PikaPackage Green Edition

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The Green Edition

Benconservato Edison Rex Genie Espinosa Halle Cisco Jetta’s Nest

Katie Green Kitty Kilian Mary Kate McDevitt Nekocherry Smooth Pebble 1

Your package contains work from the artists circled on the next page! Thanks so much for your support & we hope you have fun discovering new artists on Pikaland! Amy@Pikaland www.pikaland.com/pikapackage + cover art by katie green




The Green Edition

participants Benconservato

Katie Green

Edison Rex

Kitty Kilian

Genie Espinosa

Mary Kate McDevitt

Halle Cisco


Jetta’s Nest

Smooth Pebble


benconservato / emma kidd Sydney, Australia


How about a brief introduction? I have always liked print making, all that effort to try to get the perfect edition, and the tons of paper in your house. I like to draw and paint and make monsters come alive. What made Gocco so special for you? I love the fact you can do it at home, no real space is needed, no permission or vast amounts of money out-layed... all very accessible, and portable. Any tips on using a Gocco that you’d like to share? I have fallen into the basic exposure, with one screen, maybe then blocking off a little and changing the colours, but then hand painting it. As I have the basic set, registration can be a killer sometimes. What’s your biggest accomplishment to date? Coming back to Australia and jumping in, trying to get the perfect work life balance. Not turning into a complete hermit in the process. Share something random with us! I love to quiz my man on music, he calls me “The Rock Snob”.


katie green Bristol, UK

katiegreen.co.uk / greenbeanstudio.blogspot.com

How about a brief introduction? Hi, I’m Katie! I’m a freelance illustrator, avid self-publisher and I also now teach illustration classes. I love tea, and books, and I have a Biology degree. Don’t ask. What does going green mean to you? Going green, for me, is a bit of a no-brainer. It boggles my mind that we’ve built a culture and society that is utterly disconnected from the land and the environment we so depend on. Producing ‘green’ products is a (very) small way of showing respect for the planet and awareness of these issues. Its nowehere near enough, but it’s a start. What projects are you currently working on? I’m always working on my monthly zine, The Green Bean - as soon as one is printed I have to get to work on the next. Its quite a commitment but I enjoy every moment of it. My major project is my graphic novel which, at around 400 or 500 pages, means I have a couple of years’ work ahead. Its a good thing I like to draw! What’s your favorite tool? If I had to choose one, it would be a pigma micron pen. But my computer is also very high on the list. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Such a hard question! After much deliberation: meticulous, conscientious and, well.... green!


kitty kilian Utrecht, Netherlands


How about a brief introduction? Hi, I’m Kitty and I was a journalist and teacher of journalism before I started illustrating. What does going green mean to you? On a level of eternity, it is the most important thing there is. On an everyday level, we try not to think about it because it overwhelms us. And yet the twain must meet! What projects are you currently working on? Working on getting my first editioral commissions is my main project. What’s your favorite tool? Photoshop. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Energy, play, fun.


nekocherry / aurora cacciapuoti Between Bologna (Italy) and Edinburgh (Scotland)


How about a brief introduction? I am a psychologist, training to become an Expressive Psychotherapist and Art Therapist. My passion for illustration and comics was born with me. When I was very young I attended the Sardinian Comics School, directed by Bonelli Comics Publishing. In 2009 I started to create hand painted t-shirts and tote bags and I registered the brand Nekocherry, that became also my nickname as freelance illustrator. In the same year I began an autobiographical comic, “My life in Edinburgh”, that I still publish in my blog. I studied illustration, Creative Digital Drawing and Artist Book for a while at the ECA (Edinburgh College of Art). In 2010 I became member of Edinburgh Printmakers and I started screen-printing. My work is influenced by many personal life experiences; during years of university I studied theatre and acted in famous theatres in Milan. I worked for many years as a freelance journalist. At present my time is spent between working as a freelance illustrator and activities of creative workshops. I am also creator and curator of “Life on Comics”, a workshop about autobiographical comics. What does going green mean to you? Green is happiness, is nature. My dream is to live in a wood and rock house, in a small medieval village, in the middle of nature. Also I love animals (cats in particular, as you may have noticed), so green is also great for the wellbeing of animals. What projects are you currently working on? A small booklet about my life in Edinburgh. What’s your favorite tool? Ink and nib, beyond a shadow of a doubt. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Enchanted, alchemist, whimsical.


edison rex / maeg yosef The Happy Valley, Massachusetts, USA


How about a brief introduction? Hello! My name is Maeg and I live in a small city nestled at the foot of a mountain in Western Massachusetts, USA. I live with my husband, who I married on that same mountain, our two children, and one very dirty cat named Moe. What does going green mean to you? For me, it means looking within my daily life for ways to make a positive impact on our environment. That can be eating food from my garden or local farms or pushing a stroller instead of driving a car. Through Edison Rex, I make donations for each print I sell to help plant trees through Trees for the Future. Art making definitely uses important resources and I am so happy to have found a small way to give back. What projects are you currently working on? ‘Tis the time of year for my studio to turn into a little factory! I’m up before dawn these days, printing away in my studio. Beyond mass production mode, I’m quietly working on new illustration ideas, a book idea, and a new website. What’s your favorite tool? A pencil. And my giant Epson printer, partly because it reminds me of Darth Vader. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Learning, In Progress, Happy.


smooth pebble / jacqueline basham Missouri, USA


How about a brief introduction? The word artist tends to get stuck in my throat when I try to use it in reference to myself, but it’s what I’ve wanted to be all my life. I became infatuated with papercutting the minute I cut out Amy Karol’s (Angry Chicken) mailorder pattern of a bunny on a swing. Starting out using existing patterns I soon realized that I could create my own patterns and ideas, and that engaged all the wheels in my brain. I’m still experinmenting and trying to find my own definitive style of papercutting. What does going green mean to you? For me it starts with a reverence of the natural world, and an understanding that there is an intrinsic connection among every living thing on earth. To make choices whether personal, business, national or global out of that understanding. What projects are you currently working on? Woodland “coat of arms” papercut, a series of house papercuts, a couple of commissioned papercuts and photographic postcards. What’s your favorite tool? X-acto knife and a #11 blade. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Curious, evolving, patient.


halle cisco Portland, Oregon


How about a brief introduction? I am an illustrator, designer and educator originally from Ohio, but now living in Portland, Oregon. Being the only girl with two brothers, I spent a lot of time alone doodling and creating imaginary friends. I have taken an art class here and there, but am mostly self taught. I prefer pen and ink, letterpress and screen printing but also like using the computer to add color and text to my drawings. You can see more of my work at www.hallecisco.com. What does going green mean to you? It means being conscious of the paper and inks I use in my designs. I try to use recycled paper and soy based inks when possible. What projects are you currently working on? I am currently working on drawings of objects. The series is called Things the Same But Different. Some of the objects are shoes, glasses, and vintage cameras. I also just finished my annual (10th year!) Halloween card. What’s your favorite tool? Pen and ink. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Designer, illustrator, educator


jetta’s nest / samantha gilkes Australia


How about a brief introduction? My name is Samantha and I live in Australia. I’ve been painting and drawing my whole life and started painting and drawing on salvaged timber about 10 years ago. What does going green mean to you? I think it’s really important to consider the health of our planet as often as you can, so for me using recycled and salvaged materials wherever possible is helpful even if it is in a small way. I also love the challenge of taking something old and discarded and turning it into something new. What projects are you currently working on? I’m always working on new brooch designs and artwork for cards and prints too. As well as that I’m working on some timber wall-hangings, kind of like big brooches to hang on your wall. What’s your favorite tool? My favourite tool by far would have to be my enormous collection of 005 pens. I love very fine pens and I tend to wear them out quite quickly so I always have lots on hand for drawing on paper and wood. I also do love my Scroll-Saw....lot’s of fun and noisy too! What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Colourful, intricate and wonky :)


mary kate mcdevitt Portland, OR


How about a brief introduction? Hello! My name is Mary Kate and I’m an illustrator living and working in Portland, OR. I specialize in hand lettering which I hand paint on Mini Goals Chalkboards. I’m inspired by vintage design and nature and work next to my boyfriend Fred and my cat Peppy doesn’t do much work but she’s my little motivator. What does going green mean to you? I’m a big fan of reusable objects and keeping it simple. I feel it is easy to be green by just making a few subtle changes to your everyday life. What projects are you currently working on? I’m always working on new designs for Mini Goals Chalkboards and I’m getting ready for the holiday sales. I am also working on an illustration for Work/Life 2 -- an illustration publication by Uppercase. What’s your favorite tool? A pencil it goes well with an eraser. I use it constantly. What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Humorous, colorful and odd.


genie espinosa Spain


How about a brief introduction? I’m a lawyer-to-be student who decided to stop everything and study the wonderful and colored part of life: illustration and design. Once I’ve touched this world I can’t go out, and started a blog where i share my everyday thougths and illustrations! Also, I’ve a crush on bunnies, dogs and tea flavors. As an illustrator, I love the fact that I can’t stop learning everyday in this profession. What does going green mean to you? It’s about respect and love, and caring for every single object in the world! What projects are you currently working on? I’m working on some illos for a story, I’m so excited! Recently I’ve finished a collaboration for some greeting cards and invitations, it was awesome! What’s your favorite tool? Pencil and my bamboo! What 3 words would best describe you as an artist? Spontaneous, colored and caring!





The Green Edition



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