Pilipino Express • Oct 16 2017

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Volume 13 • No. 20 • October 16 - 31, 2017 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Ellen Adarna

12 14 Rhian Ramos, Lovi Poe & Max Collins

Citizenship rules relaxed

Some of the changes to the Citizenship Act contained in Bill C-6, passed last June, became law on October 11, 2017. The changes relax some of the strict rules established by the former Conservative government, making it a little easier and quicker for permanent residents to become Canadian citizens. Before the changes, permanent residents had to reside in Canada a total of at least four years out of six years before they could apply for citizenship. Now they can apply if they accumulate just three years of residency in five. The Canadian government has also dropped the rule that required applicants for citizenship to be physically present in Canada for 183 days or more in four out of See CITIZENSHIP p8

Living healthy with diabetes Diabetes Canada, in cooperation with the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) held its Diabetes Expo on Saturday, October 14, 2017. Despite the cold brought by the first snowfall of the season, the PCCM, at 737 Keewatin Street, was full of people wanting to learn more about how to live healthy with diabetes or prediabetes. Hosted by Tyler Magnaye, the half-day event featured information about nutrition and diabetes awareness with exhibitors, expert consultants and assessment tests – and a Zumba warm-up. One of the speakers, registered See DIABETES p17

Photo by Rey-Ar Reyes Jeremy Senaris, MasterChef Canada Season 3 Runner-up



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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017





OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

On fake news Fake news is a major concern in the Philippines, and no less than the Senate has taken notice. This after a Facebook site branded seven senators as “dogs” of Malacañang for not signing a resolution asking the Duterte administration to stop the killing of women and children. Turns out the resolution did not even reach the seven lawmakers, and so they took to task both their colleagues who neglected to tell them about it and the administrator of the Facebook site (who is anonymous) for calling them out unfairly. It was fake news, they said. To address the matter, they called for a Senate investigation on fake news in October and invited prominent pro- and anti-Duterte bloggers to shed light on the issue. Perhaps not surprisingly, only the pro-Duterte bloggers showed up, and opposition senators proceeded to grill them. Their main beef against RJ Nieto (Thinking Pinoy) and Mocha Uson (who is now an assistant secretary of the Presidential Communications

Operations Office) is that they allegedly spread fake news, but the senators couldn’t actually come up with specific instances — at least none that the two weren’t able to debunk easily. While I was watching the proceedings I also monitored the reactions on social media, and I noticed that mainstream media were kind of relishing the moment. They have been at the losing end of the social media engagement game and I think they want nothing more than see bloggers get scolded — and perhaps forced to give up their practice. But if the mainstream media want to talk about fake news, all they need to do is look at their own respective backyards. I’ve written about this many times in various outlets, but I need to point out that Manila-based media (who like to call themselves “national media”) have long been spreading fake news about Mindanao. We in Mindanao have long had to contend with the ignorant, offensive, and – yes – fake labels the Manila-based media

have used to describe our island. “War-torn,” “conflict-ridden,” and “lawless” are just a few words thrown around. How many times have you read and heard the words “war in Mindanao” in the media — as if the entire island were in a state of war? This is not to mention the liberal use of religious affiliation or ethnicity when referring to undesirable elements: Muslim terrorist, Maranao robber, Tausug kidnapper. This sets up the readers and viewers, most of whom have no idea what the real situation is in Mindanao, to conclude that the island is unsafe, and that the danger comes only from certain sectors of the multicultural society living here. This anti-Mindanao reporting makes as much sense as saying that the entire Metro Manila is a den of thieves just because someone got robbed in Caloocan City. It is unfair to brand an entire region in a particular way just because something happened in a tiny corner of it. This has been a longstanding problem with Manila media outlets, and there is no assurance they will ever change. Why do they do this? Maybe they’re just

lazy: it is simply easier to lump all the areas of conflict and violence and label them “Mindanao” than to take the effort to identify exactly where these incidents are happening. Maybe it’s for the business reasons: it is easier to sell newspapers and draw TV and radio audiences when the stories are about war, not peace. War sells, and war in Mindanao can be a treasure trove if one tells the story in a way that highlights conflict. Whatever the reason, Manila media have a lot of rewriting to do if they are to be true to their vow of presenting only the truth to their readers, viewers, and listeners. It is their responsibility to get their stories right, not just in terms of the facts of specific incidents, but of the overall picture in Mindanao. A careless adjective can paint a very negative picture, forever scaring off prospective visitors and investors. Fake news? You bet. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Chief Editor of www.mindanation.com. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Bangungot My father is a great fan of Erle Stanley Gardner, the American mystery writer who created Perry Mason. When I was old enough to be brought to bookstores, I realized that my father had contributed to Gardner’s royalties by buying multiple copies of the same book – not because he liked them, but because judging a book by its cover and unable to tell whether he had previously read a book until he had reached chapter two, he was thus cheated into buying something he had read before simply because it was being sold in a new format. I did not inherit my father’s taste in books and the only Gardner book I ever opened was Sun Bather’s Diary, which contained a nugget of Filipiniana. Gardner often dedicated a book to a forensic doctor who usually determined whether a person’s death was by natural or by foul means. This particular thriller was dedicated to Dr. Alvin Majoska of Hawaii who was researching on bangungot [nightmare]. The pioneering medical study of bangungot was published in the Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia in 1917 by Dr. Paz Mendoza Guazon (for whom an atrocious monument was built in Paco) under the title Algunas Notas sobre Bangungut (Some Notes on Bangungot). It was Dra. Mendoza Guazon who was the first

to officially record the “disease” in the necropsy protocols of the Manila City Morgue. Bangungot is the contraction of two words – bangon, meaning to rise or wake up and ungol, meaning to moan. It is said that before dying, the bangungot victim moans in his sleep. One folk belief is that during a bangungot attack, a man dreams of a large fat man sitting on his face; this is why a victim struggles and moans. If the monster succeeds, one dies of suffocation. The trick, elders say, is to reach for one’s big toe, bite it, and so wake up – scared but alive. Another folk belief is that if you go to bed hungry, your spirit will leave the body during the night in search of food. Usually the spirit goes to the kitchen to “sniff” the essence of stored food. Sometimes, the spirit is trapped in the pots and pans. Unable to return to the body before daybreak, the person is thus found “dead” by others in the house. Whichever way you explain it, Filipino coroners since 1915 have considered bangungot as just another unexplained but natural way by which death comes. Few people will question a coroner’s report that lists the cause of death as bangungot. In 1948 Dr. Alvin V. Majoska, a Hawaiian coroner, made headlines by announcing the “Nightmare Deaths” of Honolulu. He noted

that healthy male Filipinos simply died in their sleep, and that the most thorough autopsies revealed no trace of foul play. The mystery was that it seemed to affect only Filipinos. Knowing Americans’ predisposition to hysteria and hypochondria, we can imagine how scared they were of Filipinos. Jobs dropped and insurance premiums rose for the poor expatriate Filipinos. Different theories have traced the cause of bangungot to the following: 1. Diet, i.e., Filipino food, when digested, causes autointoxication that affects the heart and pancreas, the main suspect being patis; 2. Heart problems, in the sense that bangungot is merely a heart attack; 3. A heavy meal before sleeping makes the stomach exert undue pressure on the heart, thus leading to death (This is the “Mechanical Theory”); 4. During a nightmare the victim is so scared that hemorrhages occur in the heart, leading to respiratory failure (This is the “Nightmare Theory”); and 5. Reflex sex mechanism, which Gardner explained as follows: “There is a feeling among some of the Filipinos that these deaths occur in connection with a reflex sex mechanism, and I have in my possession a photograph, which unfortunately cannot be published, showing the elaborate mechanical precautions taken by one of these victims to safeguard himself against this form of death.

“In addition to the weird mechanical contrivance, which he invented, he arranged to have someone sleeping beside his bed who could arouse him in the instance he started to moan. These elaborate precautions did no good. The photograph of the device, which I have, was taken when the man’s body was in the morgue. The most thorough post-mortem investigation, the most complete autopsy that could be performed, failed to disclose the cause of death.” Friends say that bangungot is not specific to Filipinos anymore. Other Asian men have died in a similar way. Having no access to current medical literature, I wonder if doctors have found an explanation for bangungot. I still want to see that contraption Erle Stanley Gardner described and which I imagine is similar and as restrictive as the eighteenthcentury male corset used in France to discourage masturbation. Maybe someone in the Philippine Studies program in the University of Hawaii will be able to trace the Gardner photograph and add to our research on bangungot. Source: Luna’s Mustache by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo is a former Chairman of the National Historical Institute of the Philippines and an associate Professor in the Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University. He writes a widely read editorial page column, Looking Back, for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

1045 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher


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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017


What is asexuality? Dear Ate Anna, I am 24 years old don’t have any interest in dating. My family is pressuring me to get married soon. I have gone on a few dates over the last year but I do not feel interested in building a relationship, or even being physically intimate with anybody. What is wrong with me? Rosamie Dear Rosamie, Thank you for asking this question. Nothing is wrong with you; what you are feeling is a normal experience for many people. Every person is unique and experiences their own sexuality differently. Some people want to be in a physically intimate relationship with another person, and some people do not. There is no right or wrong way for you to understand your own sexuality. It is up to you to define for yourself who you are and what you want for your life. There can be many reasons why a person doesn’t want to be in a long-term relationship. They may be very focused on their career and don’t want the distraction of a relationship or family. Perhaps their heart was broken when they were younger and they don’t want to risk that again. Maybe the timing is bad. Or maybe there is a part of their sexuality they have not yet considered, and just need time to discover themselves. One type of sexuality that we don’t often talk about is asexuality. Asexuality is a word that describes people who do not feel sexual attraction towards others, or who may feel it in ways different than a more traditional idea of relationships. It can be challenging to talk about asexuality because there are so many different experiences within it, but this is the general idea. Some asexual people do not want any romantic or sexual relationship with others at all.

Some asexual people want a longterm romantic relationship with another partner or partners, where they share lives together in every way except sexually. Some asexual people are interested in kissing and making out with others but do not want to be involved in any sexual activity beyond this. There are many different understandings of asexuality. Being asexual is not strange or wrong; it is simply another way a person can understand their own body and their own relationships. Unfortunately there can be a lot of misunderstanding from our families and friends if they have not heard about this. If what I talk about in this article feels right to you, it is possible you are asexual, but that is for you to decide. There are resources available, including www.whatisasexuality.com to help you learn about this. It can be both exciting and scary to discover new things about yourself. Caring people are always available to help you talk about what you are feeling. The Klinic phone line is always available for you to call for support at 204-7868686. Ate Anna wishes you the best in your journey as you learn more about yourself! Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200-

226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Please visit us at www.serc.mb.ca. You will find reliable information and links for many resources on the subject of sexuality.




OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Energy vampires – Feng shui tips for managing relationship that drain you A major cause of happiness or unhappiness is often from the relationships in your life, or the type and kind of people you are around most. The relationships that are giving and caring feed you and fill up your heart, giving you energy and positive, good feelings. The ones that don’t, frequently drain you and leave you feeling like you’ve been bled dry like a vampire with their energetic fangs stuck in your neck. It’s important to know that all interactions are simple exchanges of energy. Some give you energy and others drain your energy and emotions. Those relationships are the energy vampires, people who are stuck in their negative energy and only derive joy out of bringing others into their well of pity, selfloathing, complaining, or drama. And almost everyone knows someone like that. These kinds of people are scab-pickers; they have a need to find fault with everything, except themselves, never taking responsibility for their lives or issues they’re always complaining about. It’s always someone else’s fault, never theirs. Oh, but they love their issues, revelling in how someone or a situation has created their problem and never wanting to take responsibility for any of it. And they want to suck you into their world of blame and criticism as well. Because you’re dealing with negative energy, it helps to know ways to prevent negativity from others to infect you or draw you in, leaving you feeling drained,

emotional, moody or even angry. Here are ways to use feng shui to protect you from energy vampires: 1. The power of red – Red is a very bright colour that has the strength of the fire element. Fire can burn through problems and keep your energy high. Wearing bright colours from vivid orchid to red to orange is helpful for protecting your personal energy from a vampire. When you are meeting with a vampire, wear strong bright colours. 2. Avoid wearing black – From our basic science class in school, we know that black is a colour that absorbs. Only wear black colours when you are around people you know, like and trust. If the energy in a room is negative and you’re wearing black, you may come away absorbing others negativity, leaving you feeling drained or energetically attacked. 3. Wear white – The colour white is the colour associated with heaven; it’s also a power colour. Its brightness serves as a protector and helps to give you more authority, weakening a vampire like throwing back the curtains to wither them in the brilliance of the sun, the way they did in all the old vampire movies. 4. Use salt – If you have a sense of your energy being attacked or drained, take a salt bath. If you have any flowers in your home or garden, sprinkle the petals in your bath. The salt and flowers will help cleanse your energy and remove the film of negativity from you. 5. Ring it out – When someone is negative in your home and you feel that negativity after they’ve

left, begin at the front door and begin ringing a bell or using a singing bowl. Walking in a clockwise direction clear the area from the door, going all around the house and ringing the bell or bowl louder where this person was. Come back to the door and encircle it three times to seal it from their negativity. 6. Smoke them out – Whether you use sage or incense, using smoke with help clear the air after someone negative has been in your home. Pay special attention to the areas where your vampire was to clear the energy out and remove any lingering negativity. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: How do I feng shui a bedroom that has a bed that is in line with the bathroom and that the only other placement is a wall with a window or on the same wall as the door? My finances are in terrible shape and so is my health. Answer: It’s funny how similar scenarios come up again and again. I just handled a

situation like that not too long ago. Even if you can’t find the perfect placement, you have to pick between the littlest of three evils. To my mind, that means putting your bed on the wall opposite the door, even if it’s under a window or there is a window behind the bed. Having the bed in line with the bathroom will contribute to financial and health problems – and many of these could be serious, such as bankruptcy, cancer, and even death. I know this because I’ve seen it. There was a house I knew of that had a master bedroom where the bed was opposite two double doors of the master bath. The doors opened up to a big whirlpool bath, and the feet of the occupants of the bedroom pointed straight at this tub and it literally drained them of their lives. There were two residents of this household. The first one died of cancer, and the house sold to the second resident. Then, the second resident died as well, and was a

single mother of five. So, as you see, it’s better not to chance it. Place a heavy curtain behind the window or use shutters, so the area behind the bed takes on a solid-looking appearance. Just make sure your feet aren’t in line with the door. If you put the bed on the wall that shares the door, you would have many shocks and unpleasant surprises, so it’s really not an option, nor is using the wall that is behind the door – it would have the same effect as being on the same wall. I wish you luck and I think you will see some improvements when you move your bed! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Settling in and reaching up The case of extracurricular activities

At this point, children are settling into their school routines and are possibly also getting involved in extracurricular clubs and teams. I get a lot of parents concerned about the same thing: “Wouldn’t joining all these extracurricular activities affect their performance in school?” I’m here to make a case for joining extracurricular activities. Here are my top three reasons why I think it’s worth it to join. 1. Pursuing things they’re passionate about. Let’s be honest with ourselves. As adults, our lives don’t revolve around our work. Why do we expect kids to do that? Give them time to pursue what interests them, otherwise we’re setting them up for a trap of

settling for “whatever works” for them in their careers. Give them a chance to be passionate about something and to pursue that. If we instil this while they’re kids, it becomes a natural curiosity that will give them direction later on. 2. Teamwork and cooperation. Classrooms can sometimes feel isolated. Most kids, even in high school, will see only the same kids in their classes. Joining extracurricular activities at school or even in their community gives them an opportunity to work cooperatively with other kids who they otherwise may not have met before. It also teaches them that, in reality, you’re going to have to work with people that you don’t know well anyway. They’ll also

learn the value of collaboration rather than trying to complete tasks, projects or goals alone. 3. Self-motivation and self-regulation. Back to the original concern: what if they get distracted? As I said in the first point, they’re pursuing something they’re genuinely interested in. If they truly want to continue that activity, and you lay down the ground rules that they have to still keep up their standards in their classes, they will motivate themselves to monitor their own work and progress. Parent Tip: try new things! “But my child is lazy and doesn’t want to do anything!” They aren’t lazy. They just haven’t found something they’re interested in. Try different things! Maybe they want to do art, or dance, or play an instrument. Maybe they want to build things or do science experiments all

day. Maybe they want to play sports from sun up to sun down! Whatever it is, try different activities with them, make it a fun experience, and see what they want to do. They key here is what they want to do – not what you think they want to do. My colleague’s child was one of those “I don’t want to do anything” kids – until he found sports and drama. Suddenly this kids’ grades boosted up because he knew that if he wanted to stay on the team and stay in the productions he’s in, he has to make sure his academics didn’t slide. Sports wasn’t a surprise to her – but drama & theatre? They attended one open house workshop for kids, and her son was hooked – all because they weren’t scared to try new things. Start slowly. Join one club, team, or activity so it’s easier to manage with schoolwork. If they

get into the swing of things, they can take on one more, then one after that, etc. Some of my topperforming students are the kids who are also involved in two or three yearlong clubs or activities, and they are also joining temporary or seasonal opportunities. So get out there, settle in, and reach up to new opportunities! Help your children find what they’re passionate about – and put in that time pursuing genuine interests. Have fun getting involved, everyone! Judianne is an educator teaching fourth grade in the Winnipeg School Division and is also a mentor for early service teachers. She works with youth through her youth empowerment project Dalagita and is beginning to provide cultural educational programming through her role in Mabuhay TV.

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017





OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Debt and travel by Tim St Vincent Debt and travel. What do they have in common besides the obvious – many people take on debt to travel? Well, let’s start right there. Do you have to go into debt to travel? The answer is no. It doesn’t matter if you’re going back to the Philippines, to Europe, or just one province over. The answer, as is often the case, is to budget. Budgets contain goals. Your budget is full of goals. Paying the rent/car payment, those are all goals, and they should be in your budget – so should travel. Goals will always cost you two things: time and money. It will take you time to achieve your goal (time cost) and it will cost you money. Travel is no different. If travel is in your future, then budget for it at least a year in

advance. Let’s look at a trip back to the Philippines as an example. Your goal is, simply put, to go to the Philippines. Okay, that was easy. Now, let’s identify costs. Goals have two costs, time and money. How much time do we want to “spend” saving for this goal? Well, it’s a pretty big goal, so let’s give ourselves two years to save (time cost). We want to think of our time cost in terms of paydays. How many paydays in two years? Well, if I get paid every two weeks that means I have 26 paydays each year, I am saving for two years that means I have 52 paydays to save. Great! We have the time cost of our goal – 52 paydays! Okay, so now let’s figure out the money cost. Airfare for two, round trip, will cost $3200. We will be staying with family while there, so that saves on hotel costs

(whew!), but we need spending money to do things and to go out with family, so let’s say I need another $1000 for a total of $4200. Let’s just round that up to $4500 to be on the safe side. Great, now I have my money cost, $4500! Whoa, that is a lot of money! Ah, no worry you think, I’ll just put it on a credit card and pay it off later whenever I can manage it. Wrong! You don’t need to go into debt. We figured out our time cost for a reason. Your time cost was 52 paydays. If you divide your financial cost of $4500 by your time cost of 52 you’ll see that all you have to do is set aside $86.54 per payday into a separate account, and by the end of 52 paydays you’ll have saved $4500. You don’t have to go into debt ($4500/52=$86.54)! To make things easier, you should set up a separate bank account just for your trip. Most banks will let you set up several accounts without charging you extra fees. Once you set up a separate account set up an automatic transfer of funds from

your main account (the one your paycheque goes into) to this new account. Have it set up so that the $86.54 is transferred out the same day your pay comes in and you won’t even notice that the $86.54 was transferred out! This is a handy way to keep your vacation savings safe from yourself – but let’s be extra safe! Make sure that when you set up your travel account, that it’s not linked to your debit card! No unauthorised dipping into this account! Not safe enough? Okay how about you also set up this account as a Joint, Dual Signature account. This means that you and your partner BOTH need to sign to take money out of the account. Oh, and because it’s a joint signature account, you may both actually need to go into a bank (Gasp! Oh no!) to take out the money. There. That should help you save for your trip and keep the money safe from yourself. No need to go into debt! But what about all those travel and points programs? Are they any good? Should I just rack up my card to get points? Hmm. Not as

easy a question as you may think. Generally you don’t want to spend more than 50%-60% of your credit limit. Doing so can bring down your credit score, even if you pay it off on time! It also depends on how much you are being charged for your card to have a points program, and are you able to budget to payoff your card at the end of the month. Remember our goal here is debt free travel! If you can stay under 50% of your limit, pay off your card at the end of the month, not pay a high annual user fee and don’t have a tonne of travel restrictions, then yes, those cards can be helpful. But there are a lot of “ifs” in that statement. Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a non-profit organization. If you wish to contact the society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca

Win with WU during Canada’s 150! This year marks Canada’s 150th birthday and Western Union wants to celebrate – with you! When you send money using the Western Union app, in person at a participating agent location – or if you initiate the transfer using the app and then complete the transaction at a retail location – before October 15, 2017, you can enter your MTCN for a chance to win. There are lots of great prizes

including 50 $25 Metro gift cards; 15 $100 prepaid MasterCards®; 2 $500 cash prizes from Hasty Market; and a grand prize of $10,000 cash. Giving back to loyal customers “It’s one of the ways we’re saying thank you to our loyal customers this year,” says Annie Karasseferian, Assistant Marketing Manager, Western Union. “We understand and appreciate the hard work our customers do every day

to help support family and friends around the world and we want to give back to them whenever we can.” So, whether you’re supporting a sibling with school fees or household expenses, helping a parent pay bills or rent, or just sending money on special occasions to loved ones wherever they are in the world, be sure to visit winwithwu.ca for the entry form and rules for your chance to win. Grand prize of $10,000 cash

“It’s easy for any customer who has access to the Internet to enter the contest and the best part is you can enter multiple times to increase your chances of winning,” Annie says. “And we’re incredibly excited about our grand prize of $10,000 cash which we’ll award to one lucky customer at the end of the contest!” For each entry, you’ll need to enter your name, email address, phone number and the

last five digits of your MTCN – and only one entry is allowed per person per day. Good luck to all our customers!

ABBREVIATED RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE/TRANSACTION WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. THIS PROMOTION IS OPEN TO CANADIAN RESIDENTS WITHIN ALL CANADIAN PROVINCES (INCLUDING THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC) AND TERRITORIES, GOVERNED BY CANADIAN LAW. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. PROMOTIONAL PERIOD MAY 1, 2017 THROUGH OCTOBER 15, 2017. FULL RULES AT WWW.WINWITHWU.CA. ELIGIBILITY: This Promotion is open only to legal residents of Canada within all Canadian provinces and territories, 18 years of age [or the age of majority in the province or territory in which they reside] or older at the time of entry). THE INSTANT WIN GAME Enter using your MTCN Number, Visit www.winwithwu.ca and follow the on-screen instructions to play the “Win With WU” Instant Win Game and receive an Official Game Message. You will need to provide your complete name, email address and the last five (5) digits of your 10 digit Money Transfer Control Number (“MTCN”). NO PURCHASE/TRANSACTION NECESSARY. Eligible entrants who wish to receive a 5 digit unique Game Code to enter the Promotion without making a Qualifying Transaction can send an email to: winwithwuca@mkpromosource. com with the subject line: Western Union “Win With WU” Code Request. In the body of your email include the following Information: your complete name, address, daytime phone number and age. Limit one Code Request per person per day. THE SWEEPSTAKES: By participating in the Instant Win Game, you will be automatically entered in the Sweepstakes drawing for a chance to win the Sweepstakes Grand Prize. Odds of winning the Sweepstakes Grand Prize depends on the number of eligible entries received. The random drawing will be conducted on 10/27/17 from among all eligible entries received during the Promotion Period to award one Grand Prize. Each confirmed Prize winner will also be required to correctly answer a mathematical skill question administered online/by mail/via telephone, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion, prior to the awarding of their prize. AVAILABLE PRIZES, REWARDS AND APPROXIMATE RETAIL VALUES (ARV): Instant Win Game Prizes: A total of One Hundred and Forty-Nine (149) Instant Win Prizes are available to be won as follows: Fifteen (15) $100 Vanilla® Prepaid MasterCards®; Fifty (50) $25 Metro gift cards; Two (2) $500 Cash prizes from Hasty Market; Eighty-two (82) Western Union limited edition “WUHOO” buttons (value not to exceed $3 each). Sweepstakes Prize: One (1) Grand Prize, consisting of a check in the amount of $10,000, awarded in the form of a check. • The total approximate retail value of all prizes available to be won is $13,996. SPONSOR: Western Union Financial Services, (Canada) Inc., 330 Bay Street Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2S8. • ADMINISTRATOR: Marden-Kane, Inc., 195 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797 USA.

CITIZENSHIP... From page 1 the six years preceding their application. Applicants who spent time in Canada as a foreign worker, international student, or protected person before becoming a permanent resident can now count a portion of this time towards the residency requirement. Each day spent in Canada on a temporary status counts as half a day, up to a maximum of 365 days. Previously, the time spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident did not count towards the physical presence requirement for citizenship. “One of the strongest pillars

for successful integration into Canadian life is achieving Canadian citizenship and becoming a part of the Canadian family,” said federal Minister of Immigration Ahmed Hussen. “The Government encourages all immigrants to take the path towards citizenship and take advantage of everything that being a Canadian has to offer.” The ages of applicants who must meet the language requirements (English or French) and take a citizenship test has been narrowed to between 18 years old and 54 years old. Under the previous government, the rule applied to those between 14 and 64 years. The requirement for filing

income taxes also matches the new residency rules – three out of five years residing in Canada, down from the previous four out of six years. Further changes to the Citizenship Act are being introduced in later stages.

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017



The birthday interview October is my birthday month so around this time of year I set aside a good amount of time for thorough reflection. If I want to set myself up to have an amazing next year it’s truly important for me to take a step back and reassess. We can make all the goals in the world but none of them will carry purpose if we don’t connect them with their relevance in our stage of life. Any of my friends would know this about me already but I would also like to let you in on one of my regular birthday activities: the “birthday interview.” This interview is a process of asking a birthday celebrant a series of thoughtful questions that revolves around their stage of life – a look back at the previous year, blessings

of the present, and hopes for the future. I would like to share with you the questions that are part of this interview to provide you with another tool for reflection. Past Purpose: to reflect on your growth, challenges, and lessons learned in the previous year. This part of the reflection will show you how this year has contributed to your life. • What is one word to describe the past year? • What are some of the highlights of the past year? • What is something that you learned? Did this change the way you saw life and how you’re living it? Present Purpose: to remind ourselves that we are blessed in this stage of our life, no matter what. To

give ourselves a place to “reset” when preparing to create goals for the future. • Now at age ____, what is something that you really value? What are your priorities? • Are you content? If yes, why? If no, why? Future Purpose: to dream and plan for the next year and encourage us to feel excited about another year. • What are some things you’re looking forward in this additional year of your life? • What is something new that you’d like to try? • What is something you

want to let go of? • Complete this sentence: “Next year on my birthday I would like to be ______.” Feel free to use these questions as a tool for reflection. It is important to take the time to challenge ourselves to continue improving, learning, creating and achieving our goals. Also, if anyone else has an October birthday like me, Happy Birthday to you! I wish you even more happiness and love in this additional year of your life. Keep dreaming big dreams, fellow dreamers! Let us never forget how equally important it is to

encourage others along the journey. Godspeed! Yvanne enjoys empowering youth to discover their limitless potential in her current role as Program Manager with Career Trek Inc. She’s also an Independent Pop, R&B/Soul Singer-Songwriter and utilizes this platform to communicate messages dear to heart. Yvanne is a big encourager of following one’s dreams and supporting others along the way. She is happy to be sharing her thoughts and journey with readers of the Pilipino Express since her middle-school years.



OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Max’s Restaurant coming in 2018

The house that fried chicken built in Winnipeg by Lucille Nolasco Popular Philippine restaurant brand Max’s Restaurant is looking to make a home in Winnipeg next year. Many in the community were excited to learn that they will once again get a taste and feel of home. Among them is Emmie Joaquin, editor in chief of Pilipino Express News Magazine. “It will bring back a lot of happy memories of my youth, for sure,” Emmie said. “I remember when we were kids living in Caloocan City, our parents would bring us to Max’s in Quezon City. When I graduated from Grade Six, it’s where we had our celebration.” Even now, when travelling to Las Vegas or Vaughan, Emmie and her family would visit Max’s for an enjoyable meal. “We like going to Max’s. The food is always delicious and service is good.” Years in the planning On October 3, 2017 Winnipeg family-owned Alibin Group, Inc. with Max’s Group Inc. (MGI), held a launching event at the Delta Hotel in Winnipeg where they formally announced that Max’s Restaurant will indeed open in the city come the fall of 2018. During the launch, Hipolito Alibin Jr., Alibin Group managing director and CEO shared, that getting Max’s to say yes was years in the planning. “It was 2012, when I reached out to Max’s Group Inc. I told them I love Max’s, and remember it growing up. Our sister Sheila, even held her 18th (debut) party at a Max’s restaurant.” Alibin also pointed out the size of the Filipino population in Winnipeg. According to recent census data, Winnipeg is home to 56,400 Filipinos, making it the third largest Filipino community in Canada by total population, however the largest by percentage (8.7 per cent of Winnipeg’s total population). It took until 2016 to get the go-ahead from MGI because the company was in the process of introducing the restaurant chain in a number of other Canadian markets, such as Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary. “Now it’s Winnipeg’s turn,” said Bill Rodgers, Executive Director for Max’s Group, Inc. during the launch. “We are happy to partner with the Alibin Group and believe that they will do a great job.” The Alibin Group is a privately held Canadian company, comprised of family shareholders and operators in retail businesses, food services, accounting, finance

and private capital market, architectural and information technology. Max’s Winnipeg restaurant will be located at 1225 St. James Street. The house that fried chicken built According to their official website, it all began in 1945 after World War II. Rodger’s grandfather, Maximo Gimenez, a Stanford-educated teacher, befriended the American troops stationed at Quezon City. The soldiers formed a friendship with Maximo and would regularly visit his house for a drink or two. Later on, the troops insisted on paying for their drinks, which prompted Maximo to open a café where the troops could enjoy food and drinks. Maximo’s niece, Ruby, who manages the kitchen, created a special recipe for chicken that became an instant favourite of the GIs. Soon, word spread about the delicious fried chicken and Max’s Restaurant was born. Over the years, the popularity of Max’s Restaurant grew and it became known as “the house that fried chicken built.” From Metro Manila, it has expended to other parts of the Philippines, the U.S and now in Canada. Soon, Max’s plans to open restaurants in other countries as well. Delicious, authentic Pinoy dishes When asked if Manitobans can enjoy the same menu offered in the Philippines, Rodgers said yes, the major items will be served in the Winnipeg location, and they are also open to adding a taste of Manitoba to the local menu. Menu favourites include, but are not limited to: kare-kare, sinigang, binagoongan, crispy pata, seafood dishes, and of course, their famous Max’s fried chicken. Come fall 2018, fans of Max’s won’t have to go far to taste delicious meals from Max’s; they will enjoy the best fare Max’s can offer, right here in Winnipeg.

Hipolito Alibin Jr. and Bill Rodgers of Max’s Group Inc.

L-r: Arnel Alibin, Sheila Alibin-Bernardo, Calvin Polet of Neptune Properties, Hipolito Alibin Jr., Bill Rodgers of Max’s Group Inc., Frank Alibin and John Alibin.

The Alibin family

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017






Nakakaalarma sa marami nating kababayan ang rebelasyon ni Nadine Lustre na minsan isang panahon ay sumagi rin sa kaniyang isip ang pagkitil sa kaniyang buhay dahil sa depresyon. Mabuti na lang at biniyayaan siya ng utak na gasgas sa pag-iisip, ng lakas ng loob na paglabanan ang depresyon, kaya napagtagumpayan niya ang matinding kaway ng pagpapakamatay. Inilabas ni Nadine ang ganoong saloobin habang nagluluksa ang kanilang pamilya sa pagpanaw ng kaniyang kapatid na si Isaiah na mas piniling habambuhay nang magpahinga kesa sa namnamin ang ganda ng mundo. Kung nangyari iyon kay Nadine, at kung depresyon nga ang tunay na dahilan ng

pagpanaw ng kaniyang kapatid, ay nakakaalarma nga naman ang ganoong senaryo. Mayroong mali, pero kung saan iyon nag-uugat ay ang pamilya lang ang nakakaalam, ngayong wala na ang kanilang kapamilyang si Ice ay kailangan na sigurong upuan nang seryosohan ng mag-anak ang kinakaharap na tadhana ng kanilang pamilya. Mayroong kulang, pero sa kung saang aspeto iyon dapat madagdagan ay ang pamilya lang ni Nadine ang nakakaalam, sana’y matunton nila ang problema para ang isa ay hindi na masundan pa. Nagdadalamhati ngayon ang buong pamilya ni Nadine Lustre. Ito ang panahon na pakikisimpatya ang kailangan ng See CRISTY p15

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

• Nadine Lustre – Naglahad na nagkaroon din siya noon ng depression • Piolo Pascual – Kasama ng ng cast ng La Luna Sangre • Jake Zyrus – Tagumpay ang concert sa Music Museum • Sharon Cuneta – Si Sen. Kiko kaya ang dahilan ng lungkot ni Mega? • John Lloyd Cruz – Paano na ngayon ang career ni JLC? • Coco Martin – May hidwaan ng dating kaibigang si Vice Ganda • Empoy Marquez – Siya ngayon ang “Bagong John Lloyd Cruz” • Kris Aquino – Magkakaroon ng markadong partisipasyon sa Wowowin • Joey de Leon – Kapuri-puri ang ginawang paghingi ng tawad on national TV • Mariel de Leon – Parang pinahiran ng apdo ang dila ng beauty queen

Nadine Lustre

Ellen Adarna & John Lloyd Cruz

Joey de Leon Vice Ganda vs. Coco Martin

Kris Aquino – kasama na ni Willie Revillame sa Wowowin

Empoy Marquez – Ang “Bagong John Lloyd Cruz”

Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo

Jake Zyrus

Piolo Pascual

GMA personalities receive honours Various award giving bodies both from private and government institutions recently recognized several GMA news and entertainment personalities.

At the 7th EdukCircle Awards, GMA personalities dominated the list of winners in the news and public affairs category, with 24 Oras anchors Mel Tiangco and

Mike Enriquez winning the Best Female and Male News Anchors, respectively. Fellow GMA News pillar Jessica Soho was conferred the

Best Magazine Show Host for her program Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho. Meanwhile, EdukCircle named I-Witness’ Sandra

Aguinaldo as Best in Documentary Program while Pinoy MD host Connie Sison was awarded the Best Health Show See GMA p15

L-r: Maine Mendoza, Alden Richards, Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes, Jennylyn Mercado, Mel Tiangco, Connie Sison, Sandra Aguinaldo, and Ivan Mayrina

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017





#Kuwentuhang Ex Staying friends with your ex’s exes Sometimes, the best kind of friendship is the one you least expect. But what if that friendship is with your ex-boyfriend’s exgirlfriend? Can you really be friends with women who have dated your ex-lover? GMA Network marks another milestone as it brings to light an extraordinary story about three women who formed an unlikely but strong friendship after discovering that in different times in their lives, they were romantically linked with the same guy. This primetime series, filled with intriguing characters, funny dialogue and interesting plotlines, is headlined by three beautiful, talented and versatile Kapuso leading ladies: Rhian Ramos, Max Collins and Lovi Poe. Rhian is Zoe. She is a happy-

go-lucky and flirty swimwear designer. A social media darling, she comes from a wealthy family and lives in an upscale condo. Zoe lacks parental love and becomes desperate for love and attention. Max is Darcy. She is strong willed and practical. A personal trainer who always speaks her mind, Darcy likes to do things herself and hates relying on others. She lives alone in a small apartment and gives financial support to her siblings in the province. Lovi is Alex. She is a workaholic with a sunny disposition and everything she does is on schedule. She works in a cable network and dreams of hosting her own travel show. She is family-oriented and works hard to contribute to her family’s See EX p15

Rhian Ramos, Lovi Poe & Max Collins

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

EX... From page 14 finances. And to helm this upcoming program is no less than multiawarded film and TV director Maryo J. Delos Reyes. Having won in the Berlin International Film Festival, Brussels International Independent Film

GMA... From page 12 Host. AHA! host Drew Arellano won as Best Educational Show Host. Gabby Concepcion was awarded as Best Actor for Television for Ika-6 Na Utos. At the same time, Eat Bulaga! host Jose Manalo emerged as the Most Outstanding TV Personality in Comedy. EdukCircle also commended today’s hottest endorsers and most influential personalities. Marian Rivera and Maine Mendoza were included in the list of Five Most Influential Female Endorsers of the Year. Alden Richards, in turn, was included in the list of Five Most Influential Male Endorsers of the Year. Dingdong Dantes was awarded as one of the Five Most Influential Film Actors of the Year while Jennylyn Mercado was included in the Five Most Influential Film Actresses. Meanwhile, the Public Attorney’s Office, through its Program on Awards & Incentives

CRISTY... From page 12 pamilya ng young actress at hindi kung anu-anong komentong hindi naman makababawas sa kanilang kalungkutan. Pero talaga yatang wala nang sinasanto ang ibang bashers, wala silang pakialam tungkol sa pinagdadaanan ni Nadine Lustre, arya lang sila nang arya.


Festival as well as in numerous Philippine Film Festivals, and after doing soaps like Someone To Watch Over Me, Niño, Pahiram ng Sandali, Munting Heredera, Little Star, Gumapang Ka Sa Lusak, Direk Maryo is truly one of the country’s best directors when it comes to relationship stories. Catch Rhian, Max and Lovi soon on GMA Pinoy TV. for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee, gave the Outstanding Broadcaster Award to five Kapuso news personalities: Susan Enriquez, Steve Dailisan, Bernadette Reyes, Joel Reyes Zobel, and Ivan Mayrina. The PAO also conferred the Outstanding Reporter honour to Chino Gaston. The awards were given to individuals who have done exemplary work in their fields of service and who have helped the PAO realize its vision and mission. Meanwhile, GMA News TV’s flagship newscast State of the Nation with Jessica Soho was recognized as the Outstanding News Program. Ivan earlier received the Award of Excellence in the Field of Broadcasting from the School Press Advisers Movement, Inc. (SPAM). With his award, Mayrina became the fourth recipient of the said award following previous awardees, GMA News pillars Mike Enriquez, Jessica Soho, and Mel Tiangco. SPAM, Inc., is an organization of campus journalism advisers from all over the Philippines.

Pinapatulan naman ng dalaga ang kaniyang mga nababasa. Matalim din ang kaniyang dila sa kaniyang mga sagot. May makapagsabi sana kay Nadine na huwag nang patulan pa ang mga taong wala namang maidudulot na maganda sa kanilang pamilya ngayon. Pero sana rin ay pakiusapan ni Nadine Lustre ang kaniyang mga kamag-anak na iwasan ang

paglalabas ng mga retrato sa burol sa social media para walang inirerepost ang mga netizens. Kung walang retratong ipinopost ang kanilang kampo ay wala ring kakalat. Masusunod ang pakiusap ni Nadine na sana’y irespeto ng ibang tao ang kanilang pagluluksa. At lumayo na rin sana nang ilang dangkal sa social media si Nadine Lustre habang nagdadalamhati ang kanilang pamilya. Huwag na muna siyang pumapatol sa mga bashers. Hindi naging maganda ang pamamaalam ng kaniyang kapatid. Trahedyang maituturing iyon ng pamilya, napakatagal na gamutan ng emosyon ang kailangan nilang pagdaanan bago sila makabawi sa senaryong ito. Muli, ang taos-puso po naming pakikiramay sa pamilya ni Nadine Lustre, harinawang matanggap nila nang maluwag sa kanilang kalooban ang naganap kay Isaiah. *** Idadagdag na rin ang karakter ni Piolo Pascual sa La Luna Sangre na pinagbibidahan ng


Sharon Cuneta and husband Sen. Kiko Pangilinan loveteam nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo. Nauna nang pumasok bilang dagdag sa istorya si Angel Locsin. Parang pagbabalik ng Lobo ang mangyayari. Iyon ang unang aklat ng mga bampira at lobo, sina Piolo at Angel ang bumida sa serye ng ABS-CBN. Natural, parang insulto ang dating noon sa KathNiel, wala raw bang tiwala ang network na kayang dalhin ng kanilang mga idolo ang La Luna Sangre kaya kailangan pang ipasok sa kuwento sina Piolo at Angel? See CRISTY p16

Mariel de Leon



OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Get a flu shot this fall As influenza viruses begin to circulate, public health officials are encouraging Manitobans to get their free vaccine. “The flu vaccine provides protection against this serious illness,” said Health Minister Kelvin Goertzen at the official launch of the 2017-18 influenza immunization campaign. “Getting the vaccine will not only protect you, but your friends and family. I encourage Manitoba families to take the time to get immunized this fall.” Influenza, also known as the flu, can spread easily from one person to another through coughing, sneezing or by touching objects contaminated with the flu virus and then touching your mouth, eyes or nose. In addition to getting immunized with a flu vaccine every fall, Manitobans can minimize the risk of getting or spreading seasonal flu by covering coughs and sneezes, and washing their hands regularly. “Last year, 150 Manitobans diagnosed with influenza were hospitalized and the virus contributed to the death of 12 Manitobans,” said Dr. Elise Weiss, acting chief provincial public health officer. “This highlights just how important it is for all Manitobans six months of age and older to get immunized, preventing infection and protecting themselves and

CRISTY... From page 15 Kayang-kaya, sabi ng mga namamahala sa serye, pero kailangan talagang isama sa kuwento ang presensiya ng mga unang bida ng ideyang pinagkunan ng serye nina Daniel at Kathryn. Nasusubaybayan namin ang serye. Wala kaming masasabi sa ipinakikitang pagganap nina Daniel (Tristan) at Kathryn (Maliya), kumbaga sa mga estudyante ay dumarating sila sa classroom na nakahanda sa kanilang gagawin. Hindi basta pagpapakilig lang ang kaya nilang gawin, malalim ang kuwento ng La Luna Sangre, pero mula sa umpisa hanggang sa dulo ng episode ay kitang-kita na malaki ang pakinabang ng network sa kanilang talento. Walang dapat ikabahala ang mga tagasuporta ng loveteam kahit pa tambakan ng iba-ibang artista ang serye. Ang mas lulutang pa rin ay ang talento nina Daniel at Kathryn, iyon pa rin ang inaabangan ng manonood, dahil sa kanila pa rin namang dalawa ang ikot ng kuwento. Sina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo ang La Luna Sangre. *** Napuno ni Jake Zyrus ang Music Museum nitong nakaraang October 6. Maraming tumangkilik sa kaniyang unang concert magmula nang “ilibing” na niya si Charice Pempengco. Transman na siya ngayon. Una, hindi naman kasi

others.” The annual flu vaccine is available to all Manitobans, but is extremely important for people at increased risk of serious illness from the flu, along with their caregivers and close contacts. This includes: • seniors 65 years of age and older; • residents of personal care homes or long-term care facilities; • children six to 59 months of age; • individuals with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, anemia, obesity, cardiac or pulmonary disorders; • pregnant women; • health-care workers and first responders; • regular caregivers of children up to five years of age; and • Indigenous people. Manitobans over the age of 65 should also get a pneumococcal (Pneu-P-23) vaccine at the same time as the flu vaccine. The vaccine helps protect against pneumococcal disease including a serious type of pneumonia, blood infections and meningitis. Both the flu and the Pneu-P-23 vaccine are offered at no charge for people aged 65 and older as well as to some people two years of age and older who are at increased risk of pneumococcal infection. Most people need only one dose of this vaccine.

As an alternative to the regular flu shot, some Manitobans may be eligible to receive the FluMist Quadrivalent vaccine in the form of a nasal spray. In addition, Manitoba is the first province in Canada to introduce a highdose flu vaccine to better protect vulnerable residents of personal care homes from influenza. To get a free flu vaccine and/or Pneu-P-23 vaccine, visit local public health offices, nursing stations, doctor’s offices, pharmacy ACCESS Centres or the nearest immunization clinic. Remember to contact providers first to check for flu and/or Pneu-P-23 vaccine availability. Local pharmacists can provide immunization services to people seven years of age and older. Regional health authorities will also soon begin immunization clinics. Check the Manitoba influenza website or contact Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 in Winnipeg or 1-888315-9257 (toll-free) outside of Winnipeg for dates, times and locations. The minister noted that while the vaccine benefits Manitobans by keeping them healthy, it also reduces strain on the health-care system. “People who get influenza may get seriously ill and have to see a doctor or even end up in hospital,” said Goertzen. “When people stay

healthy, it reduces pressure on the health-care system by keeping people out of emergency rooms and clinics.” For more information about

the flu, visit www.gov.mb.ca/ health/flu/index.html. Source: Government of Manitoba Photo from WRHA

kalakihan ang venue ng kaniyang show, 800 lang ang kapasidad ng Music Museum. Kapag sumobra pa doon ang bilang ay SRO na. Kung sa Araneta Coliseum ginanap ang kaniyang palabas ay mas kahanga-hanga kung napuno iyon ni Jake Zyrus. Dumating sa kaniyang concert si Nanay Tessie Relucio, ang ina ni Raquel na nagpalaki kay Jake Zyrus. Ito ang totoong kasakasama niya sa pagdayo sa mga amateur contests noong bata pa siya. “Ako ang nananahi ng mga isinusuot niya, mga sobra-sobrang tela iyon ng mga customer ko, hinihingi ko sa kanila para magawa kong damit ni Charice kapag sumasali siya sa amateur contest. “Ang pamasahe naman papunta sa lugar ng amateur contest, e, inuutang ko muna sa mga kaibigan at kapitbahay namin, binabayaran ko na lang kapag nakakasingil na ako ng tahi at kung minsan, sa premyo na ni Charice ko kinukuha ang pambayad sa inutang kong pamasahe namin,” madalas na kuwento noon ni Nanay Tessie. Dapat lang namang mapanood ni Nanay Tessie ang concert ng kaniyang apo, malaking kaligayahan na para sa kaniya ang makita si Jake Zyrus sa entablado, produkto iyon ng kaniyang mga hirap at sakripisyo para sa international singer na ngayon. Wala ang ina at kapatid ni Jake sa concert. Inaasahan na iyon ng mga nakakaalam ng totoong kuwento sa pagitan ng mag-ina,

consistency ang hinahanap ni Jake mula kay Aling Raquel. Para raw kasing klima ang takbo ng utak ng ina ni Jake Zyrus, minsang okey at kadalasan ay hindi, kaya si Nanay Tessie lang ang kaniyang inimbitahan. Sabi ng isang kaibigan naming nanood, “Wala pa ring kupas si Jake, ang galing-galing niyang mag-perform, mapuso siyang kumanta. Nami-miss ko lang si Charice habang nanonood ako, siya kasi ang hinangaan ko, hindi naman si Jake Zyrus.” *** Sa hindi inaasahang pagkakataon ay biglang nabunyag ang matagal na palang ambisyon ng mister ni Sharon Cuneta. Mismong si Mayor Sara Duterte ang naglabas ng impormasyon na noon pa pala gustong tumakbo bilang pangulo ni Senador Kiko Pangilinan. At nakakagulat ang kuwento ng anak ni Pangulong Digong. Nagkita raw sila sa isang golf course ilang taon na ang nakararaan, kinausap daw ni Senator Kiko ang kaniyang tatay, humihingi ng suporta sa pagtakbo nitong pangulo ng ating bayan. Okey na raw ang suportang maibibigay ng kaniyang misis na si Sharon, pero kailangan pa rin nito ng suporta mula sa Katimugan, kaya panay-panay ang hingi nito ng tulong kay mayor pa lang noon na si Presidente Digong. Hindi maganda ang insinwasyon. Ilang beses na tumakbo sa Quezon City si Senador Kiko pero natalo. Nanalo

lang ito nang maging mag-asawa na sila ni Sharon. Marami tuloy nag-isip, tiniladtilad nila ang mga pahayag ni Mayor Sara, noon pa man pala ay matindi na ang ambisyon ng mister ni Sharon na maging tagapamuno ng Pilipinas. Matagal nang kuwento ito, pero walang kumukumpirma, hanggang sa magsalita na nga ang mayor ng Davao City at ipinaaalala kay Senador Kiko ang iniuungot nitong suporta noon ng kaniyang ama. Ang dami-dami tuloy nagisip na ambisyoso ang senador. Na parang ginamit lang nito ang Megastar sa kaniyang mga ambisyong-pampulitika. Iyon kasi ang tinutumbok ng mga rebelasyon ni Mayor Sara Duterte. Iyon kaya ang dahilan kung bakit palaging parang malungkot at maraming posts si Sharon Cuneta na hindi maligaya ang aktres sa kabila ng napakamarangya nitong kabuhayan? *** Marunong din sa buhay sina John Lloyd Cruz at Ellen Adarna. Naniniwala siguro sila na kapag hindi nakikita o nagpaparamdam ang artista ay malaki ang posibilidad na makalimutan siya ng publiko. Para huwag mangyari iyon sa kanila ay sige-sige sila sa pagpopost tungkol sa mga nangyayari sa kanilang buhay habang nasa ibaibang bansa sila. Magagaling! Wala nga naman sila dito, pero pinag-uusapan pa rin sila, sinusundan pa rin sila ng ating

mga kababayan sa social media. Wala ring pagbabago kung nandito man sila o wala. Enjoy na enjoy ang dalawa ngayon sa kanilang pagliliwaliw nang magkasama. Wala silang inaalalang trabaho, walang stress, basta puro happy moments lang ang pinagsasaluhan nilang dalawa. At pangarap ng mga abalangabalang personalidad ang ganoon. Fiesta na para sa kanila ang makatakas sa harap ng mga camera, ang maligtas sa mapanuring mata ng publiko, napakalaking biyaya ang turing nila sa mga panahong taung-tao sila at hindi artista. Iyon ang nararamdaman nina JLC at Ellen, nagagawa nila ang kahit ano ngayon. Ang tanong lang ay hanggang kailan nila gagawin ang ganyan? Paano na ang kanilang career, lalo na si John Lloyd na hindi naman ipinanganak nang magdamag lang ang tinatamasang tagumpay, hindi kaya sila pagtampuhan ng kapalaran? Masayang makakita ng mga taong maligaya, karapatan nila iyon, kaya lang ay gawin sana nila ang pagpapakaligaya nang wala silang napapabayaan. Hindi palaging nakabukas ang pintuan. Nagsasarado rin. Baka kapag nahimasmasan sila at gusto na nilang magpakaseryoso sa kanilang career ay wala na pala silang mapapasukan kahit siwang lang. *** Lumutang na ang kuwento ng hindi pagkakaunawaan ng See CRISTY p19


OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

DIABETES... From page 1 dietician Rhiza Lam, touched on one of the major culprits of diabetes: our diet. Filipino dishes, in particular, sometimes get a bad rap because of our love for deepfried and salty dishes. And yes, white rice. Lam said we can make healthier food choices as well as lifestyle changes to control or prevent diabetes. One doesn’t have to deprive oneself of his or her favourite food. Just remember to do and eat everything in moderation. In the ask-the-experts portion, dietician Betty Van recommended watching out for hidden sodium in all processed foods. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association statistics, there were 373,000 (28.1 per cent) diabetes and pre-diabetes prevalent cases in Manitoba in 2016. Diabetes complications are associated with premature death.


The condition reduces lifespan by five to 15 years. It is estimated that one out of ten deaths in Canadian adults was attributed to diabetes in 2008-2009. But there’s always to manage diabetes, or prevent it from taking hold. Keynote speaker, chef Jeremy Senaris, imparted information on how to eat healthy and how simple changes in our diet can make a big difference in our health. Among the tips Senaris shared are to read the labels, pick healthy foods, make menu plans, stock spices, and use more grains and beans. As for Filipino food, Senaris said it’s not all bad. Filipino food actually balances the deep fried with the use of healthy spices, lots of fish, and vegetables. “Filipino food can still be healthy,” Senaris said. “We can still enjoy our lechon, but in moderation. We can be good in balancing the not-so-good stuff with the good stuff.” By Lucille Nolasco


L-r: Trevor Slywchuk, Lucille Nolasco, Tyler Magnaye, Andrea Kwasnicki, Kelly Lambkin, Carly Kowalchuk and Jeremy Senaris

L-r: Betty Van, Ryan Chan, Martha Mikulak, Mona Teresa Calvo and Susana Scott

Jeremy Senaris

Rhiza Lam

ZIN Lucille Nolasco and ZIN Rhiz Aco Photos by Rey-Ar Reyes

Vickar Auto Group donates to fight child cancer The Vickar Automotive Group presented a large contribution to Abby Stewart and the Canadian Cancer Society on October 11, 2017. All divisions of the company donated proceeds from each sale of new and pre-owned automobiles in September, totalling $26,000. The money will go toward Abby’s Child Cancer Awareness efforts. Mona Teresa Calvo and friend

Guide to a healthy meal

(L-r): Erin Crawford of the Canadian Cancer Society, Ryan Pasternik, Tova Vickar, Tim Penner, Larry Vickar, Abby Stewart, Stephen Vickar, Zachary Stewart, James Teitsma, Sam Vickar, & Domenic Sacco



26 Years of IKAW Basketball IKAW Basketball, the longest running Filipino community sports league in Winnipeg, is in its 26th year. Commissioner Jerry Medina thanks all participants, parents, volunteers and committee members, including: Rod Domingo, Jojo Cerdon, Rico Fernandez, Obeth Quirante, Maila and Jerwin Medina. Medina is also thankful for the continuous support of Councillor Mike Pagtakhan, Councillor Cindy Gilroy, Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens, Greenhills Realty, HarvAl Sportswear, Aristocrat Restaurant and to all volunteers who donate their time. IKAW basketball games are played Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Isaac Brock School and Greenway School. For more information about the next season, call 204-795-1792.

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017



Kailangan bang maging isang sugal ang buhay? Tayong mga Pinoy ay maraming mga salawikain. Totoo ba ang mga ito? Dapat ba natin paniwalaan ang mga ito? Suriin natin ang isang salawikaan at gawin nating basehan ang biblia na siyang naglalaman ng salita Diyos. Naniniwala ako na ang biblia ang siyang dapat na batayan ng ating pamumuhay. May ibang nagsasabi na ang buhay ay parang sugal. Maaaring totoo it para sa ibang tao dahil wala silang kasiguraduhan sa kung anong mangyayari sa kanilang buhay. Palagi silang kakaba-kaba kung anong susunod na problema ang kanilang haharapin. Wala silang direksyon sa buhay. Hindi nila alam kung saan sila patutungo. Alam n’yo bang hindi kailangan na maging parang isang sugal ang buhay? Hindi tayo kailangang mangamba kung anong nakaabang sa mga susunod na araw. Kung may malapit na ugnayan tayo sa Diyos, kung hahayaan nating si Hesus ang

CRISTY... From page 16 dating magkaibigang sina Coco Martin at Vice Ganda. Kung paniniwalaan ang mga chikang umiikot ngayon ay tungkol sa mga pelikulang ipapasok nila sa Metro Manila Film Festival ang naging ugat ng kanilang hidwaan. Sabi ng isang nakausap namin, “Kinausap ni Coco si Vice. Pinakiusapan niya si Vice na huwag na munang magkaroon ng entry sa MMFF, dahil nga plano niyang gawin ang Ang Panday. “Hindi siyempre pumayag si Vice! Ang katwiran niya, e, bakit siya ang maggi-give way, samantalang taun-taon, e, mayroon siyang entry sa MMFF? “Hanggang sa mauwi na iyon sa mas malalim na issue. Nagkaroon na sila ng pagsusumbatan. Hanggang sa hindi na sila nag-usap. Nagkaroon na sila ng samaan ng loob,” kuwento ng aming source. Dahil hindi nga pumayag si Vice Ganda na huwag siyang magpasok ng entry sa MMFF ay magiging magkalaban pa sa takilya ang mga pelikula nila ni Coco Martin. Magkaiba naman ang kanilang atake. Action ang kay Coco at comedy ang kay Vice. Pero kahit bali-baligtarin ang sitwasyon ay magiging magkalaban pa rin sila. Maraming nanghihinayang sa kanilang pagkakaibigan. “Dati silang magkasama sa movie, successful ang tambalan nila, pero magkalaban na sila ngayon. Ang buhay nga naman ng mga artista. Anything can happen. Walang forever,” sabi pa ng aming kausap. Harinawang parehong magtagumpay ang kanilang mga pelikula sa darating na MMFF.

maghari at magbigay direksyon sa ating buhay, makakaasa tayo ng magandang buhay. Ang sabi sa biblia sa Juan 10:10, ang Panginoong Hesus ay naparito sa lupa at nag-alay ng kaniyang buhay para sa atin para magkaroon tayo ng buhay na kasiya-siya. Noong malapit na mapako si Hesus sa krus, nagpaalam siya sa kaniyang mga alagad na nag-aalala sa kung anong mangyayari sa kanila kung sakaling sila-sila na lamang ang matira. Sinabi ni Hesus na siguradong makakaranas sila ng kahirapan katulad din ng ibang tao pero hindi sila kailangang mag-alala. Nangako siya ng kapayapaan para sa mga nananalig sa Kaniya. Kapayapaan sa gitna ng problema at kahirapan. Kapayapaan na nababase sa kaalaman na ang Diyos ang mga hawak ng kanilang buhay na siyang nangakong hindi niya pababayaang o iiwan ang mga taong nagtatapat sa kaniya. Siguradong pareho nilang pinaghandaan ang kani-kanilang entry, pinagsasakripisyuhan nila, kaya dapat silang makatanggap ng magandang premyo. At sana rin ay manumbalik ang dati nilang pagkakaibigan. Huwag sana nilang payagang masira ang maganad nilang pinagsamahan nang dahil lang sa ganyang senaryo. *** Palibhasa’y dati nang mapagkumbaba, kumita man nang milyones ang pelikulang pinagbidahan nila ni Alessandra de Rossi ay walang-walang nagbabago kay Empoy Marquez, siya pa rin ang dating komedyanteng walang kaangasangas at kayabangan. Ang suwerte nga naman kapag talagang para sa iyo, natutulog ka man ay gigisingin ka, kakatukin nang malakas ng oportunidad ang pintuan mo. Napakatagal na panahong nagsakripisyo ni Empoy. Anim na taon kaming nagkasama sa TV5 kaya saksi kami sa kaniyang pinagdaanan bilang komedyante, madaling-araw siyang umaalis sa Malolos para hindi siya mahuli sa taping sa TV5-Novaliches. May mga pagkakataong nakikita namin siyang natutulog nang paupo sa mismong studio. Nagbibilin siya sa staff, “Pakigising n’yo na lang ako kapag roll na tayo, iidlip lang ako para makabawi ng lakas.” Ibang-iba na ngayon ang ikot ng mundo ni Empoy, sikat na siya, kinukuha na siyang tagapagendorso ng iba-ibang produkto at pinapirma na siya ng esklusibong kontrata ng Star Magic. At may bago nang tawag sa kaniya. The New Pogi. Bagong John Lloyd Cruz. Kung dati’y See CRISTY p20

Ilang tao na ang nakakaraan nang namatay ang nanay ng isa naming kaibigan. Nadiskubre ng aming kaibigan na may malalang karamdaman ang kaniyang ina. Noong malaman ng kaniyang nanay na ilang araw na lamang ang nalalabi sa kaniyang buhay dito sa lupa, buong pusong tinanggap niya ito. Walang pagsisi sa kaniyang mukha at nabanggit niya sa kaniyang anak na handa na siyang mamatay dahil sigurado siya sa kaniyang patutunguhan. Mabilis ang mga pangyayari dahil sa loob ng higit kumulang tatlong buwan mula nang madiskurbe ng doktor ang sakit ng kaniyang nanay ay namahinga na ito. Naging maluwag din sa aming kaibigan ang pagyao ng kaniyang ina dahil para sa kaniya, lumipat lamang sa higit na mabuting tirahan ang kaniyang nanay. Buo ang kaniyang pag-asa at paniniwala na magkakasama silang muling mag-ina sa langit. Kahit ang aming kaibigan mismo ay nagtataka sa pambihirang kapayapaang nadama niya noong

yumao ang kaniyang nanay. Kaisaisa siyang anak at napakalapit niya sa kaniyang nanay pero binigyan siya ng Diyos ng pambihirang uri ng kapayapaan na hindi natitinag ng mga pangyayari sa kaniyang buhay. Kaibigan, hindi kailangang maging isang sugal para sa atin ang buhay na kung minsan ay panalo pero madalas ay talo. Hindi kailangang maging tsambatsamba lang ang buhay na palagi tayong humihiling na sana ay manalo tayo pero kakabakaba naman tayo na hindi natin makakamit ang hiling natin. Hindi tayo kailangan na mabuhay lamang para sa ngayon katulad ng karamihan sa mga taong nagsusugal na akala mo ay wala nang bukas kung magtapon ng pera. Kapag tayo ay na kay Hesus, may patuntunguhan at direksyon ang ating buhay. Gagabayan niya tayo sa bawat hakbang at kahit na may problema, palaging ’andiyan ang kaniyang tulong. May kabuluhan ang ating buhay

dahil alam natin na sa bawat kabutihang ating ginagawa, may nag-aabang na gantimpala para sa atin sa langit. Kaya’t bakit hindi natin ipamuhay ang ating buhay ng may malapit na ugnayan sa Diyos para lagi tayong panalo. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. and 6:15p.m. English services). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.






NO. 286

OKTUBRE 16 – 31, 2017

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Pagbuklurin 5. Buhay na buhay 12. Tapang 13. Kaibigan 14. Palagay 16. Uri ng pagkain 17. Pangyayamot 18. Magalang na sagot 19. Bulalas ng nabigla 21. Ihayag 25. Balong 27. Menudo, adobo, at iba pa 29. Banoy 31. Matibay na hibla 32. Sakuna PABABA 1. Paos 2. Amoy 3. Nawa 4. Isang mang-aawit 6. Angkan 7. Panghalip 8. Di kanila 9. Dungis 10. Hapo

11. Pamilihan 15. Kung 18. Mababang uri 20. Diwasa 21. Yamot 22. Biyaya 23. Uri ng inumin 24. Bino 26. Tuyo 28. Alyas 30. Bulalas ng naginhawahan 31. Sabaw ng sinaing


OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Sa mga susunod na linggo, ikaw ay magiging kaakitakit, diplomatiko at hahangaan ng marami. Magiging maayos ang relasyon mo sa mga kasosyo at malalapit na mga kaibigan. Marami ka na ring naipunlang kabutihan. Ngayon ay anihin mo ang bunga. OK ang ika-22, 23 at 24. Alalay ka sa ika18, 19, 25 at 26.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Nadiskubre mo na ba ang iyong talent sa komunikasyon? Alam mong mahusay ka sa pagbebenta, maging sa pagtuturo, at maliwanag din ang iyong pagsusulat. Alam mo bang maaari kang kumita ng pera mula sa iyong mga salita? Ituloy mo na ang plano mo. OK ka sa ika-22, 23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-20, 21, 27, 28 at 29.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Bigyan pansin mo muna ang mga nararamdaman mong kakaiba sa katawan. Kung masakit ang iyong likod, mga paa o balakang, pagaralan mo ang iyong pagkiloskilos. Bata man o matanda, kung hindi tama ang kilos, apektado ang buto at kalamnan. Masaya ang ika-22, 23 at 24. May tension sa ika-16, 30 at 31.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Mararamdaman mo na ang relasyon sa mga katrabaho ay nagiging mabuti. Mababawasan na rin ang mga naririnig mo noon na masasakit na salita sa lugar ng trabaho. Gawin mo ang tama. Pag-aralan mo kung paano mas mapapabuti ang trabaho mo. Lucky mo ang ika-16, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-20, 21, 27. 28 at 29.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Para saan ba ang pera? Di ba nagtitiis ka upang mapalago ang iyong kabuhayan? Ilang taon na ba ang ganitong takbo ng iyong buhay? Masyado nang matagal, di ba? Hihintayin mo pa ba ang oras na may sakit ka na? Magenjoy ka na ngayon? Iwasang magsisi. OK sa ika-16, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-22, 23, 24, 30 at 31.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Hahangaan ka ng mga kasama mo dahil ikaw ang makakaisip ng magiging solusyon sa isang problema – maaaring sa bahay ito o sa lugar ng hanap-buhay. Huwag kang mag-alala dahil alam nilang pinag-isipan mo ito ng matagal. At hindi isang tsamba lang. Good ang ika-16, 25 at 26. May tensyon sa ika-18 at 19.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Buwenas ang mga darating na araw. Magiging masaya ka. At dahil masaya ka, mahahawa ang mga nakapalibot sa iyo. Magiging para kang sariwang hangin sa kanila dahil nagiging maligalig ang paligid nila. Ikaw ang babalanse sa buhay nila. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-16, 22, 23, 24, 30 at 31.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kung kinakabahan ka na baka may nangyayari sa iyong kalusugan, kumonsulta ka na sa iyong doctor. Wala kang dapat ipangamba dahil maalaga ka naman sa pagkain at sa exercise. Ang nararamdaman mo ay maaaring dahilan lang ng stress sa trabaho. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27, 28 at 29. Kuwidaw sa ika25 at 26.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Magagamit mo ang iyong kaalaman sa maraming bagay sa mga darating na araw. Pakikinabangan mo ang mga ginawa mong pag-aaral noon at mga naging karanasan mo sa mga darating na pagsubok. Mabibigo ang sinumang magtatang-kang pahinain ang loob mo. OK sa ika-18, 19, 27, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-20 at 21.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Gamitin mo ang mga libreng oras upang aliwin ang mga kasama mo sa bahay. Kung Kailangan mong ibahin ang ayos o ibahin ang mga kasangkapan, ngayon ang tamang panahon para baguhin ang mga ito. Huwag alalahanin ang gastos. Kikitain mo iyon. OK sa ika-20, 21, 30 at 31. Stress sa ika-18, 19, 25 at 26.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Makakaramdam ka ng bugnot at inip. Nababagalan ka sa pag-usad ng mga araw dahil parang walang nangyayari sa negosyo. Bakit ayaw mong magtanong? Bakit ka nananahimik? Mahirap ang pakiramdaman dahil hindi mo alam ang totoong nasa isip nila. OK mo ang ika-20, 21, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-27, 28 at 29.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kung balak mong umutang sa bangko para sa iyong mortgage o pang-matrikula, gawin mo na sa mga susunod na araw. Buwenas ang kapalaran mo at malamang na walang maging problema sa mga transaksyon. Kunin mo lang kaya mong bayaran. OK ang ika20, 21, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-16, 22, 23 at 24.

Pagkatapos nang halos dalawang taon ng pamamahinga sa telebisyon ni Kris Aquino ay si Willie Revillame ang magbibigay sa kaniya ng isang markadong partisipasyon sa Wowowin. Tinupad ng aktor-TV host ang kaniyang pangako na isang araw ay mapapanood sa kaniyang game show ang tinaguriang Queen Of All Media. Nakapag-taping na si Kris sa Wowowin at maaaring sa papasok na linggong ito na ipalalabas ang kaniyang guesting. Hindi namin pangungunahan kung anu-ano ang nangyari sa pagsasama sa harap ng mga camera nina Kris at Willie, pero isa lang ang sigurado, ikaliligaya ng mga tagasuporta ng Wowowin ang nakatakda nilang mapanood. Magiging barometro ang guesting ni Kris sa Wowowin

para sa pagdedesisyon ng mga ehekutibo ng GMA-7 kung karapat-dapat ba nilang bigyan ng programa ang aktres-TV host sa kanilang bakuran. Binuksan na ni Willie Revillame ang kandado ng pintuan, ipinauubaya na niya sa mga ehekutibo ng istasyon kung papapasukin ng mga ito si Kris, iyon ang kailangan nating bantayan. Ang importante ay ginagawa ni Willie ang pagtulong kay Kris sa abot ng kaniyang kapasidad. Pero ang huling desisyon ay hindi niya hawak, hindi niya pagaari ang network, nagsisilbi lang siyang tulay. *** Gusto naming bigyan ng espasyo ang makabuluhang See CRISTY p21

CRISTY... From page 19 paikut-ikot siya sa mall para bumili ng kaniyang mga kagamitan ay hindi na niya iyon magawa ngayon, may pinakikiusapan na siya, pinagkakaguluhan na kasi si Empoy Marquez. Napakasarap marinig ang mga komento ng kaniyang mga dating kabanda, musikero rin kasi ang magaling na komedyante, “Walang-wala siyang pagbabago. Simple pa rin siya, walang kaangas-angas kahti sikat na siya. “Siya nga ang nahihiya kapag may mga nangangantiyaw na hindi na siya maabot, wala raw ganyanan, napakasaya naming lahat sa tagumpay niya ngayon,” kuwento ng tropa. ***


OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Ang naganap na pamamaril ng isang tao sa Las Vegas hotel noong unang gabi ng kasalukuyang buwan ay hindi lang unang pangyayari. Maraming beses na, subalit ito ang pinakagrabe. Maliwanag ang sanhi. Wala sa wastong isip ang may kagagawan. Pilipinas Nagpapatuloy pa rin sa bansa ang mga political disdain sa pagitan ng nakaupong gobyerno at naging mosquito opposition. Ang kongreso ay ginawang entablado ng political moro-moro. Ang mga namumuno sa tatlong level ng gobyerno ay walang iniwan sa isang kural ng mga kabayo. Nagsisipaan. Ang tinatamaan ay mga bisiro. Sa mga politiko napupunta ang malaking bahagi ng taxpayer money. Ang kabuhayan ng karaniwang taumbayan ang labis na apektado. Pinipilit ng mga kalaban ni President DU30 na madiskarel ang kaniyang pamumuno sa bayan. Ang EJK isyu sa anti-illegal drug trade ay ginagamit vs Duterte. *** Pinalutang sa Day of Protests, sinariwa ang mga pangit na alaala during Marcos Martial Law. Kahit ngayon, sinisikap ni PDU30 na makipagsundo sa mga NPA subalit ang mga rebelde ay patuloy pa rin sa pagtambang ng mga government military forces. Kapuwa mga Filipinong sundalo ng gobyerno at kumunista ang nagpapatayan. *** Sina CJ Maria Lourdes Sereno at Ombudsman Conchita CarpioMorales, ayon kay PDU30, ay napapagamit umano sa mga taong nais na siya ay mapatalsik sa puwesto. Bintang lang ‘yun ng pangulo. *** Matapang daw si Senador Sonny Trillanes. Marahil nga,


subalit hindi niya naisip na “mahirap ang sumipa sa matulis na bagay.” *** Tungkol sa massive infrastructure projects. Hanggang noong 1980 tinatayang may mahigit 50 dam ang nagawa na at ginagawa pa. Maraming maliliit at malalaki, kaparis ng AngatBustos at Pantabangan Dam sa Nueva Ecija. Ang pinakamalaki and considered biggest sa Southeast Asia na source of irrigation water and electricity ay ang Magat Dam sa San Mateo, Isabela. Napuntahan ko ‘yon noong 1971. Kasama ko ang former Executive Director ng Rice and Corn Board, E.V Mendoza. Naanyayahan kami ng Association of Rice and Corn traders from Santiago, Isabela. Pinasyal nila kami doon sa Magat Dam. Ang mga naninirahan sa pinagtayuan ng dam ay pinagtayo ng kanilang mga malilipatang tahanan. *** Ang nakakalungkot na pangyayari, mula daw noong 1986, ang Magat Dam ay napabayaan ng mga namuno sa gobyerno, ayon sa mga biyahero ng palay na nakausap ko sa Balagtas, Bulakan. Hanggang ngayon ay sa Isabela nanggagaling ang palay na dinadala nila sa mga bodega ng palay na malapit sa Metro Manila. *** Mga limang taon na mula nang ang Bulakan was declared as industrial area. Noong 2016, ang tubig para sa palayan na nangagaling sa Angat Dam ay pinutol na. Nakalaan na daw sa Metro Manila. Sa Barangay Dalig, Balagtas ang isa sa mga lugar na may mga garahe ng truck ang mga viahero. *** Sabi ng mga kritiko, kaya daw


Habilin Pasko ang taguri, kinilalang araw, Parangal sa Haring Sanggol nang isilang; Sa tuwing sasapit ay pinagdiriwang, Ang panahong diwa ay pagbibigayan! *** Sinugo ng Ama ang Anak sa lupa, Layon ay gisingin ang tulog na diwa, ng maraming mali ang paniniwala; Sa dapat sambahing tunay na Bathala! *** Kaniyang nilikha ang lahat ng bagay, Na handog sa taong mga kailangan; Ngunit may habiling sundin ng lubusan, Huwag maki-apid, mandaya’t magnakaw! *** Kung sa iyo gawin, tiyak na ayaw mo, Huwag pag-imbutan ang hindi sa iyo! Paquito Rey Pacheco

taun-taon ay kinakapos ng bigas ang bansa ay dahil napabayaan ang mga pinagkukunan ng kailangang tubig na ginagamit sa pagtatanim ng palay sa iba’t ibang lugar ng bansa. Ang malaking yearly budget ng Department of Agriculture hanggang sa ngayon ang nagagamit sa importasyon ng bigas mula sa ibang bansa. *** Sa halos 21 taon ako na nasa radio broadcasting sa Maynila. As Rural Radio broadcaster, karamihan ng aking mga lakad ay sa mga lalawigan. Maraming lugar ng Pilipinas ang napuntahan ko na. Mula Appari, Northern Luzon hanggang Tawi-Tawi at pinakadulong Bongao Islands of Mindanao. Hindi kaila sa akin ang mga problema na pinagdadaanan ng ating mga kababayan para mabuhay. Nabalita na ang produksiyon ng bawang sa Northern Luzon ay maganda daw ngayon. Noon, Sinait ang alam kong lugar na pagtatanim ng bawang ang pangunahing pinagkukunan ng kabuhayan. *** Sariwa pa rin sa aking alaala ang kanilang pinagdadaanang problema. Kaparis din ng nangyayari sa mga magtatanim ng sibuyas sa Nueva Ecija at sa Bongao Island ng Mindanao na may kinalaman naman sa negosyo ng Copra. Businessmen and politicians are the gainers. Ang mga biyahero ay magbabalita na mahal ang presyo ng bawang at sibuyas. Kahit hindi pa dapat anihin bubunutin na. Hindi na maisasauli sa lupa. Ang mga nagbebenta ang naglalabanan sa murang presyo.

CRISTY... From page 20 mensahe ni SOS tungkol sa ginawang panghihingi ng tawad ni Joey de Leon sa publiko dahil sa isyu ng depresyon na kinontra ng mayorya nang magsalita siya sa Eat… Bulaga! Komento ni SOS, “Sobrang humanga po kami sa pagpapakumbaba ni Joey de Leon. Kahit sabihin pa pong wala na siyang choice dahil sa dami ng bumabatikos sa kaniya, eh, kahanga-hanga pa rin ang ginawa niyang panghihingi ng tawad on national television sa lahat ng mga na-offend niya. “It takes a lot of character para magawa ang ganoon in public. Nag-sorry na po si Joey, kaya wala nang dahilan para i-bash pa siya nang todo,” kumpletong pahayag ni SOS. Itinuturing na sakit ang depresyon. May lunas ang ganoong sitwasyon. Kailangan lang talagang paglabanan iyon ng taong inaatake ng depresyon, ang panghihina ng kalooban ay kailangang talunin ng katatagan ng isip. Hindi biro ang depresyon, doon karaniwang nag-uugat ang maling-maling paraan ng pagkitil ng buhay, ang pagpapakamatay. Hindi gawa-gawa lang ang depresyon. May mga pagkakataong puwedeng psychological ang dating ng


Gayon din ang nangyayari sa Copra, hindi na maibabalik sa kani-kanilang mga isla ang dinala sa Bongao Island. Biktima na sila ng law of supply and demand. Katas Walang bansang umunlad sa gitna ng magulong kalagayan. • Mahirap matiyak kung ano ang magiging kinabukasan ng Pilipinas sakaling manatili ang kasalukuyang kalagayan. • Kung baga sa cancer, nasa stage IV na ang karamdaman ng isang tao.

• Ang pangulo na binoto ng taumbayan ay binabato para malaglag sa puwesto. Kaparis din ng namumuno independent institutions na ang nagtalaga ay pangulo. Kasabihan Walang bumabagsak na nasa ibaba. May katapusan ang lahat ng bagay sa balat ng lupa. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

ganoong sitwasyon, pero mas madalas na hindi, nervous system ang itinuturong dahilan ng mga doktor. *** Maraming kababayan natin ang hindi nagkagusto sa tabas ng dila ng beauty queen na si Mariel de Leon. Maraming napaklahan sa kaniyang sinabing “Same last name, but thank God, we’re not related. Ew, shame on him and to people who think like him.” Si Joey de Leon ang kaniyang tinutukoy na nag-ugat sa isyu ng depresyon na ipinanghingi na ng tawad ng beteranong TV hostkomedyante sa publiko. Wala namang masama sa paglalantad ng saloobin ni Mariel de Leon, iyon ang kaniyang paninindigan, may kalayaan siyang gamitin ang kaniyang espasyon sa social media para iparating ang kaniyang opinyon. Pero maraming paraan ng pagkontra. May mga pagkontrang madaling unawain at tanggapin, kung paanong mayroon ding pagkontrang tulad ng kay Mariel, na sa halip na kampihan siya ng mayorya ay siya pa ang inuupakan ngayon. Pagkatapos naming mabasa ang litanya ng dalaga tungkol sa isyu ay bigla naming naisip ang kaniyang mga magulang na sina Christopher de Leon at Sandy Andolong. Walang alingasngas sa kanilang pagsasama ang mga magulang ni Mariel.

Wala rin kaming matandaang nakaaway ang mag-asawa, napakasimple ng kanilang buhay, tahimik lang at hindi tulad ng kay Mariel na maligalig. Pinahiran nga ng apdo ang dila ng dalagang ito. May pakla. May asim na wala sa lugar. Sawsawera. Sa palagay naman kaya ni Mariel de Leon ay gusto siyang maging kamag-anak ni Joey de Leon? Kung ito’y nangyari noong mga panahong mainit pa ang libido ni Joey de Leon sa pakikipag-argumento na wala itong pakialam kung ano ang kasarian ng kaniyang kalaban ay makakatikim ng boldyak itong si Mariel mula sa komedyante. Magpipingkian sila ng salita, magkakaroon sila ng word war, buti na lang at sa kaniyang pagkakaedad ay medyo lumamigkumalma na ang dating gawi ni Joey de Leon. Sa halip na magmistulang bawang na kasahog sa lahat ng lutuin si Mariel de Leon at personalin ang mga taong hindi niya kapareho ang pananaw sa buhay ay mas maganda kung pagtutuunan na lang niya ng pansin ang sarili niyang laban. Rarampa siya sa entablado, nangangarap na makakuha ng titulo, huwag naman sanang maging “thank you girl” ang babaeng ito para walang maipangsupalpal sa kaniya ang mga tagasuporta ni Joey de Leon. – CSF



OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

Ely Buendia plays greatest hits at Pantages Playhouse – October 7

Photos by Alex Canlapan & AJ Batac

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017





OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2017

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