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Life is Too Short to Drink Cheap Beer Durward W. Owen Of course, this statement will only literally apply to you if you drink beer. But even if you do not, it seems to me there is yet a message for all of us. I do not believe this statement is original to me. If so, it might be that some would say it may be my very first and only original thought. Regardless of who said it first, I find that it well expresses my current outlook on life, especially the portion of my life that is Pi Kappa Phi. What has cheap beer to do with Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity? This thought came to mind when I was recently attending a meeting of 43 other fraternity Chief Executive Officers. One of these CEOs indicated that his daughter's boyfriend spoke with him about entering a major university as a freshman and perhaps pledging his fraternity. The young man had a scholarship from a large engineering firm which required him to make straight A's in certain subjects. To reduce one grade in one of these subjects would cause a 25% decrease in the amount of scholarship funds available to him. The CEO confessed that he could not recommend to this young man that he affiliate w ith his fraternity under these circumstances.

Another CEO immediately spoke up and acknowledged that his daughter was about to enter a major university as well. His fraternity has a chapter on that campus. He admitted that he found it necessary for him and his wife to suggest to his daughter that she not socially associate w ith his fraternity chapter, at least through her freshman year.

Why did each of these fraternity executives feel such a dilemma? Would I have been likewise

tested as to my Pi Kappa Phi chapters under a similar circumstance? These fraternity chapters were probably not offering quality fraternity experiences. In effect, they were serving cheap beer. A fraternity chapter offering a cheap fraternity experience faces significant weakness in the areas of trust; values and ethics; personal conduct; caring attitudes about its members and guests; dependability; and provision for the learning environment needed by students. OK, you alumni: You thought you were off the hook. How much do you contribute of your time and effort to ensure that today's undergraduates receive a quality fraternity experience? Over the years, I have seen those alumni who enjoyed a quality chapter are those who continue to support the fraternity through their giving to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, their support of a chapter (often in an advisory capacity), their volunteerism in other capacities, or their attendance at Supreme Chapters. Not only did these alumni have a quality chapter, but they continue to have a quality fraternity experience. Those who drank the cheap beer? They claim to have been in a fraternity once. Cheap beer and cheap fraternity life seem to go hand in hand. Neither the young man nor the young lady could afford to be associated with such a cheap fraternity. Time on campus is too short to mess around with a cheap fraternity experience. Is your chapter offering potential members and f emale guests cheap beer? Pi Kappa Phi chapters should be strong enough to care about this issue.

Supreme Chapter On the Cover: The newly chartered brothers of Eta Kappa-S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh stand at the base of the Champlain Monument. They were one of seven chapters chartered last spring.


Pi Kappa Phi had more charterings than any other national fraternity last spring--7. Read all about them in the words of our newest brothers.


Pi Kappa Phi Spotlight on Brother Dwight Holder--instrumental in politics, business, and community involvement


Celebrating over 50 years of brotherhood are Pi Kappa Phi's Golden Legions.


Pi Kappa Phi's Chapter Investment Funds are off and running. Have you and your chapter taken advantage of this opportunity?

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Pi Kappa Phi Salutes its Gateway Society--men who have made planned gifts to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

James Stump, President of the PUSH America board passes the gavel after a fantastic two year stint.

Plan now to attend Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, August 13-17, 1994. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, is pleased to host Pi Kappa Phi at what promises to be its finest and most exciting convention. Join other alumni, their wives and families at Atlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel.


"Strong Enough to Care" Star& Lamp Summer 1993, Vol. LXXIX, No.3 A Leadership/Education Publication Editor-in-Chief- Durward Owen Managing Editor- Frank Wrenn Office Manager- Joanne Stroshine Editorial Assistant - Debby Haynes Contributing Writers- Frank Wrenn , Ted Scharfenstein, Sally Schafer

Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road , Charlotte , N.C. 28217. Mailing Address : P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224; Telephone: 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices.

Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston , Charleston , S.C. on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg , Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson. Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association . ~p-~.;IC:ao..._



Star & Lamp/Summer 1993


lcHAPTER SPOTLIGHT Seven Spring Charterings will help to make Pi Kappa Phi

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The Fastest Growing Fraternity in America During the spring of 1993, Pi Kappa Phi chartered seven chapters--more than anyone else in the fraternity world. Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma, Beta Lambda-Tampa, and Epsilon Lambda -USC Spartanburg w ere rechartered, while Pi Kappa Phi chartered at Eta Theta-San Francisco, Eta Iota-Christopher New port, Eta Kappa-S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh, and Eta Lambda-S.U.N.Y.-Brockport. ' · Here, in the words of the newly initiated, are their stories, their histories, and their hopes and dreams for Pi Kappa Phi.

Eta Theta-San Francisco It was the weekend of March 27, 1993--a cold, clear morning. Excitement was high, and anticipation was thick in the air. The executive board of the University of San Francisco Associate Chapter greeted National Representatives, Jason Dodd and Tracy Maddux, with smiles and a sense of relief; the Eta Theta chapter was about to be born. After the Executives had been briefed, the chapter was called to order. Some concern was expressed over the chartering test; questions were posed and answered, then the chapter broke off into study groups. It was very quiet as the initiates filed into the testing room. Nervous smiles were exchanged, handshakes and hearty wishes of good luck were offered by the alumni present. After all were seated, the tests were handed out. There were groans and mumblings of distress, but these were few and far between. An hour later, the test was complete. Jason Dodd addressed the chapter and gave the task for the eveningpresenting three goals for the chapter and actions that will be employed to meet these goals. The following day brought about a small measure of anxiety and a series of questions. The oral board convened, chaired by Chartering Officer Paul Drake and Assistant Chartering Officer Ken Richards. After the oral boards, Drake and Richards decided that USF associate chapter was found fit to become Eta Theta. Initiations went well as the new brothers listened and observed after they had been initiated. Gamma and Zeta Lambda chapters assisted the national representatives during the initiation. Forty-nine proud new members of Pi Kappa Phi went home that evening, a little tired, a little worn, but very happy. Saturday morning greeted us with sunshine that seemed to be for us alone. Eta Theta chapter gathered for the final step of the initiation and chapter installation at USF's Lone Mountain Chapel. Questions, at last, were answered and we were finally given our brother's badges. The chapter concluded business and brothers went home to get some much deserved sleep before the night's chartering banquet. The banquet was held on the USF campus and the charter was presented to Archon Dane Riley. Chapter awards followed , and the National Office was formally thanked. Upon completion of the awards, the new Eta Theta chapter presented roses to all the ladies present and ended the evening by singing "The Rose" on bended knee. The weekend was concluded with the entire chapter attending morning mass at St. Ignatius Church. TheE ta Theta Chapter had come to stay at the University of San Francisco.


Star& Lamp

The Brothers of Eta Theta Chapter

The Brothers of Eta Iota Chapter

Eta Iota-Christopher Newport April 2, 1993. Only nine months earlier the thought of a new fraternity at Christopher Newport U n.i versi ty was a twinkle in the eye of the chapter's founders. But on this night all of the hard work had paid off. There was a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in Newport News, Virginia. Pi Kappa Phi. For nine months these three words meant everything to us, while at the same time they meant nothing to us. We truly thought as an associate chapter that we knew what brotherhood meant. In reality, we were not far off. To be able to pull all of this together in such a short time took dedication and a sense of brotherhood, although nothing like the brotherhood we experienced during that chartering weekend. The final moment had arrived and we were ready for it. On Thursday evening, April1, Emerson Linney and Matt Hiatt administered the written exams to thirty frightened but excited young men. Afterwards, we all spent the night together involved in subordinate rituals to bring us closer to each other and to Pi Kappa Phi as well. The following evening the oral exams were led by Chartering Officer AI Woody (Area Governor of Area 9) and Assistant Chartering Officer Ed Bennett (Past National Council Member), bringing us one step closer to our goal. Ritual teams from Zeta Tau-Barton College and Delta Tau-James Madison University had been setting up ritual in a local church. After we arrived, some miscommunication between us and the church left us with no place to hold the ritual. Not ready to give up at this point, we quickly found another place

to hold the ritual. One of our alumni initiates, John Karatsikis, put himself on the line and opened up the school where he works as the Vice Principal. After waiting for the teams to set up, Ritual began for 31 men, well after midnight. Short! y before 4:00a.m. we left that school with a new outlook on life and tens of thousands of brothers all over the world. It was probably the only ritual in the history of Pi Kappa Phi which occurred in a chemistry lab. The brothers of Eta Iota Chapter would like to thank everyone involved in making this charter a reality: First of all, thanks to the National Office for their support, to Glenn Dickson for driving up to visit with us in the early days to get us started, and to Matt Hiatt, our Leadership Consultant, who kept us going with his ultimatums to get things done. We would also like to send special thinks to the Ritual teams from Barton College and James Madison University who made this night very special for us. Most importantly, we would like to thank our Chapter Advisor, Bob Sanders, Delta Tau, for all of his help. Without his help, we would have been fifteen guys sitting in a dark room planning our charter for 1995. Each man wearing this fraternity 's letters at Christopher Newport University should be equally proud of what we have achieved. Thanks to every brother who has worn the fraternity 's letters for making the fraternity what it is today. Hopefully, with the help of Eta Iota Chapter at Christopher Newport University we can take it one step further in the years to come.

Eta KappaS.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh On April17, 1993, the State University of New York Plattsburgh (S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh) Associate chapter was chartered as the Eta Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, and the 40 gentlemen celebrated their new beginning into the fraternity. The chartering officer was Kevin Murphy, who was assisted by Greg Brown. Brown originally colonized the group last April and his presence at the chartering was a proud moment for the gentlemen of Eta Kappa. The chartering of Eta Kappa begins a new conquest for the fraternity in the North. With the establishment of Eta Kappa and other chapters in the S.U.N.Y. system, Pi Kappa Phi has firmly established itself in the largest university system in the country. From the beginning of Eta Kappa, the gentlemen have faced hardships from the Greek Council and the administration. To have finally overcome these obstacles was a difficult, yet rewarding task. The gentlemen of Eta Kappa now look to restructure the Greek community of S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh to improve Greek life for the campus, the community, and the members of fraternities and sororities. Eta Kappa is "committed to change," and the gentlemen now set their drive and ambition to making S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh a better university. It is fitting that the 40 gentlemen of the Eta Kappa Chapter stand at the base of the Champlain monument overlooking the majestic icy waters of Lake Champlain. Like Champlain, the men of Eta Kappa have struggled through adversity and despair to search for a new beginning. Each man ha s persisted despite self doubt and denial from others. Like Champlain, the men of Eta Kappa have weathered the blows of enemies. Those who chose not to receive us as friends now accept us as equals. And like Champlain, the gentlemen of Eta Kappa have had to navigate difficult paths to achieve brotherhood. Photo by: Lance Flodin, Historian ; Article by: Mark Nolan, Vice Archon.

Brothers of the Eta Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi stand at the base of the Champlain Monument.

Summer 1993


Eta Lambda-

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addition of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The new Eta Lambda chapter received its charter on Friday, April30. Chartering Officer for the event was Jim Krucher, National Council Member-at-Large. He was assisted by Kevin Corcoran, Area I Councilor. Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Staff members who coordinated the chartering weekend were Jason Dodd, Director of Chapter Services, and Matthew Hiatt, Leadership Consultant. Founding father Jim Hedler looks back at the beginning. "I can't believe it. I have the original minutes from our first meeting, the meeting was probably only 15 minutes long. It's all just pretty amazing." In 1992, the chapter planted its roots as an interest group started by Founding President Ron Magno who wanted to bring the fraternity of his brother, Mike Magno, to his campus. Soon after, this group became 25 members strong and was colonized on February 28, 1992. In its early stages, as with all fraternities, the group ran into some difficulties. Ted Sargent, a Resident Director in a residence hall on campus, was pivotal in solving these problems. He made the chapter a subcommittee of his dorm council and with that they could now take advantage of facilities not available to them before. Since then, the chapter has grown to be 52 members strong. "I knew that someday we'd get this far, but I did not think that we'd get to this point for a while," Dan Mack said. "We are a close group of guys that have a common interest and love for each other." Another founding father, Kevin C. Lang, said," We have a bond of brotherhood now that is stronger than ever before." Since its beginning, Eta Lambda has made a strong commitment to PUSH America, raising over $4,300 since its start. This year's PUSH Chair Shawn Durringan is excited about the progress the chapter is making. "We've tripled our totals from last year. I'm really happy about that." The chapter has set long term goals for themselves. According to Magno, "When I come back in 10 years, I'd like to see that the members have not lost touch with the traditions and ideals that the founders set forth . I want to see the associate members in front of us work hard for wha t we have. What is ahead for the Eta Lambda Chapter? Hedler puts it best. "It's not the end of anything, but the beginning of everything." Congratulations Eta Lambda Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi- SUNY Brockport.

The new Brothers of Eta Lambda


Star& Lamp

The gentlemen of Alpha Gamma

Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma Nine months after Alpha Gamma received word that the chapter would be re-organized, The University of Oklahoma was introduced to the 40 new Brothers of Pi Kappa Phi--five initiated brothers and 35 new associa tes. During those nine months, the 18 original men recruited by former Senior Leadership Consultant Dave Simas started ou t on their quest bound together by the dream that they wanted to be the best chapter on campus. The Greek System at the university, both powerful and rich in tradition, became the hunting ground for men that wanted something more than the traditional fraternity experience. Led by initiated brother and Archon Matt Pena, the Alpha Gamma Associa te Chapter set out to change all of the the negative stereotypes about fraternities and began to build a fraternity from the ground up. Alpha Gamma quickly gained the reputation of gentlemanly behavior as it showed the campus that it was something new and different. They paired up with the women of Delta Delta Delta sorority and placed second in Homecoming. They raised over seven hundred dollars during a three day scaffold si t for PUSH America. They placed second wi th the women of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority during Greek Week and they branched out into campus organizations and honor societies, making their presence known on campus while effecting change. Other chapters realized that Pi Kappa Phi was here to stay and was changing the way students looked at fra ternities. On the evening of April 23, 1993, the Ritual of Initiation was performed by the Brothers of Gamma Upsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University, and Alpha Psi Chapter at Indiana University. The dreams the brothers had once talked about were beginning to come true. The following evening in Oklahoma City, Chartering Officer Harry Caldwell (National Secretary), along with Assistant Chartering Officers Billy Jacobs (Area VII Governor) and David Simas, presented the chapter wi th their original ch arter from 1923. Also in attendance were Jason Dodd, Director of Chapter Services, Mark Perrin, Newly appointed Assistant Executive Director, along with university officials, family and friends as Alpha Gamma received its charter signifying the end of a rough road for the chapter and a future filled with dreams and success. The chapter would like to especially thank their Graduate Advisor, Brook Bollinger, and all of the area alu mni and staff at the Administrative Office who helped make their dreams a reality. The future holds many great things for Alpha Gamma, and the men have agreed to accept the challenge to become the best they can be. Going back to the quote from the White Diamond, "A house, a grip, a badge, a song, an emblem- these things do not make a fraterni ty. It is the unseen things-friendship, brotherhood, character, honor, courage, ideals-these make the fraternity and the man.

Beta Lambda-Tampa Pi Kappa Phi's Beta Lambda chapter at Florida's University of Tampa was reissued its charter on March 20, 1993. Beta Lambda, the oldest fraternity on the UT campus, lost its charter in the fall of 1991; the re-chartering process was started the following spring. In the spring of 1991, David Simas was sent to Tampa to commence the re-chartering process. With the help of Beta Lambda's then most recent Archon Perry Monastero and brothers AI Francesco, Eric Stapfer and Chuck Cordero, Simas hand-picked new members from the UT student body. These new members continued on to make up Beta Lambda's executive board in the fall of 1992 and included fall Archon San dip Sahota, Matt Gerdes, Joe Wessel, Jason Dominic, Chris Mack, Doug Tower, and Mike Pavone. During the fall of 1992, the Beta Lambda Associate Chapter succeeded in doubling its numbers with the largest associate member class of any fraternity or sorority on campus. The group dedicated the fall semester to orienting themselves as a group, taking priority in molding their brotherhood so they would be prepared to enter Pi Kappa Phi as a strong chapter. Having established a great sense of brotherhood, the sole efforts of the associate chapter under Archon Joe Wessel were to re-earn the chapter's charter. Through a strong group effort and the help and support of National Chaplain J. Patrick Figley, the task was accomplished. On the weekend of March 20, 1993, Dr. Figley served as the Chartering Officer in the re-installation ceremony of Beta Lambda. Mark Timmes served as the Assistant Chartering Officer. Emerson Linney, Director of Business Affairs, also assisted in the weekend's endeavors. The new chapter was initiated by an initiation team from the University of North Florida's Zeta Zeta chapter. Beta Lambda has accomplished its goal of chartering, but has not become complacent in their success. Instead, the chapter is gearing themselves towards becoming an ideal chapter. They have put time and effort into assisting the associate chapter at the University of South Florida, including the planning of a major PUSH America event for the fall of 1993 in conjunction with USF. At UT's annual leadership awards, the chapter received the "Most Improved Fraternity" award, and its past Archon Sandip Sahota received the "Outstanding Senior" award. Beta Lambda intends to continue and maintain its already bright and promising path of excellence.

The new Brothers of Beta Lambda Chapter

Epsilon Lambda Brothers celebrate their chartering.

Epsilon LambdaUSC-Spartanburg The Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, after the chapter was disbanded in 1988, reacquired its charter on the campus of the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg on AprillS, 1993. The chapter was fortunate in its efforts, as the Administrative Office gave the men of the campus a chance for a new start just a mere two years after the charter was revoked . The process began in the summer of 1990 when John Harris, the first Archon of the new chapter, contacted the Administrative Office. As a result, Todd Fields, former Director of Expansion, was sent to spend some time with a small number of men to help with their rush coordination. This commenced the long and arduous road that the loyal men would follow until the criteria were all fulfilled and the chapter was granted its charter. Through all the pitfalls that were before the associate chapter, 33 faithful were initiated after taking their written exams on the night of the 15th of April and the oral exams on Aprill6. The written exams were administered by Frank Wrenn, Director of Communications, and Emerson Linney, Director of Business Affairs. Oral examinations were given by Jerry T. Brewer, National Vice President and Arthur J. Quicken ton, Area Governor. Brewer served as the Chartering Officer, while Quickenton served as the Assistant Chartering Officer. "The brothers of Delta Chapter-Furman University and Gamma Rho Chapter-Lander College along with Mike Hinds and the Chartering Officers and staff made the initiation all we had hoped it to be, " said Todd Nelms, Vice Archon. Immediately following the initiation was the chapter installation ceremony as the Chartering Officer and his Assistant made everything official. In attendance at the Initiation Banquet the following day were two of the original founding fathers of the chapter, William Weathers (the first Archon of Epsilon Lambda) and Alan Wood. "This chapter has some great members and together we will make sure that 'post chartering blues' does not become an issue," said Scott Tripp, the chapter's newest Archon, whose duties officially began once chartering was completed. The chapter has a good start on its campus, being the number one fraternity in grades, membership, and intramurals. The chapter is planning for a good fall rush by ha ving the total number of active initiates to 45 by Christmas break.

Summer 1993


Oregon State Alumni Prove Bonds of Brotherhood

Alpha Zeta Alumni


1940's gather.

While everyone knows that Pi Kappa Phis are bound to one another by an oath that cannot be broken, some Alpha Zeta-Oregon State Alumni have proven it. . Ten Pi Kapps who were at Oregon State in the early 1940's recently gathered at the home of George W. Blinco. The occasion was the awarding of Golden Legion shingles to three members of the group, Leon Ramsey, Jeremiah Cotter, and Jack Steward. "I think it is remarkable that we have had the pleasure of numerous meetings and functions together over the last fifty years," said Blinco. Pictured are (left to right, front row): Ken Hosler, Jerry Cotter, Ken Hawke, and Dick Luse. Standing are Jack Steward, Leon Ramsey, Jack Schenck, George Blinco, Robert Norlander, and Pat Howland.

I1K<I> Alumnus Spotlight on . .. Dwight Holder Initiated into Beta Chapter at Presbyterian College in 1941, Dwight A. Holder has led a life that makes his Pi Kapp Brothers proud. A native South Carolinian, born and reared in Pickens, South Carolina, Brother Holder has done much for the state that he loves so dearly. At the age of 22, Holder was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives and served two terms. He was instrumental in the creation of the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Commission, and served as its chairman for ten years. He is also a former chairman of the South Carolina Jobs Economic Development Authority and the South Carolina Public Service Authority. As a result of his dedication to the state, Holder has been awarded The Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian award in the state of South Carolina. After attending Presbyterian College and the University of South Carolina, Holder attended the Harvard School of Business. During World War II, he served as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Besides his governmental activities in South Carolina, Holder has also owned and operated several businesses in the state, as well as in adjoining states. He currently serves on the Board of Directors ofNationsBank of South Carolina. Along with his various business enterprises, Brother Holder has given his time and talent to various fraternal,


Star& Lamp

and educational organizations. In addition to the support he has given Pi Kappa Phi over the years, he is also involved with the Shriners, having served as President of the Southeastern Shrine Association encompassing nine Southeastern states and 375,000 members. He is a former trustee of Furman University, North Greenville College, and Limestone College. Brother Holder is an active member of the First Baptist Church. Married to Jessie Mauldin Holder, he has two daughters.

Pi Kappa Phi at Work In the last issue of Star & Lamp, there appeared an article on Parker H. Petit and the Healthdyne Pi Kapps. Since that time, we have discovered that there are also other Pi Kapp Professionals that work together. Pictured below are Lou Messer of Alpha Delta-Washington, Gunnar Schalin of Upsilon-Illinois, and Eric Park of Psi-Cornell. Prior to Park's recent return to Cornell for his Ph.D. in physics with emphasis in fiber optics, all three worked at Teledyne Ryan Electronics in San Diego, a small company of about 200 employees. Messer has been with Teledyne for over thirty years. He is a senior group engineer in the systems engineering department. Schalin, a program administrator, has been with Teledyne for almost 14 years. Ask around in your office and neighborhood. You may be surprised to learn who else is a proud member of Pi Kappa Phi.

From Left to right : and Eric Park.

Lou Messer, Gunnar Schalin,

Florida Southern Brothers Reunite: Pi Kappa Phi 's Beta Beta Chapter Reunion attendees pictured above included Mike Badalament, Jet Bieronski, Robert Bruce, B.W. "Hap" Carlton, Bob Dalbow, John Davidson, JosephFlora, Bill Fraser, Clayton Lyons, Lynn Maxwell, Bill Nelson, George Peterson, John Ryan, Mike Ryan, Jim Sullivan, Jim Turner, Ed Waters, Jeff Wiley, and Bill Wittpenn.

Note: The Spring 1993 Star & Lamp reported that Parker H. Petit's Healthdyne Inc. had revenues of$100million in 1992. Actual revenueswere$247 million. Employing over 2500 associates, Healthdyne Inc. is about two and one-half times larger than the article indicated.

Cl;lapter Advisor's Sytnposiutn Held

Chapter Advisors at the May Symposiu m

The Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor's Symposium, sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, was held during the weekend of May 15, 1993 in Charlotte, NC. The symposium is designed to give Chapter Advisors the opportunity to get together and share common problems and solutions. The volunteers use the symposium as a chance to learn about their advisory role and how they can improve their chapters. In attendance this year were Remley Campbell, Tripp Tuttle, Lloyd Benson,Ed Corson, Steve Shepherd, Ralph Foster,Bob Igo, Tom Peterson, Tony Duggan, Stacy Tallent, John Connor, Ben Singer, Brian Noble, Kevin Corcoran, Pat Brala, Dererk Robertson, Jack Wade, Fritz Schroeder, Bob Sanders, Tom Wilson, Dan Strawn, Rob Chan, and David Conn. Summer 1993


Ce[ebrating 50 Years of ~rotlierliood Sigma-South Carolina Jay Hammett Joe Shaw Walter Carter James Parler Edward Smith Theophilus Williams

Jack Inman,

Chi Chapter

Alpha-College of Charleston George Rogers Joseph Reeves James Easterby C. Parker Beta-Presbyterian Wilbur Kaiser Francis Frazier James Atwell Ashby Krouse Donald Bailie Delta-Furman C. Daniel Gettis Wood Thad Hinnant Kenneth Baker Walter Simpson

Epsilon-Davidson Richard Bradley Ned Everett Robert Herring John Barringer Robert Cline Ernest Hunter Daniel McEachin William Ragsdale Carey Wells Zeta-Wofford College Marion Rozier David Prince William Patterson Iota-Georgia Tech John Campbell Frank Key Philip Cook Lemmie Henry Jack Turner

James Lenahan , Omega-Purdue is National President Phil Sum~ers .


Star& Lamp


Lambda-Georgia John Drake Ernest Crowley Edwin O'Quinn Charles Daniel Robert Boswell William Miller Joel Goldin Alton Brown Robert Wilson Mu-Duke Robert Chapman Fredric VanDerlinde Ivan Hawn Don Buckley William Butler Jerome Derwallis Fred Doty Robert Dunn Joseph Hayworth Andrew Knowland Robert Watts Colbert Burnette Paul Fekas Allan Brooks Xi-Roanoke College Jack Ward Ernest Ballou Judge Daniel O'Flaherty Thomas Weir Robert Covington Robert Irvin James Waldron William Burch Luther Stiff William Gray


Omicron-Alabama Gilbert Carter John Bray John Hardage Robert Williams James Martin Edward Covington Charles Erwin Harley Hope Norman Brown James Wells Lewis Windham Clinton Paulsen

Harley Hope, Omicron 352 , is presented his shingle by Joseph Sutton , Omicron 1256.

Pi-Oglethorpe James Vocalis Tau-NC State Edward Cole Edward Smith Lawrence Ferguson Boyce Brown William Wallace Laurens Hamilton Fred Gorter Billie Manning Luther Ritchie Joe Ford Upsilon-Illinois Jack Roeser Richard Coleman Paul Phinney Gilman Thrane William Spicer Andrew Clyde Thomas Capalety Elzy Trogden Edward Coates William O'Donnell Chi-Stetson Garland Hayes John Snellings Eugene Head Howard Kurtz Carl Stafford Jack Inman Frank Brown

Omega-Purdue Thomas Brown Carroll Martindell Leslie Millholin Jeremiah Holman James Sudduth William Conant Howard Bardwick Paul Bohm Robert Adams Thomas Alleman John Lafollette Allen Craven Spencer Gullicksen Ferdinand Vogelgesang John Dennerline Donald Gammie JohnHinga Lewis Knight John Lindley Marvin Russell Donald Swager Murray Williams Louis Caldarelli Robert Goodenough John Gumpper James Lenahan Richard Shaw John English

William Gray , Xi chapter, is recognized by Mike Hill of Alpha Epsilon Chapter.

Alpha Delta-Washington Merlin Giles John Illias Douglas Jones Bernard Mankertz Jack Morrison Kenneth Sturm Norman Sturm Thomas Williams

Alpha Epsilon-Florida Andrew Romano Thomas Vickery William Seaver John Miller Edward Alger Alpha Zeta-Oregon State Melvin Knorr Leon Ramsey Vernon Standish Ray Talbert David White Jack Drasbek Jeremiah Cotter Richard McCoy Jack Steward William Waite Harold Beresford Gale Briggs Kenneth Ford Victor Langman Alpha Eta-Samford William Black Frank Branch Alton Fortner William Hassell Calvin Woods Frederick Pearson Walter Burgess Carl Brakefield James Marsh P August Wilford Lane Alpha Theta-MI St. Daniel Ciernick Kenneth Cleerman John Foster Julius Hartsema John Kaiser Robert Blett Richard Papps John Lovett Alpha Iota-Auburn Lawrence Woolbright George Reddick Harry Penley David Clanton William Smyly Erwin Rudisill AlAmos John Joyner Ernest Page

....... Leon Ramsey, Jeremiah Cotter, and Jack Steward of Alpha Zeta.

Alpha Iota, cont. Joe Kirkland Lawrence Pharo Charles Martin Albert Miller Charles Beaird Frank Hawthorne Gilbert Barrett Alpha Mu-Penn State John Hocking Roy Lotz Robert Choisser Edwin Friend Joseph Riden Byron Mcintyre Herbert Jung Richard Bell Alan Mcilvaine Earl Rost James Hertwig Charles Alcorn Howard Beaver Alexander Parry Fred Snyder Norman Riemer Jack Huffman William Woodward Martin Smith John Jones Harry Starrett Alpha Xi-Polytechnic William Geoghan Joseph Scanlon Alpha Omicron-IA State Kent Hawkins Ellsworth Hays William Rickert Harry Thomsen Robert Koons

Alpha Sigma-Tennessee Trevor Tucker Spears Vavalides Robert Deal Andrew Waldrop Charles Armstrong Homer Van Vleet Odus Johnson Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Raymond Zimmerman Robert Lyons Richard Renson George Hoffer Ernest Stacey Ralph Rodriguez Andrew Lovretin Andrew Farrell Carl Lueders Alpha Upsilon-Drexel George Blackburn Willard Calkins John Gardner Robert Simon Harold Cowles Leopold Hauf Amos Hellyer Howard Hill Walter Maxwell Alpha Phi-I.I.T. Robert Cambron John Pottenger John Sachs Gordon Coursen Thomas Ruck James Vlcek Francis Lidd Alpha Psi-Indiana William Burns Alpha Omega-Oregon Kenneth Doherty Summer 1993


Bequest to the Foundation

Chapter Investment Fund Grows The innovative Chapter Invest- facilities, tutors for students, scholmentFund program (CIF) has grown arships for Pi Kapp College, and into a corpus of $400,000 with 23 funds house libraries. In addition, the Faunoperational. The coming school year dation can make collateralized loans will be the first full year since the IRS for student housing from its general approved the concept with a private treasury. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has letter ruling. Pi Kappa Phi is one of the two ~ - - - set a goal of having 50 fraternities ap~ · '/ new chapters fund proved for a ~ ' · " their Chapter InvestChapter Investment Fund program. ment Fund during this school year Tax deductible contributions can with $1,000 or more. This funding nowbedirectedtoyourchapterwith may come from their general treathe income from investments being sury, fund raising activities, and/ or used to support educational pro- parent and alumni contributions. grams for the students. Chapter InThese long term savings accounts vestment Funds also offer an excel- will offer financial security to the lentopportunitytothememberswho chapters that invest today and on a wish to remember their chapter with regular basis in the future. their Estate Plans. Quarterly reports of income and Examples of approved disburse- disbursements will be made to both ments from the funds are scholar- the chapter and the alumni corporaships and loans, in-house computer tion.

Chapters with existing CIFs College of Charleston Georgia Roanoke Alabama Illinois Purdue Florida Iowa State Rensselaer Florida Southern Memphis State

Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Appalachian State Bradley North Dakota Texas UC Irvine Oregon State Penn State TexasA&M USC Spartanburg

Tax deductible contributions may be made by anyone, in any amount at any time. Please designate your chapter CIF on your check so your contribution can be properly recorded.

Dr. A.J. Strickland, Chairman of the Foundation Trustees, announces the receipt of a bequest from the estate of J. Rodney Harris. Mr Harris, an initiate of Lambda Chapter at the University of Georgia, died earlier this year at age 71. Mr. Harris was a landscape architect in the greater Atlanta area. A great fan of the Georgia Bulldogs, he regularly attended their games. His will also made generous provisions for the University of Georgia, his church, and the Salvation Army. In the words of a close friend, "Rodney Harris was a true Southern gentleman in every sense of the word. He cared deeply about his fellow man and lived his life in an exemplary manner. He will be missed."

1993 Fund Raising

Update The preliminary fund raising results for 1993 are very positive. The Foundation operates on a calendar year basis and through the end of June (six months) students, alumni, and friends have donated $116,347 which is 85% ahead of the $62,867 contribution during the same period in 1992. The reason for the strong showing are new contributors and previous donors increasing the amounts of their gifts. The only reason the Foundation exists is to support the educational programs of the fraternity. This strong showing allows deeper support of these quality programs.

Get your copy of Pi Kappa Phi's new Estate Planning Brochure today. Call 704-523-6000


Star& Lamp


Bennett Scholarships Awarded


These ten members of Alpha Alpha Chapter at Mercer University have been awarded a Robert L. Bennett Scholarship for 1993. Bob Bennett, a former National Chancellor and Mr. PiKappaPhi 1978, was one of the fraternity's most dedicated alumni. Before his death in 1985, Bennett established a scholarship fund which has grown to over $120,000. Income from the corpus is directed to deserving students at his alma mater.

Pi Kappa Phi's Gateway Society The Foundation Trustees are pleased to recognize those members and friends of Pi Kappa Phi who have made a planned gift. A planned gift is a commitment to an investment in the fraternity. Planned gifts such as bequests, trusts, life insurance policies, gift of a home with lifetime occupancy, etc., offer tax advantages to the donor and a chance to make Alj;!ha-College of Charleston Julius Burges David Jaffee Gamma-U.C. Berkele_y Neil Weatherall Ej;!silon-Davidson Hugh Yelverton Zeta-Wofford Jesse Crimm Eta-Emozy Seale Hipp Ka1111a-UNC-Cha11el Hill Stuart Hicks

Xi-Roanoke Edward Bennett DanClow Ed Corson Durward Owen Tim Ribar Judge James Turk Omega-Purdue Paul Swafford Al11ha Al11ha-Mercer Robert L. Bennett Al11ha Ej;!silon-Florida Paul Green A. Sydney Herlong BertLuer Mike O 'Donnell

Lambda-Georgia James Rodney Harris James Luther Lester, IV Phil Tappy

Al11ha Zeta-Oregon State James S. Marsh David Vawter

Omicron-Alabama Travis Julian

Al11ha Iota-Auburn Earl Layman

Uj;!silon-IIlinois Gunnar Schalin

Al11ha Xi-Pol_ytechnic LTC George Carleton, III

agreaterinvestmentthanwouldbepossibleusingcash. If you have made a planned gift and would like to be recognized as a member of the Gateway Society, please contact Ted Scharfenstein, 289 South Street, Rockport, MA 01966. If you would like to discuss an investment in Pi Kappa Phi, please call Ted at (508)546-2214. A111ha Omicron-Iowa State Frank Parrish

Gamm. Xi-GA Southwestern Bill Finney Michael Hall

Beta Al11ha-NJIT Stephen DePalma James Krucher

Gamma Phi-South Alabama Frank . -Iavard

Beta Beta-Florida Southern Ted Scharfenstein

Gamma Omega-Montevallo R. Jeffery McGhee

Beta Gamma-Louisville Ron Krebs WarrenRobb

Delta Zeta-A11Ralachian Dr. Art Quickenton

Beta Eta-Florida State Christopher New Beta Uj;!silon-Virginia Walter Brinkman Glenn Dickson George Shipp

Delta Lambda-UNC-Charlotte Christopher Cannon William Jackson, Jr. Delta Sigma-Bowling Green Ken Kaiser Delta Psi-Texas-Arlington Mark Jacobs

Gamma KaR11a-GA Southern Glenn Aspinwall Perry Wayne Buffington

E11silon Iota-UNC-Greensboro Stephen Kirkman

Gamma Nu-LaGrange Ron deValinger

E11silon Omega-Texas Tech Timothy Haen Zeta Psi-IUPUI Michael F. Gorski



The Administrative Office sadly reports that the following brothers have been reported as having joined the Chapter Eternal in the past year. Alpha-College of Charleston Noel Williams Harry Anderson Frank Huff Michael Barley Beta-Presbyterian College Carl Adams Gamma-Berkeley John Buxton Ralph Dennis Sigma-South Carolina Edgar Bostick W. E. Forester Michael Meyerson Epsilon-Davidson College Robert Peters Zeta-Wofford College Paul Watson Charles West Eta-Emory University Robert Overstreet Edward Bruce Iota-Georgia Tech John Joplin Stephen Cottraux Frank Miller John Irvin Kappa-UNC-Chapel Hill Frank Marsh Hannibal Joyce John Slater C.R. Starling William Mallison Fred Crisp


Star & Lamp

Lambda-Georgia Lucius Tippett Jack Hutchinson James Harris Mu-Duke University Thomas Timberlake Joseph Williams Xi-Roanoke College Thomas Turner Charles Leonard Blake Liddle Fred Acker Omicron-Alabama Charles Price R Williams David Self Edgar Jones Abner Crow WJohnson JRombokas Arthur Sizemore Samuel Hamilton James Sikes Preston Franks Joseph Ward J. Max Spann Marvin Johnson Harold Gaddy William Jones Ernest Bailey Louie Reese Carl Oxford Rho-Washington and Lee Geoffrey Fauth Tau-North Carolina State James Halstead Laurence Poteat James Muse Jerry Aiken Warren Garrett

Upsilon-Illinois Frederick Beinhoff SamZaczek Chi-Stetson University Edwin Hughes William Mathis Psi-Cornell University William Marston Willard Georgia George Griffin Omega-Purdue University Lawrence Lang Ernest Salter Chalmers Gilbert Charles Myers Alpha Alpha-Mercer James Cox Edwin Connell Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma Esthmer Skinner Claude Tate Arlo Cox Virgil Cornelison Alpha Delta-Washington Gordon Dodds Ed win Karshner Eldon Snider Francis Wollaston Henry Novak Alpha Epsilon-Florida Sam Cox George Pharr Dan Glick John Palmer Walter McCall Alpha Zeta-Oregon State Eiven Nelson Harold Wiggett Timothy Molinari

Alpha Eta-Samford Jack Bell Joe Healey Gary Johnson Terry Barnard Frederick White Alpha Theta-Michigan State Kenneth Bellinger Hart Morris Alpha Iota-Auburn Robert Dean Howard Withers Bryan Hood Alpha Kappa-Michigan Dewitt Green Alpha Mu-Penn State Daniel Jones Alpha Xi-Polytechnic University Bernard Minetti Alpha Omicron-Iowa State A Swisher Russell Lichtenstein Alpha Sigma-Tennessee James Jones Patrick Bundy Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Roland Spencer Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Michael Walsh

Beta Eta-Florida State Gordon Williams Beta Kappa-Georgia State Stephen Clarke Beta Xi-Central Michigan Richard Burdick Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois Robert Hulka Beta Tau-Valdosta College John Dixon Gamma Beta-Old Dominion William Bright

Gamma Nu-LaGrange College Carl Rogers Charles Traylor Delta Delta-Northeast Missouri Eric White Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville State Vance MeN eal Delta Zeta-Appalachian State Eugene Gibbs Delta Lambda-UNC- Charlotte Ugo Marus Delta Sigma-Bowling Green Ronald Vargo Delta Upsilon-Pittsburgh Jason Wiseman

Alpha Chi-University of Miami William Thompson

Delta Phi-Radford University Donald Crocker

Alpha Psi-Indiana University Vaughn Wood

Epsilon Theta-Seton Hall Luciano Losardo Robert Kelly

Beta Delta-Drake University Eli Reese Beta Epsilon-Missouri John Boyd

Plan now to attend Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, August 13-17, 1994. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, is pleased to host Pi Kappa Phi at what promises to be its finest and most exciting convention. Join other alumni, their wives and families at Atlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel.



THE Rnz~CARLTON Gamma Lambda-Missouri-Rolla Donald Stitt

Alpha Phi- Illinois I. of Tech. Roy Burman Andrew Michyeta

Alpha Omega-Oregon Jeffrey Shute

Supreme Chapter

%e Pi 1\j:lppa Pfii ~ratemity grateju[[y ack._now[eages memorial contri6utions to tfie Pi 1(appa Pfii ~ounaation.

In Memory of· :founcfer Simon :fogarty b{. fiis nepfiew .Lt. Co . Jolin :f. tJ?.g.yno[ds Wi[[iam Jfenry Ma[[ison by Otis !]( McCo[[um i£awin .L. Conne[G Jr William .L. Jfo[[er i£ric Wfiite by Micfiae[ !]( Woocf 9\[pna Covington by 1Jurwarcf W. Owen



Epsilon Rho-Lenoir-Rhyne Roy Pannenbacker Robert deGregory

Summer 1993





President-Or. Phillip M. Summers (Alpha Psi-Indiana) Office of the President Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 47591

Alumni Relations-Joseph A. Brady 504 W. Wisconsin Chicago, IL 60614

Chief Executive Officer-Durward W. Owen Assistant Executive Director-Mark E. Perrin Director of Business Affairs-Emerson Linney Director of Communications-Frank Wrenn Senior Leadership Consultants-Joel Borellis, Matthew Hiatt Leadership Consultants- Harry Mcintosh, David Adams , John Babel, James Benson, Mike Howard Support Staff-Office Manager Joanne Stroshine, Director of Finance Nancy Perdue, Executive Secretary Linda Littlejohn , Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell , Computer Operations Specialist Sandy Stogner, Chapter Supplies Director Lue Casto, Editorial Assistant Debby Haynes, and Adm inistrative Assistant Betsie Fehr. P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962

Vice President-Jerry T. Brewer (Sigma-South Carolina) Dean of Student Life USC-Russ611 House Columbia, SC 29208 Treasurer-Nathan Hightower (Omicron-Alabama) P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517 Secretary-Harry E. Caldwell , Jr. (Omicron-Alabama) 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124 Chaplain -J . Patrick Figley, D.Min . (Chi-Stetson) Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Chancellor-David Lane (Omega-Purdue) Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 2010 Corporate Ridge Drive Mclean , VA 22101 Member-at-Large-Jim Krucher (Beta Alpha-NJIT) 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton , NJ 07011

Education-Vacant Expansion-Clay Edmonds Brencor Capital Funding 5214 Maryland Way Brentwood, TN 37027 Investment-Julius Burges 17 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29407 Nomination-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePalma, and Canger Group,Inc 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ Ritual & Insignia-David H. Vawter 7329 Hounslow Lane Charlotte, NC 28213



Star & Lamp

Kevin Corcoran 195 Berkshire Road Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604 Kevin K. Murphy 128 Cross Key Road Bernville, PA 19506-8806 Allen 0. Woody 6416 Orchard View Ln. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 401 Meadowview Dr. Boone, NC 28607 Jay Barrow 3900 Duncan Street Columbia, SC 29205 Ronald J. deValinger 910 Fifth Ave. Albany , GA 31701 Paul Green 1317 Newfound Harbor Merritt Island , FL 32952 Vacant Jeffrey Luebker 5825 N. Winth rop Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220-263 John R. Andrews 554 Ottawa, St. Paul , MN 55107 Billy L. Jacobs 5804 Cedar Ridge Arlington , TX 76017 Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton, CO 80122 Robert E. Langbein 55581 Spa Drive Huntington Beach , CA 92647

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Dr. A. J. Strickland,lll , Chairman 1 Old Northriver Point Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Executive Vice President of Foundation Ted Scharfenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01966 Pi Kappa Phi Properties Ernest Johnson , Chairman JMB Office Leasing Co. 2049 Century Park East Suite 2650 Los Angeles , CA 90067 Executive Vice President of Properties Tracy Maddux P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

PUSH America Regina Moody, Chairman Holy Angels, Inc 427 East Wilkinson Blvd . Belmont, NC 28012 PUSH America Staff Executive Director-Kenneth N. Kaiser Special Events Director-John Pierce Director of Development-Sally Schafer Director of Chapter Services-Dave Aucremann Program Consultant-Chad Coltrane Executive Assistant-Betty Bradley Accounting -Melissa Boodee Office Manager-Thea Polito P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-522-7874 (PUSH) FAX: 704-521-8962

Alabama Albright Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn-Montgomery Augusta Averett Barton College Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Davis California-Irvine California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Cal. State Northridge College of Charleston Christian Brothers Christopher Newport Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado - Boulder Colorado State Concord Cornell Drake Drexel Duke East Carolina East Texas State Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana at Penn Indiana State Iowa State IUPUI Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall Maryland McNeese State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Nebraska-Lincoln NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri State North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Penn State Pittsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens College Radford Rensselaer Roanoke San Francisco

St. Joseph's Samford Seton Hall

Shippensburg Slippery Rock South Alabama

Omicron P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Zeta Chi Box (C.C. Box) 74, Reading , PA 19612 Epsilon Phi Box 40, Univ. Center, Birmingham, AL 35294 ASU Box 8991 , Boone, NC 28607 Delta Zeta Alpha Iota 861 Lem Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36830 Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL 36124-1332 Gamma Psi 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30910 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Xi Zeta Tau 808 Corbett Ave ., Wilson, NC 27893 Gamma Mu Box 5148, BAC, Belmont, NC 28012 Box 52, BU , Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Zeta Upsilon R-3 Old Fraternity Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 Gamma 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 1443 Wakeforest Dr., Apt. 14, Davis, CA 95616 Zeta Sigma Eta Eta P.O. Box 4741 , Irvine, CA 92716 Zeta Beta P.O. Box 948555, LaJolla, CA 92037 811 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95926 Zeta Lambda Zeta Rho Univ. Activities Center-74 , Fullerton, CA 92634 Zeta Mu 17515 San Fernando Mssn., Granada Hills,CA 91344 Alpha Box 1493, College of Charleston , SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. ParkwayS., Memphis, TN 38104 Eta Iota P.O. Box 169, Newport News, VA 23602 Zeta Alpha P.O. Box 2186, Clemson , SC 29632 Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Eta Gamma 855 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302 Zeta Phi 714 Remington St. , Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Eta Alpha C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Beta Delta 1236 34th St. , Apt. 106, Des Moines, lA 50311 Alpha Upsilon 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104 Mu P.O. Box 9675, Durham, NC 27708-7675 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 Beta Phi Beta Chi Box W, ET Station, Commerce, TX 75428 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Box 15215, c/o FSC, Lakeland, FL 33802 Beta Eta 423 W . College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Delta FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 Zeta Epsilon 4400 University Dr., SUB 1, Box 122, Fairtax, VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30606 Epsilon Upsilon 141 N Jefferson St., Milledgeville, GA 31061 Gamma Kappa LB #12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 Gamma Xi 321 Barlow St. , Americus, GA 31709 Beta Kappa Box 1848 Univ. Cntr. , Atlanta, GA 30303 Iota G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Upsilon 306 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 Alpha Phi 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Psi 1415 N. Jordan Ave. , Bloomington, IN 47406 Zeta Iota P.O. Box 1604, Folger Hall, Indiana, PA 15705 Eta Beta P.O. Box 1532, Terre Haute, IN 47808-1532 Alpha Omicron 407 Welch Ave., Ames, lA 50010 Zeta Psi c/o Jeff Muney, 5311 Linwood,lndianapolis,IN 46140 Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 602-JSU , Jacksonville, AL 36265 P.O. Box L-211 , JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Delta Tau Delta Chi 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS, 66502 Eta Delta Stud. Dev., P.O. Box 444, Marietta, GA 30061 Gamma Nu Box 1170 ,601 Broad St. , LaGrange, GA 30240 Gamma Rho Box 6191 , Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 LU-Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 Epsilon Xi Epsilon Rho LAC-Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Epsilon Gamma Box 1140-Longwood Col. , Farmville, VA 23901 Beta Gamma 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 40208 MU-2W38 MSC, Huntington, WV 25755 Zeta Pi Eta Epsilon 0118B Allegany Hall, College Park, MD 20742 Beta Mu P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Alpha Alpha MU-Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 Alpha Kappa 903 Lincoln , Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St. , E. Lansing, Ml 48823 Beta Epsilon 500 E. Rollins St. , Columbia, MO 65201 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St. , Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Nu 425 University Terr., Lincoln, NE 68508 Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Kappa 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Della Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223 P.O. Box E003 EUC UNCG, Greensboro, NC 27413 Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Univ. Center, Am. 202, Wilmington, NC 28407 Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct. , Raleigh, NC 27606 Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, ND 58203 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S. Jacksonville, FL 32216 Zeta Zeta Delta Delta P.O. Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC, Dahlonega, GA 30597 Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman , OK 73072 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 Gamma Beta 1214 W 40th St. , Apt 1, Nortolk, VA 23508 Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmont Ave., State College, PA 16801 Box 7126, Univ. of Pitt, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Delta Upsilon Beta PC-Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Omega 330 N. Grant St. , W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Eta Zeta Box 813, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 Delta Phi 621 Second Ave., Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Tau 49 Second St., Troy, NY 12180 Xi Box 1761 , Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 Eta Theta Assoc. Students. Off. UC402, lgnet~n Hights, San Francisco 94117 Epsilon Tau SJU, 5600 City Ave. Box 230, Phita., PA 19131 Alpha Eta Box 2474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Epsilon Theta 46 Fleet St. ., Jersey City, NJ 07029 Zeta Delta 201 E. Orange St. , Shippensburg , PA 17257 Am. 221-C, Univ. Union, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Epsilon Psi Gamma Phi P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688

South Carol ina USC-Spartanburg Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY--Brockport SUNY --Cortland SUNY --Plattsburgh Tampa Tennessee Texas A&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Towson State Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Tech Washington Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia Winthrop Wofford

Sigma USC-Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 Epsilon Lambda 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Epsilon Kappa 1100 Marietta Pkwy. , Marietta, GA 30060 G-Wing-SSC, Pomona, NJ 08240 Zeta Kappa Eta Lambda Ole of Std Activities Am 203, Brockport, NY 14420 Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 Eta Kappa Frend Whiteface Hall Box 96,Piattsburgh NY 12901 Beta Lambda 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. , Tampa, FL 33606 Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 Delta Omega P.O Box 5201, College Station, TX 77844 Delta Psi UT-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 76013 Epsilon Omega P.O. Box 4678, Lubbock, TX 79410 Beta Iota 2999 W . Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606-3390 Zeta Omega TSU , Box 1971 , Towson, MD 21204 Gamma Gamma TSU,P.O. Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 Beta Tau VSC-Box 7136, Valdosta, GA 31698 Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Epsilon Pi Stud.Cmmns, VCU Box 102, Richmond, VA 23220 Delta Alpha 1101 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg , VA 24060 Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave., Seattle, WA 98105 Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Zeta Nu Am 109, Sykes Hall , West Chester PA 19383 Gamma Zeta 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 Alpha Rho 591 Spruce St. , Morgantown , WV 26505 Epsilon Eta P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 Zeta Box P, Wofford College, Spartanburg , SC 29301

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Central Michigan (B:":) Johnson and Wales Louisiana State U. (rt) Maryland at Baltimore Memphis State (rt.) Morehead State (<'>H) Sacramento St. (EN) San Francisco State South Florida (ZH) Southwest Texas St. SUNY--Albany Texas-Austin (ze) Wingate Wright State (t.n )

Box 70, Warriner Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 209 Admiral St. , Providence, AI 02908 Greek Affairs, 137 Johnston Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 UMBC Patapsco 310, Baltimore, MD 21228 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, TN 38111 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 2348 Villanova Cr #1 , Sacramento, CA 95825 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132 15501 Bruce B. Downs, #41 10, Tampa, FL 33647 1610 IH-35 N #67,San Marcos, TX 78666 P.O. Box 22102, 1400 Wash ington Ave.,Aibany, NY 12222 2503 Nueces, Austin, TX 78705 1747 Wingate College, Wingate NC 28174 WSU 020 University Center, Dayton, OH 45435

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter- Bill Ishee, 1911 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 Alpha Epsilon Club- Steven Stanford, 4800 S. Westshore Blvd #420, Tampa FL 33611 Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc.- Fred Schmehl, 39 W. Wyomissing Ave, Shillington , PA 19607 Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. -Theodore Langton, 3058 NW Charmyr Vista Dr, Corvallis, OR 97330 Americus Alumni Corp. - Ron Chaffin, 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Austin Alumni Chapter - Paul Drake, 11104 Grapevine Ln, Austin, TX 78759 Beta Alumni Assoc. - Tim Foster, 207 Linville Ct, Bessemer City, NC 28016 Beta Mu Alumni Assoc. - Mitchell Adrian, University Hills #150, Starkville, MS 39759 Beta Phi Alumni Chapter- Scott Smith, 4801 Kenmore Ave., #1309, Alexandria, VA 22304 Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. - Jim Beat, P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 351 15 Charleston Alumni Association - Alan Horres, 21 Wespanee Dr., Charleston, SC 29407 Chi Alumni Association - Gary Meadows, 2490 Wilmhurst Rd. De Land FL 32720 Delta Beta Alumni Assoc. -Bill Tew, 6340 Breckenridge Run, Rex, GA 30273 Delta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Erv Sherer, 4675 Sengen Trace, Alpharetta, GA 30202 Delta Omicron Alumni Chapter- Kirk Defelice, 209 Adams Blvd, Lockport LA 70374 Des Moines Alumni Chapter - John S. Kirk, P. 0 . Box 65663, W. Des Moines, lA 50265 Epsilon Eta Alumni Assoc. - John Lyon, 2906 Prestwick Cr., Columbia SC 29223 Epsilon Iota Alumni Assoc. - David Craft, Box 9040, Greensboro, NC 27429 Epsilon Psi Alumni Chapter- Ralph W. Asplen , 222 Vernon Ad, Morrisville, PA 19067 Epsilon Sigma Alumni Assoc. - Chris Mills, 3716 Northwooc, Memphis, TN 38111 Epsilon Omega Alumni Assoc. - Karl Reiter, 1403 Sparks St, Midland, TX 79701 Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. - Bryan Bonner, P.O. Box 448, Livingston, AL 35470 Gamma Beta Alumni Assoc.- Joel Allen, 20381 Marguritte Sq, Sterling , VA 20165 Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. Inc. - Edward Craig , 819 Michelle Ct, Montgomery, AL 36109 Gamma Phi Club Inc. -Daniel Carre, 3650 Whispering Pine Ad , #52B, Mobile, AL 36608 Gamma Psi- Frank Toed, 317 Berckhman's Rd., Augusta, GA 30909-3603 Greater Atlanta Alumni- Mark Christopher, 3300 1 Atlantic Ctr, t20t W. Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 Greater Toledo Alumni- Mark Urrutia, 2432 W. Central Ave., Ste 5-A, Toledo, OH 43606-3716 Greenwood Alumni Assoc.- Chuck Watson, Jr., P.O. Drawer 1546, Greenwooc, SC 29648 Indianapolis Alumni Assoc. - Greg Linder, 2715 Cardigan Rd ., Indianapolis IN 46268-20 16 Ithaca Area Alumni Assoc.- Bill Newell, 5304 Pender Ct., Alexandria, Va 22304-1937 La Grange Alumni Association - Richard Jolly, 416 Ginger Cir, La Grange, GA 30240-3934 Lambda Loop- Frank Lane, 8800 Roswell Ad, Ste 265, Atlanta, GA 30350 Louisville Alumni Chapter- Larry Hayse, 5503 Shorewooe Dr., Louisville, KY 40214 Memphis Area Alumni Assoc. - David Everson, 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Germantown, TN 38138 Middle Georgia Alumni Chapter - Lee Langley, 3110 MI. Zion Ad, #1711 , Stockbridge, GA 30281 Montgomery Area Alumni Chapter- Marco Gigl~. 1902 Kingsbury Drive, Montgcmery, AL 36106 Mountaineer Alumni Association- David Morgan , 9512 Hanover South Tr., Charlotte, NC 2821 North Jersey Alumni Assoc. - Rich Nass, 135 Roosevelt Ave, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Omega Chapter of nK<I>- Mark DeFabis, 8834 Keevers Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46234 Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Assoc. - Steven Ryder, 11442 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-381 Seattle Alumni Assoc. - Derrick Rogers, 1626 Grant Ave, Apt. # D-201 , Renton, WA 98055-3649 Sigma Alumni Association- Jerry Brewer, USC Russell House, Columbia SC 29208 Tau Alumni Association- Bob Lamphier, 207 Summerwinds Or, Cary, NC 27511 West 'virginia Alumni Assoc. ~ Michael Paterno, 423 Highland Ave., South Charleston, W!l 25303

Zeta Epsilon Alumni Assoc.- Michael Socha, 6122 B Essex House Sq., Alexandria, VA 22310 Zeta Zeta Alumni Assoc. • Robert Talley, 4627 Spring Park Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32207 Zeta Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Brian Siegel , 337 W. 15th St, Deer Park, NY 11729

Summer 1993


Summer Camp, Pi Kapp Style "Roll" Models Rock Mark Teems, Eta Delta at Kennesaw State College, is making a name for himself with the increasingly popular band The Vincents. The band performs acoustic classics in a tight three-part harmony, and their music is called "rock that rolls." The talented band members, who happen to each have a disability, have written and performed their ownoriginalmusicsince 1976. Their performance is a showcase of their abilities, not their disabilities. Band members include Teems (holding the guitar), Robby Heisner and his brother Ricky Heisner.

Did You Know?

Undergraduate chapters raised $254,557 this year for PUSH America?

This summer, ten undergraduate members served at special summer camps for children with disabilities. Congratulations to the following members for their outstanding commitment and dedication: At the Clemson Outdoor Laboratory in Clemson, South Carolina were Brian Carlin, Gamma Mu-Belmont AbbeyCollege;JohnFrey, Delta BetaNorth Georgia College; Matt Jacobs, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green; Patrick Osborne, Gamma Omega at Montevallo; Russ Perry, Eta ZetaQueens College; Dale Treash, Alpha Psi-Indiana; Ben Waldrop, Zeta chapter-Wofford College; Clay White, Gamma Omega-Montevallo. AtCampASCCA,JacksonGap,Alabama were Dave Ablashi, Zeta Omega-Towson State University and Stephen Kemmet, Zeta OmegaTowson State University.

The Gavel is passed at PUSH Atnerica James S. Stump, president of PUSH America since 1991, stepped down in August of 1993 after serving a two-year term. A member of the board for seven years, Stump has helped lead PUSH America through years of tremendous growth and development. During his tenure on the board, many of the current projects and programs have been initiated and expanded. TheJoumeyofHope, the cross-country bicycle trek, started in 1988 and expanded to include two teams in 1991. Stump has been a key player in heightening corporate involvement in the project, and encouraged theinvolvementofOldsmobile,now a third-year sponsor, in 1991. PUSH Camp and Give-A-PUSH Weekend are two of the other new initiatives launched through Stump's guidance. In addition, he was involved in making a smooth transition away from PICS (PUSH Indi-


Star & Lamp

vidualized Care Services). As president of the board, Stump has been responsible for significant board development, including forming an active committee structure, increasing board membership, and strengthening board support of PUSH America's development efforts. In addition, he has been chiefly responsible for leading the effort to develop PUSH America's first longterm strategic plan. PUSH America has grown in revenues by more than 50% during Stump's tenure, and the growth has allowed for the continued growth and expansion of the current projects and programs. In an effort to continue this steady growth, a development office has been created to seek outside funding under his leadership. Stump, an alumnus of Xi Chapter at Roanoke College, is president of James S. Stump and Associates, an

Ja mes S. Stump executive search and human resources development firm in Charlotte, North Carolina. Stump is a native of Roanoke, Virginia, who now lives in Charlotte with his wife, Patsy. Regina P. Moody is the new president of the PUSH America Board of Directors. The gavel was passed in August.

A message from Dr. Phillip M. Summers, National President of Pi Kappa Phi.


A Great Fraternity Experience Many Pi Kapps know that I am President of ences. (Believe it or not, I played the piano for singing at Vincennes University. V.U. holds Orientation during the first Pi Kapp College.) Today, Pi Kapp College is one of the best leadership the summer months for new Freshman students and has 100-150 students report per day with their parents. In development experiences for an undergraduate college our five-week orientation period, we will have over student. Our fraternity brothers have the opportunity to 3,000 new students come for orientation, advising, and hear experts, experience skill-building activities, and registration. As part of the orientation program, I make share a few days with some of the best brothers of a 25 minute speech which reflects our campus theme for Pi Kappa Phi. If Pi Kapp College were like most educathe coming year and discusses how students can achieve tional conferences, students would be asked to pay a their academic goal. Vincennes University's theme this significant amount of tuition for the instruction they receive. year is "The Miracle About a month Begins With You," ago, I attended an which is appropriate AT&T Executive for all college students Education Center and for fraternities, sororities, and camConference in Palm Springs, California . pus organizations. That conference feaOne of the most tured topics about frequently asked "leadership" and the questions from par"future" which are ents at orientation is "Will joining a fratersimilar to what Pi nity hurt my son's Kapp College offers. AT&T had paid grades?" That type thousands of dollars of question gives me for the speakers and the opportunity to enfor the educational dorse Greek life. I tell parents that joining a fraternity will help their son with activities in which we participated. I thought of Pi Kapp scholarship, leadership development, and provide him College and how our brothers share a high quality with the opportunity for service. I know that is true educational experience at a very reasonable cost. Probably more importantly, Pi Kapp College provides our because I have personally experienced it. At Pi Kapp College, held at the College of Charleston undergraduate brothers with new ideas, the opportuin South Carolina every other August, the officers and nity to share successes with our brothers, and to experirepresentatives of our undergraduate chapters come ence brotherhood in the true sense of the word. I hope Pi Kapps participating in the 1993 Pi Kapp together with strong Pi Kapp spirit to learn about leadership, and are recognized for their achievements. I, too, College experience the same type of excellence which I have experienced the enthusiasm that comes from at- experienced 34 years ago at the first Pi Kapp College. I tending Pi Kapp College. I am proud of the fact that I always look forward to greeting my brothers at Pi Kapp attended the first Pi Kapp College in Sumter, South College where we might sing a little and learn a lot. Also, Carolina, in the Summer of 1959 as a representative of I have a special gift for everyone who attends. My Pi Kapp College brothers will receive the gift of brotherthe Alpha Psi Chapter at Indiana University. As I reflect on my undergraduate experience at Pi hood and a gift from me which they might keep as a Kapp College in 1959, I have to be honest that what Pi memento of a great fraternity experience. Maybe today's Pi Kapp College brothers will look Kapp College is today is certainly different from what I experienced 34 years ago. We stayed in cabins in a state back in 30 years as I have and remember their Pi Kapp park with no air-conditioning. Our group meetings College experience with gratitude. It is because of my were in the screened-in dining room, and there was little enthusiastic support of Greek life that I tell parents of recreational opportunity because water moccasins had students at Vincennes University that the best thing for been sighted in the lake. What was most important is their son is to join a fraternity and to grow in scholarship, that we had the opportunity to meet our brothers from leadership, and service, and if their son is fortunate, he across America and to learn more what Pi Kappa Phi will have a unique fraternity leadership experience like was meant to be. I also remember enthusiastic speakers, Pi Kapp College. Summer 1993 discussion groups, and inspiring brotherhood experi-


The Road to a Charter -Gamma Iota Associate Chapter at LSU

OnAprill9, 1993, thirty-two men took on the challenge of re-colonizing the Gamma Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Screened by former Director of Expansion Lome LaPorte, the men had to live up to three requirements: each man had to be involved in campus activities, receive a written sorority or faculty recommendation, and have a minimum grade point average of 2.5. The new associate chapter has experienced instant success. Since their April colonization, they have won the Fraternity Hockey Championship and Greek Week. They have a full alumni advisory board, and they co-sponsored Disability Week. They also have the number one grades on campus. Their associate

chapter had the most attendees at last spring's GiveA-PUSH weekend in Texas. With their sights on the chartering record of 67 members, the Gamma Iota Associate Chapter is also beginning new traditions, such as serenades, sorority dinner exchanges in coat and tie, and having nonalcoholic socials with sororities. Furthermore, the associate chapter has decided not to allow its members to wear white diamonds or letters while drinking. To what does this brand new associate chapter owe its success? According to Archon Shawn Haliday, "Our success is due mainly to the fact that we'd rather be different and lead than try to compete with the established chapters and follow."

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