PikaPackage Zine #3: August 2008

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PARTICIPANTS AUG’ 2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

Alicia Souza Amy Ng Anna Ruby King Argyle Whale // Elise Snow Brian Patenaude Cabin + Cub // Valerie Thai Corid // Cori Dantini Danita Art DiDiGalDecor // Danielle Hornyak Dollygagging // Emily Ipolani Fantasmagoric // Ella Collier Felicitate88 // Heike Flossy-P Flummeries // Erik Stein + Emily Ipolani Four Crows Art // Robin Collins Good Bloom // Holly Bartos Gypsy & Twink // Kirsty Hammer & Daisy // Gracia + Louise Hoorah // Rebecca Hanna Julia Pott Junkyard Sam Kathy Weller Magic Jelly // Karena Mary Kilvert Matte Art // Matte Stephens MAU Studio // Manyi Au Mel Roska Milady Productions // Stephanie Morgan Rogers Miss Sequential // Marissa Falco Mizu Designs // Kylie Budge Number Eight // Rachael Amen Round Robin Press // Shannon Lowry Sarah Blank Shelby Healey Swallowfield // Jennifer Judd-McGee Tsk Tsk // Tiel Seivl-Keevers Vinyl Wall Art // Holly Jones What Katie Does // Katie Marcus Wonting // Christine Wong

pikaland.bigcartel.com www.pikaland.com/pikapackage www.flickr.com/pikaland

Hello! Well here we go again! I can’t believe that this is the third PikaPackage Project already -the months seems to have whizzed by! We’ve got a lot of talented artists for this issue, and we hope that you like what they have prepared especially for you -- there’s wonderful retro prints by Matte Stephens, handmade ladies + cards by Gypsy & Twink, special edition prints just for the PikaPackage Project done up by Junkyard Sam, and so many more! As the project is rather new, I find that I am still learning the ropes of managing the whole shebang. Bringing 40 artists together is not as easy as it seems, and I am sure that things will be a lot smoother as time goes by! A big thank you goes to all our participants who believe in the project -- without all of you I can’t imagine it being the wonderful place it is right now. Much appreciation also goes to the supporters, who have made this into something very special. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for supporting artists and illustrators everywhere. Amy Ng amy@pikaland.com p/s: We hope you’ll join us again in our next PikaPackage Project in October. Hope to see you then!

we didn’t manage to get some of our artists for the zine, and they are: magic jelly, matte stephens, shelby healey and fantasmagoric-- if they do get back to us, we’ll fit them right here!

Alicia Souza


1. Tell us about yourself! I am a girl with two mole-ish eyes, a cow-ish nose, horse-ish hair, elephant-ish ears and my mothers smile.

2. What inspires your work? doodles. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? getting up early, doodle, warm weather, chips, draw, cuddling, funny stories, colour, extra-hot showers, snuggling & spooning. 4. What’s your favorite animal? My lover in bed. 5. What would you like to be known for? Being a very nice person who draws. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To be able to freeze everyone in their tracks so that I may wander random peoples houses and see what’s in their fridge & see what’s behind staff doors. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. What do you call a witch by the sea? Sandwitch.

Amy Ng


1. Tell us about yourself! I’m a freelance writer who is dabbling in illustrations! I run Pikaland and churn out projects like the PikaPackage Project that’s for illustrators and artists who want to promote their work. 2. What inspires your work? I’m inspired by a lot of things -- by people like M. Sasek, Keri Smith, etc. I find that I can make up whole new worlds just by reading. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Waking up early, saying hello to my two dogs, the postman bringing me mail, hanging out with my fiance doing absolutely nothing, reading a good book, and having loads of ice-cream on a sweltering day. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Apart from dogs, there is one other animal which I think are fascinating: I saw these weird animals once in Kyoto Zoo, and I just found out that they are called fennec foxes. 5. What would you like to be known for? For having guts to do what I thought was right. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I would like to have the ability to start a fire. I think that it’s a very useful tool, especially you come across mean people. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I separate food inside my mouth before chewing them.

Anna Ruby King


1. Tell us about yourself! I am an Australian designer, but for the last two years I have been living and working in Athens, Greece. I have two aspects to my work, my 2D work, drawing, collage and card making, and I also design and make jewellery. 2. What inspires your work? All things in nature really captivate me, but I like to explore especially the way we as humans like to categorize nature and control it. Things like maps, and curiosity cabinets, scientific diagrams, colour charts, they way we have to name things, put them in boxes, have everything explained. So I like to explore a creature with a fascinating name, or create my own species and give them names, simplifying the shapes and designs, just like mankind simplifies all creatures into names and genera, with subspecies and so forth. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A perfect day would involve waking up in the mid morning, checking the mail to see I’d received some exciting supplies I’d ordered. Watching a bit of mid morning news, then getting started in my studio. A great day there would involve having an idea or design I’d had in my head translating perfectly into a completed object- which unfortunately isn’t always the case! As for the rest of the day, some shopping wouldn’t hurt, or dinner at a favorite restaurant, watching a good movie or taking an evening walk. Then getting a great nights sleep to set me up for the next day! 4. What’s your favorite animal? My favorite animal for as long as I can remember is the horse. I just love them! 5. What would you like to be known for? If I could be known for something, I guess it would be for my work, for my work being something people love to look at and collect, that it is an example that eco friendly and beautiful can be one and the same thing, and that it would inspire and encourage people in the arts world and the community in general to bring more environmentally friendly practices into their daily lives. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Such a tough choice! Flying and healing are very tempting, but I think I would choose the ability to learn anything like a sponge! 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. Poppies are my favorite flower. I would love to see Afghanistan in the spring.

Argyle Whale

argylewhale.com // Elise Towle Snow 1. Tell us about yourself! I am a very curious person. I ask many questions and I can’t think of anything that isn’t at least a little bit interesting to me. I live in a tiny apartment with my husband and two bunny friends. I wear glasses and I like anything green (especially asparagus and chameleons). 2. What inspires your work? I walk slowly and try to notice everything around me. I pay close attention to the things that are puzzling or make me laugh and they inevitably end up in my work. I find animals endlessly entertaining so they are everywhere in my designs.

3. What’s a perfect day for you? My perfect days are either fueled by massive creativity sprees or based in slothful and highly indulgent behaviors. Either way, I would enjoy many cups of tea and wouldn’t have to leave my apartment for anything besides a breath of fresh air. 4. What’s your favorite animal? I’m pretty much crazy about any animal I discover but bunny-rabbits will always have my heart. 5. What would you like to be known for? There is a bit of an entertainer element in my personality so I hope I’m known as someone who makes other people happy. One of my biggest pleasures is sharing raucous laughter with someone. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I want to be able to transform into anything. I want to know how it feels to be a bird or a whale or an apple. This power could come in pretty handy if I became a spy too. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I have a very short tongue.

Brian Patenaude


1. Tell us about yourself! i live with my wife and two dogs in kirkland, WA [where i work as an artist for loose cannon studios], yet have a hard time telling people that i’m a washingtonian, without also including that i moved from los angeles @ the beginning of the year;) & i’ve been an artist in the video game industry for over 13 years, yet only recently gotten back into ART art, thanks to the catalyst that the move to WA provided. 2. What inspires your work? aside from finding inspiration in just about anything, the biggest source of inspiration comes when i loose myself in my own head just enough for my pencil to develop a life of its own. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? “perfect” would have to be set in europe on vacation with my wife- possibly italy or spain... an early morning run, when the streets are dark and empty, a bit of site seeing, pizza and some nice wine at an outdoor cafe filling a sketch pad, getting lost in some back streets, and nice dinner out... mmm... i’ve gotta start planning my next trip. 4. What’s your favorite animal? as unoriginal as it may be, i’d have to say dogs [my wife and i have two of our own]- i can’t get over how integral they are to my life. 5. What would you like to be known for? as an artist that not only creates instantly-recognizable art that puts smiles on peoples’ faces, but entire worlds that people enjoy getting lost in for a while [that’s what appeals most to me about making video games;)]. 5. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? ooh! i suppose that’d the ability to WARP! i bring it up every time i’m in the airport. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. my sister used to skip recess when i was in the 1st grade [she was in the 3rd], to help get me to stop crying. related story: i won an award [complete with smelly sticker!] one day that year, for having made it all the way ‘til noon without crying-good times.

Cabin + Cub

cabin.etsy.com // Valerie Thai

1. Tell us about yourself! I am a graphic designer/artist/crafter. I live in Vancouver, Canada with my husband Roger, who is also an artist and designer. I love to draw, paint, collage, as well as woodburn! Other things I love to do include: snowboarding, hiking, and traveling.

2. What inspires your work? I get inspiration from everything around me - from nature to pop culture to music and art....the list is endless. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Sleep in. Snowboard in the morning with perfect conditions with Roger. Back by afternoon to work on illustrations and crafts. Dinner at one of our fave restaurants followed by drinks at a local bar. Stay up late and watch tv/movies slumber party style with lots of candy and popcorn. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Sea Otters because they are playful and like to hold each others hands when they sleep. 5. What would you like to be known for? My creativity. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To be able to speak every language no matter where I am...oh, and to be able to be invisible whenever i want to be. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. One of my favorite DVDs is “Cheburashka” a series of children’s Russian stop motion animation shorts from the early 70s.


corid.etsy.com // Cori Dantini 1. Tell us about yourself! I suppose I could start with the specifics. I am the wife of a lovely man called liam, we have a son henry(also wonderful), who is just about to turn 5 and a sweet border-chowbrador called lucy. Currently we are living in Pullman Washington, which is a little town that resides in the wheat fields on the palouse. this is where liam and I both grew up, and where my side of the family is still living (which is why we are here). We moved to Pullman a little over a year ago after liam finished up his Phd in neuroscience at UCHSC (Denver), but we are planning to make a move to the salt lake city area (soonish) for liam’s new job. 2. What inspires your work? New places inspire me a lot, that’s why I love traveling. Especially to old Europe — a lot of wonderful things around and visible because you are new there. My favorite places are Switzerland and Netherlands, the places where I have an urge to do something. I always carry around my small camera – to take inspiring things with me. And I am dreaming of Japan. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? wake up on my own, roll out of bed hair sticking straight up, having a delicious cup of coffee (that i didn’t have to make), lounging around, listening to music... hanging out with henry and liam, shower. levi’s. black t. comfy shoes... then a little outing to the thrift store or an estate sale, time in the studio a yummy meal. sunshine for sure. and a little walk after dinner with the dog and the family. YEAH!!! and i suppose the perfect day would REALLY happen near the ocean... but i don’t live near the ocean, maybe someday.... 4. What’s your favorite animal? i love cuttlefish (and dogs) 5. What would you like to be known for? raising a REALLY HAPPY, loving little boy. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? i wish i could hug love into everything 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. i won’t kill spiders... i think it gives you bad juju.

Danita Art

www.danitaart.com // Danita

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m a night owl. Like chocolate. Very fond of popcorn-like clouds. I’m a paper addict. I can’t get enough magazines. I love my daughter more than anything else. My dogs are shaggy. I Paint. I cut and paste. And I always touch the spaghetti before pouring the sauce. 2. What inspires your work? About everything that goes on in my life, good things and bad things as well. My childhood. My toddler. I love to flip through magazines and look at the pictures, You never know what can trigger an idea. Flickr is a great source of inspiration too, as well as other’s artist’s blogs and studios. I love to see how everybody creates their own different world. I love to watch Movies with beautiful illumination and visual effects, like The Illusionist... Lived the lighting on that one. Oh!... and children’s books. It’s like looking at miniworks of art! 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A day at the Caribbean waking up rested and not too early. The weather is great is and there are big chunky clouds in the sky. I’m surrounded by my family and everybody is well. We’ll have delicious food and lots of time to wander around and paint when the inspiration hits me. The perfect ending is finishing it with nice, rich coffee and endless good chat and laughs. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Elephants and dogs... It’s hard to chose just one! 5. What would you like to be known for? For being bold enough to stop doing what is safe in order to do I like... And succeed at it! 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I’d like to be able to make magic. I’m greedy. If I could make magic then I woudn’t have to stick to just one superpower :P 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. The first thing that goes trough my mind? let’s see... Astronaut watermelon!


DiDiGalDecor.etsy.com // Danielle Hornyak 1. Tell us about yourself! Hi! My name is Danielle, I am a 26 year old gal from sunny California who loves art and all things crafty! I am currently working on getting my bachelors degree in studio arts and besides working I spend most of my free time crafting! I love reading books too! 2. What inspires your work? Oh, wow! Just about anything really! Fashion, books, paper, patterns, music, a poem, a color, an outfit, an expression on someone’s face, my mood, something random I see while driving or walking, other people’s artwork, whatever strikes a cord works for me! 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Well a perfect day certainly wouldn’t involve getting up at 5:30 am as usual for my 9-5 day job, so of course I would have to say I’d sleep in a bit, eat a yummy breakfast with a big cup of coffee, then I would mosey on into my craft zone and complete some projects long since overdue! Take a long walk through the neighborhood, come home craft some more, clean up my mess, cook dinner, and watch a little South Park. 4. What’s your favorite animal? I love sloths! I hope one day I can take a trip to Costa Rica and visit one of the centers that take in little orphaned baby sloths. 5. What would you like to be known for? I would like to be known for being a positive and inspirational person. Making the most of what life has to offer, lending a good ear and hand to my loved ones, and crafting things that make people smile. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Oh, this one takes some serious thought…it’s a toss up between being invisible, teleporting, and reading peoples minds! 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I want a French bulldog like nobody’s business! Pedicures freak me out a little, and make me tense.


www.dollygagging.com // Emily Ipolani 1. Tell us about yourself! I just started my life recently, so there’s not much to tell as of yet. I began small, slipped through the cracks unnoticed, was old too soon, but always too young, got by on luck, fell in love daily until the day I finally was caught from falling anymore, have known loss too well, but gain even greater, acheived what was stated as impossible for me, have been happily wrong about almost everything. When I grew up my other goal besides being an artist was to be a veterinarian. That never really came to fruition.

2. What inspires your work? My main source of inspiration comes from humanity at it’s quieter moments combined with constant streaming Buffy/Angel dvds in the background and just a wee dose of contradictions. :) The vast range of emotion and feelings humans are capable of never ceases to inspire me in my art and life in general. The potential to capture these mo-

ments in artwork or just learn from them largely dictates what I create. I find much comfort in the chaos of the world as it continually changes with more astounding humans added daily. The quiet times of reflection are by far my favored inspiration at the moment. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? The one where Erik and I watched the clouds or the other one watching the rain with our cat Oscar. I try and revisit them often (as weather or Oscar permits) 4. What’s your favorite animal? A toss up between Oscar, James, Holden. When they aren’t listening or reading over my shoulder, I’d have to say my most favorite animal in the entire world is the sloth. My sole aspiration in life is to meet and perhaps hold one. I’m very fond of llamas as well. 5. What would you like to be known for? The shocking discovery that I am Bruce Wayne. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I already have superpowers, what I really need is a good technician to fine tune them. Oh yes, and patience. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I once held a giant block of lard while Ed Kowalczyk worried the bowl wasn’t porcelain and the water to wash my feet not warm enough. More than really random, it was truly odd.


felicitate88.etsy.com // Heike

1. Tell us about yourself! Im a 39 year old woman who lives in Frankfurt(Oder), Brandenburg, Germany with my son (4 years old) and (german : Ehemann -married man), i studied veterinary laboratory diagnostics and work in a software company. I love to draw. 2. What inspires your work? The country, my animals 3. What’s a perfect day for you? The spring, today :) 4. What’s your favorite animal? Elephants. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? That I can fly. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I love children books.



1. Tell us about yourself! I used to work a busy stressful city job, but 2 years ago I gave it all away to live a more flexible creative life. Then a year ago I moved away from the big smoke to a very small town wedged between the beach and the bush. Now I spend my days making art-like-things, marveling at nature, sucking in fresh air, playing silly-fools with my mr-man and kitty-cat, and pining for the array of multicultural food that only a big city can offer. 2. What inspires your work? Stuff around me that would otherwise go unnoticed. Watching how we connect with people/places/stuff/ourselves. And faces too! I like faces. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? About 7 cups of tea, smell of jasmine in the air, catching up with friends. 4. What’s your favorite animal? If you’d have asked “who’s your favorite” I would have said Tilli my kitty, but “what” is a whole other thing… Um, I’ve always really liked those giant manta rays. 5. What would you like to be known for? Being a nice friend. Making the most of it all 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To double the amount of hours in a day when I need more time. I really, really want to be able to do that. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I can tell you a time when I did write something really random; in my high school year book in the final year of school, everyone else had written those shloppy “I’ll remember you forever” poems, I wrote out a really good but simple recipe for guacamole. I just thought it’d be more useful in the long run. And lets face it, who doesn’t like guacamole?


www.flummeries.com // Erik Stein + Emily Ipolani 1. Tell us about yourself! My name is Erik and I’m the co-creator of Flummeries along with my wife Emily. We came up with the idea from a doodle she made while watching cheesy movies and have continued to illustrate them together ever since. I’m a graphic designer by trade, but don’t usually get to work on my own ideas during the day, so I like to create things without restraint on Flummeries. Also, I don’t sew. Emily does sew, but doesn’t like it. Both of us do like how the little Flums turn out when they’re finished though. 2. What inspires your work? For me it’s nature, life, literature and the strange melding of all three... Emily says, me (aww :-) the little critters all around, antiquities, ornaments, and wordplay. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A quiet one with nothing to do but create. Emily says hers is one with nothing to do but eat pastries. 4. What’s your favorite animal? The majestic moose. 5. What would you like to be known for? Witty repartee. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To make the perfect cup of coffee... not really a super power, but supercharged and a power of good for the world. Emily already has superpowers. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. Don’t walk on dried lake beds... they aren’t always “dry” and can suck your hiking shoes off. Also, marmots eat shoes too (they like the rubber - maybe it tastes like chicken to them).

Good Bloom

goodbloom/ www.goodbloom.net //Holly Bartos 1. Tell us about yourself! I am a mom to three kids and spend most of my days juggling running my shop and keeping up with the kids and laundry! I started doing art to get some of my creative energy out and escape from my crazy life. I love what I’m doing and couldn’t imagine doing anything else! 2. What inspires your work? Interesting color combinations really inspire me. And patterns and designs. Lots of things. I see something interesting and an idea pops into my head for a flower design. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Doing something fun with my kids and husband, and winding down at the end of the day painting. That’s a pretty perfect day for me. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Elephants 5. What would you like to be known for? That I had a servant’s heart. I’m still working on it for sure! 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I just want to fly! How cool would that be?!?! 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I am a closet Spongebob fan. I secretly listen and watch while my kids are watching. I love it. :)

Gracia + Louise


1. Tell us about yourself! We make artists’ books, we make all sorts of things, and most usually we make things on paper. More often than not, we collaborate, and more often than not, we favour evenings over mornings. One of us favours collage and the other favours watercolour. For over ten years we have been making our limited edition artists’ books, prints and zines to share with you. 2. What inspires your work? Everything feeds into our work. From books devoured to films seen, from long walks to dreams recalled, from museums to the natural world; it is all endlessly inspiring. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Any day in autumn that seems without end. A long and productive day when you feel light on your feet would be close to ideal. 4. What’s your favorite animal? No real favourite; they are all of outstanding merit to us. That said we do have a soft spot for all those in the Order Rodentia. 5. What would you like to be known for? For being good and kind and thoughtful sounds a good thing to aim for. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Invisibility and flight coupled together… is that being too greedy? 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. One of us loathes wearing socks and shoes and prefers to be barefoot, the other likes talking to birds.

Gypsy & Twink

gypsyandtwink.etsy.com // Kirsty McIntosh

1. Tell us about yourself! I try to make nice things that maybe someone else will think are nice too. 2. What inspires your work? Everything, all around - colours, patterns, shapes, the sky 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Coffee, beach walk, picnic, lots of ideas, movies, evening of friends 4. What’s your favorite animal? it would feel unfair to say …... 5. What would you like to be known for? Making nice things 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? to fly, and find a new colour 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I have just made my first jam -- blackcurrent.


hoorah.etsy.com // Rebecca Hanna

1. Tell us about yourself! Hmm..I just moved to Virginia with my dream boat hubby Benjamin! I’m the oldest child in my family, which means that I’m more prone to bossiness! I love a good iced chai with an everything bagel. And, when I paint, 80% of the time, I listen to Neko Case’s Fox Confessor Brings the Flood on repeat. Sometimes I throw in Midlake’s The Trials of Van Occupanther. I wear a cardigan over almost every outfit and if I never had to spend a lot of time fixing my hair again I’d be a very happy girl! 2. What inspires your work? I find myself constantly inspired by nature, but that’s usually only the jumping off point. After that, symmetry and composition are my rulers. I usually need a delicate color palette, although lately I’ve been getting a little brighter. It’s heaven to me when I find something in nature that’s perfectly symmetrical and naturally exists in a pale color...score! 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Ok, this one is kind of long, but it’s good! And, this day is, or course, assuming actual time constraints do not apply.

So, it’s Fall, (specifically October), and I’ve slept in. I wake up in a room filled with tons of white flowers (hydrangea, peony, scabiosa, garden roses, etc) which has a balcony overlooking the ocean. I have breakfast with my husband on the balcony (scrambled eggs, french toast, vegetarian biscuits and gravy from Ria’s Bluebird Cafe in Atlanta, cappuccino, and mimosa!). Then we take a walk on the beach and come back to the balcony where I’ll paint a little while. After that we’ll take a walk around the old town around the corner where red, gold, and brown leaves have scattered along the way and we find ourselves at a pumpkin patch! We get the most perfect pumpkin and take it to my mother’s house (this is where my superpower comes in very handy!). My whole family is there carving pumpkins and we all eat a nice dinner on the porch while fireflies dance in the front yard. We all laugh and have a wonderful time, and then Ben and I snap! our fingers and we’re back in our beach room! We watch Amelie, then take a night swim in a lit up pool with palm trees and monkeys all around. Lastly, we have a pina colada by the pool and then go up to bed and fall asleep to the sound of waves. Phew! That was fun!

4. What’s your favorite animal? My little hunting cat, Ringo. He’s brandishing a feather stick and forcing me to type this. 5. What would you like to be known for? In my personal life I’d like to be known as a person who always tried to bring all mylove to my relationships; someone who is thoughtful, kind, and considerate. Professionally, I’m still figuring that out. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I’d love to be able to snap my finger and be anywhere I want to be! (And, for whomever I want to be there with me.) 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. Sometimes I have clairvoyant dreams!

Julia Pott


1. Tell us about yourself! I am an animator and illustrator from East London and I graduated from Kingston University last year. I am happiest drawing unicorns and big burly bears and my work usually comes with a soppy heartfelt message relating to someone in my life. I have made work for Feverzine, Supersweet Magazine, Frankie Magazine and Trinity College in Dublin and I am currently working on a music video about animals sharing body parts which will hopefully be out very soon! I work out of my studio in Bethnal Green which is full of porcelain dogs and kitten mugs because I find being surrounded by ridiculous things encourages me to keep drawing ridiculous things. 2. What inspires your work? I am inspired a lot by my friends. I used to live with three other illustrators (Stuart Kolakovic, Amy Brown and Rosie Miles) and we would spend all our time being ridiculous and drawing and making things just for the fun of it. We would go on drawing expeditions to ridiculous places and we would all work in the kitchen sometimes so we could discuss ideas while we were making things. I would say that I am very inspired by these people because although they work in a different way to me, we have the same sense of humour which is important. I am also inspired by the things that are going on in my life, a lot of my work is autobiographical so I use my drawing as a kind of diary, getting all my feelings out of my system. I love looking at other film-makers and illustrators and I love the work of Igor Kovalyov and Miranda July because they’re story telling is beautifully presented, obscure, but very relatable.

3. What’s a perfect day for you? I think a perfect day would be doing something I have not done before. By birthday this year was quite a perfect day. I was being filmed for a documentary so I was taken to the zoo and played with all the animals for hours and then I went for a cream tea with my mom in Green Park where there was plush chairs and pink everywhere and candy canes and scones (I felt like Marie Antoinette!), followed by a walk in the park and a trip to see Jules Et Jim at an art cinema with my family. It was the best day because I was experience a lot of new things but they were all related to my interests. Plus is was a beautiful day so that probably helped! 4. What is your favourite animal? My favourite animal is a unicorn because I cannot get enough of drawing them and they remind me of being a child and having such a vivid imagination. I also love forest animals like bears and deers because they remind me of my holidays with my family to remote parts of America seeing all this wildlife and having such a great time. Plus bears are very soft and fluffy but look really cross which is a good combination. 5. What would you like to be known for? I would love to be known for my work, I work so hard on it and it brings me so much happiness that I would for it to pay off in the future. I would love to re-introduce hand drawn animation into the mainstream market because I think it is very sad that is a dying art as 3d animation lacks a lot of the human quality that 2d animation had. I would just love to be known for my art, as I think every artist would be. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I think flying would be the best super power. When I was younger and just discovering boys I wanted to have x-ray vision and adjust it to see through boys clothing but I think I have grown out of that phase now. Flying would be mega awesome because you could just get away from the world for a little while and be in a place where no one else could be. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I have a sewing machine needle stuck in the middle of my index finger from when I sewed though my hand when I was delirious one evening. It has been 3 years now and it is still floating around in there and I can feel it when I push down.

Junkyard Sam


1. Tell us about yourself! Game artist by day, printmaker by night. Gallons of coffee get me through the day and then ungodly amounts of beer get me to sleep at night in a panic, realizing I have to be at work in a few hours. Trying to stop that!

2. What inspires your work? Life is scary and dreadful. I don’t understand why more people don’t see that. I have to fly to an art show soon and I expect turbulence that no doubt will sent my family and me to our deaths, like a bad rollercoaster ride with a splat at the end. Sigh. With all this trouble in the world I keep my art pretty happy, but lately it creeps into my serene scenes with people getting killed in the background. Life is a real horror.

3. What’s a perfect day for you? Free time. Every once in a while I get more than 3 hours of sleep, and it’s just AMAZING. For a day, life seems okay. Maybe this is what other people experience? But then it’s back to 8939834323423 hour workweeks, deadlines, stress, pressure, and insane commitments. please god help me 4. What’s your favorite animal? I like dogs. I have two, and they’re just fabulous. One is a big beautiful intelligent beast, a mutt shepherd mix. He’s much smarter than I am... but I’m a better artist. The other is a dumb Beagle that eats poop all the time. I love them both, but that Beagle is disgusting!

5. What would you like to be known for? I’d like to be known as someone with a lot of free time - someone who gets a lot of sleep every night... but unfortunately that’s not possible - so I’m known for my art, which somehow gets in the way of sleep. Dear god I am so tired. Seriously. Really, really tired. On days like this it gets hard to breathe, and I keep seeing things move in the corners of my eyes. Like there’s something on The Other Side crossing through. I’m so tired. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I would pause time. I would just hit pause, and go to sleep. It would be amazing. I daydream about sleep like others think about winning the lottery or having a nice meal. I just need more time, why is it so much to ask!? Please?! Can’t someone help me? 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. My first car was a 1981 Mercury Capri. It was entirely rusted, falling apart. There were holes all through the body, and when I drove through puddles - the people in the back seat would get wet as the water would splash up through the holes in the undercarriage. I hit a bump once and my driver seat dropped several inches as the rust broke and nearly sent my seat through to the ground. The brakes were really bad - I wonder if my dad was loosening them. Looking back, it’s clear my parents were trying to kill me.

Kathy Weller wellerwishes.etsy.com

1. Tell us about yourself! I am a whimsical illustrator, graphic designer and pet portrait artist. I illustrate for children’s educational and trade. I have illustrated mass market greeting cards and gift tags too, and I and plan to do more of this type of work in the future! I’ve also been doing pet portraits since 2004 and I love this work. I also have a day job: I am a senior graphic designer and illustrator for sales and marketing department of an online news site. My ultimate main goal is to be self-employed full-time as an independent illustrator/designer. But for the time being, my day job keeps me in Epson ink, Wacom tablets, and -- oh yes, that little detail -- the roof over my head! :) 2. What inspires your work? So many things inspire me! Animals, nature, patterns, details in everyday life, typography and lettering, pen and ink. Exotic locales are very inspiring to me, from Tahiti, to the moon, to the ocean. Other cultures are very inspiring as well. Oh, and other artists inspire me every day! How can I forget how much we all inspire each other? Thank God for the interne 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Here’s a perfect working day... I get up early and I start working on art work right away, in my pajamas, before anything (except for feeding the dogs). I really like to start doing artwork first thing in the morning. I find I’m in a really good frame of mind to draw when I just wake up. I work on artwork for two to three hours (which goes by like ten minutes) and then I break for an iced green tea latte. I make it, and then bring back in the studio to sip on while I work. I work for a little while longer, take a shower and get dressed for the day, go back to work. Stop and eat lunch in the dining room, maybe read the paper while I eat. Go work some more for a couple hours. Take a break to walk the dogs and then work some more! Basically, a perfect

working day is a day when I can totally concentrate on my artwork projects at hand for prolonged periods of time, and my only other responsibilities are taking care of the doggies. Kind of rare to have an entire day like that, let’s be honest! ;) 4. What’s your favorite animal? Well, gosh I love so many different animals. I have a hard time picking just one. My favorite type of saltwater fish is a pufferfish. And I love starfish too. My favorite breed of dog is a pug. I really like birdies. I love elephants, monkeys, panda bears, koalas, gorillas, giraffes. 5. What would you like to be known for? This is a loaded question! In the cerebral sense, I think the most important thing is inspiring people with my artwork - bringing fun and joy and humor and smiles and comfort to people with it. Inspiring kids to draw and to KEEP drawing and to live the creative life! In a technical sense, my pen / ink / watercolor work is what I’ve spent the most time developing, and are the mediums that have had the most consistency and longevity for me. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I would like to possess The Powers Of “Undo” when I’m working on non-computer art work! Ha, that would be nice, but I guess cool stuff often comes from making mistakes, so I could not really wish for that. How about The Powers Of “Undo” and ALSO The Powers of “Redo”? This would come in handy just in case I “undo” something, and then come to the realization that the “mistake” I just undid was actually serendipitous and wasn’t a mistake at all, and I want to keep it and build on it. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I bite my nails. Maybe I’ll stop now.

Mary Kilvert


1. Tell us about yourself! I am a freelance illustrator and work for clients in editorial, publishing and design. I started my Etsy shop marykilvert.etsy.com a year ago. It is a great way to sell prints and illustrated goods and an area I would love to develop more. 2. What inspires your work? Going to exhibitions such as the V&A in London, it has a beautiful collection of art, fabrics and design. I love to travel and see new places. I collect books on patterns, fashion, children’s books and artists. The internet is great for finding new artists and reading their blogs. I love animals and their quirky personalities, my cat is a good inspiration. I often work quite late into the night and find I get some of my best ideas at this time! 3. What’s a perfect day for you? My favorite work day is waking up to a sunny morning and then doing some yoga. Getting a cappuccino and croissant from the French cafe down the hill. Walking next to the river then back to my studio. Working on interesting commissions while listening to my favorite tunes. Having dinner with my friends/boyfriend and cat while watching the sunset from our flat. 4. What’s your favorite animal? I love all animals but for now it would have to be my black cat Philip. 5. What would you like to be known for? As a creative, fun-loving illustrator. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I would like to be able to fly. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I drink lots of tea everyday.

Mau Studio

maustudio.etsy.com // Manyi Au

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m a graphic and web designer. I like to draw and love to make crafty things. 2. What inspires your work? Everything, especially animals. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A perfect day is a day which I can sit at home and relax, have a cup of coffee, and to work on my projects. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Cat, of course. 5. What would you like to be known for? I would like to be known as a person who inspires other people. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Time travel maybe cool! 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I love chocolate.

Mel Roska


1. Tell us about yourself! I like to sleep in late on work days and get up early on weekends. I have two cats, which means I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep since I don’t know when. When I’m not sleeping I like to go to thrift stores and watch movies and try new restaurants in my neighborhood. I love living in San Francisco. I just turned 25 and got a little depressed about it, but I’m ok with it now. 2. What inspires your work? I’m inspired a lot by textures. I’m one of those people who has to touch EVERYTHING. I also really like old books, especially ones with pictures. And music. Music is very important. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Waking up rested when the sun is still low in the sky. Taking a leisurely stroll to my favorite cafe for coffee and mlaoui. Heading to Golden Gate Park to visit the Academy of Sciences and the Botanical Gardens. Then getting together with friends for drinks and board games late into the night. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Well, Ava and Nick Nolte (my cats) would probably be mad if I didn’t say that they were my favorite animals. Though I’ve had a fondness for bears in the past... 5. What would you like to be known for? I think just for being a nice person and a good friend. Maybe also for being really funny, that would be cool too. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? The ability to not get tired. Ever. But also to be able to go to sleep if I wanted, whenever I wanted. But only if I wanted to. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. The person in the cubicle across from mine at work listens to the same radio station all day long everyday. The station she listens to plays the same songs everyday, but the one that’s really stuck out to me is Push It, by Salt’n’Pepa. I’ve started recording the time that it comes on, generally it is between 9 am and noon. Every single day.

Milady Productions

miladyproductions.etsy.com // Stephanie Morgan Rogers

1. What / who inspires you? I have always been inspired by the life and art of Carl Larsson, a Swedish painter of the late 1800’s. He rennovated a mill he inherited, had a ton of kids, was an outspoken socialist, hosted gatherings for artsy thinkers, his wife did all the sewing and decorating and he painted his life’s surroundings. Its beautiful stuff full of traditions and celebration of family, working and crafting. My Grandmother and Father share this love for his work and we all have many of his books. As far as everything else that inspires me...well, that’s a tall order! OH, that reminds me of the Tall Book of Make Believe full of Garth Williams illustrations...love that kind of stuff.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Have nothing in your home that is not useful nor beautiful”(or something like that! ) William Morris 3. What propels you to create art? Its just what i’m supposed to do, that all. When I’m really onto something I feel like i’m on the hunt for a magical place full of beauty and all things pure of heart like i’ve stepped right into an old mysterious illustration. 4. What is your favorite tool? A teeny tiny brush dipped in india ink.

Miss Sequential

thimblewinder.etsy.com // Marissa Falco

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, and maker of random things in Boston, Massachusetts. I used to make zines when I was a teen, and drew lots of comics, which led to my interest in illustration and design. 2. What inspires your work? Funny everyday sorts of things that happen when you least expect them, travel, wacky dreams, basically everything. I’ve been lucky to have been inspired by so much, so often. I honestly can’t think of a day when something didn’t give my imagination even the tiniest spark. My problem is usually too many ideas and not enough time to draw them all! 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A perfect day most likely involves wearing comfortable shoes, eating brunch, swimming and then taking a nap. Also, laughing until my sides ache, and either drawing something cool or having an illustration-worthy idea or adventure. Yes, please! 4. What’s your favorite animal? When I was a child I found a picture book by Bill Peet about a capybara at the library, and after reading decided that it was my new favorite animal. I haven’t found an animal that has made as much of an impression on me since; for some reason giant rodents are really fascinating! 5. What would you like to be known for? Mostly for my memorable Halloween costumes over the years. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Flying; I have often thought, “If only I could fly over that intersection, I probably would have made it to my train!” I would also like to be able to breathe underwater, because I’ve just started swimming laps and it would come in handy. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. When I was a child, I was 100% certain that I would be a detective when I grew up, and would collect clues everywhere I went.

Mizu Designs

mizudesigns.com.au // Kylie Budge

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m a printmaker and illustrator who loves messing around with paper and ink. I mostly make hand carved and printed woodblock prints but also love illustration. I incorporate my interest in illustration into my giclee art prints. I’m very influenced by the Japanese aesthetic because I lived in Kyoto for 7 years until quite recently. 2. What inspires your work? I’m inspired by lots of little simple things: tea and the ritual around drinking it, seed pods in nature, linear patterns (mostly natural), Japanese images and patterns, wildflowers...... 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A perfect day can start out by not really having a plan of what I will do. I love to let structure and the ‘to do’ list just melt away and see where it leads me. Some days it will lead to lots of carving of my blocks for printing, other days drawing, others printing and playing with inks, and then sometimes I chop and change between all of these. I feel better when I go for a walk down to the creek near my house in the middle of the day for a break and some fresh air. And a glass of wine in the evening just rounds it all of very nicely! 4. What’s your favorite animal? Cats. I just love them and ‘get’ them. I really admire their aloofness and their need for independence. I also love an Australian animal, the echidna, because they’re so shy. 5. What would you like to be known for? Creating beauty in some way. I want to contribute to that in some way in the world. For many years I’ve been trying to do that through my works on paper. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Gosh! It would have to be to use them to eliminate poverty, war and hunger. And to ‘right’ the very many environmental ‘wrongs’ that have been created. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. When I was 9 years old I started a koala club in my school. There were only 2 members and we were both obsessed with koalas. We spent our lunch breaks cutting out pictures of koalas and putting them in a box. I have no idea what we intended to do with all of our pictures. We just needed to express our love for those fury little creatures and this is how it came out.

Number Eight

numbereight.etsy.com // Rachael Amen

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m an illustrator who lives in a 1 1/2 story house with my husband and 5 cats. I also like to say that I’m a nostalgist. I’m also a redhead and a good, but reluctant cook. 2. What inspires your work? I’m inspired by vintage books, life, faces, and imagination. Vintage advertising and popular culture. Lately science is interesting. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? The perfect day for me would be...manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, haircut, shop, shop, shop, sit out by the sea...good book, husband, behaving cats and overall a sense of calm. Starts shallow and ends meaningful :) 4. What’s your favorite animal? The tapir! Just one among many. Elk come in a close second. 5. What would you like to be known for? Beloved wife. Good loyal friend. Talent. Quirky sense of humor. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Invisibility (shady, I know) and teleportation. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I have a total fascination for anything Scandinavia. I’ve visited once, and would love to go back. I wrote a thesis on blood drinking in Viking history and vampirism in Scandinavian folklore...I’d say that’s pretty random. I also break into spontaneous dance sometimes.

Round Robin Press


1. Tell us about yourself! I run Round Robin Press, try to stay connected to what I’m working on and what’s in my future. My main focus with RRP is running a company that enables me to put my designs on lots of different surfaces while always putting the environment first when deciding what materials to use. I make letterpress plantable cards, art, and children’s books. 2. What inspires your work? Everything I see, hear, dream, talk, and eat! It’s not one thing I can peg but inspiration comes when I least expect it and other times, when I look for it. I can definitely say there is no scarcity of inspiration in my life. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? My most perfect day would be to have the morning to feel a sense of accomplishment with a project I’m working on and then spend the afternoon reading, swimming, playing with my family! 4. What’s your favorite animal? hmmm...that’s a hard one. I love them all. If I had to choose, pandas, monkeys, and cats are high on the list. 5. What would you like to be known for? Environmental positive change and having ideas that make people smile 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I asked my kids what they thought my super powers should be and my four year old said “Rainbow Head!” Apparently Rainbow Head has the ability to turn everyone’s heads into rainbows, hmmm... I think I’ll go with the super power of bringing enemies peacefully together while simultaneously creating a rainbow in the background! 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. Oh gosh, what would that be? I’ve always prided myself on my sense of direction but this past weekend, I’m embarrassed to say I got lost in the woods (a forest of tall trees with multiple intersecting trails) and it restored my faith in humanity by a ride from a family I did not know sent out to look for me, a cold water waiting for me from a stranger, and what had started as a hot challenging day ended with my family relieved and appreciating each other. This time, “lost in the woods” was no metaphor.

Sarah Blank


1. Tell us about yourself! I’m 29 living in Northern NJ with my husband. I spent my collage years living and going to school New York City at the Fashion Institute of Technology. I studied to work in the industry but in the back of my mind I knew eventually I would like to be a painter. I went to grad school to be an art educator, and I currently work as an art teacher. Although I have been creating all my life, I really feel as though I am just getting started with my dream of painting, still finding my way. I think I’ve almost found it, I just need to be consistent and keep painting, following my vision and telling my story through images. Although I love to be near the city I hope to make my home in the county one day in a very, very old house. 2. What inspires your work? Being outdoors, rolling hills and wildflowers, snowstorms, 18th and 19th century structures, antique books, old picture frames, folk tales, sifting through boxes of forgotten photos, the smell of a wood stove, having a quiet mind and being by myself. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Early in the morning going for a long walk while sipping tea and collecting things on the trail such as feathers and pods. Come home, stash the finds in vintage teacups on my shelves (This practice can get out of control sometimes!) Paint. I have a little room under the eaves that the sun pours into in the morning perfectly. 4. What’s your favorite animal? I love all animals, especially horses. They are so graceful! My goal is to own one but I’ll probably end up with chickens or a pig. 5. What would you like to be known for? I need to get into the habit of sketching more, so I would say the girl with a giant library full of sketchbooks, overflowing out the door with doodles and little paintings! 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? To grow a monstrous garden with herbs, blooming flowers and every type of vegetable imaginable... in the winter! 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I don’t like air conditioning, it makes me feel so sick!


swallowfield.etsy.com // Jennifer Judd-McGee

1. Tell us about yourself! I like to make mixed media design and illustration. I’ve been happily making art full time for the year and half since I got fed up and quit my day job. 2. What inspires your work? My coastal Maine surroundings and the many patterns and forms I see everywhere in nature. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Three cups of good coffee, a fresh notepad and some crisp new pens, and the Sunday New York Times. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Hmmm. Maybe a small, lazy, well behaved, non-shedding dog. 5. What would you like to be known for? Being kind. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? The power to teleport. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I can touch my tongue to my nose.

Tsk tsk

www.tsktsk.com.au // Tiel Seivl-Keevers 1. Tell us about yourself! My name is Tiel Seivl-Keevers. I’m an Australian illustrator and designer who likes to work with a variety of media including fabric and paper. I majored in printmaking in my fine arts degree, had a career in graphic design and taught as a lecturer in universities here in Australia teaching design and illustration. Currently I’m freelancing and loving it! 2. What inspires your work? Simplicity. People who can control their ideas, process them creatively, and execute them professionally. Surface design. The sun on my skin...without it burning. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? Illustrating and designing on my verandah with the sun filtering in on me. Being with my kids when they are happy and playing well together. Eating a meal with my husband..probably Japanese food. 4. What’s your favorite animal? My dog, Kransky. He is a sausage dog.....hence the name. Plus I love birds. 5. What would you like to be known for? I’d love to be a world famous Jazz singer, but my singing isn’t that good. So I’ll settle for being known for someone who is approachable, honest and creative. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Super powers to keep my house and car clean, and to keep my city clean... and less polluted. Small steps. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. Random. I just ate Mexican takeaway, whilst watching bad TV, and discussing property investment with my husband.

Vinyl Wall Art

www.vinylwallart.com // Holly Jones

1. Tell us about yourself! I‘m an Illustrator & Designer. I used to work for a major scrapbook company designing rubber stamps. Now I work at home with my husband and two daughters. We create wall art, and will be offering other products in the near future. 2. What inspires your work? Everything & anything! Sometimes it’s my 4 year old daughter telling me what to draw. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A perfect day would consist of spending time with my family, riding bikes, & etc. Then a few hours to myself to draw, make things, and be creative. 4. What’s your favorite animal? I love Dinosaurs (even though I’ve never seen one in person.) 5. What would you like to be known for? I’d love people to think of me as a happy, generous, and stylish person. 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? I’d love to have the power of Teleportation. Then I could travel 2.000 miles for lunch but be back in enough time to get my work finished. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. When I was pretty little I drew braces on the teeth of everyone in any magazine or book in my house.

What Katie Does

whatkatiedoes.etsy.com // Katie Marcus

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m 23 year old web designer by day, crafter / illustrator / knitter by any-other-time-i-can-find. I live with my boyfriend in a little poky flat in North London full of my prized collections and lots of art. I love to draw and sell my prints and cards as a hobby - I hope one day to make a full-time job out of illustration. Other than drawing, I like to knit, cook, travel, and take photographs. 2. What inspires your work? Mostly just things that I love or find pretty. I love to collect things and a lot of my drawings are inspired by my favourite possessions. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A lazy Saturday - I’d get some brunch with my boyfriend in my favourite cafe, then sit in the garden and draw for a little while, go for a cider in the pub, and cook something tasty for dinner. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Cats! I’ve wanted a kitten since i was a little girl. 5. What would you like to be known for? Being creative and unique 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Time-turning power so I could squish up the boring things and have more time to create. 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. The smell or sight of bananas makes me feel REALLY sick!


wonting.etsy.com // Christine Wong 1. Tell us about yourself! I am a freelance illustrator, graphic designer and Gocco enthusiast from the Big Apple. 2. What inspires your work? Friends, my husband, children, history, nature, everyday life in a big city! 3. What’s a perfect day for you? A day when I have on a cute outfit and the weather is gorgeous, my husband and I take a scenic ride to Upstate New York meeting a few friends then we go for a swim and hike for a mile or 2, after a nice late afternoon nap we throw a barbeque party followed by a bon-fire and eating roasted marshmallows. 4. What’s your favorite animal? Squirrels, otters, and dogs. 5. What would you like to be known for? An illustrator with great sense of style and humor.

Four Crows Art

www.fourcrows.com // Robin Collins

1. Tell us about yourself! I’m just a Midwestern Mom at this point who loves art. I started my art life with huge expectations...and it seemed life had other plans for me. Now, I do it for the love of it. 2. What inspires your work? The world really. I can spend hours wandering around websites and Etsy. There is just so much you can do these days with the internet. The world is such a tiny place. 3. What’s a perfect day for you? The perfect day...hmmmm....a day at the beach with my son and our dogs couldn’t really be far from heaven! 4. What’s your favorite animal? No such thing as a favorite. I’m an animal advocate...I adore every last one of them... even the creepy crawlies. (But I must say, I have a HUGE soft spot for bunnies and birds!) 5. What would you like to be known for? That’s a hard one. I used to paint all the time, and draw, I have volumes of sketchpads...but now I’m learning 3-D CG art (it’s something like learning Latin, let me tell you!) and have grown to love Photoshop and Paint...so maybe I’ll end up going there... 6. If you could have superpowers, what would it be? Flying, or maybe to have gills...why not both?? 7. Tell us something random. REALLY random. I used to have a foot high mohawk...and that’s saying something for a girl that stands 6’tall. :p

pikaland.bigcartel.com www.pikaland.com/pikapackage www.flickr.com/pikaland

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