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P M A L D N A R A THE ST of Pi Kappa Phi - Summer 1987








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of Pi Kappa Phi - Summer 1987 * KcI)

HALL OF FAME 1987 Albert S. Herlong. . .

Famous? No, not famous. Not like Thomas Wolfe the American novelist or Randy Owen, the lead singer of the popular country band Alabama. Well known and respected is more applicable for former Congressman Al-

bert "Sid" Herlong, Jr. Public service doesn't tend to make one 'famous', but long dedicated service is recognized. All three of these men do, however, have a common bond. They are all Pi Kapps and members of the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. Albert"Sid"Herlong became apart ofthe Pi Kappa Phi Hall ofFame on August 15, 1987, in Dallas with brother Marc Hollis. They are now a part of a group of alumni considered the finest and most successful in Pi Kapp history. Sid Herlong was born in Mainstee, Alabama in February of 1909. He entered the University of Florida and was there introduced to

The Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame

the Fraternity experience. Soon after his entrance into school, Sid pledged Pi Kappa Phi in September of 1925. The following year, in February,he was initiated.Being one of the first (#49) initiated into Alpha Epsilon chapter, he had a hand in creating whatis now one ofthe best Pi Kapp chapters in the nation. While in school, Sid took part in the Lycean Council, the Ribbon Society, the Scabbard & Blade, managed Phi Delta Phi, and became a class officer. With this under his belt and the law degree which he received, he went on to further serve others. Six years after graduation, Sid began what was to be a twelve year term as County Judge for Lake County, Florida (1936-48). While still Lake County Judge,he reinforced his ties with his alma mater by becoming their Alumni Association President.In 1948 Sid was asked to leave his position as County Judge because he was wanted. He was wanted in Washington. D.C.as a Congressional representative for the state of Florida. He served as a Congressman for twenty years. As if he hadn't done enough, Sid then accepted the job as a member of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in 1969 and served an additional four years. With his work behind him, Sid is now retired and has been able to accept some of the recognition he deserves as the first Alpha Epsilon Hall ofFame member and now as a Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame member. Most of all, he can enjoy his retirement. "No one has enjoyed retirement more than I have," Sid said, and a well deserved retirement it is.

manistic style has made him a well read, well remembered author and playwright. Such works as Look Homeward Angel and You Can Never Go Home Again attest to the talent of Brother Wolfe. An initiate of Kappa chapter, University of North Carolina, Brother Wolfe has since joined the Chapter Eternal.

1981 Consisting of selected alumni members who have distinguished themselves in the fields ofBusiness,Industry, The Arts, Sciences or Profesions; and thereby brought honor and respect to thefraternity.

1979 Joseph Wheeler Sewell(Sports) Joseph Wheeler Sewell is an initiate of Omicron chapter at the University of Alabama. Sewell played professional baseball for sixteen years. He played with such greats as Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. He began playing with the Cleveland Indians and finished up with the New York Yankees. Brother Sewell had a lifetime batting average of .312.

Howard Baker (Government) Howard Baker, White House Chief of Staffto President Reagan,has enjoyed a very successful career in Government. Brother Baker is a past Senator ofTennessee who gained notoriety during the Watergate Hearings in the 70's. He is an initiate of Alpha Sigma chapter at the University of Tennessee.

Thomas Wolfe (Literature) Known throughout the world for his literary works, Brother Thomas Wolfe's touching, hu-

Dr. James B. Edwards (Government) James B. Edwards, former Governor of South Carolina, currently serves as President of the Medical University of South Carolina. An initiate of Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, Brother Edwards holds nine honorary degrees and is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa. He served on President Reagan's Cabinet as Secretary of Energy.

James Wallace Butts (Sports) James Wallace Butts was initiated into Alpha Alpha chapter at Mercer University. Brother Butts coached football at the University of Georgia for over 22 years. He led his team tofour Southeastern Conference Championships,two Orange Bowl victories,and victories in both the Rose Bowl and the Sugar Bowl. He was also chosen to coach nine All-Star games.

1983 Randy Yeuell Owen (Entertainment) Randy Yeuell Owen is lead singer of the band Alabama. Since fonning the band in the 1970's, Randy has enjoyed unlimited success. Randy's songs have been selected as Song of the Year as well as Alabama albums being selected as Album ofthe Year. He was initiated into Delta Upsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Florida.



Mark C. Hollis. .

Mark C.Hollis has come along way from his beginnings as a"bag boy"for a small supermarket chain. Even if there was no way but up, he would not have had difficulty forseeing his rise to President of what is now an extensive southeast based chain of supermarkets. For most,this climb to success would be enough,but the story of Mark C. Hollis entails much more and is growing. In Dallas, at the 41st Supreme Chapter, Mark was inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame along with brother Albert Herlong, Jr. Hejoins such famous alumni as Howard Baker, Chief of Staff for President Reagan and Joseph Sewell, baseball Hall of Fame member. Born and raised in Florida, the story begins when Mark joined Publix Super Markets, Inc. at the age of twelve, bagging groceries. Working hard paid off as he made his way up to

Glenn Porter Brock, Sr.(Industry) Glenn Porter Brock,Sr. was initiated into Upsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of fllinois.Upon retiring as Chainnan of the Board of Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, he was named honorary Chairman as a symbol of appreciation of his 66 years service to the industry. He is also a member of the Alabama Business Hall of Fame and the Alabama Academy of Honor.

1985 S. Walter Martin (Education) Sidney Walter Martin,President Emeritus of Valdosta State College, served the field of education for over46 years. Ile holds a Doctorate Degree in History from the University of North Carolina. Brother Martin also has earned four other honorary degrees. He is a member ofseveral historical societies and he also writes historical journals. Brother Brock is an initiate of Delta chapter at Fumian University.

Ben Hill Griffin (Agribusiness) Agricultural businessman Ben Hill Griffm created and manages a worldwide citrus enterprise, Ben Hill Griffin, Inc. He has served in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. Brother Griffin is an initiate of Alpha Epsilon chapter at the University of Florida.


a store managerial position, and could afford to continue his education. Mark took leave of Publix and enrolled in Stetson University. Mark was introduced to Pi Kappa Phi as a senior in high school. He recalls,"My host, who was later to become my Big Brother, was an active Pi Kappa Phi member and made sure that I met all of the big men on campus, all of whom were fellow Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity brothers. When I arrived on campus in August of 1952,I knew I wanted to be a Pi Kapp." Soon after his arrival at Stetson, Mark pledged Pi Kappa Phi and was initiated in February 1953 as a member of Chi chapter. When asked how Pi Kappa Phi contributed to his success Mark wasn't able to point out one specific item, "I cannot say that any one thing about my experience with Pi Kappa Phi contributed to my success. When you look at what does contribute to success you find reinforcement in any number of the fraternity's activities." Mark's advice for undergraduates consists of three basic principles: 1. Treat others as you would be treated. 2. Do your best. 3. Do what is right. While it may be possible to reach the top of one's profession on sheer ability, it is impossible to stay there without hard work and character. Graduating in 1956 and leaving Chichapter for awhile, Mark continued his education at Michigan State University, receiving his Masters Degree in Food Distribution. He later received an Honarary DoctorofBusiness Administration from Florida Southern College. Returning to his roots, Mark rejoined Publix and quickly made his way. Advancing through several managerial positions, he was made a Vice President, and elected to the Board ofDirectors in 1974.Ten short years later, Mark was named Publix's President. Working with Publix is just a few chapters of the story. Mark currently serves on the Board of Directors offive southeastern corporations(including Southern Bell), as well as being the Director for the Associated Industries of Florida, the Florida Retail Federation and Florida TaxWatch. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Stetson University. He is involved locally with the Chamber of Commerce, the Council on Education, and various charities and hospitals. Recently, Mark has taken yet another step, this time internationally, by serving on the Board of the Food Industry Crusade Against Hunger.Needless to say,being a member of the Rotary Club and the Masons, rounds out a very full schedule. Yet above all this, Mark has also raised three sons with his wife, Lynn. They enjoy three grandchildren. His story is not finished, but one thing is certain. Someone once said that success is "the constant pursuit of worthwhile goals." By any definition, especially this particular one, Mark C. Hollis is just that, a success, and an honored addition to the Pi Kappa Phi Hall if Fame.

Mark Clayton Hollis (Business) Albert Sidney Herlong,Jr. (Government)



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A National President's Farewell; * The Bitter with the Sweet By David H. Jaffee, National President of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity â– V'h

This is but a chapter in my Pi Kappa Phi life. After serving two terms as your National President,the time has arrived for me to pass the gavel ofthis greatfraternal organization.Having been first elected to the National Council in 1979, I fully expect to spend the next two years serving as Past National President. Many times I have given thought to whatI would say when my term came to an end. After all, I envisioned some profound statements attesting to great changes in my life as a result of the deepened fraternal experience.The profound statements won'tcome butI do want to share some of my observations with you. Unfortunately most of our members see 'National' as a different organization from their own chapter.The loyalty generated by the chapter to its members is phenomenal but it shouldn't exclude the national fraternity. I found out when I was elected to the National Council that I would visit some chapters who saw me as a 'National' with a different agenda for fraternity affairs than they felt they had. This was a shock to me since I viewed myself as a Pi Kapp from Alpha Chapter who was extending his own satisfying fraternity exposure to other chapters. Whatdoes this have to do with any parting comments!want to make?There are numerous stories I could tell that have brought me pleasure,laughter or sorrow over these years.There are so many people who have been an integral part ofmy life and it would be nice to thank all ofthem, but it would only seem inadequate. So instead of listing all of these special moments I am just going to relate the events of one weekend that seem to summarize my time on the National Council. No mention of Pi Kappa Phi in its modern era would be accurate without including Durward Owen. He has been the chief administrator of our fraternity since 1959. I wondered silently how he would adapt to having a boss who arrived on the fraternity scene well after he

Unfortunately most of our members see 'National' as a different organization from their own chapter. The loyalty generated by the chapter to its members is phenomenal but it shouldn't exclude the nationalfraternity. Ifound out when I was elected to the National Council that I would visit some chapters who saw me as a 'National' with a different agenda forfraternity affairs than theyfelt they had.


held his position. I should have known better. Durward showed patience with my sometimes misguided enthusiasm,acceptance of any progressive proposals and above all a dedication to his work just as feverish in 1987 as it must have been in 1959. Whatever Pi Kappa Phi is today can be attributed to a great degree to this man. My personal life has changed too. Dolly and I have been married for twelve years and both of our children have been born since my election to Council. Dennis, who is now six years old, had major surgery in 1981 and we spent our normal Supreme Chapter time here in the hospital. Andrew is now foul.years old and he was bornjust hours after I returned from the next Supreme Chapter in Mobile. They have been able to accompany me on some trips but have never complained when they had every reason to do so. I also send apologies to Dolly for all of the forgotten birthdays and anniversaries in mid-August. And now to the weekend that I said would summarize my feelings about serving on the National Council. The National Council asked ifI would be the chartering officer for the installation ofa new chapter at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. I have never said no. These are my favorite fraternity events.I could watch initiations over and over and never get tired ofthem.The new chapter is always extremely excited and their parents exceedingly proud. I arrived in Jacksonville on Friday afternoon and was picked up at the airport by one of the men from our colony. He wore the Pi Kappa Phi letters on his jersey proudly as he waited for me to spot him. He was well-mannered, respectful and extremely nervous as he helped me with my luggage and drove me directly to the campus. On campus I was met by Mark Timmes, who served as the Assistant Chartering Officer. We quickly received the written examinations which had been administered the night before by our staff. Then we began the oral boards. Mark and I asked questions of all of the prospective members in order to approve their qualifications as a prospective chapter. They were all wellgroomed, well-dressed and eager to display their knowledge of Pi Kappa Phi. The university officials were very complimentary of the colony and their involvement in positive activities around campus and the community. The parents that we spoke to told us of hard work,sacrifice and an increased attention to their academic work.This colony had met with the requirements for chartering in near record time. We left campus and went directly to the church where initiation would be held. Rich Pope from the Administrative Office was working diligently with the two initiating teams to set things

up.Glenn Dickson,Mark Timmes and I made sure everything was proceeding smoothly and then we left to pick up food for the teams. When we returned the initiation began. I watched as each initiate began his initiation in awe and sensed some relief at its conclusion. One of the new initiates was brought into the fraternity by his father, who was an alumnus from Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida.Watching the proud father and the awestruck son really gave me those warm Pi Kappa Phi feelings we sometimes call Brotherhood. Early into the evening Glenn,Mark and I left to take some Pi Kapps from another chapter to dinner. We walked across the street to a seafood restaurant and enjoyed a great meal while we talked to these men. There were serious problems with their chapter and we were anxious to determine the attitude of the members. Several weeks earlier, their chapter had been found hazing and swift remedial action was taken by the University and the fraternity. Glenn Dickson had traveled to Florida the same day and had agreed with University officials that we would suspend members and move from our university owned house for one year and reorganize the chapter.In return, the University would not remove the chapter from campus. The officials were more liberal than most other campus officials would have been. Our chapter had been caught once before and had been disciplined by the fraternity.Thatevent occurred in 1980 and obviously the lesson had been lost through the years. For one year prior to this most recent incident the school officials had issued a series of warnings about deviant behavior, hazing in particular. After discussing all of these things over dinner we went back to the church for initiation. The initiation ceremonies continued throughoutthe night and we leftchurch shortly before dawn on Saturday and went back to the motel for a few hours of sleep. After a few hours sleep on Saturday morning,Glenn,Mark and I drove from Jacksonville to meet with a group of alumn.There were about thirty people who had come to discuss the future plans for their chapter. When the three of us arrived we sat in the back of the room and listened to the discussion. We were there primarily as observers. I was shocked by the direction of the discussion. Those alumni who were present were more concerned about getting occupancy of their house back and reinstating the suspended members than they were the seriousness of the incident which precipitated the discipline. With some exceptions, those alumni clearly resented our presence, objected to our involvement and in some cases openly defended the actual hazing.It was the most miserable time in my fraternity career. I still don't understand how well-educated alumni from a prestigious academic institution where our chapter has a rich,long heritage could so plainly be misguided. They had lost sight of all reason in return for a defense of an unacceptable tradition. How does one defend hazing? The group was obsessed with what they perceived as alack ofdue process.Never did they recognize the very threat to the future existence of their chapter.I left believing that we should have allowed the University to suspend our chapter and remove us from campus.Then we could have come back in several years and started over.It is our national scope that grants our chapters an assurance of permanence.

" . . In a short period of time, I have gone from great emotional highs to the depths of despair. All of it is educational. . ." We got back to Jacksonville and went directly to a reception for parents which preceeded the chartering banquet.The banquetrooms were crowded with new initiates and their friends and families, all dressed in their finest clothes. Representatives from other campus groups, school administration and alumni ofPi Kappa Phi were there to congratulate our newestchapter on their hard-fought accomplishments. Brother Jesse Crinun delivered the most moving address on fraternity that I have ever heard. As I listened to Jesse I forgot all about the troubles I had encountered hours earlier in Deland. I watched the faces of the others around me as they laughed heartily and as their eyes welled with tears during the poignant passages of Jesse's speech. The chapter thanked everybody,gave awards to their most deserving brothers and pledged themselves to the continuing development of themselves, their brothers, their chapter, their school and Pi Kappa Phi. They were saying that they wanted to make life better and could exercise that endeavor through Pi Kappa Phi. Early the next morning,I rushed to the airport and flew home to be with my family. By early the following day I was back in my real estate office and involved in my daily routine. The bitter comes with the sweet. I don't guess my fraternity life should be any different than the rest of my life.The weekend Ijust described to you is fairly representative of a collection offraternity events.In a short period oftime,I have gonefrom greatemotional highs to the depths of despair. All of it is educational.

6-year statistics tell the story Tables of numbers have a way of being either very boring or very telling. The following table is very telling as it chronicles the past 6 years for Pi Kappa Phi chapters. For many chapters a steady row ofnumbers reflects a tradition ofstrength and growth,for others their roller-coaster-like existence is illustrated showing good years and bad years. How can these numbers be of use to chapters and their alumni? If your chapter corresponds with any of the following patterns you may need to get involved for your chapter's perpetuation. 1. A gradual or sudden decline in the recruiting and initiation numbers yielding a smaller membership. 2. An up-and-down cycle with bad years and a good years illustrating a lack ofcontinuity in leadership. 3. A noticeably lower number of initiates as compared to pledges showing a possible unhealthy member education program resulting in depledgings. 1981-1982 Pledge/Init.

1982-1983 Pledge/Init.

1983-1984 Pledge/Init.

1984-1985 Pledge/1n1.

1985-1986 Pledge/Init.

1986-1987 Pledge/Init.

20/8 25/19 37/25

35/9 21/16 11/21

34/38 14/12 26/11

13/9 28/23 23/23 37/32

14/15 19/15 11/11 21/16

7/2 29/20 44/44 22/18

--,1.5/20 26115 17/33 20/16 13/11 _ 10/6 . 31/17 31/22 30/16 18/32 54/52 19/25 30/19 16/11 33/27 - -1- ../.

19/9 43/35 8/0 19/14 16/17 12/12 14/15 10/15 17/25 20/15 49/40 10/7 24/4 42/4 33/21

22/6 35/29 0/8 30/21 21/13 29/1 16/13

31/7 10/8 19/7 21/52 10/4 20/14 35/32 31/27 67/0 25/13 25/13 19/19 28/14 13/12 15/30 9/12 13/11 34/25 14/13 67/53 21/19 11/0 34/33 25/19

44/23 16/9 38/63 11/14 18/15 27/17 23/23 32/11 46/59 14/10 40/28 26/18 47/48 24/17 12/10 21/8 18/10 27/8 14/8 62/58 29/19 14/26 51/42 35/29 35/-

30/19 16/9 20/10 11/12 10/17 21/22 23/23 54/53 18/14 39/28 40/24 16/9 44/41 21/22 21/27 12/23

20/17 6/2 12/0 - 5/3 18/13 24/19 41/29 19/13 '-' 23/38 7/5 7/7 37/36 9/5 717 12/10 7/0 6/7 16/11 38/19 13/19 31/23 11/8 3/0 30/18

33/32 1/2 32/31 12/11 20/16 22/20 25/22 23/17 17/23 14/11 14/0 7/0 23/13 28/39 20/18 14/12 11/16 3/3 18/10 27/14 21/16 36/16 6/5 12/8 20/14

21/14 6/6 16/14 15/12 18/16 22/19 21/12 19/20 9/1 19/21 5/19 25/0 22/22 25/17 26/24 16/14 10/7 14/8 21/8 34/18 16/14 18/30 12/0 39/18 22/11

19/20 4/3 15/13 15/9 25/22 22/22 42/51 26/21 16/17 18/13 7/6 24/41 8/7 16/10 31/26 25/22 9/6 14/6 17/8 28/19 13/18 24/12 11/18 24/18 25/15

24/26 8/5 7/4 32/30 24/22 28/23 34/27 12/9 20/21 20/15 11/8 16/12 46/48 23/11 24/21 27/9 17/2 19/13 22/16 30/10 22/10 13/17 7/2 35/19 20/19

22/18 16/4 40//26 15/17 24/22 12/7 11/5 31/9

Penn State/Alpha Mu Polytechnic University/Alpha Xi Iowa State/Alpha Omicron West Virginia/Alpha Rho Tennessee/Alpha Sigma Rensselaer/Alpha Tau Drexel/Alpha Upsilon 1.I.T./A1 pha Phi Indiana/Alpha Psi NJ.I.T./Bcta Alpha Florida Southern/Beta Beta Louisville/Beta Gamma Drake/Beta Delta Missouri/Beta Epsilon Florida State/lIcta Eta Toledo/Beta Iota Georgia State/Beta Kappa Tampa/Beta Lambda MeNeesalleta Mu Valdosta/Beta Tau Virginia/Beta Upsilon East Carolina/Beta Phi East Texas State/Beta Chi East Tennessee State/Beta Omega Livingston/Gamma Alpha

13/12 39/45 11/5 20/23 12/15 13/1 25/15 17/9 1/2 14/10 31/17 25/20 18/14 6/2 3/1 22/12 18/14 16/11 11/9 18/17 32/21 24/11 5/5

22/11 29/27 19/18 26/18 12/6 7/18 32/22 9/9 15/16 13/10 37/19 14/9 33/25 19/7 5/0 26/18 9/10 15/14 12/5 28/22 27/20 39/19 1 2/1 2



11/22 37/35 15/13 11/18 14/6 9/9 26/16 4/4 5/5 27/17 17/9 12/10 17/12 16/9 13/6 21/11 14/6 19/16 8/4 20/9 38/19 33/31 11/11 39/30 26/24

30/16 33/20 4/2 13/0 2/6 2/2 18/27 15/8 16/16 21/11 12/7 13/10 27/14 14/13 13/12 16/8 10/15 14/9 12/11 29/36 46/25 35/25 7/7 14/3 27/18

23/18 28/17 18/17 36/49 13/12 30/30 48/20 14/5 6/6 31/24 23/19 17/15 24/22 6/0 11/10 17/8 20/12 18/17 10/2 26/18 44/21 55/36 0/0 7/14 47/33

30/30 28/28 14/9 22/24 9/8 10/9 14/15 12/13 19/9 30/32 30/10 11/10 26/16 25/8 24/12 21/13 26/9 14/4 28/16 20/21 25/17 38/29 6/6 11/8 37/20

Old Dominion/Gamma Beta Troy State/Gamma Gam= Memphis/Gturtma Delta Western Carolina/Gamma Epsilon West Virginia Tech/Gamma Zeta UNC - Wilmington/Gamma Theta Georgia Southern/Gamma Kappa Missouri • Rolla/Gamma Lambda Belmont Abbey Coll./Gamma Ma LaGrange College/Gamma Na Georgia Southwestern/Gsunnta Xi Lander/Gamma Rho Oklahoma State/Gamma Upsilon South Alabama/Gamma Phi Augusta College/Gamma Psi Montevallo/Gamma Omega Virginia Tech/Delta Alpha North Georgia/Delta Beta Nebraska-Ornaha/Delta Gamma Northeast Missouri St/Delta Delta Jacksonville St/Delta Epsilon Appalachian/Delta Zeta MorcheacVDclut Eta Pembroke/Delta Kappa UNC-Charlotte/Delta Lambda

27/14 21/14 8/8 24/15 19/13 13/9 14/25 13/0 15/13 18/6 6/2 7/7 13/10 5/13 21/10 14/8 15/8 23/26 26/16 26/15 36/25 46/0

10/11 45/37 11/9 13/3 16/8 14/7 13/5 14/22 18/7 24/17 16/16 12/10 11/12 3/2 7/8 15/8 17/13 10/13 43/48 43/47 28/26 42/78 16/15 19/0 39/0

22/0 24/0

36/18 20/12 59/58 26/19 19/25 38/55 15/20

30/36 25/18 62/64 29/18 23/15 44/53 36/27 30/43 36/25 12/15 47/0 23/10 39/17 18/17 43/40 14/11 67/17/19 7/7 11/3 21/22 6/12 42/38 15/9

College of Charleston/Alpha Presbyterian Collcgc/Be ut Cal Wornis- Berkeley/Ganuna Furman/Delta Wofford College/Zeta Georgia Tech/Iota North Carolina/Kappa Georgia/Lambda Nebraska/Nu Roanoke College/Xi Alabama/Om icron Washington & Lee/Rho South Carolina/Sigma North Carolina State/Tau 111 inois/Upsilon Stetson/Chi Cornell/Psi Purdue/Omega Mercer/Alpha Alpha Florida/Alpha Epsilon Oregon State/Alpha Zeta Samford/Alpha Eta Michigan State/Alpha Theta Auburn/Alpha Iota Michigan/Alpha Kappa

6/5 28/23 11/11 27/22 23/14 22/19 19/21 12/15 29/25 22/19 14/13 15/0 14/9 11/7 33/31 14/10 16/5 16/18 33/39 33/38 23/34 47/35 10/3 28/26 16/17

23/21 34/33 10/10 25/24 20/16 8/6 26/31 12/9 35/13 28/19 23/19 5/14 13/11 18/13 21/17 22/16 15/12 18/7 22/11 22/11 15/5 35/45 21/25 20/36 29/31

26/17 41/37 23/26 35/35 20/13 2/2 8/7 9/0 23/22 25/23 9/6 1/1 17/18 12/15 20/23 34/24 20/23 24/31 23/23 18/31 40/40 7/9 26/22 35/32 18/11

Bowling Green/Delta Sigma James Madison /Delta Tau Univ. of Pittsburgh/Delta Upsilon Radford College/Delta Phi Kansas State/Delta Chi Texas A & M/Delta Omega Else College/Epsilon Alpha Grand Valley St. Col/Epsilon Beta Longwood Col/Epsilon Gatruna Aubum-Montgomery/Epsilon Delta Qinch vol. Col/Epsilon Epsilon Univ of Central Ark/Epsilon Zeta Winthrop College/Epsilon Eta Satan Hall/Epsilon Theta UNC-Greensboro/Epsilon Iota Southern Tech/Epsilon Kappa USC-Spartanburg/Epsilon Lambda Bradley/Epsilon Mu Cal. State-Sacramento/Epsilon Na LaSalle College/Epsilon Xi V illanova/Epsilan Omicron Virginia Cmnwealth/Epsilon l'i Lenoir-Rhyne/Epsilon Rho Quistian Brothers/Epsilon Sigma St. Joseph's/Epsilon Tau

38/30 24/32 13/11 3/0

14/13 21/13 11/12 24/29 56/42 19/1

36/22 19/9 1/1

14/13 16/12 7/3 25/23 34/14 33/43 25/41 16/53 25/39 30/28

Georgia College/Epsilon Upsilon U. of Alabama-Wham/Epsilon Phi Univ. of Denver/Epsilon Chi Slippery Rock/Epsilon Psi Texas Tech/Epsilon Omega Calif-San Diego/Zeta Beta North Dakota/Zeta Gamma Shippensburg/Zeta Delta George Mason/Zeta Epsilon North Florida/Zeta Zeta

18/14/27 5/2 28/233130/20/12

A verett College Clemson Univ/Phi Alpha Sigma Duke Univ/Mu I.U.P. Jackscnsville Univ/Ga!tuna Chi Marshall University Methodist/Delta Ma Michigan/Alpha Kappa Robert Morris Oklahoma/Alpha Gamma Shorter College Texas-Arlington/Delta Psi Texas-Austin Univ. of LaVerne Univ. of South Florida Wesley College

3/3 24/22 38/38 45/8 43/19/-

Associate Chapters 40/19/18



The Pi Kappa Phi, Top 10's 1986-87 Edition


20/10 41/37 8/7 19/31 31/18 11/14 12/0 16/13 23/13 22/15 8/8 9/4 13/10 26/27 21/34 27/7 11/3 25/18 27/14 27/14 32/11 16/15 17/12 28/30 15/42


Page 3

TOP 10 CHAPTERS, Total Initiates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Omicron - Alabama Alpha Iota - Auburn Omega -Purdue Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Lambda - Georgia Alpha Mu - Penn State Iota - Georgia Tech Chi - Stetson Alpha Theta - Michigan State

1528 1458 1227 1210 1094 1064 1063 1060 1032 972

TOP 10 CHAPTERS, # of Undergraduate Members 1986-87 Alpha Epsilon - Florida Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Delta Tau - James Madison Alpha Theta - Michigan State Lambda - Georgia Sigma - South Carolina 7. Omicron - Alabama Delta Zeta - Appalachian State 9. Omega - Purdue Epsilon Omicron - Villanova 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

179 118 108 105 93 93 88 88 83 83

TOP 10 CHAPTERS, # of Initiates this Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Zeta Delta - Shippensburg* Alpha Theta - Michigan State Alpha Kappa - Michigan Lambda - Georgia Zeta Gamma - North Dakota* Zeta Epsilon - George Mason* Beta Eta - Florida State Delta Tau - James Madison Delta Phi - Radford

64 53 44 43 42 41 39 38 37 35

* Chartered this past year

TOP 10 CHAPTERS, # Pledged this Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Lambda - Georgia Alpha Omicron - Iowa State Sigma - South Carolina Alpha Theta - Michigan State Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Beta Eta - Florida State Delta Tau - James Madison Omicron - Univ of Alabama Beta Tau - Valdosta State Epsilon Omicron - Villanova

62 54 47 44 44 43 42 41 40 40 40

Purdue Chapter House Heavily Damaged in Early Morning Blaze No one injured in potential catastrophe By Pat Kuhnle Chapter Advisor, Omega Chapter

The date Thursday,June 11, 1987 will be etched in the memory of current Pi Kappa Phi members at Purdue forever.That was the date of a two-alarm fire which destroyed the second and third floors of the house at 330 N. Grant Street. No members were injured in the blaze that started about 2:30 a.m. Nine were living in the 60-year old structure. Six brothers were in the house at the time of the fire and three of them were asleep. West Lafayette and Purdue University officials have not officially determined the cause of fire, but suspect a hot-running vacuum cleaner as the culprit. A brother had used the sweeper shortly after 2 a.m. and put the unit in a second floor storage closet in the north end of the building. Minutes later three members who were awake heard a "pop" and battery operated smoke detectors squealing. What they found was fire blazing out second floor windows at the north end of the building. While one brother tried to fight the fire, another went to find sleeping members upstairs. The member trying to fight the fire with an extinguisher, Joe Lasko, couldn't control it. He ran outside to find seven others which left one unaccounted for. Rick Rambo rushed back in only to be cut off by flames in the stairway.By that time a Purdue University police officer who was driving by, stopped and radioed for fire fighters. The police officer and Rambo made a second attempt to reach Ed Salay who was on the third floor. They couldn't see through the flames and went back outside to where the first fire fighters had arrived. Salay tried to escape

Party Turns Tragic

Pi Kappa Phi Wins Purdue Grand Prix! Purdue University's 30th annual Grand Prix featured all the ingredients of a professional racing event. Over 30,000 spectators turned out to watch the action as thirty karts hit the track for the "greatest spectacle in college racing". The local CBS affiliate picked up live coverage to entertain fans throughout Indiana and surrounding states. Since the first run in 1958, the Grand Prix has become a huge success and is a regional racing event. The race features karts sponsored by campus organizations with the help of local businesses. These high performance machines compete on a track modeled after the world championship track in Japan. Most of the karts are powered by new Yamaha engines that improved performance and enabled drivers to compete at top speeds. The race is designed to raise money for student scholarships at Purdue. Last year's race efforts netted the Grand Prix Foundation a record fifteen scholarships. Leading the field to the finish line this year was David Skelton, a four-year participant and Omega chapter brother. Skelton came from behind at seventh position to take the flag ahead of the competition. He "let the leaders play it out" until he gained the lead for good with 42 laps remaining. Brother Skelton credited his victory to his outstanding crew manned by fellow Omega members. Dave Conrad worked as crew chief on the winning kart. Also Brother Dave Jones raced to

The third floor cold-dorm was gutted in the fire. through the interior of the house but was turned back by heavy smoke. He climbed out onto the roof where he was rescued by firemen. With all members accounted for authorities concentrated on fighting the fire which had reached the third floor. Five trucks were manned by West Lafayette and Purdue firemen. They battled the blaze until shortly after 5 a.m. The fire, which officials believe started in the second floor closet, spread quickly. It was sucked up into the cold air dorm immediately above the closet by a third floor exhaust fan.The fire apparently worked its way back down the interior staircase and destroyed the south end of the second floor. The third floor and roof were completely destroyed. About one-half the roof caved in. More than three-fourths of the second floor was gutted by flames with some east-facing interior rooms receiving moderate fire but heavy smoke and water damage.The first floor and basement did not catch fire but had considerable water and smoke damage. The first floor and basement ceiling panels, tiles and plaster fell to the floor from the weight of the water. The basement was filled several feet with water. While trophies, fraternity artifacts and furniture were destroyed, members did salvage many composites.The structure was insured for $515,000 while contents were covered for $30,000. Each member was covered for $500 in personal belongings. Ironically,a majorrenovation project was to begin the morning of the fire. The renovation was to include a fire detection system,a patio off the dining room as well as new floors, ceiling tile, drywall and doors in the basement. The basement was to be completely rewired with

On the Brighter Side!

new fixtures and lights. The project was to be completed in the fall and be dedicated at Homecoming. At that point a capital funds drive was to begin to help pay off this first phase of the renovation. Two other phases were conceptualized and would be implemented based on fund raising. Now, the fraternity faces an enormous rebuilding task. The first phase of the renovation was tabbed to be $125,000 with the possibility oftwo other phases costing up to another $225,000. The goal of the project was to upgrade antiquated wiring and bring the structure up to state codes for fire and safety. Our Number 1 priority at this time is to investigate alternate housing for the members. We are attempting to locate an apartment complex near campus which can house up to 52 members. We have several options and are encouraged by the availability. A complete report including options will be forwarded to our housing corporation in the next couple of weeks for its consideration. There has been a large outpouring of offered assistance. The Dean of Students office has granted several emergency loans to members who lost all their clothes,books and money. Campus fraternities have offered to take in our members for the summer and the fall. The Indiana University Pi Kapp chapter offered to bring up 40 members to help clean-up and be of general assistance. Even though we are faced with such a large task - rush without a structure, keeping brotherhood strong, and enormous changes - we are confident that we will be a better chapter having faced this adversity. As plans are finished for the refurbishing of the structure, we will be facing a huge fund-

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die" The men of Appalachian State University, Delta Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi will not let the memory of Jabe Vernon Hardee die. They remember Jabe as an active brother who loved life. A guy who enjoyed his jeep and loved the music of Jimmy Buffet. An avid fisherman who liked to surf and ski. One brother said,"You either loved him or you didn't know him." The men of Delta Zeta chapter cherish the memories they share of Brother Hardee, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity chapters across the country can keep the memory of Jabe alive by learning a lesson from his senseless death. Brother Hardee died from a gunshot wound to the head that turned a party at the Pi Kappa Phi house into a tragedy. Two men who were not students of ASU or members of Pi Kappa Phi were kicked out of the party for harassing female guests. Around 3:00 a.m.a fight occured between the uninvited guests and eventually the trouble makers left. However, the two men returned a few minutes later with a stainless steel automatic pistol to settle the score. One of the men approached Jabe and friends as they were getting into his jeep and said, "Freeze, Boone Vice, get your hands against the jeep." Jabe questioned the man about his actions, saying,"Are you for real?" Seconds later the man

(Skelton on to Victory!) finish seventh after leading the pack for mostof the race. After a brief problem, Jones drove to finish the race and celebrate victory with Skelton. Both the competitors took the spotlight of the race for the men of Omega chapter atPurdue. The Pi Kappa Phi brothers at Purdue gained regional recognition as a result of the hard work and perseverance that went into the running of the Grand Prix. Omega brothers enjoyed media coverage and campus praise for winning the prestigious racing event. Congratulations Omega and good luck next year!

raising project. Our housing corporation is currently addressing the issue and hopes to be kicking off a capital funds drive this fall at Homecoming(yes, there will be a Homecoming which also will mark our 65th anniversary as a chapter). The Omega alumni will be very important in the future of the chapter and its facilities. Plan to attend Homecoming and see what plans we have on the table and become an active part in our new future!

fired and Jabe lay dying in the driveway of his fraternity house. Several attempts at C.P.R. could not keep Brother Hardee alive, and he was pronounced dead on arrival at the local hospital. Members of Delta Zeta chapter were left with the question "How could this have happened?" After all, the chapter planned well for the party. A guest list was prepared and invitations were extended. The Designated Driver system was in place and no one expected any trouble. Delta Zeta chapter had taken precautions but now a brother was dead for no apparent reason. It seems even the best planned party can be unpredictable. Unfortunately, this time it was tragic. Many other chapters around the country are taking steps to hold responsible, well-controlled parties much like Delta Zeta. However, problems will occur no matter what precautions are taken. Perhaps a security guard should have removed the uninvited guests. Maybe the party should have ended earlier. These are questions that will be asked for a long time. But the really important and lasting tribute the fraternity can offer Brother Jabe Vernon Hardee, is a renewed commitment from all members to protect ourselves and our friends from senseless and tragic accidents. This continued commitment will be a lasting tribute to Jabe and the memory of his life will live forever in the hearts and minds of his Brothers in Pi Kappa Phi.

Page 5

Proud recipient, Brother Jack Anderson, Delta Gamma chapter member at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, displays his Golden Legion Award. Brother Anderson is joined by his wife, Leadership Consultant Wally Wahlfeldt and area Counselor Jeff Leubker.

/ Sanford, North Carolina attorney Woodrow Wilsa Seymore, Davidson College alumnus and Epsilon chapter member shows off his Golden Legion Award commemorating 50 years of service to the fraternity. Brother Ronald T. Penny made the presentation.

GOLDEN LEGION The men listed and pictured on this page have been honored as distinguished citizens of Pi Kappa Phi. They represent the maturity of their chapter and their Fraternity. Each of them has been remembered on the 50th anniversary of their being initiated into Pi Kappa Phi.. This recognition is in the form of a handsome shingle and the designation of Golden Legion. Many shingles were presented in person by another member of Pi Kappa Phi.The intent is for all to be so presented.Some,due to various reasons, were mailed. Here the Fraternity is pleased to again acknowledge these beloved members. Alpha College of Charleston

Xi Roanoke College

Omega Purdue University

Alpha.Lambda Mississippi

Wallic Bernard Jones, Jr. Clyde Allen West

I larold Everett Fariss I lenry Lewis Kennett Roy Randolph Pollard, Jr. Cornelius M.Smith, Jr. I lenry Leonard Strangerneyer Gene I lenry Studebaker

Roger Allen Anderson Stewart Matthew Ang. Jack Gideon Broberg / Ernest Burkhardt I km, John Warren Castillo William Edward Catterall Paul Warren Edwards John Douglas Longfield Lee Lyles Lyles Thomas Francis Miller Flury Wardlaw Nevin, Jr. Donald I',orison Spring Richard Herman Suabedissen William Andrew Swanson Jolm filbert Swinney

Jesse LeRoy Alderman Durward Theodore Collins Ben Sam Griffin Tony Joseph Rosetti

Beta Presbyterian College

University of Alabama, Omicron alumnus Leo Williams recently became a member of the Golden Legion with his 50 years of membership.

Francis Wiley Booth Walter Eugene Brooker Robert Lake Clark Phillip M. Clement, Jr. Joe Lewis Cements Roy Marken I lutchinson Eldred Forrester I lutchinson Eldred Forrester MacLeod Marion Clarke Mixson

Gamma UC-Berkeley Archie Lee Edgar Arthur Walter McMurry

Delta Furman University Charlton P. Armstrong, Jr. Euta Miller Colvin Laddie Thomas Rhodes Walter Warren Sigrnan

Epsilon Davidson Univ. J.L. Ballard, J.

William!leruy Boyce David Coleman Colvin harry Vance Hendrick Charlton Bidwell Ivey David l). King William K. Masters

Zeta Wofford College

Virgil Groo, Drexel University, Alpha Upsilon alumnus, receives Golden Legion Certificate from Bill Vernon, Pennsylvania Alpha Mu alumnus.

James Paul Anderson Floyd Irving Brownley, Jr. George Alexander Gill, Jr.

Iota Georgia Tech William Bacon Ashby William Francis Bennett Doyle Phillips Butler I larold Anthony Dye Charles Felder Kent Wilford Dixon Kerby,Jr. Frank I). Miller, Jr. George Phillip Murray, Jr. Willis Dorminey Paulk Shepard Green Pryor Charles Stowers Roach William Mitchell Schotanus D.C. Watkins

John William English James Evans Kendrick James T. Nelson Carl Bryant Oxford Joseph Clewis Trucks Leo II. Williams William J. Worthington, Jr.

Rho Washington & Lee William Robert Jones George Francis McInerney George Thomas Myers Marshall Noel Picard Wallace Pickard Ethelbert Starkey Roby,Jr. Alfred Ronald Thompson

Sigma U. of South Carolina Robert L. Edwards Reuben Jackson Gambrell, Jr. Mason!lertsene I lubbard, Jr. Bruce Oswald!hunt

Tau North Carolina State Jeter Porter Brawley John Mattocks Cannon I leery Sylvester Gibbs, Jr. Fredrick Randolph I he relson Ernest Vincent I helms Albert Glenn Lancaster Maurice Lee Laughlin, Jr. Thomas Griffith Sloan Norborne G. Smith

Upsilon Illinois Paul Monroe I firm I larold Know Madison Frank Wesley Marlowe, Jr. Arthur Robert Moore Walter Scott Renner Thurston James Ruddy blurry Atkinson Ruyter John M.Seldon I larold Brown Simpson Robert Charles Taylor James Eric Wasson

Lambda University of Georgia

Chi Stetson University

John Sholars Bradbury Horace Edmund Crowe, Jr. George Warren!linden Harlock Walter Ilarvey, Jr. JIMIC3 Edwin Perryman

William David Ceely Ihrold Milne Giffin Herman Paul Maier

Mu Duke University

Golden Legion member D. Lamar Lee, College of Charleston, Alpha chapter alumnus welcomes Mason Hubbard, University of South Carolina, Sigma chapter alumnus into the Legion.

Omicron Univ. of Alabama

William Edwin Baldwin, Jr. Winder Joseph Edwards James Morgan Fitzgerald, Jr. I lenry Lee I lowud,Jr. Thomas Ogburn Jones Sam Charles Williams

Psi Cornell University Malvern Witmer Baker Frank Stove Grzywaczewski Ernest Hans Jacoby Donald !lowland Perkins Truman Kent Powers George C. Schempp, III

Past President Mel Metcalf(on the right) presents Golden Legion Certificates to Pete Lyday, Oklahoma University, Gamma Upsilon chapter and Robert Riggs, University of Illinois, Upsilon chapter.

Alpha Alpha Mercer University

Alpha Mu Penn State Marvin I le ister Angstadt Lewis Blaine Grube Robert Bradley Lesser William Everett Lord James B. Robinson, III Richard Murray Shave Edward Philip Suierhuid William Robert Walker I!amid Emory Webb William .1011C3 West

Philip Jarrell Chastian Jackson Lloyd Powell

Alpha Omicron Iowa State

Alpha Gamma Univ. of Oklahoma

Leo Francis Byrnes Benjamin Dean Foot Russell Otto Lichtenstein Carl Louis Procscholdt Gerald Elmer Rickert

John Richard Crain Harry Muller Jordan Orlan Edgar Lyday Ray Warren Winters

Alpha Delta Univ. of Washington Janes Joseph Byrne, Jr. Edward John Jeffery

Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida Charles liconord Anders Daniel Brown Fogarty I larry Ernest Fry, Jr. Arthur Bartlett Kellogg I lenry Lee Meadows,Jr. Ellison Proctor Owen, III Milas Theodore Wynne

Alpha Zeta Oregon State Phil McCune Brinknum William Stanley Coates Dale Donald Doherty Dr. Aron Luke Douglas I larold Charles Gerking Orval Augustus Hillison Stanley Robert Kelley Lewis E. Knerr,Jr. Jack Stanley Parsons

Alpha Eta Samford University William Edge Giddens William Ella Johnson lugh Frank Smith Edgar Lamar Thomas

Alpha Theta Michigan State Univ. William Everett Baird Leo DeArnicis William James Gross, Jr. Malroln Bray I larrunond Angus Fraser I lurd Richard Wallace Thatcher

Alpha Iota Auburn University Alexander Merritt Burgin George Junes Coleman, Jr. Frank Yopung Conner, Jr. John Terrell I luff William Lewis Noll, Jr.

Brother Frank Miller, Georgia Tech, Iota chapter member receiving the Golden Legion tribute from University of Florida, Alpha Epsilon alumnus, Arthur Witters.

Alpha Rho West Virginia Univ. Alexander Norris Adair John Brown Arbuckle Arthur Eckerson, Jr. George Warren I lode! Fred Nebera Walter Denzil Westfall

Alpha Sigma Univ. of Tennessee Ed Steven Byrd Barney Alden bucker

Alpha Tau Rensselaer Richard James Cox Percival W.Cummings,Jr. Paul Fulmer Davis John Joseph Dempsey Charles Gurley Estcy Edward Frederick Canna John Chester Jubin, Jr. Charles C. Kammermeyer Clarence Richard McCoy Donald Joseph Stephens Robert Otto Wagner

Golden Legion member William J. Worthington, Jr. flanked by fellow University of Alabama, Omicron chapter alumni John W. Turner and William J. DuBose.

Alpha Upsilon Drexel University Srunual Reider Foster Virgil Miles firms, Jr. James Anderson I laislip, Jr. Anthony Joseph I laldis Norman Richardson Heald Josiah Frank Powl, Jr. larry Arthur Schluter Walter I Iowan'Troyer, Jr.

Alpha Phi 1.1.'1'. Roy Downs Brinkman, Jr. Clarence Laskowski Elmer Andrew Matson Joseph Harold Pavel John Ralph Schrnal Edward William Schmidt Frank Edward Slavin

Bill Cope, Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute graduate and Alpha Tau chapter alumnus receives his Golden Legion Certificate from Roanoke College alumnus Tim Ribar.

Harold H. Madison, Illinois graduate and Upsilon chapter alumnus accepts his Golden Legion Certificate from William Barker, University of California-Berkeley, Gamma member.

1987 ANNUAL APPEAL Giving Clubs Your continued support of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Appeal has been the key to the continued success of Pi Kappa Phi. Your contributions totalling more than $107,000 this past year, have reassured the growth and development of the Fraternity's programming and provided a positive fraternity experience for over 5200 student members. Pi Kappa Phi wishes to honor these brothers, who help keep our fraternity first class, with membership in special giving clubs. All previous gifts to the annual programs are credited toward membership in these clubs.

$ 10,000 or more $ 5,000 to 9,999 $ 1,000 to 4,999 $ 500 to 999 $ 250 to 499 $ 100 to 249

Council Club Foundation Club Lamplighters Club Gold Star Club Chevron Club Crossed Sword Club

Thank You For Your Support! Council Club

Kappa North Carolina

Mu - Duke

Gamma Chi - Jacksonville Rho - Washington & Lee

J.S. Bone W.D. Fuqua

S.L. Van Embry

Nu- Nebraska

Delta Iota - Middle Tennessee

O.R. McCollum

G.D. Driver

Omega - Purdue

XJ - Roanoke

D.G. Lane

D.W. Owen

Epsilon Beta - Grand Valley T.R. Lukomski

Alpha - Charleston

Xi - Roanoke J.C. Turk

Upsilon - Illinois

Alpha Epsilon Florida G.S. Coulter Beta Beta - Florida Southern

D.F. Mulvihill P.M. Maier Psi - Cornell G.F. Heinrich Omega - Purdue

H.W. Freeman A.S. Clifton, Jr. W.L. Runyon, Jr. S.E. Chandler T.N. Dangerfield Beta - Presbyterian G.C. Adams M.C. Mixson C.C. Goodwin, III H.C. Bean, Jr. E.R. Hahn, Jr.

J.E. Lovell

T.A. Scharfenstein

Alpha Gamma - Oklahoma

Lamplighter Club

C.T. Huddle V.B. Stansell R.C. Dunnington

Gamma - Cal-Berkeley

Alpha - Charleston

W.R. Grimes R.G. Tuck C.F. Vannice F.M. Williams S.F. Shepard Alpha Delta - Washington S.S. Ryder

J.E. Burgas

R.C. Bus

Epsilon - Davidson

Epsilon - Davidson

Alpha Epsilon - Florida

A.J. Graham, Jr. W.P. Yelverton

H.V. Hendrick

JO. Boole, Jr. A.M. Carraway H.W. Pettengill, Jr.

Eta - Emory

Kappa - North Carolina W.K. Rollins

Alpha Eta - Samford

Mu - Duke

J.L. Daley

L.P. Jervey Nu - Nebraska

Alpha Theta - Michigan State

G.F. Spatz

T.D. Aylward

OmIcron - Alabama

Alpha Iota - Auburn

R.A. Brannon T.P. Julian

F.A. Maddox, Sr. J.R. Payne J.A. Flanagan, Jr.

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Alpha Nu • Ohio State D.W. Henn J.L. Miller Alpha Omicron - Iowa State

Alpha Xi- PINY

C.D. Cummings

H.H. Mayer

Beta Alpha - NJIT

Alpha Omicron - Iowa State

W.N. Newsom J.W. Cannon, Jr. J.C. Shearer S.J. Westbrook P.S. Hp K.C. Kiehl Iota - Georgia Tech W.E. Dimmock W.L. Gordy H.E. Reeves H.S. Rowland, Jr. D.B. Bullard A.F. Perkins W.H. Funk B.M. Jewett E.M. Combs J.D. Bonewitz Kappa - North Carolina W.E. Babbitt J.D. Worsham L.G. Couch W.S. Hicks T.H. Sayre

S. DePalma Lambda - Georgia

Beta Lambda - Tampa

K.A. Bergstrom F.M. Parrish, Ill

A.H. Dowd

Alpha Tau - RPI

J.P. Adams, Jr. J.G. Hutchinson

Beta Upsilon - Virginia

D.C. Dirocco

Mu Duke

D.B. Kimball, Jr.

Alpha Phi- Ilinois Tech

M.I. Pickens W.B. Snow W.W. Dodson, Jr. C.R. Myers R.T. Dunn W.H. Pope G.M. Benda L.P. Jervey, Jr.

Delta Beta- North Georgia j,p. Sachs S.G. Blackmon

Alpha Chl - Miami

Gold Star Club

F.N. Holley, III

Alpha - Charleston

Alpha Psi - Indiana

J.B. Edwards D.H. Jaffee

T.R. Brown

Nu - Nebraska

Beta Alpha - NJIT

HD. Henderson S.E. Hamilton AL. Todd, Jr.

E.J. Klebaur, Jr. D.R. VanHouten Jr. Lee, Jr.

Xi - Roanoke

Gamma - Cal-Berkeley R.P. Cornish

Eta -Emory

Beta Tau - Valdosta

M.S. Wood E.G. Wood O'Flaheny E.J. VonCulin L.N. Fairbanks. III A.O. Woody, Ill

JD. Wilson

T.E. Nelson

Omicron - Alabama

Iota - Georgia Tech

Beta Upsilon - Virginia

J.M. Moore

DJ. Smith

Lambda • Georgia

Gamma iota - LSU

LW. Lang, Jr.

J.L. Lanaux

G.R. Bennett, Jr. O.J. Pardue, Jr. G. Gunn, Jr. FM. King S.K. Owings R.S. Taylor H.E. Caldwell, Jr.

Epsilon - Davidson Beta Gamma - Louisville H. Alexander P.S. Knox, Jr.

W.D. Robb

T.B. Newman, Jr. W.B. Hopson

Beta Chi - East Texas State

Delta Tau - James Madison

Chevron Club A.A. Spears J. Hammett

D.C. Frazier I.T. Yopp, Ill W.C. Ealy

CM. Gould G.G. Turner D.L. Lee J.F. Reynolds L.B. Grube Beta Omega - ETSU C.C. Curley, Jr. A.A. Kroeg, III J.P. McCarthy N.E. Williams B.C. Brown Tau - NC State T.J. Yoho J.R. Walton, Jr. W.R. Mayes, Jr. W.B. Jones, Jr. J.B. Deyton, Jr. Alpha Nu - Ohio State Gamma Alpha - Livingston F.R. Huff R.C. Cline A.L. Haisten E.R. Stickel R.M. Barnett, Jr. J.L. Alexander Upsilon - Illinois E.D. Jennings, Jr. Alpha XI - PINY T.W. Tucker Gamma Beta - Old J.H. Wamsley J.B. Allen Dominion LW. Menzimer May T.G. AR. Cracker S.N. Perkins B.W. Covington, III C.E. Brady, III F.H. Elich Alpha Omicron Iowa F.G. Bolneau, Ill J.C. VanCleve, III J.0. Roeser State E.G. Helfer& A.J. Vanderburg W.S. Gaud, III Gamma Gamma - Troy C.W. Files J.G. Schalin McConnell State G.F. S.D. Trahey W.G. Nechanicky N.P. Fuller R.M. Koffman M. Landers E.L. Frierson Phi - Tulsa D.W. Brandt H.S. Hasty K.R. Hook C.F. Burns Gamma Delta Memphis W.P. Luhn, Jr. N.M. Laffan State D.M. Pease Chi - Stetson GA. Catterton Alpha Pi - Sewanee G.D. Padgett A.E. Vazquez H.E. Turner D.L. C. Kirkland Everson J.A. Johnston G.L. Patterson T.N. Moore R.M. Barber Gamma Zeta - West Alpha Rho West Virginia Psi - Cornell Virginia Tech Beta - Presbyterian P.F. Fisher L.G. Thayer C.W. Hutzler P.E. Farley C.E. Role J.F. Winters J. Allan Gamma Eta - Athens T.H. Grafton Alpha Sigma - Tennessee F.W. Thorne J. Bright, Jr. R.W. Slaybaugh, II J.S. Kirk L.H. Hay, Jr. K. McPherson J.H. Green F.R. Stallwonh Gamma Theta - UNC R.C. McKelvey F.A. Sharer J.G. Frampton Wilmington C.H. Vann, Jr. J.W. Steenbergen J.T. Cogdill Omega - Purdue E.F. Macleod J.M. Sondey J.T. Rymer P.W. Timberlake W.H. Higgins, Ill J.V. Salvo, Jr. Gamma Iota - LSU Alpha Tau - RPI H.G. Riggs D.R. Mucci R.J. Gollrnar D.C. Austin M.G. Porche B.M. Cahill, Jr. M.S. Tyrrell E.A. Vaughn Sayler D.R. E.O'Drobinak A.A. Smith Gamma Kappa - Georgia G.B. Wright B.R. Halley R.G. Owens, Jr. Southern R.J. Bouchard D.K. Mathis Alpha Gamma - Oklahoma J.M. Bernstein J.M. Templeton Nesmith MM. M.D. Covington, Sr. R.M. Berry Alpha Upsilon - Drexel E.H. Skinner J.W. Odon, Jr. M.E. Metcalfe Gamma - Cal-Berkeley G. Aspinwall S.A. Smith W.G. Dunnington M.L. Wolfe J.F. Rittenhouse R.J. Ogborn F.W. Thomas R.L. Davis J.D. McElhaney, Jr. A.L. Croce Gamma Lambda - Rolla L.J. Dicarlo R.E. Holly J.N. Downer P.K. Scherrer RD. Austin B.K. Morris J.W. Hawkins R.C. Simpson R.L. Sullivan A.W. Sullenger Alpha Delta - Washington N.R. Crouch Gamma XI - Georgia Alpha Phi - Illinois Tech S.J. Norgard Southern C.A. Porter N.L. Arrighl D.E. Helbling W.L. Porter N.B. Weatherall W.L. Finney W.C. Avery Kuns O.K. M.W. Hall Alpha Chi - Miami F.R. Brown D.J. Dayton T.G. Frick J.G. Seller Gamma Upsilon R.H. Dougherty, Jr. S.J. Gratis G.A. Linear Oklahoma State H.R. Ross Alpha Pal - Indiana Alpha Epsilon - Florida S.A. Montan C.J. Rogers AS. Hartong, Jr. M.H. Oakes W.D. Day, Jr. R.C. Tylander W.S. Barker Gamma Phi - South P.M. Summers B.F. Overton RA. Segel Alabama R.T. Gnall P.A. Peterson D.A. Martinez J.D. Alijan H.I. Cross C.N. Dodggette Beta Alpha - NJIT J.P. Kinlock E.F. Cobb Y.D. Stewart P.C. Barr Gamma Psi - Augusta C.F. Wheeler R.J. Paterno A.E. Sprague J.A. Stiles Charland L.J. Olson M.E. Weed H.A. Gower J.E. Ringer Beta - Florida Beta D.R. Whiteman MM. Ritchie Gamma Omega - MonSouthern R.T. Olsen O.T. Lab tevallo R.H. Miller W.L. Strickland D.P. Brown R.S. Easley D.J. Werner D.E. Wigginton LW. Caner P.H. Pause A.B. Stackpole J.D. Davis C.G. Hudspeth Delta Beta - North Georgia C.W. Walker, Jr. W.B. Carson, Jr. Beta Gamma - Louisville Alpha Zeta - Oregon State V.A. Consul MA. Brannen D.L. Scruggs T.J. Persia D.F. Bloomer W.S. Alklredge Barbarovich C.A. AN. Bright AL. Douglas Clark S.J. Beta Delta - Drake R.J. Elfers Delta Zeta - Appalachlan AM. McOueeney F.W. Raw D.P. Valeria State RT. Smhh, Jr. GA. Domnisse R.A. Clone Delta - Furman M.F. Christopher JD. Jornbrook Alpha Eta - Samford J.D. Miller W.H. Arnold Delta Lambda - UNCJ.E. Haynes S.W. Martin Charlotte W.W. Hilson Beta Eta - Florida State W.M. McMillan H.L. Dillard C.A. Marus Alpha Theta - Michigan J.M. Lloyd T.C. Stoudemayer State R.D. Nolley M.J. O'Farrell D.C. Ullman C.W. MacMillin J.D. Sparks, Jr. Delta Pi - Wright State E.C. Brewster F.M. Ryll, Jr. L.M. Hudnall C.L. Jensen H.E. McCall, Jr W.M. Cleary R.A. Prewitt Epsilon - Davidson Beta Iota - Toledo Alpha Iota - Auburn Delta Tau - James C.P. Johnston R.S. Meyer Madison D.C. Hunter J.P. Lynch, Jr. F.S. Curdts Beta Upsilon - Virginia W.J. Heath M.S. Caley W.P. Mills J.A. Summerlin, Jr. J.E. Boyd Epsilon Mu - Bradley C.C. Workman, Jr. F.J. Riggins HA. Wilson, Jr. T.W. Fuller W.H. Brinkman H. Yelverton, Jr. J.E. Kirkendall, Jr. J.A. Luebker J.B. Yount, III

Sigma- South Carolina Foundation Club

Alpha Lambda - Ole Miss

Epsilon Tau - St. Joseph's R.T. Peters, Jr. E.B. Hunter, Jr. C.E. Ratliff V.J. Thompson, II R.O. Southwell P.C. Winstead Crossed Sword Club H.W. Escue A.K. Letson, Jr. Alpha - Charleston K.L. Childs

Sigma - South Carolina

J.P. Keilsohn J.C. Cassady D.L. Gurganus J.M. Blasius W.C. Caldwell

Beta Phi - East Carolina

C.P. Hanley

Omicron - Alabama

Alpha Epsilon Florida B.H. Griffin

H.D. Leake F.A. Hauslein D.G. McCausland H.E. Stine, Jr.

R.B. Propst J.E. Johnson

Alpha Mu - Penn State J.T. Brewer E.F. Bostick R.C. Lake, Jr.

J.C. Witt

Eta - Emory EH. Sanders B.F. Simms EC. Bruce, Jr. J.P. Stiles, Sr. J.F. Puett J.C. Grizzard G.W. Williams J.H. Carter F.P. Bracewell L.E. Herrington H.G. Tebo R.J. Noland Iota - Georgia Tech

DD. Fouche T.L. Kennedy R.L. Reeves C.M. Thompson R.J. McCamy F.J. Whitley W.R. Walker L.H. Ellis M.G. Keiser L.A. Morris, Jr. J.B. Withers, Jr. D.C. Johnston J.H. Gordy J.B. Boy W.F. Bennett C.F. Kent C.S. Roach D.B. Ingram F.C. Hodge J.E. Kirkland, Jr. S.S. Roberts P.H. Cook R.T. Lowrance J.T. Murray J. Luclani J.P. Locklear P.H. Petit J. Benkert E.A. Roberts R.R. Johnson J.H. Puckett J.T. Dewberry G.W. Heburn G.V. Rouse T.F. Christain, Jr. B.C. VanDerhoff RA. Parrish C.E. Carrington P.G. Pomeroy T.G. Covington R.B. Rowe M.H. Nelson, III W.M. Conner G.O. Corcoran W.L. Allen, Jr. A.A. Imm Kappa - North Carolina J.D. Macrae, Jr. W.L. Harris B.A. Whitmire H.L. Merritt L.A. Van, Jr. B.C. Moore P.C. Wimbish AN. Daniel, Jr. J.G. Slater W.O. Fowler A.J. Jones, Jr. N.F. Magruder J.Y. Bassett J.R. Cauble W.G. Wilks, Jr. J.M. Taylor, Jr. GD. Dodson, Jr. O.E. Stepp, Jr. A. W. Daughtridge J.B. Fisher, Jr. D.C. McLeod R.C. White P.D. Arneen W.W. Gunter, II P.E. Berg H.H. Montgomery, Jr. R.S. Jordan DM.Crane J.T. Thigpen L.H. Warren, Jr. G.W. Braun R.P. Hoover G.W. Butcher, Ill C.H. Davenport M.E. Prillaman J.W. Ussery C.B. Winn, Ill J.C. Hunt S.L. Briganti RD. Moran C.R. Serenbetz W.W. Schroeder D.E. Pulliam F.L. Mangum, Jr. M.H. Winston M.R. McLaughlin

J.M. Turlington A.L. Hagler J.M. Naughton, Jr. Lambda - Georgia J.G. Pryor H.J. Bradley W.L. Duncan H.R. Ingram, Jr. M.E. Groover, Jr. J.G. Howard J.M. Stoinoff G.W. Ellard J.G. Hull M.W. Luckey J.E. Wilson, Jr. R.N. Wilson W. J. Harp, Jr. S.M. Slade P.M. Kniskern F.L. Langston J.A. Mercer T.W. Dalton, Jr. T.R. Jackson, Jr. R.L. Patrick, Jr. L.E. McDaniel R.H. Cofer, II F.L. Lane, Ill W.L. Hatcher W.H. NeSmith, Jr. J.W. McEwen Z.R. Fields R.M. Penland, Ill G.M. Tolbert E.B. Claxton ND. King W.H. Williams, Jr. M.B. Jones J.G. Clements, Jr. L.N. Preiss M.A. Harp Mu - Duke S.C. Brawley, Jr. J.W. Martens F.C. Rozzelle W.H. Bridgers R.B. Atkins J.M. VanHoy R. Dick J.A. Pell, Jr. C.H. Taylor G.F. Blalock P. Von Kirkman, Jr. F. C. Frostick, Jr. B.N. Stephens W.C. Galling, Jr. L.D. Clifton D.K. Gill T.M. Garrow LW. Miller RD. Jones H.E. Duke, Jr. D.P. Curry S.B. Coleman, Jr. D.E. Kincaid

J.W. Wade, Jr. J.S. Stump, Jr. P.J. Purchla JP. Piedrafite, Jr. D.F. Woody M.D. Klein Omicron - Alabama K.C. Harrison J.A. Watts E.W. Collins LB. Wilkerson EL. Turner, Jr. D.L. Merrill B.B. Mathis N.A. Bertolotti J.W. Turner C.H. Paulsen G.F. Barker, Jr. E.S. Davis MD. Matthews GB. Cowart C.H. Clark W.G. Sutton J.B. Tucker B.J. O'Hara, Jr. R.L. Shepherd R.H. Perkins J.J. Hall W.C. Taylor W.D. Debardelaben, Jr. C.E. Beard G.E. Moman, Jr. E.R. Hughes, Jr. W.M. Schroeder E.E. Heblon, Jr. E.V. Caldwel, II D.G. Curry, Jr. W.T. Bishop, Jr. W.L. Abbott T.B. Henderson P.C. Wesch J.E. Brunson T.H. McLaughlin, III R.J. Wright D.B. Coleman H.L. Robinson J.T. McGuire L.H. Nelson, Ill R.T. McGuire PI - Oglethorpe A.F. Laird, Jr. J.B. Frazer H.L. Smith L.J. Ptacek, Jr. Rho - Washington S. Lee

K.R. Catchpole K.W. Pruden J.P. Brenton R. Platt H.C. Woods T.L. Nelson T.C. Miller R.R. Tonjes E.J. Bier' J.A. Guretzky J.S. Christol K.P. Hcokstra W.J. Wessiund

N.D. Hall, Jr. J.B. Martin J. Grayson, III F.E. Waters, Jr. S.N. Baker R.A. Searloss, Jr. C.B. Curtis, Jr. L.L. Nettleton, Jr. D.D. Bare W. Fitzgerald, Ill W.G. Loeffler, Jr. W.J. Fidler, Jr. R.W. Hoover E.P. Garratson. Jr. J.D. Wallace M.H. Squires, Jr. B.O. Beckman C.A. Bowlus R.J. Taylor, IV D.M. Ward, Jr. R.J. Splittorf R.L. Jackson W.A. Wallace

Xi - Roanoke

Sigma - South Carolina

C.M. Hefner H.H. Fowler S.W. LavInder R.B. Hyatt W.A. Clark, Jr. F.H. Ewald G.H. Ramsey W.P. Tice H.L. Strangemeyer M. Miller, Jr. R.M. Newman C.P. Caldwell, Jr. C.L. Lemon R.A. Kasey, Jr. D.R. Patterson W.E. Mann, Jr. Johnson, Jr. J.W. Fleshman DM. Doyle S.M. Turk J.P. Charlton T.H. Nicholson, Jr. J.R. Wilson L.C. Claiborne H.B. Hahn, Jr. GB. Naff D.S. Ferguson J. Gosman R.E. Mentzinger, Jr. P.R. Dotson P.C. Caldwell MA. Moore J.A. Councilor, III R.G. Gray

R.E. Gressette S.R. Todd W.W. Fincher, Jr. G.B. Timmerman, Jr. J.C. Coulter, Jr. M.H. Hubbard, Jr. B.O. Hunt J.E. Bell, Jr. R.R. Rigby, Jr. G. Delay J.H, George R.L. Gunter W. Bobo R.H. Moorer G.T. Faircloth J.R. Stokes R.C. Mims Y.A. Montgomery, Jr. K.J. Font A.J. Appleby, Ill W.D. Rhodes, III J.C. Pruitt, Jr. R.A. Montgomery DM. Reynolds W.T Paulk, Jr. P.D. Carter, Jr. G. Fasano, Jr. R.H. Sweigin J.A. Hanson T.J. Stafford, II J.T. Brewer RD. Lacey W.J. Epperson M.D. Horvath, II

Nu - Nebraska

Tau - NC State J.W. Halstead, Jr. J.E. Barwick W.D. Wallace J.N. Shepherd, Jr. H.K. Sledge, Ill A.E. Anthony, Jr. CM. Myers CC, Painbter, Jr. W.L. Reams At. Evans C.N. Humphrey J.M. McConnaughey DM. Martin D.D. Hartsoe M.L. Collins F.A. Collins, Jr. Upsilon - Illinois M.T. Bartholomew KM. Gibbon J.C. Brown F.W. Teegarden, Jr. R.C. Reed E.J. Ullemeyer W.E. Hase'wood J. Ondrus Feicht F.L. Ketcham WA. Hasfurther K.J. Rabe F.H. Beinhoff J.G. Carson C.L. Larsen— G.A. Leech R.E. McCormick C.R. Manch R.O. Howard BB. Cox M.H. Thomas A.R. Moore 0.D. Gay E.T. Prosser L.C. Pruch J.L. Johnson E.W. Trogden J. Pottenger T.F. Krizan J.M. BayneW.F. Perkins G.E. Hester J. Simpson 0. Bouc, Jr. D.G. Thompson J.R. Stroehlein J.A. Gauer E.R. Cwiklin M.L. Kirchman S.E. Mumford R.J. Regnier R.J. Bogdanoff R. Arrighy T.J. Pemberton Chi - Stetson



T.M. Baker IS. Carton E.A. Ulmer J.E. Hutchison CS. Boothe J.H. Griffin P.P. Poole H.M. Day F. Stoudenmire II. Hughes D.C. McNamara R.W. Mansur J.C. Inman F.W. Brown, Jr. RD. Cooper T.J. Dean, Jr. T.F. Pattiilo FP. Showalter T.M. Wrenn M.B. Lawrence JD. Hayden E.H. Culver I.M. Southward LM. Anderson R.M. Tinsley A.E. Grindle, Jr. W.D. Key W.M. Thrash J.E. Waddell, Jr. Psi - Cornell E.L. Lehr E.J. Fischer P.T. Pratt A.S. Ritz F.H. White, Jr. E.S. Pitkin W.S. Magalhaes N.J. Marquart W.K. Mayhew D.H. Perkins J.F. Storey J.H. Angus S.G. Milks W.J. Zygmunt G.R. Fisher M.J. Piscitelli


Omega - Purdue L.P. Lang F.L. McDonald B.F. Telikamp J.A. Timmons, Sr. D.J. Hendrickson HD. Meyer P.C. Swafford W.C. Pritchard H.B. Anderson D.J. Kimmel F.E. Rector G.G. Fassnacht G.L. Nord C.W. Myers H.R. Johnson, Jr. W.L. Norrington R.E. Thomson C.L. Sadler T.F. Miller PA. Porter E.J. Masline J.W. Badger R.B. Olson G. Houston, Jr. T.R. Brown J.A. Sudduth S. Guilicksen W.K. Daniel E.W. Lines R.H. Lowe W.K. Carr G.C. Frederick D.M. Davis A.G. Kirchner, Jr. N.C. Smith, Jr. J.L. Weaver D.E. Haseiwood J.T. Venard W.G. Scheck H.M. Flanagan

R.J. Eyer K.L. Kraus J.F. Coffel M.H. Ohaver B.J. Breen D.R. Victoria, Jr. W.G. Hercules C.B. Hall F.J. Hackleman C.P. Smith M.K. Wilson R.M. Little R.E. Hill W.D. Peace, Jr. K.A. Hasler R.M. Schulte, Jr. T.J. Beal G.L. Robertson V.E. How J.K. Stiller Alpha Alpha- Mercer H.E. Rhodes W.G. Bruner R.U. Harden J. T. Cash L.C. Carter A.F. Martin, Ill R.D. Higgins, Jr. J.C. Garvin, Jr. C.R. Melton R.L. Bennett, Jr. S.T. Carter Alpha Beta- Tulane J.G. Scott W.A. Howard CE. Richards

D.P. Perrin J.T. Reviglio R.D. Manning W.W. Thomas D.J. Desilvis G.S. Munn C.R. Hartsough C.B. Hampton K.W. Dotter T.K. Herbage R.L. Hug P.C. Meyer D.H. Vawter E.K. Shimojima

R.C. Moehler R.I. Parks S.J. hadden S.J. Diorio J.A. Lasala Gedney, Ill J.R. Heller B.R. Foster

Alpha Eta- Samford SM. Hall J.G. Cuninghame, Jr. E.B. Bruce W.C. Davis, Jr. SM. Jones J.W. Edwards J. Bell D.E. Nolen S.M. Winton T.D. Mitchell J.H. Hall R.G. Evans, Ill W.M. Ford J.R. Bell W.W. Dixon, Jr. A.G. Sizemore Alpha Theta - Michigan State

GS. McIntyre W.C. Proctor G.D. Quigley AG. Spears Alpha Gamma - Oklahoma O.J. Schuster AC. Morley B.T. Dawson K.A. Sprague B.A. McElyea A.J. Morse T.R. Moore K.A. Bellinger CP. Tate R.B. McCall R.D. Fagin W.J. Ritchie M.A. Morse E.H. Salmon C.W. Bovay G.W. Strain R.A. Bogan, Jr. R.W. Hoffman W. DeMaagd J.C. Jordan J.F. Stoll S.R. Baldwin B.R. Connelly L.M. Besenfelder J.A. McCormack C.L. Haying D.E. Sabrosky Haddock, Jr. C.C. KG. Adams L.D. Crall D.E. Vieceill Alpha Delta - Washington L.C. Paul, Jr. F.L. Woodard P.E. Terzick K.D. Kruger C.C. Luthy F.O. Wollaston C.A. Hedreen D.M. Rafferty E.R. Allison D.K. Meyers J.A. Clague Alpha lots - Auburn R.M. Snider D. Nicholls J.T. Russell W.C. Waara M.K. Wilkins H.W. Faringer, Jr. D.D. McBain L.D. Judkins L.A. Mesqer Crunp J.R. Pederson J.M. Hamilton R.J. Hansen F.W. Hurt M.D. Kinkade W.L. Noll, Jr. G.J. Coleman Alpha Epsilon - Florida J.R. Haley J.W. Williams D.B. Leigh H. Dicus, Jr. AC. Mann EN. Henderson S.O. Hubbard L.C. Pharo, Jr. J.N. Davis R.L. Ferrell BE. Heriong P.7. Persons W.J. Taylor, Jr. W.B. Smith G.N. Howe TM. Gordon T.B. Simpson J.H. Hendry G.D. Wood, Jr. W.E. Colburn H.E. Fry, Jr. B.S. Reed E.P. Owen, Ill W.G. Amos R.D. Tylander D.H. Barclay R.H. Ross N.D. McClure, IV L.E. Davis, Jr. J.G. Lovell, Jr. A.G. alters J.D. Christiansen, Jr. S.W. Irby W.L. Bailey W.F. McCall, Jr. R.S. Travers W.E. Combs G.M. Patterson J.S. Crown, Jr. W.W. Jones, Jr. W.M. Gillespie J.D. Wolsoncroft D.T. Kendrick T.M. Fitzgerald W.S. Taylor C.M. Ramsey Riordan D.J. J.W. Forehand, Jr. R.C. Watson M.E. Harrison D.W. Hall C.W. Lapradd N.C. Harrison Alpha Kappa - Michigan W.F. Sahlie R.C. Bartlett W.W. Rowley C.A. Stewart D.C. Green H. Graves, Jr. H.A. Pullen R.K. Cacciatore J.M. Gibson J.J. Powers WA. Post RC. Hotchkiss C.E. O'Mara C.M. Kirts E.W. Keck J.M. Halabrin R.C. Smith McGrail Alpha Lambda- Ole Miss J.P. J.H. Bell O.E. Cathay D.A. Wick M.P. Hill J.H. Tabb G.W. Cotton O.L. Casey J. Zoltek, Jr. T.J. Rosetti D.A. Gatchell S.J. Borganelli M. Thurn A.E. Luer Alpha Mu - Penn State R.L. Sullivan C.E. Caudell, ill R.M. Atkinson M.L. O'Donnell R.B. Craine, Sr. W.P. Keyes J.M. Alter J.Y. Wilson E.W. Murphy GA. Leonard J.F. Kieser, Sr. Jr. A.R. Yerkes J.F. Catalan', D.G. Jones F.O. Brass, Jr. M.B. Varney C.H. Case. Jr. JD. Brisbane B.M. Clark W.R. Walker Alpha Zeta - Oregon State L.M. Knetz R.F. Bush H.R. Kallander R.P. Jones N.M. Ruhmann A.P. Wagner V.A. Fridley P.L. Davis, Jr. G.M. Reid BE. McIntyre C.C. Ekstrand E.R. Yeager H.E. Conkle R.C. Helm Sigovich M.N. W.F. Exley S.R. Kelley W. Simon, ill W.S. Coates M.P. Ranc, Jr. P. Mowry L.S. Fry, Jr. M.D. Knorr S.G. Krepps, V J.W. Steward E.B. Hoffman, Jr. J.P. Schenck J.J. Shue E.D. Barton K.W. Zehner G.W. Bllnco G.H. Schaffner J.W. Moore J.D. Funk R.L. Nordlander W.J. Vernon, Jr. N.D. Logan D.A. Kearney J.N. Wilson J.M. Rodgers C.G. Estes K.L. Shaner R.C. Terhune M.B. Trull T.D. Patterson MA. Gardockl

Alpha Nu - Ohio Stale R.C. Newhouse W.P. Ansley K.D. Weber CA. Stickel H.H. Honda C.D. Hablitzel Alpha XI - PINY C.F. Pester A.E. Munzer B.J. Minette L.N. Rowley, Jr. W.J. Troeller, Jr. IF. Boette G.A. Carleton, III W.E. Eisele R.E. Nugent H.S. Gartner G. Ahlers F.M. Eigner 0. Jensen J.G. Anderson A.B. Steele J. Smellie W.J. Griffin E.F. Schofield J.A. Miele F.J. Esposito R.P. Brady P.J. Hauth G.R. Gelss J.E. McCooey B. Jatzen RE. O'Donohue, Jr. J.H. Ripel R.J. Magg W. Delnicki S.C. Harazim W.T. Roney, Jr. J.E. Flaherty PD. Hoeker P.W. Dillon F.M. Herbert, 111 F.C. Holzer HA. Backofen, Ill R.T. Currie R. Demarino M. Pilo W.J. Prinzlvalli J. Marsh Cl. Stehle J. Didonato R. Noni L.T. Destefano R.C. Stankovic J.F. Burns J. Famoso S.A. Roller S.M. Bertone G.H. Scheibner B.J. Elowsky Alpha Omicron - Iowa State W.F. Kuehne H.L. Whitney J.S. Brown G.J. Kunau J.G. Duncan P.M. Muller R.H. Brandau E.E. Paine RD. Lichtenstein B.D. Foot C. Schram, Jr. RX. Mckean E.J. Harman W.I. Rickert G.D. Love J.R. Carson R.E. Stinogel J.D. McCully K.J. Bader M.N. Menefee T.J. Hickey J.J. Veak S.E. Fritz T.J. Ruzicka W.A. Madden J.D. Crawford J.M. O'Neil J.J. Parrish D.R. Stark B.L. Croucher T.J. Toll C.P. VanZile S.K. Tait P.V. Hall

Alpha Tau - RPI J.A. Peartree R.Y. Atlee R.H. Blackford W.K. Graves M.H. Pietschker G.J. Mucher W.A. McAuley F.A. Bandre E.B. Fox, Jr. RD. Wagner KG. Pratt L.O. Albre, Jr. W.A. Roberts G.L. McCauslan F.R. Bohl GD. Cook R.I. Lyons E.R. Stacey GB. Dobson R.J. Andrews W.A. Rapetski F.D. Popp F.R. Anibal W.B. Hankinson A.T. Kelly, Ill K.E. Kuffner E.B. Nagel M.E. Hession D. Dropkin G.W. Kirkland, Jr. M.J. O'Brien C.H. Dustin, Ill AS. McCarthy R.J. Kirchgessner T.C. Trela E. nebula J. Keough D.M. Peter G. Howell, Jr. J.M. Rose RD. Sidelko B.A. Johnson K.J. Walker W.A. Steffancin Alpha Upsilon - Drexel S.A. Wilson, Sr. D. Greer W.L. Stillwaggon W.P. Fitzgerald, Jr. A.W. Tunnel', Jr. J.A. Bader R.J. Cannon, Jr. G.S. Merritt E.R. Kiehl E.M. Simon 0.M. Hokanson GL. Hess, Jr. TA. Laroe H.A. Cowles R.E. Anderson W.W. Dearoff, Jr. J.K. Stoner J.F. Kelley, Jr. D.M. Hillegas G.F. Kolle F.H. Staiger J.A. Steer P. Brewington J.N. Marshall A.D. Henderson J.M. Hudson O.C. Miller, Jr. S.R. Parris D.C. Craft A.P. Lannutti F.W. Schmehl D.L. Schey K.J. Dirkes J.D. Knoll, Jr. T.C. Block W.L. Shute J.A. Selfarth R.H. Griffin M.S. Gennaro, Jr. MM. Sellers E.C. Lowe W.K. Sheppard W.K. Stens S.J. Costa, Jr. R.L. Drager J.T. Farr D.R. Wary E.J. Dimond J.S. Cohick R.E. lmbrogno Alpha Phi - Illinois Tech

J.F. Humiston CA. Achnackel M.B. Stevens Svehla R. Nickel G.E. Hoff J.V. Roach D.G. Snyder J.L. Pottenger RE. Belke Alpha Phi - Sewanee E.A. Donkers J.C. Woodling D. Gilchrist, Jr. R.W. Wolfe D.E. Frierson L.A. Strote Alpha Rho - West Virginia W.J. Plichta D.R. Larson B.W. Seiwell ER. Smith S.W. Bisone R.L. Harper E.A. Kaschins R. Izar R.L. Peterson N.D. Griffin E.W. King T.G. Williams F.W. Widlak G.W. Hodel P.W. Wagner J.B. Arbuckel P.E. Ostrander R.J. Laughner KG. Wohlers J.E. Ryder R.W. Hughes J.C. Marano, Sr. D.J. Fronczek J.C. Marano, Jr. B.C. Colona W.B. Russell R.H. Millman Alpha Sigma - Tennessee Alpha Chi - Miami R.B. Smith M.C. Hopkins W.H. Read J.C. Adkins Alpha Psi - Indiana A.B. Reed R.B. Cecil J.C. Williams ES. Byrd I-4.0. Thursby G.A. Steele G.L. Alien Johnson O.R. D.E. Brennan H.B. Simmons W.M. Prunty T.E. Earl GD. Barnes R.E. Gibson, Jr. R.G. Mundy T.H. Banks W.E. Bray R.H. Smith W.G. Murray F.M. Pugh C.J. Blackerby G.A. Anderson J.R. Ruckrlegle L.D. Hamric R.A. Wingler P.W. Combs D.C. Gibson C.M. Gray R.L. Stutz D.P. Everhart SE. Evenbeck R.C. Seldd D.W. Huffman P.H. Jernigan C.R. Downey J.R. VanFrank, Jr. D.S. Shook, III H.D. Jorsz J.D. LIngenfelter KR. Schneeberger

J.L. Barker D.E. Rose J.M. Hayden S.W. Smith K.L. McDonald B.D. Hinton J.E. Kaufman

J.A. Gallagher D.E. O'Neal R.C. Swirbul R.A. Myers W.G. Birch R.M. Griffin, Jr. G.J. Cooper T.C. Keaton, 11

Alpha Omega - Oregon Beta Mu - McNees° S.W. Holmes T.V. Vandawark F.L. Strelmer GD. Lasselle S.C. Lynch

E.M Potratz PA. Brown S.N. Guidry Bets Nu - Houston

Beta Alpha - NJ1T W. Oakenell J. VanBroekhoven J.R. Albright J.B. Snodgrass, Jr. R.M. Fechillas R.A. Mason D.E. Bruce R. Spinelli J.V. Lavery F. Becker, Jr. J.A. Krucher L. Fisher J.J. Manfredi L.R. Miceli W. McCabe F.J. Wood J. Pugliesi N. Adams MA. Schulzkzi Beta Bets - Florida Southern W.M. Fraser, Jr. D.C. Hanson

CM. Koch RD. Woodall R.K. Carroll KS. Ketterer, Jr. R.J. Chapin J.W. Cook GB. Baker DI. Robertson J.M. Thompson S.L. Cavanah R.W. Bruce, Jr. D.R. Jones Beta Gamma - Louisville S.E. Harper, Jr. B.T. Hund J.T. Cook J.L. Paddock, Jr. Beta Delta - Drake D.A. Sears R.D. Howell K.R. Miller W.D. McConaughy G.A. Oldham P.H. Gilman P.D. Try D.B. Walter H.J. Winegar G.Y. Sugiyama N.D. Rowland H.M. Brand, Jr. D.E. Hogan J. Lablak JD. Howard, III J.C. Glick J.F. Verlautz Beta Epsilon - Missouri F.B. Boyd, Jr. W.T. Richards J.B. Wade L.G. Trudell P.J. Frazee C.B. Ussner J.J. Stuckel K.L. Fellhoelter Beta Eta - Florida Stale R.P. Gillis L. Almerico R.C. Lukas G.G. Fernandez B. Stilwell, Jr. Cl. Delk W.J. Green, Jr. P.A. Kalmes L.J. Leslie G.W. Hollingsworth L.C. Horton J.W. Newman, Jr. C.M. Wilson L.A. Bodiford R.F. Brown R.M. Plotts D.P. Stewart, 11 S.M. Wilson, Jr. D.V. Allen D. Dunbar J.M. Holler MM. Waters C.D. New D.T. Prior Beta Theta - Arizonia R.T. Gilbert C.E. Deleuw, Jr. Beta lots - Toledo A.B. Mungons R.S. Kuhlman R.W. Schiller R.D. Conley R.N. Linder W.C. O'Shea L.A. Talmage G.H. Hershman P.C. Simmon G.K. Dunaway D.D. McEwen R.E. Kagy J.W. White, Jr. R.P. Papa C.A. Myers Beta Kappa - Georgia State R.B. Donaldson D.R. Ward J.B. Whitley C.B. Doss, Jr. DR. Ferguson D.C. Code, Jr. Beta Lambda - Tampa J.A. Harnett G. Walton

R.H. Patterson, Jr. S.M. Shackelford

Gamma Zeta - West Virginia Tech P.R. Oneacre J.P. Mann D.M. Childers W.S. Kocher D.L. Prinzbach R.K. Kelly R. Michael M.C. Paterno D.F. Maffessanti D.E. Skaggs E.D. Bauer D.M. Jones CA. Smith S.M. Moore J. Manzano D.L. Holt W.G. Conrad, Jr.

MD. Lawless D.R. Sutton CA. Cecchini R.P. Moultrie P.W. Wingo WA. Tew DM. Nicholson V.C. Eilenfield M.R. Pickett A.O. Smith C.A. May R.C. Barr, Jr. Delta Gamma - UNO D.C. Dvorak K.A. Liesche, Jr. D.H. Ehrlich W.M. Ojile C.E. Thacker

Beta Xi - Central Michigan Gamma Eta - Athens

Delta Delta - Northeast Missouri

D.M. Valeria B.R. Wiltse S.J. Thatcher D.E. Clappison

W.J. Kelly D.H. Littel, IV T.S. Reinke

N.I. Akers M.L. Taylor

Beta Omicron - Northwestern State

Gamma Theta - UNC Wilmington

Delta Epsilon - Jacksonville

P. Rochelle, Jr. S.W. West IL. Peltier A. Bachman

W.B. Kirby O.K. Walls, Jr. W.E. Dalaton J.M. Corcoran J.M. Pollard, Jr. H.C. Merritt, Jr. J.C. Piner A.B. Walls L.H. Harris

Beta Sigma - Northern Illinois

N.D. Buttram, Jr. R.Y. Owen F.O. Holland J.H. Young, Jr. Delta Zeta - Appalachian State

Page 7 Epsilon Mu - Bradley J.K. O'Brien F.J. McCue, Ill Epsilon Nu - Sacramento K.A. Spannath Epsilon Xi - LaSalle E.J. Jesko Other Donors Alpha - Charleston G.E. Sheetz J.T. West

GA. Nelson G.C. Rogers, Jr. R.W. Marlowe R.I. Adams D. Ravenel, Jr. B.L. Lempesis C.A. Barrett, Ill P.H. Grayson, ill N.L. Wilson I.V. Greco M.T. Finch, Jr. L. Mixson Beta - Presbyterian

T.J. Blalock J.H. Broughton DA. Vaughn S.G. McGregor D.W. Edwards Georgia Gamma Kappa W.E. Matthews Beta Tau - Valdosta S.D. Terry Southern J.V. Hamby R.G. Ouellette T.C. Middleton, Jr. R.B. Thomas J.F. Riggs G.G. Davidson J.W. Ballard P.L. Adams C.P. Cates R.W. Hall C.E. Massey H.H. Wilford R.S. Sapough, Jr. J.L. Payne J.F. Oliver J.B. Graham J.T. Brooks E.W. Norris R.P. Wilson M.L. Parrish W.R. Maxwell A.G. Maxwell, Jr. MM. Miller L.J. Hamrick Delta Eta - Morehead E.C. Dykes, Ill D.M. Newell J.R. Woodward Beta Upsilon - Virginia G.L. Kring H.W. Mason Gamma Lambda - Rolla El. Fender J.B. Browning Delta Iota - Middle M.R. Schnettler Rains D.O. Tennessee S.S. Applegate J.M. Ingram C.E. Sweat Hughes M.P. Gioia, Jr. H.J. McKane M.L. Potts R. Bentzinger Gamma - Cal-Berkeley W. Couper K.W. Walden G.L. Hale T. Freeman W.H. Coalson H.D. Senger R.I. Huber R.D. Picolet Delta Lambda - UNCE. Roberts S.S. Moore E.S. Harris Charlotte S.J. Craze Cl. Nesbit, Jr. J.M. Gioia D.H. O'Rear G.F. Shipp M.E. Ashley W.E. Christman S.A. Fedder Gamma Mu - Belmont C.P. Cannon KD. Fahlman G.A. Dickson Abbey F.C. Proctor, Jr. Rh. Ault T.B. Taylor W.L. Dawkins G.F. Kusic El. Furtado RM. Paschal E.G. Smith J.R. Cottingham, II D.N. Vered J.H. Mitchell P. Coupin Beta Phi - East Carolina Gamma Nu - Lagrange J.J. Lucey Delta Mu - Methodist H.E. Steals, II avv. Halligan W.H. Lewis, Jr. D.A. Long M.N. Plank M.F. Barefoot G.S. Rogers T.F. Stewart R.L. Farr RD. Scott M.A. Nielsen CE. Brock, Jr. Delta XI - North Alabama Gamma XI - Georgia RP. Siegfried Delta - Furman Southwestern S.A. Pirkle D.R. Barbour L.P. Guess E.S. Banks, Jr. C.L. Razor Suppes D.W. S.T. Hicks, II R.L. Baggarly Delta Omicron - Nicholls G.H. Cleveland M.T. Auten G.E. Crouch, Jr. B.E. Miller, ill State L.C. Edmonds M.M. Young N.H. Yaughn, Jr. CD. Brewer J. Towler A.W. Howard J.J. Olin Southern J.A. J.T. Cherry, Jr. Beta Chi - East Texas E.M. Colvin J.B. Colston Delta Pi - Wright State State E.G. Haskell, Jr. M.R. Todd P.J. Manning B.K. Rockwell K.L. Park F.B. Webster Gamma Rho - Lander D.W. Strewn BA. Hollingsworth Beta Pal - Tennessee Epsilon - Davidson Wesleyan J.T. Lusk RE. Waugh F.A. Nell, Jr. T.D. Brown J.A. Womack G.M. Chaney L.H. Dreyfuss G.R. Whitlock R.A. Hall R.W. Craft J.R. Hotchkiss W.C. Rozelle Jr. Omega ETSU C.M. Watson, J.S. Anderson Beta S.M. Hines RE. Corber R.H. Blair R.I. Terry Gamma Sigma - ArmE.A. Lang, Ill Jones R.A. Burgess J.S. strong E.J. Hogan, ill C.B. Ivey RX. Younger R.K. Dukes S.M. Woodward PA. Kaluzne, Jr. J.R. Gaither, Jr. Gamma Alpha - Livingston DA. Leonard Delta Sigma - Bowling J.S. Tolbert R.E. Tucker, Jr. Green W.H. Clayton, Jr. B.C. Wagar A.M. Baucom W.P. Taylor Texas Tau North Anderson Gamma C.L. J.H. Vernon H.E. Pettis KM. Lotosky H.W. Bloom, Jr. R.M. Williams J.M. Springer Eta - Emory C.E. Yelverton, Jr. T.W. Russell M.F. McDonald Delta Tau - James CA. Jackson, Jr. Gamma Upsilon Madison G.T. Cook Gamma Beta - Old Oklahoma State J.S. Wood Dominion DO. Hill W.W. Floyd J.D. Danvers D.L. Dixon G.W. Walker Delta Upsilon - Pittsburgh S.L. Laird, Jr. J.W. Satter, Jr. L.A. Beverly, Jr. B.L. Howell W.C. Bright, Jr. K.W. Weltzheimer M.R. Zwick Iota - Georgia Tech W.G. Jenkins T.L. Bachas Gamma Phi - South Delta Chi - Kansas State H.P. Haley E.H. Joy Alabama V.T. Stallings D.M. Midgett M. Richter F.E. Fuchs A.M. Wilder, Jr. L.H. Green L.C. Bowker D.C. Boy, Jr. T.E. Treichler F.D. Havard L.P. Walker, Jr. P.V. Shebalin Delta Psi - UT-Arlington K.E. Webb P.B. Cleaveland J.C. Simpson J.T. Hill J.R. Paus W.W. Ridgely W.T. Svihel G.L. Chastang Wheeler, Sr. C.W. C. Mackenzie J.W. Greene L.B. Davis Davenport, Jr. P.C. Epsilon Beta - Grand P.J. Langenbach A.D. Guggolz J.E. Simonik Valley W.W. Kaempfer P.T. Eaton J.M. Bednarek T. Lowndes, Jr. Gamma Chi - Jacksonville S.J. Gilbert J.L. Wilson, Ill Gamma Gamma - Troy T.H. Garlick, 11 State P.L. Stynchcomb Epsilon Gamma - LongR. Antovel wood J.P. Hunter J.E. Ferguson J.P. McClendon, Jr. L.M. Huffy R.C. Murray, Jr. D.H. Zavon AS. McAra S.R. Olivier Gamma Delta - Memphis D.C. Sisco, II H.L. Rubin Gamma Psi - Augusta Slate Epsilon Epsilon - Clinch T.T. Bomar J.C. Montgomery BA. Keel W.T. Siebert Valley J.M. Jones M.B. Smith R.A. Mullin J.T. Herzberg D.G. Baker, Jr. GA. VanAsek R.H. Sage W.K. Nichols T.L. Carter D.M. Donathon P.B. Wood Gamma Omega - MonR.S. Harrower J.E. Younger tevallo Epsilon Theta - Salon Hall IL. Mosher F.J. Ealick, Jr. T.F. Lynch C.L. Hall, II J.T. Johnson D.C. Bennett D.B. Hunter R. Call J.B. Beal, Jr. Kappa - North Carolina R.L. Leder Epsilon Iota - UNCGamma Epsilon - Western Greensboro A.R. Brown Carolina Delta Alpha - VPI C.T. Wilson M.K. Miller J.H. Yokley L.Y. Ramsey J.N. Grist H.Y. Ingram W.M. Johnson, Jr. R.L. Crawford C.W. Little Thompson Southern J.L. Kappa Epsilon Willis W.F. BA. Nash R.P. Hunt Tech R.D. McKenzie W.J. Ryan D.F. McAllister L. Adams R.M. Bailey F.V. Coville J.A. Ransom D.C. Turner Adams C.P. M.D. Cope Delta Beta - North Georgia Epsilon Lambda - USC- D.C. Young KR. Craft J.F. Falconer Spartanburg T.F. Perkins DI. Walker J.B. Little, Jr. E.J. Waller, Ill P.J. Rogers Weathers, Jr. R.K. Holzworth W.S. R.B. Shaver T.O. Nicholson, Jr. DR. Caudle M.L. Trotter S.C. Davis, Jr. U.G. Matherly, Jr. DD. Firkins

R.M. Burns C.T. Stewart C.H. Melvin, Jr. G.M. Mackie W.L. Bost, Jr. B.F. Ball, Jr. D.W. Balt C.R. Lowendick, Jr. B.T. Marley C.C. Huggins S.C. Shaw H.G. McNeill R.E. Branch D.E. Warren G.W. Allen R.N. Hadley J.C. Leak D.H. Mobley V.L. Weatherspoon, Jr. M.R. Gorham J.M. Wilrnott Lambda - Georgia W.A. Foster, Jr. J.H. Fleming J.W. Wilson J.S. Bradbury E.B. O'Ouinn T.W. West J.F. Pet* R.F. Tansill W.G. Tison R.L. Story V.M. Armistead R.J. Holliday W.L. Huggins D.A. Fox J.T. Green C.R. Spooner, Jr. J.R. Lawrence Mu - Duke W.R. Pitts R.J. Rogers J.H. Brownlee F.G. Satterfield S.F. Home W.J. Edwards B.N. Hull ki-f. Bynum, Jr. H.H. Hawfieki W.F. Bishopric N.G. Gbson J.W. McConnell S.K. Peeler E.H. Baumer C.E. Lake M.B. Roberson J.T. O'Kelley, Jr. S.E. Atkinson J.C. Bernstein M.C. Scammol Nu • Nebraska I.W. Hedge W.K. McCandless R. Parli E. Tarr L.G. Zinnecker, Jr. J.V. Matthews D.B. Warnke J.R. Boling J.A. Corzine G.L. Pleas D.L. Ochsner Xl - Roanoke C.E. Webber ON. Hyatt C.B. Sherertz L.J. Mullineaux R.C. Thomas A.C. Stump W.D. Keister J.R. Stafford, Jr. D.J. Kerr D.W. Coates R.M. Dome S.L. Day W.H. Delatron B.T. Stortz J.W. Kowalczyk D. Woodridge J.R. Barley M.K. Bast S.T. Bast Omicron- Alabama H. Davis J.W. Miree W.R. Purcell SA. Windham J.L. May, Jr. L.K. Cooper W.F. Wans R.O. Stripling W.J. Worthington, Jr. J.C. Trucks E. Pagelsen J.E. Young, Jr. G.D. Airheart H.R. Hope G.D. Ross, Jr. W.W. Young, Jr. T.V. Giben, Jr. R.L. Bowers E.M. Harrison, Jr. J.P. Fitzgerald M.T. Ditto J.W. Parker W.R. Summerlin B.K. McDonald, Jr. J.R. Jacobs R.A. Kilgore J.T. Robbins, Jr. R.L. Hood, III J.B. Moore, Jr. E. Kerr L.J. Contrl T.E. Norton, Jr. M.S. Teal D.L. Stokes R.F. Baerwald C.J. Payne B.J. Brock F.E. Robinson J.W. Washam, Ill D.B. Flournoy, Jr. J.M. Groom L.M. Crumpton, Ill D.A. Andrews CS. Steed, Ill K.W. Sibley J.C. Miller, Jr. G.W. Stood R.H. Smith A.D. Watts J.C. Ware RD. Burdett° R.B. Metcalf D.A. McOualg, Jr. J.F. Frays! S.G. Mapes

Rho - Washington & Lee R.B. Shively E.A. Turville G.F. McInerney K.B. VandeWater RE. Holle W.M. Greene J.E. Roane B. Macgowan W.J. Crater, Jr. R.K. Park, II J.W. Ivey, II H.W. Manley G.Z. Bateh Sigma- South Carolina C.E. Wise F.E. Guinn C.R. Sanders, Jr. J.S. Flynn J.J. Kennedy E.E. Cashon, Jr. M.T. Sickinger D.D. Kennedy A.C. Mayas D.H. Senn J.D. Hoopes J.A. Davis M.H. Merrill Tau- NC State A.N. Greene R.E. Noblin A.M. Guillet, Jr. J.A. Feather, Jr. W.B. Chalk S.D. Seymore, Jr. E.W. Avent, III T.A. Karam W.D. Campbell J.H. Johnson, III H.L. Mashburn J.E. Paul, Jr. E.G. Wall W.N. Rodman R.H. Farrell E.W. Small J.C. Johnson A.G. Fuller W.G. Robbins, Jr. V.H. Agrda K.D. Sheesley T.J. Dyer M.J. Noland T.R. Overton W.H. Gurnee, III J.F. Anderson, Jr. Upsilon - Illinois R.M. Riggs J.F. Bracken C.J. Steinicke, Jr. R.E. Turner P.S. Presta R.J. Barg W.J. Seldon R.E. Crabb H.K. Madison HA. Ruyter F.W. Marlow, Jr. M.A. Schaid E.L. Atkins G.M. Dowd P.B. Phinney A.J. Clyde W.H. O'Donnell W.R. Stiles J.C. Murphy P.P. Depasquale E. Schrnalenberger L.J. Oberwise, Jr. R.P. Newlin D.J. Kallal L.T. Perkowski J.J. Giarnpoli P.A. Dowd J.D. Clifton M.W. Brzoska B.E. Frank W.T. Leonard J.F. Guzolek Phi - Tulsa P.B. Havenstrite Chi - Stetson E.P. Hogle C.B. Garnsey, Jr. E.G. Huntington C.T. Parsons G.B. Clark, Jr. E.A. Jinkinson P.D. Sandlin AD. Carroll J.W. Harvard W.E. Ray J.K. Snellings I.J. Giroir C.L. Ivey J.L. Young C.F. Granger P.W. Hogue R.V. Ginn S.S. Gryskiewicz, Jr. T.M. Mullen A.N. Morris, Ill S.C. Renwick D.G. Vincent K.D. Panouses R. Dyer D.A. Filner G.S. Mailer J.H. McCorvey Pal - Cornell N.R. Miller J.R. Heilman, Jr. J.J. Senesy P. Haas J.R. Wilson W.F. Newell Omega - Purdue E.H. Slater C.R. Nelson A.W. Ginther G. Fortune, Jr. E.T. Sherwood A.H. Bostater GA. Holderbaum B.A. McCandless F.W. Adak W.L. Swager J.M. Makepeace A.B. Craven J.J. Hinga C.F. Thornton L.N. Montgomery W.R. Brown L.A. Bridge W.C. Bradshaw H.B. Henry

P.N. McDowell J.P. Pop F.A. Lyijynen D.L. Pensinger R.D. Sills D.R. Davis L.M. Finnegan W.L. Corry P.E. Newhouse M.C. Allion M.J. O'Neil D.A. Kern A.B. Larson E.E. Goeke, II S.L. Brant D.E. Kunnemann L.J. Metzler K.W. Wickizer J.S. Dinsmore K.C. Hess F.H. Riddle, Jr. D.R. Leininger M.T. Bernacchi W.C. Clark J.P. Verduce J.S. Bohner K.A. Sutton E.J. Mattingly D.E. Biehler P.M. Cook N.T. Hentschel S.A. Carder

J.A. Austin R.W. Saunders N.A. Sandvik M. Sherry R.J. Herbage J.A. Neigel T.J. Renner T.A. Graham A.L. Amort T.M. Molinari Alpha Eta - Samford J.C. Lee J.W. Vaughn E.G. Herrin W.C. Cofield J.G. Shiley D.L. Shannon, Jr. H.J. Yeackle, Ill 01. Madders, Jr. D.K. Brower J.E. Purvis R.E. Greene J.J. Johns G.T. Simmons L.E. Cartledge, Jr. B.K. Love Alpha Theta - Michigan State

0.0. Bird A.E. Langworthy Alpha Alpha- Mercer J.L. Hurrle, Jr. J.N. Wonman L.S. Lightner J.L. Littlefield W. Maratos R.S. Trembath H.C. Lewis, Jr. R.E. Moore J.W. Morgan S.J. Patoprsty R.J. Zimmerman A.J. McGill Rt. Yackels T. Lowndes, Ill RD. Ewen Alpha Beta- Tulane J.E. Crichton J.D. Griffith R.J. Pfeil J.V. Won J.P. Neve, Jr. M.T. Woodward, Jr. J.M. Colucci Alpha Gamma - Oklahoma R.T. Sutton J.C. Kohler J.T. Schultz S.B. Jones S.D. Lambouris R. Thornburg RD. Filber E.P. Hugill, Jr. E.J. Kolemainen B. Snipes A.W. Perlingiere A.H. Schmidt, Jr. AR. Sage F.L. Shaw R.M. Wittman L.M. Allen T.H. Bird P.M. Keltch T.H. Marra Menzie W.L. S.E. Evans F.W. Scichowski, Jr. T.J. Milway D.L. Taylor M.K. Ulfsax P.D. Lassiter R.J. Alleman D.E. Holeman A.E. Erickson M.T. Wiseley Alpha Delta - Washington Alpha Iota - Auburn J.C. Robertson J.A. Johnson T.W. Hauff D.W. Parker H.J. Novak D.G. Alexander G.W. Berry, Jr. J.J. Dailey M.D. Esteban C.A. Sheets DD. Mortensen D.B. Chesney J.R. Cragg Alpha Epsilon - Florida H. Frazier H.C. Swoope W.B. Bell P.C. Savant C.L. Parker G.D. Johnson, Jr. G.E. Pharr R.N. Soon R.S. Neuman R.O. Austin, Jr. F.J. Costa S.H. Barker H.R. Simmons T.E. Rooke J.R. Kelly R.L. James P.M. Dicker G.W. Marsh A.J. Garrad M.K. Grimes R.D. Snyder BA. Barton, Jr. B. Sanders J.A. Weiss R.T. Gamm G.W. Shipp J.C. Vignetti G.A. Maithiessen D.L. Roode, Jr. J.R. Groom M.E. Timmes D.R. Baker S.A. Browning H.H. Miyares M.P. McGee D.A. Dvornik P.T. Cummings R.S. Smsith M. Fletcher M.D. Scott K.J. Miller B.J. Kensky E.P. Sartain J.D. Lord, Jr. D.M. Zona S.G. Zahorian Alpha Zeta • Oregon State F.L. Howard G.H. Jackson H.E. Conklin T.H. Hammond J.H. Huber J.S. Marsh RD. Harris H.C. Gerking D.J. Mason L.N. Phillips R.O. Malo, Jr. K.J. Ford G.E. Jaska K.M. Hawke, Jr. F.G. Gilkey R.E. Curtis R.S. Nesbitt S.L. Goforth J.L. Guthrie T.L. Howell R.L. Anderson G.L. Smith R.F. Jewell R.G. Thorrpson, Jr. R. Colonna T.L. Tyler

E.L. Dean C.H. Pihl G.S. Hiller, Jr. C.E. Morgan C.W. Beaird D.G. Parrner W.F. Drury W.T. Kirkland W.R. King, Jr. R.R. Carothers, Jr. J.N. Green S.R. Pate P.M. Smith, Jr. H.R. Hartwell W.B. Smith D.C. Stoddard D.R. Kearns W.W. Urquhart K.B. Morton, Jr. J.D. Stewart J.C. Davis J.E. Baker M.A. Chandler, Jr. T.D. Parker D.A. Long D.B. Hutchins P.J. Wamsley E.C. Healy G.S. Blackwell Alpha Kappa - Michigan H. Olson L.C. Poole Alpha Lambda - Ole Miss J.W. Stephens C.R. Hughes, Jr. Alpha Mu - Penn State J.H. Weinberger W.T. Elmes R.C. Kieffer E.C. Miller P.M. Borg W.E. Diefenderfer M.H. Angstadt R.M. Shave A.W. McLane, Ill L.H. Ressler R.W. Brown, Jr. R.E. Lesher F.E. Warner K.N. Flodin R.E. Thornton H.D. White D.B. Wood J.C. Cranos R.J. Kleinert N.E. Mattern W.E. Johnson J.D. Benedetti G.D. Bello T.D. Webber, It E. Korecky A.F. Buffett F.J. Lynn, Ill C.K. Vogel J.F. Hickey D.L. Wilson A.D. Snyder W.G. Humphries, Ill M.D. Berger K.C. Weirman J.P. Lotz D.F. Castello G.M. Williams PA. Mills SE. Caddis S.D. Myers W.W. Lawrence R.A. Sandals Alpha Nu - Ohio State J.H. Haas L.E. Miller I.L. Smith

Alpha Xi • PINY W.R. Berger F. Zeissig H.F. Dieter F.F. Romanow M.L. Allen, Jr. C.D. Behringer L.B. Everett V.W. Fendrich R.V. Kaller C.C. Bunker, Jr. R.H. Fenn H.G. Lenz J.E. Conover P.J. Schwanenflugel A.G. Carter F. Grandinetti A.R. Muller V. DiGiovanni P.J. Glanton J. LaRosa A.R. Trotto N.P. Guarriello R.D. Sarcona A.J. Rornito J.J. Plunkett R.F. Grolier W.J. Buchanan M. Bramson J.G. Grolier A. Lazzaro Alpha Omicron Iowa State W.C. Dorr H.F. Mabbitt C.C. Norman K.M. Johnson K.J. Thompson L. Mores R.O. Brown V.H. Upmier G.R. Dubes W.F. Wells F.L. Goetsch J.E. Legg, Jr. D.H. Rickert D.M. Cochran W.W. Chmelar C.J. Rehman, Jr. J.R. Veeder W.S. Rosenberger P.J. Dvorak R.C. Ohrt N.M. Carver J.O. Sanderson G.C. Ruedy J.R. Bateman A.J. Richardson R.H. Ruedy T.E. Park L.S. Carlson A.A. Brodkey H.D. Dirksen M.R. Stewart D.K. Little J.D. Johnson G.K. Goodenow J.G. Greiman Alpha Phi - Sewanee J. Cross P.A. Rogers, Jr. Alpha Rho - West Virginia H.G. Martin B.J. Lutz D.G. Sharpes C.W. Huber J.B. Michael G.C. Davidson, II J.A. Smallridge D.A. Deskins N.G. Evans

Alpha Upsilon - Drexel L.J. Hot J. McNutt H. Colewman, Jr. W.L. Mciadden G.V. Piercy V.M. Groo, Jr. W.H. Troyer, Jr. HA. Schlater C.A. Siemers H.S. Stiff ler W.W. Bintzer C.D. Smedley H.J. Bartle, Ill G.F. Kennedy J.H. Gardner M.B. Nissley C.W. Corneissen, Jr. R.R. Tesno D.R. Williams R.W. Lambert E.J. Kulas A.R. Jenny F.G. Nuenighoff G.F. Meyers, Jr. A.J. Jones F.M. Winton R.G. Wolf V.J. Melada H.W. Schuette R.P. McCafferty W.P. Carey J. Whitman R.E. Klesius P.D. Espostio D.A. Heydt J.J. Cooney, Jr. G.M. Fitchko D.R. Haring G.F. Spingler, Jr. H.J. Langschwager J.R. Frye P.R. Earley J. Buhsmer, Jr. T.L. Hill J. Murtura B. Stone M.D. Oliveto J.J. O'Brien J.C. Purington J.F. Gallagher JD. LaRocca P.A. Mullin B.J. Bonner D.C. Gormley R.T. Murphy P.D. Williams

B.M. Eaton T.E. Taylor AL. Benoit R.N. Clark J.L. Shaffer W.G. Gilmer F.L. Hoffman P.W. Wegele W.E. Gregory H.H. DeBeaubien J.D. Bultman Ginkel R.L. Sargent N.H. Beaver J.D. Eacker

Alpha Phi - Illinois Tech

Beta Theta - Arizona

Alpha Tau - RPI W.E. Simms R.J. Fuchs N.F. Nelson D.J. Stephens J.J. Dempsey CD. Kammermeyer W.H. Baldwin H.A. Skoog J.F. Cooke M.C. Beveridge G.J. Hoffer N.P. Rusanowsky K.F. Koegler H.K. Holden C.C. Livingston W.L. Zabriskie M.J. Balcazar W.A. Brown B.T. Sporn K.F. Chucta G.B. Swaney K.J. Walter H.W. Peterson, Jr. R.E. Hawkins S.H. Kaitz J.C. Mullen J.W. McMahon W.M. Dirks F.H. Polom D.M. Guzovsky A.H. Cerrillo L.J. Powell J.A. Cunningham B.W. Lamacchia AT. Anderson G.T. MacRidis KM. Munoz S.A. Tobiason G.R. Rapp J.P. Walsh C.A. Culberson P.L. Safran S.A. Bibaud C.S. Jones R.J. Nelson R.S. Morris M.N. Desmarais J.W. Frey

H.M. Zimmerman, Jr. W.H. Brown, Jr. J.K. Dooley J.A. Koshewa J.B. Jenkins P.T. Nethery L.A. Hayse Beta Delta - Drake

Beta Phi - East Carolina

R.C. Ault W.D. Barber K.J. Piller J.A. Parsons J. Wenlin G.E. Meyer K.K. Galan J.L. Rutherford D.S. Spewak S.C. Jorgensen J.D. Rosen T.D. Frank G.S. Lewis, Ill M.J. Cohen D.B. Raskas

D.C. Ray, II J.E. Williams, Jr. T.C. Sayetta R.S. Fuller G.A. Jewell G.W. Harris R.E. Hackney, Jr. BA. Mullis R.L. Wilburn, Jr. B.L. Parrish, Jr. B.C. Hayden R.K. Langley M.G. Strother J.C. Edmonds, Jr. J.G. Damron M.B. Hinton K. Sigmon C.W. Hachmeister

Beta Epsilon - Missouri G.C. Williamson S.L. Orscheln R.J. Baker J.E. Deutschmann D.M. Lucy W.J. Gleason, Ill F.J. Witting J.D. Copeland D.M. Shillito, Jr. Beta Eta - Florida State

R.W. Curry D.E. Perkins J.H. Conner S.W. Sorensen, Jr.

Alpha Chi - Miami

Beta Lambda - Tampa

P.E. Hodgman Alpha Psi - Indiana W.C. Sang, Jr. C.V. Martin W.R. Barnard W.G. Timmons J.L. Higgins G.C. Crosier B.G. Polley J.F. Lux K.L. Woodrick J.A. Hargis CD. Kiefer R.A. Sparks J. Goldsstone T.E. Baker P.J. Ripke Alpha Omega - Oregon A.G. Ruedy D.M. Wright G.B. Lissy TD. Coronet CS. Little Beta Alpha - NJIT CA. Gorshkoff CF. Sewell R.G. VanDevrede L.A. Kominiak R.F. Kreh K. Kubak A. Olsen L. Cadigan R.J. Rodrick J.M. Spigel T.J. Herits F.J. Falcone A.V. Mangone J.S. Aragona R.P. Szkodny R. Pedersen D. White J.C. Defino R. Rusak A. Tobey G.D. Sobin P. Heller C. Brockway Beta Beta - Florida Southern L.J. Henyecz G.G. Peterson C.T. Lyons D.L. Carrol, Jr. C.P. Cronlaite C.J. Evans J.E. Trufant L.L. Marchant D.W. Schrock M.L. Cook V.N. Wyatt RB. Nicholson

D.W. Rogerson

ak Harrison EN. Rogers D.R. Elsasser D.J. Sullivan, Jr. E.A. Boling S.L. Ritchie D.B. Stevens T.L. Kelly M.P. Uhler

J.J. Douders, Jr. C.L. Dusell H.F. Perlet, Jr. E.N. Sear' A.F. Bujan D.H. Benton R.C. Frankenberg G.M. Blair J.T. Higgins R.A. Gregory W.E. Stepan K.R. Anderson K.L. Slepicka V.E. Terrana L.J. Mance K.O. Yost M.B. Adair C.P. Pekarek R.A. Johnson, Ill E.B. Seller B.R. Winkelmann M.T. Kotsch P.J. Schmit G.C. Carhey DR. Gunnell L.T. Harris R.G. Arlotta

Alpha Sigma - Tennessee G.E. Gish S.W. Steele R.S. Burns J.E. Stelfner J. Tombras R.A. Coggins R.M. Craig W.M. Salley N.B. McKinney R.M. Newman D.E. Hughes W.C. Mays, Jr. MM. Wood L.T. Chambers, Jr. R.C. Pemberton R.J. Mims G.D. Hollins

Beta Gamma - Louisville

A.W. Vance, Jr. Beta Iota - Toledo J.B. Guinall D.R. Clark T.E. Bokan P.J. Rapp D.D. Deckrosh D.D. Zellers C.M. Conner D.C. Thayer J.L. Eisenmann C.D. Stahl TA. Ramsdell M.J. McCloskey D.R. Dumas

Beta Kappa - Georgia State

G.H. Leeper C.C. Stivender S.J. Krist J.R. Crosby G.W. Herzog J.A. Martineau J.R. Forshee R.H. Antonio J. Goerke M.J. Norton J.C. Kelly Beta Mu - McNees() M.B. Clarkson W.D. Stacy, Jr. T.W. Munger J.A. Green T.W. Pool T.E. Wright, Jr. M.E. Leteaux C.B. Smith W.R. Creel C.M. Adrian Beta Nu - Houston

Beta Chi • East Texas State J.T. White R.K. Swortwood, Jr. R.C. Williams P.D. Walls L. Jones Beta Psi - Tennessee Wesleyan J.M. Plemons M.A. Defriese Beta Omega - E TS U E.W. Smith J.P. Duncan R.V. Ziembinski F.D. Kabool, Jr. RD. Yackanin F.D. Masters EP. Bowers R.K. Miller Gamma Alpha - Livingston A.C. Calhoun J.W. Carter J.C. Baynes T.H. Brown O.T. Hall, Jr. T.J. Holliman PE. Mitchell W.E. Duke M.L. Henderson T.H. McDanal, Jr. W.N. Presley, Jr. Gamma Beta - Old Dominion T.R. Willis Gamma Gamma - Troy State D.L. Bozeman F.W. Rainer, Jr. MD. Byrd, Jr. K.M. Robinson S.L. Canon H.W. Howard L.S. Turrin D.D. Duncan Gamma Delta - Memphis State JD. Siebert T.H. Appleton, Jr. S.L. Cox H.W. Blow J.M. Ray L.A. Gay Gamma Epsilon - Western Carolina T.V. Hayworth W.S. Smith W.T. Pettit C.D. Bunting JD. Craft, Jr. B.J. Kalet G.F. Leonard, Jr. W.L. Lauten T.B. Coleman J.L. Poole R.D. Biesecker, Jr. S.B. Pendergraft C.D. Erwin M.E. Russell R.A. Young

C.W. Boze, Jr. Beta Xi - Central Michigan D.E. Perry W.K. McKenzie G.E. Hornbacher Beta Omicron - Northwestern State J.G. Oden G.P. Fink Beta PI - Eastern Michigan R.H. Falk C.V. Taylor Beta Sigma - Northern Illinois

Gamma Zeta - West Virginia Tech S.A. Kraycar R.D. Moore R.K. Freeman R.J. Pickens RD. Strader A.D. Kiser, II J.R. Lemmert, Jr. P.A. Mattox, Jr. J.A. Russell S.A. Kortz TA. Miller J.L. Fox G.L. Springston M.B. Sullivan K. Hodges Gamma Eta - Athens

R.L. Giles Schneck

B.W. Bennett

Beta Tau - Valdosta

Gamma Theta - UNCWilmington

K.S. Holloway W.C. Murphy, II M.A. Waddell G. Birdsong Beta Upsilon - Virginia B.J. Ewald R.L. Kowers, Jr. E.H. Smith W.J. Watson, III T.G. Haudricourt J.D. Sencindiver S.P. Nesbit

G.C. Carlson, II K.C. Penn S.D. Rawlins R.G. Williams D.A. Miles RX. Lane D.S. Pettepher T.E. Camp, IV Gamma Lambda - Rolla HD. Stever, Jr. W.W. Proulx R.A. Schmedake Gamma Mu - Belmont Abbey J.T. Farrell M.J. Gass, Jr. W.N. Libertore G.T. Watkins M.S. Cuce Gamma Nu - LaGrange C.H. Robinson P.A. Armstrong P.L. Dodson Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern L.A. Everson N.D. Suggs J.F. Fisher D.G. Wallis K.L. Hill Gamma Pi - Northwestern State J.P. Sutera L.M. Porcelli Gamma Rho - Lander B.C. Young J.H. Turner J.A. Cabri K.W. Sherard J.F. Settin J. McCoy D.R. Riley J.B. Jenkins D.L. Bowen D.L. Hooper, Jr. Gamma Sigma - Armstrong C.J. O'Ouinn, Jr. M.G. Sneed Gamma Tau - North Texas D.L. Benton Gamma Upsilon Oklahoma State C.R. Elich J.A. Standridge L.P. Petree Gamma Phi - South Alabama M.E. Rainwaters J.R. Rose Gamma Chi - Jacksonville J.W. Stephenson R.V. Moreno M.K. Fouly Gamma Omega - Montevallo F.H. Ford T.G. Smitherman R.A. McMullin MD. Russell M.E. Drudy W.C. Fowler, Sr. D.L. Williams Delta Alpha - VPI S.D. Dodd R.A. Ouicke, Jr. E.J. Rhodehamel G.M. Rowland E.M. Langschwager M.E. Hall, Ill B.J. Eastridge C.H. Carter, Ill L.A. Schaffer G.N. Byrd T.H. Meyers Delta Beta - North Georgia AD. Grauer H.D. Wood V.D. Irvin C.E. Mitchell T.L. Childers K.A. Vining, Jr. D.L. Hackle A.A. Whitfield S. Fabozzi Delta Gamma - UNO B.F. Burks M.E. Cherney R.T. Burns Delta Delta - Northeast Missouri D.L. Ewigman M.E. Welch D.C. Beach Delta Epsilon - Jacksonville

G.W. Chadwick W.D. McCaughan, Jr. J.H. Farlow G.W. Huggins L.M. Long LS. Avery, Jr.

C.J. McSpadden HD. Wilkins R.D. Masters J.M. Kirksey R.L. Cunningham B.L. Chandler R.E. Andrews M.E. Miler J.C. Hall

Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern

Delta Zeta - Appalachian State

D.A. Abner J.L. Boatright J.W. Boatright L.W. Davis

CA. Beddingfield, III F.W. Price S.E. Miller

Delta Lambda - UNCCharlotte

D.C. Ballard W.R. Wilson J.A. Raines, Jr. C.T. Hodge K.B. Earnest C.C. Gilbert, Jr. A.J. Ouickenton J.K. Shell D.B. Keel R.L. Thomas G.M. Baldwin

R.J. D'Armond, II J.E. Lynch, Jr. R.M. Pombo S.R. Merck B.N. Boyd J. Mountjoy R.W. Fisher, Jr. D.S. Higgins R.G. Pope W.D. Gullett J.G. Smiley, Ill

Delta Eta - Morehead H.D. Isham D.E. Jones D.L. Greene

Delta Mu - Methodist R.R. Castona, Jr.

Delta Theta - Mars Hill

Delta Nu - Western Kentucky F.B. laconls G.H. Freeman, Ill B.A. Masden C.D. Tatum

B.W. Fankhauser Delta Iota - Middle Tennessee

Delta Chl - Kansas State

S.A. Moser P.E. Kimmel S.J. TrIvisonno W.A. Haidle Delta Omicron - Nicholls K.N. Kaiser State Delta Tau - James Madison T.J. Benoit R.S. Hebert C.E. Kelly M.C. Andry T.B. Lyles, Jr. J.D. Frere A.D. Conner R.J. Vicknair S.E. Dicks Ballanger R.J. C.L. Negaard J.B. Boswell G.R. Sanders, Jr. J.D. Harvey Delta PI - Wright State W.G. Lyall Baxley, IV P.S. Kronenberger W.R. J.S. Walker M.E. Jones D.S. Ottenstein J.A. Martin D.M. Moretti T.J. Waypa

G.F. Gray E.R. Woodis, Jr. C.V. Grissett

S.L. Dreiling R.K. Smith K.A. Meek D.D. Williams S.C. Hill J.M. Gouldie J.L. Meister D.K. Reeves K.T. Skelton R.E. Wiegers J.A. Schugart K.F. Stein Delta Pal - UT-Arlington H.G. Bell, Ill M.F. Jacobs D.R. Nix Epsilon Alpha - Elon

Delta Rho - USC

Delta Upsilon - Pittsburgh

AD. Wapner D.F. Craiab, Ill

H.E. Simon C.J. Rusbasan

P.M. Hirschmann K.V. Shsriver B.W. Simmons M.E. Hollan S. Miller, II O.K. Studt R.O. Mueller G.E. Hollan

Delta XI - North Alabama

S.L. Crass

Delta Kappa- Pembroke M.Z. Rodgers J.R. Wallace State G.W. Norris

Delta Sigma - Bowling Green D.E. Myers M.J. Thomas

Delta Phi - Radford F.A. Swann G.E. Lane, Jr. M.E. Lindauer

BROTHERS WHO HAVE JOINED THE CHAPTER ETERNAL "Oh,Death could be triumphant - death in battle, death in love, death in friendship and in peril,could be glorius if it were proud death,gaunt death,lean,lonely, tender,loving and heroic death,who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy,love and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died!"

"The Web and the Rock", by Brother Thomas Wolfe, Kappa '18, University ofNorth Carolina - Chapel Hill. Used by permission of the publishers, Harper and Brothers. ALPHA NU



Robort Waller Achurch 105 William C. Achurch 109 Edward Lee Bateman 348 David Grant Geary 544 Adolph Christian 97 Lesemann Clyde H. Turner 252

148 155 146 201 172 23 171



172 101 Jr. 75

Francis W. Booth Washington Watts Davis,


Pleas Lovejoy Boyer Woody Brooks Blackman H. Dunn Jerry N. Hastings T. Lawrence Palmer, Jr. William Julius Rhodes, Jr. Lindsey Rudolph Shouse

Prentice Collard 51 Woodhouse

William Hudson Fields, Jr.


ALPHA XI Nicholas J. Cavagnaro Joseph H.Clarke, Jr. Marlyn Victor Clarke William H. Mulligan

246 290 248 82

Thomas M. Shultz


SIGMA John K. Roberts, Jr.

37 270

James Wesley Hunt Henry C. Ellenberg

ALPHA PI Rev. Charles H. Douglass


GAMMA 261 17 204

Raymond Bottari Benjamin T. Laflin William Frederick Lane

TAU 64 27 14

ALPHA RHO George Mangum Harrell Edward A. Robison Cecil Van Saunders

EPSILON so 108 82 61 113 129 443

Robert Marion Gant Edward S. Grady Robert Cowan Grady Gibson Roland Sims Francis M. Southerland, Jr. Paul Frederick Warren W. Edgar Price, II

ZETA 67 75 115 183 202

Dunklln Sullivan Burnside John Campbell Muse Thomas C. Player Albert Vermont Dr. Charles Herman White

William M. Fambrough W. R. Roud

IOTA 348 92 242 260 310 625 485 73 263 358

Edgar Dunson Johnson Oliver Yates Powell D. Greenwood Henson M. W. Rogers, Jr. William Lanier Rooney B. R. Baker Ronald J. Marchetti William Wright Campbell Holland Stebbins Harry R. Wright

KAPPA 458 245 BO 210

11 12 83 162 208 136

Glen Porter Brock Clarence L. Brook Snyder E. Herrin George Henry Morton Douglas E. Rosebrook Silas G. Weinberg


ETA 149 44


Lee Jackson Greer, Jr. John Holloway Milam Daniel K. Moore William F. Purvis


Robert G. Young

PSI 151 10 148 93

Glenn T. Barber John Rimer Fleming Abraham George, Jr. Lawrence A. Williams

OMEGA 368 119 244

J. W. English Gayle Quigley Martin Donald H. Spring


Henry H. Cobb


Eugene Jules Bergeret

ALPHA DELTA 104 4 120 340 289

E. Graham Brehm Gordon Kenneth Burns Wallace D. McDowell Thomas Roy Murphy Roland M. Payne


James Monroe Adams J. S. Croxton Lawrence David Royal Milon L. Boyle

MU 156 195 319 894

Jeremiah R. Marion, Jr. William Luther Rhodes, Jr. Bernard A. Wansker Akihiro Yamauchi

NU 209

Jack Carl Luhn

Xi 1 132 101 136

Carroll Eugene Beach Herbert Boring, Jr. Henry Lee Cannaday William C. Eversole

OMICRON 36 56 1368 119 449 828 450 340

Lowell James Black, Sr. Sam Palmer Faucett, Jr. Ben Robert Fields Hal W. Howard Charles E. Murdock Travis Young Nelson, Jr. James Adolphus Owens Neal Mitchell Tate, Jr.

183 909 107 356 39 81 524

Norval Morris Faulds Winston Louis James Charles Raymond Lee, Jr. George A. Pena Dr. Earl Kenneth Smith Carey Judson Thomas Bruce Anthony Tomlin

ALPHA ZETA 237 118 34

Robert G. Coates Ralph Maurice Davis Claude Kerr

ALPHA ETA 17 82 181

Malcolm Hayes Hardy Perry Milton McNeil William Euel Johnson

ALPHA THETA 1 247 334 867 562

William Edison Baker Kelly E. Carter James P. Harkness William Richard Holler Gary William Volbers

James C. Wilson, Jr.


ALPHA SIGMA Nathan J. Lowe James L. Clarke

64 289

ALPHA TAU 258 129

Donald Lipphardt William F. Burkhart

ALPHA UPSILON 214 153 31

John H. Russell William Krug Kenneth B. Tomlinson

ALPHA PHI 34 562

Alton Jacob Jungels Michael Lee Villringer

ALPHA PSI 82 66 108

Leroy C. Brenner Alva J. Frame Edward Martin McCain


Fred L. Decker

BETA BETA 3 45 15

George C. Bingham, Jr. Charles M. G. Meyer Henry J. Mullen, Jr.


David Lee Burdick

BETA ETA Pasquale Anthony 105 Antonelli John Grover Brown 81 Charles Donald Cross 409


Walter Diment


David Lynn Ward

BETA TAU 174 49 149

Henry Arnold Eliot Battle Joe Scott Montgomery


Walter Jackson Byrum


Harry Lebair


William L. McMinn


James M. Coleman

ALPHA IOTA 195 205

Robert Bryars Smith E. K. Whatley, Jr.


James Joseph Dunn Lester Gordon Wetmore


Jonathan A. Moultrie


Dirk Kenneth Barnes


Ralph B. Craine, Jr. Jerry Lee Druck Norman H. Mazurie, Jr.


Ronald C. Schmerheim

Epsilon Beta - Grand Valley

A.D. Wallace E.M. Henry

Epsilon Kappa - Southern S.M. Warda T.D. Hemmen Tech

J.H. Beyerlein R.D. Ikerd D.A. Cummings P.W. Flessner, II

Epsilon Zeta - Central Arkansas

B.L. Kidd B.N. Vu G.E. Holton, Jr. T.S. Lad J.R. Barrow J.J. Urquijo F.E. Johnston S.T. Jefffords, Jr.

R.H. Dixon, Jr. C.W. Adkins, Jr. J.L. Bearden K.D. Crissler

Epsilon Gamma - LongEpsilon Eta - Winthrop wood K.F. Moore D.W. Rankin D.R. Swago R.W. Stryker G.C. Slack

W.E. Russell J.H. Byars M.A. Pearson T.J. Sacco Epsilon Theta - Solon Hall

Epsilon Delta - AuburnMontgomery D.A. Johnson D.M. Smith, Jr. J.A. Stinebaugh D.C. Weaver

L.S. DePalma D.M. Tower P.E. Cerria N.J. Beutell W.P. Freeman

Epsilon Iota - UNC Epsilon Epsilon - Clinch Greensboro Valley J.E. Harkins T.H. Darby, Jr. D.G. Lineback R.M. Russ R.J. King M.L. LIneback C.L. Roberts

Epsilon Lambda - USCSpartanburg D.M. Patel M.L. Elmore D.E. Satterfield Epsilon Mu - Bradley B.M. LaValley W. Furling, Ill P.R. Miller B.J. Hynes B.G. Magnanl Epsilon Nu - Sacramento M.J. Glazier S.J. Spiegelman A. Wilson S.L. Curtis C.B. Schumacher S.E. Volker

MEMORIAL GIFTS Thank you for remembering Carl H. Johnson Hon. Fred S. Gilbert Chi Chapter Alpha Epsilon Chapter by by Robert D. Tylander Kathleen A. Johnson

DO IT NOW... If you are puffing off something you've been meaning to do, what are you waiting for? Always wanted to call your old college roomate? Pick up the phone and call him. Dreamt about visiting the Greek Islands? Call a travel agent. Would love to see all of your fraternity brothers? Arrange a reunion. Feel better if you exercised? Start jogging. Love the taste of homegrown tomatoes? Plant your own. Angry about the potholes in your street? Go to your town meetings. Intend to remember your fraternity? Include the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your will or as an insurance beneficiary. Whatever you've been utting off, do it NOW. Tomorrow may be too late.

Epsilon Xi - LaSalle F.G. Tingley T.M. Lyons D.W. Givey M.W. Maurer J.M. Coulson B.W. Driscoll W. Carreras J.D. Alfredo K.F. Driscoll J.N. Oswald Epsilon Omicron Villanova J.D. Adams M.S. Susko R.J. Sarchiapone J.T. Baumgardner R.E. Tierney M.T. Ella J.A. Brady, Ill

Page 9 Epsilon Sigma - Christian Brothers M.C. Craven E.M. Bailey E.L. Keene, Jr. GD. Solberg J.S. Terry Epsilon Tau - St. Joseph's W.A. Hobbs M.J. Geria A.J. Cecchini P.D. DiGiovanni R.E. Is, Jr. A. Zirpoli J.J. Kearney Epsilon Upsilon - Georgia B.L. Doolittle

Epsilon Rho - LenoirRhyne Epsilon Phi - Univ. of Alabama F.J. Sandor K.C. Brown L.G. Johns, Jr. M.S. Mullane C.D. Teichmiller

Page 10

The Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Staff

Pictured here on the front steps of the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office is the 1987-88 Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Staff. Seated, from left to right are: Durward W. Owen, Executive Director; Scott Smith, Leadership Consultant; Karl S. Long, Ill, Director of Communications; standing (from left to right), Glenn A. Dickson, Assistant Executive Director; Paul Green, Director of Western Expansion; Thomas E. Camp, IV, Senior Leadership Consultant; Jeff Michael, Leadership Consul tant; Walter Wahlfeldt, Senior Leadership Consultant; Joseph A. Brady, Executive Vice-President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc.

The support and clerical staff of the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office is invaluable to the operation of the Fraternity. Pictured here, in front of the Administrative Office, are the ladies that are best recognized throughout the Fraternity for their southern accents and professional manner. From left to right: Nancy Perdue, Office Manage r, Sara Markus, Connie Owen, Vivian Seeley, Sandy Davis, Lue Casto, Linda Littlejohn, and Pam Yarborough. Seated is Kingston.

Announcing the Perfect Christmas Gift

The Administrative Office Staff welcomes Karl S. Long, Ill "Trey", as the new Director of Communications. Brother Long graduated from the University of South Carolina with a B.A. Degree in Journalism. He is also a decorated member of the South Carolina Air National Guard. While an undergraduate member of Sigma chapter, Trey served as Vice Archon, Interfraternity Council delegate and Service chairman. As Director of Communications he will manage the publication of The Star and Lamp and administer to the C.A.R. Program. Brothe r Long looks forward to working closely with alumni and undergraduates from across the country in writing newsletters for over 30 chapters. Additionally, he will serve as a Leadership Consultant when time permits. Trey enjoys weightlifting, running and reading in his spare time. He also likes studying the Civil War and hopes to write a book on the subject someday.

The Official Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Watch A Seiko Quartz timepiece available for a limited time only. Featuring a richly detailed three-dimensional re-creation of the Official Fraternity Coat of Arms on the 14 kt. gold-finished dial. Electronic quartz movement guaranteed accurate to within fifteen seconds per month. Available in wrist watch and pocket watch styles. Entire edition reserved exclusively for Brothers and Parents. Satisfaction guaranteed or returnable for full refund. Full one year Seiko warranty. Earliest orders entered will be guaranteed Christmas delivery.

Illustration reduced. Actual diameters of watches are as follows: men's wrist I-X", pocket watch 1-1/2.

For faster service, credit card orders may be placed daily (including weekends) from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (eastern time) by telephoning toll free 1-800-523-01 24. Pennsylvania residents only should call 1-800-367-52 48. All callers should then request to speak to operat or 1193K. Detach order form at perforation below. Mail orders should be sent to the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, do P.O. Box 511, Wayne, PA 19087.


I understand that the Official Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Watch featurin g a richly detailed re-creation of the Official Fraternity Coat of Arms on the three-di mensional dial is being made available for a limited time only. Please accept my order for the following Official Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Watchles): Seiko Quartz Wrist Watch with Leather Strap(#PKP-SMS87) @ $195* each. QUANTITY Seiko Quartz Bracelet Wrist Watch (#PKP-5MT87) Cp $215* each. QUANTITY


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All purchasers please add $4.00 per watch for handling and insured shipping charges. 'On shipments to Pennsylvania only, please add 6% state sales tax. (Handling and shipping charges are not taxable.) wish I to pay for my watch(es) as follows: Fl By a single remittance of $ made payable to "Official l'i Kappa Phi Fraternity Watch", which I enclose. I ,Z,T1 Fl By charging the amount of $ ( 1.411A to my credit card indicated below. Full Account Number: Expiration: Mo.


t_Fet, )(7,b


MAIL ORDERS TO: PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY c/o Post Office Box 511 Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087

A native of Albermarle,NC,Jeff Michael graduated from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, with a degree in Finance. As a member ofKappa Chapter,he served as PUSH chairman,Vice-Archon,and Archon, while also serving on Pi Kappa Phi's Council of Archons. At UNC, Jeff was Vice-Chairman of the school's undergraduate Honor Court and a member of the Order of the Grail, an honorary society based on campus leadership. He enjoys reading, camping and running. Jeff is excited about the opportunity to travel and looks forward to working with the individual chapters. Scott Smith joins the Administrative Office from East Carolina University - Beta Phi Chapter. A political science major, he served Beta Phi in the offices of Chaplain, Secretary, Treasurer, and Archon.Originally from Ayden, NC, he now calls Monroe, NC home. Brother Smith enjoys meeting and working with people and some of his hobbies include music, traveling, and history.

NOTE: Earliest orders entered will be assured Christm as delivery. Please allow 8 to 10 weeks for shipment of later orders.












Page 11

THE STAR AND LAMP of Pi Kappa Phi *H

ere there is a Will There is a way

-FOUNDERSAndrew A. Kroeg, Jr.

Simon Fogarty

L. Harry Mixson

P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7017 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10, 1904

The Star and Lamp, an Educational Publication 1987, Vol LXXIII, No. 3 Durward W. Owen...Editor-in-Chlef Scott E. Evans Managing Editor Karl S. Long Managing Editor Tim Ribar Official Photographer Nancy Perdue Office Manager Vivian Seeley Editorial Assistant CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Glenn Dickson Brad Lee Patrick Kuhnle


POSTMASTER:Send changes of address to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC, 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (issn 0038-9854) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7017 Nations Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life Subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7017 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217. Second Class Postage paid at Charlotte, North Carolina.

;Think you recognize the value of what the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is . Exciting opportunities to enrich young lives have always existed in Kappa Phi. We are sure that you would like to see those opportunities continued. Proper planning may show you how you can meet your obligations and also make a significant bequest to support the Fraternity's future service. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can send you a free brochure on wills and bequests. The brochure tells you why you need a will, what information you will need to draft one, and how to update your present will. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation wants to see you conserve your estate in the best possible way, to benefit your family and possibly your Fraternity. A gift, by will, to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation will help to ensure the ongoing education activities of your Fraternity. With one provision in your will you can . . . perpetuate your name or the name ofsomeone you wish to honor . .. help to strengthen your Fraternity in perpetuity. If you need information, please call or write:


Durward W. Owen, Executive Director Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

( DIRECTORY ) The Chapters Alabama Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian Slate Auburn &bum at Montgomery Augusta Belmont Abbey Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-San Diego Cal Stale-Saaamento Central Arkansas Charleston Christian Brothers Clinch Valley Denver Drake Drexel East Carolina East Tennessee Stale East Texas Stater UNv. Elm College Florida Florida Southern Florida Stale Greenville George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia Tech Grand Valley Illinois ltirole Tech Indiana lowa Stale Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas Stale LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville MoNeese Merrphia State Mercer Michigan Michigan Stale Missouri-Columbia M issourl-Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska-Omaha NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Caroina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri North Georgia Oklahoma State Okt Dominion Oregon Stale Pembroke Penn State Pittsburgh Polytechng University Presbyterian Purdue Radford Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Samford Seton Hat Shippensburg SIPpery Rock Stetson South Alabama South Carolina USC-Spartanburg Southern Tech Tampa Tennessee Tares A&M Texas Tech Toledo Troy State Valdosta Stale Villanova Virginia VCI VPI Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Virginia Tech West Vrginia Unk Winthrop College Wofford

Omicron Epsilon Phi Derta Zeta Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta Gamma Psi Gamma Mu Delta Sigma Epsion Mu Gamma Zeta Beta Epsibn Nu Epsibo Zeta Alpha Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Epsilon Epsilco CN Beta Delta Alpha Upsibn Beta PN Beta Omega Beta Chi Epsilat Mau Aipha Epsilon Beta Bela Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Garrrm Kappa Gamma X Iota Epsilon Bela Upsilon Akita Phi Alpha Psi Alpha Omicron Delta Eplon Della Tau Delta Co Garrma Nu Gamma Rho Epsibn Xi Epsilon Rho Garrrna Naha Epsilon Gamma Beta Garrrru Beta Mu Gamma Data Alpha Alpha Alpha KA:Pa Alpha Theta Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Nu Deka Gamma Beta Alpha Kappa Dela Larrbda Epsibn tea Gamma Theta Tau Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta Delta Delta Delta Beta Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Delta Upsibn Atha lit Beta Omega Delta Phi Aloha Tau XI Epsilon Toe Alpha Eta Epsilon Theta Zeta Dela Epsilon Psi Chi Gamma PN Sigma Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Kxpe Beta Larriada Alpha Sigma Data Omega Epsilon Omega Beta Ida Gamma Garrrna Beta Tall Epsilon Omiaco Beta Upsilon Epsilon Pi Dela Alpha Rho Gamma E,osizo Gamma Zeta Alpha Rho Epsibn Eta Zeta

P.O. Box 1947, Ttur-altiare AL 35486 P.O. Box 40, Unkrusky Center, Birmingham AL 35294 114 Wood Ciple Boone, NC 28607 530 Biggio Dire, Album, AL 36830 AUM-I85 Carrpus, Montgomery, AL 36193 Aigusta Colege, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30310 P.O. Box 647, Belmont Abbey Cal., Belmont, NC 28012 Bowing Green Stale University, Bowing Green, OH 43103 1532 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61606 29al Chdoirg Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 P.O. Bar 12665, Woke, CA 92037 P.O. Box 255926, Saoramento, CA 95325 UCA Box 501. Conway, AR rtus2 Box 1900-Stern Student Cs., 0g. cd Charleston, SC 29424 S-145, 650 East Parkway South, South Memphis, IN 38104 Box 5100542igh Valley College, Wee, VA 24293 2203 S. Jcsephire, Denver, 00 80210 1311-34th Skeet, Des Moines, IA 50311 3405 Powelton Avenue, Phiadeptia, PA 19104 903 Hooker Road, P.O. Box 1423, Greenvile, NC 27834 Bar 19120 A - ETSU, Johnscn GO, TN 37614 Bar W, EX. Station, Gcmmerte, TX 75428 P.O. Bar 1206, an College, Bon College, NC 27244 11 Fratemity Row, Gainesvile, FL 32033 Box 15027, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33832 423 W. Colege Avenue Talbhassee, FL 32301 Furman Unkersty-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 4501 Cheasepeiie Lane /01212, Faif/, VA 22030 PD. Box 6375, Athens, GA 30004 P.O. Box 951, Milledgeville, GA 31661 LB 10191, Georgia Southern Col_ Statesboro, GA 334E0 P. 0. Box 411, AglefiC1JS, GA 31709 GT. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30232 P.O. Box 272, Allendale, MI 49401 306 E. Gregory Drie, Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, L 60616 P.O. Box 59, Bborrirglon, IN 47402 407 Weds Avenue, Ares, let 50010 P.O. Box 602-Jalsonvile St. Univ., Jacksonvile, AL 33265 P. 0. Box L-211, JMU, Harrisonburg VA 22907 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 665ce 601 Brod, Street, Bar 1170, LaGrange, GA 30240 Bar 6191, Lander Cortege, Greenwood, SC 23646 LaSalle Univ., Bar 692, Philadelphia, PA 19144 LRC. Box 8420. Hilary, NC 28E03 P.O. Bar M, LAAngstan, AL 35470 Box 1140 - Lorgv,00d Cortege, Farrndle, VA 23901 Room 12-Student Co., U. d Laubville, LouSvile, KY 40292 PD. Bat 703-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70603 3841 Spottswood Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111 Mercer Uriversky - Bar 112, Macon, GA 31237 3909 Michigan Union, 530 S. Stale Si. , Ann Arbor, MI 48103 131 Bogue Street, E. Lansing, MI 4883 500 Rollhs, Columbia, MO 65201 1704 Pine Street, Rolla MO 65401 Drawer K-Universky cd Montevalb, Montevallo, AL 35115 Box 1217 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 425 University Terrace, Lhcoln, NE 68508 PD. Bar 128, Uriv. d Nebrasita-Ciruha Omaha, NE 68182 249 King Bivd., Newark, NJ 07102 216 Fhley Golf Course Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Cone University Center, UNCC Station, Charlotte, NC arezt 1E25 Spring Garden Street Geenstxxo, NC 27412 4012 Wrightsville Ave, Vv1Irringen, NC 28403 2401 W. Fraternity Court Raleigh, NC 27666 2610 Univasky Ave., Grand Forks, ND 58201 4937 St. Johns Bluff Road, S, Jadsonvile, FL 32216 815 S. Dairts, Kirisylle, MO 63501 Bar 5165- klorth Georgia Wage, Dahbnega, GA 30597 Oklahoma Stale Univ., 703 Unirersiry, SlilMoter, OK 74074 4011 Harrpton Dud., Nodok, VA 23566 2111 Harrison NW, Caryl's, OR 97330 General Delliery, Perrbrole State Univ., Pothole, NC 26372 409 E Fairmont Avenue, Slate College, PA 16801 316-C Serrpie Street, Oakland, PA 15213 33 Sidney Rare, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Presbyterian College - Bat 1089, Clinton, SC 29325 330 N. Grant Street, W. Lafayette, IN 47906 815 Tyler Avarua Raiford, VA 24141 49 Seccnd Avenue, Troy, W 12180 Bac 168, Roanoke Colege, Salem VA 24153 P.O. Box 230, 5300 City Avenue, Phiadeilia PA 19131 S.U. Bar 2474, Birrirgham, AL 35229 B-Dougherty Std Ctr, 460 S. Orange, S. Gunge, NJ 07079 % Cumberland Union Bldg., Shi:pensburg Univ., Shippertsburg, PA 17257 Rm 221-C, Univ Unix, SRU, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Stetsco, Box 5241, Deland, FL &car PD. Box U-1266, USA, Mcda AL 3136313 Uniersky cd SC, Box 85111, Russell House West Wng, Colintia, SC 26225 Student Affairs Da USG-Spartarburg, Spartanburg, SC 29333 1112 Gay Street, Marietta, GA 30060 401 W Kennedy BIrd, U d Tarrpa-Bar 278a Tampa FL 33306 1828 Fraternity Park Knoxirille, TN 37916 P.O. Box 1483, Colege Station, TX 77841 2017 Main, Libbcck, DC 79401 PD. Box 2478, Toledo, OH 43ex 610 N. Three Notch Street, Troy. AL 33131 Bar 83 - Valdosta Colege, Valdosta, GA 31698 215 Dougherty Hat Roan 215, Vilanpva PA 19085 510 Rugby Road Chartottesylle, VA 22903 111 N. Meadow, Richmond, VA 23220 1101 Rectxd Road, Blackslarg, VA 24061 Washington & Lee-Lcdt Drawer 933, Lexhgton, VA 24450 PD. Box 1173, Culowhee, NIO 28723 641 Fayette Pke, Montgansry, %NV 25136 591 Spruce Street, Morgantown, NA/ 26505 P.O. Bat 5030-WCS, Rock Hil, SC 29733 P.O. Bat P, Waked College, Spartarburg, SC 20331




NATIONAL COUNCIL NATIONAL COMMITTEES AREA GOVERNORS President-David Jaffee 116-E Goosecreek Blvd. S Goosec,: 1t,SC 29445

TrustInvestment-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePalma & Cangaer Group, Inc. 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ 07726

Vice-President-Judge James Turk Box 611 Radford, VA 24141 Treasurer-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePal ma & Cangaer Group, Inc. 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ 07726 Secretary-Phillip M.Summers Vincennes University 1002 N. First Vincennes, IN 47591 Chaplain-Thomas H.Sayre P.0. Box 393 Morganton, NC 28655 Chancellor-Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517 Member-at-Large-Jerry T.Brewer Dean of Student Life USC-Russell House Columbia,SC 29208

Education-Dr. Warren Robb 1812 Cedar Elm West Arlington, TX 76012 Ritual & Insignia - Glenn McConnell 27 Bainbridge Drive Charleston,SC 29407 Nomination-Lonnie Strickland, Ill 1 Old Northriver Point Tuscaloosa,AL 35406-1011 Alumni-Charles A. Rowland, IV P.0. Box 6375 Athens, GA 30604

Area: I James A. Krucher,3 Burgh Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011 II Dr. Arthur J. Ouickenton,401 Meadowview Dr., Boone, NC 28607 III Ronald J. deValinger,402 College St., Cuthbert, GA 31740 - 1314 IV Mark Jacobs,2625 Meridian St., Apt. 1102, Indianapolis, IN 46208 V Frank D. Havard, P.O. Box 16348, Mobile, AL 36616 VI William M. Offle, Jr., 5757 Collier Avenue,S., Minneapolis, MN 55419 VII Drew Hudel,6544 Winton St., Dallas, TX 75214 VIII Dr. Frank M. Parrish, 7742 S. Harrison Circle, Littleton, CO 80122 IX Vacant X Steven S. Ryder,3516 Elm Ave. #406,Long Beach,CA 90807-39163


Expansion-Clay Edmonds 1951 Carr Avenue Memphis,TN 38104

Executive Director -- Durward W.Owen Assistant Executive Director Glenn Dickson Director of Communications -- Karl S. Long III Exec. Vice-President of Properties --Joseph A. Brady PUSH Administrator -- Jim Eimer Asst. Director of PUSH -- Kenneth Kaiser Leadership Consultants -- Tommy Camp, Wally Wahlfeldt, Jeff Michael, Scott Smith

PUSH-Ed Bennett 4110 Montibello Drive Charlotte, NC 28226

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation

Pi Kappa Phi Properties,Inc.

Ted A.Scharfensteln Addison Gilbert Hospital 298 Washington Street Gloucester, MA 01930

Travis Julian Suite 1350,JMB Property 875 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Methodist Duke Clemson Univ. Texas-Austin South Florida Wesley Shorter Jacksonville Univ. Texas -Arlington Oklahoma LaVerne Robert Morris Indiana Univ of PA Marshall Univ. Averett College

Box 12372, Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28301 206 Oregon St., Apt. M, Durham, NC 27705 P.0. Box 2186, Clemson,SC 29632 807 M.L. King Jr. Blvd., Austin, TX 78705 %Scott Stein, 14470 Reuter Strasse Circle, ff4, Tampa, FL 33613 % Nick Spignesl, Box 422, Wesley College, Dover, DE 19901 Box 898, Rome, GA 30161 % Richard Slinin, 2800 University Blvd., JU Box 860, Jacksonville, FL 32211 % Gilbert Leal, 302 Knoll Lane /1701, Arlington, TX 76010 900 Asp, Room 160, Norman, OK 73019 P.O. Box 827, LaVerne, CA 91750 Box 46 R.M.C., Corapolis,PA 15108 P.O. Box 1604, Forger Hall P.O., IUP, Indiana, PA 15705 2W38 Memorial Student Center,Marshall U., Huntington, W.V.25701 %Lance Orndortf,, 460 W. Main 43, Danville, VA 24541

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. Americus Alumni Corp. Beta Alumni Assoc. Beta Kappa Alumni Assoc. Beta Phi Alumni Assoc. Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. Charleston Alumni Assoc. Delta0micron Alumni Chapter Des Moines Alumni Chapter Detroit Area Alumni Assoc. Epsilon iota Alumni Chapter Epsilon Sigma Alumni Chapter Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. Gamma Phi Club, Inc. Greenwood Alumni Assoc. Indianapolis Area Alumni Chapter Ithaca Alumni Assoc. Jacksonville Area Alumni Assoc. Lambda Alumni Assoc. Memphis Alumni Assoc. Metroplex Alumni Assoc. MountaineerAlumni Assoc. Omega Alumni Chapter North Jersey Alumni Assoc. New York Alumni Chapter Portland Area Alumni Assoc. Sacramento Valley Alum As. Seattle Alumni Assoc. Texas Area Alumni Assoc. Toledo Alumni Assoc. Washington D.C. Alumni Assoc. West VA Alumni Assoc. Wilmington Alumni Assoc. Zeta Alumni Assoc.

Bill Ishee - 1747 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 Fred H. Schmehl - 39 W. Wyomissing Ave., Shillington, PA 19607 Ted Langton - 3058 NW Charmyr Vista, Corvalis,OR 97330-2705 Ron Chaffin - 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 J.C. Bean - 734 Palmetto St., Spartanburg,SC 29302 Dennis Coale - 2850 Evans Woods Dr., Atlanta, GA 30340 Rick Wilburn - 190 Heywood Crossing, Asheville, NC 28704 Jim Beal - P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35115 Alan Horres, Jr. - 2146 Vespers Dr., Charleston, SC 29407 Kirk Defelice - P.O. Box 98, Larose, LA 70373 John S. Kirk- P.O. Box 65663, W. Des Moines, IA 50265 Bill Lawton - 40703 Melody Dr., Mt. Clemens, M148044 Beniamin G. Hunter, Jr. - 900 Englewood St., Greensboro, NC 27403 Eddie Keene - 5490 Forest Hill, Memphis, TN 38115 Tom Tarn - P.O. Box A, Livingston, AL 35470 Brooks Thompson - 718 University Ave., Troy, AL 36081 Tom Peterson - 2455 Salvia St. N., Mobile, Al_ 36606 Chuck Watson - P.O. Box 848, Greenwood,SC 29646 Larry Metzler - 4707 Moller Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46254 Lawrence G. Thayer - 103 Woolf Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850 Jesse Crimm - 4445 Silverwood Ln., Jacksonville, Fl 32207-6239 Leroy Langston - 40 Marietta St., NW, Atlanta, GA 30303 David Everson - 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Memphis, TN 38138 Mark Fehmer - 2307 Abbington, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Rick W.Price - 7601 Cedar Creek Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 Michael Klumpp - 3625 Mulberry Dr., Lafayette, IN 47905 Alvars Krumins - 72 Hillside St., Red Bank, NJ 07701 John Burns - 1629 E. 38th St., Brooklyn, NY 11234 Rick Hug - 1152 Troon Rd., Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Pete Kitowskl - 721 El Dorado Way.,Sacramento, CA 95819-3214 Dan Mortensen - 1515 NE 96th, Seattle, WA 98115 Steven O'Neal - 10800 Fondren No. 14, Houston, TX 77096 Christopher P. Cannon - 4931 Fleet Rd., Toledo, OH 43615-3659 Edward Hook - Shield Bus. Mach.,8470 Tyco Rd., Vienna, VA 22180 Michael C.Paterno - 1315 Martha Rd. S., Charleston, WV 25303 Lee Pearson - 3617 Sirbey Smith, Wilmington, NC 28403 Caleb B. Jennings - P.O. Box 6427, Spartanburg,SC 29304

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Pete Duguid - Alpha Theta Larry Berwick - Alpha Zeta Janice Lynn Myers Daughter of Robert A. Myers.,..• Laura Elizabeth Bugg Daughter of Charles B. Bugg Christie Marie Cutajar r Daughter of Charles R. Cutaja o,..„. Mark Kevin Coffey Epsilon Rh Phillip Keith Cates - Epsilon Iota Brian C. Perlov - Alpha Sigma Glen Stuart Fisher -Chi Michael A. Robinson - Mu Michael H. McKinney - Epsilon Kap' Craig Steven Entwistle - Gamma ga Bruce Edward Moore - Delta Ome Shawn 0. Zwilling - Gamma Nu Basil E. Clair - Beta Beta Timothy J. Motil - Beta Beta Ernest A. Porter - Epsilon Sigma ,„„„ Joseph R. Helduser - Epsilon TauH Iota a Bet Christopher R. Nusbaum Murray J. Weed Alpha Alpha ha,Christopher Larson - Alpha Alp , Dean Kontinos - Alpha Epsilon Fadi Elias Kiameh - Epsilon Sigma James B. Renfroe - Gamma Phi Timothy R.asnic - Alpha Gamily Michael Reilly - Alpha Kapp,


Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Scholarship Recipients 1987

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