Volume 11 • No. 12 • June 16 - 30, 2015 Publication Mailing Account #41721512
Janine Gutierrez
14 12
Sales, 6th Consecutive Sales, & Leasing Consultant SMG Gold Ring Awardee 5th Year SMG Gold Ring Awardee
OTTAWA – Bill C-24, the Harper government’s Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act, passed into law on June 11, 2015 with a suite of changes that will make it more difficult for immigrants to become full Canadian citizens. At the same time, dual citizens are vulnerable because the immigration minister now has the discretion to revoke their citizenship without their recourse to an independent court. Toronto lawyer Rocco Galati, and the Constitutional Rights Centre, which does pro bono constitutional litigation, plan to challenge the bill as unconstitutional. Before C-24 was passed, Galati, sent two letters warning lawmakers that if they pass the bill they may find themselves complicit in crimes against humanity by exposing Canadian-born citizens See CITIZENSHIP p10
Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Chris Alexander welcomes young newcomer receiving her citizenship. Effective June 11, 2015, acquiring full Canadian citizenship will be more difficult than before due to the recent passing of Bill C-24. (CIC photo)
DMCI animators win silver WINNIPEG – Two students of Daniel McIntyre Collegiate won silver at the 2015 Skills Canada National Competition in Saskatoon, May 26 to 29, 2015. Artists Rain Cahigas and Sarah Mohammed competed against 10 teams from 10 provinces in the 2D animation category. The pair earned the honour to represent Manitoba by winning gold medals at the 2015 Manitoba Skills Competition on April 9. In the national competition, animators were given only a sound clip and a list of judging criteria to tell a story in a computer animation of only 11 seconds. The synchronization of sound and movement had to be precise. The talented artists worked in isolation for more than 12 hours over the two-day competition, cut off from the Internet and their
Bimby, Kris and Josh Aquino
Citizenship changes enacted
JOEL SIBAL Service Consultant
Triple Diamond Sales Consultant Award 2014 - Gold Winner
Sales Consultant
Sales Manager
Rain Cahigas & Sarah Mohammed advisor. They finished each day exhausted. Sarah is graduating from Grade 12 this year while Rain will be entering Grade 11 in
MA. LEE HOLGADO JEZREEL “The Jet” Sales Advisor REYES Sales Advisor
September. She plans to compete again next year. The 2016 Canadian National Skills Competition will be held in Moncton, New Brunswick.
Sales Consultant
JOELAN MENDOZA Collision Repair Advisor
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Home is school With the battle between the government and various sectors (including a large number of educators themselves) over the K-12 system reaching fever pitch, it’s easy to forget that education takes more forms than just the regular Kinder to 12th grade (or fourth year high school, in case the Supreme Court orders a TRO on K-12). Not many realize that education can take place outside the four walls of a classroom — and I’m not just talking about the proverbial “under the mango tree” classes many teachers are forced to hold because of a lack of classrooms. I’m talking about homeschooling, or as many are calling it in this digital age, “hackschooling.” “Homeschooling” is the general term used to refer to parents teaching their children, but often the instruction is not done inside the home — and that’s the beauty of it. It’s different from home study in which a child’s education is done at home supervised by a school teacher or tutor. As the dictionary puts it, homeschooling is “the education of children at home by their parents.” Schools of thought But just as there are different
styles of classroom education, there are different schools of thought within the homeschooling movement. On one end of the spectrum is the highly structured form in which the classroom is simulated in the home, complete with desk, chalkboard, and even school uniform and ID. On the other end is the loosely structured form in which there are no rules and the “curriculum” is based on the interests of the children. Most homeschoolers are in the middle, and many parents do appreciate providing some structure for their children. Rizza Gustilo Francisco uses the School of Tomorrow (SOT) program with her two boys. “We tried a number of curricula and methodologies,” she says. “When we were starting, the kids were enrolled in a DepEdaccredited homeschool provider, The Master’s Academy (TMA). Then we tried unit study, Charlotte Mason, eclectic, and some child-led learning — all done independently, meaning, the kids were not enrolled in an umbrella school and materials were sourced out from ‘anywhere.’” She enrolled the kids with SOT as they progressed in learning “and we felt that they were ready for the structured learning environment.”
Hackschool Another way to homeschool is to throw caution to the wind, so to speak, and “hack” education to fit the needs, talents, inclinations, and temperaments of the children. Alex Hao and her four children practice this, although Alex herself does not call it “hackschooling.” “I am not into pedagogy,” she says. “I wouldn’t know what exactly to call our approach or the way I teach. Some say it’s called independent homeschooling or “unschooling.” I am comfortable with those so far. The children are out of school but they are not palaboy sa lansangan [bums in the streets]. They learn academics, economics, environmental issues, sports (swimming, soccer, tae kwon-do, badminton) pilates, yoga, ballet, piano, violin, etc. just like kids in school but at a different pace.” Since she can’t teach some of these activities herself, Alex says she has the children attend classes for their interests. Results For both Rizza and Alex, homeschooling is worth the trouble because of the results they see in their children. “I had my eldest start preschool at an early age so I could bring him with me to work and so he entered primary younger than most of his classmates,” Rizza says. “He was one of those in the bottom rank whenever diagnostic test results from an independent assessment provider came. I was even advised to have him tested
for a learning disability. The first year of homeschool was a test if we were on the right path. The result of his diagnostic test from the same assessment provider a year after homeschooling served as the green light to go all the way. He tested above average in most subjects and superior in some. I cried buckets when we got his results. We thank God that we found this path!” As for Alex, she says she is happy that her two older children can express opinions that are different from what she has. “I can see that they have a different take on things and they respond differently from me when challenged. This also makes me melancholic and a bit relieved that they now can tell my limitations.” “I like how we are doing it since the children’s academics, extracurricular and family life are all integrated and we own our time,” she adds. “We do not have to follow the school calendar. I accept that my children are missing out on what school kids are up to just as much as my kids will be missing out on what they are enjoying and appreciating had we sent them to school. I am very comfortable that what they do for academics are based on their interest or some identified need.” Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.
Demythologizing Rizal
1045 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 Fax: 204-956-1483 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher
EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor
PAUL MORROW Art Director
SALES & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Whether you are talking about your neighbour, your enemy, a politician, or someone who lived 200 years ago, sex never fails to catch people’s interest and imagination. Despite the columns I have written about Apolinario Mabini’s polio and his death from cholera after drinking infected gatas ng kalabaw, people still insist on the tsismis that syphilis caused Mabini’s paralysis. So many readers have asked me to elaborate on the sex lives of former Philippine presidents or our heroes. I am always asked if Andres Bonifacio’s widow, Gregoria de Jesus, was really raped by Colonel Agapito Bonzon when they were in captivity, or whether it is true that General Antonio Luna’s girlfriend really was a presidential ancestor named Isidra Cojuangco. Whenever I volunteer information, it is always seen as tsismis regardless of my documentation. Maybe this is a way of coping, because our heroes have been so glorified that people cannot imagine them eating, drinking, womanizing, or having plain human emotions like you and me. It is for this reason that we go into the national hero, Jose
Rizal. Doctor Maximo Viola, as every schoolchild knows, was the man who paid for the printing of Rizal’s Noli me Tangere. What the schoolchild doesn’t know, however, is that Rizal and Viola travelled together around Europe and that Viola had written an account of this trip. Rizal stayed with Viola in Barcelona around June or July of 1886 at a time when Viola was preparing for his medical examinations, so Rizal was forced to roam the city alone. Viola writes: It can be said that the life of the illustrious traveller in this city had nothing notable about it. He visited without pomp or ceremony... During the day I couldn’t accompany him in his excursions as much as I wished, for I was preparing for my final examination. At night I accompanied him sometimes to the Cafe Pelayo – gathering place of the Filipino expatriates – and sometimes to other amusement centres, including casas de palomas de bajo vuelo [in Tagalog, mga bahay ng mga kalapating mababa ang lipad]; in English
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When looking at this painting – the interior of a Parisian Café – many fail to notice that the men leering in the corner happen to be the artist Juan Luna, Rizal and Ariston Bautista. brothels – whose ways, luxury or poverty, and other customs in the refinement of vice were unknown to him in Madrid. In as much as he was eager to know everything, because the day when, as a writer, he would have to combat such a vice in its diverse manifestations for being unnatural and antiphysiological, according to him, he would be informed of its cause the better to correct it. It must be noted that in these excursions, rather of a character more inquisitorial than voluptuous, he always hinted to me that he had never been in favour of obeying
blindly the whims of nature when their call was not duly justified by a natural and spontaneous impulse. The original Spanish is florid and corny, so much the better to veil Rizal’s “educationalobservation” trips to the brothels. I use a translation by the Jose Rizal Centennial Commission because otherwise it will appear as if I were trying to denigrate Rizal. What one should keep in mind while reading Viola is that these recollections were not written in 1886 but in 1913, so many years after the See AMBETH p9
The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.
Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00 For advertising inquiries, call: 204-956-7845, fax: 204-956-1483 or e-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Printed by: The Prolific Group.
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Embracing a life change Dear Ate Anna, I am 48 years old and, lately, my periods have become irregular. Sometimes I don’t have a period for several months. Could I be approaching menopause? I remember that when my mother went through menopause, she was grouchy and cranky. I am afraid that this will happen to me too. Ate Anna, do you have any suggestions? Marie Dear Marie, Having irregular periods is often the first noticeable sign that a woman in her forties is approaching menopause. Menopause is medically defined as that point in time when a woman completely stops having menstrual periods. However, a woman’s body will go through hormonal changes for several years before she has her last menstrual period. This time (two to eight years) is referred to as “perimenopuase.” During these years, a woman’s ovaries will slow down the production of the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Fluctuations in the amount of hormones produced can cause lighter or heavier periods as well as missed periods. A woman may also experience other symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, fuzzy thinking, mood swings, insomnia, vaginal dryness, loss of sexual desire, or pain in her joints. Perimenopause is a natural process; it is not a disease. Every woman will have a different experience. Some women will go through this transition of life with few or no symptoms, while others will have a more difficult time. Maria, even though you have some negative memories of your mother’s menopause experience, do not assume that you will follow in her footsteps. In the past, menopause was a taboo topic. As a result, people may have misconceptions and misinformation about menopause. This can increase unnecessary fear and anxiety about this time in a woman’s life. Be informed, so you will know what to expect physically and emotionally during this life transition. You can also learn about ways to relieve and cope with any discomforts. It is also important for your husband and children to have accurate information. Their support and understanding of your experience can help maintain family harmony and avoid unnecessary arguments. Marie, you mentioned that your mother was sometimes irritable. Ate Anna doesn’t know what was going on in her life at
that time. In addition to hormonal changes, middle age can be full of life stresses, including changes in responsibilities. At this time of life many women find themselves “sandwiched” between their still dependent children and their elderly parents or relatives. Caring for everyone’s needs can be physically and emotionally demanding. Some women experience an “empty nest” feeling because their children are leaving home. Other challenges that midlife women face are changes in their marital relationship, changes in their career, chronic lack of sleep, and other health related problems or illnesses. These stresses of midlife are energy draining and exhausting and they can take a toll on a woman’s overall health. Studies have shown that a woman’s attitude and health status can have an effect on her experience of menopause. Following are some suggestions to help you maintain physical and emotional well-being: eat regularly and have a healthy diet; find a balance between caring for others and caring for yourself; find time to exercise regularly; get regular physical and gynecological checkups; find a new hobby or talent; continue the type of learning that supports your personal growth. These days there are many resources regarding perimenopause. A helpful website is the Mayo Clinic at www. mayoclinic.com. For more indepth information read a book like Understanding Menopause by Janine O’Leary Cobb. Ate Anna suggests that you go to your local bookstore and find the book that you think will be most helpful to you. Most important, try to find your own way to embrace this change of life. Take care, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your question and comments. Please write to Ate Anna at 200 - 226 Osborne Street N., Winnipeg MB, R3C 1V4 or email: info@ serc.mb.ca.
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
New requirements for Canadian citizenship are here There are more changes to the requirements for Canadian citizenship. No, the fees have not been raised again (still at $630, or 300 per cent over the fees from just over two years ago) but residency requirements have changed. Applicants who failed to submit their citizenship applications on or before June 10, 2015 will be subject to new requirements. What are the changes that are being introduced? The following is a “before and after view of the key changes to the Citizenship Act” found on the federal immigration website: • The old residence requirement was three out of the four years or 1,095 days inside Canada. Effective June 11, 2015 the new residence requirement is four years out of six years or 1,460 days inside Canada; • Under the old Act applicants did not have to be “physically present” in each of the four years under consideration. Applicants under the new Act must be “physically present” inside Canada for a minimum of 183 days during each of the four calendar years “that are fully or partially within the six years immediately before the date of application”; • Under the old system time as a non-permanent resident (nonPR) could be counted toward residence. The new change “eliminates use of time spent in Canada as a non-permanent
resident (non-PR) for most applicants;” • Under the old application there was no “intent to reside” provision. The new Act effective June 11, 2015 introduces an “intent to reside provision;” • Under the old Act, adult applicants aged 18 to 54 would have to meet language requirements and pass a knowledge test. The ages have now changed: “applicants aged 14 to 64” must now meet language requirements and pass a knowledge test; • Before “Lost Canadians” had their citizenship restored in 2009, but a small number remained ineligible for citizenship. The new Act “extends citizenship to ‘Lost Canadians’ born 1947 as well as their first generation children born abroad” (in effect June 11, 2015); • Under the old Act, applications for citizenship were barred to people with domestic criminal charges and convictions. This bar has not changed but has been expanded “to bar applicants for crimes committed abroad;” • Under the old Act, consultants or representatives were not required to be regulated. The new Act requires all consultants to be registered with the newly designated Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). In addition there are increased penalties for any consultant who “who counsels known misrepresentation or represents or
advises a citizenship applicant and are unauthorized to do so;” • Under the old Act the Governor in Council (GIC) was the final arbitrator for citizenship revocation. The new Act gives the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration authority to decide on most revocation cases. Important to note that complex revocation cases such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, security, other international rights violations, and organized criminality have already been changed to the Minister effective May 28, 2015; • The process itself has been sped up. Under the old Act there was a three-step process but effective August 2014 this was changed to a one-step process; • Under the old Act there was no requirement for applicants to file income tax but now this also has changed. Adult applicants will now have to file income taxes, if required under the Income Tax Act, in order to be eligible for citizenship; • Under the old system there was no provision to revoke citizenship for grounds beyond fraud and misrepresentation. Under the new Act revocation of Canadian citizenship can be applied to dual citizens who served in the armed force of a country or an organized group engaged in armed conflict with Canada (effective May 28, 2015) or dual citizens who are convicted of terrorism, high treason, treason, or spying offences, depending upon sentence (May 28, 2015),
and authority to deny Canadian citizenship to permanent residents who served as members of an armed force of a country or organized group engaged in armed conflict with Canada or who are convicted of terrorism, high treason, treason or spying offences, depending on the sentence (June 11, 2015); • Before misrepresentation on applications could only be pursued through the laying of charges by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and now applicants can be refused for misrepresenting or withholding material facts on applications and are subsequently barred from being granted citizenship for five years (in effect May 28, 2015); and • Under the old system there was no fast track mechanism for members of the military to honour their service to the Canadian Armed Forces. Effective June 2014 there is now a fast track option in place for persons serving or on exchange with the Canadian Armed Forces. The government has announced that the changes are a “final suite of reforms to strengthen and modernize Canada’s citizenship laws.” The major changes are the new residency requirements of at least 460 days (four years) during the six years before application submission and the fact that applicants must be physically present inside the country for at least 183 days in each of the four calendar years. Other major
changes include the testing ages of 14 to 64 who must meet both language and basic knowledge. And there are more measures to revoke citizenship status. Minister Alexander is proud to announce that “the changes will go a far way to reducing backlogs” but he says nothing about making it more difficult for permanent residents to become full-fledged members of the society. Most readers would applaud measures taken against unscrupulous immigration representatives or persons engaged in combat against Canada but many would also question how raising the age limit for knowledge test from 55 to 64 does anything to make Canada safer. It does decrease the backlog of applications because it makes it harder for older applicants to apply or qualify. In addition we should all be wary of the measures to revoke citizenship because the safeguards that existed in the past are being eroded and removed. At one time it was rare or unusual for Canadian citizen to lose that right. Now it almost appears to be just another arbitrary power in the hands of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.
Above all, do what you love!
The legendary Napoleon Hill said once that the key to success in America is to find out what you really love to do and then find a way to make a good living doing it. This is why most millionaires will say that they never worked a day in their life! What they did was find out what they really loved and learned a way to do more and more of it in the goods and services economy. You may be thinking to
yourself, how does someone know that what they’re doing is what they love? Better yet, how does someone find something to do that they will love? Here are eight ways to identify your special talents or unique suitability activities. This eightstep qualifier will quickly speak volumes about your life, career or business by the meaning you attach to them. Here we go!
1. You’ll always be the best and happiest at what you love to do. If you could afford it you’d do it for free. There are clear and concise ways to figure this out, but more on that later. 2. You do it well and have a natural performance ability for it. An aptitude that you may have acquired early on in life. 3. This talent is responsible for most of your success and happiness in life since an early age up until now. 4. It’s something that was easy for you to learn and easy to do. It was so easy to learn you may forget when you started to partake of it. 5. It holds your attention and
attracts you like a moth to a flame. 6. You love to learn about it and become better at it all your life. You have a deep inner desire to excel in this particular area. You would continuously learn about this special talent or unique suitability activity until the day you die – that’s why it’s called being a life long learner! 7. Time seems to stand still in your area of special talent because you love to get involved in it. Time flies when you’re having fun! 8. You admire and respect others who are good at what you are most suited to do! If most or all of the former statements have resonated with
you and explain how you feel about your career, life or business, then you most likely love what you do! Business, Success & Money message If you won 10 million dollars and on the same day your doctor said you had 10 years to live but for those 10 years you would have perfect health and pass away at the end of that time, what would you do or change? Valen Vergara is an award winning author, social entrepreneur, international investor, co-host of the movie Game Changer, speaker and B2C Marketer – www.valenvergara. com.
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Are you the other kind of smart? Do you remember your smart classmates who got straight A’s all the time? How about your high school valedictorian who seemed to be destined for uninterrupted success? Chances are, you’re probably not sure what happened to these academic achievers, but I bet you remember a few classmates who weren’t the best in class but rose to unexpected triumph with their chosen careers. Just think for a second. What do you think is important for a person to succeed in their career? Intelligence quotient or emotional quotient? If your answer is intelligence quotient, you are partially correct. If your answer is emotional quotient, you are correct as well. However, research argues that the real key to personal and professional growth is emotional intelligence, not intelligence quotient. The term IQ, or intelligence quotient, generally describes a score or a number derived from a standardized intelligence test. Typically, these tests assess spatial ability or the ability to visualize the manipulation of shapes. It also assesses mathematical ability, which is the ability to solve problems and use logic. Another area it tests is language ability, which determines the ability of an individual to complete sentences or recognize words when letters have been rearranged or removed. Memory ability is another area it looks at as the ability to recall things presented either visually or aurally. On most IQ tests, a score between 90 and 110 indicates average intelligence. A score above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence and a score below 70 may indicate mental retardation. In general, intelligence quotient can be a predictor of things such as academic achievement. However, this number is fixed and unchangeable. On the other hand, the term EQ or emotional quotient describes a person’s ability to perceive, control, evaluate, and express emotions. Emotional intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and social competence. When the concept of emotional intelligence first appeared in the early 1990’s, it served as the missing link in a unusual finding: “people with average IQs outperform those
with the highest IQs 70% of the time.” As a result, decades of research now indicate that emotional intelligence is critical to set top performers apart from the rest of the workforce population. As an example, in the June 21, 1999 issue of Fortune magazine, “Why CEO’s Fail” demonstrated that unsuccessful CEOs put strategy before people. Successful CEOs shine not in the area of planning or finances, but in the area of emotional intelligence. They show effective communication, integrity, people skills, assertiveness, and trustbuilding behaviour. In the late 1990’s, the CEO of a major corporation who was groomed for the position for a number of years was terminated after a short time. Why so? He had an excellent background as an accountant and a strategist, however, he lacked the most important skill – people skills. According to the web site Talent Smart, of all the people they have studied at work, they found that 90% of top performers are also high in emotional intelligence. On the flip side, just 20% of bottom performers are
high in emotional intelligence. You can be a top performer without emotional intelligence, but the chances are slim. While IQ is fixed and unchangeable, emotional intelligence can actually be developed. A few weeks ago, I sat in a meeting with an HR Executive from Ottawa. He captured everybody in the room with his business acumen and his genuine interest in people. What really stood out for me was his message on forming habits. No matter what you do or where you are, it is best to open our minds to new possibilities and new ways to change. Old habits are like old clothes. They are comfortable, yet predictable. Building new unfamiliar skills take time, dedication and practice. Every situation is different and every way we approach it at every opportunity will be different but we know we have done it in the best possible way. Change will always have an element of risk but at least it will give you an opportunity to gain a new level of knowledge that will allow you to behave in response to new situations you encounter. This lesson echoes what being emotionally intelligent exactly should be. There are those
individuals who are academically accomplished, but have a tough time keeping their jobs or getting promoted. Being “by the book,” so to speak, or attaining many credentials won’t necessarily get you anywhere or make you successful if you don’t possess people and social skills. Being emotionally intelligent means you will always have the ability to be resilient and adaptable to any type of situation you face. Sources: The EQ Edge by Steven J. Stein, Ph.D. and Howard E. Book, M.D. (John Wiley & Sons) http://psychology.about.com/ od/intelligence/fl/IQ-or-EQWhich-One-Is-More-Important. htm
http://www.talentsmart.com/ about/emotional-intelligence.php This article is for information purposes only and not intended as professional advice. Michele Majul-Ibarra is a HR Officer with Canada Post Corporation. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. Her portfolio includes human rights, federal legislative programs, coaching, recruitment, and performance management. She also holds the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management). E-mail her at info@pilipinoexpress.com.
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
What’s the best colour in feng shui? There’s a lot of debate and discussion about colours in feng shui. Is red the best colour there is? Maybe it’s gold or ochre. On the other hand, black is the colour of deep wealth. But then there’s purple…. ah, the colour confusion! Let’s look at the colours from a different perspective. Instead of concentrating on a single colour, let’s discuss them all and their role and meaning in feng shui. Black – the colour of deepest water that is stored, like the seas. It represents accumulated and stored wealth, limitless like the ocean. It also represents the kidney and ears, transformation, big business, and contemplation. Good to help overcome problems such as anger, selfishness, financial opportunity and protection from theft or fraud. Blue – the colour of shallow, flowing water and has similar associations as black. This is the colour of opportunity, generating wealth and is useful for growth, opportunity, salary raises and payments. Can be used to enhance health and wealth, forgetfulness, and calming anger, and improving mental acuity. Blue is also helpful for your spiritual growth. Red – the colour associated most with fame, social standing, family name, the heart and eyes. Red is the colour of happiness, joy and success in Chinese thought. This is the colour for auspicious events, it stimulates good chi and activates. Red can be used for selfishness, stubborn pride, argumentativeness, and lack of inertia, energy or being too passive. Red is useful for abundance and material possessions, social regard, patience, adding excitement and enthusiasm as well as improving self-esteem. Purple – the colour of nobility and royalty. This is the colour that can be used in any feng shui setting and sector, from fire and water sectors, metal and earth to wood. Purple adds both the best aspects of the elements of fire and water and brings great success and notoriety. It can be used for enhancing opportunity, your name, your confidence and for attracting investors and mentors. Lavender, the lighter shade of purple, also has the qualities in addition to helping you manage through stressful times and lifting your spirits. Yellow – the colour of earth
and is regarded as a colour of power. Yellow is often referred to as the colour of wisdom, solidity, patience and virtue. This colour helps ground someone who is too active, such as with ADHD, or someone who lacks concentration or frequently lies or cheats. Yellow is suitable for attracting relationships that are grounded and more serious versus frivolous or who has depressive tendencies. Green – the colour of small wood, such as leaves, this colour signifies growth, hope, and tranquility. It emits healthy chi and is the colour that can help with low energy, depression and infertility. Green is also calming and excellent for rigid personalities and stubbornness and improving self-acceptance. Greens can be used to bring new energy to your life, add happiness, intelligence and creativity as well as good test performance and athletic ability. Pink – the lighter (yin) shade of red, pink has the added benefits of representing love, affection, happiness and joy. This is a good colour for attracting love, improving your personal attractiveness, creating more joy and light-heartedness in your life and for steady enthusiasm. This is also true of other pink-related hues, such as burgundy or plum or nude. Nude or flesh-colour is seductive and sensual. Orange – the colour orange is a mix of red and yellow, of fire and earth, and represents the earth element. It combines the best qualities of these two elements such as happy success, joyful abundance and solid, contentedness. This is a good colour for insecurity, uncertainty and lack of cheer. Brown – the colour most closely associated with the large wood of a tree, brown also represents big, long-term growth and stability. Brown is a good colour if you have problems with exaggeration or lying, rude or curt behaviour, oversensitivity, and can help you become more patient and increase solid growth. Gray – the colour of metal and movement. Gray can help cut through conflicts, is considered good for stubborn resistance and improving quick movement and thinking for problem solving. Use to enhance creativity and faithfulness, guarding against gossip.
The rainbow, all colours bring health, wealth, and happiness White – the colour of metal and representing heaven, white has many of the same similarities as gray. White is also very powerful and has the ability to overcome. To capture the attention, white is very yang and can grab the notice of others. Women executives are advised to wear the colour white to call attention to themselves and their ability. White represents clear-cut beginnings and endings. Tan – the colour of earth element, represents stability and has much as the same characteristics that yellow and ochre have. It also signifies new possibilities, new ideas and is good for calming oversensitivity and building dependability. Gold metallic – this is the colour of the element of metal, and in particular, the metal gold. Considered the most precious metal element. Gold represents wealth, conductivity, and ability to create more from less. Gold connotes prosperity and the yang, heavenly energy of the sun. Excellent when combined with red to represent wealth and the material abundance and ease of life. Use this colour to cut through problems, add insights and provide illumination to problems. Silver metallic – this is the colour of the element of metal. It is also a precious metal and represents higher energies. As a conductor of energy, metal is excellent for representing movement, cutting through obstacles, improving stubbornness and wilfulness. Silver is the metal that represents the energy of the moon, a reflection of the sun’s radiance. Use silver when you need a soft release from problems, adding more creativity or insight
and better understanding of underlying issues. The Rainbow – this is the single best colour there is — a combination of all of them. Rainbow energy in feng shui brings all the benefits of each of the colours to bear. Adding all the colours together creates a happy and balanced energy and boosts creativity. Think of the Chihuly glass installation in jellybean colours made famous at the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas. Positioned right at the entrance, there is always a crowd here of happy, excited customers! Or, consider Ronald Reagan’s famous jellybean jar that made him one of the most popular presidents in decades. The rainbow colours are reminiscent of the rainbows we see in the sky. They could not be more harmonious as they are the joining of yin and yang – sun and rain! This is an excellent colour combination to use to improve your outlook, your creativity, initiative and joy. Adding multi-colours to your life in clothing, your websites, work presentations and in your home environment ensures you bring all the best qualities of all the colours to bear in your life. Plus, with all that balanced, happy energy, you’re sure to reap the benefits that come with all the energies of each colour! FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I just started a new job and moved into a new office. What’s the best colour scheme for harmony, creativity, growth and empowerment for my coworkers and me?
Answer: I love how timing works. Your question and this issue’s Feature Article are like a hand in a glove! Really, the best colour is all the colours. Does that mean you paint each wall a different colour? No, absolutely not. But I would recommend a growth colour, like green or creativity colour like gray, but add white (especially on the ceilings), trim and then incorporate a multi-colour somewhere such as in artwork, furniture and carpeting. What you want to do is have the entire major colours of the major elements represented – such as metal (gray walls), white (trim paint, heavenly energy), green/ brown (plants, growth), blue (water, income, thoughtfulness), yellow/beige (earth, intellect and reasoning), and then touches of black (income, opportunity) and red (success and renown). When all the colours are present, your office is more harmonious and engaged. You often see offices that are dominated by certain colours and elements and they often become stagnant and stuck. Ensuring that all colours and elements are present helps your office grow, maintain a cordial working atmosphere, and be profitable too. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
AMBETH... From page 4 actual events had happened. Rizal was already the national hero, and so, Viola had to paint a dignified picture of his friend. It is because of writings like these that Rizal has become a figure of myth to today’s Filipinos. Viola says that brothels “were unknown to him (Rizal) at Madrid,” but if you take time out to read the volumes of Rizal’s correspondence, you will find a letter of Rizal to his brother, Paciano, from Madrid dated February 13, 1883 (three years before he visited Viola in Barcelona). Rizal says: “Women abound even more (here in Madrid) and it is, indeed, shocking that in many places they intercept men and they are not the ugly ones either.” I have seen these dark esquinitas in Madrid, like Calle de la Montera, where my sisters were always warned never to go after six. Here you find pretty young
PILIPINO EXPRESS things (but it’s hard to see in the semi-darkness) who lie in wait; the ugly ones are aggressive out of despair, so they pull men off the street into their sleazy little rooms. I wonder where these kalapati were in Rizal’s time. From Rizal’s letter it is obvious he knows what he’s talking about: With respect to morality there are also some who are models of virtue and innocence and others who have nothing womanly about them, except their dress or at most their sex. Rightly it has been said that the women in the south of Europe have fire in their veins. However, here prostitution is a little more concealed than at Barcelona, though no less unrestrained. Now, tell me, how can Viola say with a straight face that these “amusements” were unknown to Rizal? In May 1887 Rizal and Viola travelled together around Europe, and it was in Vienna that Rizal: ..encountered the figure of a temptress in the form of Viennese woman, of the family
of the Camellias or hetairas of extraordinary beauty and irresistible attraction, who seemingly had been expressly invited to offer for a moment the cup of mundane pleasure to the apostle of Philippine freedom who until then had enjoyed among his intimates the fame worthy of his glorious namesake, St. Joseph. With the exception of this case I knew of no other slip of Rizal during more than six months that we were travelling together. Is this column tsismis? But documentation exists! The point is that there is no need to hide the humanity of our heroes because it is precisely their being human that makes them admirable. Whether Rizal was a saint or a sex fiend does not detract from his greatness. The problem today is rewriting all the distorted hagiography that teachers force students to read. What of today’s sex scandals? I’ll leave that for the historical columnist of 2109 A.D. Source: Rizal Without the Overcoat by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo writes the widely read editorial page column, Looking Back, for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Jose Rizal’s language legacy Jose Rizal wrote most of his famous works in Spanish. Even his final farewell poem, Mi Ultimo Adios, was written in the language of his executioners. He was, after all, a man of his times when most educated Filipinos rarely wrote formally in their mother tongue. Over a century later, not much has changed except that the foreign language of choice is now English. But Rizal was not a malansang isda (stinking fish) who neglected his own language. Throughout his short life he worked to enrich Tagalog literature and to make it more accessible to ordinary people. He translated European stories into Tagalog such as Friedrich Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. He wrote a short Tagalog grammar and he also attempted to write his third novel in Tagalog, known today as Makamisa, but it was left unfinished when he was executed in 1896. While Rizal promoted indigenous literature, he also recognized the need to spread literacy among ordinary Filipinos. The first obstacle that Filipino children faced when learning to read and write, if they had the chance, was mastering the confusing method of spelling native words with the Spanish alphabet. Rizal got the idea to formulate better ways to spell Tagalog words using the modern alphabet after he read an 1884 essay by Trinidad Pardo de Tavera about the ancient baybayin script. In an article published in La Solidaridad in April of 1890, Rizal wrote: “... it occurred to me to do something to lighten the work and make easy the first attempts of children to learn by simplifying the orthography [spelling], introducing another more rational and more logical [method], which will be in harmony with the spirit of the language itself and of its
CANADIAN... From page 1 to deportation to countries that practise torture. In his letter to Governor General David Johnston and parliament members, Galati argued that the federal
sister languages …” Tagalog spelling at that time followed the rules of the Spanish alphabet, which does not use the letters k and w except in borrowed foreign words. To spell all the k syllables before Rizal’s time was not as straightforward as it is today – ka, ke, ki, ko, ku were spelled ca, que, qui, co, cu. This made learning Tagalog grammar much more difficult. One example in Rizal’s 1890 article was the word katay (to butcher). This was normally spelled catai but when the past tense was needed (butchered), the spelling changed radically to quinatai. By adopting the letter k, Tagalog spelling immediately became more consistent and logical. The past tense of katay was predictably kinatay. The g syllables had similar difficulties. Ga, ge gi, go and gu were spelled ga, gue, gui, go and gu. Rizal favoured dropping the letter u and using the letter h for the aspirated Spanish g; as in words like heneral. Rizal’s proposal to drop the letters c and q in favour of k did not please everybody, though. Some people accused him of being unpatriotic because the letter k was supposedly a German letter and at that time Germany and Spain were involved in a dispute over the ownership of the Caroline group of islands, east of the Philippines. But Rizal was not alone in his struggle. At the same time that he was developing his ideas for Tagalog spelling, two of his contemporaries were doing the same thing independently and they even went further in their reforms. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera was the first to use the English form of the w in Tagalog writing in his 1887 essay Sanskrit in the Tagalog Language and Pedro Serrano Laktaw might have been the first to use the k, according to Rizal biographer, Austin Craig. Laktaw
published his Hispano-Tagalog dictionary in 1889 using the new spelling, including the k and the w and he even changed the spelling of his own name from Lactao to Laktaw. As soon as Rizal saw the “more perfect orthography,” of Tavera and Laktaw, he became an enthusiastic supporter and gave them full credit for their ideas in his article of 1890. The addition of the letter w helped to simplify spelling, too. In the old spelling, the sound of w was represented by either o or u but in no particularly logical way. The word awa (mercy) was spelled aua but araw (sun or day) was spelled arao. The Pampanga town originally known as Wawa (river mouth) was spelled Guagua and like many place names and family names, the old Spanish spelling persists to this day. Not all the innovations were winners, though. In the 1880s the sound of ng was written as ng, with a tilde ˜ above the g. Rizal and Tavera agreed that this complex combination of characters had to be stripped down to only one letter as it was in the ancient baybayin alphabet N. They proposed that the ng sound should be represented by the letter g alone with a tilde above it. Words such as magulang (parents) and marunong (knowledgeable) would have been spelled magulag and marunog with a ˜ mark placed over the final g. As we can see today, this idea did not survive. Jose Rizal did not overhaul Tagalog spelling single-handedly but his prominence as a writer probably did the most to advance the reforms. Members of the Propaganda movement including Mariano Ponce and Marcelo H. del Pilar quickly adopted the new spelling. It was also integral to the identity of the revolutionary Katipunan society that was formed in 1892. The k was prominent in the group’s name, Kataas-taasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga
Anak ng Bayan and in the name of their newspaper, Kalayaan, which lasted only one issue before the Spanish authorities shut down their printing press. The letter k was also featured in several Katipunan flags, both in its Latin form and as the ancient baybayin character k. Rizal’s writing, his exile and his execution inspired Filipinos to rebel against Spanish colonial rule but the most tangible part of his legacy that continues to affect the lives of Filipinos is the way we spell Filipino words today.
Sources: • Rizal, Jose. “Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Tagala” in La Solidardad, Vol II, 88-92. 15 April 1890. English translation from Miscellaneous Writing of Dr. Jose Rizal. NHI 1992. • Rizal, Jose. Letter to Ferdinand Blumentritt, April 5, 1896. The Rizal – Blumentritt Correspondence. Vol. II 1890 – 1896. NHI 1992 • Rosales, Antonio B.L. “Rizal, Father of Modern Tagalog” in Philippine Magazine. December 1936, January 1937.
government has “absolutely no constitutional authority” over the citizenship of Canadian-born citizens, but only over “aliens and naturalized” citizens. According to Galati, several countries, such as Egypt and Iran, recognize citizenship through several generations, meaning a
descendant born in Canada could be considered a citizen of Egypt or Iran if a great-grandfather was born there. Critics of the bill are concerned that the federal government will have the power to brand a Canadian-born citizen a traitor or terrorist and threaten deportation of that person to a country that he or she has no connection to, which could lead to arrest and torture in some countries. Others have also pointed out that foreign governments wishing to silence dissent could make similar false allegations against Canadian dual citizens, citing the case of the award-winning CanadianEgyptian journalist Mohamed Fahmy who is on trial in Egypt on allegations of spreading false news and belonging to a terrorist group. If convicted, he could
face revocation of his Canadian citizenship under Bill C-24. The Harper government, however, has denied that it would try to deport anyone based on convictions against Canadians by dictatorships. In April 2015, the Canadian Bar Association also expressed “serious concerns” to a parliamentary committee that the bill could impose “exile as an additional form of punishment.” Prior to the passing of C-24, the government could only revoke the citizenship of naturalized Canadians who acquired it through fraud or false pretences. Under the revised act, said the Bar Association, dual citizens now include “those born in Canada who are presumed to be able to claim citizenship in another state through one of their
parents, notwithstanding that the Canadian may have no ties with the other country at all.” Earlier this spring Immigration and Citizenship Minister Chris Alexander’s belittled the legal concerns of Bill C-24 critics saying, “It is shameful that activist immigration lawyers, who never miss an opportunity to criticize our government’s citizenship and immigration reforms, are attempting to drum up business by promoting the interests of convicted terrorists and serious criminals over the safety and security of Canadians.” The minister’s office said last week that Alexander stands by his remarks. For more details about the new requirements of Canadian citizenship, see Michael Scott’s article on page 6.
Jose Rizal, age 29, studio photo taken in Madrid in 1890
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
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JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
• Direk Paul at Toni Gonzaga – Itinago sa publiko ang kasalan • Kris Aquino – Totohanin kaya ang paglipat sa US? • Sen Grace Poe Llamanzares – Maligalig na ang dating tahimik na buhay • Sharon Cuneta – Bakit ba ibinibilad sa social media ang shortcomings ni KC? • Anne Curtis – Natural na napakaganda, walang retoke tulad ng iba • John Lloyd Cruz at Angelica Panganiban – Nagkasawaan na! • Willie Revillame – Tagumpay muli sa kaniyang Wowowin! Ginanap na ang pag-iisang dibdib nina Direk Paul Soriano at Toni Gonzaga nitong nakaraang June 12 sa Taytay. Ito ang kasalang itinago nila sa publiko, ito ang okasyong literal na ipinagdamot ni Toni sa kaniyang mga tagahanga, dahil ayaw raw nilang maging circus ang isang napakahalagang okasyon sa kanilang buhay ni Direk Paul. Komento ni SOS, “Grabe naman sina Direk Paul at Toni! Para silang sina JC Intal at Bianca Gonzales na feeling mga super sikat na as if naman dudumugin ang wedding nila, kaya isinekreto sa publiko ang mga detalye. “Dapat nga po, sa halip na itago, e, ipinagsisigawan sa buong mundo ang ganoon, gaya ng ginawa nina Dingdong at Marian
at Senator Chiz-Heart na higit namang mas sikat kesa kina Direk Paul at Toni at JC at Bianca!” pagsasarado ni SOS sa kaniyang mahabang komento. May katwiran ang katwiran. Madaling intindihin na gusto nilang maging sagrado ang araw ng kanilang kasal dahil markado iyon sa kanilang buhay at relasyon. Pero sana’y nagbigay rin sina Direk Paul at Toni ng masarap na konsolasyon para sa kanilang mga tagasuporta, lalo na sa panig ni Toni, na gumanda ang buhay at karera dahil sa mga taong nagtiwala at nagsulong sa kaniyang mga pangarap. At ngayong mag-asawa na sila ni Direk Paul Soriano, ayon kay Toni Gonzaga ay malaya na See CRISTY p15
The Bride, Toni Gonzaga
Toni Gonzaga & Paul Soriano
Manny Pacquiao & Paul Soriano
Anne Curtis
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
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JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Megan Young returns to the Kapuso Network Bagong movie nina Sarah at Piolo – The Breakup Playlist Sa unang pagkakataon ay magkakasama sa bagong pelikula ng Star Cinema ang Pop Princess na si Sarah Geronimo at ang Ultimate Heartthrob na si Piolo Pascual sa The Breakup Playlist. Ang kuwento ng pelikula ay tungkol sa isang musician na si Trixie (Geronimo) at Gino (Pascual) na umibig sa isa’t isa. Sa ginawang presscon ay
di maiwasang tanungin ang dalawa kung sino ang kanilang inspirasyon noong gawin ang project. Alam naman ng lahat na in love ang Pop Princess ngayon kay Mateo Guidicelli. Walang nababalitang special someone si Piolo kaya trabaho lang ang kaniyang inspirasyon sa kasalukuyan. See SHOWBIZ p15
MANILA – Starstruck II alumna and Miss World 2013 Megan Young returns to her home network as she inked a one-year exclusive contract with GMA Network recently. The beauty queen revealed her delight, as she will be active again in showbiz with hosting stints and soap opera roles. “I’m happy to be back because I’ve grown so much as a person, as an artist, and now that I’m back, I can offer the people a better version of myself.” Megan also talked about her relationship with fellow artists and staff, and how she misses most of those who have supported her from the start of her career. She also mentioned that she wants
to go back to acting, “I missed this because in Miss World, you’re not “acting.” I stopped for one and a half years because my concentration was focused on Miss World. But now that I’ve returned, I have to prepare myself again for acting because I was gone for a long time.” Entertainment TV’s Senior Vice President Lilybeth G. Rasonable revealed some of Megan’s upcoming projects this year, “She will be co-hosting StarStruck with Dingdong Dantes, so that’s the first big project. And then there’s another one coming up. It’s a big primetime soap, but we’ll announce it when the time comes.”
Megan Young
Matteo Guidicelli, Sarah Geronimo & Piolo Pascual Megan Young with GMA7 executives
Janine Gutierrez – the fashion muse MANILA – The name Janine Gutierrez has been apparent all over the country’s magazine spreads and online publications; and after successfully concluding her primetime soap last March, she continues to prove that she is more than just an actress and a pretty face. Janine, whose parents are actors Ramon Christopher and Lotlot de Leon, has definitely set her mind on making a name for herself. She has successfully delivered mesmerizing photos in various magazines and answered interview questions with downright brilliance. She has also impressed the publications that she worked with and received remarks for being unique, classy, and professional. As the country’s newest fashion muse, she expressed her excitement on being the cover girl See JANINE p15
Janine Gutierrez
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SHOWBIZ... From page 14
Marami ang nag-aabang kung magkakaroon ba ng kissing scene ang dalawa sa naturang pelikula at kung okey naman si Sarah tungkol dito. Excited din na binalita ng dalawa na bagong Piolo at Sarah ang makikita nila sa bagong handog na ito Star Cinema. Medyo natagalan ang pagsasama nina Sarah at Piolo dahil gusto nilang maging perfect ang material na kanilang gagawin at ayon sa Pop Princess ay ito na ang tamang proyekto sa uanag tambalan nila ng Ultimate Heartthrob. Ang The Breakup Playlist ay pamamahalaan ng magaling na director na si Dan Villegas na gumawa ng blockbuster movie na English Only Please. Tiyak na magugustuhan ng mga tagasubaybay ng dalawa ang The Breakup Playlist na magsisimula na ngayong July 1.
JANINE... From page 14
of Preview magazine’s May issue. “Preview is my first solo cover for a fashion magazine. And super saya nito kasi dream ko talagang mag-cover sa Preview. Siguro parang isa siya doon sa mga bagay na dream lang ng lahat ng babae or like when you were a little girl, ‘di ba?” Despite this achievement, the GMA Artist Center star stayed grounded and acknowledged the team that worked hard in supporting her during the photo shoot. Janine reveals, “Masuwerte ako kasi yung team na kasama ko kapag pictorial, sila-sila palagi. Sobrang gaan nila katrabaho, at kilalang-kilala na nila ako. Sila talaga yung reason kung bakit lumalabas na maganda yung mga shoot. I really can’t take any credit for it kasi ‘di ba, kapag shoot maraming pre-prod. May concept, may styling, eh dadating ka lang naman, so parang ako na yung least na puwedeng mag-take credit para doon.” Meanwhile, Janine is currently part of GMA Network’s musical variety program, Sunday All Stars. It airs worldwide via GMA’s flagship international channel, GMA Pinoy TV.
CRISTY... From page 12
nilang magagawa ngayon ang mga bagay-bagay na karaniwang nakasanayan na ng mga magkarelasyon, sex ang unang pumasok sa utak ng mga nakarinig sa kaniyang deklarasyon. Matagal nang sinasabi ng aktres-TV host na ang kaniyang puri ay ibibigay niya lamang sa lalaking pakakasalan niya. Isa lang ang tinutukoy ni Toni, ang kaniyang pagkabirhen, ang walang bahid-dungis niyang puri bilang babae. Sabihin nang sa mga panahong ito ay parang imposible nang humarap sa altar ang isang
PILIPINO EXPRESS babaeng malinis na malinis ang pagkababae. Sasabihin ng iba, may ganoon pa ba ngayon, mayroon pa ba? Alagang-alaga sa pangaral ng kanilang mga magulang sina Toni at Alex Gonzaga. Bukod sa kanilang pagiging Kristiyano ay madalas ipaalala sa kanila ni Daddy Carlitos na ang pagiging birhen ang pinakamagandang regalong maibibigay ng isang babae sa kaniyang makakatali sa altar ng matrimonya. Parang may walking CCTV camera ang kanilang mga magulang, palagi nilang kasama iyon kahit saan, kaya hindi nabigyan ng pagkakataon sina Direk Paul at Toni na gawin ang isang mapusok na desisyon habang hindi pa sila kasal. “Mamatey?” tanong ng isang kaibigan namin. Parang ayaw nitong maniwala na sa loob nang halos walong taon (July 2007 nang maging magkarelasyon sila) ng kanilang pagiging magboyfriend ay walang namagitang seksuwal na anggulo sa dalawa. Ewan sa iba pero kami’y naniniwalang sakdal-linis si Toni Gonzaga nang humarap sa altar noong Biyernes nang hapon. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit kung minsan ay “Gigil Queen” ang tawag sa aktres-TV hostsinger ng kaniyang mga kaibigan. *** Ayan, nagsalita na naman si Kris Aquino na sa susunod na taon daw ay sa Amerika na sila maninirahan ng kaniyang mga anak na sina Josh at Bimby. Gusto raw niyang maranasan ng kaniyang bunso ang isang buhay na simple lang at malayo sa mata ng publiko. Buhay nilang mag-iina iyon, may karapatan si Kris na idrowing ang klase ng buhay na gusto niyang matikman ng kaniyang mga anak, walang makakukuwestiyon sa gusto niyang mangyari. Pero sa kaniyang deklarasyon ay maaaring kuwestiyunin si Kris. Wala na kasi siyang kredibilidad pagdating sa mga pinagsasasabi niya, sabi ng mga kababayan natin ay labingdalawa ang mali sa bawat sampung sinasabi niya. Matagal na niyang sinasabi na aalis na silang mag-iina at maninirahan na sa Amerika. Pero hindi naman niya iyon ginagawa, nandito pa rin siya, kaya maraming nag-aalok ng kanilang serbisyo ng paghahatid sa kanilang mag-iina sa airport kahit pa sa madalingaraw kapag talagang desidido na siyang umalis. Noong magkaroon sila ng problema ni Mayor Joey Marquez ay nagpaalam siya sa kaniyang mga programa. Siya raw kasi dapat ang nagtatawid ng balita sa publiko at hindi iyong siya mismo ang balita. Pero pagkatapos lang nang ilang linggo ay bumalik uli siya sa kaniyang talk show. Ganoon din ang ginawa niya noong malantad ang kuwento tungkol sa kaniyang mister na si James Yap at kay Hope Centeno na empleyado ni Dra. Vicki Belo. Lumiban siya sa kaniyang mga programa, pero bumalik din uli, dahil sa kaniyang katwiran na: “Wala o nandito ako, may
Senator Grace Poe mga issues pa rin about me. I’ll better go back and get paid for the intrigues.” Marami ring nagbibigay ng opinyon na hindi kayang iwanan ni Kris ang Pilipinas dahil sa estado ng kaniyang career dito. Bukod sa kilalang-kilala na siya ay milyones pa ang kaniyang kinikita. Balik sa aming kausap, “Huwag na ang kikitain pa niya, sobra-sobra na ang mga pera niya para ikabuhay nilang mag-iina, ang hindi kayang talikuran ni Kris, e, ang fame na blood plasma ng buhay niya. “Hindi siya magiging masaya sa isang lugar na hindi siya bumibida. Nakasanayan na niya ang public life. Hindi siya mabubuhay nang hindi siya ang pinag-uusapan araw-araw. “She loves the limelight! She loves being talked about more than talking!” mas madiin pang komento ng aming kausap. *** Maligalig na rin ngayon ang dating matahimik na buhay at propesyon ni Senadora Grace Poe-Llamanzares. Kakambal na ng mundo ng pulitika ang nagaganap ngayon sa kaniya, kapag nakaramdam ang isang partido tungkol sa pagtakbo ng kanilang katunggali, siguradong maraming butas ang sisilipin laban sa kaniya. Ang kaniyang residency, ang pagiging ampon niya, sa mga susunod na panahon ay tiyak na mas maraming-marami pang isyu ang ibabato laban sa kaniya dahil sa maugong na balita ng kaniyang pagtakbo sa mas mataas na posisyon. Isa lang kami sa maraming Pilipinong medyo tinabangan kay Senadora Grace nang hindi niya pahalagahan ang pagkakaibigan nagtatali sa kaniyang kinagisnang amang si FPJ at kay VicePresident Jejomar Binay. Pilipino kasi kaming may matinding pagpapahalaga sa pinagsamahan at pagtanaw ng utang na loob. Noong mga panahong dapang-dapa ang Hari Ng Aksiyon dahil sa pandaraya ng kaniyang mga katunggali sa pulitika ay isa si VP Binay sa nagbigay nang matinding suporta at malasakit sa namayapang aktor. Huli na nang malapatan niya ng paliwanag ang kaniyang pahayag. Malinaw ang kaniyang sabi, ang kaniyang serbisyo at damdamin ay nasa bayan, hindi sa
Bimby, Kris and Josh Aquino
Angelica Panganiban & John Lloyd Cruz kahit sino. Pero nakikisimpatya kami kay Senadora Grace Poe sa pambabato sa kaniya ng akusasyon sa pagiging ampon. Para sa amin kasi, ampon o legal na anak man ang tao ay kailangang bigyan ng parehas na karapatan, dahil legal na anak man o ampon lang ay parehong nanggaling sa sinapupunan. Samantala, biglang dinagsa ng media ang Jaro, Iloilo. Dinadayo ngayon ng mga mamamahayag ang simbahan ng siyudad na pinaniniwalaang pinag-iwanan sa isang sanggol na babae. Ayon sa mga kuwento ay basta na lang iniwan sa sakristi ng simbahan ang sanggol, nakabalot ng malinis na lampin, saka pinahiga sa isang baby basket. Isang kasambahay na nagngangalang Sayong ang nakakita sa sanggol. Iniuwi siya sa pinaglilingkuran nitong pamilya, kinupkop-inalagaan ng pamilya Ledesma ang napulot na sanggol sa simbahan. Sandaling-sandali lang na nakasama ng pamilya ni Gng. Tessie Ledesma ang sanggol.
Ipinasa nito ang bata sa kaniyang kaibigang si Ms. Susan Roces. Ang mag-asawang Manang Inday na at Fernando Poe, Jr. ang kinagisnang magulang ng sanggol na si Mary Grace Poe. Mary dahil mala-birhen ang hitsura ng inosenteng sanggol, Grace ang ikalawa niyang pangalan, dahil itinuring siyang grasya-biyaya ng langit para kina Manang Inday at Tito Ronnie. Iba naman ang kuwento ng isang urban legend. Anak daw ng dating aktres na si Rosemarie Sonora na kapatid ni Ms. Susan Roces si Mary Grace kay dating Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos. Hindi raw matanggaptanggap ni dating Unang Ginang Imelda Romualdez Marcos ang pagkakaroon ng anak ni Macoy sa ibang babae kaya inampon ni Manang Inday ang bata. Isang malaking kalokohan ang nasabing kuwento. Katulad din iyon ng sabi-sabi tungkol kay Senador Bongbong Marcos, ibang Bongbong na raw ang nakikita natin ngayon dahil ang tunay na Bongbong Marcos ay See CRISTY p18
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Photos by Rey-Ar Reyes, Manny Diolazo, John Louie Bautista and Valen Vergara
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Songs from the Heart The Mabuhay Christian Baptist Church invites everyone to a fundraising concert dubbed: Songs from the Heart, an evening of beautiful Kundiman, World Classical, Christian, Broadway and selected original Pilipino songs. The concert will feature Philippine renowned classical artists and UP Concert Chorus Alumni Nazer Degayo Salcedo, Tenor, and Kay Balajadia-Liggayu, Soprano. The concert will be at the Ellice Theatre, 587 Ellice Ave. on July 18th, 2015, Saturday at 7:00 pm.
Nazer Degayo Salcedo Tenor
Nazer is a stage actor, director and classical singer. He is a faculty member of De LaSalle University – Dasmariñas and MINT International College. He is currently finishing his Masters in Theater at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, while holding a position as the Trainer and Artistic Director of Teatro LaSalliana of DLSU-D. Originally from Iloilo, he has been a part of the Actors’ company of Tanghalang Pilipino of The Cultural Center of the Philippines from 1999 to 2004. Nazer is the Grand National Winner of the Kundiman Fiesta in 1994 and was one of the very first Filipinos to perform in Avignon Theater Festival in France. He was Inquirer’s Bravo’s best featured theatre actor in a musicale in 2006, 2007 and 2010. He has worked with Repertory Philippines, Trumpets, Tanghalang Pilipino, Gantimpala theater foundation, Dulaang Talyer, Dulaang UP, Music Theater Foundation Of the Philippines, Opera Guild, Kidz Act, Philippine Opera Company, Bit by Bit production GMA-7 and ABS-CBN.
CRISTY... From page 15 napatay sa rambol sa isang bar. *** Nagkasakit si Sharon Cuneta at ang kaniyang mga anak sa Bangkok, Thailand. Inatake sila ng virus, nagkasipon at nagkaubo ang Megastar at ang kaniyang mga anak na sina Frankie, Miel at Miguel. Sa halip na maawa sa kaniya ang mga regular niyang bashers ay natuwa pa ang mga ito. Sa wakas ay nanahimik daw ang singer-actress. Kundi pa raw siya nagkasakit ay hindi niya tatantanan ang pang-uupak kay KC Concepcion. Mabuti raw naman at namahinga siya sa kapopost ng kung anu-anong emosyon niya sa social media. Nang-iimbita ng personal na opinyon ang hidwaang nagaganap ngayon sa pagitan ng mag-ina. Hindi nagugustuhan ng Megastar ang mga komento ng mga bashers, pero hindi niya mapipigilang makilahok sa usapin ang ating mga kababayan, dahil naging pampubliko rin ang kanilang emosyon sa pamamagitan ng social media. Komento ni SOS, “Sana po, eh, hindi pinipintasan ni Sharon indirectly si KC o sinasabihan ng mga nega, dahil sa kaniya rin po magre-reflect iyon. Sino po ba ang mag-isang nagpalaki kay KC? “Dapat pa ngang maging proud si Sharon kay KC dahil ambassadress siya para sa food program ng UNICEF. Wala ring malaking iskandalong kinasangkutan si KC, kaya nananatili siyang role model para sa mga kabataan. “Kung anuman pong personal
Kay Balajadia-Liggayu Soprano
Nazer Degayo Salcedo Tenor
issues na mayroon sila, dapat, eh, hindi na iyon inilabas pa sa social media ni Sharon dahil too personal nga iyon. Sa ginagawa po bang indirect na pagbanat ni Sharon kay KC, sa palagay po ba niya, eh, mareresolbahan ang mga emote niya? “Kung talagang mahal din po niya si KC, dapat, eh, hindi niya ibinibilad sa publiko ang kung anumang shortcomings ng anak niya. Hindi po namin gusto na para lang itaas niya ang isa, eh, kailangan pa niyang ibagsak ang isa. “Hindi po kaya bitter lang si Sharon dahil kahit siya lang ang nagpalaki kay KC, eh, nag-effort pa rin ang anak niya na maging close kay Gabby Concepcion? Nagtatanong lang po,” mahaba at makabuluhang pagbibigay ng opinyon ni SOS. Hindi naging maganda ang panlasa ng publiko sa kaniyang mga papuri nang todo kay Frankie na panganay nila ni Senador Kiko Pangilinan. Hindi ang mga papuri ang nabasa doon ng mga kababayan natin, kundi ang panglalaglag niya kay KC. Nananatiling tahimik si KC sa lahat ng mga inilalabas na posts ng kaniyang ina. Tantanan lang daw ni Sharon ang kapo-post sa kaniyang FB account ay matatagpuan niya ang katahimikan ng kalooban. Pero hanggang ipinaaalam niya sa publiko ang mga disgusto niya ay habampanahon din siyang makakatikim ng mga hagupit ng dila ng mga taong hindi nagkakagusto sa mga ginagawa niya. *** Kung nawiwindang ang maraming babaeng personalidad
kapag wala ang kanilang make-up artist ay hinding-hindi naman iyon problema para kay Anne Curtis. Wala siyang make-up artist kahit sa It’s Showtime, nagpapamake-up lang siya kapag may sinu-shoot na TVC at kapag nagho-host siya ng mga awards night, pero sa kaniyang regular show ay wala siyang kasamang make-up artist. Kuwento ng aming source na katrabaho ng magandang aktres, “Wala po talaga. Basta dala-dala niya ang pula niyang lipstick, iyon na iyon! Wala na, tapos na, basta lipstick lang ang inilalagay niya, salang na siya agad! “Kung kailangang rematsehan nang ilang layers ang mukha ni Vice Ganda, si Anne, kahit manipis lang na foundation, hindi siya gumagamit. “Wala siyang ibang inia-apply sa mukha niya, lipstick lang talaga ang kailangan niya. Napakaganda ni Anne, natural ang ganda niya, matipid siya sa make-up,” papuri pa ng aming kausap. Si Anne Curtis pala ang babaeng Willie Revillame pagdating sa pagiging organisado sa kaniyang mga kagamitan, masinop din siya na tulad ni Willie, napakalinis ng kaniyang bahay lalo na ng kaniyang kuwarto. “Ganoon din siya kay Willie. Kung ano ang kulay ng mga t-shirts niya, nakatiklop iyon nang maayos according to color. Pareho rin silang mahilig sa white, mula sa wall hanggang ceiling hanggang sa mga kagamitan, puro puti ang gusto niya. Babaeng pambahay si Anne,” impormasyon pa ng aming source. *** Nagkasawaan. Ganoon kung
Kay graduated from the UP College of Music with a degree in Bachelor of Music, major in Voice under Prof. Ma. Cecilia Ongsiako Valena. She was soprano soloist of the UP Concert Chorus during their International Concert tours of 1992 and 1994. In 1996, she represented the CAR and was national champion of the National Music Competition for Young Artists (NAMCYA) and in 1997; she participated in the Francisco Viñas International Vocal competition in Barcelona, Spain.
Kay Balajadia-Liggayu Soprano
Sharon Cuneta
KC Concepcion
ilarawan ng mga close kina John Lloyd Cruz at Angelica Panganiban ang kinauwian ng kanilang relasyon. Sa sobrang pagsasama nila ay pumasok agad ang sawa factor na itinuturong dahilan kung bakit nanamlay ang kanilang romansa. Pero napakabilis naman. Nagtagal nang maraming taon sina Angelica at Derek Ramsay, nag-live-in din naman ang dalawa, samantalang hindi naman nagsama sa isang bubong sina JLC at Angel. Isang miron ang nagbulong sa amin, “Sawain talaga sa babae si John Lloyd. Kapag wala nang idi-discover sa girl, tinatabangan na siya.” Maraming beses nang nagkakaroon ng tampuhan sina Angelica at John Lloyd, pero naiaayos naman nila iyon, kaya itinuturing na kakaiba ng kanilang mga kaibigan at kasamahan itong huling nangyari sa kanila. Minsan ay may nakapagkuwento sa amin na stubborn girlfriend si Angelica. Matigas ang ulo, may sariling
Willie Revillame mundo, walang pinakikinggang mga payo. “Saka palaaway si Angel, hindi ganoon ang tipong gusto ni John Lloyd, alam n’yo naman ang pagka-consevative ng lalaking iyon! Lumang tao si John Lloyd, kaya nauntog na siguro siya sa katotohanan na hindi si Angelica ang gusto niyang makarelasyon nang matagalan,” dagdag ng aming impormante. See CRISTY p20
EH KASI, PINOY! JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Ang aktibismo sa bagong mundo ni Ka Leoncio Habang sumusumpa bilang bagong Canadian si Ka Leoncio ay nagtatalo ang kaniyang nararamdam. Masaya siya dahil sa pagyakap niya sa bagong bansa na umampon sa kaniya at ngayon ay itinuturing na siyang lehitimong anak. Malungkot siya dahil sa iniwan niyang bansa na minsan ay muntik na niyang pagbuwisan ng buhay bilang isang student activist. Kung maganda lamang sana ang pamamalakad at may sapat na oportunidad sa Pilipinas ay sino ba na naman ang aalis pa dito. May halong guilt at panghihinayang sa kaniyang puso dahil dati siyang nangunguna sa parliamento ng lansangan para ipaglaban ang karapatan ng mga kabataan, ng mga mahihirap at mga inaabuso ng pasistang gobyerno. Pero nilisan niya ito para sa kapakanan ng kaniyang
pamilya. Nagtanong ang mga kasama, “bakit mo iniwan ang samahan Ka Leoncio?” Patuloy pa rin ang pakikibaka ng mga kasama sa organisadong samahan sa Pilipinas. Habang si Ka Leoncio ay nanonood na lamang ng balita at talakayan sa telebisyon at nakikisawsaw sa social media tungkol sa mga isyung kinakaharap ng lipunan. Mayroon din namang mga nawala na. Ang iba’y tila nilamon na ng sistema at nabahiran na ng markang dilaw ng nakaupong gobyerno. Unti-unti na nga bang humihina ang puwersa ng makakaliwang samahan ng political spectrum sa Pilipinas? Nagsawa na nga ba ang mga simpleng mamamayan na makipaglaban dahil sa failure ng mga huwad na rebolusyon sa nagdaang tatlumpung taon?
Ang pakikibaka ng isang tunay na rebolusyunaryo ay hindi natatapos kapag nilisan niya ang isang bansa. Kung nasa dugo at puso ang pagmamahal sa tao ay magpapatuloy ang aktibismo, malayo man sa lupang tinubuan. Ang totoo, hindi lang nasa Pilipinas ang laban para sa kapakanan ng taumbayan kundi ito’y laban ng mundo para itaguyod ang mas makataong gobyerno sa lahat ng bansa. Sa seremonya ng kaniyang pagiging Canadian citizen ay ibinulong ni Ka Leoncio sa kaniyang sarili ang pangako niyang patuloy na isusulong ang mga adhikain ng mga uring manggagawa, kabataan, katutubo, magbubukid at mga simpleng mamamayan. Hindi lamang sa Pilipinas itutuloy ang laban kundi sa buong mundo bilang isang global citizen na nagsusulong ng pagbabago. Tumakas nga ba siya sa
masalimuot na kalagayan ng Pilipinas? Maaaring, oo. Ngunit sa pisikal niyang pagtakas mula sa Pilipinas ay nagbukas naman ito ng bagong hamon at oportunidad para sa mas malawak na pagkilos. Tulad ng Pilipinas ang bansang Canada ay ipinagtanggol din ng maraming samahan at indibidwal para makamit ang kalayaan. Ngunit patuloy ang pakikibaka para sa kaganapan ng kalayaan at equity. Nandiyan pa rin ang pakikipaglaban para sa tunay na karapatan ng mga katutubo, ang karapatan ng LGBT community, ang karapatan ng alternatibong paggamit ng mga halamang dati’y bawal at ang pagbabantay para huwag malinlang at sa halip ay tutulan ang anumang panukalang batas na lalabag sa kalayaan at privacy ng bawat indibidwal. Ang diwa ng aktibismo magpapatuloy sa iba’t ibang anyo. Ang diwang ito ang magsisilbing tagapagbantay ng sangkatauhan
upang hindi umabuso ang sinumang nakaupong gobyerno. Ang aktibismo ay hindi para sa partidong pulitikal kundi ito ay laging para sa tao at sa kinabukasan ng mundo. Habang nanunumpa si Ka Leoncio bilang bagong Canadian ay mataimtim siyang nag-isip at sabay inusal sa sarili ang bagong panunumpa niya bilang anak ng bayan na patuloy na isusulong ang aktibismo para sa pagbabago ng mundo. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).
Jairus: huwarang ama Si Jairus ay tagapamahala ng sinagoga, ang lugar kung saan nagsisimba ang mga Israelita. Nang dumating sa lugar niya si Hesus, nagpatirapa siya sa paanan ng Panginoon at nakiusap itong pumunta sa bahay niya sapagkat ang kaniyang kaisa-isang anak na babae na dose anyos ay nag-aagaw buhay. Pumayag naman si Hesus. Hindi pa sila nakakarating sa bahay ni Jairus, may dumating na isang lalaking galing sa bahay ng tagapamahala. Sinabi nito kay Jairus na patay na ang kaniyang anak at huwag nang abalahin pa si Hesus. Ngunit sinabihan ni Hesus si Jairus na huwag matakot at manalig lamang siya sa Diyos. Tumuloy si Hesus sa bahay ni Jairus. Nakita nilang nag-iiiyakan na ang mga tao. Ngunit sa kabila ng lahat, binangon mula sa patay ni Hesus ang anak ni Jairus. Si Jairus ay kilala sa kaniyang lipunan. Ginawa siyang tagapamahala ng sinagoga kaya masasabi nating respetado siya
ng mga tao. Makikita natin sa kuwento na ang kauna-unahang ginawa niya nang makita niya si Hesus ay ang sambahin ang Panginoon. Hindi niya initindi ang mataas niyang posisyon ngunit buong pagpapakumbaba siyang sumamba sa Panginoong Hesus. May mga lalaking nahihiyang makakitaan na may bitbit na biblia dahil sa tingin nila ay nababawasan ang kanilang pagka-macho. Nakakalungkot din na marami sa mga tatay ngayon ang naghahatid lang sa kanilang misis at mga anak sa simbahan at pagkatapos ay magliliwaliw na sila habang nasa simbahan ang kanilang mag-anak. Kapag may krisis sa ating buhay, minsan nasisisi natin ang Diyos o nagdududa tayo sa kaniyang pag-ibig sa atin. Pero hindi si Jairus, Lumapit siya kay Hesus at buong pagpapakumbabang humingi ng tulong. Alam niyang ang Diyos ang nagpasimula ng buhay ng
kaniyang anak at alam niya ang Diyos lamang ang maaaring makagawa ng himala para sa kaniyang mahal sa buhay. Hindi nahiya si Jairus na dalhin si Hesus sa kaniyang tahanan. Ang sabi nga sa biblia sa Awit 127:1 “Maliban na ang Panginoon ang magtatag ng tahanan, ang ginawa ng nagtayo ay wala ring kabuluhan.” Ang ibig sabihin nito ay kailangan natin ang Diyos sa pagtatatag ng ating pamilya. Siya ang kailangan nating gabay sa pagpapalaki sa ating mga anak. Siya ang magtatatag ng ating mga ugnayan sa ating kaanak. Alam n’yo bang maaari nating papasukin si Hesus sa ating mga tahanan kahit na ngayon? Kapag pinagungunahan natin ang ating pamilya sa pananalangin at pagsamba sa Diyos, isa itong paraan ng pag-aanyaya sa Diyos sa ating tahanan. Ang isa pa ay kung pinagungunahan natin ang ating pamilya sa pagbabasa at pag-aaral ng salita ng Diyos. Ayon kay Steve Arterburn at Jim Burns, ang sumulat ng librong How to Drug Proof Your Kids, may mga pag-aaral na nagsasabing mas maliit ang posibilidad na mag-abuso ng drugs ang mga
kabataan kung ang kanilang ama ay may hayagang makadiyos na pamumuhay. Isa pang kahanga-hanga kay Jairus ay ang kaniyang pananalig sa Panginoon. Hindi siya nagalangan na ilagay sa kamay ng Panginoon ang buhay ng kaniyang anak. Kahit na nabalitaan niyang patay na ito at para sa mga tao ay huli na ang lahat, patuloy siyang naniwalang may magagawa pa ang Panginoon. Patuloy siyang umasa ng isang himala. Kapag nalulong sa masamang bisyo ang ating mga anak o lumiko sila ng landas, nawawalan na ba tayo ng pag-asa? Bakit hindi natin gayahin si Jairus na buong pagpapakumbabang sumamba at nanalig sa Diyos para sa kapakanan ng anak. Hindi siya nabigo dahil hindi siya nagkamali
sa kaniyang nilapitan. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. English service). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10:30 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.
Ni Anne Caprice B. Claros Hindi natin maiiwasan.. Na sa buhay natin ay may lumisan.. Tiyak na tayo’y madadapa Tiyak na tayo’y luluha. Walang nagpangako’t nagsabi Na ang buhay ay madali Hindi natin mapipigilan Ang mga panahong tag-ulan Pero wag mawalan nang tiwala, Aabot rin sa matamis na ginhawa. Maniwala lang sa May Kapal, Kumayod tayo’t magdasal. Ang araw ay siya ring sisikat.. Kaya ang mga mata mo’y iyong imulat Sa mga posibilidad na naghihitay sayo.. Wag mawalan nang pag-asa, aahon rin tayo.
NO. 230
KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot No. 230 • Hunyo 16-30, 2015 1
Hunyo 16 – 30, 2015 No. 229 • Hunyo 1-15, 2015 6
PAHALANG 1. Linisin
26. Punong lalawigan 1. Binibigyang buhay 27. Atraso 9. Chess GM 2. Tuklasin 29. Inaliw 10. Tanggapan3. Supling 31. Nota musical 4. Jose ____ Santos 12. Tamad 32. Pantay 5. Lahatin 34. Hulapi 13. Pang-ukol 6. Ipasundo 35. Masilayan15. Nilitson 9. Chess GM 10. Tanggapan 20. Paningin 12. Tamad 22. Pandikit 13. Pang-ukol 15. Nilitson 24. Sanhi 20. Paningin 25. Kalye sa Makati 22. Pandikit
1. 4. Linisin Taba ng alimango 7. Taba Lugar sa 4. ngCavite alimango 8. Ipagawa 7. Lugar sa 11. Matibay naCavite hibla 14.Ipagawa Lagay ng kalsada 8. 16. Lisan 11. Matibay na hibla 17. Panghalip 14. Lagay ng kalsada 18. Banaag 19. 'Di inyo 16. Lisan 21. Ay! 17. Panghalip 23. Antas sa karate 24. Bulati 18. Banaag 19. ‘Di inyo 21. Ay! 23. Antas sa karate 24. Bulati 26. Punong lalawigan 27.KROSWORD Atraso NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT No. 230 • Hunyo 16-30, 2015 29. Inaliw 31. Nota musical 32. Pantay 34. Hulapi 35. Masilayan 1
28. Rebeldeng grupo 30. Pang-abay 33. Ama, pag inulit
No. 229 • Hunyo 1-15, 2015 6
26. Punong lalawigan 27. Atraso 29. Inaliw 31. Nota musical 32. Pantay 34. Hulapi 35. Masilayan
PABABA 1. Binibigyang buhay 2. Tuklasin 3. Supling 4. Jose ____ Santos 5. Lahatin 6. Ipasundo 9. Chess GM 10. Tanggapan 12. Tamad 13. Pang-ukol 15. Nilitson 20. Paningin 22. Pandikit
1. Linisin 4. Taba ng alimango 7. Lugar sa Cavite 8. Ipagawa 11. Matibay na hibla 14. Lagay ng kalsada 16. Lisan 17. Panghalip 18. Banaag 19. 'Di inyo 21. Ay! 23. Antas sa karate 24. Bulati
1. Binibigyang buhay 2. Tuklasin 3. Supling 4. Jose ____ Santos 5. Lahatin 23
6. Ipasundo
24. Sanhi 25. Kalye sa Makati 28. Rebeldeng grupo 30. Pang-abay 33. Ama, pag inulit
Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Magandang balita T L B I N A N Ready A ka na bang P para sa Aries na magsaya? Utang U M gustong I B bumuo A B A moL sa iyong S sarili A ng pamilya. ang paginhawahin P A LSuwerteI T ang A G ang W iyong A Tisip panahon upang at pakiramdam. magkaroon ng anak. Kailan A G na A N Maaaring A T kaShuling A nag-shopping P A kayong mag-partner ang bubuo para sa iyo? Ikaw ang nahahanapsa sanggol o puwede ring kayo ay buhay, may karapatan kang G A S A P I N A M mag-ampon. Sa anumang paraan, gastahin ang kinikita mo. ngayon na ang tamang oras. OK Magbakasyon ka at mag-enjoy. B ka sa Uika- L YouAdeserve S it. OK ka sa ika-20 A angI ika-20 at 21. Alalay 17, 18, 19, 24 at 25. at 21. Ingat sa ika-27 at 28.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Magaan ang dating ng pera sa iyo at sa mahal mo. Maikli lang ang buhay ng tao, huwag ninyong sayangin sa puro hanapbuhay. Kailangan ninyong dalawa ang magkaroon ng quality time. Magbakasyon kayo habang nakakalakad pa nang walang tungkod. Masaya ang ika-20 at 21. May tension sa ika-16, 22 at 23.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) A K A L A ka T I Ipagpatuloy G A Smo Manahimik muna. Iwasan ang pagbabantay N I P I Sang I G saI S iyong A mo muna makihalubilo sa kalusugan. Tama A N mga I Ttao. AHindi I I ang L ginagawa A Gmo ngayon ang sa pagbabawas panahon mamayagpag K upangK A LdahilA ng Mtimbang. B AHuwag kang I maraming naiinggit sa iyo at pilit maniniwala sa mga fad diets dahil nilang sisirain ang magandang pansamantala lang ang epekto ng pangalan 24. Sanhi mo. Pag-aralan mo muna mga iyon. Ikaw ang may hawak 25. Kalye Makati ang lahatsang anggulo. Lucky days ng buhay mo – tamang pagkain, 28. Rebeldeng grupo mo ang ika-22 at 23. Ingat sa ika- tulog at exercise. OK ang ika-22 30. Pang-abay 33. Ama, pagatinulit 20, 21, 27 28. at 23. Ingat sa ika-16, 29 at 30.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Kung mahal mo siya, sabihin mo sa kaniya. Huwag mong hintaying maagaw pa siya ng iba. Hindi na uubra sa panahon ngayon ang pakiramdaman lang. Deretsohin mo na dahil alam mo naman na gusto ka rin niya. Nag-aalanganin siya sa pamilya mo. Good days ang ika-22 at 23. May tensyon sa ika-17, 18, 19, 24 at 25.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Kailangan mo ng second opinion tungkol sa iyong nararamdaman. Huwag mong ipagwalang bahala dahil baka lumala. Kung kailangan mo ng surgery, huwag kang mabahala dahil iyon ang kailangan mo talaga. Alagaan mo ang sarili. Marami ka pang dapat gawin. OK ang ika-16, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-22, 23, 29 at 30.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kung single ka pa, may magugustuhan ka na parang mahirap abutin. Huwag kang mag-alala dahil tinitingnan ka rin niya. Bakit hindi mo nahahalata? Mailap din siya kapareho mo at pareho kayong takot mabigo. Ikaw na ang gumawa ng unang hakbang. OK ang ika-16, 24 at 25. Kuwidaw sa ika-17, 18 at 19.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Kung nag-iisip ka na ng kasalan, tama ka. Ngayon na ang panahon upang ipangako mo sa kaniya na siya ang iyong pang-habang buhay. Patuloy ang excitement sa buhay mo sa buwang ito. Mahusay din ang iyong kalusugan. Masaya at productive ang Hunyo mo. OK ka sa ika-16, 24 at 25. Careful sa ika-20, 21, 27 at 28.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Napapanahon na upang balikan mo ang mga ginawa mo sa taong ito. Pag-aralan mong mabuti at tingnan kung saan mo pa mapapabuti ang mga ito. Hindi pa tapos ang iyong misyon, marami pang umaasa sa iyo. Ikaw ang sandigan nila kaya lakasan mo ang loob mo. OK sa ika-17, 18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-24 at 25.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Balance ang kailangan mo ngayon. Kaya mo naman pagsabayin ang pag-iintindi ng hanapbuhay at pamilya. Malusog ka at matalino ka. Ang hindi kaya ng iba ay kaya mong gawin nang hindi mo isasakripisyo ang buhay pamilya. Buwenas ka. OK mo ang ika-17, 18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-20 at 21.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kailangan mong mag-detox ng isip at ng katawan. Masyado kang m a r a m i n g kinakain na hindi nakakatulong sa iyong puso. Kadalasan, busog ka na’y kumakain ka pa rin. Kailangan mo ng control dahil emotional eating ang ginagawa mo. Ingat. OK ang ika-17, 18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-16, 22, 23, 29 at 30.
niyang kinabog ag mga programang katapat niya. Masayang-masaya ang kaniyang staff, ang kaniyang mga sponsors, at napakasaya rin ng GMA-7 sa magandang ratings ng Wowowin. At may mas sasaya pa kaya ngayon kesa kay Willie? “Ang lahat ng ito, eh, hindi mangyayari kundi dahil sa ginagawang paghahanda ng buong staff ng show. Masisipag sila, excited ang lahat kapag may production meeting, may saysay kasi ang mga ginagawa nilang paghahanda sa bawat episode. “Hindi lang ganito ang puwede naming ibigay sa mga televiewers, maraming-marami pa, medyo kulang lang kasi kami sa oras kaya hindi pa kami makatodo. “Pero masayang-masaya kami, napakaganda ng ibinibigay
na sorpresa sa amin ng mga kababayan natin every Sunday afternoon,” pahayag ni Willie nang makakuwentuhan namin. Isa na lang ang hinihiling ng mga tagasuporta ng aktor-TV host, ang pagiging daily na ng Wowowin, para makumpleto na ang kanilang kaligayahan. Tuwing matatapos ang programa ni Willie ay isang mensahe lang ang palagi naming tinatanggap, “Bitin!” Sana raw ay madagdagan pa siya ng oras para mas marami pang segments ang maihain nila sa publiko. Dagdag na oras at dagdag na araw. Wala nang kailangan pang patunayan si Willie Revillame. Siya lang ang personalidad na mahigit na isang taong nawala pero nang magbalik-telebisyon ay dalawang-kamay pa ring niyakap ng ating mga kababayan. – CSF
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
CRISTY... From page 18 Tama ang sinabi ng isang magaling na aktres, sa pakikipagrelasyon daw ay sitenta porsiyento lang dapat ang ibinabahagi ng babae sa lalaki, ang natitirang treinta porsiyento ay kailangang inaangkin ng babae na sa kaniya lang. “Araw-araw, kailangang may excitement, may bagong dini-discover ang guy. Kapag nakalantad nang lahat, ano pa ang saysay ng isang relasyon?” paalala pa ng magaling na aktres. *** Nakabalik nang matagumpay si Willie Revillame! Mula noong May 10 sa unang sultada ng kaniyang Wowowin hanggang noong nakaraang Linggo nang hapon ay walang patumangga
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
Ang 2015 ay ika-10 taon na ng Pilipino Express. Sina Emmie, Paul at Rey-ar ay kaparis ng tungkong-kalan. Sila ang bumalikat kaya naririto ngayon ang PE, na mula’t sapol ay taglay ang pitak na ito. Sinisikap na himayin at ihatid ang mga balitang nagaganap, hindi lamang dito sa Winnipeg, Manitoba kundi maging sa buong Canada, kalapitbansang Amerika at Pilipinas. *** Sanhi sa ipinakitang taos na pagtangkilik ng Winnipeg, Manitoba Filipino-Canadian societies, kaya ang PE ay naririto ngayon. Nakahanda sa patuloy na paglilingkod. Hindi ito natulad sa mga ibang nagtangka subalit nabigo. Maraming salamat po sa inyong patuloy na pagtitiwala sa kakayahan ng mga taong nasa likod ng news magazine na ito. Feedback “Mr. Rey, Binasa ko ang tula mong Kalayaan. Bakit ba tila walang halaga sa iyo ang araw na dapat nating ipagpasalamat? Medyo nga po, sapagkat ako’y hindi nagagandahan sa uri ng kalayaang binigay ng Amerika sa Pilipinas noong July 4, 1946. Political freedom lamang at hindi kasama ang economic independence. Ang isang kamay ng Inang Filipina ay nakagapos. Hayan, ano ang nangyayari ngayon doon. Karambola ang mga politiko sa hangaring kapangyarihan at pagpapayaman, samantalang patuloy na naghihirap sa kabuhayan ang maraming taumbayan. Hindi po ganiyan ang nangyayari sa bansang maunlad na may ganap na kalayaan. Dependence hindi independence mayroon ngayon.” Salamat po sa inyong obserbasyon. ***
Isa sa makulay na paggunita sa linggo ng Philippine Heritage at Araw ng Kalayaan ang sayaw na katutubo noong ika-12 ng Hunyo na ginanap sa Maples Collegiate, 1330 Jefferson Ave., Winnipeg. Pinangunahan ni Ms Cory Juan ang limang performers na sina Ising Santiago, Mely Gonzaga, Rosi Ballelos, Bilen Drapeau at Edil Andulam. Maraming salamat sa Seven Oaks Filipino Employees Association. Pilipinas Nakabantay na sa South China Sea ang barkong buka-degiyera ng Amerika. Ang babala ng Washington na tigilan ng Beijing ang kanilang reclamation activities sa South China Sea ay no pansin sa China. Hindi natatakot sa babala ng Washington na ipagtatanggol nila ang Pilipinas. *** May mapang 300 taon palang hawak ng Pilipinas. Eh, bakit ngayon lang planong ibibigay sa UN ng nakaupong gobyerno? Pinanonood lang ng gobyernong noynoying noon ang pagtatatag ng mga estraktura ng China sa West Philippine Sea. *** Ngayon naman, dinadaan na lang nila sa dakdak. Inalok ng China na mag-usap na lang ang Beijing at Manila for joint exploration sa West Philippine Sea. Ang alok ay matigas na tinanggihan ng Malacañang. *** Dagdag na investors na naman ang pangakong pasalubong ni PNoy sa kaniyang nakaraang Japan trip. Walang iniwan ‘yun sa sirang plaka. Ang mga nakaraang trip sa ibang bansa, may natupad na ba sa mga pinirmahang pangako? Wala akong nabalitaang naging positibong resulta. ***
(Alay sa lahat ng ama) Ang una at tanging tao na nilikha, Tunay ang katawang sa lupa nagmula; Katangiang taglay, di makakaila, Dito sa daigdig nang wasto at lisya! *** Turing ay haligi ng bawat tahanan, Laan ang sarili sa pananagutan; Subalit ang iba ay makasalanan, Taksil sa asawa, pamilya’y iniwan! *** Ang kaligayahan, madaling madama, Sa isang tahanang palaging masaya; Sapagkat kapiling ang ulirang Ina, at ang mapagmahal na huwarang Ama! *** Di na humihinga nang siya’y mahalin, at pinupuri lang nang takdang ilibing! Paquito Rey Pacheco
Sinong matinong investor ang mamumuhunan sa bansang magulo? Walang matatatag na programang pangkabuhayan. Isang katunayan na maraming propesyonal ang naglalayasan. Milyon-milyong pesos na ng mga taxpayer ang natunaw sa foreign trips ni PNoy na ang sangkalan ay mag-anyaya ng mga dayuhang investors. *** Ang 1987 Constitution ni Tita Cory ay mistulang karneng-baboy na inaatado. Mismong nangyayari ngayon sa ilalim ng pamumuno sa bansa ng kaniyang tanging anak na lalaki. Nakalampas na sa second reading ng kamara ang panukalang emyenda sa economic provisions ng konsitusyon. Pinatay na raw naman. Aba, possible pa ring buhayin? *** Kasama sa panukala ang pagbibigay ng 100 per cent na karapatan sa foreigners to own lands sa Pilipinas. Kung mapagtitibay, malaya rin silang makontrol ang industriya ng pagmimina, iba pang mga likas na kayamanan ng bansa, industriya ng transportasyon, at media. Farm workers na lang ng mga dayuhan ang mga magsasakang Filipino sa sariling bayan na itinalaga ng Diyos para sa kanila. Ang Pilipinas at the end ay parang babaeng ginahasa, pinatay saka iniwan. *** Nagtataka nga si Sen. Chiz Escudero. Sinabing halos isang taon na lang, matatapos na ang termino ni PNoy, bakit minamadali ang emyenda sa economic provisions ng konsitusyon? Oo naman. Kasi nga, sakaling maging batas, ang Mindanao na malaon nang target ng Malaysia ay malaya nang matutupad. *** Nakakalungkot ang kasalukuyang ginagawa ng mga politikong puppet. Halos ang pagkain ay nasa bibig na lang ng naghihikahos na mga pamilya, inaagaw pa at ibibgay sa dayuhan. Tama na. Labis-labis nang abuso sa bayan ang kanilang ginagawa. Sila ay mga kawatan; hindi tunay na kinatawan ng mga mamamayan. *** Tungkol naman sa protesta ng mga raleyista vs K-12. Sino bang magulang ang nais lumaking ignorante ang kanilang mga anak? Wala, pero ang pinilit na dagdagan ang panahon ng pagaaral sa high school ay hindi napapanahon. Dagdag na pahirap ‘yun sa mga magulang. Sana ang perang ginagastos sa K-12 ay ilaan na muna sa pagpapagawa ng karagdagang classrooms. Saan sila tuturuan? Sa ilalim ng mga punong kahoy? *** Sa halip, ang dapat unahin ay pagkalooban ng mabuting pasuweldo ang mga guro nang sa gayon ay hindi sila nagtatawiddagat para magtrabaho. Ang gusto bang mangyari ng mga nasa palasyo ay tumanggap na lang ng mga salaping pinadadala ng OFWs? Gagastusin na lang nila sa lamiyerda? Hindi matuwid na daan ‘yon.
*** Pinagharap na ng kasong treason ang peace panel ng gobyernong Aquino na nagsusulong ng BBL na nakamaskara ng kapayapaan. Ang nagharap ng kaso ay mga partylist congressmen na pinagunahan ni former Manila Mayor Joe Atienza, kabilang sina Jonatahan dela Cruz, former ambassador Jose Romero at Atty. Jeremy Gatdula. *** Kung ang mga orihinal na probisyon ng BBL ang mangingibabaw, it will cause national crisis, ‘ayon kay former Supreme Court Chief Justice Raynaldo Puno. Matatag ang sinabi ni Senador Bongbong Marcos, chairman of the Senate Local Government Committee. Hindi makakapasa sa senado ang BBL hangga’t hindi nalalagay sa ayos ang mga probisyon ng panukalang batas. *** Natupad na ang nais mangyari ni VP Binay. Kung sakali, korte na ang magpapasiya kung balido ang mga akusasyong binato sa kaniya ng senate subcommittee. Ang pangit lang ay kung patulugin ng korte ang imbestigasyon hanggang sa panhon ng kampanya sa eleksiyon. *** Tiyak nang si Mar Roxas ang kandidato for president ng LP. Malabo nang si Sen. Grace Poe ang maka-tandem ni Roxas. Gayon din si Sen. Chiz Escudero. Hindi na rin daw kasama sa LP coalition sina Grace at Chiz. Hindi nagustuhan ng senador ang pamimilit ng LP kay Sen. Poe. *** Kung totoo ang BI record na US passport ang ginamit ni Sen Poe sa kaniyang paglalakbay kahit noong December 27, 2009, baka magkaproblema ang lumutang na Grace-Chiz tandem for the 2016 presidential elections. Talk of the
PAGE 21 town din naman ngayon ay kung si Mayor Rod Duterte ng Davao at Sen. Bongbong Marcos ay sasali sa nakatakdang presidential derby. Katas Tunay na marumi ang politika sa Pilipinas. Hindi pa panahon ng kampanya, nagsasabuyan na ng putik ang mga sugapa sa kapangyarihan at pagpapayaman. 1. Ang popularidad ni VP Binay ay pinagpipilitang pababain ng mga kalaban. 2. Patong-patong na mga akusasyon ng pagpapayaman ang binabalibag sa kaniya. 3. Malamang na bago maging puspusan ang kampanya, ang bise presidente ay kasuhan. 4. Ikukulong na ang kaso ay uupuan kaparis ng nararanasan nina senador Juan Ponce Enrile, Jinggoy Estrada at Bong Revilla. 5. May kumakalat pang mga sabi-sabi. Halos isang taong na lang ang termino ni PNoy ay may plano pang kumandidatong vice ni Mar Roxas kung ayaw ni Sen Grace Poe. Sa Oktubre, marahil ay malalaman na ang mga pangunahing personalidad na magsisiganap sa nalalapit na political telenovela. Kasabihan Ang mga bisiro ang nasasaktan sa sandaling magsisipaan ang mga kabayo sa loob ng kanilang kural. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@ yahoo.ca.
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
UPAA-MB hosts Filipino breakfast fundraiser WINNIPEG – Two hundred fifty people attended the breakfast fundraiser organized by the University of the Philippines Alumni and Associates in Manitoba (UPAA-MB), Inc. on June 6 at Canton Buffet. A total of $1655 was
raised through ticket sales, corporate sponsorships, and 50/50 draw. Proceeds will go to the UPAAMB’s bursary and charity donations. The organization will continue to award bursaries to deserving Filipino students. A portion will also
be donated to the families of fellow UPAA-MB members who have lost their loved ones and are in need of financial help. UPAA-MB would like to thank Canton Buffet, all the individuals who supported the fundraiser, and
corporate sponsors such as Emmie Joaquin of TheWealth Planning Group, Norman Garcia, EIT of Mr. Peg, Edwin Yazon Financial Services, Anna Juangco-Maniquiz, and Nikki Mailom - Ingga Sandals Distributor. The organization also
acknowledges the generosity of Darren Gonzales for donating back the money he won from the 50/50 draw. For more information about UPAA-MB, please go to www. upmb.net. (By Nikki Mailom, UPAA-MB)
QPAM Santacruzan and Pahiyas Festival By Norman Padilla Winter had barely left Winnipeg with dips and peaks of temperature but QPAM did brave it all as it celebrated Mayuhan 2015 - that exciting time of year when most if not all of its members and guests gathered and wore barongs, maria claras and kimonas to showcase the Santa Cruzan & procession of the images of Blessed Virgin Mary and San Isidro Labrador. The event was also celebrated with a Catholic mass, the traditional "salu-salo" and "palaro" (games) for the kids. This year, it was held May 30, Saturday at the Maples Community Centre on 434 Adsum Drive. Mr. and Mrs. David and Linda Tseng were this year's Hermano and Hermana, respectively. The couple are staunch supporters of the association in all its programs & projects over the years. Mr. and Mrs. Alden and Jenny Novallasca joined the celebration as this year's Hermanito and Hermanita. The event has been planned since December 2014 by current officers and member-volunteers of QPAM spearheaded by its President Mrs. Maggie Chan-Urbano. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Jorge Mante. A new innovation was hatched for the "aranya" raffle where local businesses were invited to sponsor and/or adorn several aranyas to be raffled off as fundraiser and likewise providing the companies the opportunity to promote their business to the community. More local businesses, agencies and associations supported QPAM's Mayuhan this year. They have either sponsored aranyas, provided information, tokens, prizes or services. This event was supported by Bicol Association, Manitoba Filipino Street Festival, Talisay Association and PCGBI (Winnipeg Chapter). Photos by: Nelson "Nonie" Manalili and AJ Novallasca
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
JUNE 16 - 30, 2015
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