Pilipino Express • Dec 16 2017

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Volume 13 • No. 24 • December 16 - 31, 2017 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Jessy Mendiola

14 FFIM hosts new Canadians

The Friends of Filipino Immigrants In Manitoba (FFIM) assisted Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in organizing the special citizenship ceremony held at the Hugh John MacDonald School on Tuesday, December 12th. Judge Dwight MacAulay presided over the citizenship ceremony where 51 candidates for citizenship from 17 countries took their Oath of Citizenship and became Canadian citizens. Elder Theodore Fontaine, author of the best-selling book: Broken Circle – The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools, A Memoir, also spoke, providing a warm welcome on behalf of Canada’s First Nations’ people.

L-R: Wilhelm Vivas, Clerk of the Ceremony; Judge Dwight MacAulay, Presiding Official; Capt. Eruebi; Former Honorary Consul General Orli Marcelino, Speaker; Jeanelle Ann Marie Chua, Speaker representing Youth; Cathy Collins, Speaker representing Winnipeg School Division Board of Trustees; and Ray Steen of the the RCMP





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DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

Curing dengue Many people outside Southeast Asia and, to some extent, Latin America have little knowledge of what dengue is. The medical definition is a little too clinical and does not adequately convey the threat it poses. “Dengue fever is a mosquitoborne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash. Recovery generally takes two to seven days.” Even the description of its danger does not show the horror it presents both to the victim and their parents: “In a small proportion of cases, the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs.” In reality, people who go through dengue describe it as a very painful illness, worthy of another name it had been called long ago – break-bone fever. The muscle and joint pains dengue induces can be so severe that patients feel like their bones are breaking. I’ve never had dengue but I have friends who

have, and they describe it as one of the worst experiences they have ever been through. But what adds to the physical pain is the thought that they could actually die from dengue, and the statistics bear this out. In 2014, for example, a total of 242 people – mostly children – died of dengue. And while this was only 0.4 per cent of the total 59,943 cases nationwide, it was still alarming for an illness that is preventable and survivable given correct and timely intervention. Now I don’t want to delve into the current controversy surrounding the Dengvaxia vaccine produced by international pharmaceutical company Sanofi because investigations and congressional hearings are now being conducted on it. All I will say about that is that I, myself, wanted our young daughter injected with it in order to save her from the risk of contracting dengue. Thank God for two things: 1. the program did not reach Davao City where we live and, 2. my wife would not have allowed it because she had learned that the tests for Dengvaxia had not been completed yet. In fact she wondered why it was being implemented even though the World Health Organization (WHO) had not given its go-signal yet. But now that the Dengvaxia

program has been stopped, we are back to the same steps that we really should be taking to keep the virus from spreading. All of these are common-sense interventions that can be implemented easily, and they range from personal hygiene to community action. The Department of Health (DOH) has summarized these actions into the “4S” program: 1. Search and destroy mosquito breeding places; 2. use Self-protection measures; 3. Seek early consultation for fever lasting more than two days; and 4. Say no to indiscriminate fogging. There is simply no reason communities throughout the country cannot practice these, especially since lives are at stake – especially children. But what if one has already contracted dengue? There are many misconceptions surrounding the illness itself, and because of this, the lives of the sufferers become needlessly endangered. Dengue itself does not need to be fatal, but many practices serve to delay the correct treatment. For example, most people think that the main problem is the drop in blood platelet count, and they make patients drink or eat various remedies like durian, tawatawa (a medicinal herb), balut, papaya leaves, and camote tops (sweet potato) to increase it. But according to dengue expert Dr. Richard Mata, platelet count itself is not the problem; what brings discomfort and ultimately kills dengue patients is dehydration. Dr. Mata explains that dengue

causes perforations to form in a patient’s blood vessels, causing fluids to seep out. “The symptoms of a patient with diarrhea are the same with those of a dengue patient,” he says. “I always tell my patients that there are only two diseases in which the patient is still not playful even if the fever subsides: dengue and diarrhea. Why? Because both have the same weapon of destruction: dehydration.” Dr. Mata thus prescribes that doctors start intravenous hydration at the second or third day from the start of fever. “Dehydration is more dangerous than a low platelet count. Platelets will naturally increase after six days from the start of the fever as long as you are well hydrated and urinate very, very well.” He also urges parents to err on the side of caution. “Always think about dengue especially if there is fever. Even if the doctor says it is another disease, still think of dengue.” Even if government has stopped the Dengvaxia program, there is no reason to think that dengue will take more lives. As Dr. Mata likes to say: “The cure for dengue is proper hydration – and correct information.” The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation.com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Update on livein caregiver applications If you know anyone working inside the country under the Livein Caregiver Program (LCP), or if you are concerned about their plight, then you should be heartened by the announcement of the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, Ahmed Hussen, on December 4, 2017. It is good news. IRCC has announced its commitment to finalizing permanent residence applications for LCP caregivers and to eliminate the backlog by the end of 2018. As of October 2017, departmental statistics show a 63 per cent reduction in the number of active caregiver applications with their family members waiting to be finalized. The dramatic decrease in the backlog can be attributed to several factors, including the closure of the program to new application submissions back in 2014 and to the concerted effort of the federal department to eliminate the backlog. Since the fall, IRCC has dedicated more staff resources to the backlog and continues to

encourage active applicants to submit any documents that were missing from their submissions and inform IRCC of changes in their family makeup. As a direct result of these actions, IRCC was able to finalize 5,000 more cases by the end of 2017 than were originally projected. This change will allow IRCC to welcome around 20,000 new permanent residents in the caregiver category in total this year. A summary of the IRCC commitment to backlog reduction includes: • Finalizing a minimum of 80 per cent of the inventory by the end of 2018; • Processing 80 per cent of new completed LCP applications submitted on or after October 1, 2017 within 12 months; • The LCP was a program that offered a direct path from temporary status to permanent residency, but closed to new applications in 2014; • The LCP caregivers who remained inside the country on the job from that time were

grandfathered. They still have an opportunity to apply for permanent residence. IRCC is committed to processing existing and potential applications; and • The priority processing for LCP applications is part of the multi-year levels plan for 20182020 previously announced by IRCC. Earlier in the year, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration recommended that the government address the backlog of LCP submissions. The recent announcement by IRCC demonstrates that department’s firm intention to finalize cases and ensure that the applicants will be reunited with their families in Canada. “The commitments the Government has made today will mean that many Live-in Caregiver Program applicants who have faced long delays and family separation may soon reach their goal of permanent residence. After diligently providing care for Canadians,” said Hussen, “they may soon be in the company of their own loved ones, together in Canada.”

The Minister’s words and actions stand in stark contrast to the former Conservative government that announced changes in the Federal Skilled Worker Program and returned thousands of applications from persons who had been in the processing cue for years. The LCP may have ended as a standalone program, but it is ending in fine style. In words taken from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth: “Nothing in his life became him like the leaving (of it).” There is nothing like a good story to end the year. On behalf of myself, my asawa Lourdes Troncillo-Scott and clerk Hazel Castroneuvo, we wish you all isang maligayang Pasko at manigong Bagong Taon! Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

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DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017


Intimacy after breast cancer treatment Dear Ate Anna, My wife has recently had breast cancer treatments. Thankfully, she is OK, and is at home and feeling better. Is there anything we should know or be careful about when showing care for each other? Worried Husband Dear Worried Husband, Thank you for your email. I am very glad your wife is feeling better. A cancer diagnosis can bring a very difficult time for the family. Each person is experiencing different types of emotions and needs different things. I would recommend communicating with each other as much as you can about every partner’s needs, and how you can care for each other while she is recovering. It is important to talk together about physical touch during this time. Unfortunately, there is no manual about how to love each other after breast cancer treatment. Every person is different and responds to treatment differently. For some people, their desire for sex does not change, and for others their desire may change significantly. It can be normal for her to experience one or more of these side effects: • decreased interest in sexual touching • being too tired to engage in sexual touching • feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, frustration or sadness regarding sexuality • changes in sexual response (this may be linked to medication use) It can also be normal for you, as her spouse, to experience feelings of confusion, stress, anxiety, sadness and other things as you work through this together. This may feel heavy, but there are many things you can do. Here are some ideas: • talk as much as you can about your feelings and your desires, including any fears you both may have • make a plan beforehand, talking about what types of activities you will be trying and any boundaries either of you need • go slowly and gently as you two get to better understand any emotions and physical changes • remember there are many ways to express care for each other through touch; if one type of touch isn’t working, try others • be as patient as possible with

yourselves and with each other. This can be a challenging time A lot of this information came from the Canadian Cancer Society. They have a great online resource that you can access at www.cancer.ca. They have specific pages on sexuality and cancer that may be helpful. And before you start any serious touching, I encourage her to talk with her health care team about sexual intimacy. They may have information about her specific case, which is important for her to know. Experiencing cancer treatment can be very challenging as a family. I strongly encourage you to talk together as much as possible about each of your needs and feelings, and to work together as much as possible. All the best, Ate Anna

Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Please visit us at www.serc.mb.ca. You will find reliable information and links for many resources on the subject of sexuality.



One of the critical aspects to learning as a grade school child is eye-hand coordination. Being able to coordinate your eye with your hand motions and movements aids and facilitates understanding. Interestingly, just like learning has a hand-mind connection, so does feng shui. In fact, in feng shui the thinking mind is represented by the northeast, and the hand is the body part associated with the northeast. The northwest represents your physical head. It’s important to think about your body and how it relates to feng shui because certain problems in the home can show up in the body. For instance, memory and thinking can be impaired by a problem in the northeast corner of the house, such as an air conditioning condenser’s whirling blades and show up in hands that ache or cause you to drop things frequently. Likewise, you can have arthritis symptoms in the hands if there is an affliction to the northeast, such as difficult monthly or annual stars, that can cause an injury or pain. Looking for areas of your house to see if the energies are helpful or hurtful for any given sector is always a good idea in assessing your health or health problems you’re having. Here are more ideas about the northeast as it relates to the hands that you should know. Mind racing? Can’t think or make a decision? Do this. If you ever watched the I Love Lucy episode where they all go out


to eat and Lucy couldn’t decide what to order (like we’ve all had from time to time), it’s extremely funny…but in an uncomfortable way. That’s because we’ve all been there at the point of indecision. Everyone knows what it feels like to be mentally stuck and unable to make a decision, so we bite our nails or wring our hands, right? There’s that hand-mind connection again. If you have a moment like this, go wash your hands thoroughly. Dry them off slowly and then apply lotion to them, focusing on your hands. This can often “restart” your thought process. Wear gemstones and bracelets to enhance your thinking. The wrist is the symbol of the northeast and related to thinking and decision-making. Wearing gemstones and bracelets enhance your wrists, and that benefits memory, decisions, creativity and mental pursuits. It’s especially helpful for anyone who works with his or her hands, too. Manicures, gloves, and taking care of your hands care for your mind and enhance your thinking. When your hands are taken care of, so is your mind. Give your hands regular manicures (guys too!), care and attention to help you with thoughts, thinking, and decision-making – and for developing wisdom. Make good decisions with fire, earth elements and red colours. Because the northeast is connected to decision-making, items that are related to the earth

DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

Feng shui for your hands – what they mean and why they matter in feng shui element and that support it are beneficial, especially in years like 2018 when the 3 Jade star moves there. Candles or lamps can symbolize fire. This helps with hand coordination and handhealth. Avoid large plants in the northeast sector. When you have large plants in the northeast corner of your home or garden, it can impact your ability to make decisions, education, and clear thinking and wise choices. To handle, simply add a light to shine on the plant to help enhance the northeast’s earth energy. Plants can also cause problems with your hands, such as arthritis. Display earth images to boost the northeast corner. Whether you use a globe, map, or a gemstone or crystal ball, all are excellent energizers of thinking, education, and creativity as it relates to anything you do with your hands. This is especially helpful for students in school, writers or for someone with memory concerns or who has trouble with decisions. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: My kids never want to study. How can I encourage them to be more serious about schoolwork? Answer: One of the easiest ways is to put a map of the world up in their rooms. Seeing the globe will make them curious about where places are. If your family travels, add red stars where you’ve been and add gold stars where they would like to visit. Curiosity is an

important part of intellect, so get them engaged and interested in the world to help them engage with schoolwork. Or, buy each child a globe to put in his or her bedroom. We had a very large globe in our living room as my son was growing up, and by the time he was in sixth grade, he came in second place out of his whole junior high school for geography for a National Geographic contest. I can’t help but believe that globe helped his love of travel and places in the

world – and now he’s in college – a year and a half ahead of his peers. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Jointly shared debt – Part II

by Tim St. Vincent As we showed in the last article (November 16, 2017), joint debt can be very tricky. Like any type of credit, it is neither good nor bad; it’s all in how you use it. But there are many things about joint debt that people don’t understand. Let’s continue from where we left off last month and look at another example. You co-sign a loan for a friend or a family member. It doesn’t matter why or what they do with the money. Let’s say the loan is for $25,000 and two seconds after your friend spends the loaned money he or she has a heart attack and dies. You are now responsible to pay back the $25,000, not the person’s estate. The item that was purchased with the $25,000 may very well belong to the estate and not to you.

So you are left with the $25,000 debt, but not the corresponding $25,000 asset that was purchased. That debt passes 100 per cent to you, but not necessarily the asset. Not something most people would expect. That also applies if the other person skips town, simply stops making payments, or applies for bankruptcy. One hundred per cent of the debt will pass to you. Then there is the whole issue of divorce or separation. We’ve all heard it before: a couple splits up, gets a separation agreement and then one person applies for a loan. The lender says, “Sorry, you don’t qualify because your credit bureau shows you have this other debt with someone else.” The client replies, “What? That’s not my debt! That belongs to my ex. We’re separated. We split up all the debts, and I have a legal separation

agreement to prove it.” A legal separation agreement doesn’t change the fact that both of you signed for the debt and even though you’re no longer in a relationship with each other, you are each still 100 per cent responsible for the whole amount of the debt. If the person who is supposed to make payments on the debt stops, then the other person will have to continue making the payments until the debt is paid off – even if the other person has possession of the asset, not you. Also, if one person stops paying or declares bankruptcy, the other person becomes responsible for making the payments or risks the creditors pursuing collection activities against them. Even when you do things correctly – no payments are missed and everything goes along smoothly – joint debt can still work against you. Let’s say you and your spouse have a joint line of credit. Often the person who earns more is the primary borrower and the other person is listed second. Some financial institutions only report

information about a debt on the primary borrower and don’t mention the second signer. This second person is then overlooked when the reporting is done to the credit bureaus. If the couple should separate in the future, all of the payments that were made on time correctly will not benefit the other party. When a payment history on a debt isn’t reported, it simply doesn’t exist. If you are staying on top of your joint debt payments, it is to your benefit to ensure that your lender is reporting on both of you to the credit bureaus. If you want to use joint debt as a way to build the credit score for both of the people involved, then the person with the lower income should consider just getting a small credit card with a $500 limit. Use it once a month for a small purchase like a chocolate bar and pay the bill on time. Even a monthly purchase as small as a chocolate bar can work to build your credit score. Joint debt can be a great tool for family members to work together and help each other out – if it’s used properly and in the

right circumstances. Make sure that you and your partner each have at least one debt – preferably a revolving form of credit like a credit card – reporting in your name. Before signing for any joint debt, consider what you would do if the responsibility for this debt fell completely on your shoulders. Would you be able to handle the extra payments? You may also want to make sure that you and the other person have the right insurance just in case either of you passes away or gets hurt and is no longer able to maintain your current income. Your lender or insurance agent can provide you with more information so that you can make an informed decision. Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a NonProfit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-5278999 or visit www.nomoredebts. org or www.mymoneycoach.ca.

DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017





DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017



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DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

• Ai-Ai delas Alas – Mrs. Sibayan na ngayon ang Comedy Queen! • Luis Manzano – Huwag na sanang patulan ang mga bashers ni Jessy • Kris Aquino at Sharon Cuneta – Masyado nang OA ang mga pabebe • Coco Martin – Masipag, mahusay na actor kaya walang oras sa romansa • Raffy Tulfo – Inihantad ang fake news mula kay Asec Mocha Uson • Ellen Adarna – Umiinom pa ng alak ngayong nagdadalantao na? • Gretchen Barretto – Napakasosyal talaga ng magandang aktres Mula noong tanggapin ni AiAi delas Alas ang papal award ay nagdesisyon sila ni Gerald Sibayan na maging celibate. Puwede silang magparamdam ng pagmamahalan sa ibaibang paraan, pero hindi na sila puwedeng magsiping, magagawa lang nila iyon kapag nagpakasal na sila. Matagal nilang tiniis ang init ng kanilang damdamin. Sabay silang nagpigil sa tawag ng laman. Kailangang panindigan ni Ai-Ai ang kaniyang sinumpaang pangako na sa pagiging papal awardee ay iiwasan niya ang pakikipagniig nang walang basbas ng Panginoon. Dahil bata pa si Gerald ay natural lang na ito ang nahihirapan, pero kapag umaandar ang pagiging lalaki nito na naghahanap ng init ay isa lang ang sinasabi ni Ai-Ai, “Hmmmm…. Ayaw ni Lord!” Pero ngayon ay malaya na nilang maitatawaid sa isa’t isa ang init ng kanilang pagmamahalan, may basbas na ang kanilang pagsasama, mag-asawa na sila. Gusto nilang humabol sa pagkakaroon ng anak, singkuwenta’y tres na si Ai-Ai ngayon, pero dahil sa sobrang kaunlaran ng siyensiya ay marami namang paraan para ipagdalantaoiluwal ang produkto ng kanilang pagmamahalan. Kailangan lang magpahinga sa pagtatrabaho ng Philippine Comedy Queen, kailangan lang niyang mag-bed rest nang mahabang panahon, masakripisyo ang proseso pero walang kabayarang kaligayahan naman ang magiging hatid noon sa kanilang mag-asawa. Dumating na rin ang araw na pinakahihintay nina Gerald Sibayan at AiAi delas Alas – ang takdang araw ng pagbabasbas sa kanilang apat na taong relasyon. Ngayon ay tatawagin nang

Mrs. Sibayan ang Comedy Concert Queen, isang titulong kaniyang-kaniya lang at walang makaagaw, harinawang maging panghabambuhay na ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Dumaan sa matinding paghusga ang kanilang relasyon, malaki ang agwat ng kanilang edad, pinagdudahan din si Gerald na ang kasikatan lang at kayamanan ng komedyana ang kaniyang habol. Pero may batas na pinaiiral ang mga pusong nagkakaunawaan at nagmamahalan, anuman ang sabihin ng buong mundo ay hindi nila dapat pakinggan, dahil ang kanilang mga puso lang ang makapagdedesisyon. Malaking bentahe sa paglalim ng kanilang relasyon ang mga anak ni AiAi na hindi kumontra kay Gerald bilang boyfriend ng kanilang ina. Agad silang nagkasundo, naging magkakaibigan, kahit pa para lang silang magkakapatid kung edad ang pagbabasihan. Maprinsipyo si Gerald, hindi ito umaasa lang sa magandang buhay ni AiAi, magaling na badminton coach ito ng mga kilalang unibersidad. Kumikita ito, hindi man kasinglaki ng kinikita ng komedyana iyon ay sapat nang patunay na hindi ito magiging pabigat kay AiAi, may sinasandalang propesyon si Gerald Sibayan. Dalangin din ni AiAi na sana’y ibinigay na sa kaniya ni Lord ang lalaking matagal na niyang ipinagdarasal na makakasama niya habambuhay. Marami na siyang pinagdaanan, busog na busog na siya ng leksiyon sa pakikipagrelasyon, kaya sana’y si Gerald Sibayan na ang huli niyang kakatagpuin sa harap ng altar. Mabuhay ang aming mga inaanak! Mabuhay ang mga See CRISTY p13

Mr. & Mrs. Sibayan

L-r: Marian Rivera, Mr. & Mrs. Sibayan and Dingdong Dantes





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DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017


CRISTY... From page 12 bagong kasal!

*** Sang-ayon kami sa opinyon ng aming mga kaibigan na mas makagaganda kung hindi na lang papatulan ni Luis Manzano ang mga bashers ni Jessy Mendiola. Kailangang palawakin ng aktorTV host ang kaniyang pangunawa, kasabay ang pagtanggap sa katotohanan na public figure ang kaniyang girlfriend kaya pinupunanabibira sa social media. Dapat din niyang unawain na reaksiyonaryo lang naman ang mga netizens, may unang umaksiyon, kaya nagbigay sila ng opinyon. Kung walang ipino-post na sexy pictures si Jessy ay wala namang mangnenega sa kaniya. Pero si Jessy ang nagpapasimuno, ito ang nagpo-post ng kaniyang mga larawan, pero kapag may nangnega naman ay agad nang ikakukulo ng dugo ni Luis. Nanghihinayang ang mga kausap namin sa magandang imaheng nabuo ng aktor-TV host sa publiko. Nakapanghihinayang din ang kaniyang pinagmulan, parehong malawak ang pang-unawa ng kaniyang mga magulang, hindi pikon at balat-sibuyas sina Edu Manzano at Congresswoman Vilma Santos. Sa kadedepensa ni Luis kay Jessy ay ang pangalan niya ang nadadagtaan ng kanegahan, hindi naman ang sa dalaga, na siguro nga’y lalong humahaba ang buhok dahil sa pagtatanggol sa kaniya ni Luis. Pinasok nila ang mundong ito, naging pampubliko silang pigura, See CRISTY p14

Sharon Cuneta

Kris Aquino

Gretchen Barretto



CRISTY... From page 13 kakambal noon ang parang paglangoy nila sa aquarium na lahat ay nakasunod sa kanilang mga ginagawa at sinasabi. Totoong masakit, totoong nakagagalit at nakapupugto ng pasensiya ang masasakit na salitang ipinupukol sa kanila nang wala silang kalaban-laban, pero kailangan nilang maisip na ito ang presyong kailangan nilang pagbayaran bilang mga artista. Sabi nga, kung kumikita ka, kailangan mo ring magbayad ng buwis. Ito iyon. *** Ganoon nga siguro ang mga taong nagtapos sa mga eskuwelahang nakalaan lang para sa mga bukod na pinagpala. Paglabas nila sa bakuran ng kanilang pinasukan at bitbit nila ang pagiging pabebe. At hindi lang basta pabebe, kadalasan ay OA pa kung ilarawan sila ng mga nakamasid sa kanilang mga sinasabi at ikinikilos, ang madalas na maging target ng mga ganoong pagpuna ay sina Kris Aquino at Sharon Cuneta. Isang hapon na napaaga kami ng dating sa TV5 para sa aming pang-araw-araw na programa sa radyo (92.3 New FM, AKSYON TV-41) ay isang staff namin ang tawa nang tawa habang nakaharap sa computer. “‘Nay, naaaliw lang ako sa mga comments tungkol kina Kris at Sharon. May nagsabi kasi na dapat daw, e, pagtaliin ang


dalawang ito dahil sa sobrang pagiging OA! Pabebe raw kasi sila, hindi na raw bagay sa age nila ang mga pinaggagagawa nila,” sabi ng aming staff. Nakisilip na rin tuloy kami sa mga binabasa ng aming staff. Totoo nga, bina-bash sina Kris at Sharon, pinakakain sila ng ampalaya. Inuupakan si Kris dahil sa biglaan niyang pag-amin na tagasuporta na rin siya ngayon ng Korean Boy Band na BTS. Nagpapakamilenyal daw si Kris, hindi na raw siya nahiya, samantalang lampas-lampasan na siya sa edad para kilig-kiligin sa banyagang grupo. Si Sharon naman ay binibira dahil sa panayam sa Megastar tungkol kina Joshua Garcia at Julia Barretto na kasama nila ni Robin Padilla sa matagumpay nilang pelikula. Sabi ng isang nagkomento, “Nakakaloka si Sharon, napakaOA! Kinikilig pa siya nang lagay na ‘yan, samantalang nagwawagwagan na ang mga taba niya sa katawan! “Ang OA-OA niya, hindi na bagay sa age niya ngayon ang magpabebe! Mahiya naman siya sa mga anak niya!” basag na basag si Sharon. *** Sabay-sabay na manonood ng pelikula ni Coco Martin sa MMFF ang aming mga kaibigan. Bitbit nila sa panonood ang kanilang mga anak at apo, hindi nila palalampasin ang See CRISTY p16

Coco Martin Jessy Mendiola & Luis Manzano

Raffy Tulfo

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DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017



Happy Holidays! Wab Kinew

MLA for Fort Rouge 204-615-1922 YourFortRouge.ca

Andrew Swan

MLA for Minto 204-783-9860 AndrewSwan.ca

Jim Maloway

MLA for Elmwood 204-415-1122 JimMaloway.ca

Matt Wiebe

Nahanni Fontaine

MLA for St. Johns 204-582-1550 NahanniFontaine.ca

MLA for Concordia 204-654-1857 MattWiebe.ca

Bernadette Smith

MLA for Point Douglas 204-414-1477 BernadetteSmith.ca

Greg Selinger

MLA for St. Boniface 204-237-9247 GregSelinger.ca

James Allum

MLA for Fort Garry-Riverview 204-475-2270 JamesAllum.ca

Flor Marcelino MLA for Logan 204-788-0800 FlorMarcelino.ca



DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

Jollibee a welcome addition to the North End by Nic Curry MLA for Kildonan We enjoyed blue skies and a beautiful day in the North End of Winnipeg on November 27 as dozens of excited people attended the opening of the muchanticipated Jollibee restaurant at the Northgate Shopping Centre. I was honoured to represent the Province of Manitoba in helping to cut the ribbon to open the newest Jollibee in the heart of my constituency of Kildonan – the chain’s second location in Winnipeg and second in Canada. The management and staff handed out Jollibee’s signature pineapple juice as we toured the space, which seats more than 100 customers. Every piece of the operation seemed fresh and ready to begin producing delicious food. Next, staff and guests joined in prayer with a priest for a blessing of the restaurant. Holy water was administered to every part of the eatery and its two entrances. When the Jollibee mascot brought out the thousand-piece bucket of Chicken Joy, eyes were wide and everyone was hungry. I grabbed a drumstick and, with the Jollibee executives and Council from the Philippines, “cheered” the opening.

CRISTY... From page 14 Ang Panday, tulad ng ginagawa nilang pagtutok gabi-gabi sa Ang Probinsiyano. Napanood na namin nang ilang beses ang trailer ng pelikula, sagad ang mga ginawang stunts ni Coco, idagdag pa na makasaysayan ang iniwanang pelikula ng Hari Ng Aksiyon na si Fernando Poe, Jr. Napapanahon ang pag-atake ni Coco bilang aktor-direktor ng Ang Panday, nakamotorsiklo na si Flavio, pati ang kaniyang mga punyal ay may iba-iba nang hugis at itsura. Sa kabila ng kaniyang kaabalahan sa pelikulang mapapanood na sa mismong Pasko ay hindi pa rin napababayaan ni Coco Martin ang kaniyang serye. Gabi-gabi ay lalong nagiging kapana-panabik ang mga eksena sa Ang Probinsiyano. Hindi mo gugustuhing mapalampas iyon, isusumpa mo ang sitwasyon kapag nagsisimula na ang serye ay nasa kalye ka pa rin dahil sa matinding traffic, kinabukasan kasi ay mapagiiwanan ka sa kuwentuhan ng

Chicken was handed out to all the guests, including my fellow MLAs Jon Reyes (St. Norbert), Dennis Smook (La Verendrye), James Teitsma (Radisson), Greg Nesbitt (Riding Mountain) and Rick Wowchuk (Swan River). Everyone joined in a Chicken Joy “cheers” and was then ready for the full menu. We were happy to sample some Palabok Fiesta, Jolly Spaghetti and Peach Mango Pies. The staff made sure everyone had gravy for their Chicken Joy and sides to go with their meals. All the food was hot and fresh, and we were well served. After the meal and a conversation with the Jollibee staff, my colleagues and I had to return to the legislature. Before we did, though, the hard-working employees put together a few buckets of Chicken Joy and a bag of Peach Mango Pies for me to take out. There were no leftovers! We are all very pleased that the second Jollibee in Canada is open at Northgate. The Kildonan constituency is greatly improved by the new jobs and business growth brought by Jollibee. If people in Kildonan are looking for a quick snack, a family meal or a tasty treat, they can find it at the Northgate Jollibee.

iyong mga kaopisina tungkol sa nangyari nang nakaraang gabi. Sa tindi ng trabaho ngayon ng magaling na aktor ay hindi na nga halos niya mabibigyan ng oras ang kaniyang personal na buhay. Kaya siguro lumutang ang balitang hiwalay na sila ni Julia Montes. Mula umaga hanggang gabi ang pagtutok ni Coco sa trabaho, nakabantay pa siya sa post production ng kaniyang pelikula, sa Ang Probinsiyano naman ay bahagi siya ng creative team. Totoong-totoo, isang babaeng may malawak na pang-unawa lang ang makayayakap sa takbo ng buhay at karera ngayon ni Coco Martin. Kung mapaghanap ang babae ay sa hiwalayan talaga iyon mauuwi. *** Damay si Asec Mocha Uson sa isang fake news na lumabas kailan lang kung saan sangkot ang isang kababayan nating OFW na si Lilibeth Languitan. Tinutukan namin ang pagkakasalansan ng kaniyang kuwento sa Wanted Sa Radyo nina Kuya Raffy Tulfo at Nina Taduran sa Radyo 5. Napakalaki ng tulong ng

MLA Nic Curry with Hon. Consul Ronald Opina (inset photo)

social media para sa ating mga manggagawa sa iba-ibang bansa, pinagtangkaang halayin ng kaniyang pinaglilingkurang Egyptian si Lilibeth, inilabas nito ang video para makarating sa kaniyang mga kaanak, kaibigan at kapuwa OFW. Nagsadya ang mister ni Lilibeth sa Wanted Sa Radyo, nang malaman ni Kuya Raffy ang matinding senaryo ay agad nitong pinatawagan si Ms. Marissa Cruz ng OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration), agaran naman itong kumilos para mai-rescue si Lilibeth. Tagumpay ang ginawang hakbang ni Ms. Marissa Cruz, nakuha agad si Lilibeth sa bahay ng kaniyang amo, dinala ito sa ahensiyang kumuha sa kaniya. Mahabang proseso ang ugnayan nina Kuya Raffy at Ms. Cruz, naparusahan ang Egyptian at nakauwi na ngayon sa Pilipinas si Lilibeth. Heto ang kuwento. Inaangkin ng Embahada natin sa Riyadh, Saudi Arabia na sila ang gumawa ng paraan para mailigtas si Lilibeth, ayon sa balitang inilabas ni Asec Mocha Uson ay

si Ambassador Adnan Alonto at ang mga tauhan nito ang nagrescue sa OFW, samantalang kahit mga anino lang nila ay hindi nakita ni Lilibeth. Isinalang nina Kuya Raffy at Nina Taduran ang OFW noong Lunes nang hapon. Si Lilibeth mismo ang nagpatunay na hindi nito nakita ang mga taong nagtatrabaho sa Philippine Embassy sa Riyadh na umaangkin ng kredito. Inisa-isa ni Kuya Raffy ang mga pangalan ng mga nagpapapogi mula sa Embahada, hindi po lang ang palaging sagot ni Lilibeth, walang sinuman sa kanila ang tumulong. Galit na galit si Kuya Raffy dahil wala na ngang naitulong ang mga taga-Embahada natin sa Riyadh ay malalakas pa ang loob ng mga ito na magpalabas ng fake news. Si Asec Mocha Uson ang naglabas ng balita. Pahayag ni Kuya Raffy, “Magkaibigan tayo, Asec Mocha, pero sana naman, bago ka maglabas ng balita, eh, magdouble check ka muna. Alamin mo muna ang tunay na nangyari bago mo purihin ang mga kasamahan mo.

“Hindi ako galit sa iyo, baka you were fed the wrong information, pero trabaho mo pa ring alamin kung totoo ang kuwentong nakararating sa iyo. Fake news iyon dahil hindi naman ang Embahada natin ang tumulong kay Ms. Lilibeth,” madiing komento ng matapang na news anchor-radio commentator. Halos sambahin ni Lilibeth at ng mister nito si Kuya Raffy sa sinsero nilang pasasalamat. Napakabilis kasi ng kaniyang aksiyon, pinakiusapan niya si Ms. Marissa Cruz na unahin ang pagliligtas kay Lilibeth, na ginawa naman nito. Dalawang taga-OWWA ang palaging nakahandang tumulong sa Wanted Sa Radyo kapag may mga manggagawang Pinoy na nanganganib ang buhay sa ibang bansa. Sina Ms. Marissa Cruz at Deputy Administrator Josefino Torres. Sila ang mga tunay na bayani, sila ang kahawak-kamay nina Raffy Tulfo at Nina Taduran sa pagmamalasakit sa ating mga OFW, hindi ang mga nakikiangkas at nang-aagaw lang ng kredito. See CRISTY p19

DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017



Gala night for engineers and geoscientists On December 2nd, the Filipino Members ChapterEngineers Geoscientists Manitoba (FMC) organized it’s first formal holiday gala held at Homewood Suites. The mild winter weather, untypical of Winnipeg, welcomed members who all came in their glamorous best for some good holiday cheer. Guests were treated to a red carpet walk leading to a photo session reminiscent of Hollywood’s glam events. The hosts, Wil Constantino and Bless Ramos, brought the house down with their funny but witty antics. I had the honour to welcome the guests and thank the volunteers for their hard work for putting up an event of this scale. Jonathan Epp, president of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, delivered a positive and jovial message to the chapter membership. The event also featured a mix of talents from chapter members – from playing musical instruments to singing and dancing – proving that engineers are not only good in math but they also excel in live performances. Four scholarship recipients were selected based on merits and were announced and awarded that

night. They each received $500 plus $250 upon registration as engineering interns. One of the highlights of the night was the recognition of this year’s new professional engineers and engineering interns. National Bank presented them with a simple token to celebrate this achievement. To further spread the holiday cheer, various awards were presented such as the “Couple of the Night,” “Lady & Gentleman of the Night,” and “Online Registration Early Birds,” as well as several raffle draws, where prizes included Winnipeg Jets tickets. Towards the end of the program and to open the dance floor, Nancy Santoyo cleverly came up with a game that got everyone on their feet, to dance the night away. It was indeed a great night of holiday cheer and celebration. Ethel Clemente-Fernandez is a professional engineer registered in the province of Manitoba. She is an active member of the Filipino Members Chapter Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (FMC-APEGM). www.fmc-egm.ca.

National Bank representatives


New engineering interns & professional engineers of 2017

The hosts, Wil Constantino & Bless Ramos

Oliver Tirao

Couple of the Night, Mr. & Mrs. Pascual

Jonathan Epp

Gentleman of the Night, Reynald Andico

Lady of the Night, Camille Palma

Group dance performance

The four scholars

Filipino Members Chapter-Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba with friends, family and guests at the Homewood Suites, December 2, 2017



DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

I love Christmas by Pastor Jayson Igloria and Vivian Igloria As a Filipino, I grew up knowing that Christmas day starts at the very first day of “ber” months (as they say) and that is September. It is when people start to decorate their houses and set up Christmas trees, with colourful lights and hang parols (Christmas star decorations) in their window panes. You will start to hear Christmas carols on the airwaves as you ride the jeepneys and go to the mall to buy Christmas gifts for family and friends. It does lift up the spirit and give a sense of excitement of that great day. Also, do not forget the kids

who are the ones who are exited the most for Christmas. But at times we adults are become killjoys for their enthusiasm when we say “patawad po” (pass, or, not today) when carollers come singing, Sa may bahay ang aming bati… Most of the time, we give them nothing but a promise that when they come back tomorrow night they might be given at least one peso or five pesos if you are in good mood. But of course, it’s the thought that counts. But I wonder where did this excitement originate and why do a lot of people love Christmas? We may say, “Oh, it is because of the parties, the reunions, new clothes, food and the gifts! Yes,

your answers might be one of these. Let me share something with you. When my wife and I, along with my kids, got a chance to watch a movie entitled The Star, an animated film about Jesus birth, I realized that people who celebrated the Christmas two thousand years ago were also excited. From the Wise men, the shepherds and Mary and Joseph, they were very thrilled and excited waiting and watching the coming of the Promised One to be born; the best gift given by God the Father to humankind. He is Jesus Christ our Saviour, the Emmanuel, God with us. Who would not be excited? Who would not love Christmas? But sadly, nowadays things have

been changed. People would rather celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving or New Year’s Day than Christmas. I encourage you to be excited once more for this wonderful day. Why? Because Christmas is for you. It is for every one of us. The proof is written in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed in His name will not perish but have eternal life.” Christmas is more than just a holiday. It is one of the first expressions of God’s unconditional love to us by giving Jesus Christ. It has an eternal lasting effect on people who open their heart to the Saviour Jesus Christ. Why do I love Christmas? It is because God first loved us.

If you don’t have any plans yet for this coming Christmas, we would like to invite you to join us in our Christmas celebration on the 24th of December, 10:00 a.m. at Kildonan United Church, 187 Kilbride Avenue in Winnipeg. Merry Christmas to all of us! Pastor Jayson L. Igloria is a Senior Pastor of I am Redeemer and Master Ministries, located at 187 Kilbride Avenue in Winnipeg with worship services on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and children’s Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call 431-3347286. Our Free Arnis and boxing lessons will take a break on the 26th of December and the 1st of January.

larger group before meeting in breakout sessions for questionand-answer cafes for richer, more focused discussions. An overall theme that the speakers shared was the importance of constantly learning through professional development, and how crucial it is to be resilient and to never give up despite the challenges in acquiring your license to teach

and/or gain employment. Thank you to MAFTI and SOFEA for inviting us to such an enriching time of learning and professional/personal development with colleagues on the same journey. It was an honour to present my own learning and to encourage my fellow educators. Photos by John Lopez Photography

Learning as teachers by Judianne Jayme On November 25th, 2017, educators gathered at 950 Jefferson Avenue for the annual Teachers’ Panel that has been the joint initiative of the Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers Inc. (MAFTI) and Seven Oaks Filipino Employees Association (SOFEA). The free event was well attended by educators of different cultural backgrounds and was moderated by Ernesto Ofiaza Jr. (outgoing president of MAFTI and Employment Coach for Seven Oaks Immigrant Services) and Dr. Porfiria Pedrina (SOFEA President). The attendees included internationally-educated teachers,

aspiring educators, educational assistants, substitute teachers or those working in the educational field but are wanting to get into the role of teaching. These educators also ranged from being newly landed immigrants to those who have been in Winnipeg for years. Featured speakers and their sessions for the 2017 panel included: • Mrs. Cory Juan (Retired Seven Oaks School Division Trustee) on “How P.A.C.E. works for you.” • Mr. Wayne Ruff (Retired Louis Riel School Division Trustee) on “Why one needs a mentor.” • Mr. Jagdeep Toor (Maples Collegiate Teacher) on “The

journey of an I.E.T. Recipient.” • Ms. Harpreet Panag (Vice Principal of O.V. Jewitt School) on “What administrators are looking for in a teacher/educational support staff.” • Mrs. Renee Manacsa (Special Education Resource Teacher for Luxton School) • Mr. Paul Kelvin Ong (Special Education Resource Teacher for General Wolfe School) and • Miss Judianne Jayme (Educator for Lord Nelson School and Winnipeg School Division Mentor, Educational Columnist), collaborating on “Understanding Manitoba school culture and system.” All speakers had the opportunity to speak to the


DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

Maligayang Pasko po sa inyong lahat. Sana, maging matahimik at maunlad din ang ating Bagong Taon. *** Nabalita na ang Ottawa ay may new live-in caregiver program. Sa isang recent informal meeting by concerned Fil-Canadian na pinangunahan ni kabayan Fred De Villa, WFBC Chairman, ay nabanggit ang ilang good news. Aalisin daw ang $1,000 Labour Market Impact Assessment fee for most Canadian Families na nangangailangan ng caregiver services na nasa proposed 2017 Budget. Sana, magkaroon ng higit na malaking panayam ang ating mga kababayan. Mag-anyaya ng MP na magpapaliwanag tungkol sa bagong caregiver program ng Trudeau government na binalita ng Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Ahmed Hussen. *** Si US president Donald Trump ay nagsabi ng mabuti sa harap ng kaniyang mga supporters tungkol sa kaniyang trade relations with Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau. Sa ginanap na Florida rally noong ika-8 ng Disyembre, inaming siya at ang PM ay magkaiba ng opinion tungkol sa international trade. Subalit sinabing si – “Trudeau is a nice guy, good guy, I like him.” Pilipinas Nabalitang ang Pilipinas at US ay may pinagtibay na kasunduan. Ang dalawang bansa ay magkatuwang na lalabanan ang terrorism, illegal drug trade, trafficking at security sa South China Sea. Nabanggit na isa raw ito sa mga naging produkto ng pribado at opisyal na paguusap nina President Trump at Pangulong Duterte during the ASEAN summit na ginanap sa Manila.


*** Nabanggit ko na noong November 1-15 issue, na ang kahulugan ng revolution ay pagbabago. Gayonpaman, ang ano mang pagbabago, tulad sa pagpapalakad ng gobyerno ay kailangang masusing pinagaaralan at paghahandaan. Katulad ng revolutionary government na hangad ay mapalitan ang umiiral na civilian authority. Gayon ang ginawa ni former president Corazon CojuangcoAquino, nang maupong pangulo ng Pilipinas. Hindi nagtagal. Kaagad nagkahiwalay ng landas sina Cory at VP Doy Laurel. In short, frustrated ang taumbayan sa naging resulta ng pagbabagong nais noon ni Mrs. Aquino. *** Sa kaniyang keynote address sa anti-corruption summit na ginanap sa PICC noong November 28, mahigpit na hiniling ni President DU30 sa kongreso na maamyendahan ang 1987 Constitution. Layunin daw ay magkaroon ng wakas ang corruption. Sana nga, subalit ang tanong: malinis bang lahat ang nasa kongreso? Ang incentives ba na tinanggap ng politicians ay hindi matatawag na corruption? Kasi nga, noong si former CJ Renato Corona ay kasuhan ng impeachment ng mga alipores ni Noynoy, may 188 congressmen ang tumanggap ng incentives. Walang nangyaring botohan sa lower house, kaagad dinala sa senado. Sa upper house naman ay gayon din. Ang mga senator-magistrates ay tumanggap ng 100 at 50 millionpeso incentives. Guilty ang naging hatol kay former CJ Corona. Sa 24 na senator, ang hindi lang tumanggap ng incentives ay sina Miriam D. Santiago, Joker Arroyo at Bongbong Marcos. Sa totoo lang ang impeachment


Ang Pasko Tunay na panahon ng pagbibigayan, Dapat patawarin ang may kasalanan; Ang hatid sa puso ay kaligayanan, Sa dibdib at diwa ay katahimikan! *** Bukod tanging araw ng bawat pamilya, Na magkakayakap sa ligaya’t dusa; Sa may kulay gabing mga alaala, Nagsilbing silahis ng bagong umaga! *** Gunita ng Pasko ay kural-sabsaban, Ang tanyag na pook ng kasagraduhan; Panginoong Sanggol doon isinilang, Nang walang kumupkop sa panunuluyan! *** Kung ang maghahari ay diwa ng Pasko, Ang Mundo ay hindi magiging magulo! Paquito Rey Pacheco

case ng Supreme Court Chief Justice ay kawangis ng bundok na mataas, matarik at madulas na aakyatin. Gayonman, may nagtatagumpay din. Ang mga senador ang tatayong hukom sa impeachment case. Alalahaning ang nabanggit na kaso ay both constitutional and political process. Ang masusunod ay kung ano ang hatol kapuwa ng mababa at mataas na kapulungan ng kongreso. *** Sina Speaker Alvarez at Senator Drilon ay mahigpit nagkasalungatan din tungkol sa revolutionary government issue. Nangyari ang political quarrel sa pagitan ng majority at minority leader noong nakaraang Andres Bonifacio Day. Maliwanag ang sinabi ng president. Wala siyang plano ngayon. Subalit sakaling mangyari is only to save the life of the republic. Marahil ang pahayag ay isang babala na kailangang ang kaniyang mga kalaban sa politika ay magtigil ng kanilang destabilization campaign. Aba, kahit po langgam, nangangagat kung natatapakan. Opo, kailangang manatili

CRISTY... From page 16 Isa lang ang masasabi namin sa napakarami nang manggagawang Pinoy na natutulungan ng Wanted Sa Radyo (minamaltrato, hinahalay, hindi pinasusuweldo, hindi pinakakain nang wasto, sinasaktan nang pisikal), sana’y dumami pa ang tulad ninyo, mabuhay kayo! *** Kung ang mga huling posts nina John Lloyd Cruz at Ellen Adarna ang pagbabasihan kung totoo ngang nagdadalantao na ngayon ang sexy star ay magdadalawang-isip ang makakakita noon. Karaniwan na kasing kapaniwalaan na bawal ang alak at paninigarilyo sa babaeng nasa ganoong sitwasyon dahil makaaapekto iyon sa kaniyang dinadala. Lahat ng bisyo ay kailangang talikuran ng nagdadalantao bilang pagmamalasakit sa binhi sa kaniyang sinapupunan. In fairness, umiinom lang naman si Ellen sa pinakahuling post nila ni JLC, hindi ito nagyoyosi, saka mukhang hindi naman ito nagwawalwal kasama ang kanilang mga kaibigan, nagkakatuwaan lang sila. Pero kung totoo ngang nagdadalantao na si Ellen Adarna ay isang malaking biyaya ang sanggol mula sa langit na kailangan nilang tanggapin at mahalin. Pareho naman silang walang sabit, hindi lahat ng gustong magkaanak ay nabibiyayaan, kaya masuwerte sila. Wala pang katiyakan ang pagbabalik sa trabaho ni Lloydie, wala pa siyang abiso, siguro nga ay nasarapan ang aktor sa mahabang panahon ng kaniyang pamamahinga. Minsan-minsan lang kasi siyang nabibigyan ng bakasyon. Pero huwag siyang


sa Pilipinas ang gobyernong demokrasya. Gayunman, hindi dapat manatili ang katulad ng nangyayari ngayong misguided democracy. Ang mayoryang bilang ng mamamayan ay nabaon sa kahirapan dahil ang umiral na pamahalaan ay democratic oligarchy. *** Ang Japanese government ay balitang nagbigay sa Philippine National Police ng mga 100 patrol vehicles. Ang donasyon ay from the Japanese Economic and Social Development Programme on counter terrorism and public security. Ginanap ang seremonya noong November 29 sa PNP Headquarter na dinaluhan ng Japanese Ambassador, Koji Henada as guest of honour. *** Dapat lang na imbestigahan ang nabalitang dengue vaccine mess. Ang tansaksiyon na mabaho ay mabaho. Gayon din ang tungkol sa housing projects ng NHA sa maraming lugar ng bansa. Hanggang ngayon ay hindi napapakinabangan. Ang nakakainis lang, puro dakdak at imbestigasyon. Sa mga nalustay

na pubic funds, ano ang malamang na mangyari? Nada. Katas Sa susunod ng halos l6 na buwan ay ang magiging mainit ang political scenery sa bansa. • Ang mayorya at minoryang political party ay magiging abala sa kanilang paghahanda for the 2019 mid-term local and national elections. • Maaagaw nito ang panahong dapat maukol sa mga proyektong pangkabuhayan at industriya ng bansa. Tulad ng mga infrastructure project na may panahong pinagbabawal ng konstitusyon. • Gayon din ang tungkol sa panukalang amyenda sa saligangbatas na makatutugon sa federalist form of government ng DU30 administration. • Karagdagan pa rin ang panahong nakalaan para sa resulta ng 2019 mid-term elections. Kasabihan Ang ano mang utang, sisingilin sa iba’t ibang paraan. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

pakasiguro. Napakabilis ng transisyon ngayon ng mga artista. Maraming bagitong magagaling ding umarte, kinakikiligan ng mga fans, baka mamaya ay mangawit ang panahon sa kahihintay kay John Lloyd. Huwag na ang kaniyang kikitain dahil mukhang nakapagipon naman siya para sa kaniyang kinabukasan, ang masakit doon ay minahal na nang isandaang porsiyento ni JLC ang kaniyang propesyon, sa mundo na ng showbiz siya lumaki at nagkaedad. Kapag nawala ang nakasanayan na ay papasok na ang paghahanap, ang kagustuhang makabalik, kaya sana’y mas agahan ni John Lloyd ang pagkauntog. Hindi pa naman huli ang lahat. Laging may espasyong nakalaan para sa tulad ni JLC na naging

bahagi na ng buhay ng publiko. *** Napakasosyal naman talaga ni Gretchen Barretto. Bukod sa kaniyang hitsura na keingkeri niya ay marami pa kaming nalamang kuwento tungkol sa pagiging esekola ng magandang aktres. Isa rin si Gretchen sa mga Pinoy na isinusumpa ang matinding traffic, ikatlong kanto lang ang pupuntahan mo ay aabutin ka nang siyam-siyam sa kalye, kaya maraming kababayan na natin ang tamad na tamad na lumabas ng bahay ngayon. Patuloy ang pagdami ng mga sasakyan, pero hindi naman lumalapad ang kalye, talagang pasikip na nang pasikip pati ang mga pangunahing kalsada na isang napakalaking parusa sa mga See CRISTY p20






NO. 290

DISYEMBRE 16 – 31, 2017

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Masarap kamutin 5. Kumakatawan 12. Banoy 13. Isang isla 14. Kambas 16. Lisan 17. Nakatakas 18. Pang-ukol 19. Ayos 21. Ihadlang 25. Ama 27. Turo 29. Kaloob 31. Tulay sa Maynila 32. Nakipagpulong PABABA 1. Dalisay 2. Tutol 3. Lady __ 4. Dalisay 6. Isang tunog 7. Unlapi 8. Nakakabarik 9. Tupad 10. Bukol

11. Babala 15. Para 18. Panghalip 20. Pagkagutom 21. Gulok 22. Anib 23. Tulad 24. Sigaw ng nasaktan 26. Alyas 28. Anaki 30. Pamantasan sa Diliman 31. Hulapi


DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Sa ayaw mo man o gusto, mapapansin mong manghihina ang iyong resistensya sa pagpasok ng Bagong Taon. Alalahanin mong hindi ka makina, kailangan mong magpahinga. Kahit makina ay kailangan ng tune-up. Magbakasyon o magrelax ka kahit sandali. OK ang ika-16, 17, 26 at 27. Alalay ka sa ika-18, 19 at 20.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Sige, mag-enjoy ka. Masyado kang naging busy at puro trabaho ng buong taon, oras mo na ito para lasapin ang bunga ng iyong pagtitiyaga. Walang mawawala kung magbabakasyon ka. Pagbalik mo ay maayos pa rin ang iyong daratnan. Mag-break ka muna. Mapalad sa ika-16, 17, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 28 at 29.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) May naging malaking pagbabago sa iyong pisikal na itsura nitong nakaraang mga buwan. Maaring nagbawas ka o nagdagdag ng timbang na para naman sa kalusugan mo. Kailangan mong ayusin ang iyong itsura – bumili ng damit na fit sa iyo. OK ang ika16, 17, 26 at 27. May tension sa ika-24, 25, 30 at 31.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Ang iyong mga tuhod, likod, atay at mga buto. Ang mga ito ang dapat mong asikasuhin sa mga darating na araw. Lalo na kung sa pamilya mo ay may nagkasakit sa mga bahaging ito ng katawan. Huwag mong pababayaan ang mga nararamdaman mo ngayon. Lucky days mo ang ika-18, 19 at 20. Ingat sa ika-21 at 22.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Bago matapos ang taon, kung puwede ay bayaran mo muna ang mga utang mo. Lalo na kung ang pinagkaka-utangan mo ay hindi naman ganoon kaluwag. Baka Kailangan na niya iyan para sa mas mahalagang bagay. Gawin mo sana ang tama. OK ang ika18, 19 at 20. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 24, 25, 30 at 31.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Buwenas ang mga darating na buwan para sa iyo. Tapos na ang iyong mga obligasyon kaya asikasuhin mo naman ang iyong sarili. Paligayahin mo naman “ikaw.” Tama na muna ang kawanggawa. Mas makakatulong ka sa iba kung maligaya ka. Good days ang ika18, 19 at 20. May tensyon sa ika26 at 27.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Nagiging mas maganda ang inyong relasyon. Parang nakikita na niya kung gaano ka kahalaga sa kaniyang buhay. Napapansin mo rin ba na tila mas mahal ka niya ngayon? Pagbutihin mo ang pag-unawa sa kaniyang trabaho at mas tatahimik kayong dalawa. OK sa ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 24 at 25.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kung single ka, ito na ang pagkakataon. Kung pansin mong mabait siya at magiliw siya sa iyo. Aha! Baka may pagtatangi na siya sa iyo. Naghihintay lang siguro ng signal na OK ka na. Mabait ba siya? Wala bang sabit? Puwes, ano pa ang hinihintay mo? OK ang ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-18, 19, 20, 26 at 27.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Asikasuhin mo muna ang sarili at makikita mong magiging malapit sa iyo ang magandang kapalaran. Pagpasok ng taon, pag-aralan mong mapabuti ang iyong kalusugan kaalaman, pati ang spiritual, at panlabas na kaayusan. Makinig ka sa payo ng mga kaibigan. OK sa ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-28 at 29.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Mababawasan mo ba ang pag-iisip at pag-uusap ng mga bagay na nakakastress sa iyo at sa iyong mahal sa buhay? Kung nagawa mo na ang lahat ng paraan para bigyan ng solusyon ang problema, hayaan mo at malulutas na ito. Ipayapa mo ang loob mo. OK sa ika-24 at 25. Stressful ang ika-18, 19, 20, 26 at 27.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Hindi lahat ng mayaman ay masaya at hindi naman lahat ng mahirap ay malungkot. Ang kaligayahan ay nasa kalooban ng isang tao. Huwag ka sanang maghangad ng sobra dahil baka may kapalit na hindi mo magugustuhan. Maging kontento ka sana sa buhay. OK mo ang ika-24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 28 at 29.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Utang noon, utang ngayon. Pinapahirapan mo ang iyong sarili. May trabaho ka naman. Saan mo dinadala ang pera? Pag-aralan mo ito. Kung hindi ay para kang mahuhulog sa malalim na balon. May malalim na problema ang dahilan nang walang tigil na paggasta. OK ang ika-24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 30 at 31.

na espasyo lang ng kaniyang mansiyon ang ookupahin ng mga makina para sa pagpapaganda ng kaniyang katawan. Ayaw niyang maburyong sa matinding traffic, kaya kapag may pupuntahan siya ay nakaantabay ang helicopter sa kanilang helipad, sa himpapawid siya bumibiyahe. Ganoon siya kabongga. Anuman ang sabihin ng kahit sino d’yan ay iyon na talaga siya. Napakakumportable ng takbo ng kaniyang buhay ngayon. Kuwento ng aming source, “Kapag dumadalaw siya sa Europe kay Dominique, doon na niya isinasabay ang pagsishopping. Natural, puro branded ang mga stuff niya, hindi lang isa kung bumili siya, lahat ng kulay! “Kaya kung umalis siya, eh, isang maliit na luggage lang ang

dala-dala niya, pero pagbalik ng lola n’yo, ilang cart ang bitbit niyang pinamili sa Europe!” Noong magpagamot sa Stanford Hospital sa San Francisco ang kaniyang karelasyong si Tony “Boy” Cojuangco ay nagulantang sa kaniya ang mga Pinoy na doon nagtatrabaho. Mistulang display-area raw ng Louis Vuitton ang hospital suite ni Tony Boy dahil sa mga nakahilerang maleta at mga bags ni Gretchen. Hindi na importante kung saan nanggagaling ang ipinambibili ng mga granatsa ni Gretchen Barretto. Ang mahalaga ay wala siyang tinatapakan, wala siyang sinasagasaan, suportado ng kaniyang karelasyon ang anumang magustuhan niya. – CSF

CRISTY... From page 19 motorista at mananakay. Mainipin si Gretchen. Sa kabuuan ng kaniyang pag-aartista ay halos wala tayong narinig na kuwento ng pagiging prima donna niya, dumarating siya sa takdang oras ng kaniyang trabaho, dahil ayaw niyang magpahintay ng kaniyang mga kapuwa artista. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit kapag may kasamahan siyang nagpapahintay sa shooting ay marespeto niya itong kinakausap. Ayaw rin kasing naghihintay ng aktres. Dahil sa matinding traffic ngayon ay hindi na siya lumalabas ng bahay, kung gusto niyang mag-gym ay mayroon na siyang sariling equipment, maliit

DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017



Raymond Lauchengco live in Winnipeg

Raymond Lauchengco with his producers, l-r: Chatt Bautista De Leon (Studio Six Productions), Natalie Fajardo and Minerva Bernardo (BF Productions)

BF Productions, Studio Six Productions and Myxz Images Magandang Buhay, salamat po ng marami sa suporta ng aming mga kapamilya, kapuso, kaibigan, and to all the sponsors. From the bottom of our hearts (BF Productions), thank you everyone for your endless support. May our dear God bless us all. Still overwhelmed by the event! #raymondliveinwinnipeg. Photos by Henry Balanial



DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

Elesi & friends have fun at the PCCM Local band Elesi was the main attraction at a charity concert held at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) on Friday December 1. The show, organized by Rey-ar Reyes of Disenyo Events & Productions and Zumba instructors Lucille Nolasco and Rhiz Aco, raised over $1,100 for charities in the Philippines. Billed as a Fun Friday Night with Elesi and Friends, the evening started with an audienceparticipation Zumba warm-up dance led by Lucille Nolasco and Rhiz Aco. Talented local singers Paul Kelvin Ong, Hannah Sagaral, Aiza Luna, Richelle Quinit and Joydlyn Rojas added to the fun with their solo performances. Fronted by lead singers Moises “Jay” Duot and Arnel Fontanilla, with Allan Cosino on lead guitar, Jad Bantug on keyboard, Paul Morrow on bass, and Chester Pangan on drums, Elesi played a lively pair of sets totalling almost two hours with music ranging from John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, and Bruno Mars to OPM hits of Rivermaya, Kamikazee and some original tunes as well. Adding to the “friends” theme of the show, musical collaborators, Yvanne Dandan, Lucille Nolasco, Dexter Panlilio, EJ Panlilio, and Mel de Leon also performed with Elesi in several special numbers. Elesi had many other friends to thank for making the show a success. Maui Zamora expertly handled the sound system throughout the show with Pabz Tabucol providing DJ services for the dancing and solo performances. Kitz Quitane, lead singer of local band Lykosa, also helped in the sage set up. Photographers and videographers Manny Diolazo, Arnel San Jose, Anthony Lapuz, Trebor Barbosa Villaruel, and Nelson Manalili contributed their efforts to document the event. Many sponsors also helped: Pilipino Express News Magazine, Disenyo Events and Productions, CKJS AM 810, Emmie Joaquin, Dale Garrido of Vickar Chevrolet, Fun Shots Photo Booths, Natalie’s Dream Party Creations, iRemit, Maples Chiropractic, Gerome Labial and Salakot Restaurant, 71 Lab Rats Events and Productions, BF Promotions, FNL General Merchandise, Weston Bakery, Todd Labelle Promotions, Jocri Windows & Doors, MLA Ted Marcelino, Shoppers Drug Mart #0551, Jejomar Bakeshop, Maribeth Arquero, MCM Lodge, Juvian’s Restaurant, Umac Express Cargo, and Emmie Pagaduan. Three charities in the Philippines, Bahay Aruga, Sisters of the Poor, and Aral Pinoy, will receive a donation of just over $1,100 in January 2018. Photos by Arnel San Jose, Anthony Lapuz, Trebor Barbosa Villaruel, and Nelson Manalili

DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017





DECEMBER 16 - 31, 2017

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