Epsilon Epsilon - Spring 2013

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Issue # 3 Year 2013, January 21st

Dakota Ray Hill Historian EE 396

Pi Kappa Phi is proud to present its current E-Board for the 2013 Spring Semester. Elected last fall, these 7 brothers have attended and trained at the annual Midyear Leadership Conference in January while waiting patiently for their chance to put forth their best effort as elected executives for the Epsilon Epsilon chapter. Without a doubt this semester’s E-Board looks to provide the actives with a resource for fresh ideas and innovative attitudes to the path way of success. The positions and those hereby elected to them are as follows‌. (From left to right)

Archon Nate Large


Keenan France

Vice Archon Ryon Birtsch


Dakota Hill

Treasurer Pake Davis

Warden Capers Zentmeyer


Eric Hartnett

As a chapter with over forty-six members it can sometimes be difficult to organize every brother consistently and efficiently which is why the Epsilon Epsilon chapter utilizes a committee system. Individual actives are appointed to oversee a group of brothers in hopes of helping them to organize the completion and carrying out of a specific task at hand. Our remarkable heads of committees are essential to the everyday survival and business of the Pi Kapps here at Uva-Wise, without them our future would be hazy. To better understand the current active chapter and to place a face with a name, those appointed and who serve our great fraternity here in Wise are as follows: Risk Management Donald Williams

Push Chair Corey Sanchez

Intramurals Devin Cash

Scholarship Todd Galyean

Social Josh Worrell

Standards Jordan Viars

Fundraising Nathan Rasnake

IFC Aaron Orr

Promotional Tyler Reaves

Both the Executive Board members as well as the committee heads are more than ready to help assist by any means necessary. If you need any assistance in contacting the chapter or organizing an event or have any thoughts you think we may be able to use, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Archon’s Letter

Archon of ΠΚΦ Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Patrick Begley, Trey Stapleton, Nate Large

Congratulations Beta Pi New Brothers! Fall 2012 After twelve long weeks of pledging the best Fraternity in the world, ΠΚΦ as well as the best college, UVA-WISE; 7 associate members successfully finished the challenging pledge process all while maintaining at over a 2.5 GPA , which is most remarkable! Congratulations to the Beta Pi Pledge Class and may your lifetime of brotherhood bring you everlasting success and happiness!

Blake Roberts(EE435)

Paul Chung(EE438)

Taylor Hayes(EE436)

Jake Garman(EE439)

Cody Taylor(EE437)


Jared Sturgill(EE441)

A Lifetime of Brotherhood As 2012 came to a close the ΠΚΦ Epslion Epsilon Chapter turned a page in its over thirty year history here at Uva-Wise. New brothers were welcomed to join the sacred bond shared by over 441 brothers!; However, the chapter was sad to see 4 of its most experienced and devout active brothers move onto their next stage in life. We as the Active chapter would like to dedicate this month’s newsletter to the brothers of ….

Ryan Bierliar EE363, Jared Dix EE374, Ayinde Bridges EE376, Mark Collins EE386 For all the time, commitment, work, resource, knowledge, humor, trust, belief, and most of all love that you four have put into not only the chapter, but the actives that will continue to keep the fire burning. Without you four the Epsilon Epsilon could have never achieved such great heights and grown to the level of success it finds itself reaching today. May your future days and paths in life be prosperous, healthy and full of happiness and love. From Epsilon Epsilon we thank you. Cheers Boys. “Burlee” The Recruiter Pro Bro

“Dix” The True Bro

“Yinde” The Inspirational Bro

“Coach” The I Got Your Back Bro

The Moment you have all been waiting for is almost here! Roseball 2013 is planned and is ready to give you a weekend full of memories you will never forget with the people you will always remember! This year as Historian, I pursued a change in venue as to better fit the needs of the chapter and alumnus and in result Epsilon Epsilon’s 2012 End of the Year Formal promises to be one for the record books! Don’t hesitate to register for the event and book your room before they sell out!

Where: The Meadowview Convention Center, Kingsport Tennessee When: April 12th- 14th (Dinner Reception to be had April 13th, @ 6pm) Hotel Room: ΠΚΦ Discounted Hotel Room Rates: $115.34 per night (When Booking, Mention ΠΚΦ Roseball!) Deadline to Register: March 22nd, 2012 (This date is quickly approaching so do not procrastinate!) After this date, due to Hotel regulations, additional attendees may not participate! Attentive Schedule: Friday, April 12th,- Alumnus Night! Book a room Friday Night and Enjoy an Evening Full of Great Laughs, Active Sponsored Events, and Alum Competitions with Prizes! Saturday Morning, April the 13th,- Epsilon Epsilon Golf! Interested in competing with old and new brothers alike in a beautiful 18-hole golf course located only just a few feet from the hotel? Saturday Evening the 13th – Roseball Formal Dinner- Starting at 6pm, Come enjoy a brother only cocktail hour to mingle with new brothers and rekindle old friendships, followed by an exusitie Dinner and Roseball Ceremony, Accompanied by a Silent Auction and plenty of Special Events along the way!!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!!! Sunday, April 14th- Hotel Checkout and ΠΚΦ Debrief

Roseball 2013, “The Remix” With such a newly innovated program for the weekend there is an expected record number of Brothers (Alumnus & Active) to attend, so be sure to register and book your room quickly! Do not forget to reach out to those brothers you hold dear or have not heard from in some time and urge them to attempt to attend as well! More the merrier!

Roseball Formal Banquet Description & Prices What You Get:

1) Admission to dinner and formal event Saturday Night for yourself and a (nonbrother) date (This includes delicious food, 1 free beer, and cash bar) 2) Roseball 2013 Souvenir 3) A ΠΚΦ Rose for your date 4) Availability to attend the Post Dinner Dance 5) Participation in a banquet full of events hosted by the Active Chapter


1) For Actives – $105 2) For Alumni Chapter Members - $120 3) For Non-Alumni Chapter Members-$130


March 22nd, 2013 is the Last Day to confirm attendance and complete Payment for Roseball by means of communication with the Active Chapter. Lodging Prices at the Meadowview = $115.34 per night, including tax (You must register with ΠΚΦ Roseball Reunion to receive discounted cost!) To Register and Pay: Contact Historian Dakota Hill by Email or Cell at Drh6d@uvawise.edu or 804-513-9981 at any time! To Book Hotel Lodging & Golf Tee Times: Mention ΠΚΦ Roseball Reunion! Meadowview Convention Center: Weekend Golf Prices for April 1901 Meadowview Parkway, Kingsport, TN, 37660 (423)578-6600If you would like event year after year! 9 holes $17.00 (walking) or $23.00 with cart

18 holes $28.00 (walking) or $33.00 with cart

Quick Note from The Historian This year’s 2013 Roseball Reunion Weekend is looking to be one of the most eventful and eloquent events we the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter have ever had. The Active Chapter, Brother Alumnus L.J. Boothe and myself have been hard at work planning a weekend bound to impress. It is our sincere wishes to have 150 guests at LEAST in attendance; we are putting forth much effort into the Mid April Tennessee Retreat Weekend and wish to have more brothers than ever before! Please take it upon yourself to reach out to old and new brothers alike and to urge them in attending this year’s Roseball on April 12th- 14th. Let’s make this year’s retreat one for the books! Deadlines are quickly approaching so act now! Alumnus please be aware that the Alumni Chapter is eagerly seeking new members to reunite the Brotherhood and continue the ideals of our founding fathers! It is a great way to fulfill the lifelong brotherhood! If there are any questions about Roseball pricing, dates, times, or any inquiries about the weekend please do not hesitate to call me at any time! I hope to see you all in April! Newsletter #4 to be distributed Feb, 20th ! Sincerely, Dakota Ray Hill, EE396 Historian & IFC Treasurer

Any Questions or need help making accommodations!? Call Dakota Hill @ 804-513-9981 or drh6d@uvawise.edu

UVA-WISE Pi Kappa Phi Epsilon Epsilon January 21st, 2013 Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us actives here at Epsilon Epsilon. We look forward to hearing from you all and sharing another successful 2012- 2013 year here at Uva-Wise.

Pi Kappa Phi Till I Die!!! Quick Reminders: Active Chapter Meetings: Wednesdays @ 9pm, 5th Floor of Student Center (All Alum and brothers welcome and encouraged to reunite and sit in!) Contact Information: Nate Large …..276-219-3310 (Archon) Dakota Hill…..804-513-9981….. drh6d@uvawise.edu (Historian) Travis Kennedy (Chapter Advisor) David Amos (Chapter Faculty Advisor) Josh Vaughn (Financial Advisor) Look for Bi-monthly Pi Kappa Phi Epsilon Epsilon newsletters sent by E-mail!!! Suggestions? We look forward to hearing them all! Please don’t hesitate to contact any of the active reps above to express your ideas, opinions, or recommendations.

From our brothers to you, Lead!

Pi Kappa Phi, Epsilon Epsilon


“Hey we will be there too! We also pre-registered by Contacting Dakota Hill before the deadline on March 22nd! That’s Pi Kapptastic!”

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