Pilipino Express • Aug 1 2015

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Volume 11 • No. 15 • August 1 -15, 2015 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Barbie Forteza


Pearl of the Orient Pavilion Ambassadors (l-r): Adult Ambassadors Tyler Magnaye & Primrose Madayag Knazan; 2015 Female Youth Ambassador General Caitlin Madden; Youth Ambassadors Alyssa Alambra & Marcelo Manuel Aiello. Photo by Joseph G. Orobia, Break 4th Photography.


Alden Richards & Yaya Dub

Nayong Pilipino Pavilion Ambassadors (l-r): Adult Ambassadors Gani Casalla & Mari Udarbe; Youth Ambassadors April Rose Llave & Marcelo Cyril Hernandez. Photo by John Louie Bautista

Folklorama invites you to #SeeItAll By Judianne Jayme WINNIPEG – With the social media hashtag #SeeItAll, Folklorama invites Winnipeggers, and the many guests who travel into the city, to make their way to all 43 pavilions offered this summer. The festival of nations, the largest and longest-running of its kind, is in its 46th year,



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finding its success among its 20,000 volunteers, spread among entertainers, ambassadors, emcees, technical staff, food and beverage preparation and servers, cultural display representatives, security, VIP and bus tour greeters, and ticket sales. With the mission to celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding, Folklorama uses its festival to

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educate and also to celebrate the many ethno-cultural communities that call Winnipeg home. The Folklorama Media Day was held on July 23 with members of the media and ambassadors. Minister of Multiculturalism and Literacy, Hon. Flor Marcelino, read the official proclamation marking August 2nd to 15th as See FOLKLORAMA p10


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AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015




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AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

Still passing the buck I think a lot of people had expected President Benigno Aquino to wax magnanimous as he addressed Congress and the people for the sixth and last time in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 27. That would have been the statesmanlike thing to do, and it would have been a grand way to begin the last year of his administration. There would have been no lack of material for such a swan song; after all, hardly anyone doubts that the past five years have been marked by growth on many fronts. The Philippines is suddenly a preferred investment destination, and for the first time in a long time we are seeing our economy move up instead of down. There is also a greater sense of social wellbeing as our basic freedoms see more respect from the authorities. To be sure there have been missteps, but on the whole Mr. Aquino has been a competent leader, one who has worked hard to stick to the straight road (daang matuwid), which has been the hallmark of his administration. But instead of focusing on these gains, Mr. Aquino chose the easy road and again blamed the previous administration for the host of problems the country is still having. Instead of comparing his performance with his own successes and failures in the past five years, the President chose as his baseline the Arroyo administration – one that was

last in power five years ago and which by now should really have no solid hold on whatever goes on in the country. Any mistake former President Gloria Arroyo may have made should have been addressed at this point; if not, then the fault really lies in the current administration. The fact that Mr. Aquino still compares himself with his predecessor speaks volumes of how little he values his own work. Any leader wants to be remembered for his or her accomplishments, but President Aquino is setting himself up to be remembered for his habit of passing the buck. Even in his last SONA, Mr. Aquino chose not the high road but the path of least resistance. The easiest thing in the world to do is to blame another person for one’s misfortunes, but one expects much more from the President of the Republic. Five years ought to have been enough time for the President to make his own mark. Alas, he has probably seen his own lackluster performance and reverted to a habit he has kept for the entirety of his administration. The crime of libel To many observers, the news that Vice President Jejomar Binay has sued the Philippine Daily Inquirer along with Senators Alan Peter Cayetano and Antonio Trillanes IV, Caloocan Rep. Edgar Erice, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales, and eight others

for libel may not be that big of a deal. After all, the political season is upon us and the case Mr. Binay filed serves to spice things up ahead of the 2016 national election. Mudslinging is a regular occurrence in these islands, happening every three years as candidates throw everything they have against each other. Think of 2010 and the concerted effort to discredit then-candidate Manny Villar who was thought to be leading the presidential race. He was accused of corruption and of using his position to enrich himself, and his claim of being born to a poor family was attacked so constantly that hardly anyone believed in him anymore by the time of the election. In the end he landed not even second but third in the race, lagging behind the convicted but pardoned plunderer Joseph Estrada. As far as we can remember, however, Villar never filed a libel case against his attackers. Perhaps he understood that such actions are par for the course and that there was no point in going to court over something that he probably did himself against his opponents. Not so Vice President Binay; in retaliation for what he claims to be “orchestrated persecution” to malign and discredit him ahead of the 2016 election, he filed a libel case against the 13 respondents. Again this may seem like the stuff of telenovelas, especially since the damages Binay is seeking amounts to P200 million, but it must be remembered that we

are not just talking of money here. Indeed, if it were just about money then we would view this with some form of amusement because the combined wealth of all those involved could probably come up with P200 million easily. What makes this case take on a sinister twist is that, unlike most of the civilized world, libel in the Philippines is not just a civil case but a criminal offense, which means the 13 are facing time in prison if they are convicted. Philippine media have been calling for the decriminalization of libel for years now but our government has so far resisted. Obviously it is to our officials’ benefit that libel be kept a criminal offense because then it can be used to threaten and silence the media — and the people. Libel is the sword of Damocles that hangs over the head of every journalist – every citizen – who dares voice anything negative about a government official. The irony is that Binay was a human rights lawyer who fought the Marcos regime back in the day. Of all people, he should have understood the importance of freedom of speech in fighting corruption and abuse among government officials. Filing a libel case is bad form for a man who has vowed to uphold the rights of the citizens. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Eight ingredients of a strong relationship Love is in the air! Although February 14 is the day when romantic love is officially celebrated, summer brings with it an atmosphere of relaxation and ease. There is more opportunity for long walks and bike rides, outings to the pool or beach, backyard BBQs, and going for ice cream. Previous articles that I have written emphasize the importance of connecting with your partner often and in various ways – physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Warm weather simply provides more events and opportunities for couples to spend time together. On the topic of romantic relationships, another common question that I get asked is, “How do we know that this relationship will last?” The simple answer is that no one can predict the future, but if you keep working at improving closeness between the both of you, your chances of lasting love is higher.

Our loved ones have a strong impact on us, and we all become different people over time. Strong signs of a healthy, long-lasting relationship are: 1. Both partners are kind to themselves and others – People who are self-confident do not criticize themselves often, and hence, will not likely see their partner with a critical eye. Those who are compassionate can recognize the troubles that others have, and so are more likely to want to help rather than blame. One meaningful way to grow together as a couple is to discuss how you can be charitable. Donating to the poor and sick can be a great way to feel that you as a couple are contributing to society. 2. You laugh together – Humour is an antidote to stress, anxiety and fear. Laughing at yourself and with your partner adds joy and an appreciation for life. The spotlight then is on positivity. Some studies support

that playfulness and a sense of humour is one of the most attractive qualities in a mate. This makes sense even from an evolutionary perspective; someone who is playful is not aggressive in nature, so is someone safe to be around. A person who has a sense of humour conveys the feeling of being young, and hence is a good partner to have children with. 3. Each person is humble and forgives – For minor firsttime offenses (e.g. forgetting about your promise to take out the garbage), it is good to forgive and forget about it. This will likely result in the same attitude from your partner when you make a mistake. With repeated and serious offenses, couples should talk about the problem, express hurt, and talk about the consequences and how to earn trust again. This is not always the easiest choice because it requires

humility and feeling vulnerable. But the couple then moves towards true forgiveness, rather than getting angry, defensive, or ignoring the problem. 4. You notice when good happens and acknowledge it – We teach young children to say “thank you” to show appreciation, but sometimes we forget to do this with our partner. When we express gratitude, we become more kind and affectionate towards our loved one. 5. You share your emotions – In my work with couples, I often hear “he (or she) makes small talk with me, but that’s it” or “he or she) does not ask me about how my day is going.” Discussions about the household chores and schedules are not enough to sustain a strong bond with your partner. Strong relationships involve open and frequent conversations about when and why each person See BRIDGES p8

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Printed by: The Prolific Group.

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015





AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

Fairness letter versus request for review I have devoted several columns to changes in Canadian citizenship and not touched upon the equally controversial Bill C51. Both have dominated much of the airways in recent months. What about the changes in the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program? Are you first aware that the MPNP reopened all processing streams at the end of April 2015? Are you also aware that the provincial immigration program has a new starting point with the submission of an online “expression of interest” (EOI) profile? If someone is selected from the EOI database, they are invited to submit an online application to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, not before. Procedural Fairness – applications submitted after April 30, 2015 The post-April 2015 MPNP application process has other changes that might have been

missed by many potential users. Once an application has been submitted, the MPNP has a responsibility to do their due diligence in terms of checking. If or when they have questions about the submission, they will now notify the applicants and give them a chance to respond. This notification, which is common in federal immigration, is termed procedural fairness. “The MPNP’s Procedural Fairness process provides applicants with an opportunity to respond to any concerns regarding the credibility of an application prior to the MPNP making a final decision.” If any application is being considered for refusal because of “credibility or other concerns,” the applicant will be issued a fairness letter and 30 days to provide additional information to be considered before a final decision is made. In other words, this is a warning letter that must

be answered within the time allowed (30 days). It is also an opportunity for the applicant to clarify matters or explain the apparent discrepancy to the MPNP assessment staff. In terms of the MPNP applications in process, only those received after April 30, 2015 with an invitation to apply are covered by procedural fairness. The steps are: 1. Fairness letter is issued when the information on the application is not sufficient to complete an assessment or if there are concerns, such as credibility. The fairness letter states the areas of concerns and “is the only opportunity given to the applicant to address the concerns.” 2. Applicant response is 30 days from the date of notification. If no response is made, then a decision will be made. 3. Final decision will take into consideration the applicant’s response if it is submitted within the 30-day period.

Request for Review – applications submitted before April 30, 2015 The MPNP also has an existing inventory of old applications submitted before April 30, 2015. The adjudication process for old applications still uses a request for review (RFR), which can be seen at the bottom of refusal letters. “The Request for Review (RFR) process only applies to applications submitted before April 30, 2015… Only MPNP applications that have been formally and fully assessed by the MPNP and resulted in issuance of an MPNP refusal letter are eligible for an RFR.” In terms of procedure, it is important to note that the MPNP will only consider information and documents submitted with the application. If the documentation was not clear or credible, there is no follow-up by the MPNP assessment staff. In conclusion it makes sense for the MPNP to distinguish between

the old and new applications in terms of efficiencies and clearing up backlogs. The old submissions are still being adjudicated in the same fashion as before with the safeguard provided by the RFR. This system works but not as well as “procedural fairness,” which does represent a step forward in terms of transparency and fairness. In Canada, even applicants to administrative programs such as the MPNP have a fundamental right to be heard (audi alteram partem) and a right to be judged impartially (nemo judes in sua causa). “Procedural fairness” contains both these fundamental principles of natural justice. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@ gmail.com.

Money making machine Let’s start with the end in mind. If you do, you will see that money is just a necessary obstacle to be, have and do more in life. Wealth is created when you acquire assets that are producing value for you. Money is exchanged where value is manufactured. The definition of wealth is the number of days an individual can sustain their lifestyle if they had to stop working! Think about that one! Remember that you get assets by taking the income you earn as a

value provider and investing it in high yielding assets. A good way is to start a business. Be mindful that the number of successful business start-ups greatly determines the GDP of countries. A lot rests on your would-be business in the making or the furthering of your active business. So good on you! It means a lot! Resolve to go to work and look for circumstances where you can become a problem solver as a goods or services provider.

If you do want to start a business, do not fall into the trap of using your profit from your business on miscellaneous spending. Reinvest it right back into your business on the high growth areas. This offsets a lot of the taxation you’d pay out if you did not reinvest it back into your business. Instead it will translate into a business expense. Your start up should be growing by five per cent every week to keep up in this new economy. Let’s talk about how to become a money making machine in your business, career or life. The following may seem simple, but it’s not easy. It’s easy to do and easy not to do. Therein lies the problem! If it were so easy, everyone would be doing it and the vast majority of entrepreneurs would be excelling, but that isn’t the case, is it? Let me reveal to you three simple but not easy steps I learned from my mentor early on to transform into a money making machine. Long before any human gets the million dollars they first must build up the millionaire mindset.

Invest in you. Become a knowledge worker. Those with the best and most valuable information will be the most powerful. Earn more and learn more! The top one per cent is the top one per cent for a reason; they have the one per cent of data that’s the most effective and useful in the real world. This is not an overstatement. My business and life has been turned upside down for the better because of a single piece of advice. When I say you, I don’t only mean personal development. For example: audios, seminars and reading books. What is a capable mind without a capable body. Mental health is every bit as important as physical health. One affects the other. A good rule of thumb is to invest 10 to 25 per cent of your earnings into selfeducation and improvement. After and only after you invest in yourself, and create a higher performing self-concept, invest in your enterprise. Remember work on your business not in it. As the great Robert Kiyosaki points out, the purposes of a business besides lifestyle enhancements, is to sell your business or publicly trade it. Build it so that it can one day

run without you. This is done best through coaching and mentorship from leaders who have the results you desire. As you grow and develop as an entrepreneur or intrapreneur (full-time career with business on the side), with the right coaching, you will have the knowhow and the capital to assess and invest in other business start-ups and concepts. You can become the bank if you will. Building a successful business will not happen overnight. Keep in mind that a lot of the self development jargon out there like “fail faster,” can be misleading and could not be farther from the truth. Do not fail faster. Business, Success & Money message “Do not fail faster, iterate faster! Operate your business using feedback and readjust to obtain the optimal results you’re truly after!” Valen Vergara is an award winning author, social entrepreneur, international investor, co-host of the movie Game Changer, speaker and B2C Marketer – www.valenvergara. com.

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015





AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

How my expression defines me Rodell Salonga was awarded the ANAK Liwayway Scholarship for Leadership Excellence last June based on his high school GPA, a group interview, and an opinion piece in response to the question, “How does expression impact you?” The following essay was his submission. When I think of expression in my life, I immediately think of dance. Whether it is freestyle hiphop dance, Filipino folk dance, or just dancing by myself in front of a mirror, I love dance. Dancing is how I let my emotions and innerself be expressed on the outside. It helps me forget about my troubles and just feel good doing something I’m passionate about. What I love most about dance is that you don’t need someone else to appreciate what you’re doing to get fulfillment out of it. However, having others admire

it is another feeling all together. It is very similar to what Nereo II [Nereo Jr. Eugenio] said in his interview, “I realized, right there and then, this is powerful. I was just writing for my own sake, and then I realized how much people get affected by this.” It’s like I said, I love dancing for myself, but it can also have a very impactful effect on others around me. The love, recognition, and excitement I get from friends and even people I don’t know when I’m dancing at a dance, wedding, etc. can easily fill me with a good feeling. A feeling that I am making others happy and by simply doing something I want to do for fun. This feeling is scaled up when I perform at Folklorama, which I’ve been doing for eleven years. At Folklorama, which is more formal and precise, the

knowledge that people are taking time and paying money to watch you perform is very gratifying. It gives me a direct way to take my dance and culture, combine them, and provide entertainment to a wide group of people. Folklorama gives significant purpose to my dance, but I would still definitely be dancing without it. The other part about dance that I really enjoy is that it gives the ability to everyone, not just me, to convey their inner feelings. Just like spoken word, dance can be expressed in a vast amount of ways. With so many different styles, in the end all that really matters is which one you like doing the most. Similar to how almost everyone can communicate emotions through words, anyone can communicate through dance. Dance gives each one of us the chance to be ourselves, and manifest it through

our movements. I believe that Nereo II’s statement on what he likes about spoken word resonates the same views I have about dance; “I find that in hip-hop culture, you have to fit a certain mould, in order to be accepted sometimes. Spoken word, you can totally be who you are.” Even though some people may think they have dance a certain way, in the end dance is simply just an extension of yourself, and only you can decide how to portray your personality and emotions. Why do you think every major culture, past and present, has its own distinct forms of dance? It’s because it’s the best and easiest way to take common beliefs and traditions, and express them in an outwardly fashion. In the end, I believe dance is one of the most powerful tools ever created and used by humans. It is especially important to me because it plays a major role

in how I live my life, and most crucially, how I express who I am to the world. Sources: o eyedzproductions. (2008, October 7). Nereo II Interview & Performance Part 1 & Part 2 [Video files]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/SaKHuhIsLTQ?li st=PLFmoTeGNlagHzDVBR3X LaXp97XFzTovgV Rodell Salonga is a recent graduate from St. Paul’s High School and will be entering his first year of studies at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Engineering this fall. He is a proud member of Magdaragat Philippines Inc. and will be performing during Week 1 of Folklorama at the Pearl of the Orient Pavilion. Visit ANAK during Folklorama at the cultural display areas of both Philippine Pavilions for activities, filipiniana books, and more!

Tiffany Ponce to launch new CD at Park Theatre After bursting onto the local music scene in 2012 with her debut album Only the Beginning, Tiffany Ponce has proven that title was more than accurate. Following up with this year’s Gratitude (release date August 8), Tiffany’s not only continuing to fulfill her life-long dream of performing for a living, but she also wants to continue inspiring those already touched by her music and to spread her message even further. “I want to keep creating good music. I want more and more people to be touched, inspired or moved by it,” Tiffany explains. “With the music that I’m writing and putting out now, I’ve kind of found a greater purpose. I want to empower and help other people to pursue their passions and achieve their goals.” Polishing the 90s pop/R&B flavour she grew up listening to (and is now known for), Tiffany’s also honed her on-stage skills, opening for the likes of Shaggy and 112, performing in multi-act shows at The Forks, the West End Cultural Centre and the Burton Cummings Theatre, as well as appearing as a regular at the

BRIDGES... From page 4 is angry, sad, happy or scared. In addition, there is no sense of feeling criticized when one does share their feelings. A sense of being close to your loved one will lead to conversations about future goals and dreams with each other. 6. Less attention paid to other attractive people – According to Psychology Today (August 2015), when there is solid commitment

Asian Canadian Festival and the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival – just to name a few! “When I’m on stage, my goal is for the audience to feel the emotions of each song and for them to understand the messages or stories in my lyrics. I also want them to be entertained overall!” Tiffany says. “I’m now incorporating dancers into my shows, which is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time because I’ve always loved to dance. I’m also performing with more live musicians for a more full sound as well as the excitement it brings visually to the audience. I’m always eager to try new things and grow creatively in any way I can.” Tiffany Ponce will launch her Gratitude CD with a show at the Park Theatre, 698 Osborne Street on Saturday, August 8, 2015. The concert, which is open to all ages, will start with an opening performance by John Sy. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., show at 7:30. A $20 ticket gets you into the show plus a CD copy of Gratitude. Tickets are available at the Park Theatre, ticketfly.com or through info@tiffanyponce.com.

between two partners, other people do not seem as attractive. A “block” comes up and you only have eyes for your loved one. Feeling unappreciated, criticized or that you are “walking on eggshells” with your partner indicates that there is some doubt in the quality of your relationship. This could lead to the consideration of someone else who can provide that sense of safety and security. 7. Each partner supports the

other’s growth – Good partners will be encouraging and excited when a new opportunity for their loved one comes along, whether it is a career change, new exercise class or hobby, or an evening out with their friends. 8. Differences are seen as good – There are no two people who are exactly the same. A healthy relationship will acknowledge differences between each person (e.g. one is more logical, and the other is more comfortable with

people) and see how this makes them a better team. To assess the level of communication and strength in your relationship, try discussing the above points together. The ideal outcome is that afterwards, you will feel a stronger sense of trust, understanding and acceptance with each other – and maybe have a laugh or two in the process. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is the founder of Nexus Counselling

and a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She is a proud member of the Manitoba Filipino Business Council and a provider for the Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program. Cheryl has experience helping clients with issues such as grief, depression, relationship difficulties, parenting, aging and illness. She can be reached at (204) 297-6744 or info@ nexuscounselling.com.

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015



The unique feng shui of a new home Moving into a new house, whether it is truly new or just new to you, is exciting. You begin making plans for your life and see it unfolding in the rooms of your new house. But the feng shui of new houses is different than houses where someone has lived a long time. There are situations about the house that you’ll need to think about before you move in. Check the tips below for ideas on what you need to know about new house chi and feng shui. Clear the house before moving in Houses hold on to energies, memories and the vibrations of all those who lived in them. This makes a house clearing an important part of moving in effectively. You’ll want to make sure the house is thoroughly cleaned and that you buy new brooms and mops for the house. Then you’ll want to do a space clearing. The articles below will be helpful for how to do the clearing and moving in. Starting over Residents of new homes often feel like they are low on energy in the new home. That’s because when you start over in a new home, you’re starting with a blank slate. It takes time for your energy to equilibrate with the new home and often moving into a new home feels like a drain instead of a boost. But, don’t worry, you can build chi quickly! Add growing energy Chi is built over time and the more time you spend in a house the more the house takes on an imprint of your energies. To get your house started with great chi, give it some good energy to begin with. Purchase new plants, keep fresh flowers in the house and add landscaping to the house. This is especially important if the house has been unoccupied a long time or if the last owners had negative circumstances such as divorce, bankruptcy or health problems. Plus, plants have great, growth energy. Adding new landscaping and having pretty flowers at the front door is one of the best ways to give your home great energy. Add happy chi There’s a reason people hold house blessing and house warming parties – they bring great chi to the home! The more happy people you have in your

house, the better the chi. Having a party or barbecue at your home brings in an imprint of festivities, positive feelings and starts building the chi of your new home with this type of chi that brings good fortune to the house. Make an effort to host lots of get-together parties in your new home to put your imprint on it and raise the home’s energy. New home money problems Some new homes can create problems. You are starting over with a completely new set of natal energies to the home and it can influence your life startlingly. This is a good time to get a feng shui consultation. What if your income declines in a new home? This happens a lot. If it happens to you, then chances are, it’s just part of the new house energy. One cause of money problems could be the new arrangement, a front door lined up with windows, stairs or a backdoor, for example. This happened to me and money flew out of the house until we spent almost $10,000 to fix it – but we knew this going in. Once we created a foyer at the front door with a set of doors, we blocked the view from the front door out to the back door. This is just one example, but it does sometimes happen in a new

house, and might be a good idea to have a feng shui consultation. New home health problems This also happens a lot. We resonate with our homes and they resonate with us. When we make a big change and move into a new home, we have to align our energies again, and that includes our health and emotional energies. One thing that happens a lot with newly constructed homes is the off-gassing of wood floors, carpeting, paint and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs). So in this case, it’s not the feng shui of the house but the construction. Moving in can make sensitive respiratory systems go haywire because of the off-gassing. You also may not be aware of water leaks and the house could have a mould problem. The mould can easily be checked. But in the case of the off gassing, simply airing out the house or replacing the heating and air filters specially made for VOCs can help. It’s also a good idea to get a feng shui consultation before buying and moving in. Many times people set up a consultation after moving into a new house. The ideal time to get a consultation is before moving or buying the house. This way, the consultant can advise you on potential problems. But, if you

didn’t or couldn’t get a feng shui consultation, having one after you move in is still a good idea. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I love bonsai plants. But I heard they aren’t good feng shui. Is that true? Answer: Bonsai plants are plants that are trained to remain small. The plants are removed from their pots and their leaves and roots trimmed so that they stay forever small, yet with an aged appearance. They are a hobby for many people and are fascinating to see. Yet, in feng shui terms they are representative of a plant that never fully reached its potential – and for that reason, they are not considered to be good feng shui. I love to look at bonsai, but robust plant growth and health brings

great feng shui, and constrained growth brings constrained, weak feng shui. For that reason, avoid having bonsai at your home, and if you do, avoid placing them in the wood sectors of east and southeast. Instead, keep the plants in the west, northwest or north corners of your home or garden where their small growth doesn’t symbolize poor vigour and stunted chi. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter. com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!



AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

Folklorama invites you to #SeeItAll From page 1 the official Folkorama Weeks in Manitoba for 2015. Winnipeg’s flourishing Filipino community is fortunate to have two groups representing the Philippines, alternating weeks each year. Magdaragat Philippines Incorporated hosts the Pearl of the Orient Philippine Pavilion at R.B. Russell High School at 364 Dufferin Ave. Showtimes are 6:45 p.m., 8:15 p.m., and 9:45 p.m. consistently from Sunday, August

2nd to Saturday, August 8th with the pavilion opening at 6:00pm. This year’s adult ambassadors are Primrose Madayag Knazan and Tyler Magnaye, and the youth ambassadors are Alyssa Alambra and Marcelo Aiello. Aiello earned the honour of being the overall Folklorama Youth Ambassador General for the 2016 festival. Caitlin Madden, also from this pavilion, currently holds the overall Folklorama Youth Ambassador General for the current 2015 year.

Minister of Multiculturalism and Literacy, Hon. Flor Marcelino, read the official proclamation

The Philippine Association of Manitoba Incorporated sponsors the Nayong Pilipino Pavilion, with performances by the talented Kayumanggi Philippine Performing Arts. This pavilion is being held at the Billy Mosienko Arena this year at 709 Keewatin St. with show times at 6:45 p.m., 8:15 p.m., and 9:45 p.m. from August 9th to August 15th, with added 5:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. shows on Friday and Saturday. This pavilion opens its doors at 5:30 p.m. Adult

ambassadors are Mari Udarbe and Gani Casalla, and youth ambassadors are April Rose Llave and Cyril Hernandez. Admission Children aged 12 and under are free, and individual tickets are only $6.00 at the door. There is also the Vickar Automotive Group Fun Pack available (12 tickets for the price of 9) or the Folklorama Mini Fun Pack (five tickets for $25.00). There are also all-inclusive VIP Tours including late-night

tours, party tours, cycle/walking tours, and accessibility tours. Folklorama can also customize a tour for groups of 15 people or more, based on that group’s interests. Follow Folklorama on social media to get the latest updates and also to enter a photo contest as you visit the 43 pavilions. How are you going to see it all this year? Grab your ticket packs, which act as your passport to the world over two weeks. Get cultured, Winnipeg!

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015







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Mabuti naman at inagapan agad-agad ni Daniel Padilla ang pagkakasangkot ng kaniyang pangalan sa makasaysayang pambubuga ng usok sa kaniyang ka-loveteam na si Kathryn Bernardo. Hindi raw siya nagsisigarilyo, wala raw siyang bisyo, pekeng yosi lang daw ang pinanggalingan ng usok (vapor) ng e-cigarette na ibinuga niya kay Kathryn na parang sasabunging manok. Kailangan nang mag-ingat ang sikat na heartthrob sa kaniyang mga kilos at pananalita. Sa kaniya nakasentro ang atensiyon ng publiko bilang pinakasikat na


bagets actor. Anumang gawin at sabihin niya ngayon ay malaking balita, lalo na kung negatibo iyon na makasisira sa kaniyang imahe. Tama, tao lang si Daniel Padilla na gustong makaranas ng mga ginagawa ng kaniyang kaedad. Teenager si Daniel at ngayon ang kasagsagan ng pagiging pasaway ng bawat lalaking gustong madiskubre ang mundo. Naiiba lang ang kaniyang sitwasyon dahil sikat siya, iniidolo ng mga kabataan, itinuturing na modelo ng mga magulang para tularan ng kanilang mga anak. Sunud-sunod na ang kina-

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

• Daniel Padilla – Hindi ordinaryong teenager lang, kailangang mag-ingat • Yaya Dub – Bagong paborito ng bayan • Willie Revillame – Pansamantalang itinigil muna ang Wowowin • Phillip Salvador – Aminadong hindi kayang suportahan si Josh • James Yap – Umasim na ang relasyon kay Michaela Cazzola • Ai Ai delas Alas – Dakila kung tumulong sa mga nangangailangan • Gladys Reyes – Pinapayuhan ang mga kapatid sa INC na magkaisa • Tirso Cruz III – Nagpapasalamat dahil ligtas na sa lung cancer

Ai Ai delas Alas Alden Richards & Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza

Daniel Padilla

Gladys Reyes

Willie Revillame

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sasangkutang hindi kagandahang isyu ni Daniel Padilla. Kailangang triple na ang gawin niyang pag-iingat ngayon. Kundi siya sigurado sa kaniyang sarili ay dapat siyang mas hindi sigurado at kampante sa mga taong nakakasama niya. Isang araw ay magsasawa na ang ating mga kababayan sa kaniyang mga dahilan at katwiran. Kung isa-dalawa lang See CRISTY p15

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015



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AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

• Barbie Forteza turns 18 in a meaningful way • Dennis Trillo and Jennylyn Mercado – together again! • Camille Prats – second chance at love Kapuso teen actress Barbie Forteza, the other half of the popular GMA Pinoy TV’s drama The Half Sisters just celebrated her 18th birthday on July 31st. “Like every girl, excited ako at the thought of turning 18. Pero puwede bang magwish? Puwede

po bang wala nang party?” said this Kapuso teen actress when asked how she would like to celebrate her debut. Barbie emphasized that instead of spending so much on a grand debut; she would rather See SHOWBIZ p15

1364 McPhillips Street • Lower Level of The UPS Store Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 2M4 204-694-8709 orderdesk@pdqprinting.ca

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AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

SHOWBIZ... From page 14 use the money for other more meaningful things. Children have always had a special place in Barbie’s sweet heart, thus, in celebration of her debut, Barbie adopted a room at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) in Diliman, Quezon City. She has been helping the PCMC for the past four years and plans to continue sharing her blessings to the kids in the hospital. The “Adopt-A-Room” program of the PCMC enables entities or individuals to choose and adopt a private room that they want to renovate and convert into a special private room. Once renovated and occupied, the proceeds of the room will go to “charity rooms.” Other private institutions and brand giants have already adopted rooms from the PCMC, but Barbie is the first-ever celebrity to participate in this worthy cause. The renovation for Barbie’s adopted room is currently ongoing with the talented young actress actively participating in the process with the help of GMA Artist Center and Architects Jose Ricky Martinez and Richie Ongteco. Her generous sponsors also contributed to making her dreams come true. Barbie will also be part of the new Sunday noontime show, PinaSaya on GMA Pinoy TV.Love seems to be sweeter the second time around. For a Kapuso love team, that is. ***** This August, the awardwinning actors – Drama King Dennis Trillo and Kapuso leading lady Jennylyn Mercado – reunite for GMA Network’s upcoming series My Faithful Husband.

CRISTY... From page 12 ang nagpapayo sa kaniya ay kailangang madagdagan. Mas maraming bibig na nagpapaalala sa kaniya ay mas makabubuti, dahil ang mga teenager ngayon na tulad ni Daniel ay maraming gustong madiskubre. Walang kasiguruhan ang pagaartista. Isang maling hakbang lang na maling-mali ay mauuwi na sa katapusan ng kanilang career. Nakapanghihinayang na ang oportunidad na ipinagkatiwala sa kanila ay balik pa sa dati ang kanilang buhay. Ang kasutilan ay namimili ng panahon at lugar. Si Daniel Padilla mismo ang nag-iimbita ng kanegahan sa kaniyang karera. Kapag lumamlam na ang kinang ng kaniyang bituin at kapag bumitiw na ang ating mga kababayan sa pag-idolo sa kaniya ay saka lang siya magigising. Madalas naming napapasok ang personal na buhay ng mga artista, nakakausap namin ang kanilang pamilya at mga kamag-anak, gusto naming isipin na katangi-tangi si Daniel Padilla sa masarap na respeto at pagmamahal na kusang-loob niyang ibinabahagi sa kaniyang


The two first starred opposite each other in the GMA program Gumapang Ka Sa Lusak. Exuding undeniable chemistry on-screen, the two play a married couple in the new series, with Dennis as Emman, a doting husband to Melanie, portrayed by Jennylyn, and a devoted father to their children. The pair’s marriage is tested, however, when Melanie comes across her ex-boyfriend and her feelings get confused. And while the series has yet to air on GMA Network, fans are already eager to see Dennis and Jennylyn’s reunion project as the two have been posting photos showing them together on their personal Instagram accounts. Their seemingly sweet posts, along with the hashtag #emmanie (a cross between their characters’ names), have viewers and netizens buzzing about a possible rekindled romance. The two had dated in the past and fans have been clamouring for a real life reunion. However, the duo remains tight-lipped regarding the issue and prefer to focus on their new show. Both are thrilled to be working with each other once more on another Kapuso series. “Siyempre excited ako na makatrabaho si Jen. Last time ko siya nakatrabaho five years ago, dramarama sa hapon yung ginawa namin. Ngayon naman sa primetime,” says Dennis. On her part, Jennylyn is looking forward to how their pair-up will be received. “Excited ako kasi gusto ko rin namang makita kung anong kakalabasan lalo na pag nagsisimula na talaga kami kasi dun natin makikita kung inaabangan ba talaga kami, papanoorin ba kami.” Catch their exciting portrayals

on the drama series My Faithful Husband airing soon on GMA Pinoy TV. ***** Kapuso actress and host Camille Prats got the surprise of a lifetime as her non-showbiz boyfriend VJ Yambao proposed to her in front of family and friends last Saturday, July 18. Posting a photo of him kneeling in front of Camille on Instagram, VJ wrote, “Once in a while right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. Never did I imagine that the day would come that I will kneel down on one knee and ask you to be my wife. I have always dreamed of giving you something you will never forget. With God’s grace and His perfect timing, this is where we are today. I thank God for all the things that are happening to us right now. To my fiancée, you deserve nothing but goodness and happiness, I love you so much! Thank you to our family and friends who witnessed one of our milestones, thank you for all your love and support.” Camille happily reposted the photo of their special moment, saying, “A thousand times over, yes, yes, and YES!” She also shared a photo of her with Nathan, her son from her first marriage to Anthony Linsangan, who succumbed to nasopharyngeal cancer in 2011. “Today, this little boy and I got engaged,” she wrote. “I thank God for giving you to us mahal. Thank you my love for such a sweet surprise. Di ko to kinaya in fairness. I love you my future husband.” The actress, whom Filipino viewers have watched blossom from a promising child star to one of her generation’s most talented personalities, is currently the host on the GMA lifestyle talk show

Mars with Suzi Entrata-Abrera on GMA Life TV. In an exclusive interview with GMA News, Camille and VJ revealed that their wedding has been set for 2017. (Source: GMA Network Inc.)

ama, ina at mga kapatid. *** May lagnat ang bayan ngayon kay Yaya Dub, alalay ni Wally Bayola bilang si Lola Nidora ng Juan For All…All For Juan ng Eat Bulaga, ultimo mga batang paslit ay nakakakilala na ngayon sa kaniya. Barometro namin ang mga bata tungkol sa popularidad ng mga artista. Kapag kilala ng mga batang paslit ay panalo, pero kapag nakakunot ang kanilang noo at nagtatanong ang tingin, waley! Eh, kilalang-kilala na si Yaya Dub ng mga bata, ginagaya-gaya pa nga ng mga ito ang kaniyang pagsayaw, pati ang paggamit niya ng abaniko-pamaypay at pag-irap-irap ay pinaplakado na ngayon ng mga bata. Natututukan din namin si Yaya Dub. Aliw na aliw kami sa kaniya kapag pinasasayaw siya nang walang humpay, gusto na niyang magpahinga ay hindi niya magawa dahil tuluy-tuloy pa rin ang tugtog. At magaling siyang magdubsmash, sabay na sabay ang buka ng kaniyang bibig sa materyal na ipinagagawa sa kaniya, markado ang pag-irapirap ni Yaya Dub.

Nakakaaliw rin ang kunwari’y pagkontra ni Lola Nidora sa pagkagusto ni Yaya Dub kay Alden Richards, tanong nga ng mga apo namin, “Asawa ba niya si Alden?” Si Yaya Dub ay isang propesyonal, nagtapos siya ng Culinary Arts sa College of St. Benilde, nag-OJT siya sa Paris at tubong-Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Sabihin mang uso lang ngayon si Yaya Dub ay gusto pa rin naming bigyan ng kredito ang Eat Bulaga sa pagdidiskubre ng mga talentong kinaaaliwan ng manonood. *** Kumpirmado! Huling episode na ng Wowowin ang ipinalabas noong Linggo (July 26) nang hapon. Wala nang kasunod iyon. Pero bago pa malungkot ang mga tagasuporta ni Willie Revillame sa panandaliang kaligayahang ibinigay ng kanilang idolo ay kailangang malaman muna nila ang kabuuang kuwento kung bakit. Hindi tinanggal ng network si Willie. Bilang prodyuser ng kaniyang sariling show na minsan sa isang linggo lang sumasahimpapawid ay gumagastos nang walong milyong piso buwan-buwan si Willie.

Isang oras lang ang kaniyang programa, alas tres y medya ng hapon pa umeere, hindi iyon tamang oras para sa isang gamevariety show. Hindi papasukin ng mga sponsors ang isang programang nasa isang patay na oras kung tutuusin. Hindi basta host lang ng Wowowin si Willie, siya rin ang prodyuser ng kaniyang programa, nagbabayad siya para sa airtime bilang blocktimer at siya rin ang nagpapasuweldo sa kaniyang staff at crew. Kung ang GMA-7 ang masusunod ay binibigyan siya ng network ng kalayaang ituloy ang Wowowin, pero bilang producerhost ay nagdesisyon si Willie, maghihintay siya ng takdang panahon para mabigyan siya ng schedule para sa isang daily show. Isang pang-araw-araw na programa na mapapanood sa tamang oras, iyon ang inuupuan nila ngayon ng mga ehekutibo ng GMA-7. May transaksiyong nagaganap ngayon sa pagitan nila ng istasyon. Kaya huwag munang malungkot ang mga tagasuporta ni Willie Revillame. Hindi pa katapusan ng mundo. Mula noong May 10 nang magsimula ang Wowowin ay palaging panalo ang


show sa ratings. Patunay lamang na mula noon hanggang ngayon ay nandiyan pa rin ang mga kababayan nating hindi bumibitiw ng pagtutok at pagmamahal kay Willie Revillame. *** Sa kahit anong interbyu ni Phillip Salvador ay hindi niya minsan man sinabi na nakapagbibigay siya ng suportang pampinansiyal kay Joshua. Aminado naman si Kuya Ipe na wala siya sa sitwasyong dapat gawin ng isang ama sa kaniyang anak. Panay-panay nga ang papuri ng action star kay Kris Aquino dahil mag-isa lang na itinataguyod ng actress-TV host ang mga espesyal na pangangailangan ng kanilang anak. Walang kuwestiyon doon. Hindi ikasasama ng loob ng aktor ang katotohanan. Siya pa nga ang umaamin sa kaniyang mga pagkukulang sa dapat sana’y mga obligasyong ibinibigay niya kay Josh. Si Kuya Ipe ay aminadong kapos, pero si James Yap ay See CRISTY p19



AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015





Heat wave Sulong Triathlon Group athletes overpowered summer heat in two July triathlon events in Morden, Manitoba and Kenora, Ontario. In the July 11 race in Morden, the air temperature rose to a high of 36 degrees while water temperature warmed to above 22 degrees. These temperatures prompted the race director to forbid the wearing of wetsuits in the swim legs of both the Foilman and Sprint

distances, while wetsuits were optional in the Half-Ironman. This directive was to ensure the safety of the race participants from heat stroke after swimming intensely for more than 10 to 15 minutes. Despite of the hotter than normal weather that day, all eight Sulong triathletes triumphantly finished the Morden race, namely: Edward Friesen and Philip Habacon in the Sprint (750m

swim / 20K bike / 5K run); Jimmy Antonio in the Foilman Duathlon (5K run / 45K bike / 10.5K run); Paquito Brucal and Ferdinand del Rosario in the Foilman Triathlon (950m swim / 45K bike / 10.5K run); Melody Balane, Norman Garcia and Murray Vanderpont in the Half-Ironman (1.9K swim / 90K bike / 21K run). The prohibition of wetsuits didn’t dampen the willpower and determination of Ferdinand del Rosario as he completed his first no-wetsuit race. Ferdinand admits, “With my race experience, having only started to train for swimming six weeks ago, having to swim 950 metres in open water, and for the first time without a wetsuit, it was very intimidating. After a few moments of panic and selfdoubt, I collected myself, prayed for guidance and strength, and broke the task down into more manageable segments of just making it to the next buoy. The

more buoys I reached, the more my confidence grew, and that carried me through the rest of the race.” Melody Balane, 45-yearold accountant working for the City of Winnipeg, was the most experienced triathlete in the Filipino contingent. She finished the prestigious Full Ironman, consisting of a daylong 3.86K swim, 180K bike, and 42K run. Melody reveals, “There is always a feeling of elation as you near the finish line. It was a very hard run due to the heat and humidity. Near the end of race I was excited knowing teammates would cheer me over the line. Every finish line is magical.” On the following weekend, July 19, Sulong triathletes Jimmy Anis and Wystan Celestino competed in the Olympic category (1.5K swim / 40K bike / 10K run) of the Kenora Borealis Triathlon. “The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. And you

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015 don’t have to listen,” says scuba instructor and paramedic Philip Habacon. He was introduced to the sport just this year and came to Morden as a first-time triathlete. Philip is now setting his sights on longer triathlon distances as he intends to race in the Olympic category in Hecla, Kenora, and Pinawa and to finish a HalfIronman next race season. Next in line, the team will participate in various races in Manitoba such as Hecla, Riding Mountain, Pinawa, Rabbit Lake, and Kenora, as well as in Ironmanbrand races in Boulder, Colorado and Madison, Wisconsin. Norman is a member of Sulong Triathlon Group. For more information, please visit our website at www.sulongtriathlon. org and like us on Facebook at “Sulong Triathlon Group.” Photos by Lizette Habacon, Ferdinand del Rosario & Peter Tan.

Edwin Friesen glad that the hot humid race was finally over.

Ferdinand del Rosario all smiles before the swim start.

Jimmy Anis and Wystan Celestino in the Kenora Borealis triathlon.

Paquito Brucal & Ferdinand del Rosario moments before the nowetsuit swim leg of the Foilman distance.

Heat wave survivors Edward Friesen, Paquito Brucal, Ferdinand del Rosario & Jimmy Antonio.

Philip Habacon transitioning from 750 open water swim to 20K bike.

Paquito Brucal after a hot gruelling 45K bike.

Ironman Melody Balane transitioning from 1.9K swim to 90K bike.

Scuba Instructor Philip Habacon moments before crossing his first triathlon finish line.

Ironman Melody Balane off to another strong 21K run.

Jimmy Antonio dashing towards his 2nd Sprint race.

Ironman Melody Balane transitioning from 90K bike to 21K run.

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015


kontribusyon sa komunidad ng Pilipino sa Manitoba at sa iba pang dako ng mundo (dahil online din kami). Ito ang malayang pagpapahayag ng aking obserbasyon, puna at mga panukala sa iba’t ibang paksa. Bahagi na ito ng aking regular na routine bukod sa aking pagiging full-time father, husband at tipikal na Pilipinong may full-time job at part-time job. Kaya kahit nasaan man ako ay isinisingit ko ang pagsusulat dahil bahagi ito ng buhay ko. Narito ang dalawang bus notes na aking isinulat sa loob ng bus noong nakaraang buwan. Una itong inilathala sa aking Facebook page pero nais kong ibahagi sa lahat ng ating mga tagasubaybay. Win a friend in two minutes It only takes two minutes

to win friendship. Kaya palang magkaroon ng kaibigan in just roughly two minutes. Isang babaeng may katutubong features ang nakasabay ko sa abangan ng bus papuntang downtown. Nagtanong siya sa akin kung anong oras ang dating ng bus dahil hindi raw siya taga rito sa Winnipeg. Naligaw nga raw siya sa paghahanap ng bus stop at buti na lang at nakita niya akong naglalakad patungo dito kaya sinundan niya na lang ako. “Good thing that I saw you walking here otherwise I am lost again,” sabi niya. Taga Teulon, MB siya, isang maliit na lugar sa labas ng Winnipeg. Doon nagsimula ang kuwentuhang maikli pero masaya. Nabanggit ko sa kaniya na next week ay pupunta ako ng Morden, Portage La Prairie, Brandon, Dauphin at Neepawa para sa series na mga meetings. Sabi ko, hindi ko nga alam ang itsura ng mga lugar na ito. Sabi niya naman, tahimik ang mga lugar na pupuntahan ko at friendly ang mga tao. Ang Portage La Prairie lang ang medyo siyudad ang dating. “Oh, actually I’ve been to Portage for fishing, by the dam,” sabi ko naman. Nauwi sa fishing ang maikling kuwentuhan. Nasabi ko kasi na marami ang net ang ginagamit imbis na fishing rod ang mga

nakita kong nagfi-fishing sa Portage dam. Naglulundagan ang mga isda at nakataya sa iyong skills ang paghuli sa kanila sa pamamagitan ng net. “It’s really fun to fish especially when you’re using a net,” sabi niya. Natatanaw na namin ang paparating na bus. Nahinto na ang aming kuwentuhan dahil sa medyo puno ang bus at wala kaming puwesto para magkatabi. Nagtapos ang maikli naming kuwentuhan sa pagsasambit ng “have a good day” sa isa’t isa. Have a good day. It’s always nice to say and hear it everyday. We never exchanged our names but we shared great early morning Manitoba friendliness. Random thoughts Dahil sa kakulangan ko ng oras para upuan ang aking passion sa pagsusulat ay nakagawian kong mag-isip at magsulat habang nasa bus. Ang unang-una kong “Batang North End” article na sinulat ko sa loob ng bus ay ang tungkol kay Mary Jane Veloso. Sinundan ito ng pagtalakay ko tungkol sa aktibismo sa bagong mundo. Habang isinusulat ko ito ay kasabay ko na lulan ng bus ang mga usual passengers ng Bus 16. Mga manggagagawa na tila patang pata sa buong araw na kayod. Ang nasa harap kong Pinay ay halos matulog na sa kaniyang

pagkakasandal. Walang kibuan ang isa’t isa maliban sa ilang kuwentuhan ng mga kabataang katutubo. Ang driver ay isang East Indian. Pamilyar na ko sa kaniya dahil parokyano ako ng pang pasado alas-diyes na biyahe ng Bus 16 via Manitoba. Saglit na naudlot ang aking pagsusulat dahil sa pinalipat kami ng bus. May trouble yata ang una naming nasakyan. Ngayong gabing ito ng Lunes ay parang iba ang nararamdaman ko sa bus. Parang lahat ng pasahero ay pagod. Tahimik. Walang kibuan. Walang lasing na maingay. Walang nag-aaway. Tanging ingay lang ng makina ng bus ang nagmomonopolya sa ingay. Nakakapanibago. Napapagod din pala ang bus. Parang may buhay. Bababa na ko. King Edward na. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

palaging ganoon, e, mahahawa na ang bagets sa katitili ng mga taong nakapaligid sa nanay niya,” pagpansin ng aming source. Kapag si James Yap daw kasi ang makakasama ni Bimby ay maiiba naman ang punto ng interes ng child star. Puro malalaking tao sa hardcourt ang kaniyang makikita, tuturuan itong magdribol at mag-shoot ng kaniyang ama, madadagdagan ang kaalaman ni Bimby. Sabi nami’y hindi madaling mangyari iyon, maganda nga sana kung halinhinang makakasama ni Bimby ang kaniyang mga magulang, pero hindi pa siguro ngayon magaganap ang lahat dahil hindi pa maayos na maayos ang samahan nina James at Kris. *** Bulung-bulungan ngayon sa mundo ng basketball ang pagasim ng relasyon nina James Yap at Michaela Cazzola. Kapansinpansin na noong mga huling laro ng Star Hotshots (Purefoods) sa huling conference ng PBA ay hindi na nakikitang nanonood ang Italyana sa kaniyang boyfriend. Dati, basta nakaka-three points si James Yap ay maagap ang mga cameramen, agad na nilang tututukan si Michaela, palakpak nang palakpak ang girlfriend ni James sa magaganda niyang ginagawa sa bawat laro ng kaniyang team. Proud na proud si Michaela sa kaniyang boyfriend. Ang kuwento tungkol sa kanilang relasyon ay nadagdagan pa nang mag-post si James ng mga patagilid na emosyon, tungkol sa paghihiwalay ng isang magkarelasyon ang tinutumbok ng basketbolista sa kaniyang post, pero wala siyang binanggit na pangalan. Sabi ng isang miron,

“Pustahan tayo, kapag na-confirm nang hiwalay na nga sina James at Michaela, may isang babaeng eepal na naman. Makikisahog na naman siya sa issue. Pustahan tayo?” Sino pa nga ba ang tinutukoy nito kundi si Kris Aquino? Kahit ayaw nang magsalita pa ng aktresTV host tungkol sa senaryo ay hindi pa rin ito makalulusot, siguradong hihingan ito ng komento, at magbibigay naman si Kris. Sayang naman, kasalan na ang pinag-uusapan noon nina James at Michaela, pero mukhang mabubulilyaso pa yata ang kanilang planong pagharap sa altar. Sana’y isang ordinaryong problema lang ang pinagdadaanan nila ngayon na maihahanap pa nila ng solusyon. Harinawa. *** Huling baraha. Ganoon kung ilarawan ng mga taga-showbiz ang ginawang pagtulongpagkupkop ni AiAi delas Alas kay Jiro Manio. Huling baraha na ito ng batang aktor, kapag umulit pa siya at hindi nag-ingat sa kaniyang sarili, wala nang magtitiwala pa uli sa kaniya. Ang bawat tao ay dapat regaluhan ng pangalawang pagkakataon, iyon ang sabi, pero ibang usapan na kung ang ibinibigay na pagkakataon sa kaniya ay hindi niya naman pinahahalagahan. Apat na beses nang ipinarerehab ng kaniyang pamilya at mga kaibigan si Jiro, pero nanghihinayang ang mga taong nagmamahal at nagmamalasakit sa batang aktor, dahil sa wala rin naman nauuwi ang pagpaparehab sa kaniya. Balik pa rin siya sa

panghihingi ng lakas ng loob sa bisyo, naglalayas siya palagi, tinatamad na siya sa pagtatrabaho at mas gusto niyang nagpapakalatkalat sa kalye. Pasalamat si Jiro Manio dahil may isang kaluluwang nagsalba sa kaniya. Hindi niya kadugo si AiAi, hanggang sa harap lang ng mga camera ang pagnananay nila, pero tinulungan siya nang buong puso ng Comedy Concert Queen. At hindi lang para kay Jiro ang malasakit ni AiAi, ang kapatid niyang si Anjo ay waiter na ngayon sa Zirkoh Comedy Bar, magpagawa man ng damit

ngayon si Jiro Manio ay walang makakasukat-makakapantay ang busilak na kalooban ni AiAi. Ang huling baraha ay iniingatan. Hindi itinatapon. Hindi sinasayang. Ganoong importansiya sana ang ibigay ni Jiro Manio sa kaniyang huling baraha. *** Hiningi sa amin ni Gladys Reyes ang cellphone number ng magaling na news anchorkomentatristang si Ted Failon. Gusto lang magpasalamat ng aktres kay Ted dahil napakinggan See CRISTY p20

Bus notes Kung passion ng isang tao ang sumulat ay walang dahilan para hindi siya makapagsulat regardless kung may computer or wala, may lapis o papel or wala, may table or wala, or wala na ang lahat except for the writer’s wild imagination. Isa pa, may oras pa bang natitira kung sobrang abala ang manunulat sa mga bagay na dapat niyang gawin dahil sa pangangailangan. Walang dahilan kung gusto nating gawin ang kahit anumang bagay. Maging ito ay pagsusulat, pagluluto, paglalaro, pagsasalita, pakikisalamuha, pagsasayaw, pag-eehersisyo o kahit anumang gusto n’yo, kaya ’yang gawin basta desidido. Proud akong maging patuloy na bahagi ng Pilipino Express simula pa noong 2009. Ito ang ipinagmamalaki kong

CRISTY... From page 15 kumikita nang milyones bilang star player ng kaniyang team sa PBA, ano kaya ang naging problema at sinasabi ngayon ni Kris na walang tinatanggap na sustento si Bimby mula sa kaniyang ama? Noong kasagsagan ng kanilang pagkakasuhan, sa pagkakaalam ng marami ay inayos na rin nila ang magiging sustento buwan-buwan ni James para sa kanilang anak. Hindi kaya sinunod ni James ang pinirmahan nilang kasunduan sa korte? Ang obligasyon ay obligasyon. Kumikita man nang milyones si Kris Aquino at kaya man nitong pakainin nang walong beses sa maghapon ang kaniyang mga anak ay dapat suportahan ng kanilang mga ama ang magkapatid. Samantala, suhestiyon ng kaibigan naming propesor na tutok na tutok sa showbiz ay dapat sigurong ipahiram ni Kris Aquino nang kahit dalawang buwan lang si Bimby kay James Yap. Napanood daw kasi nito ang mga episodes ng programa ni Kris kung saan nag-co-host si Bimby, nakakaaliw daw naman ang child star dahil bibung-bibo, pero mas makabubuting makasama ng child star ang kaniyang ama. “Sobrang exposed na si Bimby sa showbiz, sa mga palaging nakakasama ni Kris na karamihan, e, beki, kailangan na niyang ipahiram si Bimby kay James para mabago naman ang mundo ng bata. “Kuhang-kuha na ni Bimby ang mga galaw ni Kris, pati ang pag-roll-roll ng eyes ng mommy niya, plakado na ng bata. Kapag


USTAAM scholarship The University of Santo Tomas Alumni Association of Manitoba (USTAAM) is accepting applications for its 2015 USTAAM scholarship awards. Applicants must: • be of Filipino descent; • have minimum average grade of 85%; and • be accepted and entering first year in any post secondary schools in Manitoba in September 2015.

Deadline for applications is September 30, 2015

For other requirements and application forms, visit www.facebook.com/groups/ustaami or send e-mail to Phil Anciro @ anciro74@gmail.com.






NO. 233

KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot No. 233 • Agosto 1-15, 2015 1




2 9



Agosto 1 – 15, 2015 No. 232 • Hulyo 16-31, 2015 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Sa mga oras na H I N A T U L Kung A naghihintay N tinatanong mo ka ng asenso tadhana sa K Nang L T S hanapbuhay, B kung ano ang malapit nang nakalaan para sa dumating iyon. A P Uiyo, LiwasanA mo I N Kung A N I empleyado ang malungkot kung hindi mo ka, may kasamang regular na H I N A B I L I N A N makita ang malinaw na landas. biyahe ang offer sa iyo. Tila Magiging maayos ang Agosto mahirap kung may pamilya ka Asubalit S mabagal A L N solo A ka, S A mo lalo na kungN na pero kung magandang may inaasahan ka. Habaan pa ang oportunidad sa pag-unlad mo N I OK ang ika-4, A 5,L13 at I iyon. L Mapalad A ka sa ika-4, A B pasensya. 5, 13 14. Alalay ka sa ika-10, 11 at 12. at 14. Stressful ang ika-1, 6 at 7.






























PAHALANG 2. Makasunod






9. Pinasiyasat1. Pitis Binalaki 2. Beri-beri 3. ___ Chiu Tamad 4. Bughaw 14. Busabusin 5. Chess GM Panimpla 18. Pungay pag6.inulit 7. Eksperyensiya 19. Higit 9. Pinasiyasat 21. Gala 12. Binalaki 13. Tamad 22. Lutong bigas 14. Busabusin 24. Barandilyas18. Pungay pag inulit 25. Sigurado 19. Higit 27. Gilid 30. Taksi 31. Pangalang biblikal

29. Kinukulbit 12. 32. Titis 33. Pananong13. 32. Pinabigti

2.8. Tulyapis Makasunod Unang bilang 8.10. Tulyapis 11. Kinasanayan 10. Unang bilang 15. Igi 16. Kinasanayan Biyuleta 11. 17. Matinding gutom 15. Igi 19. Ginang 20. Silid-tanggapan 16. Biyuleta 21. Huwes 17. Matinding gutom 23. Ligtas 19. Ginang 26. Bansa sa Asia 28. Sahod 20. Silid-tanggapan 21. Huwes 23. Ligtas 26. Bansa sa Asia 28. Sahod NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT 29.KROSWORD Kinukulbit No. 233 • Agosto 1-15, 2015 32. Titis 33. Pananong 32. Pinabigti 4




No. 232 • Hulyo 16-31, 2015 7





PABABA 1. Pitis 2. Beri-beri 3. ___ Chiu 4. Bughaw 5. Chess GM 6. Panimpla 7. Eksperyensiya 15


















PAHALANG 2. Makasunod 8. Tulyapis 10. Unang bilang 11. Kinasanayan 15. Igi 16. Biyuleta 17. Matinding gutom 19. Ginang 20. Silid-tanggapan 21. Huwes 23. Ligtas 26. Bansa sa Asia 28. Sahod



































29. Kinukulbit 32. Titis 33. Pananong 32. Pinabigti









1. Pitis 2. Beri-beri 3. ___ Chiu 4. Bughaw 5. Chess GM 6. Panimpla 7. Eksperyensiya 9. Pinasiyasat 12. Binalaki 13. Tamad 14. Busabusin 18. Pungay pag inulit 19. Higit

21. Gala 22. Lutong bigas 24. Barandilyas 25. Sigurado 27. Gilid 30. Taksi 31. Pangalang biblikal

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015




Taurus (April 20 – May 20) G I NK Au G n gA nakaramdam A N Ika ngN kabiguan O sa pag-ibig N Lnitong Mmga nakaraang buwan, magbabago S Ana Sito. AMayL magsisimulang romansa sa buhay mo. Dahan-dahan ka nga lang sa pagtanggap nito dahil baka 21. Gala 22. Lutong dala langbigas ng inip at bugso ng 24. Barandilyas damdamin. 25. Sigurado Masaya ang Agosto. 27. Gilid days mo ang ika-6, 7 at 15. Lucky 30. Taksi Ingat sa ika-1, 13 at 14. 31. Pangalang biblikal

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) B A Tama Y Ana muna N ang sakripisyo. I W Oras A Lna Apara mag-enjoy ka. Maayos ang D L T pasok ng Agosto kaya kang Y mag-alala. A huwag K A Walang darating na problema dahil inayos mo na ang lahat nitong nakaraang buwan. Magholiday ka at magsaya kasama ang pamilya o mga kaibigan. OK ang ika-6, 7 at 15. Ingat sa ika-2, 3, 8 at 9.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) May mga pagbabago kang gustong mangyari sa inyong relasyon. Gusto mong gawing permanente subalit siya naman ay parang wala pa sa gayong estado ng isip. Kailangan mong kausapin siya dahil magkaiba kayo ng direksyon. Mahirap mabitin sa balag ng alanganin. OK ang ika1, 8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-2, 3 at 15.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kung single at nakaranas ka nang mabigo sa pag-ibig, buksan mo ang puso sa mga darating na araw dahil may makikilala kang kukuha ng iyong atensyon. Maaaring matagal mo na siyang kakilala pero wala kang alam tungkol sa kaniya. Malay mo, baka siya na nga. OK ang ika-1, 8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-4, 5, 10, 11 at 12.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Buwenas ang iyong pananalapi sa Agosto. Ang negosyo o hanapbuhay ay magdadala ng malaking kita para sa iyo. Makakahinga ka na nang maluwag. Makakaramdam ka ng ibayong sigla at lakas dahil wala kang stress. Mag-enjoy ka ngayong Agosto. You deserve it. OK ang ika-2, 3, 10, 11 at 12. Ingat sa ika-4 at 5.

CRISTY... From page 19 niya ang napakaparehas na opinyon ng news anchor sa kaniyang programa sa radyo sa matinding isyung kinapapalooban ngayon ng Iglesia Ni Cristo. Simple lang ang sinabi ni Gladys bilang isang tapat at aktibong miyembro ng INC, “Gusto ko lang pong pasalamatan si Sir Ted dahil napakinggan ko ang stand niya kanina tungkol sa INC. “Napakaparehas po niya, hindi siya mapanghusga, napakamarespeto po ni Sir Ted,” papuri ni Gladys kay Ted Failon. Ang relihiyon at pagibig ang pinakametikulosong

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) M a h i r a p magpalaki ng anak pero mahirap ding mag-alaga ng magulang. May sarili ka ring buhay subalit hindi mo sila puwedeng pabayaan. Kung nauubos na ang iyong lakas dahil sa pag-iintindi mo sa magulang mo, humingi ka ng tulong sa kamaganak. Masaya ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. May tension sa ika-2, 3, 8, 9 at 15. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Maayos ang kalusugan pero kailangan mong bantayan ang iyong puso. Iwasan mo ang sobrang pag-iisip at pagpapagod. Iwasan mo rin ang pagkain ng maaalat dahil may babalang maaapektuhan ang iyong bato. Maraming handaan, piliin mo ang kakainin mo. OK ang ika-6, 7 at 15. Tensyon sa ika-4, 5, 10, 11 at 12. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Kalusugan ang unahin mo sa buwang ito. Magdetox ka dahil maraming naiipon sa iyong bato at atay na nakakaapekto sa iyong lakas at isip. Oras na rin upang tanggalin mo ang mga bagay na hindi mo na kailangan. Magiging magaan ang pakiramdam mo. OK ang ika-1, 8 at 9. Careful sa ika-6, 7, 13 at 14.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) May babala sa iyong kalusugan. May bumabagabag ba sa iyo? Stress ang dahilan ng iyong panghihina. Mahirap tumulong sa ayaw magpatulong. Kaya ka nagkakasakit, pinapasan mo ang problema ng iba. Bumitaw ka muna. Magpalakas ka. Lucky days mo ang ika-2, 3, 10, 11 at 12. Ingat sa ika-1, 6, 7, 13 at 14.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Magpasalamat ka dahil may suporta ka mula sa iyong partner o pamilya sa lahat ng balak mong gawin. Huwag mo sana itong balewalain dahil sila ang dahilan ng iyong tagumpay. Oras din upang magtanim ka nang kabutihan. Aanihin mo ito pagdating ng araw. OK ang ika-2, 3, 10, 11 at 12. Ingat sa ika-8, 9 at 15.

paksa para pagtalunan. Walang nananalo at natatalo pagdating sa argumento ng pananampalataya at pagmamahalan. Sinasaluduhan namin si Gladys Reyes bilang tao at miyembro ng INC. Tama ang kaniyang payo sa kanilang mga kapatid na huwag manglupaypay, mas kailangan nilang magkaisa at magkapatatag ngayon, sa mga panahong ito masusubok ang malalalim na pundasyon ng kanilang pananampalataya. *** Isang napakagandang balita ang tinanggap namin mula sa mag-asawang Tirso Cruz III at Lyn Cruz. Dati na silang mapagpahalaga at marunong magpasalamat sa mga biyayang ipinagkakaloob sa kanila

ng Panginoon pero tripleng pasasalamat pa ang inuusal-usal nila ngayon. Mahabang proseso ng gamutan ang pinagdaanan ni Pip pero idineklara na siyang ligtas sa lung cancer noong July 16 sa quarterly check-up. Pero tutok pa rin ang actorsinger sa kaniyang pagpapacheck-up tuwing ikatlong buwan at sa pinakahuli nga niyang check-up ay ganoon na lang ang kanilang pasasalamat ni Lyn at ng kanilang mga anak. Ang resulta ng kaniyang PET at CT Scan, “No recurrence of cancer. No traces of cancer cells.” Masayang komento ng aming forever idol, “God is always good, really good. Praise the Lord!” –CSF


AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015


Patok sa panahon ngayon ang mga sports events at salu-salo dito sa Winnipeg ng Filipino-Canadian community; baseball, gasketball, golf, tennis at iba pa. Hindi lamang nakaaaliw, kundi nagpapasigla pa sa buhay. Noong ika-19 ng Hulyo ay muli akong naanyayahan ng mga kaibigang golfer na karamihan ay kasama ko rin sa tennis. Kasunod ng awarding ng mga nanalo sa tournament ay pinagsalusaluhan ang iba’t ibang uring masasarap na pagkain na ginanap sa Assiniboine Park. Pinangunahan ni Jerry Laforteza, na kasalukuyang pangulo din ng Sargent Park Tennis Club, ang mga nangasiwa sa pagtitipon. *** Ang nangyayaring kandidatura ng mga kababayan nating naglalaban-laban sa halip na magtulungan, para sa akin ay malungkot na senaryo. Sa halip na pagkakaisa, ang nangibabaw ay utak-talangka. Nawala sa isip ang kasabihang divided we fall. *** Ang federal Conservative government ay magkakaloob umano ng karagdagang tulong sa mga may-ari ng small business. Ang business tax rates ay bababa sa siyam mula sa 11 percent sa loob ng susunod na limang taon. Magandang balita. *** May nakalaang financial assistance pa rin sa ilalim ng 2015 national budget para sa mga nais magtayo ng maliliit na negosyo. Magharap ng kahilingan sa tanggapan ng Canada Small Business Financing Program. Ang layunin ay makalikha ng trabaho at makatulong sa pag-unlad ng ekonomiya. Bakit ngayon lang? Pilipinas Katulad marahil sa ibang mga lugar ng Canada, karamihan ng Filipino-Canadians dito sa

Winnipeg ay nakatutok na rin sa political events na nangyayari sa Pilipinas. *** Patuloy ang China sa kanilang air and sea drills sa South China Sea. Hindi naman daw nababahala ang AFP; pure exercises lang. *** Tungkol sa ginanap na pagdinig sa The Hague, Netherlands tungkol sa territorial dispute ng Pilipinas at Tsina, nabalitang may 50 ang bilang ng delegasyong mula sa Maynila. Saloobin ko lang, eh, bakit naman mga abogadong dayuhan ang ginamit umano ng gobyernong Aquino para ipagtanggol ang Pilipinas sa nasabing kaso? Hindi po ba insulto ‘yon sa Filipino lawyers? *** Ang motibo ng SONA na kailangang marinig sana ay may kinalaman sa una at huling ulat sa sambayanan. Ang huling ulat noong ika-27 ng July na dalawang oras ay dakdak na paninisi at pagyayabang sa umano’y magandang nagawa ni PNoy sa bansa. Ang hinintay ng taumbayan ay paghingi ng paumanhin sa mga kapalpakan ng kaniyang pamamahala. *** Matapos na mapakinggan ko ang kaniyang huling SONA, muli kong naalala ang sinabi kailan lang ng hinahangaan kong artista na kataling-buhay ni FPJ. Ang sinungaling ay kapatid ng magnanakaw. Ang salitang honest ay hindi lang sa pera ang kahulugan. *** Kabaligtaran sa kaniyang ipinangako sa first SONA. Binida na ang tagumpay daw ng kaniyang kampanya laban sa corruption at umunlad ang ekonomiya ay dahil sa kaniyang tuwid na daan. Totoo ba ’yon? Hindi ba naging grabe ang corruption sa gobyerno pero ligtas ang kaniyang mga kaalyado? Ang


Takdang Panahon Kusang nangyayaring mahirap iwasan, ng kahit na sino sa ating lipunan; Nagiging marupok at makasalanan, Sapakat tayo nga’y mga tao lamang! *** May parusang takda ang batas ng tao, Na uring mabigat at hindi gaano; Karaniwang dukha ang talo sa kaso, Sa Diyos ay patas na lagi ang trato? *** May taong sa wari’y isang kaibigan, Malapit sa iyo kung may kailangan; Matapos na siya’y iyong matulungan, Ang kabutihan mo’y nakakalimutan! *** Ang hatol sa sala kung hindi pa ngayon, Tiyak na darating sa takdang panahon! Paquito Rey Pacheco

bilang ng mga mahihirap ay lalong nadagdagan. Halos 50 per cent na ng Pinoy families ay hikahos sa pamumuhay, ayon mismo sa SWS survey. *** Ang Pilipinas ay gagawin daw niyang exporting country ng bigas. Importer ang nangyari na may tongpats. Ang malaking bahagi ng importasyon ay sa pamamagitan ng smuggling. Dahilan umano kaya nabalitang nagbitiw si Custom Chief John Sevilla? Ang kabuhayan ng mga magsasaka, na backbone ng pambansang ekonomiya, ay napabayaan. *** Sa nakaraang limang taon ng pagewang-gewang na pamamahala ay naging grabe ang peace and order situation. Sa Metro Manila ay nagkalat ang mga snatcher ng bag na karaniwang biktima ay mga kababaihan. Mismong mga kagawad ng pulisya ang sangkot sa iba’t ibang uri ng kriminalidad. *** Sumakay ka sa MRT, hindi ka nga mababasa kung walang ulan. Ang mga riles ng tren ay hindi naayos kaya malimit ang diskarel na kamatayan at nasusugatan ang resulta. Marami ang pamilyang natutulog sa mga bangketa at ilalim ng mga tulay. Sa totoo lang, maraming mga pinangako noong 2010 na hindi natupad. Tanong ng taumbayan, “nasaan ang gobyerno?” *** May SONA na sagot si VP Binay. Kaso nahawa na yata sa noynoying ni Noynoy. Ibang bersyon nga lang. Teka-teka. Hindi alam kung kailan. Kaparis ng sagot sa senate sub-committee investigation. In due time daw. *** Nabalitang nabigla at nayamot si PNoy kay former senator Ping Lacson nang ibulgar niyang may 424 billion pesos na lump sum sa 2015 budget na appropriations as pork barrel na maaaring magamit sa 2016 elections. Ang tulay sa political river ni Noynoy at Ping ay waring sinunog na ng former


*** Binubuhay na raw ng mga nasa Malacañang at ng yellow media ang paninira sa former Marcos administration. Marahil ang sanhi raw ay sapagkat maraming nagsusulong kay Sen. Bongbong Marcos na kumandidato sa pagkapangulo sa 2016. Ang punto ng nagsusulong ay alin daw ba ang maganda sa kabuhayan ng taumbayan at desiplinang pinaiiral, noon at ngayon? *** Ang panawagan ng Migrante sa gobyerno na pag-ukulan ng higit na proteksiyon at kaukulang tulong ang OFWs ay suportado ni Sen. Marcos. Sinabing kailangan ang isang hiwalay na departamento na makatutugon sa kapakanan ng mga kababayang naghahanapbuhay sa ibang mga bansa. Department of OFWs ang kailangan, dagdag ng senador. *** Ibinalita ni Sen. Poe na walang binanggit sa kaniya si PNoy na makatandem ni Sec. Roxas as his Vice president. Hindi pa rin maliwanag ang inaakalang pagkalas nila ni Sen. Escudero sa LP coalition. Kasing labo ng balitang sina Grace at Chiz ang lalahok sa presidential race as independent sa ilalim ng NPC laban kay Roxas ng LP at UNA ni VP Binay. *** Inulit ni Mayor Rudy Duterte na hindi siya tatakbo for president or pagka-bise. Ah, baka pagkasenador ang kaniyang punterya at maging cabinet member as DILG secretary. Malamang na gayon din ang plano ni former senator Ping Lacson. Anong political party kaya ang kanilang sasakyan? Pagkatapos ng registration ng mga kandidato sa October 12 - 19, marahil liliwanag na ang senaryo sa 2016 national elections. *** Inuga ng eskandalo ang halos ika-101 taon ng Iglesia Ni Cristo. Alegasyon ng corruption sa pamamahala ng simbahan ang umano’y mitsa ng waring family

PAGE 21 feud. Sabagay, kahit sa ordinaryong pamilya ay nangyayari ang hindi inaasahan. Ang mabaho ay maaamoy naisin mang itago. Katas Ang reaksiyon ng taumbayan sa SONA ni PNoy at buwelta ni VP Binay – heto ang ilan: 1. Maraming plano na nakapaloob sa huling SONA ni PNoy. Sa nakaraang limang taon ang sabi’y maraming hindi natupad. a.) Kasapatan sa bigas. b.) Maunlad na kabuhayan ng karaniwang tao. c.) Problema sa peace and order, sumama pa sa dati. d.) Modernization sa AFP, pero 95 per cent ng mga armas sa depensa at ibang kagamitan ay second hand. e.) Lumubha ang corruption, protektado ang mga kaalyado. 2. Nagbitiw sa gabinete si VP Binay. Inakusahang kurap at manhid ang gobyernong Aquino. a.) Naglibot sa iba’t ibang lugar ng bansa. b.) Nagreklamo tungkol sa ginagawang paninira sa kaniya ng mga attack dog daw ni Sec. Mar Roxas. c.) Nangakong haharapin sa korte ang mga kasong hinarap sa kaniya ng mga kalaban sa politika. d) Nagharap ng demanda na 200 milyong piso bawa’t isa sa 11 kalaban kasama ang Ombudsman. Abangan. Kasabihan Bihirang balita ang matapat. Kung totoo man, marami ang dagdag. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.

Miss Debutante 2015 Talent Night Watch the 12 Debutantes shine in their live performances 6:00 p.m. September 3, 2015 Jimel’s International Cuisine, 1045 St. James St.

Tickets $10, meal included

Grand Finals, September 19 at Assiniboia Downs




AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

Winnipeg WCOPA winners come home WINNIPEG – Our Winnipeg competitors at this year’s World Championship of Performing Arts (WCOPA) in Long Beach, California have come home carrying treasures of medals and memories. A crowd of supporters, including Pilipino Express staff, were on hand at Richardson International Airport for the separate arrivals of performers Bea Jaime, Paul Ong and Hannah Sagaral.

Overall, Team Canada’s Ethan David of Surrey, British Columbia, won the title of 2015 Junior Vocalist of the world, the top honour for junior vocalists. Bea Jaime, competing in the Junior Vocalist division (ages 11-15), walked away as the recipient of the Industry Award, along with the Overall Division Champion for R&B/soul/jazz. She also received a gold medal in the 13-15-age category for R&B/

soul/jazz, and two silver medals – one in variety, and one in the contemporary style. Paul Ong, competing in the Senior Vocalist division (ages 2529), was the recipient of a longterm scholarship to the New York Film Academy, valued at $10,000 per year. He also earned the title of Overall Division Champion for Contemporary (ages 25 and over), and is bringing home four medals for the 25-29-age

category. Ong received a bronze for Broadway, and thee golds for contemporary, open, and variety. Hannah Sagaral, competing in the Senior Vocalist division (ages 18-24), made her way all the way through to the Finals round, earning herself a finalist medal as well as an Industry Award. She is also the Overall Division Champion for gospel and brings home six medals. Sagaral won a bronze in the 18-

24-age category for Broadway, a silver medal in Contemporary, and four gold medals in gospel, open, R&B/soul/jazz, and variety. Team Canada is already searching for talented performers for next year. Singers, dancers, dance groups, instrumentalists, models, and actors who want to audition for Team Canada WCOPA 2016, contact Belinda Reyes at canada@wcopa.com.

Photo by Helen Jayme

Bea’s Facebook photo

Hannah Sagaral, Paul Ong and Bea Jaime

Bea’s Facebook photo Bea’s Facebook photo

Photo by Henry Balanial Photo by Rey-Ar Reyes

Photo by Henry Balanial

Photo by Rey-Ar Reyes

Photo by Henry Balanial

AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015





AUGUST 1 - 15, 2015

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06/12/15 MODIFICATION DATE: June 30, 2015 1:18 PM




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