Pilipino Express • Jul 16 2017

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Volume 13 • No. 14 • July 16 - 31, 2017 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Nadine Lustre

Manitoba Filipino Street Festival Queen 2017

12 12 Ian Veneracion

14 Solenn Heusaff

The Manitoba Filipino Street Festival crowned these lovely ladies on July 9. Top photo: L-r: 1st Princess Jsyl Pagkatipunan; MFSF Queen Dasha Quintana; 2nd Princess Rachelle Gonzales. Bottom photo: L-r: 1st Bulilit Princess Ayanna Maxcyn Gualdrapa; Bulilit Queen Alessandra Datuin; 2nd Bulilit Princess Sheryl-Lynn Padua Policarpio. Story & more photos on pp22 & 23. Photos by Mark Godilano.



JULY 16 - 31, 2017

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JULY 16 - 31, 2017





JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Say “Millennial” one more time!

1045 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com

I keep seeing the word “Millennial” being used by young Filipinos to refer to themselves these days. The media have also been employing it extensively, with most outlets writing stories about Filipino Millennials for some time now. Companies have been targeting this particular demographic, presuming that their behaviour follows a certain pattern that can be exploited. This is all well and good; after all, it’s just a label. But I think it’s a mistake, a misappropriation that can have repercussions on how Filipino young people think of themselves and, consequently, how they act. To understand what I mean, we have to go back in time. This concept of “Millennials” stems from the trend of labeling of the generations, which began in the 20th century. Journalist Tom Brokaw the first generation of the 1900s “the Greatest Generation.” They grew up in the US during the Great Depression (19291941) and then went on to fight in World War II. Their lives were characterized by selfless hard work and a willingness to sacrifice even their own lives for the greater good. Then there was the “Silent Generation,” those born between 1925 and 1945 and were too young to fight in the war. Watching the war from the sidelines, they grew up focusing on their own careers instead of activism. Another reason they were silent was they grew up in the McCarthy era during which it was deemed dangerous to speak out. The end of WWII saw a boom not just in reconstruction but also in population. The next generation was thus born, a “Baby Boom” as the Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation – optimistic after the war’s end – bore children at an unprecedented rate. The

top graph on this page shows the sharp rise in live births in the US from 1945 to the mid-60s, a trend that was mirrored in Canada, many parts of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Unlike their parents, Baby Boomers did not have to suffer through shortages and other effects of the war. They grew up in a time of government subsidies in housing and education, and their parents, having gone through difficulty, gave them basically everything they needed and wanted. They were thus better educated, more active, and wealthier than their predecessors. Because they were richer, their children grew up with even more privilege. Generation X, however, grew up without a cause and thus they are labeled as “slackers,” even though many studies have shown that they are actually a very hard working generation. The following generation is given several labels: Gen Y, Millennials, Perennials, Xennials, and what have you. They are the generation that grew up with rapid advances in communications technology and are described as having a greater sense of community – both local and global. However, they are also pictured as lazy and narcissistic, as evidenced by their love for taking selfies and posting them online. Now bear in mind that all these generations refer to the West – the US, Canada, and Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand. As far as I can see, these are not mirrored in the Philippines and many other parts of the world. First of all, there was no Baby Boom here. The bottom chart shows how our birth rate grew slowly (and at times even fell) from the ashes of the war. Those born after the war did not grow up with unprecedented



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director


Graphic Designer/Photographer

ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer *****


privilege. They didn’t have subsidies for housing or education. The economy grew, but very slowly. The Philippines after the war struggled to recover, and those born from 1946 to the mid-60s felt it. And of course because there were no Baby Boomers, there was no Gen X, no Gen Y, no Millennial generation. These terms are hinged on each generation rearing their children in a particular way, and so on and so forth. The young Filipinos who call themselves Millennials are simply copying what they see in other countries. Sure they

think of themselves as connected to the world as their Western counterparts, but they can also picture themselves as lazy and narcissistic. I can tell you that these two traits do not characterize most young people I know – and I know a lot. It doesn’t help that the media and even we older ones have taken to labeling them as such. There may be a small percentage – particularly in highly urbanized areas – who match the Millennials’ characteristics, but most are entirely different. There are just too many factors affecting the psyche of people that it’s difficult to pin them down: economy (we are a developing country where smart phones may be cheap but keeping them connected to the internet is not, so people rely on free data that is limited), geography (as an archipelago, we have many distinct cultures), language (more than a hundred), and many more. Maybe I’m nitpicking here, but I believe that Proverbs 23:7 is true: For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. If young people think they are lazy, self-absorbed, and narcissistic, then that’s how they’re going to behave. Let’s stop calling them Millennials. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation. com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@ gmail.com.



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JULY 16 - 31, 2017


Communicate with your spouse Dear Ate Anna: I love my wife and want to make her happy. Often I feel nervous and shy around her and I worry that she is not satisfied with our times together. Sometimes I get so nervous that I pretend to fall asleep early so that we don’t interact as much. Do you have advice on how I can feel more confident in myself? Joseph Dear Joseph: I am very glad you asked this question! Your concern about your wife’s happiness and marital satisfaction is wonderful to hear. Caring about each other is important in a healthy relationship. Your own happiness is also important, and it sounds like you are very stressed out from your worry. I want you to know that it is very normal at times to struggle with our confidence and self esteem. We face a lot of pressure from society to be a perfect spouse and to have a perfect family. If we don’t feel that we are doing enough we can be very hard on ourselves. Sometimes we may feel that we are not able to make our partner happy in physical ways also, which can also be hard. It is important to remember that there is no such thing as a perfect spouse, and that every couple is unique. So you do not have to compare yourself to others. There is only one you, and there is only one marriage like yours. You and your wife are the ones who decide together what you want your relationship to be like, and what other people feel about it does not really matter. Many people also experience troubles feeling confident in matters of physical intimacy with their partners. Again, you are a unique couple, and you two get to decide what your physical relationship looks like together. Different types of touching feel good to different people, and each couple has ways of being

intimate that feel good for them. So do not compare yourself to stories you hear of other marriages or relationships you see on television or YouTube. Every physical relationship is different, and this is a good thing, so there is no benefit in comparing yourself to others. It may sound surprising, but the most important part of a physical relationship in a marriage is not the touching, but the talking. Communication is key to a satisfying physical partnership with your spouse. The more that you and your wife can talk together about your marriage, what each of you like and how you like to be touched, the better your physical relationships will be. The more you and your wife can talk about both of your feelings and desires, the more comfortable you both will feel with each other. So please worry less about whether you are doing things right, and spend more time talking with your wife about what she likes and how she would like to be touched. Chances are, these conversations will bring about deeper fulfillment and happiness between you two. Pretending to sleep or avoiding the issue (though it may feel like a good answer at the time) will not be best in the long term! Together if you build communication and understanding about what you both want, and you both feel

respected in your desires, your times together will likely be more satisfying and refreshing. All the best in your relationship, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write: Ate Anna, Sexuality Education Resource Centre, 200-226 Osborne Street North, Winnipeg MB R3C 1V4 or email: info@serc. mb.ca.




JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Let’s free the MPNP By all accounts the Express Entry program is booming while the MPNP for Skilled Workers Overseas is lagging far behind. The number of people invited to apply on the federal program is in the thousands for 2017 while the MPNP continues to limp along with record low numbers. Express Entry has quickly become the better option for foreign skilled workers abroad. It would appear, based on the evidence of the past year and history of invitations to apply, that the Trudeau government sees more value in bringing in more skilled workers than the Palliser government. Our hope is that things will change, but in the immigration world there is

unfortunately a systemic delay in seeing the full impact of change. The decrease in invitations to apply has a corresponding decrease in nominations and applications submitted by Manitoba provincial nominees. However, the number of arrivals may remain high for the short term, therefore the arrivals number belies the decrease in invitations and nominations. By the end of this calendar year, all stake holders in Manitoba, both government and private sector will become fully aware of the change in policy and the impact on the ready supply of skilled and semi-skilled workers. The MPNP is a highly developed recruitment model, but it is being

underutilized at this time. In terms of Skilled Workers Overseas, provincial immigration has provided updated numbers. On March 16, 2017, 63 invitations to apply were issued to the lowest-ranked candidates with a score of 703. On March 30, 2017, 24 invitations to apply (ITA) were issued to the lowest-ranked candidates with 698 points. On May 30, 2017, 124 invitations to apply were issued to the lowestranked candidates with 575 points and on June 16, 2017, 24 invitations to apply were issued to the lowest ranked-candidates with 689 points. The numbers demonstrate that the invitations to apply are in many ways inverse to the lowest selection number. Decrease the selection number for the lowest-ranked candidates and the number of invitations to apply rise accordingly.

In terms of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program for Business (MPNP-B), the numbers have remained constant overtime. Forty Letters of Advice to Apply (LAA) were issued for April 2017 with the lowest range of scores from 87 to 97. Ninety Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) were issued from May to June 2017 with 40 issued in May, with the lowest ranges of scores from 87 to 99 and 50 issued in June with the range of scores from 87 to 95. The MPNP-B advertises that their EOI pool is active and engaged, and the numbers are reflective of constant economic activity, which is not constant and moderate in terms of economic activity. The MPNP will hopefully be with us for a long time. Our hope is that the Palliser government will come to understand the need for a steady supply of both semiskilled and skilled immigrant

workers as well as the influx of new investment and activity from foreign business people under MPNP-B. Immigration is not bad news nor is it poor business practice. Manitoba needs labour to fuel economic activity and growth, and a healthy active MPNP is the best way for Manitoba to attract the workers we need. To rephrase a political slogan from the 1990s “Let’s free the MPNP” to nominate more, not fewer. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

Are you an impulsive shopper? Part II This article is a continuation of the June 16th edition. Impulse shopping can be as easy and dangerous as that fourdollar cup of coffee or that 50 per cent BOGO offer. Just like that, the money we have worked so hard to save and budget can vanish on us. If it’s that easy for things to get out of control, how can we hope to keep our money safe from ourselves and our impulse buying ways? Well, there are a few ways, let’s chat about a couple of them. I, just like everyone else in the right circumstances, can be an impulse shopper. The key is to understand when you’re most likely to be an impulse shopper. For me it can be an electronics store (I love my gadgets!) or when I go for groceries (the smell of the bakery is irresistible). Easiest solution is to avoid these places, but that isn’t always practical, so instead I have to limit myself. If I am going to the electronics store, I call in advance to find out the total purchase price, with tax. Then (gasp) I leave my credit and bank cards at home! Yes, it can be done! I bring just enough cash for the purchase and nothing else. When I go for groceries I only bring cash; I bring exactly what my budget

says I am to spend and not a penny more. As I shop, I add up my purchases and when the money runs out, the money runs out! I am forcing myself to stay within my budget. Another approach is called the “freeze your assets” method. It is quite simple; you take your bank cards, debit cards, credit cards and put them in a sealable sandwich bag. You fill the bag with water. Seal it. Then put it in the freezer! You literally freeze your assets. It sounds corny (and fun) and it works. If you want to get your hands on your cards to satisfy your impulse craving, you have to take that block of ice out of your freezer, plop it on the counter and think hot nasty thoughts at it and wait for it to melt! This will give you a chance to think. Think about why you want to make your purchase. Is it worth it? Is it in your budget? Do you need it or just want it? This can be a very effective method to control impulse shopping. Generally speaking, there are five main triggers for impulse shopping, summarized by the word T.E.M.P.O. This stands for Time, Environment, Mood, Place and Occasion. If you can identify your impulse triggers, you can find

a way to manage the trigger. Time – is there a time of day when your energy is low? That is not a good time to shop, as you’re less focused and more prone to give in to impulse. Shop when your energy levels are higher and you’re more focused. Environment – Are there certain environments that cause you to want to spend or make you feel obligated to spend? For example, fairs, home shows, malls, electronics stores? If this is one of your triggers, bring with you only enough cash to meet the expenses planned in your budget. Don’t bring credit or debit cards. Moods – Some people shop because they’re happy. Some people shop because they’re sad. Certain moods and emotional states drain your energy and can make you more likely to impulse shop. Other moods can impact

your shopping, where everything looks like a great deal. Remember last month’s BOGO example? Identify the moods that affect your spending behaviour: happy, sad, hungry, tired – and don’t shop during those moods. Place – Is there a certain store that is your weakness? Do you like to shop for craft supplies at a favourite store? Do you like to wander the aisles in the home improvement store for hours? Maybe you find yourself impulse shopping when you visit a certain store. Can you avoid that store? Occasion – Is there a specific holiday or tradition that causes you to impulse shop? Does shopping with a certain friend cause unplanned spending? Do you spend impulsively when you know that you’ll be getting a lump sum of money but you haven’t got it yet? – a bonus at work or a tax

refund? Occasion spending can be controlled by having a budget that allows for seasonal and irregular expenses. Now that you have identified your T.E.M.P.O. triggers, you need to know how to counter them. We suggest you fill out the chart on this page to specify your exact triggers, and a strategy to overcome them. Good luck in overcoming your impulse buy. With a little thought and planning you can beat it! Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca.

JULY 16 - 31, 2017





JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Feng shui myths of flow, draining and generating water Feng shui is a wonderful living skill that can help you adapt to your surroundings so that you are happier, more productive, healthier and more prosperous. It may be an ancient art, but it’s something that should be practiced and adapted to modern times. One of the aspects of feng shui, though, that is often clouded with misunderstanding is regarding water. In particular, there are many myths and misconceptions about water that defy practicality, and in truth, make no sense at all. It’s time to unravel some of those mysteries to understand the role of water as it relates to flow, draining, and generating. Many well-meaning feng shui consultants will say that bathroom energy is problematic and that the “draining” energy of a home’s plumbing can cause problems with health and wealth. The real problem is that they’re applying this art from the negative. They’re worried more about the drain and less about the generation of water. Draining water and bathrooms are essential for modern living, so I say, why not practice feng shui with an eye toward modernity and toward generating water instead of being overly focused on

draining water, and in particular, bathrooms, toilets and sinks? The following myths uncover common misunderstandings about toilets, drains, and water so widely dispensed in feng shui. Myth 1: All water is the same: This simply isn’t true. As a modern society, we know that we need separate water systems for drinking water and for wastewater. These are two completely different types of water. Yet, in feng shui circles, there’s a lot of concern around “containing” water and stopping the drain. This means that people will frequently go to silly and impractical measures to “stop the drain” of water in their bathrooms or kitchen sinks. This puts draining water, like from your washing machine, the water in your bathroom sink where you spit out your toothpaste, toilets, tubs and washing machines on the same footing as our taps. But they’re not. As a person of the 21st century it’s important to think of applying feng shui for the modern times. Myth 2: Water should not drain from your house or you’ll lose money, energy, and health:

Let’s think about this… do you really want the drains in your house to stop? As people living in a modern society, would we want to live without running and draining water? I for one wouldn’t. We have to practice feng shui from a position of practicality and good, common sense and with today’s sensibilities, and closing up your sink drains simply is not practical. The water that goes down the drain, sink, tub, or toilet is water we want to drain. You want the toilet to drain just like you need to empty your body of waste – because constipation is not fun or a sign of good health. Your home (which is an extension of yourself) needs to release its waste, just as you do. The bigger concern is that we take our focus off the draining water and think about what we can do to produce more generating water, like from fountains, water features, pools, and aquariums. This is active yang water – the type that brings prosperity, so there’s no need to worry over toilets, sinks, and tubs. Just close the bathroom door. Myth 3: Flowing water around the house drains prosperity: It’s important to distinguish between flow and drain, and to understand that they are water of two different qualities. You need water to flow

around or away from your house or you will have water running in your house — never a good thing. Flowing water that runs in front of your house and is carried

away by waterspouts, pipes and ditches is beneficial and actually represents water flow. The more serious concern is when water is See FENG SHUI p9

JULY 16 - 31, 2017

FENG SHUI... From page 8 flowing at the rear of the house. This is symbolically like standing with your back to the ocean, never a good sign. If you have flow at the rear of the house, this is when the water becomes a drain. Why? Because having water behind you is a drain, and in front is a flow. But handling this kind of drain is simple by adding a small stonewall at the rear of the property or some plantings. Both the earth and wood elements help to contain the water energy at the back of the house so that health or money issues don’t become a problem. Myth 4: Red ribbons will stop the draining energy or toilets and sinks: Using simply 5 Element Theory, red is a colour that activates, so in effect, you are actually activating the drain if you have sinks, pipes or toilets


tied with red ribbons. Further, it’s a clash of elements from the ribbon’s red fire energy and the drain’s water energy. Again, just as you need to allow your own body to rid itself of waste, you need to allow your home’s to empty itself of its waste. Who wants to live in a constipated house? Just remember that your home is a living space. Myth 5: Sinks and plumbing are a source of drain: Let’s put drain in perspective. Toilets, tubs and sinks all drain – and, they’re supposed to – that’s their role. The real concern is when your source of generating water is leaking; this is the real drain. If you have leaking taps and faucets, you’ll see a drain on your health and your finances. Faucets and taps are a source of generating, clean water, and they should never leak because they create a drain on your life, so watch for running toilets, dripping faucets, and leaky taps.

Many times if there’s a problem with spending or an abundance of bill, the source is frequently a leak. Think about practicing feng shui for today’s times and with an eye toward common sense and practicality. If you have red ribbons and red dots on toilets, pipes or other plumbing fixtures, take them off. Then, do a thorough check for water leaks followed by the installation of a lovely fountain with beautiful, activated flowing water. Putting the focus on the water that is supposed to drain and not on generating water is the mistake. Set your sights on keeping bathroom doors closed, un-activated, and creating more generating water around your home for increased abundance, wealth and income. That’s when the feng shui magic happens! FENG SHUI Q&A Question: What is the feng shui of placing a rocking chair


in the southwest corner, which happens to be the love corner of my bedroom and the whole house? I’m getting over a serious heartbreak and embarking on a new relationship that I’d like to cultivate into a loving, supportive partnership. Answer: This is a fascinating question. There are a couple of ways to look at this. The first is how you feel about rocking chairs. They’re sweet, old fashioned and, I think, enjoyable to sit in. I remember growing up and my grandmother had three or four of them in her living room and it was fun when everyone got to rock! But rocking chairs can also be a symbol of worry for some people. When people worry or try to calm a situation, they may do things like tap their feet, fidget, rock in a chair, or even rock or jiggle a fussy baby. Does this mean anything to you? It sounds like you have some worry about this new relationship and I would

be concerned that the chair could become a symbol of worry – and a single symbol of worry – meaning that there is only one chair. If you were to put a single item in this corner, I think it would be better to have a tall lamp here to light up your romance corner to boost love chi. If you love the chair, then, put it there. If you have reservations, I’d suggest placing it in the northwest corner to stimulate movement and reinforce the male/yang energy in your home. Movement especially helps in the northwest! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!



JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Winnipegger Paul Ong performs in China Paul Ong, a well-known singer in Winnipeg’s Filipino and Chinese communities, is heading to Beijing, China this month to perform in the Water Cube Cup 2017 Overseas Chinese Youth Singing Competition. Participants from more than 55 countries will sing Chinese songs in the competition, which is sponsored by the Chinese government and several Chinese companies. Paul was born in the Philippines and he speaks Tagalog fluently as well as Mandarin and Fukien. He was selected to represent Winnipeg after winning a regional competition. “I am very excited to once

again represent the country and the Filipino-Chinese community in Winnipeg. And I’m quite delighted that I will represent not only the Chinese community in Winnipeg, but of course, the Filipino community as well,” said Paul. Delegates representing their countries will be undergoing workshops when they arrive in China. They will engage in four rounds of competitions from July 20 to August 8 at the Water Cube, Olympic Park in Beijing, China. Aside from workshops there will also be activities that will immerse participants in Chinese culture. The annual event aims to

promote Chinese culture and to encourage Chinese youth overseas to be culturally aware and to be proud of being Chinese. This is not Paul’s first singing competition. In 2015, he was one of Canada’s representatives at the World Championships of Performing Arts. He won in all of his chosen categories. He was also awarded the Overall Champion of the World for Vocal Contemporary for his age division and a two-year scholarship from the New York Film Academy. In 2012, he was a part of Canada’s Got Talent and was selected as the Hometown Hero for Manitoba featured in a Tim Horton’s

television advertisement. He has also participated in several shows with artists from the Philippines, China, and local artists in the city. In November 2016, he launched his album Paul Ong: Broadway Classics. Concert for a Cause Singing is not merely a competitive sport for Paul. He also uses his talent as a platform to inspire, empower, and support others and the community. His “concerts for a cause” have become an annual charity event. The theme for this year’s concert is We Remember, in honour of the brave men and women we commemorate on Remembrance Day, and also to celebrate Canada’s 150th year of confederation. Proceeds will

go toward the Military Family Resource Centre. This year’s concert will highlight classical pieces, Broadway songs, show tunes, and especially, jazz, with the Royal Canadian Navy Band of HMCS Chippawa collaborating with Paul. And, as part of Paul’s aim to provide opportunities for innercity youth, he hopes that jazz band students will have the opportunity to play with this navy band. The concert is set for Saturday, November 4, 2017 at TecVoc High School. Aside from being a singer, Paul is also Special Education Resource Teacher in the Winnipeg School Division, and is currently pursuing his Masters at the University of Manitoba. –PE

JULY 16 - 31, 2017






JULY 16 - 31, 2017

• Nadine Lustre – Nakikipag-live in na kay James Reid • Ian Veneracion – Maraming nag-iilusyon sa guwapong aktor • Charice – Gustong maging kumpletong lalaki si Jake Zyrus • Ai Ai delas Alas – Panlaban ang kurbada ng katawan ngayon • Sen. Manny Pacquiao – Dapat na bang mag-retire si Pacman? • Jose Manalo – Nagbabakasyon lang kaya nawala sa Eat… Bulaga! • Kris Aquino – Mukhang babalik na sa mainstream TV Sa isang sablay na pahayag lang ay halos ibitin na nang patiwarik ngayon sa social media si Nadine Lustre. Kalaban ng young actress ang mundo ngayon, talagang ginagawa siyang target, butas-butas na ang buong katawan niya ngayon dahil sa mga negatibong salita na ikinukulapol sa kaniyang pagkatao. Personal na naming nararamdaman ang negatibong epekto ng mga deklarasyon ni Nadine Lustre. Mismong mga taong sinulat namin noon na gustung-gusto siya ang bumibitiw na ngayon sa pagsuporta sa aktres. Hindi na kami lalayo pa. Sa mismong mga pamangkin na lang naming lalaki na gumagastos talaga kapag siya ang naka-cover sa mga magazine. Ayaw na nila kay Nadine, hindi nila nagustuhan ang sinabi ng aktres na normal na lang ngayon ang pakikipag-livein, milenyal na raw kasi ang kasalukuyang panahon. Hindi iyon nagustuhan ng mga pamangkin namin na dati’y nakikipag-argumento para sa kanilang idolo, hindi na raw ang dating Nadine Lustre ang nakikita nila ngayon, ibang tao na. At kahit sa presyong palugi

ay hindi rin binili ng ating mga kababayan ang kaniyang sinabi. Mga kabataan pa naman ang mga tagahanga nila ni James Reid, pero ano ang nilalaman ng sinabi ni Nadine, maling hudyat iyon para sa mga kabataan. Normal na lang daw ang pakikipag-live-in, paninindigan ni Nadine Lustre, nakalimutan na yata niya na namumuhay siya sa isang bansa na mahigpit ang pagpapahalaga sa wasto at sa kultura at tradisyon. Nakakapanibago ang mga nangyayari ngayon sa buhay at karera ni Nadine. Napakalayo na niya sa kaniyang mga kasabayan. Habang simpleng-simple pa rin sina Kathryn Bernardo, Liza Soberano at iba pang nabubuhay na may ka-loveteam ay heto naman si Nadine. Nagbago na ang kaniyang mga pananaw sa buhay, kinokontra na niya ang tradisyon, napakanormal na lang para sa kaniya ang pakikipag-live-in bago ang kasalan. At maraming nagtatanong. Sa lahat ng kaganapang ito ay nasaan ang kaniyang boyfriend na si James Reid? Bakit si Nadine lang ang nalalatayan nang husto? See CRISTY p15

James Reid & Nadine Lustre – Live-in partners na ba? Nadine Lustre

Ian Veneracion & Bea Alonzo

Ai Ai Delas Alas Si Charice noong babae pa (left) ngayon ay Jake Zyrus na

Jose Manalo





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JULY 16 - 31, 2017






The Voice Teens – fans to choose Top 12 Top-rating singing-reality show The Voice Teens kicked off its live shows this past weekend (July 15 and 16) as its Top 12 artists courted the votes of the viewing public in hopes of landing a spot in the much-

awaited grand finals. With coaches Lea Salonga, Sarah Geronimo, Bamboo, and Sharon Cuneta shaping up their teams with their top three artists, viewers will be added to the competition equation as they vote

for their favourites and potential The Voice Teens grand champion. ‘FamiLea’ is led by soprano Mica, who will prove she deserves all the hype surrounding her since her blind audition, whose video has now reached 9.6

million views. Chan, meanwhile, is fighting for his brother, and Patricia will show she is worthy of coach Lea’s ‘steal’ and decision to pick her. Team Sarah’s Ivan will use See VOICE p15

Coach Sarah and her team

Coach Lea and her FamiLea team

Coach Sharon and her team

Coach Bamboo and his Team Kawayan

JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Solenn Heusaff renews GMA 7 contracT Kapuso actress and TV host Solenn Heussaff affirms her loyalty as a Kapuso as she renewed her exclusive contract with GMA Network on June 30. Solenn, who has been a loyal Kapuso for the last six years, said she feels happy and fulfilled with her renewal of contract with GMA 7, “I grew a lot here as a person and I got to learn my mother tongue here. Super happy ako. I really feel it’s my family here and I just want to be with See SOLENN p15

Solenn Heusaff

JULY 16 - 31, 2017

VOICE... From page 14 to his advantage his experience of joining over 100 singing competitions, while breadwinner Nisha, on the other hand, will draw on her decade of playing with her family band to stand out. Jona, one of the youngest artists in the race, will not let her age get in the way of bagging the grand title. Representing Kamp Kawayan are Emarjhun with his unique voice and bubbly personality, Queenie with her undeniable stage presence, and Isabela with her determination to make her own name in the industry. Coach Sharon, meanwhile, is eager to earn her first The Voice grand title with Alessandra’s distinct vocal style, Jeremy’s power to tell a story through singing, and Christy’s on-stage versatility. In the live shows, viewers can only vote for their favourite artists during a commercial break after three of the artists from each team have already performed. The artist from each team who gets the highest percentage of votes will be the first to move on in the competition. The coach will

CRISTY... From page 12 Nasaan ang lalaking nagmamahal daw sa kaniya? Isang maling busina para sa mga kabataan ang pahayag ni Nadine. Parang ineengganyo pa niya ang mga kabataang Pilipino na ayos lang ang pakikipaglive-in at saka na intindihin ang pagpapakasal. *** Sunud-sunod ang napanood naming patalastas noong isang gabi na si Ian Veneracion ang nag-eendorso. Pana-panahon lang talaga ang pag-aartista. Dati’y mga sikat na aktor ang bumibida sa TVC pero ngayon ay nakuha ng guwapong aktor ang trabaho. Natural, negosyo ang puntirya ng mga may-ari ng produkto, kung sino ang sikat at mabango sa publiko ay iyon ang kinukuha nilang tagapag-endorso sa merkado ng kanilang mga ibinebenta. Ang dami-dami pa namang produktong puwedeng pagmodeluhan ni Ian Veneracion. Vitamins, kape, alak, food supplement at iba pang mga pangaraw-araw na pangangailangan ng mga kababayan natin para sa kanilang katawan at kalusugan. Panahon ngayon ni Ian Veneracion. Siya ang iniilusyong mayakap ng mga becki, ang kinakikiligan ng mga kababaihang may edad na, pati ng mga kabataang sumubaybay sa kanilang serye ni Bea Alonzo. Tawa kami nang tawa sa komento ng isang kaibigan naming may mataas na posisyon sa ating lipunan na ayaw magpabanggit ng pangalan. Pero buking naman ng kaniyang staff kung gaano ito kalulong sa A Love To Last. Sabi ng aming friend, “Naku, ayan na naman si Grace (Iza



then have to choose who between his or her two remaining artists gets to stay and gets eliminated. Watch The Voice Teens and see whom the viewing public will save and whom their coaches will send home. Source: ABS CBN News

SOLENN... From page 14 GMA. And learn more and grow with the company.” The actress further shared she is equally proud to have built a good working relationship with GMA which she considers her second family, “I really feel the sense of family in the network. Dito ko talaga nakita yung balance. Everyone on the set is at the same level. Walang super bida, walang director na maarte, like feeling powerful. Everyone respects each other. Which is what I really love in GMA 7, it makes work fun and easier but still everyone is hard working.” Solenn is currently part of GMA News TV’s lifestyle show Taste Buddies. She was also part of the well-loved telefantasya Encantadia as Cassiopeia. Source: GMA7 News Calzado na ang galing-galing sa serye), lugar na maayos na ang relasyon ni Andeng at ng mga anak ni Anton, uuwi na naman ang hitad para guluhin sila! “Nakuha na nga ni Andeng ang loob ni Lucas, wala na sanang problema, pero babalik na naman sa Pilipinas si Grace para manggulo!” komento nito. At iyon ay sinabi ng aming kaibigan na para bang buhay ng kanilang kapitbahay ang bumibida sa kaniyang komento, parang apektado ito sa totoong buhay, samantalang kuwento lang naman ng A Love To Last ang kaniyang inoopinyunan. At para patunayang tutok na tutok talaga ang aming kausap sa serye ay mayroon pa itong dagdag, “Ano ba ang name noong gumaganap na mayordoma nina Anton at Grace noong nagsasama pa sila? “Mahadera siya, ha? Ano siya sa bahay na iyon, amo siya? Napakataray niya, akala mo kung sino siyang makairap kay Andeng! Nakakainis siya!” Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Tagumpay ang serye! *** Sa isang masayang umpukan ng mga taga-showbiz ay bumida na naman si Charice Pempengco. Lahat kasi ng mga nandoon ay nakasaksi sa pangangarap hanggang sa pagtatagumpay ng international performer. May isang nasa umpukan na nakakita kay Charice habang lumalakad papunta sa studio kung saan siya iinterbyuhin. Lakadlalaki na raw talaga si Jake Zyrus dahil halos sakupin na niya ang pasilyo sa malikot niyang paglalakad. Sabi nito, “Alam mo iyong lakad na may gustong patunayan? Machong-macho ang dating niya, para na siyang si Robin Padilla kung lumakad, pa-mhin na talaga

Solenn Heusaff with GMA7 Network executives

Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao and his opponent Jeff Horn si Charice! Pinatunayan din ng mga taong nakakaalam ng personal na buhay ni Charice Pempengco na hindi na kagandahan ang numero ng kaniyang pananalapi ngayon. Puro palabas, walang pumapasok, kaya sa kanilang pag-aanalisa ay bagsak na ang bulsa ng international singer. Sa ganoong kalagayan ngayon ni Jake Zyrus ay malayo sa katotohanang magawa niya ang kaniyang gusto para matupad na ang pangarap niyang maging tunay na lalaki ang dating. “Hanggang sa pagpapatubo na lang siya ng bigote at pagpapatanggal ng boobs niya. Pero iyong pangarap niyang organ reassignment, mahihirapan na siya,” sabi ng source. May mahabaang proseso pa palang kailangang pagdaanan ang gustong magpapalit ng ari. Hindi pala iyon kasingsimple ng basta paghiga sa operating table. May kung anu-ano pa palang paghahanda na kailangang harapin si Charice bago siya sumailalim sa organ reassignment. “Physically, kaya niya, bata pa naman kasi si Charice. Pero ikukundisyon pa muna siya mentally, sasabihin sa kaniya ang magiging effect sa kaniya ng ipagagawa niya. Maraming pros and con iyon. “Hindi na siya makapagpapabago pa uli kapag ikinabit na ang gusto niya. Hanggang sa magsisi na lang ang magagawa niya. No more turning

Kris Aquino gets an assignment from Google back kumbaga,” maliwanag na pahayag ng impormante. Idagdag pa sa senaryo ang hindi kagandahang estado ng kaniyang kabuhayan showcase. Wala na siyang mga raket, bihira na lang siyang kinukuha para sa mga shows sa ibang bansa, mula nang maglantad na siya ng tunay niyang kasarian. Lahat ng nasa umpukan ay nagkaisa sa pagsasabi na pagsisisihan ni Charice iyon pagdating ng araw. Pero kung iyon ang ideya

ng happiness para kay Charice Pemepengco ay wala na nga siyang pakikinggang payo ng kahit sino. Ang kaniyang kalooban pa rin ang masusunod dahil iyon ang makapagpapasaya sa kaniya. Sabi nga, walang basagan ng trip, tutal naman ay walang sinumang inaabala si Charice sa kagustuhan niyang maging tunay na lalaki. *** Mukhang kinakarir ng See CRISTY p16



JULY 16 - 31, 2017

To be remembered As many Canadians mark 2017 as a milestone since Confederation, I became curious as to how this anniversary became the most popularly celebrated as a nation. In 1867, the Dominion of Canada consisted of four provinces. Unlike today’s 10 provinces and three territories, which came to be 18 years ago when Nunavut joined Confederation in 1999. So Canada 150 is not celebrating Canada’s borders. Indigenous peoples have lived on Canada’s claim of land for thousands of years and treaties with the British date back approximately 300 years. Followed by the centuries and various waves of immigration from Europe, to the global communities and multiculturalism we know today. So Canada 150 is not celebrating Canada’s people. Canada 150 is not acknowledging colonization (although I guess that wouldn’t be celebrated). Canada 150 is not even celebrating independence though, since Canadian sovereignty didn’t happen until the Constitution Act of 1982.

Looking at Canada’s timeline only left me with more questions. What makes some points in history more important than others? Is popular history just dates and names? Is importance only placed on a celebration of firsts? Does importance in history only apply to those few? Does history have to be so select and exclusive? Well… I hope not. For over a decade, the ANAK Liwayway Scholarship for Leadership Excellence has been awarding high school graduates in an effort to preserve and promote Philippine heritage and support the pursuit of post-secondary studies. As volunteers, we commit to fundraising for these scholarships, and each year make the difficult decision of who to award our limited funds. This year, applicants were asked to conduct oral history interviews that shed light on what pushed and/or pulled their family to Canada. They were asked to write essays about where their Canadian stories begin. History may be past, but history is personal. History is analyzing connected experiences and our

Daisydee Bautista and Lakeisha Rae Moreno at the James Andrew Aviso and ANAK Scholarship Elmwood High School convocation recipient Karla Atanacio history can only be reflected on when captured, when heard. Our collective living history will leave a legacy of ripples that will affect future generations. This past June, ANAK awarded two scholarship recipients: Lakeisha Rae Moreno (Elmwood High School) and Karla Atanacio (Sisler High School). Each received a $500 scholarship, which they

Creative employment opportunities for youth The Business Council of Manitoba launched the Youth CEO – Creative Employment Opportunities initiative on July 11. The goal of the program is to provide Indigenous and new Canadian youth with opportunities to play a greater role in our economy. Eighteen young people will gain training and work experience over the summer with thirteen of Manitoba’s largest companies. The kick-off event was held on the site of Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre Summer Kids Camp at the Old Exhibition Arena in Winnipeg’s North End.

(L-r) standing: participant Rylee Nepinak, CEO Steve Kroft, participant Clare Blanco, CEO Jamie Brown, participant Donna Yellowback. Seated: John Bock.

will be using towards their postsecondary studies at Red River College and at the University of Winnipeg. Honourable mentions were also awarded to John Chedrick Aguilar (Maples Collegiate), Rikka Mae Yambao (Miles Macdonell Collegiate), and Caitlin Keesha Badillo (Kelvin High School). Congratulations to the Class

CRISTY... From page 15 Philippine Comedy Queen ang pagda-diet. Malapit na kasi ang kasal nila ng badminton coachtrainer na si Gerald Sibayan. Panlaban ang kurbada ng katawan ngayon ni Ai Ai delas Alas. Saktung-sakto ang hubog ng kaniyang bewang at balakang, wala siyang bilbil, malalapad ang kaniyang balikat. Mula nang puro organic na ang kinakain ng Comedy Concert Queen ay napakalaki na ng ipinagbago ng kaniyang sistema. Maayos ang lahat ng vital signs niya, pati ang problema niya sa balat na dala ng stress ay nabura, palaging sinasabi ng komedyana na walang tatalo sa mga organic food. Mahirap lang sa umpisa pero makakasanayan din. Iba nga naman ang nagagawang maganda sa ating kalusugan ng mga pagkaing walang kahit anong halo ng kemikal at iba pang sangkap. Abalang-abala na ngayon sina Gerald at Ai Ai sa nalalapit nilang kasal. May kani-kaniyang toka sila, magkatulong silang nag-aasikaso, hands on sila sa paghahanda sa napakahalagang araw sa kanilang relasyon. Maraming kulang at sobra sa mga nakaraang pakikipagrelasyon ng komedyana, aminado naman siya sa kaniyang mga pagkakamali, kaya dasal ng mga taong nagmamahal sa kaniya ay sumakto na sana siya ngayon kay Gerald. Ang apat na taong relasyon ay sapat na siguro para masukat ni Ai Ai kung tama ang desisyon

of 2017! We look forward to your legacy. Source Library and Archives Canada (www.collectionscanada.gc.ca) Daisydee Bautista is a long serving volunteer for ANAK and elected Chair of the Education Committee. To learn more about ANAK and how to become a volunteer visit www.anak.ca or email info@anak.ca.

niyang magpakasal na sila ng lalaking nakilala lang niya sa paglalaro ng badminton. Sasabihin ng iba na aksidente lang ang kanilang pagtatagpo, pero walang aksidente sa mundo, lahat ng pangyayari ay palaging nakadisenyo. Sa bilyun-bilyong tao sa mundo ay mayroong nakalaan para sa bawat isa sa atin. Si Gerald Sibayan iyon para sa Philippine Comedy Queen. Walang naging problema sa kanilang relasyon dahil tinanggap-minahal agad ng mga anak ni Ai Ai si Gerald at wala ring naging problema sa pamilya ng binata sa pagmamahal sa komedyana. Ito na nga iyon. *** Hindi tinanggap ng Pambansang Kamao ang pinal na desisyon ng WBO tungkol sa nakaraan nilang laban ni Jeff Horn. Walang belt na babawiin, kailangang tanggapin ni Senador Manny Pacquiao ang naging desisyon ng mga hurado, tinalo raw talaga siya ni Horn. At hindi lang si Pacman ang nalungkot sa opisyal na pahayag ng WBO, maging ang mga nakaraan niyang nakapalitan ng mga suntok sa ring ay umalma rin, nakahiyaan na lang diumano ng WBO ang pagbawi kay Horn pero kitang-kita rin ng mga ito na si Pacman talaga ang nagtagumpay. Sa pananaw naman ng mga Pinoy ay ayos lang ang pagkatalo kung talang kinapos si Pacman, pero ibang usapan na kapag siya na nga ang nagpapakawala nang matitinding suntok, pero siya pa pala ang talo sa mga puntos ng See CRISTY p18

JULY 16 - 31, 2017






JULY 16 - 31, 2017

El Shaddai Winnipeg 25th Anniversary St. Boniface Cathedral, July 2, 2017 El Shaddai DWXI_Prayer Partners Fellowship International, Winnipeg Chapter, celebrated their 25th anniversary on Sunday, July 2, 2017 at the St.

Boniface Cathedral. Bishop Noel Delaquis officiated the mass, assisted by Fr. Greg Mulligan, Fr. Renerio Dayanan, and Fr. Marcelino Bandico. Sis. Mae

Hartberg, Executive International Coordinator for USA, Canada and Europe, also spoke at the gathering. Among the special guests

present were: Bro. Jeorge Fackler, International Disciple, San Diego, California; Kevin Lamoureux, MP for Winnipeg North, Ronald Opina, Philippine

Honorary Consul; and members of the Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, and Red Deer chapters. Photos by Reyn Cruz

The El Shaddai choir with Sister Mae Hartberg and Bro. Jeorge Fackler

El Shaddai Council members with Sis. Mae Hartberg and Bro. Jeorge Fackler

Fellowship and disciple night with Sis. Mae Hartberg

Fr. Greg Mulligan with El Shaddai members

CRISTY... From page 16 hurado. Sabi ng isang malapit na kaibigan ni Pacman sa amin, “Hindi naman gutom sa parangal si Manny, ipinaglaban lang niya ang tama. Siya ang nakakaalam kung ano ang nangyari, alam niya sa capacity niya kung sino ang dapat nanalo, kaya siya naghain ng reklamo. “Pero mabilis mag-move on si Manny, hindi siya iyong tipong magmumukmok lang sa tabi dahil sa pagkatalo niya na dapat, eh, panalo, paghahandaan na lang niya ang paghaharap uli nila ni Horn,” sabi ng common friend namin ng senador-boksingero. May isyu sa pagitan nila ngayon ni Coach Freddie Roach. Tungkol iyon sa dapat ay tinanggap ng coach kahit pa siya natalo pero hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa raw nito tinatanggap. Wala kaming alam na kung paano nila pinaghahatian ang panalo at talong pakikipagsalpukan ni Pacman, pero may alam ang aming kausap, ganito ang kaniyang paliwanag. “Talagang wala pang maibibigay si Manny kay Coach Freddie Roach dahil siya man,

hindi pa rin niya hawak ang amount na dapat niyang makuha. Ngayon lang naman nangyari ito, nagkaroon lang ng delay, dahil delayed din ang pagbibigay kay Manny ng halagang dapat niyang matanggap. “Pero malinaw iyon sa bawat transaction nila. Iyong training niya sa Wild Card Gym, iyong lahat ng gastos sa training, lahat iyon, binabayaran ni Manny. “Pagkatapos nilang ibawas pati ang tax na kailangang bayaran, ang lahat-lahat ng gastos sa paghahanda sa laban, iyon ang pinaghahatian nila,” pahayag ng aming source. Maraming nagpapayo sa Pambansang Kamao na tumigil na sa kaniyang boxing career dahil sobra pa sa kailangan lang ang kaniyang napatunayan bilang kampeon, pero mukhang hindi pa ngayon ang panahon para bumaba na sa lona ang ipinagmamalaki nating boksingero, mayroon pa siyang pinaghahandaan. Katawan niya iyon, siya ang nakakaalam sa kaniyang kapasidad, anuman ang mangyari sa mga susunod pang laban ni Pacman ay siya lang ang magiging responsable sa magiging resulta ng kaniyang laban. ***

Malapit nang bumalik si Jose Manalo mula sa masarap niyang bakasyon sa Amerika. Kuryente ang kuwentong suspendido ang magaling na komedyante. Dumaan muna sa butas ng karayom ang hiling na bakasyon ni Jose dahil tatlong programa ang kaniyang ginagawa linggolinggo. Hindi biro iyon. Isang pang-araw-araw at dalawang lingguhan. Pero kinailangan niyang humiling ng bakasyon. Buong linggo siyang nagtatrabaho at hindi maiiwasan ang matinding stress kapag hindi niya siningitan ng bakasyon ang kaniyang arawaraw na rutina. Doon umuusbong ang pagkaburyong, ang pag-iinit ng ulo dahil sa kakulangan ng tulog at pahinga, may mga artista talagang magtatrabaho nang singkad at saka sila magliliwaliw pagkatapos. Utang na loob nila iyon sa kanilang sarili. Dapat nilang regaluhan ng pahinga ang kanilang isip at katawan. Hindi pa naman madali para kay Jose Manalo ang ginagawa niya lalo na sa Eat… Bulaga! Kapag malayo ang location ng Juan For All, All For Juan, madaling-araw pa lang ay pumu-

pullout na sila ng produksiyon, matindi pa naman ang trapik ngayon na kailangan nilang unahan. Ang ibang hosts ng noontime show ay dumarating na lang sa studio kapag malapit nang magsimula ang programa pero sina Jose Manalo, Wally Bayola, Paolo Ballesteros at ang staff and crew nila ay umaalis na nang napakaaga para walang maging problema sa kanilang segment. Dapat lang makakita ng bagong kapaligiran si Jose, kailangan din niyang magbanlaw sa sobrang pagtatrabaho, napakalaking kaginhawahan para sa magaling na komedyante ang paminsanminsang pagbabakasyon. *** Mabuti naman at marunong nang magrenda ng kaniyang dila si Kris Aquino. Paminsanminsan ay kumakawala pa rin ang kaniyang kataklesan, lumulutang pa rin ang kaniyang kanaturalan, pero hanggang maaari ay siya na mismo ang rumerenda sa kaniyang pagsasalita. Ang kuwento ni Kris ay malapit na siyang magbalik sa mainstream television, ayaw lang daw niyang sabihin kung saang network, dahil baka kapag hindi na naman natuloy ang

transaksiyon ay baka mapahiya lang siya. Noon pa dapat ginawa ni Kris ang ganyan. Dapat ay noon pa niya naisip na mahirap magpakawala ng mga detalye lalo na kung wala pa namang kasiguruhan dahil ang siguradong magiging resulta noon ay ang pagkapahiya. Mas maganda kapag nand’yan na ang proyekto, ang network at ang lahat ng mga detalyeng kailangan, magsalita man siya nang magsalita ay hindi na siya mapapahiya. Marami nang nakaka-miss kay Kris. Tanggapin natin ang katotohanan na wala na siyang kailangang patunayan, nagkataon lang na hindi niya naging kakampi ang kapalaran nitong dalawang nakaraang taon. Hindi aamagin ang talento na tulad ng kay Kris Aquino, hawak na niya iyon magpakailanman at wala nang makaaagaw, kaya kapag umayos na ang hilera ng kaniyang mga bituin ay siguradong panalo ang kaniyang pagbabalik. Ang tanong na lang ay kung kailan ba iyon at kung saang network? Kinukuha ba siya ng GMA-7 o sa ABS-CBN pa rin siya mapapanood? Abangan! –CSF

JULY 16 - 31, 2017



Isabela Association of Manitoba annual Picnic

The officers and members of Isabela Association of Manitoba during their annual summer picnic.. Photos courtesy of Rosen Estrada

The officers, members and guests of Isabela Association of Manitoba enjoy a sunny summer day at Kildonan Park, July 8, 2017

Association of Ilocanos in Manitoba annual Picnic

The officers of Association of Ilocanos in Manitoba with guest Steve Lipischak, Sales & Leasing, Internet Manager and Marketing Manager of Vickar Automotive Group

The officers, members and guests of Association of Ilocanos in Manitoba during their annual picnic – Kildonan Park, July 15, 2017





NO. 280

HOROSCOPE HULYO 16 – 31, 2017

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Paborito ng mangagawang Pinoy 5. Di naalala 12. Tabako 13. Isabay 14. Marahil 16. Agrabiyado 17. Inaalis sa pagkakabuhol 18. Unang nota musikal 19. Lokal na Tarsan 21. Ikabit 25. Hirang 27. Dati na 29. Bayan sa Cavite 31. Walang lamang 32. Eredero PABABA 1. Uri ng tinapay 2. Biyudo 3. Uri ng tela 4. Beri-beri 6. Gamit sa pagbibilang 7. Lupa 8. Sakit sa balat 9. Bigkas

10. Wasto 11. Kaibigan 15. Ibilad 18. Bagay 20. Langis 21. Iwas 22. Takaw 23. Talastas 24. Muralya 26. Dakilang babae 28. Unlapi 30. Pamantasan sa Diliman 31. Parental Guidance


JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Kailangan mong habaan ang pasensya mo para sa mga kapamilyang makukulit. Maaring kulang sila sa pansin at ikaw ang napupuruhan ng kanilang pagiging KSP. Ang pamilya ay dugo. Anuman ang mangyari, kayo pa rin ang magdadamayan. Tiisin mo muna. OK ang ika-16, 23 at 24. Alalay sa ika-21, 22, 28 at 29.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Bored na bored ka na sa araw-araw na buhay. Pero, naiisip mo bang napakasuwerte mo kung ihahambing mo sa iba ang buhay mo? Alalahanin mong ang pagsisisi ay laging nasa huli. Kapag nawala ng isang bagay ay saka mo lang malalamang iyon ay mahalaga pala. OK sa ika-16, 23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-17, 18, 30 at 31.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Huwag kang mag-atubiling tanggapin ang mga imbitasyon ngayong tag-araw. Kailangan mong mag-relax kasama ang mga mahal mo sa buhay. Hindi mo madadala sa hukay ang salapi kaya huwag mong pabayaang trabaho ang maging buhay mo. OK ang ika16, 23 at 24. May tension sa ika19, 20, 25 at 26.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Ngayon ang panahon para magpahinga ka. Hindi lamang pisikal kundi pati ang iyong utak at damdamin. Napapabayaan mo ang sarili mo dahil wala kang sakit na nararamdaman. Pero lagi kang pagod at may stress. Magdahandahan ka muna. Lucky days mo ang ika-17, 18, 23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-23, 30 at 31.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) May mga makakasama ka na makikita mong hindi mo pala gusto ang ugali. Hindi pa naman huli ang lahat, may karapatan kang iwasan sila. Wala kang mapapakinabangan dahil susubukan nilang pagsamantalahan ang kabaitan mo. Matuto kang magsabi ng “hindi.” OK ang ika-17, 18, 23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-19 at 30.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Mas mabuting ang pagkaabalahan mo ay pamilya at bahay. Tigilan mo na ang pagba-barkada sa mga kaibigang gala lang ng gala. Kung may partner ka, siya ang asikasuhin mo dahil mas gaganda ang inyong pagsasama. Manahimik ka. Good days ang ika-17, 18, 23 at 24. May tensyon sa ika-16, 21, 22, 28 at 29.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Magsaya ka at makihalubilo sa mga tao na gusto mo. Kung may lakad o party pero alam mong hindi mo gusto ang mga tao na makikita mo doon, iwasan mo ang okasyon dahil wala kang mapapala, maiinis ka lang. Walang masama sa gayon. Dapat masaya ka. OK ang ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-25 at 26.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Mahihirapan kang pakisamahan ang mga matataas sa iyo sa trabaho dahil laban sa kalooban mo ang ginagawa nila. Paano na? Kung puwede, maghanap ka na ng malilipatan mo habang maaga pa. O kaya, subukan mong tanggapin ang mga nangyayari. OK ang ika19, 20, 28 at 29. Kuwidaw sa ika16, 21 at 22.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) May mga tao na kapareho mo ang mga gusto at ayaw. Sila ang dapat mong alagaang mga kaibigan. May mga nagkukunwari para makuha ang atensyon mo pero lalabas at lalabas din ang tunay na kulay. Asikasuhin mo ang kalusugan mo. Lucky ka sa ika19, 20, 28 at 29. Careful sa ika17, 18, 23, 24, 30 at 31.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Kailangan mo ng balanse sa buhay mo. May mga araw na kulay rosas ang paligid mo pero may mga araw din na very stressful. Bigyan mo ng oras ang sarili upang pag-aralan ang mga nangyayari at makikita mo ang tamang solusyon. May romansang darating. OK sa ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Stressful ang ika-26, 28 at 29.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Puwedeng magkaroon ng sagabal ang mga plano mong bumiyahe. Gumawa ka ng paraan na kung sakaling magka-cancel ka ay hindi masayang ang iyong deposit. Wala kang problemang hindi mo kayang lutasin. Pag-aralan mo munang mabuti ang lahat. OK mo ang ika21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-17, 18, 23 at 24.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kung may mga bata, ingatan mong huwag silang malagay sa panganib ngayong tag-araw. Alamin mo kung nasaan sila at kung sila ba ay ligtas sa kanilang kinaroroonan. May panganib din na ang iyong partner ay maharap sa isang kontrobersya. Mag-ingat kayo. OK ang ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-19, 20, 25 at 26.


JULY 16 - 31, 2017


Sa nakaraang mga araw ng ika-150 taon ng Canada, kasama tayong mga Filipino Canadian na nagdiwang. Sana naman, ang kahulugan ng patriotism and nationalism sa bayang sinilangan ay hindi mawalay sa ating puso at isipan. Pilipinas ang tanging bayang itinalaga ng Diyos para sa mga Filipino na bagaman narito tayo sana ay manatiling buo. Kapitbisig ang kailangan. Hindi dapat magkahiwa-hiwalay ng landas. Divided we fall. *** Isang mahalagang proyekto ang sinimulan ng Bulacan Association of Manitoba noong ika-9 ng Hulyo na araw ng kanilang pagdiriwang. Bukod sa iba pa, kabilang na ang sports development. Hindi lamang para sa may mga hustong gulang, kundi gayun din para sa kabataan. Hindi lamang for one or two days ang competition. It will be for all seasons. Iba’t ibang uri ng palakasan for physical and character development ng isang tao. Basketball, baseball at iba pa. Sa detalye ng proyekto, alamin sa pamunuan ng association na ang pangulo ay si. G. Venancio “Ben” Domingo. *** Ang mga mamamayan sa Alaska ay nabalitang labis na nangangamba. Sanhi umano ng balitang patuloy ang missile testing ng North Korea na ang layo ngayon ay maaaring makaabot na sa kanila. Pinaghahandaan daw naman ng Washington. Magtatalaga ng 44 missile interceptors na inaakalang maihahanda bago matapos ang 2017. *** Ang palagay ng mga kritiko sa G20 ay alyansa ng mga mayayamang bansa. Gayonman,

ang nabalitang maayos na relasyon ngayon ng America, Russia and China is dangerous. Mananatiling kawawa ang mga developing countries. Pilipinas Mula nang ihalal ng mayoryang bilang ng mga Filipino si PDU30 ay hindi na siya nilubayan ng mga paninira sa kaniyang pamamahala. Sa loob ng nakaraang taon, pababapataas ang dinaanang lansangan sa pamamahala ng Duterte administration. Sa panahon ng kaniyang presidential campaign, ang isa sa kaniyang pangako ay tungkol sa independent foreign policy. Hindi na ang US and European nations ang aasahan. Nakipagkasundo na sa ibang bansa kaparis ng China at Russia. *** Hindi naman lahat ng Church leaders ay critic ng pangulo na hayagang nagagamit sa pamumulitika. Kasi nga, nakalimbag sa 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article II, Section 6 – that the separation of Church and State shall be inviolable. Hindi dapat labagin at nilalabag. Hindi sinusunod ng ilang alagad ng simbahan ang nilalaman ng batas. Nagagalit ang ilang clergymen sa akusasyon sa kanila ni Rody. Mismong ang Santo Papa Francis na nga ang humihingi ng paumanhin sa mga abuso ng ilang alagad ng Church. *** Ang sitwasyon sa Marawi at iba pang lugar ng dalawang probinsya ng Lanao ay halimbawa ng mabigat na mga problemang pasan ngayon ng DU30 administration. Ang Islamists State ng Iraq at Syria umano ay unti-unti nang nawawalan ng support. Kahit na totoo ang balita, hindi pa rin tiyak ng tagumpay ang kampanya ng


Ang Magulang Tayo ay nilikhang tulad sa halaman, Inibig ng Diyos kung kaya nabuhay; Lumaki sa piling ng mga magulang, Sa ligaya’t hapis sila ang karamay! *** Kung may mga Ama at Ina na taksil, May anak din namang lumaking suwail; Alin mang pamilya na may pusong-Cain, Ang mga ka-dugo, sa gawa’y damay din! *** Habang nabubuhay ay isipin sana, Ang mga nagawang buti sa pamilya; Hindi kung kailan sila ay wala na, Hirap ng magulang saka naalala! *** Kabilang sa Utos ng Diyos sa atin, Igalang nang lubos ang magulang natin! Paquito Rey Pacheco

Duterte administration para sa katahimikan ng Mindanao. Marami pang sympathizers ang IS from MILF, NNLF, Moro Freedom Fighters. Ang NPAs ay may sariling adyenda. Hindi pa rin nakakaseguro ang gobyernong Duterte na magkaroon ng ganap na katahimikan sa Southern part of the Phiippines. *** Buti naman, pinakita ng mayoryang bilang ng Supreme Court Justices ang kanilang pagiging makabayan. Kanilang kinatigan ang Martial Law declaration of President Duterte sa Mindanao. Binigyang linaw ang kapangyarihan ng pangulo ay nakapaloob sa Konstitusyon. Sa ika-22 ng kasalukuyang buwan ang takdang wakas ng dalawang buwang martial law declarations. Batay sa kasalukuyang sitwasyon, maraming naghahangad na kailangang ang ML ay magpatuloy. Ayon kay PDU30, ang kaguluhan sa Marawi ay malamang maayos sa loob ng 15 araw. *** Sa ika-24 ng Hulyo ay nakatakda ang ikalawang SONA ni President Duterte. Ang mga planong hangad matupad hindi lang para sa 2018. Sobrang bigat ang problemang nakaatang sa balikat ng gobyernong DU30. *** Nasa wastong direksiyon kung totoo ang balitang mga 8.4 trillion pesos ang ilalaan ng gobyerno for infrastructure projects. Nabalitang ang kaunlarang pangkabuhayan sa Pilipinas ngayon ay one of the best na mga bansa sa buong mundo. Patuloy ang panawagang pagkakaisa ng mayoryang taumbayan sa kampanyang pagbabago ng gobyerno. *** Nagkausap daw ng sarilinan sa Malacañang sina President Duterte at US Ambassador sa

Pilipinas, Sung Kim. Kaparis ng China. Nangako umano ang US na tutulong sa rehabilitasyon ng Marawi at iba pang lugar na naapektuhan ng kaguluhan sa Mindanao. *** Sinimulan ng Supreme Court at PET noong ika-11 ng Hulyo ang pagdinig sa electoral protest ni former Sanator Bongbong Marcos, Jr. vs VP Leni Robredo. Layon ng PET na magawa ang dapat. Maayos, makatarungan, madalian at hindi magastos na proseso. Nagkaharap ang Marcos and Robredo camp sa closeddoor preliminary conference na tumagal umano ng mga dalawang oras. Kasama ni Bongbong ang kaniyang abogado. Si VP Leni Robredo ay hindi nakadalo, subalit kinatawan ng kaniyang mga abogado. Ang magkabilang kampo ay inatasan na magharap ng kanilang komento sa loob ng limang araw tungkol sa tinalakay na issues during the closed door conference. Pinayagan ng PET ang hiling ng Marcos camp the recount of vote sa Camarines Sur, Iloilo at Negros Oriental. *** Minsan pang ang mga kagawad ng mayorya sa senado ay nakaranas ng electrified political accusations from Senator Antonio Trillanes IV. Sinabing ang kaniyang mga kasama sa senado ay mga duwag at lapdogs ni President Duterte. May pinagbasehan nga ba si Trillanes? Sa bagay, alalahaning siya nga pala ay kabilang sa mga lapdogs ni ex-president Noynoy nang mapatalsik si former Chief Justice Renato Corona sa Supreme Court. Three senators lang noon ang hindi tumanggap ng karneng baboy. Sina Miriam Santiago, Joker Arroyo at Bongbong Marcos, Jr.

PAGE 21 *** Sana nga mangyari ang pangakong pagbabago ng gobyernong DU30 na malabanan ang lahat ng nakapipigil sa kaunlarang pangkabuhayan ng taumbayan. Gayonman, masaklap isipin kung mayayaman at mga eletista lamang ang patuloy na makinabang sa kabuhayang nilikha ng Diyos para sa lahat ng mga mamamayan. Katas Ang Mindanao ay mananatiling land of promise sakaling mabigo ang hangarin ng gobyernong DU30 na magkaroon ng ganap na katahimikan sa nabanggit na lugar ng bansa. • Mula nang ideklara ng US ang political independence ng Pilipinas noong 1946 ang bansa hanggang sa ngayon ay kabilang pa rin sa mga tinaguriang developing countries. • Politika ang ugat ng kaguluhang naging hadlang sa kaunlarang pangkabuhayan na hinahangad ng mga mamamayan. • Nagkaroon nga ng sandigan at/o batayang batas na nagtakda ng tatlong haligi na gagabay sa pamamahala at tagalikha ng mga batas na susubaybay sa kabuhayan ng mga mamamayan. • Ang dalawang pangunahin sangay ay malimit na pinagmumulan ng problema sa pamamahala ng bansa. • Maliwanag na halimbawa ang isyu ng batas militar na ngayon ay pinatutupad sa Mindanao. Ang nangyayring kaguluhan doon ay likha ng mga taong hindi kumikilala ng batas. Kasabihan Lahat ng bagay, maganda at pangit, ay may hangganan. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.



JULY 16 - 31, 2017

Fit for Royals – 2017 Queen of the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival by Judianne Jayme The annual Search for the Queen of the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival (MFSF) was held on July 9, 2017. This year organizers combined the Bulilit Queen contest with the festivities, which was previously held at the Tiyangge Ng Bayan in its first year. The event included dinner and performances by Rodel Olesco. The Bulilit portion of the evening was hosted by the 2015 Queen of the MFSF, Danica Cuederno and Maui Zamora of MP Stadium and CKJS Radio 810’s Pinoy Saturday Nights. Zamora continued to emcee the second half of the evening for the

Queens but with new co-host, the 2nd Princess of the 2016 Queen of the MFSF, Juliet Cadiz. Also present for their finale walk at the end of their reigns and to pass on their crowns were the 2016 Bulilit Queen of the MFSF, Miley Carino and the 2016 Queen of the MFSF Maeddah Limuaco. Both the Queens and the Bulilits had a separate, optional, talent contest, which during the Tiyangge Ng Bayan. The Bulilits also competed with evening gowns and a question and answer portion that had separate questions based on the contestants’ ages. The judges for the Bulilits were Maggie Chan Urbano (head judge), Paul Ong and Tiffany Ponce.

The Queens had a preliminary interview and part of their score was from a separate panel consisting of the festival’s board of directors. The criteria for the Queen finalists were based on their cultural evening gowns, their answers to a specific question drawn at random, and their overall impression. The judges for this contest were Judianne Jayme (head judge), Marjorie Dowhos, Ernesto Ofiaza Jr., Natalie De Leon Fajardo, and Myra Rosario. Winners were crowned as follows: Bulilit Queen of the MFSF Best in Talent: Sheryl-Lynn Padua Policarpio Miss Social Media:

Alessandra Datuin Best in Gown: Ayanna Maxcyn Gualdrapa 2nd Princess: Sheryl-Lynn Padua Policarpio 1st Princess: Ayanna Maxcyn Gualdrapa Queen: Alessandra Datuin Queen of the MFSF Best in Talent: Jsyl Pagkatipunan Miss Social Media: Dasha Quintana Miss Photogenic: Jeanny Villordon Best in Gown: Dasha Quintana Miss Congeniality: Jsyl Pagkatipunan 2nd Princess: Rachelle Gonzales

1st Princess: Jsyl Pagkatipunan Queen: Dasha Quintana The event ran smoothly overall with some glitches that were quickly remedied with transparency, honesty and a lot of grace under pressure from the team behind the event. There is plenty of behind-the-scenes work that goes unnoticed by attendees that makes sure this event happens at the calibre that it does. Congratulations to the board of directors, the committees, and the volunteers involved in planning, creating, and making this event happen. Official photos courtesy of Mark Godilano Photography. See more photos p23.

The MFSF members of the board of judges with the crowned MFSF Queen and her Court, and the MFSF Bulilit Queen and her court during the coronation night

The Places We Go – a live graphic novel This year’s Fringe Festival includes a visually and theatrically charged portrayal of WinnipegFilipino culture. Billed as a “live graphic novel,” The Places We Go is a play that touches on immigration, family separation and child empowerment. The multimedia work takes the audience through Metro Manila, following Grace as she tries to raise enough money for the perfect gift – a plane ticket home for Nanay living in Winnipeg. The Places We Go provides an occasion for story telling that reflects the history of immigration in Canada and the current reality of long-distance relationships, family separation and the power of hope. The play, presented by Unit Productions, is the work of theatre artist Hazel Venzon and David Oro, an illustrator and graphic artist. Immigration has played a significant role in the lives of these two collaborators. Hazel Venzon is a firstgeneration Canadian with Filipino ancestry who has spent the last seven years focusing her theatre arts practice towards the investigation of Canadian identity and migration. Her process involves listening to personal stories and igniting conversation with new Canadians. These are used as inspiration for her solo work and projects with communities. Her research

parallels her personal journey to recognize her own heritage. Venzon has discovered stories from mothers and children who have endured family separation and the complex aftermath of reunification.

David Oro is a Winnipeg artist, born and raised in Metro Manila, who immigrated to Winnipeg at the age of 17. When approached to work on this play with Venson, Oro immediately knew he wanted to use this opportunity to retell parts

of his life that reflect his childhood growing up in Metro Manila while his father lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over ten years. Oro’s talent and extensive experience digital design – as a graphic artist, painter, illustrator,

and animator – make him the best fit to support this theatrical feat. The Places We Go runs from July 20 to 30 at the Fringe Festival Venue 3, The Playhouse Studio, 180 Market Ave. See the poster on this page for more details.

JULY 16 - 31, 2017



2017 MFSF Queen Coronation night - July 9, 2017

MFSF Chairperson Aida Champagne crowns Dasha Quintana, 2017 MFSF Queen. Photos by Mark Godilano

MFSF Queen and her court, L-r: 1st Princess Jsyl Pagkatipunan; MFSF Queen Dasha Quintana; 2nd Princess Rachelle Gonzales

Guest singer Rodel Olesco serenades MFSF’s Aida Champagne

Rody & Irene Capistrano with 1st Bulilit Princess Ayanna Freddie & Nisa Sion with 2nd Bulilit Princess SherylLey & Azel Navarro with Queen Bulilit Alessandra Datuin Maxcyn Gualdrapa and judge Tiffany Ponce Lynn Padua Policarpio

MFSF 2017 Queen Dasha Quintana & her family

L-r: Juliet Cadiz, MFSF 2nd princess 2016, Maui Zamora, L-r: Judge Maan Urbano, judge Tiffany Ponce, MFSF’s judge Judianne Jayme and judge Rowena Oquendo Ley Navarro, emcee Maui Zamora & judge Paul Ong



JULY 16 - 31, 2017

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