Alpha Psidelines - Winter 2025

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Disclaimer: This article is intended to offer leadership insights and reflect on valuable lessons taught by the Fraternity. Trevor, of course, is not the real name of the brother who showed up that late summer of 1987. Similarly, we can’t assume that “Trevor’s” opinions reflect the previous generation of Alpha Psi as a whole. If you were at the chapter meeting, please do not share Trevor’s identity, it could have been anyone who showed up in his place. If you are reading this “Trevor,” please know that there are no hard feelings and that your contribution was and is greatly appreciated. In fact, I would love to hear from you, so give me a call if you see this. Brett Baltz has my number.

Ihad returned to IU on a typical late summer day. As I was finishing setting up my TV and hooking up a VCR, some of my brothers on the executive council stopped by, asking me to head out for some food and drinks. They had invited Trevor, an alumnus of the previous generation of Alpha Psi chapter, to join us. He was interested in becoming a chapter mentor and we thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves in a social setting.

During our time together, he got to know each of us and tried to get a sense of who we were as some of the chapter’s new leaders. We kept the conversation mostly social, with only a few questions about the previous Alpha Psi chapter. I sensed that he liked the mix of skills he saw in us, which made me confident he would approve of the rest of the men who had joined our ranks.

After our social gathering was over, we invited Trevor to our chapter meeting the next day and he gave me a ride back to the house in his car. During the drive, he inquired about my vision for Pi Kappa Phi and what role he could play in helping me achieve it. After discussing short-term needs, I explained that I wanted to encourage more Pi Kapps to take leadership roles throughout campus life and shared some of my ideas for forming new committees to handle the Fraternity’s external campus involvement. During our conversation, I felt he really understood what I was looking for and, more importantly, was willing to advise us how to get there. We certainly had a mutual camaraderie, and I felt fortunate that he was willing to volunteer his time, so I expressed this sentiment to him.

I looked back on my commitments to uphold the principles of brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi and asked myself if these were going to be nice words and a false cloak of honor or if they were really going to become a part of who I was.

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When we got back to Ashton, we went to the unoccupied common area at the center of the house. Before he left, I asked him to sit down and share any immediate ideas he had for us. He replied, “Do you want my on-the-record suggestions or the off-the-record ones?” Half laughing, I asked for both. After a few brief but well-thought-out ideas for the house, he asked again if I really wanted to hear what else he had to say, and I confirmed that I was interested. He went on to tell me what I unfortunately assume to be common hazing/ humiliation rituals, some of which were pedestrian and even made me laugh. Only one tradition, as he called it, surprised me and seemed a bit excessive. Before he could finish, some other brothers came in to talk to me and interrupted us. As I began to discuss some house matters with them, Trevor excused himself and said he would see me at our next chapter meeting.

At that point, I essentially asked myself, “Who am I?” and then the more important question, “Who do I want to be?” I had to answer that last question before I could decide if I wanted Trevor to counsel our brothers. Fortunately, after a considerable amount of mental gymnastics and some agonizing self-reflection, I decided that I wanted to try, to the best of my ability, to live what we professed to be. I wanted to be the person I told our national officers I was before they offered me membership in this exclusive fraternity.

Now that I had made up my mind, I still needed to decide how to deal with Trevor. I had convinced myself that we couldn’t allow the recent history of the previous chapter into our culture. I didn’t see Trevor in a negative light, I just saw him as a version of the brotherhood he had experienced. Looking at it through his eyes, he just wanted a connection from his era to continue so he could have a stronger bond with the next generation of Alpha Psi brothers. I, on the other hand, was now

As archon, you’re not going to be able to please all your brothers all the time. They elected you to lead so do what you think is best for them. Make decisions you can live with, even if they’re not the most popular.

When I got back to my room, I would like to say I was a pillar of moral virtue at 21, and that I immediately rejected the idea of hazing our future associate members. Instead, I found myself trying to rationalize the use of Trevor’s most trivial “rituals” under the guise of team-building exercises instead of hazing. I couldn’t do it, so I moved on to considering how much duplicity I was willing to live with if I agreed to go down this road, even at its most basic level. I began to mentally list the bad habits I had allowed in my life that were not up to the standard I would look for in a friend or brother, and whether those shortcomings were any worse than claiming that Pi Kappa Phi was a non-hazing fraternity to get men to join and then having them participate in those very activities. I looked back on my commitments to uphold the principles of brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi and asked myself if these were going to be nice words and a false cloak of honor or if they were really going to become a part of who I was.

committed to creating something new, an experience consistent with what Pi Kappa Phi as a whole was asking us to create for ourselves.

Up to that point in my life, I had never been faced with such a decision. I’d always been a natural diplomat, somehow able to find mutually beneficial solutions in difficult situations. For one thing, I got along with Trevor and thought it would be nice to get to know him better. Nobody agrees on everything, so maybe I could just ignore what he had said. Besides, making someone feel rejected was anathema to me. I was in uncharted waters for my personality type and interpersonal skills. I began to lean toward having Trevor advise us, with the idea of simply fighting any hazing recommendations he might have, rather than confronting him with an outright rejection of his offer to help. As I considered this as a solution, I remembered something Dr. Summers told me during a phone call we had after I became chapter

president: “As archon, you’re not going to be able to please all your brothers all the time. They elected you to lead so do what you think is best for them. Make decisions you can live with, even if they’re not the most popular.” After reflecting some more on how I had initially reacted to the idea of hazing, I knew that at this early stage of our formation, I wanted to insulate the rest of the fraternity from any direct suggestions like that. There was no compromise. I wasn’t going to allow hazing to be established as a sanctioned activity in our chapter. Having an advisor recommend it just wouldn’t work.

On Sunday, as everyone gathered for the chapter meeting, I planned to approach Trevor before we started. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. As I sat down in front of the brothers seated in the room, I saw Trevor walk in and take a seat in the back. I always tried to keep meetings moving, but this time I dreaded the end. I especially didn’t want more brothers to get to know him and then wonder why he wasn’t around. After the hour-plus chapter meeting was nearing its final moments, I decided to just bite the bullet and do my job. I asked Trevor to stand and introduced him to the brotherhood, saying, “Everyone, I’d like to introduce Trevor, a brother from the earlier years of Alpha Psi. Trevor wanted to stop by and see how we were bringing Pi Kappa Phi back to Indiana University. Although his schedule won’t allow him to return, I’d like you to give him a round of applause to thank him for sharing some of his insights with us.” Trevor’s face took on a look of disillusionment as he realized that his vision for our chapter did not match ours. I felt crushed to turn down his heartfelt offer to spend time mentoring us.

Afterward, Trevor came up to me, shook my hand, and said he was disappointed but understood my decision. He wished us well and was not seen again during my time with the fraternity. It’s possible that after we were more established, he contributed additional productive

“on the record” ideas for our chapter. I do know that as Archon, I upheld the principles of our Fraternity and encouraged each brother to do the same. I realized from Dr. Summers’ wise words that it was my job to lead by example and, through that example, allow each brother to see a version of himself that he could emulate and later become a role model himself.

My intention in sharing this isn’t to demean the men who carried the torch for Pi Kappa Phi at IU for nearly forty years before my time. I respect each of their contributions to our history, including Trevor’s. Nor is this about the current Alpha Psi chapter at IU. We all have faith in their ability to use wisdom to protect our future. No, I share this memory because it was a character-building moment for me, one that has influenced the way I live my life and was the beginning of a transformed mental process that I use to this day to make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions. It’s a testament to why I joined Pi Kappa Phi.

In honor of Dr. Summers and all of Alpha Psi’s founding fathers from the 1940s and 1980s, I call upon you, my brothers, to take the lead in your own lives, to make the hard choices and to always choose what you believe is the right decision-not the easy one. I call upon you to exemplify what it means to be a brother of Pi Kappa Phi and to inspire future brothers by your example, not just your words.


When I took over this newsletter, I intended to draw upon the experiences and legacy of both the founding and re-founding fathers of Alpha Psi. In my search for representatives of the 1947 founding members of Alpha Psi, I’ve learned that we have lost touch, lost members or individuals lost their ability to contribute. If anyone has direct connections to a 1947 founding father, would like to contribute on behalf of a 1947 founding father or was otherwise involved in the chapter during its formative years, feel free to write a submission and send it directly to me. The legacy of Alpha Psi draws upon nearly 80 years of founding ideals and true fraternity that should be celebrated through this format.


We, John Unison (“Uni”) and Jim Williams (“Jimbo”) headed to Bloomington in the fall of 1986. We both attended a large high school in Indianapolis but were interested in making the Bloomington campus feel a little smaller, so we decided to join the Greek system. We visited several established fraternity houses during the fall semester but were really not that impressed or interested in their brand of brotherhood. We came to the conclusion that the Greek system was not for us; at least until we came across an announcement from Pi Kappa Phi to re-establish their chapter at IU. We attended an informational session and were most impressed with the chapter development advisor, Ken Kaiser, who spoke of shaping a new chapter that would be a leader on campus in more ways than just hosting a good party. He sold us on that vision the very first time we met, and we were in the first group of young men selected to rebuild the chapter.

He sold us on that vision the very first time we met, and we were in the first group of young men selected to rebuild the chapter.

our Fraternity with pride both on and off campus and to treat everyone with respect. He simply challenged us to grow and lead as young men each day.

We were both excited to get bids to join Pi Kapp and were pleasantly surprised that so many of the guys from our dorm quad joined as well (Curt Collins, Jason Meyer and Chris Byrd to name a few). We had the privilege of meeting, working with and enjoying the social aspects of college life with so many high-quality individuals. This is especially true for Terry Mork, Skip Bailey and Brian Singer who have remained lifelong friends. As we look back on individuals who had the highest impact on the successful re-chartering of our chapter, Dr. Phillip Summers stands out. He challenged us to hold ourselves to high standards academically, to represent

He simply challenged us to grow and lead as young men each day.

There were many challenges, but also opportunities, as we worked as a team to rebuild our chapter. Some of the biggest hurdles of re-chartering included carving out an identity for our chapter within an established Greek system, the time commitment and meetings needed to organize and attract new members and learning how to work within a large group of young men with each having a different opinion. The opportunities afforded us were endless with each of us serving in a leadership role on the Executive Council, being able to learn the necessary skills to build an organization from the ground up and developing comraderies and friendships with our fellow brothers through shared experiences.

What is our legacy? We are most proud of having the opportunity to leave a solid foundation for those who followed us at Alpha Psi since the re-chartering in 1987. We had a unique opportunity, along with the 65 other brothers, to bring our chapter back to life through hard work, dedication and a desire to leave the chapter on a path to excel. As Dr. Summers often said, “God bless Pi Kappa Phi.”

God bless Pi Kappa Phi!


and Uni


On December 5, 2024, Alpha Psi alumni took the leadership role in establishing the first Central Indiana Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Association. Pi Kappa Phi’s National Headquarters staff, with the help of local alumni, gathered to celebrate Founders’ Day and simultaneously hosted the Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors in the Home Plate Suite at Vicory Field, home of the Indianapolis Indians.

Alpha Psi made up seven of the 25 Pi Kappa Phi attendees at the social gathering, which included five Pi Kappa Phi staff members. Unfortunately, at the last minute, Tom Clark had to pull out, and Congressman Jefferson Shreve’s flight was delayed, otherwise our group would have been even larger. There were no Omega (Purdue) attendees, but we hope and expect that our Omega brothers

will embrace the formation of this alumni group. Special thanks to Steve Boone and Brett Baltz for assisting me in organizing Alpha Psi’s attendance. The Alpha Psi attendees (pictured above) were Chuck Dunlap, Steve Boone, Dave Shook, Jim Williams, John Unison, Brett Baltz and Daniel Spurgeon (not pictured).

We are planning the same event next year, and Jim Crews (who was excused as he was celebrating his birthday with his wife) has offered to host us at the Gaylor Electric headquarters in northeast Indianapolis. The tentative date is Wednesday, December 10, 2025, so mark your calendar! I’ll be looking for help with planning this year’s event. Please feel free to reach out at

Representatives from Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters commemorating the establishment of the Central Indiana Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Association.


On Saturday, December 7, 2024, the newly elected undergraduate Executive Council convened with alumni board members for a comprehensive leadership retreat. Held in the Bryan Room of the Student Union, a space deeply significant to our chapter’s history, the event provided a productive and engaging experience for all involved.

This year marked the perfect time for our inaugural leadership retreat, with fresh perspectives brought by the new alumni board members and the enthusiasm of the motivated undergraduate Executive Council. The day was filled with insightful discussions, leadership training, team-building exercises, thoughtful debates and a collaborative spirit, all underscored by a strong sense of brotherhood and camaraderie. Of course, a BBQ lunch was enjoyed while we live-streamed the ever-entertaining finals of the Burger Basketball tournament. The retreat provided an opportunity to reflect on challenges, set goals and develop actionable strategies to strengthen our chapter. Here are the key takeaways.


The chapter reaffirmed its dedication to upholding Pi Kappa Phi’s values, emphasizing the importance of brotherhood, academic achievement, community service, philanthropy and alumni engagement. To enhance these values, actions are being taken to improve networking opportunities, philanthropy involvement and academic and social support for members. By focusing on these areas, we aim to have a lasting positive impact on our community while providing uncommon opportunities for all members.


The group acknowledged the challenges of managing the growing administrative responsibilities faced by Executive Council members. A key discussion centered on improving task distribution and emphasizing the importance of teamwork and integrity. Additionally, the group reflected on the Student Creed, reaffirming principles such as common loyalty, personal responsibility, academic achievement and lifelong commitment, which continue to guide our personal and leadership development.


A central theme of the retreat was revitalizing Alpha Psi Chapter traditions. Additionally, the group highlighted the importance of mutual support, particularly during difficult times. The chapter will continue to cultivate a culture of care, ensuring brothers actively support one another - whether through informal check-ins or organizing member-only brotherhood events. These events are designed to foster a safe and supportive environment where brothers can bond without external distractions.


The recruitment team explored strategies for engaging potential new members, with a focus on leveraging social media and embracing technology for outreach. The chapter agreed on the importance of transparent communication and expectations of membership, ensuring that both prospective members and their families are aligned with Pi Kappa Phi’s values.


Philanthropy and community service are foundational to Pi Kappa Phi’s mission. The chapter discussed plans to strengthen these efforts, including partnering with Pi Kappa Phi’s philanthropic initiative, The Ability Experience, and creating a more structured approach to philanthropy. One notable initiative in the works is organizing an alumni fundraising golf outing in Bloomington, which will work to group together undergraduates and alumni based on shared professional interests. Additionally, the chapter is committed to fostering a stronger relationship with the local community, seeking opportunities to give back to the people who mutually call Bloomington home.

By focusing on these areas, we aim to have a lasting positive impact on our community while providing uncommon opportunities for all members.


Academic excellence remains a priority for the Alpha Psi Chapter. The group decided to maintain the national fraternity’s minimum GPA requirement of 2.7, with plans to potentially raise this standard in the future. The academic chairman has already implemented study hours and group-study sessions for freshmen, with plans to extend support to all members. Brothers with a GPA below 2.7 will work with the academic chairman and executive board to create an Academic Performance Improvement Plan to provide the necessary support.


The chapter is committed to strengthening its relationship with alumni. A virtual State of the Chapter meeting will be held, chaired by both the alumni board president and the undergraduate chapter archon, offering members the chance for engagement with Alpha Psi on an annual basis. The chapter also plans to invite alumni to participate in presentations and networking sessions, providing guidance on various career paths in addition to using philanthropic initiatives to build stronger alumni relationships.


The chapter is reexamining its approach to new member education and development, aiming to extend these efforts into the first year of membership after initiation. Member education is seen as an ongoing process that should continue long after initiation, ensuring that all brothers are consistently developed in line with Pi Kappa Phi’s ideals. We plan on implementing resources for members to craft and build resumes as well as LinkedIn profiles to kickstart their future career opportunities. This comprehensive approach will foster both personal and professional growth and long-term commitment among members.


The alumni board discussed ways to improve the chapter house, including upgrades to common areas such as the formal and informal rooms, dining room, laundry room, stairwells and bathrooms. The undergraduates affirmed their commitment to ensuring the sustained cleanliness of common areas prior to the alumni board making significant investments. Further, there was a strong consensus that a well-maintained chapter house is essential to the chapter’s success, with particular focus on the presentation of the first floor. The discussion also underscored the importance of members upholding their financial commitments to room and board, along with membership dues, to sustain the house and its upkeep through the Alumni Housing Corporation.

In conclusion, the retreat was a productive step forward in strengthening the Alpha Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. With focused initiatives on brotherhood, philanthropy, academic achievement and member support, the chapter is poised to continue its legacy of excellence while creating a supportive and engaging environment for all its members.


As we continue to grow and strengthen our chapter at Indiana University, we recognize the importance of maintaining a high-quality living environment that reflects the values and traditions of our brotherhood. To ensure our chapter house remains a top-tier facility, we are actively pursuing a series of much-needed improvements over the summer. These enhancements will not only improve functionality and safety but also elevate the overall experience for our undergraduates, alumni and guests.

Upcoming potential house improvements:

• Complete rehabilitation of front and back stairwells – enhancing safety, durability and cleanliness in these hightraffic areas.

• Second and third floor bathroom renovations – upgrading showers and toilet stall doors to like-new condition.

• Security and fire system upgrades – repair or replace exterior doors, install door sensors, improve the fire system and increase overall safety measures.

• Laundry room equipment – modernizing our laundry facilities for greater reliability for our members.

• Bleachers and a concrete slab by the basketball court – creating a better space for brothers and guests to enjoy outdoor activities without having to move common-area chairs outside.

• New informal room couches and furniture – improving comfort and functionality in our common areas for members and guests.

• First floor guest bathroom remodel – enhancing the space for visiting friends, family and alumni.

• New dining room tables and chairs – bringing back the tradition set by Dr. Summers to have study tables with Pi Kappa Phi etched into the chair back.

• Updated flooring – replacing flooring in the first-floor common areas, as well as the second and third-floor hallways.

• Formal room furniture – adding new furniture to maintain the elegance and tradition of our chapter’s formal space.

These renovations will restore our house to top-notch condition, providing a modern, comfortable and secure space for current and future members. The strength of our chapter has always been rooted in brotherhood; ensuring a high-quality living environment is a crucial part of that commitment.

Stay tuned for updates on these improvements, as we still need to obtain quotes and viability for each item. As always, thank you for your continued support in making our chapter the best it can be!





SAME HOUSE, NEW ADDRESS! 1720 N David Baker Ave, Bloomington, IN 47406

Homecoming, October 18, 2025

Member Meeting: 1720 N David Baker Avenue, Formal Lounge

Alumni Tailgate: East Parking Lot IU vs Michigan State: Memorial Stadium

Jim Crews, Alpha Psi #271, and his wife will host a tailgate before and after the game in the east parking lot between the chapter house and Memorial Stadium.

Just look for the flag!

Homecoming reminders will be mailed at the end of the summer. Meanwhile, visit the IU Homecoming page for updates.

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