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Mid-Year veryone has heard the phrase ''March Madness. This refers to the month in early spring when it seems there is a college basketball game going on at all holliS of the day and night. One game follows the other. The best teams continue beating other teams and advancing until they reach their goal -- the championship. It seems the more opportunities to play give each team a chance to excel and win. Not unlike //March Madness// is



something that Pi Kapps have dubbed Mid-Year Madness. ~~ This refers to our schedule of four Mid-Year Leadership Conferences that occur on four different weekends in four regional locations across the nation, allowing more of our student leaders to reap the benefits of the national organization. This year, conferences are being held in Charlotte, N.C., St. Louis, Mo., Philadelphia, Pa. and San Jose, Calif We don't stop there, either. Through Pi Kapp College, we offer a four-day leadership 11

school which takes place in August. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national fraternity to provide such extensive leadership programming twice a year. Other fraternity executives marvel at our ability to do this. Why such an extensive focus? It's simple. Pi Kappa Phi believes that in order to better prepare our student members to face the complex issues surrounding students and collegiate life, we need to

provide more opportunities for all our members to receive the leadership training they need to become better students, brothers, leaders and men. When utilized properly, we have seen how the tools that Pi Kappa Phi provides are instrumental to our members' personal development and success. I hope you enjoyed the last issue of the Star & Lamp, which examined our Pi Kapp football history. In a follow up in this issue, we go back in time to the most lopsided game in football history and the man that ties Pi Kappa Phi to that historical match. In our main feature, we look at the sport that brings us //March Madness// and the Pi Kapps that shined on the hardwood court. From college to the NBA, Pi Kapps have always been a part of this exciting sport. Finally, on behalf of the Star & Lamp staff and all the staff at the National Headquarters, we wish you all the best for the New Year. Fraternally,


STAR&lAMP A Leadership/Education Publication USPS519000 Winter 1997 Vol. LXXXIll, No. 1 Editor-in-Chief Marlt E. Timmes Managing Editor James P. O'Keefe Design Editor Jennifer L. Annstrong Contributing Writer! Angela Bland Jeff Boggan Jay Langhammer Stephen Whitby Official Plrorographer Tim Ribar Offia Manager Nancy Larsen

The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Rood, Charlotte, NC 28217.

Mailing address: P.O . Box 240526, Charlotts, N.C. 28224;

{704) 523-6000 FAX (704} 521-8962 E-mail address: PiKappNad@aol.cmra http://www.pikapp.org

Materials for publication should be sent directly ro the managing ediror at the address above. Members are invited ro send materials concerning themselves or others. Letters to the ediror also may be printed at the discretion of the editors. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotte. NC and any additional mailing offices. Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Otarlestm, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg, Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson.

Contents COVER STORY H1s1DRJC GAME, H IS1DRIC MAN: On October 7, 1916, two teams met for what would turn out to be the most lopsided game in football history. The Star & Lamp examines this storied game and George Griffin who helped make Pi Kappa Phi a part of history. Page 2

DEPARTMENTS & FEATURES HARD CouRT P1 KArrs: In the second of three sports features, we honor those brothers who made their mark on the hardwood. Page 4 P1KArrs FINANCE FACELJFT: UNC- Wilmington (Gamma Theta) Pi Kapps purchase Wise Alumni House Grand room. Page 8 THE CovERED DISH ArrROACJ-1: What can you as an alumnus bring to the table? Page 9 PonTJ?AIT OF A JouRNEY C HAPTEII: A look at how The Journey has made a differe nce at Purdue (Omega) . Page 10 Cl-IARTERINGs: Arizona and Kentucky officially join the roster. Page 11 PUSH AMERICA PROJECTS PROFILE: An overview of the innovative programs of our national philanthropy. Page 12 CHAPTER N Ews: The latest news from campuses all over the country. Page 14 ALso: A recap of one Pi Kapp's summer of opportunity. Page 17 THOUGHTS ON THE FRATERNITY: A Q&A with National President, Nathan Hightower. Page 19 GowEN LEGION: Celebrating 50 years of Pi Kappa Phi. Page 20 C HAPTER

ETERNAL: Remembering those brothers who have passed. Page 21

ALUMNI N Ews: Alumni events and honored brothers. Page 22

Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the Nationallnr.rfraterniry Conference.

Member College Fraternity Editors Association

Address corrections should be sent to Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224

In a follow-up to our football feature, the Star & Lamp examines the most lopsided game in history and the man that represented Pi Kappa Phi on the field that day.


ctobe< 7, 1916 will



always hold a place in football history. The Cumberland University Bulldogs traveled to Atlanta to take on the Yellowjackets of Georgia Tech. When the gun sounded to end the game between the two teams, Georgia Tech had won. The scoreboard read an amazing 222-0. Taking the field that day along with the rest of the Georgia Tech squad was Pi Kapp brother, George Griffin (Iota), a civil engineering major at Tech who was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi in February of 1916. Griffin was a gritty running back who would help contribute to making history that day. In the spring of 1916, Cumberland's



head football coach for Georgia Tech,

had previously fielded championship football teams in 1903 and 1904. However, by 1916 their program's stature had dropped . But Tech had still expected a competitive opponent. By the time the first minute had ticked off the official game clock, Tech had already scored their first touchdown. That was only one of the nine touchdowns scored by Tech that quarter. "We never should have taken on Tech," said Cumberland lineman David Harsh. "They had us somewhat outclassed." Since Cumberland was actually losing yardage faster than it was

who was not pleased with the recent results involving a fellow sports program . Hence, Heisman offered the Cumberland Bulldogs $500 to come to Atlanta for a football game. Cumberland

gaining it, they began to punt the ball back to Tech immediately after receiving a kickoff. By halftime, the score was 126-0. Georgia Tech's Heisman refused to allow his team to let up on

baseball team had run the score up on Georgia Tech in a 22-0 drubbing. Since Cumberland University was located in Lebanon, Tenn., the baseball team had actually fielded professional players from Nashville to play with the team. Yellowjacket students, staff and alumni wanted revenge for the blowout. Included in that group was John Heisman, the

their intensity. "You're

Tech as a math instructor.

doing all right, team . We're

He was also a track and football coach. In 1930, he

ahead. But you just can't tell what those Cumberland players have up their sleeves. They may spring a surprise. Be alert, men! Hit 'em clean, but hit 'em hard," said Heisman during his halftime speech. His speech obviously worked as

was named assistant dean of students and was promoted in 1946 to dean of students. He retired in 1964. Griffin was the recipient of Georgia Tech's 1955 Alumni Distinguished Service Award. He is also a member of

Tech went on to eclipse the world record for points by one college team, 153, previously held by the 1912 Michigan football team . H eisman had even agreed to shorten the remaining two quarters from 15 to 12 and a half minutes. When the final game statistics had been compiled, Tech had scored 32 touchdowns and rushed

the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. Jn 1992 Georgia Tech named their new student galleria the George C. Griffin Student Galleria. The building is comprised of the Student Services Building, the Theater for

the Arts and the plaza

Brother Griffin rushed four times for 56

connecting them. The school also placed a statue of Griffin on the plaza in honor of the longtime dean of students. Griffin died in 1990 at the age of 93, the last surviving member of the famous 1916 football

yards and two touchdowns,

squad that won

including a 35 yard touchdown run . After graduating in 1922, Griffin continued his relationship with Georgia

the most lopsided game in the history of

the ball for 978 yards. They never attempted a pass. Cumberland's offense had been stymied by Tech, amassing negative 45 yards rushing and 14 yards passing.



n continuing our review of stellar Pi Kapp athletes, we focus this time on the fraternity's leading basketball stars over the years. To honor those brothers who achieved success on the court, the Star & Lamp presents a historical look at the fraternity's top roundballers. Among the earliest standouts are three members of the first South Carolina (Sigma) team in


1909: Wade Bolt, Charles Dillingham and J.D. Hamer. At North Carolina (Kappa), George Tennant captained the Tar Heels in 1917 and 1918 while T. W. Hawkins was Davidson's (Epsilon) 1918 captain. The 1920s saw more Pi Kapps on the court. F. D. uDewey" Cline of

ory North Carolina State (Tau) starred from 1916 through 1920. Cline was the captain of the team in 1919 and 1920. The Asheville, N.C. native played guard and was essential to the success of the 1920 NC State team, particularly in leading the Wolfpack to a 32-21 upset victory over North Carolina. The NC State team lost the State Basketball Championship to Trinity (now Duke University) with Cline again starring. In an interesting side note, Cline was Tau Chapter's number one initiate. He helped form the chapter through his friendship with famous Pi Kapp author, Thomas Wolfe. Cline and Wolfe were friends while growing up in Asheville, N.C. Carlyle Shepard led the North Carolina team the following year. C. Y. Bird captained the 1922 Florida (Alpha Epsilon) team and was head coach the next year. Chapter brother Byron Eddy lettered for the Gators in 1923-24-25. Forward Glenn Potter of Illinois (Upsilon) was captain and an All-Big Ten pick in 1924. At Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma), Sterling Jones was a fouryear letterman (1924-27) while Granville Norris was

a rugged rebounder for three seasons (1927-29) . Stetson (Chi) began a strong basketball tradition in the decade with multiple letter winners such as Lawrence Bernard, Bert Eustace, Ed Marsh, Harold Schubher, Esten Ulmer, J.T. Smith and uSpike" Welshinger. Other good players in the 1920s included George Anderson ofWashington (Alpha Delta), "Buster" Wise of South Carolina and the Alabama (Omicron) duo of Robert Young and Bill Young. Selden Davey (1930-31) and Charles Davison (1931-32) were key players for Nebraska (Nu) in the early part of the next decade, as was David McPherson at Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) . Earning AllSouthern Conference honors for Washington & Lee (Rho) in both 1935 and 1936 was Joe Pette. Top players at Stetson included Richard Branham, Ray Cagni, Tom Kirkland and Lanier Smith. John Huff was a solid player for Auburn (Alpha Iota) in 1939-40. After being an AllBig Ten selection in 1939, guard/captain Fred Beretta of Purdue (Omega) earned All-American honors in

1940, leading the Boilermakers to the conference title. The following season, he played in the National Basketball League (forerunner of the NBA) with the Akron Firestone Non-Skids. Other good Omega players were Don Adams (1941-42) and James Ginga (1945-46). Wheeler Leeth and Louis Adair led the 1942 Alabama Crimson Tide Squad to the SEC Finals after an exciting upset victory over Tennessee in the semi-finals. Leeth, the team's captain, and Adair

both earned All-SEC honors that year as well. Other team captains during the 1940s included three-year standout Dick Grimes of Penn State (Alpha Mu) in 1942 and Jack Wayman of Davidson Continued page 6 WINTER 1997


(Alpha Mu) in 1942 and Jack Wayman of Davidson in 1943 . Good players following World War II included Furman (Delta)

four-year letterman Melvin Bell, Benny Register of Georgia Tech (Iota) and the Stetson (Chi) trio of Jordan Maynard, Nick Triantafellu and AI Weldon. Former NFL star Darrel "Pete" Brewster of Purdue (Omega) also knew his way around the basketball court and was a leading rebounder for the Boilermakers in the early 1950s. He was drafted by the Indianapolis Caps in the first round of the 1952 NBA draft but decided to play pro football. Another NBA draftee, Henry


points, including a high of 35 against Bowling Green). Chapter

better, leading with a 24.3 average (582 points). Chapter

brother John Imgrun led the Hatters in both 1953 (18.3 average and 439 points) and 1954 (16 .6 average, 315 points) . Other leading Chi Stars of the decade included Jim Carlin, Arvid Peterson and Marty Rossi. Stanton Woerth was a three-year standout for Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) in 1953-55.

brother Chuck Engleking was Tampa's top rebounder in 1961 with a 10.9 average (306 rebounds) .

Guard Ron Rainey led Penn State in scoring twice and was 1958 co-captain. As a junior, he scored 377 points (15 .1 average) then added 292 points (15.4) as a senior. He later went into coaching, serving

brother Terry Hoover played with him on the 1963 squad and also lettered the following two seasons. A tough rebounder for Duke (Mu) was forward Warren

as head coach at Wilkes College for five seasons before joining Delaware as an assistant in 1971. Elevated to head coach of the Blue Hens in 1976, he held the job for nine years before returning to Wilkes (1985-92). The last several years, Ron has been an assistant at Wisconsin-Platteville, which won the NCAA Division III title in 1995.

Duckham, was one of the greatest players in Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) history and was

A member of the Tampa (Beta Lambda) Athletic Hall of Fame,

selected by the New York Knicks

George Shary is one of the

in the eighth round of the 1954 draft. Two Stetson brothers led the team in scoring in the early 1950s. Jim Taveniere finished his career with 1,100 points (14 .9 average) and was 1952 leader with a 17.6 average (351

top scorers in school history. As a junior in 1962, he led with a 21.6 average (561 points) and hit a still-standing record 18 free throws in a game against Jacksonville. As a senior, Shary was even


Penn State forward/cocaptain Earl Hoffman had a banner year in 1963, leading the 15-5 Nittany Lions in scoring (21.7 average, 434 points) and rebounding (7 .8, 157). Chapter

Chapman, who played on the 1966 ACC championship team and was drafted by Houston of the ABA in 1968. The Drexel chapter had two captains during the decade: Ben Brown in 1962 and John Linderman in 1968. Phil Wills won letters for Purdue in 1960-62.

Guard Jeff Hogan ranks among the all-time leading scorers at Florida State (Beta Eta) and starred on the first Seminole squad to make the NCAA playoffs in 1968. He scored 1,164 points (14.8 average) in 79 career games and excelled as a free throw shooter (82.7% in 1968). Guard Herb White won three letters for Georgia (Lambda) and received the team's Joe Jones Award as a senior in 1970. The following season, he appeared in 38 contests for the NBA Atlanta Hawks. Derrell Boone was the top player from a large contingent of Stetson Pi Kapp players during the 1960s. He ranks among the career leaders with 1,342 points (12.9 average) over four seasons and had a career high 35 points versus Boston University on December 30, 1969. He was the Hatters top scorer in 1968 (14.0 average, 336 points) and best rebounder in 1970 (7.8 average, 225 total). Other Chi standouts of the decade included Fred Bryant, Steve Buchanan, Ken Kincaid, Frank Shelton and Roger Woodbury. Guard Jim VanderPoel was a solid performer for East

Jim appeared in 105 contests and scored 1,152 points (10.9). David Murphy of Wofford (Zeta) was 1974 captain and scored 1,089 career points. Mike Silver of Presbyterian (Beta) is the school's single season free throw leader, hitting 89 .7% at the line in 1975. Jim Orr of Stetson won three letters for the Hatters (1970-72). Pi Kappa Phi's all-time top collegiate scorer, Ken Gustafson, is also the leader in Charleston (Alpha) history with 2,135 points (21.1) . He also ranks as the school's season (440, 14.6) and career rebound leader (1,484, 14.7). As a sophomore, he had a stillstanding record 23.1 scoring average and record 15.5 rebounds a game. In his junior year, Gustafson scored 605 points (22.4) and pulled down

1977. He is now in his 15th year as an assistant coach at his alma mater. The Fraternity's only NBA coach, Morris McHone,

360 rebounds (13.3) . In his senior year, he again led the Cougars with 645 points (21.5) . He is also the school record holder for career field goals made, career free throw attempts and career free throws made. Three-time All-Gulf South Conference (GSC) guard David Felix ranks as one of Troy State's (Gamma Gamma) scoring leaders (1,469, 13.8 average,

served as head coach of the San Antonio Spurs during the 1984 season and is currently one of the top coaches in the Continental Basketball Association. The Florida State alum was a top assistant at his alma mater (1971-78) and at Georgia (1979) before joining the Cleveland Cavaliers for one season. Prior to becoming the Spurs head coach, he was an assistant for one

Texas State (Beta Chi), starting all four years and winning AllLone Star Conference honorable mention in 1971. That season, he led the Lions in scoring with 416 (17.3) . During his career,

game high 35) . He is also the school's leader in career assists (625) and steals (251) . Felix gained All-GSC honors in 1975, 1976 and 1978 and led the school to the GSC crown in

season then coached at Bradley from 1986 to 1991. McHone became the head coach of the CBA Birmingham Bandits in 1991 and is now Continued page 28 WINTER 1997



NC-Wilmington (Gamma Theta) alumni and collegiate members, in a collective effort, helped finance a facelift for the reception room in the Wise Alumni House at UNC-Wilmington. At the dedication, held on BY ANGELA BLAND Sept. 28, a large plaque CONTRIBLITJNG WRITER was unveiled inside the room recognizing the fraternity and all of the donors. A small plaque above the



United Carolina Bank. The Pi Kapps raised in excess of $27,000 to pay for the Grand Room, which had a price tag of $25,000. The effort was lead by UNCW Alumni Association board member and Pi Kapp John Baldwin. "The success of the campaign is a real tribute to the dedication of Pi Kappa Phi alumni," said Baldwin. 'Their tremendous support demonstrates that the fraternity experience extends beyond college. It has been an honor to work on the campaign in the name of Pi Kappa Phi." The following are Golden Pi Kapps (those donating $1,000): John Baldwin, Gary Chadwick, Mickey Corcoran, Chick Coleman, Terry Edwards, Don Evans, James Farlow, Marty Farrar, Andy Futrelle, Randy Gore, William Harrell, Bill Kirby, Thomas Joynt, Bill Marlowe, Hugh Newkirk, Lee Pearson, John Pollard, Richard Powell, Martin Sondey, Jay Stokely, Ed Sundy, Chuck Walker and Frank Wootton. Silver Pi Kapps, those donating $500, are: Larry Brammer, Bill Dalton, Alan Evans, Peter Leighton, Rayford Marett, James Piner, Eric Staton and the Gamma Theta chapter. Wise House was built in 1908 and deeded to the university in 1968. For 25 years the house stood vacant due to lack of funds and expenses associated

with trying to upkeep the property. In 1987, the exterior of the house Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Room. The Making the "facelift" possible were (left was repainted and the first phase of reception room, also called the Grand to right) John Pollard, John Baldwin, Room, is the largest in the house. Gary Chadwick, and Pat Corcoran. renovations began in 1993 with Wise House, which houses the alumni relations structural repairs. As of Sept. 30, the renovation loan's balance office, temporary office space and sleeping was $109,000 and it is expected to be payed in full by accomodations for alumni guests, has recently undergone renovations and different rooms of the house were June 2, 1997. A formal dedication of the house is sold to pay off the $400,000 renovation loan from planned for June 7.

door was also hung naming it the




Dear Dedicated Pi Kappa Phi Alumnus, Just the other day, I joined my family for a covered dish luncheon after church. We have all had an occasion to participate in this kind of event - church suppers, family etc. I love them because of all the great food. a makes these events "work". rn planning what to take as our family's contrino formal requirements for participation, and ruu.6 .. ,<n 9'LU~~~U,&~ ble offerings, she wants her contribution to What do I have to offer? If everyone brings be plenty of food, but no one will get a to work out. Mrs. Jones brings her famous vesret<H)l,es from her garden. The Johnson family bring incredible desserts. Everyone one had to provide food for the whole no dish meal. Each of us has resources we can "bring to the table." Every contribution, no matter how modest or how grand, is important to a balanced program. And it is important that everyone participate, in keeping with his available resources. All of our programs need money. Alumni financial support is critical to our ability to provide excellent programs for our alumni and undergraduate members. But we also need volunteer support for alumni and student programs, at the local and regional level, as well as the national level. We could never afford to pay for the good work provided to our organization by volunteers. Everyone can bring something. What will you bring? If you need some help in determining how you can make your best contribution, call me at (704) 523-6000. I'll see you at the feast! Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Director of Advancement

eortrait of a


n the 16 months since the project was introduced, 41 chapters have voted to become Journey Chapters-- 15 of which have taken the steps to become fully implemented Journey Chapters. One chapter that has exemplified the success that the Journey can create is Purdue University's Omega Chapter. Pi Kappa Phi has a long tradition of excellence at Purdue University, a public institution of 35,000 students in West Lafayette, IN. l uc: 1uuuc:u the chapter of its house in 1987, forcing them to rebuild both the physical strucBY STEPHEN W HITBY ture and the brotherhood. In early 1996, JOURNEY PROJECT DIRECTOR the men of Omega decided to become a Journey Chapter, voting unanimously to embark • on a new path of membership in Pi Kappa Phi, and seeking to solidify the Fraternity's position at the top of one of the most competitive Greek campuses in the country. On September 7, three members of the National Headquarters staff, along with Area Governor JeffLuebker (Bradley-Epsilon Mu), facilitated the chapter's Journey Implementation Retreat. The brotherhood established a long-term mission statement and set goals by which to





integrate The Journey into Omega chapter. "More than anything else, The Journey allows us to tell others what we have in common. It allows us to articulate our vision ... and be set apart from the other 45 fraternities on our campus," says Pat Kuhnle, Omega's Chapter Advisor. Since implementing the program, Omega has used The Journey to better educate its associate members. Using The Journey as an important part of the chapter's fall recruitment, they were able to preinitiate 24 men and retain 23 . Archon Jim Taller credits the structure of the program and the chapter's Academic Coach with the associate's success. For the first time, the associate class established its own standards board and code of conduct, using them to stress accountability to each other, and the chapter. This has enabled each new associate to base his membership on the values held in the BEACONS ofThe Journey. "The Journey has given Omega the ability to attract a higher standard of men. We realize that higher standards are the key to the survival of our chapter," said Taller. In November of this year, almost 25 percent of the chapter attended a Sophomore Leadership Institute on the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, facilitated by the Covey Leadership Center, in Indianapolis, IN. Becoming a Journey chapter has not changed the daily life of the chapter, instead, it has changed the way the members are educated and prepared for life after college. By implementing The Journey at Purdue, the chapter is taking a second look at the values and standards involved with being a fraternity man. Omega is a chapter that has committed itself to building better men, knowing that they will compete in a new world of fraternity, and survive into a new century. Is your chapter ready to make that same commitment to greatness?


The Award-Winning Journey Project


In the 16 months since its introduction at Pi Kapp College in 1995, The Journey has attracted attention from around the country, and has been lauded by many as a bold

initiative in the fraternal world. The Journey Project has been heralded as the future of Pi Kappa Phi by the National Fraternity; as the renaissance of the fraternal movement by alumni; and as the answer to the crisis of fraternity ailments by the Greek community -- all in its first year of existence. Recently, the leaders of the Greek world and the professional Association of Fraternity Advisors agreed. At the Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) and National Interfraternity Conference (NIC) annual meeting, December 5-8 in Orlando, Fl., Pi Kappa Phi's Journey received the highest award given for educational endeavors, the Educational Excellence Award. It is being recognized as a program based on the comprehensive development of better men.


Pi Kappa Phi returns to Arizona, arrives at Kentucky On November 9, 1996, Pi Kappa Phi returned to an old, familiar place with the rechartering of Beta Theta Chapter at the University of Arizona. Originally chartered in 1951, Pi Kappa Phi had been absent from the Tucson, AZ campus since 1963. In September of 1995, the chapter was reborn and over the course of slightly more than a year, emerged for rechartering with 60 members. The chartering officer was National Secretary Ernest Johnson assisted by Chuck Barnard, vice president of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. Tom Sullivan, director of chapter services, and Leadership Consultant Tom Atwood represented the National Headquarters. Members from Cal State Fullerton (Zeta Rho) served as the initiatingteam. According to Archon Eric Clingan, the members of Beta Theta Chapter have "felt a dramatic change in their lives due solely to the standards to which we have been exposed over the course of our affiliation." They have also changed how others view fraternities. The chapter CPA of 3.14 is well above the all fraternity average (2.4) and all men's average (2.7). The chapter also had several members attend a PUSH Camp in Kentucky and had a chapter member ride the Journey of Hope this past summer. Additionally, the chapter raised $1,500 for PUSH America. Earlier this fall, on October 26, 1996, the Eta Tau Chapter was chartered at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. Harry Caldwell, National Treasurer, and John Andrews, National Chaplain, served as chartering officer and assistant chartering officer, respectively. The National Headquarters was again represented by Tom Sullivan, director of chapter services and Tom Atwood, leadership consultant. Chapter members from Morehead State (Delta Eta) and South Alabama (Gamma Phi) served as the initiating teams. The 64 member chapter started as a group of nineteen men in February of 1995. Since then they have quickly become an integral part of the UK Greek system and plan on attaining higher goals now that they have achieved chartered status. "As a chartered chapter, we will continue to become a stronger member of the growing family of Pi Kappa Phi," said Shawn Kent, Chartering Chairman. "We hope this chapter will take a position as a leader on this campus and as a leader among all chapters of Pi Kappa Phi."


WINTER 1997 11

PUSH America

PROJECTS PROFILE PUSH Americo,s message of awareness is spread throughout the year by chapter members, alumni, staff and volunteers. From the pounding of nails at Give-A-PUSH Weekends and PUSH Camps to cheers from the crowds at No Boundaries events and Journey of Hope arrivals, the message is heard loud and clear as members and friends of Pi Kappa Phi come together to improve the lives of those with disabilities. 12


Give-A-PUSH Weekends

The three Give-A-PUSH Weekends held in the fall of 1996 combined $21,500 in grants with the energy and commitment of 169 Pi Kappa Phi volunteers to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities. In Greenwood, S.C., 60 students representing nine chapters built an accessible playground at Merrywood Elementary School. The school provides services for children in the community with physical disabilities. Before this project, there was not an accessible playground for disabled youth anywhere in Greenwood County. In Des Moines, Iowa, 41 students representing six chapters rebuilt and renovated a cabin and repaired the arts and crafts building at Easter Seals' Camp Sunnyside. The camp provides week-long, residential

camping for more than 1,000 children and adults with disabilities, as well as operating a day camp, travel program, and respite services on selected weekends throughout the year. In Efland, N.C., 68 men from 12 chapters enhanced accessibility at Camp Chestnut Ridge. The camp offers summer programs for adults and children with disabilities. Students created paths from the cabins to the lodge, rebuilt ramps on cabins, and built a retaining stair wall. Held each spring and fall, Give-A-PUSH Weekends combine contributions of funds and manpower to make community resources more accessible for people with disabilities.

PUSH Camps Held during March of each year, PUSH Camps provide an alternative to traditional spring break activities. Men of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity attend the one-week camps during their respective spring breaks to make renovaSpring 1997 tions and PUSH Camps additions to summer camps for children and Camp Easter Seals East adults with Mi lford, Virginia disabilities. Working Tennessee Easter Seals Camp together, the Jvlt. Juliet, Tennessee participants grow as indiClemson Outdoor Lab viduals while Clemson, South Carolina developing dose fraternal bonds. Camp !Iarmon Camp attendees Monterey, California also have opportunities to participate in such activities as canoeing, boating and high-ropes courses, heightening their understanding of people with disabilities. For more information about the Give-A-PUSH weekends or PUSH Camps, call Eric Schmidhausler, (704)522-7874, ext. 131.

No Boundaries In 1995-96, PUSH America launched the No Boundaries program to encourage Pi Kappa Phi chapters to create week-long events that include PUSH America programming and involve other chapters from across the country. Last year, 43 chapters raised $20,565. In 1997, April is No Boundaries month. Participating chapters will select one week for their fund-raising, awareness and volunteerism events. Our 1997 goal is 60 chapters. For more information about No Boundaries, call James Lawson, (704)522-7874, ext. 128. Alumni turn the wheels The excitement and camaraderie of the Journey of Hope isn't just for undergraduates. PUSH America plays a key role in the overall fraternity development demonstrating the importance of charitable giving and acknowledging the value of assisting those in need. For alumni, involvement with PUSH America can rekindle those feelings. The Dallas/Fort Worth Alumni Association has been involved with the Journey of Hope project since 1991. In 1991, '92 and '93, the team members were the special guests of the Texas Rangers and were featured in pregame ceremonies. All three years, the Alumni Association hosted tailgate barbecues before the team was introduced. In 1992, they enhanced the event by inviting children from the Fort Worth Spina Bifida Foundation to participate in the barbecue and Rangers game. In 1995, the group hosted a buffet dinner for the cyclists as they carne through town. The dinner was attended by numerous alumni, their wives, and parents of the local chapter members. "Our best events as far as quality and attendance seem to always be centered around PUSH America," said Nick Murzin, Delta Psi association president. "PUSH America is an institution that young and not-so-young alumni can rally around together and feel proud of the job that's done." Local alumni associations are invited to hold an event in conjunction with the Journey of Hope! For more information, contact Chris Orr (704) 522-7874, ext. 125. WINTER 19 9 7



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Charleston (Alpha) The Alpha chapter had another successful fall rush. The chapter picked up 22 men. In preparation for fall rush, the executive board was able to implement its ambitious plans for house improvements. They repainted the entire interior of the house, refinished the formal room, refinished all of the floors throughout the house, and put in a new stereo system. Plans are now in the works to rebuild the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms with the help of Alpha Chapter's Housing Corporation. In November, the Brothers of Alpha chapter celebrated Founder's Day with a semi-formal event. This year, the chapter historian put together a huge letter writing campaign to alumni and the response has been great. . Brian Salkeld NC State (Tau) Rush at Tau chapter went well as they were able to pre-initiate 16 potential members. They held an alumni-only dinner the night before the Homecoming game, in an effort to expand the alumni relations program For the second straight year Tau chapter sent two brothers on the Journey of Hope. Jeff Tucker and Mike Whaley raised more than $4,000 each for PUSH America. They are currently recruiting brothers to participate in this year's ride. At this summer's Supreme Chapter the chapter 14


received the award for the highest C.P.A. in Area IV. The chapter is extremely proud of this accomplishment and is hoping to continue to excel academically. The chapter is also seeking alumni who would be willing to serve on the board of alumni advisors. This would help in their efforts to become a Journey chapter. -Brian Maglione Cornell (Psi) The chapter celebrated its 75th anniversary the weekend of October18-20. The weekend included a Friday night cocktail party with a live jazz band. Saturday, the chapter and alumni attended the football game versus Colgate. That evening was the formal 75th Anniversary banquet. The event was attended by many

Psi alumni as well as the Fraternity's National Council, CEO Mark Timmes, and PUSH America Executive Director Sally McArdle. The chapter has also raised more than $550 for PUSH America and is planning its annual spring "Jail and Bail" fund-raiser. The chapter brothers also volunteer every Thursday at the Northside Community Center. The brothers help lead children in various recreational sports and activities. -Scott ~by Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) Alpha Lambda has been extremely active this fall semester at Ole Miss. For the first time since the chapter was established, they participated in their first formal rush and the chapter now has 26

brothers going into the spring semester. The brothers participated in a number of philanthropic activities on campus including Phi Mu Pledge Olympics benefitting Le Bohneur Children's Hospital in Memphis, Delta Gamma Anchor Splash benefitting Sight Conservation and Aid to the Blind, and the ASB Charity Week benefitting The United Way. They have also been active in the intramural sports program and a number of organizations on campus. They are gearing up for spring rush and an area Alumni Weekend scheduled for April 4-6. By coincidence, this coincides with Ole Miss' Red/ Blue spring Football game for 19 9 7. 路 Denny Bubrig

membership includes two Interfraternity Council vice presidents, executive council members, a golf team member, two members of the lacrosse team, one member of the crew team and one track and cross country member. The chapter held its Journey retreat on Sept. 8, making them a fully implemented Journey chapter. With 130 members, they rank in the top five of the 33 fraternities at Indiana University. . Thomas Hunt

Indiana (Alpha Psi) The chapter dedicated its new sign at Homecoming and, working with their alumni corporation and parents association, they purchased new tables and 100 new chairs for the dining room. They also purchased a new couch that seats 11-12 men. The chapter was in second place standing in the big fraternity division when the first intramural report of the year came out. They were also the

Central Michigan (Beta Xi) In only their third year after rechartering at Central Michigan University, the Pi Kapps of the Beta Xi chapter won the Presidents Cup at the Greek Awards Ceremony on Oct. 16. The Presidents Cup is the most prestigious award given to a Greek organization, symbolizing the overall best group on campus. The chapter also received the Philanthropy Award for the second time in three years. Beta Xi was nominated for the best spring semester pledge class and won the award for the best fall semester pledge class, which has 100 percent retention. The brothers were also proud to send a crew member, Brad Mumford, on the Journey of

1996 Greekfest Fraternity Champions. Members of Alpha Psi have many diverse interests and are involved in many organizations across campus. The chapter's

Hope last summer. This year Beta Xi hopes to send two brothers on the Journey of Hope On Nov. 9, Beta Xi and Toledo (Beta Iota) held a joint toll road in Toledo that raised more

than $1,000 for each chapter. This helped in the attempt to reach an overall goal of raising $5,500 this year. - Christian Schafer Valdosta State (Beta Tau) The brothers of Beta Tau have gotten involved with the community, trying to make it a better place. This year, some of their activities included volunteering with an art show and the Special Olympics. At the art show, brothers served hors d' oeuvres. They also worked at Jac's Lanes in Valdosta for a bowling tournament for disabled citizens. Additionally, the chapter worked at the Boys Club for a basketball tournament. They referreed the games and played one of the high school teams. For Halloween they again volunteered with the Boys Club in putting on a haunted house. All the children from the Valdosta area were invited. This year the brothers also helped at the Fall Festival, a festival for the Special Olympics at Mathis Auditorium. -MattToeniskoetler Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) This fall the chapter moved into a new house, which houses the entire executive council. They also made great strides in recruitment, their current class of 18 is the largest associate member class since 1991. It was also the largest class on campus this year. In one full year they have more than doubled the chapter size Continued page 16 WINTER 199 7


Appalachian State (cont.) Academically, Delta Zeta moved up seven spots in C.P.A. in one year. Recently they completed a PUSH America project at Camp River's Way in Tennessee. This marks the third consecutive time they have contributed to this camp. The flag football team finished a successful season, making it to the finals. They were the only fraternity team to make the playoffs. Currently the soccer team is vying for the championship. Overall the chapter experienced many high points this semester. They are looking forward to making even greater strides in the future, including becoming a Journey chapter. 路Andrew Farris, Courtney Olive, Lee TaPfJY

Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) The Pi Kapp football team recently completed its sixth consecutive undefeated season. Over the past six years, no other

Greek team has beaten Pi Kappa Phi in the intramural league. The combined record for the team is 51-0-1. The 1996 football team 16


finished 6-0, winning the last four games by the mercy rule (at least 17 points). This year, the team scored 166 points for an average of 27.6 points per game. On defense, they allowed only 24 points the entire year, for an average of four points per game. In other sports news, chapter brother Carey Tuck set the single round school record in golf by shooting a 66, breaking the previous record held by Mike Dunphy, now the UAB golf coach. -Jeremy Kizzire

George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) At George Mason University, a traditionally non-housed campus, the Pi Kapps have taken brave steps to make a change. This fall, Pi Kappa Phi became the first Greek organization at George Mason to have a universityrecognized fraternity house. The Zeta Epsilon Alumni Association and Housing Corporation leased the house from a private owner and worked with the university to obtain recognition, blazing the trail for other Greeks to take steps toward making Greek Housing at GMU a reality. Special thanks to alumni association and housing corporation officers Timothy Quick, Andrew Spellar and Juan Miyares. Zeta Epsilon also recently celebrated its lOth Anniversary. Thanks go out to Andy Spellar, Tim Quick, Mike Socha, Jeff Armstrong and all those in attendance for making it a

memorable event.. Daniel O'Keefe SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) The Zeta Omicron chapter recently played basketball games with the local ARC center to promote awareness and understanding of people with disabilities throughout the Greek system. Members have also gotten involved in a Big Brother/ Little Brother community program. On campus, Brother Dolph Semenza won homecoming king while Shaun Knasick was elected the vice president of the student body association. - Tim Baker Colorado State (Zeta Phi) The Zeta Phi chapter at Colorado State University received its charter last March. Starting out has been difficult but rewarding. They have accomplished great things in a few short months and have even greater accomplishments on the horizon. They volunteered for Friends of the Library, joining forces with other chapters on campus to move books from schools and storage facilities to the local mall for sale. The event raised more than $15,000 to be used to fund materials and activities for the public library. The chapter provided great support for a recent Give-APUSH Weekend, with 20 brothers travelling to Iowa. The brothers would like to thank the alumni and businesses that helped fund the trip to Des Moines. The chapter recruited

heavily this semester, pre-initiating 20 associates. There are great leaders in this class, one of which hopes to ride in the Journey of Hope this summer. Recently, they took second place in the homecoming parade with the float the chapter built. Some future goals for Zeta Phi are to obtain a house, become a Journey chapter, and increase chapter membership to 80 men.

Cornell Pi Kapp covers summer's hottest events

- Gene Maccarini

Coastal Carolina (Eta Pi) The Pi Kapps at Coastal Carolina place an emphasis on campus involvement. Some of the positions they hold include president and secretary of the Interfraternity Council, senior class president, assistant editor and business manager of the Chanticleer Newspaper, director of CCU Student Advisor Councilors, president of Coastal Underwater Diving Adventures and presidents of two honor societies. They recently helped with the ninth annual Halloween for the Handicapped. They also organized a PUSH America toll road and car wash. A few members also assisted the Red Cross in their annual triathlon. Their next on-campus event will be a parliamentary procedure course open to all students. In addition, they created their own rush brochure to distribute during Meet the Greeks. They currently stand in first place in their division for flag football. - Brophy Ringdahl

n internship application


views with media and civic

was the first link in a

groups, show visiting media the

chain of events that led

campus and facilities, and help

James Lockard, a Pi Kapp from

coordinate the center's volunteer

Cornell (Psi) to an experience

network. During his internship, Lockard met the Olympic Torch Relay camera crew. Impressed with his attitude and professionalism, they asked him to work with them for the summer. Upon completing his internship with the USOC, Lockard joined

most would find hard to top. From the Olympic Training Center, to the Olympic Torch Relay, to the set of World News Tonight with Peter Jennings

and Nightline, Lockard moved from one opportunity to the next, making the most of each along the way.

Continued page 2 7

Lockard, a junior from Gig Harbor, Wash., took a semester off from the rigors of studying at Cornell when he applied for a media relations internship with the United States Olympic Committee (USOC). After a very competitive selection process, he was chosen along with one other candidate to work in San Diego at the Olympic Training Center. His primary responsibilities were to arrange athlete inter-

During his busy summer, Lockard had the opportunity to meet several influential individuals, including Leray Walker, president of the United States Olympic Committee, pictured above. WINTE R 1997


Thoughts on the Fraternity Pi Kappa Phi is now being captained by R. Nathan

Hightower, following his election to the office of National President at the 45th Supreme Chapter. His dedication to Pi Kappa Phi began in 1975 at the University of Alabama where he became the 1107th initiate of Omicron chapter. Following is a personal Question & Answer interview regarding his thoughts on Pi Kappa Phi -- past, present and future.

better in how all fraternities operate. We are conscious now more than ever of the need to control the distribution and consumption of alcohol. Another change has been the great enhancement of PUSH America and its projects. By moving away from play units, members of Pi Kappa Phi are reaching a broader audience of people educating them about disabilities while experiencing more leadership through service.

Why did you pledge Pi Kappa Phi?

Hightower assumes the position of National President from Jeny Brewer, South Carolina (Sigma), at the 45th Supreme Chapter held in San Francisco, Calif, in August.

I went through rush with two other classmates, and one of our main objectives was to live in the fraternity house. During formal rush, we had the pleasure of meeting baseball hall-of-farner Joe Sewell. Sitting in the Omicron chapter house and listening to stories of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig made the decision to go Pi Kappa Phi pretty easy. Why did you initially run for the National Council?

My original interest in the National Council came first with the Fraternity's need for an attorney to serve as National Chancellor. I am an attorney by profession, and I answered Pi Kappa Phi's call for legal guidance at the Charlotte Supreme Chapter in 1985. I had already gotten so much from my fraternity experience, and this was my opportunity to reach a level of national leadership. Having served as Area Governor, this was the next logical step. I went on to serve as chancellor for two terms. All totalled, I have served on our National Council for over 11 years in the positions of chancellor, secretary, treasurer, vice president and now national president. During your time on the National Council, what have you seen as the major changes in Pi Kappa Phi?

One major societal change that has directly affected our Fraternity is the raising of the legal drinking age from 18 to 21. It has been a major change for the 18


What role do you feel alumni should play in the Fraternity?

Successful chapters have similar ingredients, and one of those ingredients is an active alumni base. Alumni involvement on the chapter level is absolutely critical to providing continuity at each chapter. The alumni must always be there to serve as the foundation. The advisory group is there during good and bad times to keep the chapter on an even keel. The future success of our Fraternity is dependent on each individual alumnus' willingness to assist when called upon. It is important to remember that there are non-monetary ways of helping your chapter such as mentoring and career networking. More alumni are needed to serve on national committees as well. Alumni gifts are essential, however, as a source of revenue to maintain the current level of activity. It is a national initiative to help create an understanding of "lifetime membership." In an age when Greek systems seem to be weakening, what is it in your opinion that will keep Pi Kappa Phi a strong leader?

In regards to Pi Kappa Phi being a leader, I am really excited about our Journey Project. We are putting into play the principles of Pi Kappa Phi which have been around since the founders first created our Fraternity. We are now applying those prip.ciples to a structured program in which we can see the natural development of our members. The uniformity of the project can then be emulated by each chapter across

the country. Pi Kappa Phi will remain strong in today's Greek world, because of programs like the Journey, our dedication to service through PUSH America and a standard of excellence to which each member and each chapter is held accountable. What are your goals for the

from diverse backgrounds. It taught me the importance of reaching consensus and developed my leadership skills, giving me the confidence to take the next step. By no coincidence, my best friends in life are Pi Kapps. How would you like to see

next two years?

Pi Kappa Phi affect the lives

1. Professional development. I would like to develop alumni programs similar to Pi Kapp College, geared to further exposure, networking and professional growth for our alumnus member.

of today's undergraduate

2. Financial support. I would like to lessen the reliance on student members for financial support of the national organization. We need to develop alternative sources of revenue through business ventures, alumni, and programming. 3. Emphasize expansion. With The Journey, PUSH America, and continued alumni involvement, Pi Kappa Phi is managing to open doors on campuses that other Greek organizations are not. We need to continue to seize those opportunities and create new ones. 4. "Gear Up Florida." We can take the Journey of Hope concept which continues to be successful on a national level, and apply it to the state of Florida. A bicycle trip to raise awareness and money for people with disabilities through Florida will allow more members to share in the experience and reach a larger audience with the mission of Pi Kappa Phi and PUSH America. How has Pi Kappa Phi affected your life?

Pi Kappa Phi shaped my professional development. It gave me the opportunity to interact with people


I would like the experience of today's members to be a mirror of my own. Each member can take something unique from Pi Kappa Phi and give something of themselves back. It is an undergraduate member's opportunity to exercise leadership skills and interrelate with fellow human beings. Pi Kappa Phi should enhance the well being of an individual -- making him a better person. To most, college equals scholastic growth, but it is also the experience that the Fraternity has given them. How would you like to see Pi Kappa Phi affect the lives of today's alumni members?

I want our alumni to better understand that they have a lifetime membership in their Fraternity and from that derive some benefit -- whether it be skills, contacts, involvement with our national projects, or professional enhancement. Pi Kappa Phi continues to put out quality graduates. As alumni we can still take pride in that.

"It's a privilege to be voted president It's going to be hard work. but I am committed to having a successful term of office."


WINTER 19 97


Celebrating 50 years of membership The Star & Lamp welcomes the following men into the Golden Legion of Pi Kappa Phi. They celebrated their 50th Pi Kapp anniversaries between July 1996 and December 1996. Presbyterian {Beta) James W. Barnhill California - Berkeley {Gamma) William D. Raymond Frank M. Williams

Roanoke (Xi) William I. Currie Elwood D. Fox Claude F. Hughes Weldon T. Lawrence Edward G. Wendt

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Richard L. Brown Kenneth M. Hawke Jack R. Osburn Robert D. Stailey Earl N. Trabue

Furman {Delta) John M. King Arthur J. McKinney Carl R. Thackston South Carolina (Sigma) William J. Chapman Cyrus L. Shealy Davidson {Epsllon) Odell F. Dobson Warren B. Higginbotham Christian D. Weber Wofford (Zeta) Harry J. Baldwin Gregg C. Bissell Howard G. Pettit Emory (Eta) Robert J. Noland Eugene R. Simons



Florida (Alpha Epsllon) Frank N. Holley Robert D. Holmes Victor W. McKenzie

Alabama (Omicron) Charles 0 . Ballard Charles L. Clark William W. Ham Anderson H. Hembree Willard G. Hicks Huey D. Mclnish Thomas W. Patterson Emmett L. Speed Washington & Lee (Rho) Frederick R. Landrigan Edwin S. Pickett Dean B. Stewart

Georgia (Lambda) Harry J. Baldwin Mariel G. Delarue

Stetson (Chi) Robert C. Feasel Ira J. Giroir Floyd R. Jaggears Nick Triantafellu

Duke {Mu) Edward D. Shaw

Purdue (Omega) Charles R. Beretta

Auburn (Alpha Iota) Elton R. Bailey Henry G. Beaird William F. Black Robert L. Ferrell John P. Foster John B. Hawthorne Paul T. Persons Elton W. Smith Richmond H. Smith Wallace B. Smith Robert E. Spence Otis M. Strickland James A. Waldrop Penn State (Alpha Mu) Clifford W. Anderson

Richard K. Hill Eugene E. Kline Kenneth A. Petry Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Robert J. Blazek Thomas J. Cahill Edward F. Gore Raymond E. Jeffrey Henry G. Lenz Anthony E. Paratley Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) James R. Carson Forest L. Goetsch Jerald U. Schenck Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Samuel J. Deal Robert T. Jarvis Jack C. Ogle Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Jack W. Bosley Anthony P. Bracalente Martin E. Burrows Robert Morris Dorwart William J. Meis Walter M. Morris liT (Alpha Phi) Edward J. Hennessy


John E. Borne Donald R. Heiny

Miami (Alpha Chi) Roy S. Williams



,.ft~UI~~ ~~ x . ~)~

Dear Pi Kappa Phi:

.. .


Remembering Chapter Eternal

My hwband, Robert ("Brent") Ban; died on March 23, 1995 after a long but courageous battle with AIDS. Brent was a member of the Alpha Theta Chapter at Michigan State University- Class of 1989. Brent loved Pi Kappa Phi and he talked about his fraternity days quite frequendy. He gained many wonderful and lasting friendships through his experience in Pi Kappa Phi. In fact, an old fraternity brother. .• would drive close to two holm each way from Santa Cruz to San Francisco to spend time with Brent when he was sick and could not leave the howe. They would constantly reminisce about Greek Week events, weekend fraternity parties and PUSH America events that they worked on together. [Brent's Pi Kapp brother} made this trip on a regular basis for over six months until Brent died. That bond of friendship and loyalty truly touched my heart. Thank you for giving Brent a sense of brotheriJootL loyalty and belonging. I would appreciate it if you would remove Brent's name from your future mailing lists, so we can save a few u.es. Also, could you please report in your next magazine that Brent had passed away last yeart There may be some brothers out there that I was not tlble to contact. Thank you. Fondly,

Susan S. Sorensen Barr Comellloses dedicated alumnus On October 28, 1996, Brother David Dietzen (Comell- Psi) joined the Chapter Eternal. Dietzen, 64, was a retired IBM executive. Long known for his dedication to the Fraternity, Dietzen served in numerous capacities including chapter advisot Zeta Theta Housing Cotporation President. and Pi Kappa Phi Properties Board of Directors. He was also instrumental in the Psi Forever campaign, helping to organize the putt:hase of the current Psi Chapter house. Pi Kappa Phi Properties has donated $500 to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in his memory.


The Star & Lamp regrets to report that between July 1996 and December 1996, the following brothers were reported to the National Headquarters as having passed on to the Chapter Eternal.

Wofford (Zeta) Edwin Carroll Georgia Tech (Iota) William Funk Franklin Schilling North Carolina (Kappa) Jordan Frassinetti Georgia (Lambda) James Akers Frank Buchanan John Burnham James Butler Lamar Camp O'Neal Chandler George Doster Richard Harris George Johnson Kennon Mott Lamar Murdaugh James Pasley Prince Preston Walton Stewart Albert Tuck Alabama (Omicron) Wallace Jordan Tony Rose Stephen Wall Washington & Lee (Rho) Charles Fulton Peter Stockett Robert Washburne Stetson (Chi) John Avrack James Purcell Glenn Sundy

Purdue (Omega) Lawrence Bridge Jack Jones

Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) William Whitworth

Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Sterling Jones

liT (Alpha Phi) Kenneth Dunn Archillas Glover Thomas Ruck

Washington (Alpha Delta) Lowell Partain Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Howard Conkle Robert Weir Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Robert Barr Richard Martin Auburn (Alpha Iota) James Russell Penn State (Alpha Mu) Chris Petruny Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Frank Eigner Carl Hecker Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Joseph Scarbrough

Indiana (Alpha Psi) William Yagel Troy State (Gamma Gamma) Stanley Watson Augusta (Gamma Psi) Hubert Godwin North Georgia (Delta Beta) Jeffrey Craton James Madison (Delta Tau) Steve Trawick Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) Donald Humphrey Towson State (Zeta Omega) Orlando Thomas

Rennselaer (Alpha Tau) Kenneth Koegler Richard Murray Richard Renson WINTER 1997


Armitstead wins teaching awards from Baylor rofessor Paul Armitstead


(Nebraska- Nu) was

the recipient of two

teaching awards at the conclusion of the Spring 1996 semester. At the last meeting of the Baylor Student Congress, he was selected the Outstanding Faculty Member for the 1995-96 school year. He was also designated the first recipient ofThe Robert L. Reid Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching in the Humanities. Armitstead expressed both pleasure and gratitude for

Abbott receives Wofford Distinguished Service Award offord (Zeta) alumnus,


lieutenant in the US Army and

recognized by his alma

retired from the US Army Reserve

mater with the Distinguished Service

with the rank of major general.

Award. The award, presented

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate

annually, is presented to an

ofWofford, he also received degrees

individual who is a member of the

from Harvard Graduate School of

Wofford College National Alumni

Business, US Army War College,

Association and has distinguished

Industrial College of the Armed

himself in a professional career as

Forces, National War College

well as service to humanity.

and Command and General

The retired president of Forrest Abbott Co. & FACO Corp.


He served as a first

Forrest Abbott, was recently

Staff College. Mr. Abbott's business and

of Greenville, S.C., Abbott is a long

community affiliations include

time business and civic leader in Greenville. As a student at Wofford,

National Defense Committee,

in addition to his membership in

ers, National Food Brokers Associa-

National Association of Manufactur-

Pi Kappa Phi, he was a member

tion, The Association of the US Arrn'ft

of Army Rare and Scabbard

Greenville Chamber of Commerce

and Blade.

and Rotary International. *


his twin honors. "I'm just incredibly appreciative to have my name as a teacher mentioned in the same breath as Bob Reid's," he said. *



Alumni Relations: Fra n k Havard 2104 Pine Need le Drive W Mobi le, AL 36609-2721

National Headquarters P.O. Box 240526, Charlo tte, NC 28224 (704 )523-6000; FAX: ( 704 )521-8962 ema il : pikappnatl @ao l. co m http:jfwww. pikap p.org Chief Executive Officer Ma rk E. Timmes Assistant Executive Director jason K. Dodd Journey Director Stephe n W hitby Director of Chapter Services Th o mas Sulliva n Director of Expansion Matthew Pefia Director of Communications Ja mes P. O' Keefe Director of Marketing and Public Relations Jenni fe r L. Armstrong Director of Finance Pamela Meachu m Executive Director Emeritus Durwa rd Owen Leadership Consultants Todd Wangler, Tho m as Atwood, David Sull iva n, Jeff Esola a nd Jon Jo rd a n Office Manager Nancy Larse n Support Staff Co rrespondence Secretary Linda Littlejo h n, Mem bershi p/Records Director Ci ndy Howell , Chap te r Su pplies Directo r Lue Casto, Bookkeeper Cindy Myna tt and Recepti on ist Ro bi n Pera lta Administrative Interns Ange la Bland, Da n French, Jon Owen

Education: Glen n Dickson 19248 Celtic Street No rthridge, CA 91326 lnvesbnent (pro tern): Harry E. Ca ldwe ll , Jr. 985 Va ll ey View Road Ind ia n Sp rings, AL 35124 Nomination: Jerry T. Brewe r Director of Studen t Li fe M-USC-Russell House Colum bia, SC 29208 Ritual & Insignia: David H. Vawte r 441 D Sou th Linden Ave. Waynesboro, VA 22980 Scholars hip: Steve Sa nde rs Ind ia na University Ki rkwood Hall 104 Bloomi ngton, IN 47405



Thomas Wilson 23 Kimberly La ne Mo rrisonvill e, NY 12962 Norman Mawby 7 Co nsta nce Dr. Glen Riddl e- Lima, PA 19037 Rob Benninghove 1321 S Mo unt Ve rno n Ave. #B Will ia msburg, VA 23 185 David Simas 12 16 Terre nce Pl ace Cha rl o tte, NC 28209 Remley R. CampbeU 11 Halsey Street Charl esto n, SC 2940 1 Scott C. Gasparini 2070 Kold Bridge Ct. Ma ri etta, GA 30060 J. Jeffry Wahlen P.O . Box 391 Tall a hassee, FL 32302 Ralph S. Foster 210 Mell Hall Au b urn Univ, AL 36849-5607 Jeffrey Luebker 5825 N. Winthrop Avenu e Ind ia na po li s, IN 46220-263 Reed Snyder 1804 Bran deis Cou n Colum b ia, MO 65203 Billy L. Jacobs 4335 Vine Ridge Ct. Arlingto n, TX 760 17 Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Ha rrison Circle Littleto n, CO 80122 Robert E. Langbein 1557 Douglas Drive El Ce rito, CA 94703

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation P.O. Box 240526, Cha rl o tte, NC 28224 (704 ) 523-6000; em ail : alum expa nd@ao l. com Chairman Ke ll ey A. Bergstrom 900 N. Mi chiga n Ave, Ste 1700 Chi cago, IL 606 11 Chief Executive Officer Ma rk E. Ti mm es Director of Advancement JeffreyS. Boggan Director of Alumni Relations David R. Ada ms Administrative Assistant Betsie Feh r Administrative Intern David Black Pi Kappa Phi Properties P.O. Box 240526, Cha rl o tte, NC 28224 (704 ) 523-6000; em ail: PKPP@ao l.com Chairman Ma rk F. Jacobs LaSa ll e Na ti o nal Ba n k 1 Am e ri ca n Sq uare, Ste 22 15 Indi a na po lis, IN 46282 Chief Executive Officer Ma rk E. Timm es Executive Vice President Eva n Erickso n Administrative Assistant Betsie Feh r PUSH America P.O. Box 241368, Charlo tte, NC 28224 (704 ) 522-P USH (7874 ); FAX: (704)52 1-8962 ema il : PUSHAme ri ca@m indspri ng.com President Gregory L. Ba ll American Red Cross 11 121 Carmel Com mons Blvd., Su ite 400, Cha rl otte, NC 28226 Executive Director Sally McArd le Marketing Director Ch ris Orr Director of Projects and Grants Eric Sch m id ha usler Director of Chapter Services Ja mes Lawson Director of Special Events Chad Coltrane Special Events Assistant Kell y Mill e r Administrative Assistant Terrie Sm ith Associate Chad Nicho las Administrative Interns Jo h n McCu rdy, Todd Nelmes, Lyn Wright, Sco tt Kopp le, jo hn Powers W INTER 1997


CHAPTERS Alabama Albright UAB Appalachian State Arizona

Omicron Zeta Chi Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Beta Theta

Au bum Auburn-Montgomery Averett Barton Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Braclley California-Berkeley California-Irvine California - Los Angeles California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Cal. State-Northridge Central Michigan Coastal Carolina Charleston Christian Brothers Christopher Newport

Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta Zeta Xi Zeta Tau Zeta Upsilon Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu Gamma Eta Eta Eta Sigma Zeta Beta Zeta Lambda Zeta Rho ZetaMu Beta Xi Eta Pi Alpha Epsilon Sigma Eta Iota

Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado-Boulder Colorado State

Zeta Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Eta Gamma Zeta Phi

Concord Cornell Drexel Duke East Carolina Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech In eli ana Indiana at Perm Indiana State Iowa State !UPUI

Eta Alpha Psi Alpha Upsilon Mu Beta Phi Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Beta Kappa Iota Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Zeta Iota Eta Beta Alpha Omicron Zeta Psi

James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State Kentucky

Delta Tau Delta Chi Eta Delta Eta Tau

LaGrange lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Longwood Louisiana State U. Marshall Maryland Memphis Mercer

GarnmaNu Gamma Rho Epsilon Xi Epsilon Rho Epsilon Gamma Gamma Iota Zeta Pi Eta Epsilon Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha



P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Box (AC. Box) 74, Reading. PA 19612 Box 40, Univ. Ctr, Birmingham, AL 35294 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 cfo Jennifer Jones, Dept of Student Programs, Student Union 101, Tucson, /\l85721 861 Lem Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 P.O. Box241332, Montgomery, AL36124 P.O . Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 1214 W. Cold St., Wilson, NC 27893 Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg. PA 17815 R-3 Old Frat Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 1530 W. Braclley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 P.O. Box4741, Irvine, CA92716 626 Landfair, Los Angeles, CA 90024 P.O. Box 948555, LaJolla, CA 92037-9405 811 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95928 Univ. Activities Ctr-7 4, Fullerton, CA 92634 17835 Parthenia St., Northridge, CA 91325 904 University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 P.O . Box 1954, Conway, SC 29526 Box 1493, Stem Student Center, SC 29424 650 E. ParkwayS., Memphis, 1N 38104 Tim Campbell, 209 Resolution, Grafton, VA 23692 P.O. Box2186, Clemson, SC 29632 CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 935 16th St., Boulder, CO 80302 Greek life Office, Lory Students Center Fort Collins, CO 80523 G-49, Concord College, Athens, WV24712 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 3409 Powelton Ave., #6, Philly, PA 19104 P.O . Box 97675, Durham, NC 27708 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Box 15215, cfo fSC. Lakeland, FL33802 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL32301 FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 GMU, SUB I Box 85, Fairfax, VA 22030 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 CPO 2424, Box 1000, Milledgeville, GA31 061 LB #12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 1305 A Oglethorpe Ave., Americus, GA 31709 Box 1848 Univ. Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303 G.T. Station 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 306 E Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 1720 N. Jordan, Bloomington, IN 4 7406 946 Church St., Incliana, PA 15701 lincoln Quad Box D, Terre Haute, IN 4 7808 407 Welch Ave., Ames, lA 50010 Glenn Shanahan, 66 N. Devon, Indianapolis,IN 46219 P.O. Box7187, JMU, Harrisonburg. VA22807 1614 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 P.O . Box 440053, Marietta, GA 30061 cfoJay McCoy, 575 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, KY 40506 Box 1170, 601 Broad, LaGrange, GA30240 Box 6191 , lander, Greenwood, SC 29646 LU-Box692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 LRG-Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Box3006-Longwood Col., Farmville, VA23909 PO Box 25068, Baton Rouge, LA 70894 1434 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701 #8 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20740 3841 Spottswood Ave, Memphis, TN 38111 MU-Box 112, Macon, GA31207

Miami of Ohio Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead State NJIT North Carolina UNG-Charlotte UNG-Greensboro UNG-Wtlmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pennsylvania Penn State Pittsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Samford San Francisco

Eta Upsilon 111 E. Spring St., Oxford, OH 45056 Alpha Kappa 903 lincoln, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St., E. lansing. MI 48823 Beta Epsilon 915 RichmondAve .. , Columbia, M065201 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St., Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Delta Eta Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Kappa 216 FmleyColfCo=e,Chapel Hill, NC27514 Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC28223 Epsilon Iota P.O. Box 1361-62, Greensboro, NC27413 Gamma Theta Univ. Ctr, Rm. 202, Wtlmington, NC28407 Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh, NC 27606 Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, NO 58203 Zeta Zeta 4567 St Johns Bluff; Jacksonville, FL32224 Delta Beta Box5165-NCC, Dahlonega, GA30597 Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautaugua. Norman, OK 73072 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 Gamma Beta Student Act., PKP, WebbCtr., Norfolk, VA23509 Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 EtaNu 4040 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 AlphaMu 409 E. Fairmont, State College, PA 16801 Delta Upsilon Box7126, Univ.ofPitt,Pittsburgh,PA15213 PC- Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Beta Omega 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Eta Zeta Box813, QueensCoUege,Charlotte,NC28274 Alpha Tau 49 Second St., Troy, NY 12180 Xi Box 1761, Roanoke, Salem, VA24153 Epsilon Tau SJU, 5600CityAve., Box230, Phila., PA 19131 Alpha Eta SU Box 2474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Eta Theta Assoc. Students Off. UC402, Ignation Heights, San Francisco 94117 San Francisco State Eta Omicron Adm.251, 1600HoUoway,SanFran,CA94132 Seton Hall Epsilon Theta 46 Fleet St., Jersey City, NJ 07306 Shippensburg Zeta Delta 36 S. Queen St., Shippensburg. PA 17257 Slippery Rock Epsilon Psi Rm. 221-C, Univ. Union, Slip. Rock, PA 16057 South Alabama Gamma Phi P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL36688 Southwest Texas Eta Rho 1519 Owens, San Marcos, TX 78666 Truman State Delta Delta P.O. Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 USC-Spartanburg Epsilon Lambda 800UniversityWay,Spartanburg.SC29303 Southern Tech Epsilon Kappa 1100 S. Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060 Stockton State Zeta Kappa 120 S. New York Rd., Absecon, NJ 08201 SUNY-Albany Eta Xi P.O. Box 22102, Albany, NY 12222 SUNY-Brockport Eta Lambda Std Act Ofc Rm 203, Seymour Clg Un, Brockport, NY 14420 SUNY-Cortland Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 SUNY-Plattsburgh Eta Kappa College Center, PKP,Plattsburgh NY 12901 Tampa Beta Lambda UT Box 2771, 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL33606 Tennessee Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville, 1N 37996-0002 TexasA&M Delta Omega P.O Box 5201, College Station, TX 77844 Texas-Arlington UT-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arl'gt'n, 1X 76013 Delta Psi Texas Tech Epsilon Omega P.O. Box 4678, Lubbock, TX 79409-4678 Toledo Beta Iota 2999 W. Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606 Towson State TSU Box 1971, Towson, MD 21204 Zeta Omega Troy State Gamma Gamma TSU Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 VSU Box 7136, Valdosta, GA 31698 Valdosta State Beta Tau Villanova Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 Vi.rginia Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 VIrginia Commonwealth Epsilon Pi P.O. Box 842035, Richmond, VA 23284 Virginia Tech Delta Alpha 1101 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg. VA 24060 Washington Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Washington &. Lee Rho W&.L P.O . Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 Western Carolina Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 West Chester ZetaNu Rm 109,SykesHall, WestChesterPA 19383 West Vtrginia Tech Gamma Zeta 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 West Vtrginia Alpha Rho 591 Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505 Wmgate EtaMu Box 1648 Wmgate, Wmgate NC 28174 West Alabama Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, livingston, AL 35470 Wofford Zeta Pi Kappa Phi, Wofford, Spartanburg. SC29303

HOUSING CORPORATIONS Alpha Beta Iota Kappa Lambda Nu Xi Omicron Rho Sigma Tau Psi Omega Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Alpha Epsilon Alpha Zeta Alpha Eta Alpha Theta Alpha Iota Alpha Kappa AlphaMu Alpha Omicron Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau Alpha Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Beta Epsilon Beta Eta Beta Iota Beta Upsilon Beta Phi Gamma Alpha Gamma Beta Gamma Gamma Gamma Delta Gamma Epsilon Gamma Zeta Gamma lheta Gamma Iota Gamma Kappa Gamma Lambda GammaNu Gamma Xi Gamma Upsilon Gamma Phi Gamma Omega Delta Alpha Delta Beta Delta Delta Delta Zeta Delta Lambda Delta Upsilon Delta Chi Delta Psi Delta Omega Epsilon Delta Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Eta Epsilon Theta Epsilon Iota EpsilonMu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Tau Epsilon Psi Epsilon Omega Zeta Alpha Zeta Garrtma Zeta Epsilon Zeta Zeta Zeta Iota

Gregol)' D Padgett Timothy C Foster Frederick Massey Donald E Pulliam Floyd L Langston Randall D Lorenzen Mark D Edgell Harry E Caldwell Jr. Robert 0 Waldbauer Michael T Lowman Robert L Lamphier Jr. johnS Kirk Michael S Tyrrell James G Genders Jr Derrick A Rogers PeterTCummings Randall J Collis Lamar BLackey Matthew J Shaheen Dal)'l R Griswold Jonathan P Albert Bob !go Kelley A Bergstrom Mike Turner Spears P Vavalides John Danish Frederick W Schmehl Gregol)' J Pleszkun Phillip M Summers William D. Nichols Randall E Grigg PaulL Nichols Jr Gregol)' C Lardinais Leroy R Hamlett Jr. Scott Smith Joseph L Alexander Joel Allen David B Dorsey David L Everson James M Reece FrederickS Adams Michael RTurner Thomas M Lusk Glenn Aspinwall David L Siems Richard D Jolly Jr NeilD Suggs Marcus H Hasting Frank W Henderson Richard Neathammer Michael P Larkin William A Tew Irvin P Howard lU Gregol)' J Proctor Bobby L Bollinger Jr. Robert J Querio II Brent A Grauberger Steven M. Kosta Alan J Brevard DannyMTice Gal)' B Vanover Richard L Moore Thomas P Mulligan Alan B Overbey Ttmothy F Sumner Kent W Meyer Christopher W Mills Vincent J Thompson )r Albert L Shultz II Roy B Goodloe Ill Scott C Gasparini Steward E Sandstrom Juan I Miyares Robert TTalley Charles F Geraci

(803) 556-1106(H) (704) 868-9361 (H) (404) 955-0174(H) (919) 554-1050(H) (706) 237-3960(H) (402) 551-5077(H) (703) 774-3199(H) (205) 988-0582(H) (540) 943-8966(H) (803) 750-7190(H) (919) 851-9090(H) (515) 226-0693(H) (317) 463-9236(H) (405) 359-6862(H) (206) 255-1855(H) (904) 273-4454(H) (503) 687-2528(H) (205) 879-5459(H) (312) 472-3216(H) (404) 636-2889(H) (616) 744-4701(H) (708) 256-2687(H) (304) 2968788(H) (615) 584-4521(H) (518)279-3788(W) (215) 777-0488(H) (708)403-7372(H) (812) 882-8525(H) (314) 469-3795(H) (904) 893-8839(H) (419) 897-0020(H) (804) 973-6557(H) (703) 370-4553(H) (205) 392-4739(H) (703) 444-4142(H) (334) 262-5211(H) (901) 755-2951 (H) (919) 765-8988(H) (304) 755-4051(H) (919) 395-5209(H) (504) 344-3307(H) (404) 449-3542(H) (314) 542-2138(H) (505) 325-0901(H) (334) 473-4486(W) (205) 985-9208(H) (610) 328-1533(H) (404) 389-8529(H) (314) 644-2373(H) (704)376-2820(H) (704) 365-8728(H) (816) 373-7300(W) (81 7) 572-7034 (W) (713) 448-3820(H) (334) 271-6744(H) (703) 926-4495(H) (704) 541-5217(H) (201) 744-1747(H) (910) 275-6452 (W) (217) 698-0233(H) (916) 929-6880(H) (901) 327-8523(H) (716) 634-1699(H) (412) 794-6704(H) (806) 796-7285(H) (404) 801-8533(H) (414) 258-6817(H) {703) 968-7970{H) {904) 642-0444{H) (717) 455-7741(W)

Zeta Lambda Zeta Xi Zeta Omicron Zeta Pi Zeta Rho Zeta Sigma Zeta Tau Eta Beta Eta Gamma Eta Epsilon Eta Eta Eta Sigma

Brad L Strong (916) 445-2112(W) Mark A Cervantes (804) 793-4392(W) Robert G Anzalone Jr. ( 607) 797-7261 (H) Brendan S Leary David L Goldenberg (714) 557-4616(H) DavidA Hiatt (916) 346-8374(H) Steven W Breasure (919) 347-3588(W) Matthew E Burris (812) 234-3866(H) Garron M Bateman (303) 770-3622(H) (301) 869-6874(H) Paul L Stynchcomb James L Rundle (714) 562-3800(W) Steven S Ryder (310) 477-9244(H)

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Assoc.-William H Ishee Austin Area Alumni Association-PaulS Drake-(512) 219-0445 Central Alabama Alumni Assoc.-James B Beal Jr.-(205) 668-1931 Chicago Area Alumni Assoc.-Mark Singer (312) 549-4230 Greater Adanta Alumni Assoc.-Mark FChristopher-(404) 934-6005 Dallas/Ft. Worth Alumni Assoc.-Nick MUIZin (817) 561-1037 Des Moines Alumni Association-JohnS Kirk-(515) 226-0693(H) Greenwood Alumni Chapter-Charles M Watson Jr -(803) 229-2569 GreaterToledo Alumni Chapter-Gregol)' Lardinais -(419) 897-0020 MontgomeJY Area Alumni Assoc.-RobertClarkJr-(334) 277-5817 North Jersey Alumni Association-)efl)' C. WangIndianapolis Alumni Association-Stephen K Barber-(317) 326-2615 San Diego Alumni Association-Buzz Holdorf-(619) 439-6303 Tampa Alumni Association-Pefl)' Monastero-(813)835-1044

ALUMNI CHAPTERS A-Gregol)' Padgett-(803) 556-1106(H) B-Ed Hahn-(202)332-8410 r -Steven J Crase-(510) 778-8085(H) !- Frederick A Massey Sr.-( 404) 955-017 4(H) K- Ed Pulliam-(919) 554-1050(H) A- Floyd L Langston-(706) 237-3960(H) M-William D Fuqua-(706) 832-3914(H) N- Randall D Lorenzen-(402) 551-5077(H) 2-Mark D Edgell-(703) 774-3199(H) 0-Harry E Caldwell Jr.-(205) 988-0582(H) I - Michael T Lowman-(803) 750-7190(H) T-Rabert L Lamphier )r.-(919) 851-9090(H) X- Gary A Meadows-(904) 736-3255(H) '!'- JohnS Kirk-(515) 226-0693(H) .0- Mark V DeFabis-(317) 293-8609(H) AA-Ronny E Williams-(912) 471-6937(H) A~-Derrick Rogers-(206) 255-1855(H) AE-Michael Mitchell-(813) 835-8462(H) AZ-Randall J Collis-(503) 687-2528(H) AH-Steven D Lackey-(334) 342-3862(H) A0-Matthew J Shaheen-(312) 472-3216(H) AI-D aryl R Griswold-( 404) 636-2889(H) AK-Christopher R Meono-(313) 930-1596(H) AM-Kevin K Murphy-( 610) 488-0417(H) AO-Kelley A Bergstrom-(708) 256-2687(H) AP- Patrick E Farley-(412) 681-5269(H) AT-Michael N Desmarais AY-Frederick W Schmeh-(215) 777-0488(H) ACl>-Gregol)' J Pleszkun-(708) 403-7372(H) BA-Timothy C Foster-(704) 868-9361(H) BE-Shann W Parker BH-Gary K Vaughn(904) 893-8896(H) BM- C M Adrian-(601) 324-7255(H) BT Club-Jonathan Scott-(704) 333-6766 BY-Leroy R Hamlett )r.-(804) 973-6557(H) B<I>-Scott Smith-(703) 370-4553(H) r A- Joseph L Alexander-(205) 392-4 739(H) rB-Paul Dickson-(703) 362-3577(H) rr-David B Dorsey-(334) 262-5211 (H) rE- )ames M Reece- (919) 765-8988(H) rZ-Michael Ziegler {304) 787-3749 (H) EA-John Harris, Jr. {803) 542-2560(H) ZT- Jason Johnson (919) 291-6199 (W)

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Ariwna State 1255 E. University #171 Tempe, AZ 85281 Minnesota cfo Randy Stillinger 603 Washington SE #518 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Mississippi cjo Bl)'an Barksdale Division of Student Affairs Room 406, Union Universtiy of Mississippi Oxford, MS 38677 New Mexico State cfo David Hotz Coord. of Greek Affairs Box 30004, Dept. CC New Mexico St. Univ. Las Cruces, NM 88003 Southern California cfo Matthew Darrow 2272 El Arbolita Dr Glendale, CA 91208 Stetson Stetson Box 8241 DeLand, FL 32720 UMBC 139 S. Symington Apt. A Cantonsville, MD 21228



NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS Pi Kappa Phi National Council

President Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 34 617 Vice President J. Patrick Figley, D.Min . Peninsular Counseling Center 28 19 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Treasurer Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35 124 Secretary J. Ernest Johnson PM Realty Group 8 11 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1650 Los Angeles, CA 900 I 7 Historian james A. Krucher Troy Corp. P.O. Box 955 Florham Park, NJ 07932 Chaplain John R. Andrews Sioux Counci l, B.S.A. 3200 West 49th Sioux Falls, SD 57 106 Chancellor Roben E. Glenn Glenn, Feld mann, Darby, Goodlate P.O. Box 2887 Roanoke, VA 24001

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Trustees

Lori A. Gwiazdzinski 6600 E. Wilkin son Blvd Belmont, NC 28012

Stephen DePalma P.O. Box 900 Manalapan, NJ 07726

Gary Leonard 1744 Praters Point Dacula, GA 30211

Eldred} . Harm an 867 Sunrise Blvd . Waterloo, lA 50701

Dr. Anhur }. Quickenton Appalachian State University Dept. of Curriculum & Instructi on Boone, NC 28608

Kevin K. Murphy P.O. Box 212 Reading, PA 19603 Parker H. Petit 1850 Parkway Place, 12th Fl. Marietta, GA 30067 Lonnie Strickland P.O. Box 870225 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

PUSH Ame rica Boar d of Directors

Vice Chairman Frank L. Lane 8800 Roswell Rd., Ste 265 Atlanta, GA 30350 Secretary/Treasurer L. Clay Ed monds Brencor Inc. 5214 Maryland Way, Ste 402 Brentwood, TN 37027 Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 34617



Michael W. Rilenge 1481 West lOth Street Ind ianapolis, IN 46202 Bruce L. Rogers 370 17th St. Ste 2300 Denver, CO 80202 Dr. Richard B. Voorneveld Co llege of Charleston Offi ce of Student Affairs Charleston, SC 29424

Pi Kappa Phi Properties Executive Committee

~ President Gregory L. Ball 11121 Carmel Commons Blvd., Ste 400 Charlo!!e, NC 28226 Vice President Dudley F. Woody P.O. Box 14125 Roanoke, VA 24038 Treasurer Charles P. Adams P.O. Box 26300 Greensboro, NC 27438 Secretary Roben McDonnell 212 S. Tryon St. , Ste 980 Charl o!!e, NC 28281 Member-at-Large Leslie Paliyenko 345 N. College St Charlo!!e, NC 28202

Chairman Kell ey A. Bergstrom 900 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 1700 Chicago, IL 60611


Tom Ca ner 2908 Pine Needle Dr Ellicot City, MD 21042

Em manual Boykin 400 Galleri a Ofc Ste 109 Southfield, Ml 48034 Edward L. Corson 3519 Verona Trail SW Roanoke, VA 2401 8 ). Patrick Figley 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Gail Glasser 6 Ca rriage Crossing Ct St. Charl es, MO 63301 Whit Gravely 4411 Plantation Road NE Roanoke, VA 2401 2


PROPERTIES, INC President Mark F. Jacobs I American Square, Ste 2215 Indianapolis, IN 46282 Vice President - Construction Grego ry V. Linder 4495 Saquaro Trai l Indianapolis, IN 46268 Vice President - ILF Chuck J. Barnard 101 N 1st Ave, 15th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 Treasurer ). Councill Leak 1900 Roxborough Road, Ste 200 Charloue, NC 28211 Secretary Robert} . Paterno 700 NE 90th St, Ste B Miami, FL 33 138 Member-at-Large jay }. Stucke! 6157 Kenh Road St. Louis, MO 63128 Member-at-Large Glenn Aspinwall 250 Williams Street Atlanta, GA 30303

The Rilk~ 1\llity ciPI KAPPA Pfll illdudes tbr pUiisioas wbidl ito!f anditall applyb a8 fialmilyeolilieaaadaR kwlsciiamity~ AUXJIIOI.AND DIIDGS I. lbepoalllioll.. ~~~emCOIIMIIJIIIon ciALOOHOUC IIMRAGf&1ihilt ondllperrJI'IIIila ~· fiaeemilp--. inlll)'lilullimlflOI*llllor alllomed bytbr~ « lllllfaalliRCJbimerlllllllkl ~· tbr ~ . . be in CDIDJlliaacewllh:myllldaR..,.mblt lawacitbr ... ~ ~ cily and illlliluliaD olbitPreducllioo. and llllltaxapiJwilh ellbertbe JM)B «'lblai Patty\tod« Qaiddina

2. No akdlOiic bevaaaes may be puidlalallbnQdl dllperrfunda D«IIIIJk pmdlaseciaame filrmembeiJ«,_.belllldsll(morOJOidiolledbylll)' lllallberin the name cim011 bebalfc:idlr~ 'lhe(llldlaleor~~~ec:iabalk ~«<XliiiiiiOIIU~KaoflllCb~-.~e . . «Cillllll\ is


1 OPfN PARim\ ~daewilll UIIRIIIided-by!IDIHIIelllblllc:illlt iatemitywilboutspedlic invllllioa, wbeRablbol lt ~ ... be ........ 4. No l!lelllbm. <llilecliwly«~ lhaR!JIIIda~ ~CM10,orldl akoholic bevaage:s b lllf minor (it., thole UDdu lrpJ "cldnldlw.,.

5. The p3III'JIIioa. sale «Uiec:i111f ILlJ'.CAL DIIUGS or00Nl110W!l> SI.JIISI'ANaS wbile 011 diiJlli!r pmDiles or~aiatemity aall orltq l!ll!lll

lhatanoblawslllllllkiii!Odaltwilb the~ illbiaiJbbiddm.

6. Nod!IJ*!rmay aHJlOilU ant~atwilb analmbol ~ dwilable Olplir.adon orllllll!lll (laftm defined as an ellablihmmt~IIIIRdla balf ofamwal p sala liml akobol) wbeR almbol il &MD IWI)I aold or odlawile piOrilkd b . . . . . . .

7. No cbapcer mayaHpOIIIOr or aHinance afuaaion wbeR ak:ohol ia puidlad by any cilhe bolt dlaplaa. 8RJUill « ........... 8. Alll111!b acliYidea aiiiOCiarl!d willllll)' dla&*rwill be a DRY l1ll!b fimcJioo. 9. No Jllallbertball pamit. . . . ~«Jlllllidtl*in ·~.-...·

10. No almbol sball be paentatanypledJJrf-m ~palfliiD. I1Ciivlty or rilual cithe d!IJ*!r.


No~~ SIUdent orilll-.lhall ooodua D«<Xlllllone ba2q acti'lities. ~acliYidea are defined •

'Alrf a:tion labn or si1ua1ion Cl\!Dd. inlmliooaiiJ wbetha 011 orrJifialltmily pmnilel. bptO(bzmmtal «..,..dilalmbt.~ ........ orridirule. fuh IClMies maymudr.luase110t limilal10 the~ 111eci akobol; padlllq in any 10m!; O!l1lion ci emi8M fillip; ..,... and psydJologicll~.--llma.1131q!rllma. mad•oraayodler IUdl aaivilia OBried 011 Ollllide or illlklr cidlr mofines cithe dla&*r blue; wearing of public apparel whkh isCOIIIpicuoua ad not llOIIIIIIIy in g:lOd tallr; ~in publiclllllllaad buli:looay; llllllllly~«lllmillilsJIIIItS ad aaiYilia; ad any ocher aclivilies whkh asenotanillmt wilh alemic achievanent. rilual «polity« the ftllllaliom and policis c:idlr


elocalional inldlulioQ. « IPI*ablt .....

SI!IIMLAIIIIIAND IMIISIIIINI lbe'-milywilnot .._ortllllble aoybm ciaaill orllrliUaiiJabuft behaftor 011 the pat dill membat. wbetha pll)llbl. menial« anotionll. 'Ibis il b include any aaiool wbidlare~IO'WIIIIIal ormeo. ~lu not limiled bda ~ p!!gmpeor1ielbll._, Rlll,III!MDIANDWIIT 1. All dllpll!r hlala lilould aet a8 ttal tiR ll1d btallb codes and ....... 2.

All dlaplmlhould bMpoMI bymmmoo piJDIIaaiJaii!IIC.YIUIIbasilr

fiR. pole ad ~llld!IJould bMpoMiaacullion IUUISOII!heblli cithecloorofeadllleepinalliOIIl. 3. All diaplmlhould IIJIIIIIIywilb ~itWIDIDti.dalio!BM RpOded br Ill£--~

4. The pca!lllioD llld{«ll!e ci fiRIIms or aplosia! dnias of any kind willlin tbrmofinesand pmDilescithe~houle il e:qxslybbiddm.

I!IIUCIIICW Each btmity shaD anaually inslrucl ill IIUdents and alunmi in the Rilk ManatJemeot 1\llity ciPIICippa Pbl. ~ aB SIUdent and alumni membeiJ lhall anmally te:!R a CJlPY cisaid Rilk Mana!Jemeot Policy.

Cornell Pi Kapp covers summer's hottest events (cont.) Continued from page 17

in Chicago to work on the set of World News

the crew for their cross country trek, following

Tonight. His primary responsibilities were

the Olympic torch until it reached the site of the Centennial Olympics in Atlanta. Lockard describes the experience as a "baptism by fire." He immediately had to learn how to script interviews and work the cameras if necessary.

"everything from setting up and tearing down

He was responsib le for making first contact with

sets to getting Peter Jennings Fresca Cola."

all interviewees and performing all the preinterview preparations. Plus, on most days he

Lockard will return to Cornell for the spring semester which, he says, may be a bit

was running on three hours

hard to get used to after such a free-spirited

of sleep or less.

adventure. His future plans include obtaining his degree in Labor Relations and

"The experience really pushed me to the

possibly law school. Mostly though, he

limit," said Lockard. "How-

wants to "live life one day at a time and get

ever, every day was a new

the most out of each day."

adventure and another chance

"I am extremely thankful to God for all

to meet new people and see

my great experiences and will continue to

more of the country."

follow what He has planned for me."

He also carried the torch in Niagara Falls and was able to spend a few days at the Olympics.

He has also planned one last excursion before returning to Cornell. He is traveling to Mexico with a Christian organization to help

During the summer,

build houses for the impoverished . They will be

Lockard had the fortune

bringing toys and gifts for children in the area to

of meeting the executive

help them celebrate the holidays.


producer of World News

Tonight who offered him

We're looking for a few good cities

a chance to work for ABC during both the

Interested in hosting a Pi Kappa Phi Golf Tournament to benefit

Republican and Demotions. So, once the torch

PUSH America? This is a great way to get reinvolved with the Fraternity and other alumni while raising money to support Pi Kappa Phi's national service project. Contact David Adams,

had arrived in Atlanta, Lockard was off to

director of alumni relations at (704) 523-6000 ext. 112 for more information on how you can make a difference.

cratic Nationa l Conven-


spend three weeks in San Diego and two weeks WINTER 19 9 7


blocked shots leader with 172, Haskin also ranks sixth in career


The Fraternity's most recent star is guard Ia on Bullock, who played his final year in

field goal shoot-

1996. He helped lead Indiana

ing (55 .0%),

(Pa.) to the best record (80-12)

eighth in career

over the last three years in NCM

rebounds ( 620)

Division I or II and three appear-

and ninth in

in his sixth

Washington & Lee in 1992.

ances at the Division II "Sweet

career scoring (1,319 points) .

Sixteen" tournament level. As a

His best year was 1992 with

freshman, he was PSAC West

558 points (18.0), 201 re-

Rookie of the Year, scoring 327

bounds ( 6.5), 68 blocks,

points (including a career high

61.2% field goal percentage

32) and shooting 85.3% at the

and a career high 33 points

line. In his sophomore year,

versus the USC Trojans.

Bullock scored 342 points ( 11.1 ),

Several other OSU

hit 49.1% of his 3-point attempts

year with the

athletes have played well in the

and was on the IUP Classic all-

league. He

1990s. Forward Chad Scott was

tournament team.

was named

co-winner of the Lew Beck Award

Bullock excelled again

Coach of the Year after his

as outstanding newcomer in

in the 1995 season, setting a

Yakima Sun Kings won the 1995

1991, leading in scoring (17 .8)

school record with 85 3-point

championship. He repeated as

and rebounding (8.3) . He was

field goals, dishing out a career

CBA champion with the Sioux

also named to the Far West

high 99 assists and scoring 331

Falls Skyforce in 1996. He owns the CBA's second highest playoff

Classic all-tournament team that season. Henrik Ringmar won

points (10.7). Even though his totals dropped off a bit in 1996,

winning percentage at 66.7%

team's Paul Valenti Award for

he now ranks first in IUP career

(22-11) and is back with the

greatest desire and determination

free throw shooting (81.5 %),

Skyforce this winter. Forward Scott Haskin,

in 1991 and was joined on the squad by letterman Travis Stel.

first in career 3-pointers (287) and 11th in career scoring (1 ,261

the Fraternity's most recent NBA

Other key players of recent

points (10.6) . *

player, was the Indiana Pacers' first round draft pick in 1993.

vintage include Wofford's 1986

The former Oregon State (Alpha

co-captain Mike

Zeta) star has fought injuries during most of his pro career but

Beardsley and guard Brandon

did play in 27 games in 1994. At OSU, he earned All-Pac-10 honors in 1992-93, was team


MVP both seasons and twice

whose last year was 1994, plus tark Melton,

won the Ed Lewis Trophy for leadership. The Beavers' career

the top rebounder for


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Pi Kappa Phi baseball•••


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