old photographs, geometric shapes, furry animals, and people that are clearly and genuinely doing what they love. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? My most recent accomplishment was being apart of Young Blood Gallery’s Grand New Opening. That was a fun show to be apart of! 6. What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is not being able to eventually make a living off creating art and that I will settle for a job that less satisfies my soul. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Hmm....maybe time travel. I could be inspired first hand by time periods.

Victoria Usova

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be very miserable. 2. My worst habit is... shopping for comfort 3. I am in love with... life . 4. What/who inspires you? My beautiful-happy-driving-me-nuts-making-me-absolutelyhappy kids. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Our family and my small business 6. What is your biggest fear? To go blind 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Flying baby! Flying

Yali Paz

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I don’t have a clue what I would be because I can’t see myself enjoying doing something else. 2. My worst habit is... I don’t have a worst habit. 3. I am in love with... my husband. 4. What/who inspires you? My husband and artists I see on the web. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? A year ago I took the plunge and left my ordinary work to become a fulltime artist. I decided that it is enough time I wasted not doing what I was meant to do and start doing what I love best and what makes me so happy inside and gives me endless energies and peace. Today I feel true to myself and even when times are not going so well I don’t look back but only looking forward knowing that if I do what I love doing the big success I am wishing for will come. 6. What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear before I became a fulltime artist was to become a fulltime artist. When I decided to be independent I had a first year of many occasions that I needed to battle my biggest fear that I won’t succeed as an artist, I learned to replace the way of thinking of my parents that always told me that art can only be an hobby and you can’t really make a living out of it, to a way of thinking that my success depends only on me, my talent and my determination. Today, a year after I became a full time artist, I don’t have my biggest fear with me anymore, sometimes it tries to visit me but I show him the way out very fast and don’t let it play its tricks on me. 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I always wanted to be able to fly like superman and to read minds.

Zoetropa // Pam

1. If I wasn’t an artist... I would be an old school stationery/office supplies shop owner. 2. My worst habit is... not preparing breakfast in the morning. My husband always gets up before me and prepares our breakfast of oatmeal, tea, and smoothies. I make up for it though by making a big yummy breakfast on the weekend. 3. I am in love with... sitting on the beach eating fried clams and onion rings. 4. What/who inspires you? My drafting table. I see it and want to organize everything on it and then I am ready to get to work. Also, many of the amazing artists I have found online. 5. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Brushing my teeth every night before bed. Brush, Floss, Rinse! 6. What is your biggest fear? Public Speaking! 7. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I would be able to magically snap my fingers and go anywhere in the world. >Snap< I’m in Copenhagen! >Snap< I’m in the Bahamas! >Snap< I’m in Kyoto! And magically be appropriately dressed for each climate.

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