Pilipino Express • Jun 1 2015

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Philippine heritage in Canada

Liza Soberano

Winnipeg Filipinos celebrate 117 years of Philippine independence

Maligayang ika-117 taon ng ating kalayaan!

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WINNIPEG – Some 60,000 Filipinos, making up approximately nine per cent of Winnipeg’s population, will have plenty of opportunities to celebrate their heritage this month. Several events are planned to mark 117 years of Philippine independence from Spanish colonial rule. The Philippine Heritage Council of Manitoba (PHCM) is hosting many activities as part of its Envisioning Celebration with the theme of a “New Vision for

the Future,� including the annual Philippine Independence Ball, which happens to coincide with Philippine Independence Day itself on Friday, June 12, and the annual picnic in Assiniboine Park on Sunday, June 14. This year PHCM is teaming up with the Manitoba Filipino Business Council (MFBC) to present a public panel discussion, Inspiring Our Youth & Future Generations. The panel of professionals includes Hipolito Alibin Jr., Dr. Anthoy Battad,

RCMP Constable Theresa Daranciang, Ramon Faustino M. Sales Jr., and Gary Sarcida. Jon Reyes will moderate the discussion. (see MFBC page 21). The Seven Oaks Filipino Employees Association (SOFEA) is also hosting A Philippine Heritage & Independence Day Celebration at Maples Collegiate on Friday, June 12 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (see SOFEA page19). The full schedule of PHCM events and details can be found on page 18.

Gender identity crisis By Dale Burgos As far as I can remember, ever since I was a wee lad, I knew I was a boy. No question about it. I’m now married to a beautiful lady named Izzy. We have five children, and each one of them have their own personality. We aren’t the typical family, but really, what makes a typical family these days? Izzy and I are a mixed race couple. I am 100 per cent Filipino, Izzy is a mix of British, Welsh, Irish and Scottish. We are a blended family. My two oldest are fair-skinned, blond haired and blue eyed. One is gay, the other See BURGOS p10




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The happily mixed, blended, and modern Burgos family

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JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015





JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

Vicious cycle Senator Miriam DefensorSantiago was spot-on when she made the following comment on May 25: “Corrupt politicians are threatened by an educated public.� The context was a bill she was set to file that day calling for an inquiry into the recent decision of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to approve the tuition increase of more than 300 private colleges and universities all over the country. “Making education more accessible to the public,� the senator said, “should be a priority, right up there, if not taking precedence over, the fight against corruption.� Indeed, one of the most important things the Aquino administration seems to be neglecting is education. And when it does do something about it, it shows a skewed sense of priorities. Government is currently implementing the K-12 program, promising greater benefits for our children when they finally graduate from school to which two years has been added. What it does not say is that getting there will be an uphill climb for both parents and government itself. In the first place, there

are only a few schools that are ready to offer the two-year senior high school (SHS) program. The educational system is expected to accommodate two more years when it is already strained almost beyond recognition at this point. The K-12 program does have its merits, but the implementation is sorely lacking. It needs more than just lip service to make it work. This is one of the few things in life that may be addressed by throwing money at it, in this case the globally accepted six per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As it is, however, government refuses to give education everything it needs, allocating less than four per cent of our GDP despite its assertion that education is a priority. If you need proof, just look at the many schools that still hold classes under the proverbial mango tree. Meanwhile, corrupt officials are still stealing billions of pesos, depriving schools of the necessary funds to create an educated population. And that is where Senator Santiago’s statement becomes chillingly real. An educated public will not allow such crimes

to be committed, and so corrupt politicians do all they can to keep education at a low level. The blame goes squarely on these criminals in barong tagalogs who keep our people ignorant so they can continue being elected into office. It’s a vicious cycle that must be broken once and for all. Clear our roads Speaking of Senator Santiago, she has also trained her sights on the country’s transport system, which she said is “worsening� and needs some drastic measures if we are to have some relief on the road. She specifically called out our jeepney drivers whose lack of discipline she squarely blamed for the traffic jams that hit not just Metro Manila but other key cities in the country as well. Even Davao City gets its share of traffic problems, and residents here agree that they are mostly caused by jeepney and other public utility drivers who show little regard for traffic rules in their quest to earn an income. Perhaps it is understandable that public utility drivers habitually flout the law because earning a living through driving can be a slow and arduous process. This prompts them to stop anywhere to load passengers, even in areas that are designated as no loading and unloading zones, and often even while the rest of traffic is moving along. Their

weaving in and out of the roads causes a slowdown behind them that grows exponentially, causing traffic jams that frustrate other motorists and passengers who are in a hurry to get somewhere. As the joke goes, public utility drivers are not in a hurry because they are already at work, but what they do not realize is that slowmoving traffic adversely affects them also. A slow turnaround means less income for them, and moving slowly uses up more fuel. More than that, traffic jams cause a slowdown in overall economic activity as goods and people take more time getting to where they need to be. If productivity is low, the economy also suffers – which is bad news for everyone, including the drivers. Senator Santiago has proposed stiff punishment for drivers who disobey road rules, and we seriously hope the authorities are ready to impose them. The problem has never actually been the laws because, God knows, we have enough of them; it is in their implementation that government is always found wanting. Let us hope the good senator’s proposal would spur both drivers and traffic enforcers to clear our roads. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Learning from the past: History as a warning for today The Philippines made the news in late May as being the first country in the region willing to grant refuge to asylum seekers stranded in the Andaman Sea and the Straits of Melaka. The asylum seekers are fleeing religious persecution in Burma (Myanmar) and poverty in Bangladesh. The Philippines, which signed the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees (1951) in 1981, raised the hopes of advocates as the nations of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand – none of which are signatories to the Convention of Refugees – had refused to take in the boatloads of people, despite warnings from the UN of “floating coffins.� This isn’t the first time that the Philippines has stepped up on the international stage. From the 1970s to 1990s, the Philippines opened its borders to Vietnamese “Boat People� who fled their war-torn country while Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand turned the asylum seekers away. The Philippines announced their willingness to accept refugees on May 19th, and by May 21st Indonesia and Malaysia indicated they would do to same, following the lead of the Philippines. The refugees at the heart

of this humanitarian crisis are an ethnic group known as the Rohingya, a Muslim minority in Burma. For decades, this group has experienced discrimination from radical Buddhists sects, and they have minimal rights as the government considers the Rohingya as non-citizens, claiming they are illegal migrants from Bangladesh. Their story of suffering has largely been ignored in the international media. Their flight from Burma in rickety, unseaworthy ships is very similar to the situation in the Mediterranean Sea, as migrants fleeing war, extremism and poverty attempt illegal entry to Europe. These migrants pay inordinate amounts of money to human traffickers who promise them safe passage. However, the boats they are loaded into are in bad condition and over filled with people. Indeed, the crisis currently unfolding with the Rohingya is a result of their ships being ill supplied to survive being turned away from Southeast Asian countries. Furthermore, sea travel is itself dangerous, and often times these ships full of refugees end up sinking; if they are lucky, they are spotted by coast guards, however, many are not.

A survivor of a recent sinking in the Mediterranean said he thought at least three hundred had died, as they were locked in the ship’s hold and unable to escape as their ship sank. Hein de Haas, a professor at the International Migration Institute at the University of Oxford, recently asked what do we actually learn from history. Today, the international community is having a hard time coming together to deal with humanitarian crises on the seas. While some, like the Philippines, are willing to help, many are resisting and need to be pressured to act. A very similar situation happened in the build up to the Second World War as Jewish refugees, forced out of Germany, sought asylum. One of Canada’s darkest moments in its immigration history was its denial of refuge to 915 German Jews aboard the MS St. Louis, which was also denied by the United States and Cuba. With no country willing to take them in, their ship turned around and returned to Germany, where it is believed all were killed in the Holocaust. It was events like this that led to the international community, in the form of the United Nations, to draft the Convention on the Status of Refugees in 1951. The situation

in Burma (Myanmar) is by no means the same as the Holocaust, but what is similar is international indifference to the suffering of the Rohingya, who are being targeted for their religion and ethnicity. Today, there are international organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to advocate for peoples with no voice, but too often their pleas for help are ignored or brushed off. Before agreeing to assist in the crisis after the Philippines stepped up, the Indonesian government claimed that the crisis was a global crisis in which all states should assist, and that Indonesia had done its part. Sometimes on the international stage, though, pleas for help from groups like the UNHCR and IOM are not enough – sometimes someone needs to step up to take a leadership position, and guide the international community. Canada gained international esteem in the 1970s as it opened its borders to thousands of Ugandan-Asians forced out by the military dictator Idi Amin. In that case, Canada greatly benefited, as this ethnic group was highly educated and had considerable wealth, meaning See JON MALEK p10

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JUNE 1 - 15, 2015





JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

Economic immigration: Agenda for the future The federal Minister of Immigration met with his provincial and territorial governments on May 22, 2015 to discuss their shared commitment to maximize the economic benefits of immigration. The selection process for economic immigrants and settlement and labour market outcomes was the focus of the meeting co-chaired by Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander and Ontario’s Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Minister, Michael Chan. The federal provincial and territorial (FPT) representatives are concerned that Canada continues to be choice destination for skilled workers around the world. The Ministers discussed the impact of the new federal Express Entry immigration system and the continuing importance of the Provincial Nominee Programs, which allow the provinces and territories to participate in the selection of immigrants to meet their individual labour market needs. All parties agreed to keep communication open between

not only the federal government and the provinces and territories but also to engage third parties such as private sector employers in a series of cross-Canada consultations in the coming months. The participants also reviewed the ongoing work on Helping Immigrants Succeed: An FPT Action Plan that aims to improve the Employment Fit/Foreign Qualification Recognition, Social Connections, and Language for all applicants, even those outside of the labour market. The agreed upon solution was a three-year action plan, FPT Vision for Immigration to Canada (2012-2015), that is intended to build a system to adapt to immigration changes by emphasizing a fast, fair and flexible economic immigration system. The system would still emphasize meeting labour market needs as well as ensuring a Francophone component and improving “settlement outcomes for all newcomers.” Minister Alexander was quoted as saying: “Our government is working to welcome the best

and brightest more quickly, and to get these skilled newcomers integrated more fully into Canada’s economy and Canadian society. Working with provincial and territorial partners, we can maximize the benefits that immigration brings to the Canadian economy and support our top priority, creating jobs and economic growth.” The federal Minister’s words were echoed in those of his co-chair Michael Chan, “The attraction of skilled newcomers is critical to provincial and territorial economic growth. A stronger immigration partnership between provinces, territories and the federal government can deliver the flexibility required to use immigration to build an innovative and prosperous economy, and create jobs.” Some quick facts that were released to the public following the May 22 meeting include: • Express Entry as the way for employers and provinces/ territories to access international skilled immigrants and quickly fill regional labour-market gaps; • Several provinces, including Manitoba, have taken advantage of Express Entry by nominating candidates;

• The meeting highlighted the fact that 47,000 provincial and territorial nominees, including spouses and dependent children, were admitted to Canada in 2014. This represents a rise of 42% over 2013; • The federal government intends to increase the percentage of economic stream immigrants from 62 per cent in 2014 to 70 per cent in the years ahead; • All FPT governments are committed to maximizing the benefits of immigration by ensuring that newcomers “integrate and contribute fully as soon as possible”; • The federal government will invest almost one billion dollars in 2015-2016, in addition to provincial and territorial funding, to ensure that newcomers settlement needs are met across the country. One conclusion is that the recent changes with the federal skilled worker program and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program show a commitment to making economic immigration “faster” and more responsive. The idea of having applicants submit “profiles” and create inventories for selection has a certain appeal

for governments because of the negative impact of application backlogs. The attraction is that in the case of the profile there is no backlog, no continuing responsibility for governments to keep the file active or complete within an allotted time. If the profile does not result in a selection or invitation to apply (as in the example of MPNP) then it goes dormant after one year. The approach is quite different from what immigration applicants have been accustomed to in the past. At one time skilled workers came to the country in the hundreds of thousands. Now there is no question that the number will become considerably less. We have to decide whether or not the chance is more or less beneficial for the country as a whole. Like it or not this appears to be a foretaste of what is to come. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.

Make decisions like a CEO Studies have shown that the top CEO’s have one trait in common. They’ve the ability to make executive decisions in a timely manner. When the stakes are high and it’s all on the line. It’s no wonder that so few can fill the shoes of a CEO. With all the decisions and choice theory at play, the average human being would experience “paralysis by analysis.” Learning from a ninefigure mentor, I had this question answered. Now how exactly does one make decisions like a CEO? Better yet, how does one create and make decisions like a CEO? In the beginning there was one, that one was you and you had a big idea. You didn’t know it then but you were a CEO. You were your own professional

services enterprise. There’s power when two or more come together. You may not know this yet, only because you’ve been doing it all on your own. In the start-up phase in business and life, having a “cobeliever” changes the game. It will change everything for you. Resolve now to find a co-believer for your business and life. A co-believer is someone who is equally or more crazy than you and has the same irrational passion for pursuing like-minded dreams and goals. Ask any high achiever and they should reveal to you that they’ve had a co-believer(s). You can too. The power of a cobeliever is priceless, in business and life. They will keep you sane, help you remain against the grain, even though your lofty goals are slightly crazed. Find a co-believer

that believes in your mission and things will never be the same! At the outset you will be met with many things. These things can be summed up in one word: choices. This is where Robert Kiyosaki’s acronym accents things well: Fail Early And Responsibly. Failure is course correction and when you quit after failure you’re wasting valuable learning opportunities. Once CEO decisions are created with the cobeliever, now we must make the decisions we created. How? Enter stage left: the 49/51 decisions! These are decisions, that when decided upon, both have the potential for equal opportunity. In other words, if you had to make a choice between the two decisions, both would benefit you. Both would also have similar risk outcomes. Note that not making a choice with a 49/51 decision, and procrastinating, ultimately leads to wasted time, which means wasted money, growth and opportunity. The point here is to make the

decision and ask questions, not later, but along the way. This is one of the strongest skill sets of a CEO, and making 49/51 decisions are nothing new to the CEO. Someone must call the shots. Isn’t that right? 49/51 decisions become more complex when there are dozens of them. To each their own. How now do we handle many decisions swimming in the “sea of sameness?” Enter stage right: the decision contest. Take each and every decision out on a double date and decide which one, after the pros and cons, is the one that has your heart and mind. It isn’t important which decisions you pair going onwards and upwards; however, it’s important that you pair the decisions on paper. Pick one and stick with it. All the while tracking the decisions and outcomes you made and experienced. By the end of it all you will have made a decision out of all the choices you once had and will be able to move forward. It’s all fine and dandy now for you. But once your co-believers

have accepted the mission they will have to make decisions. Give the permission for your cobelievers to make decisions. To give the green light to your team to make 49/51 decisions and to hold decision contests. This will empower them and streamline your business and life. This means giving authority for your co-believers to make executive decisions around certain guidelines that you have predetermined. What gets measured gets managed; be sure to keep track of the decisions and the results. Business, Success & Money message Whether it is in your network marketing, real estate, consulting, traditional or modern business, being able to make decisions like a CEO is the difference maker. Valen Vergara is an award winning author, social entrepreneur, international investor, co-host of the movie Game Changer, speaker and B2C Marketer – www.valenvergara. com.

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015





JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

Getting back up again Throughout my life, I have failed. I have fallen and lost. As a child and teenager, I sometimes missed out on awards, starring roles and playing on sports teams. Adulthood brought on missed job opportunities and promotions. I have failed at being a perfect mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I’m sure that I am not alone when I say that I have past regrets. We all have had times when we have wanted something badly – a relationship to work out, a dream job, an award, or a first place finish. Sometimes, we put so much effort and wishful thinking into achieving a specific goal that we can’t picture life without this particular success. But it doesn’t always work out, and we all fail sometimes. This is true even for the famous, such as Oprah Winfrey. She is one of the most successful and richest women in the world, but her life began with poverty and an abusive childhood. She was once fired from her job as a television reporter. The Beatles are one of the most iconic bands

of all time, but were once rejected by a recording company who told them, “guitar music was on the way out.” Bill Gates had dropped out of Harvard and his first business idea was a flop. He didn’t give up and went on to build the empire that is Microsoft. A newspaper editor once told Walt Disney that he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas” and he started several businesses that failed. Nowadays, Disney is a billion dollar corporation. These well known individuals all had two things in common. First, they had failed. Most of them did so multiple times. But more important, they were all resilient. This term refers to the ability to recover after loss, adversity and change. Successful individuals are able to heal from their losses, get back up and try again. They take a good hard look at their mistakes and make changes. Although no one can predict when failure will occur, we can take steps to strengthen our sense of self and overall wellbeing, so

that when a blow comes, we can recover. Count your blessings When we’re sad or angry, this can be very difficult. But we can get a new perspective if we take a step back to be thankful for the people in our lives, our health, and even our first breath in the morning. Chances are, there are great things in our lives that we take for granted every day. Celebrate your successes Looking forward to what the future might hold is wonderful, but we may forget to look backward to see how far we’ve come. I once worked with a client who was depressed after she had been declined a job opportunity. She believed that it was her dream job and knew that it could greatly benefit her family. But after a time of sadness, she was able to recognize that her education, accomplishments and current career was something to be proud of. She had supportive family and friends around her and still enjoyed the work she did. After some time, she found peace in the words, “It is not yet my time to move on.” Analyze past coping strategies Do not only look at what you did wrong in the past, but also how you overcame past failures. For

instance, did it help to talk about it with a friend or counsellor? Or did taking up exercise help to blow off some steam? If it worked for you once before, it probably will again. Redefine success An article by Nash and Stevenson (Harvard Business Review, Feb 2004) explored the idea that success is actually made up of four components. • Happiness – Quite simply, this refers to how much joy and satisfaction you have in life. Some people who are rich and famous and seem to be successful, can also be lonely, sad and angry. • Achievement – This refers to how close you have come to reaching goals that most people strive for (stable income, family and friends, contributions to society, etc.) • Significance – When you make a positive impact on the people you care about, this is success. • Legacy – This refers to using your talents and accomplishments to impact the future of other people. Helping others to achieve their own goals and successes can leave you with a great sense of satisfaction. Nash and Stevenson state that you can only be successful if you

hit on all four categories. Take a look at where you are lacking and see what you can do to change it. Also, recognize your limits. If you spend too much time on one goal, it may start to produce anxiety. This is a big clue that this path is no longer rewarding. You might have to change your approach or viewpoint and take a break. And then when you’re ready, you can get back up and try again. “I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is the founder of Nexus Counselling and a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She is a proud member of the Manitoba Filipino Business Council and a provider for the Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program. Cheryl has experience helping clients with issues such as grief, depression, relationship difficulties, parenting, aging and illness. She can be reached at (204) 297-6744 or info@ nexuscounselling.com.

Feng shui fountains

Activate water for wealth by building your own water urn Water is one of the most important elements in life – and in feng shui. The presence of water is life-giving and in feng shui, it promotes wealth, prosperity and opportunity. We could not live without water, yet so many homes rarely have water anywhere on the property. Even a small fountain can create a feeling of calm assurance and promote wealth, luck and financial advantage for the homeowner. Water is used many ways in feng shui. It can be used as a remedy, such as for the Red 7 star. Yang water drains the violent and dangerous qualities of the 7 star. But water can also activate luck – especially when placed in the north, east and southeast sectors. In the north, water helps stimulate career luck and brings opportunities to rise up the corporate ladder. In the southeast, water brings about good fortune that helps wealth accumulate. In the east, it brings growth and good health plus happy family relationships. But creating a water feature that’s helpful for prosperity is often overlooked in home decorating and in feng shui. Even when water features are added, many have dirty water or, worse, disappearing water. These new fountains symbolize disappearing

wealth! There is a saying that like attracts like. And it’s true. Our ancestors knew how water draws water. Years ago when we used hand pumps to draw water, it often became impossible to draw water up a dry pump until water was poured down the pump. Miraculously, water would often begin flowing again once water was poured down the dry pump. This perfectly illustrates the example of how simply having water can attract more water energy in the form of increased wealth and greater income opportunities. Perhaps one of the best qualities about water is that it brings about auspicious chi that invigorates all the residents of the home, in addition to helping build wealth and opportunity. Having water is always a benefit to everyone in the house. Currently, it’s especially auspicious to have water in the southwest, as it will benefit the woman of the house. If you can add a pond, a waterfall or water feature, you will attract much good fortune to your home. But if that’s not possible, there are many ways to create perfectly wonderful and beneficial water features. Here’s how you can build your own wealth-stimulating

water urn 1. Use a sealed ceramic urn, pot or bowl for your water urn, like the one shown in the picture. I saw these throughout Asia and they’re wonderful for creating a fountain easily. Make sure your urn is sealed completely. It’s much easier than trying to waterproof a pot with a hole in the bottom because they often leak — and that means losing money.

2 beautiful new urn that will promote prosperity chi and attract wealth luck to your home!

1 2. Next, place your water pump inside the urn. A small pump is all it takes to having water circulating and boosting your home’s wealth chi. You can use a simple pump from an inexpensive table top fountain or buy one from your local hardware or home store. 3. Decorate your urn with flowers and plants or a dragon for extra wealth benefits. This adds wonderful chi to your entire home! 4. Step back and enjoy your

3 Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their

4 lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015



Be our guest The first article ever written for this column focused on the importance of collaboration on several levels – classroom collaboration between teachers and students, staff collaborations such as grade-level teams and co-teaching/co-planning, and also with the community – bringing members of our various communities to come and interact with the kids. Some of the programs we have going on in the school, or have had in the past, include working with the high school down the street for mentorship with their science program. High school kids come in and teach our kids about science concepts through interactive activities and experiments. We also had collaborations with

the French immersion program at that same school, as well as home economics students doing a practicum of working with small groups of students. We have kids going out into the community to do community clean up. Some classes make visits to the retirement home, or to animal shelters. All these programs are possible with the volunteerism of teachers and community members. What happens most often is that guests are invited to work with our students regarding the topic of human rights, a topic that my students and I have studied throughout the year. Most recently, my classroom hosted two incredibly gifted individuals from the community. One was Ms

Ariel Gordon, a Winnipeg writer and poet, who taught my students about the power of descriptive language and creative writing. We interacted with the photograph of National Geographic fame, Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry. We discussed what we thought that young girl was going through, as a refugee. We then went a step deeper and put ourselves into the shoes of either side of the camera lens. We created dialogues between the Afghan girl and Mr. McCurry. We humanized a photograph based on what we knew, and gave them each a voice. Why did he choose to photograph her? What were her thoughts as he approached her for a photograph? What sort of interactions would they have had? Mr. Renyl Lantano, a Winnipeg-based graphic designer and illustrator, discussed several aspects of art with the students, ranging from photography

elements and also how artistic choices change the overall atmosphere or mood created for a viewer. Our final project was for students to create mixed-media projects around original superheroes, all fighting for different human rights. The students understood the importance of making an impact with their art, and how to go about doing this. Our final guest is fitting, as he was the first to collaborate with us when this column began. We welcome Mr. Valen Vergara, a fellow columnist at this paper, to teach students about informational writing, and how to be persuasive with words. A big thank-you to our two guests who have come into the classroom. You have made all the difference for these students! Parent tip: Collaborate! It takes a village to raise a child. Take time to get to know

members and organizations in your community who can help in giving your child the most well rounded experience they can have. Now that summer break is a mere month away, it is important that children are given opportunities to make the most of their free time. This definitely is not limited to sitting in front of a screen all day, be it their computers, the television, or their smart phones. Collaborate with friends and family members to plan play dates or group activities with a schedule that works for you! Get them involved in local programs and initiatives that are eager to keep them engaged all summer. Check your local newspapers and community guides for information about children’s programming this summer. Best of luck! Judianne Jayme is an educator teaching sixth grade in the Winnipeg School Division.



From page 4 their settlement would be less of a burden to Canada. However, many refugees today are not in such a position and, instead of being viewed as victims of human rights violations in need of humanitarian assistance, they are often regarded as burdens to society. There are those who stand up for what is morally just, though. The Italian island city of Lampedusa, between Sicily and Tunisia, has received significant amounts of refugees fleeing conflict and poverty in North Africa. Countless tragedies have happened off its shores. When much of Europe turned a blind eye to the refugee crisis in 2012, Lampedusa took a stand. After receiving hundreds of refugees, the mayor of Lampedusa scolded the rest of Europe for neglecting their international responsibilities.

PILIPINO EXPRESS In an open letter to the European community explaining how he had to bury eleven asylum seekers who had drowned, the mayor stated “I know there will be others that we will bury, but I have one question which I must address to everyone: just how large exactly does the cemetery on my island need to be?” Even Pope Francis has taken on the issue of refugees. In a recent Lenten message, the Pope warned against what he calls the “globalization of indifference,” the ignorance of the poor and needy by those well off. Thus, Pope Francis is astutely aware of the situation surrounding refugees movements across the Mediterranean, stating that it is not a problem faced only by Italy or individual receiving countries, but that it affects the whole international community. “Migration movements,” he said, “are on such a scale that only a

systematic and active cooperation between States and international organizations [like the UNHCR and IOM] can be capable of regulating and managing such movements effectively.” In his statement for the 2015 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis stated, “It is necessary to respond to the globalization of migration with the globalization of charity and cooperation, in such a way as to make the conditions of migrants more humane. At the same time, greater efforts are needed to guarantee the easing of conditions, often brought about by war or famine, which compel whole peoples to leave their native countries. “Solidarity with migrants and refugees must be accompanied by the courage and creativity necessary to develop, on a world-wide level, a more just and equitable financial and

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015 economic order, as well as an increasing commitment to peace, the indispensable condition for all authentic progress.” Pope Francis’ words reminds us that such issues are not to be seen only from an economic perspective, but from a position of humanitarianism. The world must constantly take a moment of pause to reflect on priorities, and to recognize the dire need that many refugees are in. The role of states like the Philippines or Italy, as well as leaders such as Pope Francis, remind us that, within the international order, there must be a strong sense of social justice, compassion, and concern for the people of the world. Organizations like the UNHCR and IOM also perform vital work. If you would like to donate and assist in these efforts, you can donate to the UNHCR here, https://donate.unhcr.ca/, and the IOM here, https://goo.gl/5wlupo.

For donations to the IOM, you are able to select which project your contribution will go to, such as Typhoon Haiyan response, or migrants in crisis. Sources: http://inq.ph/asylumhailed – “Philippines hailed for asylum offer” http://goo.gl/fglfRi – Hein de Haas’ blogpost, “How much do we really learn from history?” http://goo.gl/yCreu6 – Mayor of Lampedusa’s open letter to the European community https://goo.gl/c7qoSQ – Pope Francis’ 2015 message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees h t t p : / / w w w. u n h c r . o r g / pages/49da0e466.html – The 1951 U.N. Convention on the Status of Refugees http://www.unhcr. org/3b73b0d63.html – Signatory States to the 1951 Refugee Convention


it means to be transgender. As a baby, our youngest was assigned male at birth, but as we found out, her brain and her heart screams female. We just couldn’t hear it. I have to admit; I didn’t know anything about transgender. I had my preconceived notions, and I am embarrassed to admit, I was mostly wrong. It wasn’t until Rainbow Resource Centre and my little child telling me about it that I fully understood. It isn’t that I now have four boys and a girl; it’s that I’ve always had four boys and girl. I just didn’t see it. For some, it’s a concept that can never be fully realized. Let me put it in a way that cleared it up for me. The sexual organs develop before the brain in the womb and sometimes, boys have girl parts and girls have boy parts. Sounds simple enough right? I got it right away, but like I said, some people have great difficulty wrapping their head around gender. Let me share another tidbit with you. Sexual orientation is who you go to sleep with and gender identity is who you go to bed as. Simply put, gender has nothing to do with sexual orientation or body parts. I must admit, I am having great difficulty writing this article. This is a very personal story for my family, but we also have been very open about it and the editors at Pilipino Express have invited me to share this story when I am ready. I think now is the time. The purpose of this article was to introduce you to the topic of gender identity. I haven’t even scratched the surface, but it seems the topic is making headlines. Case in point, Bruce Jenner’s recent TV interview that caught the attention of millions. People are becoming aware. So what does the typical family look like these days? You tell me, because I don’t have a clue. Next month I will share with you some of the challenges and triumphs we faced this past year. Dale is the director of communications for a school district in British Columbia and he continues to share his family experiences from afar with Pilipino Express readers in his regular column, A Bit of Burgos.

From page 1 straight. We have two more boys. One is the typical scholar/jock, the other is a talented little dude who enjoys his alone time and picks up solo sports with the skill of a pro. The boys in the family have their own special talents and are unique in every single way. And of course, I can’t forget about our youngest. She is a multi-talented little human being that can carry the conversation of people three or four times her age. She’s got the courage of which the likes I have never seen and she’s a trailblazer. I’m not playing favourites, although it does appear I’m gushing about just one of my five, but this piece and the next few articles will be focused on her. She’s the typical nine-yearold who loves to wear dresses, plays with Barbies and loves what every little girl would. She’s also transgender. This really is no secret; our family has been in the news for some time. But first, let me take you back a few years. I started writing articles in the Pilipino Express in 2007. At that time I wrote stories of my five boys and the crazy little things they did to make me absolutely crazy. At the time, Ate Emmie (Pilipino Express Editorin-Chief) said that she wanted me to write about my life’s trials and tribulations. So far, I think I have succeeded. You’ve read about Christmas, Thanksgiving dinners, back-to-school school supply shopping and most recently, our move to British Columbia. As far as I can remember, our youngest one always liked to wear her cousin’s dresses and only asked for Barbies for birthdays and Christmas. Friends and family told us that it was just a phase. Somewhere in between, like many of you, the proverbial wrench was thrown into our plans. The “wrench” was in no way negative, in fact, it has been an eye-opening experience. Last summer, our youngest told us a very big secret; one she has been keeping inside for a very long time: outside she is a boy, but inside she is a girl. This is what

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015




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JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015





JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

• Just The Way You Are – bagong movie ng Star Cinema • Pasión de Amor – magsisimula na Matapos pag-usapan ang ending ng teleseryeng Forevermore ay muling magpapakilig ang tambalang Liza Soberano at Enrique Gil sa bago nilang pelikulang Just the Way You Are ng Star Cinema. Directed by Theodore Boborol, ang bagong movie ay hango sa Wattpad book na The Bet. Ayon sa libro, ang character ni Enrique na si Drake ay magkakaroon ng betting games with his buddies, involving courting the unsuspecting Sophia na gagampanan ni Liza Soberano. Kapag na inlove na si Sophia See SHOWBIZ p16

Liza Soberano & Enrique Gil

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JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

Maagang dumating sa ZirkohTomas Morato noong Biyernes (May 29) nang gabi si Tosca, panganay na anak ng music icon na si Rico J. Puno, dahil siya ang magbubukas ng palabas bilang handog sa kaniyang ama. Naging matagumpay ang benefit show para sa premyadong singer na katatapos lang sumailalim sa triple bypass operation. Nagdatingan ang kaniyang mga tagasuporta, ang mga tagahanga ng singer na ilang dekada na ang binibilang sa mundo ng musika, punumpuno ang Zirkoh. Bago nagsimula ang concert ay nagpasalamat muna ang tatlong anak ni Rico sa pamumuno ni Tosca. Sinsero ang kaniyang pasasalamat sa lahat-lahat ng nagtulung-tulong para mabuo ang isang malaking pagtitipong handog para sa kaniyang tatay. Pinuri niya ang mga kasamahang singers ni Rico na naglaan ng panahon at talento para sa isang kasamahang nangangailangan ng ayuda. Grabe ang show, wala kang itatapon. Panalung-panalo ang mga nanood dahil napakaraming performers na umakyat sa entablado. Maraming-maraming salamat sa busilak na puso nina Tirso Cruz III, Dulce at ang mahusay nitong anak na si David Ezra, Eva Eugenio, Lolita Carbon, Jessa Zaragoza at Vice-Governor Dingdong Avanzado, Tuesday Vargas, Dessa, Malu Barry ang OPM Hitmen (Renz Verano, Richard Reynoso, Rannie Raymundo, Chad Borja) at ang napakahusay na tambalan nina Jose Manalo at Wally Bayola. Nagkaroon din ng fundraiser para kay Rico sa Hard Rock Café noong May 27 na binuo naman ng kaniyang kaibigang si Richard Merck. Harinawang magpatuloy ang paggaling-pagpapalakas ni


Rico J. Puno para muli itong makapagsabog ng saya sa ating mga kababayan. Sa lahat ng mga singers na nagbigay-suporta kay Rico J. Puno, sa lahat ng naghandog ng panahon para sa music icon, maraming-maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat. *** Linggo nang gabi ay nagpunta na sa airport si Nora Aunor para bumiyahe papuntang France. Dadalo siya sa red carpet premiere night para sa lahok niyang pelikula sa Cannes International Film Festival na Taklub. Nauna na sa France ang kaniyang direktor na si Brillante Mendoza at ang kaniyang prodyuser na si Senadora Loren Legarda. Hindi nakasabay sa biyahe ang Superstar dahil naospital pala siya. Pagdating niya sa airport See CRISTY p16


• Rico J – Tagumpay ang benefit shows para sa nagkasakit na singer • Nora Aunor – Bakit hindi first class o business class ang booking? • Sharon Cuneta – Si Frankie raw ang “very me” – nagseselos ba si KC? • Sen. Grace Poe – Kinalimutan na ba ang tulong ni VP Binay kay FPJ? • Korina Sanchez – Siya ba ang malas sa political career ni Mar Roxas? • Heart Evangelista – Nakasundo na ng mga biyenan si Chiz • Aiza at Charice – Sabi ng fans: Friendly si Charice, masungit si Aiza • Gerald Anderson – Espesyal pa rin ang atensyon para kay Janice • Kris Aquino – Nakakaloka na sa pagiging inconsistent tungkol kay Bistek! • Mommy Dionisia – May blessing na ang mga anak sa relasyon kay Michael • Chito Miranda at Neri Naig – Naghahagis pa rin ng karne sa mga leon • Amalia Fuentes – Ang apong si Alyanna naman ang kaaway ngayon • Robin Padilla – Matagal nang nagbagong buhay ang noon ay “bad boy”

KC Concepcion

Queenzie Natividad & Rico J. Puno

Fundraiser at the Hard Rock Cafe Makati for Rico J. Puno

Sharon and Kiko with (l-r) Miguel, Frankie and Miel

Mar Roxas and wife Korina Sanchez

Celebrities gather for a benefit show at Zirkoh for their recovering friend, Rico J Puno



JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

El Shaddai celebrates 23rd anniversary, May 17, 2015

The El Shaddai DWXI- Prayers Partners Fellowship International, Winnipeg Chapter resource speakers & council members with Disciple-Preacher Wellie Lawas. Seated (l-r): Michael Arididon, Reggie Borja, Wellie Lawas, Vicky Paredes, and Obet Bulado. Standing (l-r): Johnny Camungol, Gerry Marquez, Donnel Custudio, Nestor Terrible, Romy De Leon, and Jhess Estillore

103-year old congregation member Mrs. Librada Toledo receives prayer from Bro. Wellie Lawas.

More than 400 participated in the praise and worship during the celebration. Photos by Reyne Cruz

PNoy’s visit to Canada

Sen. Jun Enverga, President Benigno Aquino III, Jaira & Todd Labelle, and Prime Minister Harper

Congratulations New Canadians!

Citizenship Judge James MacRae with new Canadians Julita and Honesto Rutaquio and family

SHOWBIZ... From page 14 kay Drake ay saka ito aamin na everything was just a game. Pinatunayan ng dalawa ang lakas ng kanilang tambalan dahil sa supporta na kanilang nakuha sa katatapos nilang teleserye. Pinatunayan nina Liza at Enrique na malakas ang kanilang loveteam dahil sa dami ng sumubaybay sa Forevermore. Dahil dito, inaasahang magiging blockbuster ang pelikulang ito na ang titulo ay hango sa awitin ng sikat na singer na si Bruno Mars. Ang Just the Way You Are ay ipapalabas na sa June 17. *** Daring ang bagong soap ng Kapamilya Network na Pasión De Amor. Pangungunahan nina Colleen Garcia, Ellen Adarna, Arci Muñoz, Ejay Falcon, Joseph Marco at Jake Cuenca. Medyo sexy ang theme ng Pasión de Amor na hango sa sikat na Colombian telenovela, Pasión de Gavilanes, na ipinalabas noon sa ABS- CBN. Umamin ang mga pangunahin star ng soap na kailangan nilang mag-diet at exercise nang husto dahil sa mga maiinit at mapangahas na mga eksena sa nabanggit na teleserye. Si Eric Quizon ang magiging director at ito bale ang kaniyang unang project na gagawin sa bakuran ng Dos. “Inalagaan ko sila bilang actors. We think of our audience at 6 p.m.” ayon kay Eric na nagbigay ng assurance na pasok sa early primetime ang mga maiinit na eksena ng kaniyang

bagong proyekto. Samantala, sinabi ni Ellen Adarna, bawal ang tumaba ng isa man sa kanila during the making of Pasión de Amor. Umamin ang dalaga na nadagdagan ang kaniyang timbang noong nakaraang taon kaya todo-todo ang ginawa niyang paghahanda para sa seryeng ito. Si Jake Cuenca ay nagbawas din ng 25 pounds para dito. Marami kasi ang pumuna sa pangangatawan ng actor nang sumali ito sa Bench fashion show last year. Kailangan din niyang sumabay sa kaniyang mga kasama na sina Joseph at Ejay na parehong fit ang mga pangangatawan. Tuwang tuwa naman si Arci Muñoz sa tiwalang ibinigay ng Kapamilya Network sa kaniya. Umaasa ang aktres na ito na ang kaniyang final stop dahil halos naikot na niya ang tatlong pangunahing studio ng bansa. Naging talent siya ng GMA 7 at TV5 noon.

L-r: Ellen Adarna, Ejay Falcon, Arci Muñoz, Jake Cuenca, Colleen Garcia & Joseph Marco

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

CRISTY... From page 15 ay ibinigay sa kaniya ng staff ng produksiyon ang kaniyang ticket, economy ang nakalagay, bibiyahe siya nang ilampung oras papuntang France na wala sa first class o business class. Nagdesisyon si Nora na huwag nang bumiyahe. Tinipid ang kaniyang akomodasyon. Hindi krimen ang maupo sa economy class dahil sabay-sabay namang ang paglapag ng lahat ng mga pasahero sa kanilang destinasyon pero sa pakiramdam ng aktres ay masyado naman siyang minenos at minaliit. Pumayag na nga siyang ituloy ang biyahe kahit masama pa ang kaniyang pakiramdam. Inisip niyang ipapahinga na lang niya sa eroplano ang kaniyang katawan, pero paano nga ba naman niya iyon magagawa sa isang masikip na espasyo ng eroplano? Respeto, pagpapahalaga, importansiya. Doon kinapos ang mga kausap ng Superstar. Bitbit niya ang pangalan ng Pilipinas sa kumpetisyon, kahit hindi na niya panahon ngayon ay siya pa rin ang nag-iisang Superstar, dapat lang naman bigyan ng kaukulang pagpapahalaga ang kaniyang estado at pangalan. Naalala tuloy namin ang sinabi noon ng isang manager sa isang show promoter sa ibang bansa, “Nagbayad na kayo nang malaki sa talent ko, huwag n’yo nang tipirin ang airfare. Sa business class n’yo siya ilagay.” *** Pinakinggan namin ang magkakaibang opinyon ng aming mga kaibigan sa mainit na pinagdidiskusyunang isyu ngayon tungkol sa pagtrato ni Sharon Cuneta sa kaniyang mga anak. May namumuo kasing bagyo sa pagitan ngayon ni Sharon at KC, ang kaniyang panganay na diumano’y nagrerebelde, dahil sa nararamdaman nitong insekuridad sa pagtingin ng Megastar sa kaniyang kapatid na si Frankie. Puro ina ang aming mga kausap, punto de vista ng mga nanay ang aming naririnig, hindi man hinihingi ng sitwasyon ay maganda ring makarinig ng opinyon ng mga ina sa sinasabing pagrerebelde ngayon ni KC. Komento ng isang ina, “Lahat ng anak, mahal ang magulang. Pare-pareho naman kasi natin silang dinadala nang siyam na buwan sa sinapupunan, lahat sila, dugo at laman din natin. “Nabasa ko rin nang buo ang post ni Sharon about Frankie. Hindi lang si KC ang naisip ko habang binabasa ang mga papuri niya sa anak niya. Nand’yan din si Miel, ang adopted nilang si Miguel, lahat ng mga anak niya. “I also felt na dapat, hindi na isinapubliko pa ni Sharon ang sobrang pagtatangi niya kay Frankie. Nag-iimbita kasi iyon ng reaction. And more than that, talagang may magre-react mula sa pamilya niya mismo. “May pitik kasi iyong sinabi niya na si Frankie raw talaga ang nagmana sa kaniya, very me, sabi pa niya. At all caps pa ang pagkakapost ng love, respect and gratitude. “Marespeto raw sa kaniya


at kay Senator Kiko si Frankie, simple at hindi maarte, thoughtful daw at marespeto ang anak niya kaya mahal na mahal niya. “As a mother, hindi na lang siguro niya dapat ipinagsigawan iyon sa buong mundo dahil marami siyang anak na magrereact, maganda man ang motive niya, natural lang na may magselos sa mga anak niya,” mahabang opinyon ng ina naming kaibigan. “Very showy siguro si Frankie sa pagbibigay ng pagrespeto sa kanila, hindi tulad ng ibang anak niya na hindi masyadong

malambing sa kaniya. “Natural, dahil maligaya siya sa mga nakikita niyang katangian ni Frankie, ipagmamalaki niya iyon, sasabihin niya iyon without necessarily hurting her other children. Naalaala pa namin, noong kumikita na si KC ay may nasulat na nagtampo sa dalaga ang kaniyang ina, dahil sa ibang tao pa niya nalalaman ang mga ginagawang desisyon ng kaniyang panganay. Iyon ang kuwento ng pagbili ni KC ng condo unit, sa mga d’yaryo

pa iyon nalaman ni Sharon, hindi man lang nabanggit iyon sa kaniya ng young actress. Ibig palang sabihi’y hindi sila nagkakausap nang regular? Wala pala silang komunikasyon? Ang mga ganoong senaryo siguro ang ikinatatampo ng Megastar sa anak nila ni Gabby Concepcion. Pero tampo lang iyon. Laban kaninuman ay nakapako pa rin ang pagmamahal at malasakit niya sa kaniyang panganay. Alam na alam ‘yan ni Piolo Pascual. *** Ramdam na ramdam na

PAGE 17 ngayon pa lang ang init ng nalalapit na eleksiyon. Hindi pa man nagdedeklara ay nagpapatutsadahan na ang mga pulitiko at ang kanilang mga kaalyado nang ganito kaaga. Si Senadora Grace Poe ang sinasabing ipapareha sa kakandidatong pangulong si DILG Secretary Mar Roxas. Kakalabanin ng kanilang tambalan ang kung sinumang tatakbong vice-president ni VP Jejomar Binay, dating campaign manager ng namayapang si Fernando Poe, See CRISTY p18


CRISTY... From page 17 Jr. Sa panlasa ng nakararami na nakasaksi sa suporta ni VP Binay noon sa Hari Ng Pelikulang Pilipino ay parang hindi na pinahahalagahan ng senadora ang malapit na kaibigan ng kaniyang ama. Mukhang sumablay ang senadora sa halatadong pagkiling sa partidong kalaban ni VP Binay. Kaya nakapagsalita ang mga


abogado ng bise-presidente na parang kinalimutan na ni Senadora Grace Poe ang napakalaking naitulong nito sa kaniyang amang tumakbo bilang pangulo, pero pinaniniwalaang dinaya ng kaniyang kalaban. Lumulutang na ngayon pa lang ang mga motibo ng mga kilalang pulitiko, ang pagbabaligtaran ng kanilang katapatan. Napakaaga pa kung tutuusin pero nagsisimula na ang laban! *** Pinupupog kami ng kaliwa’t

kanang tanong ngayon tungkol kina DILG Secretary Mar Roxas at Korina Sanchez. Kinakabahan sila sa mga huling pangyayari. Mukhang ilalaglag na naman daw ng Liberal Party sa panguluhan si Kuyang Mar, dahil ang nililigawan na ng partido ay si Senadora Grace Poe-Llamanzares. May isa pang nagtanong sa amin, “Jinx ba sa political career ni Secretary Mar si Korina?” Ang kakambal nitong paliwanag, “Hindi na biru-biro ito, pangalawa na! Noong una, naunsiyami ang

pangarap niya dahil si P-Noy ang pinili ng Liberal Party na tumakbo. “Ngayon naman, mukhang nasasapawan na naman ni Senator Grace Poe ang pamato niya, kaya ang palagi kong naririnig, jinx daw si Korina kay Secretary Mar,” komento ng aming kausap. Masakit iyon sa pandinig, ang dating noon ay napakasuwerte dati ni Secretary Mar, pero mula nang maging mag-asawa na sila ay biglang umasim na ang mga pangarap na pulitikal ng secretary ng DILG.

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015 Mas naniniwala kami sa destiny kesa sa kamalasan. Walang taong malas. Lahat tayo’y ipinanganak na may kakambal na suwerte, depende na lang sa atin kung paano natin gagamitin at pakikinabangan ang mga oportunidad na ipinagkakatiwala sa atin. Destiny dahil sa pagsipot pa lang natin sa mundo ay nakasulat na sa ating palad kung magiging sino at ano tayo pagdating nang takdang panahon. Nakasulat ang mga bituin sa ating palad. Dagdag na katangian si Korina Sanchez para kay Secretary Roxas dahil maganda ang kaniyang imahe at matunog ang kaniyang pangalan. Karagdagang boto iyon at hindi kabawasan. Pero ano ang milagrong magagawa ni Ate Koring kung ang mismong partido na ang kinakapos ng paniniwala sa kapasidad na tumakbong pangulo ni Kuyang Mar? Kaya bang talunin ng isang tao lang ang desisyon ng buong partido? *** Ngayong nagkasundo na si Senator Chiz Escudero at ang mga magulang ni Heart Evangelista ay puwede nang angkinin ng aktres ang isang kumpletong kaligayahan. Kahit pa kasi ipinagbabanduhan ni Heart na maligaya siya sa piling ng pulitiko ay walang maniniwala sa kaniyang mga sinasabi hanggang hindi pa sila nagkakasundo ng kaniyang mga magulang. Nasa wastong edad na siya para mag-asawa, pero hindi iyon pasaporte sa kaligayahang hinahanap niya. Mayroon bang anak na nagpakasal na walang basbas ng kaniyang mga magulang na nagkaroon ng katahimikan ng kalooban? Ngayon pa lang iyon nararamdaman ni Heart. Maligayang-maligaya na siya ngayon, nagkikita na kasi nang mata sa mata ang kaniyang asawa at ang kaniyang ama’t ina. Iyon na nga siguro ang maituturing na pinakamahalagang regalong tinanggap ni Heart nang magpakasal siya sa senador. Tama. Blood is thicker than water. *** Sa isang umpukan ng mga mahilig bumiyahe ay pinagkumpara sina Aiza Seguerra at Charice Pempengco. Ilang ulit na raw kasi nilang nakakasabay sa eroplano ang dalawang singers na umamin na nang lantaran tungkol sa tunay nilang kasarian. Sa pangkalahatang opinyon ay mas marami ang nagsasabing mas OK si Charice kesa kay Aiza. Ma-PR daw kasi si Charice, palaging nakangiti. Maluwag din daw ang international singer sa pagpaparetrato kasama ang mga kababayan natin. See CRISTY p20


JUNE 1 - 15, 2015


Bakit daw humihina ang purchasing power ng Loonie at maaari pang magpatuloy? Ayon sa mga eksperto, kabilang sa mga sanhi ang patuloy na bumababang presyo ng krudo. Epekto rin daw ng labis na pagtaya ng Bank of Canada sa pag-unlad ng ekonomiya. Mahinang daloy ng assets na pa-labas ng bansa. Nawawalan ng kompiyansa ang mga mamumuhunan. Ang Canadian dollar ay bakit daw hindi makahabol sa halaga ng US currency? *** Four months mula ngayon, October 19, 2015, ang nakatakdang Federal election sa Canada. Neck-and-neck pa rin ang PC at LP, ayon sa resulta ng polls noong ika-19 ng Mayo. Anybody’s game pa rin: Harper or Trudeau as Prime Minister. *** Ang reklamo tungkol sa tonetoneladang basura ng Canada na mahigit nang isang taon na nasa Pilipinas ay tinatrabaho na daw, sabi ng Canada’s Ambassador Neil Reeder sa Pilipinas. Ang isyu ay hindi umano napag-usapan during the 3-day-visit ni PNoy noong May 7 to 9. Ah, baka kasi umalingasaw eh magkaroon ng negatibong epekto sa elesiyon ng nakaupong PM. Feedback Kaka, Nabanggit mo po minsan sa iyong Pilantik na ang Canada’s Express Entry ay may kabagalan din. Bakit po? Totoo po ‘yon dahil mahigpit ang pinaiiral na patakaran ngayon, kumpara sa mga nakaraang panahon. Sinasalang mabuti ang mga kakayahan ng aplikante. Pangunahin na ang kailangan ng applicants na magpaliwanag kung bakit gusto nilang manirahan dito sa Canada. Kailangang may a) Masters degree at/o ang kaniyang

asawa; b) may kasanayan sa pagbasa, pagsulat at/o mahusay sa conversational English; c) At least may 6-years na experience for skilled employment; d) Dapat, 20 to 29 years old. Basic po lamang ‘yan bago ang applicant ay maanyayahan. Salamat po sa e-mail ninyo. Pilipinas Namumuro ang sukatan ng lakas sa West Philippine Sea sa pagitan ng US at China. Ang mga Pilipino ay nangangamba na baka ang iringan ay mag-resulta sa giyera. Naka-alerto na rin ang Sandatahang-lakas ng Pilipinas na matatanda na ang gamit na panlaban. *** Ayon sa Beijing, pinalalaki daw ng gobyernong Aquino at Obama ang tungkol sa kanilang proyekto sa South China Sea. Tinanggihan ang ibinalitang news report ng kanilang state own news agency na maaaring humantong sa giyera. Gayunman, nagbabala ang China na hindi nila uurungan ang Amerika kung sila ay maghahariharian sa West Philippine Sea. *** Sinabi ni PNoy na ang Sabah ay hindi bibitiwan ng Pilipinas. Opo naman, subalit bakit siya kasama ng Malaysia sa BBLMILF? Hindi ba ‘yan ang kadudaduda? Baka sa kalaunan, ang Bangsamoro ay makikisama na sa Federation of Malaysia na ang hangad ay masakop ang Sabah na nasa North Borneo territory? *** Sa nakaraang limang taon ng gobyernong Aquino, ang kaunlarang pangkabuhayan na nangyari sa panahon ni Gloria na kay former Pres. Ramos ang kredito ay pababa ng pababa. Nadagdagan ang bilang ng mga naghihirap na taumbayan, ayon sa mga kritiko.


Kalayaan (Alay sa mga kabayan)

Anong kalayaan kahulugan kaya, Sa bayang magiliw, marami ang dukha? Ang kapangyarihan at yaman ng bansa, Nasa kamay lamang ng ilang masama! *** Naglalahong kusa, panaghoy at daing ng mga kabayang laging naninimdim; Buhay na mapanglaw sa gitna ng dilim, Hangarin liwanag ay nagtampo na rin! *** Bansang Pilipinas, turing ay malaya, Ang mga patayan hindi maapula; Kabuhayang sabi’y maunlad, sagana, Ngunit ang totoo’y bayad na balita! *** Kalayaang said sa katotohanan, Said na ang tamis kahit ipagdiwang! Paquito Rey Pacheco

*** Bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon ang malaking bahagi ng perang “foreign donations” para sa biktima ng Yolanda ay iniipit ng gobyernong Aquino. Nasa bank account pa ng DSWS ng pera kaya ang mga biktima ng kalamidad sa Visayan provinces ay hindi pa nakakabangon. Ang maraming donasyong pagkain noon ay pinabayaang mabulok. Marami tuloy ang naghihinala na para sa 2016 election ang pinaglalaanan ng perang donasyon. Very bad ‘yon! *** Kung sa kamara ang BBL ay na-railroad, tahasang sinabi ni Sen. Bongbong Marcos, Jr. na hindi mangyayari ‘yon sa Senado. Magkakaroon ng mahigpitang debate, ‘sabi ng senador na Chairman ng Committee on Local Government sa mataas na kapulungan ng kongreso. *** Maraming senador ang nagpapahiwatig na ang magiging kalagayan ng BBL na pinipilit ng mga nasa Palasyo ay matutulad sa kalagayan ngayon ng MRTLRT – na para maiwasan ang mga aksidente ay dapat maayos munang mabuti. Tatlong senate committees ang bumubusisi sa kontrobersiyal na mga probisyon ng panukalang batas. *** Committee on Constitutional Amendment ni Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Local Government chaired by Sen. Bongbong Marcos, Jr. at Finance na pinamumunuan ni Sen. Chiz Escudero. Sina Bongbong at Chiz at mga 10 pang senador ay kaalyado ng Malacañang at signatories na rin sa Committee ni Senadora Santiago na nagrerepaso sa mga probisyon ng BBL. *** Teka, sanhi sa pagpipilit ng nakatira sa Bahay Pangarap ng Malacañang, baka maulit ang ginawang paraan ng pagkapatalsik kay former CJ Renato Corona sa Korte Suprema. Ang mga senador ay ginamitan ng money-power. Mismong si Sen. Serge Osmena na kaalyado ng LP ay nasabing nangangamoy ang karneng baboy. *** Nagsimula na ang political telenovela tungkol sa 2016 national and local elections. Si Binay ay parang kalapati. Binabali ang mga pakpak para hindi makalipad. May pahiwatig

na si PNoy na si Mar Roxas na nga ang maaaring manukin ng LP for president. Malabo namang matanggap ni Senadora Grace Poe ang maging VP ni Mar. *** Kung papaano magkakaroon ng clean, honest and credible elections ang problema? Sabi ng bagong talagang Comelec Chairman, “mga botante ang boss namin.” Buti naman kung totoo. Ang inaalala ng marami, baka ang boto ng mga kandidato ng opposition ay muling ma-hokusPCSO. *** Ang freeze order sa bank accounts ng mga Binay, ayon sa mga eksperto sa batas, ay lisya sa rule of law. Dapat daw may demanda muna na nasa korte? Ang nangyayari ay walang iniwan sa kabayo na nasa likod ng kalesa? May pananagutan sa batas ng AMLC hindi lang ang nagleak, pati ang reporter at ahensiya ng media. *** Sinupalpal ng abogadong Romeo Macalintal si DOJ Sec. Leila de Lima na nagsabing ang Vice President ay walang immunity sa kaso, pangulo lang ang mayroon. Kung walang immunity ang VP gayon din ang presidente, ayon kay Macalintal. Labag daw ‘yon sa equal protection clause ng Konstitusyon. Pareho silang maaaring sampahan ng kasong impeachment, dagdag ni Macalintal. *** Popular si Sen. Poe, subalit siya mismo ang umamin na wala siyang sapat na karanasan para sa mas-mataas na katungkulan sa gobyerno. Malabo din na kung siya’y maghahangad tumakbo. Ang gusto daw niyang katambal ay si Sen. Chiz Escudero. Kapuwa sila walang partido. *** Sa totoo lang, sa ngayon si Sen. Poe ay nasa dilemma. Kung tatanggapin ang maging VP ni Mar, mawawala ang suporta sa kaniya ni Erap. Mabubusisi ang kaniyang pagka-mamamayan at ang parental issues. Babaliwalain ba niya ang sanhi ng pagkamatay sa sama ng loob ni FPJ na kaniyang kinikilalang ama? *** Nabalitang plano ni Senadora Poe na humingi ng mga panuntunan kay PNoy tungkol sa mga plataporma ng gobyerno para sa ikabubuti ng bansa? Anong

PAGE 19 payo? Pangulong above the law? Benggatibo. Gamitan ng moneypower ang mga kagawad ng kongreso? Tuloy ang gobyernong noynoying, paninisi, proteksiyon sa KKK, selective justice, PDAFDAP, Wang-Wang at bigyan ng patuloy na proteksiyon ang Hacienda Luisita. *** Hanggang ngayon, may mga LP members na kaalyado ng Gloria administration noon na nakadikit at hari-harian sa gobyernong Aquino. Nariyan sina Abad, Drilon, Soliman at iba pa. Sabi nga ni VP Binay, mga untouchables na dapat ay inuusig din ng AMLC. Katas Pinagpipilitan ng mga nasa Palasyo na ang BBL ay mapagtibay before June 11. Nakalusot na sa Kamara na ayon sa minority bloc ay through railroading? Hindi malayong mangyari din ang katulad na senaryo sa mataas na kapulungan ng kongreso. Kaso: 1. Ang kasalukuyang nilalaman ng mga probisyon ng BBL, ayon sa mga senador ay lalong magdulot ng problemang gulo sa Mindanao at Sulu. 2. Malabong magkaroon ng katahimikan doon hangga’t hindi nagkakasundo ang mga pangkat ng ating kapatid na mga Muslim. 3. Ayaw ng sultanate of Sulu at ng MNLF. Pabor lang daw sa MILF ang BBL. 4. Kailangang maiwasto ang mga probisyong laman ng BBL na labag sa konstitusyon. 5. Sa latest survey report ng SWS, 23 per cent or one-in-four lang ang pabor sa BBL. 6. Hindi malayong ang mga senador ay gamitan ng moneypower ni PNoy? Kasabihan Kung hindi mapakla ay maasim ang bungang kahoy na hinog sa pilit. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@ yahoo.ca.




KROSWORD NO. 229 KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro. Gerry No. 229 • Hunyo 1-15, 2015Gamurot

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

HOROSCOPE No. 228 • Mayo 16-31, 2015 (Hunyo 1 – 15, 2015) Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) D A MPalagiA DmongE N O Masaya C H Eang naaalala ang Hunyo para sa dating pag-ibig. iyo. Ang maayos A A A L May makikilala mong pagdadamit P I Nkang Akahawig P ngA G R atApakikipag-usap B E isang minahal mo sa mga tao ay noong magdadala A araw. B Maaaring A L mapalapit A A A sa iyo L ngObuwenas. N ka sa kaniya dahil sa mga alaala ng Hindi masamang ipakita mo ang nakaraan. Huwag kang matakot iyong kakayahan dahil kaya mo T A S A C M A T A dahil kailangan mong patahimikin namang dalhin ito. Huwag mong ang iyong damdamin. OK naman pansinin ang mga naiinggit sa S A M P A G I T A siya. OK ang ika-2, 3, 10 at 11. iyo. OK ka sa ika-2, 3, 10 at 11. Ingat sa ika-4 at 5. Ingat sa ika-6, 7, 13 at 14.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Mabuti naman at tila nakaka-recover ka na mula sa huling kabiguan. Ipagpa-tuloy mong libangin ang iyong isip nang tuluyan nang gumaling ang sugat ng iyong damdamin. Bigyan pansin mo ang pamilya mo na nagmamahal sa iyo. Saka ka na maghanap. Masaya ang ika-2, 3, 10 at 11. May tension sa ika-8, 9 at 15.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) A IBantayan N T mo I N D Buwenas I angM pera 31 30 ang iyong blood sa iyo ngayon. G A Rpressure. A IwasanA A Kung S A P may balak mo ang maging kang mag-invest, 32 33 I G Adepressed W Adahil A G basta I lang P napagO baka matuloy iyan aralan mo nang 34 saPsakit.APilitinL mong A pasayahin B I walang G lokohan, A S ituloy A moN at ang sarili. Isipin mo ang suwerte ito. May ibang tao na PABABA PAHALANG kabutihan ng mga karanasan mo mabigat ang pakiramdam mo, PAHALANG 7. Gaan 2. Durungawan 26. Hinuha 1. Lupasay Katokmaganda rito. imbis na ang22. hindi malamang tama ka. Mabigat 9. Nagbago 28. Tibay 24. Malaking ibon 2. Durungawan 8. Pasaring 2. Asawa ng bayaw o hipagTandaan mong pag may dilim, sila. Huwag mo silang pansinin. 11. Timbulan 30. Sukat 3. Ipinapahayag 25. Hangad 9. Nagbago 10. Pintog may liwanag.26. OK ang ika-4, 5, 13 Suwerte ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. 13. Sukli 31. Iluto sa mantika 4. Laman ng niyog Supling 11. Timbulan Batis 14. Layo 32. Pangalang12. babae 5. Harang Ugali at 7. at 14. Ingat sa27.ika-6 Ingat sa ika-2, 3, 8, 9 at 15. 15. Kabisera 33. Iiwas Nagsisisalok 28. Tigmak 13. Sukli ng Guam 18. Pamantasan6. ng Lungsod ng 16. Simbolo 34. Malaking banga 7. Gaan 29. Dagil 14. Layo Maynila 17. Bendahe 8. Pasaring Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) 19. Igi 15. Kabisera ng Guam 21. ‘Di iyo 10. Pintog May mga Mapapansin 20. Yabong 12. Batis 16. Simbolo 22. Katok pagbabago mong madali 21. Natin 18. Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila 17. Bendahe 24. Malaking ibon 23. Anak ni Ate Guy 21. 'Di iyo sa trabaho kang mapapagod 19. Igi 25. Hangad na hindi mo sa mga darating 20. Yabong 26. Supling magugustuhan. na araw. Baka 21. Natin 27. Ugali Manganganib ba kulang ka sa 23. Anak ni Ate Guy 28. Tigmak ang puwesto mo? Nasa sa iyo ang tulog? Huwag magpabaya dahil 26. Hinuha 29. Dagil sagot. Kung kaya mong tanggapin, maaapektuhan nito ang iyong 28. Tibay ayos lang. Baka lang maubos ang hanapbuhay at pati ang iyong 30.KROSWORD Sukat NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT pasensya mo. Kung hindi ka na mga relasyon. Kung laging mainit SAGOT SA NO. 228 229 • Hunyo 1-15, 2015 No. 228 • Mayo 16-31, 2015 31.No.Iluto sa mantika masaya diyan, maghanap ka na ng ang iyong ulo, magpahinga ka at D A M A D E N O C H E 32. Pangalang babae bagong hanapbuhay. OK ang ika- mag-relax. OK ang ika-6, 7 at 15. A A A L 33. Iiwas 6, 7 at 15. Ingat sa ika-2, 3, 8 at 9. Kuwidaw sa ika-4, 5, 10 at 11. P I N A P A G R A B E 34. Malaking banga A B A L A A A L O N Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) T A S A C M A T A PABABA Nararanasan Mataas sa agenda S A M P A G I T A 1. Lupasay mo ngayon ang mo ang pag-big sa H E M S A 2. Asawa ng bayaw o hipag tinatawag na buwan ng Hunyo. A I N T I N D I M 3. Ipinapahayag “inner peace.” Kung nais mong G A R A A A S A P 4. Laman ng niyog Alam mo na kung maka-attract I G A W A A G I P O 5. Harang paano balansehin ng nararapat sa P A L A B I G A S A N 6. Nagsisisalok ang iyong puso at isip, at umiwas iyo – siguraduhin mong ayusin sa stress. Marunong ka rin hindi lang ang itsura mo kundi kumilatis sa mga lumalapit sa iyo. pati ang iyong personalidad at Paniwalaan mo ang iyong mga pakikisalamuha sa ibang tao. kutob dahil iyon ang sasagip sa Malamang ay mabitag mo na iyo. Masuwerte ka sa ika-8 at 9. siya. Lucky days mo ang ika-8 at Stressful ang ika-4, 5, 10, at 11. 9. Ingat sa ika-6, 7, 13 at 14.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Huwag mong dibdibin ang mga kabiguan nitong mga nakaraang buwan. Tandaan mong para ma-enjoy mo ang tagumpay, kailangang alam mo kung paano mabigo. Papasok na ang buwenas sa iyo. Basta taas noo - iwasan mong mawalan ng self-confidence. Good days ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. May tensyon sa ika-10 at 11.
















































Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Masaya ang buwan ng Hunyo para sa iyo! Malakas ang iyong personalidad at magdadala ito ng buwenas sa negosyo. May chance din na may makikita kang isang tao na magpapa-alala sa iyo ng iyong nakaraan. Kung sasaya ka, tanggapin mo. Kung hindi, iwasan mo. Lucky ka sa ika-6, 7 at 15. Careful sa ika-13 at 14.






















2. Durungawan 9. Nagbago 11. Timbulan 13. Sukli 14. Layo 15. Kabisera ng Guam 16. Simbolo 17. Bendahe 19. Igi 20. Yabong 21. Natin 23. Anak ni Ate Guy

26. Hinuha 28. Tibay 30. Sukat 31. Iluto sa mantika 32. Pangalang babae 33. Iiwas 34. Malaking banga

1. Lupasay 2. Asawa ng bayaw o hipag 3. Ipinapahayag 4. Laman ng niyog 5. Harang 6. Nagsisisalok 7. Gaan 8. Pasaring 10. Pintog 12. Batis 18. Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila 21. 'Di iyo

22. Katok 24. Malaking ibon 25. Hangad 26. Supling 27. Ugali 28. Tigmak 29. Dagil

CRISTY... From page 18 Tatlong beses na raw nilang nakakaengkuwentro si Aiza, pero walang pagbabago ang kanilang obserbasyon tungkol sa singer, may pagkadedma si Aiza sa mga may gusto sanang makipag-selfie sa kaniya. “Saka palaging seryoso ang itsura ni Aiza. Para bang palagi siyang may malalim na problema. Deadma siya, hindi gaya ni Charice na minaster na ang PR 101,” komento pa ng mga nasa umpukan. Maraming kasamahan din ni Aiza ang nagkokomento na malaki ang ipinagbago ng kaniyang ugali. Siguro nga ay nasanay na kasi ang mga ito sa pagkabibo ni Aiza noong bata pa kaya palaging nand’yan ang pagkukumpara sa

kaniyang ugali noon at ngayon. “Mas gusto naming katrabaho si Charice. Marespeto siya, saka hindi mayabang. Kahit pa literal nang malayo ang nararating niya, e, walang yabang ang tibash, marunong siyang makisama,” komento ng isang nasa umpukan. Sa pagkanta naman ay isa lang ang inaalala ng isang source, “Palagi kasing nakapikit kung kumanta si Aiza. Nakakaalarma lang na baka kapag dumilat siya, e, wala na pala ang audience niya.” *** Oong-oo naman, sagot namin sa nagtanong kung dapat bang ma-flatter si Janice de Belen sa pagkakaugnay ng kaniyang pangalan kay Gerald Anderson, walang kaduda-dudang oo lang ang maisasagot namin tungkol doon. Bakit naman hindi mapa-

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Ang kabutihang gagawin mo para sa nangangailangan ay babalik sa iyo nang higit pa. Walang mawawala sa iyo kung kabutihan at kapakanan muna ng iba ang uunahin mo dahil sagana ka naman. Magandang karma ang babalik sa iyo sa iyong gagawing pagtulong sa kapwa. OK ang ika-8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-2, 3 at 15. flatter ang aktres, halos anak na lang niya si Gerald, pero ayon sa mga kuwento ay nagbibigay pa ng masarap na atensiyon sa kaniya ang tisoy na aktor? Totoo man o kuwentokuwento lang ang mga lumalabas na balita, para kay Janice ay nakapagpapahaba iyon ng buhok, ang mga anak niya dapat ang espesyal para kay Gerald hindi siya. Sinong babae naman ang hindi kikiligin kapag ganyan na bagets ang iniuugnay sa kaniya? E, si Janice pa naman, simple lang siya pero kikay-kikay rin ang aktres na ito. Pero wala raw katotohanan ang kuwento, sabi ni Janice, gawagawa lang daw iyon ng mga taong walang magandang magawa sa buhay. Bakit daw siya, e, ang damiSee CRISTY p21


JUNE 1 - 15, 2015



Mahal Kong Pilipinas Ni Anne Caprice B. Claros Tatlong daang taon kami’y bilanggo… Ni di nakamit kalayaang pangako… Matanda man o bata ay pinarurusahan… Nang mga nakakaabusong dayuhan… Araw man o gabi kami’y bantay… Ang di sumunod ay walang awang pinapatay… Kay tagal naming nagtiis sa kamay nang Kastilla… Sila’y mapangabuso at walang awa… Dumating ang araw at kami’y lumaban! Di namin wari, ang tagumpay nami’y pinagusapan… Nang ang mga kastilla’y lumisan… Anong saya ang aming naramdaman! Ngunit nang ilang araw ang naglipas… Ang saya nami’y kumupas… Mga amerikano ay siyang nagdating.. Hindi para kami’y tulungan kundi para kami’y sakupin… Kami’y napasabak sa mailangilang gera Hanggang dumating ang panahon at kami’y yaong Malaya Ngayon, heto ang Pilipinas yaong gamit na… Pinagpasapasahan ng mga dayuhang di naawa! Ngunit kahit kay sakit ng ating napagdaanan… Tayo parin ang siyang perlas nang sinilangan! Isang bansang nabubudburan ng ganda! Paborito ng mga turista! Isang bansang walang kapalit at kasing ganda.. Taas ulo kong isisigaw, Pilipinas aking bansa! Sa panahon ng gulo ipaglalaban ko hanggang wagas Ang walang kapalit na mahal kong Pilipinas!

CRISTY... From page 20 dami namang mas bata at mas sexy sa kaniya na puwedeng bigyan ng atensiyon at pagmamahal ng guwapo at tisoy na aktor? Pero sabi sa amin ni Ken, ang nakababatang kapatid ni Gerald, “He falls in love so fast.” iyon daw ang malaking pagkakaiba nila ng kaniyang kuya. Kung ganoon ay may malaking posibilidad nga na espesyal ang atensiyon ni Gerald kay Janice. At bakit naman hindi? At bakit din hindi puwede? May imposible ba sa pag-ibig? *** Ewan. Hindi lang siguro ang mga nakakausap naming naloloka sa mga pinagsasasabi ni Kris Aquino ang nasa ganoong estado. Pati kami at ang mas nakararami pa nating kababayan ay naloloka na rin sa mga huling pahayag ng aktres-TV host tungkol sa kanilang makasaysayang relasyon ni Mayor Herbert Bautista. Nakakaligaw ang mga sinasabi ni Kris. Kundi mo hawak ang huwisyo mo at madalas kang pagod, gutom at puyat, siguro nga ay kailangan mo na ring magpacheck-up, baka kasi nagluwagan na ang mga turnilyo mo sa utak. Ewan kung ikinaliligaya ni Kris ang kaniyang pagiging inconsistent. May sasabihin siya ngayon, pero bukas ay iba na naman, at hinahalakhakan lang ni Kris ang kaniyang mga kalokahan. Sino ang makalilimot sa gabing iyon nang ipagsigawan niya sa buong mundo na sila na ni Mayor Herbert? Nagulantang ang mayor ng Kyusi, hindi kasi nito akalaing ilalabas pala ni Kris sa publiko ang kuwento ng kanilang relasyon, biglang nabahag ang buntot ng

mayor-aktor sa pagsasabing mas mahalaga ang kaniyang mga anak kesa kay Kris. Nagalit si Kris. Nainsulto. Si Kris Aquino nga naman siya na sikat at makapangyarihan, pagkatapos ay ilalaglag lang pala siya ng isang Mayor Bistek? Hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa rin umaamin si Mayor Herbert sa kanilang nakaraang relasyon, pero biglang naglabas uli ng pasabog si Kris, nag-propose daw ng kasal sa kaniya noon si Mayor Herbert! Pero muling naloka ang buong bayan, sinabi kasi ni Kris na hindi sila nagkaroon ng relasyon ng mayor ng Kyusi, hindi raw talaga. Aysus, kabarus, Vito Cruz, Sta. Cruz, Tirso Cruz, Sunshine Cruz, Geneva Cruz, Donna Cruz, Rayver Cruz at iba pang krus! Wala pala silang naging relasyon pero niyaya siya ng kasal ni Mayor Bistek? Hindi pala sila nagkaroon ng relasyon pero iyon ang kaniyang ipinagsisigawan sa TV at ipino-post palagi sa social media? Pero ngayong magtatambal na sila ni Mayor Herbert sa pelikula ay ipinagdiinan na naman ni Kris na may personalan daw sa kanilang pagsasama dahil kung wala ay bakit pa sila gagawa ng pelikula? At marami pang kaeklatan sa kaniyang buhay at mga what if’s daw na gusto niyang magkaroon ng tamang sagot ngayong madalas na silang magkakasama sa shooting ng lalaking nanugat daw sa kaniyang puso. *** Simple lang ang naging selebrasyon ng ika-66 na kaarawan ni Mommy Dionisia Pacquiao. Kung dati’y bonggang-bongga ang kaniyang selebrasyon, ngayon ay sa bahay lang nagsalu-salo

ang mga kaibigan ng ina ng Pambansang Kamao, kasabay noon ang inagurasyon ng ipinatayo niyang kapilya sa mismong tabi ng kaniyang bahay. Pagkatapos ng hapunan ay nagkaroon ng sayawan. Tutol si Congressman Manny Pacquiao sa pinlanong sayawan, pero sabi ni Mommy Dionisia, “Ipinaliwanag ko sa kaniya na hindi naman disco ang mangyayari, sasayaw lang kami ng mga kaeskuwela ko sa Zumba class.” Mula nang magbago ng relihiyon ang People’s Champion ay itinapon na nito ang lahat ng makamundong gawain. Lahat ng bisyong kinahiligan noon ni Pacman ay tapos na, puro Bibliya lagi ang kaniyang hawak, napakalaki ng ipinakikitang pagbabago ng Pambansang Kamao. Nagbigay ng pagbati ang lahat ng mga anak ni Mommy Dionisia, hiling ni Pacman na sana’y mas tumibay pa ang pakikipagrelasyon ng kaniyang ina sa Panginoon, binati rin si Mommy Dionisia ng kaniyang boyfriend na si Michael. Basta raw magkasama silang dalawa ay kakayanin nila ang lahat ng klase ng pagsubok, ayon kay Michael, wala na raw silang iwanan at panghabambuhay na ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Ang nakakikilig namang ganti ni Pacmom, “Siya ang bumuhay uli sa puso ko. Siya ang gumising sa puso kong matagal nang natutulog.” Matinding sakripisyo ang pinagdaanan ni Mommy Dionisia para buhayin ang kaniyang mga anak. Alam iyon ng magkakapatid, lalo na ni Pacman, kaya may basbas nila ang pakikipagrelasyon ni Mommy Dionisia kay Michael. *** Napakabilis humusga ng mga netizens. Nakakaawa ang mga artistang pinagtitripan ng mga bashers. Unang-una sa kanilang listahan ang mga sikat na artista, iyong talagang nasa gitna ng laban, panay-panay ang kanilang upak sa mga sikat na personalidad. Pero may kakapusan din naman kasi kung minsan ang mga artista, humihingi sila ng kapribaduhan kahit pa public figures ang turing sa kanila, pero sila rin mismo ang nagbibihadhad sa publiko tungkol

sa mga personal na nagaganap sa kanilang buhay. Tulad na lang nina Chito Miranda at Neri Naig. Apdo ang ipinatikim sa kanila ng mga bashers dahil sa lumutang nilang sex video. Salamat naman at nauwi iyon sa kasalan, sa pagdadalantao na ngayon ni Neri, na kinasisilipan ng butas ng marami nating kababayan. Komento ng kaibigan naming propesor na tutok na tutok sa showbiz, “Kundi ba naman sila nang-iimbita talaga ng mga mamba-bash sa kanila, e! Privacy ang hinihingi nila, bigyan daw naman sana sila ng kapribaduhan ng mga bashers! “E, dugo pa nga lang ang ipinagdadalantao ni Neri, punla pa lang talaga, pero nakalantad na sa publiko ang itsura ng dinadala niya! “Ganoon ba ang umaamot ng privacy? Sila mismo ang naglalantad ng mga nangyayari sa buhay nila?” nakaingos na komento ng aming kaibigan. At may karugtong pa iyon, “Naghahagis silang dalawa ng karne sa leon, ano’ng inaasahan nila? Tatanggihan ng leon ang pagkaing ibinibigay nilang magasawa? May katwiran ang katwiran. *** Hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa rin nakahahakbang nang pasulong sa pagkawala ng kaniyang kaisa-isang anak na si Liezl ang beteranang aktres na si Ms. Amalia Fuentes. At madali namang unawain ang kaniyang damdamin, anak ang nawala sa kaniya, hindi ganoon kadaling kalimutan ang pagkawala ng dugo ng kaniyang dugo lalo na’t nag-iisa lang ito. Sa isang pakikipagkuwentuhan sa kaniyang mga kaibigan ay naglabas uli ng emosyon si Tita Nena. Black dwarf ang tawag niya kay Albert Martinez. Ang nasabing duwende raw ang dahilan kung bakit sila nagkaroon ng problema ng kaniyang anak. Inilabas din niya ang kuwentong nangungutang ng pera sa kaniya si Alyanna, ang panganay nina Albert at Liezl, para ipambili ng isang condo unit kung saan ito titira at ang kaniyang boyfriend.

Pitong milyon ang inuutang sa kaniya ni Alyanna, kung saan ito kukuha ng ipambabayad ay hindi rin niya alam, hindi niya pinagbigyan ang pangungutang ng kaniyang apo. Iyon ang naiisip niyang dahilan kaya kung anu-anong posts ang inilalabas ni Alyanna sa social media, hindi kasi niya pinagbigyan ang malaking halagang inuutang nito, napakababaw na dahilan para kay Tita Nena. “Noong maysakit ang anak ko, ang palagi kong dasal, sana’y idagdag na ng Diyos kay Liezl ang natitira pang panahon ko sa mundo. Ako na lang ang mawala, huwag ang anak ko, dahil ang anak ang naglilibing sa magulang at hindi magulang ang naglilibing sa kaniyang anak,” pagtatapat ng beteranang aktres. Pero ganoon talaga ang buhay, kapag takdang panahon mo na ay wala nang silbi ang mga dahilan at katwiran, isasauli mo na ang iyong hiram na buhay sa Panginoon. *** Sinasaluduhan namin ang isandaang porsiyentong pagbabago ni Robin Padilla. Bukas na aklat ang kaniyang buhay sa publiko. Gumamit siya ng droga, na humantong pa nga sa kaniyang pagkakulong nang ilang taon, pero ngayon ay malinis na malinis na ang kaniyang katawan at dugo sa ipinagbabawal na gamot. Si Robin mismo ang sumisigaw na walang mabuting nagagawa sa tao ang droga. Ang tunay na lakas ng loob ay nagmumula sa may katawan, hindi sa epekto ng kahit anong ipinagbabawal na gamot, winawasak ng droga ang buhay at pangarap ng bawat sumusubok nito. At sa pagiging totoo ni Robin sa kaniyang sarili at sa publiko ay lalo pa siyang minahal ng ating mga kababayan. Mas yumabong pa ang kaniyang karera, binigyan siya ng pangalawang masarap na pagkakataon ng mga Pinoy, dahil ang taong nagpapakatotoo at nagbabago ay ginagawang mabuting ehemplo ng publiko. Sa mga pader sa mga lansangan ay madalas nating mabasa, malalaki ang mga letra, “Makipagkaibigan ka kay Lord, huwag sa drug lord.” – CSF




JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

Send in the Klownz

Photo: AJ Batac

Photo: AJ Batac

Now, for something different: This is the first official comedy concert I am reviewing and it is refreshing to laugh for an entire evening. DMC Productions produced the Klownz Comedy Bar Canadian Tour stop in Winnipeg, held at the Club Regent Event Centre. We began the evening with both energy and humour with performances by Super Sireyna 2014 1st Runner Up Edmund Novio and tandem Christian and Emmyly Bartolome of DZIRE. DJ DJX of MYXZ Images also entertained guests in the fully packed theatre. Event hosts Lucille Nolasco, Joyce Catenza, and Donna Arenas kept the program flowing smoothly between the opening acts and the awaited Klownz. The Klownz set began with Boobay, who wowed us all in a sparkly, red ensemble, using impeccable comedic timing while interacting with guests in the audience. Next in tow was Ate Gay, dramatically entering the venue from a side door in a black lace gown, with the ultimate

impression of the one and only Nora Aunor. My personal favourite part of Ate Gay’s set was the mash-ups, noting how similar songs can be, and how easy it is to combine and layer tracks on each other. Ate Gay even went as far as to say that her mash-ups happened as her mother switched between radio stations in-between songs, and she just assumed that this was the same track. Ate Gay also sang a mashup with Boobay. Allan K performed the final set and delivered his Miss Universe act. He was moved to tears as he told a story of humble beginnings – of performing one song, Help by the Beatles, consistently in a nightclub where he began performing. The song was sung in the key of C, a challenging key for his vocal range, but he delivered it back then, which landed him that first gig, and he made sure to deliver the piece again, true to the key, for Winnipeg fans. Winnipeg was the first spot for the Canadian tour, and all three comedians noted the warmth of the Winnipeg audience – often laughing during their sets or songs and interacting with the very eager crowd.

Emmyly & Christian Bartolome of DZIRE

Thank you again to DMC Productions for your initiative in bringing in these wonderful talents from home. In the words of Charlie Chaplin, “a day without laughter is a day wasted.” This was definitely a relaxing and worthwhile evening with our Filipino comedian trio. As they say, it’s more fun in the Philippines. Photos by AJ Batac, Henry Balanial and Arnel San Jose

L-r: Mary Aromin, Dennis Castañeda, Ate Gay and Allan K. Photo by Henry Balanial-HB Photography

Photo by Arnel San Jose Jeproks Photography

Photo by Arnel San Jose Jeproks Photography

Photo by Arnel San Jose Jeproks Photography

Allan K

Ate Gay


Photo: AJ Batac

By Judianne Jayme

Photos: Arnel San Jose Jeproks Photography Edmund Novio

Philippine Canadian Guardians Brotherhood Inc. Team.

Donna Arenas, Lucille Nolasco and Joyce Catenza

Photo by Henry Balanial-HB Photography

JUNE 1 - 15, 2015




WINNIPEG CHAPTER Where Jesus Christ is Lord!





Mark 4:39-41 “He woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Quiet now! Be calm!' And the wind dropped, and there followed a great calm. Even the wind and the sea obey Him.”



ALL THE BASICS AND SOME YOU MAY NOT HAVE CONSIDERED. OPEN Monday - Saturday or Call for an Appointment. Services in Tagalog.



JUNE 1 - 15, 2015

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