Pilipino Express • Oct 1 2014

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Volume 10 • No. 19 • October 1 - 15, 2014 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

MB minimum wage raised again

Andi Eigenmann

14 12 Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo



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MANITOBA – As of October 1, 2014, Manitoba’s minimum wage is now $10.70 per hour, up 25 cents from the minimum set in 2013. This is the 14th straight year that the minimum wage has gone up. “This most recent increase builds on our long-term plan to provide the lowest wage earners increased purchasing power so they can better provide for themselves and their families,” said Labour and Immigration Minister Erna Braun when she announced the increase earlier this year. The minimum wage is the lowest amount, per hour, that employees must be paid by their employers for work in Manitoba. Manitoba’s minimum wage See WAGE p8

Manitoba’s minimum wage is now $10.70 per hour

Mayon threatens to erupt LEGAZPI CITY – As of press time, Mayon Volcano in Albay Province has been showing signs of an imminent eruption for the 12th straight day. According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), magma has already reached the summit. For the past two weeks, Phivolcs has maintained its alert signal at Level 3, which indicates an increasing likelihood of an eruption, possibly within days or weeks. Phivolcs director, Renato Solidum, told reporters on September 29 that the volcano has expelled approximately 30 million cubic metres of magma during the past few days, similar to what it released during a 2009 eruption. Solidum said that a lava dome has formed a “volcanic plug” hindering the release of magma. “The magma is already up there. The initial mass of magma has solidified outside [clogging] the crater and [preventing] the gas from being released,” he said, adding, “If the crater is blocked,

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The remains of the Cagsawa Church, buried during the 1814 eruption of Mayon Volcano. Photo by nish.iona the pressure is building up even more inside.” A Phivolcs bulletin that same day also reported two more volcanic quakes and four more rock fall events. Vulcanian or strombolian? Phivolcs officials have not


yet determined how violent the impending eruption might be. According to Solidum, “The characteristics that Mayon is showing are [those] of a vulcanian eruption, or maybe See MAYON p10


JOELAN MENDOZA Autobody Customer Service



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

No way to seek redness Those who are riled by the UP School of Economics for castigating the students who virtually manhandled Budget Secretary Florencio Abad on September 17 are completely missing the point. They are taking up the cudgels for the students but are looking only at one aspect of the entire issue – the alleged corruption in government through the Disbursement Allocation Program (DAP) – while turning a blind eye to the more fundamental ones: academic freedom, freedom of expression, and yes, plain decency. As the faculty members said in a statement after the incident, Abad was an invited guest and as such was “covered by the same blanket of academic freedom and safe passage that the University guarantees to all who set foot on campus.” In the first place, Abad was in the University of the Philippines to give his side on the DAP and other budget issues; that fact alone should have given him the right to enter – and exit – without having to go through a gauntlet of angry students. UP, after all, prides itself on being able to discuss any and all issues squarely and logically,

without having to resort to physical violence. As he left, however, Abad was accosted by an angry mob that threw coins and placards at him; at one point one student even grabbed him by the collar. Whatever these students were thinking, it was not something they had learned at UP. The faculty members of the UP School of Economics called the students “hooligans,” and they are right. No self-respecting UP student would lay a hand on a person – any person, no matter how high or low they are on the social ladder – just because he does not agree with his opinions, or because he suspects that person of wrongdoing. Only hooligans do that. But for saying so, the teachers have attracted the equally misguided anger of those who apparently believe academic freedom and freedom of expression can be thrown out the window by anyone who is angry enough. The attackers may have valid grievances against Abad, but attacking him physically was no way to seek redress. No dichotomy when it comes to education The Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines

(CEAP) has made a good point regarding the subsidies that government is giving to statefunded schools. In a message delivered on September 23 during the CEAP national convention in Davao City, the group’s vice president Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, who is also the president of the Ateneo de Davao University, pointed out that while private schools and their students pay taxes like everyone else, these taxes do not benefit them by way of direct financial assistance. Scholarships and other funding are almost exclusively reserved for public schools, as well as taxpayers’ money for development and other improvements. Private schools, in contrast, can only utilize funds from the tuition and other fees their students pay which, contrary to popular perception, is not an inexhaustible resource. This means that, in theory, public schools can continue to develop while private schools, especially the smaller ones, can get waylaid by the skyrocketing expenses they need to keep up with. This, of course, is predicated on the assumption that government does give full attention to education, and that funds intended for state-funded schools actually do reach these

institutions. The reality, however, is that government has historically given a pittance to education, and that its direction as far as higher educational institutions is concerned is to either privatize them or increase tuition so as not to strain the taxpayers any further. In fact, instead of increasing the subsidies, government has been decreasing them. Case in point is the University of the Philippines (UP), which has seen a marked tuition increase in the past few years as government acknowledged that funds are not enough to continue the support for the “iskolar ng bayan.” Still, it is necessary for private schools to remind government that the provision of education is its main duty to its citizens, and in this the private sector is its partner, not its adversary. The word “subsidy” may raise eyebrows if applied to private schools, but the fact is that both private and public educational institutions serve the same people; there should be no dichotomy or discrimination when it comes to one of the most basic of human needs. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Self-care – develop your own plan today With each passing day, Diane was feeling more and more overwhelmed by all that she had been going on in her life. She is a 45-year-old mother of three, has a full-time job in a busy office environment and is caregiver for her elderly parents. In addition to her family and career stressors, she volunteers for the school board and her church. She has noticed that she has headaches at least twice per week and she feels tired very early in the day. Diane makes sure that her kids’ lunches are put together and healthy, but when it comes to her own eating, she does not put much thought into it. Other than two or three cups of coffee in the morning, she doesn’t eat until noon, usually fast food, and then again at supper and a late night snack. Her coworkers ask her to come with them on breaks, but she rarely leaves her desk. Over the last six months, her relationship with her husband Brian has been strained. They snap at each other over the smallest things and argue at least twice every week. Usually, they end up yelling and then do not speak to each other for one to two days. Her kids have their activities and homework and family time hard-

ly ever happens. Diane has noticed that she has gained 15 pounds in the last year and has difficulty falling asleep. Her thoughts are racing with all that she has to do the next day. She wakes up at least once in the middle of the night and it takes at least half an hour for her to fall asleep again. Although she has not smoked since she was a young adult, she bought a pack of cigarettes last week and has had one every day, sometimes two. She takes the time to text friends and her sister regularly, but prefers to ask them about their life, rather than talk about her problems. Diane has started to feel teary at work, then angry at home. She’s had thoughts of what it would be like if she were not around anymore. *** What do you think Diane should do? Do you see some commonalities between her life and your own? This scenario is not uncommon in today’s busy world where we have family, jobs and other commitments. We strive to make sure that we have a roof over our heads and food to eat, but do not put much thought into our overall wellness. The key to living a healthy life is finding

balance. We all have plans in place as we go about our lives: financial plans, medical appointments, workplace deadlines, grocery lists, etc. But can most people say that they have a self-care plan? A self-care plan is a list of commitments that you can make toward your physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Even the smallest changes can go a long way toward enjoying life again and feeling balanced. Physical health Steps towards wellness must consider your level of exercise, whether you get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat a healthy diet, and take required medications. We also must make sure that we visit the doctor, dentist and other health professionals regularly. Mental health To improve our mental and emotional health, it is important to be positive. This not only involves what we say to other people, but what we tell ourselves. Negative self-talk such as, “I never get things right” or “I’m so stupid,” can have a huge impact on how we feel. When stressful situations come up, try to breathe deeply for a few minutes and look

at what you have accomplished and look for realistic options. Many people find journaling at the end of the day to be helpful. It is a way to get your feelings out and improve the quality of your sleep. Social health Strive to maintain good relationships with the important people in your life. If you have any long-term feuds in your family, examine whether it is worth it to finally find peace with the other. Chances are, it is. Say “please”, “thank you”, and “I love you” to your loved ones, and talk to them at least once a week. If you’ve wronged them, say, “I’m sorry.” Don’t hold feelings inside; vent to someone you trust, whether it is a friend, family member, colleague, counsellor or clergy member. Try to engage in community service, or help a neighbour when you can. This not only helps others, but it also improves your sense of connectedness, self-worth, confidence and level of gratitude. Spiritual health When we nurture the connectedness that we have with something bigger than our own individual life, we are healthier. Prayer, meditation, volunteer See SELF-CARE p8

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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

Immigration in a world with clear and present danger The international news is full of stories of atrocities abroad and threats facing non-combatants abroad. The individual stories are compelling and the mortal danger is very real. We all are aware that a civilian passenger plane was shot down by missile fire over Ukraine, with no survivors, and daily we hear stories of the atrocities committed by ISIS in Syria and Iraq. The stories are not about other people in other lands but often have strong Canadian connections and immigration implications. Many applicants find themselves in “clear and present danger” for their lives. Case One is the local family who submitted an application to sponsor a mother and a younger sibling from Ukraine back in 2011. The application to sponsor

was submitted and accepted before the November moratorium and sat in a backlog for several years. The sponsorship of parents and grandparents was reopened in January of 2014 and many applications in the backlog are now being addressed. The next step in the Ukrainian case is for the applicant to submit her application to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga but the lady and son in question are in eastern Ukraine and close to the fighting between pro-Russian groups and Ukrainian forces. Canada is officially against the actions of the pro-Russian groups but has instituted no special immigration processing to speed things up. The best recommendation is for the family

to get the complete application in as quickly as possible and for the applicants to move to a safer area such as Kiev. In Case Two there is a family of ethnic Kurds, designated by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) as bona fide refugees living inside Iraq. The families are Christian and were some of the thousands surrounded by ISIS fighters on a mountain top in Iraq. Their plight became known internationally and was cited as a reason for the incursion, at least by air power, of the United States, among other countries. Kurdish fighters on the ground supported the air strikes. At this time ISIS attacks have been successfully fended off but there remains a clear and present danger. Canada is supportive of the air offence and American incursion but also has an immigration program in place to try to assist the families concerned. The Kurdish refugees in question are not alone but have family members living in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is possible for the family to find local Churches or groups prepared to sponsor their relatives. Or, as is the case, they can gather together a group of five sponsorship groups who would support the immigration and integration of the families in Manitoba. This is very much a part of the current federal immigration programs and the sponsorship groups would assume the financial burden. In this case, unlike the regular sponsorship of parents, there is some provision for accelerated processing. One caution to the reader is that Canada immigration exercises a responsibility in limiting the number of refugees, both government and privately sponsored. The country has not been inundated with refugees and we continue to provide humanitarian and compassionate support to those stateless persons whose lives are in danger. Could we do more as a country? We probably could, but at least there are options available. The third case is the one reported by CBC news about the Canadian spouse/sponsor who travelled to Syria to be with her Syrian husband. In this case the sponsor invited her husband, who lives close to Damascus, to come to Canada as a visitor. His Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) application

was refused because immigration officials determined that he would be a risk to admit into Canada. There is not a great likelihood of his wanting to return to a country beset by warfare, so technically one can find little fault with the adjudication. One immediate immigration option for the Canadian was to submit a sponsorship of a spouse application, which she did. But the processing could take as long as two years. At this time the Canadian spouse/sponsor has put her life on the line by travelling to Syria to stay with her husband while his application is being processed. ISIS fighters are active in their neighbourhood and there is a real danger of kidnapping and death. Remember the graphic videos of American and British captives being beheaded. The CBC queried immigration Minister Keith Alexander about this case and criticized by a number of immigration lawyers and practitioners. His response appears, for the most part, to be accurate and in keeping with our immigration laws and practices. He repeated the objections Canada would have to the TRV submission and said department officials are doing what they can. However, the threat to life and limb is immediate and there is small consolation knowing the processing may take two years and ISIS is hovering around with no respect for human life, much less Canadian immigration processing times. The response of immigration officials to this case appears contradictory to some. The initial TRV was refused because officials were not convinced that the applicant would return to Syria. In 2013 the same department started advising families to apply for TRVs as a way to get the applicant into Canada while awaiting the processing of the sponsorship applications. Critics can rightly say that the departmental action appears to contradict itself but, in fairness, one explanation would be that the situation has worsened inside Syria and CIC has modified its rules to accommodate applicants in danger. Minister Alexander tried to explain the dilemma his officers face in the field. They must ensure that due diligence is exercised and that applicants are screened for

criminality and potential security risks. The critics however, do not accept the explanation and point out that the American departmental counterpart is processing family reunification applications within half the time. The Americans are no less vigilant. In defense of Minister Alexander I would add that the American counterparts work under different legislation so you are comparing apples to oranges. Or, the critics may be right in concluding that Canada does not have sufficient resources in the field to process applicants in a timely fashion. The above cases highlight both the real dilemma faced by many of our fellow Canadians and the frustrations they feel about immigration. However, the above examples also demonstrate that Canada has an immigration system based on law with some flexibility in place. There is no question that the government could do more to modify processing requirements for persons in danger, but the question are: what changes? at what costs? and to what end? My personal sympathies are with all persons at risk but immigration to Canada or another safe country is not the first solution. It is important that Canada do its part internationally to get rid of real threats abroad, such as ISIS. Canada must also ensure that our immigration programs are able to process legitimate applicants in a timely fashion, especially those in immediate danger. It is one thing to explain that Canada is doing what it can and quite another to cut the federal civil service by thousands, including highly trained and experienced immigration staff. Minister Alexander is right to defend his departmental staff but must also take responsibility for the actions of his government in cutting staff. He cannot just give lip service to the plight of applicants. I am reminded of a line from the movie Full Metal Jacket: “You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?” Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014



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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

Election selection What are your plans for October 22? If you are 18 or older, I sure hope you get out to vote. This is one of those times in your life when you can say you made a difference. Election signs are popping up on front yards, announcements are being made and promises are shouted from the mouths of mayoral candidates, potential City Councillors and those fighting for a seat on school boards – all in preparation for the Winnipeg Civic election later this month. This election has been getting really interesting lately. We had some early candidates announcing their intent on running for Mayor. It got really interesting after our current Mayor, Sam Katz, decided he would not seek another term in office. We had former City Councillor Gord Steeves come out of the gate early on. Second place finisher in the last civic election, Judy WasylyciaLeis, finally announced what was probably the worst kept secret of this election – that she was going to take another run at getting into

City Hall politics. We have privacy lawyer Brian Bowman, current Councillor Paula Havixbeck, former provincial staffer David Sanders, UofM administrator RobertFalcon Ouellette, and probably the best dressed of the bunch – entertainment agent Michel Fillion. There were three other mayoral candidates registered, but their nomination papers were either not filed or they did not have the 250 registered voter signatures required to be on the ballot. For the sake of word count, I won’t get into details about Councillor or school trustee candidates. What I can tell you is that Council will definitely have a new face this November. Ask any Winnipegger how they feel about this change; most welcome the idea of a new Council. A new start, if you will. Some are sad to see people go and others are quite happy and looking forward to the new regime. I read the news all day, every day. But if you’re not like me,


ing in life. Furthermore, forgiveness of others and yourself for past transgressions is incredibly healing. Positive lifestyle Every day, find the time to relax and engage in a healthy activity that you enjoy, such as

From page 4

work, experiencing nature, and being a part of a spiritual community are ways to foster a sense of belonging. These activities also help us to find purpose and mean-

you probably still hear stories of the recent happenings at City Hall. You’ve probably heard the word “audit” or “real estate review” once or twice. Or you may still be thinking of brown water, snow clearing or the poor road conditions. What I’m saying here is not new news; it’s been the topic of conversations in the communities and behind closed doors. It’s part of my job to stay on top of what is being said by the media outlets, social media or on the streets. I look at it impartially and therefore, if you were hoping that I would tell you who I will be voting for, or offering suggestions on whom you should vote for, you are sorely mistaken. We live in the free world. We live in a country where the ordinary person can take a stand and make a difference. We live in a democracy. We don’t need to tell you whom we voted for and people sure don’t have the right to tell you who to vote for. That’s the beauty of this system. Collectively we make a choice that must live with, until of course, the next election. So make sure you vote. That’s how this works. Sadly, the voter turnout has been historically low. On the other side of the voting

spectrum, take a look at Scotland’s recent referendum. Citizens went out in droves and registered the highest voter turnout in the free world. The results were relatively close, but it showed the world that the majority of Scots didn’t want a change, and that was that. Stick that in your bagpipe. Like I said, I won’t tell you who to vote for, but what I do ask is do your research. Don’t vote for someone because that is whom your mom, dad or friends are voting for. If you believe or don’t believe in Rapid Transit, then use that in helping to make your decision. Do you want your

roads fixed? Then who has the best plan to make that happen. Are you a dog lover who wants more protection for our off-leash dog parks? Then there is a candidate for you. Which school trustee do you want fighting for your child’s education? Take a gander at their website. If someone comes knocking on your door, don’t just take the pamphlet; ask them serious and hard questions. It’s your job. After all, they work for you, the voter. Dale works in the Office of Policy Development & Communications for the City of Winnipeg.

reading a book, singing, playing an instrument, going for a walk, having a cup of tea or gardening. Stay organized so that you avoid feeling overwhelmed with too many tasks. Set goals for yourself so you have something to work towards. Go out on regular dates with your spouse – grocery shopping and errands don’t count! It does not have to be expensive; even going for a walk in the park is a chance to talk and reconnect. *** Diane recognized that things were too much, so she decided to get help and talk to her doctor, counsellor, and sister. She starts the day with a quick prayer of gratitude, and packs her own lunch when she prepares the kids’ lunches. She limits herself to one cup of coffee and drinks water for the rest of the day. When she gets to work, she makes a list of tasks she wants to accomplish and tells herself that she will do her best. She also takes her 15-minute and lunch breaks. She has replaced smoking with taking a quick walk around the block. She identified the negative messages she was telling herself everyday and tries to replace them with more positive thoughts. At

the end of her workday, she takes 15 minutes to relax before starting dinner and all the other household chores. Music is now a part of her life again where she plays the piano for at least ten minutes in the evening. Before bed, she writes in her journal and makes a list of what she needs to do the next day. Diane finds that she falls asleep easier and will not wake up as much. Her headaches have decreased in number and intensity, and she makes sure that she has a good talk with her husband every evening about her day. They have decided to strive for at least three sit-down family meals every week. She is happy to have a self-care plan for herself and feels more balanced and happy. At first, committing to healthy activities can seem like a huge challenge due to time commitments and adding yet another item to your never-ending list. But just stop and think for a moment. Even if you don’t believe that you are worth the effort, aren’t your loved ones worth it? Ultimately, a healthy and balanced lifestyle will increase the chances that you will be around longer to enjoy

your family and friends. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is the founder of Nexus Counselling and a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She is a proud member of the Manitoba Filipino Business Council and a provider for the Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program. Cheryl has experience helping clients with issues such as grief, depression, relationship difficulties, parenting, aging and illness. She can be reached at (204) 2976744 or info@nexuscounselling. com.


From page 1 is the fourth highest among other Canadian provinces. Saskatchewan also raised its minimum wage from $10 to $10.20 per hour on October 1. Ontario raised its minimum wage to $11 per hour last June 1. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) spoke out against the minimum wage increase when it was announced on June 18, saying that See WAGE p9

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014


From page 8 it would not put much extra money into the pockets of minimum wage workers. Elliot Sims, the CFIB’s Manitoba director of provincial affairs, said, “the provincial government is making it once again harder to create jobs and do business in Manitoba.” The CFIB suggested that the government should raise the basic personal tax exemption to help low wage earners instead of raising the minimum wage. According to Sims, although the minimum wage is 50 cents per hour higher in Manitoba than in Saskatchewan, minimum wage earners here will see just 12.6 cents per hour more in take home pay after provincial income taxes are deducted. According to Statistics Canada data, minimum wage earners made up 4.6 per cent of the total working population in Manitoba in 2009 – the last year in which these figures are available – compared to the Canadian average of 5.8 per cent.





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

Feng shui symbolism – how clutter reflects your life Everything in our life is in some way a reflection of our life. And by everything, I really mean every thing. 

Our stuff has a tremendous influence over us our thoughts, our feelings, even our mental clarity, or lack of it, as evidenced by TV shows that portray hoarders. 

That’s because when hoarders over-accumulate; the hoarder no longer even sees the excess. 

What they see is an extension of themselves to the point they don’t see themselves any more: they are one with the clutter. That’s why it feels like they’re cutting off an arm to remove all the junk. 

While the majority of people aren’t hoarders - of animals or things - the majority of people do have a problem with clutter in one form or another and at varying degrees. 
Clutter has become a major feng shui focus in the past five or so years because it’s a source of stagnation. 

 Even the word clutter is rooted in the word “clot.” According to an etymology dictionary the word clutter originated around the 1400s and means “to clot, collect in heaps and to litter.” 

Feng shui is a study of flow and when flow is stopped by a clot, especially in our veins, the formation of a clot can be life threatening. At its worst, clutter can overwhelm the people for whom clutter is out of control. At its best, clutter can be an annoyance. 

 But most of us live somewhere in the middle where clutter is concerned. Many times clutter is representative of something in our lives; a symbolic representation of something that’s happened in our past or where we are stuck emotionally. 

A form of

chiropractic medicine that I’ve used in the past is called Network Chiropractic. It uses very light touches on the spine to help release past injuries, whether they’re chemical, emotional, or physical. That’s because your spine is the repository of all that has happened to you. Network chiropractors believe that many illnesses and ailments are the accumulation of memories in the spinal network of nerves that are trapped, and that once released, the chronic physical condition can also be released. 

Because our homes are a larger extension of our bodies, one could say the same about our clutter: that it is a symbolic representation of our lives and that by releasing it, we can move forward in our lives. 

 Could your clutter be saying something about your life? Below are some observations about clutter and what your stuff could be saying about you. 

 Incomplete, unfinished items. 

These represent parts of your life that are hanging in the balance, undone, and incomplete. If you have a number of unfinished items and see them frequently, it’s possible you feel like you’re not moving ahead in life and unable to bring important things to fruition. 

That’s because these items represent being stuck. By parting with unfinished objects, you can help bring completion to your life, making your affairs smoother and less prone to getting hung up and remaining in limbo, and getting that unfinished business finally wrapped up. 

 Broken items. 

These kinds of items are symbolic of feeling incompetent, unloved and flawed. Keeping these kinds of objects represents the inner pain of the

lack of self-worth. Holding on to broken objects represents all that’s wrong with you - even though that opinion is incorrect. You aren’t flawed and by removing flawed items from your life, you gain greater self worth and appreciation. 

 Cast offs. 

Is your home filled with cast offs? Then you’re living a cast off life. It’s like living your life through another person and not fully embracing your own life and your own feelings. It can often be rooted in feeling unnoticed, unworthy or of little value. 

If you buy lots of second hand items, you might want to ask yourself why you’re not good enough. I know someone who only buys used clothing and jewellery because she doesn’t think she’s worth the expense of new clothes and because her husband would be angry if she did. But she buys a lot of it and is overrun with used clothes and second-hand jewellery. 

I asked her to start buying only brand new clothes and to remove all the old clothes from her closet. Her husband also had not bought her an engagement ring and she suggested that for their anniversary they do so. Once she did this, her self-concept and self-image changed, and her husband’s attitude toward her changed as well. Sometimes the ripples we want in our lives must be selfgenerated and radiate from the inner to the outer – not the other way around. 

 Sources of pain. 

Holding on to items that are painful to you is self-flagellation and keeps you stuck in an emotional no-man’s land. Holding on to painful items dulls your emotions and enjoyment of life so that living becomes marking one emotionally numb day after the other. 

One woman I know had a particularly painful marriage. She and her husband went through many trying years in their relationship and the start of it

MAYON... From page 1

even a strombolian eruption.” A strombolian eruption is typified by Stromboli, a volcanic island in the Mediterranean, with continual mild eruptions in which lava fragments are ejected. Although vulcanian eruptions are more violent, with powerful explosions and fast-moving pyroclastic flows, both types are deadly. Solidum said that a vulcanian eruption could propel swiftly moving hot gas and rocks as far as a radius of six kilometers, while the ash fall could reach a radius of 10 kilometres. A strombolian eruption, however, is less violent. “When it happens, it would spew lava quietly or produce lava fountaining within one to two kilometres,” he said. Cedric Daep, head of

began was their wedding. For that reason, her wedding dress was a source of pain and she cringed every time she opened the closet door and saw it. 

Fortunately, their relationship changed and they became very happy, but the dress was a reminder of the pain of their early relationship and while she was happy, she was still emotionally restrained. One day she decided to get rid of her wedding dress and once she did she said she felt like she was not only happier in her marriage but was finally able to move on from that painful time. Holding on to painful items is like putting a bandage on a splinter instead of removing it. Remove the painful item and you can begin healing. 

 Small things. 

Too many itty bitty things mean an itty bitty life. If your clutter consists of lots of small things - especially small purchases - it means there’s

nothing big or substantial in your life. Many people justify buying lots of trinkets because they don’t have the money for something big, like a house or a car. 

The irony is that frittering money on a collection of tiny things means you don’t have room for accumulating the kind of money to buy something big. Once you can stop buying and filling up your home all those little things, the big things can come into your life. 
 Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

the Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office, said a strombolian eruption could bring lava flows to the southeastern side of the volcano, to areas in Legazpi, Daraga and Sto. Domingo. A vulcanian eruption, however, could affect some areas of Legazpi, Ligao and Tabaco and the municipalities of Daraga, Camalig, Guinobatan, Malilipot and Sto. Domingo – all within a radius of six to seven kilometres of Mayon’s crater. Evacuation Three cities and five towns are now under a state of calamity as the province prepares for the imminent eruption of Mayon. Albay Governor Joey Salceda identified the calamity areas as the cities of Legazpi, Tabaco and Ligao and the towns of Guinobatan, Camalig, Daraga, Sto. Domingo and Malilipot.

Classes were suspended as early as September 16 as schools were converted into evacuation centres. Salceda ordered the evacuation of residents living within Mayon’s six-kilometer-radius danger zone and its eight-kilometer extended buffer zone. He said 10,902 families or 46,674 people are now in the 44 evacuation centres across the province. The Department of Education in Manila said it would spend 23 million pesos to build 300 temporary learning spaces and to buy 15,000 chairs for schools currently occupied by evacuees. A total of 52,800 students in 39 schools have been affected by the evacuation. The United Nations Children’s Fund has committed to provide 175 tents and 400 tarpaulins to serve as temporary learning spaces.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014



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Hindi pa ipinangananak ang kontrobersiyang makapagpapabagasak kay Daniel Padilla. Kung napapangiting-aso ang traydor niyang kaibigan na naglabas ng kaniyang audio clip ay nagkakamali ito dahil naging usapusapan lang ang pinakasikat na heartthrob pero walang nabawas sa kaniyang popularidad. Isa sa mga barometro ng pangunguna pa rin ni Daniel sa kaniyang mga kasabayang youngstars ay ang katatapos lang na Himig Handog. Kung ang lakas ng mga tilian at palakpakan at sigawan ang ginamit na barometro ng pananalo sa Himig Handog ay walang dudang nag-champion si Daniel Padilla. Kuwento ng mga kaibigan naming nanood ay talagang makalaglag-tutuli ang sigawan sa buong Smart Araneta Coliseum nang tawagin na ang pangalan ni DJ bilang isa sa mga contestants. “At ilang seconds na tumagal ‘yun. Bagsak ang Big Dome sa lakas ng mga tilian, parang giyera talaga, dahil mabibingi ka!” paglalarawan ng aming kaibigan. Si Daniel Padilla pa rin ang numero unong heartthrob ngayon, siya pa rin ang pinakamalakas,


kaya tabi-tabi na muna d’yan ang mga hunyangong nagpapakilalang kaibigan niya, walang negatibong epekto kay DJ ang mga ginagawa nilang paninira. Hindi talaga kayang kalabanin ninuman ang tamang panahon, ang kasikatan sa anumang dahilan, walang magpapabagsak sa artista kundi ang kaniyang sariling mga kakulangan at kalabisan lang. Wala sa kanilang bahay si Karla Estrada nang mag-imbita ng mga kaibigan si DJ, sa may likod-bahay nila umistambay ang tropa dahil may bilyaran at basketball court doon, natural lang na sa pagitan ng paglalaro ay nagpapahinga rin ang magkakaibigan. Isang dating kaibigan ni Daniel noong nasa Mandaluyong pa sila ang nag-tape ng kanilang kuwentuhan at saka nito inilabas sa social media, natural lang na napasama na naman ang batang aktor, dahil mayroon na siyang Kathryn ay may type pa pala siyang iba? Galit na galit si Karla Estrada sa nangyari, inasikaso na nga naman ni DJ ang taong iyon ay nagawa pa rin siyang traydurin, panay-panay ngayon ang See CRISTY p15

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

• Daniel Padilla – Numero unong heartthrob ngayon • Gabriela – Tinuligsa ang kawalang-galang sa kababaihan ng Bench show • Ai Ai Delas Alas – Inamin na ni Gerald na “on” sila ni Ai Ai • Nora Aunor – Nasaan na ang mga fans? Bakit nilalangaw ang Dementia? • Heart Evangelista – Tinanggap na muli ng magulang, paano si Sen. Chiz? • Marion Aunor – New Female Recording Artist of the Year • Jasmine Curtis Smith – Malamang magtagal sa showbiz • Marian Rivera – Sinusunod ang tradisyong Pilipino para sa kasal • Robin Padilla – Papasok kayang muli sa politika? • Cielito Legaspi Santiago – Pumanaw na ang mommy nina Randy, Rowell at Raymart

Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo

Jasmine Curtis Smith, Direk Perci Intalan and Nora Aunor

Marion Aunor

Heart Evangelista

Marian Rivera

Gerlad Sibayan & Ai Ai Delas Alas

Coco Martin

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014




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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

• Daniel Matsunaga – masaya sa big break na dumadating sa kaniya • Andi Eigenmann – hindi pa handang magpatawad

Inamin ng Pinoy Big Brother winner na si Daniel Matsunaga na tuloy-tuloy ang pagpasok ng big break sa kaniya ngayon. Mula nang tanghaling Grand Champion sa nasabing reality show ay dumagsa ang magagandang offer

sa kaniya. Makakasama siya sa bagong pelikula nina Kim Chiu at Xiam Lim na Past Tense. Romantic comedy at may halong love triangle ang bagong movie na ito ng Star Cinema. Ayon sa aktor ay

masaya sila at puro biruan sa set ng ginagawang pelikula. Kasama rin si Daniel sa maiden issue ng J/Monis Magazine, isang hair magazine ng kilala at mahusay na celebrity hairstylist na si Jing Monis. Ka-back-to-back cover niya sina Anne Curtis at Judy Ann Santos. See SHOWBIZ p18 Andi Eigenmann & Jake Ejercito


Daniel Matsunaga


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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014



CRISTY... From page 12 pagpapaalala at pangaral ng aktres sa kaniyang anak na piliing mabuti ang kaniyang mga kakaibiganin. Wala namang partikular na pangalan ng babae na binanggit sa kuwentuhan si Daniel, nandoon lang ang kilig sa kaniyang pagsasalita, pero ginawang malaking isyu iyon ng taong pinatuloy na niya sa kanilang bahay ay kinaya pa siyang wasakin nang walang kalaban-laban. Kailangang maging maingat na ngayon si DJ sa pakikipagkaibigan, panahon niya ngayon, anumang tungkol sa kaniya totoo man o imbento lang ay puwedeng maging malaking kontrobersiya. Nakarating sa amin ang impormasyon na soldout agad ang VIP tickets para sa concert nina Daniel at Kathryn sa November 2. Ang Labelle Promotions nina Katya at Todd Labelle ang prodyuser ng Kathniel Concert, at sa unang pagkakataon, sa loob lang nang maghapon ay soldout agad ang VIP tickets para sa kanilang concert. “Napakalakas pala talaga ng Kathniel loveteam! Maagang bumili ng VIP tickets ang mga fans nila na matagal nang naghihintay sa kanila sa Winnipeg!” *** Sentro ng pagpansinpagtuligsa ngayon ng grupong Gabriela ang partisipasyon ni Coco Martin sa The Naked Truth kung saan ipinakita ang magaling na aktor na balot na balot ang katawan pero may hila-hilang isang tisay na babae na parang asong kinakaladkad ng guwapong aktor. Tinalian sa leeg ang babaeng pasirku-sirko pa habang rumarampa si Coco. Mistulang aso talaga ang babae na kumikilos ayon sa paghila ng mayhawak ng tali, hindi nga naman kagandahan ang insinwasyon noon. Para sa grupong Gabriela ay kawalan iyon ng pagrespeto sa mga kababaihan, pantay na karapatan ang kanilang ipinaglalaban, pagkatapos ay makakakita ka ng isang babaeng tinalian sa leeg at hinihila-hila ng isang lalaki. Makabuluhan ang pananaw ng Gabriela. Hindi dapat pinapayagan ang ganoong akto na nakababawas kundi man nagnanakaw na mismo sa respetong dapat ibinibigay sa mga kababaihan, agad namang humingi ng dispensa ang pamunuan ng Bench sa reklamo ng makababaihang grupo. Walang ipinakitang hubad na harapan o likuran si Coco Martin sa nasabing rampahan, pero sa kabila

noon ay matinding palakpakan pa rin ang isinalubong sa kaniya, hindi na raw kailangan pang magpakita ng anumang tagong bahagi ng kaniyang katawan si Coco Martin para maramdaman ang kaniyang presensiya. Sa susunod ay dapat nang magingat ang mga utak na bumubuo ng konsepto ng palabas para walang ibang taong nadadamay at walang grupong napapaklahan sa kanilang atake. *** Gerald Sibayan ang pangalan ng badminton player ng De La Salle University na sinasabing karelasyon ngayon ng Comedy Concert Queen na si Ai-Ai delas Alas. Kung wala pang anumang kumpirmasyon ang komedyana tungkol sa pinagpipistahang balita, ang bagets naman ay umamin na, totoong girlfriend nito ngayon ang Comedy Concert Queen. Nagkalapit ang kanilang loob dahil si Ai-Ai ang isa sa mga tumatayong managers ng Badminton team ng DLSU. Sa madalas nilang pagsasama sa practice at sa mismong laban ng team ay sobrang nagkalapit sina Gerald at Ai-Ai. Dumadaan na naman ngayon sa matinding pagpansin ang komedyana. Kinukuwestiyon ng mas nakakarami ang katandaan niya nang 30 taon kay Gerald, parang anak na lang daw niya ang atleta. May mga nag-aalala rin na baka love on the rebound lang daw ito dahil kagagaling lang ng komedyana sa isang masaklap na karanasan kay Jed Salang, sana raw naman ay hindi, sana’y pag-ibig talaga ang dahilan ng pakikipagrelsyon niya kay Gerald Sibayan. Imateryal na ang pagitan ng kanilang edad, wala namang pinaiiral na kautusan tungkol sa edad ang pakikipagmahalan, kung saan maligaya ang tao ay doon siya dapat lumugar. Iyon ang pinakamahalaga. Hindi ang katayuan sa buhay, hindi ang edad, hindi ang kung anu-ano

pang dahilan.

*** Wala nang masasabi ngayon ang mga Noranian. Nagsunog ng kilay ang prodyuser-direktor na si Sir Perci M. Intalan. Pumili ito ng magandang istorya para kay Nora Aunor, ginastusan ang shooting ng Dementia, matindi ang tulong na ibinigay ng TV5 para sa promosyon ng pelikula. Hindi rin nagdamot si Mother Lily Monteverde ng Regal Films para sa pagpapalabas ng Dementia sa maraming sinehan, nakisama rin pati ang kalikasan noong mga nakararaang araw pero mukhang hindi na talaga kakampi ng Superstar ang panahon. Nakapanghihinayang ang Dementia, nagpakitang-gilas si Direk Perci M. Intalan sa kaniyang unang pagtatangka, pero kakaunting Pinoy ang nabigyan ng pagkakataong mapanood ang kaniyang obra. Text ng isang kaibigan naming propesor, “Nandito ako ngayon sa SM-North, nanonood ng Dementia, nakalimutan kong magdala ng jacket. Wala namang bagyo, pero sobrang lamig sa sinehan, walang body heat. “Kanina ko pa binilang kung ilan kami sa movie house, seventeen lang kami, hindi na nadagdagan. Maganda ang pelikula, nanghihinayang ako, nasaan na ang mga fans ni Nora Aunor? Post naman sa FB ng isang kasamahan sa trabaho, “Ano ba ‘yan? Lilima lang kaming nanonood ng Dementia. Nasaan na ang mga Noranians, bakit hindi sila manood ngayon para naman tauhin ang pelikula ng idol nila? Ayan, dahil sa mga ginagawang pang-aaway ng mga Noranians, dahil sa pambabalahura nila sa mga taong sa pakiramdam nila’y hindi nila kakampi ay sila ngayon ang sinisisi ng mga kababayan natin. Nasaan na nga naman sila ngayong kailangang-kailangan sila ng kanilang pinakamamahal at ipinakikipagpatayang idolo? Ngakngak sila nang ngakngak,


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Unit 78 Mandalay Drive Winnipeg MB R2P 1V8 pinagmumumura nila ang mga pumipitik sa kanilang Superstar, nasaan na ang tunay na pakahulugan sa salitang suporta? Kesa sa humarap sila sa kompyuter para i-bash ang mga pumupuna kay Nora Aunor ay may panahon pa para dumayo sila sa mga sinehan, magparamdam sila ng suporta sa kanilang idolo, para hindi nagte-trending ang kuwentong binangaw ang proyekto ng kanilang mahal na Superstar. Kung totoong milyon pa rin ang tagahanga ni Nora Aunor hanggang ngayon, punuin dapat nila ang mga sinehan. Siksikin nila iyon para hindi sabihin ng ibang tao na nakakakuha nga ng mga parangal dito at sa ibang bansa ang kanilang idolo pero nilalangaw naman ang mga ginagawang proyekto. Sa mga umpukang-showbiz ay paboritong pagpistahan ngayon ang mga pasaring at disgusto ni Nora Aunor sa TV5. Hindi nagustuhan ng mga kababayan natin ang kaniyang mga reklamo, dahil pagkatapos nang walong taong pamamalagi sa Amerika dahil wala na nga siyang ginagawa dito sa Pilipinas, ang TV5 ang nagbigay sa kaniya ng ikalawang pagkakataon para muling makabalik sa gitna ng laban. Napakalaking tulong ang ibinigay sa kaniya ng network. Hindi matapus-tapos noon ang pagsusuob ng mga papuri at pasasalamat ng Superstar sa TV5, pero ngayon ay iba na ang tono ng kaniyang mga pananalita.

Pinabayaan daw siya ng istasyon. Dalawang tele-serye lang daw ang ibinigay sa kaniya at ang mga sumunod ay puro guestings na lang. Nang magkasakit daw siya ay ibinawas pa ng TV5 ang nagastos sa ospital sa kaniyang kontrata. Ayaw nang makipagargumento pa sa kaniya ng mga tagapamuno ng TV5, kung ayaw na raw pumirma uli ng kontrata ni Nora sa istasyon sa pagtatapos ng kaniyang kontrata ngayong Oktubre ay karapatan niya iyon, good luck na lang ang masasabi ng network sa kaniya. *** Totoong nagkaroon na ng pusosa-pusong pag-uusap si Heart Evangelista at ang kaniyang mga magulang. Sa naganap na hindi pagkakaunawaan sa pagitan ng aktres at ng kaniyang pamilya ay ang kaniyang ama ang unang nagbaba ng bandera. Lumalambot na ang puso ng kaniyang ama, pero ang mommy ni Heart ay matigas pa rin, ayon sa aming impormante ay natanggap na nito si Heart pero hindi ang kaniyang mapapangasawa. Naging masalimuot ang relasyon ni Senador Chiz Escudero at ng pamilya ni Heart. Hindi madaling kalimutan ang lantarang pagpapainterbyu ng mga ito tungkol sa pag-ayaw sa mambabatas. Sino ba naman ang makalilimot sa mga pintas at pagpunang pinakawalan noon ng mag-asawang Evangelista laban sa See CRISTY p16



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

Crossing the bridge from Eng’r to P.Eng Licensed engineers in the Philippines add the title “Eng’r.” before their names – e.g. Eng’r. Juan dela Cruz. In Canada, licensed engineers add the designation “P.Eng.” after their names, which stands for “professional engineer” – e.g. Juan dela Cruz, P.Eng. As Filipino engineers, we’ve all completed our immigration applications with the common response to the planned occupation: “Engineer.” What happens though after landing here in Manitoba is anything but common. While a few went on to become professional engineers, most have had a career change. Most of us are aware that engineering is a regulated profession in Canada. Thus, it is illegal to practice the profession without proper licensing and training. What most of us may not be very aware of, or not very familiar with, are the requirements and the process of getting that license to practice. Each Canadian province has its own licensing body and regulations. In Manitoba, it is the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM). The process and documentation requirements vary from province to province, but in general, applicants must fulfill the following requirements: • academic qualification • work experience • English language competency • professional practice examination • good character In fulfilling the academic qualification requirements, Philippine-educated engineers must undergo academic assessment. Usually, an assessment will necessitate the

assignment of five or fewer confirmatory exams. Compared to other provinces though, the APEGM offers more options in lieu of confirmatory exams. The following options are offered: • take equivalent university courses (if available) • interview process (if applicant has over 10 years of experience) • Internationally-Educated Engineers Qualification Program (IEEQ) As there are several options, you can choose the one that best suits your current situation. Oftentimes, when presented with options, choosing the best is a bit overwhelming. People often need help and sometimes that help is just a support group away. For more than three years, the Filipino Members Chapter of the APEGM (FMC-APEGM) has been providing Philippineeducated engineers with the support and assistance that only those “who have been there” can provide. Volunteer chapter members who have gone down that road before can share a lot about the challenges and how to overcome them. They provide helpful information in your practice areas; your goals and making recommendations that will eventually help you choose your options. Other helpful information can also direct you to financial assistance, bursaries and scholarships. The chapter provides various supports through its different committees, spearheaded by the FMC-APEGM Executive Committee. Several networking events are organized throughout the year, which include the Summer Picnic, Golf Tournament, and Christmas Party. It is true that going through the licensing process is not a walk in the park. It may be challenging,

but the rewards are great – not to mention the feeling of immense fulfillment and a great sense of achievement upon completion. Read more on the FMCAPEGM and how it can further assist you in crossing that bridge

from “Eng’r.” to “P. Eng.” in the next issue. Ethel Clemente Fernandez is a registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba

(APEGM). She currently works for a federal crown corporation and is serving on the Executive Committee of the Filipino Members Chapter of the APEGM. For inquiries, please e-mail fmc_apegm@yahoo.ca

2014 Executive Committee. (L-r): Edwin Yazon, Edgar Duroni, Angelito Velasco, May Jonson, Ethel Fernandez, Nancy Santoyo, Alen Joson, Norman Garcia

Golf Tournament, Players Golf Course, August 16, 2014

Summer Picnic, Kildonan Park, July 12, 2014

Christmas Party, Victoria Inn, December 28, 2013

CRISTY... From page 15 magiting na senador? Sa unang pagkikilala pa lang nila, ayon sa mga magulang ni Heart, ay lasing ang senador at pasalampak na naupo sa isang couch. Nawasak sa pagkakataong iyon ang madalas nating paniwalaan na “best foot forward,” dahil sa unang pagtatagpo pa lang ng senador at ng mga magulang ni Heart ay

X na agad ang markang nakuha nito, nakakatakot pa naman ang unang impresyon dahil iyon ang tumatatak. Komento ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Tinanggap na si Heart ng parents niya, pero siya lang, hindi kasama si Senator Chiz. Clearly, anak kasi nila si Heart, walang magulang na makatitiis sa anak. “It’s a game of waiting, tingnan na lang natin kung darating ang pamilya ni Heart sa kasal nila ni

Senator Chiz,” nag-aalinlangang komento ng aming kausap. *** Maligayang-maligaya ngayon si Maribel Aunor dahil nagwagi ang kaniyang panganay na si Marion bilang New Female Recording Artist Of The Year sa katatapos lang na PMPC Star Awards For Music. Sa lahat ng anggulo ay karapatdapat lang namang manalo si Marion Aunor dahil sa sasandaling panahon niya ng pamamalagi sa

mundo ng musika ay mayroon na siyang tatak sa publiko. Noong nakaraang taon ay pinarangalan siya sa Himig Handog dahil sa piyesang siya ang nagsulat at nag-interpret. May kakaibang tunog ang boses ni Marion Aunor. May katangian iyon na kaniyangkaniya lang na kapag narinig mo’y siguradong siya nga iyon. Hindi kailanman inakala ni Lala na ang kaniyang mga anak ay malilinya rin sa pagkanta.

Magagaling tumugtog ng iba’t ibang instrumento sina Marion at Ashley, pero ang akala niya’y hanggang doon lang iyon, darating pala ang pagkakataong madudugtungan ang listahan ng mga Aunor sa industriya ng musika bukod sa kanila ng kaniyang pinsang si Nora Aunor. Sinsero ang pasasalamat na ipinaabot ni Marion Aunor sa kaniyang dakilang ina nang tanggapin niya ang parangal ng See CRISTY p17

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

CRISTY... From page 16 PMPC. Emosyonal ang dalaga dahil mula sa unang hakbang ng kaniyang mga pangarap ay nand’yan lang si Lala Aunor na nakasuporta sa kaniya. *** Magtatagal sa showbiz si Jasmine Curtis Smith. Maraming katangian ang magandang teenager na magiging matinding puhunan niya para magtagal sa napili niyang propesyon. Dahil sa kasasama niya noon kay Anne, siguro nga ay nagmamasid-masid na ang dalaga, pinag-aaralan niya na ang mundong pinasok ng ate niya. At hindi lang siya maganda, mahusay umarte si Jasmine, bihirang magkambal ang ganda at talento pero masuwerte si Jasmine sa pagkakaroon noon nang sabay. Sabi ng isang katrabaho niya sa TV5, “Mabait po si Jasmine, saka marunong makibagay sa tao. Kapag humihingi siya ng tubig sa utility, mayroon siyang please. Hindi siya basta mag-uutos lang. “Wala ring problema ang staff sa kaniya dahil parang wala siyang sumpong. Di ba, may mga artistang minsan, e, wala sa mood? Si Jasmine, palaging maaliwalas ang mukha niya, hindi siya palasimangot, kaya mahal siya ng production staff,” kuwento ng aming kapatid sa TV5. Iba nga naman ang hatid ng magandang takbo ng career at maligayang puso. Alagang-alaga siya ngayon ng TV5, maayos pa ang relasyon nila ni Sam Concepcion, wala nang mahihiling pa si Jasmine. Maganda ang pagpapalaki kina Anne at Jasmine ng kanilang mga magulang. Naturingang sa Australia sila matagal na nanirahan pero ang ugali at kulturang Pilipino ay hindi nila pinabayaan. *** Kahanga-hanga ang mga pinaiiral na makalumang paniniwala ni Marian Rivera tungkol sa nalalapit nilang pagpapakasal ni Dingdong Dantes. Caviteña si Marian, probinsiyana kung tutuusin, kaya matindi ang pagpapahalaga niya sa mga kapaniwalaang Pinoy tungkol sa pagpapakasal. Ilang araw na ang nakararaan ay namanhikan na ang buong pamilya ni Dingdong, pormal na nitong hiningi ang mga kamay ni Marian, isang kulturang Pinoy na pinahalagahan nila kahit gaano pa kamoderno ang panahon ngayon.

PILIPINO EXPRESS Ang paniniwala na bawal isukat ang traje de boda, hindi iyon gagawin talaga ni Marian, kahit pa sikat na designer na hinahangaan niya (Michael Cinco) ang gagawa ng kaniyang damit-pangkasal. Siguardong napakagandang bride ang lalakad papunta sa altar sa December 30 at isang napakaguwapong groom naman ang naghihintay sa kaniya. At kung kilala nga natin si Marian na iyakin, malamang na maghulas sa kaiiyak niya ang make-up ni Bambbi Fuentes, pero walang mababawas sa kaniyang kagandahan sa napakahalagang araw sa kaniyang buhay. Kuwento ng dalaga ay mahirap daw palang magpakasal, lahat ng anggulo ay inaayos nilang mabuti ni Dingdong; may wedding planner man sila ay inaalagaan pa rin nilang mabuti ang lahat ng mga detalye para lumabas na maayos ang kanilang pag-iisang dibdib. Hindi nakikipagbonggahan sina Dingdong at Marian, isang maayos na kasal lang ang kanilang hangad, hindi nga naman kasi sa pagiging paboloso ng kasal sinusukat ang pagmamahalan. Marami nang nagpakasal nang bonggang-bongga ang pagkatapos lang nang ilang taon ay nagkahiwalay na. Mayroon namang mga personalidad na sa huwes lang nagpakasal pero hanggang ngayo’y maligaya pa ring nagsasama at buung-buo ang mga pamilya. *** Si Mariel Rodriguez mismo ang nagkuwento kay Grace Lee sa Aksyon Sa Umaga na maraming pulitikong lumalapit ngayon kay Robin Padilla para kumbinsihin ang action star na kumandidato sa 2016. “Marami talaga, as in, may mga ibinibigay pa silang figures! Nagpupunta talaga sila, kinakausap nila si Robin para kumandidato sa 2016, pero wala siyang tinatanggap,” pagpapatotoo pa ng magandang host ng Talentadong Pinoy. Minsan nang nakilahok sa mundo ng pulitika si Robin Padilla nang kumandidato siyang vicegovernor sa Nueva Ecija. Bagito pa lang siya noon, hindi pa niya kabisado ang likaw ng bituka ng pulitika sa Pilipinas, natalo siya. Pagkatapos noon ay parang nawalan na siya ng interes sa anumang posisyon sa gobyerno, sa halip ay naging mapagmasid pa nga siya, isa si Robin Padilla sa iilang artistang nakikilahok sa mga rally kontra sa pamahalaan para idiin ang kaniyang paninindigan.


2014 Scholarship Awards University of Santo Tomas Alumni Association of Manitoba, Inc. announces the opening of its annual scholarship awards selection. Criteria: Applicants must be of Filipino descent, have minimun average grade of 85%, accepted and entering first year in any Manitoba post secondary schools in September 2014. Deadline for submission of applications: September 30, 2014 For other requirements and application form, visit USTAAM Facebook page or email Phil Anciro at anciro74@gmail.com


An afternoon of music WINNIPEG – Shoppers in the Portage Place Mall were treated to beautiful folk and pop music on Saturday, September 27. The event was just a sampling of the talents that will perform in the First Filipino Folk Music Festival on November 15 at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) presented by the Filipino Music and Arts Association of Canada Inc. (FMAACI).

Performers included Levy Abad, Jojo Yso, Grace Layug and the Three Plus One band consisting of Rowena Mendoza, Al Santos, Jun Llanos and Mel Maralit. Notable visitors to the afternoon concert included: Flor Marcelino, Minister of Multiculturalism and Literacy; and Judy Wasylycia-Leis, former Member of Parliament and currently a mayoral candidate in

Winnipeg. FMAACI’s next event is a brunch fundraising concert at the PCCM on October 18 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The brunch is in support of the festival in November. For tickets, contact any FMAACI member through the group’s FaceBook page. Search for Filipino Music and Arts Association of Canada.

Members of the Filipino Music and Arts Association of Canada Inc. with Flor Marcelino, Manitoba Minister of Multiculturalism and Literacy (centre) Sinabi rin ni Mariel na wala pa sa mga prayoridad nila ni Robin ang pagkakaroon ng anak sa ngayon. Aminado ang TV host na hindi pa ito handang humawak ng sensitibong responsibilidad; pero hindi raw naman sila papayag ni Robin na mawalan ng produkto ang kanilang pagmamahalan. “Siya lang muna ang baby at bine-baby ko sa ngayon. Wala siyang kaagaw sa attention

ko,” nakangiti pang kuwento ng halatadong maligayangmaligayang si Mariel Rodriguez. *** Isang taos-pusong pakikiramay ang nais naming ipaabot sa pamilya Santiago sa biglaang pagpanaw ni Mommy Chiling, Cielito Legaspi Santiago, ina ng magkakapatid na aktor na sina Randy, Rowell at Raymart. Dalawang buwan na ang

nakararaan ay pinadalhan pa kami ni Mommy Chiling ng paborito niyang lutuing sardinas, noong nakaraan naming kaarawan ay nagpadala pa siya sa amin ng cake, madalas naming ka-text si Mommy Chiling. Naikuwento pa nga niya sa amin na luto raw siya nang luto ng kakanin na paborito nina Santino at Sabina dahil dadalhin sa kaniya See CRISTY p18



Simangot Ang mga tauhan at mga pangyayari sa kuwentong ito ay kathang-isip lamang at hindi tumutukoy sa mga tunay na tao at sitwasyon. “WALA ka bang napapansin sa ina ng nobya?” “Mayroon nga, e. Laging nakasimangot.” Nagtawanan ang mga babae sa katabing mesa. “Kung tutuusin, dapat siyang matuwa, di ba?” “Talaga! Mayaman ang napangasawa ng anak n’ya.” “Hindi kaya me nakaaway?” “Bakit naman dito pa ititiyempo ‘yon?” Nagtawanan uli ang mga ito. “Bakit nga kaya?” DINIG na dinig ni William ang pag-uusap ng mga babae sa katabing mesa. Nang sulyapan niya kanina, nabilang niyang apat ang mga ito. Hindi niya kakilala ang mga ito. Magkakalapit ang mga mesa dahil napakaraming bisita. Enggrande ang kasalan na ginanap ang reception sa clubhouse ng sikat na subdibisyon sa lungsod nila. Sa nasabing subdibisyon nakatira ang pamilya ng nobyo. Ang mga pamilya ng nobyo at nobya ay parehong nakatira sa nasabing lungsod. Wala siyang kausap dahil nagpunta sa washroom ang misis niya. Malamang na may nakahunta na naman ito kaya hindi pa nakababalik, naisaloob niya. Ganoon ang misis niya. Kapag may pinupuntahan sila, lagi itong may nakakausap. Matandain ito. Kilala pa nito ang mga kaklase sa elementarya kahit pa tatlumpu’t tatlong taon na ang nakararaan nang magtapos ang mga ito at may apo na sila sa kanilang panganay, na babae. Dalawa ang anak nila. Wala pang asawa ang bunso, na lalaki naman. Palabati ang misis niya. Laging nakangiti. Mahilig itong makisalimuha sa kapuwa. Maunawain ito sa kapuwa. Napapansin niyang marami rin namang magiliw sa misis niya. Kasama nilang mag-asawa

CRISTY... From page 17 ni Raymart ang dalawa niyang apo, pero hindi naman iyon nangyayari, ikinalulungkot niya ang ganoong pagkabigo. Naalala pa namin ang kaniyang kuwento na mula nang sumakabilang-buhay ang kaniyang kabiyak na si Direk Pablo Santiago ay natupad niya ang araw-araw na pagbisita sa puntod ng kaniyang mister sa loob nang maraming taon. “Kapag hindi maganda ang pakiramdam ko, may nakaassign akong tao para magdala ng bulaklak araw-araw sa puntod

na dumalo sa kasalan ang bunso pero humiwalay ito ng upuan dahil may nakita itong kakilala. Ang nakasama nila sa mesa ay isang lalaki at isang babae na sa tingin niya ay mag-asawa dahil palagay na palagay sa isa’t isa ang kilos ng mga ito. Habang wala pa ang misis niya, nililibang niya ang sarili sa panonood sa paligid at sa pakikinig sa usapan ng mga babae sa katabing mesa. Halu-halo ang mga bisita: may mayaman, may mahirap; may kilala, may di-kilala. Kaya marahil doon ito ginanap sa halip na sa isang hotel o resort, naisaloob niya. Madaling mapuntahan ng mga bisita. Malamang na ang pamilya ng nobyo ang may bisita sa alkalde, mga konsehal, mga negosyante at mga kilalang propesyunal. Maralita ang pamilya ng nobya. Ang ama ng nobya ay karpintero at ang ina ay labandera. Hindi nila kasalimuha ang mga bisitang ito. Ngayon nga lamang nakaranas ang mga ito na magkaroon ng ganito kalaking okasyon. Masasabing okasyon din ng mga ito ang kasalan dahil nga pamilya sila ng nobya. Binabati sila ng mga bisita na kinabibilangan din ng mga barangay chairman, mga kagawad at pati mga barangay tanod sa barangay ng nobyo at barangay ng nobya at mga kamag-anak, kaibigan, kakilala at pati mga dating kaklase ng magkabilang panig. Mayaman ang pamilya ng nobyo. Ang ama nito ay kilalang negosyante. Ang nobyo ay civil engineer. Ito ang namamahala sa construction business ng pamilya nito. Bunso ito sa tatlong magkakapatid. Parehong may pamilya na ang dalawang nakatatanda nitong kapatid, na parehong babae. Pinsang-buo ng misis niya si Mercy, ang ina ng nobya. Ang biyenan niyang lalaki ay nakatatandang kapatid ng ina ni Mercy. Magkaklase pa ang dalawa. Kaya magkalapit na magkalapit si Mercy at ang misis

niya. Nakapagtapos nga lamang ng kolehiyo ang misis niya samantalang si Mercy ay tumigil ng pag-aaral pagkatapos ng haiskul. Naigapang ng mga biyenan niya ang pag-aaral ng kaniyang misis. Tiyak na hindi alam ng apat na babae sa katabing mesa na kamag-anak ng misis niya ang pinag-uusapan ng mga ito. Disinsana’y hininaan ng mga ito ang mga boses. Siya man, napansin din niyang laging nakasimangot si Mercy. Nagtataka rin siya kung bakit. Sa tingin din niya, dapat ay masaya ito. Dapat pa nga ay magdiwang. Wala talaga siyang makitang dahilan upang sumimangot ang pinsang-buo ng misis niya. Nakatitiyak na ang anak nito, si Joy, ng maginhawang buhay. Sa tingin naman niya, kahit hindi inhinyero at mayaman ang lalaki, magugustuhan pa rin ito ni Joy. Kahit saan daanin, hindi lugi ang anak ni Mercy sa naging mister nito. Ang lalaki ay beintesais anyos. Beinte-dos naman si Joy. Malamang naman, mahal talaga ng nobyo si Joy. Kusa nitong pinakasalan ang nobya. Hindi ito napikot. Wala siyang nababalitaang buntis na ang anak ni Mercy. Sisikapin ng lalaki na maging maligaya ang asawa. Sino rin ang makapagsasabi? Baka mapaayos ang kalagayan sa buhay ng buong pamilya ng pinsang-buo ng misis niya, sabihin mang hindi nila hinangad iyon sa pag-aasawa ni Joy. Hindi nakagugulat kung bigla na lamang mabigyan ng manugang ni Mercy ng hanapbuhay ang mister nito. Hirap sa buhay ang pamilya ng pinsang-buo ng misis niya. Apat

niya. Mga sariwang bulaklak ang iniaalay namin sa kaniya, hindi namin siya nakakalimutan,” kuwento ni Mommy Chiling. At kapag lumalabas naman ang buong pamilya para kumain ay kabahagi-kasama pa rin nila si Direk Pablo Santiago. May isang bakanteng upuan doon kung saan nakapatong ang mga abo ng direktor, naglalagay sila ng mga pagkain sa isang pinggan, itinatapat nila iyon sa bakanteng upuan. “Nand’yan lang siya, hindi niya kami iniiwan. Kapag magkakasama kami ng mga bata, makakakita kami ng paruparo. Mahirap ipaliwanag kung saan

lumusot ang paruparo pero may nakikita kami,” masarap na pag-alala ng yumaong ina ng magkakapatid na Santiago. Nagpaalam si Mommy Chiling na malungkot bilang ina. Palagi niyang iniiyakan ang pinagdadaanang problema ng kaniyang bunsong lalaking si Raymart; umalis siyang bigo dahil hindi niya nakita ang pagtatapos ng isang kuwentong matagal na sana niyang gustong matuldukan. Isang mapayapang paglalakbay sa dako pa roon para kay Mrs. Cielito Legaspi Santiago. Si Mommy Chiling. Isang dakilang ina at kaibigan-nanay-nanayan. – CSF

ang anak ng mag-asawa. May asawa na ang panganay, na lalaki, at ang pangalawa, na babae. Ikinasal naman ngayon si Joy, na lagi pa namang nag-aabot sa mga magulang tuwing araw ng suweldo. Ang bunso, lalaki, ay kapagtatapos pa lamang ng kursong bokasyunal. Naghahanap pa lamang ito ng trabaho. Hanggang haiskul lamang ang natapos ng dalawang nakatatanda. Nagtapos si Joy ng basic computer course sa vocational school. Naikuwento ng misis niyang ang gusto talaga nitong kuning kurso ay nursing. Kaya lang, hindi makakaya ng mga magulang nito ang gastos. Sinulyapan niya si Mercy sa kinauupan nito. Wala na pala ito roon. Saan kaya ito nagpunta? naisaloob niya. Tuwang-tuwa noon ang misis niya nang malamang nakatakda nang ikasal ang pamangkin nito sa lalaking iyon. “Akalain mo nga naman! Biglang ganda ang buhay ng pamangkin ko,” sabi nito. Dagdag pa nito: “Malamang, nakita ni Engineer ang magagandang katangian ni Joy.” Malamang nga, naisaloob niya. Dalawang taon nang nagtatrabaho si Joy sa opisina ng napangasawa nito. Tiyak na kilalang-kilala na siya nito. Ang pamangkin ng kaniyang misis ay clerk sa opisina ng nobyo. Maya-maya, dumating ang misis niya. “Ang tagal mo,” sabi niya. “Pila sa washroom. Me nakahunta akong kaklase ko sa elementary. Nang pabalik na ako rito, nakasalubong ko naman si Mercy. Nag-usap din kami. Sinabihan ko pa nga siyang iwasan

SHOWBIZ... From page 14 May ginagawa rin siyang pelikula na kalahok sa darating na Metro Manila Film Festival, ang Shake Rattle and Roll ng Regal Films ni Mother Lily Monteverde. Sa nakaraang Cosmo Bachelor Bash na ginanap sa World Trade Center Manila kamakailan ay isa si Daniel sa tinitilian ng mga kababaihan doon. Kabilang siya sa Top 10 bachelor centerfolds ng naturang magazine. Patuloy din ang pag-aaral niya ng pagsasalita ng Filipino at ayon sa binata ay mga 70 per cent na ang

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014 ang pagsimangot. Hindi maganda ‘yon. Mukhang nakinig naman,” paliwanag ng misis niya. Tumangu-tango siya bilang pagsang-ayon sa ginawa ng misis niya. Tiyak na marami, kundi man lahat, na nakapapansin sa pagsimangot ni Mercy. Sa tingin niya, may naiinis at may nagtatawa sa pinsang-buo ng misis niya, tulad ng mga babae sa katabing mesa na tahimik na ngayon. Puwedeng nagsawa na ang mga ito sa paguusap tungkol kay Mercy o narinig ng mga ito na nakausap ng misis niya si Mercy. Ipinasya niyang sa bahay na lamang niya usisain ang misis niya. Mahihirapan silang mag-usap nang masinsinan pag ganitong maraming taong nakapaligid sa kanila. Interesado siyang malaman kung bakit nakasimangot ang pinsang-buo nito gayong, sa tingin niya, tiyak na maraming magsasabing dapat pa nga itong magdiwang. “ME nakaaway ba si Mercy?” tanong niya sa misis niya nang nasa bahay na sila. Kasabay na rin nilang umuwi ang kanilang bunso, na nasa kuwarto na nito. “Wala,” sagot ng misis niya. “Me kinainisan?” “Wala rin.” “Ha! E, bakit lagi siyang nakasimangot?” “Nahihiya lang siya na masabing tuwang-tuwa siya sa nangyari sa anak n’ya.” “Ha?” “Oo. Nang kinausap ko siya, sabi n’ya: ‘Alangan namang tumawa ako nang tumawa. Baka lalong sabihin ng mga bisita na tuwang-tuwa ako dahil mayaman ang napangasawa ng anak ko.’” “Bakit, hindi ba siya natutuwa na mayaman ang napangasawa ng anak n’ya?” “Siyempre, natutuwa.” “Gano’n naman pala, e!” “Me damdamin din ‘yon, nahihiya. Hindi lang talaga n’ya malaman ang gagawin kaya siya nakasimangot.” “Kaya lang, malamang na hindi alam ng mga nakakita ke Mercy kung bakit siya nakasimangot.” “Oo nga, e. Ikaw, alam mo na ngayon.” “Oo.” Si Nestor S. Barco ay tinanghal na Makata ng Taon sa Pilipinas noong 2003. Nagsusulat siya ng mga tula, kuwento, sanaysay at artikulo. Isa siyang mamamahayag. Masusulatan siya sa nestorsbarco@yahoo.com. ph. improvement niya dito. Seryoso siya na pagbutihin ang pagsasalita ng ating wika. Tungkol naman sa kaniyang buhay pag-ibig ay umamin ang binata na tatlong taon na siyang walang karelasyon. “Kulang talaga ang lovelife ko,” ayon kay Daniel. Nang tanungin siya kung sino ang kaniyang peg sa kagandahan sa mga local celebrities ngayon ay pinili niya sina Kim Chiu, Anne Curtis, KC Concepcion at Erich Gonzales. Gusto niya na mabait at may takot sa Diyos ang susunod na makakarelasyon. Kahit walang See SHOWBIZ p20


OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

Pitong kandidato ang official na maglalaban sa pagka-Mayor ng Winnipeg: Brian Bowman, Michel Fillion, Paula Havixbeck, Robert Falcon-Ouellette, David Sanders, Gord Steeves, at Judy Wasylycia-Leis. Sa pitong nabanggit, lima ang lutang. *** Sa susunod na tatlong linggo ay malalaman na natin kung sino ang bagong Mayor at ang 15 members ng City Council gayon din ang mga nahalal na School Board Trusties. *** Pinaghahandaan na rin ang Provincial at Federal election sa darating na taon. Ang unang magaganap ay depende sa panahon. Kung tagsibol ang Provincial, taglagas ang Federal or vice-versa. *** “Canadian wireless cost among the highest in the world,” ayon sa mga report. Ang balita ay isang wake-up call sa mga botante. Baka akalain ng mga politiko na ang hindi natin pagkibo ay dahil kontento na tayo. *** Halos kaparis din sa Pilipinas ang nangyayari ngayon sa pamamahala ni US President Barack Obama. Ang kaniyang nalalabing dalawang taon sa puwesto ay nababalot na ng dilim. Feedback Nag-e-mail sa akin ang isang kababayan: “Kaka, you’re one hundred per cent right. Tayong mga Pinoy dito ay parang mga tinaling-Manok na pinagsasabong kung dumarating ang eleksiyon. No more kababayan values.” Opo, talagang madumi ang politika. Kung ang isang kandidato ay may nakatagong lihim o “skeleton in the closet” ika nga, wala siyang magagawa dahil walang dudang sisingaw


ang mga baho ng bawat isa. Pilipinas Ang mga problemang dulot ng kalikasan at man-made disasters na tinakasan ay dinatnan pa rin ni PNoy mula sa kaniyang twoweek-trip sa Europe and US. *** Ang pinsalang iniwan ng bagyong Luis at nalikhang baha ng habagat-Mario ay nagpataas sa presyo ng mga bilihin. Ang malaking problema na pasalubong kay PNoy ay ang “policemendisaster” na nangyayari sa Pilipinas. *** Ipinagmalaki ang umano’y magandang bunga ng kaniyang trip sa Europe na umabot halos ang gastos sa 32 million pesos. Sabi naman ay may nakuhang “pledge” na 2.3 billion dollar investment mula sa European Union at backing Manila para sa South China Sea disputes. Ang “pledge” ay pangako. Karaniwang nakapako. *** Alalahaning bilyon-bilyong euros ang nakapaloob sa business relationships ng may 28 EU members at Beijing. Alam nila ang balitang tangkang panunuhol ng million-million dollars na binulgar ng Czech Ambassador sa Pilipinas, kaugnay ng MRT transactions. *** Sinong kapitalista ang mamumuhunan sa isang bansang patuloy ang kurakutan at may malubhang problema sa peace and order? Mula noon hanggang ngayon, ano ang resulta ng puro magagandang pasalubong na balita na pawang pangako. Marami bang naakit at nakapagbigay ng trabaho sa mga boss ni PNoy? *** Ang China ay nakahandang


Ang magpakailanman Maligayang araw ay may takip-silim, At gabing himlayan ng hayag at lihim; Malinaw, malabong mga pangitain, ng kahapong bakas, kung nais hanapin! *** Sa buhay ng tao ay pangkaraniwan, Nakamit na layon, bunga’y kasiyahan; Ang pintig ng lungkot sanhi’y kabiguan, ng maraming sabik sa kaligayahan! *** Ang gulong ng buhay tuloy sa pagikot, Maraming naipit dahil dalus-dalos; Nagiging masigla ang ano mang kilos, ng may sinisintang mahirap malimot! *** Subalit marupok kung pinaglaruan, Kahit ang pagsuyong magpakailanman! Paquito Rey Pacheco

makipag-ayos sa Pilipinas, kaugnay ng sigalot sa West Philippine Sea. Kailangan lang ay through bilateral means. Hindi dapat makisawsaw ang any third party. Halata kasi na ang gobyernong Aquino ay pusakal na maka-Amerikano. *** Waring bulilyaso ang planong magkita si PNoy at President Barack Obama? Marahil sadyang iniwasang magkita ang dalawa sanhi ng isyu sa pag-angkin ng China sa mga lugar na sakop ng Pilipinas? *** Sinabi na noon, nang bumisita sa Maynila si Obama, ang buod, higit daw mahalaga ang ugnayang pangkabuhayan ng Amerika at China, kumpara sa territorial disputes ng Maynila at Beijing? *** Malakas ang panawagang matanggal sa katungkulan sina Abad, Alcala, Purisima at Soliman. Subalit dahil kakampi, protektado pa rin sila ni PNoy. *** Muling naging major stock holder ng Philippine Airlines ang tycoon na si Lucio Tan. Nabawi ang 49 per cent shares ng San Miguel Corporation na hawak ni Ramon Ang. Si Tan umano ay nakakuha ng 750-milliondollar loan from BDO at iba pang financial institutions. *** Sobrang recycled na ang isyu sa human rights violations noong panahon ng rehimeng Marcos. Ang sumunod bang limang gobyerno, kabilang ang ngayon ay wala? Noong unang taon pa lang ng administrasyon ni Tita Cory, nirapido ang paradang

protesta ng farmers sa Claro M. Recto Avenue, pito ang patay at maraming nasaktan. Nawala na ba ‘yon sa history? *** Hindi totoong wala pa sa agenda ng LP ni PNoy ang 2016 presidential elections. May hangganan na ang political party of the majority and the opposition. Dalawa lang daw ang uri ng mga kandidato sa 2016 elections, sabi ni PNoy: ang kakampi ng kaniyang gobyerno at kalaban. *** Nakahanda man si Binay na harapin ang kasong ihaharap laban sa kaniya, tiyak na malalatayan din ang kaniyang personalidad. Kahit ampaw ang mga ebidensiya ay pipilitin siyang ikulong upang hindi makakampanya? Ganon ang ginawa ng mga alipores ni PNoy sa mga senador na sina Juan Ponce Enrile, Jinggoy Estrada at Bong Revilla. *** Kung may ihaharap na impeachment vs. Binay, 16 votes ng mga senador ang kailangan sa conviction. Mahirap ‘yon? Mas madaling makuha ang nine votes “not” to convict. Kaya malamang, plunder na lang marahil ang magiging kaso ni Binay. *** Hindi kaya pinabasa kay PNoy ng kaniyang mga alalay ang New York Times editorial? Kung nabasa, hindi ba niya naintindihan ang mensahe, na buong mundo ang nakabasa ng Political Mischief sa Pilipinas? Ang buod ay tama na! PNoy, sibat na sa 2016! *** Ang malungkot ay kung sasadyain ang mga man-made disaster na magiging mitsa sa

PAGE 19 pagsabog ng “social volcano.” Posibleng magkaroon ng Martial Law part 2 at si PNoy pa rin ang nasa Palasyo. Katas Lutang na ang political trick ng LP para sa 2016 elections. Sa panayam na ginanap noong ika13 ng Setyembre sa Malacañang, binanggit na ni PNoy sa mga kagawad ng kaniyang gabinete at mga kaalyado ng partido. 1. Pangunahing layunin ay mapababa ang rating ni VP Binay. Kakasuhan ng impeachment and plunder. 2. Kung kapos ang numero for impeachment convictions, sisikaping isulong ang plunder. Pipiliting ikulong si Binay para hindi makakampanya. 3. Sa 2015 ay puspusan na ang mga siraan at political karambola ng mga politiko, regarding the “political mischiefs” na nangyayari sa Pilipinas. 4. One year and eight months na lamang halos ang nalalabi bago magtapos ang termino ni PNoy. Interesado pa rin daw siya na manatili sa Palasyo at maghariharian? Kasabihan: Ang magnanakaw galit sa kapuwa magnanakaw. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.






NO. 213

KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro.1 Gerry Gamurot No. 213 • Oktubre - 15, 2014 2





No. 212 • Setyembre 16(OKTUBRE - 30, 2014 1 – 15, 2014) 4



























PAHALANG 1. Naging resulta

29. Ilista 31. Karayom 32. Inosente

1. Naging resulta 5. May halaga 12. Tabako 5. May halaga 13. Kalye sa Makati 12. Tabako 14. Katas ng niyog 16. Ugali 13. Kalye sa Makati 17. Kaugnayan 14. Katas ng niyog 18. Panghalip 16. Ugali pangmasa 19. Isdang 21. Ibundol 17. Kaugnayan 25. Kudyapi 18. Panghalip 27. Lasa 19. Isdang pangmasa 21. Ibundol 25. Kudyapi 27. Lasa 29. Ilista 31.KROSWORD KarayomNI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT 213 • Oktubre 1 - 15, 2014 32.No.Inosente 2






1. Maliit na insekto 2. Mabangis na hayop 3. Punglo 4. Taling 6. Gamit sa pagbibilang 7. Lupa 8. Sakit sa balat 9. Libak 10. Lagis 5









































1. Maliit na insekto 2. Mabangis na hayop 3. Punglo 4. Taling 6. Gamit sa pagbibilang 7. Lupa 8. Sakit sa balat 9. Libak 10. Lagis 11. Konsiderasyon pag inulit 15. Kaparangan 18. Kupas





PABABA 29. Ilista 31. Karayom 32. Inosente









PAHALANG 1. Naging resulta 5. May halaga 12. Tabako 13. Kalye sa Makati 14. Katas ng niyog 16. Ugali 17. Kaugnayan 18. Panghalip 19. Isdang pangmasa 21. Ibundol 25. Kudyapi 27. Lasa
















20. Sanay 21. Sunod 22. Banta 23. Lady __ 24. Bughaw 26. Liping minorya 28. Anak na babae 30. Hulapi 31. Sabaw ng sinaing










Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Kung may mga bata na kailangan ang iyong oras, pilitin mong maibigay iyon sa kanila. Hindi sapat ang ibinibigay mo ngayon. Ikaw ang makakapaglayo sa kanila sa panganib o kapahamakan. Huwag mong sayangin ang pagkakataong palakihin sila nang maayos. OK ang ika-7 at 8. Ingat sa ika-5, 6, 12 at 13.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) N A NKungG matibay A Y U P Silipin A Pmo naman A ang relasyon kung ano na ang I P Aninyong I dalawa, N L I ginagawa L I Png wala kang dapat pamilya mo. Alam K A Ni p a nTg a mAb a . A L moI baLkungAano Mahaharap sa ang nangyayari tukso ang iyong mahal. Kung sa buhay nila? I G I N A P A SKung ikawNang matatag siya, lilipas din ang naglalagay ng pagkain sa mesa, tuksong iyon. Ngunit kung hindi alamin mo rin kung nabubusog matibay ba ang puso at isip nila. Baka 20. Sanay ang inyong pundasyon, 21. Sunod baka agawin siya sa iyo ng iba. naghahanap sila ng halik at 22. Banta Handa ka na ba? OK ang ika-1, 2, yakap. Suwerte ang ika-1, 2, 9 at 23. Lady __ 924.atBughaw 10. Ingat sa ika-3 at 4. 10. Ingat sa ika-5, 6, 12 at 13.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) May mabibisto ka. Magugulat ka sa simula dahil hindi mo ito inaasahan. Kapag natanggap mo na, malalaman mong tama pala ang mga hinala mo noon pa man. Wala namang masama sa makikita mo. Talagang ganiyan lang ang buhay. Good days ang ika-1, 2, 9 at 10. May tensyon sa ika-7, 8, 14 at 15.

ang nakaraang buwan, mas magiging busy ka ngayon. May dramang nangyayari sa buhay ng isang malapit sa iyo. Pilit ka niyang isinasali subalit tama ka sa pagiwas sa bagyo ng kaniyang buhay. Pag-aralan mo kung dapat mo pa siyang kaibiganin. OK ang ika-3, 4, 12 at 13. Ingat sa ika-5 at 6.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Ipahinga mo ang isip sa buwang ito. Walang problema na hindi mo kayang lutasin. Masaya ka at maayos ang iyong kalusugan. Mag-enjoy ka ngayon dahil baka mag-iba ihip ng hangin sa Nobyembre. Samantalahin mo ang buwenas ngayon. OK ang ika-3, 4, 12 at 13. Kuwidaw sa ika-1, 2, 7, 8, 14 at 15.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Walang duda na buwenas ka ngayong Oktubre. Subalit kasama ng buwenas ay kaunting pagsubok kaya ihanda mo ang iyong isip at katawan. Tuloy-tuloy ang dating ng mga oportunidad kaya balansehin mo ang oras mo. Kailangan mong magpahinga. Relax. Lucky ka sa ika-3, 4, 12 at 13. Careful sa ika-9 at 10.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) May mga ginawa ka nitong mga nakaraang buwan na makikita mo na ang resulta ngayon. Kung tama, aanihin mo ang magandang resulta. Kung mali, gawin mong isang leksiyon na hindi mo na uulitin. Kailangan mong kalmahin ang iyong isip. Masuwerte ka sa ika-5, 6, 14 at 15. Stressful ang ika-1, 2, 7 at 8.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Pag-aralan mo ang iyong ugali lalo na sa pakikiharap mo sa ibang tao. Ilagay mo ang sarili sa puwesto nila. Kung kausap mo ba ang isang katulad mo ang ugali, ano ang mararamdaman mo? May mga sinasabi kang nakakasakit ng damdamin. Alalay ka lang. OK ang ika-5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat sa ika-3, 4, 9 at 10.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Hanapbuhay ang focus mo ngayong Oktubre. Kung paano mo palalaguin ang pera ay nasa sa iyong mga kamay. Huwag kang sasakay sa mga pangakong ubod ng ganda. Magduda ka kung parang hindi na makatotohanan ang balik ng iyong puhunan. Mag-ingat, OK ang ika-5, 6, 14 at 15. at. Ingat sa ika-12 at 13.

kasintahan ay mukhang hindi pa ito handang magpatawad. “Masakit pero wala tayong magagawa; it happened already,” paliwanag ni Andi. “Sana maintindihan ng lahat. I would really love to forgive but I’m not ready.” Sa kasalukuyan ay kumukuha ng lakas ng loob ang aktres sa namayapang ama. “I just really need space right now. Sobrang sakit,” pagpapatuloy ng magandang aktres. Konsuwelo na lang niya ang

pagmamahal na ibinibigay ng kaniyang pamilya at ang alaala ng amang si Mark Gil. “My dad kasi is about loving, we love each other very much.” Dahil sa nadamang pagmamahal mula sa kanilang ama ay lalong lumakas ang bonding nilang magkakapatid nang mamatay si Mark Gil. Sa kasalukuyan ay iniuugnay si Andi kay Bret Jackson, dating housemate ni Kuya at isa sa mga gangster ng pelikulang Talk Back and Your Dead.




26. Liping minorya 28. Anak na babae Gemini 30. Hulapi (May 21 – June 20) 31. Sabaw ng sinaing Kung naging busy




11. Konsiderasyon pag inulit 1. Maliit na insekto 15. Kaparangan 2. Mabangis na hayop 3. Punglo 18. Kupas 4. Taling 20. Sanay 6. Gamit sa pagbibilang 21. Sunod 7. Lupa 8. Sakit sa balat 22. Banta 9. Libak 23. Lady10.__Lagis 11. Konsiderasyon pag inulit 24. Bughaw 15. Kaparangan 26. Liping minorya 18. Kupas 28. Anak na babae 30. Hulapi 31. Sabaw ng sinaing

No. 212 • Setyembre 16 - 30, 2014 4

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) nay L TIhandaA moT angA P A HTi n a y - h iU iyong sarili lang. Hindi ka A R Ingayong N Oktubre A A L naA katulad G noong A dahil magiging araw na kayang ang lahat nang H I Gmabilis Ipangyayari T T I magtrabaho K I N ng walang pahinga. at kailangan mong sabayan ang Mahina na ang iyong sistema I P I N A L I B I N G bilis nito. Huwag kang mag-alala, kung kaya kailangan mo ng mahusay ang resulta ng iyong pahinga. Pakinggan mo ang iyong B Planuhin O I N kungOinaantok. pagigingAmasipag. mo I katawan. Matulog ang gagawin mo. Best days mo Kumain kung nagugutom. Ayos Pika-7 at 8. Alalay ka saAika-1,N ka G ang sa ika-7 at 8. Stressful angA ika2, 14 at 15. 3, 4, 9 at 10.




OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014


SHOWBIZ... From page 18 girlfriend ang aktor ay masaya ito at nakafocus siya sa kaniyang career sa kasalukuyan. *** Hindi pa kayang patawarin ni Andi Eigenmann ang on-again/ off-again boyfriend na si Jake Ejercito patungkol sa kissing scandal na kinasangkutan nang huli sa ibang babae. Kahit na nagsisisi na at gustong amuing muli ni Jake ang





Happy Thanksgiving Canada! October 13

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014



Handa ka na bang bumoto? Parang Pilipinas lang ang init ng election fever ngayon sa Winnipeg. Kaunting kibot, tweet, Instagram, Facebook ang katapat ng mga nag-aaspire na maupo sa posisyon bilang Mayor, Konsehal at School Trustee. Andyan din ang batuhan ng putik, halungkatan ng mga nakaraan at siraan para makuha lang ang atensyon ng publiko at boto ng tao. Ako ay avid follower ng civic politics, hindi lamang kung election period kundi habang sila’y nakaupo na bilang mga halal na opisyal ng gobyerno. Kung kayo ay follower din ng civic politics, mapupuna ninyo kung paano lumulutang ang mga pangalan ng mga politiko kung kailan malapit na ang eleksyon. Pero kapag ordinaryong season, tahimik lang sila kumbaga nga e, petiks lang. Ganiyan talaga ang politika, may political timing na tinatawag. Subalit, para sa akin, ang tunay na paglilingkod ay may consistency, may passion para maglingkod sa

kapuwa, may vision at siyempre dapat may resulta. Ang pag-aambisyon bilang maging halal na opisyal ng anumang sangay ng gobyerno; mapa-municipal, provincial o federal level man ay sagrado dahil ito ay paglilingkod sa tao. Hindi popularity contest ang election. Hindi rin ito paramihan ng endorsements. Hindi ito paramihan ng tweets, Facebook at Instagram uploads. Ito ay isang napakalaking responsibilidad para sa taumbayan. Ang proseso ng election sa municipal level ay communitybased dahil hindi ka basta-basta magiging kandidato kung wala siyang nominasyon mula sa kaniyang komunidad. Ibig sabihin, hindi pa man eleksiyon ay kasama na ang komunidad sa mga initial na proseso – ang nomination period. Hindi lahat na nag-register para sa civic election ay na-qualified para magpatuloy dahil sa kabiguan nilang mag-sumite ng nominasiyon mula sa taumbayan. Isa pa, ang civic election ay

non-partisan. Ibig sabihin, hindi dapat ginagamit ng kandidato ang kaniyang political affiliation sa kaniyang kampanya. Ang kaniyang mga polisiya ay nakabase ayon sa kaniyang paniniwala at paninindigan at hindi ito resulta ng political caucus tulad sa probinsiya at federal. Kaya nga ako naging follower ng civic politics dahil sa ganitong anyo nito. Pero, bistado pa rin naman at amoy na amoy mo pa rin kung anong kulay at kung anong uri ng paninindigan ang mayroon sila. Madali mong masasabi kung sila ay affiliated sa kaliwa, sa kanan o sa sentro ng political spectrum. Sa mga boboto, hindi kailan man dapat maging basehan ang pagiging sikat ng kandidato para mo siya iboto. Hindi rin puwedeng random selection na lang gawin ninyo. Seryoso at hindi biro ang pagpili ng mga lider ng ating komunidad. Sagrado ang inyong boto. Ano ngayon ang dapat nating gawin? Pag-aralan ninyong mabuti ang mga polisiyang inihahain ng mga kandidato. Naiintindihan n’yo ba ang mga ito? Kung hindi man ay karapatan ninyong klaruhin sa kanila kung ano ba talaga ang gusto nilang ipatupad. Tulad na

lang ng increase ng property tax. Ano ba ang impact nito sa atin bilang mga Winnipeggers? Kailangan ba talaga ito o may iba pang option? Kung hindi itataas ang property tax, ano naman ang maging kalagayan ng ating fiscal administration? Masalimuot na usapin ito pero dapat malaman at mainitidihan ito ng taumbayan dahil sa kanila manggagaling ang bawat sentimo ng perang makukuha mula sa tax. Politics by patronage. Dito nagsisimula ang corruption. Kapag ang isang kandidato ay sobra ang suporta o endorso na natanggap mula sa mga maimpluwensya, negosyante at politikong tao ay malaki ang posibilidad ng corruption. Dahil lahat ng investments ay may ROI – return of investment. Ibig sabihin, siguradong babalikan ng investor ang kaniyang investment para sa financial gain. Mag-ingat sana tayo sa pagpili ng mga kandidatong sobra at lantaran ang suporta ng mga maimpluwensiyang tao. Ano ba ang criteria mo sa pagpili ng kandidato? Kayo lamang po ang makakapag-decide kung ano ang criteria na gusto n’yo sa isang Mayor, Konsehal at School Trustees. Ano ba ang mga

pangangailan ninyo sa komunidad? May mga concern o issues ba kayo sa inyong area? May problema ba kayo sa mga polisiya sa paaralan? Kung magagawa ninyong maidentify ang mga ito ay maaari kayong makabuo ng isang magandang criteria para sa pagpili ng mga lider na ating komunidad. Isa pa, huwag sana ninyong maging basehan ang “sabi ng kumpare ko kay “X” candidate daw kami e”, “sabi ng grupo ko kay “Y” daw kami” at “ito kasi sabi ng Kuya ko, e”. Again, inuulit ko, sacred o sagrado ang inyong boto. Pag-aralan po ninyong mabuti. Tayo ay nagdiriwang ng demokrasya sa pamamagitan ng eleksiyon. Sana gamitin natin ang demokratikong prosesong ito ng may talino, responsabilidad at pagmamahal sa ating pamayanan. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Pagtanim ng ating buhay Ang salitang pagtatanim at pag-aani ay kadalasang ginagamit sa pagsasaka. Alam natin ng kung tayo ay nagtanim ng buto ng mangga, aani tayo ng mangga. Alam niyo bang ang prinsipyo ng pagtatanim at pag-aani ay ginagamit din sa kaharian ng Diyos? Ang sabi ni Hesus sa biblia sa Juan 12:24: “Tandaan ninyo, malibang mahulog sa lupa ang butil ng trigo ay mamatay, mananatili itong nag-iisa. Ngunit kung ito’y mamatay, mamumunga ito ng marami.” Tinutukoy ni Hesus dito ang kaniyang sarili. Siya ang butil ng trigo na nagalay ng buhay at namatay para sa kasalanan ng tao. At ang bunga ng pagtanim ng kaniyang sariling buhay ay ang pagkakaroon ng buhay na walang hanggan ng mga taong nananampalataya at nagpapasakop sa kaniya. Ang paghihirap at kamatayan ni Hesus ay ang halimbawang dapat tularan ng mga taong nais magkaroon ng buhay na walang hanggan. Itinanim ni Hesus ang kaniyang buhay kaya’t dapat din nating itanim ang ating buhay. Hindi ko sinasabi na kailangan magpapako tayo sa krus tulad niya. Ayon sa biblia sa Juan 12:25 “Ang taong labis na nagpapahalaga sa kaniyang buhay ay siyang nawawalan nito ngunit ang namumuhi sa kaniyang buhay sa daigdig ay siyang magkakaroon

nito hanggang sa buhay na walang hanggan.” Nais ko linawin na nais ng Diyos na mag-enjoy tayo sa ating buhay dito sa daigdig. Sa katunayan ang sabi sa biblia sa Juan 10:10 na naparito si Hesus para magkaroon tayo ng buhay na ganap at kasiya-siya. At sa biblia sa aklat ng Mangangaral, hinihimok tayong magpakasaya sa bunga ng ating pawis at pagpapagal. Ang ayaw ng Diyos ay ang mahalin natin ang ating buhay sa mundo na para bang ito na lamang ang buhay na mayroon tayo kaya’t ginagawa natin ang lahat para paligayahin at pagsilbihan ang ating sariling layaw. Ang mga taong may ganitong uri ng buhay ay may kasabihang: “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow, we die.” Nakasentro ang buhay nila sa kanilang sarili sa halip na sa Diyos at sa kanilang kapuwa. May lalaking mayaman na nagtanong kay Hesus kung paano magkaroon ng buhay na walang hanggan. Sinabi niya sa Panginoon na tinutupad niya ang mga utos mula pa sa kaniyang pagkabata. Sinabi ni Hesus na may isang bagay pa ang kulang sa kaniya. Inutusan niya ang mayaman na ipagbili lahat ng kaniyang ari-arian para ibigay sa mga mahihirap ang napagbilhan nito. Nalungkot ang lalaki dahil di niya kayang gawin ito. Ito ay isang

halimbawa ng isang tao na labis na pinahahalagahan ang buhay at ang yaman niya sa mundo. Hindi mali ang pagkakaroon ng kayamanan. Sa katunayan, maaaring gamitin ang yamang ito sa pagtulong sa mga mahihirap at nangangailangan. At hindi sa lahat ng pagkakataon ay kailangan isuko ng mayayaman ang kanilang pag-aari. Ngunit alam ni Hesus ang nilalaman ng puso ng mayamang lalaki. Naging sentro ng buhay niya ang kaniyang kayamanan. Kaya sinubok niya ito at inutusang ibigay ang kaniyang yaman. Malungkot ang ending ng kuwentong ito sapagkat gayon na lamang ang pag-ibig ng lalaki sa mayaman at masaganang buhay na hindi niya kayang itanim ang kaniyang buhay sa lupa para magkaroon ng buhay na walang hanggan. At siyempre, kung walang tinanim, walang aanihin. Hindi niya binigay ang buhay niya kay Hesus. Mas minahalaga niya ang kaniyang yaman pero sa bandang huli, siguradong laking pagsisisi ang ginawa ng lalaking ito dahil nakita niyang may hangganan ang kasiyahan na binibigay sa kaniya ng yaman. Ang pagtatanim ng buhay na nais sa atin ng Diyos ay ang pagsuko ng lahat ng aspekto ng ating buhay sa Diyos sa kaniyang paghahari. Ang ibig sabihin nito ay ituturing nating mas mahalaga ang kabilang buhay kaysa sa buhay dito sa mundo kaya handa at bukal sa loob natin na isuko o ibigay anuman ang mayroon tayo sa mundong ito tulad ng ambisyon, propesyon,

kayamanan, karangalan kung ito’y ipinag-uutos ng Diyos para lubusan tayong makasunod sa kaniya at matupad ang kaniyang layunin s aating buhay. Ang sentro o saysay ng buhay natin ay ang Diyos lamang. Hindi nakasalalay ang ating kaligayahan sa mga makamundong kaaliwan kundi sa pagsunod sa kalooban ng Diyos. May itinalagang destinasyon ang Diyos para sa atin at iyon ay sa langit. Ayon sa kilalang pastor at manunulat na si Rick Warren, ang buhay natin dito sa lupa ay isang paghahanda lamang para sa kabilang buhay. Kumita siya nang malaki dahil sa 15 milyong kopya ang nabenta sa kaniyang librong The Purpose Driven Life. Pero binigay niya ang malaking bahagi nito sa simbahan at sa mga nangangailangan. Hindi nagbago ang estilo ng kanilang pamumuhay. Ayaw niyang mabuhay para sa kayamanan lamang. Sapat na ang kaniyang kabuhayan at nais niyang magpokus sa pagtupad ng layunin niya mula sa Diyos. Ayon sa biblia sa Filipos 3:1920, ang pinag-uukulan ng pansin ng mga hindi nananampalataya sa Diyos ang mga bagay na panlupa at mga bagay na pansamantala lamang ang halaga. Ang dinidiyos nila ay ang hilig ng kanilang katawan. Panandaliang aliw lamang o kapahamakan ang kahihinatnan ng mga ito. Sa Hebreo 11, mababasa natin kung paano itinanim ng mga naunang Kristyano ang kanilang buhay para magkaroon ng buhay na walang hanggan. “May mga tumangging palayain pagkat pinili

nila ang mamatay sa paghihirap upang muling buhayin at magtamo ng mas mabuting buhay. Mayroon naman nilibak, hinagupit at nabilanggong gapos ng tanikala. Sila’y pinagbabato, nilagari nang pahati, pinatay sa tabak. Mga balat ng tupa at kambing ang dinamit nila. Sila’y mga nagdarahop, aping-api at pinagmamalupitan.” Tinuturing nilang sila’y mga dayuhan lang at nangingibangbayan sa lupa. Alam nilang may inihanda ang Diyos na isang lunsod na lalong mabuti, yaong nasa langit.” May katapusan ang mga problema sa ating buhay. May wakas ang mga karamihang ine-enjoy natin sa lupa. Nawa’y mapaalalahanan tayo palagi na sandali lang ang buhay sa lupa kaya’t mahalagang maitalaga natin ang ating puso na itanim ang ating buhay para sa Diyos at sa kaniyang layunin para umani tayo ng buhay na walang hanggan. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. English service). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10:30 a.m. & Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.




OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

Winnipeg teams shine in NABA tournament By Rizza Valera Overall Winnipeg teams represented themselves with great pride and determination at the annual NABA tournament in Glendale Heights, Illinois, last Labour Day weekend. Over 133 basketball teams and 17 volleyball teams from 35 cities in the USA, Canada and United Kingdom competed in the tournament. Our NABA delegations raised money to send these players to represent our City of Winnipeg amongst eight basketball teams and three volleyball teams. Winnipeg took home three trophies and most of our teams came very close to the finals. With a double elimination rule it is tough to stay in the game but most of our teams hung on until late Sunday, getting to quarterfinals. Mosquitoes, our new and

youngest addition to NABA, were surprised to have come so far in the tournament and play four games overall. Tykes division is always a challenge. With such great talent we have in Winnipeg, they fought hard and strong to the end coming up short after five games. Peewee, our undefeated Winnipeg team, took it all the way to the end. It was tough but they did not give up. Their determination to keep going found themselves defeating Virginia, Glendale Heights, Markham, Toronto and Washington DC to win the championship. Bantam and Damsels, both divisions with great skills, came up short. Bantam had it tough with 18 teams in their division and Damsels found themselves in the quarterfinals but could not get through team Chicago. Overall both teams did Winnipeg proud.

Open ladies division, consisting of young ladies 16 and older, made it to quarterfinals coming 4th, beating Washington DC and Queens, although they couldn’t get through Glendale Heights nor Toronto. Juvenile division found themselves reliving last year’s 2013 final championship game all over again. Playing defending champs Montreal in the first game in which last year we should have sent them to the losing bracket. Our boys had it tough from the beginning but worked their way to the quarterfinals amongst 11 teams coming in 4th place at the end. The Master team was placed in a tough bracket against champions Chicago, then veterans of PBA, New York Sipag in their second game. The players are proud that they were able to challenge themselves and play against PBA legends, like Ponky Alolor and,

Manny Victorino of Great Taste, Tim Coloso and Relosa of Toyota. NABA is not only basketball, but for three years running, volleyball has been a part of the tournament as well. Winnipeg’s Coed team have been taking this title now for three years and the Ladies took home second place this year. Volleyball NABA is growing and it is truly a survival game of skill, strategy and energy with three to five sets played in every game. NABA Winnipeg would like to thank our sponsors, players and parents for a great summer of practices, fundraising and good times together as one big family. Many thanks to our coaches, Mike Francisco (Mosquitoes), Ken Tugade (Tykes), Evert Pacheco (Peewee), Mike Wynne and Eric Fernandez (Bantam), Jai Mendez, Riley Velasco and Mark Gatchalian (Damsels),

Tom Villanueva, Neil Blanca (Juve/Masters), Angel Brana, (Ladies), Mike Tan, and Jon Dejesus (volleyball). Without your volunteered time through the season, our teams could not have gotten as far as they did. We know it’s tough pleasing everyone and we are grateful to you all for hanging in and not leaving your teams. Thanks again! To our sponsors, thank you, thank you, and thank you for your support. For a summary of accounts showing how your donations helped our teams, visit www.pilipino-express.com. NABA 2015 will be held in Windsor, Ontario. For more information about NABA, visit www.nabacentral.org or call (204) 293-7678. Rizza Valera is the executive secretary for NABA. She and her husband Sani Valera are the City directors for Winnipeg NABA.

Philippines defends Asia Cup title Raul Bulaong won Asian countries has been is the one with the lowest the overall low gross in played for several years combine score of their best the 2014 Asia Cup Golf now. The winning team eight players. This year, only Championship on Sunday September 7 at the Teulon Golf and Country Club, leading the Philippine Team in successfully defending the title for another year. This friendly tournament for golfers from various

Raul Bulaong

four countries participated. Laos was the host team with the Philippines, China

Asia Cup Philippine Team

and India competing for the cup. India will host the 2015 Championship.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2014

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