Pilipino Express • Feb 16 2018

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Volume 14 • No. 4 • February 16 - 28, 2018 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Sharon Cuneta


Helicopter deal grounded

Photo from bellhelicopter.com International Trade Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne confirmed on Tuesday, February 13, that the Philippine government has formally cancelled a $292 million deal to buy 16 Canadianmade Bell 412EPI helicopters. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ordered the cancellation in retaliation for the Canadian government’s decision to review the deal and the intended use of the helicopters, which were to be built at Bell’s plant in Mirabel, Quebec. Canada decided to review the deal when human rights advocates raised concerns that the helicopters might be used against Philippine civilians after Brigadier-General Restituto

Padilla, told journalists that the aircraft “will be used for the military’s internal security operations.” In light of a possible Canadian review, Philippine Secretary of Defence, Delfin Lorenzana, clarified on February 9 that the helicopters, “will primarily be used for the transportation of personnel and supplies, ferrying wounded and injured soldiers, and the conduct of humanitarian assistance and disaster response operations. As its designation ‘Combat Utility Helicopter of CUH’ connotes,” he said, “the Bell CUH 412 is a utility helicopter and, contrary to what some parties mistakenly believe, its mission is to save lives.”

However, President Duterte later contradicted his Secretary of Defence saying, “I am sure Canada is a bright boy, but the terrorists, ISIS, are contaminating the locals, and if I cannot use the gunships, the helicopters, then I might as well surrender this government to them.” In response, International Trade Minister Champaign said in a statement, “The president’s troubling comments only underscore the confusion and contradictions that have emerged recently on the intended end use of the helicopters… That is precisely why I ordered a review and that process will continue.” Duterte, not known for his See HELICOPTER p20



FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018





FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018


1045 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com

I first came to Davao City in 1990 and, being from Manila, I initially had trouble with the language. I grew up in Malabon where the only language was Tagalog, and in school it was Tagalog and English all the way. I was proud to be bilingual, and it wasn’t until I set foot in Davao that I realized that I realized how challenged I was linguistically. I quickly found out that in Davao City, most people were trilingual, speaking Bisaya, Tagalog, and English with ease. I spent a week in the city and was lost in a sea of strange words. When I returned two months later, this time to stay longer, I tried my best to understand the language. It took a while but I eventually realized that Bisaya actually had a lot in common with Tagalog, and that made it easier for me to learn the language. Oh, and it helped that my wife spoke to me exclusively in Bisaya in our first year of marriage. Unfortunately, many Tagalogs still hold on to the stereotypes surrounding the Visayan language and the people who speak it. For many of us, Bisaya is the language of the maids, and we laugh at the strange pronunciations they make. The “e” becomes “i” and vice versa, and the “o” and “u” get interchanged. What no one realizes is that Tagalogs also do the same thing. In normal conversation, the

sentence Bakit mabait ang lalaki? would actually be pronounced, Baket mabaet ang lalake? And how about the latest buzzword in the Philippines, “petmalu”? It’s the word “malupet” with the syllables interchanged. Tagalogs don’t realize that their slip is showing because the word is actually spelled and should be pronounced “malupit.” Ironically, Tagalogs laugh at the Bisaya who would pronounce these words correctly. Try saying it aloud yourself, you’ll see what I mean. Even more unfortunately, Tagalogs have been taught that Bisaya – and any other Filipino language, for that matter – is not a language but a dialect. Used interchangeably with Cebuano, Bisaya is a language, in the same league as Tagalog, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, Waray, Bikol, Kapampangan, Pangasinan, Maranao, Tausug, Maguindanao, and Kinaray-a – all of which have at least one million native speakers. Living in Mindanao has somehow shielded me from this bias, but just recently the Philippine Star had this story on its front page: “Cabinet told: Learn Visayan dialect.” Just goes to show that even editors, who should know better, don’t know the difference between language and dialect, and that they still have a bias against any Filipino language other than

Tagalog. And the Philippine Daily Inquirer also had the following story in its front page, complete with its trademark mascot making a remark, “Pwede ba mag-apply ang Bisaya?”

I suspect that this superiority complex is also behind the opposition to change the country’s political system from the current presidential to federal. Much of the opposition comes from Metro Manila, because truth to



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director


Graphic Designer/Photographer

ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer *****


I’m not sure what the cartoonist meant, but it sure sounds offensive. He or she seemed to be making the point that the Bisaya cannot qualify to work in France because of their accent, perhaps forgetting that accents can be learned (and unlearned) as needed, and that the Bisaya are more than up to that challenge. For that matter, the Tagalogs also have an accent – just listen to comedian Jo Koy mimic his mother and you’ll know what I mean.

tell, I have not found anyone in Mindanao who is against it. I think the Tagalog feeling of superiority compels them to put down a system that would give more power to the “probinsiyano” who, in their mind, cannot be trusted to lead themselves. I may be wrong, but based on what the media continue to produce these days, it’s a regionalist type of bigotry that is sadly still alive and well in 21st century Philippines.


by Tim St Vincent Last month I talked about the Top 10 reasons people don’t see credit counsellors, but I only got through the first five reasons. (See the January 16, 2018 issue.) So here are the next five. If you missed the first five reasons go online and read them first – no cheating! Hope you enjoy the read! “It’s too restrictive, I don’t want to lose control of my money.” If someone is coming to us who is spending money as if they are making $60,000 a year, but they really only make $40,000 a year, yes, they will find the budget restrictive at first. But they need a budget that is going to restrict them when they are spending at a rate that is 50 per cent more than they are actually making! Sometimes, a budget can be restrictive, but most often we find that people

have enough money for their needs, their challenge is that they are spending beyond their needs, and are spending to satisfy their wants. That is where we come in to help them spend smartly. You won’t lose control; you make all the decisions. We want you to spend your money. Money is meant to be spent and enjoyed. We just want to help you spend it in a way that allows you to meet your needs and many of your wants without your having to face any financial hardship. “It’s too much work!” There is no delicate way to put this – it is even more work to file for bankruptcy. Too many people are afraid of the amount of work it will take to fix their financial issues. To be honest, it isn’t that much work. See a reputable credit counsellor, provide them some information, work on a budget and, if needed, enter into a debt management program. That is about all there

Top 10 reasons people don’t see credit counsellors – Part II is to it. It is a lot more work to avoid the issue and later file for bankruptcy. Often this really comes down to people are scared. Not of the work, but of the truth. They are scared to face the truth that they are in trouble, and need help. They shouldn’t be scared of the truth. “They will think I am stupid or foolish for being in this situation.” Not at all. Remember at the start of this article (see Part I) where we talked about feeling embarrassed? Remember where I mentioned that 50 per cent of the country is having problems managing their debt? We have clients come to us from every background imaginable. From day labourers, to doctors; from accountants (yes, accountants) to janitors; from lawyers and nurses to people who haven’t finished high school. We have

people from all education and income levels; from those who go to a food bank to those who make over $300,000 a year. Nobody is stupid or foolish or immune to financial difficulty; it could happen to anyone – including me! There was a time when I paid debt with debt, when I was denied a credit card. All it takes is one issue to push someone and they can see the problem for what it is, or for them to run and hide from it until it overtakes them. It is never good to run and hide from a problem. Fortunately, I was able to see my problem and take steps to correct it. But you can’t fix something if you can’t admit it is broken. “I have lost track of my debts. I don’t even know everyone I owe money too.” This should be among the least See MONEY p5



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FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018


MONEY... From page 4

Mental and sexual health Dear Ate Anna: I love my wife very much. When I get home from work I feel overwhelmed and tired, and in the mornings it is hard for me to get out of bed to start the day. I want her to know I love her but I have no desire to be intimate together anymore. Is something wrong with me? Sad Husband Dear Sad Husband, I am glad you asked this question. Mental health is a term used to describe how our thoughts and our feelings affect our bodies and our lives. With positive mental health you might feel fulfilled, energetic, and that your life is meaningful. With negative mental health you might feel tired, depressed or other feelings. February 12-16 was National Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week. We, along with many other organizations across Canada, highlighted the connections between mental health and sexual health. Check out www.srhweek.ca for more information. Our sexuality is connected to all parts of our lives – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. If we have challenges in one of these parts of our life, our sexuality is also affected. For example, if we have a job that we find meaningful and that contributes to positive mental health, we may feel we have more energy and interest in sexual activity. If we have a job that we don’t enjoy and causes us stress, we may feel less energy and interest in sexual activity. Many people who struggle with work stress also struggle

with being intimate with their partner. The good news is there are resources. Self-care is an important part of our mental health. Selfcare means that you spend some time, hopefully each day, to do something for yourself. This might be taking a walk, getting exercise, reading a book; whatever is meaningful to you and helps you connect with yourself and what you need. It can be a wonderful way to reduce stress. It may feel hard to talk to people in your life about these struggles. Klinic has a 24 hour phone line that you can call if you want to talk to somebody. This phone call is anonymous, nobody will know who you are. The phone number for this is 204-786-8686. Klinic also has an app that you can download on your phone called Calm in the Storm, which may be helpful. We encourage you to speak with your health care provider who may also be able to help, if you feel comfortable. You can also contact your local Community Health Centre, which may have counselling opportunities or other programs that may help you. Mental health is important and people are here who care about you. All the best, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Visit us at www.serc. mb.ca for reliable information and links on the subject of sexuality.

of your concerns. We can help you review your situation and identify all of the people you owe money to. It isn’t really that hard. From there we can figure out how to help you. Do you need a budget to get things back under control? Do you need a bit of help in learning more about how debt and credit work? These are all things we can help with. “Has anyone been counting” That is only nine items. I promised a Top 10 list! Well, to be honest, I don’t know of any other reasons why someone wouldn’t reach out to a credit counsellor if they needed help. So I have a challenge for you. If you need some help (and who doesn’t these days), contact me through the Pilipino Express and let me know your fears and concerns. Let me know what has caused and is causing you to not ask for some help. Maybe I can provide the help that you are reluctant to ask for. Debt is in all of our lives, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It is all about what we do about it. Debt and credit, tool or trap – that is up to you. If used correctly it can be a valuable tool that can help you throughout your life. If abused, or accidentally used incorrectly, it can be a trap, but even then, we can help you escape that trap. Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca.




FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

“Chain migration” and family reunification I have tried to limit my column to updates on existing immigration programs and changes but immigration is much broader than this. We have to keep check on attitudes about immigration and changes in policies and practices because they affect us all. Consider for one moment the talk that comes from south of the border. We need to pay attention because we are always in the shadow of our larger (by population), stronger, richer, American neighbour. George Grant warned us about the threats coming from the United States since the early 1960s in his Lament for a Canadian Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism. Things have not improved for us as an independent country economically, socially, and artistically in the last 60 years. We need to be aware of American attitudes and policies on immigration, for example, or be swept up by them. Many readers may already be aware of the different approaches followed by both countries on the matter of refugee protection and settlement, and family and economic immigration, to mention just two examples. Canada remains a world leader in refugee resettlement, while

the United States has become a part-time player through the successive regimes of both Presidents Obama and Trump. Both countries openly support humanitarian efforts to settle Syrians displaced by war. The United States, for all of its economic wealth, pledged to accept 10,000 refugees in 2016 while Canada said it would welcome 25,000 by March 2016. Canada met and surpassed its international obligations to assist those persons displaced by war while the United States did not even meet its low numbers. Since his election campaign in 2016 and assumption to the presidential office, Donald Trump has promoted a policy of isolationism and even an antiMuslim bias. You would not know if you listened only to far right news that the United States does vet refugee applicants. Nor would you know that terrorist acts in North America were largely conducted by persons radicalized inside the United States and by recently arrived immigrants. Rather Fox News and Trump tweets continue the round the clock attack on refugees, Dreamers, and “chain migration.” The contrast between the

two countries on immigration continues in the current debate about Dreamers or about the wider immigration issue of family reunification. At this time the United States government is embroiled in a partisan debate about the future of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers who entered the country with their non-status parents and are without permanent immigration status. These children have grown into adulthood, been educated in the country and even served in the armed forces but are now facing deportation from the country. Recently a man, who entered the country as child, was deported back to Mexico even though he has lived and worked and contributed to the American way for thirty plus years. This is not a very pleasant picture. What about family reunification? The Immigration, Refugee and Protection Act (IRPA) includes family reunification as part of its objectives. Section 3(1) (d) reads: “to see that families are reunited in Canada.” The American counterpart has similar language but changes are in the wind. It is not surprising that persons with landed status or citizenship should want to bring family members into the

country. President Trump, who is a past master at changing the topic or confusing the issue, changed the narrative by using different words. He does not speak about families coming together but rather so kind of endless “chain migration.” He openly tweets and conflates the immigration of parents and grandparents as having no value to the country’s economy and representing a threat to the security of the country. This is the same President who proclaims publically that immigration should be limited by religion, with Muslims restricted, or to predominantly white countries like Norway instead of non-white countries of the Caribbean and Africa, “s—t hole countries.” We are always under threat from attitudes and practices that come from our southern and more powerful neighbour. Before we smugly write off Trump as an “idiot” and someone who is ignorant of history and the benefits of immigration, stop and re-examine the Canadian experience. We do not have to look any further than the previous Harper government and the limits they placed on immigration, or in the anti-immigration rhetoric from the last Quebec provincial

election, with the distinction between the good guys (“nous”) with the bad immigrants (“les autres”). If we do not understand the lessons of history we are destined to repeat the errors. The attitude of blaming others or attacking immigrants does not bode well for the Dreamers, refugees or family reunification. We must be attentive and follow closely the American debate and the phrasing employed. “Chain migration” is intended to show and endless migration, of nonwhite immigrants as opposed to “family reunification,” which rewards successful immigrant applicants. The former is negative: the latter positive. There is great deal of the Trump agenda and word choices that would be best left south of the border, or better, in unsent tweets on his cell phone. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-6911166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

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FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018





FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

2018 feng shui outlook for the Year of the Dog In 2018, The Year of the Dog brings so many wonderful new changes and opportunities. Women and men will really enjoy the Year of the Dog because there is so much great energy coming your way. This is a year that will be ruled by the number 9 — the number of completion and finality — as well as happiness, optimism and joy. Nice, right? You’ll see old matters come to a resolution, things that seemed open ended will now finalize and that will mean you can truly move forward in the dog year! Like all years, though, it also has its challenges. Career and income is one of those challenges. But, if you keep your head up for opportunities, you will do just fine. Do watch for any warning signs at work and keep your options open. This is especially true if you have a north bedroom or a front door that faces north. Rat zodiac signs will also need to be attentive to work-place changes or health worries. Areas of concern in 2018 • Watch your words — and keep a cool head The 3 star in the northeast sector (thinking, decisionmaking, and schools/universities) can cause you to become upset and make decisions based out of anger — the kind that you often regret. Be watchful about bullying at school or young sons becoming angry. It can also cause legal issues or problems with misunderstandings and disagreements. Read all contracts thoroughly, and when it doubt, don’t take someone’s word; always get all promises in writing. If this is your bedroom or front door, display a golden Happy Buddha to calm things down. Bright lights and red colours can also help. You may also want to wear red colours, especially if this is your bedroom or if you are a tiger or ox zodiac sign. • Always think protectively This year, the 7 star of burglary or deception is in the east sector of health, family relationships and the oldest son. It’s critical to play it safe with your health and for potential theft, fraud or deception. Make sure to check locks, invest in a burglar alarm and don’t go out alone at night, especially if you are a Rabbit zodiac sign or have a bedroom in the east or a front door that faces east.

Watch that you don’t engage in any risky or rough sports or take chances in your car. Be sure to carry or display an evil eye to help weaken the 7 star or add a water feature to your home. Keep this area quiet and add elements like water, seashells and protectors such as the elephant or rhinoceros. • Watch health and keep up your dental appointments The 2 star flies to the west sector, the sector of the teeth. But most of the problems the 2 star causes are mild and annoying versus serious. Make sure you take care when lifting anything or you could aggravate an old back injury — or have a new one. Don’t eat candy or ice cream before bed, and make sure you brush and floss often! Keep healthy lush plants in the west corner of the house or living room and add metal objects here such as a six-rod wind chime, brass wu luo and Happy Buddha to protect your health and wealth. Roosters should be especially careful, being sure to wear white, gray, green or brown colours. Areas of growth, money, prestige • This year will bring wealth and prestige for women There is good business potential in the southwest corner of relationships and women. Women will zoom ahead in the year by thinking strategically in business or by working more online, using technology more, or working internationally. The windfall 6 star of surprise money, good fortune, power and prestige will bring many benefits to women this year. Powerful men will come to your aid, and you should consider working more with men if you are a female entrepreneur. What’s the word to focus on for gaining income and financial opportunities? The answer is: Partnership. Make sure you activate the southwest sector of women with a dragon tortoise, crystals and objects in groups of six. Women should wear pearls, bling and plenty of jewellery this year! A wealth bowl is especially nice in the southwest corner to entice nice money surprises to fall in your lap. • Love is red hot in 2018 The love star has moved to the south, the sector of fire, and that means the south corner of your

house holds the greatest potential for love energy. Make sure you boost this area with crystals, red objects and fresh flowers. It’s also the area associated with education, so having a globe located here will help you with exams, writing and moving ahead in education. Single? You can hook up and take your pick of suitors by adding a figure of a horse in the south corner of the living room this year, or the south corner of your bedroom. Horse zodiac signs will be in high demand if they’re single — or they’ll be hot to trot. Be sure to display a horse figure and carry a horse amulet with you at all times to boost your love potential. This area is also a wonderful area for students and writers to spend time. Students will learn more and better by studying here and writers can sell ice to the North Pole if they write in this corner of the house. If this is your bedroom or front door, you may find that your engine is revved up for romance. This is a big help to couples to re-ignite their passion. • 2018 is the year to build assets The prosperity star moves to the southeast sector of assets, savings and investments. How nice is that? Any kind of financial planning, investing and saving will be rewarded. If you don’t have an investment account, get

one started. This will see a rise in financial fortunes for those with a home office or bedroom in the southeast. You’ll also benefit if your door faces southeast or if your living room is situated in this corner! Activate with lights, crystals and water features. This also means snake and dragon zodiac signs have lots of money coming their way! But for dragons, it’s very important that they carry a pi yao amulet to hang on to their money. Dragons are the sign opposite the dog, so they are the opposing sign and that can create problems without a pi yao to help smooth the way for you. Trying to get pregnant? This is the year the pregnancy star is in the centre sector so you have some cosmic help there — especially if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while. Spend lots of time here and add fresh flowers to boost your chances of becoming pregnant. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: A single friend of mine doesn’t believe in feng shui but has miserable luck in her life. Her birthday is coming up. Is there something I can give her for her birthday to help her attract better luck in her life? Answer: Aren’t you a great friend! She’s lucky to have you, that’s for sure. Sometimes we want good fortune for others more than we do for ourselves.

That’s especially true of our children. Some people are closed off and not open and receptive to good fortune. I’ve learned that when we constantly expect the worst in life, the Universe gives it to us. Never ask, “what else can happen,” because something else certainly will! Now, back to your question. I’d buy something for your friend that you like because, as my mother used to tell me, if you like it, your friend will probably like it too. Buy her something pretty with auspicious symbols. I especially like butterflies because they represent a rebirth and they’re also a wonderful symbol of love – and since you say she’s single, it might just be the symbol she needs to attract a special someone. It might also help your friend “turn over a new leaf”. I hope so. She’s already got a good start with you as her friend. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018



Gaya gaya – kayang kaya! Kaya mo ba’ng gayahin si ka Freddie Aguilar? Si Aiza Seguerra? Si Yeng Constantino kaya? How about Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson? Lady Gaga kaya or Adele? Narito na ang pagkakataon mong magpakitanggilas at manalo ng malalaking premyo! May kasabihan nga na magaling manggaya ang Pinoy. At huwag naman nating mamasamain lalo na at kung ito ay para sa pagpapasaya ng kapuwa. Una sa Manitoba Hatid ng DRL Productions, sa pakikipagtulungan ng media partners na Pilipino Express News Magazine at CKJS 810 Radio, ang kauna-unahang Double Double: Gaya Mo ‘To, Panalo!

talent contest. Bukas sa lahat ng amateur Filipino-Canadian singer impersonators sa Manitoba. Tinatawagan ang lahat ng kababayang may lahing Pinoy na magpakitang-gilas sa panggagaya sa paborito ninyong artists! Mapa-local man or international, puwede! Kailangan lang magparegister para makasali sa live open audition na gaganapin sa March 17, 2018, araw ng Sabado, sa 1045 Erin Street sa Winnipeg. Paghandaan ang pagsali Sa gagawing open audition sa March 17 ay pipili ang DRL selection committee ng sampung contestants na ia-announce sa March 31, 2018. Ipapakita at ipaparinig ng mga ito ang

kanilang talent sa panggagaya sa finals night on May 19, 2018! Gaganapin ang Double Double: Gaya Mo ‘To, Panalo! finals sa Jubilee Place Concert Hall sa Winnipeg. Exciting prizes to be won! Bukod sa maipapakita ang natatanging galing sa panggagaya, mananalo pa ng malaking cash prizes at iba pang premyo ang Top 3 contestants! Sa tulong ng ating panel of judges, ang grand prize winner ay mananalo ng $700 cash plus other awesome prizes. And the bragging rights for being the firstever Double Double: Gaya Mo ‘To, Panalo! champion! Lahat ng Top 10 finalists ay bibigyan rin ng premyo, at mayroon ring special awards na

aabangan! Pati pamilya at mga kaibigan, mananalo rin! Masisiyahan na, mananalo pa! Pati manonood na mga kapamilya at barkada, may tsansang manalo ng samutsaring premyo sa finals night. Kaya huwag bibitawan ang ticket at baka ikaw ang suwertehin! Promoting and giving back to the community Sa paghahatid ng Double Double: Gaya Mo ‘To, Panalo! nais ng DRL Productions na maipakita ang galing at talent ng mga Pinoy. Sabay rito ang paghahatid ng tuwa at galak sa mga manonood, and to give back to the community. Bahagi ng kikitain sa event ay ihahandog sa Building A New Church

project ng St. Peter’s Church, 748 Keewatin Street. Halina, sumali at suportahan ang kauna-unahang Double Double: Gaya Mo ‘To, Panalo! Masisiyahan na, mananalo, at makakatulong pa! Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, mag-email sa akin, Lucille Nolasco, sa lucillern@ gmail.com Mabuhay! Lucille Nolasco is an announcer and creative writer at CKJS Radio 810 AM in Winnipeg. She hosts Afternoon Pasada, Monday through Friday, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. She is an ardent believer that “health is wealth” and she is a certified Zumba instructor. You can send your message or comments to Lucille at lucillern@gmail.com.



FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

Now what? “Now, what? – one of the most powerful word combinations known to humankind; a true “fork in the road” or “blue pill vs. red pill” moment – referring to the Matrix, of course. Recently, I looked through my journals from my childhood and on one page was my bucket list – a list of items one wishes to pursue and accomplish in their lifetime. I was pleasantly surprised at how many items I am now able to officially cross off the list. I did it. I’ve pretty much cleared off that bucket list. So… now what? I realized that I now have all this extra time and energy to put towards pursuing other dreams. I think that the danger in accomplishing certain projects is concluding that one is ever done. There is always much more we can do to make our time here in this world a more meaningful, purposeful, and RAD one. So… now what? I thought the answer was simple: I am going to create a “new and improved” bucket list! Friends, might I add that I was very excited about that. I acknowledged that I’m not the same person I was when I first created my bucket list - I now have different priorities, goals, and views on how I wanted to live my life to the fullest. I think it is healthy to grow with your bucket list and to review them regularly in order to discern our truest intentions and reflect on genuine desires. In this way, we are striving towards a journey of life that is, not only full of adventure but also filled with pure joy. I would love to take this time to share with you a few of my “thoughts to consider” should you decide to create your new and improved bucket list as well: 1. “Dreamstorm” before you brainstorm It is important for your ideas to come from a place of possibility – “dreamstorming” is the process where you think that all ideas are possible, no limits. In the “dreamstorm” phase, editing is not allowed. Here you are allowing for creativity to flow in order to open up thoughts you may not have considered before. After “dreamstorming,” look at your list and then brainstorm ways to make it happen. This might mean scaling down a few items or being more specific with your word choices in order to clarify the goal or goals. 2. Consider categorizing your list

Whether it is by time, topic, etc., categorizing your list can help to organize your dreams so that they do not overwhelm you. Some examples of categories are: by time (to do in my 20s, 30s, …etc), by season (winter, spring, summer, fall bucket lists), by theme (travel, food, health, relationships, professional life). 3. Follow the “3 Cs” Complete, Celebrate, Continue.

Whenever you complete an item on your list, make sure to take the time to celebrate your accomplishment. Once you have dedicated time to the celebration phase, continue on! Move onto pursuing other items on your list or maybe even dreaming up a new item to include. So dreamers, continue that hustle and embrace the path you choose to take. Plan it well, pray

for it more, and pursue it with passion. Your life is a journey and with your active participation, it can become one grand adventure. “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” –Oprah Winfrey Yvanne enjoys empowering youth to discover their limitless potential in her current role as Program Manager with

Career Trek Inc. She’s also an Independent Pop, R&B/Soul Singer-Songwriter and utilizes this platform to communicate messages dear to heart. Yvanne is a big encourager of following one’s dreams and supporting others along the way. She is happy to be sharing her thoughts and journey with readers of the Pilipino Express since her middleschool years.

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018






FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

• Sharon at Gabby – Mukhang ready nang balik-tambalan sa pelikula • Angelica Panganiban – Nagkapag-move on na mula kay John Lloyd • Mark Bautista – Binubulabog ngayon ang daigdig ni Piolo • Maine Mendoza – Nababalitang masungit na sa fans si Dubmash Queen • Kris Aquino – Nakakabaliw at nakaka-aliw pa rin si Krissy • Karla Estrada – Dapat isipin na ang sikat ay si DJ, hindi siya • Vice Ganda – Bilyonaryo na kaya tumutulong sa mahihirap • Ai Ai delas Alas – Humahataw nang husto, magbabakasyon kapag buntis na Kitang-kita ang malaking At nagtagumpay naman si • Mocha Uson – Ang assistant palang si Byron ang totoong sumusulat ng blog ibinagsak ng timbang ni Sharon Sharon, manipis na ang kaniyang • Martin Nievara – Walang kupas ang galing bilang entertainer Cuneta sa pinagsamahan nilang katawan, unang mapapansin ang • Robin Padilla – Walang kinalaman sa paglaya ni Mark Anthony Fernandez TVC ni Gabby Concepcion para sa sikat na food chain na McDonald’s. Sa kahit anong anggulo ay maliit nang tingnan ang Megastar. Kinarir talaga ni Sharon ang pagda-diet, goodbye na siya sa paglantak ng siyam na tuhog ng banana cue (Salve A., alam mo ang kuwentong ‘yan, magkaharap tayo nang ikuwento ng isang male personality ang makasaysayang siyam na tuhog ng banana cue!), nagpaalam na rin siya sa pagpapapak ng lechon, dahil iyon lang ang sagot sa pangarap niyang magbawas ng timbang.

nangayayat niyang mukha na lalo pang nagpalutang sa kaniyang ganda. Sobrang kilig ang dulot ng nasabing TVC sa mga tagahanga nina Sharon at Gabby, kaya ang sigaw na nila ngayon ay balik-tambalan sa pelikula, na mukhang matutupad na dahil may nakatakda nang meeting sa Star Cinema ang mga magulang ni KC. Siguro’y napag-isip-isip na rin ni Gabby na positibo pa ang kanilang muling tambalan. Kung nagawa iyon nina Sharon at Robin Padilla ay bakit hindi rin nila iyon mapatutunayan ni

Mega, sigurista lang naman ang peg ng aktor. Ang tanong ng bayan ngayon ay ano raw kaya ang nararamdaman ngayon ni Senator Kiko Pangilinan? Inaatake raw kaya ito ng selos at insecurity? Sus naman! Sa edad ngayon ng mister ni Sharon ay alam na nito kung ano ang totoo sa hindi. Tanggap na ni Senator Kiko na artista ang kaniyang misis, propesyonal si Sharon Cuneta, kaya wala na silang kailangan pang pagtalunan. See CRISTY p15

McDonald’s (Philippines) TV ad features Gabby and Sharon

Angelica Panganiban





Owner Darin Hoffman & Spouse Zeny Regalado


Proudly Serving Winnipeg


1839 Inkster Blvd. 1006 Nairn Ave.


Darin Hoffman

Owner/General Manager

Zeny Regalado

Community Representative/ Preneed Consultant


& Area Since




1006 NAIRN AVENUE • 204-275-5555



FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018





FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018



CRISTY... From page 12 Ilang oras lang ang shoot ng TVC nina Sharon at Gabby, pagkatapos ng kanilang trabaho ay umuwi na sila sa kani-kanilang pamilya, trabaho lang ang lahat at walang personalan. Pero kung mayroon mang pinakamaligaya sa pangyayaring ito ay walang iba kundi si KC Concepcion. Kahit sa patalastas lang ay okey na kay KC dahil hindi naman ito nanghihingi ng milagrong magkabalikan pa ang kaniyang mga magulang. Ang isa pang napakaligaya pagdating kay Sharon Cuneta ay ang magaling na singer-actress na si Helen Gamboa. Noong teenager pa lang si Sharon, kapag nagkakaroon sila ng argumento ng kaniyang inang si Mommy Elaine, ay ang kaniyang Mama Helen ang takbuhan niya. Si Tita Helen ang nagpapalambot sa puso ng kaniyang nakatatandang kapatid, pero inaalagaan din nito sa pangaral ang kaniyang pamangkin, hanggang sa umuwi na ang Megastar sa kanilang bahay sa Dasma. Kay Tita Helen nagtatapat si Sharon tungkol sa kaniyang lovelife, ito ang kaniyang balikat na iyakan, mahal na mahal ni Tita Helen si Shawie. Kaya nga nang magkaroon sila ng hindi pagkakaintindihan dahil sa paninindigan sa pulitika ay sobra ang pagkalungkot ng beteranang actress-singer, iniyakan nito ang naganap sa kanila ng kaniyang pamangkin, ganoon kahalaga si Sharon para sa kaniyang tiyahin. Nang lumabas na ang TVC ng muling pagsasama nina Sharon at Gabby Concepcion para sa McDonald’s ay isa si Tita Helen sa mga kinilig at iniyakan nito ang pagkakita sa patalastas. Parang tunay na ina na kasi ang turing ni Sharon sa kapatid ng kaniyang ina, lahat ng nangyayari sa kaniyang buhay ay alam ni Tita Helen, maraming nakakalaban si Tita Helen sa kanilang pamilya dahil sa pagtatanggol kay Sharon. Sa panahon ng kaniyang kaligayahan ay nand’yan lang ang kaniyang mahal na tiyahin. Sa kalungkutan ay isang balikat lang ang kaniyang binabalikbalikan para iyakan. Haplos lang ni Tita Helen ay maligaya na ang Megastar. *** Nakapag-move on na si Angelica Panganiban mula sa paghihiwalay nila ni John Lloyd Cruz. Para makapagkuwento na siya tungkol sa nangyari, para mabalikan niya nang tumatawa na ang kuwento ng kanilang dating relasyon, ibig sabihi’y nakalundag na siya mula sa matinding kalungkutan. Pero natural lang sa isang nasaktan ang kahit paano’y pumitik dahil sa naranasan niyang mga sama ng loob. Tulad ng nangyari kay Angelica na asang-asang sila na uli ni JLC, pero may kakaibang nangyari, karelasyon na pala nito si Ellen Adarna. Napakasakit nga naman noon, siya pa ang huling nakaalam na

Bromance? Mark Bautista at Piolo Pascual may iba na palang karelasyon ang kaniyang boyfriend, iyon ang hugot ng magandang aktres. Pagkatapos nga naman niyang paglingkuran ang lalaki, pagkatapos nga naman niyang tanggapin ang katotohanan na magbubuo sila ng sariling mundo, mayroon na palang ibang babaeng kaplano si John Lloyd. At dahil nakapag-move on na nga si Angelica ay ngayon na lang niya nasisilip ang mga kapintasan ng lalaking minahal niya. Malapad ang noo, hindi naman kabruskuhan ang katawan, marami! Ganoon naman talaga. Sabi nga ng isang magaling na aktres na nakausap namin noong minsan, “Dati, halos magpaalipin ako sa ex kong ‘yan! Grabe ang isinakripisyo ko para sa kaniya! “Pero ngayon, kapag nakikita ko siya sa TV, nasasabi ko sa sarili ko, ano ba ang nakita ko sa kaniya noon para magpakaloka ako sa kaniya? “Nagkikita kami ngayon, magkatrabaho pa nga kami, e. Pero parang talbos na lang siya ng kamote sa paningin ko, hindi ko na siya pinapansin. Hay, ang pag-ibig talaga kapag nilaro ka!” madiin pang sabi ng magaling na female personality. *** Matindi ang ginawang pauso ni Mark Bautista. Sa kahit anong umpukan ngayon ng mga taga-showbiz ay hindi matatapos ang kuwentuhan nang hindi natututukan ang sinulat niyang libro. Tatahi-tahimik nga lang naman ang magaling na balladeer, pero siya pa pala ang makakaisip na magsulat ng librong mangwiwindang sa publiko, ang dami-daming naghahangad na magkaroon ngayon ng kopya ng Beyond The Mark. Hindi pa man lumalabas ang librong sinulat ni Mark Bautista

ay napakarami nang personalidad na nasusunog. Nang lumabas ang kuwentong may bahagi sa kaniyang libro na nagsasabing may nangyari sa kanila ng kaniyang bestfriend na lalaki ay nagsimula nang mabulabog ang mundo ni Piolo Pascual. Isang tsismis iyon na hindi mamatay-matay kahit pa maraming taon na ang lumilipas. Pilit pa rin silang pinag-uugnay dahil nang maghiwalay sina Piolo at KC Concepcion at humagulgol sa harap ng publiko ang dalaga ni Sharon Cuneta ay si Mark Bautista ang pinagbintangang dahilan ng kanilang break-up. Walang nagsalitang sinuman sa kanila, pero publiko na ang nag-connect the dots, iyon daw ang dahilan kaya lumipat pa nga sa GMA-7 ang singer-actor. Nagkasundo raw silang magkanikaniya na ng istasyon. Hindi naman makapagdepensa ng kaniyang sarili si Piolo sa mga naglalabasang istorya ngayon dahil pa-blind item ang atake ng libro. Walang binanggit na pangalan. Basta bestfriend lang ito ni Mark Bautista. Ikinuwento niya ang naging pagsasalo nila sa kaligayahan ng isa niyang bestfriend. Ang minsan ay naulit pa, pero sa pinakahuli nilang pagbiyahe sa alapaap ng kaligayahan ay nagkasundo sila, iiwasan na nilang mangyari pa uli ang ganoon katamis nilang pagsasama. Dahil doon ay lumutang ang opinyon ng mga kababayan natin. Alam na alam agad nila ang sagot kung sino ang male personality na tinutukoy ni Mark Bautista sa kaniyang libro. Pero isa lang ang malinaw sa senaryong ito, nagpakatotoo si Mark Bautista, patagilid man ang kaniyang mga kuwento ay nagsasalita pa rin ang pagiging totoo niyang tao. Kahit doon man lang ay

Ang ‘tell-all’ book ni Mark Bautista

Maine Mendoza siguradong marami nang babaeng iyon? Kabaligtaran susuporta sa kaniyang sinulat pala siya ng nakikita natin sa na librong Beyond The Mark, telebisyon?” gustung-gusto kasi natin sa mga Ang tinutukoy ng balikbayan personalidad na humaharap sa naming kausap ay si Maine katotohanan, pinapalakpakan Mendoza, nakasabay raw nila natin ang mga artistang sa flight pabalik sa bansa ang nagpapakatotoo sa kanilang sarili Dubsmash Queen, pagbaba nila at sa publiko. sa eroplano ay kasabay na ring Bibili kami ng libro ni Mark nawala ang pagkagusto nila sa Bautista. Peksman, Batman, ka-loveteam ni Alden Richards. Superman. Ganito raw ang kuwento. *** Sa boarding area pa lang ay Komento ng isang may pinagmamasdan na ng kanilang edad nang kababayan natin na grupo ang mga kilos ni Maine nakaengkuwentro namin sa isang Mendoza. Bilang artista, ang See CRISTY p16 pagtitipon, “Kasuplada pala ng


CRISTY... From page 15 inaasahan siguro nila ay magiging magiliw si Maine sa mga kababayan nating naghihintay sa paglulan sa eroplano, pero hindi ganoon ang kanilang nakita. “May sarili siyang mundo. Naka-shades siya, kalikot nang kalikot sa cellphone niya. May mga tumatawag sa name niya, pero hindi niya iyon pinapansin, basta prente lang siyang nakaupo na parang reyna. “Natural, kaming nakapaligid ang nakakarinig sa tumatawag sa pangalan niya, kami rin ang witness sa pagkagusto sanang lumapit sa kaniya ng mga Pinoy para makapagparetrato na kasama siya. “Pero wala siyang pinapansin, basta nakaupo lang siya, parang siya lang ang nabubuhay na tao sa mundo sa pakiramdam niya. Sabi ko nga sa mga apo ko, ‘Don’t attempt. You’ll just get hurt.’ “Ang akin lang naman, eh, artista siya, hindi niya naman kailangang bumabad sa pakikipagusap o pakikipag-picture taking, dahil siguradong pagod din siya sa vacation niya. “A smile can do. Pansinin lang niya ang tumatawag sa name niya, it’s already heaven for her fans! Naalala ko tuloy si Sharon Cuneta. Call it kaplastikan, I don’t care! “Noong makasabay namin sa flight si Sharon, talagang lahat ng pumapansin sa kaniya, tinitingnan niya, ina-acknowledge niya. Kapag may lumalapit na magpapa-picture sa kaniya, siya pa mismo ang nagtuturo sa nagsushoot para maayos ang anggulo. “Alam mo iyon? Si Sharon Cuneta na iyon, ha? But she has time for her fans, namamansin siya, nagpapa-picture, she makes you feel so important! In comparison, walang-wala noon si Maine Mendoza. “She feels siguro that she owns the world right now dahil popular siya. But it’s not the issue. Sikat man o hindi gaanong sikat, they are considered public figures. People look up to them. “One day, you’re on top. The sun shines brightly, but one day, you’re down, wala ka na sa isip ng publiko, tapos na ang panahon mo,” makahulugang komento ng aming kausap na balikbayan. Marami na kaming naririnig na ganoong komento tungkol kay Maine Mendoza. Iba-iba lang ang sitwasyon, iba-iba lang ang lugar, pero hindi kagandahan ang magkakaparehong paglalarawan sa kaniya. *** Ibang-iba naman ang daloy ng kuwento kapag si Kris Aquino ang bumibida sa istorya. Kapag hindi namamansin si Kris ay siguradong umaatake ang kaniyang migraine. Maaaring may natagpuan nang gamot ngayon ang aktres-TV host sa ganoong sakit niya, hindi na kasi kami nakakabasa ng reklamo niya tungkol sa migraine, pero pinahirapan siya nang husto noon ng ganoong kundisyon. Pero kapag hindi umeeksena ang kaniyang migraine ay parang kitikiti si Kris. Siya pa mismo ang lumalapit sa mga kababayan natin,


kung anu-ano ang itinatanong niya, binubusisi niya ang buhay ng may buhay. Mainipin lang si Kris sa pagpapa-picture, siya ang bumibilang, one, two, three! Tumatakbo pa lang palapit sa kaniya ang iba ay tapos na ang kodakan, ang iba nama’y mga balikat lang ang nakunan, putul-putol dahil sa bilis niyang magbilang. Sabi ng isang kaibigan naming natiyempuhan niya sa isang restaurant sa Hawaii, “Of course, kilalang-kilala namin si Kris! May TFC kami, pinanonood namin ang mga shows niya. “Pero hindi kami lumapit sa kaniya, siya mismo ang nagpunta sa table namin, nakipagkuwentuhan siya! Ang unang tanong niya sa akin, ‘Are you rich here in Hawaii?’ Nalaman niya kasi na two decades na kaming naninirahan sa Hawaii. “Tawa ako nang tawa, ganoon din kasi siya sa TV, pati ang tatak ng t-shirt ng guest niya, eh, tinatanong niya kung original. Nakakaaliw siya! Honestly, hindi kami naiinis kay Kris, aliw na aliw kami sa kaniya!” kuwento ng aming kaibigan. At bago umalis ang pamilya ng aming kaibigan dahil tapos na silang kumain ay may pahabol pang tanong si Kris, “Where is your husband? Are you hiwalay na? Do they have the same father, ang gaganda ng kids mo!” Di ba naman, nakakaaliw na nakababaliw si Krisy? *** Hindi kagandahan ang mga komentong mababasa ngayon sa social media tungkol kay Karla Estrada. Maraming netizens ang hindi pabor sa mga ginagawa niyang pambabara sa mga guests ng kanilang programa nina Jolina Magdangal at Melai Cantiveros. Maging ang madalas niyang pagpapahiya kay Melai ay kinokondena ng mga kababayan natin, dapat daw tanggalin na sa show si Karla, dahil sumosobra na ang kaniyang kabastusan. Minsan ay natiyempuhan namin ang sinasabing sitwasyon ng mga nagagalit kay Karla, nagsasalita noon si Melai, nang biglang magbigay ng insinwasyon ang ina ni Daniel Padilla na mabaho ang hininga ng komedyanteng kasama niya sa programa. Pero sinakyan naman iyon ni Melai, nagtawanan pa nga sila, ginawa nilang komedya ang sitwasyon na para sa maraming manonood ay kabastusan. Dumalo nga naman sa kanilang programa ang inimbitahan nilang guests, nageffort ang mga ito, pero babarabarahin lang naman pala ng mismong host ng show. Dahil sa mga halimbawang ihinain ng mga naiinis kay Karla Estrada ay nananawagan sila sa network na alisin na siya bilang host ng Magandang Buhay. Humanap na lang daw sana ng kapalit ni Karla ang istasyon. Masyado na raw yatang pumapasok sa utak ni Karla

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

Kris Aquino

Hosts ng Magandang Buhay – Melai, Karla, at Jolina ang kasikatan ng kaniyang anak na si DJ, feeling daw niya ay ekstensiyon siya ng popularidad ng kaniyang panganay kaya siya nagiging ganyan. Warning na lang muna, sigurado namang nababasa ni Karla Estrada ang mga panguupak sa kaniya ngayon, baka mula dito ay medyo puminopino naman ang kaniyang dila sa pagbibitiw ng mga salita sa himapapawid. Huwag namang tanggalin agad-agad, hindi ba puwedeng pagsabihan na lang muna ang singer-TV host na mag-ingat, para wala siyang nasasaktang damdamin ng mga tagapanood ng kanilang show? ** Bilyonaryo na si Vice Ganda. Hindi ito fake news. Ang impormasyon ay nalaman namin mula sa isang taong may malalim na alam tungkol sa pumapasok at lumalabas na biyaya mula sa kaban ng yaman ng sikat na komedyante-TV host. “Hindi na siya maghihirap. Kapag gusto na niyang magpahinga sa pag-aartista, eh, puwedeng-puwede na, sobrasobra pa sa mga pangangailangan

Ai Ai at Gerald Sibayan niya ang mayroon na siya ngayon,” madiing sabi ng aming kausap. Hindi naman iyon nakapagtataka. Napakalaki ng talent fee ni Vice Ganda sa pagkoconcert. Magkano ang buwanan niyang kinikita sa It’s Showtime? Mayroon pa siyang mga TVC, malaki rin ang kinikita niya sa pagraket sa mga probinsiya, at paano pa ang malaking dagdag sa kaniyang kaban ng mga pelikulang ginagawa niya na puro blockbuster sa takilya? Pero parang hindi halatadong

bilyonaryo na si Vice Ganda. Kung regular mo siyang panonoorin sa kaniyang noontime show ay hindi niya pa rin ihinihiwalay ang kaniyang sarili sa nakararami. Napakalaki ng utang na loob na kailangang tanawin ni Vice Ganda sa pinagdaanan niyang kahirapan. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit nakipag-usap siya sa kanilang Barangay sa Maynila kung saan siya lumaki. Araw-araw siyang nagpapaluto ng pagkain para sa mga batang mag-aaral. Ipinangako ni Vice sa kaniyang


FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018


Vice Ganda sarili na walang batang papasok sa eskuwelahan nang gutom. Ilang taon na niyang ginagawa ang ganoon. Kapag siguro tinitingnan ni Vice ang kaniyang bank book ay bumibiyahe siya pabalik sa dati nilang buhay. Kapos. Maraming kulang. Marami siyang pangarap na nanatiling pangarap na lang dahil sa kanilang kakapusan. Iyon ang pinakamasarap na bahagi ng pagkakaroon nang sobra-sobrang biyaya. Ang pagbabahagi ng kung ano ang mayroon tayo. Ang pagresolba sa problema ng ating kapwa. *** Nakakabilib naman ang propesyonalismo ng Comedy Concert Queen na si Ai Ai delas Alas. Alas sais y media pa lang nang umaga kahapon ay nasa studio na siya ng Unang Hirit. Naka-make-up na, handanghanda na sa production number na gagawin niya bilang promo ng Valentine show niya sa Palacio de Manila kasama ang napapanahong grupong Ex Battalion, nakaapat na bihis si Mrs. Sibayan sa kaniyang prod number. Parang main show na ang pinanonood mo habang kumakanta at sumasayaw si Ai Ai, mabilis ang kaniyang galaw, kaya ang apat na beses niyang pagpapalit ng costume ay hindi mo mararamdaman. Masarap panoorin ang Philippine Comedy Queen sa kaniyang mga shows, wala pa ring kupas ang kaniyang berdeng pagkokomedya na gustung-gusto ng mayayamang audience, kahit daw kasi “pinaglalaruan” na ng Comedy Queen ang kaniyang manonood ay hindi iyon mahalay na pakinggan. Madalas sabihin ni Ai Ai, “Mahirap gawin ang ganoon, kasi, hindi mo alam kung ano ang

magiging reaction ng bibiruin mo sa audience. Kaya ang ginagawa ko, e, pini-feel ko muna sila. Pinapakiramdaman ko muna kung sinu-sino sa kanila ang game sa biruan. “So, kapag may nakita na ako, iyon ang lalapitan ko kapag joke time na! Alam ko na kasing game siya. E, ang mayayaman pa naman, di ba, gustung-gusto nilang napaglalaruan ang mga richie-richie na tulad nila?” natatawang sabi ng Comedy Concert Queen. Sasamantalahin na niya ang pagso-show dahil nakakalendaryo na sa kanila ni Gerald Sibayan ang planong magkaanak na. magiging maselan kasi ang proseso, hindi na siya puwedeng magtrabaho, kailangang nakabed rest lang siya. *** Gaano katotoo ang impormasyong nakarating sa amin na hindi naman pala si Asec Mocha Uson ang nagsusulat sa kaniyang blog? Diretsong kinumpirma ng aming mga impormante na hindi si Asec Mocha kundi ang kaniyang manager na si Byron ang sumusulat-gumagawa ng mga nilalaman ng kaniyang blog. Sabi ng aming source, “Hindi si Mocha ang nagsusulat, si Byron, kilalang-kilala namin ang capacity ni Mocha, hindi siya iyon!” Ayon pa sa aming kausap ay napakasimpleng babae ni Asec Mocha, kapang-kapa ng mga nakakakilala sa kaniya kung anu-ano lang ang puwede niyang gawin, hindi rin daw palaaway ang dating singer-dancer. Parang kapani-paniwala ang mga narinig namin dahil kapag napapanood namin si Asec Mocha sa kaniyang mga panayam ay limitado lang ang kaniyang See CRISTY p18




FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

Westland Foundation’s Education Fund exceeds $2M

L-r: Westland Foundation’s founder and president John Prystanski, scholars Andrea Fajardo, Alyza Kho, Allyn Santos, Sarabjot Kainth, Duyen Chau, Simran Jandu and communications and development coordinator Marilyn Camaclang. The Education Fund of Westland Foundation has exceeded $2 million as of January 30, 2018. Westland Foundation Education Fund is a scholarship accessible to all inner-Winnipeg students registering at Red River College, the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg. Former City Councillor and Westland Foundation president John Prystanski says, “The

Education Fund will continue to enable Westland Foundation to award post-secondary scholarships for our innerWinnipeg students… continue to increase the number of scholars and the dollar value of the scholarship.” Since 2009, the Fund has awarded 625 scholarships totalling over $374,000. This academic year, 2017-2018, the Fund awarded its largest combined scholarships of over

$78,500 to 120 students. To access the scholarship, students have to earn at least 80%, and in some instances, at least 70% as final grades from grades 7 to 12 in any of inner-Winnipeg participating schools. Alyza Kho, Westland Foundation scholar and University of Winnipeg child development student, says, “The Fund assists students like us to pursue higher education and to reach for our dreams.”

CRISTY... From page 17

maging ni Byron, iba na ang malinaw kesa sa malabo. *** Napakatotoo ni Martin Nievara sa kaniyang sarili at sa publiko. Tanggap niya ang katotohanan na may kanikaniyang panahon ang lahat ng kaganapan sa mundo. Maging ang career ng mga artista at singers ay nakahapay sa panahon, kapag kakampi mo ang kapalaran ay nasa ituktok ka ng tatsulok ng popularidad, pero kapag tapos na ang panahon mo ay may iba namang mga papalit. Totoong-totoo ang paniniwala ng Concert King, may kanikaniyang panahon talaga ang kasikatan, weather-weather lang ang mas ginagamit na salita para sa ganoon. Pero hindi kami makapapayag na laos na si Martin Nievara. Maaaring marami na siyang kaagawan sa posisyon na mga mas bata pa kesa sa kaniya, pero hindi siya malalaos, palaging may espasyo sa mundo ng musika si Martin Nievera. Iba pa rin ang kaniyang atake, kakaiba pa rin ang hagod ng kaniyang boses, lalon ibang-iba ang kaniyang marka kapag nasa gitna na siya ng entablado. Siya pa rin ang Martin Nievara noong mga unang taon ng dekada ‘80 na pinagkakaguluhan ng ating mga kababayan dahil sa puhunan niyang talento sa pagkanta. Basta, hindi kami makapapayag na sinabi ni Marin Nievera na laos na raw siya, walang nalalaos. Nagpapahinga


kapasidad. Hindi nga ba’t sa isang Senate hearing ay ginawa pa siyang katatawanan dahil hindi niya alam ang terminong gagamitin niya noong kaliwa’t kanan na siyang binusisi ng mga senador? Nasundan pa iyon ng ilang bloopers ng Assistant Secretary ng PCOO, ang pinakahuli ay ang paglipat niya sa Mayon volcano sa Naga, sa halip sa Albay ang sinabi niya. Ibang-iba siya sa Asec Mocha sa kaniyang mga posts sa social media, malalim ang nagba-blog, pero kapag kinakapanayam na siya ay biglang nakatali na ang kaniyang dila sa pangangapa ng kaniyang mga sasabihin tungkol sa mga makabuluhang isyung pambayan. Mahuhuli talaga siyang nakanganga kung totoong hindi siya ang nagsusulat sa kaniyang blog. Kahit basahin pa niya nang paulit-ulit ang nilalaman noon ay mahahalata pa ring hindi siya ang nagsusulat dahil iba ang sinasabi ng kaniyang bibig. Siguro nga, dahil sa sobrang pagkaabala ng dating singerdancer bilang empleyado ng PCOO ay wala na siyang panahon para magsulat, kaya si Byron na ang gumaganap sa kaniyang tungkulin bilang isang blogger. Bukas na bukas ang pitak na ito sa paliwanag na gustong ipahayag ni Asec Mocha Uson,

*** Mabuti naman at nilinaw na mabuti ni Robin Padilla na wala siyang kinalaman sa paglaya ng kaniyang pamangking si Mark Anthony Fernandez. May mga nag-iisip kasing nilakad ng action star ang paglaya ng kaniyang pamangkin sa pinsang-buo na si Rudy Fernandez dahil malakas ang kapit niya kay Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte. Saludo nga si Binoe kay Mark dahil ni minsan daw ay hindi ito humiling ng tulong sa kaniya para maaga itong makalaya nang masangkot sa usapin ng marijuana. Minsan niyang dinalaw si Mark Anthony sa piitan, pero hindi raw nila natutukan sa kanilang pagkukumustahan ang ilapit niya ito sa pangulo, wala raw sinabi sa kaniya si Mark. Na mukhang kapani-paniwala naman dahil kung pagiging malapit lang sa pangulo ang paguusapan at kung lumalapit nga siya kay Ka Digong, di sana’y nakaalis na siya noon papuntang Amerika para dalawin ang nanganak niyang misis, absolute pardon na ang hawak niyang dokumento noon. Pero wala ring nangyari, nabigo pa rin siyang makapasok sa teritoryo ng Amerika, samantalang puwede niya namang pinakiusapan noon si Pangulong Duterte na pairalin ang kapangyarihan nito sa Embahada ng Amerika.

Westland Foundation scholar and University of Manitoba science student Duyen Chau says, “We thank Westland Foundation’s generous donors, dedicated volunteers, and outstanding community supporters for all your contributions towards our future success.” Prystanski adds, “Donor contributions ensure a brighter future for students and their families and our inner-Winnipeg

communities…we ask that you continue to help us grow the Fund. We look forward to your continued support,” concludes Prystanski. Westland Foundation was created in 1993. It is a volunteer-based and nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering inner-Winnipeg youth through post-secondary education. For more information, call 204-333-9320. |

Mocha Uson

Martin Nievera

Robin Padilla

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018



Love thy community Isa sa maipagmamalaki natin bilang mga Manitobans at mga Winnipeggers ay ang ating aktibong pagtulong sa kapuwa sa iba’t ibang paraan. Ang bawat fun run and halfmarathon na sinasalihan ko ay mayroon laging ambag sa mga non-profit organizations, tulad ng Heart and Stroke Foundation, Cancer Care Manitoba at marami pang iba. Kabi-kabila rin ang mga fundraisers ng maraming organizations para tumulong sa pagpapatayo ng simbahan, schools, parks at mga tahanan. Bukod dito ay maraming mga samahan na nagsisilbing katuwang ng pamahalaan sa pagpapanatili ng kapayapaan, kaayusan at kagandahan ng ating komunidad. Wedding socials Alam nating lahat na ginagawa ang mga socials para makatulong sa pinansyal na pangangailangan ng mga naka-planong ikasal. Ang wedding socials ay isang napakagandang halimbawa ng pagkakaisa ng komunidad. Ang nakaka-proud pa dito ay only in Manitoba diumano ang wedding socials. Ayon sa website ng Manitoba Social Guide: A social is a particularly Manitoba-grown concept. It’s a fundraising party, often for a wedding, charitable or community organization. Usually held at a community centre or a Legion hall, it can be known as a “Manitoba Social,” “Winnipeg Social,” “Wedding Social,” “Fundraising Social,” or just simply a “Social.” When it is run for a wedding it is traditionally run by the wedding party, although it is sometimes run by the bride and groom. A wedding social gives people a way to include friends and relatives in the wedding when you could not invite them, and allows friends and family to support the couple financially for their new life together. (reference: http://www. socialsguide.com/) Bannock Lady Kaibigan ko sa Facebook si Althea Guiboche o mas kilala bilang si Bannock Lady. Limang taon nang masugid na nagluluto at namimigay ng bannock si Althea sa maraming gutom at mga homeless sa Winnipeg. Ang bannock ay isang uri ng tinapay na kadalasang kinakain ng mga katutubo. Sa isang interview kamakailan kay Althea, sinabi niya na: “It’s been a challenge but it has been so much fun at the same time. It’s about networking and bringing people in together, sharing, caring and celebrating the village — it’s amazing.” Si Althea ay dating homeless at nakaranas ng hirap at gutom kasama ng

kaniyang mga anak noong taong 2011. Matapos niyang makaraos sa mga pagsubok ng buhay ay binalikan niya ang komunidad sa pamamagitan ng literal na pagpapakain sa mga nagugutom. Ang mga takbo ni Junel Malapad I am so honoured to personally know this awesome guy. I ran with him in many running events. He was chosen by Ace Burpee as one of the Top 100 Most Fascinating Manitobans in 2017. Last summer, Junel ran 100 km in 12 hours and raised thousands of dollars for Canadian Mental Health. The event was called “take stigma to the trash” and was held at Garbage Hill. Bagama’t ilang kilometro lamang ang naiambag ko sa fund raising event na ito ay isang karangalan ang maging bahagi nito at makatakbo si Junel, isang nirerespestong ultra-marathon runner. Bukod sa kaniyang 100 km run noong summer ay tumakbo ulit ng 100 km si Junel noong Boxing Day na tinawag niyang, “make Boxing Day Running Day” where he also raised funds for Siloam Mission. Bear Clan Patrol and 204 Neighbourhood Watch Ang Bear Clan Patrol Inc. ay itinatag ng mga nagkakaisang katutubo sa gabay ng kanilang mga elders na naglalayong panatilihin ang katahimikan at kaayusan sa ating mga komunidad. Nagsisilbi din silang katuwang ng Winnipeg Police Service sa pagpapatupad ng peace and order. Regular silang nagro-ronda tuwing gabi sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng ating siyudad. Inspired by the success of Bear Clan Patrol Inc., ay naitatag ang 204 Neighbourhood Watch na nagsasagawa din ng regular patrols tulad ng Bear Clan. I was chatting with Leila Castro of 204 Neighbourhood Watch and she mentioned how timely it is to help each other as one community since Winnipeg is now our home. Sabi niya: “It’s about time po na magtulong-tulong tayo dahil dito na po ang tirahan nating mga immigrants.” Meet me at the Bell Tower – Stop the violence Tuwing Biyernes ng gabi ay nagtitipon ang iba’t ibang grupo sa pangunguna ng Aboriginal Youth Organization Movement ng North End Winnipeg upang magkaisa at isulong ang kampanya laban sa karahasan. Ang Bell Tower ay matatagpuan sa Selkirk Avenue sa North End Winnipeg. Isa sa mga rituals ng pagtitipong ito ay ang pagkalampag sa kampana bilang simula ng pagtitipon. Ito ay bukas sa lahat ng interesado at gustong makisama sa pakikibaka para itigil ang karahasan sa komunidad. Isa sa primyadong leader ng samahang ito ay si Michael Champagne na madalas

Althea Guiboche gives back to the community by feeding the hungry with bannock bread

Junel Malapad and Batang North End Noel Lapuz “happily” finished the Winnipeg Fire Paramedics Half Marathon 2017. ding makita sa iba’t ibang community events and rallies. Si Michael ay taga-North End, Winnipeg. The Buskers Downtown I really appreciate the contributions of buskers to make downtown Winnipeg more vibrant! Kung nagta-trabaho ka sa downtown ay tiyak na kilala

mo ang mala-Johnny Cash na boses ng busker sa walkway patungong Millenium Library. Kapag naman summer ay madalas sa harap ng Portage Place ang Chinese looking na musikero na nagbibigay sigla sa kalye through his instrumental-oriental type of music. Nandiyan din ang grupo ng mga Jamaicans na tumitirada

ng mga reggae music sa kanto ng Hargrave at Portage. These buskers set the mood and spirit in the busy exchange district making downtown Winnipeg one of the best places to live, work, play and enjoy. You, me and the community Ikaw at ako ay bahagi ng See NOEL p21





NO. 294


Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Kahit hindi ka nagsasalita, alam ng ibang tao ang gusto mong sabihin dahil sa kilos mo at kung paano ka tumingin. Nararamdaman ng mahal mo sa buhay ang iyong inis o galit. Nalilito siya. Dahil tahimik ka, hindi niya alam kung ano ang dapat gawin pag kasama ka. OK ang ika-19, 27 at 28. Alalay sa ika-25 at 26.

PAHALANG 2. Lira 9. Iduwal 11. Uri ng bigas 13. Kabisera ng Afghanistan 14. Sawata 15. Itatawag 17. Sugat 18. Pang-ukol 20. Pabuya 22. Tawag sa taksil 26. At 29. Umaakit 32. Binago 33. Silong 34. Punong-puno 35. Bisa 36. Hangarin PABABA 1. Uri ng pansit 2. Klase ng saging 3. Sakop 4. Hawak 5. Tagulamin 6. Istilo ng pagkain 7. Ibilad

8. Pedido sa pagtulog 10. Anib 12. Handog 16. Umid 19. Mapala 21. Abono 23. Siyap 24. Kaibigan 25. Pambayan 26. Harang 27. Kalye sa Makati 28. Nerbiyos 30. Sukat 31. Tanaw


FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Kung nararamdaman mong masakit ang iyong mga paa, baka kailangan mong patingnan iyan sa doctor. Kalusugan ang prayoridad mo sa mga darating na linggo. Kung ano man ang masakit sa iyo, asikasuhin mo bago lumala. Iwasan mo ang sobrang pag-iisip. Lucky days mo ang ika-21 at 22. Ingat sa ika-27 at 28. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) May mga pagsubok na dumaraan ngayon sa mga tao na malalapit sa iyo. Maaaring sila ay kapatid mo o kaibigan. Una, wala kang obligasyon na sumama sa paglaban nila sa pagsubok. Ikalawa, may babala na may darating kang sitwasyon na dapat mong asikasuhin muna. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-16 at 17. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Medyo idealistic ang paningin mo sa lahat ng bagay kaya napakadali mong makaramdam ng kabiguan. Hindi lahat ay aayon sa iyong panlasa kaya dapat ay matanggap mo na iba’t ibang klase ng mga tao ang makakasalamuha mo sa buhay. Tanggapin mo kung sino sila. OK sa ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-19.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) M a a r i n g nagsasawa ka na sa nakikita mo araw-araw. Parang parepareho na lang. Kung hindi mo puwdeng baguhin ang trabaho o bahay, baguhin mo ang kaya mo. Magpalit ka ng estilo ng pananamit at buhok. Itapon mo ang mga bagay na sawa ka na. Mapalad ka sa ika-19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-21 at 22. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Kung kaya mo rin lang pagbigyan ang mga hiling niya, ibigay mo na. Wala namang malaking mawawala sa iyo, mapapaligaya mo pa siya. Babalik sa iyo ang kabutihan at sakripisyong gagawin mo. Makikita mong mas gagaan ang buhay at dating ng pera sa iyo. OK ang ika-21 at 22. Ingat sa ika-16,17, 23 at 24. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) May ugali kang mahilig magbigay ng payo kahit hindi naman hinihingi sa iyo. Ang dating nito sa mga tao na pinapayuhan mo ay nakikialam ka sa buhay nila. Imbis na mapalapit ka sa kanila ay inilalayo sila sa iyo ng ugali mo. Itikom mo ang iyong bibig at sasaya ka. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Kuwidaw sa ika-19, 25 at 26 . Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Manahimik ka muna sa bahay. Intindihin mo muna ang pamilya mo. Napapabayaan mo na ang mga moral na obligasyon mo sa kanila dahil kung anuano ang pinapasukan mong negosyo. Hindi sila naghahanap ng maraming pera, ngayon ay kontento na sila. OK ang ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 27 at 28.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Pilitin mong makabawi sa mga pagkukulang mo sa mga mahal mo sa buhay. Puwede na dahil nasa maayos nang kalagayan ang trabaho o negosyo mo. Isama mo sila sa isang bakasyon at kalimutan mo muna ang hanapbuhay. Gaganda rin ang pakiramdam mo. OK ang ika-19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 23 at 24. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) May mga oras na kinakabahan ka dahil may nararamdaman kang kakaiba sa katawan mo. Hindi mawawala ang kaba mo hanggat hindi ka nagko-konsulta sa doctor. Habang may panahon pa ay alagaan mo ang iyong kalusugan. Mahirap magsisi sa huli. Good days ang ika-21 at 22. May tensyon sa ika-19, 25 at 26. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Hindi mo kayang baguhin ang ugali ng isang tao dahil siya lang ang makakagawa noon. Maayos ang takbo ng buhay mo kaya huwag mo nang pakialaman pa ang buhay ng iba. Ipagpatuloy mo ang gawain mo at nang mas umasenso ka. Ikaw ang mahalaga. Lucky ka sa ika-23 at 24. Careful sa ika-21, 22, 27 at 28. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Sa mga susunod na buwan, iwasan mong maglagay ng pera sa negosyong ang pangako ay agadagad at malaking kita. Aalukin ka ng mga kakilala at tutuksuhin ka sa ipapakita nilang tinubo ng perang pinuhunan nila. Ang tanong: totoo kaya ang sinasabi nila? OK ang ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-23 at 24.

Helicopter... From page 1 tolerance of any hint of criticism, also said, “So from here on now, I am directing the armed forces of the Philippines… Do not buy any more from Canada or from the United States, because there is always a condition attached.” Canada’s concern about the intended use of the helicopters coincides with the February 8 statement from the International Criminal Court (ICC) announcing its preliminary inquiry into allegations of crimes against humanity committed by Duterte. “Specifically, it has been alleged that since 1 July 2016,

thousands of persons have been killed for reasons related to their alleged involvement in illegal drug use or dealing. While some of such killings have reportedly occurred in the context of clashes

between or within gangs, it is alleged that many of the reported incidents involved extra-judicial killings in the course of police anti-drug operations,” said ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda.


FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018


Magandang balita. Manitoba, simula sa susunod na buwan ay tatanggap ng mahigit sa $2 billion mula sa federal government. Ang pera ay mula sa equalisation payments na magsisimula sa Marso ng taon na ito. *** Ang pagiging protectionist ng US ay maliwanag na nakakasira sa business relationships ng Amerika at Canada. Nadagdagan ngayon ang taxes na pinapataw sa Canadian products. Maliwanag na nagpapahina sa layunin ng NAFTA. Ang free trade relations ay apektado rin. Hindi rin naibigan ng China at South Korea. Apektado din kasi sila ng globalization’s free trade relations. *** Sa U.S. may 1.8 million immigrants umano ang pagkakalooban ng citizenship. Kabilang ang may mga 6,500 undocumented immigrant na mga bata noon na 10-12 years old, under the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrival (DACA). Binago ang mga patakaran sa security and refugees ng mga nakaraang administrasyon. Pilipinas Patuloy ang pagtutok ng gobyernong Duterte sa peace and order, anti-illegal drug trade, graft and corruption, terrorists and rebels. Higit sa lahat ay tungkol sa pagpapalit na sistema ng gobyerno. Nabanggit ko na sa pitak na ito noong nakaraang issue na ang federal form of government na sinusulong ng Duterte administration ay baka hindi mangyayari sa lalong madaling panahon. May mga nangyayaring maaaring makaatraso. *** Halimbawa, barangay sa 2018 at 2019 mid-term elections. Maraming humaharang. Kabilang

ang mga nagpatibay ng current constitution, mga politiko, not only from the majority, but from the minority member ng kongreso. *** Nasa Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution na may tatlong mga pamamaraan lamang para ang Cha-Cha ay mangyari. (1) Congressional Assembly (Con-Ass). (2) Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) and (3) by People’s Initiative. Tanging kongreso lamang ang may katungkulan magpanukala at pumili sa nabanggit na tatlong pamamaraan. *** Subalit, ang may karapatang magbalangkas sa pagbabago ng konstitusyon ay ang mga pinili lamang ng mga mamamayan. Sakaling ang kasalukuyang gobyerno ay mapalitan ng federal, sana ay kaparis ng sa US. Ang mahahalal na president and pipili ng vice president na makakasama. Kung may protesta, sapilitang matatapos sa loob ng anim na buwan. *** Sa harap ng may 200 na sumukong NPAs, sinabi ni President Duterte na, “…sabi ninyo diktador ako. Kung hindi ako umaktong diktador, ang bansa ay hindi aasenso,” dugtong ng pangulo. Ang binitiwang salita ng pangulo ay waring patama sa mga ayaw mapalitan ang konstitusyon. *** Committed na raw ang Comelec sa Smartmatic na ang 97,517 vote counting machine na ginamit noong 2016 mid-term elections ay muling gagamitin sa 2019. Ang kontrata ay pinirmahan ni Acting Comelec Chairman, Roberto Lim noong ika-31 ng Enero sa mismong araw ng kaniyang retirement.

HINAGAP Luha Nagmula sa mata kusang bumubukal, Sa pisngi ng mukha ang dinadaanan; Ang bawat pagdaloy ay may kahulugan, Kung hindi ligaya, malamang ay lumbay! *** Sa pintig ng buhay na walang kalinga, Kusang kaulayaw ng pisngi ay luha; Maging sa pag-ibig ang maling akala, Bagaman matapat said sa tiwala! *** Sana ay hindi ka maging kasangkapan ng pusong marupok at makasalanan; Ang iyong pag-agos ay huwag pigilan, Bayaang tangayin ang kapighatian! *** Ang namamalimos ng hangad na awa ay nagtatagumpay sa tulong ng luha! Paquito Rey Pacheco

First time na nangyari ‘yon. Di ba nakakahiya? Kung baga sa sugal, ang tawag ng mga hugador ay huling hirit ng baraha. Ilang milyong dahilan kaya ang nakapaloob sa transaksiyon. *** Sinabi ng pangulo sa mga opisyal ng DPWH na ipaabot sa mga kontratista na kailangang tapusin, kompleto, sa loob ng 30 araw ang proyekto. Kung hindi magawa, ibibigay sa ibang contractors ang trabaho. Kasi huhukayin daw. Tapos iiwanan na sanhi ng traffic sa mga lansangan. Nais ng pangulo na kailangang maalis na ang bidding for public works project. Nakakaatraso lang daw kaya hindi agad natatapos ang mga proyekto at nagiging sources of corruption. *** Kailangang ang Local Government Code ay marepaso din. Bukod sa constitutionality issue, taxes at revenue sharing sa pagitan ng national and local government ay kailangang liwanagin. Ang paglobo ng political dynasty ay baka may

kinalaman. Nasa political scenery na ngayon ang 2019 mid-term elections. Ang mga non-reelectionist senators ay sina Senate President Koko Pimentel (PDPLaban), Cyntia Villar (NP) Bam Aquino (LP), Grace Poe (Ind.), JV Ejercito (PNP) at Nancy Binay (UNA). Ang non-re-electionists ay sina DFA Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, Loren Legarda, Chiz Escudero, Gringo Honasan at Antonio Trillanes III. *** Si Speaker Pantaleon ay nagsabing ang Partido Demokratikong Pilipino (PDP) ay aktibong kakampanya para maisulong ang federalist plan ng Pangulong Duterte. Nagbanta na mawawalan ng suporta sa PDP ang mga dati at bagong kapartido na tutol sa pagpapalit ng kasalukuyang sistema ng gobyerno. *** Sa loob ng apat na buwan mula ngayon, baka malalaman na ng taumbayan ang resulta ng kaso ni CJ Maria Lourdes Sereno.

PAGE 21 Napakabigat na kaso. Resignation na lang ang maaaring makapigil sa kaniyang impeachment case. Katas Kasalukuyang mainit ang lumutang na negative issues tungkl sa Smartmatic Corp. vote counting machine. Bukod sa umano’y nagamit sa pandaraya, may iba pang pangit na nangyari. • Nabayaran na raw ang mga vote counting machines na ginamit sa mga nakaraang 20102013 na halalan. Ngayon ay lumilitaw na may utang pa ang Comelec sa Smartmatic. • Kulang ng tatlo ngayon ang dapat na pitong commissioners ng Comelec. • Nasa kamay na ng pangulong Duterte ang solusyon na maayos ang problema. Kasabihan Ang malalim na sugat ay matagal maghilom. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

The volunteers of 204 Neighbourhood Watch regularly patrol the areas of the North End, Tyndall Park, The Maples, Garden Grove and other areas of our city.

NOEL... From page 19 mabubuting Winnipeggers. We are proud to be living in the socalled heart of the continent na kung saan mayroon tayong kalayaang mamuhay nang maayos and a place where we have equal opportunity to contribute to the continuing development of our communities. Magkakaiba ang

ating kulay, magkakaiba ang bansang ating pinanggalingan, magkakaiba ang ating mga paniniwala at pananampalataya, magkakaiba at ating mga itsura, magkakaiba tayong lahat. Our diversity is our strength. Dahil sa pagkakaibang ito ay umuusbong ang ating passion para sa malalim na pagmamahal sa ating komunidad. Let’s celebrate this love month with the love of thy community!

Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).




FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

Pasasalamat: A Gratitude Gala by Judianne Jayme Celebrating Community Volunteers On January 27th, 2018, community leaders and volunteers gathered at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites for the first ever awards gala by the team behind Culture Card to celebrate the volunteer initiatives of the Filipino community. Nominations for the awards were gathered from the city, with names of individuals and groups that community members wanted to see recognized for their volunteer efforts to promote, preserve, and share our cultural values, interests and traditions. Lead organizer Judianne Jayme had the visions and intent to have, under one roof, all those who work behind the scenes to provide services or celebrations for the vibrant and growing Filipino community. Often, volunteers do what they do without seeking any type of recognition, and this event was created to encourage our community leaders to continue what they do and know that they are appreciated. Nominees serve the Filipino community and are all volunteers, not generating a personal income from their endeavours. The evening’s Masters of Ceremonies were the contestants of the youth public speaking contest Dalagita, both from 2017 and 2018. The spectacular event decor was sponsored by Just in Couture, with the program coordination and DJ services done by MYXZ Images, who were the folks behind the seamless program flow. Pasasalamat: A Gratitude Gala highlighted the profiles of the many volunteers in the community. VIP ticket holders

Jeremy Senaris

had a 3-course dinner designed by Jeremy Senaris and prepared by the staff at the Hilton. All guests enjoyed the program with performances by Maria Aragon, Faith Arintok, Sheryllynn Padua, Ron Nazario, and original music by Jerick Reyes. Judges had the difficult task of selecting a winner for each category, although we all know that these volunteers are all winners in their own right! The judges for the awards were Nic Curry (MLA for Kildonan), Alfie Vera Mella (assoc. editor of Filipino Journal and lead vocalist of haLf man haLf eLf), Sachit Mehra (volunteer spokesperson for 2017 Canada Games, owner of East India Company restaurant), and Lilian Tankard (director of partnerships and visitor experiences for Travel Manitoba). The awardees from the first ever Pasasalamat: A Gratitude Gala are: Arts & Entertainment - Magdaragat Philippines Inc.; Language & Heritage - Ernesto N. Ofiaza Jr.; Community Celebrations & Gatherings Manitoba Filipino Street Festival; Sports & Fitness - Winnipeg Sikaran Arnis Academy; Immigration & Settlement - #PinoyCanada | Forum; Newcomer Volunteer Recognition - Leila Castro; Youth Volunteer Award - Hazel Anne Papelleras; Lifetime Volunteer Award - Aida Champagne. To all nominees and awardees, maraming salamat po! Your hard work does not go unnoticed! Thank you all for your tireless dedication to uplifting, growing and sharing our community, cultures and traditions. For more information and media about Pasasalamat, please visit us at http://www.facebook. com/DalagitaWinnipeg.

Photos by Jeprox Photography

Judianne Jayme (far left) with her lovely and talented Dalagita team

The Manitoba Filipino Street Festival group led by Ley Navarro (4th from right) and Aida Champagne (2nd from right) took the Community Celebrations & Gatherings Award. Aida Champagne is also the winner of the Lifetime Volunteer Award

Nominee: The team of 204 Live Music – Jhayzon Paredes & JP Sumbillo

FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018





FEBRUARY 16 - 28, 2018

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