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Volume XXXIV



Jh. ,nd.,4 4.10 a.50




Detroit Ch~sen Convention Site ................................................................. 2 Alpha Omega Installed at University of Oregon ............................... 4 South Carolina Conclave....................... ............................ ............ ........................ 5

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7.60 6.60 4.00 t.60


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t .OO t.OO 1.26 2.26 ,76

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity • W.




Alpha Psi Chapter Installed At Indiana University 6 Tomorrow's Illinois Tech ..... ......... .......... ........ ... . ... . ...... ................................. 8 Joe Klaas Awarded Prizes For Plays ....................................... ....... 9 Roy Heffner Retires .................. .... ............ ......... ..... . .............................. .... 10

0. Forrest McGiii, Rho, Elected To Finance Committee ... 11 Undergraduate Delegate Report On NIC Conference ............... 12 Diversion in Detroit.. ............................................. .................................................. 13 Under The Student's Lamp ............................................................................... 14 What Every Veteran Pi Kapp Should Know .. ................................ 16 Theron A. Houser, National Chancellor ................................................ 17 Chapter Advisers and District Archons .......... ..................... 18-19-20 It All Started When ........ ..................... ................................................................. 21 Vital Statistics .... .................................................... ..................................... 22-23 Calling The Roll............................................................................................................23


Associate Editors

• 1!: th~lered a 8

Car ~.oat orrrecond class matter at a, ~.; na, unJ!r aihChar lotte, North •ne1 • Ac e Act of March In ~~I rate ~~Ptance for mallinl' at elllbodei Act of PFoa-.l'e provided for •12 ed In ebruary 28, 1926, ai'Jo' P, L. an Para~rraph 4, section 7• 198 d R., authorized J anu2 'l'he '8 • q~arte r)y t.r atand lina Ch L amp Is published Wati under ar1otte, North Carol>ht 0~al Cou th~ direction of the ~ehru •atern 1rc 1 of the PI Kappa 1 the month• of her ary, 'M.ai An · • u~rust and Novem-


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Stn~?• on);bfcriptlon Is $12.60 and

e COpies aorm of eubecrlptlon. Chan re 60 cents. norteRea in Vtrgj d. llromp~?dress should be re· n1a Bid Y to Central Office, ~ g., Richmond 19, Va. tlon lllaterial I l.tana8 ~ou)d be n tended for publlca1\ieh 1t1nll' Ed 1't 1n the hands of the the ~Ond 1D Vr, Virginia Bldg., '-'~• onth Pre ad ., by the lOth of · ce 1n~r the month of

T H E COVER University of Oregon Campus . The large buil ding in the foreg round is the museum and art gallery. The buil di ng to the left is Cha pman Hall, which al so houses the Co-Op Book' Store.

It has With c, Beue l Park at Detroit City, I island swill] a Winter :\ccess' bridge, border J 1Iore troit th· ~he rn; gatewa erG l rea Clair b \> oundaJ and C r aJ . eached

Detroit's Skyline


THE Detroit, Michigan

Convention Committee sends all Pi Kapps everywhere a cordial invitation to be their guests this summer when Pi Kappa Phi's 22nd Supreme Chapter convenes there at the Hotel Statler, September 2-3-4. And there's a lot they think you should know about their city where there's much to see and do during off-convention hours.

Lawrence, Ohio and Mississippi valleys were surrendered to Great Britain. Detroit remained a British possession until 1783 when the American flag rose from its battlements. It bas since remained under American rule with the exception of a short period during the War of 1812 when it passed into the hands of the British for the second time.

DETROIT ... the City Beautiful

W i t b i n Detroit's unhampered boundaries a mighty host happily works, plays and lives. Detroit's streets and boulevards are wide and lined with shade trees. Her cloudcapped towers of business vary pleasantly in hue and outline. Her worldfamous industrial plants stand majestic in their history of tremendous, continuous achievement. Her attractive homes are set in gardens. Her parks and playgrounds are spacious.

On a broad, level expanse, by the bank of a deep blue river, sits Detroit, the world's most modern metropolis. Her site and traditions are a heritage from the hardy explorers of the Seventeenth Century, her greatness of today is a tribute to the industrial era of the Twentieth. In 1701 when Cadillac founded and built its rude settlement on the rim of a northern wilderness, Detroit was simply a savage outpost touched feebly by the stray glints of French chivalry and nobility, holding in its hand the touchstone of the power of the Bourbon dynasty. France held the frontier post until the close of the French and Indian war when all the lands of the St. 2

Detroit presents to the world a picture that is modern- a beautiful city, beautiful in its own way and to the standards of its present generation that bas made it so. • Monuments in Stone

Many of Detroit's lofty structures depart radically from stereotyped design. They are spired, but-

tressed and often decorated ~ ~alalia! At »'~ vat' 0 many colored materials. ·n~ rna' Us they are bathed in floods of raJ fl~ r ny b hued electric lights which are re esorts. 0 ed upward from their walls and so . ate an inspiring sight. h l'o u

s~ ~'hiS

Its ribbons of broad highwaY 'I\ up, '' • l\E world famous. Woodward AVeP en; 0 which cuts through the city's ~ andertaiJ and continues outward on ·I' Cer &ue! Route 10 is the world's finest I \ n or ' · n ent busiest highway. Super h'1Sbll~~ bv e 1 broad and inviting, are a typic~ 1 b~e Marl velopment of Detroit and \\ ~. Pia: org County. ~tr .an b~' atJon It is a city of fine shops, 11 ltiay loo~ and theatres. It holds its own and de . . m . the world {ot(. ~h. ey heCJ any other ctty beautiful churches and hornes, ntght g· 0 versities and hospitals. Its art ce r KaPps ~ is a mecca for discriminating 1 :~tertain trons of the arts. And it has 0~ inage at the finest zoos in America, !11° ~ ~E the l\1 after the famous Hagenbeck ~~ I>IEMBE! ical Gardens of Hamburg, that ·fe ~ight a faithful picture of the wild ~~ ~c~e P~t five continents, the Arctics, 1 Bri~ ton~~~ d p· b 9e D and South America, Europe an e le~n e f sport' 1.\iddlne Detroit Offers Every Variety 0 nil I ~· Otto To a degree unique arnon g ~ 111 : Ni 010 cities, it has room to rest and p P t THE




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It has · d . many large parks, eqmppe IVtth c I f '1' . I! omp ete recreational aCJ tttes. eue Isle, the world famous island Pnatk anct playground is located in the etro·t ' 1 cit River near the heart of the 1. 1Y· It has one thousand acres of 1 · sw·anct P ayground. Here Detr01ters 1111 .... anc] canoe in summer, skate in "'nter d \ ' and motor the year aroun . ·b~cess to Belle Isle is by a broad ttdg b e. The motor trip around the Otder measures more than five miles. lt ~lore Waterbound traffic passes DeOtt tha lei 1'h . n any other city in the wor . • e rntle-wide Detroit River is the .atew b er G ay etween the upper and lowCi . teat Lakes. It connects Lake St. atr · h ho Wtt Lake Erie and is the undar b and Y etween the United States te hCanacta at that point. Canada is acedb f I 9 ~alar Y erry, bridge and tunne . i• varia tal steamers carry passengers to tna Us Ports of the Great Lakes and «' r••ny boats ply to nearby summer '-"Otts. c


1' . · · ALL


, ~hi~ the Twenty-second Pi Kappa . Al.~l(~reme Chapter meeting. LET'S nt enter . TI:Irs DATE FOR '48. The and tatnment of visiting Pi Kapps · guests · ~ cern Is, of course, the first con~,,, .\n entert of the . convention committee. I, by 1far amment committee headed l) been or k ~utler, Alpha Kappa, bas Plan gamzed for this purpose. They istrat~n entertainment table at reg~r1 tnay ion Where delegates and visitors 00 ( and d ~ over a list of events in town , 1'hey ~tcle what they'd like to do. •' night ope the Tigers will have ~ n ~aPps garne. while the visiting Pt Pentert .are In town . Their plans of e taD atnrnent are in the tentative . .,eat P 1. .· tn lh resent-so more about t 11s I kE'-IE~ May issue. ButBER IT'S DETROIT IN SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2, 3 and 4 ~t~e1 D~t 'top: BELLE ISLE, Detroit'~ 1000 b.1 to~~Qround. Located in the Detra1t area b''d9e, [)ecte~ With Detroit by the Belle Isle e lee~ etro1t is an the left-Canada can ~ '-liddl~ the right. b e. Convention Headquarters011orn. Ill' Hotel Statler 1 ot~D 1~ht view of Detroit with beacon e Union Guardian building.


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ALPHA OMEGA INSTALLED A UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Impressive ceremony at Eugene, Oregon, December 1947 heralds a new West Coast chapter. Alpha Omega Chapter Officers: Front row I to r: Gordon Schneider, secretory; Wally Bullard, chaplain; Charles Crone, worden; back row I to r: Paul Lansdowne, treasurer; Howard Dempsey, historian; Ken Doherty, archon.

. I


ANOTHER chapter of Pi Kappa Phi became a reality December 6, 194 7 at Eugene, Oregon. At that time Alpha Omega was installed at the University of Oregon. Fourteen associate members of Alpha Zeta chapter officially transferred their allegiance to Alpha Omega at this very impressive ceremony. Establishment of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Oregon has finally become a dream come true. To the alums of Alpha Zeta and Alpha Delta chapters, this held added meaning-another stronghold of Pi Kapps made itself known in the Northwest. "In numbers - there is strength,'' and the addition of Alpha Omega is no exception to this rule. The present enrollment at the University of Oregon is nearly 6000. This coeducational college leans to liberal arts and business administration training. At present there are 21 national fraternities and 17 national


sororities on the campus. The university is certainly not an exception as far as expanding colleges are concerned. Swollen class rooms and crowded living conditions bear out this fact all too well.

banquet and 100% representat1° Alpha Zeta members and made for a very successful Alums of Alpha Zeta, Alpha Omicron, Nu, and Mu Chapters . also present for the festive

At the installation banquet Dean of Men, Virgil S. Fogdall, extended a hearty welcome to tl!e new chapter on behalf of the university. Dr. George Allen Odgers (N u Chapter), president of Grays Harbor College, was the principal speaker and his words of wisdom struck home to each and every Pi Kappa present.

The members of Alpha Zeta~~ Al Head, National Secretary, shtJtl be given special thanks for 01~ many favors in the past six ~ote~ Without their services, the ext: , of a chapter at the Universt!Yf' Righ Oregon would still be only a 1~er To Bruce Shaw (Omicron ChaP a Eugene resident, goes the ~{~ dation of each and every rit Omega Pi Kapp. Bruce's cont r~ tions have made rushing and P3 ipation in school activities rnuch ier.

The installation ceremony of Alpha Omega took place in the Oriental Room of the Osburn Hotel, Eugene, Oregon. J. AI Head, National Secretary, Marion Sigovich, Archon of District XIX, and Bob Harris, president of the Portland Alumni Association were on hand to bestow the charter. Approximately 100 persons were present for the installation and



The appreciation of the fraterP at large goes to each and ev~r~~ Kapp who has made the reah?, of a chapter at the UniverstlY Oregon possible. ~~


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Below, left: Pledges and members of Alpha Omega (all readings from left to right.) front row: Howard Dempsey, Douglas Hayes, pouJ~,tl Nov downe, Gordon Schneider, Charles Crone; 2nd row: Bernard Rudd, Jock Jackson, Larry Boer, Edward Harris, Wallace Bullard, Lynn j.d~ I 3rd row: Vic Doherty, Donald Clark, Dale Dempsey, AI Ruedy, Robert Chapman, Kenneth Doherty; back row: Sam Plunkett, Williol11 ert George Me lvin, and Merritt Diehm. host



Right : Presentation of charter to Alpha Omega. Reading from left to right of those facing camera: Dr. George Allen Odgers, Presidenlpisl Harbor College; Ken Doherty, archon of Alpha Omega; J. AI Head, Notional Secretory, presenting charter; Marion Sigovich, Archon, XIX; Paul Lansdowne, treasurer, Alpha Omega; and Gordon Schneider, secretory, Alpha Omega.



~bov e: South carolina Conclave Banquet: I. to r.: Henry J. Randolph, archon, Sigma; Mrs. Randolph· Secret ' Henry Bobo, Master of Ceremonies; (Unidentified) W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Executive ary; D. A· James Wtlson, . . Doris Nash, and Burt Orr. M1ss

Right· M·


Pat Smith, chosen Pi Kappa Phi Sweetheart for District IV, South Carolina

South Carolina Brothers Hold First Statewide fraterP 1 everY. rea11·-·1' .... versitY

Conclave Since The War

prSol<aPPs from all over the State of

· Uth C . ~~ 111 Co!u b arolma I pou 1 X> rn ia S ynn eud1 ·~overnb ' · C., 1

lialll A


·ident, ."~ •hon, ptl'

met in conclave the week end of lertain er 15-16 with all sorts of enhOst chrnent planne d by Sigma, . . their a! apter F 'd . . dance · n ay rught an mformhOle! bal!ro Was giVen · in the Columbia ~oon the om, and Saturday afterlttg rne :ates of the local and visitstyle shrn ers were honored with a jl ow . etites giVen by the House of c"' Gregat the W oman 's. Club m . Maxg Park.

Sat e Utday . h Illite mg t, November 15 the ' hbanquetcone! ave gathered for a formal Ole] Wi~nd dance at the Columbia Woody Woodward play-


~ ~I



ing. George Bell Timmerman, Sigma, lieutenant governor, was principal speaker at the banquet. Other principals were Bernie Jones, executive secretary; Jimmy Wilson , state district archon, and Theron Houser, national chancellor. The evening reached a climax when Miss Pat Smith was crowned State Pi Kappa Phi Queen for 1948. Officers and their dates were Henry Randolph, archon, with Jo Alice McMillan Randolph; Joe Ruthven, secretary, with Jeannette Chiles; Gettis Wood, treasurer, with Mary Vin Tucker· Hubert Carmichael, histor' Eleanor Wilson; Tommy ian with

Fulmer, chaplain, with Mary Ann Hale, and John Bunch, conclave chairman, with Jean Lumpkin. Attending the convention were the five state chapters: Alpha at Charleston; Beta at Presbyterian ; Delta at Furman ; Zeta at Wofford and Sigma. National Officers present were Theron A. Houser, national chancellor and W. Bernard Jones, Jr., national executive secretary. Sunday morning following the banquet the Pi Kapps invited the Tri Delts to breakfast and later the two groups went en masse to the First Presbyterian Church. 5

Indiana University Campus at Bloomington

ALPHA PSI CHAPTER INSTALLED AT INDIANA UNIVERSITY JMAGINE the fraternal hustle-andbustle that was a part of the Middle-Western house-raisings of earliest pioneer days and you have somewhat the same atmosphere that came to Bloomington, Indiana and the Indiana University for the weekend of November the eighth. It was this weekend of ritual and festivities that stand witness to the realization of hopes held dear to the hearts of fifteen men who had long looked forward to becoming Alpha Psi chapter, the babe in Pi Kappa Phi's arms. And, yet, these fifteen men did not stand alone .in their longing for the birth they had conceived. The Brothers of Omega had long been offering aid and hearts of other brothers throughout Pi Kappa Phi-dom beat a well-measured salute of welcome and smooth sailing. Evidencing this fact were the many messages that streamed through the wires to Bloomington from a.ll parts of the U. S. and the many brothers that joined the fraternal flow into Bloomington for the Sunday installation program and the banquet that followed at Canyon Inn, McCormick's Creek State Park, near Spencer, Indiana.

The first ground was turned in the direction of Alpha Psi's birth back in the Spring of 1946 wl1en Brother Joe Drennan, Sigma, matriculated at Indiana University's School of Journalism. When Brother Drennan arrived he found four service buddies among the student body and began to immediately talk fraternity and to wade into the waters of realization. Of those four army buddies,

three are listed among the members of PI KAPPA Pill'S arrived Alpha Psi chapter: Floyd, Greenup, Illinois; Art Haglocb, Dover, Ohio, and Pittman, Jasper, Indiana. The charter members are Dave Bill Burns, Omega transfer Clark, Durbin Day, A. Earl (Continued on Page 8)

Memoriol Union Building, Indiana University




I. N to A.1Otionor T look thon Elbeasurer, Howard D. Leake, presents Alpha Psi's charte.r ~ 1 on.' ert J. Walker while John J. Fierst, treasurer Alpha Psr,

E~ 1~1Pho Ps· . ~ 0 ~ Elliott 1J.Chapter : First row, I to r: Paul Nonte, John Frerst, A. 1 J 0 ~ lierb~rt ~ Kelsey, and Bill Burns. Second row I to r: Joe Drend ~rt ~~ ''Cia ,, ltt.m~n, William C. Durbin Day, Jr., Richard Floyd, an 3 lionk..Y H Wrllrams. Third row 1 to r: Elbert Walker, Gene ~lark, ~ A.t th . agloch, Bob Holler Leroy "Rod" Reker and Dave Brbler. Olio e Install atron · banquet : Left ' 0~· nor T to right-Howard D. Lea ke, Rh 0 • ~~ l,i0;1ersit~ ~~a~ur~r; Fenwick Reed, assistant to the President .of t~e D ~ er of C ndrana, extending a welcome to Pi Kappa Phr; an • eremanies, Paul R. Walker, D. A. District XI.

4 Left to right-D. A. Paul Walke~ with Undergraduate Archons of D.'strict XI William O'Donnell, Upsilon; Robert B. Applegate, Alpha P~i; Jame; Sudduth, Omega; and Elbert J. .Walker, archon, Alpha Psi. 5 Left to right-Howard D. Leake, National Treasurer, D. A. Paul R. Walker District XI, "Bernie" Jones, Executive Secretary, Schuyler F. Otteso;, Chapter Adviser, Alpha Psi, and Elbert J. Walker, Archon, Alpha Psi. 6 Installation Luncheon-Canyon Inn, McCormick's Creek State P~rk near Spencer, Ind. 1. D~. Will E. Edington, Nati~nal Schol~rship Chairman, speaks to assembled Pi Kapps-Aipha Psr .I nstallatron.

__:_·...:....~=---=-- -- -----"'---=-·---

(Continued from Page 6) John Fierst, Bob Haller, Jim Kelsey, Paul Nonte, Rod Reker, Elbert Walker, Clay Williams. Fenwick Reed, assistant to President Herman B. Wells, was present for the installation banquet and extended well wishes and a helping hand to the new Pi Kappa Phi chapter and to the new fraternity on Indiana University's campus. Among the other university notables present were Mrs. Lottie M. Kirby, assistant Dean of Women; Mrs. Fenwick Reed; and faculty advisor and Mrs. S. F. Otteson. Paul Walker, archon of District Eleven acted as master of ceremonies filling the evening with sparkle and cornering many of the Pi Kapps on hand with joke after joke; yet, always resorting to the serious when the serious was needed. Other speakers were Dr. Will E. Edington, of DePauw University and national scholarship chairman; Wade S. Bolt, Sigma, and a great figure in the establishing of Upsilon and Omega chapters; Jim Sudduth, Omega archon; .Bill O'Donnell, archon of Upsilon; Bob Applegate, archon of Alpha Phi; Mrs. Lottie Kirby; and Mr. Otteson. Those brothers from other chapters that came for the send-off banquet and installation were H. R . Hulpieu, Alpha Gamma; Howard Leake, Rho, national treasurer and installing officer for the occasion; Robert Munro, Omega; Bm Ploeger, Omega; Bob Goodenough, Omega; Charles Atwell, Omega ; Thomas Alleman, Omega; Howard Johnson, Omega; M. M. Porter, Omega; Louis Matusiak, Upsilon; Kreel Kasserman, Upsilon; Ralph Matusiak, Upsilon; Paul Aogyelan, Upsilon; Charles Woods, Alpha Phi; E. W. Morse, Alpha Phi; L. M. Condrey, Omega; W. T. Spencer, Omega; Wayne Harvey, Omega; George Fassnacht, Omega ; Joe Hendrickson, Omega; John Swain, Omega; Don Swager, Omega; Don Shaw, Omega; Herb Meyer, Omega; and Dick Woodall, Chi. The official installation was held in the ABCD rooms of the Indiana Union Building Sunday morning, November the ninth. Howard Leake, National Treasurer, and W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Executive Secretary, were on hand for the official honors.



SANDWICHED between the stockyards and the former roaring redlight district where the late Al Capone got his start lay 100 acres of the worst slums in Chicago. In 1941 one-year-old Illinois Institute of Technology bought seven acres of this South Side land for a new campus. On it during the next five years, the ambitious young college completed metals · and engineering research buildings and an alumni memorial hall in sleek, functional style. Four other buildings, including two dormitories, are now under construction. With this new Technology Center of Tomorrow rapidly taking shape, President Townley Heald on November 25 announced plans to make Illinois Tech "the world's most modern college campus." The institute hopes within five years to occupy the whole 100 acres, of which it now owns 65. Dotting the grounds will be 55 additional academic, laboratory, campus and residence buildings, which are to be built at a total cost of $15,000,000. Ludwig Mies van de Robe, chairman of Tech's architectural department, will desgin the lowslung, many-windowed, and flat-topped structures, which will provide study and residential facilities for 10,000 people.

Technology and Tortillas Raising the $15,000,000 building fund will be up to President Heald, 43-year-old Nebraskan who has steered Illinois Tech since it was




st~rte€1 in

1940 by merging t'Y 0 ;: schools - the Armour InstJtU Technology, founded in 1892 bl', meat packer Philip D. Armour, the Lewis Institute, which "'~J tablished in 1896 under the wIll Allen C. Lewis, real estate mag Heald has completely reva1 the tottering finances of the tW0dO' schools. Assets have more than f led from the some $5,000,00~0 · en years ago. Where in 194~ eJ111 born Jllinois Tech had an mc~ ~ Ill $1,707,618, it now boasts $6,6 cb'7 The amount spent on resear skyrocketed from $2 51,846 td ' 356,000. Scholastically, Ileal fr increased the staff and facult~u~ 360 to 1,300, while the co-ed 5 ),f body has jumped from some to 8,400.


The Technology Center of row will also provide a new ~otiO~ the Armour Research Foun ~ h . non-profit Tech affiliate wbiC~i cializes in industrial research. ; its incorporation 1936, Armo~of conducted more than 7,000 P001 for 2 5,000 companies and fr. ~ 0 laboratories has come pioneeB di search on the wire recorder. . ~ grant from the Bank of MexJC; Foundation for the last thre.~~ has been studying means of 1 ~ ing Mexican industry . Amongeol things, since Mexicans seem foU continuing to eat tortillas, the to ation is trying to find a war 01j the pancakelike bread full o als and vitamins.



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"e tra luc arr I\Ill

What do you like about the magazine? What do you like best? What is it you don't like? What can we add to make it more interesting? Tell us!




~ Poe ~taeu. rt~uted P~t'Je4 /tn Pta9a JOE Rl

two ol cent) aas, Alpha D~It.a, was restitute Playwri \the proud · recipient of two }Z b)' the t pnzes. He was awarded ur, \\!right I ~am Cahn First Prize Play10 was Are 1'h ward for his play "Women ;e will based 0 e ~eauty," a serious drama mag~ er of W~r ~Is experiences as a prisonUniversit In World War II, and the revan; Play p ~ o~ Washington campus two; ''l'hey ~ uct1on prize for his play 1an l \\!ere re an't Do This." Both plays )0 of. Vetsity certly dramatized by the Uni1 the~~' n Washington Players. ncool'0 <\eaders 0 f ; 697. lllay re the STAR AND LAMP !~reb and ~~~nember having read of Joe's · to· \Var l! ce'' Kurt Langberg's World 1 · eald '' Pardne exp. enences as fighter pilots, llltY fr and AA;s In the sky" with the RAF d stl11• lllay not · For the sake of those who rne 5! ers wh ' Joe and Kurst were strang~llleric:~ they met in England before hey we: entry into World War II. ,f foil' al Air ; then members of the Royh~ti~r through ~hrce, having volunteered "' l'he on] e Canadian Air Forces. ~ich 51. had in Y thing they thought they cb. 1\lllerica~om.mon was that they were our. ever, th s In a strange land. Howpro1 a ting ~ough. some incident, perhaps 001 fr \\'ere frat a P!n, they discovered they Joe Klaas, Pri%ewinning Playwright, and Mr~ . Klaas, the former Betty Jane Stanley, talented •erin; the tiniveer~tty brothers- Joe from young actress of the University of Washmgton Players. rVn ~r, Alph r~ty of Washington ChaprxicO· hniversita elta, and Kurt from the and began writing plays. One s.ta~ed Jane is a talented young actress in red P a Eps'Jy of Florida Chapter AI- at a July 4th (AT?encan yatnotic) the University of Washington's Pent1 on Th' d' . imPot enect their ' ·. Is Iscovery strengthcelebration was wntten up m STARS house and Showboat theatres. She is ng Selves · he. They formed them- AND STRIPES. The original script a drama major and Joe is completing benl fo Into t . his work on his M . A. at the Univerr {0u s rtunatel a wo-man flymg team , of Joe's prize play "They Can't Do ~e 10 quadran Y enough to fly in the same This" was also written while the sity. Miss Stanley's pictures appearp' 01 ~ ~Very fli shof the same formations on author was a prisoner of war ~nd was ed several times in the August 5th f s~rritory·g t .they flew over enemy produced for his fellow pns?ners . issue of LIFE in a write-up on the University of Washington Players .de by '.~eir fighter planes always r ~"ely p:~ e, ?ffensively and defen- Now adapted for a civilian audience, and the University Showboat and "They Can 't Do This" tells the story 11llerica's tectmg each other. After of nine crew members of a b?mber, Penthouse theatres. 1ransferrect entry into the war they reunited after their homecommg. It llcky en to the AAF and were depicts the readjustment probl.ems arrange"'ough to fall into the same confronting the m e n who lived "•ents through the late war as comrades des· l'hey b . ~ng el<Per~d many daring and haras- void of prejudice. Remember .... otre shot Ie~ces together before they When World War II terminated sa each Oth own, within three days Joe and Kurt went their separate It's Detroit d tne Ge er · They ended up in the ways, Kurt to Florida, and Joe to hllration tRan prison camp for the In September a~ Was h~ ~rt by way of Italy where Washington State. d Joe bSPitalized for several weeks, On June 8th, 1947_Joe was marJoe b Y Way of Germany. ried to the former Miss Betty Jane "rith so ecame 1 . . m =est ess m pnson camp Stanley daughter of Mrs. Clyde DaQ Uch Idle time on his hands vis of 'Auburn/ Washington. Betty ~ P1 kAppA PHI






Roy J. Heffner Retires to the Hills an,d His Native Haunts By RALPH W. NOREEN, GAMMA. ROY J. Heffner, Gamma, the retiring member of Pi Kappa Phi's Finance Committee, needs no introduction to Pi Kappa Phidom. But for the benefit of those newcomers to the order Brother Ralph W. Noreen has chronicled the following biography. Brother Roy ]. Heffner, one of those noisy native Californians, was born in Los Angeles during one of its characteristic boom-or-bust periods on September 21, 1890 and attended grammar and high schools there. After earning an honest living for a while with a local telephone company in Southern California, he felt the urge for bigger and better things common to all denisons of the Golden West, and took a course· of study at the Los Angeles Business College. From thence he emerged in due time as an accountant and stenographer. The vagaries of these occupations took him for a while to Old Mexico but he returned to his native heath after a few years and entered the University of California to study electrical engineering. That episode was completed in 1916, and again he ventured afield-this time as a student engineer with the Western Electric Company at Chicago. While in Chicago in December, 1916, Pi Kappa Phi held a convention in Savannah, Ga. In those days each chapter paid the expenses of its own delegate to National Chapter meetings. Gamma Chapter, way off in Berkeley, Calif., couldn't afford to pay for its delegate so Brother Heffner, as past-archon of the chapter, was propositioned to go from Chicago as Gamma's representative. His instructions were to tell the boys in the south that Gamma was unhappy with .the National regime and wanted to break away on its own. At the close of the National Chapter 10

meeting, Brother Heffner came forth as Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon, from which vantage point he submitted his expense account to Gamma Chapter and pointed out to them the errors in their viewpoint. Thus a break in the ranks was averted and a new and closer bond established between the National organization and its far Western Chapter. The next move carried Heffner to ew York City, still as a student engineer with the \V estern Electric Company, but in a different phase of telephone work-development and research in what is now the Bell Telephone Laboratories. World War I, for those who can remember it, broke up his professional connection and landed Roy in the Army Air Service, where he spent two years in various capacities and locations. He retired with the rank of major. After the war he joined the faculty at the University of California as Chairman of Engineering Extension. Similarly, at the end of the war he changed fraternal positions, the first post-war National Chapter meeting at Charlotte having elected him Eminent Supreme Archon. Then came again the lure of travel and adventure. The U. S. Government convinced Brother Heffner that he was an automotive expert and be spent a year in the Hawaiian Islands, first in that capacity and then as Educational Director for the Army. During that period the affairs of the Fraternity were administered from Honolulu, a procedure a d o p t e d through both doubt and necessity. However, during that period many new chapters were added and affairs generally prospered. In 1921 Brother Heffner returned from the Islands and made a nationwide inspection of all Chapters.

Following this, he returned 1 ~., Phi telephone business as transr~b cee engineer with the Pacific fe efrl has & Telegraph Company at Sa~ 1Q. \' 01 cisco, where he remained untl\ r ~ having transferred to Genera 1_~ sonnel ·Administration in 192 4· ~ ~~s In late 19 21 the FraternitY l ~ ~1 its biennial meeting at BerkeleY~@ hig~ ifornia, in accordance with a pr ~ of national unity advocated bY~ · \ }J er Heffner. From that day 0r~~' Var feeling of fraternal bonds tb oil 16 1 out the country, whatever the c ~ at C and whatever its locat~on, havel~ and strong. In Atlanta in Decemberhis ~har Brother Heffner turned over pril 0 l. fice to Brother George D. to~ lllan who was eminently qualified ~lltil ceed to it. . ..! ~~gilt rr" \ih' Brother Heffner was trans f~ ' e!'' 1\ • 1ll · ec Bell Telephone Laboratones fll~ cl l York City in 1929 and re·ve. caass there in various administratl !Jif b lllJ pacities until 194 7. In Dece~ioJ1 1 194 7, he retired from the P051r ~h· t Personnel Planning Direc!ou ~ int' i from active service in the ve detr tern. leyeg 1 Brother Heffner, throug~o~~ 1Vith years, has been active in var10 lh~ s munity affairs both East an of l Year He is a Mason and a membe;. t grad 1 Kappa Nu and Tau Beta ':~ f Olin name appears in Who's Wh0 ~~i~ the~ gineering, Who's Who in the ·



J, .

(Continued on .Page 15)







0. Forrest McGilt Rho, Elected to Serve on Pi Kappa Phi's Finance Committee. By


Cooperative Association, working in Raleigh , Washington, and Shelby. r.

c. 0. Forrest McGill, Rho

Q. Forrest M G. ph.!Y elected c J]J , Rho, was recent-

c Is Fina a member of Pi Kappa . h~eds Roy nee Committee, and suean Q \' s retired J. Heffner. Gamma who 1tillf Otk to c 'rand moved from ' New rral lh a lfornia. '24 IV Other M G'l1 . ~ ~bs born c l 1s a Tar Heel. He pitY ( 18etht0w11 1 plantation n ~ar E l izleY~(f( hi 99, anci a· C., on November 24, pr ~ Rh Schoo] . ttended grammar and (.Y1l lie In Lumberton, N. C. on, \\' entered h tbrok lfiar) at th t ~ army (first World e coil at 111onths e age of 18 and served for ave~ anctCarnps J:s kan Army Field Clerk er, 1' ch Gordo c ·son, Columbia, S. c., 1r pi; to arge in ~~!Atlanta, Ga. After disJ)tl1 lll Lumbert ober 1919, he returned 0 tO' ~na~ for th ~ where he was a sales~i hi epte~boose-Wiles Biscuit Co., re> t;&~ect toe er, 1920 when he re.' fe•r ' e]n1v etsity n ter wash.mgton and Lee ; 111 eqed . At W & L h re01~1 clas Presid . . ., e .was ~tiVt · cams, became ent of h1s fresbm n mil ber Pus soci a member of several e .11·or tr Of the a1 organizations a· mem >Slr · ]lh. Ytearns Wres tl'mg and cross ' counto . 1as , and rep d . seii' lnte secret resente PI Kappa de] tfraternitry and treasurer of the leyegate to t{ council. He was Rho 's 1 1otl ~ 1Vith. Calif . e onvention in BerkeotlSW · lh~ a .13 .·'s.1nd 19 22 , . an d graduatec · 1 1d f l Yea Pttng of egree m Commerce in 0 9 ll', . ~ta~ course ~ 23 (finishing the four 111 I Olin Uatio 11 h three years). After o~fi the a, and a e returned to North Carl ~Orth ~~?~eel a position with c~ oltna Cotton Growers 1 •





~ L

pI K



he became Manager, New York City Branch Office. In Lakeland , he was Vice-Commodore, ~akeland Yacht & Country Club; D1rector, Lakeland Chamber of Commerce; President, Lakeland Rotary Club ( 1942-43) ; Director of a Florida Children's Home Society and Chairman of the La keland Civil Service Commission. He is at. present a member of _ ew York Real Estate Board: Jew York State Society Real Estate Appraisers and the Canoe Brook Country Club. Forest occupies an important position with his company. He is responsible for investments running wel l over $150,000,000. The Fraternit7 is indeed fortunate. in having hm1 as a member of 1ts Finance Committee. His experience and ability should prove invaluable in the investment of the STAR AND LAMP Fund . · A son was born to Brother and Mrs McGill early in October 1 194 7 and latest reports indicate fa ther i~ doing nicely-so nicely that be was ~hartly thereafter. promoted to RegJOnal Manager, l\l1dwest Section with h eadquarters al the main office of the Prudential Insurance Company of America in Newark, N. J. His responsibilities have been increased proportionately. We expect great things of Brother Forrest McGill. Office-\Yoolworth Building, 233 Broadway, New York, New York. Home- 160 Prospect Street, East Orange, New Jersey .

Brother McGi11's life has been influenced by Pi Kappa Phi. In 1925, L. W. (Jim) Milbourne, Rho 1922 , of Baltimore came through Shelby to prevail upon him to go to Florida to ''get rich quick " in the " Boom ." Milbourne contin ued on hi way to Florida and stopped in Orlando to te11 Walton Rex, Rho 1925, of his visit with Forrest. Results- Walton and Forrest formed the Rex-McGi11 Investment Co., and started business in Orlando, Fla, in October, 1925. Th ey did not "get rich " period- the Boom "bust." Brother McGill married Gladys Autrey on May 21! 1927. (the day Lindbergh landed m ~ans -:- and Gladys will never forg1ve h1m for stealing the t~nder from her wedding). Chick Hughes, Eta, and Marcus Cook, Iota, were ushers. Walton Rex was best man. Forrest returned the compliment and was best man for Walton in September, 1927 whe:1 ~e and Lottie Mae Autrey (Gladys ~~ s­ ter) were married. Both weddmg ceremonies were conducted by J. Blanton Belk, Epsilon. In Orlando he was director of the Orlando Realty Board , member of th e Orlando Country Club, direct_or of Qrlando Rotary Club, and District Archon, Pi Kappa Phi. In December, 1932, he mov~d to Lakeland, Fla., to become associated with The Prudential Insurance Company of America as Assis!ant Man*Ralph W. Noreen, Gamma, the ager Florida Branch Office, Mortauthor~! these two. articles is Pi Kapgage' Loan Department. He bec~me pa Plus able Ftnan ce Committee l\lanager April, 1939, and remamed Chairman. in Lakeland until 1\larch 1• 1946 when 11

Nex1 urn on

if<eptJ.;zt (Jie 1tatttJ~eat '7~ete~Z/'tttte't~ett'l e(JH-,e'ten-~e

rnmen record By balling of the RUSSELL H. ATKINSON, ALPHA XI, UNDERGRADUATE DELEGATE. to eli National Interfraternity ConAt the luncheon Chairman Em- and the various methods used ''~ or the ference, held at the Hotel Com- bury presented this year's award for being discussed . The advantages a Viduals modore in New York City on No- the most valuable contribution to disadvantages of delayed, formal, ar feated vember 28-29, set a new record for NIFC to Dr. John 0. M9seley, 'pres- open rushing had been argue.d, ~ Under recomrr attendance in both the graduate and ident of the University of Nevada. the use of pamphlets as a rushmgti the ino undergraduate sessions. junct was exhibited as the mee.~ The undergraduate delegates were adjourned until Saturday mor 01 Work i This report concerns, in the main, invited to attend the afternoon ses- The undergraduate delegates 11 1 '~as un the observations of an undergraduate sion of the main conference to hear then invited to participate in onei SJon o£ delegate at the undergraduate for- Lyman Bryson, of the Columbia the four main conference discu~, or spon ums and sessions and at certain parts Broadcasting System Public Affairs groups which concerned themse and otl of the main conference meetings. foiJowe Department, and Robert Smith, vice with: president of the National Student a short The undergraduate group opened Association. Mr. Bryson gave an ex1. Conference activities duct its meeting with a short welcoming cellent talk on the value of chapter2. Colonization policy and proCI th at ' aa address by Mr. David Embury, house discussions. He laid down sevure Places . actlvift1es . .. orcoilt· the ch· NIFC Chairman, who stated the aims eral very flexible rules for holding 3 . Sb u vers1ve and conduct of the conference. Fol- such discussions and concluded with to do. " groups lowing this, Edward Kemp, Iowa a reminder that " talk is worth only 4. Membership restrictions. A pr State University, Sigma Alpha Ep- what you put into it.." Dean Clyde S. Johnson of t]C~ gradua silon, was elected temporary chairMr. Smith discussed the formation, presided over the forum on m~;nct< ed to el man of the undergraduate group. Much discussion regarding the organ- ideals, and functions of the National ship restrictions, and he con I> ganizati ization procedure then took place and Student Association. He stressed the discussion of a very hotly deP' Was un, it was finally decided to bold open that NSA concerns itself only with eel issue in a most orderly J1l 303 ~ 'l'he 1 forums on what was considered the constructive activities and steers clear The question of discriminatorY cl;il rePort lat·Jon o five main topics of conversation. of taking a stand in partisan politics. es in national chapters and con~,,, . J~ lllended~ tions was, of course, the ma1n ~ These forums were assigned separate The NSA sponsors the World Sturooms and covered the following sub- dent Service Fund which raises re- but many sidelights-such as, d• lhe im jects: lief money for students of the world initions of democracy, the ~ 0 ~1 telat·IOn<ll and has a great interest in the In- of independent locals, estabhsh ~ on IF 1. Public relations ternational Student Services. After of International Houses, and ll~· Life gr 2. Excessive drinking and its con- enumerating the activities of the In- fraternities- were talked about etf cuss ion trol ternational Students Union, in which varying degrees of avidity. E~C etl f Avot 3. Pledge training or the NSA maintains membership, Mr. from speeches and articles b)' ~ 4. Rushing procedures Smith finished by expressing the hope cators and other prominent me? 1jv ducted t act·Journr 5. College regulation of fraternities that fraternities would cooperate with condemn the practice of discr~llll and help promote the aims of the tion were read by the cba 1r , WI The reports of each of the commit- NSA. These opinions, he stated, ~er~i' ~1Ft o tees appointed were to be submitted pressed in all types of pubh~S(' si~ later. The undergraduates then returned from the ultra-liberal NEW 1\'ffl ·, fear devor to their own session to hear the reIn~ I attended the forum on public re- ports of the various forum commit- to the more conservative Llf~or• lellls re . WhJ lations and the subject of discrimin- tees. First to be heard was the for- R~ DER'S DIGEST. The. ee th~lonat IS atory clauses in national constitu- um on drinking which had decided finally decided that a com!ll 1tt1 at as ' tions, and the adverse publicity stem- against having an open fight with appointed to encourage the forn ~1 ran. Liter a cons· ~ of more fraternities to help · ming therefrom, was discussed at college administrations and national l'h 1derE length. A motion to bar these clauses fraternities over the question. A pro- this problem. e Ntt tJll~ tor · " from national constitutions was even- posal was submitted by the un·derSaturday morning at the 11 · Po]j ill tl tually proposed and tabled. Various graduate session to the main con- graduate sessions, the subject ~f tan cy ar methods of obtaining good fraternity ference resolutions committee to ing was further discussed W1 ~~~ tl· ce of publicity were put forth , and we have the NIFC recommend that local problem of financing . the pubh'i, "tlng aim ' tl heard some fine constructive ideas; IFC's share in the control of drink- of orientation pamphlets rece stu s anc such as, wider distribution of IFC ing on campus. ill] lllblinl consideration . literature an d publications, and 1· urn op 11 Jeve th The public relations forU ~ granting of scholarships and loan As the first day's session was funds by fraternities and IFC's. The brought to a close, the report of the which I have already written ' \Vi][ do aa forum was adjourned for lunch. forum on rushing was being heard the report of its proceedings. Q~ Pt ~~I








urnNext came the report of the forornrnond pledge training, which recteco en ed that the NIFC go on ban·rd as being opposed to blackof t~ng ~f pledges unless one-quarter to el~ c. apter requested it. This was or th l~nate the indiscriminate use 11 used ' vidu ~ lackball by one or two indintages at 5 , I ~~ feate~ ·• The recommendation was deforrna ,• Under tn a very close vote of the rgued, 3r tecorngraduate delegates. A further rush inS a the . tnendation that the NIFC fa or tnc] . be rnee~l Work . Uston of some useful social r morntP Was utn t~e pledge training program :rates ,,e sion ~ammously approved. Discus~ in one. or s~ Paddling, the "big brother" - discuSSI and ~sor system of pledge training, thernsei'· 0 phases of pledge training folJowe~er a short · Dr. John. 0 . Moseley gave duct .talk on Greek Week, its conthat' anns, and results. He stated Places a . Gre~k Week program rethe h Juvemle " hazing" and gives to do~ apter something constructive


for next year's undered to~~~ ~?nference was then proposganizar I tnt nate waste of time on orWas unto~ and local problems. This l'h ammously accepted. tePor~ l~st order of business was the lauon the forum on college regurnendedof fraternities which recomthe · that local IFC's work toward relat::Provement of faculty-student on IF~~ by having faculty advisers lire s and by forming Student cussiogroups for student-faculty dist\ 0 of problems. for t~~t; of appreciation to Ed Kemp ductect t llle manner in which he conadjourn he meetings was followed by Wr tnent. h Y own nnpression · ·~ lFc was that the fear si~ndergraduate convention this devotin estepped the main issues by lerns too much time to local probregiona]tch could be better solved in lhis as co~ferences. I do not say rather an Indictment of NIFC but consict as constructive criticism to be 'the N{Fd .at future conventions. lor in t C 1s certainly a strong facPolicy he formulation of fraternity lance ~nd has instigated the accept~ing thmany sound ideas. If anyalms 'a e nationwide scope of its ~turnbli~d repres~ntation is the only 1 ~urn g bl?ck m the way of max0 h:ve thfe~ahve efficiency, but I beIVtlJ do t It does a fine job now and a better job in the future.





-jtteJl r

lgs. ~ D L~

O~ Pt

By ROBERT W. MORSE Although Detroit is famous for its wheels of diverse types we all would like to see you join the "wheels of Pi Kappa Phi" and "Motor to the Motor City." As hosts, the undergraduate chapter at Michigan State and the Detroit Alumni Chapter are deep in the paper w~rk of prese.nting you with a Conventwn that ~Ill be unsurpassed in years to com~ m business accomplishment and m pleasant associations. The personnel for the 22nd Supreme Chapter are George Helmrich, Alpha Gamma, Treasurer;. Mark Cutler, Alpha Kappa, Entertamment; Avery Ca,meron, Alp~a Theta, Registration, TransportatiOn and Accommodations ; Craig Sherwood, Alpha Theta Dance· and Tom Rohr, Alpha Theta, Dates. Coordination of these committees is in the hands of Bob Morse Alpha Theta as General Chairman, ~ssisted by Bill Zabriski~, Alpha Theta, Archon of the DetrOit Alumni Chapter. Although business sessions will occupy most of the daylight ho~rs, the Committee has planned a vaned program of evening diversion. As. an inducement to come early the rught prior to registration will b.e devoted to an evening of fellow~hip around the piano. Thursday will .be your night to howl, with DetrOI.t Alums as your guides. The committee has left this evening open for ~ou to. do your theatre going, sight seemg, mght clubing; visiting or-what d_o you ~o with your spare ti~e? Friday will see the traditional P1 K~pp Ball and Saturday will be the mgh~ for the "feast." With mid-western ~nforma!­ ity keynoting the conventwn, this time you can forget the tux. With Labor Day adding an extra day to your week-end for the return trip, this Convention should .afford you an exceptional opportumty. to visit Detroit, renew old acqu~mttand to once more partlcipa e or a nces, t. in your fraternity as a na wna1 -

ganization. Let 's make this THE date in '48-

Remember, It's Detroit In September, September 2, 3, 4. Tentative Social Calendar for Convention Evenings: Wednesday, Sept. 1-8:00 P. M. Pre-Convention Smoker Thursday, Sept. 2-EveningDo the Town Friday, Sept. 3-9:30-1 :00-Ball Saturday, Sept. 4-7 :00-Banquet

Resigns Post As City Attorney Of Kingsport, Tenn. Howard Wilson, Rho, resigned his post as City Attorney of Kingsport, Tennessee, on December 1, 194 7 in order to devote more time to private law practice. He was appointed city attorney in May 1940, and served until he entered the army in 1941. He resumed. the J?Osition in June, 1946, after h1s termmal leave expired. Brother Wilson attended the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and received an LL.B. degree from Washington and Lee University in 1938. During World War II he served overseas as chief of the Counter-Intelligence Corps in Headquarters, European Theater of Operations and was decorated with the Bronze Star Medal. He was separated as a . lieutenant-colonel in the Military Intelligence Reserve. Wilson is a member of Kiwanis the Kingsport Bar Association and the Kingsport Chapter of the Reserve Officers' Association. In addition he is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. He is married and has a young daughter. 13



Under the Student's Lamp By DR. WILL E. EDINGTON, UPSILON

Chairman of Scholarship Committee The Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1947 The Scholars of 194 7 live up to the standards and prominence set by preceding Scholars during the past twenty years. While extra-curricular activity has no bearing whatsoever in the selection of Scholars, nevertheless it is rather significant that the great majority of Scholars are also campus leaders. This year's group is composed of five Scholars ·a nd is the first group so honored since the close of World War II. Their names are now added to the illustrious group of Pi Kappa Phi who since 192 7 have left distinguished records behind them at their respective colleges. In order that the present active membership may know the type of men who have won the highest distinction conferred by Pi Kappa Phi on active members, a brief description of their general activities is presented.

James John Broph,y- Alpha Phi. Brother Brophy completed his work at the Illinois Institute of Technology last June, following his return a fter two years of service in the Navy. His special interest was in physics and electrical engineering and because of the excellence of his work he was elected to Tau Beta Pi, general engineering honorary, and Eta Kappa Nu, electrical engineering honorary. He served as president of Tau Beta Pi and secretarv of Eta Kappa Nu, and be was -also president of the Interhonorary Council. In student activities be was editor in chief of Technology News, the campus newspaper, and co-editor of the annual Integral and of the activities handbook Technette. He was treasurer of his Sophomore class and vice-president of his Senior class. As a student leader he was selected for Who's Who in American Colleges. He served Alpha Phi chapter as assistant steward, hi sto~i an and archon , and also played on its baseball and football teams. He held membersh ips in Pi Delta Epsilon, Rho Ep-


James J. Brophy; {Top right) John David Carpenter; (Bottom left) Ferreira; (Bottom center) Louis Daniel Garinger; (Bottom right) Roderick

silon, of which he was vice-president, and the Honor Board, of which he was chairman. Brother Brophy is at present continuing his study in physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

John David Carpenter- Alpha Epsilon. Brother Carpenter entered the University of Florida in 1940. He entered the Army in 1943 and served overseas in the 8th Air Force as a navigator on a B-17. Following his discharge from the Army he returned to Florida in February, 1946, and completed his work in June, 194 7. Upon his return he did excellent work in the post-war recovery of


Alpha Epsilon chapter and se oP it as chaplain, secretary and arcl£p· He was a member of the Benton 1, gineering Society, and was electedr1 Sigma Tau, engineering honor~~ and to Phi Kappa Phi, general s i lastic honorary. Brother Carpent home is at Brazil, Indiana. ·i

Robert Paul Ferreim-Alpha E~~ Jon . Brother Ferreira's college 'v er· 5 was also interrupted by Ar~Y 11' vice. Entering the U niversJtY 'Jll' Florida in 1941 , he was inducted 1,rr the Army in 1943 and served o:r:l' seas two years in the ETO and gt~ discharged as a sergeant in the tbl Air Force in time to reenter ~,






tiniver 't . corn 51 Y m February, 1946. He 'llinp1ete~ his work in Business AdBro~~tratJOn in February, 1948. Like live . er Carpenter he was very acPha post-war recovery of Alits t Pstlon chapter and served as 'l1anr~surer and archon. As a FreshPh· E rather Ferreira was elected to an~ ta Sigma, Freshman honorary, Sign 1ater elected to Beta Gamma 1 ness ~ an9 .Alpha Kappa Psi, Busither F dmt.ntstration honoraries. BroF'Iorict~~retra 's home is in Fernandina,


Louis D ante · l Gannger . Sigrn - Alpha A.B ~· Brother Garinger received his ness~e ~gree at the University of Tenterest ;n June, 194 7. His general inlines a las been along international World ncl ~e was Founder of the lhe tintfra.trs Discussion Group of been verstty of Tennessee. He has Stu dvery active in the work of the servin e 11 t _Federalists organization, rector g .011 Its national board of ditinives .111 1944-1945 and being the the Crstty of Tennessee delegate to Feder ~~cord Conference of Student setts a.tsts at Concord, Massachutini~e/~ 1945. He was also the Gover Stty delegate to the World North n~ent Congress at Asheville, also b arolina, in 1946. He has Club ee_; active in the International recogn· rather Garinger was early electedzect for . scholarship by being Fresh to Pht Eta Sigma in his his rem:n year, and he maintained to Ph~ tatJon by later being elected 1 Ship h I<appa Phi, general scholarthe Spon~rary. He was a member of of Sig amsh Club and was treasurer frater~~ Delta Pi, honorary Spanish chapte: Y. lie served Alpha Sigma ager f as treasurer and house manactive or t?ree terms, and was also 111an .as htstorian and rushing chairGarin~n ~is Senior year. Brother Law a:r Is continuing his study in and is the University of Tennessee llar A a member of the University lohnso~so~iation. His home is in Ctty, Tennessee. .l?.oder· k · SIgrna IC Page Thaler - Alpha frolll th Bro~her Thaler graduated

June e Umversity of Tennessee in 19 f?r his with a summa cum laude first our years work and ranking senior:lllong the 194 7 graduating as to e. In fact his record was such arn for him the distinction of


0 F pI



having the third highest average ever made by a student graduating from the University of Tennessee. He was elected to Phi Eta Sigma as a Freshman, and later to Phi Kappa Phi general scholastic honorary, of whi~h he was also vice-president. During his Freshman and Sophomore years he received the Faculty Scholarship Award, and later be was recipient of the Latin Foundation Prize. He served on the staff of The Tennesseean, literary magazine, and on the University of Tennessee Concert Usher Corps. He was a member of the Canterbury Club and the University Hiking Club. He maintained bis interest in the Boy Scouts and found time to serve as an assistant scoutmaster. Brother Thaler was awarded a Fellowship to the University of Illinois and is now working on a Master's degree in History. He expects eventually to work for the Ph.D. degree at Harvard. Brother Thaler is the son of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Thaler Dr. Thaler being a member of the' Faculty at the University of Tennessee.



Heffner Retires

(Continued from Pnge 10)

Atlantic States, Who's Who in ~ew Jersey, Who's Who in the Amencas. His present address is Box 808, Lafayette California, where he recently pu~chased a home high up in the hills and plans to descend from it only for fishing, hunting and othe~ state occasions. We suspect that PI Kapp affairs will qualify under that heading. Brother Heffner resig~ed from th~ Finance Committee of PI Kappa Pht because of his move from New York to California. He believed that the members of the Committee should be able to get together in person _for f~ll and frank discussion of the fmanctal situation from time to time.

Remember ... · · It's Detroit In September

Herman Mcthfessel, Alpha Xi

Herman Methfessel, Alpha Xi, Elected District Attorney, Richmond County, New York Herman Methfessel, a member of the Alpha Xi Chapter, elected District Attorney of Richmond County, State of New York, on January 1st, 1948. This is not the first political office held by Brother Methfessel; he served four terms as an Assemblyman in the New York State Legislature, and six years as an Assistant District Attorney in Richmond County. Brother Methfessel graduated from Brooklyn "Poly" in 1922 with a degree of Electrical Engineer. Subsequently he entered journalism with the "Evening World." Later be decided to study law at New York Law School and was admitted to the Bar and still retains a successful practice in Staten Island, Richmond County. He resides at 77 Midland Road, Staten Island, N. Y. He was elected on November 4th by almost 10,000 votes majority over the present District Attorney (Robert E. Johnson) who was appointed by Governor Dewey on August 18th and who, as his first official act, dismissed Methfessel as Chief Assistant. 15



Part 3 Veterans' Hospitalization and Medical Care This is the last of three articles on veterans' rights. The Author, Robert C. McLees, Beta '36, is a Veterans Administration C o n t a c t Representative. In addition to disability and death compensation, insurance, and other provisions, Uncle Sam offers his veterans one benefit the magnitude of which is hardly appreciated by the general public. This is the right to hospitalization and medical care. Eligibility for hospitalization is so general as to include almost any wartime vet with a discharge "other than dishonorable" and many peacetime vets with service-connected disabilities. Out-patient medical care is somewhat more restricted. This article is to provide a little of the who, what, why, when and where of Veterans Administration medical service. The government maintains for its veterans a system of V. A. Hospitals and Domiciliary Facilities (sometimes known as "Soldiers' Homes") distributed throughout the United States. These hospitals, despite occasional criticism, are generally of high standard and equipment. They are staffed as adequately as personnel limitations permit. Profes ional qualifications for government employment is high for physicians and surgeons, and the veteran can rest assured that the medical treatment dispensed by V. A. Hospitals compares favorably with that available at other hospitals. Many eminent specialists serve part-time on a fee basis or as consultants to supplement the salaried staff. Veterans are urged to remain in hospitals until they have recovered completely. A little thought should make it apparent to the patient who wants to leave before doctors tell him he has reached "maximum hospital benefit" that his chances of being a "readmission" case are greatly enhanced. He is asked to remain in the hospital only until he has recovered completely. He is held no longer than necessary, because his bed is urgently needed by other veterans. Incidentally, a vet who leaves "against medical advice" forfeits his 16

right to hospitalization for other than emergent reasons for the next three months. V. A. Hospitals as they are now organized developed from the old Bureau of War Risk Insurance (predecessor of the V. A. in World War I) when that bureau was made responsible for hospital services and supplies for ex-servicemen in 191 7. '\' ithout going into any intricacies of organization, many hospitals have been built since that time, and now the V. A. maintains a total of 126 hospitals and domiciliary facilities, plus Out-patient clinics in most of the sixty-two Regional Offices, and the Sub-Regional Offices which operate under them. Many beds are also maintained on a contract basis in Army and Navy Hospitals and in civilian hospitals to further enlarge facilities. Ask your nearest V. A. or other service office where your nearest V. A. hospital is. All war veterans who have serviceconnected disabilities have a priority for hospitalization. Veterans with nonservice-connected ailments come next, if beds are available and if they say they cannot afford to pay for treatment elsewhere. Peacetime vets are eligible, but only for treatment of disabilities shown by record~ to have been incurred in or aggravated by service. Normal procedure is to make application on the proper form, with the help of your nearest Contact Representative or Service Officer. This application is completed by a doctor's diagnosis. Your Contact Representative can authorize a fee-basis examination by a local doctor, or a salaried physician at V. A. Offices can examine you free. Your separation. papers should be presented to establish eligibility ... always take them with you. If the doctor feels you are in need of emergent attention, he can secure immediate admission to the hospital for you, for medical emergencies for those with serviceconnected ailments take priority over all others. Emergency nonserviceconnected cases are also promptly taken care of. Otherwise if you are

. a nonserv1ce-connected case onee th· thl doctor's diagnosis establishes .18, need, you are put on the hoSP1ir waiting list and take your place 11 line, just as you used to for ~hdt How long you will have to wait 0 pends on how many veterans Jl.' World War II, plus other vetera Was are already ahead of you. 1· The program of building moreth Chapter A. Hospitals to take care of ·oc· because hact increased veteran population 51fa: th llla, e Sup World War II has gone ahead as ~1 . as possible, but construction. ~rol· caned 0 ' .and other problems have kept It 2; 1'he firs b 0 elt W anything like an approach to en° • hospital beds to fill the need. . bil quently For nonservice-connected d1sa 1, llraterni ities, male patients are entitled eP a!th PreSl. e Ne hospitalization only in gov~rnJ11or 1934 'b hospitals. Veterans with servJce·~13: Zet )l a an nected disabilities may be hoS~11 ~· the Po. ized in non-VA hospitals, as we !'1 Sl in VA hospitals. r 1lle. 1'! 01 Female veterans' rights are sohtl' thirteen what different, entitling them to·val' ~ational pitalization on a fee-basis in prJ Qi• In the H hospitals, principally because .]110~ Ph~hile 1 are VA Hospital facilities are desJ!o: Officer for males, but the VA approval the w .a be received. . 0u ref tift Point one to remember: 1f Yet I er to er..._k doctor feels you are in an emer~r­ IVhat no condition, have him call the n~eet V. A. Hospital, long distance co prt' Of the or notify the nearest Contact Reoi~ :esentat·J It I' sentative so he can take charge.l'tal' IVj~ay b two: in dealing with the V. A., viD Ill fed€ atter a evidence of your honorable s~aii with you. Write yol)r "C" . 10 CUtity number down in your billfold, 11 ~t !(lllent onP have a number (or a billfold!) eO' areappa p member, if you are not an emer~t~ ch at th€ or do not have a service-conn , r apter 11 h~ali~ed. ailment you must wait your tor patiently as possible. 1 ~~ad viet 5 ''lllll) . Outpatient treatment includet fl Selv ents medical or dental treatment no er es- a quiring hospitalization. You arectt 'k Illany .' eep • titled to it only for service-connepcr 1'h out disabilities. Only in rare inst~e$1 the chan are nonservice-connected cases the Natio ed in out-patient clinics. f tb~ as elll not This is the last of a serie~ o f• Ia they a' articles on veterans' benefits. re: i ~s of 9 lllzes tht more information, see your ne V. A. Office-and don 't delaY·

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T!iE Was off'Ice of National Chancellor

Chapter est w ~bl'Ished by the Supreme ~ecause thhich met in Detroit in 1931 act mad e growth of Pi Kappa Phi the Sup e necessary the inclusion in Called ~eme Council as it was then 0 l'he first a brother skilled in the law. belt W MC?ancellor was Brother Alquently b eJsel, Alpha Xi, who subseFraternit e~ame the first head of the ~hi :Presid~n~ bear the title of Natione New · He was succeeded at 934 'by ork Supreme Chapter of t eta and ~?ther Theron A. Houser, t~e Positionigma,. who has occupied th~e. 1'his 1 contmuously since that \ r Itteen ong service of more than :~ational ycears as a member of the In t he h · oun CJ'1 Is · a record unique While Istory of the Fraternity. 11~~ are a:~~t members of Pi Kappa thhcer as th e tha.t there is such an t e Writer e N at10nal Chancellor!efer to h. once heard a good brother :h--know;~ as the National Cancelor at vagu ge of ~is duties is somet the Frat !Je IS the law officer i~entative ~rmty and its official repIf may be .many litigation in which llltth feder~fvolved or in any dispute cua~ter as inor state agencies in such Ill ttty Pay come tax or social sel< ent on aments. He passes judga appa Ph' 1.1 contracts to which Pi . chte at the 1d'Is a pa r t Y an d h'IS servtces te apter. r/sposal of any subordinate hi ahzect th. undergraduate chapters Ill~ advice ~sf more fully and sought Se;trnents ~ore making serious comVes-a~d ey would spare them~tnany a h the National Chancellor 1'hp out of eadache. It is easier to thee chanceUtro~ble than to get out. the National 0~ Is th.e !~gal adviser to as ~ not oni ouncil, mterpreting to Ia hey aff Y federal and state laws in(s Of the ~t the Fraternity but the Zes the raternity itself. He scrut0F ~rocedure in disciplinary






cases originating in subordinate chapters and in this capacity is the defender of the rights of the individual member - a duty which Brother Houser has most scrupulously performed. It would be only natural if those brothers who have not had the privilege of knowing the National Chancellor personally were curious about the man holding so important an office. As an undergraduate at Wofford Brother Houser was initiated into Zeta Chapter where he held various offices including that of archon and began the long, devoted , and effective service to Pi Kappa Phi which still continues. From Wofford Brother Houser went to the University of South Carolina to pursue the study of law. There he affiliated with Sigma Chapter one of the older chapters. Sigma bas bad a cbequered history. At one time because of adverse legislation, it even existed sub rosa. Brother Houser's arrival in Columbia coincided with a low point in Sigma's career. If not actually dead, the chapter was certainly moribund. With characteristic energy Brother Houser went into action and chiefly as a result of his efforts, Sigma was returned to health and vigour. From his home in nearby St. Matthews, the National Chancellor still watches over Sigma and the Columbia lumni Chapter. His time and advice, not to mention material aid, are always at the disposal of the boys. Brother Houser was serving as district archon when he was elected to the National Council. There are about a dozen Pi Kapps in St. Matthews and Brother Houser has gathered them into an alumni chapt;r. St. Matthews is the only commumty in the country that can show a one hundred per cent membership in its alumni chapter and a one hundred

percent of subscribers to the Volun~ary Alumni Dues Fund- and that 1s the work of the National Chancellor. To his intimates Brother Houser is k~own variously as Ted or Bill. As m1ght b~ expected, his activities are not confmed to the Fraternity. He has helped to codify the laws of the state of South Carolina and is well and favorably known throughout a large part of the state. He has been city solicitor of St. Matthews and is at present its mayor. Brother Houser married Miss Hattie Marshall Ford of Dothan, Alabama. They have a very attractive daughter and their charming home in St. Matthews seems to be a way-station for all roaming Pi Kapps. In addition to his law practice, Brother Houser operates a farm where he raises cotton oats, corn and hogs - mind and weat~er permi~ting. His hobby is growmg camelltas - an interest he shares with Past Supreme Archon John D. Carroll of nearby Lexington. The National Chancellor's long term of service includes the difficult war years when the fate of the Frater~ity. li.terally hung in the balance. It Js difficult to appraise intangibles ?ut B;other Hou~er's long range vis~ wn, h1s acute estimates of situations his calm, dispassionate judgment con~ tributed largely to the ultimate hapPY outcome. Fortunate indeed is the Fraternity to have such loyal and unselfish service. 17




retary and then president of the local Sigma X i which became Alpha Mu chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in fay 1933. During the war years he kept the Alpha Mu service men abreast of each other and looked after the chapter's interest on the Penn State campus when the _ avy occupied Alpha Mu's house. A man, such as Brother Doolittle, will be missed greatly by his undergraduate chapter. We all wish him Godspeed in his new assignment.

Wilbur D. White

Jess S. Doolittle

Jess S. Doolittle Despite the fact that Brother Jess Doolittle has accepted a professorship at North Carolina ·state College, has moved from State College, Penna., to Raleigh , N. C., and is no longer chapter adviser of Alpha Mu, he belongs in the chapter adviser category. He carries into his new assignment of Professor of Mechanical Engineering, in charge of the Heat Power work, a varied background of experience. . He received his B. S. degree from Tufts Coll ege, in 192 5 and his M. S. at Penn State College in 193 7. He was a student engineer at the Gener, al Electric Co., Lynn, Mass., from June 1925 to September 1927, and was an instructor in Mechanical Engineering in the Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio from 192 7 to 1931. He rose to the rank of Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering when he joined the Penn State faculty in 1931. Brother Doolittle is author of several articles in his field on the Heat Power part of Mechanical Engineering. At Penn State he served two terms as president of the local association of fraternity counsellors; he was sec18

When Central Office asked the newly appoin ted chapter adviser of Delta for a biographical sketch and picture, he wanted to know if we were planning to open a funny section in the STAR AND LAMP! This is a fair sample of Brother Wilbur White's modesty. The fact remains, however, that the Delta undergraduates wouldn 't be denied by a littl e modesty. They yelled lustily for Brother White and President Rice obliged by appointing him chapter adviser of Delta. Wilbur D. White was born in Georgetown County, S. C., December 11, 1899. The son of a Methodist minister whose pastorate changed every four years, he spent his boyhood in many towns in South Carolina, and completed his high school training in Jefferson, S. C., May 1915. September of that year he entered Wofford College where he was initiated into Zeta Chapter. In the summer of 1918 he attended S. A. T . C., at Plattsburgh, N. Y., and returned to Wofford and received his degree in September 1919. Brother White entered the University of South Carolina law school in September 1919 and received his LL. B. degree June 1921. After practicing law in Walhalla, S. C. a year, he moved to Anderson, S. C., where he accepted a position as Law Clerk and Secretary to the Federal Judge. On January 1, 1932 he was appointed Clerk, U. S. District Court

for the Western District .of ~: Sej Carolina, moving to Greenv~llebon' tee where he has since made hiS t in Col11

He attended the National 0t tion in Birmingham in 1927 a~ot attended every national ConVepl since that time with the e1<CS ~ of Seattle in 1936 when he waser' fined to the hospital. He baS ent as official reporter of con" proceedings si nce 1927. t . 1.s marne . d_...het,• Brot h er W I11te 110 two daughters and two gra en~' dren; a son-i n-law who is aJrnhO of Delta, and a brother 0 White, an alumnus of Eta. )

Wi II iam L. BrinkleY' .

• Brother William L. BrinkleYdrr was appointed Mu's chapter ~ '· by William J. Berry in 1_9 '10 born in Richmond, Va., Apr~! 3jj[e In the short expanse of hiS 1~ has lived in many places, amongC~ Bristol, Tenn., Miam i, Fla.,~. ' tanooga, Tenn., Durham, 115 ~ Richmond, Va., and Gree N.C. ~ re Sr His high school years we 11e in Greensboro, N. C., where






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Robert 0. Stripling Robert 0. Stripling, Omicron, who recently succeeded W. H. Beisler, Alpha Epsilon, as chapter adviser of the University of Florida chapter, has been a diligent supporter of Pi Kappa Phi since his undergraduate days. He was initiated into Omicron Chapter in 1936 and transferred to Alpha Epsilon, University of Florida, wh~re he received his B. A. in Education in 1939. Brother Stripling was born in Montgomery, Ala., and attended the public schools there and the Sidney Lanier High School. He completed his high school work at Leon High School, Tallahassee, Fla. He received his M. A. in Education at the University of Florida in 1942 , and has len 1 William l · B.nnkley, 1' cect the G.1


here he h eensboro Senior High ern rnent eld .· . . vattous student gov-· 0 ~hoo] Pa~e:Ittons, worked on ' th e onor s . • was a member of the Press anctOctety . · ' a representative at ~1ntions an~udent government con~s. was salutatorian of his

S e attend d

replernber e Duke University from .eceivect h .19 41 to October 1944 and 1n ts A B · ?egree, majoring ' Ill economics · id:naged the . W.htle at Duke he of ~ of the ienms team, was presof Fan-IIellen: M. C. a member Of reshrn Ic ~ounctl, a member tr Ornicro~nDAfvtsory Council and te~surer of e ta Kappa. He was ;s anct M u chapter for two dut r~ther ~~~on for three. to tn the A mkley was on active · Robert 0. Stripling in ;vlay 20 ~my from April 3, 1943 1 4 3 · He then enlisted since worked on his Doctorate at the he En1·' 1\onrrn Y anct tsted R eserve Corps of · the University of Chicago and the UniJune W~s honorably discharged versity of Florida. • qe \V 20 • 943. In 1939-40 Bob taught at the th as empl oye d m . the office of fr e Secreta Sneads, Fla., High School and in be~rn ove~b of Duke University 1940-41 at the Leon High School , Sen 1, 194S ~ 20, 1944 to Novem- Tallahassee, Fla. He was an instructe11301 in e entered Duke Law tor, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School, tuar ect Unti] ep~emb:r 1945 and at- University of Florida, 1941-43 and ter Y 1, 19 ;Is restgnation on Feb- was Administrative Secretary and In4 ag:.d the Off' At that time he en- structor in the field ~f Geo?rap~y, 1 llli ~ assisting ~~e of the Secretary War Training Program, Umverstt.Y ~a Slons, a . . e Committee on Adof Florida 1943-44. At present he IS ing tsha)] wi~Istmg t~e University Assistant Professor of Education, Col1\>ag the Secret graduatiOn, and assist- lege of Education, University of lllast apPointedarth .In June 1945 he Florida. Pos· ~rs of D airman of HouseBob was commissioned an Ensign Ilion he h uke. University, which in the USNR June 1, 1944 and serv0F as smce held. pI I< APPA PHI


ed as gun~~ry officer aboard a large Navy auxiliary vessel operating between Newfoundland and Iceland in the. Cari.bbean area. He was released to macttve duty as Lt. (jg, USNR April 29, 1946. ' Besides his membership in Pi Kappa Phi ~e is a member of Kappa J:?elta Pt,, H?norary Education Society, ~h1 Kappa Phi Scholarship Fraternity, Flonda Education Association , American Association of University Professors, Gainesville Junior Chamber of Commerce and the First ::\1ethodist Church G~inesville Fla. ' ' Brother Stripling married the former Dorothy Claire Atkinson of Tallahassee, Florida June 7, 1940, and t~ey have one: son, Robert Olin Stripling, Jr. (Bob), born October 19 1942. '

District Xi's Archon Paul Walker Did you ever know someone who defied practically all of the conventional modes of speech dress and dealing with people but ~ho somehow was yet a law unto himself in each of these respects? Such a specimen is rare but if you have ever known one then you can appreciate the charm that. Paul Walker has for peoplenot JUSt some but all people. Paul who is guardian of Pi Kappa Phi's in~ terests in Indiana and Illinois bas many quirks of speech and ma~ner-



Paul Walker


and teaching the agricultural Y~ of today by knowing and wor with people from coast to coast~ Paul's most recent phase of agtf er ending self-educational prlt was an M. S. Degree in Agnc~ Education from the Univ. of 1 1947. He is a member of Alpharill Alpha, Honorary Vocational Ag ture Teachers fraternity, Gamn1 rna Delta, American Legion, ~ Consistory, Shriner, Rotary ~nd National Education AssociatJO~ Brother Walker's recreation terest centers around his farnl herd of registered Jersey cattle· will, however, leave them long en~ to be one of the most gracious 1(1 you ever saw so when in N:e~ Illinois, drop by to see a real P1 hy the name of Paul Walker.

Are You A Song Writ~r

Though the shooting war has been over for some little time now, Emory Senior William Otto Greenfield, a Pi Kappa Phi from Daytona Beach, Fla., received the Distinguished Flying Cross and Navy Gold Star in lieu af a second Air Medol from Capt. Joseph Wade Adams, USN, professor of naval science at Georgia Tech, late in October. The decorations were presented for Greenfield's "heroism and extraordinary achievement" as an aircrewman of a naval patrol bomber plane in anti-submarine operations in the Bay of Biscay and the western approaches to the United Kingdom in 1943-44.

isms, anyone of which would be only sTightly amusing except for the fact that taken all together they go to make up one of the most interesting personalities ever. One might gather from such a description that the person in question would be sure to disclose radical tendencies somewhere in his makeup. Such is not the case however and the fact is that the absence of these tendencies serves only to accentuate the non-conformist aspect of the man to a delightful advantage. This unwittingly accentuated non conforming outlook on life is the true beauty of Paul's disposition. One naturally delves into a man's background to determine just what causes him to have the outlook on life that he does. There are some facts available concerning brother Walker which indicate how and why he bas reached the happy goal of being an expert in human relations. Fundamentally, it is his love of people.


Since he graduated from Cornell in 1922, Paul has done little but work with people. He bas worked with men and boys in the agricultural training and organizational field constantly. This work has carried him from the proud loamy soil of upperstate New York to the citrus growing section of California and you have only to converse with him a few minutes before you realize that here is a man whose native earthy humor has been exposed to, and lent itself beautifully to, the best wit afforded by any of our agricultural sections. Probably there is no other intangible line of demarcation so clearly cut as are those lines which mark the boundaries between our provincial agricultural areas. It would be very easy for a man in Paul's field of endeavor to become as provincial in his teachings and way of life as are his students. He has avoided this and thus rounded out himself in preparation for his life's work of organizing

As you know our song book dil is depleted and before a neW e goes to press we want to in~ludepri new songs. We are offenng ei' for the top three songs offered b. 15 June 1, 1948. Here are the rube,' 1. Songs must be written ) Kapps" or their familieS· or 2. Words and music must be inal. jtl 3. Manuscripts must be suVb~:gi 1 to Central Office, . Building, Richmond, Va·, later than June 1, 1948. ~ 4. Prizes will be: A. 1st Prize $50.00 B. 2nd Prize· $25.00 C. 3rd Prize $15.00 ir t.Js 5. The judges will base tbe ~ at 0! cisions principally on tbe ) ~hi] ular appeal of the songs gj.. · . d m1tte . sh•I0\lj



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A Note Comes From : I presr'den t , Natrona 01

On February ' 7th, Central eel' was pleasantly surprised to [ J't' a cheerful note from N a tionathe ident Devereux D. Rice, to t ~~ feet that be is better but t~r ~ wouldn't tell him when he WI ·ve() 1 leased from the Emory 0~ (• Hospital at Emory UniversttY' ~ where he has been confined for · . tJme. will Brother Rice's son, Baile}', , ell cently initiated into his father 5 ter at Georgia Tech.

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Above: Aennchen Directs the Chorus

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Left: Miss Marie Phillips,. 1947-1948 choice as Alpha Upsilon's Pi Kapp




?t ?Itt Stateted 11/ie~e 0 · Jtrsl' fi fte be1r~ or }:lj I\. en years ago the brothers e il ~~.brexel afpa_Phi (Alpha Upsilon) 5 · gi ~!adelphi nstJtute of Technology, sh"1ng a a, conceived the idea of r su~hw. l'h~se old-fashioned minstrel th a war black-faced boys met the :Pi I\. rn reception in 193 2 that . e galler;p~ show took a seat in 0 Drexel tradition. 011 :p r& i~ tobabl ~ duct~e pr~grthe greatest single step e ect hon ,, ess of this annual pro~~ s . ovas the mtroduction . t Ye 1n th of co1 bl !hats thee . 936 show. For three e~ ore ~resenf1 ~!s took minor roles as , n~ l"ntnstre) a lOn Was a combination st 1\>e 1939 thanct musical specialties. tote con~in ed pro-minstrel brothers a5 Se stay " ce that "women are here •cJI earlect the ~~d Alpha Upsilon precornect1· Jrst of its original musies ' "Get Into the Swing." o~ ~~ P.l I<A




' 1 • "this Recognizing woman s P ace ?n.. ' orld " the chapter Jmttated mans w , . p· the annual custom of selectm_g a J Kapp Sweetheart. From a fJeld of keen competition among _the J:~~h­ men women, Miss Mane . J IpS emerged as their 194 7-48 chmce. I 1942 the culture of the N~ar n ' · "Arabian East was revealed m an . . htmare." The memories of sheiks N Jg · d to carry and harems were destme over the war years. ~ith ~he reac10 1 ~~~ tivation of Alpha Upsll?n came the return of the _I'llKf.PP ~ght to the Drexel theatnc~ Jme ,; 1947 "GraduatiOn or B~st I n M ay, ' · 't m1d a closed the gap of inactJVI y a h 1 hearty welcome from the w o e school. So with this fun-loving spirit Pi Kappa Phi launched its thirteenth

, annual production, "Poise and Ivy, " on November 7-8. With the concerted efforts of all brothers, spearheaded by such talent as Bob Dorwart's script and song writing and Gene Kraber's musical direction and arranging, Alpha Upsilon chapter carried Drexel into the ranks of the Ivy League with its mythical trip into the realm of exclusive schools. Full credit for the successful creation and development of all the chorus dances went to the team of Anton and Aennchen, dancing instructors extraordinary. The show was a huge success, both theatrically and financially. Pi Kapps succeeded this time in doing something they never had been able to do before. They had them "standing in the aisles" on the Saturday night performance. 21

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The engagement of Miss Emily Ruth Avent to Mr. Charles Brother Alexis Borokhovich, Al;ha Xi, was married to ::i H. Long, Alpha, has been announced. No definite wedding Audrey Anne jacobsen on October 25, 1947, at Val!ey Str plans have been made. Long Island, N. Y. 1~ Jack Easterby, archon of Alpha Chapter, and Miss Anne At the Alpha Xi Chapter Christmas party held on DcccC McKeithen, both of Charleston, S. C., recently announced their 20, 1947, Brother Len Waterman and Miss Beverly _Mac engagement. announced their engagement. At 8 o'clock Saturday night, October 4, Miss Jean LeRue The following Alpha Sigma men were married in 1~, Ward beca me the bride of Mr. James P. Kellett III, Beta. mon ths: Harry Bryant and Miss Betty Lou Burnell nd ~~ Miss Alma Page and Harvey Dillard Atwater, Zeta, were ristown, Tenn ., December 20th, 194 7; Jess White an . f married on November 27th. Emily Turner in Oak Ridge, Tenn., December 20, 1947b r 1 Lloyd James Skidmore, Jr., Eta, was married to Miss CynGoode and Miss Pat Jarvis in Oak Ridge, Tenn., Decern e1.1 thia Inez Brown on December 20th at hi~h noon. 19~.7; Richard Wallace and Miss Clara ·Jones in K 110 vr~ Miss Mary Anne White and Captain C. L. Murphy, Iota, Tenn., Dec. 27, 1947; and James Tombras and Joyce were married on November 16th. in. Chattanooga, Tenn., November 16, 1947. 1 Another member of Iota Chapter, Ed~ar D. Johnson, wa s The engagement of Miss Alice MJ(ye, of Macon,. G~j~v married on December 27th to Miss Lucy H a rvey of Rome, Ga. Kenneth Raymond Parkinson , Al pha Sigma, of Memp!liS,JirU· This fall Miss Jette Darden Holt and William Wright Camphas been announced They plan to be mai:ried on Fe bell, Iota, were married in Decatur, G:.J. 7th, 1948 in Valdosta, Ga . . 1!3•' During the Christmas holidays, Broth er Wilfred Gatling, Mu, A number of Alpha Phi men have announced the1r ~ o!~ was married to Miss Dorothy Lee Cro s in their home town, ments. They arc: Larry Simon to Miss Jean Hayes; rEb< Simon has set the date for January 31, 1948; D}ck J)!f Suffolk, Va. Stewart Blanton, Mu, recently announced his en~agement hart. lo Miss Mary Noonan; Frank Pospisil to MISS en;. to Miss Carolyn Goodman of R alei..-:h , N. C. The wedding Flonan; Don Freeman to Miss Carol Morgan; John _sa Jri· Miss Mary Cathryn Sims; and John Roach to M 15s has been set tentatively for June. Miss Elizabeth Isabel Fl e mmin~ of Sumter, S. C., became Ostermeyer. erfl the bride of John Clarence Watso n, Jr., Mu, of Charlotte, on Miss Martha Bachman, of Vincennes, Ind., will be rn November 28, 1947. to Herbert Pillman, Alpha Psi, on February 5, 1948. frl Joseph Henry Stowers, Jr., Omicron, who is now in school Brother C. M. Pruet, Jr., Alpha Iota, and Miss MarY e.Ji a t Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Miss Mary Frances Embry, of Montces Duke were married in Clanton, Alabama, on the 1\Aj, gomery, Ala., were married on September 3, 1947. before Thanksgiving and are now at home in Ashland, Jnll' Two members of Si~ma Chapter were married this fall. They Also at home in Ashland, Ala., are Mr. and Mrs. rorll' are Henry B. Randolph who married Miss J o Alice McMillan; Adams, Omicron and Alpha Iota . Mrs. Adams is the and Howard R . Fairey who married Mrs. Frances Seckley Miss Katherine Tubb. Kilian. Miss P e~g ie Louise Morris, of Atlanta, and Donald Bain Stewart, Chi, of H apeville, Ga., were married in October. The wedding of Win s~o n Bernard Buckworth, Alpha Della, ~ nd Miss Ethel Mav Tonkin took place on November 28th, 194 7. at Winnipeg, Man. Th ey will mak e their home in Sault St. Marie, Ont. On December 19, 1947, William John Maddox, Alpha Delta, and Virginia Hasselo were married . The wedding of William Lee Hamilton, Alpha Delta, and recent Mary Jo Schweitzer took place in September, 1947. Brother and Mrs. Keith Walker, Alpha Omicron, n ]Ill sent us a novel card announcing that a daughter had bee Here is a list of Aloha Delta enga~ements: Robert L. Willis to them-her name is Linda Lee! Congrats, Keith! ecJ to Miss Gladys Conklin; Harold V. McPherson to Miss Lucille I. Powers; David G. Alexander to Miss Alice Soehl; Walter Alpha Phi sent us notice of a new member of th~)' Pla~en s to Miss Mar~uerite Sutherland; and Warren Vadman family , namely, Billy Belke. Congratulations to :Nan to Miss Elinor Spillman. Ralph! 0 Eldridge K . Camo, Alpha Mu, and Miss Marv Jane KlingMr. and Mrs. James S. McDonald, Alpha Epsilon, 1 2 ensmith were married on October 10, 1947. They arc now announce the arrival of Nancy Lou on December ~n living in Pittsburgh , Penna. This makes two girls for the McDonalds. Barbara ~~~.I born 011 June f, 1945. They are now living at 237 S. Miss Marion Kendall, of Los Angeles, and Emmett Forrest Alldredge, Alpha Eta, were married on the 24th of December, , st., Miami 36, Fla. 1o 1947, as Las Vegas, Nevada. · Although she's nearly a year old now, it's not -too ~t~r)!f you that Linda Lee was born to Mr. and Mrs. e Brother William Ricker, Alpha Omicron, recently announced Droste, Jr., Alpha Tau, on April 15th, 1947. , his engagement to M;ss May Pearsall, of Washington, D. C. 17 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Heim, Alpha Mu, o~ 1200 r t The engagement of Miss Betty Helmerichs to Brother Bob bury Ave., Cleveland 6, Ohio, announce the amval Spearing, Alpha Omi cron, has been announced. son, Lawrence W. Heim, on Oct. 7, 1947. Brother Bob Baseman, Aloha Omicron, announced his en90 A daughter, Linda Elizabeth, was born to :Nor~ct· · gagement to Miss Vicky Walker, from Davenport. Mazurie, Alpha Mu, and Clara (House) Mazurie on Brother Howard A. Barber was married to Miss Maude 1947. ce: Esther Clinch on November 29, 1947, at Wilmington, Mass. 00 Brother and _M:rs. Billy Roberts, Alpha Iota, ann° t]J. Brother Bill Cosgriff, also a member of Alpha Xi, was best 4 arrival of a daughter, Dollie Lucretia, on December man .





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lfiUR D. DONNIEZ 1 ALPHA XI 1 PASSES Anh ~ated f~~~· tponniez, Alpha Xi, died May 14, 194 7. He grad-


Mechanicalle ~ro~klyn Poly techni c Institute with . th the Go ngm cer, and for many yea rs was Brved in th odh.ousekeeping Institute in ew York '20tst E e. Ftrst World War as First Li eutenant ngmeers.

the degree connected City. H e Company

ied it! ~~~ ·nell tn ' 1 PHILIP GUISEI ALPHA XI I DIES ile and {· J>h'J' 0, 1947 i I ~ lip G . ine~ton , NUtse, Alpha Xi, died July 17, 194 7 at his home in December · Kno~l'' IV tltute wit{ H e gradua~ed from the Broo klyn Poly technic m Blr \Vas Civil E ?egree of Civil En~ineer. For many yea rs he Joyce to Orld War \:;m.eer for Jersey City; and durin~ the First n Ga .. orn l'ort Te ~ 111 charge of dock construction a t th e Charles!CO '. 'f l· Ina. rmln a l, U. S. Army Ba$e, Charleston, South Car!mplliS,. u on Febr

OTHER DEATHS REPORTED News has been received in Central Office that Finch Th omas Scruggs, Jr., Pi, who had been associated with Dixon I ves Dept. Store, prlando, Fla., for many yea rs, died last su mm er. The report of his dea th came from an employee of the Dixon & Jves store and C. 0 . has been unable to get further information . Report of the recent death of Alvin E. Morehouse, Omega, Lafayette, Ind ., ha s been received from the post office department. Through the sa me so urce, the death notice of Claud Vardaman, Omicron, Sylacauga, Ala., has been received. From the Washington & Lee alumni office, Central Office has learned that George Lankford Powers, Rh o, has recently died.

their cnl(iltlr !yes.; :Br£~ D1ck . , Miss V 11 ohn Sacn' Miss J~ II be Jllarf11 )48. f rl MarY .A the Tue;<• }. . run L d j\1.1 hlan , J a~ "'UitJnj Chi ambdal Heads New Florida E apter Mrs. n . B C. s the ror or th · r1 01 L dinn e newJy amb?a, of Lak eland , F la., was elected president on ter rneetin 0 rgamzed Lakeland , F la., a lumni chapter at a inct he even in~ h~Jd at the New Florida Hotel, Lakeland, F la., OthUdes Pi K 0 J?ecember 8, 194 7. This new a lumni group Pres~~ Officers apps Ill the L ake section of Polk County, Fla. 3 Urer' ent; and ~ Dr. Carr.oll P . Ezell, Lake Wales, Fla ., vice1'h. red L . McDonald, Lakeland , secretary-trease ch Oth arter wa 5 . bard ers Present recetved at •this meeting. ~in Lake WaJ were H enry F'. Bullard and Spence 0 . Ht.blake] ender5011 e • F la:, !!'-· B . Crim, Russe ll P . Cureton, ~ar­ and, Fia ' Jr., Wilha m G. J ennings, and H arris G. Sims, recen' ron, b< ad been

£. 8


H enderoon, Dr. Ezell and Euge~e H ead, Bartow, Fla., were appointed members of the entertamm ent and attendance committee. Jennings, Cureton, Dr. Jam«;-5 S. Day.' Jr., a nd Sims were appointed members of the steenng committee. Other Polk County alumni are Kirby Blain, Lakeland; Dr. J. Pitt Tomlinso n, Douglas B. Bullar~ ~ nd Albert Fort, La ke Wales· Herbert Frazier, James H . Gnffm and J obn W . Whitaker, jr., Bartow ; Dr. David H . Rogers, ~aincs City; Ben Hill Griffin, Frostproof; and Dr. Ross F. SUit, Auburndale.

Roanoke Alumni



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The Roanoke alumni of Xi cha'ptcr mel at the Annual Conclave at Hotel Roanoke Saturday .night November 29, 1947. Fred Grim, District Archon, presided over the meet ing and the present officers were re-elected for another yea r . They are: Jim Reynolds, president and Bill Crigler, secretary-treasurer. · h d b Brother Grim sta ted that a corporation a . een formed , consisting of several brothers from the alumni and active chapters, and that a fraternity house would be purchased in the near future. Jt wou ld be appreciated if al l al~mni would either send th ir correct addresses to Central Offi ce or to the undergradua~e chapter (preferably the latte.r) so th ey c~n be immed. t 1 contacted when matters of Importance a n se. Ia e Y BILL CRIGI-ER, secretary 834 D ay Ave., S. W. Roanoke, Va.

Detroit Alumni Chapter When the New Year s ta rle~ , we had .two large projects .on d The biggest and most Im po rtant IS the 1948 convention w~~ch is to be held here on September 2, 3, .a nd 4~h . It prom ises to be a big one and I .am sure a good tu~ e will be had by 11 ho attend. There w1ll be a lot of busmess to be taken ~arcwof, so come p1epared to have busy days and busier nights. h


• The other big project we arc working on in conjunction with the Lansing Alumni Chapter, is a new bouse for Alpha Theta ChaP.ter. We have organized a Corporation to take charge of building and running the house. When the house is built, the chapter will rent it from the Corporation. At present we have about ten per cent of the tota l cost with prospects of a lot more to come. Any Pi Kapps who may be interested, especially Alpha Theta men, please contact me at once and I will tell you how yo u can help. We are going to need a lot of the right contacts to secure material. So· far promises have been made for cement blocks and structural steel. MILFORD MORSE, secretary 9385 Pryor St., Detroit 14, Mich.

Montgomery, Ala. Alumni Chapter The Montgomery alumni chapter met at a "dutch" supper here on Friday evening, January 2, 1948 at th e Young China • Cafe. It was a fine meeting and we had an enjoyable time. Fifteen a lumni were present from six cHap ters and three members from Alpha Iota undergrad uate chapter at nearby Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Congressman George M . Grant was again with us, as he was at our reactivation meeting at about this time last year . We have at least twenty-five good Pi Kapps as a potential for our alumni chapter here and plan to meet the first Friday evening of each month hereafter. LOWELL J. BLACK, archon

On Tuesday, J anuary 20, Orlando Pi Kapps met for dinner at 7 P. M., at the Orlando Officers' Mess. This was our first alumni meeting in 1948. Our accomplishments in 1947 were many. We organized in an effort to bring Pi Kapps in Central Florida together to en joy the fine association which is ours. We assisted our active chapters at Stetson and Gainesville in their fall rushing. These two chapters now have eleven or twelve actives and pledges fro m this area. For the first time in twelve years we took an active part in the Christmas Season's festivities in Orlando. We held a dance whi ch was considered a big success and a big step forward for Pi Kappa Phi in Central Florida. Thanks to Buster Carter and W. R. Kemp of our alumni organization artd Judson Wa lker of Alpha Epsilon for the parts they played in making this affair the success it was. Walker, through the Central Council in Gainesville, helped organize the dance and mailed out the invitations. Let's all join with them and help put Pi Kappa Phi on top, where it rightfully belongs. SPENCER A. FOLSOM, president

St. Petersburg, Fla. Alumni Looks as if the whole State of Florida is on .the march for Pi Kappa Phi. Alumni in and around Tampa . and St. Petersburg, held a Founders' Day Program on January 19, with the end in view of organizing a strong alumni chapter in that area. Another organizational meeting and socia l is planned for February 21st. All Pi Kapps in that general neighborhood are urged to contact Cliff Edwards, Box 1080, Tampa, Fla.,-th e more the better.

College of Charleston



We wowld like to take this opportunity to thank all 0~06 undergraduate chapters for their good wishes during the IJI" day season and to extend to them from Alpha all the wishes for the coming year. E MILE AIMAR, historian



Alpha Chapter completed a successful rush £cason, pledging fifteen neophytes: Douglas Appelby, H erbert Boland , Douglas Boyne, Dan Donato, Edward Hahn , Henry Hursey, Arthur Joseph, Eugene McManus, J errett Melvin, Robert Miller, Walton Morris, James P atterson, Albert Ray, Jam es Roberts, and Francis Sturcken. The active chapter plans to initiate as soon as possible after semester examinations.

Presbyterian College

d ~~ We held our weekly meeting January 19, and ele;te ret following officers for the coming semester : Bill Mundlll\J·n~ 1 on ; Frank Perry, secretary; Kay Kaiser, treasurer; ~ Johnson, historian; Manning Jordan, warden; Joe Scru chaplain; and Marvin Bettis, pledge master. It ~~~ We are now making plans for our annual dance. . til' be held some time in February and we hope to make 11 biggest of the year here at school. WINDY JOHNSON, historiotl

The main pre-Christmas event at Gamma was, of co~;, the Cal-Stanford festivities. An alumni stag was held Fr aP' night prior to the Big Game and alumni from Gamm~ 11 other chapters attended. Saturday was climaxed by C~l ~~ , 18 win over Stanford. The Big Game Dance that niS ,fitt Men's Gym featured Ray Hackett and hi orchestra Jed~~ Margaret Whiting. A large group of members and P e~ with their dates attended the dance. Afterwards all gatblill at the chapter house for a buffet dinner, cokes-and a more dancing. 111 Second midterms set in . Behind closed doors felloWS of 50 tacked their history, engineering, chemistry, math andd s<Jl' The big relief came at Christmas vacation . The We nep~ prior to leaving, our house manager, Ken Franklin, ar~~ 0~1 to have a huge dinner. What a meal! Our cook, "Dave, j, did himself-pork roast, candied sweets, Waldorf salad, fruit cake, everything to make it a most enjoyable meal. rl dinner joke presents, not exceeding 30¢ in price, weJe tP' changed. A group of carol singers was made up, an caroled many sororities on campus. 'fr9if" Friday there was a tremendous exodus from Berkeley· goi~> planes, buses, and cars were jammed with Cal students 5. ff home for a two week vacation . Gamma men traveled 3(!11 east as Leadville, Colo., south to San Dieg(), and . n°\0oi Redding and Susanville. Suitcases were jammed w1th. ds and notes but bridge and swimming occupied the m105~iiV our Southern . California members, while thoughts of 51rr and otDer winter sports occupied our northern an_d eado~ members. The fun is over now I Finals are beann~ terf hard ~ only two more weeks. Third and final mi • r are being completed . The house remains in silence fro~ iP' P. M . on so that a 1l!aximum amount of time is P0 studying hiud for those three-hour finals. an'' During the past three months, Gamma lost out on. c\pif to win basketball, football, and volleyball chamP10n0 pcr The semi-finals were reached by Sigma Pi who tro vlli' us 26-6. Sigma Alpha Epsilon had a volleyball team ~jpl really clicked, beating us 2-0. Jim Seiler, George ·ns ~ and Chuck Fitzsimmons have bowled our team to 3 WI ten~ defeats. Seiler and Bill Martin won our first and onlY ~~ match , losing only the doubles match to Kappa Delt~ar'' Bob Hacker, Tony Pace, Bob Zeni, Dick Fiscus, 'sf.' Taylor and Arnie Turner arranged for a swell New Year cP'' party. Bay area members attended; also some from






Orlando, Fla., Alumni Chapter



Alpha's annual Founders' Day banquet was held at the )If elusive Brewton Inn on December 8th. Speakers included aD; Albert J. Kahrs, teacher at the High School of Charleston 1\'l Dr. W. Hoyt Cook, professor at the College of Charleston. L regret that neither Founders Simon Fogarty nor Ha_rrYabi Mixson was able to attend. After the banquet an enJ 0 ~~~ cocktail party was held at the Chapter Rooms that the ~~ ~ and actives might become more intimately acquainted W1 alumni. trl During the school term w.e were very active in e\n• curricular activities, sponsoring two dances, a raffle, and !11


and Lo· the hou. balloon, time. 1 Proba ~~.uncen "!ISS D by Pass after th, 1'his rushing Week of from th nonald


Electj, under tl Officers secretarl and Jan With remelllb, mester



Its repul Was fun and it , and ho~ th,Delta • IS Yea Ing PI Elder ed ll'JJ ' I 1 leer Mc111ah 1 honey, ] We h· selllester' and facu Jt a~ a Y. 1'hnulllb< ]) e oth can C



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and Los . the hou Ange les With their guests. The entire first floor of al!oonss\was decorated with crepe paper, confetti, serpentine, time. Tb anners and-mistletoe. Everyone really had a swell Probablere Was dancing, a nd an informal supper was served. nouncern Y the brightest news of the semester was the anM:iss D ent by Warden Warren Jensen of his engagement to by Passfrothy Scott of San Francisco, celebrating the event after th nr· Cigars around. They plan to be married in July l'h·IS eab 1rstt summer session . . ru hing ?U wmds up the news from Gamma except that Week of \~II~ ~egin for th(! spring semester during the second from th e ruary. Also initiated last December, hut omitted bonald e f 1aSst letter (due to my oversight) was Charles Mc0 acramento, Calif. RoBERT





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Election under th s were held last meeting and Delta will continue Officers eh capable leadership of Archon Frank Perry. Other Secretar c osen were: Vernon Shell, treasurer; Bill Randall, and Ja~' Cha~les Leslie, historian; Harold Dillard, chaplain; With :s. Wnght, .warden. remernbe xa.ms rap1dly approach ing, Delta looks back and mester Its Rose Ball as the outstanding event of the se~otel the t. Was held in the main ball room of the Poinsett 1ls reput ~Jght of December 9th and , we feel su re, lived up to Was furn~hon as t he leading socia l event of the year. Music and it s !Shed by Henry Westbrook and his talented orchestra and hon erved as a gala occasion for a ll, with many alumni Delta ored guests present. ~his YearwaR very fortunate in her crop of incoming pledges lng Pled · ush week was indeed successful and the followli:ider R~es were taken in: Ed Cheatham, T a l Crews, Bill BiiJ Xer !Chard Fa~rbanks, Harmon Henderson, Joe Jordan , ~cM:aho~ John .Kirkland, Bill Phillips, James Parks, Roger oney ]' ' :rc~1e McMahan, Pete McKinney, D. ] . MaWe r~~tt, Henry T~zza, a nd Bill Hawkins. . semester ~ lnJtlat:d two d1fferent groups into the fold th1s and Ray n the f1rst group were Professors Winston C. Babb facu lty rno~d W. Heatwole, two outstanding members of the a nurnb This boosts our number of faculty members to five, ~he other unequalled by any other fraternity on the campus. ean, C er three are D ean of Men, R. N. Daniel, Assistant liaroJd L . R:asor, and Head of the Philosophy Department, ~~\VIer V · Miller. Pledges who were initiated were Harold "!arun' Chernon Shell, Melvin Bell, J a mes Britton, Pete Bybee, ln th eatham, a nd "Skeet" Graddick. Bant, ~cond group, initiated January 14, were Ernest HinCtnard ·E · Wardlaw, Myron Hatfield, Sterling Jon es, and • asterlin . Delta now has 32 brothers and 20 pledges. ExuM HINNANT, historian


ing-house manager. Miss Audrey Adams of Florence, S. C. and Winthrop College in Rock Hill, S. C. was e lected as our sponsor. Professor Charles Ratliff of the Economics Department of the Davidson College facu lty has accepted a bid to join Pi Kappa Phi. ALLEN W. MEAD, historian

Wofford College

. Zeta

Our rush week was very successful and we pledged thirteen (13) new men. They are: Bill ~~ams, Charleston, S. C.; Jack Alexa nder, Augusta, Ga.; W1lham Cody, Griffin Ga.· Neil McNeil, McColl, S. C.; Joe Pate, Bishopville, S. c.'; Wi l ~ liam Thomas, Laurinburg, N. C.; Charlie Webb, Knoxville Tenn.; Dave Milligan, Woodruff, S. C.; Dennis Spivey, Con~ way, S. C.; Harold Rodgers and Ansel Bush, Spartanburg S. C.; and Moody Garner and E llis Langley, Union, S. C. ' The Founder's Day Banquet was held on December 12 al the Franklin Hotel in Spartanburg. Principal speaker was Prof. Herbert Hucks, a member of Wofford faculty. Dennis Spivey was awarded the prize as best pledge and it was presented to him by the best pledge of last year, Gus Gilbert. After the banquet an informal get-together was held at Sunnydale in Tryon, N. C. Many alumni members attending the banquet joined the party and a fine time was had by all. Zeta Chapter is "':,ore th~~ proud .of its newly elected archon, Kenn eth Dubard. Duke, as he IS known by all, was captain of the football team and selected on the Associated Press little All-American Team, along with all-stale team that defeated the Charlotte, N. C. professional team in a post-season game. Pledge William Cody was elected alternate captain for

'h;:: . W


Do Yldson .


its EPsilon h Jl .eight c apter wants to take this opportunity to welcome h1 on t~en ,new brothers w ho were initiated into Pi Kappa ers are e hlghts of February 12th and 13th. The new brothCievelan~s /allows: Cecil Brandon, William Cassels, William ~~aid Go' ohn Cob le, Murphy Cronland, James Fisher, Reg"11lrray Wan, Carl Herman, AI Hurt, Blaine Kelley, J ames ll.obert 's·liarry Powe, "Buddy" Rawson "Junie" R edfea rn , l!:psi lon i~rns, Gene Taylor, Sam Thomas: and John Tolbert. ~~'111, in t very proud of these new men and feels that they t ~ow thrn , be proud of Epsilon' and Pi Kappa Ph i. houghts at exams are behind us for a few more month s,_ our 'the Pan are tu~ned to the lighter and more enjoyable thmgs. '"eeke 11 d -liellemc Council held its a nnu al Mid-winters dance ~tchestra on F~bruary 6th and 7th. Claude Thornhill and his de tivities provided the music and the Pi Kaps provided the ance and In the form of a banquet before the Friday night Cl'he ch a breakfast after the Saturday night affa ir. \Vhristrnasapter. elected its officers for next semester before t~e h' eber t hohdays. They are: Robert Cline, archon ; Chns 1 Stori~n. ~easurer; Allen Mead, secretary; Thad Barringer, reader Charlie Reid warden· and Dick Turnage, cuss-out · eorge Barksd~le will c~ntinue to serve as the board-




Kenneth Dubord, archon Zeta and Captain Wofford football team who was named on the AP Little All -American team, along with the All -State team which defeated the Charlotte (N. C.) professional team in o post season game.


the coming season. Other members on the varsity squad arc joe Pate, Neil McNeil, Gus Gilbert, William Thomas, and Charlie Webb. Brother Dubard is also a member of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and Blue Key. Under the guidance of Frank Salters and J ack Malone our intramural teams have been doing very well. In total standings for all sports we arc in fourth place. Our basketball team is so far und efeated and our softball t eam is regarded as the "hottest thin g on campus." A number of parties have been held and another one, a weiner roast, is on the agenda for the next meeting. Plans arc already being made for the Rose Ball which is to take place in April. We intend this to be the best qne yet. Officers elected for the second semester arc Kenneth Dubard, archon; Gus Gilbert, treasurer; Jack Malone, secretary; Ligon Duncan, historian; Frank Salter, warden; and Arthur Procter, chaplain. JA CK



After several m on th s of ·cutting down on social life, to allow more time a nd money to improve the hou se, the brothers of Iota are settling down, enjoying th e luxury of having a place to hang their hats, and getting in a few bull sessions between classes. Some work is sti ll being done on the house-even more needs to be done- hut most of it is being postponed 'ti l spring when the weather is more favorable . Those . brothers who were members when Iota was without a house arc learning dail y the p!easures of "frat bouse life." Members living in the house now have inaugurated a rotation system of cooking and di sh washing to beat the high cost of living. There is neither room nor facilities for serving meals for all, so those who are chipping in on the plan claim they arc having mighty tasty meals. The word going around is that a couple of the brothers will surely make some lucky girls good "wives." · Due to graduation, Iota lost two of its "old" members, Comer Weaver and Lemmie Henry. It was under Lemmie's leadership that Iota was reactivated after the war. They both drop in on us quite often, so perhaps they aren't totally "lost" to us. Comer, incidenta11y, is a brand new "papa." The baby and his new car came on the same day! Elections were held the last week of November. The new officers are: Walter Crawford, archon; Jam es Yongue, treasurer; William Boyd, sec re tary ; Hugh Marlin, chaplain; Jack Wilbanks, histo rian ; Frank Collins, warden; and Ralph Brooks, house manager. Iota owes a vote of thanks to past archon Bennie DeLoach for his able leadership and driving perso nality during one ol the most crucial times of our history. Not ones to let a good man fade in the background, he was elected along with Walter Crawford, to represent us on the interfraternity council. Under pledge captains William Boyd and Brook Reeve, the pledge c)ass is almost ready. for the initiation to be held the early. part of February. We are planning the largest initiation since the war: This addition will boost the active list to over forty .


·.:f ·. Georgia '.··'



La mbda

The members of Lambda chapter returned to good old Athens town and the University of Georgia, after what was supposedly a very gay and happy Christmas, all set for a most prosperous and enjoyable new year. The following officers were elected before the holidays and we know that they are aware of the magnitude of their jobs and that they are ready to do their work to the utmost of their a bility: K enneth M. McCarthy, archon; G. Branson James, Jr., treasurer ; V. Frank Jolly, secretary; Frank M . Scarlett, Jr. , hi stori an ; Ralph T . Matheny, chaplain; and Billy M. Smith, warden. . We are very proud of our newly acquired pledges: James H arpe, Brunswick, Ga ., William A. Simons, Atlanta, Ga. , Ray Newton, Millen, Ga ., and Dick Graves, Clarkesville, Ga. And





Georgia Tech

our recenlly initiated members : Nea l Ash, Cleveland, ~\; William Boyette, Toccoa, Ga., Harry Chastain, BrunsWJC · Ga.; V. Frank Jo lly, Decatur, Ga., R. Stokes Kennerm u~ Wigham, Ga., Roy F. Wooten, Homerville, Ga., and RaP Matheny, Atlanta, Ga. 11 On December 1, the chapter wa s hjghly honored by a vi'3 from our District Archon, Walter F. Doyle from Macon, Gi He made a very interesting talk on the duties of the diffcreil officers of the chapter . ' t It is with extreme pride that we report that we have at Ia'. started buying our house. We are especially proud be_cau~ we. are paying for it without the aid of any of our alumnJ, bU we know that they would have been glad to have he lped ud We may be forced to ask them for aid in the near future an · of course, any contrib ution from them wi ll be greatly apprc· ciated. hi' We are planning • to have our annual "Rose Ball" 1 · quarter and a lso several other function s. ·a~




Duke ·, urd To date, 1.111 Muses, our chapter publication ha s been J.s nthree times-during September, November, and Januar~- pl~h; are that it shall be published at least twice more dunn~ present school year. b The Chapter helcl a cabin party at Turnage's Barbecue ca ~ in in early December that reall y "ran~: th e bell " for being to!11 in entertainment. During the evening after the tables ,ve



s~·RWII above are th e "Bill Hilly. Willies"-a grou p of "mu.sici~:;

-composed of ( 1. to r.) Bill Westm oreland, Don Walhs, ert Gil bert, Bill Whalen, Bill Bell, and Ed Carson . The grouP 'II br one of th e specialties on th e Pi Kapp Community Sing g1vei •'I Mu Chapter at Du ke . . . th e so ng ? Spike Jan es' ve rsion Dream of Brow ni e with th e Light Blue Jean s."


. . d lcirl~ cleared from the floor , there was round smgmg and aJ IIi> Then the "Bill Hi lly Willies" (B ill Westmoreland, Don ~a ~d T. T. Spence, B_ill Wha len, Bi ~l Bell, West Gi lbert, an ,vnCarson) gave the1r verswn of Spike Jones' "I Dream of J3rrne~" ie with the Light Blue J cans" and t he "Too Fat Po lka ." bie had all the sound effects . . . and then some. The next 0t item was "The Mad Ho use Show" which unqer the Jead~al'' Tom Driver, Lawson Crowe, and Charley Earley must die'' :::et radio back twenty years. Food consisted of an en I'h supp ly of Brunswick stew and barbecue, onions, slaw, ht · puppies, and so ft drinks. p1 00 Mu held its annual Cand lelight Ball in the Union ba llr j1,r in mid-November and .used records with a speaker sys~er!lth'" music. Th~ forma l dance once again was hailed a~ belllgre j; best frat!!rmty dance on campus. To prove our pomt, h\c ~ a. quote from t~c Duke Chronicle: "Fraternities might ta tiJll'" lip from the ·P1 Kaps on how to show t he gals a ~:ood 11n at dances.'' "The Rose of Pi Kappa Phi at Duke" wa s 11, 9 ~ nouncEd to be Miss Jan Jansen of Mobile, Alabama whO cJic'· presented a large bouquet of red roses at intermission. Ca 1~ 5 j1> evergreen , glowing firep laces, and b lue and white streamc T H E STAR



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Quantity Were dist ~here the decorations. At the door, dance favors Roanoke On S ri uted to all. in char Unday evening, November the 23rd, Mu Chapter was Xi just completed one of the most successful rushing seaUsual si~e. of th~ weekly Duke Community Sing. Besides the sons since the beginning of this chapter. Eleven new pledges dancing g~g, B11! Whalen entertained with some novelty tapwere added to the pledge class, the largest number to pledge soia sel~cti dla Earley, sister of Brother Charley, rendered any of the other three frats on campus. They are: David Solos. Th ons, and Norm Nelson entertained with his trumpet Blount, Edwin Brown, Jim Charlton, Dick Dodd, Philip Eltheir Sp'k e ever-popular "Bill Hilly Willies" were on hand for liot, Larry Hall, N. V. Niningcr, Jim Stamoulis, William Woven bi .eEJones' numbers. The program and singing were Thornton, Bob Webb, Jim Williams and Art Wood. Also An a!: mcee Lawson Crowe. • added to the pledge class since the last publication of the a tobacc mnus of Mu Chapter, Brother Fred Royster who is STAR AND LAMP are: Jesse Diuguid, Charlie Mayhew and Joe Voung De wareh?useman in Henderson, N. C., spoke to the Munsey. This brings our total pledge class to 24, nine of lhe Marsh ~ocratJc Club of Duke during early December on which express the desire to become brothers at the next initiFriend a I Plan. ation. The total number of undergraduate brothers now stands faculty ~·ff Br?ther William Blackman, who is on the Duke at 42 a new all time high for this chapter. 1 April, ~va I be ~nterested in kaowing that his daughter, Mary on' November 29, 1947, we had our annual Conclave in the tiniversit s ~rned to Mr. Robert Matteson Hill in the Duke Pine Room of Hotel Roanoke, which we believe to he one of Most/ ape! at 4:30 in the afternoon of December 29th. the best Conclaves ever. (Of course the Alumni will dispute llias and vNyone needed a rest following the numerous Christthis.) Brother Charlie Martin, traveling counselor, visited us renuke dane ew Year's dances and celebrations. There were !he best all around-the Charlotte-Duke was undoubtedly cently for a few days and. it w~s a pleasure to have him with Brother al!, but the Duke-Durham took the booby award. us. Although, it was the ftrst tiJ?e most of us had met Broth ~en Mas arvm Humphries is treasurer of the Charlotte Club; er Martin, he made us feel as 1f we had known him all our Ven a fe ey was ~n the door and in charge of the tickets. lives. He gave a report on all of the Chapters at our meeting (N. J.)_w made 1t to the Duke Night at the Meadowbrook and brought nothing but good news from all chapters, we arc !torn eye· we understand that Ted Villanueva couldn't keep happy to say. 1 HARRY WnrTESTOE, JR., historian Cated "DngkWes Gilbert's date (to whom the orchestra dedSp k' ar Eyes ") I . ea Ing of T . . . . VIthout rn . ed VIllanueva, we cannot let th1s s!Jp past Alabama Omicron rennis rn tentJOn: The "Gook" officiated at the Riggs-Kramer louse du a. ch held in Madison Square Garden before a full Omicron is starting the year and winter quarter with bright l'he Pi rKg the big snow on December 2o. hopes of making 1948 the best year in our history. Our new Q~e.t given abppa Phi Founders' Day was recognized by a .banofficers are: Jack Jackson, archon; Dun.can .Fulton, treasurer; ?tntng r Y the U. N. C. "Kappa Colony" in the pnvate Pete Crowe secretary; Bob Bowers, htstortan; Bob Brown, ~~eludedo~m of the Carolina Imi in Chapel Hill, N. C. Guests chaplain; Emmett Dendy, warden; and "Chubby" Greena urnni. A?rnbers of Mu, Brother Bernard Jones, and K~ppa wood, house manager. (olony" w·~~r the turkey dinner, Brother Jones presented the Our football team advanced to semi-finals in the campus !0 n. Co! 1 the problems and steps to be taken for reactiva- tournament before being nosed out by a stronger team. Our 1 tation i_hephard expressed his desire in seeing the reacbasketball team looks like it may go "all the way" this quarter. appa rna bappa .as did the members. If plans go through, On Founders' Day we held a banquet in a downtown resAt buky e achve before this month ends. ~vorking 0 ~ the. fraternities rush during February; we are tauant. A large number of our a~umni were present and we enjoyed a fine evening of fellowship. 80 men J chmce freshmen from a class of approximately New members recently initiated are: Dr. Langston H. HawCd" ope~ bust before the holidays we held two "get-acquaint~en hous ouses. During February, there are to be three more ley a prominent faculty member; Leamon Holleman, Cecil Ha~rison Lamar Smith, Ed White, Jim Clark, Ollie Nabors. Ushing is el~ ~n Sundays before the fina~ steps are t~ken. ~alter not .mlted to the campus and a'lim1t of $100 (pnnted Our new' pledges are: Aubrey Burns, Gene Cartledge. Ed Davis, Clyde Donehue, Ed Fowler, Bob Gieger, Fred Harris, Jim Y the Int Included) for the entire rush period has been set Jackson, Carroll Norris, Lawrence Petrey, Charles Porter, and l'he Ch erfraternity Council. 1 Calvin Whitesell. chce l'ay]o~PtM appreciates the interest that Brother H. WaiFrank Hawthorne received the recognition and thanks of the n· apter ro ' u alumnus, has taken; through his efforts, our whole campus when he directed the entire homecoming cele'l'Ilurc Whi: ~as been refurnished with modern sectional furbration in the fall. He did a great job for it was the mo!'t thaYlor and .covered with Duran. Brothers H. Wallace the same rn k llham Taylor each contributed an ottoman of successful one ever held here. .- . Bon BowERS, luslorl(ln v at "new" ~ e and style to the chapter; the room now has 00 P~ted to us . k as hailed by furniture designers. The chapter foecea. Tbi= It~ re~erve fund (bonds) for purchasing the new Washington and Lee Rho the Old f WI~l giVe a newness to the room for rush season, ar . he histo ~rmture wasn't of a vBry good grade: . Rejuvenated Rho Chapter opened 1948 with the election of a hcles and rl~n has compiled a scrapbook wh1ch .contams the following officers to serve. during the seco~d ~emester: /~ articles Plc.tures of all Pi Kapp functions; a Iso mcluded Bill Latture, archon; Hugh H1ll, secretary; ~h1l .0 Connell, se ained f on , 1ndividual members of the chapter. It will be t asurer and house manager; Bomar Olds, htstortan; Dean cason. or historical purposes after its use during the rush S~~wart, chaplain; Harrison Ea~ho, warden; Jack Koerner, r0 l'he n ·a! chairman· and Bob Landngan, asst. house manager. ~?al d:~t outstanding social function will be the annual soNew pledges' are: Mike Evans, orfolk, Va., Bill Cadle, de he. cha c~ to be h~ld in h?~or of the new pledge class. . Beckley, W. Va., Dick Holle, West Long Branch, . J., Carrol J.Parhng er held Its traditional farewell banquet for f1ve Thoms, Richmond, Va., John Chandler,, Hackensack,. N. J ., 1 rn Seay rothers: Ev Cobb Bob McGreevey, Wes Gilbert, Howard Wentley, Pittsburg, Pa., and Ph1l Braunschweig, Ro0 r:.ster bi~ and J?e Hayworth.' The menu was: fresh fruit cup, 1 N. Y. f F b · 'ti · c0 ~d potaf~:· obves and celery, br.oiled sir~oin stea~, French- chester, Plans are now being. made o~ e ruary 1m at10n, and a an 1 Wttb II s, he~rts of lettuce w1th Russ1an dressmg, broc- social function with Xi chapter m Roanoke soon thereaf~er. ~ vani'IJ 0.11andaise dressing rolls butter cookies and coffee, Orchids to Mrs. Kerr, our housemother, f~r the b.eaut1ful J,.~ a tee ' · , ' ar hew offi -cream with fresh strawberries. coffee table she presented the house as ~ Chnstmas gtft, and ll~ on; Ed cers ~or the spring semester are: Ben Massey' f the fine Chnstmas party she superVIsed. The house was ,. lnett h' Gathng, treasurer· AI Cammack secretary, Hu d~~orated in rare style-Christmas t~ee, holly, and mistletoe "arden. ' tsto rJan; · Tom Driver,' chaplain; and 'Lawson Crowe, e 1 Rho's first post-war Chnstmas party was a huge every Wher . success as a II WI II agree.


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Hu BURNETT, historian



Rho has several outstanding men on varsity athletic teams this winter. Pledges Bill Cadle and John Chandler are varsity wrestlers, Yutch Stolz is a varsity swimmer, and Brothers Harrison Eacho and Bomar Olds are varsity track men. Four brothers were "tapped" by campus honorary fraternities: B.rothers Bob Landrigan and Harrison Eacbo by Pi Alpha Nu, and Brothers Jack Koerner and Bomar Olds by White Friars. Brother Tom Hollis, history major from Forsyth, Ga., is a prominent member of the Christian Council. Tom was Rho's chaplain during the past semester. Pi Kapp's most promising candidate for Phi Eta Sigma (freshman Phi Beta Kappa) is Warren Card of Malverne, N. Y. Intramural athletics are back in swing following the holidays. After making an impressive showing in the volley ball tournament the boys are now making the other fraternities "sit up and take notice" in the basketball tournament. Having only four or five experienced players and much enthusiasm we have scored near upsets in games with the most potent teams on the campus. Pledges Howard Wentley and Yutcb Stolz and Brothers Ed Pickett, Harrison Eacho, and Bob Landrigan have been the outstanding "workhorses" on our "darkhorse quint." In the Ping Pong tournament house "co-champs," Brothers Tom Hollis and Dean Stewart are the mainstays supported by Brother Hugh Hill and Pledges Ed Robbins, Yutch Stolz, John Martin, and Mike Evans. "Fancy Dress," Washington and Lee's mid-winter dance set, is just around the corner. The theme of this year's set is "the Court of Charles II" which is chronologically coincidental with the popular "Forever Amber." At least twenty Pi Kapps will be attending the set. Elliot Lawrence's Band will play- making his second appearance on the campus in twelve months. BoMAR A. OLDs, Jn., historian

South Carolina


With final exams just around the corner, Sigma can look back with pride on an exceptionally good semester. The highlight of our social season was the District IV Conclave held in Columbia. It featured business meetings, an informal party in the Crystal Room of the Hotel Columbia, a fashion show for the ladies, and a formal banquet and dance in the Hotel Columbia ball room. During the dance, Miss Pat Smith, of Columbia, was chosen sweetheart of Pi Kappa Phi for District IV. The attendance was not nearly so large as Sigma had hoped and planned for, but it will long be remembered by those attending as a most enjoyable occasion. A very successful rush season netted Sigma the following new pledges: Buck Dormer, Jerry Drennan, Troy Floyd, Jack Hardwick, David Kennedy, Horger Knight, D. T. Lamb, J. D. Loyd, Charles Lynch, Donald Sherard, and G. W. Thomas. Parties during the season included two informal dances and one smoker. The last party of the semester was a Christmas party at the Riverside Country Club. It was given for about 50 young boys and girls from Epworth Orphanage and was _complete with Santa Claus and all the necessary trimmings. The children had to leave at 9:00 P. M. but brothers and their dates continued to enjoy the Yuletide atmosphere for several hours more. Many thanks to brother Gene Forrester for a job well done. He now has his master's degree in punch mixing. The new chapter officers for the spring term are as follows: Burt Orr, archon; Herman Leslie, treasurer; Sam McKittrick, secretary: Reese Daniel , historian; Hubert Smoak, chaplain; Jimmy Thompson, warden. Brother Howard Pettit is our new I. F. C. representative and Jay Bardin is the new German Club Representative. Under the guidance of these very capable officers, Sigma is looking forward to a very successful spring semester. "HUGH" CARMICHAEL, historian

N. C. State

are now ready to become brothers. Come February we'll bl enriched by six new brothers. fir~ Pi Kappa Phi beat the Kappa Alpha's 26 to 16 in our basketball game last week. en!! Our chapter house is undergoing a few minor improvern we this term and before too long ~ill be a first rate house: and should like to extend a welcome to all Pi Kapp alumni, wei路 especially to all Tau men, to visit us at any time. Ou~, ,iU come mat is always out-we hope "407 Horne Str~et ro.'' take on more legendary proportions than "1720 Hilisbosibll To all the brothers who helped to make our house P05 Tau says "thanks a million."

Ups ilo~


Social events for the semester were started with h~mec:~; ing activities. They proved to be a huge success with A 200 alumni, their families and friends visiting the house.ninl buffet lunch and supper were served and later in the ev~iill there was dancing in the ping-pong room. Our homeco hicb decoration consisted of large letters of orange cardboard, ,:we'll were hung between the trees on the front lawn, reading en.'' Upset Mich-Again and Show the Alums We're Supcrrn er路 Below them on the lawn proper was a large cardboard St;~rge man with a flashing block 'I' on his chest, upsetting a replica of Michigan with his little finger. tcr On November 21, a pledge dance was held in the cba~l'l' bouse. It was appropriately named "Worm Wiggle" anddin!' the first dance to be held in the new bouse. Recor ined furnished the latest in popular dance music. We cnt~rta tbl several fatb路ers during Dad's Day week end, concludmS tbl week end activities with a special dinner held in honor 01 Dads on Sunday afternoon. 4tb路 1 Founders' Day was celebrated on Sunday, December After That morning the chapter went to church en masse.




Our alumni will be interested to know that Tau has six pledges who will soon be initiated . Johnny Reid, Maurice Lamb, Lewis Reep, Rufus Herring, Bobbie Jones, and James Blue have gone through their prescribed pledge training and 28





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church a b the occas· anquet was held followed by a program befitting of two l~t~· The ~igh point of the program was the reading and L II ers rece1ved from our Founders Simon Fogarty · arry hM'Ixson. The alumni from Champaign, ' and Chica Urbana, F'iv go elped celebrate this occasion. e new schoo] of m "?en to accept the pledge pin are: Bob Brandise, ren Perkin usic; .Wayne Browne, landscape architecture; War:Russen Mi\architec:tural design; Don Smith, engineering; and l!a] K! g ell, agncultural engineer. tusiak we~!z! ~el Forrester, Ralph Matusiak and Louie Ma~ore Pled Initiated on November 18, and a month later two Into the r g~, Frank Collins and Russell Birk, were brought ~al!y StDn s. Three of our prominent Pi Kapps, Dick Motz, hey Will es, ~nd J o~n Roeser will graduate in February. l'he recCJve the1r degrees in mechanical engineering. . . "Ups" a two and 0 ne-ha]fnewest m em b er of Upsllon chapter 1s chased forno~th-old cocker spaniel puppy (see picture) purPhdigreed r t e P~rpose of being our house mascot. His full s o.ws sign~a~e IS "Vpsilon of Pi Kappa Phi." Already ~e 0 Which he becommg a very active member. The cup m Uary 12 f reposes in the picture was awarded Upsilon on JanWe hope ~r our scholastic achievement in the spring semester. 0 lnester. add another of the same kind for the present seSince the I . ed the re ast Issue of the STAR AND LAMP we have completO.ur kitchorga.nization of Upsilon by the acquisition of a cook. n1ng orde~n 1 W~nce again in capable hands and in fine run~ent and ~t' Ith pre-war status reached, further developor the futu~~ greater achievements are set forth as our goal GEORGE SIIOEMAKER, historian




The past five months at Omega have been jam-packed. We celebrated Omega's Silver Anniversary; there was Alpha Psi's chartering at Indiana University; we bad Founder's Day festivities; not to mention Dad's Day, five home football games the annual pie eating contest and Pi dance, and the winte; pledge formal dance. On the morni':lg of Decem.ber 7, we initiated seven pledges. The congra~ulat10ns were g1ven to "Mac" MacQuistan, Bill Adamson, Bill Thompson, Jay Wolfenden, Lowell Babe, Clark Thornton, and Clifford Ghere. The newest additions to our pledge class are Ted Michaud West Lafayette, Ind., Hugh Lusher, Bay Village, Ohio, and Bob Stauber, Decatur, Ill. The officers for the spring term are Jim Snook, archon· "Mac" MacQuistan, treasurer; Boq English, secretary; To~ Adamson, historian; Ralph Meyerholtz, chaplain; and Tom Brown, warden. Omega has always been noted for having a high percentage of her brothers in honoraries at Purdue. The new additions are as follows: Tom Adamson and Eldon Knuth made Gamma Alpha Rho, national area engineering honorary; Phil Neff is a member of the Purdue Order of Military Merit and Tau Beta Pi, all-engineering honorary. Bob Adams and John Gumpper also made Tau Beta Pi. John Gumpper made Omega Chi Epsilon, chemical engineering honorary, and Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemistry honorary. Lowell Bahe has been carrying three pledge boards around-Phi Lambda Upsilon, Delta Rho Kappa, science honorary, and Sigma Delta Chi, journalism honorary. Paul Lawall was elected to Eta Kappa Nu, electrical engineering honorary; Charles Ankenbrock made Alpha Epsilon Phi, station WBA!' radi? honorar~; Jim King pledged J ota Sigma, trade and mdustnal educatiOn honorary; Jim Uchelhart was elected to Catalyst Club, chemical engineering social honorary. Jim Snook is on the varsity track squad. His chief event is the 880. Dave Westall is playing forward on the freshman basketball squad. Omega recently acquired a new great dane, Damnit II. He is black mashd. with the rest of his body being fawn colored. Ravin~ him around is reminiscent of the ~ays of Damnit I, a black and white great dane. The brothers m the house chipped in and bought him. He is fast becoming a favorite of everybody. Although Damnit is only six months old, he measures 28 inches at the shoulders. Omega ranked sixth in scholarship out of thirty-five fraternities at Purdue. We wish the best of luck to the graduating seniors, Frank O'Hare, Les Millholin, and Tom Alleman. RonERT H . WAIXEL, historia11

Ch' Chi er II chapter lost f . . arnie Alb . one o 1ts most valuable brothers this quart1 h~ t to acce t ntton, former alumni secretary of Stetson U., cIs diligent ta be.tter position. Chi chapter will miss him and aanoe out a tentJ.on to all of the chapter's activities, for we 0 hand. Ch~ top m all participations in which Albritton had f Our chapt 1 Wishes him all of the best in his new position. th01ll the U ~r W~s glad to welcome Paul Douglas, a transfer e house amJersity of Florida. He has taken up residence in 0 hUr brother n we consider him a valuable addition. One of e, too is s, Aaron Swain, has also returned this quarter and t l'h~ ~hap~ welcome a?dition to the Chi family. orn If we ter has received a face lifting as is the usual cushave been sP art · t h e proper' manner-th e rooms rn . the quar t er m ~nts are ~mted and the floors varnished. These improveh evera] P a ~ays gratifying. ''Qnor of thartJes were given last ouarter. one of which was in th Ueen of t~ ne_w P~ed!!~S. Miss Virginia Bisbam was crowned IV e South's e Evenmg. Brother Bill Jones, rated as one of Alpha Delta ba~te enjoyed ~est singers, sang several arrangements which Washington fr tearn Y all. An open house in honor of the basketAlpha Delta's new officers arc : Earl Dunning, archon; t, 01!1 the' ~~~ next on last quarter's' social calendar. Players Donald Kelly, treasurer; Russell Lomax. secretary; Duane 0 revo Pi Rap ege of Charleston were present-among them McBain, historian; Howard Craven, chaplain; Fred Thompfu~· Otheros fro.m Alpha. The open bouse was a great sue- son, warden; and Joe Johanson, house manager. Or Ute and it ~~rhes and outings have been planned for the Founders' Day banquet saw a large turnout of alums and even gr t Is hoped that these events meet with as great, actives at the chapter house. Stetso , ea er success. Rushing is progressing- at a satisfactory pace with five new Chi n s horn ecornm!! · . Srn· chapter was one of its biggest and best and men joining the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi. The new pledges are: 1 co ~h was II was m?ch in the limelight. Brothers Benny David Burklund, David Pesznecker, Robert Richstad , EarnattlnJn~ Ch . ornecommg Mayor and Jordan Maynard Homcest Smith, and Robert Young_. \V end in~ hairman. Pi Kapps presented the oldest graduate Formal initiation for eight pledges was conducted February inere cornrn orne~oming with a five pound box of candy. We 1st with Rolf Ber!!strom, Richard · Bradish, Lester Hogberg aci· 1 ~e bon epdea (prior to Homecoming football) for buildWilliam Jackson, James Knox, Raymond Riese, Kenneth IVJties in Jre for the big pep rally and for supporting school Rvckman, and Robert _Schimanski becoming actives. This Tn int general. grouo will bring the active chapter total to twenty-seven . 0 b ask etball Chi's hard playing- team placed secthnd andramuraJ se The new quarter's social events started with a "hard times" e season vera! of the players were among the top scorers for party held at the chapter house. The house was decorated , 1\Jtog th ' around the "hard times" theme ancl the large crowd in atIn~ f e er Ch. h k !ch orward t 1 as had a most successful year and is lo? tendance was rewarded with a good time. Prizes were pre0 OoJ Year. even greater accomplishments in the commg sented to the best costumed couples. Future events promise to be as gay as this one. JIM TUCKER, historia11


29 PHI

The splendid support we are rece1vmg from our alumni chapter, coupled with the spirit of the active chapter, will blossom into a period of astounding success for Alpha Delta. DuANE McBAIN, historian


Alpha Epsilon

Alpha Epsilon celebrated the close of its very successful social season with the gala "Fall Frolics" week end sponsored by the Interfraternity Council. The week end opened with a formal dance to music furnished by Jimmie Dorsey and his orchestra. Following the dance, breakfast was served at our house and the party resumed. We adjourned to the Austin Cary State Memorial Park for the traditional Saturday afternoon picnic. An organized program of competitive games arranged by Brother Ken Enzor followed the hamburger fry , and the week end was climaxed with a barn dance at our house, greatly enjoyed by students from all over the campus. The efficiency and well laid plans of our social chairman, Brother Hal Combs, is responsible for this much talked about and always to be remembered occasion . Our chapter had the di stinction of having two of its members, John D. Carpenter, and Robert Ferreria, awarded the National's annual Scholarship Awards. Both men served the chapter as 'archon through the throes of post-war reorganization . Both men are known on our campus as swell fellows and outstanding fraternity men . Reviving another of its prewar traditions, Alpha Epsilon gave its annual Christmas Party for underprivileged children. George Pink was a howling success as Santa Claus. He gave each of the children fruit and candy from his sack and found presents for each under the Christmas tree. Some of our talented brothers entertained them with so ngs and imitations afterwards. We held our Annual Founders' Day program Sunday, Jan uary 18. Our aim is to maintain close r contact between our actives and alumni. Following dinner a: smoker and an informal chapter meeting was held, and faculty adviser, Bob Stripling, talked on the significance of Founders' Day. The following alumni attended: Brothers Alex and Cliff Edwards, T ampa; Frank Maloney, Lakeland; Charlie Creol, Bunnell; Bob Cummings, Faculty College of Engineering; Faculty Adviser Bob Stripling; and Dr. W. H . Beisler, College of Engineering, Through the medium of committee reports the alumni were able to get acquainted with our needs and defin ite strides were made toward reo rga nizing the Tampa alumni. Alumnus Cliff Edwards (1001 E. Clifton St., Tampa; Box 1080 ; residence phone S-4160; business phone M -8414) volunteered to instigate this program . He set a tentative date for the first meeting which is to be held February 21, and will contact all alumni in that area. Alums in this and other chapters are urged to get in contact with Brother Edwards and help him in this drive. The chapter elected a very competent group of officers to lead it through the coming semester: Jim Clemmons, archon ; George Johnson , treasurer; Morris Cummings, secretary; Robert Moore, warden; John Palmer, chaplain; Billy Veal, his- • torian; I{arold Combs, I. F. C. representative; and Louis Ptacek. house manager. We are expecting this capable staff to make great strides toward the ever progressive goal of Alpha Epsilon. BILLY VEAL, historian

Oregon State

Alpha Zeta

Alpha Zeta's list of activities has been long and varied for this Fall term. We have been continually participating in or holding some sort of function from rush week until final exams. Perhaps the most important of our activitie!l. are the ones which we tend to give least publicity to, such as house elections and rushing. Elections this term have involved factors never before encountered. Because of the increasing number of men living in the house, we have decided to revise our managerial system. To help relieve the load on our house manager, we split up the duties of manager and steward. We have now a treasurer in addition to the old offices of manager and steward. These positions are now in the very capable 30


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Fred Thompson, Alpha Zeta, and Lee Foust, his fion7,ee, costume for the annua l pledge donee "Fisherman's Wharf.


hands of Fred Thompson, treasurer; Harry Jones, stel t~~r and Bob Martin, manager. Our other offices are noW u0 fl<' the competent guidance of Jack Steward, archon; ]3obhar Shazer, secr!!tary; John Jackson, historian; Bill Guyer, c ,inct lain; and Ken Hosler, warden. . We have pledged six men with excellent qualificatJOn.s ~fl the close of rush week. They are Riley Cox and Cur!;s rn1 a~ rick of Pendleton and Ralph Harris, Pat Howland, 1~ 0 Logan, and Milton Staples of Portland. art/' The annual pledge dance, entitled "Fisherman's \Y~ 1 ol highlighted our list of social affairs. Held on the nJghC P' November 21 and attended by alums and men from l 00 1) Kapp Club (now Alpha Omega chapter), this dance not ai• provided excellent entertainment for the actives but relf aided in our rushing program imd helped us to reneW lions with some of our alumni. 11r On October 16, an exchange dinner with Chi omegdaP~ held and was followed on the next day by a fireside a f'J Our second exchange dinner was held with Alpha Delt November 6. r 1]11 Other social functions include a party in Portland a~tedafl'T U. C. L . A.-Oregon State football game, a dinner an ·stJ!I" in Portland during the Christmas vacation, an d a Chrw. ( party at the chapter house with ten children from thef after· T . U. Farm Home as guests. We also had a series o dinner speakers. d 0ur At the Alpha Zeta Association meeting, which follo.we d ,S Homecoming celebration, "Prof." T. J. Starker r~Slgn~ ser· chairman of the association after many years of fattJ:tfU ncial· vice to the chapter. It was he who kept this chapter fma te 10 ly stable during the depression. We are quite fortunaactil~ have alum W. George Cadmus, who has ~!ways been f tb' in Alpha Zeta affairs, to replace Starker as chairman







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?oard. A . 1ng Year lum D1ck Ross will work with Cadmus for the com'I'hree ·a t' barct and ~tes of Alpha Zeta. were honored by bids to Scabllob Co l ade during Fall term. Mel Knorr, Jerry Jones, and \ViiJia~ es wer~ tapped by this military honorary. a Profess C. We!r, class of '40, has returned to the campus as or num eo r of an1mal husbandry. Aside from being a member Scholar r~s scho lastic honoraries, he is a Pi Kappa Phi to our· 1 c are all pleased-he will be a welcome addition ocaJ alumni. JonN W. JACKSON, historia11


Alpha Eta

Alpha E ccillber 19:a ~c~d. t~eir formal initiation on the 5th of Dc~ecoming b7• 1111tmtmg four pledges into the chapter. Those Urton G rothers were: Austin Graves, Blountsville, Ala., ]{Obert Cr~y, Gadsden, Ala., William Kellett, Jacksonville, Ala., 0 At a Pr ~Y, Mobile, Ala. 0 ~ Miss E~~lous social the bouquet of red roses was presented lpha Eta ~nh Hall, who was chosen as the new dream girl of We h apter. days an~ve just returned to school after the Christmas Holigood rusl1are Planning a rushee social. This promises lo be a enough 10 ~cason and we have hopes of becoming strong Tntramu gJve a formal dance in the spring. a good tc raJ basketball starts s9on and we arc counting on am. CuRTIS CROFT, historia11

A.lab 0


Polytechnic Institute

Alpha Iota

At Sctv a recent I t' e durin c ec 1?n, the following officers were elected to :rchon; J 0 ~ the wmter and spring quarters: Ted Robbins, Ca In ;Hawthorne, treasurer; Thomas Morgan, sec8et~ry; ~th, ste~ ~ikes, historian; Ed Tripp, chaplain; Wallace i ormat in~~ i, and Richmond Smith, housemanager. {:g men w lbat10n was held November 25th, and the follow!)llverne A1re welcomed into the chapter: Stewart Folmar, Secatur' G a., Hank Moore, Clearwater, Fla., Bob Dallis, th11 illner' Io a., John Keith, Huntsville, Ala., Doug Nieman, lie ranks 0 fa, and Bob Thrash, Greensboro, Ala. Lost to 1\raills, and C!the alumni were brothers Paul Foster, Bill Wil22e Wish the Yde Burke. These brothers will be missed and d?ledges. m the best of luck. We now have 61 members and su ur dining ab~ervision f room was recently re-decorated, under the able Ot e job. brother Thomas Morgan, who did a commendated..._acc ost. of the rooms upstairs have also been re-dec11As a res Omp!Jshed by each brother doing his own room. Pierre]], an~lt of the efforts put forth by brothers Hawthorne, c0aque for Clanton, the Alota was awarded the publication 19 illillclided f 47 by the national office. These men are to be or their fine work.


Remember ...


Brother Jerry Parmer is coaching the basketball team and he has some fine material to pick from. The team is expected to have a very successful season. Our formal dance and houseparty week-end of January 16-18 was a great success. The music for the dance was furnished by Johnny Long and his orchestra. This is the first time in the history of Auburn's fraternity life that a "named" band has played solely for a fraternity dance. Pi Kappa Phi is now on the mind and lips of every student and member of the API faculty as a result of this weekend. The dance was led by Miss Ann Howard Hook of Fort Lauderdale, Florida with chapter president Ted Robbins. Compliments are to be extended to brother Bill Smyly whose original idea was the basis for the Johnny Long dance, brother Jim Huey, whose careful planning and hard work made brother Smyly's id ea a reality, brother Wallace Smith and housemother, Mrs. Burke Whitley for the excellent meals prepared and served during the entire week-end. CARL SIKES, historia11

Penn State

Alpha Mu

At our recent election the following men were chosen to serve for the spring semester: Bob Heim, archon; Dave Wilson, treasurer; Norman Reimer, secretary; Chuck Brown, chaplain; Frank Mohney, historian; and Norm Wynn, warden. With the present school term near a close, Alpha Mu looks back on a semester of successful activities and social events. Alumni week end and junior prom houseparty, both highlighted by football games, and our annual Christmas and pledge dinner dance all ranked in the upper bracket of even~ on campus. While following an undefeated Penn Stale football team we got together with many of the alumni and had some outstanding parties. Most of us were sorry we couldn't see the team tie S. M . U. in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas New Year's


athletic chairman, Mario Cianci, our football team finished in the first five teams out of forty-seven in the intramural classic. At present our basketball team is trying to make history on the college gym floor. Plans for remodeling the chapter room in knotty pine have been drawn up and with the support of the alumni, brothers and pledges, we have made a good start on the project: He~b Jung and Larry Gerwig surprised us all by succeedmg m flooding the back lawn and making an ice-skating .rink. We are now hoping it lasts long enough for our skatmg party. Tim Baker was recently pledged and Don Heiney, Burt Raymond and Frank Mohney were brotherized. We are sorry to see Brothers Norm Simp.son, Jim Hert~ig, and Dick Lesher graduate at the en? of th1s ;emes.tcr. 'W_Ith five vacancies in the house the rushmg comm1tlee 1s working to keep the house at a capacit.y of fifty men. . A conclave with Alpha Upsilon of Drexel, .w1th Alpha Mu as host, is being arranged and is one of the big events on the coming-up list. FRANK MorrNEY, historian

Brooklyn Poly

Alpha Xi

From the bustle and activity around here, .it looks ~s though Alpha Xi has shifted into high speed and 1s. barrell!ng along to a bright future. At long last we are agam servmg meals in the house. It was something that was decidedly missed, and we owe a great deal to the energy expended by our stew~rds AI Steele and Jack Callaghan, in getting the meals started. 'We also wish to thank our housekeeper, Mrs. Day, for the swell job she has done. Since the last report, our roll of brotl~e~s. a~d pledges. bas been decidedly increased. At our last Imtiallon we gamed four new brothers, Joe Clarke, AI S~ewaldt, Carl Larsen, and Joe Byrne. We take this opportunity to exten~ congratula,tions to them upon entering the brotherhood of PI Kappa Ph1. Another initiation is to be held upon the .ret~r.n. aFter the beginning of the Spring semester. At this llllt.Jat!on our eight present pJedges will be initiated, thus brmgmg our


leaders hi ~~ the A qant Pol or our elected Alllerica With del

membership total to 36 brothers. Under way .at present are ambitious plans to recruit many new pledges from the entering February freshmen. During this rushing period, something new will be inaugurated on the Poly campus by the Inter-Fraternity Council. All prospective pledges will be given a look at all the houses on the campus at an openhouse smoker early in February. On this occasion there will be no pledging activities by any fraternity on the campus. Many of the brothers attended the New York Alumni's annual Founder's Day and Christmas dinner. A good time was had by all, renewing past acquaintances and rekindling the flame of brotherhood anew. At the dinner, Brother Arty Hansen received the Freshman Cup, and Brother AI Steele was awarded the Chapter Cup for his services to the chapter. At our annual Christmas Party at the chapter house, practically a full house was present. A real Christmas touch was added with many decorations and the presence of a very, very delicious egg-nog. The egg-nog was used appropriately to toast the announcement of the engagement of Brother Len Waterman and Beverly MacCarn. Brother Charles W. Martin, our travel ling counsellor, visited us recently, and we sincerely hope that he departed with a favorable impression of Alpha Xi's operation and hospitality. WILLIAM WRIGHT, historian

Iowa State


Alpha Omicron

The presiding officers at this time are: Archon, Forest Goetsch; Treasurer, Harold A. Cowles; Secretary, Verne Townley; Historian, George R. Dubes; Chaplain, Robert Biederman; and Warden, Joseph Legg. Our house has swung back into the groove with as little friction as possible after a welcome Christmas vacation. Most of us are none the less worse for wear. Two of our brothers, Gene Hawkins and John Coons decided to transfer to another school and are now attending Drake University. We wish them the best of luck there-rea lizing fully they don't reallY. need very much. New pledges at the bouse are Vermon Gammels, Bill Webb, and Lynn Townley; they are high calibre men and we know will show themselves such on campus. Two new positions, activities chairman and publicity chairman, have been established at our chapter. Peter Cuff and Thomas English, respectively, were chosen for them. A few replacements in the lineup: Joseph Legg for Robert Albertson at assistant treasurer; William Crawmer for Gene Hawkins at scholarship chairman; William Crawmer for Dan Brownson at intramurals manager; and Charles Fritz for Warren Wells at song chairman. Our plaps for Veishea at Iowa State are still in the embryo stage, but we are certainly intent on being well represented at that occasion . Plans are being drawn up for a superior edition of our publication, the Almicron, for that time. A proposed "History of Iowa State College Fraternities and Sororities" is being compiled here. We think it a worthy project and hope to be duly represe nted. A good house library is a project on our minds right now, too. It is deemed a very worthy goal by the majority and things are being done. We have been holding our own in athletics, not breaking any records, but being well represented if! most sports. Our football teams this fall won more than their share of games Top: Alpha Sigma Shipwreck Party Scene-Left to right: ~ but didn't quite grab the trophies. The basketball season is Johnson, "Rusty" Block, Lavelle Christmas, Sam Browder, just starting and we are very hopeful, and not without cause. Robert Butler. (I GEORGE R. DUDES, historian Bottom: Alpha Sigma Shipwreck Party-Sam Browder, on"ft~:~ Prize Winners for Best Dressed Couple to Wesley Harre University of Tennessee Alpha Sigma Mary Frances Ogle. Cutlasses and beards, grass skirts and lot!:! pajamas, shapely sarongs and shapeless gunny sacks,-it all adds up to a thrilling Pi Kapp Shipwreck Party and the launching of Alpha Sigma's fall social season. Other parties included our Founders' Day Christmas dance with pine, holly, and mistletoe much in evidence. A huge Christmas tree covered with colored lights dominated oyr front yard throughout the festive season. A Christmas dinner rounded.. out the yuletide celebrations. Even old Santa himself, loaded with presents for everyone, couldn't


· 1 Seen en)oymg · · t he Chnstmas · lfl~ pass up th e occasw.n car ols trS~ our lovely "Rose," Ann Morris, with her bear size rat 0 uP Kellar Hutton with his rubber pants (a little tight ar ,0ur ~he :vais~), "Henry" with his two foot cigar, and-use ) 1magmat10n for the others! . tbV The field of individual honors was crowded agatn f tb· quarter. Brother Tom Vaughan .stepped in as president 0 pitl' student body and member of the Student-Faculty orga tor tions Board, _!\lpha Zeta (Ag honorary), and Scarabbean, THE





Ing the ny Reis Scab bar our ca It Wa ~art in Ing cou understa &estions and ob! or the )! With a s~ A Spi ' new th sen• e unra ., 'l'he n •enn esse th· IS likea conr· Pa· lden h' Ine, It lstorian Jack p captain. a ll Our ot l·i Neal a oliyw~c contra IVho ha

leadership so . ~~ the All S Clety for men. Brother Howard Baker, Chairman ~ant Politi ~udents'. Party, in addition to carrying on a bril0{ our ca~~·d campa1gn-one which culminated in the election e cctect to S 1 ate, "Sugar" Smith, as "Miss Tennessee," was A!'lerican Cc~rabbean leadership society and to Who's Who in IYtth derb 0 eges and Universities. Brother Beverly Ramsey, ~On), \Vou)d cane and spats (not to mention his new '4& Hudtng the rec have. passed for the Chief Justice himself precedSY Reiser !nt P~1 Delta Phi legal fraternity initiation. Johncabbard ~s e ected to Phi Eta Sigma and Sam Browder to our catnpu~n B.lade. Sam was also chosen vice-chairman of lt \Va P~1ttical party. ~arlin :n ~· smgular pleasure to entertain Brother Charlie tng counselo's ret~m to. the chapter in his capacity as travelUnderstand· r. His adv1ce to the officers showed an uncanny gestions e 'fg ?f our problems; and for hls invaluable sugand obJect~ argmg and clarifying our perception of functions or. the ne~~es, we. are deeply grateful. His inspiring praise IYtth a sen Y re~ctlvated Chattanooga alumni chapter left us n A spirit:d ~\~ncere appreciation for their vision and loyalty. ew sense f a by alumnus Grant Roy, '33, instilled in us a 1he Unfalte~ re.sponsibility as well as a strengthened faith in The n ng mterest of many of our alumni. r~nnesse~wly elect~d archon is Trevor H. Tucker of Memphis, chts !ikeable Sagac10us, magnanimous, and pre-eminently just, l'0 ~ftdence and capable former pledge captain is one to inspire h.atne, treas among the dubious. Other officers arc Robert /storian. Burer i Beverly Ramsey, secretary; Louis Garinger, cack Patricknton Ellis, chaplain; Rebert Klemme, warden; aptain. • house manager; and Howard Baker, pledge


. the loss of our housemother, Mrs. W. Itll ~'·~ealonly andreg re t 1s a ol!yw~od .her son, Pete, who have taken up residence in contract \V!.th her daughter, Patricia, who recently, signed \Vho have hlth Warner Brothers. Alpha Sigma members ad the privilege of knowing Mother Neal will a!-


ways treasure the memory of her loving and capable assist~nce.. Nor can w.e forget the joy that Pete added to everyday hfe m a fratermty house. Our very best wishes go with them both! LOUIS GARINGER, historia11


Alpha Upsilon

Following a camparatively evcntless summer the fall term started off with a roar. The social committee ably headed by Bob Dorwart, had every weekend planned with parties house dances, and vario~s other events too numerous to menti~n. As we reported last 1ssue, our 13th annual show was due in November. After about 6 weeks under the whip of writer-director Bob Dorwart, our show was staged on the evenings of November 7th and 8th. The men's dancing chorus at first was full of size 12 stumblers, but they straightened themselves out nicely, and became a very shapely, and I do mean SHAPELY chorus. We not only had men, but a hand picked group of the local lace gave the scenes a little S. A., while our leading lady kept the audience agog. To finish a very busy weekend in the usual Pi Kapp way we couldn't miss having something on Sunday, November 9th when we held our annual, and we feel very important, Par~ ent's Day Tea. Most of the parents attended and got a good view of the house at its best while meeting each other and discussing the general trivia talked about on these occasions. We held initiation this term and it was a very successful one. We initiated a fine bunch of fellows whom we are all proud to call brothers; ] oe Ne~bia, Philadelphia, Pa., Erwin Brighthaupt, Drexel Htll, Pa., Jtm Kelly, Ardmore, Pa., Chas. Bintzer, Perkasie, Pa., Harry Johnson, and Irwin Keiter West Chester, Pa. Along with these men we initiated posth~mous­ ly two other pledges: Paul Frable, Olean, New York, and John J. Norton, Wildwood, N. J ., who joined the Chapter Eternal

~IPho IJ . Broth • L. Hauf, E. Briel~P. lh~Stlon I H Norton, 1. Keiter, C. Kuntz:, W. Cornelssen, H. Htll, Corson trd row: J Grs, I. to r., bac~ row: J. Russell, J. Bos ey! ·w Calkins, R. Tesno, J. Frank, J. Gardner. Second raw: W. Morris, A. i.lottin' R.. Dorwart ausmann, C. Bmtz:er, E. Mah.oney, F. T!otlo, ~tter R Simon. front row: J. Lawless, J. Streater, J. Nebbia, J. ~ell, Go, J. Stoner ,AR. Kraber, T. LaRoe, R..Baldwm, W. Met~, H.~· J Cou.ris w. Dearolf, H. Johnson, R. Evans, R. Wolfinger, B. Hollo() · Blackb ' · 8 racalente, E. Radz:wilka. Those not ptcture · · ' t pI urn, R. Stewart, D. Clarke, P. Cloud, C. Crede. I( A p p A p H I 33

in the service of their country. We are indeed proud to have them with us in spirit. We also had alumni initiations for Richard P. Brown , Vice-President of Minncapolis-Honneywell, and chairman of the Board of Brown Instrument Company; and Lt. Col. Walter Burke, Commanding Officer of Drexel's ROTC unit. We are glad to have you with us, brothers. Homecoming at Drexel was given a new spark of color when Alpha Upsilon instigated a program of fraternity house decorations in the spirit of homecoming and our annual football game with Swarthmore College. The trophy was a little brown jug (empty). Founder's Day Banquet was a huge success again this year. Alumni came from miles around to see the old gang and the new house, and to get some of the old schoolday happy-golucky spirit. AII brothers were glad to see the older fellows and to talk over old times with them. We had after dinner speakers, and th ey were extremely interesting. The newer • brothers obtained some real information from "Doc" Hanson concerning the chapter's first days at Drexel. Also at the banquet we received the annual Inter-fraternity touch football award, which was a beautiful gold cup. Our team went through the season undefeated, winning ten straight games. We hope our basketball team does as well. Our pledge group has increased with the addition of seven good men : Don Short, Laurel, Del., Ted Day, Ridley Park, ' Pa., Jack Lynch, Scranton, Pa., Ralph Kramer, Perkasie, Pa., O'Brien, chaplain; Robbie Grimes, historian; and "Ilutch Charles Welsh, Philadelphia, Pa., Bob Frank, Springfield, Pa., Hutchinson, warden. · WI and Dave Donovan, Germantown,· Pa. George Hoffer, Don McClellan, and George Schaad Rushing starts in January, and on the 29th we hold our graduate at the end of the f.! resent semester. de• annual "Monte Carlo." One of our pledges, Ted Day, was Activity is now centered towards initiation of our fine plefil' appointed to head our annual Spring Prom here at Drexel. gro up. Provisions are being made also to accommodate uttl The following new officers were recently elected: Bob Baldadditional men in the house. This will bring our total n win, archon; Gene Kraber, treasurer; Anthony Bracalente, secber living in to thirty. 'fau retary; Bill Cornelssen, historian; Allen Carson, chaplain ; -r:h.erc seems to be. a growing need t_o form an Alpha ther Harold Norton, warden; Jack Lawless, house manager; Bill aux1hary for the w1ves of our marned brothers. Brob in~· Calkins and Bob Dorwart, I. F. representatives. We wish to Schaad and Kelly's marriages over the Christmas recess r thank the preceding officers for the fine job they did in guidour total of married brothers at R. P. I. to eleven. ing the chapter. With this term's graduation Alpha Upsilon loses five fine BonniE GRIMES, historimt brothers : J ack Bosley, Hartford, Conn ., Tom LaRoe, Westfield, N. J ., Jim Frank, Henry Yetter, and John Gausmann of Alpha phi Philadelphia. Our very sincerest wishes go with you fe\lows Illinois Tech -we really hate to Jose you. . tb1 15 We arc looking forward to a grand week end on February Alpha Phi has claimed another trophy . This time it ntti' 14th and 15th. Alpha Mu bas invited Alpha Upsilon to a interfraternity football trophy and was won in that last g1.1p1 District Conclave at Penn State College . with Alpha Sigma Phi by a score of 12 to 6. The teanl \vii BILL CORNELSSEN, historian through the season undefeated and beat orher teams, 3515 ol nessed by "Bernie" Jones, by such scores as 33 to 0. IJa ani to that 210 lb. per man line of J. Pottenger, C. L. Week\Hb· Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Alpha Tau B. Prasse. Of course, the team would not be complete :r;OP out Bob Ross, Larry Simon, John Sachs, Marty sev Jllor· Just prior to the Christmas holidays we were very happy Dick Baldwin, George Wade, Paul Kirby and manY }!I to have as our guest Traveling Counselor, Charles Martin. who helped win those games. At present all efforts _are th·. Dropping in on Friday evening, Brother Martin had the good ing turned on basketball with the thought of keeP 111 ~ch~' fortune to be present at another of Alpha Tau's successful trophy we won last yea r. This year the team is being c~~t!J31 clam steams-this one an indoor function and served in the by brother AI Roberts, a member of Tech's varsity bas dining hall. Following it, Brother Martin gave us the inside team, with George Hallinan as captain. . ~fr dope on what's going on in Pi Kappa Phi and also many Another new addition to Alpha Phi this semester ~s 5 11' useful suggestions which promise to be of much benefit to us. Davis as housemother. Mrs. Davis took up her dutre nJl' Brother Martin was also able to be present at the pre-holiday October and we hope her stay with us will be a long semi-formal dance held on ·saturday evening. It was the first time in recent years an affair of this sort has been attempted, pleasant one. }'j and it met with tremendous success. It seems fairly certain The social functions are continuing with small danJe~an~ that a pre-Christmas formal will become an annual occasion ing held every Saturday night. A combination card a~ 11 •' hereafter. party was held the last of November with prizes beJJig p)' Once in a great while we are fortunate to have an alum by all except social chairman Paul Kirby. The Founders «it' visit us. Dutch Stueven stopped over one week end. He is banquet was held at the Normandy House in Cbic~go 1b now connected with Fairbanks, Morse & Co., and we had a all arrangemen~s being made by Chaplain Jo_hn Odrh_llf<aP~ fine time with him recalling old memories and events of forbanquet was chmaxed when Jim Brophy rcccJVed .a. P• to ~ mer days. We wish more alumni would do this-during the Phi scholarship pendant. Incidentally, we would hk~ 1 pllr last few years they have been crmspicuous by their absence. more of you alums dropping around to see us. The socJabY tb As a result of discussions on alumni relations with Dutch we for the near future contain a dance to be given intend to inaugurate an annual Alumni Week End this spring pledges as their last deed before becoming actives. ~· and hope 'to have many of our older brothers up to see us. oeo I' Brothers graduating at the end of this semester are pd · Also, in accordance with this plan, we expect to revive ALPHA Buttner, Bob Fencl, Warren Lennox, John Pottenger a TAUS, our chapter newspaper. We recently installed the following new officers: Jack Lott, Roberts. FRANK POPISIL, historiott archon; Jim Canellos, secretary; James Wick, treasurer; John 34





The other charter members are: Dave Bibler, Gene Clark, Durbin Day, A. Earl "Slick" Elliott, Bob Haller, Jim Kelsey, Paul Nonte, Clay Williams, and faculty advisor Schuyler Otteson. Pledging and rushing started right upon the heels of the chartering. Since that day that we will always remember, the ranks of Alpha Psi have been swollen by several pledges and a larger number of prospectives. The new pledges are Wally Rutherford, Byron Sheldon, Bill Gatlin, and Ralph Querry. Post-Christmas pledging netted us a fine group: Wallace E. Rutherford, New Albany, Ind., Dick Tyson, Huntington, W. Va., L . D. Trent, Huntington, Ind., Bill Gatlin, Kokomo, Ind., Ayr Ifanti, Monticello, Ind., Ralph Querry, Medaryville, Ind., and Don Cowan, Crown Point, Ind. On December 10 there was a record dance to commemorate the founding of Pi Kappa Phi. To symbolize the founders there was a candle lit for each and nestled within boughs of evergreen.

Ch'' . 1.n.Alpha ton test h1s float above tokes third prize out of thirty e~tr1es M1a111i's to eld by fraternities and sororities on the University of mpus at the school's Homecoming .

Unive · rs•ty of Miami ,.,

Alpha Chi

It bas b

~Pha Ch~en a bit rough getting into the swing of things but F' e homec~ c?apter is be~nning to gather momentum. At lorida a mmg game between the University of Miami and ~elct a'mo contest on their entries of the best built floats was eld at thng the fraternities and sororities. Judging was rr?Ud to r: Ora!Jge Bowl between halves and Alpha Chi is i~trty float Port It came off with third prize out of a total of r'cation of s F~nt~red. The motif was an alligator, the personr:ve chief onda, being stewed in a huge pot before a na1cat \Vas sapt1Y portrayed by our 270 lb. Bud Gilmore. The 0 c lhs. urrounded by members and pledges attired in loin J;; We init'

:kles, B~~teg. the following pledgt!s on December 6th: Tucker tlmore, James Johnson and Keith Van Deventer. h~d. Roy nw~1 .celebrated his formal initiation by getting marVe Pinned tlh~ms •. Keith Van Deventer and Joseph Yates F'o their gtrls. lOth Unders• D tal · Our h' ay .banquet was held in Miami on December lJ ~s Were . tstor1an officiated as master of ceremonies and d lltversity ~IVen by various members of the faculty of the ancing on at~er a s?mptuous meal. The affair was climaxed by C1\ rush e Patio. Ah I this Miami weather. ta?Untry 6a~ty was held on January 16 at the Coral Gables tnect. u at which time prospective pledges were enter-

Among the other social functions that have been given were three smoker-mixers, one pledge dance, and snackings. Our next semester will hold more functions than were given this time. And, if things follow the path that they have recently taken we will have the pleasure of having them under our own ;ooftrec. It is factual that we have our house, if some of the brothers can be freed from housing contracts they now have with the Men's Residence Center. Several campus positions are held by brothers of the chapter. Dick Floyd holds one of the campus assistantships on the rndiana Daily Student, the daily campus mouthpiece; Art "Hank" Hagloch is president of the campus Social Service Club; and Joe Drennan holds positi~ns on the Folio,, make-up staff, and The Corrido~, Me~ s Res1dence Center bi-monthly newspaper, assistant ed1torsh1p. The brothers of Alpha Psi wish to thank all our brothers of other chapters, both undergraduate and alumni,. the national officers and all others whose thoughts and wtshes were with us on the date of our birth. And a special thank-you is extended to those alumni brothers of this district who gave so generously and willingly to the start of our chapter. JOE

r'1 lltes Job


Indian U . n•versity 0








Alpha Omega

This January issue of STA~ AND LAMP will carry the first ews Jetter of Pi Kappa Ph1 s newest chapter, Alpha Omega rocated at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. The big event of the fall was the installation which took place December 6, 1947 at the OS?urn Hotel in Eugene, ,Oregon. A owd of approximately 100 PI Kapps attended the mstallatio~r and banquet. Among the dignitaries were J , AI Head, N ronal Secretary· Dr. George Allen Odgers, president of 1 G:a s Harbor Coll~ge; Marion Sigovich, ;\rch?n of District Virgil S. Fogdall, Dean of Men, Umvers1ty of Oregon. Seve;al alums of Alph~ Zeta, were present as well as alums from Alpha Delta, Omicron and Mu chapter.



Alpha Ps1

its n. Sunday . . and\V~ngs r mormng, November 9 1947 Alpha Ps1 spread and 1 llvitin~sef above its natal nest ~nd soared into the vast aft apProved ratosphere. Its test flight was congratulated lleaer11 0on at at a banquet which followed at 2 o'clock that ing{ Spencer Cat~yon Inn, McCormick's Creek State Park on. ' nd1ana and fifteen miles northwest of BloomOrr 1947 tcers elect Joh Were E!~d to steer Alpha Psi through the semester of ll!a 11 Fierst t ert Walker, archon; Dick F1oyd, secreta:y i lltas(11 chap]~in .reasurer; Joe Drennan, historian; Herb PtttCets· cr. 'I'he f' Ro? Reker, warden; and Bill Burns, pled~e li'1 0 • Arthur ollowmg men were elected second semester o~ft­ Cha~~·. secreta~~gloch, archon; John Fierst, treasurer! D1ck atn; and Y• Joe Drennan historian; Herbert P1ttman, 0~ Clay Williams, w~rden.




The fraternity numbers 1~ ?~embers. ~nd 7 pledges as of the time of this writing. L:vmg C?ndibons have been confined to a unit of the veterans. d01;mtory ~u.t a separate house is the immediate goal. Housmg IS as difficult to secure at the University of Oregon as may be found at nearly any school. AI ha Omega was not able to tush heavily during fall term pse of inter-fraternity regulations but it is hoped that a . . . d ou t b ecau ch more extensive rushmg campaign may b e came ~u · winter quarter The ranks of Alpha Omega will be unnghened next term · at the expense of Alpha Zeta chaptershreng Oregon State brothers are transferring to University of t rec Alpha Omega chapter looks forward to a h~ppy and Oreg on. prosperous New Year. HowARD DEMPSEY,

historian 35'





Use This Handy Form 路Today!

*** Alex B. McCulloch ........ Fred Fisher ....................... .......... Alpha. ttJIO

To: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Virginia Building,

Robert Hudson ................ Alpha Date................................................

Richmond 19, Va.

Lybrand R. Welch .... Alpha

G fllot' a lJp5jiOP

Woodrow Brooks ................................... 路 Enclosed find my check in the amount of $ representing my VOLUNTARY DUES for 1948.

Donald C. Adams .. ................ .. Lee Ryerson ......................... Alpha

Chapter .................. ..................... Name ..... ............................................................ .. Address ................................................ . 36




'lol William H. Miller........ Alpha lJpSI

--------------~ T H E ST A R A N ~~ p

ITK+ ALUMNI and ACTIVE MEMBERSYou Can Order Your Official Jewelry Direct From This Page


PI KAPPA PHI Official Badge Price List Min inture


Pearl Border --------- ----- -----------$12.50 p pearl Border, 4 Garnet Point•---------- 13.50 p earl ,..earl rear! P earl

Bo r der, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.50 B ord er, 4 Emerald Points -------- 16.25 Bor der, 2 Diamond Points ------ 28.50

B or d er, 4 Diamond Points ------- 44.50 p enrl WI'th Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 16.50 earln·and Diamond AIternatmg . All -------- 76.50 IS!( Iamond Border, Yellow GoJd ______ 140.50 p


Extra Crown





















thr:'e hi~ Gold Badges-additional all s1zes $5.00. Miniature ture PLAI:N STYLES Plain B PI . order, 10 Karat --------------- -- -»Bin Border, 14 Karat ________________ $ 4.00

c:lrlr t

Border -------------Border -----------------------PJ ased · Cham Border, White Gold -------------ased Border, White Gold ----------·-

4.50 5.00 5.00 6.00

$4.50 5.50










ltecog n,•t•Ion Buttons: Min · b Iature Coat-of-arms, Gold-filled ----------------$1.00 each "•ewGo!de-~~iie Sp . I Recognition with White Enamel Star, d ------------------------------------ 1.00 each M 10 Karat Gold ------------------------------- 1.50 each . . . PI~ono~rram R ecogmtwn, Gold-filled ---------------- 1.25 eac h Ire Buttons ----------------------------------$9.00 per doz.

Ali Price . tax d s quoted above are subject to 20% Federal exCISe ore' i~n ffta state sales or use taxes wherever such state taxes e ect.

Be sure to mention the name of your Chapter when ordering a guard for your pin.

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ROOSEVELT PARK, DETROIT, 16, MICHIGAN America's Oldest and Most Progressive Fraternity Jewelers



BALFOUR BLUE BOOK Gifts of Distinction and Beauty ENHANCED BY YOUR FRATERNITY CREST The new 1948 edition of the Balfour Blue Book brings to you a selection of tbe finest and newest fraternity jewelry-designed for fine gifts and for personal accessories. Your crest on a Balfour lifetime ring or on a beautiful gift is a dignified symbol of your fraternity association. Display such a gift proudly knowing that only the fraternity man and woman may enjoy the prestige of crested jewelry.


FEATURED IN THE 1948 BLUE BOOK Christmas Suggestions

Rings-in silver or gold; sig.net or onyx style Charm Bracelets Expansion Bracelets Earrings

Pendants Billfolds in Fine Leathers Gay Lapel Pins Compacts Cigarette Lighters

Cigarette Cases Key Chains Knives Guff Links

Special Presentation Gifts Chapter Officer's Ring or Key Wood Gavel in Leathe r Case

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