PikaPackage Zine #2: July 2008

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PARTICIPANTS July 2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

AK Japan // Andrea Kobayashi Aqua Velvet // Amy Henderson Benconservato // Emma Kidd Brian Patenaude Bubbo Tubbo // Natasha Mileshina Charmfoundry // Kate Philips Charming Rosie // Rosie Miles Corid // Cori Dantini Denise Ann Simon Denise Sciluna Erinzam // Erin Zamrzla Fric De Mentol // Ana Reimundo Hearful Art // Raphaella Vaisseau Hilary Wagstaff I Like Pens // Kate Seaward Iris Schwarz Junecraft // Kayanna Nelson Kindling // Nina O’Brien Lauren Minco Lilacmoon Studio // Jinnie Lee Linotte // Anke Weckmann Lino Creative // Sandra Krumins Madelaine Melanie Wickham Milady Productions // Stephanie Morgan Rogers Miss Avocado // Abigail Halpin Number Eight // Rachael Amen Nut and Bee // Annette Lauder Paula Birdy // Paula Gibbs Phatsheep // Suzanne Shearer Pretty Little Thieves // Nancy Mungcal Rebecca Hahn Shawna Carpenter Sofia Barao Stockton & Co. // Stephanie Turner Susan Schwake The Hermitage // Rima Staines Valentina Ramos

www.pikaland.com/pikapackage www.flickr.com/pikaland

Hello! Welcome to the second edition of the PikaPackage Project zine! Two months has passed since the first round of the PikaPackage Project, and I am continously amazed at the supportive and dynamic communtiy of artists I’ve encountered online. I cannot thank our participants enough for believing in this, and for being so gracious with their time. The PikaPackage Project to me, is an ongoing project that is everchanging and evolving. I started this without knowing the outcome of it, and I am constantly amazed at how this little endeavor has grown, thanks to artists and art-lovers across the globe. It’s safe to say that this project is also a good way for art + illustration lovers who are just beginning to dip their feet into collecting art (including long-time fans too) -- throw in elements of surprise and mystery and you’re in for a very interesting mailbox treat! This idea perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the project. This second issue for the zine is all about inspiration, how our participants are imbued with it everyday, and how it propels them to create their art. I am so proud to be a part of such a wondrous community that has inspired me immensely. Thank you for taking the time to welcome a little art into your life. Amy Ng amy@pikaland.com

AK Japan

akjapan.etsy.com // Andrea Kobayashi 1. What / who inspires you? I have a collection of antique postcards from around 1900 to 1930. I don’t know how many there are, maybe 300 or more. I look at them all the time. I look at the relationship between landscape painting and early photography, the use of light, the composition, the times of day and the viewpoint. I think about time, about near empty streets in central London, children in suits and gloves, horse-drawn transport, soot-stained cities, and ancient sites without ‘interpretation centres’ or gift shops. I have been lucky to travel a lot, travel and history inspire me. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. I listen to Abbey Road all the time in the studio and have done so for about 10 years. I don’t know why I always go back to this album, but every lyric is an inspiration for me. An old work colleague of mine, Mr Sugimoto, once said to me before nicking off for a very long lunch, “I am a thief of time”. I like that. 3. What propels you to create art? I have always drawn and always wanted to draw. I was born this way. I’ve never known anything different. When someone says “I can’t draw at all”, I never know what to say because I can’t imagine it, I suspect they must be lying. “Of course you can draw! Everyone can draw!” is what I think. 4. What is your favorite tool? Paper. My favourite ‘tool’ is paper. I am often inspired by the paper itself. Sometimes I see a new texture or pattern and I immediately have the idea for a finished work and exactly which medium to use. Sometimes I start out experimenting with different media and subjects on different paper and make it up as I go; it is a dialog between the paper-maker and myself that goes something like: “gouache would look good on this, but it is too opaque, so I’ll try watercolour and then ink, but the ink doesn’t sing so maybe poster-colour would look good, but I want a flakier surface, so I’ll try something dry, like conte....etc. etc.” I respond to each surface individually both for subject matter and treatment.

Aqua Velvet

aquavelvet.etsy.com // Amy Henderson 1. What / who inspires you? I am completely taken with forms and lines of all sorts of things, especially organic matter as I am a nature freak to the nth degree. I think a clump of moss and the figure in wood graining are both just exquisite. Additionally, I love thread, string, and old textiles. Plus I am all about road trips and hunting down great old signage. Essentially, any place I can find fantastic vintage type. I love the look and smell of old paper, books and any manner of old printed ephemera. It all makes me a little weak in the knees.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.� - William James 3. What propels you to create art? I suppose a compulsive desire to make things better and an ongoing wish to hold something in my hand that did not exist yesterday. 4. What is your favorite tool? An ill-tempered ballpoint pen, the kind that leaves great blobs of ink on the page.


benconservato.etsy.com // Emma Kidd

1. What / who inspires you? Still Brett Whiteley, Charles Blackman, Sidney Nolan... the Angry Penguins, poetry, Ern Malley, Australia, Japan, France, animal documentaries (especially by Sir David Attenborough), music of all types (except pop and thrash), The people I work with at L’Atelier Populaire here in Lille with Alain Buyse, All my moleskine exchange artists I have interacted with (Samantha Zaza, Kerstin Klein, Marty Harris, Anna-Denise Van der Reijden, David Bessent, Wil Freeborn, Jill Calder, Monsieur Lapin, Laura Martin Ansa, Jim McBride, Gustav Klim, Marina (from Israel)... I could go on...

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Rudyard Kipling’s “If”, but that is a bit of a cliché. 3. What propels you to create art? NEED. 4. What is your favorite tool? Gouache and oil paint slapped on the top.

Brian Patenaude


1. What / who inspires you? everything!; caffeine, travel, trees, wine, deformities, smiles, caffeine, animals... everything! 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. how about a trio of quotes?.... [i stumbled across a few on the way to the one i was searching for, that are quite in-line with the way i go about things] “All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”, “I paint objects as I think them,not as I see them”, and last, but not least, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”, all from one of my biggest inspirations, pablo picasso!

3. What propels you to create art? ooh! i think about this one all the time, in an effort to justify why i don’t embrace the influence of greater artists, as much as might outta... “the opportunity to bring to life an idea, character, or glimpse into a world that people have never seen before [and just might enjoy;)]. and equally important- to inspire others to do the same! 4. What is your favorite tool? hmmm... i’d call that a draw;) it’d have to be a tie, between ithink i’d have to say my trusty light table [that i “borrowed” from my 1st job in the game industry @ 7th level ~13 years ago]. it’s an integral part of my process [used to trace most of my pieces from sketches onto canvas], and it always feels a little magical when i flip the switch and it lights up all the potential of my current work [along with the room].


Bubbo Tubbo

bubbo.etsy.com // Natasha Mileshina

1. What / who inspires you? Lewis Carroll: when he is playing with words and meanings Traveling: you notice a lot of things, because you are new to those places Russian modern art: because of colors, composition and history besides it. Swiss, Sweden and Japanese design: very different, but very inspiring

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise” [Lewis Carroll ‘Alice in Wonderland’, if I am not mistaken] ‘Be yourself’, in other words, if you don’t feel like going too deep here :) 3. What propels you to create art? Things to say, mediums to try, thoughts and ideas to make, food to eat... Oops, sorry, we are not discussing my digestive system :) 4. What is your favorite tool? Pencil and green tea with honey


charmfoundry.etsy.com // Kate Phillips

1. What / who inspires you? A beautiful green glen in Southwest Scotland, old paper and forgotten things, the songs birds sing. My bright happy creative son Finn, who blows my mind everyday with his wonder and explanations of this life and sometimes the ones he has lived before!

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. So many great quotes, here’s two that I particularly love. What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well-(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)” Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I but when the trees bow down their heads, the wind is passing by. (Christina Rossetti) 3. What propels you to create art? That search for a connectedness that comes from tapping into that ineffable place that is inside all of us. I’m always surprised at what comes from sitting down and getting to that elusive moment where everything seems to slow down and ideas flow out onto the page. I think that everybody has the ability to create amazing things, be it a delicious cake, a song, or a beautiful painting, we all have so much potential inside us and that intrigues me so much and keeps me searching inside myself to see what I will create next. 4. What is your favorite tool? The blow torch! I love the way it sounds when the gas ignites, it’s so powerful but has to be used in such a delicate manner when using it to fuse the layers of beeswax together in my paintings.

Charming Rosie

charmingrosie.etsy.com // Rosie Miles

1. What / who inspires you? I think that, a lot of the time, it’s a subconscious thing... I’m not really sure where the ‘Pissy Fishwives’ came from. They just swam out of my sewing machine, cursing about the rising price of seaweed and crabbing on about how badly I’d styled their hair. I do know that I’m inspired by my friends and other illustrators. Stuart Kolakovic, Julia Pott and Amy Brown fall into both of these categories and I think that we should truly start some sort of incestuous commune in Wales with plenty of cats. Actually, maybe not the incestuous bit. Oh also I like old family photo albums and whatnot. Who doesn’t? And olden days freak-shows. And seaside-ie things. Yes. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. I’m sure there are all sorts of quotes that would inspire me but I’d never remember them. However, on my notice-board I have a little post-it that my friend’s sister gave to me at her 18th birthday. She wrote “Dear Rosie, you are really cool.’ I like to think that that makes me cool. This spurs me on.* Does that count? If not I can go with the ‘And which is more - you’ll be a Man my son!’ from Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If.’ 3. What propels you to create art? I suppose boredom is usually the main incentive to create art. I’ve always liked making something out of nothing and I used to make my own toys as a child. Tiny dolls out of fimo that must have been hoovered up years ago and mini bottle-top pies for my Sylvanian Families and hand-me-down Sindys. Lots of mini things. I nearly went to study French but I’m glad I studied Animation instead. I don’t think I would feel very fulfilled if art was put on the back-burner. It would be very stifling. No offence to French. 4. What is your favorite tool? At the moment I heart my sewing machine, kindly bought for me by my granny (who does English Civil War reenactments.) I don’t really know anything about dress-making or quilting or anything like that but I see my machine as another drawing tool. My dolls sort of emerged from the realisation that calico is the same fabric that ‘proper artists’ use to paint on, so why not make dolls that I can paint on? Making the dolls has got me back into painting on a flat surface too. I’m hoping to get back to my light-box soon and make some lovely moving paintings. I do miss it.

*aforementioned friend’s sister was somewhat intoxicated when aforementioned post-it was aforewritten.


corid.etsy.com // Cori Dantini 1. What / who inspires you? at the moment i am finding myself inspired by......... amanda blakes brush strokes and camilla engman’s slightly flat perspective on things... both are poetry. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. I do not consider myself to be an intellectual in any way, although I do consider myself to be thoughtful about most things. I am not sure if I am just wired differently or if my brain was never trained correctly, and I suppose as a 40 year old person it doesn’t matter anymore. I should also add that I LOVE fragments of things (which is why i love this poem)... I love the small parts of the whole. I feel like a lot of mystery is held in the spaces between things, not in the things themselves OR the words we use to describe them. i am so glad and very -- ee cummings i am so glad and very merely my fourth will cure the laziest self of weary the hugest sea of shore

our can’ts were born to happen our mosts have died in more our twentieth will open wide a wide open door

so far your nearness reaches a lucky fifth of you turns people into eachs and cowards into grow

we are so both and oneful night cannot be so sky sky cannot be so sunful i am through you so i

3.What propels you to create art? you know... i feel like i can’t help myself. i think, my hands, are busy from morning til night. if i’m not making something i am thinking about something i could make. it could be anything from a batch of muffins, to a doll, or or or.... 4. What is your favorite tool? I’m not sure i can choose. love walnut ink, and my japanese pen nibs i love a micron .005 pen (especially) when the tip is new i love a white sharpie (extra fine point) poster paint pen i LOVE a sharp pencil, and a brand new sheet of paper..... i love paper i love a brand new exacto blade and i could go on and on, really

Denise Ann Simon


1. What / who inspires you? I am inspired by so many things, like - children’s books, friends, music, artists, illustrators, collecting junk, chicago, riding my bike, etc.. But my main source of inspiration comes from my sketchbooks - I keep at least 5 new ones circulating and bring them with me wherever I go. I always make sure to write in them ideas I think of, artists I discover, patterns I see, animals in my neighborhood, clothing I like, people sitting at cafes, crazy inventions my husband comes up with, bikes I like, flowers I walk by, and book titles I need to check out at the library.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Your life is your art.” Keri Smith. Simple, sweet and so true. 3. What propels you to create art? Looking at other art. 4. What is your favorite tool? Pen & paper.

Denise Scicluna


1. What / who inspires you? Lyrics, views, shapes, colours, moods, thoughts, environment, films, random objects, people, blogs, knowledge, psychology, happiness, sadness, boredom, patterns, old houses, phrases, Basquiat, Joan Miro, James Yang, Hundertwasser, Klimt and other great artists. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “I work in the gap between art and life” by Robert Rauschenberg. It is amazing how ideas and life experiences drive us to think, formulate opinions and create! Art has an important part in my life, and I think that quote says it all! 3. What propels you to create art? Thoughts, ideas, people and the environment seem to be my motivational sources to create. I love browsing through website and blogs of great artists. I can spend hours browsing and researching. It is like there’s always a drive to explore what other people are doing, and in someway this new knowledge inspires me and drives me to do something myself. I tend to be more motivated to create in Winter rather than Summer. I love the moods winter brings along! 4. What is your favorite tool? If I had to choose one tool, it would be Ink :)


erinzam.etsy.com // Erin Zamzrla 1. What / who inspires you? I am very inspired by function done well. I love things that are well-thought-out, well-planned, and serve a purpose. The typefaces of Hoefler & Frere-Jones are one of my favorite examples of this. One the other hand, I am also inspired by junk. I’m particularly inspired by things that are at the end of their life and ready to be reborn into something new.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mohandas Gandhi 3. What propels you to create art? Creating is just something that I must do! If I don’t, I become grumpy. 4. What is your favorite tool? I have a selection of tools that I use every day, but my favorite is my little Olfa cutter. I use it for just about every project I create.

Fric De Mentol

fricdementol.etsy.com // Ana Reimundo

1. What / who inspires you? Everything can inspire me, i find people’s portraits fascinating and when i look to this childhood picture, which is always at my work table, there i see my favorite dress, made by my mother and my child toys that i so often represent in my work. The day-to-day existence and the current themes in our societies also inspire me.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. i don’t quite know how to say this in english, but it’s something like: ‘what is got to be, is got to be’ 3. What propels you to create art? My life drove me to the creation, since early days. First of all, it’s a form of communicating. I like to depict plants and animals because i know there are less everyday, and that way i can remind people their importance to us. I make small pieces of art so people can carry them instead of the giant canvas i used to paint, that were too heavy, eheheh. I try to create good products that people can appreciate for as long as they live. 4. What is your favorite tool? My favourite tool is my brain and my graphic knife

Hilary Wagstaff


1. What / who inspires you? Cornwall, Collections of things, books, dreams, Barbara Hepworth for her spirit, Picasso for his passion, patterns, grids and geometry. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. ~Pablo Picasso

3. What propels you to create art? I am not really sure, I have to make images, it is so much part of me, that it’s like putting on clothes, to not make art, would be to not be me. I see combinations of shapes and ideas all the time. 4. What is your favorite tool? A black Fineliner pen.

I Like Pens

ilikepens.etsy.com // Kate Seaward 1. What / who inspires you? The people around me, especially ‘The Fine City Friends’, inspire me along with a good cup of tea. Picking up other peoples junk from carboot sales and charity shops is also an inspiration, I love buying random things that no one else wants!

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. ‘If an idea’s any good it’s on the verge of being stupid’ from the extra bits on the DVD The Science of Sleep! 3. What propels you to create art? I propel myself to create art because I can’t think of anything else I would rather do! 4. What is your favorite tool? My favourite tool is a fineliner pen.

Iris Schwarz


1. What / who inspires you? Art – contemporary, but even more the old schools (Italian renaissance, the Dutch school – I adore this accurate work), fairy tales, craft – I’m impressed by certain skills people have, Victorian illustration. Almost everything old… illustrated books, textiles, furniture (antique shops or flea markets are my obsession, specially in Paris!), nature is very important to me, sometimes a conversation, beauty.

2. What keeps you motivated? I couldn’t be without drawing. So there is no need for a special motivation. But I know there are days when nothing comes. I can feel it the moment I put the pencil on the paper sheet. Completing other things, like cooking, long walks, restoring furniture, cleaning up my studio (!), swimming always brings me back to my pencil and paper… At this point I want to mention too, how important and motivating it is for me to be surrounded by supporting people like my husband, my family and friends. 3. What is your favorite tool? A pencil, a brush and paper. But, I must admit my iMac (Photoshop) and me became really good friends too!

<excerpted from Iris’ online interview on Pikaland: http://pikaland.com/2008/03/26/interview-iris-schwarz>


junecraft.etsy.com // Kayanna Nelson 1. What / who inspires you? You, yes you, are my inspiration. All you incredibly creative artists who have the courage to share your artwork with us. All of you that have broken free of the cubicle-land 9-5 and make a living making art. You are a constant source of inspiration and give me the desire to be a better artist and to keep doing what I believe in. Thank you!

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” - Henry David Thoreau 3. What propels you to create art? Just a hypothesis: I’m not very good at talking. I’m pretty quiet and shy, I tend to observe rather than participate. I think making art has become a way for me to communicate and express myself without using words. It’s a way for me to silently shout “I’m Here!”. That’s probably a lot of the reason why I got into graphic desgn as a career. It’s a way for me to talk without saying anything. Of course I also have this insane desire to make the world beautiful and decorate everything. Where that comes from I’m not really sure... I think artists are just hard-wired differently, just like scientists or musicians. It’s something deep inside that drives us and can’t ever really be explained. 4. What is your favorite tool? I love to try new tools and find new ways to make art, so it’s hard to just pick one. Of course my trusty Mac is indespensible. My mechanical pencils and sketchbooks come in a close second and my beloved Gocco has a pretty big place in my heart as well.


www.kindling.com.au // Nina O’Brien 1. What / who inspires you? Plenty! (See right)

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Every moment is an opportunity to let go. Jump, I will catch you, I am love. (Maitreya Ishwara) I love this quote, and remember it when I am getting stressed or falling into a bad pattern with work, or life or love... that I can just let go of it... right now... so liberating. 3. What propels you to create art? The feeling that comes when I make art... its a true sense of purpose and love for myself and life and happiness. I get a really buzz when I have an idea, then play around with a pattern or a sketch and then start bringing it into 3D form.... then to finish it, and to have that idea as a tangible piece... priceless! 4. What is your favorite tool? So many... silkscreen, fabric, collage, computer.... but it all really comes back to the sewing machine - Love my Husqvana.

Lauren Minco


1. What / who inspires you? I am influenced by artists like Egon Schiele and Alberto Giacometti, graffiti, Japanese silkscreens, pop culture, children’s books, comic books, and my own sense of weirdness.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. A teacher once said to me “Sometimes you just have to impress someone. This can be that art director who didn’t hire you last time, your parents, or just yourself”. He was talking about motivation and where you have to draw that inspiration and drive from. I think I’ve plugged along many times because I’ve thought “yes, I can do this. Even if I didn’t get it the first time!”. 3. What propels you to create art? It kinda makes sense in a way. My parents always told my brother and I to follow what we love and I love to do art, so I did the math and I went to art school (Rhode Island School of Design). I can make a living out of it and not just call it a hobby which is exciting. 4. What is your favorite tool? Acryla gouache! It’s an acrylic/gouache hybrid and I absolutely adore it.

Lilacmoon Studio

lilacmoonstudio.etsy.com // Jinnie

1. What / who inspires you? Lots of things: Patterns, texture, nature, lyrics, quotes, colors, typography, cute things, books, illustrators, memories.. Lately, I’ve been obsessing over Seki Yurio’ works. I love her simple patterns and her use of colors. I like to think I’m pretty good with colors but I know that I don’t experiment enough. Mixing colors in my head is so easy... But seeing her work inspires me to study colors more. Also, it makes me realize that I can still be bold, even with soft, pastel colors. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. There are so many great quotes.. but it’s the simple ones that get stuck in my head. “Carpe Diem” used to be my favorite for a long time. I think now it’s just the Nike slogan “Just Do It”. Can’t get simpler than that, can it? I also tell myself “Do what you gotta do” a lot these days. 3. What propels you to create art? Because it hurts not to create. Creating just makes me feel better. 4. What is your favorite tool? Polaroid camera and my deadly exacto knife, which I use to carve rubber stamps. But just recently I got a Gocco machine. I have a feeling it will be my new favorite tool. I should also mention my Wacom tablet. It is an essential tool for me because my right wrist is always achy.


linotte.etsy.com // Anke Weckmann 1. What / who inspires you? I think it just makes me incredibly happy to draw and be creative, and I’m never not inspired to draw. I look at a lot of photographs, I love colours, shapes, music and stories. People who do what they really want in their lives inspire me so much, not just artists.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. ....”whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth ....and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” (paulo coelho) 3. What propels you to create art? I just love drawing, I think I’m completely addicted. 4. What is your favorite tool? Pens. I guess I mostly use pencils and black ink pens, but as long as I have any kind of pen, I’m happy to doodle away for hours.

Lino Creative

linocreative.etsy.com // Sandra Krumins 1. What / who inspires you? Books inspire me - childrens books and their illustrations, design and art books too. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “The more you work, the more inspiration will come” Im not sure who said it first, but its something I’ve found to be true.

3. What propels you to create art? When people say they enjoy my work. I just enjoy the process too, and the mystery of it. 4. What is your favorite tool? Photoshop.


madelaine.etsy.com // Madelaine Richards 1. What / who inspires you? I’m inspired by the things I love. I love my friends. I love things I think are pretty (leaves and ribbon), kind (postcards and hellos), romantic (parcels and old books), and deep (reflections and dreams). I love emotions and words and anything equally honest and powerful. I love music. I cannot write beautifully. I cannot play music, I cannot sing. So I interpret songs and poetry into visual art. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Most recently, I have been in love with a quote a friend wrote quickly to one of his loves, at a time she was confused about what to do. That was years ago. I found the little quote and photographed it and layered it with some flowers and textures in photoshop. And then, about a month ago, I gave a print of it to the friend who originally wrote it. I think he was happy that it made its way back to him.

3. What propels you to create art? Inspiration, of course. If I’m inspired, it only makes sense to create something. I don’t know what would happen if I didn’t use my ideas and inspiration, but I don’t plan on trying. I love to make pretty things when I can. 4. What is your favorite tool? My camera. I love to paint, do collages, photo manipulations and write, but I would be completely lost without my camera.

Melanie Wickham


1. What / who inspires you? Reading dictionaries Small animals Gardens and allotments Children People who love what they do and do it well and would carry on even if noone else was interested. Just look at the trumpet player in Duke Ellingtons band... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp_xLAugD5c

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. If you can’t be a golden pippin, don’t turn crab apple. 3. What propels you to create art? Drawing is compulsive and sketchbooks soon fill up with pictures and ideas all wanting to get out. It’s the best way to record thoughts when they are oftenvisual. Making the pictures into prints is very satisfying. I sometimes wonder whether I am addicted to the inks I use for lino printing, they smell lovely. 4. What is your favorite tool? A spade

Milady Productions

miladyproductions.etsy.com // Stephanie Morgan Rogers

1. What / who inspires you? I have always been inspired by the life and art of Carl Larsson, a Swedish painter of the late 1800’s. He rennovated a mill he inherited, had a ton of kids, was an outspoken socialist, hosted gatherings for artsy thinkers, his wife did all the sewing and decorating and he painted his life’s surroundings. Its beautiful stuff full of traditions and celebration of family, working and crafting. My Grandmother and Father share this love for his work and we all have many of his books. As far as everything else that inspires me...well, that’s a tall order! OH, that reminds me of the Tall Book of Make Believe full of Garth Williams illustrations...love that kind of stuff.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Have nothing in your home that is not useful nor beautiful”(or something like that! ) William Morris 3. What propels you to create art? Its just what i’m supposed to do, that all. When I’m really onto something I feel like i’m on the hunt for a magical place full of beauty and all things pure of heart like i’ve stepped right into an old mysterious illustration. 4. What is your favorite tool? A teeny tiny brush dipped in india ink.

Miss Avocado

missavocado.etsy.com // Abigail Halpin

1. What / who inspires you?

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Art is the symbol of the two noblest human efforts: to construct and to refrain from destruction.� - Evelyn Waugh 3. What propels you to create art? Art gives me a voice. The thoughts that ruminate in my head, the things that make my heart jump and the stories that stay with me long once the book is closed find their expression in what I draw. 4. What is your favorite tool? My sketchbook - where ideas and images percolate.

Number Eight

numbereight.etsy.com // Rachael Amen

1. What / who inspires you? I am really inspired by nostalgia. I’m constantly reminded of what I thought was beautiful or interesting as a child and I try to revisit or invoke those feelings. I’m also really inspired by faces, which is why I draw a lot of them, I think. 2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. I really love this quote from a Zero 7 song, “if today is all we see, then tomorrow seems to be just an illustion that we believe.”

3. What propels you to create art? Intense desire to create, and a need to kind of work out the difficult thoughts in my mind. It’s almost like a meditation for me. 4. What is your favorite tool? Ink pen!

Nut and Bee

www.nutandbee.com // Annette Lauder 1. What / who inspires you? I take inspiration from an enormous variety of sources; almost anything I have been experiencing or thinking about could influence what I draw next. Sometimes the end result of this inspiration is literal, and I might draw a dog similar to one I have met or a fanciful version of my breakfast, and other times the ideas percolate and combine and pop out in very different forms. I do like to work within a particular range of subject matter that deals with nature and animals and food and sleeping and happiness and love, which I think are all the best things in life, and I try and incorporate humour and surrealism and word play and general fun :) In terms of my artistic style I’m influenced by character design and comic books and illustrations for children. I like to draw in a simple style and make everything smooth and round and super cute, even when the subject matter is a bit cheeky, and I enjoy working with gentle, earthy colours.

2. What propels you to create art? I want to make things that people enjoy. When one of my drawings pleases someone so much that they email and tell me about it I am very very happy! I’m also really driven now that Nut and Bee is my full time job. I’m so pleased to be doing something I love, and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved so far. And of course I get an enormous amount of satisfaction out of the process of creation. It’s hard to beat the feeling of transferring a drawing from my imagination to paper and having it turn out just the way I wanted it. 3. What is your favorite tool? I’d have to say my iMac. I do the linework for my drawings with ink on paper, but I colour and finish them digitally, and my computer is the centre of almost everything I do. Plus it is lovely and shiny!


paulabirdy.etsy.com // Paula Gibbs 1. What / who inspires you? Some days everything does, while other days I have to work a little harder. It’s usually easier for me to find inspiration in nature (especially birds!), but I am frequently amazed by the beauty of man-made objects and buildings. A gorgeous chair or an empty, lamp-lit parking lot at night can make me as excited as a landscape.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. I am currently mulling over William Morris’s quote, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” I am in the process of moving to a new state and building a new home, and as I do so I am trying to make a conscious commitment to bring nothing in to it (whether art, furniture, linens, or glasses) that I don’t love. At the same time, I am also trying to keep in mind that beauty and usefulness are not dependent on price. 3. What propels you to create art? I like to make things, and it’s extra satisfying if the thing I make puts more beauty in to my life and someone else’s. 4. What is your favorite tool? An ink pen (but a brush is a close second).


phatsheep.etsy.com // Suzanne Shearer 1. What / who inspires you? I count myself very lucky to have been born, brought up and (after some time away at Uni.) still living on the Shetland Islands (located off the North of Scotland). I am constantly inspired by my surrounding landscape, heritage and culture.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Hmmm, I’m not good with words. I recently bought my partner one of the replica WW2 posters that say “Keep Calm and Carry On” which I think is a good mantra for stressed out artists! 3. What propels you to create art? Money! No actually that’s not true at all. I don’t know why I do it I just know that drawing, doodling, sewing, printing and playing with colour make me a relaxed calm and smiley person. 4. What is your favorite tool? I LOVE my new sewing machine but I couldn’t live without my computer and the things it lets me do in half the time it would take me with pen and paper! - I always draw my designs with a Pentel Fine Point R 50 my absolute favourite pen :) and get quite panicky when it gets mislaid :(

Pretty Little Thieves

prettylittlethieves.etsy.com // Nancy Mungcal

1. What / who inspires you? There is so much to be inspired by. i am lucky to have a very inspiring group of family and friends as well as being inspired by (the short list) art, nature, animals, travel, books and especially music.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Work hard and be nice to people� - Anthony Burrill Oh and be thankful! 3. What propels you to create art? A need and a love for drawing and making. 4. What is your favorite tool? For drawing -- black pen.

Rebecca Hahn


1. What / who inspires you? The world around me inspires me, the struggles and victories - small and large, personal and global. I am also inspired by the beauty projected by strong independent women. I love and admire art that is cute or pretty, but I am deeply touched by story and concept.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “Take your needle my child, and work at your pattern - it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like that... one stitch at a time, taken patiently.� Oliver Wendell Holmes 3. What propels you to create art? This is so hard to find words for. These days I am pushed to create for the sake of reaching out and touching people. To share a story, triumph, hope, change, awareness, to inspire growth and self contemplation. Each piece is always such a puzzle to put together- I do enjoy that challenge. 4. What is your favorite tool? Needle & thread.

Shawna Carpenter


1. What / who inspires you? The things in my life that make me happy. My dog, cat, and husband. But, I think the most of all my nephews and nieces. I was always interested in art, but I never really developed my own style till I had cute little kids in my life constantly. They make me smile and laugh, and I think that comes through in my art. I love being able to smile when I look at all my art, and remember what sparked that piece. A trip to the zoo with my nephews, or just playing with play-dough making animals.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world� - Mahatma Gandhi 3. What is your favorite tool? My favorite tool is my wacom tablet. I do most of my art on the computer digitally, and use my tablet in illustrator and photoshop. By far, the best thing I ever bought! Make art faster and cleaner. If you haven’t tried one, you should!

Sofia Barao


1. What / who inspires you? My work is a reflection of myself; my childhood; the way I see life and death; my woman’s life... what I live. I find inspiration in the everyday life, poetry and all sorts of art. I love the work of Christian Boltanski.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot 3. What propels you to create art? I don’t know, maybe because I’ve always loved to make things with my hands and to write. I need to express what I feel inside through some way, so for me is by working with colours and textures, other times by doing some photography and other times by writing. 4. What is your favorite tool? A pencil; you can draw; write and erase it.

Stockton & Co.

stockton.etsy.com // Stephanie Turner

1. What / who inspires you? I love old stationery, and vintage science books and children’s books ... illustrators like Roger Duvoisin, Paul Rand, Charley Harper, Saul Bass, and H. A. Rey, are just amazing. Also old book covers (in particular anything by Alvin Lustig). But really I get inspiration everywhere ... especially from music, and old movies, and just walking around my neighbourhood.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Hmm, this is a really tough one, so I am going to quote a fictional character (Gabrielle Simpson in Paris When it Sizzles): “Every morning when I wake up and I see there’s a whole new other day, I just go absolutely ape!” 3. What propels you to create art? Well what I make falls more into the category of ‘decoration’ than art really. A lot of what I do is kind of ‘character’-based ... I think I must have a secret wish to have my own Sanrio or San-x one day! I like drawing animals and other characters and I hope that they have a warmth and personality that comes across. Really what propels me is a love of drawing & a love of colour. 4. What is your favorite tool? My favourite tool is my Gocco PG-11. And pencils.

Susan Schwake


1. What / who inspires you? Paul Klee and the Blue Riders group have always been a great inspiration to me. When I saw “Rose Wind” at the Lenbachaus in Munich it moved me to tears. Franz Marc and Egon Schiele have similar effects on me.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. “I really like my painting” Mariko age 6 (one of my students) 3. What propels you to create art? The inherent need to express my visual language and my love of experimentation. 4. What is your favorite tool? My giant #40 watercolor brush.

The Hermitage

thehermitage.etsy.com // Rima Staines

1. What / who inspires you? (see image below)

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. Quote - “Everything you can imagine is real� - Pablo Picasso 3. What propels you to create art? I have a strange world inside my head that is just one step aside from the one we live in and it is peopled with old fairy tale characters, odd in-between sort of people and a dark wonkyness that I seem compelled to paint. My paintings are curled around stories and in and out of sadnesses. I paint because I have to. 4. What is your favorite tool? Tiny chewed paintbrushes with about 3 hairs, propelling pencils, a nice slice of gnarled wood to paint on, music.

Valentina Ramos


1. What / who inspires you? I think everything inspired me. I can be watching TV or walking in the street and found something interesting that make my mind spin! Usually I get great ideas when I’m falling sleep, for that reason I keep a my notebook near my bed. I also *LOVE* checking internet. They’re so amazing artist around the world and reading blogs and checking Flickr is a great way to feel inspired.

2. Tell us which quote (and from whom) inspires you the most. My favorite one right now is: She decided to start living the life she’d imagined. I got a little journal with that quote in /www.live-inspired.com. I smile every time I see my little journal! 3. What propels you to create art? What makes me jump out of the bed and create something new everyday is the understanding I’m living my dream J. I wish someday, I can inspire people to follow their own dreams and believe you can enjoy the journey of your life just doing what makes you happy. 4. What is your favorite tool? Definitely my Rapidograph Pens with Black ink

www.pikaland.com/pikapackage www.flickr.com/pikaland

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