Pilipino Express • May 16 2015

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Volume 11 • No. 10 • May 16 - 31, 2015 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Nadine Lustre


Prime Minister Stephen Harper welcomes Benigno Aquino III, President of the Philippines, to Canada. The three-day state visit, from May 7 to May 9, 2015, was President Aquino’s first to Canada and the first by a Filipino president since 1997. The two leaders welcomed a number of key initiatives that will deepen the strong Canada-Philippines bilateral relationship. Photo from PMO’s gallery. Read story on p10

Aquino visit draws low turnout, protests

14 Rachelle Ann Go is Fantine in Les Miserables in London

Aquino in Canada

23 Mikaela Mendez

Miss Teenage Winnipeg 2015

President Benigno Aquino III ended his first Canadian visit in Vancouver on May 9, 2015. He was met at every stop by admirers and protestors alike, such as the advocacy group Migrante B.C. Photo by Jane Ordinario of Migrante B.C. Read the story on p6



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MAY 16 - 31, 2015

MAY 16 - 31, 2015





MAY 16 - 31, 2015

Voice vs boxing As I write this it’s been more than a week since the so-called “Fight of the Century” (which apparently turned out to be a dud), but I still see and hear people talk about the Manny PacquiaoFloyd Mayweather fight in both traditional and social media. Much of the talk revolves around how Mayweather danced and hugged his way to victory, and how Manny was the “real champion” of the fight because he was the more aggressive one. As a Filipino, I guess there is a sense in which I agree, but I have long ago made a stand against boxing and cannot in conscience support it. Pacquiao may be the pride of the country, but he’s doing it in an arena that really should be done away with. I made this point the other day to a small gathering of journalists who were talking with the head of an anti-human trafficking group based here in Davao City, an American woman who had actually met Pacquiao. She said one of the definitions of human trafficking was the violation of a person’s right of movement through coercion and commercial exploitation, and I said boxing as an industry kind of fits that definition. What I know about boxing, I said, is that it preys on boys who show promise in the

ring. These boys and men are made to train hard, and most of them are discouraged and even prevented from going to school. Very few actually succeed, and those who do quickly become milking cows for their managers who receive the bigger slice of their earnings. The boxers, not knowing any better, spend their money like there’s no tomorrow. When their careers end, they end up poor and often injured for life. If you don’t believe me, at least believe the Philippine Senate, which in February 2013 passed a bill granting retirement, health, and death benefits to professional athletes who have won world championship titles but who have since been forgotten. The author, Senator Aquilino Pimentel III, actually cited boxing champions Rolando Navarette and Luisito Espinosa as examples. He said Navarette today “lives in abject poverty, depending on the goodwill of his countrymen for his subsistence while Espinosa works in a casino in California due to managerial missteps and promotional disputes.” Sadly, Navarette and Espinosa are just two of the multitude of boxers who have shared the same fate. OK, so it may be a stretch

to call boxing a form of human trafficking, but it is a brutal and exploitative activity that in my opinion should not even be called a sport. I marvel at how otherwise peace-loving men and women express disappointment that the MayPac fight was not as fierce as they had expected. People actually feel bad that neither Pacquiao nor Mayweather were knocked out! If that isn’t brutal, I don’t know what is. And I’m not alone in this. All over the world there are calls for the banning of boxing, but they are hardly heard because millions of people still feel excited when two grown men are thrown into a ring and told to hit each other until one of them drops to the canvas. An article in livestrong.com (never mind its links to disgraced biking champ Lance Armstrong) says the British, American, Canadian and Australian Medical Associations “have all called for an end to boxing, citing the high risk of brain damage and other injuries. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that boxing is an unsuitable sport for young athletes.” It also cited a 2000 article in the Western Journal of Medicine that said: “Human anatomy is at odds with the preferred tactic in boxing, which is to strike the opponent’s head… Blows to the head can cause serious injuries, including catastrophic brain damage, which manifests as the result of a single impact, and gradual brain damage,

which builds up over time. Brain damage resulting from boxing can cause slurred speech, impaired reflexes, blackouts and even, in rare cases, death.” And speaking of death, Wikipedia lists 49 boxers who have died due to injuries suffered in the ring. The most recent was Australian Braydon Smith, who died after losing a 10-round fight with – gasp – Filipino fighter John Vincent Moralde just last March. Smith was reported to have been still “alert and talkative” after the bout but later collapsed and was rushed to the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane where he was put into an induced coma. He died a few days later. Should we wait for more boxers – or victims, as I like to call them – to die, or be severely injured for life, or be exploited until they become dirt poor, before we act against boxing? I often feel like a voice in the wilderness seeing as how almost the entire nation loves Pacquiao and boxing, but let’s remember that the Pacman himself almost lost his fortunes to gambling (and other activities) back in the day (before he became a devout Christian). He would have gone the way of Navarette and Espinosa – and countless other boxers – if he hadn’t been careful. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Inquiry-based learning

Walk into my classroom certain weeks anytime from 2:20 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. and you may be overwhelmed. My classroom is a disaster. The floors have drops of paint. Depending where you step, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with bits of clay under your shoes. Depending what you lean against, there’s a chance you’ll have some tempra paint left on your clothing. You can barely hear your own thoughts as they’re drowned out by the conversations of sixth graders. We just finished creating inquiry-based projects on the world wars, global conflicts and resolutions, and Canada’s position in these events. It began with lessons about the wars and Canada’s role. We heard soldiers’ first-hand accounts of their war experiences. We watched news stories and visited interactive sites. At the end of teacher-led lessons, we opened up the floor to questions, a process that took about 20 minutes to go through. We started seeing trends, as a class, grouping questions together about what we still wondered about, regarding the same topic. Soon, groups of students

worked towards topics of their choice. Some students looked at the history behind Remembrance Day; we had students researching life at army bases in WWI and WWII. Students were interested in WWII aircrafts, as well as identifying Aboriginal and/ or Canadian veterans who participated in the war. In these classes, I rarely have behaviour management issues. Students are engaged. They are answering questions they genuinely have and are teaching their peers about what they’re learning. So how are we able to hit curriculum goals if all the kids are learning different things? We meet with groups regularly, asking specific questions to hear their ideas. We bring them in if they’re getting too off-topic or away from curriculum goals. If a group is missing a big idea, we frame our questions to bring them back to curriculum and the essential understandings for their grade level. Education has developed in almost unrecognizable ways. We use less of the “sage on the stage” model as the primary form of instruction. Students are taking

A student-focused approach to education ownership of their learning. They engage with subject matter and explore these ideas in a way that will make the most sense for them. This is how we make significant growth in classrooms. Learning needs to make sense for learners, and learners definitely do not learn in only one way. We are not telling kids the answers; we are meeting their questions with challenges. If a student asks me a question about content in their research, I ask, “well, how can we find out?” I am in no way faulting teaching styles of the past. In context of research at that time, this was the best method to teach. Did all teachers teach in teacher-centred models instead of giving opportunities for studentcentred learning? Absolutely not. Generally speaking, however, that was the more conventional way of teaching at that time, and a common educational experience for many generations. For educators in the present, or those doing their practicum, do not be afraid to challenge students to think! The inquiry-based model

is definitely not the only way to engage students with content, but it opens the doors for many opportunities to do so. Parent tip: challenge accepted I cannot stress how important it is to challenge children instead of feeding them answers. Obviously, there will be busy days and questions that need direct answers, but for the most part, many tasks and questions can be followed up by asking more of our children. If we truly, genuinely, want a generation of out-of-thebox thinkers, who face challenges with authentic problem solving and critical thinking, we need to push them out of their comfort zone. We don’t wait until they’re young adults in university. We don’t wait to challenge them when they’re in high school. We begin challenging them to improve, think, and learn at the primary level. Guide your child to the truth, lead by example, and watch their growth! Judianne Jayme is an educator teaching sixth grade in the Winnipeg School Division.

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MAY 16 - 31, 2015


“Mom, I want to go out with Jimmy” Dear Ate Anna, I have a daughter who is 15 years old. She is a very good student. She told me that a boy in her school band likes her and she likes him too. She asked me if it’s okay for her to “go out” with him. I think that she is too young for the boyfriend/girlfriend thing. I want her to focus on her studies. But I worry that if I don’t allow her to go out with this boy, she will do it behind my back. Ate Anna, what do you think? Mrs. Cruz Dear Mrs. Cruz, Many immigrant parents, like you, have concerns about dating. They are worried that if their teenagers start dating, they will neglect their homework, spend long hours talking on the phone or texting, or waste time daydreaming about this new person in their life. It is important to remember that children here are growing up in a different environment than you did. Dating is common in Canada and is considered a normal stage of adolescence. Dating is about two people who like each other spending time together. This is how they get to know each other. Some teenagers are interested in dating earlier while others may not feel ready to date until they become young adults or older. Mrs. Cruz, you have a dilemma. Your daughter is asking your approval for something you are not comfortable with. Think of her asking as a sign of respect for you as her mother. Some teenagers tell us that, “parents should know what their teenagers are doing so they don’t have to lie to their parents.” So, how can you deal with this situation? It’s time for you to talk with your daughter. Share your concerns about dating and your values or beliefs about relationships. You can start the conversation by asking your daughter to tell you what she likes most about the boy and what makes him special. Encourage her to share her feelings with you and try not to make judgments about them. As parents it is part of our job to set limits and rules about our children’s behaviour, and dating is no exception. For many parents, the underlying concern about dating is that it may lead to a sexual relationship. If this is so, you need to clearly give the message that dating and sex are two different things and that sexual intercourse does not have to be part of a dating relationship.

You also need to explain why you think this. Tell her which behaviours are acceptable and which are not. Help her think about the consequences of different decisions she may make. Stay involved; know who your daughter is going out with and where they are going. Also, encourage her to invite her boyfriend to join in family activities such as birthday celebrations or family outings. That way you can see whether or not she is treated with trust and respect, and if the relationship is a healthy one. It would not be a good idea for your daughter to give up everything and focus only on her boyfriend. Let your daughter know that she needs to continue to do well in her studies because education is important to you. Be sure she continues to stay involved with other activities and to see her other friends. You cannot know how serious this relationship will be or how long it will last. It migh just be a “crush.” It might be your daughter’s first love, or this relationship might last for a long time. By openly communicating your expectations and family values to your daughter, you give her the opportunity to know what you think about dating relationships and to learn about responsibility. But don’t just have the one “big talk.” Ate Anna thinks it is important to keep the lines of communication with your daughter open on an ongoing basis. There may be some ups and downs as your daughter experiences this new stage of life. Willingness to have ongoing communication can give her the message that you will be there for her when she needs to talk. Take care, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to Ate Anna, Suite 200 – 226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@serc.mb.ca.




MAY 16 - 31, 2015

MPNP back, but with “process improvements” April 30th has passed and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is reopened to new applications. You no longer have to guess about changes or worry about the program disappearing. The MPNP is very much back in full operation according to the web site but with “process improvements.” All interested readers should check it out. The MPNP indicates that it has “two pathways to Manitoba,” identifies applicants not eligible to apply, defines eligible dependents, job-ready language skills, rules regarding immigration representatives, and especially information about the Expression of Interest (EOI) selection of skilled workers. You can make your own decision whether or not the process changes are improvements but you must be become aware of the requirements if you want to apply. Some of the highlights of the process changes follow. Eligibility The “two pathways” are wholly new for persons familiar with the MPNP and still are intended for “skilled worker(s) who can make an immediate economic contribution to the Province of Manitoba.” The first is for continuing Skilled Workers in Manitoba who are selected from qualified temporary foreign workers and international student graduates who are working in Manitoba and have been offered permanent employment. The second pathway is for the reopened Skilled Workers Overseas applicants who still require strong connections to the province of Manitoba through friends and family, past education or work inside Manitoba, and an invitation to apply from the MPNP. Applicants under this

stream will be assessed points for five eligibility factors: age, English or French language proficiency, work experience, education and adaptability. The “improvements” are not in the two streams, per se, but the application process (see EOI below). Not eligible The list of not eligible applicants is largely unchanged but clearly stated: “Refugee claimants or individuals involved in a federal appeal or removal process; Live-in Caregivers currently living in Canada; Temporary Foreign Workers currently working or residing in a province other than Manitoba; Spouses of Canadian Citizens or permanent residents; Individuals who have been refused by the MPNP within the last six months and who are not able to address the reason(s) for refusal; Individuals who have an active immigration application with any other provincial immigration program in Canada.” In addition potential applicants are also warned “while all occupations are eligible for assessment, the MPNP reserves the right to refuse applicants in certain occupations based on a clear and well-documented issues of over-supply and lack of labour market opportunities.” Eligible dependents The MPNP welcomes applicants with dependent family members but those who fit the prevailing federal description. In other words, eligible dependents include only children under 19 years of age without a spouse or partner or those over 19 years of age who are dependent largely on the parent’s financial support since before the age of 19 because of a physical or mental condition. The program warns that a fiancée

is not eligible, nor are extended family members such as parents or siblings. Language For those who thought that language testing might be dropped the answer is no, but at least it was not increased. All applicants from abroad must provide evidence of their language proficiency through approved tests such as the IELTS General and the CELPIP General (inside Canada only) and the TEF for French speaking applicants. Applicants inside Manitoba in lower skilled C & D occupations must continue to complete language testing and meet a minimum standard of 4. Expression of Interest (EOI) This terminology is not new for readers of the column. I have written several times on the federal Expression of Interest and EOI related to the MPNPBusiness. The use of the concept in skilled worker selection by the MPNP is new. The first step in applying to the MPNP is to submit an online EOI profile: “an indication of your interest in being considered to apply to the MPNP for Skilled Workers.” This is not an application to MPNP but is the new first step in the process. The graded profile is placed in a pool from which it might be selected. The MPNP “reserves the right to limit the intake of or exclude from draws Expressions of Interest in specific occuaptions with a high volume of existing submissions and/or application inventories, evidence of a limited employment outlook and other significant barriers to employment in Manitoba.” The profile stays for one year and if not selected is removed. EOI ranking system Once the applicant completes the online EOI he or she will automatically receive a ranking score. Applicants are assessed

on the basis of language ability, education, work experience, and adaptability factors. The stated goal of the selection model is “to ensure strong economic outcomes and long-term retention in Manitoba for those selected.” If the process and the scoring sound familiar, it is. It follows closely the current federal Express Entry profile, ranking etc. There are some minor changes like negative points for “risk assessment” such as having connections with other provinces, but otherwise is already in place at the federal level. Invitation to apply Once you have gone this far in the process you will/or will not be issued a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) and have 60 days in which to comply. The application you submit should be consistent with the information you provided on your EOI profile. The requirements are much the same as the former Overseas Application Stream with personal identification, educational and work experience documents, proof of English language proficiency, work experience, connections to Manitoba and proof of settlements funds. The Settlement Plan, Part 1 and Part 2 are also required. This is very much the same as what existed before the MPNP was frozen to new applicants back on July 31, 2014. Procedural fairness The reopened program has one major improvement in terms of program accountability. Prior to this, refused applicants were given a chance to submit a request for an administrative review. However, the MPNP has now adopted the federal immigration practice of forewarning applicants about potential areas for refusal and giving them a fair chance to respond. This is what

federal immigration and now the MPNP call “procedural fairness.” In addition, the MPNP warns that they will only allow a Request for Review (RFR) on applications received prior to April 30, 2015. In other words, new applicants will be forewarned and given a chance to respond and clear things up, but looks like no more appeals after that time. The changes in the MPNP did not come as a great surprise because it was strongly expected that Manitoba would follow the federal changes. The Expression of Interest, now used by both MPNP-B and MPNP for Skilled Workers applicants is strongly connected to the federal Express Entry selection model. There are, however ,some notable differences. For example; the MPNP still offers a place for low skilled applicants in C & D occupations. The federal and the MPNP “improved process” both start with online applicant profiles, which are rated by points, not submission dates, and end either with being dropped from the inventory within a time frame (one year) or leading to the issuance of an invitation to apply. And all of this happens before you actually apply. Federal immigration appears to have set the standard for us all, including the MPNP. For now, my best advice is to get used to submitting the online profile because this is starting to appear to become the only choice for skilled immigrant applicants. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@ gmail.com.

Aquino visit draws low turnout, protests By Ted Alcuitas VANCOUVER – After a whirlwind of quick stops that took him first to Chicago and then to Ottawa and Toronto, President Benigno Aquino III ended his first North American visit in Vancouver on Saturday, May 9, 2015. But the small audiences that came to see him on the west coast marred whatever political mileage his host, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, was clearly aiming for. Even more disconcerting were the dogged persistence of a small, but militant, advocacy group, Migrante Canada, which describes itself as “an active defender of the rights and welfare of overseas Filipino migrants” and in some ways was able to distract attention from Aquino during the Toronto

and Vancouver visits. According to a Migrante B.C. pamphlet, the organization deplored the President’s visit as a, “ploy to create a fictitious image of the Harper government’s harmonious relationship with our community in Canada, which at this very moment is reeling from the recent changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers’ Program and the overhaul of the former Live-in Caregiver Program.” Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced the changes to the program last year affecting temporary workers and caregivers under the “four in and four out” rule. A worker must work in Canada for fours years and return to the country of origin for fours years before applying again. Those affected by the rule were

deported starting April 1 this year. Vancouver protesters were actually duped by the visit organizers, as they were under the false impression the event would be held at the Pan Pacific Hotel – just a block away from the Vancouver Convention Centre. When the protesters arrived at the hotel they had to regroup in front of the Vancouver Convention Centre. Police told them to move their demonstration to a nearby street but they refused, moving just a few metres from the front of the convention centre. By this time almost all of the people attending were already inside the building and did not notice the demonstration. Most of the people who stopped to listen to the speeches of the protesters were tourists who

were walking around the Coal Harbour seawall, as two cruise ships were at the dock. Except for the CBC, all of the mainstream media and local Filipino media were inside covering the reception. It is doubtful if Aquino himself knew about the protest, although a couple of TV camera men with the presidential entourage quickly passed the demonstrators and hurried back inside the centre. Not the media frenzy of Modi To be fair to Aquino, his ‘kababayans’ (countrymen) across Canada were more than eager to meet him – the legacy of his mother and father’s assassination still lingering in their minds. The Philippine Inquirer put the crowd at Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall at 2,000, while Luisa Marshall of Vancouver’s

Simply the Best television show estimated that “about 300 to 400 people” were in the Vancouver Convention Centre. Attendance was far lower than the 10,000 earlier media reports said the Toronto Consulate was initially aiming for. The crowds did not have the same intensity or the media frenzy that greeted India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi a few weeks before the Philippine leader’s arrival. It was the Philippine Embassy officials’ failure to prepare adequately for a state visit that followed such a “celebrity visitor” such as Modi. Nonetheless for those who did show up, Aquino tried his best to entertain. Underestimating Winnipeg If there were kababayans See AQUINO p7

MAY 16 - 31, 2015


TA X S AV I N G S F O R YO U A N D YO U R FA M I LY. The Government of Canada has new ways to help you and your family save on taxes. There are measures available to help like: •

The Family Tax Cut: Couples with children under age 18 can now split their income between the higher-income spouse and the lower-income spouse for tax purposes.

Tax-Free Savings Account: Starting in 2015, you can earn more tax-free investment income than ever before. Keep more of your savings or spend it on the things that matter. L E A R N M O R E AT A C T I O N P L A N .G C .C A Subject to parliamentary approval.


340 King Street East, 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1K8 Councillor Mike Pagtakhan. the New Democratic Party first tel : 416-260-7000 · fax : 416-260-7100 Several Filipinos are also elected being elected in 2009. CLIENT ACCOUNT DATE Government of Canada Finance Department Patrick Hodgson MAY 04, 2015 From page 6 school board trustees. Ted Alcuitas is former senior PROJECT ART DIRECTOR DOCKET Finance Print Ads Travis Cowdy FD-3105 disappointed about this historic British Columbia is the editor of the Philippine Asian TITLE COPYWRITER ROUND Finance Ads 1 visit, it was the Filipinos in only other province to elect a News Today and currently FILE NAME STUDIO DIRECTOR OPTION FD-3105_BW_EAP_EN_5.indd Leigh Reynolds A Winnipeg whox 7.6” felt betrayed by Filipino member of thePRODUCER TRIM SIZE COPY DECKeditor 5.96” Claire Esseltine ROUND 1 of legislative publisher and LIVE AREA COLOURS x 7.6”skipped in the CMYK their city5.96” being assembly with Mable DESIGNER ElmoreRussell of Grant philippinecanadiannews.com. BLEED PROOFREADER PMS Keyline Mike Overton N/A itinerary. PUBLICATION(S) AD NUMBER(S) INSERT DATE Pilipino Express News Magazine FD-3105_BW_EAP_EN_5 May 01, 2015 Harper’s strategists underestimated the political strength of the Winnipeg community, which continues to put Filipinos on the political map. Winnipeg elected the first Filipino Member of Parliament – Dr. Rey Pagtakhan – who was elected in 1988. Dr. Conrad Santos, the first Filipino member of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly, was elected in 1981 and served non-consecutive terms up until 2007. There are now two Filipino members of the legislative assembly – Flor Marcelino and Ted Marcelino – as well as City




MAY 16 - 31, 2015

Reasons why your feng shui is not working Feng shui is often thought of as a decorating concept, thanks in large part to it so often being referred to as the Chinese “art of placement.” To many people this is much like the Japanese flower arranging, called ikebana. This art is about the arrangement of the flowers, their balance, colour, and texture. Many people think this is true of feng shui, only with furnishings. But, there’s so much more to it than mere arrangement. Feng shui involves direction, colour, number, elements, and time and space. So, to say it is simply a matter of placing a frog or a turtle figurine here or there and then waiting for a problem to disappear oversimplifies feng shui to the point of rendering it useless. It’s important that feng shui is looked at as a whole – including addressing annual afflictions, afflictions in the space, such as toilets, colours, elements, etc., and yes, personal feng shui, too. If your feng shui is not working the way you had hoped, the reasons could be simple. Whatever the case, use the pointers below to help you diagnose why your feng shui isn’t working the way it should. Reason number 1: Your feng

shui is out of balance Unfortunately, energy is a very sensitive thing. Feng shui that is practiced for one and only one objective (i.e., for money) will usually fail. Feng shui is about harmony and balance. If everything is tipped toward making money, then the feng shui will work as well as a table that has one leg a foot longer than the rest – it will still be a table, but not a very good one, and it will be out of balance. When you use feng shui only for wealth, you should also use feng shui to help your entire life because good feng shui is cumulative. Address all areas of your life and then add extra emphasis to the wealth area. This way, all the other areas will also support the wealth aspect, or health, or romance, etc. There is nothing wrong with homing in on a particular aspect. It is just when only one aspect is addressed, then the balance and harmony isn’t there, and chances are, neither is the result you were looking for. Reason number 2: You are desperate When you are desperate, feng shui is elusive. Feng shui, like meditation, is best practiced with “expectant detachment.”

Many people are amazed that I am so surprised when they tell me about their great results – as if I had little faith in the feng shui enhancements I suggested to them. That is because I try to be detached for my clients as well. Of course, there are some things that I see about a house or business that are more intuitive and will speak with certainty about those. But, in general, I try to stay detached myself. If you are finding that you are desperately seeking a special frog or other type of feng shui enhancement because you don’t have enough money to pay the rent, then this is the type of desperation that makes good feng shui something like a slippery fish — hard to find and even harder to hold onto. If you are anxious for something to happen with feng shui, try to make your peace with it and let go of any anxiety or expectation you have about it. Actually, you should let go of the emotion that is attached to the expectation. That is the critical element – and something that is the hardest to do. Yet, if you can, you will find that feng shui will not only improve, it will seek you out. Reason number 3: Your place is a mess No, just cluttered; I mean dirty. Truth be told, there are plenty of cluttered homes with great feng shui and non-cluttered homes that have awful feng shui. But, feng shui isn’t just about clutter. It is also a matter of cleanliness. OK, so your closet doesn’t look like something from an organizing company ad in a magazine, but that is not the end of your feng shui world. However, dirt is. I’m sorry, but the truth is, many houses are just plain filthy. Good feng shui can live in some amount of clutter. But if you have dust bunnies the size of Dallas, that is bad feng shui mojo. Clean is important. Clean is good. Clean brings good feng shui. Grime is extremely negative, whether it is dust, pet hair everywhere (this is an epidemic), or bath tub mould. Yuk. Do you know many happy, successful people who live in a filthy home? I’ll venture not many. Get out the rubber gloves and the cleaning spray and go to it. You’ll instantly improve your feng shui. Reason number 4: Your

Leaving dirty dishes around creates yin energy

landscape feng shui is bad If the outside feng shui is bad, it doesn’t matter how good the feng shui is inside. Place all the windchimes, frogs, and turtles you want, and good feng shui will be hard to muster. Look at the outside to see what’s happening on the inside. Do you have good black turtle support at the rear of your home? If not, get some. If you have a flat lot and no tall trees or buildings or ground rising up behind you, then plant 5 trees behind your house. This will bring career and other opportunities to you — and much, much needed support. Do you have open space at the front of your home? If not, good chi can’t come and settle. Remove anything blocking your front area. If your house is below street grade, then keep your porch lights on all the time because, again, you will suffer from money problems and lack of opportunities. Is the left side of your house higher that the right (as you look out the front door)? If not, you are missing vital dragon support. This can create all kinds of difficulties, such as health problems, difficulties with children and

sons, and family relationships will suffer. Plant some trees on the left side of your house or other type of tall plantings. Try to create the feng shui ideal of the ”armchair” position, where your home or office is situated in the landscape with hills behind, on the left side, and low on the right side, and open area to the front is the preferred feng shui landscape arrangement. If you don’t have this kind of situation, there are ways around it to improve your landscape feng shui. One of the simplest and easiest ways to improve your feng shui is to improve your landscaping. Removing dead branches or trees, trimming overgrown shrubs and planting new, healthy plants will immediately lift your chi! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

MAY 16 - 31, 2015



When a co-worker gets fired

Most of us spend more of our waking hours at work than at home. For some, co-workers are like extended family. Therefore, when a co-worker gets fired or laid off, there is tremendous impact on the rest of the team that can influence productivity and dynamics in the workplace. It is not an easy process when a co-worker is let go. It is probably the most uncomfortable and awkward situation a team will ever experience. The situation definitely leaves the rest of the team feeling uncertain about their jobs and left wondering how they would react. Give your colleague some space The termination of a coworker’s employment can sometimes be a result of a long chain of unfortunate events that have negatively impacted the business or something totally

unexpected. If you overhear your co-worker being called to a meeting only to return to their desk to pack up all their belongings, it is best not to say anything. It is probably not the best time to have a conversation. The terminated co-worker needs some time to digest what just happened. Ask appropriate questions When a co-worker gets fired, it can feel like you may be up next on the chopping block. There will always be questions brewing in your head after learning about a co-worker’s termination. You just can’t help but wonder about what caused the dismissal. There is nothing wrong with asking the boss questions, however, employees must remember that the situation is probably just as uncomfortable for their boss. “Why was Jack let go?” or “How could you do this to our team?” are

probably not the most appropriate questions to ask during this time. Try to be more neutral and avoid asking questions directly about the terminated employee. Ask more about what the situation means for you and your team and where the company sees your team in the future. Most likely, your boss will have an answer for you. If your boss responds saying it has nothing to do with headcount, then you can rest assured that you probably won’t have to worry about future cut backs. Perform better at work Dr. Ron Friedman, a social psychologist specializing in human motivation and the author of The Best Place To Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace, suggests that the situation may be more complicated than we realize because your boss usually has a boss too. Sometimes employers have to make tough business decisions and instead of digging through the details, Dr. Friedman recommends to search for lessons and be realistic about “what behaviours didn’t serve

your colleague well that you can improve on for your performance.” This may be easier said than done, but the loss of a colleague is still the loss of another person to share the workload with. This is the most crucial time to show your boss that you are helping to compensate for lost manpower. Maintaining friendship As I mentioned earlier, we spend most of our waking hours at work and it’s no surprise that good friendships can result from spending time with our colleagues. As for the unfortunate colleague and friend, just because you don’t work together anymore doesn’t mean your friendship has to end. Although Dr. Friedman recommends that should you maintain contact with them, it is not a good idea to vent with them about your former shared workplace. Instead, he suggests that if you feel comfortable and if the reason for dismissal wasn’t too awful, see if you can assist them in finding a new job and perhaps refer them to others in your network, or writing a recommendation. Many times, work changes

containing elements of loss can be overwhelming and can potentially produce negative responses as employees adjust to the change, however, as Dr. Friedman explains, “there are some things in an organization that you may not know about simply because of the level you’re at and because of the work you’re exposed to.” Take this time and turn it into something positive and ask yourself if you’re maximizing your time at work well, meeting expectations and living your company’s values or mission. Sources: www.fastcompany. com/3041184/what-to-do-whenyour-work-best-friend-is-fired Michele Majul-Ibarra is a Human Resources Officer with Canada Post Corporation. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. She has also earned the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management). E-mail her at info@pilipino-express.com.

Working hard is you being lazy

The hard worker neglects to use one of the most powerful human discoveries, that being, leverage. They have avoided the labour of thinking. Passed up the opportunity to dig down and assess efficiency in their business, job and life. They’re robbing themselves of time, energy and money. Working smart is a human being taking stock of the cause and effect of their actions, output and desired results. If working hard were the answer to gaining power, winning friends and accomplishing goals for you, your family, friends and others, this world would be a highly productive and valuable one. Those who think will govern those who labour. – Marshall Sylver However, this is not the case. The vast majority chooses to work hard, for the sake of pleasing the

ego, to earn the attention of others watching them. Work smart and hard because of the incredible life changing results you’re earning. You can’t help others if you’re desperately focused on your survival needs. The goal is to be

a capable value provider first, so that you can pour out your cup of giving to others with unrelenting generosity, to contribute with impact instead of doing all you can do to only meet your needs and wash your hands of a greater significance outside of that basic responsibility in life. There’s much more out there than most have made it. The standard protocol during a state of emergency on any airline flight is to put the breathing

apparatus on yourself first and then your dependents. If the ablebodied person is underpowered, no help can be given. This is much like business and life, if you resist higher order thinking as you try to better yourself in your activities, you will be put to forced labour. You can build your dreams and goals or build someone else’s creations. The choice is yours. Business, Success & Money message Clue: There are more choice

freedoms when you design your own dream job, business and life! “To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.” – Charlie Munger Valen Vergara, Award Winning Social Entrepreneur, Author, International Investor, Speaker & B2C Marketer – www.valenvergara.com



Aquino in Canada OTTAWA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Benigno Aquino III, President of the Philippines, announced new initiatives on May 8, 2015 to strengthen relations between Canada and the Philippines. The announcement was made at an event in Ottawa on Parliament Hill during President Aquino’s State visit to Canada from May 7 to 9, 2015, which included stops in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver. According to the Prime Minister’s Office, the initiatives announced, “will promote closer trade, investment and development ties between the two countries and enhance security collaboration to counter threats to regional and global security.” “Canada and the Philippines share a close friendship based

MAY 16 - 31, 2015 on shared values and significant people-to-people ties. The initiatives announced today clearly demonstrate that both countries are committed to further enhancing our bilateral relationship with a particular emphasis on commerce, development and security,” said

Prime Minister Harper. Approximately 700,000 people of Filipino origin now live in Canada. The Philippines is Canada’s sixth-largest trading partner in Southeast Asia with bilateral merchandise trade totalling $1.8 billion in 2014.

Left photo: Governor General David Johnston with President Aquino, Winnipeg North MP Kevin Lamoureux and Manitoba Minister Flor Marcelino at the Rideau Hall, Ottawa, May 7, 2015.

President Aquino meets with Justin Trudeau By Kevin Lamoureux MP Winnipeg North Federal Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau invited me to participate in a formal meeting with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III during his recent visit to Canada. The meeting in downtown Toronto on May 8 provided me an opportunity to have a direct exchange with the President. I talked about the importance of building a stronger relationship between Canada and the Philippines; one that would go far beyond immigration. I explained how over the last fifty years the Filipino community grew and that Canada’s population includes over an estimated 700,000 people of Filipino heritage including my own relatives of Filipino ancestry – first cousins, nephew and sister in-law. The Filipino community first experienced real growth in Winnipeg through the garment industry during the late 1960s and early 1970s and now makes up almost 10 per cent of Winnipeg’s population and plays a critical role in its economic and social fabric in every way. President Aquino mentioned that he was aware of Winnipeg as a few people on his staff have friends and family in Winnipeg, one of whom was at the meeting. When the issue of trade came up, the consensus was that it was in our mutual interests to pursue more commerce between both countries. Canada is a trading country and in recent years we have been promoting trade

agreements with many countries. In 2013, Canadian exports to the Philippines were valued at over $603 million. Trade can be good for both countries and I am a bit surprised that we have not been pushing the issue of more trade with the Philippines. Trade can be a fantastic way to build relationships that go beyond just the exchange of materials. It also includes the sharing of best practices related to environmental and labour laws, and promoting the exchanging of expertise. Justin Trudeau raised the issue of tourism, which lead to a positive exchange about an area of great potential growth as the President indicated how more tourism would create jobs and a better appreciation of both countries. I commented on the growing number of people who travel to the Philippines every year or two, in particular around December and January. Increased tourism benefits both countries and this is one of the priority areas that I would love to donate more time and effort to in the future. From improving the way visiting visas are issued to encouraging more direct flights, there is so much that can be done. I was sympathetic to President Aquino’s explanation regarding the ongoing relationship between the Philippines and China, in particular over the waterways between the two countries. It is important that we better understand some of the local issues of other nations because it allows us to contribute to the bigger global picture. After all,

this is an international issue that has an impact on hundreds of millions of people. The meeting was meant for two leaders to meet face to face in order to build a personal relationship and from where I sat, it was a very fruitful meeting. Mr. Trudeau knows how much I care about Canada’s Filipino community and I am so grateful he invited me to the meeting. I travel to the Philippines every couple of years and I look forward to the day when I am in the Philippines with Justin Trudeau as I and many others are committed to building a healthier stronger relationship between two great nations.

Justin Trudeau, President Benigno Aquino III and Kevin Lamoureux

Pres. Aquino meets with Federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, MP Kevin Lamoureux and guests

MAY 16 - 31, 2015




Isang mainit na pagsalubong pa rin ang ibinigay ng ating mga kababayan sa Pambansang Kamao sa kaniyang pagdating ng umaga ng May 13 sa kabila ng pagkatalo niya kay Floyd Mayweather, Jr. sa Amerika. Sa puso at isip ng mga Pinoy ay si Pacman pa rin ang kampeon. Siya pa rin ang People’s Champion. Wala pa ring boksingerong makakakabog sa bangis ng kaniyang mga kamao. Dobleng proteksiyon ang ibinigay kay Congressman Manny Pacquiao sa motorcade dahil nakasling pa rin ang kanan niyang braso dahil sa operasyong pinagdaanan niya sa Amerika noong May 6. Tinahi ang torn ligaments niya na nangangailangan nang anim na buwang pahinga at rehabilitasyon. Pagkatapos ng parada sa Maynila ay agad ding lumipad pauwi sa GenSan ang Pambansang Kamao at ang kaniyang pamilya. Nag-aabang din kasi sa kaniya doon ang mainit na pagwelkam


ng kaniyang mga nasasakupan. Nagsanib-puwersa ang GenSan at Saranggani Province sa pagsalubong sa matagumpay na anak ng kanilang probinsiya. Anuman ang sabihin natin ngayon tungkol sa nakaraang laban-pagkatalo ni Manny Pacquiao kay Floyd Mayweather, Jr. ay may isang katotohanang hinding-hindi na mabubura. Ilang patong uli ang nadagdag sa kaniyang kayamanan. Bilyunbilyon ang nadagdag sa kaniyang kaban, kaya puwedeng mabuhay ang kaniyang mga anak nang kahit daan-daang taon na masagana ang buhay. Napunit man ang mga laman sa kaniyang kanang balikat at napangahan man siya ni Mayweather (na kung tawagin ni Mommy Dionisia ay Floyd Weather) ay nakabuslo na ang kaniyang kayamanan. Pero bago niya naman kitain ang halagang iyon ay halos mamatay-matay na ang

MAY 16 - 31, 2015

• Manny Pacquiao – Kumpirmadong tatakbo sa Senado • Mommy Dionisia – Dapat lang dakilain sa dami ng sakripisyo • Team Pacquiao – Sino kaya ang nag-traydor kay Pacman? • Sen. Grace Poe Llamanzares – Pinag-aagawan para sa na eleksyon • Sharon Cuneta – Nahihirapang bumalik sa dating katawan si Mega • Ruffa Gutierez – PG (patay-gutom) daw ang boyfriend ngayon • Willie Revillame – Waging-wagi ang Wowowin sa GMA7! • Anna Feliciano – Hindi marunong tumanaw ng utang na loob! • Kris Aquino – Nilangisan ang dila, walang garter ang pananalita

Mommy Dionisia and Manny Pacquiao

Grace Poe-Llamanzares

Willie Revillame’s WOWOWIN

Ruffa Gutierrez

Sharon Cuneta

Pambansang Kamao. Hindi niya naman pinupulot lang sa ring ang bilyong halaga. Nakataya ang kaniyang buhay sa laban, patay kung patay. Ang pinakahuling balita na ibinahagi ni Pacman ay hindi na kakandidato sa susunod na eleksiyon ang kaniyang maybahay na si Vice-Governor Jinkee. Ang kanilang pamilya na lang daw ang aasikasuhin ng kaniyang misis lalo na ngayong nagsisilaki na ang kanilang mga anak. Marami namang nagpapalagay na kailangang magpahinga ni Jinkee sa mundo ng pulitika dahil si Pacman ang kakandidato sa susunod na taon sa mas mataas na posisyon. Hindi sa pagiging pangulo, alam ni Pacman ang kaniyang kapasidad, kung sa ring lang ang labanan ay siguradong magtatagumpay siya pero iba ang pulitika sa boxing. Ang kumpirmado nang tatakbuhang posisyon ng Pambansang Kamao ay pagiging

Anna Feliciano

senador. Nakaplantilya na rin kung saang partido siya sasama. Handang-handa na si Pacman sa bagong laban na susuungin niya. *** Napakasuwerteng ina ni Mommy Dionisia Pacquiao. Nirerespeto at mahal na mahal siya ng kaniyang mga anak, lalo na ng Pambansang Kamao. Iyon ang maganda kapag nakita ng mga anak ang matinding sakripisyo ng ina para lang sila buhayin. Nirerespeto rin ni Pacman ang kaniyang ama. Wala kang maririnig na anumang hindi kagandahang salita mula kay Manny Pacquiao patungkol sa kaniyang ama na nakahiwalay ng kaniyang nanay. Iyon ang kahanga-hanga sa People’s Champion bukod sa pamatay nitong kamao. Sabi ni Mommy Dionisia sa minsang pagkukuwentuhan namin, “Lahat ng mga anak ko, hindi nagutom. Umaga pa lang, nagtatrabaho na ako. Nagtitinda See CRISTY p15

MAY 16 - 31, 2015





MAY 16 - 31, 2015

• Rachelle Ann Go – Fantine sa Les Miserables sa London • Nadine Lustre – inaakusahang nagparetoke ng mukha Nagtapos na ang kontrata ni Rachelle Ann Go sa West End Musical na Miss Saigon noong ika-9 ng Mayo. Happy ang magaling na singer sa kinalabasan ng kaniyang performance sa naturang show. Dito napatunayan at nakita ang husay ni Shin, palayaw ni Rachelle sa pag-awit. “Ang Saigon diary has come to an end, but this is just the start of something amazing” post ni Shin sa kaniyang social media account. Nagkaroon din ng farewell party para sa kaniya ang buong cast ng Miss Saigon dahil nagkalapit-lapit sila habang ginagawa ang naturang musical. Umuwi lang sandali si Rachelle sa Pilipinas pagkatapos maimbitahang magperform siya sa Bali, Indonesia para harapin

ang isang mahalagang career turn. Ito ay ang rehersal para sa bago niyang gagawing Broadway show na Les Miserables. Kinuha siya ng production team ng Les Miz para sa role ni Fantine, na muling magbubukas sa June sa London. Next time na muling babalik sa bansa ang magandang singer ay para ipagdiwang ang kaniyang kaarawan sa August at itatapat na rin dito ang blessing ng bagong bahay ng kaniyang pamilya. Tuloy-tuloy pa rin ang pagbibigay ni Rachelle ng karangalan sa Pilipinas. *** Marami ang nagdududa na nagpa-enhance ng mukha ang bagong Kapamilya Star na si Nadine Lustre. Tingin ng See SHOWBIZ p15

Nadine Lustre

Rachelle Ann Go

Rhian Ramos – The Rich Man’s Daughter GMA Network premiered the ground-breaking drama series, The Rich Man’s Daughter on May 11. In an effort to reach a wider audience, GMA Pinoy TV is airing the series with English subtitles. This is a story about how a rich man, Oscar (Al Tantay), finds out that his daughter, Jade (Rhian Ramos), is a lesbian, how it propels him to offer five million pesos to the man who will marry her, and how it hurls the whole family into a series of discoveries. And as Jade discovers something about herself, will she still be able to experience unconditional love from her See RICH p15

Luis Alandy, Rhian Ramos and Glaiza De Castro

Pauleen Luna

Katrina Halili

Chynna Ortaleza

Sheena Halili

Charee Pineda

Mike Tan

TJ Trinidad

Paolo Contis


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SHOWBIZ... From page 14 marami ay lalong gumanda at tila may nagbago sa mukha ng teenstar. Diretsahan naman sinasagot ng kapareha ni James Reid ang mga akusasyon sa kaniya. Takot daw siya sa operasyon at hindi siya masyadong fan ng enhancement o surgery. Marahil ay ang kaniyang pagpayat ang dahilan kung bakit napagkakamalan siyang nagparetoke ng mukha. Lately kasi ay malaki ang ipinayat ni Nadine na lalong nagpaganda sa kaniya. May mga nagsasabi rin na mula nang maging Kapamilya Star ang dalaga ay nag-iba ang kaniyang aura at lalong lumakas ang sex appeal. Muling mapapatunayan ang lakas ng loveteam nila ni James Reid sa pelikulang Para sa Hopeless Romantic under Viva Films at Star Cinema. Kasama rin sa nasabing movie sina Julia Barretto at Iñigo Pascual.

RICH... From page 14 family and friends? Will she be able to hold on to her personal truths and fight for her love even if it will destroy her family? The drama showcases Rhian Ramos’ versatility as an actress, as she breathes life into the character of Jade Tanchingco, her most challenging role to date. The youngest and only daughter, Jade is the family’s jewel. And when she meets Althea, everyone’s perspective of her life and persona changes. Making the drama series even more stellar are versatile actors and actresses. Glaiza de Castro is Althea Guevarra, a smart, independent and driven woman, who is sexy, classy and a proud lesbian. Luis Alandy is David Limjoco, Jade’s long-time boyfriend. He is educated, proud of his humble beginnings, and is very responsible. He longed to marry Jade one day and is challenged when Jade falls for someone else. Katrina Halili is Wila Mateo, a femme lesbian and Althea’s exgirlfriend. She vows to hate the person who Althea falls for. Mike Tan is Paul Tanchingco, Jade’s older brother. He is a quiet and private person. He is also protective of Jade. Paul is a discreet gay. Chynna Ortaleza is Batchi Luna, also a proud lesbian – a butch. She acts and dresses like a man. Sheena Halili as Sally LimApolinario, Jade’s kikay and dependable bestfriend. And Ms Gloria Romero as Ama/Cecilia Tanchingco, the heart of the family. She spoils all her grand children, especially Jade. She doesn’t really meddle when it comes to their businesses. After being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, her life and her family’s lives become more intertwined.

PILIPINO EXPRESS Making the story more interesting are characters portrayed by multi-talented actors and actresses: Pauleen Luna as Pearl Sy-Tanchingco, Jade’s sister-in-law, married to Jade’s brother Gabriel. She is secretly jealous of her in-laws’ attention for Jade. Paolo Contis as Anton Maceda, a guy who comes from an old rich family. He will become Jade’s fake suitor/ boyfriend since he is just after the riches of the Tanchingcos; TJ Trinidad as Gabriel Tanchingco, the eldest son of Oscar and Amanda, the brother of Paul and Jade. He is being groomed to lead their businesses. Gabriel will do anything for the family; Charee Pineda as Angeline San Jose, Gabriel’s real love. Gabriel left her for Pearl but she remains in love with him; Stephanie Sol as Abby Luna, Batchi’s femme livein partner. Completing the star-studded cast are respected TV and movie actors and actresses: Al Tantay as Oscar Tanchingco, the father of Gabriel, Paul and Jade. He is the CEO and president of their family businesses. He treats Jade like a princess; Glydel Mercado as Amanda Tanchingco, the wife of Oscar. Oscar’s family didn’t approve of their relationship but when she gave birth to Jade, she is finally accepted and is treated as part of the family and she will do anything to keep it that way; Tony Mabesa as Angkong/John Tanchingco, the patriarch of the family. His favourite grandchild is Jade and he will do everything for her. The Rich Man’s Daughter is under the helm of the highly acclaimed director of Temptation of Wife and My Husband’s Lover, Dominic Zapata. The Rich Man’s Daughter airs, Monday to Friday on GMA Pinoy TV.

CRISTY... From page 12

ako ng kung anu-ano, madalingaraw pa lang, naghahanap na ako ng maipanglalaman sa bituka nila. “Si Manny, bata pa lang, tumutulong na sa akin, nagtinda siya ng pandesal, nagtrabaho sa gasolinahan, nangangahoy pa siya sa bundok para maibentang panggatong,” pagbabalik-tanaw ng kilala na ngayong Pacmom. At pinatutunayan iyon ng Pambansang Kamao. Nakita nito ang matinding pagsasakripisyo ng kaniyang ina, kaya naman ngayon kinasihan na ng kapalaran ang anak ay matinding suporta ang ibinibigay nito sa kaniyang nanay. “Matindi ang mama ko, matapang siya, saka hindi niya kami pinabayaan. Maghapon siyang trabaho nang trabaho, hindi uso kay mama ang pahinga,” minsang sinabi sa amin ni Pacman. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit naging napakaganda ng kapalaran ni Pacman, mabait itong anak at kapatid, hindi sinasarili ng Pambansang Kamao ang mga biyayang dumarating sa kaniya. “Kung ano ang mayroon ako, basta kaya ko, go lang nang go!

Para everybody happy!” madalas na bukambibig ng boksingerong pinagpala ng panahon at kapalaran. *** May nagtraydor sa Team Pacquiao! May isang kasama si Manny Pacquiao na naghudas sa kaniya! Ito ngayon ang malaking isyung pinagpipistahan sa kampo ng Pambansang Kamao dahil may nagparating sa Team Mayweather tungkol sa iniinda niyang sakit sa kanang balikat. Lihim na lihim pala ang tungkol doon. Si Pacman at sina Coach Freddie Roach at Trainer Buboy Fernandez lang ang nakakaalam tungkol sa mga detalye, pero lumabas sa kanilang kampo ang balita at bumiyahe papunta sa mga nagpapatakbo ng boxing career ni Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Nag-aamuyan at nagpapakiramdaman na ngayon sa Team Pacquiao kung sino ang nagbulgar ng lihim ng shoulder injury ng People’s Champ sa kampo ni Mayweather. Pagpapatunay ng aming kausap, “Pansinin n’yo, palaging kanang balikat ni Manny ang pinupuntirya ni Mayweather noong laban nila. Pati ang pang-iipit at pagyakap-yakap ni Mayweather, ang right shoulder ni Manny ang lagi niyang pinupuruhan, may nakapagsabi na kasi sa kampo niya na iyon ang pinakamahinang part ng katawan ni Manny.” Tagaloob lang ang puwedeng akusahan sa paglabas ng detalye tungkol sa torn ligaments ng Pambansang Kamao sa kanan niyang balikat. Iilan lang ang nakakaalam noon, hindi puwedeng mula sa labas nag-ugat ang istorya. *** Napakapositibo ng dating ni Senador Grace Poe Llamanzares. Sa bawat pagbuka ng bibig ng bagitong senador ay nandoon palagi ang pagrespeto. Hindi mo siya mahuhuling nagyayabang, nangungutya, kahit mayroon naman siyang puwedeng ipagmalaki. Nanguna siya noong nakaraang halalan. Siya ang numero unong senador para sa ating mga kababayan. Pinanindigan niya ang lahat ng kaniyang ipinangako sa kampanya at kahit sa mga ginaganap na pagdinig sa Mataas Na Kapulungan ay nakikita ng publiko sa kaniya ang mga katangian ng isang pulitikong sinsero ang hangarin para sa kaniyang bayan. Pinag-aagawan ngayon si Senador Grace para tumakbo sa mas mataas na posisyon. Kinausap na siya ni P-Noy, kinakausap din ng kabilang partido ang may malinis na imaheng senadora. Pero sa kabila ng pagaagawan sa kaniya ay wala kang mararamdamang yabang mula sa senador. Nananatili siyang mapagkumbaba. Wala sa bokabularyo niya ang ambisyong maging tagapamuno ng bansa. Pinalakpakan ng publiko ang kaniyang pahayag na hindi siya puwedeng basta lumundag nang malayo dahil marami pa siyang dapat matutuhan sa mundo ng


pulitika. Pero marami nang nakakaamoy sa maaaring mangyari sa susunod na taon. Ayaw man niyang tanggapin nang agaran ang alok sa pagtakbong vice-president ay iyon din ang kauuwian ng lahat, siya pa rin ang papagitna sa entablado de kampanya, dahil siya ang karapatdapat. “Napakaganda ng breeding ng batang iyon,” papuri ng isang nakausap naming matanda nang pulitiko. “Siya dapat ang maging pangulo ng ating bayan. Sa mga ipinakikita niya ngayon, siguradong nakabuslo na ang panalo niya. “Wala siyang ere, marespeto si Senator Grace Poe, siya ang kailangan ng bayan natin ngayon,” komplimento pa ng matanda kay Senadora Grace Poe Llamanzares. *** Mahihirapan na nga sigurong bumalik pa ang dating timbang ni Sharon Cuneta. Isang grupo ng mga kababayan natin ang nagsadya sa ABS-CBN para sa kanilang educational trip, tiyempo namang dumating ang Megastar, tuluy-tuloy na naglakad si Sharon papasok sa studio at kumaway na lang sa mga nag-iikot sa istasyon. Napansin ng grupo na napakalaki pa rin ng singeractress. Hinahanap siguro ng mga ito ang sinasabing nabawas sa kaniyang dating mabigat na timbang, pero hindi makita ng mga ito iyon. Lumobo kasi si Sharon nitong mga nakaraang panahon. Literal siyang napabayaan sa kusina, kaya lumaki at bumigat siya nang todo. Pero malaki na rin ang nabawas sa kaniya noong lagay na iyon. Malaki na ang ipinayat niya, disiplinado na rin siya sa pagkain. Alam ni Sharon na kundi niya gagawin iyon ay magpapatuloy ang kaniyang paglobo. Pero sa kabila ng paglusog ng singer-actress ay maganda pa rin siya may make-up man o wala. Katawan lang talaga ang problema ni Sharon pero ang walang enhancement niyang mukha ay nandiyan pa rin at kumakabog sa kaniyang mga kasabayan. Noon pa man ay big bone na si Sharon. Maaasahan na ang kaniyang paglaki, pero huwag na lang sanang madagdagan pa nang madagdagan. “Walang binago sa face ni Shawie, original lahat iyon. Liposuction lang ang pinatulan niya dahil kailangan,” pagdidiin pa ng aming source. *** Harinawang magkaintindihan na nga ang mag-inang Ruffa

Gutierrez at Tita Annabelle Rama. Sila kasi ang pinagpipistahan sa kahit saan ngayon. Manghang-mangha ang mga kababayan natin sa mga pinagsasasabi ng ina sa kaniyang kaisa-isang anak na babae. Tanong ng isang kaibigan namin, “Kung anak-mayaman kaya ang lalaking makakarelasyon ni Ruffa, magkakaganyan pa kaya ang mommy niya? Para kasing lumalabas na wala lang datung ang boyfriend ng anak niya, kaya nagkakaganyan si Tita Annabelle. “Kung sakali kayang milyonaryo ang guy, makakarinig pa kaya tayo at makakabasa ng mga paglalantad ng mga lihim ni Ruffa mula sa mommy niya?” pang-uurirat ng aming kaibigan. Siguro nga ay lumalampas na sa dapat lang ang mga atake ni Tita Annabelle kay Ruffa at sa kaniyang karelasyon ngayon. Tinawag na PG, as in pataygutom, ni Tita Annabelle si Jordan Mouyal. Depensa naman ng nakauunawa sa ina ni Ruffa, “May nakikita sigurong reason si Tita Annabelle para maliitin ang lalaki! Si Ruffa siguro ang nagpapakain sa guy, kaya ganyan na lang ang galit ni Tita Annabelle! “Bakit naman kasi hindi patunayan noong guy na hindi totoo iyon! Bakit hindi siya magtrabaho, bakit hindi niya ipamukha kay Tita Annabelle na guni-guni lang ang mga pintas na inaabot niya? Kumilos siya, para hindi siya nalalait!” sabi pa ng isa naming nakausap. May katwiran ang nagkomento, ang pagrespeto ng pamilya ni Ruffa sa lalaki ay manggagaling mismo sa kaniya, iyon lang iyon. *** Binulabog na naman ni Willie Revillame ang mundo ng telebisyon! Panalung-panalo na naman ang kuya ng bayan sa nakaraang unang sultada ng kaniyang Wowowin! Kung noong maging panauhin siya ni Jessica Soho sa programa nito ay kinabog ng programa ang kaniyang mga kasabay, sa unang episode naman ng Wowowin ay muling pinatunayan ni Willie Revillame ang matindi niyang karisma. Nagmarka ang Wowowin sa rating na 8.8% kumpara sa mabababang rating na naitala ng kaniyang mga katapat na programa. Masayang-masaya siyempre ang buong produksiyon ng aktor-TV host. Isang malaking inspirasyon para sa kanila ang See CRISTY p16




MAY 16 - 31, 2015

One musical night with Paul Ong By Judianne Jayme On a drizzling Thursday evening, in the city’s west end, singer Paul Ong held an evening of pure entertainment and fun. Some of the Pilipino Express team had the pleasure of attending Ong’s One Musical Night: A Fundraiser Show. The emcee for the evening, Maui Zamora, did a wonderful job of warming up the audience for the incredible acts lined up. The evening began with a video highlighting Paul’s history with the arts – both musically and theatrically, including his time on Canada’s Got Talent. Ong took to the stage area and went straight to singing some of his favourite songs – some which would be part of his performance at the World Championship of Performing Arts (WCOPA). Two things became clear after the first song – first is the amount of love Ong has from his supporters, second is the amount of genuine gratitude Ong has for those who believe in him and take the effort to encourage him. Local bands 12/21 and the Midnight Band also shared stage time and performed their own sets as well as collaborations with Ong. 12/21 is literally a band of brothers, getting their name from their birthdates. These young men

brought down the house with incredibly energetic rock anthems and original tracks. Midnight Band is a group of Chinese students who got their band name because they held practices at midnight. They performed tracks not only in English and Mandarin, but also did a dual-language rendition of Isang Tanong, Isang Sagot by Donna Cruz – performed by Ong in both languages. This performance truly highlighted Ong’s versatility for a range of audiences. Ong’s set was completed but, like a true professional, he had an encore track prepared. This audience could not get enough of his vocals that are reminiscent of timeless, smooth crooners that have come before him. Pilipino Express team noted that Ong was not just there to sing – he and his whole family were running the show. His sister, Geraldine, was behind the sound booth, and also took to the stage to sing a song with one of Paul’s guest bands. His parents were there to greet and take tickets at the front door, and his brothers were behind the cameras and helping to set up and take down the venue. They also facilitated in the drawing of tickets for the 50/50 and silent auction. Ong has embodied a traditional value of being masipag or hardworking in

12/21 Band

Paul Ong his efforts to raise funds for his journey. A huge thank you to Paul Ong and his family for inviting Pilipino Express to this event. We truly had one musical night! Photos by Arnel San Jose of Jeproks Photography

Emily Cheng and the Midnight Band

CRISTY... From page 15

Paul Ong with (front row) Maui, Bea, Ace & Ayen Zamora; Paul’s sister Geraldine Grace Ong (standing 5th from right), and members of 12/21 Band and Midnight Band

L-r: Volunteers, Pilipino Express columnists Valen Vergara (3rd from left) and Judianne Jayme (4th from left), Ali Laus, Paul Ong, Helen Jayme, Pilipino Express Creative Director Rey-Ar Reyes, Imelda Adao of Jimel’s International Cuisine and PE columnist Issi Bartolome (far right).

mataas na rating ng Wowowin. Kapag ganyan nang ganyan ang rating ng kanilang programa ay hindi malayong maging arawaraw na ang show ni Kuya Wil. Iyon ang masarap na bunga ng kanilang matinding preparasyon, mahirap maging boss si Willie, sa linya ng pagtatrabaho ay siya ang tinaguriang lalaking Korina Sanchez dahil sa kagustuhan niyang maging perpekto ang lahat ng kaniyang mga ginagawa. Pero siya rin ang pinakamasarap na maging boss pagkatapos ng trabaho, marunong humimas ng sugat si Willie, bukod sa panghihingi ng paumanhin ay paboloso pa siyang magregalo sa kaniyang staff. Sabi ni Willie, “Alam ko namang hindi namin magagawang perfect ang lahat, pero mas maganda na ang almost perfect kesa sa hindi kami nag-try.” Maraming tagasuporta ng programa ang humihiling na sana’y araw-araw na nilang mapanood ang Wowowin, bitin na bitin daw kasi ang isang oras lang tuwing Linggo nang hapon, sana raw ay magdesisyon si Willie at ang pamunuan ng GMA-7 na gawin nang daily ang game show ng kanilang idolo. Bigyan ng jacket ‘yan! *** Si Geleen Eugenio na ang choreographer ng Wowowin, wala na sa produksiyon ni Willie Revillame si Anna Feliciano, sangkot ang usapin ng pera sa pangyayari.

Sayang dahil si Willie ang naging dahilan kung bakit nagmarka ang pangalang Anna Feliciano bilang choreographer. Kung tutuusin ay hindi kabilang sa Anna sa mga tumaya sa paglipat ni Willie sa TV5 noon, pero kinuha pa rin siya ni Willie. Nanganib ang trabaho noon ni Anna sa ABS-CBN dahil sa pagrereklamo ng kaniyang mga dancers. Sobrang liit ng ibinibigay niyang talent fee sa mga dancers na pinakikinabangan niya sa paggawa ng mga TVC, sa pagtanggap ng mga trabaho sa iba’t ibang kompanya, pero sobrang hindi parehas ang ibinabayad niya sa mga dancers. Kinuha siya ni Willie. Si Anna Feliciano ang namahala sa mga dancers ng mga naging shows nito sa TV5. Ang aktor-TV host din ang nagbayad sa pagpaparetoke ng dibdib ng choreographer. Heto na. Noong sigurado nang magkakaroon ng bagong show si Willie sa GMA-7 ay kinausap si Anna ng isang tagapamahala ng produksiyon. May konting ipinakiusap kay Anna ang kumausap sa kaniya, kung puwedeng hindi muka malaking-malaki ang TF (talent fee) niya dahil weekly pa lang naman ang programa ni Willie, kapag nag-daily na ay mag-uusap sila uli para sa bagong pakete. Pumalag agad si Anna Feliciano. Agad-agad na nagpakilala ng kaniyang kulay pagdating sa usapin ng pananalapi. Hindi raw siya papayag sa presyong sinabi sa See CRISTY p18

EH KASI, PINOY! MAY 16 - 31, 2015



Isang dahilan para magalak

Alam n’yo ba sa bawat panahon ng ating buhay ay inaanyayahan tayong magalak sapagkat bawat sandali ng buhay ay handog o regalo ng Diyos? Si John at si Chuck ay naging magbest friends noong sila ay 15 anyos pa lamang. Magkasama silang pumasok sa high school at college. Sabay din silang nakikipag-date. Wala silang lihim sa isa’t isa at naging hingahan nila at tagapayo ang isa’t isa. Ilang taon ang nakalipas tinawagan ni Chuck si John para sabihin na siya ay may cancer. Malaki daw naman ang tsansa na malagpasan niya ito kaya nga lamang ay kailangan siyang dumaan sa matinding gamutan. Kinalbo ni Chuck ang ulo niya bago pa magsimula ang chemotherapy. Naglagay siya ng glue sa ulo at pagkatapos ay binuhusan niya ito ng gold na glitter at naglakad sa loob ng bahay na suot suot lamang ang kaniyang brief at tinatawag ang kaniyang sarili na Chemo Man. Dalawang libong milya ang layo ng tirahan ni Chuck kay John pero nag-uusap sila tuwing Sabado ng umaga noong mga panahon na naggagamot si Chuck. Nasira ang gana sa pagkain ni Chuck dahil sa chemotherapy. Hind rin niya kinayang kumain ng normal dahil lagi siyang nagsusuka. Naging buto’t balat na lamang siya at halos hindi na siya makilala ng kaniyang mga anak. May isang punto na nagkaroon siya ng impeksyon at ang kaniyang resistensiya ay bumaba nang husto. May panahong alanganin ang kaniyang kalagayan pero napagtagumpayan ito ni Chemo Man. Isang buwan ang nakalipas, nagpa-check up si Chuck pagkatapos ng kaniyang chemotherapy. Tinawagan niya si John noong gabing yon. Malungkot ito. Bumalik ang cancer, iyon ang sabi ng doctor sa kaniya at kasing lala ito noong una bago siya nagpagamot. Bilang isang ring manggagamot, alam ni Chuck na ang pagbalik ng cancer nang ganoon kabilis ay nangangahulugang hindi magtatagal siya ay mamamatay. Ito ay isang sentensiya tungo sa kamatayan. Namanhid si John. Noong siya ay humiga noong gabing yon, hindi siya makapagdasal. Nagprotesta siya at sinabi niya sa kaniyang sarili, “Isang pagkakamali lang iyon. Madidiskubre nilang okay naman pala si John.” At kinabukasan nga nang 6:30 ng umaga, tumawag muli si John at sinabing “Hindi ka maniniwala sa sasabihin ko. May nagkamali sa isang tauhan sa laboratory. Naipagpalit niya ang resulta ng mga test ko sa isa pang pasyenteng may cancer na hindi pa naggagamot. Wala na akong cancer. Mabubuhay ako. Makikita

ko na ang paglaki ng aking mga anak ko. Tatanda ako kasama ng aking misis. Mabubuhay na ako.” Sa loob ng ilang sandali, nag-iyakan sa telepono ang magkaibigan dahil sa galak. Sinabi ni Chuck kay John na puno ang puso niya ng pasasalamat na ngayon lamang niya naranasan. Pagkababa ng telepono, hindi niya halos tigilan sa pagyakap ang kaniyang mga anak at asawa sa galak. Ang mga bagay na dati ay

inaaalala niya ay nawalan na ng kabuluhan. Mabubuhay na siya, at hindi lamang siya naging mas marunong. Naranasan din niya ang katotohanan na ang buhay ay isang handog. Hindi natin ito puwedeng kitain, hindi rin natin ito puwedeng kontrolin at hindi rin natin kayang ipagsawalang-bahala ito. Ang bawat sandali ng buhay ay regalo mula sa Dios. Kaya kaibigan, habang may hininga tayo, huwag maglugmok. Sa halip ay magalak tayo dahil ito ay palatandaan na may pagasa. Sa aking pagtatapos nais kong ipaalam na ang tunay na kuwentong ito ay hango sa librong sinulat ni John Ortberg na

may pamagat na The Life You’ve Always Wanted. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. English service). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place

at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10:30 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.






NO. 228

KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot No. 228 • Mayo 16-31, 2015 2






Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) K I NGamitin A moMangU L A Bakit T A parang N natitirang mga napapabayaan mo araw ng A Mayo na ang sarili A mo? A A upang planuhin Masyado kang P A Tang Amga YbalakO B U nagiging H A busyY sa mong gawin lalo iyong hanapbuhay, na kaugnay ng iyong hanapbuhay. pati panlabas mong kaanyuan ang I G U P O I H A L O Bigyan mo ng mas maraming oras napapabayaan mo na. Kailangan ang pamilya. Kumustahin mo rin mong tumingin sa salamin o T U P A G A A K I N ang mga kaibigang matagal mo tanungin ang malalapit sa iyo kung nang hindi nakikita. Lucky days ano ang kulang sa iyo. Mapalad ka I 24.W A atY24. Ingat A saNika-16, 17, mo ang H ika-23 at Ingat A sa ika-L sa ika-23 21, 22, 28 at 29. 30 at 31.





No. 227 • Mayo 1-15, 2015Mayo 16 – 31, 2015 4

























PAHALANG 1. Panggabing bulaklak

11. Uri ng sapatos 1. Tama bulaklak 2. Taob

29. Iyari 31. Alipato 15. Puting 32. Sisidlan ng bigas 18. Abot

5. Pinalulubha 1. Panggabing bulaklak 12. Istorbo 5. Pinalulubha 13. Dadaluyong 12. Istorbo 14. Kapehan 16. Paningin 13. Dadaluyong 17. Pambansang bulaklak 14. Kapehan 18. Not ÒsheÓ 19. Pang-ukol 16. Paningin 21. Pansin 17. Pambansang bulaklak 25. Kisig 18. Not “she” 27. Iritasyon sa mata 19. Pang-ukol 21. Pansin 25. Kisig 27. Iritasyon sa mata 29. Iyari 31.KROSWORD Alipato NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT 228 • Mayong 16-31, 2015 32.No.Sisidlan bigas 2





3. Siyudad sa Bicol 4. Isang Reyna 20. Alaga 6. Ibatay 7. Hangad 21. Tupad 8. Batid 22. Hari ____!9. Uri ng tela 23. Takot sa pusa 10. Lasa 24. Kaskas 11. Uri ng sapatos 15. Puting bulaklak 26. Una sa oras18. Abot

28. Sisidlan ng sorbets 30. Tipo ng dugo 31. Simbolo ng pilak


No. 227 • Mayo 1-15, 2015 4








I 16












1. Panggabing bulaklak 5. Pinalulubha 12. Istorbo 13. Dadaluyong 14. Kapehan 16. Paningin 17. Pambansang bulaklak 18. Not ÒsheÓ 19. Pang-ukol 21. Pansin 25. Kisig 27. Iritasyon sa mata








20. Alaga 21. Tupad 22. Hari ____! 23. Takot sa pusa 24. Kaskas 26. Una sa oras 28. Sisidlan ng sorbets 30. Tipo ng dugo 31. Simbolo ng pilak







I 1. Tama 2. Taob 3. Siyudad sa Bicol 4. Isang Reyna 6. Ibatay 7. Hangad 8. Batid 9. Uri ng tela 10. Lasa 11. Uri ng sapatos 15. Puting bulaklak 18. Abot



PABABA 29. Iyari 31. Alipato 32. Sisidlan ng bigas




















1. Tama 2. Taob 3. Siyudad sa Bicol 4. Isang Reyna 6. Ibatay 7. Hangad 8. Batid 9. Uri ng tela 10. Lasa 25





MAY 16 - 31, 2015




Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Y PM a pAa p aM T NOa k a k a r a mA n s i nB A dam mong magaan ka ng panghihina A P Iang pasok D ng peraO A ngK katawan A Y kahit sa buwang ito. kumpleto ka sa tulog Y A KAlamAmongGmay U M naman A K O at ginagawa kang tama ang iyong tama kaya pag-aralan mo kung pagkain. Sintomas hindi I N A N G - B A Y iyan A na N ano ang kaibahan ng ginagawa maayos ang iyong kalusugan. mo ngayon kumpara sa mga Huwag mong bale walain nakaraang buwan. Ipagpatuloy dahil hindi normal ang iyong 20. Alaga 21. Tupad mo iyon at mas magiging masaya pakiramdam. Ayusin mo muna 22. Hari ____! ka. OK sa ang ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. ang kalusugan mo. OK ang ika23. Takot pusa 24. Kaskas Ingat sa ika-23, 24, 30 at 31. 16, 17, 25, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika26. Una sa oras 18 at 19. 28. Sisidlan ng sorbets Gemini 30. Tipo ng(May dugo 21 – June 20) 31. Simbolo ng pilak Malapit na Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) birthday mo. Ngayon mo na Bagong taon ang gawin ang balak iyong haharapin. mong magbawas Positive thinking. o magdagdag ng Isulat mo ang timbang. Maayos mga gusto mong mangyari sa ang takbo ng iyong bagong taon mo, basahin bago ka buhay at pati ang pag-ibig ay matulog at itanim mo sa isip na kulay rosas. Timbang ng katawan natupad mo na at nagtatagumpay ang problema mo. Ngayon ang ka na sa mga plano mo. OK ang tamang panahon upang mag-focus ika-18, 19, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika- ka sa iyong kalusugan. OK ang 25, 26 at 27. ika-18, 19, 28 at 29. Kuwidaw sa ika- 21at 22. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) May mga bagong Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) kakilala ka na Pumili ka – gusto kang romansa o hanapmaging malapit buhay? Hindi na kaibigan. mo puwedeng Magandang pagsabayin ito pakikisama ang ipapakita nila sa ngayon. Isa lang iyo. Nasa sa iyo na kung gusto ang puwede mong pagbuhusan ng mo silang tanggapin sa iyong oras. Iwasan mo ang stress dahil inner circle. Pag-aralan mo mas madali kang dapuan ng sakit ang kanilang motibo bago ka ngayon. Magdesisyon ka. Unahin magtiwala ng husto. OK sa ika- mo ang mas mahalaga. OK ang 21, 22, 30 at 31. Stressful ang ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ikaika-28 at 29. 16, 17, 23 at 24.

CRISTY... From page 16 kaniya kaya humanap na lang daw ng ibang choreographer si Willie. Totoong nagulat, pero sa halip na magalit ay nalungkot ang kumausap kay Anna. Perapera na lang ba ang mahalaga ngayon para sa choreographer na binigyan ng magagandang oportunidad ni Willie Revillame? Sabi ng aming source, “Spoiled si Anna kay Wil. Gusto niyang mag-co-host, isinalang siya! Gusto niyang magpalaki ng boobs niya, binigyan siya ni Wil ng pampaopera niya! “Gusto niya ng mga branded bags, mayroon siya! Pero ano’ng nangyari kay Anna, bakit niya ginanoon si Wil, pera-pera na

lang ba talaga ang laban ng buhay para sa kaniya ngayon? “Totoo pala ang reklamo noon ng mga dancers niya? Daang libo ang halaga ng contract na pinipirmahan niya para sa trabaho ng mga dancers, pero barya-barya lang ang ibinibigay niyang talent fee dahil kinakatkong niya?” inis na sabi ng aming kausap. Naalala tuloy namin ang dating mister ni Anna na si Mel Feliciano, isang magaling ding choreographer, pero nagdidirek na ngayon. Basta lang. Napakarami kasi naming alam na detalye tungkol sa kanilang paghihiwalay. Ang pera nila sa bangko, ang bahay nila sa Baguio, ang dami-dami! *** Natural lang para kay Kris Aquino na ipagtanggol naman

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Baga, braso, balikat at sikmura. May nararamdaman ka sa mga nabanggit na bahagi ng katawan. Kailangan mong magpahinga at huminga ng sariwang hangin. Lumabas ka at maglakad-lakad sa malilinis na pook. Katahimikan ng isip ang kailangan mo ngayon. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Tension sa ika-18, 19, 25, 26 at 27. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) May tamang oras sa pagbibiro at hindi ngayon ito. Kailangan mong ipakita sa mga kasama mo na seryoso ka at determinado sa mga ginagawa ninyo. Baka akalain nilang wala sa loob mo ang ginagawa ninyo. Kapag pumalpak ito, baka ikaw ang sisihin. OK ang ika-16, 17, 25, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 28 at 29. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Naaalala mo ang nakaraan. Walang problema kung alaala lang, problema kung babalikan mo. Hindi mo kailangang magpunta pa sa malayo dahil malapit lang sa iyo ang solusyon sa mga bumabagabag sa iyo. Masaya ang mga natitirang araw ng Mayo. OK sa ika-18, 19, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 23, 24, 30 at 31. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kailangan mong gamutin ang iyong damdamin. Nasaktan ka at ngayon mo pa lang natututuhang tanggapin ang katotohanan. Ipahinga mo ang iyong isip at puso. Tapos na ang pagsubok. Nangyari na ang lahat. Bumangon ka na at magbagong buhay. OK ang ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-18, 19, 25, 26 at 27. ang kaniyang kuyang pangulo sa sangdamakmak na pangungutya sa pulitiko niyang kapatid. Parang artista rin kasi ang pulitiko. Kumanan at kumaliwa sila ay mayroon pa ring masisilip na hindi maganda ang ibang tao, para silang tumutulay sa alambre. Dahil doon ay aminado si Kris na sobra na siyang nasasaktan. Tao lang din naman daw ang kaniyang kuya na hindi perpekto, pero ipinagdidiinan ni Kris na hindi magnanakaw ang kaniyang kapatid. Binabalanse ng aktres-TV host ang sitwasyon. Kapag sobra-sobrang pang-uupak na ang ibinabato laban sa kaniyang kapatid na pangulo ay nagpopost naman siya ng magagandang katangian at nagagawa ni P-Noy. See CRISTY p19


MAY 16 - 31, 2015


Nabigong masungkit ng ating kalahi ang nominasyon sa nakaraang political nomination sa Maples. Nagkaroon kaya ng epekto ang ginawang pagatras ng dalawang kababayan na nagpahayag ng planong makilahok sa nominasyon noong una? Sa kalaban ba ng ating kababayan ibinigay ang kanilang suporta? *** May natuwa at mayroon din namang hindi natuwa. Protesta ang ginawang pag-welcome kay PNoy ng Fil-Canadians communities sa kaniyang nakaraang three-dayvisit sa Canada. Malamang na nagkaroon din ng protesta dito sa Winnipeg kung nakasama tayo sa kaniyang itinerary. *** Hindi lang mga militanteng Pinoys na OFWs ang nagprotesta, pati mga kasapi ng Fil-Canadian associations. Labis nilang dinamdam ang mga nangyayaring kapalpakan ng gobyernong Aquino sa pamamahala ng bansa na nakakarating sa kanilang kaalaman hatid ng social media. *** Ano? Hindi man lang naibulong ni PNoy kay PM Harper kung bakit ang Pilipinas ay ginagawa ng Canada na tambakan ng basura? Susunugin na lang daw, sabi ni Noynoy. Mahigit nang one year doon ang nabanggit na tonetoneladang basura. Sabagay, may pera sa basura. *** Hindi na nahiyang ikampanya ang kaniyang mga ikakandidato tulad ng ginawa sa Chicago. Sayang lang ang libu-libong dolyares na ginastos sa paglalakbay. Perang bahagi ng remittances ng naritong mga kababayan. Pilipinas Tulad ng inaasahan at datinggawi, ipinagmalaki ni PNoy ang resulta ng kaniyang nakaraang

paglalakbay sa US at Canada. Malaking tagumpay daw sanhi ng pinirmahang mga kasunduan. Naku, ang tagumpay na kaniyang sinasabi ay katulad din ng nakaraang trips. Walang iniwan sa yelo na madaling matunaw. *** Umunlad daw ang kabuhayan dahil sa kaniyang pamamahala. Bakit may tatlong milyong pamilya, ayon sa Pulse Asia survey, ang nakaranas ng gutom sa unang tatlong buwan ng 2015? Sinisikap daw ng kaniyang gobyerno na mapabuti ang pamumuhay ng sambayanan, ang resulta naman, eh, “sumama pa sa dati!” *** Ang Balikatan na larong giyera ng US at Pilipinas sa West Philippine Sea/South China Sea ay hindi na dapat ipagpatuloy. Lumilikha lamang ng tensiyon sa rehiyon na maaaring maging madugong kumprontasyon. *** Sa show of force ay hindi naman padadaig ang China sa US. Malabo nang mangyari ang hinihiling na daanin sa diplomatikong pag-uusap ang sitwasyon sa teritoryo. Malayo din naman na ang buhay ng mga sundalong Kano ang gamitin tulad ng inaasahan ng gobyernong Aquino. *** Malungkot ang naging selebrasyon nang nakaraang Labour day. Iniwasan ni PNoy ang malawakang protesta ng mga manggagawa na ginananap sa Mendiola-Recto, Manila. Nagtago sa Cebu. *** Sa one-on-one na paguusap namin noong ika-17 ng Marso ni Senador Bongbong Marcos, palagay ko, ang BBL ay hindi madaling makakalusot sa kapulungan ng mga senador.


Nanay (Alay kay Ising)

Ulirang nilikha…ilaw ng tahanan, Tanglaw na pag-asa sa dilim ng buhay; Anak na may dusa, siya ang karamay, Sa anak ng Diyos, Birhen ang nagsilang! *** Sadyang mapagmahal, kahit paalila, Sa pamilya’y taos ang iwing kalinga; Pag-ibig sa anak mulang pagkabata, ay nananatili hanggang mamayapa! *** Dahil nga sa ina, ngayo’y may daigdig, Ang lahat ng tao, matanda at paslit; Pasakit at hirap na kaniyang tiniis, Sa aking gunita’y mahirap mawaglit! *** Mapalad ang mga may Inang karamay Na nakakapiling habang nabubuhay! Paquito Rey Pacheco

Maraming probisyong dapat munang mailagay sa ayos. Si Sen. Marcos ang chairman ng Senate Committee on Local Government na nagsasagawa ng deliberasyon sa nabanggit na panukalang batas. *** Napakabait, matapat, magalang at makabayan. Nagiisip na mabuti bago magbitiw ng mga pananalitang malaman. Marahil, hindi niya papayagang ang BBL ay maging daan na ang Mindanao at Sulu ay mapagharian ng Malaysia at MILF na malaon nang pangarap ng Kuala Lumpur. Ang motibo ay pinipilit mangyari ngayon sa tulong ng gobyernong Aquino. *** Sakaling iniisip ni PNoy na gamitan ng money power ang mga senador para maipasa ang BBL, na may mga probisyong labag sa Konstitusyon, malayong si Senador Bongbong Marcos ay mapatangay sa agos. *** Magugunitang isa siya sa tatlong senador na hindi tumanggap ng umano’y pabuya or reward na ginawang paraan ni PNoy sa pagpapatalsik kay former CJ Renato Corona sa Korte Suprema. *** Hindi na raw interesado si PNoy na sampahan ng kaso ang legislators na sangkot sa pork barrel scam, sabi ni DoJ Secretary Leila de Lima. Ah, dahil ba mga kaalyado ng LP? Kung gayon, isang katunayan na sa panahon ng gobyernong Aquino, ang DoJ ay naging “DoSJ” o Department of Selective Justice? *** Ang pangunahing casualties ng “DoSJ” ay pawang mga lider ng oposisyon na sina Sen. Juan PonceEnrile, Jinggoy Estrada at Bong Revilla. Ano ba ang pagkakaiba ng rule of law (RoL) sa selective justice (SJ)? Ang RoL ay equal justice, alinsunod sa batas. SJ is political, pinipili ang isasalang sa parilya ng katarungan.? *** Outsider ang itinalaga ni PNoy

CRISTY... From page 18

Sa pakiramdam ni Kris ay positibo ang kaniyang ginagawa. Pero hindi niya naiiwasang malagay sa alanganin, marami siyang bashers, at sumasagot siya kapag sa palagay niya’y sobrasobra na ang panlalait sa kaniya. Iyon si Kris Aquino. Nilangisan ang kaniyang dila, walang garter ang kaniyang pananalita. Sasabihin niya kung ano ang sa palagay niya ay tama at wala siyang pakialam kung kainisan man siya ng buong mundo. Komento ng isang kaibigan naming propesor, “May mga panahong gusto ko ang mga sinasabi ni Kris, pero mas maraming pagkakataon na ayoko sa kaniya. Self-serving kasi siya, may kayabangan, super-bratty.” At tanggap ng marami na kundi mo kayang mahalin si Kris Aquino ay kaiinisan mo na lang siya. Iyon si Kris Aquino para sa ating lahat. – CSF

na Comelec Chairman. Hindi maiiwasan ang wrong signal sa mga botante, ayon sa mga political analyst. Hindi raw malayong magkaroong muli ng hokus-pokus na pabor sa mga kandidato ng administrasyon. *** Dalawa sa tatlong bagong itinalaga ay kontrobersiyal. Si Rowena Guanzon at Sheriff Abas na umano’y malapit na relative ni Datucan Abas, alias Mohagher Iqbal na chief peace negociator ng MILF. *** Teka, may plano raw ang Comelec na buhayin ang isyu na nagtatakda ng perang kailangan lang na gastusin ng mga kandidato sa eleksiyon, batay sa Resolution 9688 ng Komisyon noong 2013 mid-elections. Base umano sa opinion ng Korte Suprema na kailangan ang batas na pinagtibay ng kongreso. Naku, delikado yan. Kapag naatraso ang pagpapatibay ng batas, bentaha sa LP ni PNoy na kargado sa perang pangkampanya sa 2016 elections. *** Ngayon pa lang, nagbabato na ng pera ang mga may planong makilahok sa eleksiyon na nakatakda sa ika-9 ng Mayo, 2016. Ang political zumba sa Pilipinas ay halos kasabay din ng presidential and congressional US elections na gaganapin naman sa November next year. *** Matindi at madugo ang magiging labanan sa local, kumpara sa congressional at senatorial. Malamang three or four political parties ang sasali sa darating na presidential derby. *** Mar Roxas-Grace Poe or Rogelio Singson for LP? VP Binay-Chiz Escudero or Bongbong Marcos for UNA? BongbongSerge Osmena or Escudero for NP at Lacson-Duterte naman for Partido ng Manggagawa at Magsasaka PMM. Katas Sa nakaraang four-day US-Canada trip ni PNoy,

PAGE 19 ipinagmayabang na gumanda raw ang ekonomiya ng Pilipinas na resulta ng kaniyang nakaraang limang taon na liderato. Gayunman, mismong ayon sa IMF, ang isang pangunahing sanhi ng nanghihinang kabuhayan ay weak exports. 1. Kinatigan ni Dr. Benjamin Diokno, eksperto sa kabuhayan ang obserbasyon ng IMF. 2. Binanggit ang iba pang dahilan: Kulang ang infrastructure projects. Expensive cost ng koryente at pamumuhunan sa negosyo. Maraming corrupt na national and local government officials. 3. Kasi nga naman, sa politika ginagasta at nilalaan sa eleksiyon ang malaking bahagi ng national budget. Isa sa pangunahing napabayaan ang sektor ng transportasyon. 4. Ano na ang nangyari ngayon sa MRT-LRT for urban, Philippine National Railways for national, at airports for local and foreign services? Ang ating ipinagmamagaling na mga panginternational airports ngayon ay kasama ng mga worst airports in the world. Dapat iniwasan ang magyabang. Dahil sa Internet, alam ng buong mundo ang mga nangyayari sa Pilipinas. Ampaw ang naging resulta ng tuwid na daang malapit na ang dead end. Magpasalamat na lang at ang mga Filipino ay lubhang matiisin. Kasabihan Ang kayabangan ay walang iniwan sa isang “Kastilyong Buhangin.” Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.



MAY 16 - 31, 2015

Young talents shine at Yamaha Junior Originals concert By Judianne Jayme Winnipeg was the host city for the national Yamaha Junior Originals concert, held at the Berney Theatre on April 26th. As we found our seats, we were unsure of what to expect from this concert. All we knew was that it featured young composers from across the country, ages 6 to 14, playing their original works. Denny Adams, Winnipeg organizer and music teacher, explained that this concert series is such a gem, but it’s a shame that not many people know about it. The young musicians were all seated in their performance order in the front row, and as they came up on stage, a slideshow featured their name, age, city, as well as a brief synopsis of their work – what inspired them, what they enjoy about their piece, what their wish for their audience to find in their music. The first musician was the youngest of the crowd at 6 years old. She sat at the piano, took a deep breath, and began to play an incredible, detailed piece that one who is unfamiliar with this concert series, would probably assume was composed by a young adult. Winnipeggers featured in this afternoon’s concert included Jiyoo Noh (aged 8), Jed Borillo (aged 10), and Hannah Linsangan (aged 9). We were also treated to group performances, one that all played instruments, and a much younger ensemble that sang a song to musical accompaniment. After intermission, we were treated to a portion of the program called Improvisation. Students are given a series of notes and a style of music (suggestions were provided by fellow music students, and were drawn out of a box) and they are to create, on the spot, a musical piece. Fourteen-year-old Silvy Lin from

Jiyoo Noh Vancouver was assigned the task and we were able to witness the creative process. She heard each note played once, and took about three minutes of sitting at the piano. You could see her head nodding in different directions as her toes tapped a beat. After three minutes she played a piece with so much finesse and seamless transitions that you would’ve thought she spent weeks composing it. Following the improvisation, older students (9 years and up) came up with more complicated pieces. They composed pieces not only for the piano, as their younger colleagues had done, but they also had other musicians join them on stage. These students composed for a variety of instruments. Angela Xu (aged 11, Toronto), was joined by a violin and cello. Kyle Tam (aged 13, Toronto) was joined by a drum set and bass. Silvy Lin returned to the stage, this time to play her piece that sounded like a conversation between a violin and the piano. Ms Adams explained to us that the process begins at the age of 4, when they are able to join the music programs and take private lessons as well as group

lessons. By age 6, they are given the option to take the special advanced courses that delve into composition and improvisation. This explains the dedication of these talented students. They chose to be there, and they are genuinely passionate about their craft. We are in complete awe of these young peoples’ musical talents in composing and playing their musical instruments. We sat there, eyes wide open, appreciative smiles on our faces, ears thrilled to hear the original pieces, hands eager to clap and cheer on these youth. Congratulations to all the hardworking children who shared their talents with the lucky audience that afternoon. Thank you for the invitation, and we look forward to attending more concerts from Yamaha! Photos by Cherry Vicente

Jed Borillo

Hannah Linsangan

MAFTI’s Teatro Filipino-Canadian The Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers, Inc (MAFTI) began conducting a free workshop on theatre development for students of Maples Collegiate on April 25, 2015. The sessions

are running on four consecutive Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Participants in Teatro Filipino-Canadian (TFC) learn the basics of creative drama and

writing with emphasis on value formation, Filipino heritage language, youth leadership and community involvement. Project director and conceptualizer Ernesto Ofiaza Jr. and project

coordinator Porfiria Pedrina facilitate the workshop, which is funded by Manitoba’s Ethnocultural Community Support Program. The students will present

their finished work at Tyndall Park School on June 10 and on June 12 at Maples Collegiate to coincide with the celebration of the Philippine Independence and Heritage Week.

MAY 16 - 31, 2015






MAY 16 - 31, 2015

Connecting with Little Sisters of the Poor and Aral Pinoy By Judianne Jayme With Mother’s Day just recently passed, it was truly endearing to see families celebrating the lives and journeys of their mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, and greatgrandmothers. One can’t help but wonder, “what about the elderly who do not have families for different reasons? Is someone going out of their way to celebrate them?” One global organization, which also has a chapter in Canada as well as in the Philippines, seeks to serve the needs of the elderly. Little Sisters of the Poor (LSP) is a global congregation of Roman Catholic sisters founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan who, following and acting on their beliefs, have opened up their doors in residential homes and provided a home to elderly people in 31 different countries. One such

home is the San Lorenzo Ruiz Home for the Elderly in Manila where, according to their mission statement, these sisters provide a “spiritually encouraging setting where prayers and prayer requests are made for the elderly.” Aral Pinoy is another nonprofit organization that focuses on a different demographic: scholars. This organization seeks to identify schools with insufficient instructional materials and equipment, and insufficient budget. They also seek to train teachers to improve their teaching in order to enhance students’ learning. They follow up to ensure teachers apply what they have learned. As an educator, I can see the range of needs in our own city, and I can only imagine what the needs are for schools in other countries. A recent project of Aral Pinoy is to promote food security, and their solution was to build a sustainable community vegetable

garden with the intent to feed up to 3,000 malnourished students. To do this, they need help through volunteerism, donations of cash or in-kind, and support both locally and globally. Part of the proceeds of the Halloween fundraiser held in Winnipeg last October 2014 was donated to both LSP (CDN$500) and to Aral Pinoy (CDN$500). Pilipino Express’ Creative Director Rey-Ar Reyes visited these charities to hand over the donation. The upcoming fall’s pageant to empower and highlight strong young women in our community, Miss Debutante 2015, will also be donating part of its proceeds to these charitable causes.

Susan Macaranas, Rey-Ar Reyes, Ashley, Marion and Lala Aunor, Sr. Cecilia Emmanuel and Sr. Rosario Antoinette of Little Sisters of the Poor – San Lorenzo Ruiz Home for the Elderly

For more information about these charities, visit their websites: Little Sisters of the Poor – San Lorenzo Ruiz Home for the Elderly www.lsp-sanlorenzoruiz.org Aral Pinoy: aralpinoy.blogspot.ca

Sisters Marion and Ashley Aunor entertained the elderly

L-r: Antonio Levy S. Ingles, Jr., Ph.D., Aral Pinoy founder, Susan Macaranas, Lala Aunor, Rey-Ar Reyes, Marion and Ashley Aunor, Dr. Cesar Jimenez and Chato Sugay of California, USA

In 2012, the Little Sisters of the Poor serve the needy elderly in 31 countries, including Manila. In Manila, the congregation’s mission is to give respect and dignity to the elderly.

Rey-Ar Reyes (Back left) and Arnet Tesoro, Coordinator of Aral Pinoy Pabaon Scholarship Program (Front, left) with the Aral Pinoy scholars, back, l-r: Dennis Villapando, Jon Derick Lozada and Neil Vincent Acebuche. Front, l-r: Gielyn De Luna, Rachel Dayo, Gienelyn De Luna and Marjorie Mojares.

Vickar Community Chevrolet top GM seller For the second time in three years Vickar Community Chevrolet has led the country in new car sales for General Motors Canada. The top selling GM sales team in Canada for 2014 celebrated their achievement with a luncheon at the dealership on Regent Avenue on April 21, 2015. General Manager Sam Vickar reported that the dealership sold close to 1500 new vehicles in 2014, almost 100 units more than its closest competitor. GM Canada top brass, President Stephen Carlisle; John Roth, Vice President, Sales, Service and Marketing; and Glenn Lemmerick, GM Regional Director, Western Region were on hand to celebrate with the Vickar family, whose history in the auto business goes back almost 70 years. “People like the Vickar Family remind us about why we are in this business,” said Carlisle. “The Vickar family’s contributions to community inspire all of us.” Vickar Community Chevrolet president, Larry

Vickar said the top sales award was a complete team effort that includes all departments of the operation – parts, service and auto body. “We have a great team here,” said Sam Vickar. “We all work together toward our common goal.” Source: Jewish Post & News

Larry Vickar

L-r: Larry Vickar, President Vickar Community Chevrolet; Sam Vickar, General Manager Vickar Community Chevrolet; Stephen Carlisle, President GM Canada and John Roth, VP GM Canada

MAY 16 - 31, 2015



Mikaela Mendez – Miss Teenage Winnipeg 2015 Mikaela Hope Mendez, a 17-year-old Grade 11 student of Garden City Collegiate, was crowned Miss Teenage Winnipeg 2015 in a pageant at the Fairmont Hotel on April 19, 2015. She was chosen from among 17 candidates to advance to the Miss Teenage Canada pageant this coming August. Mikaela is the eldest of six children of Jairemaine and Jackie Mendez. She craves adventure, adores travelling, and enjoys living in the moment. She is outgoing and is confident with all she has to offer. Mikaela is a great athlete who puts endless hours into dance and also manages to do fitness training three times a week. She has the ability to push herself and strive for excellence, not only with sports but with academics too. In all her years of middle school and her past two years of high school, Mikaela has proudly made the honour roll and intends to study to become an optometrist after graduation. Within her busy schedule, she also finds time to volunteer at various local events. Mikaela’s pageant efforts are generously sponsored by MacDon Industries Limited, Pam Godfredsen Photography, Promise Fitness and Larry Vickar. Photos by Pam Godfredsen Photography

Mikaela with her family and friends

Guimbanian Association of Manitoba 35th Anniversary and Town Fiesta, May 9

Front l-r: Leonila Barcelita Jarlega, Ilaw ng Guimba 2015; Maripaz Nicole Lanoria, Mutya ng Guimba 2015; Bijoux Mutya ng Guimba 2015 Bliss Kuberra, Prinsesita ng Guimba 2015. Back l-r: Larry Maripaz Nicole Lanoria with Jarlega, Elizabeth Pontanos, Louie, Rose & Dionisio Lanoria, brother Louie and mom Luisa Guimbanian President.

L-r: Mel and Rochelle Buenaventura, Ilaw ng Guimba 2013; Leonila Barcelita Jarlega, Ilaw ng Guimba 2015 and husband Larry L-r: Lou & Paul Giordmaina, Bijoux Bliss Kuberra, Prinsesita ng Guimba 2015 and Alexandria Lanoria, Prinsesita ng Guimba 2014.

With guests Tova & Larry Vickar

The officers and members of the Guimbanian Association of Manitoba and their guests.

Photos by Rey-Ar Reyes

With Kevin Lamoureux, MP Winnipeg North and Joyce Magana, Mutya ng Guimba 2014



MAY 16 - 31, 2015




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