Pilipino Express • Nov 1 2017

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Volume 13 • No. 21 • November 1 - 15, 2017 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Maja Salvador

Natural champion


Watch Maja Salvador Live in Winnipeg! See ad on page 11 for details

MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654

Maria Cecilia Byrne of Thompson, Manitoba earned three bodybuilding titles in the space of a week at two different competitions. Byrne, who is known by her nickname “Mitch,” was crowned Fitness Model Canada and Ms Bikini Canada 2017 at the Musclemania 2017 Canada Natural Championship at the Centre Leonardo Da Vinci in Montreal on October 14. Mitch and her trainer/ husband, Chris Byrne, then travelled to Edmonton to compete in the International Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness (INBF) Canada Pro Qualifier on October 21 at the Eva O’Howard Theatre. There she not only won first place in the Bikini Tall category, she also earned her World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) pro card. Both the INBF and the WNBF promote natural fitness and are against all performance enhancing drugs such as steroids See MITCH p7

Photo courtesy of www.SOMBILON.com Studios

Maria Cecilia Byrne earns three titles in seven days


From 19 to 22

IRCC raises age of dependents landmhel@gmail.com


The Canadian government changed the definition of the age of dependents from “under 19” to “under 22” for families immigrating to Canada. The new definition went into effect on October 27 and applies to all new applications received by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on or after October 24, 2017. The government has also introduced a public policy that would allow for the addition or sponsorship of some children whose parents had existing See IRCC p9

Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship



NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Nic Curry MLA for Kildonan t. 204.945.2322 e. nic@niccurry.com

Happy to serve the Families of Kildonan

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Time for a new King of the Road When I was growing up in Tugatog, Malabon, a common means of transport was the karetela, horse-drawn carriages that ferried residents from the market in Sangandaan to their homes in what used to be the nearby suburbs. These communities are now too crowded and busy to still be called suburbs. It was fun riding these vehicles as they moved relatively quietly through the streets; the clip-clopping of the horses’ hooves punctuated by the clicking sounds made by the kutseros to speed them up. The karetelas in our place never really moved fast, but it’s worth noting that the word kaskasero (a driver who likes to drive fast) comes from kaskas, which literally means, “gallop.” You see, there was time when the karetelas (or kalesas as they were know elsewhere in Manila) were the King of the Road, and the kutseros would drive through the roads at speeds that probably felt like the wind. But by the time I was born they were a mere shadow of their old selves since the title “King of the Road” had already been seized by the bigger and faster jeepney. Most jeepneys, however, still tip their hats to the karetela by featuring metal horses

on their hoods. That is the way things always go. Something better always comes along to replace the old, and those who refuse to change are fools. And now, just as the karetela gave way to the jeepney, so must the jeepney give way to whatever is better than it. That is the purpose of the government’s public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program, which aims to replace the current crop of jeepneys with safer and more environment-friendly vehicles. I think most Filipinos agree that the jeepneys need to be upgraded. Many of them are old and fuel-inefficient, giving off black smoke and making loud noises as they ply their routes. Even the newer ones need to be replaced because they are still based on a design that is unsafe for passengers: the entrance/exit is placed at the rear of the vehicle, forcing passengers to step on the road and be exposed to the danger of being hit by oncoming vehicles each time they board or disembark. Under the modernization program, jeepneys would be replaced by units that are powered with Euro 4 engines (those that filter out more pollutants) or with

electrically-powered engines with solar panels for roofs. They would also be equipped with safety features such as a speed limiter, closed-circuit television camera (CCTV), GPS, and dashboard camera. Automated fare collection systems will also be installed, making them compatible with the current payment system being implemented in the Metro and Light Rail Transit (MRT and LRT) train lines. Another feature of the modernization program is the standardization of the salaries of the drivers. Currently, drivers take home what’s left of the money they earn after paying boundary (or rent for the use of the jeepney, which typically belongs to the operator), fuel, and other expenses. This has resulted in drivers scrambling and fighting for passengers, stopping even in the middle of the road to load passengers. This is one of the main causes of the traffic jams that plague Metro Manila’s roads, and the government aims to solve it by giving a standard rate to drivers so they are always sure of their income and so would not need to fight for passengers. Sounds like a good plan, right? Most people believe so, but one can also understand the apprehensions felt by the jeepney drivers and operators. The new

jeepneys cost more than a million pesos each, and many of them fear they cannot afford to buy them. They also accuse government of favouring big business since only those with a lot of money can afford the upgrade. Last month, members of a large association of jeepney drivers and operators staged a two-day nationwide transport strike to air their protest, but unfortunately all they accomplished was to show how nice our roads would be without the out-dated jeepneys. I think this calls for all of us to be utilitarian and observe the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. It is true that thousands of drivers will be affected by the upgrade, but millions more will benefit by having a modern fleet of vehicles that addresses their needs without damaging the environment. The karetela was the King of the Road before it was replaced by the jeepney. Imagine if people then had refused to upgrade. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation.com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Addressing sexual harassment at work The “Me Too” hashtag is sweeping the world and has definitely found its voice through all men and women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted. The hashtag “Me Too” comes in light of the allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. It began with actress Alyssa Milano who called all victims of sexual assault to action by encouraging them to use the hashtag “Me Too” to show the magnitude of sexual assault. So far, there are over half a million women who tweeted “Me Too.” What is sexual harassment? The Manitoba Human Rights Commission describes sexual harassment as harassment based on the ground of sex. It is described as “offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person’s sex, as well as behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or ‘poisoned’ work environment, or something that could reasonably be thought to put sexual conditions on a person’s job or employment, housing or service opportunities.” In addition, “sexual harassment is defined in the Code as a series of objectionable and unwelcome

sexual solicitations or advances or a sexual solicitation or advance made by a person in an authority, if that person should reasonably have known that their behaviour would be unwelcome or retaliating against someone for rejecting a sexual solicitation or advance.” How do you know if it’s sexual harassment? Some examples of workplace behaviours to look for include questions and discussions about a person’s sexual life; persistent asking for a date after having been refused; writing sexually suggestive letters or notes; unwanted touching, patting or grabbing; unwanted display of sexual pin-up pictures; sexual leering, teasing or telling obscene jokes. Other forms of sexual harassment are unwanted sexual looks or gestures; sexual comments about a person’s clothing, anatomy, or looks; looking a person up and down; asking personal questions about social or sexual life. Sexual harassment often occurs in workplace situations where there is unequal power between the people involved, as in the case of a supervisor and an

1045 Erin Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

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Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK)


E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com


employee. And, it can sometimes be hard to tell if sexual harassment has occurred or not. An obvious example is that of a supervisor offering special treatment to an employee in exchange for sexual favours. Verbal harassment is more of a grey area. Making vulgar remarks of a sexual nature is obviously harassment but what about joking around? Sadly, many people have actually ended up in trouble with HR because of

inappropriate jokes. What can you do? The important test to remember about harassment is whether the sexual advance was unwelcome, not whether or not the victim’s participation was voluntary. The victim does not need to object to the harasser or make his or her discomfort known to the harasser. What matters the most is the impact of the behaviour on the See SEXUAL p5

The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00 For advertising inquiries, call: 204-956-7845 or email: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017


SEXUAL... From page 4 victim, not the intent. Speaking up is one way of addressing the issue. The “Me Too” campaign appears to be an effective way of creating awareness around the issue, especially for individuals who chose to remain silent for many years. However, in the workplace it is important to report these complaints in a timely manner especially because these behaviours create a toxic environment not only for the victim but also for the team. For example, for federally legislated organizations, they are required by law to take action once they have become aware of a complaint that is based on a prohibited human rights ground. Another thing to note, especially with employees who like to have their fun at lunch time or during coffee break – joking around and making comments about other people – when the comments become sexual in nature, it’s never a good idea to play along. This type of a response will only give the other person more reason to continue the behaviour. Besides, if a complaint goes to investigation either by Human Resources or by a third-party board, the key factors that will be considered are the impact and the adverse effects of the behaviour on the offended individual. Regardless of the intent, the behaviour will be assessed on its impact. Therefore, the statement, “I didn’t mean anything by it,” is not a valid or acceptable defense for any harassing behaviour.

Sources • http://manitobahumanrights. ca/v1/education-resources/ resources/harassment-and-sexualharassment.html • The Code - https://web2.gov. mb.ca/laws/statutes/ccsm/h175e. php This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice. Consult a Human Resources Representative in your organization for complaints or any questions regarding your company’s policy on sexual harassment.

Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMAACP is a Human Rights Specialist with a federal crown corporation. She holds an Advanced Certified HR Professional Designation with the International Personnel Management Association. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. She also holds the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management). E-mail her at info@pilipinoexpress.com.




NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Age of dependent children changed The federal government has been steadily rolling back some of the more ill-conceived changes in immigration and citizenship introduced by the Harper government. These included changes in the Citizenship Act, such as residency requirements, which have been returned to three out of the past four years, effective October 18, 2017, and now IRCC has formally announced that the age of dependent children will be returned to the former standard of below 22 years of age, up from the current cut off of 19 years of age, introduced on August 1, 2014, These changes confirm something many of us have observed in our long lives or short lives: there is “nothing new under the sun,” or, “the more things change, the more they remain the same.” Effective October 24, 2017 Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) started processing applications with the new age requirements for dependency. A dependent child is now defined as someone who is less than 22 years of age and

who is not a spouse or commonlaw partner. In addition children who are over 22 years of age but still dependent on their parents and full time students may also qualify. The previous practice made no allowance for continuing dependency but limited eligibility by the birth date alone. The department did not care if the child was living at home and studying full time. If they were 19 years of age, they did not qualify. The only exception was for dependent children with a “mental or physical condition.” The Liberals promised they would make good their election promises to Canadians and they continue to come through. They have addressed the concerns of many about splitting families asunder and leaving older dependent children behind in the home country. Federal Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen stated, “Raising the age of dependents lets more families stay together. This will bring economic and social gains to our country as it enhances our attractiveness

as a destination of choice for immigrants and refugees.” While we applaud the announcement there is some concern about how the change is being implemented. IRCC appears to be strict in terms of honouring new applications and not making anything retroactive. The change is good news for persons who submitted applications after October 24, 2017, but what about those in the processing cues? How many applicants did not include dependent children over the age of 19? IRCC states that they have no intention of changing applications that are already in process. The rational is that such changes will delay things, resulting in poorer service – but it appears short sighted in some ways. My concern is that if the applicants return to submit a subsequent application for children left behind, what about the ones who were not included because they did not meet the former regulations regarding a dependent child in IRPR s.2 (b)? This question was not been answered

in the announcement. It is possible that the children in question can be sponsored in a subsequent application, but why would you not allow an amendment to an existing application? The applicant has the responsibility, under law, to disclose all eligible family members and have them examined for criminality, security and medical. If the child in question is not examined, he or she may then fall under an excluded class of family members, IRPR s. 117(9)(d). This is potentially a major problem because the child would be excluded from future sponsorship. Why correct one problem and create another? The change in the age of a dependent child was long overdue and in hindsight we have learned once again: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The tinkering in the past did little to strengthen Canada as a country of best destination or add to the economic wealth of the country. The announced change has gone a far way to correct things, but there are still unanswered questions, especially

as they relate to applications in process. There is a strong chance that practitioners and applicants will challenge IRCC on their intention not to allow additions to applications in process. One of the great strengths of the Canadian immigration system has been its foundation in natural justice. It makes no sense, nor appears to be procedurally fair, to require applicants to declare all changes in their family makeup and then not honour the disclosure by adding the dependent eligible for sponsorship as of October 24. At this writing the issue is still unresolved, so we can hope for reason to prevail in the end. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

Ways to use feng shui faceted crystals for love, luck, and money In feng shui there are few things as ubiquitous as faceted crystals. They’re seen everywhere in feng shui shops, Chinese emporiums, gift shops and decor stores. Known as a great allaround cure, faceted crystals can be used in a variety of ways and settings to either enhance your feng shui or as a cure for a feng shui problem. You may have heard of hanging them in a window to spread rainbows around the room to lift the chi in your home, but there are many more ways to use faceted crystals in feng shui than simply to catch the sunlight. Here are ten ways you might not have thought of before that will give you plenty of ways to use these lovely crystals all around your home. 1. Stop clashing elements – The most common way to use a faceted crystal comes about when a stove and a sink are opposite one another. This can cause a clash between fire and water, and often promotes strong arguments between the man and woman of the house. Adding a yellow, gold, or clear crystal between the stove and sink will help put a stop to the arguments and debates and create harmony again. 2. Curb running chi – When there’s energy that’s moving too quickly, such as stairs that face a

doorway, hanging a crystal here is an excellent way to stop the energy from moving too quickly. This is especially helpful when the stairs are close to the front door or when there is a front doorback door/window alignment. When a front door is aligned with a back door or window, energy runs out of the house (and so does money!). To help cure this, hang a crystal between the two doors or the stairs and door to stop the fast moving chi. If there’s a long way between the front and back door or window, hang more than one crystal between them. This is also a good way to slow down chi in a long hallway. 3. Cures poison arrows – Is there a wall or a corner that’s aimed at your desk or bed? A crystal between the corner and your bed or desk will help stop the arrow and disperse the chi. 4. Promotes mentor and helpful people luck – Crystals in the northwest corner will help bring mentors to you, promote international business and travel, and bring helpful people to your aid. White, purple and yellow crystals are best in this corner. 5. Complete missing corners – When you have a missing corner, earth energy from a faceted crystal can help anchor that missing energy. If the corner is north, hang a blue or purple

crystal. If the corner is east or southeast, hang a green crystal. In the south, add a red crystal. In the southwest, northeast, or northwest hang a yellow, white or purple crystal. 6. Enhance love luck – A pink hanging crystal is an excellent activator for love luck when hung in a southwest corner or southwest-facing window. 7. Stops the Jade 3 argument star – The argument star can create a variety of ills from legal to difficulties and arguments with family members and contract disputes. Adding a red crystal will help put a halt to these kinds of problems. 8. Arguing doors – Many times frictions can take place in the home between members of the family where there are “arguing doors.” This is when there are three or more doors in a small area or two doors that oppose one another. Stop the arguing and bickering by hanging a crystal in between the doors. 9. Promote concentration – If thinking is muddled and thoughts are unclear, add a crystal to wherever study or work activities occur. Hanging a crystal in this area will help promote concentration and clear thoughts. 10. Activate earth energies – To promote relationships and

education, activate the earth corners of the house with a crystal. Red, purple, gold, and white crystals are all excellent enhancers for the wisdom and education sector of the northeast and the relationship direction of the southwest. Colour faceted crystals can be used all over the house. Use the colours below as your guide. When purchasing a crystal make sure that a red string is attached to help activate the crystal. Gold – Enhances earth corners, relationships, helpful people corner Green – Enhances wood corners, wealth corner Purple – Enhances the wealth and prosperity corner Red – Enhances the fame and reputation corner Pink – Enhances the marriage,

woman, romance and relationship corner Blue – Enhances the career, wealth, health and family corners Clear – Enhances all corners Before hanging your crystals be sure to wash them and then let them sit in sunlight for at least four hours to release old energies and re-charge with clean, clear sunlight. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I want to get a tattoo on my inner arm of the archer sign, an arrow, to represent myself being a triple Sagittarius. Would a tattoo like this bring me good or bad luck? Answer: I’m sorry, but, no, it wouldn’t be a good idea, and I believe, would bring you bad luck if you had this on your body. Arrows that point at you are never See FENG SHUI p9

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

MITCH... From page 1 and pharmaceutical grade diuretics. Born Maria Cecilia Nicolas, Mitch, hails from Paombong, Bulacan. In 2003, together with her parents, Romy and Tess, she and her five siblings arrived in Winnipeg under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. Mitch was working as a health care aide when she earned her Fitness Instructor certificate from the Manitoba Fitness Council in 2007. In 2008 she moved to Thompson to provide fitness training to the residents of Nelson House, the Wellness Centre, and Medicine Lodge. She also taught at the Laban Martial Arts and Fitness Studio, in Thompson. Before entering bodybuilding in 2014, Mitch competed in the 2010 Miss Earth Canada beauty pageant in Montreal. She represented the Philippines in the Miss Latina del Mundo 2011 in the Dominican Republic and placed in the top seven. In 2012 she received the Miss Congeniality award at the Miss Universe Canada pageant. Her first venture into bodybuilding resulted in first place wins at the 2014 Manitoba Amateur Body Building Association (MABBA) Provincial Qualifier and in the subsequent provincial competition. In 2016 Mitch placed first in her first INBF competition in Winnipeg and was then immediately invited to compete in the UK where she placed fourth in the world. Mitch’s life is centred on achieving physical fitness naturally. “For the past ten years I have been living in Thompson helping many people change their lives daily from being sick, obese, and physically weak to becoming healthy and happy athletes,” says Mitch. For those who want to start to change their lives – make time for yourself, eat healthy, and try your best to stay active everyday. For those who are thinking of competing, I encourage you to do it, but do it naturally. Kailangan natin ingatan ang katawan. Kailangan lang natin ay right nutrition, pagsisikap at tiyaga. You will get there with consistent clean eating and activity. There is no need to rush.” Photos courtesy of www.SOMBILON.com Studios






Clash of Champions 2nd Annual Villamor Sikaran & Arnis Filipino Martial Arts Open Friendship Tournament at PCCM, October 21 Master Guro Paul Villamor (7th Degree Black Belt) hosted the second annual Villamor Sikaran & Arnis Filipino Martial Arts Open Friendship Tournament at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) on October 21. Dubbed the “Clash of Champions – Battle Ground,” the tournament was a display of skills in several martial arts disciplines from schools throughout Manitoba. Master Villamor congratulates all the students who participated in the tournament and to thank

all the schools that contributed competitors to this great martial arts event, which include: Villamor Sikaran & Arnis Filipino Martial Arts School; Sikaran & Arnis Brotherhood School of Canada; Falcon Armado Martial Arts; Tracma Martial Arts; TK Taekwondo Selkirk; Bae’s Taekwondo; Prince Ogitchita Motivational Martial Arts, X Company Martial Arts; Reyes Martial Arts; Can-te Karate of Kenora Ontario; CFC Kick Boxing & Martial Arts and; Plum Blossom Martial Arts Academy.

Villamor Sikaran & Arnis is a member of the World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines under founder and president, Grand Master Meliton C. Geronimo, Sr. (10th Degree Red Belt) & Pantas Meliton S. Geronimo, Jr. (9th Degree Red & White Belt) . The Villamor school is now preparing for the 6th World Sikaran Tournament that will be hosted by veteran Sikaran teacher Dante Alambra right here in Winnipeg at the RBC Convention Centre on May 5, 2018.

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017



Strengthen your faith through physical exercise by Pastor Jayson L. Igloria I am amazed by the passion of two people I met here in Winnipeg. Let me introduced Ferdinand Cuenco Peralta, whom I met at Soap Opera Laundry Centre & Coffee Shop, and Joe Suarez, whom I will talk about in my next article. Ferdinand has been growing stronger spiritually and feels that he should share his passion for the Arnis martial art with the public for free over the next three months. This act of generosity will be dedicated to his Grand Masters and to his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Grand Master Ferdinand Cuenco Peralta founded Falcon “Armado” Marital Arts (FAMA) on June 13, 1997 as a non profit organization to promote and help propagate the Filipino mixed martial arts and teach the value of mental, spiritual, and physical discipline by providing recreational facilities to anyone who trains in martial arts regardless of their gender or age. Students are taught to set and accomplish goals through training and competition.

FENG SHUI... From page 6 a good idea. I’d rather see the image of the half man/half horse symbol instead, also without the bow and arrow. I saw one person with a tattoo of the centaur and arrow, and the arrow was aimed at the small of the woman’s back. My fear would be she would develop back problems with that kind of image.

IRCC... From page 1 applications in process on May 3, 2017, or who have applied since that time. Children who are 22 years of age or older and who rely on their parents due to a physical or mental health condition will continue to be considered dependent children. “By making our immigration program more inclusive, the Government of Canada is demonstrating its commitment to family reunification. Raising the age limit not only benefits immigrants whose families can stay together, it also helps to make Canada a destination of choice for

Gaining mastery in Arnis/Kali/ Eskrima/Mano, Punong Maestro Ferdinand studied Sikaran Arnis foot fighting under Cinon Tumolva of Cimaron Sikaran and the founder of Winnipeg Sikaran Arnis, Dante Alambra. He was first promoted to black belt by Col. Meliton Geronimo, founder of Sikaran International and since attained his second degree black belt in Sikaran. Ferdinand has also studied traditional Shotokan Shoran Do with Shihan Tom Sulit and he learned the art of Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do, in 1984. Ferdinand went to the Philippines to upgrade his skills where he was promoted to Lakan Apat (fourth degree) studying under SGM Ernesto Presas, Father of Combatant, and Remy Presas, Father of Modern Arnis. He also trained in the Dagooc Arnis System (DAS) under GM Rodel Dagooc. Peralta was certified as a Grand Master in Arnis, Kali, Escrima, ManoMano Dumog under GM Melchor William Amosco, and SGM Nuno Vic Sanchez, founder of Kali Arnis International. Peralta is held in high regard

for his ethics, abilities, and his teaching style. He has conducted seminars in Mexico City and Toronto and now holds an 8th degree black belt in Arnis, recognized by the Philippine Arnis Federation Act 9850. He has blended his knowledge of these various martial arts to create a unique style called “Armado Kinse Teros.” Ferdinand Peralta can be contacted trough e-mail at peralta.ferdinand@ymail.com, Falcon97armado@gmail.com or by phone at 204-930-0136. We know that God created humans with these interconnected parts, the body, soul and spirit and that the health (or sickness) of one can influence the health (or sickness) of the other. It is our responsibility as Christians to take care of it all. Pastor Jayson L. Igloria is a Senior Pastor of I am Redeemer and Master Ministries, located at 187 Kilbride Avenue in Winnipeg with worship services on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and children’s Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call 431-3347286.

Here’s another idea, though, and it’s to use the planet that rules over the sign of Sagittarius and that’s Jupiter. Maybe you could use the planetary symbol of Jupiter or the actual planet Jupiter as a tattoo. These would be much better than the arrows – and Jupiter is called the “Great Benefic,” meaning it’s a symbol of making everything bigger and better, richer, happier – which is quite a bit better than

an arrow. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

immigrants, leading to significant economic and social benefits for our country,” Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship in a press release. Parents who want to see if their child qualifies should first check the IRCC web tool at www. cic.gc.ca. Permanent residence applicants who wish to add or sponsor a child under the public policy can also check the web tool to see if their child qualifies. Applicants should notify IRCC as soon as possible, using a web form, as the notification period will end on January 31, 2018. For more information about this, read Michael Scott’s column on page 6

Grab this opportunity to be trained for free!

Yes, you heard it right! You will have two hours of free training every Monday evening between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. for three months, from November 2017 until January 2018 at the Freight House Recreation Centre, Door 3, 200 Isabel St.

Ferdinand Cuenco Peralta


On Saturday, October 14th, the residents of Winnipeg woke up to the first snow of the season but it didn’t hamper the Filipino Members Chapter-Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba’s (FMCEngGeoMB) breakfast buffet fundraiser event. The turnout was one of the best ever. This event has gained popularity in its third year, where its main focus is to financially assist student members in pursuing their academic qualifications towards an engineering/geoscience designation. The event took place at the Canton Food Gallery, where it also featured the musical talents of chapter members, Mar Mance, EIT, Robin Banaag, EIT, and Aris Dayanghirang, P.Eng. In conjunction with the breakfast buffet, an information session on the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam was held in a separate private room at the same venue. Sharon Sankar, P.Eng., Engineers Geoscientists


Manitoba’s Director of Admissions, graced the event as the special guest speaker. She provided a brief history of how the FE exam was added to the options for academic qualifications and graciously answered questions from participants. Three successful FE exam passers, now engineering interns, Maurice Petallo, Jairuz Agang-Ang and Edwin Madera also made a presentation about their experiences of taking the exam. They also provided helpful tips, recommendations and inspiring messages for future examinees. There were over 150 guests through the door and the event raised more than $1,300, which is over 30 per cent more than the previous breakfast fundraiser. Ethel Clemente-Fernandez is a professional engineer registered in the province of Manitoba. She is an active member of the Filipino Members Chapter – Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (FMCAPEGM). www.fmc-egm.ca.

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Breakfast fundraiser brings camaraderie, knowledge and music

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

• Isabel Granada – Sana’y maging ligtas na • Sarah Geronimo – Limitado pa rin ang relasyon kay Matteo • Ai-Ai delas Alas – Malapit nang maging Mrs. Sibayan • Kris Aquino – Naunsyami na naman ang pagsali sa Wowowin • Sharon Cuneta – Tadtad na naman ng bashing sa social media • Gretchen – Nagbulgar ng relasyon ni ex-Mayor Echiverri at Marjorie • Maricel Soriano – Sana’y bumalik sa showbiz ang Diamond Star Kuwarenta’y uno anyos lang si Isabel Granada. Hindi lumobo ang kaniyang katawan dahil madalas siya sa gym. Magaling din siyang volleyball player. Gym buff ang singer-actress. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit nabulabog ang buong showbiz nang makarating dito ang balita na nag-collapse siya, isinugod sa ICU, at ngayon nga’y mahigpit na binabantayan ang kaniyang kundisyon sa isang kilalang ospital sa Doha, Qatar. Dahil doon ay kung anu-ano nang kuwento ang kumalat sa social media. Na-wow mali si Vivian Velez, nag-post ng “Gone too soon” ang aktres na nabasa ng mga kababayan natin, kaya napakabilis na kumalat ng balita. Agad ding tinanggal ni VV ang kaniyang post dahil kinontra iyon ng mga kaibigan ni Isabel Granada. Huwag daw naman sanang unahan ang kalagayan ng aktres, sa halip ay manalangin

na lang para maligtasan niya ang malaking dagok na ito sa kaniyang buhay. Naglabas din ng opisyal na pahayag ang mister niyang si Arnel Cowley. Totoong nasa ICU si Isabel dahil sa brain hemorrhage na nakaapekto nang matindi sa kaniyang puso. Panalangin ang hinihiling ni Arnel para sa ikagaganda ng kundisyon ng kaniyang misis. Hindi nakagugulat ang ganoon. Kahit pa madalas tayong mag-ehersisyo ay may mga pagkakataong puso pa ang tumbok ng ating pagkakasakit. May isang kaibigan kaming doktor na gym buff din, pero biglang nanikip ang dibdib, nang magpa-angioplasty ito ay natuklasang dalawa pala ang barado nitong coronary arteries. Mahal ng industriya si Isabel Granada, malapit ang kaniyang inang si Mommy Guapa sa mga See CRISTY p15

Isabel Granada & husband Arnel Cowley

Sarah Geronimo & Matteo Guidicelli

Sharon Cuneta & KC Concepcion

Ai Ai delas Alas & Gerald Sibayan

Manny Pacquiao bares his soul in anthology Stories for the Soul Kapuso viewers will get to see the different side of Senator Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao as he takes on another role while revealing his main purpose in life via Stories for the Soul beginning November 5 on GMA Pinoy TV. Despite all the challenges he has gone through, Sen. Manny believes he is called to inspire and preach God’s word. “Ang Panginoon ang nagbigay sa akin ng conviction. There are so many challenges in my life that time. May mga times dun na nagkamali ako pero masasabi ko na ang Panginoon

ang may gawa ng lahat. I believe this is what I am meant to do— to spread His words through this show,” he said. He is proud of this show because it presents stories that aim to give hope and at the same time motivate one to become an inspiration to others. “Looking forward ako na makita ng manunuod ‘yung inspirasyon at Word of God na talaga namang makakatulong sa pamilya o sa bawat problema na nararanasan nila especially on how to become strong. Gusto See MANNY p15

Senator Manny Pacquiao

Marjorie Barretto

Ex-Mayor Echiverri

Andrea Torres

Mike Tan Maricel Soriano

Kris Aquino

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Powerhouse cast for Seven Sundays In the tradition of the Philippines’ most endearing family dramas on the silver screen, ABSCBN Film Productions Inc. (Star Cinema) has produced its major drama flick, Seven Sundays – now showing in selected countries via TFC@theMovies. From the makers of one of Philippine cinema’s iconic drama films Tanging Yaman (2000), comes the story of four estranged siblings thrown back together by their father’s dying wish – to spend their time together in his last Seven Sundays. Directed by director, Cathy Garcia-Molina, Seven Sundays gathers some of the finest actors in the Philippine entertainment industry to portray the lead roles: critically acclaimed Ronaldo Valdez, actor-director Dingdong Dantes; teen heartthrob Enrique Gil, multi-talented actress Cristine Reyes, and timeless heartthrob Aga Muhlach. Seven Sundays also stars Donita Rose, Kean Cipriano, Ketchup Eusebio, See SEVEN p15

Standing, l-r: Enrique Gil, Aga Muhlach, Dingdong Dantes Seated, l-r: Ronaldo Valdez & Cristine Reyes

Janine Gutierrez renews contract with GMA Janine Gutierrez renewed her exclusive network contract and GMA Artist Management Contract with the Network last October 24. Acknowledged as one of today’s most promising actresses, Janine feels very excited to renew her ties with GMA where she launched her career in 2012 with Makapiling kang Muli and top billed several programs Villa Quintana, More Than Words, Dangwa, Once Again, Legally Blind and Day Off. “I’m very blessed and lucky to be signing again with GMA. Dito ako natuto at naalagaan talaga and I’m so thankful that I’ll be spending the next years with them again,” she said. During the contract signing,

GMA Senior Vice President for Entertainment TV Lilybeth G. Rasonable says, “Syempre, masaya kami kasi si Janine is home-grown. I remember the first time she was brought to Entertainment TV by her mother Lotlot. Fresh out of college. So we took her in and we helped hone her craft and now she’s an award-winning actress and we’re very happy that she’s still with GMA and with GMA Artist Center. We’re very proud of what she has become after all these years.” Rasonable also acknowledges that Janine is not only good in drama but she excels in different fields. “She’s a sought-after actress and cover girl, a beautiful See JANINE p15

Janine Gutierrez

New teleserye for multiawarded actor Dennis Trillo Kapuso Drama King Dennis Trillo will portray Liam in the much-awaited GMA Network primetime series The One That Got Away headlined by Rhian Ramos, Max Collins and Lovi Poe. Dennis will be the ex-lover of Zoe (Rhian), Darcy (Max) and Alex (Lovi). In The One That Got Away, Dennis plays Liam – a smart and handsome entrepreneur who comes from a wealthy family

and lives in their ancestral home together with his nanny. He likes all things vintage and is an animallover. He likes women with sense of humour, the common trait among his exes: Zoe, Darcy and Alex. Dennis’ resume is exceptionally impressive and continues to grow in stature every year. He has starred in numerous films and TV series and portrayed See DENNIS p15





Owner Darin Hoffman & Spouse Zeny Regalado


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Dennis Trillo

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NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

SEVEN... From page 14 April Matienzo, Jeffrey Tam, Kyle Echarri, Kin Billote, Angelica and Angelee Cruz, Gabriel Iribagon, and Alyanna Angeles. In the story, Valdez is Manuel, a man who learns of his terminal illness but sees it as a chance to bring his family back together. Muhlach is the eldest son Allan who may not have succeeded in his career but continues to be the family favourite in the eyes his siblings. Dantes is Bryan, the most successful of the family who has resented the fact that despite his success, seems to get the least attention. Reyes is Cha, the only girl in the brood of four and one who has not really been lucky

JANINE... From page 14 lady… She really showed her audience and fans na siya’y magaling na actress.” Meanwhile, co-manager Leo Dominguez looks forward to working with GMA and GMA Artist Center. “I’m very happy

DENNIS... From page 14 challenging and offbeat roles. He returned as Gabriel in the sequel of Mulawin vs Ravena and was commended for his role as the happy-go-lucky playboy in the hit primetime series Juan Happy Love Story opposite Philippine TV’s Sweetheart Heart Evangelista. Last year, he was the first Filipino to receive the Asian Star Prize at the 11th Seoul International Drama Awards for his role as Emman in the primetime series My Faithful Husband. Dennis played an even more unforgettable character in the groundbreaking primetime soap My Husband’s Lover. The Kapuso Drama King received the Highly Commended Award for the Best Actor in a Leading Role category at the 19th Asian TV Awards for his portrayal of a homosexual in the highly publicized teleserye. He bagged the Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Drama Series at the 2011 Golden Screen TV Awards for his role as Raul in the afternoon drama Sinner or Saint. On the big screen, one of his most memorable characters was

MANNY... From page 12 rin sabihin ng show na ito na sa dami ng challenges mo sa buhay, hayaan mo lang. Dadating ang panahon na makikita mo ang salvation ni God sa buhay mo,” Sen. Manny added. This drama anthology presents


in love and life. Gil is Dex, the youngest and most detached by virtue of his age and principles. As they are forced to be together for their father’s last few weeks, the siblings are reminded of the very reasons they fell apart and both comedy and chaos ensue. Apart from the stellar ensemble, the movie also marks the much-awaited comeback of Muhlach after his last romantic drama In The Name Of Love with box office star Angel Locsin in 2011. Valdez, a celebrated leading man back in his days, was last seen in the romance film All You Need Is Pag-ibig in 2015 but is most known in recent years for his endearing performance in the film The Mistress alongside Bea Alonzo in 2012. that I’m co-managing Janine with the Artist Center… She’s going to do more projects here and we’re very excited because this is her home and this is where her showbiz career blossomed. We want Janine to reach new heights and achieve bigger things in the coming years.” – GMA Network portraying a transgender woman in the 2005 war film Aishite imasu 1941: Mahal Kita. His riveting performance of Ignacio Basa was met by rave reviews from critics and fans alike and earned him a slew of awards including Best Actor at Luna Awards; Best Supporting Actor at FAMAS Awards; Best Supporting Actor at the 30th Metro Manila Film Festival; Movie Actor of the Year at PMPC Star Awards for Movies; Best Performance by Male or Female in Leading or Supporting Role at Young Critics Circle; and Breakthrough Performance by an Actor at Golden Screen Awards. The Kapuso actor was also hailed as Best Actor at the 2016 FAMAS Awards and 32nd Philippine Movie Press Club (PMPC) Star Awards for the historical-biographical film Felix Manalo where he played the title role. This star-studded movie also bagged two Guinness world records during its worldwide premiere at the Philippine Arena for the “largest attendance for a film screening” and the “largest attendance for a film premiere.” Multi-awarded and esteemed film and TV director Maryo J. Delos Reyes directs this program. – GMA Network

stories inspired by characters and stories from the Bible. For its pilot episode, Stories for the Soul features actress Andrea Torres, actor Mike Tan and actress Shamaine Buencamino. Directed by Mark Dela Cruz, catch Stories For the Soul starting November 5, Sunday, on GMA Pinoy TV.


Kapuso heartthrobs bring good vibes to new teleserye GMA Network adds excitement to its new primetime series The One That Got Away as adds three more Kapuso heartthrobs to the stellar cast. Ivan Dorschner, Migo Adecer and new Kapuso Jason Abalos bring kilig and good vibes in GMA’s The One That Got Away. They willl play important roles in the lives of Zoe (Rhian Ramos), Darcy (Max Collins) and Alex (Lovi Poe). These young leading men will showcase their acting skill through a sexier and more daring side never seen before on GMA Pinoy TV. Ivan rose to fame as the dreamy Ethan Spencer-Hughes in the top-rating primetime series Meant To Be. In The One That Got Away, Ivan plays Iñigo Sandoval. Iñigo is a spoiled trust fund baby and has a business degree but would prefer traveling the world than work in Liam’s (Dennis Trillo) company. He’s a playboy and knows how to smooth-talk his way around ladies. Meanwhile, Starstruck Season 6 Ultimate Male Survivor Migo was known as Yuan Chavez in the local adaptation of the hit series My Love From The Star. Recently, he released his very first single I Long To Ask You and has been charming fans with his skills

CRISTY... From page 12 reporters, kaya napakaraming nagdarasal ngayon para sa kaniyang kaligtasan. Harinawang malampasan ng singer-actress ang sitwasyong ito, walang imposible sa sama-samang dasal. Maging matagumpay sana ang operasyong gagawin para kay Isabel sa Doha, Qatar. *** Isang mapagkakatiwalaang source ang nagkumpirma sa amin ng kuwentong umiikot ngayon tungkol sa hindi pagkakasundo ni Matteo Guidicelli at ng ama ni Sarah Geronimo. Hanggang ngayon pala ay hindi pa rin tanggap ng ama ni Sarah ang aktor kahit pa bumibilang na rin nang mahabang panahon ang kanilang relasyon. Ikinumpara ng aming kausap ang sitwasyon sa isang buong cake na nabawasan nang malaking bahagi nang dumating si Matteo sa buhay ni Sarah. Hindi sa puntong pampinansiyal ang tinutukoy ng aming source, kung magsusukatan daw kasi ng yaman ay mapapahiya ang pamilya ni Sarah sa kung anumang mayroon ang pamilya ni Matteo, kundi sa atensiyon. Kuwento ng aming source, “Nasanay kasi ang family ni Sarah na sila-sila lang ang magkakasama. Kapag walang work si Sarah, nasa bahay lang siya. Ganoon ang nakagisnan See CRISTY p17

The Kapuso heartthrobs, l-r: Migo, Jason, and Ivan in singing and playing the guitar. Migo plays the role of Samuel Isaac or Sam. He is Zoe’s halfbrother tasked to manage their family’s coffee shop business because they deem him to have no direction in life. He is immature, irresponsible, and doesn’t know where he wants to be in life but he displays a talent in animation and music. Newest Kapuso and 2008 Gawad Urian Best Actor Jason, on the other hand, stars in his very first drama project with GMA. When he’s not working, his hobbies include playing

basketball, going surfing, and even extreme sports such as motocross. Jason breathes life to Gael Harrison Makalintal or simply Gael. He is Alex’s older brother and works as a nurse. He is a cool single-dad to his four-year old son. He is a chick-magnet and goes on a lot of dates but he never introduces his girlfriends to his family because unknown to many, he is a closet gay. Film and TV director Maryo J. Delos Reyes directs The One That Got Away. – GMA Network




NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

OFSAM celebrates 40th Anniversary

Clarita Nazario, OFSAM Queen 2017

Clarita with Manitoba NDP Leader Wab Kinew

Letty & Florencio Antonio

Clarita with Rochelle & Mel Buenaventura

Clarita with Paul & Myrna Ong

Clarita with family

Original Filipino Seniors Association of Manitoba members

Clarita Nazario with her family and friends

Former OFSAM Queens and their escorts

OFSAM with Cindy Gilroy, City Councillor for Daniel McIntyre and guests

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

CRISTY... Mula sa pahina 15 niyang buhay. “Nagsasama-sama sa bar ang mga kaibigan niya, gusto niyang sumama, pero hindi siya pinapayagan dahil makasasama raw sa boses niya ang usok at pagpupuyat. Bakit nga naman puwede iyon sa ibang singers din, pero sa kaniya, eh, hindi? “Minsan-minsan lang naman iyon, kapag may okasyon lang, pero hindi puwede iyon kay Sarah. Ayaw siyang payagan. Ang dami-dami kayang bawal kay Sarah? “Bawal siyang kumain ng chocolates, ng ice-cream, bawal siyang uminom ng malamig, kaya tatakam-takam na lang siya kapag enjoy na enjoy na kumain ng mga ipinagbabawal sa kaniya ang mga kapuwa niya singers!” kuwento ng aming kausap. Nang pumasok sa buhay ng sikat na singer-actress si Matteo, pakiramdam ng mga magulang ni Sarah ay nahati na ang kaniyang atensiyon; nabawasan na ang para sa kaniyang pamilya. “Mabait na boyfriend si Matteo. Lumulugar siya sa tama. Kapag may work si Sarah, hindi siya nakikigulo, hindi sila nagkikita para hindi maapektuhan ang focus sa trabaho ng girlfriend niya. “Iyong pagsama ni Sarah sa mga activities ni Matteo, hindi siya lang ang kasama, nandoon ang kapatid niya, ang PA niya, hindi siya naisasama ni Matteo nang siya lang. Nirerespeto iyon ni Matteo. “Hanggang dinner nga lang sila, hanggang sa pagdalaw lang ni Matteo sa bahay nila ang nangyayari, kasi nga, iyon ang kasunduan nila. Mainit ang dugo ng parents ni Sarah kay Matteo. “Hindi totoong umalis na si Sarah sa bahay nila, may sarili siyang condo unit, pero hindi niya naman nagagamit dahil nandoon pa rin siya sa bahay ng parents niya. “Hindi mangyayari iyon, pagpapakasal lang nila ni Matteo ang makapagpapahiwalay kay Sarah sa pamilya niya, promise!” kuwento pa ng aming source. Kapag masama pala ang loob ni Sarah ay idinadaan lang niya iyon sa pag-iyak. Hindi siya nagsasalita. Kinikimkim lang ng singer-actress ang lahat. Sundot pa ng aming impormante, “Kapag nakikita siyang umiiyak ng mommy niya, eh, nakakaloka ang reaction sa pag-iyak niya. Huwag daw siyang umiiyak, makaaapekto raw sa pagkanta niya ang pagiyak. Hanggang doon ba naman, boses pa rin niya ang concern ng mommy niya?” *** Tama ang sinabi ni Ai-Ai delas Alas na marami siyang kalabisan at kakulangan sa sarili niyang buhay pero sumakto siya sa kaniyang mga anak. Naturingang Philippine Comedy Queen ang kanilang ina pero lumaking nakasayad sa lupa ang mga paa nina Sancho Vito, Sofia at Nicolo. At kapag lumaking maayos ang mga anak ay sa kanilang


magulang ibinibigay ang kredito. Mag-isang pinalaki ni Ai-Ai ang tatlo niyang anak, wala siyang nakatuwang. Kahit nasa trabaho na ang komedyana ay panaypanay pa rin ang pagtse-check niya kina Sancho, Budang at Nicolo. Sabi niya noong minsan, “Wala namang perfect na magulang, di ba? Wala ring perpektong anak. Pero napakalaki ng pasasalamat ko kay Lord dahil ang mga anak ko, naiintindihan nila ang work ko. “Ipokrita ako kung sasabihin kong nabigyan ko sila nang sapat na oras, hindi totoo iyon, dahil noong mga panahong halos wala na akong panahon kahit para sa sarili ko, eh, kulang na kulang din ang time na naibibigay ko para sa kanila. “Pero kapag may time naman ako, sama-sama lang kami sa bedroom ko, fiesta talaga, doon na kami kumakain lahat. Sinasamantala namin ang panahong wala akong trabaho,” kuwento ng Comedy Concert Queen. At bibihira ang mga anak na nauunawaan pati ang lovelife ng kanilang ina. Kung saan maligaya si Ai-Ai ay wala kang maririnig na anumang pagkontra mula sa kaniyang mga anak. Puwedeng mayroon, pero hindi nila iyon ipinararamdam kay Ai-Ai. Malaki ang respeto ng magkakapatid sa kanilang ina para hindi na lang kumibo. Pero iba ang sitwasyon ngayon kay Gerald Sibayan. Mahal ng mga anak ni Ai-Ai ang binata. Magkakaibigan sila, nagkakasundo, ramdam kasi ng magkakapatid na malinis ang intensiyon ni Gerald sa kanilang ina. Si Gerald ang balon ng inspirasyon ni Ai-Ai kahit pagod na pagod siya sa pagtatrabaho ay pampaalis niya ng pagod at stress ang binata, pinahahalagahan iyon nina Sancho, Sofia at Nicolo. “Maraming-marami na akong nagawang maling desisyon sa buhay ko. Pero sabi ng mga anak ko, eh, hindi ko na dapat pang balikan iyon dahil part of life nga naman ang pagkakamali at pagkatuto ng leksiyon. “Sabi ko nga, kahit minsan man lang sana, eh, makagawa ako ng tama. At feeling ko, eh, ito na nga iyon. Mahirap lang ang preparation, ang dami-dami palang kailangang iayos na mga dokumento, pero napaka-smooth. “Feeling ko, eh, ngayon lang ako ikakasal. Siguradong iyakan ito, pareho kasing mababaw ang luha namin ng darling ko. Madali kaming maiyak. Inaasahan ko na iyon sa kasal namin. Babaha ng luha ng kaligayahan,” masayang kuwento pa ni Ai-Ai. Ilang tulog at gising na lang ay December 12 na. Maraming magbabago sa buhay nina Gerald at Ai-Ai. At tatawagin na naming Mrs. Sibayan ang komedyana. *** Sumuko na si Kris Aquino sa pagsasalansan ng mga katangiang mayroon dapat ang kaniyang makakarelasyon. Naisip siguro ni Kris ang matagal nang kasabihan na dahil sa kapipili ay nauwi ang maselan sa bungi.


Songwriting competition Himig Handog is back The largest Filipino songwriting competition that gave birth to some of the Philippine music industry’s hit singles like Anong Nangyari Sa Ating Dalawa, Mahal Ko o Mahal Ako, and Dalawang Letra is back. Himig Handog 2017 starts its worldwide search for the next big Original Pilipino Music (OPM), with entries that were performed on the “ASAP” stage last October seen in the Philippines and also seen outside worldwide via The Filipino Channel (TFC). Now on its 8th year, Himig Handog is a songwriting competition that is led by ABSCBN and its record label Star Music. It began in the early 2000s and was later revived in 2013. Many entries from this songwriting competition have become huge hits and have been picked as theme songs for several TV shows and movies. Meantime, some of the previous songwriters

Pero mayroon pa rin siyang hinahanap na mga katangian ng gusto niyang makasama sa buhay. Kailangang hindi tamad ang lalaki, kailangang matalino at higit sa lahat, kailangang mahalin din nito ang kaniyang mga anak na sina Josh at Bimby. Hindi raw kailangang kasingyaman niya ang lalaki. Alam ni Kris na mahihirapan siyang makakita ng ganoon ang estado sa buhay kung ordinaryong lalaki lang ang hinahanap niya. Para siyang maghahanap ng karayom sa bunton ng dayami. Pagkatapos ng hiwalayan nila ni James Yap ay wala nang nakarelasyon si Kris. See CRISTY p20

and interpreters have gradually made their mark in the Philippine music industry. Out of almost 7,000 entries from Filipinos all over the world, a total of ten songs made it to this year’s competition, and as a Himig Handog tradition, these compositions will be interpreted by some of today’s hottest local artists. This year’s interpreters include Jake Zyrus for Agatha Morallos’ song entry Bagyo, Migz Haleco for Eric de Leon’s Bes, Inigo Pascual featuring Aikee for Michael “Aikee” Aplacador’s Extensyon, Morissette for LJ Manzano and Joan Da’s Naririnig Mo Ba?, and Jona for Raizo Chabeldin and Biv De Vera’s Sampu. Also doing their unique song rendition are Unit 406 for Gabriel Tagadtad’s Tanghaling Tapat, Kyla and Jason Dy for Soc Villanueva’s Tayo na Lang Kasi,

Kaye Cal for Karl Gauranoand Teodoro Katigbak’s The Labo Song, Moira for Libertine Amistoso’s Titibo-Tibo, and Janella Salvador for Karlo Zabala’s Wow na Feelings. The songwriter with the best composition will be declared grand champion. First to fifth runners up will be awarded as well. One of the special awards is the TFC’s Global Choice for Favorite Song, with the winner to be identified via online voting. Filipinos overseas can choose the song that they like via TFC’s Global Choice for Favourite Song. They can cast their votes via onemusic.ph/himig-handog. Voting is until November 25, 2017. The winner of the TFC Global Choice for Favorite Song is the song with the most number of votes from Filipinos overseas. The winner will receive a cash prize of $2,000.




NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Jojo Nones wins B’nai Brith Chess Tournament

The 4th annual B’nai Brith Chess Tournament participants

The 4th annual B’nai Brith Chess Tournament was held at the Asper Jewish Community Campus on October 29. Jojo Nones, who arrived in Canada just a few months ago, won the first place award. Second place went to Jonathon Zaczek.

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017



“Last ball sa side”, ready ka na ba? Isa sa mga sinusubaybayan ko sa Facebook ay si Kabayang Arnel “Kalampag.” Gustong-gusto ko ang mga banat niyang totoo at matapang tungkol sa buhay dito sa Canada, ugali at kultura ng mga Pilipino, at mga statements at paalala na kapag pinag-aralan mo ay may kabuluhan at naaayon talaga sa buhay natin bilang mga Pilipino na naging Canadians. Madalas niyang sabihin ang “last ball sa side” na ang ibig sabihin ay kamatayan. Kung hindi ako nagkakamali ay hango ito sa larong bilyar kung saan katapusan mo na kapag sigurado ka nang maisu-shoot mo ang last ball na nasa side. Narito ang isa sa mga gusto kong post niya kamakailan: “OPO, MAGINOO. PAALALA LANG ITO SA MGA KABAYAN KO SA CANADA O SA WINTERPEG NA SAGAD SA MGA TARBAHO AT NIGOSYO. ANG ATING KATAWAN AY WALANG INIWAN SA WHEELS. MAY PANUKAT O GAUGE NA PAG KULANG SA GAAS,SOBRA SA INIT AT MARAMI PANG IBA. PAG ITO ANG BINALIWALA NINYO PAG SINABI NG INYONG KATAWAN AY KAKALAMPAG KAYO AT MALALAST BALL SA SIDE NG MAAGA.” (Mula sa patnugot: Sadyang “all caps” palagi ang sulat ni Arnel.)

Sobrang trabaho, sobrang stressed, sobrang dami ng utang, sobrang dami ng problema, sobrang bisyo, sobrang social life. Kapag sobra talaga ang anumang bagay ay masama. Madadali ang ating pag-“last ball sa side.” Salamat kay Kabayang Arnel sa patuloy niyang pagkalampag sa atin ng kaniyang mga paalala lalo na sa buhay dito sa Winterpeg. Ang kamatayan ay darating at darating din. Sabi nga, death comes like a thief in the night. Ang sabi ng mga matatanda, kapag oras mo na, oras mo na talaga. Kahit magtago ka pa, kapag susunduin ka na ni kamatayan, hindi ka na makakalampas, hindi puwedeng ipagpaliban, ’ika nga, kung talagang last ball ka na sa side. Anong legacy ba ang maiiwan natin kapag tayo ay namatay na? Ang kayabangan? Ang pera, ang posisyon natin? Lahat ng ito ay balewala na kapag patay na tayo. Hindi natin madadala sa kamatayan ang mga ito pero tiyak na may maiiwan tayo. Ano ba ang iiwan natin sa ating mga mahal sa buhay? Memories, good memories, masayang karanasan, pagmamahal, pag-aaruga sa mga anak at mahal sa buhay, the legacy of our past. Ang lahat ay pinaghahandaan. Kapag namatay ba tayo bukas ay nakahanda na ang ating isip at puso

na tanggapin ito? May choice ba tayo kung talagang kamatayan na natin? Kapag last ball na, last ball na talaga sa side. Mahal daw ang mabuhay at mahal din ang mamatay. Dahil sa mahal natin ang ating mga anak at pamilya at ayaw natin silang mahirapan sa pag-aasikaso kapag tayo ay patay na. Bilang magulang, handa akong magsakripisyo para sa aking mga anak at ayokong mahirapan sila sa kinabukasan. Ok lang sa akin na nahihirapan ako ngayon kung ito naman ay makakaginhawa sa aking mga anak sa darating na panahon. Dapat bang pag-usapan ang kamatayan? Hangga’t maaari ay gusto nating mabuhay nang mahaba. Sa kultura ng Pilipino, parang hindi normal na pag-usapan ang paghahanda sa kamatayan. Ito ang kinagisnan natin dahil sa pagmamahal natin sa ating mga family members. Ngunit bahagi din ng pagmamahal natin sa ating mga anak at pamilya ay ang paghahanda natin kung tayo man ay maagang kukunin ni Lord. Kami ng aking Misis ay may nakaplano na kung sakaling kami ay bawian ng buhay nang maaga. Gusto namin na kahit paano ay stress free para sa aming mga anak ang aming celebration of life. Hindi man kami mayaman, ay may inilalaan kaming budget para sa aming memorial plan. Kapag kasi

nagkabiglaan ay nakakaawa naman ang mga iiwanan naming mga anak in terms of saan kami ililibing at ilan pang mga pangangailangang dapat gawin kapag kami ay patay na. Bukod sa memorial plan, ay makatutulong din na ihanda ang mga dokumento at testamento ng ating mga iiwan. Napakaimportante na nakahanda sa safe at secure na lugar ang ating last will and testament kasama ang ating mga mahahalagang notes at instructions tulad ng bank details, mortgage, insurance information, log-in accounts, passwords, etc. Sa buwang ito ay inaalala natin ang mga mahal sa buhay na pumayapa na. Bukod sa pag-alala sa kanila ay maganda ring isipin natin ang magplano kapag tayo naman ang ma-“last ball sa side.” Simulan n’yo na ang paguusap na mag-asawa tungkol dito. Huwag kayong mahihiyang buksan ang topic na ito dahil lahat tayo ay papunta naman sa

last ball. Kung gusto ninyong kumunsulta sa mga memorial plan specialists ay marami tayong mga kababayan ang makatutulong sa inyo. Mapalad kami ni Misis kasi si kumpareng Aldous Guzman ay isa sa mga tao na nagpaliwanag sa amin ng kahalagahan nito at siyang nakatulong sa amin para makapagplano nang maayos at tamang tama din sa aming budget. Tandaan natin, ang lahat ay may ending. Kung kailan ito, hindi natin alam kaya’t kailangan na handa tayo sa pagsalubong dito. Last ball na, ready ka na ba? Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Kapag tayo ay nabigo Hindi maiiwasan na mabigo tayo sa buhay. Hindi natin nakuha ang trabahong gusto natin. Hindi tayo pinayagan ng bangko na makapag-loan para mabili natin ang bahay na matagal na nating pinapangarap. Nadiskubre natin na ang ating anak ay nalulong sa masamang bisyo. Nalaman natin na may iba na palang mahal ang ating kabiyak. Pinagtsitsismisan na pala tayo ng ating mga malapit na kaibigan. Sa librong sinulat ni Charles Dickens na may pamagat na Great Expectations, kinuwento niya ang tungkol sa isang babae na si Miss Havisham. Nakamana siya nang malaki mula sa kaniyang tatay. Na-in love siya kay Compeyson na hindi niya alam ay may interes lamang sa kaniyang kayamanan. Sinabihan na siya ng kaniyang pinsan na mag-ingat pero hindi siya nakinig. Noon araw ng kaniyang kasal, habang siya ay nagbibihis, nakatanggap si Miss Havisham ng isang sulat mula kay Compeyson at doon niya nalaman na niloko siya sa pera nito at ayaw na siyang pakasalan.

Hiyang hiya at biguan, naapektuhan ang kaniyang pagiisip. Tumira siyang nag-iisa sa nabubulok niyang mansion. Hindi na niya hinubad ang kaniyang damit pangkasal hanggang nanilaw na ito. Hindi na niya kinain ang kaniyang almusal noong araw na iyon at ang wedding cake niya ay iniwan niyang nakatiwangwang sa lamesa. Sinara niya lahat ng kurtina sa bahay at tinigil niya ang pagtakbo ng lahat ng orasan. Hinayaan niyang mawasak ang buhay niya dahil sa isang kabiguan. Kapg nabigo tayo sa buhay, makakapili pa rin tayo kung ano ang gagawin. Maaaring sundin natin ang ginawa ni Miss Havisham o maaari natin gayahin ang ginawa ni apostol Pablo. Nais ni Pablo na maging misyoneryo sa Spain pero nauwi siya sa isang bilangguan kahit na wala siyang kasalanan. Nagtuturo lamang siya ng salita ng Diyos sa mga tao. Sa halip na magmukmok dahil sa kabiguan, nagpasiya siyang gawing kapakipakinabang ang kalagayan niya. Mula sa preso, sumulat siya ng mga liham at hinikayat niya ang ilang

grupo ng mga bagong mga alagad ni Hesus sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng mundo na magpatuloy sa kanilang papanampalataya. Noong unang panahon ang mga pastol ay gumagamit ng langis para sa kanilang tupa. Binubuhusan nila ang ulo ng mga tupa ng langis para proteksyon laban sa mga insekto. Kapag nakapasok kasi ang mga itlog ng mga langaw o lamok sa ilong ng tupa, nagwawala ang tupa. Sobra ang pagkabagabag ng tupa na humahantong ito sa puntong iuumpog nito ang kaniyang ulo sa bato o poste dahil sa iritasyon mula sa mga pumasok ng insekto. Naapektuhan din ang kalusugan ng tupa at minsan ay nagsasanhi ito ng kamatayan. Regular ring tinitingnan ng pastol kung may mga sugat ang tupa. Natinik ba ito ng mga matutusok na halaman? Nahiwa ba ito ng mga matatalas na bato? May gasgas ba ang isang bahagi ng katawan nito? Ayaw kasi ng pastol na lumala ang sugat at magkaroon ng impeksyon pagkalipas ng ilang araw, Ang sabi sa Biblia, ang Panginoon ay ang Mabuting Pastol. Tulad ng mga tupa, nasusugatan ang ating mga puso na dala ng mga kabiguan sa buhay. At kapag hindi tayo magingat ang mga sugat na iyan ay maaaring magsanhi ng sama ng

loob na siyang lalason sa ating karacter at espirito. Maapektuhan din ang ating ugnyan sa Diyos at sa tao. Tulad ng mga tupa, nangangailangan tayo ng pangangalaga. Ito ang sabi sa biblia sa Awit 100:3 “Alamin ninyo na ang Panginoon ay siyang Diyos; siya ang lumikha sa atin, at tayo’y kaniyang bayan, at mga tupa ng kaniyang pastulan.” Mababasa sa biblia na maraming kabiguan na naranasan si David. Kinuha sa kaniya ang kaniyang asawa na ama nito. Binalak siyang patayin ni Haring Saul na matapat niyang pinagsilbihan. Pinagtaksilan siya ng kaniyang matalik na kaibigan at kumampi sa kalaban niya. Nagrebelde ang kaniyang panganay na anak at nagtangkang agawin ang trono niya bilang hari. Magulo ang buhay ng ilan sa kaniyang mga anak. Pero sa halip na maghari ang galit at sama ng loob sa Diyos at sa ibang tao dahil sa mga kabiguan niya sa buhay, lumapit siya sa Diyos na tinuturing niyang kaniyang Mabuting Pastol. Kaibigan, tanging ang Diyos lamang ang makakapagbigay lunas sa sugatan nating puso. Ayon sa biblia sa Awit 147: 3, ang Diyos ang nagpapagaling sa sugatan nating puso. At kapag lumapit tayo

sa Diyos, huwag nating ipilit ang ating sariling ideya o kaparaanan. Magpasakop tayo at buong pagpapakumbabang magpagabay sa kaniya. Alam niya kung ano ang pinakamainam para sa atin. Kung paanong lumalapit ang mga tupa sa kanilang pastol kahit na hindi nila naunawaan kung ano ang silbi ng langis na pinapahid ng pastol sa kanila, buong puso tayong magtiwala sa Diyos kahit minsan hindi natin maunawaan ang gingawa niya. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. and 6:15p.m. English services). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.






NO. 287

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Pagsasaka 5. Hinaharap 12. Diwa 13. Linisin 14. Marahil 16. Agrabiyado 17. Nakapuga 18. Simbolo ng pilak 19. Sobrang oras 21. Ihimpil 25. Isang lalagyan 27. Leksiyon 29. Habol 31. Ilista 32. Kaya PABABA 1. Papatnubay 2. Maliit na tirahan 3. Sukat 4. Erosyon 6. Nanay 7. Pangalan ng babae 8. Kubo 9. Isang inumin

10. Halo 11. Babala 15. Ilaan 18. Aklat ng mga mapa 20. Piraso 21. Isang kulay 22. Pambungkal 23. Lider ng tribo 24. Nagbibigay ng liwanag 26. Sisidlan ng sorbets 28. Dating boksingero 30. Huni ng ibon 31. Hudyat sa taguan


NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

NOBYEMBRE 1 - 15, 2017 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Ngayon na at hindi sa isang taon pa. Kung nais mong maging maaliwalas ang iyong buhay, tanggalin mo ang hindi mo na kailangan. Tanungin ang sarili kung nakakapagpasaya ba sa iyo ang isang bagay. Kung oo, itabi mo. Kung hindi, itapon mo. Best days mo ang ika-1, 2, 9 at 10. Alalay ka sa ika-7, 8, 14 at 15.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Kailangan mong balikan ang nakaraan upang maging maayos ang pananaw mo sa kasalukuyan at sa iyong kinabukasan. Kadalasan, may mga aral ang ating karanasan noong tayo ay mga bata pa at walang muwang. Aayos ang buhay mo, huwag kang magalala. Mapalad ka sa ika-1, 2, 9 at 10. Bantay ka sa ika-3 at 4.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Kalusugan ang dapat mong bantayan at alagaan ngayon. Kailan ka huling nagkaroon ng physical checkup sa iyong doctor? Oo nga’t wala kang masamang nararamdaman pero may mga sakit na nadidiskubre lang kung huli na ang lahat. Huwag magpabaya. Masaya ang ika-1, 2, 9 at 10. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-5, 6, 12 at 13.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Pag-ibig ang magiging laman ng iyong pag-iisip sa pagpasok ng buwan. Maraming nagkakagusto sa iyo pero ang talagang gusto mo naman ay mailap sa iyo. Lakasan mo ang loob mo. Ipahalata mo na sa kaniya. Kung walang magandang reaksyon, kalimutan mo na. Lucky ang ika-3, 4, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-9 at 10.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) M a g i g i n g mahusay ang relasyon mo ng iyong mahal sa buhay. Ang mga pagseselos at mga pagdududa ay mababawasan at magkakaroon siya ng tiwala sa inyong pagmamahalan. Alam mo na kung ano ang ayaw niya, ikaw na ang umunawa. Marami ka pang dapat gawin. OK ang ika-3, 4, 12 at 13. Alalay sa ika-5 at 6.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Mayroon kang kinikimkim na lihim. Ito ang dahilan sa madalas na pagsakit ng iyong ulo at dahilan din kung bakit ka madaling mapagod. Hindi rin maayos ang iyong pagtulog, di ba? Siguro ay panahon na upang pagaangin mo ang iyong pasanin. Good ang ika-3, 4, 12 at 13. Stressful sa ika-1, 2, 7, 8, 14 at 15.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Dapat ay palagay ang loob mo sa lugar ng iyong trabaho. Parang nasa bahay ka rin – iyon ang dapat na pakiramdam mo. Sa kasalukuyan, maganda ang relasyon mo sa mga katrabaho. Alagaan mo ang pakikisama mo at nang magtagal ang mahusay na samahan. OK sa ika-5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat sa ika-12 at 13.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Buwenas ang Nobyembre sa iyong kabuhayan. Kung may balak kang magnegosyo, tama ang oras para ilunsad mo ito. Pero, hindi pa panahon upang iwanan ang totoo mong hanapbuhay. Mahirap makipagsapalaran kung naguumpisa ka pa lang. OK ang ika5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-1, 2, 7 at 8.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Kailangan mo pa ring bantayan ang iyong kalusugan. Maganda ang pakiramdam mo nitong mga nakaraang linggo pero alam mong hindi mananatili iyan kung hindi mo tutulungan ang sarili mo. Ayusin mo ang diet. Matulog at magpahinga kung pagod. Lucky ka sa ika-5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-3, 4, 9 at 10.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) M a g a n d a ngayon ang iyong kalusugan. Huwag ka sanang magpapabaya dahil baka bumalik ang iyong kinakatakutan. Kung kailangan mong magbakasyon, planuhin mo na ito. Kailangan mo rin namang pakinabangan ang bunga ng iyong tiyaga. Maayos ka sa ika-7 at 8. Stressful ka sa ika-1, 2, 14 at 15.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Nasa sa iyo ang lahat ngayon – buwenas sa negosyo, magandang kalusugan at kulay rosas ang pag-ibig. Pero, bantayan mo lang ang sarili na huwag magkaroon ng sobrang kumpiyansa. Anumang oras ay maaaring mabaligtad ang takbo ng kapalaran. Lucky days mo ang ika-7 at 8. Bantay ka sa ika-3, 4, 9 at 10.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Maganda ang pasok ng Nobyembre para sa iyo. Kung nag-aaral ka, madali mong madidisiplina ang sarili upang mabilis kang matuto. Mahalaga ang iyong oras kaya huwag mong sayangin sa mga gawaing hindi mo pakikinabangan. Alam mo kung anu-ano ang mga iyon. OK ang ika-7 at 8. Ingat sa ika-5, 6, 12 at 13.

pagkatiwalaan siya ng programa. May pinag-ugatan ang kaniyang sinabi. Lumapit siya kay Willie Revillame para magpatulong na makapasok siya sa GMA-7. Gagawin ko ang lahat, sabi naman ng TV host, pero ang mga ehekutibo pa rin ng network ang magdedesisyon. Naplantsa na ang lahat. Magge-guest muna si Kris sa Wowowin. Iyon ang magiging barometro ng network, titingnan nila ang reaksiyon ng publiko kung tanggap pa rin ba si Kris, pero hindi iyon natuloy. Sasalang na lang sa Wowowin si Kris pero may pumigil. Huwag daw muna dahil mainit pa ang sitwasyon. Doon nabuo sa utak ni Kris na ang dahilan ng hindi pagkatuloy ng kaniyang guesting sa programa ni Willie Revillame. Dahil isang Aquino siya.

Dahil kapatid niya ang dating Pangulong Noynoy. Iyon ang pumasok sa kaniyang isip kaya niya sinasabi ngayon na dahil Aquino ang dinadala niyang apelyido ay humuhulagpos ang maraming oportunidad para sa kaniya. Baligtarin niya na lang ang sitwasyon, gawin niyang positibo. Isipin na lang ni Kris na ang apelyidong bitbit niya ang naging dahilan kung bakit siya sumikat at nagkaroon ng mga dagdag na milyones sa kaniyang busog nang kaban. *** Kinapos na naman sa pagiingat sa kaniyang mga pananalita si Sharon Cuneta kaya puro pamba-bash na naman ang inaabot ngayon ng Megastar sa social media. See CRISTY p22

CRISTY... Mula sa pahina 17 Napabalitang sila na ni Mayor Herbert Bautista, pero habang sinasabi iyon ni Kris ay tanggi naman nang tanggi ang aktorpulitiko. Kaya kung susumahin ay may apat na taon na siyang walang karelasyon mula nang maghiwalay sila ng basketbolista. Sinukat talaga si Kris ng panahon. Wala na nga siyang inspirasyong matatawag ay naging mailap pa ang kapalaran sa pagkakaroon niya ng trabaho sa telebisyon at pelikula. Totoong nakapanghihinayang ang magdadalawang taon nang kawalan ng show ni Kris. Hanggang sa pagdiskitahan na rin ni Kris ang kaniyang apelyido. Iyon daw ang dahilan kung bakit natatakot ang mga istasyon na


NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2017

Niluwagan na raw ang mahigpit na mga patakaran sa citizenship na pinairal noon ng former Conservative government. Hindi ba binalik lang yung pinairal noon ng former Liberal Party? Sana kasama sa new requirements ay mabawasan ang babayaran for Canadian citizenship. *** Sa kalapit-bansang Amerika, waring nagbago na rin ang pananaw ng mga opisyal. Sabi ng mga kritiko, Trump is for US first. Ang malaking problema ngayon ng Canada and US sa aking palagay ay tungkol pa rin sa immigration and security. Peace and order ng bansa ay parang tubig at langis sa loob ng bote. *** Pinaghahandaan na ng three dominant Manitoba provincial parties ang 2020 election. Dougald Lamont na ang bagong leader of the Liberal Party. Pilipinas Liberated na ang Marawi City sa kaguluhan na resulta ng labanan sa pagitan ng government forces and terrorist ISIS. Walang iniwan sa prutas ang bunga ng mga pangyayari. Maasim-matamis. Mahabang panahon ng kahirapan sa buhay ng mga mamamayan doon ang hindi kaagad malulunasan. Ang nangyari sa Marawi ay walang iniwan sa giyera. Kapuwa talo ang magkabilang panig. Gayunman, magpapatuloy pa rin ang labanan sa panig ng government forces and Islamic terrorists, Abu Sayaff at NPA sa iba pang lugar ng Mindanao. Ang financiers and leaders ng mga terorista, sakaling nawala na, maaaring magkaroon pa rin ng kahalili. Malapit ang posibilidad na sa iba pang lugar ng Mindanao ay may magpapatuloy ng kanilang motibo. Wala din


namang katiyakan na kahit magkaroon ng Bangsamoro Basic Law ay magiging tahimik na ang Mindanao. Alalahanin ang ating mga kapatid na muslim ay may kani-kaniyang pangkat na may mga sariling interes. *** Kung magpapatuloy ang kaguluhan sa bansa, sabi ni president Duterte ay magdedeklara siya ng revolutionary government. Ang palagay ko, hindi na kailangan. Subalit, baka nais lang ng pangulo na maging pormal at opisyal ang kaniyang kampanya sa pagbabago. Ang salitang ugat ng revolutionary is revolution na ang kahulugan ay pagbabago. Maliwanag na ang federalist form of government na hangad ng Duterte administration na mapalitan ang kasalukuyang sistema ng gobyerno ay pagbabago. Si former president Corazon Aquino ay nagpairal ng revolutionary form of government. Ang pinalitan lang niya ay ilang probisyon ng 1935, na ngayon ay 1987 Constitution. *** Tungkol sa United Nations, alalahanin ang history nito. Kasama ang Pilipinas sa first 50 members na nagpatibay ng charter nito noong October 24,1945. Filipino ang unang head – the great Carlos P. Romulo from Pangasinan. Now, UN has 192 members. Nasa UN Charter na ang pangunahing layunin ay to promote peace and order among nations. Sa palagay ko, ang Pilipinas ay hindi basta matitiwalag as member. Ang ginagawa at nais mangyari ng Duterte administration ay magkaroon ng peace and order sa


Ala-ala Mula nang yumao ang aking minahal, Ang pangungulila, labis kong dinamdam; Siyam na taon nang matuling nagdaan, Ngunit sa wari ko ay parang kailan lang! *** Aming pinangarap sa pana-panahon, Gintong ala-ala ng nagdaang taon; At sa aking dibdib namamahay doon, Palaging sariwa magpahanggang ngayon! *** Naulilang puso ngayo’y nangangarap, ng kaligayahang sadyang hinahanap; Subalit ang langit ay waring maulap, Walang katiyakang maging aliwalas! *** Pag-ibig mang lubos ang dapat asahan, ay wala ng iba pa, kundi kapalaran! Paquito Rey Pacheco

bansa na kaparis ng pangunahing layunin ng UN. *** Normal lang na ang LP as opposition political party ay kumilos. Kung baga sa nadapa, nagpipilit na makabangon. Sinakyan nito ang EJK issue tungkol sa anti-illegal drug trade ng Duterte administration. Ang mga kasama umano sa campaign against Duterte ay Human Rights Group with leftist Akbayan, Tindig Pilipinas, Lawyers na taga-pagtanggol nina CJ Lourdes Sereno, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales, Sen. Leila de Lima at ilang alagad ng simbahan. *** Noong nakaraang Aquino administration, si former CJ Renato Corona ay napatalsik sa Korte Suprema. Ang former Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez ay napilitang magresign nang sampahan ng impeachment. Ngayon, ang CJ Sereno, Ombudsman Morales

CRISTY... Mula sa pahina 20 Napakasimple ng pinagugatan ng kuwento kung bakit. Tuwang-tuwa si Ai-Ai delas Alas dahil nagbigay ng bahagi ng kaniyang kinita sa Ang Probinsiyano ang anak nitong si Sancho Vito. Sa mga hindi pa pamilyar kung ano ang ginagampanang papel ni Sancho sa matagumpay na serye ay ito ang parang kanang kamay ni Jhong Hilario na palaging nakapandong. Sila ang nagbubuo ng bagong grupong makakalaban ng Pulang Araw. Bilang isang nanay na nagmamalaki sa ginawa ng kaniyang anak ay ipinost iyon ng Comedy Concert Queen, sabay pasalamat kay Sancho, na binigyan naman ng reaksiyon ni Sharon. Ang kaniyang sabi, “Nakakatouch naman, BFF… wala pa akong anak na gumawa n’yan.” Kinontra iyon ng komedyana sa pagsasabing niregaluhan na dati ni KC Concepcion ang kaniyang mommy ng mga gamit na mahal ang halaga. Iyon lang at binira-bira na si Sharon. Reaksiyon ng mga netizens ay bakit kailangan niyang ipahiya ang kaniyang anak sa publiko, samantalang dati nama’y siya pa mismo ang nagmamalaki sa mga inireregalo sa kaniya ni KC? Siya pa raw na mismong ina ang nanglalaglag sa kaniyang anak. Si KC ang tinukoy ng mga nakisawsaw, dahil ito pa lang naman ang anak ni Sharon na kumikita na. Inconsistent daw ang singeractress dahil hindi pa natatagalan ay ipinagmalaki pa niya ang mga branded bags na iniregalo sa kaniya ni KC, pati ang humidifier na binili ni KC para sa kaniya ay ipinost din ng aktres, kaya ano raw ang pinanggagalingan ng bagong post ni Sharon? Sa pagbasa namin sa post ni Sharon ay nakakita kami ng katwiran. Maaaring puro mamahaling regalo ang ibinibigay sa kaniya ni KC pero hindi siya


ang nais mapaalis sa puwesto Hindi man natuloy ang impeachment vs former Comelec chairman Andres Bautista, subalit sabi ni Senador Francis Escudero, ipapatawag nila ito sa senado. Kailangan daw liwanagin kung bakit ang sequestered funds ng PCGG na pinmunuan ni Bautista ay sa private bank diniposito, sa halip na sa government depository institutions? *** Nabalitang ang Pilipinas ay iniiwasan daw ng mga dayuhang investors. Nabalita din naman na maraming investors, tulad ng Japan at China ang nag-uunahang makapamuhunan sa Mindanao at kahit sa rehabilitation of Marawi City. Alin kaya sa dalawang balita ang totoo? Katas Ang tinaguriang patakarang globalization ay nagsimulang umiral pagkaraan ng World War II. • Noon, USA ang kinikilalang

bansa na may matatag na kabuhayan at military power. • Ang mga bansang sangkot sa giyera, lalo na ang Japan ay talagang ininda ang negative effect ng digmaan. • Subalit iba na ang sitwasyon ngayon. Maunlad na ang Japan. Ang China at USSR ay nakabangon na rin sa kahirapan na sanhi ng giyera. • China, US at Russia na ngayon ang mga maituturing na bansang super powers. • North Korea na ngayon ang banta laban sa pagkakaroon ng peace and order situation sa maraming dako ng buong mundo. Kasabihan Kapalaran sa buhay ng tao, hindi man hanapin, tiyak na darating. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

binibigyan ng literal na pera ng kaniyang anak. Iyon lang iyon. Kinapos lang ng pag-iingat sa kaniyang pananalita ang Megastar na ang naging kapalit na ay kilokilometrikong paghusga ng mga nainis sa kaniya. *** Si Gretchen Barretto ang pinakaunang nagbulgar tungkol sa relasyon ni dating Caloocan Mayor Recom Echiverri at ng kapatid nitong si Marjorie. Wala pang lumalabas na pag-amin mula sa dalawa. Marami nang bulungbulungan tungkol sa kanilang relasyon at pagkakaroon ng anak pero si Gretchen ang naglabas ng kumpirmasyon nang ma-wow mali ito ng pagkaintindi sa post ni Claudia Barretto. Sa pampublikong pag-amin lang umiiwas ang pulitiko at si Marjorie pero ginagampanan nila ang tungkulin bilang mga magulang ng kanilang anak. Nang ipagdiwang ang Parent’s Day sa eskuwelahang pinapasukan ng bata ay nandoon sina Mayor Recom at Marjorie. Natural, nasa kanila ang atensiyon ng mga magulang ng mga batang nag-aaral sa pampribadong eskuwelahan. Sila mismo kasi ang nakapagkumpirma sa kanilang mga sarili na totoo ang kuwento at hindi imbento lang. At kasalu-saludo ang ibinibigay na suporta nina dating Mayor Recom at Marjorie sa kanilang anak, wala man silang ginagawang pag-amin tungkol sa pagkakaroon nila ng supling ay mas mahalaga pa ru’n ang ipinakikita nila. Hindi nila pinababayaan ang bata na produkto ng kanilang pagmamahalan. Mahabang panahon na ang lumipas. May ibang pamilya na rin ngayon si Dennis Padilla. Lumamig na ang tensiyon at maging ang magkapatid na Julia at Claudia ay malapit na rin ngayon sa kanilang ama. Ang nakakaaliw na komento pa ng mga nakakitang magkasama sina dating Mayor Recom at Marjorie, “Nakakatuwa silang

tingnan, para silang kape at gatas. Mukhang nakuha ng bagets ang kulay ng tatay niya.” *** Ikinaligaya ng mga fans ni Maricel Soriano ang isang linggo niyang pag-upo bilang isa sa mga hurado sa paglalaban-laban ng mga hosts ng It’s Showtime para sa kanilang ikawalong taong anibersaryo. Medyo nadagdagan lang ng timbang si Marya, pero ang kakinisan at gandang mayroon siya ay nand’yan pa rin, walang kakupas-kupas ang Diamond Star. Kung madetalye ang mga kasama niyang hurado ay may karamutan naman sa paglalarawan ng kaniyang napanood na performance si Maricel. Hindi siya madetalye, halatang hindi siya kumportable, kaya ang palagi na lang niyang komento ay nasabi na ng ibang kasamahan niya ang gusto niyang sabihin. Nakakapanibago nga siguro ang muling pagharap sa mga camera pagkatapos nang mahabang pagpapahinga. Ganoon din kasi ang napansin namin nang maging judge si Aga Muhlach sa labanan ng mga beki sa noontime show. Parang hindi rin kumportable ang guwapo pa ring actor. Nagtatanong pa nga ito kung ano ang kaniyang gagawin, parang sobrang nanibago si Aga sa pagsalang uli pagkatapos nang mahabang bakasyon sa paggawa ng pelikula. Hiling ng mga tagasuporta ni Maricel Soriano na nand’yan pa rin at hindi nagpapalit ng kulay ay mas madalas na raw sana siyang mapanood kundi man sa pelikula ay kahit sa telebisyon man lang. Sayang nga naman ang pagkakataon. Hindi dapat mabakante ang talento ng Diamond Star. Hindi dapat mangalawang ang kaniyang kapasidad na maraming dekada niyang pinaghirapan at iningatan. Baklang-bakla pa ring magsalita si Maricel Soriano, isang tatak na tanggap na tanggap ng ating mga kababayan, at miss na miss na nila ngayon. – CSF



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