Pilipino Express • Mar 1 2017

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Volume 13 • No. 5 • March 1 - 15, 2017

Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Pioneer Pinays honoured

Janine Gutierrez

WINNIPEG – As the Filipino community grows in Manitoba, so does the number of Filipino women who continue to make their positive impact on diverse fields in our society. On Saturday, March 4, 2017, Pinays MB will host a Recognition Luncheon in appreciation of outstanding Filipino women or Pinays who have made noteworthy contributions to the progress of the Filipino community in Manitoba since the first Filipino immigrants arrived in the province in 1959. This year, Pinays MB honours three pioneer Filipino women, they are: • The late Mrs. Rosalinda Natividad Cantiveros – a respected community leader who initially made her mark in the field See PINAYS p5


Rosalinda Natividad Cantiveros Photo credit: Filipino Journal

Erlinda Magnaye Ramos

Listen up, Bisdak!


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Visayan language show hits the airwaves on CKJS By: Lucille Nolasco Do you know the Visayan word for “pen?” How about for “paper?” Me neither. But we can learn them together through Bisaya ni Bay, CKJS Radio’s newest program hitting the airwaves on March 3, at 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Bisaya ni Bay is the brainchild of CKJS production guy, Lendyll Soriano, whose family hails from Cebu in the Philippines. Through the program, Lendyll wants to showcase the current VisPop (Visayan Pop) or Bisayan music along with Bisaya community news in Winnipeg, throwing some Bisaya features and jokes into See BISDAK p7


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MARCH 1 - 15, 2017



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MARCH 1 - 15, 2017



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I was in EDSA in February 1986. I went because I wanted to see an end to the 21-year Marcos dictatorship, and I felt the huge crowd that was forming there could be the straw that would break the camel’s back. I was a few days shy of 20, and like many of my generation I was already aware of the sins of the regime. Since high school we had been reading the “mosquito press” — newspapers like Malaya and We Forum that were smuggled in by classmates with the tacit approval of some teachers — that exposed the atrocities of the Marcos administration. In a way, EDSA was a chance for us, the “martial law babies” who were born in the mid-60s to the 70s, to redeem ourselves. We had grown up knowing no other President, and we naturally believed what we were shown on the media: that Marcos was the best President we had ever had and that he deserved to be in power for the rest of his life. We were the children who sang the Bagong Lipunan hymn with fervour because that’s how we were taught to do it. So when we found out that we were being duped, we wanted payback. And EDSA was our

Immigration and border security have been on the minds of many in the last few months. The 2016 U.S. election placed in the White House a man whose campaign rested in large part upon ill-informed anti-immigrant rhetoric. This has, in a way, reinforced Canada’s own stance on immigration and refugees, with the federal government coming out on a number of instances reiterating that Canada remains a welcoming nation. Canada’s commitment is currently being tested as refugee claimants are crossing the border with the U.S., fleeing in fear of the President’s anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rhetoric. Canada’s immigration practices have always been sites of political contention and public scrutiny, and the reality is that Canada’s prosperity has always been tied to positive immigration trends. The 2016 census demonstrated that Manitoba’s population grew faster than the national average since 2011, increasing by 5.8 per cent. However, immigration policy – including temporary migrants – is still a fluid and changing area. 4&4 Repealed In May 2015, I wrote in protest


chance to get it. Make no mistake about it, then. The people who were at EDSA in 1986 were not there for Cory Aquino. We were there for the country, for our families, for our (future) children, and for ourselves. That we would later be betrayed — again and again — was immaterial to the moment. When Marcos and his family finally fled, our euphoria was indescribable. That we did it with little bloodshed made the victory even sweeter. We showed the world that a peaceful revolution is possible. For the first time, we could say without fear of being contradicted: “Ang sarap maging Pilipino.” In my opinion, and perhaps this is shared by many of those who were in EDSA, that kind of people power was a one-off. It was spontaneous, sincere, and was brought about by the unique circumstance of a people being oppressed for two decades by a dictator. That was why, when the socalled “EDSA Dos” came along in January of 2001, I was not so thrilled. Then-President Joseph Estrada’s impeachment trial was still ongoing, but 10 senatorjudges had walked out on January

against the newly implemented federal government policy dubbed “4 & 4,” whereby a migrant worker who had resided in Canada for four years would be forced to leave (i.e. deported) and would be denied re-entry for another four years. The defence of this rested on tired rhetoric about “preserving Canadian jobs,” playing on the argument of the Harper government that migrant workers were abusing Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker program, something that the Conservative administration hyped up and over exaggerated. The obvious problem with this sort of language was that it promoted the idea that immigrants and migrants entering Canada should be automatically treated with suspicion; not only that, but penalized for offences not yet committed, and which were likely never to be committed. For now, though, migrant worker advocates can take a breath of relief as the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau, which has proven to be far more open minded and welcoming to immigration, has recently repealed this policy. Without a doubt, this is a victory for those who campaigned against

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

We don’t need another People Power 17 after their 11 colleagues voted not to open an envelope that may have contained damning evidence against Erap. I was no fan of Estrada’s, but I also did not want his trial to be short-circuited. I wanted him to face the full force of the law — but the right way. Another revolution at EDSA was no way to get justice. By then, “people power” was hollow and had become synonymous with shortcuts and the refusal to follow the rule of law. In fact, the international community questioned Estrada’s exit, and it took some creativity for all three branches of government (along with the media, the socalled the fourth estate) to justify Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s ascent to the presidency. The tumult that characterized her subsequent stay in office is perhaps the best argument against “EDSA Dos” as she struggled to hold on to power. Perhaps because of this, Cory Aquino would later apologize to Estrada for her role in the uprising. So now, two People Power uprisings and what do we have to show for them? A country still struggling with a host of problems, a people still burdened and

oppressed by traditional politics and its practitioners, the aptly nicknamed trapos. I’ve heard that some groups are trying to force a third People Power on February 25, the anniversary of the first one. As a “veteran,” let me say that this so is ill advised that it borders on the insane. For one thing, there surely won’t be enough people there. President Duterte still has the support of the majority of the people, so any call to depose him will fall on deaf ears. And even if another mass uprising does succeed, where would it take us? Back in the hands of the trapos, the very people we voted against last year. We don’t need another People Power; we need the resolve to follow through on decisions we had already made. We already had a third People Power, and it was when we voted for Duterte. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation.com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Victories and challenges in Canadian immigration the policy and reaffirms the power of grass roots, people power in Canada. The largest force in favour of this appeal was the migrant workers themselves, the migrant activist groups that supported them, the thousands of Canadians that signed petitions, and the organized protests that occurred in over fifteen cities. I like to think that the repealing of this policy shows that the Harper administration made a false assumption about Canadian popular and business sentiment. The Coalition for Migrant Worker Rights Canada celebrated this announcement, but was quick to point out that much more is needed. As stated on their website, “While this is an important step, we need more than repealing and tinkering. We need a total overhaul of the system which begins with ensuring permanent status on landing for migrant workers now and a regularization program for workers who stayed and became undocumented.” The Coalition goes on to criticize the language

of the federal government’s announcement that claimed it sought to expand “pathways to citizenship,” calling this “a euphemism for maintaining unjust temporariness for low-waged and racialized workers.” While this issue is a broader human rights issue, it is also one that affects the Filipino community, as thousands work in Manitoba under the Temporary Foreign Worker program, facilitated in part by a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Province of Manitoba and the Philippine government in February 2008. As the Coalition for Migrant Worker Rights asserts, though, this victory in repealing the 4&4 policy should not be a cause for too much revelling as many challenges remain. The fact is that the rhetoric used by Stephen Harper, and much more recently in Britain and the United States, that demonizes immigrants, migrants, and asylum seekers as “queue jumpers,” See MALEK p5

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MARCH 1 - 15, 2017


PINAYS... From page 1 of journalism. In the early 1980s, she was the editor of Silangan, the first Filipino community newspaper in Winnipeg. In the same decade, Mrs. Cantiveros and her husband, Mr. Rod Cantiveros, began publishing the long-running Filipino Journal that she also edited until her passing in 2008. • Mrs. Erlinda Magnaye Ramos – an entrepreneur who established Manitoba’s first Filipino-owned cake-baking business in 1971 when she was still a very young wife and mother with small children. To this day, special occasions like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries are celebrated with cakes from her popular and successful Gelyn’s Wedding Lounge. • Garment Workers Batch 1968 – a group of young and courageous Filipino women who left the Philippines in the mid1960s to seek a better future

MALEK... From page 4 (former immigration minister Jason Kenney’s favoured term for asylum seekers), stealing Canadian jobs, becoming burdens on the state, or not willing to contribute to the Canadian economy uses stereotypes that are not supported by facts to mobilize public opinion against immigrants, often in a ploy for political clout. And, I should point out the irony that immigrants and migrant workers are sometimes labeled as stealing Canadian jobs and as becoming burdens on the state because they do not want to work. Challenges to the MPNP This cliché of immigrants as a burden to the state has recently been expressed in relation the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). The recent challenges to the program, which has been responsible for much of Manitoba’s growth in the last five years, has received much attention lately. Premier Brian Pallister suggested not only that immigrants were becoming a drain on society, but also they were increasingly not finding jobs in a reasonable amount of time. As NDP interim leader Flor Marcelino stated, though, 94 to 98 percent of MPNP new comers find employment within one year of arrival – a very reasonable amount of time, indeed. In that time, these newcomers are not drains on the state. A requirement for entry is so-called “show money,” proof that an immigrant and their supporting family has the funds to support themselves while they find employment. In addition to these comments, which many in Manitoba’s immigrant community described as hurtful and disrespectful, the imposition of a new $500 fee on successful MPNP applicants has earned the ire of many. The PC government says this fee, which is in addition to the already burdensome costs of applying to the program, will be used to help clear the backlog of applicants, fund language programs, and help settle refugees. This fee has uncomfortable similarities to

overseas. They arrived in 1968 as the first government-sponsored group of foreign-trained garment workers. Eventually they made Manitoba their home and started their own families in the prairies. Organized in January 2016, Pinays MB aspires to be a vital group that can help empower Filipino women in the community by identifying their needs, and celebrating their strengths. Founding chairperson Perla Javate said, “Pinays MB Inc. aims to be a valuable resource for Filipino women of all ages to become resilient, confident and

strong … we will continue to be the light not only to our homes but also to our community.” The Recognition Luncheon will also serve as Pinays MB’s celebration of International Women’s Day. They will also welcome new members. The 2017 Officers of Pinays MB Inc. are: Chairperson, Roselyn Advincula; Vice Chairperson, Connie De Villa; Secretary, Araceli Ancheta; Asst. Secretary, Mila Dacwag; Treasurer, Perla Javate; Asst. Treasurer, Irene Medina; PRO’s, Tes Aeillo and Emmie Joaquin.

the Head Tax that the Canadian government imposed specifically on Chinese immigrants from 1885 to 1923. The fee ended in 1923 when the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 banned almost all Chinese immigration entirely. To be fair, the two fees are considerably different. The Chinese Head Tax was unapologetically meant to discourage and limit Chinese immigration, because they were deemed undesirables by the Canadian state. This fee was enforced in a period of intense racism and xenophobia in Canadian society and government. The MPNP fee, however, is levied after an applicant has been approved and is claimed to be for immigrant and refugee services. This fee can be understood, I think, in the spirit of fiscal responsibility with which the PC government is operating. All of this is not to defend the fee, and in fact I disagree both with the fee and the spirit behind it. The whole premise behind the fee, to me, seems to suggest that immigrants are a burden on Manitoba. Certainly, the botched rhetoric used to discuss the MPNP and immigrants has not smoothed over the imposition of the fee, either. I’m willing to accept that the immigration system in Canada and Manitoba needs reforms – both in terms of permanent immigrants and temporary migrants – but loading more fees on those immigrants is not a feasible solution. Immigrants through the MPNP already pay substantial fees to pursue a life in Canada; a substantial fee of $500 on newcomers will only risk their financial stability at a crucial time. However, this isn’t even the real issue as I see it. In fact, Brian Pallister hinted at the real problem in his justification of the fee, as did Flor Marcelino who said, “Even if they are overqualified, they take on whatever job for a start. So very, very few of them are unemployed.” Even if they are overqualified – this is the true problem, and one I will write about more in the future. “Brain abuse” In 2003, Harald Bauder of Ryerson University wrote about the system of “brain abuse” in Canadian immigration. We are

familiar with “brain drain, whereby countries like the Philippines are losing bright, well educated individuals to other countries, depriving their home countries of their skills because economic prospects are dim. “Brain abuse” acknowledges the other end of that problem – what happens to that talent in Canada? How many of us know nurses, doctors, engineers, or teachers who are not able to practice their talent in Canada due to problems with recognizing credentials? I personally know people who ran hospital wards in the Philippines, but now cannot even get a chance to have their credentials recognized. I know a medical doctor who can, and still does, periodically, practice medicine in the Philippines and the United States, but cannot in Canada due to unrealistic requirements for recognition. This is truly abuse, and all involved suffer. The Philippines is losing its talent; the immigrants are not able to practice their training and are making far less than what they are worth; and Canada is losing the potential that these immigrants can offer to our society. If Pallister and other likeminded politicians want immigrants to fulfill their potential, then they need to address the real problems. Charging more money won’t solve anything; helping them find jobs and have credentials recognized is what’s needed. What is all the more frustrating is that government and policy makers know about the problem, but still there remains a lack of communication between the federal government, which is responsible for approving immigration applications, and professional associations that are responsible for regulating professions. The MPNP is shooting itself in the foot by allowing brain abuse, and by not facilitating communication between the federal government and professional organizations in Manitoba. Jon Malek is a PhD candidate in History at Western University, and is a member of the Migration and Ethnic Relations program.




MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

MPNP refusal letters: appeal or reapply? The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is preparing for a major overall in April 2017. The program continues to clear up the existing backlog of submissions: those submitted before the freeze in July 2014 and those submitted after the freeze was lifted in April 2015. The refusal decision can be quite devastating for applicants and supporters, some of whom have been waiting for over two years. A refusal does not mean that the applicant cannot appeal the decision or cannot apply again. It is important, however, to understand what went wrong and why. In order to illustrate my point I shall select details referenced on a refusal letter from the earlier backlog; applications that were submitted prior to July 31, 2014. It is important for all refused applicants and supporters to examine in detail the refusal letter. There are several things that you must consider: 1. Check the name and the file number. The MPNP may have sent you a refusal letter in error; 2. Check that the file number is the same one the applicant or

Every time I look at my students, I question my practices, my resources and my approach. These kids do not all fit the traditional educational model of paper-and-pen (and they shouldn’t). How do I make sure I’m not doing them a disservice by not properly preparing them for the future? Where am I going with this? Any jobs today that have to do with social media, informational technology, and innovative technology did not exist 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago for some fields. In a world that is so rapidly changing, how do I prepare students to be job-ready for jobs that don’t exist yet? I’m taking metacognition (learning about learning) into

the supporter submitted to ensure that once, again no error was committed; 3. It is important to note that the MPNP, as a general guideline, “assesses an applicant’s employment potential in their occupation by comparing their documented education, training, work experience and language skills with the published employment requirements for the occupation in Manitoba;” 4. Check the scoring system to ensure that no errors were made in the assignment of points. If the applicant scored, in this example, more than 60 points there must be another reason for the refusal decision; 5. The refusal letter specifies that the MPNP “may not approve an application if the program officer is not satisfied that the applicant meets the MPNP criteria.” At this point the refusal letter will specify the “assessed occupation” by the occupational title and the National Occupation Classification (NOC) code and cite a deficiency in the language proficiency, for example, because the applicant was “unable to

play. For students to be prepared for a future job market of endless opportunities that we cannot even conceive in our heads yet, they need to know how they learn. They need to know what they’re passionate about. They need to understand what their strengths are and how to work with those strengths to reach learning goals. Enter Genius Hour, a program modeled after the idea of the “20% Time” initiated by Google, that my mentee has been implementing for the past few years (the benefits of collaborative collegial learning). Genius Hour is using 20% of your day (for us in the school system, that’s roughly one hour) in which students pursue their passions. They devise a plan that they are curious about.

demonstrate sufficient English language skills to be employable in Manitoba;” 6. The MPNP does not dispute the close support of family or friends but it must determine if the applicant’s potential for “economic establishment” would be enough to overcome the challenges of working in the assessed occupation. The above factors may vary with different applicants, but I have found similarities with assessments of both a nurse and dentist from the old backlog, both of whom were refused on the basis of having demonstrated English language proficiency that is less than that required to become employable in Manitoba. If the officer determines that the applicant did not meet this bar, then he or she is refused for failing to “demonstrate the ability and intent to establish successfully in Manitoba.” The question now is whether to appeal the decision or accept the findings and move on. If you decide to move on, the program warns the applicant that they would have to submit a “new Expression of Interest” after six months and meet “the eligibility

and assessment criteria in effect at the time of your new Expression of Interest is received by the MPNP.” However, the first temptation may be to appeal the refusal, especially if you have been waiting for a long time. It is important to understand that a formal appeal must be submitted, in writing, within 90 days of the date on the Letter of Refusal. Furthermore, the program cautions that appeals will only be considered if “there may have been an error made in the assessment of the application based on the reasons described in the Letter of Refusal and the documents included in the application at the time of assessment.” It is important to note that the refused nurse and dentist from the old backlog were assessed, even though both occupations ended up on the restricted list when the MPNP reopened in April 2015. The MPNP did not refuse them retroactively but rather assessed both on their merits. Furthermore, applicants have a responsibility to ensure that their submission is complete and as strong as possible. It is not up to the MPNP to tell you what is missing. If

the subjects submitted English language scores which are insufficient to match their assessed occupations, then the failings is theirs. Even if either candidate had upgraded their language scores, the MPNP could have assessed them fairly on the basis of the initial submission. Finally, it is important that everybody understands that the MPNP is an administrative program and comes under administrative law. The program must ensure that they have been procedurally fair and transparent throughout. In the case of both of the refused applicants, the best advice is to address the deficiencies identified by the MPNP and explore other immigration options. In life and in immigration, if one door closes, then another opens. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

Back to the future – the importance of strengthbased learning They ask questions, and then they seek to answer them. This isn’t choice time – they aren’t playing for fun. The parameters of Genius Hour are to further their learning in any of the subject matters we are currently studying. In the world of Google, this has led to the creation, for example, of Gmail. In a classroom, this could lead to a student understanding more about the complexities of bacterial adaptations. We are developing thinkers and problem finders – infinitely curious minds ready to explore outside of the box. Parent Tip: Genius Hour at home Encourage your child to

pursue their passions. Try setting up an hour a week for them to do something they truly enjoy. A big trend currently for middle years and younger is creating slime to play with – maybe challenge them to find different ways to make slime! Whatever it is that they’re

passionate about, give them the time and opportunity to pursue it – and encourage them the whole way! Judianne Jayme is an educator teaching sixth grade and a division-wide mentor in the Winnipeg School Division.

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017



MLA demands answers on MPNP delays WINNIPEG – Cindy Lamoureux, the Liberal party immigration critic and MLA for Burrows, staged a 33-hour sitin on February 22 and 23 at the Manitoba Legislature, outside the office of Ian Wishart, the Education and Training Minister. Lamoureux wanted answers from the minister about delays and the treatment of applicants in the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), the province’s immigration program. She brought food and a sleeping bag, and set up a camp of chairs and a small table in the hallway. Lamoureux stayed there through the day and overnight with supporters keeping her company. Lamoureux said that Wishart, repeatedly failed to answer her questions about the MPNP in the chamber and at committee meetings. She also said that letters she sent to the minister on the subject were not responded to, but merely acknowledged by his office. “We’re not getting responses,” she said. “I have constituents who have been waiting months to hear from me and years to hear from the program, and frankly, having them put their lives on hold for three to four years to find out whether or not they’re going to be accepted or rejected from the provincial nominee program –

It’s not fair.” Lamoureux listed improvements that need to be made in the MPNP: 1. A commitment that no applicant will wait more than six months to hear a response from the date that the application has been received. 2. Respectable and fair answers for applicants. 3. A dedicated contact number for the purpose of discussing case files. 4. Assurance that applications with minor shortfalls in information have the chance to be corrected rather than having them summarily rejected so that an applicant must start again from the beginning. 5. Elimination of the $500 acceptance fee. The new $500 fee, announced last November, sparked on-going, organized protests in immigrant communities and has been likened to a head tax. “I think it’s a cash grab, 100%,” said Lamoureux, who maintains that the $500 fee isn’t needed since the program worked well without it. Lamoureux called off her protest after meeting late Thursday afternoon, February 23, with Minister Ian Wishart. She plans to share the answers she received from the minister with

MLA Cindy Lamoureux slept overnight in a Legislature corridor to get answers on immigration issues her constituents before making them public. Wishart said in a statement, “Our government is on track to eliminate by the end of March the MPNP application backlog that ballooned under the former government. Program improvements will ensure all applicants receive a higher standard of service, including better information sharing and processing times of less than six months.”

Many showed support for Cindy Lamoureux, including NDP interim leader, Flor Marcelino

BISDAK... From page 1 the mix for an interesting listen. Bisaya ni Bay is believed to be the first and only non-Tagalog content show in Canada. “I discovered VisPop a year ago just browsing around Facebook, and one song caught my attention,” Lendyll said. “It’s called HAHAHasula, by Kurt Fick. ‘Hasula’ in Bisaya loosely means ‘Hay, nako,’ in Tagalog. It’s a kind of a word play on laughing. Combined together, it means “Haha Hay nako.” It’s about a man falling in love with his girl’s best friend, but she is happy with another man. So he just tries to laugh off the situation.”

Before modern VisPop, only a few traditional Visayan songs were familiar to people outside the region. Schoolchildren, especially in public schools, learned to sing Visayan folk songs like Dandansoy and Waray Waray. I still remember a few lines of the former, and liked the spunky beat of the latter. Even the popular Christmas song, Ang Pasko ay Sumapit, which was translated to Tagalog by famed composer Levi Celerio, was originally a Cebuano song entitled Kasadya Ning Taknaa popularized by Ruben Tagalog. In 1977, Yoyoy Villame blazed into the music scene with Mag-exercise Tayo, which was adopted by government agencies

and public schools as the official music for their morning exercise after the flag ceremony. He then penned some fun novelty songs, wherein Butsekik is the most popular. Villame is dubbed the father of Philippine novelty songs. Max Surban is another notable Visayan singer known for novelty songs as well as romantic ballads. He was given the moniker King of Visayan Song. In the 1990s, Joey Ayala and Bayang Barrios became known for branching a musical subgenre called Neotradional, which involved traditional Filipino instruments with modern rhythm and melody. Now comes VisPop. “Bisaya songs were mostly

known as joke songs before, but the current VisPop or Bisaya music offers the best of both worlds,” said Lendyll. “It has a joke side to it but with a message such as heartbreak, trying to court somebody, real-life experiences you can relate to. VisPop music is a mix of melodic and creative song writing.” Lendyll recently met with Jed Bantug, a music producer from Cebu. The two instantly hit it off and will be collaborating on music for the show. “He is one of the best producers in the Philippines. He moved to Winnipeg just last October, 2016. He is mostly an arranger and composer of VisPop,

and he will help me find content for the show.” Visayan music, news, features, jokes, you name it, Bisaya ni Bay promises to deliver, beginning March 3rd. Birthday greetings and community announcements are also welcome, said Lendyll. Just connect with him through Facebook or e-mail bisayanibay1@gmail.com “Enjoy the journey with me. Thank you mga Bisdak (Bisayang Dako) Laking Bisaya!” Bisaya ni Bay will be heard every Friday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. right after Afternoon Pasada, on CKJS Radio 810 AM and online at ckjs.com.


When Napoleon Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich he concluded that a very important aspect in the process of gaining wealth was tied to sex. He said that, “The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability.” This “seat of power” and the ability to create are uniquely tied to feng shui, too. What’s especially interesting about sex and money in feng shui is that the wealth sector is also associated with the number four. Four is also the number associated with romance and sex, academic achievement, sales, and writing. So, you could say that the number four is associated with creation and generation, too. Obviously, the number two is very important as well. There are two parts to love, just as there are two parts to money – income/generating money (salary/ income) and accumulating money (wealth). In love there is the commitment and romance aspect (southwest) and there is the sexual aspect (southeast). Sex and assets are closely linked The problem with sex is that as you age, sexual activity becomes less and not just because of lack of interest, although that certainly does happen, but because fatigue, work, stress, child-rearing and household duties get in the way. The everyday demands of living can often sap our enthusiasm. Feng shui teaches that energy flows where energy goes. A German study confirms this. In a study of 32,000 couples, many who stopped having sex reported that the trend of little or no sex only became worse. In other words, less sex leads to even less or no sex.


Sex is good – and we need it Making love makes us happy and content, relieves physical tension in all parts of the body (not just you-know-where) and is an important part of a committed relationship. Think about making love with your partner and think about how it feels to have a wad of cash. Both make you smile. See the link? Interestingly, some of the times that I have been the most cashstrapped I also had less love, and when the money was good so was the canoodling. But is all sex good? No The committed, loving type is what we’re after. This is the basis of good feng shui and good love - and is this is also where the money-making potential resides. Promiscuity never makes you feel better, and it usually makes you feel worse. What if you’re lacking a partner? Rather than going trolling in a trench coat to bars and taking the walk of shame in the morning that makes you feel terrible (and takes your money-making energy with it), make a romantic date with yourself. Treat yourself to some luxurious lingerie, nice sheets, and scented candle, read a romance novel or watch a romantic move with some wine. Just treat yourself nicely. You’ll love yourself for it. In short, be a romantic person no matter whether you are single or in a relationship. Love and money Love and money are often tied together. In fact, studies have shown that sex and money are the two things couples fight most about. What’s certain, too, is that when money is tight, romance often suffers. When we feel successful financially, we feel sexy

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Does your love life affect your finances? Feng shui says money and sex are linked and desirable. Making money and making love always feel better when there’s an abundance of both. Couples with money troubles often find that their mood becomes tense and argumentative, and nothing can prevent closeness and love like two tense partners. When money is good, by contrast, you feel creative and “in the flow,” and that can stoke your love fires – and keep them burning. Having a good income and orderly finances can also help keep your relationship close and the intimate bonds unbreakable. If you do have a partner and your love life needs a jump-start, follow this checklist to improve your love life and start the creative flow in the bedroom – and in your pocketbook! • Schedule sex each week – That’s right, put it on the calendar. Rather than lacking spontaneity, scheduling intimate time together means that your love is important. Honour your creative and generating abilities - and your partnership - by making time for sex and romance. • Have fun – Try a game, go “parking” in the garage, do a strip tease. Don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but don’t hide under the covers either! Fun is good feng shui. • Seek sensuality – Being sensual and romantic is extremely beneficial for a relationship rather than cheap, nasty, and whambam (well, unless that’s what you need). Get some great-feeling new sheets for your bed. Buy a

soft and nubby throw for the bed or maybe one of those awesome fur throws. Get your skin used to being feeling wonderful textures. Get a body polish (my favourite!) at your local spa and a massage afterwards. Your skin will feel like silk - to you and to your honey. • Got hormones? – OK, girls: let’s face it, the angry, witchy woman is nobody’s friend and will scare off even the most desperate lover. If you would rather clean your toenails than have sex, something is wrong. Get to your OB/GYN and get some hormones or some help – you don’t have to retire to a convent because your libido is low. • Hold your horses – OK, guys: let’s face it; you’re always ready no matter what. Well, women aren’t. If you’re a guy and you’re reading this, I’m going to tell you what your sweetie won’t. No woman likes to show interest and then you go from 0 to 120 MPH in an instant. Slow down, talk to her

and then see what happens. • Make a date for sex – Sounds boring, right? Well, make a date for the bedroom and do anything but have sex. I guarantee you won’t be able to keep your hands off each other. Works like a charm and gets everybody fired up. Revitalizing love with feng shui • Remove pictures of everyone (yes, especially the kids’ photos) except the couple in the room • Remove all work objects (computers, phones, piles of paper) • Make the bed. Every day. Nothing looks as unappealing – or as unsexy – as an unmade bed • Make sure your bed is up to the task and doesn’t squeak, creak, or feel like it will break with a little activity • Remove religious objects from the bedroom – they can make you feel guilty. Place them elsewhere • Get rid of any and all plants or flowers - these drain romance • Sleep in the correct position. As you are in bed, the woman is on the right and the man is on the left • Have two bedside tables with matching lamps. You need bedroom parity for both partners. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017





Regine leads GMA’s Full House Tonight GMA Network’s newest comedy-musical show, Full House Tonight, is top billed by no other than Asia’s Songbird Regine Velasquez-Alcasid who is delighted to be performing and singing on the small screen again. “I’m of course very excited and very thankful that GMA has given me this kind of show kasi medyo na miss ko na yung variety show. At least dito kumakanta ako ulit, hindi lang yun, nagco-comedy rin, tsaka binibigyan din naman ako ng freedom to choose the songs [I’m of course very excited and very thankful that GMA has given me this kind of show because I’ve missed doing variety shows. In this show, I would get to sing again and do comedy as well. I also appreciate that they give me freedom to choose the songs],” the multi-awarded artist happily shared. Adding flavour to the program are Kapuso stars Solenn Heussaff and teen idols Bianca Umali and Miguel Tanfelix, together with versatile artist Joross Gamboa. Comedians Philip Lazaro, Kim Idol, Terry Gian, Sarah Brakensiek, Tammy Brown, and Nar Cabico will also spice up the show with their comical flairs. It is directed by Louie Ignacio.

Regine Velasquez

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Dingdong Dantes hosts GMA’s Case Solved GMA Network’ s newest crime documentary drama program Case Solved aims to help viewers to prevent crime. The show features sensational and controversial real-life cases ranging from non-aggressive to violent circumstances derived from Philippines’ Supreme Court Reports Annotated (SCRA) handled by the country’s NBI, PNP, Interpol, judicial agencies like the Department of Justice (DOJ), Supreme Court and Bureau of Corrections. It shows how the crime is committed; it further explains how the crime is solved. Hosted by Kapuso Primetime King Dingdong Dantes, the program presents solved cases that will coach the viewers in predicting the likelihood of a crime before it occurs. An advocate of justice and peace, Dingdong said: “I like the concept of the show because it’s always good to have concrete stories as example. Also, it shows a positive ending wherein we show the problem’s resolution. The combination of all these things inspires me. I want them to see a story of triumph because we like seeing problems being solved.” Watch it on GMA Pinoy TV.

Dingdong Dantes

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017






MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

• Jim Paredes – Kahiya-hiya, kung kailan pa naman tumanda… • APO Hiking Society – Sinira ni Jim Paredes ang magandang image ng APO • Sen. Bong Revilla – Karma na ang gumanti kay Sen. Leila De Lima • Niño Muhlach – Namana ni Alonzo ang galing ni Onin • Ang Probinsiyano – Nakakaadik panoorin si Coco Martin • Maja Salvador – Maganda, may talent, pero bakit parang malas sa takilya? Hanggang ngayon ay pinakakain ng apdo ng ating mga kababayan ang miyembro ng APO Hiking Society na si Jim Paredes. Noong nakaraang linggo ay isinama namin sa mga prayoridad namin sa buhay ang panonood ng viral video. Paulit-ulit naming pinanood ang eksenang tinatalakan ni Jim Paredes ang isang maliit na grupo lang ng mga kabataang tagasuporta ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte. Disente ang hitsura ng mga kabataan, tahimik lang sila. Nabulabog na lang ang kanilang mundo nang lapitan sila at talakan nang talakan ni Jim Paredes. Bumubula ang bibig ng singer-composer sa pagtalak-paghahamon sa grupo. Para siyang nakakuha ng solong permiso para awayin ang kahit sinong nasa selebrasyon ng

People Power na hindi niya kaalyado. Naging kahiya-hiya ang postura ni Jim Paredes dahil ang ipinagmamalaki niyang katalinuhan ay nalambungan ng pananahimik ng mga kabataang tinatalakan niya. Parang ayaw siyang patulan ng mga ito dahil sa katandaan niya. “Duwag!” madiin pang sabi ni Jim Paredes sa mismong tungki ng ilong ng kinokompronta niyang kabataan, sabay talikod. May nakalimutang baunin si Jim Paredes sa selebrasyon ng People Power. Dapat ay binitbit niya ang pagrespeto sa paniniwala ng iba. Dapat ay nanindigan siya sa kaniyang ipinaglalaban nang hindi niya pinanghihimasukan ang posisyon ng kaniyang kapwa Pilipinong nandoon din para See CRISTY p15

Niño and Alonzo Muhlach

Yassi Pressman & Coco Martin

Paolo Avelino & Maja Salvador

Lanie Mercado & Bong Revilla Jr.

Maine & Alden – Destined to Be Yours The phenomenal love team of Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza headlines the new

GMA primetime soap, Destined To Be Yours. Joining the cast are Boots

Anson Roa, Lotlot De Leon, Gardo Versoza, Tommy Abuel, Ronnie Henares, Ina Feleo, Sheena Halili, Dominic Roco, Juancho Trivino, RJ Padilla, and Koreen Medina. This romantic series also features the return of Janice de Belen to GMA. Directed by Irene Villamor. Destined To Be Yours is a spectacle that delivers heartskipping romance that will make its viewers believe in the power of love, each and every time.

Alden Richards & Maine Mendoza

Dexter Panlilio releases new EP

Orient Pearl member Dexter Panlilio, who composed such hits as Pagsubok, Kasalanan, and Cry in the Rain, goes solo with his new collection of jazz influenced instrumentals entitled, Distant Time. He is joined this time by his son Earl Panlilio on drums, and Winnipeg musicians Allan Cosino on guitar and Paul Morrow on bass. Watch the video of his title track Distant Time on Youtube. Dexter’s EP is now available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and all digital stores online. Go check him out!





Owner Darin Hoffman & Spouse Zeny Regalado


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Darin Hoffman

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MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Jim Paredes

The APO Hiking Society L-r: Buboy Garovillo, Danny Javier & Jim Paredes





MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Legally Blind stars Janine Gutierrez GMA Network’s new gripping drama series, Legally Blind, stars Kapuso leading lady Janine Gutierrez. This drama series showcases Janine Gutierrez’s skill and versatility as an actress, as she breathes life to the character of Grace Evangelista, her most challenging role to date. The story revolves around the life of Grace Evangelista (Janine Gutierrez), a beautiful, hardworking, and responsible law student who eventually passes the board exam with flying colours. In a dreadful turn of events, she becomes a rape victim of an unknown culprit, scarring her forever when the distress and trauma causes her to lose her sense of sight. In spite of everything, she pursues her passion for law and eventually becomes a blind lawyer. Joining her in the series are

Mikael Daez, Lauren Young, Marc Abaya, Rodjun Cruz, Chanda Romero, Therese Malvar, Lucho Ayala, Ashley Rivera, and Camille Torres. Legally Blind is under the helm of actor and TV director Ricky Davao.

Janine Gutierrez

Mikael Daez, Janine Gutierrez & Rodjun Cruz

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

CRISTY... From page 12 makiisa sa pag-alala sa EDSA Revolution. Sa edad na edad na lang ngayon ni Jim Paredes ay kakambal na dapat niya ang kahihiyan. Kahapon ay kausap namin sa telepono ang isang mas nakababatang singer na minsan isang panahon ay sumaludo rin sa talentong mayroon si Jim Paredes bilang isang musikero. Naalala ng aming kakuwentuhang male singer, estudyante pa lang ito sa kolehiyo ay todo na ang kaniyang paghanga kina Buboy Garovillo, Danny Javier at Jim Paredes ng APO Hiking Society. “Pinag-iipunan ko ang mga concert nila. Kumpleto ako ng album nila. Ilang beses ko silang pinanood sa Folk Arts Theatre, sa Araneta Coliseum, mga concert lang nila sa five-star hotels ang hindi ko napanood dahil sobrang mahal ng ticket. “Idolo ko talaga sila, sobrang iniidolo, paborito ko ang mga songs nila. Pagkatapos ngayon, makikita ko si Jim Paredes na ganito? Ano na ba ang nangyayari sa kaniya? Wala namang masama kung Dilawan siya, kalayaan niya naman iyon, pero ang makita siyang ganito na parang babaeng talak nang talak? “Alam mo kung ano ang feeling ko ngayon? Parang wow, ito ang sikat na singer-composer na pinapalakpakan ko noon! Ano


na ang nangyari sa kaniya? Bakit parang ibang-iba na siya? “Bilang performer na rin ngayon, parang ako ang hiyanghiya para sa kaniya. Sana, hindi na lang niya pinatulan iyong grupong hindi naman siya inaano. “Nakakahiya siya. Siguradong maraming singers din ang nahihiya ngayon para sa kaniya. Kung kailan pa naman siya tumanda,” eksaktong pahayag ng kausap naming male singer. *** Noong kasagsagan ng popularidad ng APO Hiking Society ay hindi namin minsan man nakausap nang kahit ilang segundo lang si Jim Paredes. Para kasing may nakaharang na pader sa pagitan niya at ng ibang tao. Si Buboy Garovillo ay nakakabiruan namin paminsanminsan, komedyante rin kasi ang magaling na singer, pero sa kanilang tatlo ay pinakagusto namin si Danny Javier. Malalim kausap si Danny, siya kung tutuusin ang pinakautak ng APO, lutang na lutang ang kaniyang talento at may tulay siyang itinayo sa pagitan niya at ng kanilang audience. Ano kaya ang nararamdaman ngayon nina Danny at Buboy sa mga pinaggagagawa ng kanilang kasamahang si Jim Paredes? Tulad kaya ng maraming miyembro ng OPM ngayon ay nagdadalang-hiya rin sila para sa kanilang kaibigan? Age is just a number, paalala ng isang billboard sa EDSA,

pero ilang hakbang lang ang layo mula sa kinapupuwestuhan ng nasabing billboard nagpalutang ng kagaspangan si Jim Paredes. Totoong hindi tayo dapat matakot sa pagtanda. Ang pinakamahalaga ay ang ating pinagkatandaan. *** Ramdam ang pakikiisa ng mas nakararami nating kababayan sa ipinahayag ni Senador Bong Revilla na ngayon ay natitikman na ni Senadora Leila de Lima ang masaklap na karanasan ng kaniyang pamilya sa agarang pagpapakulong sa kanila ni Senador Jinggoy Estrada. Tama o mali, kalaban man o kaalyado, ay boses ng bayan na maituturing ang social media. At sa bilangan ng kampi at hindi ay liyamado si Senador Bong sa kaniyang pahayag. Mahigit na dalawang taon na ang nakararaan ay humahalakhak si Senadora Leila de Lima at ang kaniyang mga kasamahan sa agarang pagpapakulong sa tatlong senador. Nagtagumpay kasi sila. Pero gumulong ang panahon, nagbabago ang pagkakasalansan ng mga bituin, hindi natin hawak ang bukas. Ngayon, ang dating DOJ secretary naman na nagpabilis sa pagpapakulong sa mga senador ang inuulaol ng problemang mas mabigat pa nga, dahil sangkot ang droga sa kaniyang mga kaso. Iyon ang gustong ipahiwatig ni Senador Bong na pinangalawahan pa ng kaniyang misis na si Mayor Lani Mercado.

Kung ano ang damdamin nila noon ang nararanasan din ngayon ni Senadora Leila de Lima, napakasakit pala, sakit na bumabaon sa kalamnan. Mababasa sa social media, “Karma lang ‘yan! Ano ba kasi ang ginawa ng mga Dilawan na ‘yan noong nakikipaghalikan pa sila sa kanilang posisyon? “Nasa airport na si PGMA, naka-wheelchair, pinayagan na ng Supreme Court na makapagpagamot sa ibang bansa, pero bilang DOJ secretary, e, hinarang niya! “Sino ba ang nasa likod ng lungkot na naramdaman ng pamilya ni CJ Corona? Isa-isahin lang ngayon ni Senator de Lima ang mga iyon at baka makatulong para gumaan ang dala-dala niya. “Ganoon lang iyon! Hello, Carmi Martin (read: karma)! Hello, Boy George, kantahin mo nga ang Karma Chameleon!” isa lang sa mga nabasa naming

PAGE 15 komento. Kung may tamang panahon ay mayroon ding weder-weder lang. Ganoon lang talaga. Ang mga humahalakhak noon dahil sa kapangyarihan ay puwede ring pumailalim sa gulong ng buhay. *** Nakakatuwa si Niño Muhlach. Ang nakikita nating pagiging marespeto sa kapwa ni Alonzo ngayon ay walang dudang kay Onin nag-uugat. Ang sobrang sikat na child wonder ang nagpapakilala sa kaniyang anak sa mga reporters. Sasabihin niya, “Beso ka kay lola. Malaki ang naitulong niya kay papa. Say hello to her.” Ganoon siya umalalay sa kaniyang anak, alam kasi ni Niño ang bituka ng showbiz, dahil ang mundong ito ang nagbigay sa kaniya ng napakagandang kapalaran. Hindi nagbago si Onin. Siya See CRISTY p17




MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) – new officers

The Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) inducted the new officers of its Board of Directors on February 19, 2017. The newly elected PCCM president is Jonalyn Espero. Front row (L-R): Eric Hernandez, Ceasar Villamayor, Eril Deculing, and Nap Ebora. Standing (L-R): JB Casares, Jing Asperin, Rogelio Rico, Jonalyn Espero (PCCM President), Chris Santos, May Deculing, Magnolia De Vera, Diane Cruz, Purisima Dela Cruz, Sharon Burgos and Lito Taruc (Photos by Alex Canlapan)

PCCM Pres. Jonalyn Espero

Lito Taruc

Hon. Dr. Rey Pagtakhan

Top photo: PCCM President Jonalyn Espero with guest Elvis


MARCH 1 - 15, 2017



Filipinos shine in Winnipeg production of American Idiot WINNIPEG – The Winnipeg Studio Theatre Professional Division is currently presenting their production of Green Day’s American Idiot at the Tom Hendry Warehouse Theatre, 140 Rupert Street, and three of the cast members are from Winnipeg’s immense talent pool in the Filipino-Canadian community. Winner of two Tony Awards and the 2010 Grammy Award winner for Best Musical Show Album, American Idiot is the story of three boyhood friends, each searching for meaning in a post 9/11 world. The show features the music of Green Day with the lyrics of its lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong and book by Billie Joe Armstrong and Michael Mayer. Stephanie Sy plays the character of Whatshername, while Jana Morrison and Joseph

Sevillo are in the ensemble. “The recent results of the US presidential election have me feeling angry, confused, sad and helpless. … The bright side to this catastrophe is that it has brought forward the strong people and organizations ready to fight for human rights. American Idiot sends a clear message,” said Stephanie Sy. Stephanie travelled with the first national tour of We Will Rock You and performed in Prom Queen: the Musical (Segal Centre), A History of Breathing at the Persephone Theatre, – for which she was nominated for a SATA Award. Her other credits include, Little Women (Dry Cold), Footloose (Rainbow Stage), and Penelopiad (RMTC). Stephanie’s next role will be Ariel in The Little Mermaid at the Globe Theatre. Jana Morrison lives in

Vancouver but she is excited to be back performing in her hometown of Winnipeg. She has performed in productions such as Toopy and Binoo: Fun and Games for Koba Entertainment, Gruff (Puente Theatre), You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown (Prairie Skies Musical Theatre), Little Shop of Horrors (Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre), The King and I (Gateway Theatre), and Bat Boy: The Musical (Company C). Joseph Sevillo has played the roles of Angel in Rent, Chino in Westside Story, Joe Vegas in Fame at Rainbowstage, Mark in Altarboyz (PTE/WST), and Angelo in Danny, King of the Basement (MTYP). He has also appeared in Billy Elliot, Evita, The Wave (MTC), Beauty and the Beast (Citadel/Theatre Calgary), Miss Saigon (Drayton), and the Canadian Premiere of Seussical

Joseph Sevillo (left) and Stephanie Sy (centre left) in American Idiot

CRISTY... From page 15 pa rin ang Niño Muhlach na minahal noon nang todo-todo ng publiko, lahat ng pelikula niya ay pinipilahan, namiruya ng salapi si Onin noong kaniyang kapanahunan. Hindi nasayang ang lahat ng kaniyang pinaghirapan, bawat sentimong kinikita niya ay nakalagak sa bangko, mahusay magmaniobra sa pananalapi ang kaniyang amang si Alex. Nand’yan ang El Niño Apartelle, ang milyun-milyong halaga na siguradong hawak na ni Onin ngayon, hindi nalustay ang kaniyang pinagsakripisyuhan. At masuwerte si Onin kay Alonzo. Magaling nang umarte ang child actor ay marespeto pa, bibung-bibo ito, manangmana sa kaniyang ama. May urban legend tungkol kay Niño Muhlach. Noong mga panahon daw na aliw na aliw sa kaniya ang publiko ay pinainiksiyunan daw siya ng pampaliit ng kaniyang ama. Para raw hindi siya lumaki agad, para raw manatili siyang child actor na sikat na sikat, ganoon ang kalokohang intrigang kumalat noon tungkol kay Onin. Siyempre’y pinagtawanan lang iyon ng mag-ama, sino nga ba namang tatay ang magkakagustong huwag nang lumaki ang kaniyang anak, nang dahil lang sa salapi at See CRISTY p20

(YPT). Joseph will be playing the role of Pepper in Rainbow Stage’s upcoming production of Mamma Mia this summer. American Idiot is derected by Simon Miron; choreographer, Jillian Willems; musical direction by Paul De Gurse, and the stage manager is Ali Fulmyk. Green Day’s American Idiot plays at the Tom Hendry Warehouse Theatre, 140 Rupert Street, until March 5, 2017. Photos by Leif Norman

Jana Morrison (2nd from the left) and Joseph Sevillo (right) in American Idiot



MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Minimal na pamumuhay = happiness Labintatlong taon mula ngayon ay babalik ako sa Pilipinas para magretiro. Titira ako sa bukid sa Lal-lo, Cagayan para magsaka, mag-alaga ng hayop at ipagpatuloy ang aking libangang pagsusulat. Makikisalamuha ako sa mga magbubukid at mamumuhay nang payak at tahimik, kasama ang aking kabiyak sa buhay. Ang bahay ko’y hindi magiging malaki kundi sapat lamang para sa aming dalawa. Hindi ako magpapakabit ng WiFi. Dahil diyan, magiging kasaysayan na lamang ang aking pagiging bahagi ng social media. Babalik ako sa pagsusulat gamit ang lapis at papel o magmamakinilya. Magtatanim ako ng iba’t ibang gulay. Isasabuhay ko ang ilustrasyon sa awit ng Bahay Kubo. Sa wakas ay hindi na magiging frozen ang aking mga pagkain. Pipitas na lamang ako sa aking taniman para sa aming pagkain. Retirement Nasa late 40s ako pero ngayon pa lamang ay naghahanda na ako kung ano ang gusto kong gawin pagkatapos ng ilan taong paghahanap buhay. Masyado bang maaga o sakto lang? Naniniwala kasi ako na ang katuparan ng pangarap ay ang maayos na pagpaplano. Bagama’t nilisan ko ang Pilipinas simula noong 2003 nang ako’y naging OFW at tuluyan nang hindi umuwi nang dumating kami dito noong 2009 ay hindi pa rin mawala sa isip

ko ang umuwi at mamuhay sa bukid. Ganoon na lamang ang aking pagkahumaling sa simpleng pamumuhay. Minimalist Lumaki kasi ako sa sakto lang. Hindi kami mayaman at hindi rin naman ubod ng hirap. Mapalad kami sa pagtataguyod ng aming mga magulang pero hindi kami lumaki sa luho. Ang sabi nga ng Nanay ko, “Kung anong nandiyan ay pagkasiyahin at magpasalamat sa kung anong mayroon ka.” Ito ang pundasyon ng aking paniniwala na hanggang ngayon ay bitbit ko at ipinapasa sa aking mga anak. Huwag magarbo. Huwag mag-aksaya. Tama na yung tama lamang. Isang asawa, isang pamilya, isang aso, isang bahay, isang sasakyan pero ramdam ang malaking kasiyahan. Madali akong isalarawan ng mga nakakakilala sa akin, lalo na sa pananamit. Laging nakashirt, naka-rubber shoes, nakabackpack, naka-cargo pants o maong. Walang relo, walang singsing, walang kuwintas. Kadalasan ay wala ring cash sa bulsa dahil laging nagbabaon ng pagkain sa opisina. At eto pa, wala po akong sariling cellphone. Kung hindi ako binigyan o pinagamitan ng work phone sa opisina ay hindi ako bibili ng sarili kong cellphone. Isa pa, kung hindi ako nakikitang tumatakbo ay naka-bus lang ako maliban na lamang kung nautusang bumili

ng groceries o ipagmaneho ang pamilya. Kung wala nga akong pamilya ay tiyak na wala rin akong sasakyan. Malamang kung hindi lakad, bus o bisekleta lang ako. Happiness Madaling sumaya kapag kuntento ka na. Ang kasiyahan ay hindi mararamdaman sa pamamagitan ng laki o mahal ng bagay kundi sa kahalagahan nito at kung paano mo ito binibigyan ng importansya. It’s all about appreciation. Ang pagpapasalamat sa kaganapan ng buhay ang susi sa kasiyahan. Halimbawa, ang init ng summer ay appreciated natin sa winter tulad din ng lamig na appreciated natin sa tag init. Kailan tayo huling nagpasalamat sa hininga natin. Kailan tayo huling nagpasalamat sa mga mata nating nakakakita. Sa mga taenga, sa ilong, sa panlasa? May mga struggles ang buhay pero laging may pag-asa. Sino ba ang walang problema? Wala di ba? Pero masaya pa rin ang buhay kung marunong tayong magdala ng ating mga problema. Nasaan ba ang kaligayahan natin? Nasa pera? Nasa investments? Kapag nawala na ang pera at kung yan ang kasiyahan lang natin, patay ka na. Pero kung ang kasiyahan mo ay ang buhay mo mismo, daig mo pa yung nanalo ng 60 million sa lotto. Always share your happiness. Yun bang isang ngiti mo ay kasiyahan na ng makakakita sa yo. Yun bang kaunting appreciation mo sa tao

imbis na hatred ay magdudulot ito ng saya. Tama nga ang kanta noong nasa elementary pa ko: “Kung ikaw ay masaya, buhay mo ay sisigla.” Make love not war Ang mundo ay punong puno ng galit at pagiging makasarili o kasakiman. Maging sa pamamalakad sa gobyerno ay umuusbong ang kaisipang proteksyonismo. Dahil dito ay nakokompromiso ang diwa ng interdependence ng bawat nilalang sa mundo. Nawawala ang pag-ibig, nawawala ang pagmamalasakit. Sa simpleng paraan ng ating buhay ay pilitin nating ipamahagi at isabuhay ang diwa ng pag-ibig. Sa tahanan, sa bahay, sa trabaho at sa ating komunidad. Always accept and embrace challenges that lead to loving others regardless of gender, race, belief and faith. Maganda sa puso ang magmahal at masama sa kalusugan partikular sa puso ang galit. Isa pa, hindi magastos ang tunay na pagmamahal sa kapuwa. Ang simpleng pakikinig sa tao ay isang pagpapahayag ng respeto at pag-ibig. Not complicated Sa kabila ng modernong panahon at mga bagong technologies o discoveries ay simple lang naman ang mga totoong pangangailangan ng tao. Walang kailanmang Apple o Google apps na makapagdudulot ng ganap na kasiyahan ng tao dahil; ang tunay na app ay nasa puso ng bawat isa sa atin. Wala

na tayong dapat i-download para tayo maging mabuting tao dahil nasa sistema na ng ating pagkatao ang kabutihan. Ang kailangan lang ay gamitin natin ito para maging daluyan tayo ng kabutihan ng sangkatauhan. Hindi dapat komplikado ang mundo. Sa sobra kasing talino ng tao ay ginawang mahirap ang madali at ginawang malalim ang mababaw. Bakit ba natin ginagawang komplikado ang mundo kung mag-iisip din naman tayo ng solusyon para dito? Ang titulo o degree na pinag-aralan at natamo ng iba ay hindi nangangahulugan na angat na siya sa iba. May kanikaniya tayo expertise kaya’t hindi ko kailan man masasabi na ako’y higit sa iyo at ika’y higit sa akin. Patas lang tayong lahat. Nagtutunaw na Pero lalamig pa ba? Hindi natin alam. Matunaw man o tumigas uli ang yelo, uuwi pa rin tayo. Saan? Sa lugar kung saan tayo masaya. Ikaw lang ang may alam ng ruta, magkita na lang tayo sa finish line ng ligaya. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Hindi kailangang maging parang isang sugal ang buhay May ibang nagsasabi na ang buhay ay parang sugal. Maaring totoo ito para sa ibang tao dahil wala silang kasiguraduhan sa kung anong mangyayari sa kanilang buhay. Palagi silang kakaba-kaba kung anong susunod na problema ang kanilang haharapin. Wala silang direksyon sa buhay. Hindi nila alam kung saan sila patutungo. Alam n’yo bang hindi kailangan na maging parang isang sugal ang buhay? Hindi tayo kailangang mangamba kung anong nakaabang sa mga susunod na araw. Kung may malapit na ugnayan tayo sa Diyos, kung pahihintulutan natin si Hesus ang maghari at magbigay direksyon sa ating buhay, makaasa tayong ng mapayapang buhay na puno ng pag-asa. Ang sabi sa biblia sa Juan 10:10 Ang Panginoong Hesus ay naparito sa lupa at nag-alay

ng kaniyang buhay para sa atin para magkaroon tayo ng buhay na kasiya-siya. Noong malapit na siyang mapako sa krus, nagpaalam siya sa kaniyang mga alagad na nag-aalala ng kung ano na ang mangyayari sa kanila kung wala na siya. Sinabi ni Hesus na siguradong makakaranas sila ng kahirapan katulad din ng ibang tao pero hindi sila kailangang mag-alala. Nangako siya ng kapayapaan para sa mga nananalig sa kaniya. Kapayapaan sa gitna ng problema at kahirapan. Kapayapaan na nababase sa kaalaman na hawak ang kanilang buhay ng Diyos na siyang nangakong hindi niya pababayaang o iiwan ang mga taong nagtatapat sa kaniya. Ilang taong na ang nakalipas nang namatay ang nanay ng isa naming kaibigan. Nadiskubre nilang may malalang karamdaman ang kaniyang ina at mabilis ang

lahat ng pangyayari dahil sa loob ng mga higit kumulang tatlong buwan mula nang madiskurbe ng doktor ang sakit ng kaniyang nanay ay namahinga na ito. Noong malaman ng nanay na ilang araw na lamang ang nalalabi sa kaniyang buhay dito sa lupa, buong pusong tinanggap niya ito. Walang pagsisi sa kaniyang mukha at nabanggit niya sa kaniyang anak na handa na siyang mamatay dahil sigurado siya sa kaniyang patutunguhan. Naging maluwag din sa aming kaibigan ang pagyao ng kaniyang ina dahil para sa kaniya lumipat lamang sa higit na mabuting tirahan ang kaniyang nanay at buong pag-asa at paniniwala siyang nananabik na magkakasama silang muling mag-ina sa langit. Kahit ang aming kaibigan mismo ay nagtataka sa pambihirang kapayapaang nadama niya noong yumao ang kaniyang nanay. Kaisa isa siyang anak at napakalapit niya sa kaniyang nanay pero binigyan

siya ng Diyos ng pambihirang uri ng kapayapaan na hindi natitinag ng mga pangyayari sa ating buhay. Kaibigan, hindi kailangang maging isang sugal para sa atin ang buhay na kung minsan ay panalo pero madalas ay talo. Hindi kailangang maging tsamba-tsamba lang ang buhay na palagi tayong humihiling na sana ay manalo tayo pero kakaba-kaba naman tayo na hindi magkatotoo ang hiling natin. Hindi tayo kailangan na mabuhay lamang para sa ngayon katulad ng karamihan sa mga taong nagsusugal na akala mo ay wala ng bukas kung magtapon ng pera. Kapag tayo ay na kay Hesus, may patuntunguhan at direksyon ang ating buhay. Gagabayan niya tayo sa bawat hakbang at kahit na may problema, palaging nandiyan ang kaniyang tulong. May kabuluhan ang ating buhay dahil alam natin na sa bawat kabutihang ating ginagawa, may

nag-aabang na gantimpala para sa atin sa langit. Kaya’t bakit di natin ipamuhay ang ating buhay ng may malapit na ugnayan sa Diyos para lagi tayong panalo? Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. and 6:15p.m. English services). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017








NO. 271

MARSO 1 - 15, 2017

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Ginawa ni Rizal 5. Dating ginagawa 12. Ampunan 13. Tulong 14. Bayan sa Rizal 15. Bihasa 16. Piraso 20. Anyaya 24. Sumalalay 25. Pambungkal 26. Salungat 27. Pag-alis ng tubig 28. Sinapantaha 30. Isasangguni PABABA 1. Ganit 2. Istorbo 3. Ipusta 4. Ulilrang babae 6. Batay 7. Tinawag ang pansin 8. ____ sauce 9. Unlapi

10. Umaasenso 11. Diwata 16. Berso 17. Lola 18. Uri ng kahoy 19. Daanan ng barko 20. Lutuan 21. Tulad ng 12 pahalang 22. Tulad ng 11 pababa 23. Bendahe 29. Mang


MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Halo-halo ang mga karanasan na darating sa buhay mo sa buwan ng Marso. May masaya, malungkot at nakakainis. Nasa sa iyo na kung paano mo dadalhin ang mga ito. Buti na lang, malakas at malusog ka, at madali kang maka-recover anuman ang dumating sa iyo. OK ang ika-1, 9 at 10. Alalay sa ika-6, 7, 13 at 14.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Kahit matagal nang nakaplano ang biyahe mo sa unang kalahatian ng taon, posibleng magkaroon ng pangyayaring makakapigil sa biyahe. Huwag mong piliting makaalis dahil baka pagsisihan mo ito. Alalahanin mong ang pagsisisi ay laging nasa huli. OK ka sa ika-1, 9 at 10. Bantay sa ika2 at 3.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Napakaraming imbitasyon. Pupuntahan mo ba lahat? Sapat ba ang pera mo? Alam mong kasabay ng good time ay gastos. Isakripisyo mo muna ang mga party at paglabas-labas. Pag-ipunan mo ang darating na pangangailangan ng pamilya mo. Mas importante sila. OK ang ika-1, 9 at 10. Ingat sa ika-4, 5, 11 at 12.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) May mga araw na hindi mo tiyak kung ano ang mangyayari kahit na matagal mo nang napagplanuhan ang mga iyon. Alam mo ang mga posibleng kalalabasan kaya dapat ay handa na ang kalooban mo. Huwag kang magalala. Makalampas lang ang Marso, OK ka na. Ayos ang ika-2, 3, 11 at 12. Ingat ka sa ika-9 at 10.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Mukhang may linaw na ang inaasahan mong pera mula sa trabaho o sa pamilya mo. Alagaan mo kung paano mo ito ilalaan para sa mas mahahalagang gastusin at para sa mga oras na mahina ang kita mo. Napakadaling maubos ng pera lalo na sa panahong ito. Suwerte ang ika-2, 3, 11 at 12. Alalay sa ika-4 at 5.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Tao o man o makina, dumarating ang oras na masisira ang mga ito. May masisira sa mga gamit ninyo sa bahay at makakaapekto iyon sa budget ng pamilya. Huwag mong sisihin ang mga kasambahay, normal lang na masira ang mga lumang gamit. Good ang ika-2, 3, 11 at 12. Stressful ka sa ika-1, 6, 7, 13 at 14.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) May mga oras na nagiging “bossy” ka kahit wala kang instensyon na gawin iyon. Dahil dito, may mga kasama ka sa trabaho o sa organisasyon (na kasali ka) na umiiwas na sa iyo. Kung may napapansin kang parang kakaiba sa ugali nila, iyon ang dahilan. OK ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-11 at 12.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Hangga’t maaari ay umiiwas ka sa gulo o sa mga intrigang sangkot ang mga kaibigan mo. Tama iyon. Pero may darating na problema ang isang tao na malapit sa iyo at mapipilitan kang magpahayag ng iyong opinion. Pag-aralan mo muna bago ka magbitiw ng salita. OK ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. Ingat sa ika-1, 6 at 7.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Mag-ingat ka sa paglabas-labas. Iwasan mong magmadali, di bale nang ma-late ka kaysa maaksidente ka. Sa pakikipag-usap, lalo na sa mga bago mo pa lang nakikilala, iwasan mong magbigay ng personal na impormasyon. Hindi ka pa nakakasiguro sa kaniya. OK sa ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. Ingat sa ika-2, 3, 9 at 10.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Parang sa pagbabago ng klima, gayon din ang emosyon mo. May oras na malungkot ka pero may mga oras naman na ang saya saya mo. Pag-aralan mong kontrolin ang taas-baba ng emosyon dahil nahihirapang makisama sa iyo ang mga mahal mo sa buhay. Maayos ka sa ika-6 at 7. Stressful sa iyo ang ika-1, 3 at 14.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Pilitin mong isara ang bibig mo kahit na gustonggusto mo nang makialam. May mga bagay-bagay na hindi mo pa alam at malalagay ka lang sa hindi maayos na posisyon kung sasali ka ngayon. Pakinggan mo muna ang kabilang panig. Baka magulat ka. Lucky days mo ang ika-6 at 7. Bantay ka sa ika-2, 3, 9 at 10.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Bantayan mo kung saan mo ginagasta ang pera mo. Magaan nga ang dating ng pera sa iyo ngayon pero sa pagpasok ng Marso, baka maging mabagal ang dating ng pera sa iyo. Palagi mong ibukas ang mga mata at tenga mo. Hindi lahat ng kaibigan mo’y tapat sa iyo. OK ang ika-6 at 7. Ingat ka sa ika-4, 5, 11 at 12.

ang bagets, kaya sabi ng mga nakasaksi sa galing ni Onin ay manang-mana ang bata sa kaniyang pinagmanahan. Lahat naman ng tao ay may nakalaang regalo. Bigay iyon sa atin ng Diyos at ng kapalaran. Mayroong magaling umarte, kumanta, sumayaw, magpinta, magsulat, magmadyik, magnegosyo at kung anu-ano pang linya. Ang kayang gawin ng iba ay hindi natin kayang gawin, kung paanong ang kapasidad natin ay hindi rin kaya ng iba na plakaduhin, kani-kaniyang linya ang ibinigay sa atin. Lahat tayo ay may regalo. May nakalaang pagkakataon sa ating lahat para tayo’y maging produktibo. Lahat tayo’y puwedeng magtagumpay sa ating hanay.

Kung minsan lang talaga ay tamad tayong magbukas ng regalo. *** Kapag walang laro ang Barangay Ginebra ay nakatutok kami sa Ang Probinsiyano. Kapag commercial break ng seryeng pinagbibidahan ni Coco Martin na may katagalan ay lumilipat naman muna kami sa HGTV. Malaking problema sa amin kapag magkatapat ang laro ng paborito naming koponan sa PBA, saka ang serye ng Dos, dahil may mga napapalampas kaming eksena ng palabas. Patalastas ang solusyon. Kapag break ng PBA, kunwari’y may tumawag ng time-out, doon naman kami tumututok sa Ang Probinsiyano. Kahirap! Hindi namin nasimulan ang See CRISTY p21

CRISTY... From page 17 kasikatan? Ang totoo ay kakaiba ang galing ni Niño Muhlach. Mismong ang scriptwriterdirector niyang si Baby Navoa ang nagkukuwento na ibang klase ang talentong mayroon si Onin. Hindi pa siya halos nakapagbabasa noon, mahahaba ang mga dayalog niya, ipaliliwanag lang sa kaniya ng continuity director kung ano ang buod ng eksena. Babasahin lang nito kay Onin ang kaniyang mga dapat sabihin at iyon na! Sobra pa sa hinihingi sa kaniya ang ibinibigay ni Onin. Uma-adlib pa siya. Iyon din ang talentong nakikita ng marami ngayon kay Alonzo, magaling umadlib


MARCH 1 - 15, 2017


May 30-hours na legislature sit-in sa Manitoba Legislature si LP MLA Cindy Lamoureaux. Inuusisa ang ayon sa kaniya ay waring hindi patas na pakikitungo ng gobyernong Pallister sa mga prospective immigrants. Partikular na tinukoy ang waring discriminatory treatment sa Filipino-Canadian Community ng Manitoba. Opo naman, kailangang pantay. *** Maraming nakakapasok na refugee sa Canada through the Manitoba border. Ang mga opisyal doon ay nananawagan ng tulong sanhi sa pagdagsa ng mga refugee na nagsitawid mula sa US. *** Sanhi ng kampanya against undocumented workers sa US ng Trump administration, marami ang malamang mapabalik sa kanikanilang mga bansa. Kabilang ang mga Filipinong TNT na mawawalan ng hanapbuhay. Pilipinas Nakakabahala ang kalagayan ng Pilipinas na maaaring masangkot na naman sa giyera sakaling magkasukatan ng lakas ang China at America. Kailan lang, ang kanilang war planes ay halos magkabanggaan sa kaitaasan ng West Philippine Sea. Ang problema ay dapat nang talakayin ng mga bansang kasapi sa ASEAN. Hanapin ang kaukulang solusyon na nagbabanta sa kaguluhang maaaring maganap sa nabanggit na teritoryo. *** Tinuturing ko po na tanging karangalan at pambihira na ako ang kaunaunahang radio broadcaster na nahilingang magradyo noon, tatlong araw mula nang ideklara ang matrial law o batas-militar. Samantalang si dating Information Secretary Kit Tatad ay nagbabasa ng Presidential Decree,

ang aking programa sa DZFM ay narinig noong Setyembre 1972 ng ating mga kababayan, halos sa buong Luzon. Si dating Congressman Jose Aspiras umano ang may ideya. Ako’y pinasundo sa bahay para mag-radyo dahil ang aking programa daw ay pangkabuhayan. Hindi raw dapat puro Presidential Decree ang naririnig noon sa radio. *** Sa kabila naman ng sinasabing bloody drug war, patuloy pa rin ang suporta ng mayoryang bilang ng mga Filipino sa kampanya ng DU30 Administration against illegal drug trade. Marami na rin ang mga Filipinong hindi nasisiyahan sa uri ng pinaiiral demokrasya sa bansa. Mismong ang mga opisyal ng gobyerno at mga nasa pribadong sektor ay lumalabag sa Batayang-batas ng bansa. Halimbawa ang separation of powers by the State and the Church. Si former president at ngayo’y Mayor Estrada ng Maynila ay maliwanag na naging biktima. Simula pa sa pagkampanya for president, siniraan na si Erap ng ilang Pari at Bishop na noon ay pinagunahan ni Cardinal Sin. Naglunsad ng mga kilos protesta. Napatalsik si Erap bilang pangulo pagkaraan ng mga tatlong taon sa poder. Pinapayagang makaalis sa Pilipinas, pero pinili ni Erap ang bilangguan. Makabayan at makamahirap. Ang VP noon, si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ang nanungkulang pangulo na tumagal nang halos siyam na taon. Nakonsiyensia si Gloria at pinalaya si Estrada. Now, possible that “history may repeat itself.” Si Rody ang puntirya ng kaniyang mga kalaban. Kunwari ay tinutulungan subalit sinisira ang kaniyang liderato. Ano ang motibo? Hindi kaya para


Salamat po Ang buhay ng tao sa balat ng lupa, Mahirap matanto, puno ng hiwaga; Maraming hikahos at pinagpapala, Na ang nasusunod utos ng tadhana! *** Walumpu at apat, ang taong nagdaan, ng buhay kong iwi, bagaman pahiram; Kung aking wariin, parang kailan lang, Koloob ng Diyos, mulang kamusmusan! *** Ang buhay ko ngayon, tunay na larawan, Labi ng panahong madaling lumisan; Ala-alang laging, kusang naiiwan, ng araw at gabing naghahalinlinan! *** Kalinga’t patnubay sa akin ng Diyos, Ang pasalamat ko sa Kaniya’y taos! Paquito Rey Pacheco

mapatalsik sa katungkulan ang pangulo? Ang papalit ay alam n’yo na kung sino. *** Tagumpay umano ang kilos protesta na ginanap noong ika-18 ng Pebrero. Pinangunahan ng mga opisyal ng Simbahang Katoliko at malayang NGOs laban sa illegal drug trade ng gobyernong DU30. Partikular na pamutak ang EJK isyu ng tinaguriang “Walk of Life.” Ang mga alagad ng -Simbahang Katoliko ng Pilipinas umano ay hati rin naman sa isyu. Fifty percent ay hindi lang daw kumikibo. Noong ika-23 ng Pebrero, nabalita na ang Santo Papa Francis ay nagsabing “Better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic.” Ang muling pilantik ay tiyak na patama na naman sa mga Pari at Obispo na sila mismo, na ang kanilang tinuturo ay hindi nila ginagawa. Katas Tungkol sa mga planong pangkabuhayan ng gobyernong DU30, nabanggit na itutuloy ang nagtagumpay na Masagana 99 at Biyayang Dagat programs during Marcos era. Sanhi sa masaganang ani, nagkaroon ng kasapatan sa bigas ang bansa at nakapag-export pa. • Madaling sabihin at mangako subalit ang plano ay malinaw at malabo. Malinaw kung may sapat na pondo ang gobyerno. • Ang former at unang Executive Secretary, Rafael Salas ang utak sa tagumpay ng rice self-sufficiency program noong panahon ng Marcos-Lopez administration. • The Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines na aking pinamunuan noon ang nanguna sa information campaign for Masagana 99 rice production program. • Ang mga broadcasters ng RBCP ay pinag-aral namin noon sa Philippine International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos. • Sa buong Pilipinas, from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., Mondays to Fridays, ‘yon lang ang maririnig. • Sila ang nagtuturo through radio broadcast sa mga magsasaka kung paano nila mapapaunlad ang

CRISTY... From page 20 serye, mga huling buwan na lang noong nakaraang taon namin iyon nasilip, pero sa minsanang panonood ay naadik na kami sa Ang Probinsiyano. Hindi kasi madaya ang serye, bukod sa maayos na ang daloy ng maaksiyong istorya ay ang dami-dami pang mga datihan at napapanahong artistang nandoon, hindi babad ang mga eksena. Magaling si Coco Martin. Iyon ang buhay na patunay na kapag mahal ng artista ang kaniyang trabaho ay mas mamahalin siya pabalik ng kaniyang propesyon. May kamay si Coco sa pagbubuo ng kuwento ng serye. Hindi lang siya basta artista ng palabas bilang si Cardo Dalisay, napupulsuhan niya kung anu-anong mga eksena pa ang


On August 29, 1967, Philippines President Ferdinand E. Marcos presented the Presidential Plaque of Merit to broadcaster Paquito Rey Pacheco – “For his efforts in boosting the administration’s rice and corn self-sufficiency program.”

kanilang harvest. • Tungkol sa Biyayang Dagat, hindi gaanong komplikado. Pautang na pambili ng mga bangka at ibang gamit ng mangingisda ang susi ng tagumpay. Sa totoo lang, napabayaan ng sumunod na mga administrasyon ang dalawang nabanggit na mahalagang pangkabuhayang


kailangang idagdag para kumapal ang istorya. Gustung-gusto ng mga kababayan natin ang kanilang tambalan ni Yassi Pressman, ang aktres na pinagpala dahil maganda na ay mahusay pang umarte, tumatawid ang pangscreen lang nilang pagmamahalan sa manonood. Mabilis makakuha ng mga ideya ang mga sumusulat ng script ng Ang Probinsiyano. Kakontemporaryo kasi nila ang panahon. Salamin ng tunay na nagaganap sa ating lipunan ngayon ang mga ipinakikitang eksena sa serye. Makatotohanan. Si Cardo Dalisay ang sumisimbolo sa kasabihan na marami mang bulok na alagad ng batas ay huwag namang lalahatin dahil may natitira pa ring tuwid at tapat sa kanilang tungkulin. ***

Masakit na ay nakakalungkot pa para kay Maja Salvador ang mga komentong naglalabasan ngayon sa social media. Jinx ang tawag sa kaniya ng mga netizens dahil flop sa takilya ang pelikula nila ni Paulo Avelino. Binabanggit din ng mga nagkokomento ang iba pang mga pelikulang pinagbidahan ng young actress na hindi rin kagandahan ang kinita; first daylast day pa nga raw ang iba, kaya itinuturing siyang jinx ngayon. Sayang na sayang si Maja Salvador dahil magaling naman siyang umarte, maganda ang young actress. Kabog na kabog din niya sa pagsayaw ang kaniyang mga kakontemporaryo. Hinid pa lang siguro dumarating ang tamang proyekto para sa kaniya. Kailangan pa siguro niyang maghintay, para See CRISTY p22

Kasabihan Hindi lang maliit na bagay, tao man, kung kailangan ay madaling matagpuan. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.




MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

Canadian immigration consulting: Insights from Ron McKay By Alexandra Nikotina A Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) with over 30 years of experience in the immigration industry, Ron McKay speaks with enthusiasm about the growth of immigration consulting in Canada. “I started during the times when immigration professionals did not have good support or a good reputation,” he shares. “But the times have changed. Now immigration consultants have a regulatory body, national associations and extensive educational programs. The industry standards have been rising, continuously and systematically.” McKay started his career in immigration consulting as an Immigration Officer at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, where he worked from 1987 to 1996. Throughout his career McKay held multiple positions

in the Immigration Consulting industry at the provincial and national levels, including working for Clark Wilson LLP. Some of his achievements include serving as a National Chair of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) in 2016 and being the first elected National President of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). McKay’s most recent appointment was as the Director, Immigration Practitioner Programs at Ashton College, and he is looking forward to the continuous changes in the immigration industry. “Immigration consulting is still a new profession,” says Ron. “But it continuously introduces new changes and improvements to ensure that every immigration practitioner is held to high standards.” According to McKay,

immigration professionals have become essential guides for

Filipino Members Chapter Engineers Geoscientist Manitoba 2017 Annual General Meeting & Technical Seminar Canton Food Gallery 1111 Logan Ave. Saturday, March 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Doors open at 12:00 noon. An buffet lunch will be provided before the meeting. Part 1 – Annual General Meeting 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. • President’s Report • Financial Report Break 2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Afternoon refreshments will be provided Part 2 – Technical Presentation 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • What’s New in the National Energy Code for Buildings 2015 by Norman Aceron Garcia, P. Eng. Building & Fire Safety Engineer Manitoba, Office of the Fire Commissioner Province of Manitoba Part 3 – Volunteer Appreciation Seats are limited. RSVP by March 5, 2017 to guarantee your spot. To RSVP, register on-line at www.fmc-egm.ca

many new Canadian immigrants, especially after the introduction and implementation of the Express Entry system in 2015. “The Canadian government is committed to bringing more immigrants into the country,” shares McKay. “Canada wants to make sure that the immigrants are both prepared for their new life in Canada and have a potential to contribute to the Canadian economy. This is why immigration authorities thoroughly and carefully review each application.” The role of an immigration practitioner in this case is to guide the client through the immigration law. “Our goal as immigration consultants is to help the client

CRISTY... From page 21 mapatunayan niya na isa nga siyang Salvador. May pinagbibidahan siyang serye ngayon sa ABS-CBN, hindi naman siguro siya bibigyan ng ganoon kagandang project kung hindi siya tinatangkilik, di ba naman? Ano nga kaya ang bitbit ng dalagang ito at inaalat ang kaniyang mga proyekto sa takilya? May mabigat ba siyang

move in the same direction as what the immigration officials are looking for,” adds McKay. “If we can do that, the immigration process will be very smooth.” The most recent changes in the immigration industry include increasing the length of the Immigration Consultant programs from four months to seven months and increasing the language requirements for immigration practitioners. Among the future changes, McKay mentions conversations about self-regulation under the federal statute for the immigration profession and introduction of specializations for the practitioners. Both of the discussions will happen later this year.

bagahe para matawag siyang jinx? Puhunan na niya ang pagiging Salvador, may talento pa siya, ano pa ba ang kailangan para makalusot ang mga proyekto ni Maja sa takilya? Sabi ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Maja is pretty, hamak ganda niya naman sa iba niyang kasamahan d’yan. Pero may kulang sa kaniya, something is really lacking, parang flat ang appeal niya.” – CSF

MARCH 1 - 15, 2017





MARCH 1 - 15, 2017

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