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THE STAR AND LAMP of Pi Kappa Phi - Spring 1988


Critical Trends

Washington D.C. Highlighted


The Second Annual Chapter Advisor Symposium

Chapter Information

Staff Changes PUSH News

Alumni News

Letters to the Editor Scholarship Information

THE STAR AND LAMP of Pi Kappa Phi - Spring 1988



Critical Trends In the College Fraternity Movement To many, our fast paced, highly technological society appears to be on a course toward self-destruction. Yet, one of its primary missioris, like that of all societies, is to perpetuate itself. Toward this end, western civilization historically has relied on three agencies: family, church and state. - In colonial North America the family unit was indeed a key factor in the education of the young,and the church influenced greatly parental guidance over an individual's upbringing. As democratic governments emerged at local, regional, national levels, an educational system was,formed as a chartered arm of the "state" to impact not only scientific and literary knowledge, but human values long fostered by both family and church. Over time,educational institutions, both privately and publicly supported, assumed an ever increasing role in the schooling of youth, particularly as the influence of family ancichurch waned.

Yet, despite these societal changes, the college fraternity movement not only has managed to survive, but continues to prevail as a viable component of higher education.

Parallel to the educational system, a"free enterprise" economic system also emerged, primarily as a result of democratic constitutional liberties which permitted citizens notonly to travel about freely, but to think and create, speak and write, invent and build as inspiration moved them.Such freedoms became birthrights and for generations were nurtured by values inherent in the family unit - honesty integrity, compassion and hard work - and by the church - The Ten Commandments. It was against this backdrop that the college fraternity system was born. Long since recognized as a microcosm of the larger society, fraternities have a history that reflects the trends of the times. For example,early on, college fraternities were regarded as family sub-cultures on campus,so it was no coincidence that members addressed each other as brothers.They still do. A belief in the supreme being was fundamental to fraternity ideals; hence it was no happenstance that the Bible was present at formal chapter meetings and used in initiation ceremonies. This, too, hasn't changed. And the pursuit of broader intellectual experiences beyond the classroom was the hallmark of the earliest fraternities; so it was only natural that they were founded at colleges and universities. Radical changes throughout society during the twentieth century, however, diluted traditional moral and ethical influences and ultimately challenged the initial concept of fraternity. For instance, a rise in standards of living introduced a trend toward materialism which confronted one of the fraternity's prime virtues - that noble pursuit of the human heart. The shattering of the family unit, broken homes, single parenting, and the demand for two family incomes yielded a less family-oriented collegiate generation from which fraternities chose their members. As church influence ebbed and flowed, often paralleling fluctuations in economic conditions, the established mores of campus life, largely created and preserved by college fraternities, were increasingly undermined by student attitudes contrary to traditional family and religious teaching. And, when democracies found themselves repeatedly challenged by foreign totalitarian governments in world wars and other global conflicts, universities and therefore fraternities experienced alternating decreases and increases in student enrollments. Yet, despite these societal changes, the college fraternity movement not only has man-

aged to survive, but continues to prevail as a viable component of higher education. A closer look at its history may be useful. In 1776 with the founding of Phi Beta Kappa, the mother of college fraternities, the initial purpose of fraternity was almost exclusively literary and remained so for the next 75 years.In fact,recitation as an importantlearning process became one of the earliest functions of the fraternity chapter; here in a non-threatening out-of-class atmosphere of mutual trust and congeniality among peers,students could freely discuss and deliberate about their classroom instruction without the fear of a professor's "putdown." This exercise provided a welcome platform for maturing academically. By the 1886's, there emerged an emphasis upon moral and ethical ideals which complemented the original literary mission of fraternities. And,by the turn of the twentieth century, a third trend evolved as a natural outgrowth of the first two - the fostering of fellowship and meaningful lifelong relationships. By the early 1900's, the tri-partite purpose was broadly accepted as a desirable complement to the educational mission of the college. As fraternities grew and prospered, they began to acquire property, at first as a convenience for meetings but later for providing membersroom and board.How palatial some of those chapter homes became! By the 1930's, many fraternities offered not only comfortable sleeping and studying quarters but luxurious dining facilities and parlors replete with fireplaces, oriental rugs, chandeliers, and grand pianos. Indeed, the fraternity home became a living/learning environment that offered a natural opportunity for the practice ofresponsibility, leadership, management skills, etiquette, and ethical behavior. The homey atmosphere of the chaper house was nurtured and preserved by the housemother, a salient feature of the fraternity movement whose contributions provided continuity between the undergraduate members and alumni. Butfraternity homes were by no means all self-serving. For example, at many of the earliest colleges,the majority ofstudent housing was provided by fraternities,sparing the host institution the expense of building and operating dormitories and cafeterias. In addition, a vital service to the nation in the cause of freedom came when fraternity homes, vacated by members during World War H were made available to the

With the return ofthe GI'sto college after World War II,fraternities began to exhibit more carefree attitudes towards college life and less adherence to traditional mores of behavior. government for housing and training military officers.But perhaps the mostsignificant byproduct of the fraternity home was its welcoming call to alumni returning for reunions, a custom which inspired loyalty to the old alma mater experessed later in the form of major financial gifts. Thus,for well over a century, these selfgoverning entities called college fraternities

The living room ofthe Upsilon chapter house at the University of Illinois during the "golden years" offraternity. made innumerable and valuable contributions, both educationally and materially, to their host institutions. For these and reasons already mentioned, they earned and enjoyed the respect of the academic community. With the proliferation of diaper homes, however, fraternities became labeled as social organizations to distinguish them from those honorary or professional. While fraternity par-

Thus, for well over a century, these self-governing entities called college fraternities made innumerable and valuable contributions, both educationally and materially, to their host institutions.

ties had gained popularity, they were usually well monitored and chaperoned by vigilant alumni house corporation members, chapter advisors, housemothers, faculty, and university officials. Unacceptable conduct was minimal and kept in check by the college dean.Collegiate leadership, as well, was accustomed to exercising control whenever the safety and decorum of members and guests and the protection of property were in doubt. These "golden years" provided members and guests a respectable social outlet in addition to,rather than overshadowing, the organization's primary function of promoting greater intellectual awareness, developing character, and fostering fellowship. But a new trend was on the horizon. National prosperity after World War II brought an unprecedented wave of carefreeism to the college campus which imposed a heavy emphasis on fraternity "social life" and foreshadowed disaster to both the brotherhood concept and the chapter home. This influence started with the influx of GI's returning to college after the war. While the veterans were bent on getting a degree expeditiously, they were known to work and play with equal gusto. While they exhibtited a sense of balanced maturity tempered by the harrowing experiences of war, the GI's frequently confronted traditional campus mores vigorously enforced by the campus dean. Recognizing the veteran, returning victorious from a hard-fought war, was indeed home for the spoils, the dean patriotically allowed him greater leniency than that permitted before the war. Here the phenomenon ofhazing, which had seeped into the fraternity element in earlier years, became so pronounced that college officials, although tolerating the practice, endeavored to place restrictions on it. As the GI bill ran out, the average age of the undergraduate population rapidly lowered to prewar levels.The management of the chaper was soon left in the hands of 17 to 22 year olds eager to emulate often their predecessors' rousing social life, but seldom their study habits.(A similar situation occurred after the Korean Conflict, but not of the same magnitude.) Sud-

denly, the college dean, preoccupied with having to maintain civil obedience, devoted nearly his full time to disciplining students. Fortunately, the housemother was still intact, and the loyal alumni board members(although growing weary) continued their vigilance over the care and upkeep of the chapter property. Increasingly fraternities began living up to their misnomer as "social" organizations on campus, while hazing grew to dangerous proportions. This trend was abruptly altered by an international incident that rocked the free world in the mid-1950's. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, and North America democracies recoiled in part by challenging their eductional systems to rectify the free world's slipping into second place.To back up this challenge, billions of dollars of government aid bolstered education at all levels. In addition to science and technology laboratories, colleges and universities built dormitories and cafeterias to accommodate the World War II and Korean Conflict baby booms; thus, almost overnight fraternities no longer had the edge on providing housing and dining facilities. Also,for the first time, institutions of higher eduction sharply increased academic standards and seriously questioned anything that could be labeled anti-intellectual. Simultaneously, the issue of racism became a national concern impacting directly upon the college campus and often laid at the fraternity door. The postwar carefreeism of college came under attack, and task forces in proliferation reviewed the worthiness of fraternities. These issues aired publicly brought on a decline of student interest in fraternities and caused one of the greatest crises faced by the Greek movement since the turn of the century. The challenge was met head-on with another first - the cooperative efforts of general fraternity leadership, chapter alumni, and the college dean. Hazing and the heavy emphasis on party life subsided, racism was dealt with, and scholarship improved. The fraternity movement again started to show signs of returning to its original purpose. However, such improvements were shortlived, interrupted by still another trend. The college fraternity soon was caught between the Vietnam war student protest movement and a new wave of "meism." Anti-establishment sentiments among the collegiate generation grew to paramount proportions, sending fraternity membership spiraling to its lowest ebb since World War II. In addition, acid rock and illegal drugs entered the scene, while student indifference chased off housemothers and alienated alumni. Bowing to societal pressure for students' rights, colleges and universities abolished in loco parentis and muzzled the "mean dean," essentially replacing him with cumbersome committees to assume a semblance of governance over violations of student conduct. Traditional rules and the enforcement of standards of behavior were eliminated or reduced, bringing to an end campus protests but leaving the student almost entirely on his own to become a victim of a new phenomenon - situational ethics.

(continued on pg. 3)

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A Perspective ... Drinking age is said to fail for Students


Laws making 21 the legal drinking age, intended to combat drunken driving among young people,are having little effect on limiting drinking among college students, according to recent studies and interviews with university officials and students. They also say the laws may be resulting in more undergraduates driving while intoxicated because stiffer college regulations are leading more students to drink off campus at fraternity houses, social clubs or local bars, where school officials have little or no jurisdiction. Moreover, they say that it is difficult to stop underage students from drinking on campus because of false identification cards and an abundance of upperclassmen who can legally buy alcoholic beverages. The officials note, too, that many underage students arc drinking secretly, and often more recklessly, in their dormitory rooms, despite the growing availability of alcohol-education programs."What can you do?" said Betty Trachtenberg, Dean of Student Affairs at Yale University. "It's a terrific dilemma for us." Though the severity of the situation varies, it is considered a common problem at most universities. At Yale, for example, college drinking restrictions are routinely flouted. At a university-sponsored party last month, Yuval

Marcus, a 20-year old junior, easily obtained a beer by flashing two fake identification cards at security officials. "If you don't have one, you can always go off campus, to a fraternity party, or just get an upperclassman to buy the liquor," he said."There are very few people here who are deterred by the 21-year-old law." In the last five years, under the threat of losing federal transportation funds, the District of Columbia and 15 states raised their legal drinking ages to 21,bringing to 48 the number of states with such laws. South Dakota will enact it next year, but legislators in Wyoming have repeatedly defeated such proposals. Though the laws are believed to have had an effect on drinking among all people 16 to 21 years old, their effect strictly among college students has been negligible and,in some ways, detrimental, according to the first studies available. In a 1983 nationwide survey of about 4,200students at public and private colleges and universities,21 percentsaid they had six or more drinks at least once a week.The figure remained the same in 1985, and preliminary information from a 1987 survey shows similar figures. "They are drinking the same amount, but going offcampus or in their rooms to do it," said Prof. Ruth Engs of Indiana, who conducted the surveys with Prof. David Hanson of the State University of New York at Potsdam. AtTexas A&M University,a study of300 students showed that when the Texas drinking age rose to 21 in 1986, the average number of times they became intoxicated in a semester changed only from 7.1 to 7.0. In New York state, a survey by Siena College of 76 student-life administrators from public and private four-year colleges and universities showed that 38 percent believed their school had a drinking problem in 1985. After the state's drinking age became 21 in 1986, the figure rose to 43 percent. That study, compiled by Professors Thomas0.Kelly and Douglas A. Lonnstrom, also showed that 67 percent of the administrators believed that the new law had resulted in more students driving off campus to drink. Some students and officials also contend that raising the drinking age to 21 was intended primarily to stop drinking and driving among

high school students.That assertion,however,is denied by officials of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in Washington, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which lobbied hard to raise the drinking age in many states. They cite, state and national studies of people 16 to 21 that showed declines in drinking and alcohol-related incidents."We believe the new drinking age has had a positive effect on those in that age group," said Ronald Servis, MADD's director of public affairs. None of those officials, though, said they knew of any studies that dealt solely with college students. Furthermore, some university officials said they believed that statistics on drinking by college students may differ from those of the same age who are not in college. They noted that college campuses often offer a more permissive and experimental social atmosphere. Other experts also warned that declines in alcohol-related traffic accidents and deaths do not necessarily mean that fewer people are drinking or driving while intoxicated. Other possible factors, said an official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, are better educated drivers, tougher drivingwhile-intoxicated laws and designated driver programs. The police and state alcoholic beverage control officials, who are responsible for enforcing the drinking laws off campus, are even less

Though the laws are believed to have had an effect on drinking among all people 16 to 21 years old, their effect strictly among college students has been negligible and, in some ways, detrimental certain of their effect, particularly on stopping underage drinking by college students. Besides driving off campus, underage college students also are believed to be drinking more often in their dormitory rooms, where school officials seldom intrude. This secret drinking has become a growing concern be-

cause of a dangerous practice that Robert Gringle, a Duke University health services official, calls "front loading." It entails students drinking large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time before going to an event where they will not be served. In one incident,three Yale Students were hospitalized this year after arriving intoxicated at a

"I think we should be trying to change behavior. It's not a law that's going to do that-it's education." school-sponsored Halloween dance. College officials defend their decision not to police residence halls, saying it would be impractical and an invasion of privacy. Ms. Trachtenberg also said that Yale usually did not punish students found illegally drinking on campus for fear that it would inhibit them from seeking medical help for students who may become severely intoxicated. Last year,a 19 year-old Yale student died after drinking large quantities of tequila in a dormitory room. Yale is one of many schools that allow drinking on campus by students 21 and older.It serves students at university functions if they have proper identification. Other schools, though, such as the University of Missouri at Columbia,take a different tack, banning beer kegs and all other alcoholic beverages. They are "dry" colleges, meaning that no alcohol is allowed on campus by anyone. "I think the trend is going toward dry campuses," said Kim Dude, assistant director of residential life policies at Missouri."Otherwise, you're in a compromising position, and the liability for serving an underage drinker is phenomenal." "I think we should be trying to change behavior," Ms. Dude said."It's not a law that's going to do that-it's education."

Reprintedfrom the Association of Fraternity Advisors Newsletter


The new Epsilon Iota Chapter House

Housing Update In the last issue of The Star and Lamp we highlighted fourPi Kappa Phichapters with new housing. In this issue we add two more chapters to the roster. Epsilon Iota Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro is now proud to

Groundbreaking at Beta Phi hang Pi Kappa Phi's letters on what used to be The Shady Lawn Inn, a lodging house that welcomed visitors for more than fifty years. Pi Kappa Phi occupies the main building, a turreted house built in 1906 by the prominent Kellenberger family of Greensboro. Lambda Chi Alpha occupies the former Inn's two-story brick annex nextdoor.The two fraternity houses join Sigma Phi Epsilon which in August moved into a large, red-shingled house nearby. "It is really nice," said Craig Wasserman, Vice-Archon of Epsilon Iota. "It offers us a lot of freedom, and it upgrades the Greek system. We have a little fraternity row here."

On February 20, 1988, the brothers and alumni of Beta Phi at East Carolina University took the first step towards the realization of a dream by turning the first spade ofdirton the site oftheir new fraternity house.The ground breaking coincided with Beta Phi's 25th anniversary celebration. During the weekend some 40 Beta Phi alumni raised approximately $12,000 towards the housing project. At the present time, the house at803 Hooker Road has been removed and as soon as the financial arrangements can be made, work will begin towards making Beta Phi's dream a reality.

Pi Kapp Firsts Pi Kappa Phi is proud to list here the following chapters, all of whom rank first among the fraternities on their respective campuses in scholarship. Our congratulations to them on their academic excellence! Alpha Sigma - University of Tennessee Delta Upsilon - University of Pittsburgh Zeta Zeta - Jacksonville University

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Fraternity Values: An Introduction In the last issue of The Star and Lamp, the first halfofthe NationalInterfraternity Conference report, We Are Fraternity, appeared, introducing a series of upcoming articles onfraternal values by Pi Kappa Phi National Chaplain Thomas Sayre. The report concludes here with a list of fraternal values that willserve as a basisfor the series, and isfollowed by Thomas Sayre'sfirst article, Fraternity Values: An Introduction.

Ultimate Expectations In the spirit of our founding principles, we must never be content with basic expectations but must always strive for the following Ideals of Fraternity: To establish and maintain the highest order of human relationships, I hereby promise to uphold the fraternal values of: LOVE .. . of humanity through concern, charity, service, respect and tolerance. LOYALTY . . . to fellow member, chapter, fraternity, school and country. MORALITY ... in word and deed through truth, honor, virtue, integrity and justice. RESPONSIBILITY . . . to self through healthful living and upright action,and to others through positive leadership, emotional support, open communication, and sound fiscal managment. COMMITMENT ... to spiritual, intellectual and social potential leading to personal development. I further promise to challenge my fellow members to uphold these fraternity values.

Fraternity Values: By Thomas Sayre It is with considerable hesitation and even trepidation that! write what is being tauted as a series of articles pertaining to Fraternity "values." Frankly, it would be easier to write about the life and times of William Shakespeare or about typhoons in Okinawa or what it is like to be on the National Council, or about almost anything else. Being a "PK"(preacher's kid)

probably means that, to some extent,these kinds of issues are in my blood. Furthermore, I suppose that holding the office of National Chaplain propels me even closer to this challenge.In theory, the Chaplain is the appointed keeper of the ritual. Our ritual is the symbolic expression ofour deepest and most important values. After all, the Chaplain is the guy who says most of the prayers. Prayers have something to do with values, right? The real reason I am writing this article harkens back to the way I came into this fraternity. I am an alumnus initiate and did not have the experience of being a student member. In fact, while vocally demonstrating against the Vietnam War in the early 70's,joining a fraternity could not have been further from my mind. My involvement with Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity began over a decade ago when PUSH became the Fraternity's National Project. I was astounded that this Fraternity, any Fraternity, would want to be involved with something like PUSH - much less take substantial risks to be involved. I remember thinking that somehow there seemed to be substance to this group. PUSH seemed to express something of importance, something which had to do with the values of this Fraternity called Pi Kappa Phi. Since 1977, when PUSH became PUSH and!became a member of Pi Kappa Phi,I have been interested in learning about what these values are which we all affirm in our ritual. How do they play themselves out in our behavior? How do they distinguish us from other groups, from dorm associations,from a Kiwanis club,or even from another college fraternity? Most importantly, how do we use our values to keep ourselves strong, in tune with the qualities with which we were established,and to propel us into the future. This first article pertaining to Fraternity values will attempt to lay a conceptual framework with which! and others can explore, over time,specific Fraternity issues and what ethical underpinnings lie beneath them.The goal is not to preach or to be didactic. The goal is to establish that our values are not only the very basis of our organization, but function (or should function) as a constant template with which to measure our successes and chart our future courses. Values: A definition At the risk of being pedantic,! begin this discussion of Fraternity values by consulting my tattered Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. The English word: "value" comes from the Latin root 'valere', which means "to be worth"

or "to be strong." Right off the bat, there is an interesting connection: that strength has something to do with worth. Strength is not muscle or force but, instead, it is derived from value,from something internal. I dove again into Webster's and looked up the word "morality" - a word which seems to have relevance. Morality is actually a fairly neutral word meaning: a doctrine or system of principles ofright and wrong. According to this definition, Hitler could be seen as a moral man. He espoused a very definite set of principles based on a shared sense of right and wrong, and then acted on those principles. Obviously, it is essential to look at the nature of the principles themselves. What values are behind the principles? Sharing Values It is important to realize that values are not some touchy-feely mumbo jumbo we mouth on Sunday's or read about in religion classes, or do twice a year during initiation. Rather they are the very basis of much of our behavior as human beings. Fraternity values are, by definition,

I remember thinking that somehow there seemed to be substance to this group. PUSH seemed to express something ofimportance, something which had to do with the values ofthis Fraternity called Pi Kappa Phi.

shared values. They are values ascribed to by a group.If we as a fraternity do not understand our values and do not act on the basis of them, then I see little defense against those who seek to discredit fraternities with accusations of wanton hedonism. Let me try to be concrete. What's at stake when we watch a brother leave a party drunk? I am not talking, here, about liability. Yes, that is a huge and important issue: but it is not the only issue in this situation. My question is what is humanly at stake. No, it is not easy to be "the heavy" and prevent him from leaving .. but it wasn't symbolically easy to protect that same brother from the forces of evil during his initiation, either.

What's at stake in the practice of hazing? I have heard that hazing is a way of creating a strong brotherhood.That may well be true ofthe Marines, but we are in a vastly different circumstance than that ofcombat. My question is, what is the value behind that brotherhood when it is based on fear and intimidation rather than trust and mutual support. Again, the values which shed light on this dilemma arefound in the ritual. It is there that we are called into a communion of brothers who are bound together by trust derived not from fear of hostility, but from mutually shared, positive values.

Fraternity values are, by definition, shared values.

Perhaps a more difficult question is what's at stake when one of our brothers is diagnosed with Al DS? It is increasingly a statistical possibility. I have heard some say that the brother would be shunned and even excised from our ranks in order to preserve our reputation - in order to "keep the brotherhood strong." But what kind of brotherhood is that which can't support and comfort an ailing member? Once again, the answer is found deep in our own lexicon of values. It will be our attempt in this series of articles to discuss our fraternity values as a living and breathing force which is at the very basis of our organization. Like any of us individuals, our fraternity, at times, strays from its own values. I am amazed even at the National Council level how we all can become so bound up in the finances and legalities of Fraternity business so as to forget who we really are. It is our hope that through this series we can all become more familiar with what makes us special. Our ritual is broad enough to encompass our diversity as well as engage our imaginations. But it also espouses some very real values which are all-too-easy to forget as we go about our everyday lives. I used to live out in the country next to a wonderfully wise old farmer who used to say:"Ya 'know, a man can forget what he knows faster than you can blink."

Watchfor upcoming articles in this series to appear in future editions of The Star and Lamp

(CRITICAL TRENDS,continuedfrom page. I) Fraternities, again finding it increasingly difficult to attract new members, opened wider their doors especially at party time, often at the behest of college offficials who encouraged fraternities to extend social activities to nonfraternity students. Chapter funds spent on alcohol and parties left treasuries depleted and dining facilities closed, as fraternity homes deteriorated into campus pubs for the masses. Chapter home upkeep was neglected and careless, even wanton, disregard for property rampant. This dismal situation, largely ignored by the host institution, camouflaged, if not obliterated, the original mission and purpose of the college fraternity. Even though critics were eager to sign their death warrant, fraternities somehow still managed to survive, but not without a herculean reaffirmation of the original purposes and principles that gave them birth. During the last half of the 1970's, a genuine renaissance of the fraternity movement gained phenomenal momentum.By the mid 1980's joining a fraternity was again popular - a welcome trend indeed, but with it came nagging problems. For, despite the decline of the drug culture, which had gripped the campus and spilled over into fraternities, the Greek system still had to cope with hazing, alcohol abuse, deteriorated chaper houses, and sexism and sex abuse. To compound these struggles, a decrease in the college age population threatened institutions with empty dormitories, bringing on new university requirements prohibiting freshmen from living in fraternity houses. But that's not all A new trend of the 1980's - an unprecendented number of personal liability suits - has forced a frontal attack by fraternities on their social ills. Although some colleges and univer-

sities have started to respond to threats of litigation by partially reinstating in loco parentis, many still are reluctant to enforce those out-ofclass standards of conduct already accepted by fraternities: strict policies prohibiting hazing, open parties, and alcohol and sex abuse.Indeed, today an increasing number of fraternities are enforcing rigid reduction policies, conducting risk reduction seminars, insisting on dry rush, and working diligently with alumni whose renewed interest has kindled hope for finding resources necessary to renovate chaper homes.

Nowhere in higher eduction today is there an instrumentality that equals the potential for the fraternity movement as an out-of-class experience for the development of leaders. At long last, it now appears that the fraternity movement is about to pay its last respects to the era when the "keg was king!" Proudly, today's fraternit) members are concentrating on more elevated pursuits - community service, improved scholarship, and campus leadership. While it is questionable whether or not fraternities will completely recapture the palatial living/learning environment of their heyday and return to a singular emphasis on their original threefold purpose, it is clear that they must avoid at all costs the "social blight" that has nearly brought their downfall. Predictably,during the 1990's the college fraternity movement, having proven its remarkable resilience, will somehow regroup what's left of its assets and

worthy attributes and dedicate them to the needs of the larger society while seeking to complement more than ever the educational mission of the host institution. The kind of leadership needed by the faster paced, even more highly technological society of tomorrow is clearly in short supply, and a greater emphasis on leadership development may very well give fraternities all the relevance they need to justify their existence. Nowhere in higher eduction today is there an instrumentality that equals the potential for the fraternity movement as an out-of-class experience for the development of leaders. The brotherhood environment offers fertile turf for perpetuating moral and ethical values, inculcating responsibility, establishing worthy goals and objectives, and following through on their achievements. The very stuff that solid leadership is made of. Yet tomorrow's fraternities will have no easy go of it, especially without more encouragement from the academic community. It is difficult enough for them to achieve their mission in a milieu where many faculty (perhaps unwittingly) tend to project into their subject matter a measure of secular humanism, if not agnosticism, ostensibly upon the pretense of upholding the separation of church and state. Moreover,not only is it an affront to the "constitutional right of fraternities to exist, but it is simply educationally unsound to crusade for their abolition on the assumption that they are anachronisms, their problems are incurable, they inhibit independent thinking, and they encourage less than desirable peer values which overshadow those imparted in the classroom. While elements ofthese negative influences can and do exist,there is absolutely nothing inherent in the concept of fraternity that creates them.

Such negative influences pervade the entire campus culture; and fraternities, although not 100% successful, are among the organizations that are best able to counter them. Furthermore, on the college campus, fraternity is one of the few remaining entities, through its family, religious, and educational orientation, that retains a commitment to imparting those moral and ethical values desperately needed in the workplace of today and tomorrow. Indeed, according to an article that appeared in the April 27, 1988 Chronical of Higher Education, quoting Derek Bock, President of Harvard University,"Despite the importance of moral development to the individual student and the society, one cannot say that higher education has demonstrated a deep concern for the problem. Some efforts are being made on every campus, and a number of religious institutions and small independent colelges actually devote much time and energy to the task. More often, however, and especially in large universities, the subject is not treated as a serious responsibility worthy of sustained discussion and determined action by the faculty and administration. What is hard to forgive is a refusal to recognize the problem or to acknowledge a responsibity to work at it conscientiously. Universities have an obligation to help students learn how to lead ethical, reflective, fulfilling lives." And that's the business of fraternity. In view of its record of survival against insurmountable odds, the fraternity movement in the 1990's is destined to continue its journey toward fulfilling it underlying mission - to produce ethical leaders for society.Pi Kappa Phi has pursued this mission since its founding and invites alumni, college administrators and faculty to join in the cause.

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Pi Kappa Phi Charters Stockton State College As Zeta Kappa Chapter

Nestled in the Pine Barrens of South Jersey, is the campus of Stockton State College. With their modern, architectually awarded design and the lush green acres, this makes the campus at Stockton State the largest in New Jersey, and the fourth largest in the country.It is only miles from the sandy beaches and roaring crowds of Atlantic City. This school is only sixteen years old, and the Greek system is even younger.This campus has just recently become the home of one of the newest chapters of Pi Kappa Phi, Zeta Kappa Chapter. On September 17, 1986,one of the sisters ofthe women's fraternity, Alpha Gamma Delta, decided to start a group of Little Brothers. Gina Galante thought the Little Brothers would be a great idea, and once organized, these Little Brothers would become their own fraternity. Under the guidance of herself and her brother, John Galante, also the #1 initiate ofZeta Kappa, these Little Brothers became a group of strong, diverse men, with the goal to colonize under a National Fraternity. For that school year, the Little Brothers of Alpha Gamma Delta took off They worked hard toward this goal. They were determined to succeed. On September 15, 1987, John Galante contacted the National Headquarters of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Why did they choose Pi Kappa Phi you might ask? Well, the Little Brother president was best friends with a Brother from the Epsilon Theta Chapter at Seton Hall, Jim Wittig. He sold the fraternity to John by telling of Pi Kappa Phi's attributes, benefits, and advantages. The next step was for National Staff members to take a visit to the campus. Leadership Consultant Jeff Michael and Area I Governor, Jim Krucher, came to the Stockton campus for an intensive information night for the thirty enthusiastic Little Brothers. The brothers were very impresed with the fraternity and all it had to offer. They decided two days later to become a colony under the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. At that point, many responsibilities were given to the officers and men.Requirements had to be met, projects had to be completed, and excellence had to be achieved.The colony set a goal of meeting the requirements by the end of the school year and hoped for a late spring chartering. The colony progressed with a robust outlook. They grew to the size of thirty-eight. The

The Men ofZeta Kappa Chapter at Stockton State College next eight months to come would be filled with hard work, frustration, high hopes, excitement, and a lot of fun. The colony took part in many traditions and activities that the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity stresses. They celebrated Founder's Day,sent delegates to AVAT,took part in many Greek functions on campus, raised over $1000 for PUSH,and met other chapter requirements. All the men of this colony are active in all aspects of school. Some are Student Senators, Resident Advisors, Dorm Managers, tutors, athletic participants, and all around hard workers. The leadership experience they bring into the Fraternity will reflect in the quality of the Zeta Kappa Chapter. In the middle of the spring semester, the requirements were met, and the Pi Kappa Phi National Council approved the chartering of Zeta Kappa at Stockton State. Assistant Director Glenn Dickson supervised the events along with Chartering Officer Rick Bohner (Omega, Purdue) and Ron Szkodny (Beta Alpha, NJIT). Leadership Consultant Jeff Michael represented the Administrative Office. The dates were set for April 21,22 and 23. The chartering week began on Thursday night, April 21 with the written examinations. The

following day, the first order of business was a set of oral examinations. Upon successful completion of these rigorous criteria, the associate members of Zeta Kappa proceeded to be initiated as Brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. Friday evening, Brothers from Beta Alpha at NJIT and the Epsilon Theta Chapter at Seton Hall performed the Ritual of Initiation at Holy Spirit Church in Atlantic City. It was a wonderful night that will never be forgotten by the Brothers of Zeta Kappa Chapter. The following evening, April 23, the Chartering Banquet was held at the Radisson Flagship Resort. This was a very festive and proud event. The Fraternity enjoyed the company of National Vice President Steve DePalma, Area Governor I Jim Krucher, Chapter Advisor Dave White, and the two initiating teams, Beta Alpha and Epsilon Theta. Also attending the banquet were Rance Catlin, who is Director of Campus Activities, Janie King, who is Assistant Director of Campus Activities and Greek Advisor, and of course, the Alpha Gamma Delta Sisters. Many parentsjoined in on the celebration of their son's accomplishments. The Banquet began with Glenn Dickson and his opening remarks. Then went to the presentation of the charter to Archon John

Galante by Rich Bohner and Ron Sz.kodny.The Archon then made a few remarks and thank you's. A keynote address was made by Rich Bohner, and Rance Catlin addressed the audience on behalf of the college. A special speech by National Vice President Steve DePalrna was then added to the program. All speakers commended the chapter and expressed their anticipation of an excellent future for the Zeta Kappa Chapter. Archon John Galante and Vice Archon Eric McPherson then presented gifts to both NJIT and Seton Hall for their hard work with initiation. Then the President of Alpha Gamma Delta, Mary Pyrros presented the new chapter with roses. The night was then made even more speical when the brothers of Zeta Kappa sang "The Rose of Pi Kappa Phi" to the mothers and the Alpha Gamma Deltas. The entire weekend was enjoyable for the Brothers of Zeta Kappa Chapter. The future looks bright for Zeta Kappa Chapter.The Brothers and their Chapter Advisor, Dave White, could not be happier. Archon, John Galante, in his remarks claims,"The end is the beginning. .. And this is the beginning of a legacy that will grow at Stockton forever."

Gamma Phi Recharters at South Alabama During the week of April 20, 1987, Ken Kaiser went to Mobile, Alabama with the purpose of re-establishing the Gamma Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at the University of South Alabama. This chapter, having been previously chartered in 1971, lost its charter in the winter quarter of 1987. Ken Kaiser, National leadership consultant for Pi Kappa Phi, selected the core membership from lists of high academic achievers and independent intramural participants. Ken met with each man individually asking questions about the Greek system and answering questions about Pi Kappa Phi. During the next few weeks, meetings wre held nightly and pledging ceremonies were held often. By the time Ken left the campus, the membership totaled 22 distinguished men. Being formed late during the spring quarter, the Gamma Phi Chapter was unable to participate in intramurals and other campus activities. However, the men placed first in academics with a 3.09 grade point average, breaking the previous record. During the summer of 1987, the men found it tough to stay in contact with each other, but the officers worked diligently to assure success in the fall of 1987. Fall Rush was the focal point of all our efforts during the fall quarter. Community service programs werejust getting started and intramural participation was growing steadily. The group ended the fall quarter by again placing first in academics with a 2.94 grade point average. By the winter quarter of 1988, the membership had grown to 27 men and had grown accustomed to each other as well as the Greek system. Now,functioning as a team, they found their strong points were organization and determination. These two facets attributed to a second place ranking in intramurals. The highlight of winter quarter was the Miss University of South Alabama Pageant, which is owned by the Gamma Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. This pageant is a preliminary to the Miss Alabama

The newly initiated members of Gamma Phi holding chapter awards at South Alabama's Greek banquet. Pageant which leads to the Miss USA Pageant. The performance was flawless and the money raised will be donated to PUSH.The men ended the quarter by placing first in academics again and preparing for chartering. Spring quarter was entered with chartering in clear view, but with only a few short weeks to complete all the last minute details. The Associate Member written exams were held on April 21,the same night as the Greek Awards Banquet.That night as well as the whole weekend is something that no member of the Gamma

Phi Chapter will forget. They met their two biggest goals of the year on that one weekend. The first and main goal was the re-chartering of the Gamma Phi Chapter, and the second was winning the most coveted award offered, The Dean's Cup. The chartering officers were Earnest Johnson,Glenn Aspinwall,and Ken Kaiser, while the Epsilon Phi Chapter from the University of Alabama at Birmingham was the initiating team. The Chartering Banquet was a special eventfor all those who attended.The new Broth-

ers of Pi Kappa Phi were all excited and determined to keep the position as the No. 1 Fraternity on campus. The special guests of the banquet were Dean Steams and President Whiddon, who gave the keynote address. The Chapter would like to extend a special recognition to those who were so instrumental in the re-chartering of the chapter: Frank Havard, Area Governor; Bill Ishee, Chapter Advisor; Ken Kaiser, who brought everyone together; and Glenn Aspinwall and Earnest Johnson who were the chartering officers.

Page 5

Pi Kappa Phi's Zeta Eta at South Florida

The new brothers ofZeta Eta Chapter shortly before their initiation, January 22,1988 infront ofthe First Christian Church. It seemed as if it would never happen,but a year and a half of sweat, hard work, and determination paid off when Pi Kappa Phi chartered the Zeta Eta Chapter at the University of South Florida on the weekend of January 22, 1988.For the42men involved,it was a night not soon to be forgotten and a much needed boost for brotherhood within the group. The University of South Florida, located in Tampa, Florida, is the academic home for nearly 30,000 students, the majority of which commute from the nearby suburbs. This has not hindered the growth of Greek organizations operating on campus however. There are currently 18 other national fraternities and one local fraternity, as well as 10sororities established on the campus.These groups have proven to be the backbone of the University's spirit and service related activities due to the small number ofoncampus residents.

The new Zeta Eta Chapter has operated on campus since October, 1982 as a local by the name Alpha Tau Tau.The local was started by a group of pre-law students who were unhappy with the structure of the pre-law organizations operating on the campus. ATT,an acronym for attorney, grew and was well respected in the university community due to the various de-

bates and community awareness programs staged by the fraternity. A greatchange occurred in January, 1984 when the group decided to open its membership to all majors and to be more involved with the activities provided by the Interfraternity Council. From then until the present time, the fraternity has placed highly in intramural competition, and is involved in many philanthropic projects around the city. Included among them is Pi Kappa Phi's own PUSH project. Although ATI' was established and respected on campus, the need for continuity spurred the decision to look for a national fraternity that was willing to expand to USF and that would provide our group with the incentive and leadership needed for the change. This was found in Pi Kappa Phi when several of our officers met with the National Chancellor, Nathan Hightower, over dinner in the summer of 1986 to discuss possible expansion. The idea of dissolving the local fraternity for the "take-over by a national" did not please several of the brothers. The feeling was that we would have a major change from the relaxed approach taken by the local.Nathan visited with the group and tried to ease the minds of the few stubborn brothers, but the overall enthusiasm

IN An investigative committee is formed whenever serious hazing allegations are made against a brother or chapter ofPi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Usually consisting ofalumni advisorsfrom that chapter, the area governor,and chapter housing corporation members,it is the committee's responsibility to determine,as best they can, the facts of the incident, and make recommendations of action to the chapter or National Council. This year, a hazing incident occured at a chapter ofPiKappaPhi.Thisis the actual report of the investigative committee. (The names of the brothers involved, and the chapter have been omitted.) Report of Investigative Committee Incident at Chapter January 6,1988 From approximately 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. several members of theâ– chapter took pledges away from where they were sleeping up to the members's rooms where they engaged in heavy quizzing, intimidation, and forced pledges to do pushups,in contradiction to fraternity policy and to the unanimous vote of the chapter that there would be no such activities. The members involved were temporarily suspended pending a hearing. The committee on January 14, 1988 inter-

wasn't there.This delayed any action to start the expansion process at USF. After several leadership consultants were sent by the Administrative Office, the rebel attitude began to change. The brothers realized that Pi Kappa Phireally will be there to help with the change and continue long after chartering is over. The problem was that almost a year had passed since the initial contact by Nathan Hightower. The officers in IFC had been notified that ATT would no longer be operating on campus and a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi would be established in its place. All activities performed by the group would be under Pi Kappa Phi, not ATT.This helped gain exposure around campus and we received the support of several other fraternities in making the transition smoother. Now was the time to get serious about chartering. The summer of 1987 brought good news to the colony when Dr. Patrick Figley accepted the offer to become our Chapter Advisor. Being a Pi Kapp for over thirty years from Chi Chapter at Stetson,he brought insight and a much needed amount of brotherhood and leadership to the group. Without his efforts and support, we would probably have never been chartered at all.

With chartering initially set for January, 1988,there was alot of work to be accomplished in the few short monthi before then.In addition to the chartering requirements, we wanted to maintain our good image around campus and show that we were stronger than ever. Tackling all this at once was not an easy task, but to the surprise of the chapter and the Administrative Office, we were able to meet all the chartering requirements within the given deadline. Now the long awaited moment was finally here,chartering! After our written exam,given on the evening of January 21 by Assistant Executive Director Glenn Dickson the group was ready to proceed with the extensive process ofchartering and initiation.This was to take place the next afternoon at the First Christian Church located next to Tampa Bay, a perfect setting for this meaningful experience. The first order of business was the oral boards which were given by the chartering officers Nathan Hightower and Mark Timrnes.This was an extensive review of the members to ensure our commitment to being chartered as Pi Kapps.This was followed by the initiation process itself. Performing the initiation ceremony were brothers from the Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida. These men did an excellentjob initiating all 42 brothers in one evening. Due to the lateness of the hour and the new feeling of brotherhood inspired by the initiation ceremony, it was decided to go ahead with the chartering ceremony at that time instead of waiting until the next day. The new chapter, the chartering team, and the other people involved were then invited to the home of Dr. Figley, and his wife and daughter had breakfast waiting for everyone. All this at 4:30 in the morning! Topping off the weekend was the Chartering Banquet and Awards Ceremony which was attended by Glenn Dickson, Nathan Hightower, Mark Tirrunes, Pat Figley, Marion Mixson(Harry Mixson's son), school officials, area alumni, and the parents of the newly initiated brothers. Zeta Eta is still excelling in all aspects of fraternity life at USF and followed up its chartering by pledging 12 new associate members for the spring. Under the continued support and direction of Pat Figley, the chapter has high hopes for the future with continued growth and improvement to become one of the top chapters of Pi Kappa Phi!

REPORT viewed each person named below except about the facts, the importance of change to chapter, their attitudes, and the endangerment the chapter faced by their activities. It was evident that each man had done a good bit of thinking about what he had done, and all displayed remorse and a desire to reform. After deliberating for several hours, and with the concurrence of Nathan Hightower, (National Chancellor) and Durward Owen (Executive Director), the following actions were taken: Until February 15,1988,suspension from all chapter activities and privileges,not allowed to live in house or come on fraternity property, 16 hours of productive community service to be completed under supervision: (Members considered to be active participants in quizzing, pushups) The above actions were taken againstfour members. Until January 31, 1988, suspended from all chapter activities and privileges,not allowed to live in house or come on fraternity property, 8 hours of productive community service to be completed under supervision: (Members considered to not be active participants, but were in room, knew what was going

on, failed to stop.) The above actions were taken against three members.* *One member voluntarily came before committee and stated he was in room at time of acts. Until February 15, 1988, must redouble efforts to carry out responsibilities assigned by chapter, suspension from attendance at chapter meeting, and suspension from attendance at all social functions: (Officer who happened on activity as was unloading his car. Had not been atschool until that time and apparently assumed thatsuch behavior was condoned.Did nothing to stop, was derelict in his duty as an officer.) The above actions were taken against one member. Until February 15, 1988, must redouble efforts to carry out responsibilities assigned by chapter, suspension from attendance at chapter meeting, and suspension from attendance at all social functions: (House manager, who knew new policy, who attempted to stop sessions, but was intimidated by perpetrators, and who failed to seek assistance from higher authority.) The above actions were taken against one member.

Page 6


Brother Burke Davis Hangs Up His Pen He's covered his typewriter and capped his pen. Now, he's just Burke Davis the gardener, the birdwatcher, the wood chopper, the traveler.Brother Walter Burke Davis,an initiate of Mu chapter at Duke University in 1932, winner of numerous literary prizes, has announced he's retired from writing at the age of 72. During the past 40 years, Davis had churned out 50 books, including the acclaimed Civil War books,"They Called Him Stonewall" and "The Long Surrender." He made writing look easy, but he concedes now,"It had never been easy to me." His range was vast: books about Revolutionary War figures and events; about the Civil War;about20th century warriors; about Currier & Ives; even about a railroad, the Southern. "I don't think I'm written out, it's just harder for me to do it," Davis explains."I don't think I'm losing my marbles, but I do forget more now." His last words recently hit the bookstores, "War Bird: The Life and Times of Elliot White Springs," a book about the career of a flamboyant South Carolinian who became a World War I flying ace, wrote a novel, then took the family business, Springs Mills, and used sleek, sexy ads to turn it into a textile giant. Books haven't occupied all of Davis' writing time. He spent 20 years as a newspaper reporter. A busy time was the 1950's when he was a special-assignments reporter for the Greens-

boro Daily News. He lived then near Guilford Courthouse National Military Park in the old(and now being restored) Hoskin farm house, whose previous

Burke Davis

Mu chapter in the early 'thirties. Burke Davis is thefifth manfrom the right.

occupants included Lord Charles Cornwallis, the British commander during the 1781 Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Where better to write a book on the battle, which Davis did from a desk in the loft of the farmhouse. When he wanted a change of scenery, he went to the nearby museum, where rangers found a nook for him to work. One of his last military books,"The Long Surrender" was about Jefferson Davis and his attempt to escape during the war's waning days, The book was a Book-of-the-Month Club alter-

native. "To Appomattox" won the Mayflower Award,the highest award North Carolina gives for a non-fiction work. Davis had never been one to philosophize about writing or to run in high-brow literary circles. While others talked about writing, he was busy writing. When he reminisces,it's often about his newspaper days and his stint as a sports writer. "I thought sports writing was looser and freer than regular newspaper writing," says Davis, who covered Duke in the Rose Bowl and

Clemson in the Cotton Bowl five decades ago. Of all his books, his favorite is "The Summer Land" based on trips he made to his grandfather's house in Yadkin County to hear the old man spin yarns. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity congratulates Brother Davis on a long, successful writing career and is proud to call him a member of our Fraternity.

Adventures In The Pacific

The Zebu underfull sail Brother Tim Barley,an alumnusfrom Chi Chapter at Stetson University,is currently serving as a missionary in Valencia, Venezuelafor two years, ministering to underprivileged children. Before he left, he had the chance to travel with "Operation Raleigh," an expedition of science and community service that brought him halfway around the world. Thefollowing is his account of hisjourney. I recently had the rare opportunity to escape from the business of the world and explore an area of great serenity and high adventure. It was a place where I went without the sight of land and its inhabitants for weeks at a time, yet I found perpetual activity there, in many forms.I discovered all of these things and much more, in the Pacific Ocean, a setting of tremendous beauty and intrigue. Through the generous support of my family, friends and the brothers and little sisters of Pi Kappa Phi, I enjoyed this experience as a part of"Operation Raleigh,"a series ofscientific,community service and high adventure expeditions currently taking place throughout the world. My assignment was a magnificent voyage from the North Pacific to the South Pacific aboard "Zebu",a 75-foot Brigantine square-rig (a traditional sailing vessel).Joining me were 15 other"Venturers",between 18 and 25 years old, representing seven different countries. The

purpose of this expedition was primarily sail training, as it was done centuries ago, and to participate in cultural studies of the islands and countries we would visit on our journey. The voyage began is Osaka,Japan, where Zebu's captain and six permanent crew welcomed the 16 of us aboard our new home for the next few months. The work began the moment we stepped on deck - certainly the most physically demanding work I had ever done. But it was through the work that the adventure of a lifetime was created for me,far surpassing all of my expectations. From Osaka, we sailed to Tokyo and had two weeks to enjoy the hospitality and deep tradition ofthe Japanesse.Our purpose for being in this country was to introduce Operation Raleigh and its objectives to the people, who were highly interested in Zebu's excursion, as well as the land-based expeditions scheduled to begin in Japan shortly after our departure.In the brief time I had in this country, I found a true appreciation for their discipline, and genuine devotion toward their own land, its people and ancient heritage. After setting sail from Tokyo, we were at sea for nearly three weeks before wesaw sight of land. Those weeks of isolation were filled with some incredible experiences - several whale sittings, swimming near the Mariana Trench, and riding the boson's chair* were just a few of

the highlights. But the most significant event was the opportunity I had to spend time with the men and women on board. Living together in a room 15' by 15', cooking meals for each other, and working hard and sometimes stressful hours, side by side, created bonds between us all, as strong as I have ever known.The differences in our nationalities complemented each other so well and the comradery we shared was reminiscent of whatI also shared with the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi at Stetson University. It did not take long for me to realize that I was making friendships that would lastlong after our voyage was over, despite the miles that would separate us. In our first two ports of call, Micronesia and the Solomon Islands, we visited several of the more remote islands in the chains. Many of these islanders had never seen men and women from the Western World and they were quite fascinated with our presence. The native children took a particular interest in us and they became my constant conpanions whenever I was ashore. They showed me the best places on the island to swim and snorkel, collected seashells for me,and taught me songs in their native tongue. It was captivating to spend time with these smiling, curious children who touched me with their eagerness to show me their island homes and be my friends. After administering first aid supplies to several of the islands, there were scuba diving projects to do, particularly in Truk Lagoon of Micronesia. In that body of water, there are numerous wrecks of Japanese Fleet sunk during World War II. Many of these warships and planes rest on the floor of the lagoon intact, due to a surprise attack by the United States. Now, the wrecks are protected for divers to observe quite closely, if they choose. We even had the opportunity to sit in the cockpit of a Japanese Zero Fighter! After several weeks in the South Pacific islands, we turned west and set our course toward Papua, New Guinea and ultimately, Darwin, Australia, where my expedition would end. Once in Darwin, we putZebu on a slip for some repair work on her hull.It was amazing to see her out of the water and observe the battle scars of nearly a centruy at sea. While we visited in Australia's Northern Territory, we were the guests ofthe Australian Army in a barracks they provided for us. We alternated between ship repair work and conservation projects in the Kakadu National Forest, where hundreds of Aboriginal cave drawings have been preserved, some dating back 40,000 years.I found Austra-

Tim, riding the boson's chair

Tim with Fananufriends ha filled with many historic wonders, abundant natural beauty, and a hearty people as proud of their country as Americans are of theirs. As I prepared to depart from "Down Under" and return home,I realized I had more to be thankful for than I would ever be able to express. My adventure was over for now, butI will carry the memories, and remember the friends I made along the way for a long time to come. *A boson's chair is a short board suspended from the bow of the ship by two ropes to create a seat.To"ride"the chair,one ofus would lower himself down the ropes and sit on the seat, holding on to the ropes, as the swell movement of the ocean on the boat plunged the rider into the water, then pulled him back out. The bigger the swell,the longer you would stay underwater. We did this, by the way, for recreation!

LEGACIES Pi Kappa Phi is proud to present this list of legacies initiated into our Fraternity this past year. Brother - Brother Joel Michael Cherkis - Daniel Chcrkis (Delta Tau) Michael D.Ciucci(Delta Tau)- Robert Ciucci(Epsilon Gamma) Timothy S. Springer - Jeff Springer (Delta Tau) Stephen L. Burch - Scott Burch(Gamma Upsilon) Michael A. Batt - Richard Batt(Epsilon Nu) R. Benjamin Key (Epsilon Upsilon) - Bob Key (Beta Kappa) Paul J. Fontanella - Alfred and David Fontanella(Epsilon Theta) Jonathon Best - James M.Best (Delta Lambda) Andrew J. Petrosky - Joseph A. Petrosky (Alpha Tau) Todd M.Ifkovitz - Kevin Ificovitz(Alpha Theta) Gregory W. Holman - Glenn Holman (Alpha Mu) Keith Jandora - Scott Jandora(Alpha Mu) Todd M.Ifkovits - Kevin Ificovits (Alpha Theta) Andrew Petrosky - Joseph Petrosky (Alpha Tau) Joel Lee Tolbert - Gary Michael Tolbert(Alpha Alpha) Alan W.Franklin - Jim & Cliff Franklin (Epsilon Delta) Douglas W. Richey - Donald W. Ritchey (Epsilon Delta) Casey M. Root(Delta Zeta) - Donegan Root(Epsilon Iota) Kevin R. Myers - Michael S. Myers (Delta Phi) Michael T. Marr - Donald A. Marr, Jr.(Delta Phi) Robert A. Higgins - Donald Higgins (Delta Lambda) Robert T. Brown (Epsilon Rho)- Mike Brown(Kappa) Kyle T. Koehler - Kevin Koehler (Zeta Delta) Thomas A. Kontinos - Dean Kontinos(Alpha Epsilon) Michael D. Charland - Bill Charland (Alpha Epsilon) Eric C. Reihm - Stephen R. Reihm (Alpha Epsilon) William F. Lane III - Chris Lane(Alpha Epsilon) Bradley S. Moore - Brian & Bruce Moore (Delta Omega Chi) James T. Gruwell - Edwin Gruwell(Omega) Timothy A. Bosi - Kevin P. Bosi(Epsilon Sigma) Michael Van Showalter - Scott Showalter(Gamma Gamma) Barrett A. Catterton - Gary A. Catterton (Alpha) David A. Penka - Doug Penka(Delta Chi) Michael W.Meng - Mark Meng (Delta Chi) Douglas R. Sluder(Delta Lambda)- Jeff Sluder(Kappa) Daniel L. Kellough (Delta Lambda) - Daryl Kellough (Delta Zeta) Craig S. van Horn - Eric van Horn (Alpha Epsilon) Alan C. Garcia - Albert Garcia (Alpha Epsilon)

Toby E.Zacks - Leslie Zacks (Alpha Epsilon) Alberto N. Gamara - Miguel Gamarra(Alpha Epsilon) Luke L. Bennett - Paul Bennett(Alpha Epsilon) Robert Hancock - Willett D. Hancock (Beta Tau) John R. Alexander - Walter Alexander(Xi) Richard W. Alexander - Walter Alexander(Xi) Brant C. Bush - Jarett Bush (Alpha Rho) David J. Burke - Bo Burke(Omicron) Todd M.Powers - Don Powers(Gamma) David S. Bird - Robert Bird (Beta Lambda) Jeffery Cummings - Tommy Cummings, Jr.(Epsilon Upsilon) Trent T. Rasmussen - Chad Rasmussen(Nu) Tyler E. Crooker - George Crooker III(Epsilon Iota) Kevin R. Lee(Lambda)- Bradford A. Lee(Tau) Mark R. Sistrunck - Steven A. Sistrunck (Omega) Jerry W.Harrelson - Shannon Hall(Gamma Gamma) Son - Father Thomas C. Gates - Scott Gates (Delta Sigma) Michael R. Grubbs (Delta Lambda)- George Grubbs(Tau) ) Rex K.Cacciatore(Zeta)- Ronald K.Cacciatorc(Alpha Epsilon (Xi) Garren R. Kenneth Steven T. Garren Thomas J. Meagher - James Meagher(Gamma) Donald K. Stitt - Jeffrey L. Stitt(Gamma Lambda) ) Eugene A. Cooper - Christopher Cooper(Gamma Lambda Delta) (Zeta Krause L. Randy Dale N. Krause Delta) James J. Ramsey - James & Matthew Ramsey (Zeta Delta) Homer L. Rourke - Brian S. Rourke(Zeta Edward S. Shaw - Edward Shaw, Jr.(Zeta Delta) Epsilon) Gregory H. Luter(Zeta Zeta)- Joseph H. Luter(Alpha ) (Sigma Meyer Mark Neal Meyer Joseph B. Gay - Joseph S. Gay (Epsilon Upsilon) John Mattei - James Mattei(Beta Eta) Walter A. Smialek - A.W. Smialek (Epsilon Psi) Keith R. Lynch - Keith P. Lynch (Epsilon Psi) John D. Patterson - John M. Patterson (Delta Zeta) William Snipes - Wiliam R. Snipes, Jr.(Delta Zeta) David N. Cox - Jeffrey D. Cox (Delta Zeta) James T. Gruwell - John Gruwell(Omega) Larry E. Birchler - Michael Burchler (Epsilon Sigma) Richard C. DeMunck - Jeff DeMunck (Alpha Kappa) Bradley B. Brown - Gregory Brown (Alpha Kappa) Beauregard J. Vallee - James Vallee (Beta Mu)

Sam R. Battaglai - Sam Battaglia, Sr.(Beta Mu) Douglas R. Sluder(Delta Lambda)- Tex Sluder(Kappa) Henry A. Stein - Kurt A. Stein (Alpha Epsilon) ) Ernest M.DiGeronimo - Ernest DiGeronimo (Alpha Epsilon Epsilon) (Alpha Gornto John Gornto D. John Rudi 0. Wadle - Randi Wadle (Alpha Epsilon) Alexander R. Kahn - Alex L. Kahn (Xi) Ronald L. Nails - James Nalls(Gamma Beta) Allen A. Ashforth - Allen Ashforth (Alpha Rho) Dan L. Malone - Dan R. Malone(Omicron) John E. Wynn - William S. Wynn (Epsilon Upsilon) John R. Jackson - J.C. Jackson (Alpha Alpha) Charles M. Howell - Charles N. Howell (Epsilon Iota) Iota) Thomas H.Omohundro - Christopher Omohundro(Epsilon Scott G. Wagner - Glen Motes(Lambda) Nephew - Uncle Kappa) Bobby R. Dowless (Delta Lambda)- Joe Grady (Delta (Alpha) Sean P. Blacklocke - Phillip Blacklocke Albert C. Lowes - Robert Paden (Beta Epsilon) Frederick V. Knox (Alpha Zeta) - John Kiner(Epsilon Delta) Franklin P. Saunders, Jr. - Timothy Saunders (Delta Kappa) David B. Dorsey(Gamma Gamma)- Jules Davis (Omicron) Dan L. Malone - Howard Malone(Omicron) Cousins Marc Bertrand (Beta Epsilon) - Mike Waldo (Beta Mu) Christopher B. Stroup - Martin H. Murphy, Jr.(Epsilon Rho) Michael V. Cowan (Iota) - Jamey Windham (Beta Kappa) Joseph H,Lewis Joel Shields(Gamma Gamma) Bill L. Marsh - Brian Lawton (Zeta Eta) John C. Grindon - Terry DeWald (Delta Chi) Andrew A. Warmack - Lance Haynes(Gamma Lambda) n Robert H. Williams,Jr.(Epsilon Iota)- Mark Hunsinger(Epsilo Eta) Kappa) Kevin R. Lee(Lambda)- William C. Thomas(Gamma Grandson - Grandfather Joseph W. Williamson IV - Marshall I. Pickens(Lambda) Thomas E. Allen IV (Iota)- Lynward S. Lightner(Alpha Alpha) Clint H. Kadel - Hubert Kadel(Beta Tau)


Scholarships available from the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Number Available

Average Amount

Deadline for Application

Criteria for Selection

Founder's Scholarship Robert L. Bennett Scholarship



June 1



Varies, notification in advance

Extremely high academic standing and need. Member of Pi Kappa Phi, need

Durward W. Owen Scholarship



Varies, notification in advance

Member of Pi Kappa Phi, need

Alumni Scholarship



June 1

General Scholarships

Dependent on Available funds


June 1 & Dec. 1

General Loans

Dependent on Available funds


June 1 & Dec. 1

Name of Scholarship

The Alumni Scholarship For Sons and Daughters In 1982, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation created the Alumni Scholarship specifically for the sons and daughters of Pi Kappa Phi Alumni to honor scholastic and leadership achievement. Each of the scholarships is for $500 dollars. Two of the scholarships arenow available for the upcoming 1989 school year. The criteria for selection are: must be a son or daughter of a Pi Kappa Phi attending an accredited college or university, academic standing, and need. Applicants must apply no later than June 1st. For information, write or call; The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation at (704)523-6000 or P.O.Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

Final Calls for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Alumni Directory

Must be a son or daughter of a Pi Kappa Phi attending an accredited college or university, need and academic standing.

High academic standing and need High academic standing and need

education, or if you have a college student of your own, their education Now is the time to begin to search for sources to pay for your The telephone verification phase of our alumni directory (in which each alumnus can make a final change to his or her listing) is almost complete. Representatives from the Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co., official publishers of our directory, have just a few more calls to make before final proofreading begins. Since we are publishing only enough directories to cover prepublication orders placed at this time, please let Harris representatives know if you are interested when he/she

calls. This will be your only opportunity to reserve a copy of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Alumni Directory. If for any reason you have not heard from our publisher by 07/29/88 you may contact the company directly at:

Customer Service Department Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co., Inc. 3 Barker Avenue White Plains, NY 10601


Page 8


Last Words What more is there to say about Washington? It offers you the chance to see in person the pictures you skimmed in your history books. The historical markers which reference those names and dates you memorized for Miss Sperling's tests. The opportunity for awe and wonder at it all. The conviction that, despite the "contra" and other scandals, so much more greatness waits, yet to be achieved. The knowledge that history is a living, breathing dragon that has set fire to ideas whose time has come. That it is happening now. That you are part ofit, in this Capital City. See you in Washington.

The Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, and Washington Monument light up a Washington D.C. night. What is there to say about Washington D.C. that could possibly be comprehensive? When you ask people to list their favorite thing about D.C., they don't stop at one. Some typical answers: the variety of (free) things to do; the ice rink fronting the Archives building; the shops and restaurants; the Adams-Morgan neighborhood; the clean efficient, easy-to-ride Metro; the excitement of the political environment. And some will cite the wonder of reflecting on all the history that's accumulated here. This Place They Call"A Capital City" To those who live here, Washington defies cataloging, even though some will try to label it as a yuppie, politically conservative town, while others see it as a town of left-wing lobbyists and political gamery. To those who settle here, it is a town of transients, people on the corporate ladder who linger for a time and then are gone. As the old philospher said, the only constant is change. Some facts: seventeen million tourists and conventioneers flood the city annually. Twenty universities (six of them major) and specialty schools educate the 90,000 students who return every year in August and stay till May.The 1980 census counted 683,000 Washingtonians of mainly single, two-person households. Of the 666,000 residents who were employed, one-third worked in federal jobs while the rest found their niche in private industries such as finance, insurance, business, legal and health services, consultation, and restaurant or retail activities. Many also are lobbyists, journalists, or employees of trade associations. Outside the original city boundaries are 50 neighborhoods, most dating from the 19th and 20th centuries. Because D.C. initiated one of the nations's most ambitious tree-planting programs as long ago as 1915, one year after

construction started on the Capitol, many streets are lined with trees more than 150 years old.The shady streets and bustling neighborhoods, coupled with resonant names like Foggy Bottom and Anacostia, Kalorama and Le Droit, create an ambiance that tempts visitors to abosrb it, bottle it, and somehow - through pictures or souvenirs - take it home with them. How you get around Washington is a function of your individual touring style. Tourmobile Sightseeing offers all day excursions to historical points of interest, with as-you-like-it departure and reboarding privileges. Stops are flagged by red-and-white tourrnobile signs. On these tours narrators can fill you in on where to lunch by a waterfall, or where to find a $96,000 men's suit. Washington, D.C. provides countless attractions for visitors, above and beyond the monuments, imperial buildings, fountains and statues. Best of all, some of the biggest attractions are free. In the Smithsonian Institution's museums,one can see everything from the only Leonardo da Vinci painting in the U.S. to the latest is space technology. Touring the White House and attending a session of Congress are also free. Everyone in Washington should see the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial on the mall, which stretches from Capitol Hill to the Potomac River, and from there go on to visit the Library of Congress,see the original Declaration ofIndependence,or tour the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to see the literal "making of money." Besides all of these possibilities, Washington also offers a variety of shopping, nightlife and restaurants. Local restaurants now offer nearly as wide a representation of nationalities as do the embassies, and in some cases, even wider - you can easly find a Cuban restaurant though you won't find a Cuban embassy.

Washington D.C. will be the site of Pi Kappa Phi's42nd Supreme Chapter,August 5 through August 8, 1989. Start planning now by putting the date on your calendar and contacting your chapter brothers to arrangefor a specialreunion.And watchfor more details in upcoming issues ofThe Star and Lamp.

Washington National Cathedral

The White House

A Bequest to Resolutions Of Appreciation The National Council of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity recently gave out Resolutions of Appreciation to alumni who have made a significant contribution to the fraternity. It is with pride that we list them here. 1.






James Patrick Figley, Chi Chapter, for his service as Chapter Advisor of the associate chapter at South Florida, now Zeta Eta Chapter. Paul Steven Drake,Omicron Chapter,for his work with both Gamma Chapter and the associate chapter at the University of Texas. Glenn Aspinwall, Gamma Kappa Chap ter, for great effort in fundraising and construction of a new chapter house for his chapter. Frank Megran Parrish, Alpha Omicron, for his fundraising effort for the Alpha Omicron Chapter House. Harry Edwin Caldwell, Omicron Chap ter,for serving as Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee at the University of Alabama. Jay Joseph Stuckel, Beta Epsilon Chap ter,for assistance with Mid-Year Leader ship Conference.


Frank Lewis Lane,III, Lambda Chapter, for financial support of Lambda Chapter.


Bill Light, a member ofSigma Nu Fraternity, for his advisory role with Alpha Kappa Chapter, University of Michigan.


Bud Carroll, Executive Director of Chi Psi Fraternity, for his advisory role with Alpha Kappa Chapter, University of Michigan.


Eivind Kolemainen, Alpha Omicron Chapter, for his work with Alpha Theta Housing Corporation, Michigan State University.


Gary Pullin, Alpha Gamma Chapter, for his work with Alpha Gamma Housing Corporation, Oklahoma University.



Jay Barrow, Epsilon Kappa Chapter, for his work with the Gamma Xi, Georgia Southwestern University, reorganization and support of Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at Georgia College. Paul Farr, Gamma Nu Chapter, for lead ing a well-received spiritual session at spring conclave.

Iwo? I never thought of that... until I read about gift giving through the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Since then I've made two types of bequests to Pi Kappa Phi. I've bequeathed a specific dollar amount to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation for my chapter's Educational Fund. And I've named the Foundation as a 'contingent beneficiary. That means the Foundation will receive other funds if one or more of my heirs don't survive me. A bequest is only one form of giving. There's also life insurance and even trusts that can provide you with income throughout your life. Call the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation to discuss your most advantageous means of supporting Pi Kappa Phi. It's another way to show you care. Pi Kappa Phi Foundation P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (704)523-6000

Staff Changes Each year the Administrative Staff of the fraternity changes. Road-weary consultants and other staff members find new jobs and new staff eagerly begin their work. To work for the Fraternity is a privilege that all enjoy - but the hours are late, the roads are long, and the sacrifices in pay and career placement are large. These men always deserve our thanks. In answer to the many inquiries,"where is . . ." - we give an update on the most recent graduates of the Administrative Staff and the newest members. Leaving the Administrative staff this year is Tom Camp from Gamma Kappa.Tom joined staff in the summer of'86 after graduating from Georgia Southern College with a degree in business, and served two years as a Leadership Consultant for the fraternity. Tom, a native of

A Gift for Zeta Theta

Jacksonville, Florida will be attending Stetson University this fall where he will begin working towards his MBA.He will continue service to Pi Kappa Phi by serving as a graduate advisor to Chi Chapter while in school. Also leaving staff this year is Joe Brady. Joe Brady has been the Executive Vice President and Director of Pi Kappa Phi Properties for the past two years since he graduated from Villanova University with a degree in electrical engineering. Joe, a member of Epsilon Omicron Chapter, follows in the footsteps of Gary Leonard, the past Director of Properties, and will be entering the MBA program at the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill this fall. He will be replaced as Director of Pi Kappa Phi Properties by present Director of Western Expansion, Paul Green. Leaving staff this year to enter law school at his old Alma Mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is Jeff Michael. Jeff is from Albermarle, North Carolina and served Pi Kappa Phi for one year as a Leadership Consultant. In his undergraduate chapter days, Jeff served as both Vice Archon and Archon of Kappa Chapter.


Tom Camp

Trey Long

Dan Barry

Dean Divis

Scott Smith

Bill Maycock

Director of Communications Karl "Trey" Long has left staff after one year and will be getting married soon. Trey, a past Archon of Sigma Chapter studied journalism at the University of South Carolina and is from Columbia, South Carolina. He will be replaced by present Leadership Consultant Walter Wahlfeldt.

Mark Bolh, Vice-Archon of Zeta Theta Chapter, is shown here accepting the portrait of Simon Fogarty from Simon Fogarty's daughter, Mary. The newly chartered Zeta Theta Chapter at the University of Texas was lucky enough to be recently visited by the daughter of founder

Simon Fogarty. Mary Powers (nee Mary Eleanor Fogarty) and her husband Edward L. Powers, a Pi Kappa Phi from Alpha Chapter, presented the chapter with, among other things, a portrait ofSimon Fogarty for the chapter house in Austin. The chapter expressed its deepest thanks for the gift.

Joining staff this year as a Leadership Consultant is Dan Barry from Alpha Chapter at the College of Charleston. While at the College ofCharleston, Dan studied Political Science and served as Archon of Alpha Chapter. Dan, a native of Charlotte, North Carolina, was also a member of the Council of Archons.His interests include travelling and sports. Also joining staff this year as a Leadership Consultant is Dean Divis from Nu Chapter at the University of Nebraska. Dean, a finance major, also served on the Council of Archons. Dean enjoys skiing and the outdoors, especially the Rocky Mountains, and one day hopes to have a career in land development. In addition to these staff additions, we also have three other staff members who began working earlier this year but who failed to get mentioned in the winter issue of The Star and Lamp.

Mike Maddox

Mike Maddox is a Leadership Consultant from Alpha Kappa Chapter at the University of Michigan. While he was an undergraduate, Mike provided leadership by serving as Archon for the newly reorganized Chapter. Mike, a native of Detroit, was an economics major in school and enjoys skiing and other winter sports. Leadership Consultant Scott Smith is a graduate of East Carolina University and a past Archon of Beta Phi Chapter. Scott holds a degree in Political Science and enjoys reading and

travelling. Scott's career ambition is to pursue a master's degree in student personnel administration and later work with students at the college level. From Appalachian State University and serving as a Leadership Consultant is Bill Maycock.Bill graduated with a degree in criminal justice and plans to attend law school after working for the fraternity. Bill served as Archon of Delta Zeta Chapter and is from Boone, North Carolina.

Second Annual Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor Symposium held in Charlotte The second Annual Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor Symposium was held in Charlotte on the weekend of April 16-17,and proved to be an educational and fun experience for all partici-

pants. The Chapter Advisor Symposium is funded by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation and was created last year in an effort to give some training to chapter advisors of Pi Kappa Phi. A long

recognized fact in the fraternity is that a strong chapter advisor provides the continuity that makes many strong chapters successful. Like the first symposium held March 28-29 of last

Chapter Advisor Symposium '88 Paul Shanley-Belmont Abbey (from left to right)(back row), Thomas Adkins- University ofNebraska-Omaha, University, Larry Southern -Florida Scruggs College, Dana Taylor-Cal Slate University Northridge, Steven Russ Palmer-Winthrop College, State -Stockton Elkins-University ofJacksonville (middle row)David White Ken Richards-St. Joseph's Charleston, of -College College, Jerry Ford-University ofLouisville, Chip Voorneveld Bill Russell-Winthrop ont row) University,(fr -Indiana University, Dean Rowland-Drake University, Robert Williams David Huss-Lenoir-Rhyne Georgia, of University CarsonCollege, Robert Beals-University ofPittsburgh, Joseph College

year, this year's symposium was held at the Administrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi. Fourteen Advisors from as near as Winthrop, North Carolina and as far as Los Angeles, California, participated in the two-day event. Advisors were selected to represent a wide range of schools, chapter size and age,and regions of the country. Potential to gain from the experience also played a large part in the selection. The event consisted of some presentations by the Administrative Staffof Pi KappaPhi and various speakers, but mostly it involved the sharing of knowledge between the advisors themselves. The main goal of the symposium is that, provided with the right setting,the advisors will learn from one another. Many topics were discussed including alumni relations, risk management, and chapter programming. "It is always good to have young chapter advisors sharing experiences with advisors who have been in their positions for a while," said Glenn Dickson, Assistant Director of the fraternity."The older advisors benefit from the fresh outlook of the younger ones, while the younger advisors benefitfrom the past experiences ofthe older advisors." Chip Voorneveld, Chapter Advisor at Alpha Chapter at the College of Charleston was pleased with his experience,"It was fabulous.It was a great opportunity to find out what the other advisors were doing." With the success of another symposium, it is assured that the program will continue to grow and benefit Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in years to come.

Page 10

Justin's Bedroom We have done it so many times now it is almost completely taken for granted. Each morning we wake up,get out of bed, put on our clothes and complete a variety of other tasks in preparation for the day. It takes such a small amount of conscious effort that we rarely even think about it. This isn't the case for Justin, however, a fourteen year old boy living in Hayes, North Carolina. His morning routine is not taken for granted. In fact, it is a routine which requires a great deal of effort on his part and usually can't be done without much assistance from one of his foster parents.That is until recently when PUSH introduced it's newest and most exciting project yet.PUSH has recently completed the research, design and construction of a project appropriately titled"Justin's Bedroom."On Friday,May 6,1988,many were on hand for the dedication of Justin's special new room. Thomas Sayre, the project's principal designer, said "The issue was to allow a greater deal of self sufficiency for Justin. He is a growing fourteen year old boy, with a lively spirit and imagination but completely wheelchair bound due to his cerebral palsy.It was obvious to Justin as well as the design team, that with some properly designed environmental changes in his bedroom, Justin could be a great deal more independent. With Justin's help, we created a bedroom which achieves a degree of freedom and independence where he can experience a range of choices which were simply not available to him previously." The new bedroom features a specially designed bed which allows Justin to easily transfer in and out of his wheelchair by himself. His desk area is now wheelchair accessible. Even his closets and dresser drawers were redesigned so that he could select his clothes much more efficiently. In addition, he now has a remote control device he can hold in his hand which controls several things, ranging from the power switch on his television to a door which now closes electronically. "The project's total cost was nearly $15,000," said Jim Firster, Executive Director ofPUSH,"Although prototype designs like this

Corporate And Foundation Gifts to PUSH

Justin in his new bedroom can be costly at first, we expect these costs to come down substantially on future placements similar to this one.If we can replicate this design in a cost effective manner to benefit a large popoulation of individuals with handicaps of this type, we'll then be making a significant contribution to our field." Funding for Justin's Bedroom came from a v ariety ofsources including local business and foundations as well as the Delta Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Appalachian State University. "This particular project was especially exciting because of a unique and rare opportunity to work with an individual who is extremely aware of his own limitations and what he needs to do to expand those limits," said Sayre."Further, Justin knew from the onset that the designs developed from this project could lead toward helping others with similar disabilities. Although I think we've improved Justin's quality of living through this project, I think he was equally interested in a chance to help others as well."

When you think of Pi Kapp members out raising money for PUSH, you probably picture any number of different fundraising events ranging from wheelchair PUSH-a-Thons to Saturday afternoon car washes. But in fact, this isn't always the case, as now more and more alumni are entering into the PUSH fundraising scene. But instead of donning Pi Kappa Phi sweatshirts to wash a few hundred cars, they are wearing pin-striped suits armed with well rehearsed presentations. They are on their way to their employers to seek corporate or foundation contributions to PUSH.And in many cases, they are receiving favorable responses. Pete Bahner, an alumnus of Delta Sigma chapter at Bowling Green State University is one such example. "As an undergraduate, I remember how much of an impact PUSH had on our chapter. It was one thing that really set us apart from the other Greeks on campus," said Bahner. Bahner now serves as sales manager for Prudential Financial Services in Cleveland, Ohio."After I came on board with Prudential,I learned of the millions of dollars awarded each year by our corporation to worthy charitable organizations nationwide. I felt that PUSH was as qualified as any to receive our support so we put together a presentation for the charitable giving review board. The presentation was successful, and PUSH was awarded over $1800, but it didn't stop there. Bahner then took the presentation to the regional level, and PUSH received another $5000 along with thirty-six other winners from over three hundred who applied."We are now shooting for the national award which could result in a grant of up to $50,000 for our national service project," said Bahner. But Prudential Bache wasn't the only PUSH supporter. Bill Kincaid of Delta Lambda chapter at UNCC presented a proposal to his

IBM office in Charlotte, North Carolina, which resulted in a $1700 gift to PUSH.This was to be applied toward the placement of a PUSH unit at the Holy Angels Center in Charlotte. And in Philadelphia, John Delfini, a senior at Villanova University and member of the Epsilon Omicron chapter had similar success. Through John's efforts,PUSH received a $2500 grant from future employer Coopers and Lybrand, Certified Public Accountants."PUSH is a terrific cause, and I knew that Coopers and Lybrand would see this as well," said Delfini. John is also a PUSH America'88 team member and will spend his last free summer pedaling across the country on behalf of PUSH. Ken Kaiser, Assistant Director of PUSH stated,"This type of fundraising has long been an area of untapped potential for PUSH. We've had some terrific successes this year, but this area will remain a primary focus for me in the upcoming months. If we can publicize these efforts, hopefully others will respond as well." Anyone receiving a corporate contribution for PUSH has the option of applying it to their chapter's total PUSH contribution for the year. Kaiser added,"Usually an alumnus will request that his chapter gets the credit. I think they see this as a way to support PUSH while helping their local chapter as well." Kaiser concluded, "Ideally, whenever there is a PUSH placement identified near a fraternity chapter, local alumni could become involved by seeking financial support for the project from their employers. If this funding source became part of the chapter's overall fundraising campaign, I think we would see a significant increase in PUSH placements." Anyone interested in more information on seeking corporate funding for PUSH should contact the PUSH office at(704)433-0233 and ask for Jim Firster, Executive Director, or Ken Kaiser, Asisant Director of PUSH.

PUSH America '88 "Coming Soon To A City Near You" PUSH America '88 Overnight Locations

Washington D.C.

\N, San Diego, CA*.,.

PUSH America "88 Route

Sixteen PUSH America '88 cyclists and four crew members have been actively preparing for their upcoming cross-country bicycle trip on behalf of PUSH. Team members have been busy raising money for PUSH in addition to training for the demanding schedule ahead. "We are still looking for undergraduate and alumni members along the route to assist in the team's arrival and stay in their particular cities," said Ken Kaiser, Assistant Director of PUSH."There are many opportunities for support ranging from sponsoring a meal for the team to coordinating publicity and fundraising events. We are also encouraging people to network through their own local contacts and connections to generate additional support. In this

way, we can reach dozens of church groups, civic organizations,chambers ofcommerce and businesses along the way who may also be willing to help. Kaiser concluded, "It is our goal to involve as many members of the fraternity as possible along the way. An event such as this holds tremendous potential for Pi Kappa Phi. It highlights something we as a national organization can truly be proud of." Anyone interested in more information regarding the PUSH America route and overnight locations should contact Ken Kaiser at (704)433-0233. Let's all support PUSH America '88!!!

6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13

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San Diego, CA San Diego, CA San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Tecate, Mexico (Yes, Mexico!) Calexico, CA Yuma, AZ Dateland, AZ Gila Bend, AZ Buckeye, AZ Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ Superior/Oak Flat, AZ WhiteMountain/Apache Indian Reservation, AZ Springerville, AZ Datil, NM Socooro, NM Valley of Fires SP or Lincoln National Forest, NM Roswell, NM Roswell, NM Tatum, NM Lubbock,TX Post, TX Aspermont, TX Graham,TX Graham, TX Denton, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Terrelle, TX Longview,TX Shreveport, LA Arcadia, LA

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

T 7/12 W 7/13 T 7/14 F 7/15 S 7/16 S 7/17 M 7/18 T 7/19 W 7/20 T 7/21 F 7/22 S 7/23 S 7/24




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Monroe, LA Vicksburg, MS Roosevelt SP, MS Roosevelt SP, MS Livingston, AL Tusacaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Oxford, AL Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Athens, GA Hart Sp, GA (Hartwell Lake) Hart SP, GA (Hartwell Lake) Spartanburg, SC Gastonia, NC Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC Morrow Mountain SP, NC Greensboro, NC Greensboro, NC Martinsville, VA Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA Lexington, VA Staunton, VA Charlottesville, VA Fredricksburg, VA Fairfax, VA Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC



The Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office


of Pi Kappa Phi - Spring 1988 -FOUNDERSAndrew A. Kroeg, Jr.

Simon Fogarty

L. Harry Mixson

P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7017 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10, 1904

The Star and Lamp, an Educational Publication 1988, Vol LXXIV, No.2 Durward W. Owen Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Waiter Wahlfeirlt Tim Ribar Official Photographer Office Manager Nancy Perdue Vivian Seeley Editorial Assistant CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ken Kaiser Scott Smith

POSTMASTER:Send changes of address to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC, 28224, Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (issn 0038-9854) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7017 Nations Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life Subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7017 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217. Second Class Postage paid at Charlotte, North Carolina.

National merfratern it y Conference "

Letters to the Editor "As I near graduation(June 4th)I like to look back and think about how lucky I have been to succeed to the extent that I have. There are several people I owe thanks to because without them it could have never happened the way it has. I thank you, Mr. Owen,for giving me the chance to redeem myself somewhere other than LaGrange. Supreme Chapter, Pi Kapp College, conclaves, AVAT and a successful internship have prepared me for the real busines world. I think thatI am one step ahead of my classmates. It is that confidence that has put me on the road to success with Interface Flooring Systems, as merchandising manager in the international marketing department.Thanks again for all your help and support." Shawn G.Zwilling

Gamma Nu, La Grange College "Happy anniversary and thank you. Although you may not realize it, today is a first anniversary for us.It was one year ago today that I received a letter from you with the salutation "Iowa State Student" a letter that started my involvement with Pi Kappa Phi. First, let me say thank you. The past year has been one ofthe best for me,'Our Fraternity' is a big reason for this. Today Pi Kappa Phi means more than anything I have been involved with before. In the past year I have participated in the Greek Week Olympics, the Veishea parade, been to the Supreme Chapter in Dallas, been an officer in Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Omicron, and been re-elected to a second term and metsixty of the best men on the ISU campus. Met what I know are the best alumni any chapter can claim; every time I look at what Ken Hook, Kelley Bergstrom and Frank Parrish are willing to give up for Pi Kappa Phil know how important this

fraternity can become. And I know why I am a part of Pi Kappa Phi and why Pi Kappa Phi is a part of me. It has been a spectacular year for me and the initiation into the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi has definitely been one off the best nights of my life. The ritual and the understanding and insight gained from it make everything worthwhile. A second item which has meant very much to me has been the Supreme Chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to experiencing it again at the Washington, D.C.chapter in 1989.1 also look forward to 1995 when I can join the Nu Phi Society. In closing, I want to thank you for the opportunity to be associated with Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.This fraternity is important to me and I want to get the most out of it. I also want you to know thatI want to put the most into it.If you are ever in need of a brother to do something,I am excited at the thoughtofdoing more to insure that the brotherhood is preserved because it is truly worth preserving." Eric Almquist Alpha Omicron,Iowa State University "I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity ofinterning at the Administrative Office. The experience was one I will never forget. I was very impressed with the efficiency of the staff being able to handle the tremendous work load with just a few workers. The knowledge I gained helps me in my everyday duties as Vice Archon of the Zeta Zeta Chapter. Hopefully, my chapter will benefit from my internship as much as I have. During my stay in Charlotte, I felt like a part of the staff because of the important nature

PUSH Recognized in Wall Street Journal

Push and Pi Kappa Phi were recognized recently in the Wall Street Journal. The article, which appeared on Wednesday, March 23,1988, is reprinted below.

yilklymAsTREET JOURNAL. "Frat Funds Designs For The Handicapped" "An odd group of benefactors-including Pi Kappa Phi college fraternity-is working to provide better environments for severely handicapped children. The groups works through PUSH,Inc., a nonprofit venture based in Morganton, NC.Its most recent project is a bedroom for a 14-yearold named Justin who has cerebral palsy. It's a prototype that PUSH eventully hopes to make available to other children for use in their own homes. According to D. James Firster, PUSH Executive Director, Justin's bedroom is de-

signed to increase his independence. Among its features are special switches that he can operate with his fist to activate a television set and even open and close his door, cubbyholes around the bed that hold a week's supply of clothing, special closets,a wheelchairdesk that allows him to move unaided between his bed and wheelchair. PUSH got its start about 10 years ago, when Thomas Sayre, a sculptor, obtained the fraternity's support in fund raising in his efforts to design, build and donate special furniture and play modules for institutions that house severely handicapped children. In time it broadened its scope to include designing the hospital rooms and other spaces where the equipment will be used."

The Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office,located in Charlotte,North Carolina just off Interstate-77, is many things to many different people. To undergraduate members and their chapters itis a resource centerfull ofinformation which can help their chapters grow and remain strong.To alumni members of Pi Kappa Phi it is the origin of most of the information they receive from their college Fraternity. In addition to being a resource center and information center,the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office is also home to much of the Fraternity's historical material dating back to the founders. Feel free to drop by your Fraternity's'Administrative Office the next time you are in the Charlotte area. A capable staff can help you with any questions and provide you with a tour.Please call first at(704)523-6000 to arrange a time to visit.

of my various tasks.I was especially honored to work on the new PUSH brochure.I can't wait to see it. On a personal note,I would like to thank you for your gracious hospitality during my

stay. You and the other staff members could not have been nicer. Thank you very much." Jeff Bowers Zeta Zeta, University of North Florida

A Low Cost Way To Help Your Fraternity - Only 22¢ A valuable source of new undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi comes from men like yourself who recommend young men to be members of Pi Kappa Phi. He may be your son, a neighbor, a colleague's son, or any young man that you know that is entering college next Fall or has recently entered school at a college or university. Upon receiving a Member Recommendation from an alumnus, like you, we write a letter to the chapter at the young man's college or university. This letter alerts them to the prospective member's name and requests that they follow-up by contacting him. The letter also requests that word of the outcome of their contact be sent to both the Administrative Office and to you, as you were good enough to recommend him. Is there an entering freshman or college student in your area that you could recommend to become a Brother of yours in Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity? Please fill out the form below and send it to: "Member Recommendation"

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Administrative Office P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224




Tfie Star and'Lamp(ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

ADDRESS CHANGE? Changes in address should be forwarded promptly to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC,28224. Telephone Number(704)523-6000.

On December 10, 1904 at the i College of.Charleston, Charleston, South Ltrolina, three men founded the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Today we are a fraternity of OVC 130 chapters thii)ughout the coun trV, With more than 55.000 initiate brothers. Yet we strive to maintain the basic ideals set by our faun -r7s:

PARENTS: PLEASE NOTE If your son is not a student and no longer lives at home, please notify the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office, PO Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

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Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C.

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