Pilipino Express • Sep 1 2015

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Volume 11 • No. 17 • September 1 -15, 2015

Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Hands off our balikbayan boxes!

Julia Montes


Activists rally denouncing the government’s order to physically inspect and tax balikbayan boxes. (Photo from the Facebook page of Lennon Ying-Dah Wong) PHILIPPINES – President Aquino ordered the Bureau of Customs (BOC) to halt its planned random opening of duty-free balikbayan boxes on August 24 following a torrent of outrage

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from Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their families on social media. The random physical inspection of balikbayan boxes is a BOC measure to increase

tax collection and to curb illegal smuggling, which it claims costs the government an annual loss of 600 million pesos (17 million CDN dollars). See BALIKBAYAN p7

Back to school-zone speed reduction WINNIPEG – With students going back to school, traffic will slow to a crawl once again in school zones starting Tuesday, September 1. Winnipeg police spokesman Constable Jason Michalyshen reminded drivers that the 30km/h speed limit in school zones, which the city established last year, will be in effect Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. until the end of June next year. He also said that police and mobile photo radar will be enforcing the speed limit. Between October 2014 and June 2015 officers handed out an average of 5,558 speeding tickets per month in school See SPEED p5


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SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

A tale of three killings It is not difficult to understand the outrage felt by many people over the killing of Pamana, the Philippine Eagle released to the wild with some fanfare on June 12 at the Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary in San Isidro, Davao Oriental province. This particular eagle’s story had been an inspiring one, speaking as it did of the successes of conservation efforts achieved in recent years. Interestingly, Pamana’s story started as it ended: the eagle had been found in the mountains of Iligan City with two gunshot wounds in 2012 and was slowly nursed back to health at the Philippine Eagle Center in Davao City. Pamana was prepped for release over the next three years, and the media covered his return to the wild intensively. That the eagle lasted merely two months was a damning indictment of how weak our environment-saving efforts still are. In the same week that the news of Pamana’s death was announced, journalist Gregory Ybañez was shot dead at his residence in Magugpo North in Tagum City. He was president of the Davao del Norte Press and Radio-TV Club and also a board member of the Davao del Norte Electric Cooperative (DANECO) faction that is allied with the National Electrification Administration (NEA). And on the same day, Arakan

Progressive Peasant Organization chair Joel Gulmatico was shot dead on his way home in Arakan Valley. The authorities are still investigating the two killings, but it is feared that they would go the way other such murders have gone: exactly nowhere. Most of the comments on traditional and social media centred on the indignation that many people felt. Unfortunately all that outrage is expressed only on behalf of Pamana; precious little has been said of Ybañez and Gulmatico. To make the contrast even starker, a crowd funding project has been started to raise a reward for information on Pamana’s killer. That effort targets to raise $10,000 or almost half a million pesos, which is aside from the P100,000 that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DENR) offered. For Ybañez and Gulmatico, the amount stands at zero. We do not blame environmentalists and supporters for their outrage and resulting action. Pamana’s death, after all, is a setback in environment conservation efforts. We only wish, however, that we can channel at least some of that anger towards those who kill human beings, particularly those who fight for the rights of others. People power Say what you want about

social media and the Internet, but Malacañang’s August 24 decision to stop the Bureau of Customs (BOC) from implementing its random opening of balikbayan boxes from Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) sent to their families in the Philippines was won through a viral campaign that literally swept the world. In a matter of two days, an online petition asking Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago to stop the BOC gained tens of thousands of signatures, and it was enough to push President Benigno Aquino to call BOC chief Bert Lina and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima to a meeting on Monday afternoon to thresh out the matter. In the end the President had to side with the OFWs, and he emphasized to the two gentlemen the fact that OFW families view the balikbayan box as “an integral part of the family relationship to nurture loved ones at home and as a tangible sign of their love and concern for their family members.” At the end of the meeting, he instructed Lina to stop his plan to randomly and arbitrarily subject balikbayan boxes to physical inspection. All containers of balikbayan boxes, the President said, should undergo mandatory X-ray and K-9 examination and only in cases where there are derogatory findings from the X-ray or K-9 examination will there be a physical inspection of goods. That is far more reasonable, and it removes the

stigma that Lina had placed on OFWs who, under his original plan, were being presumed to be smuggling in contraband and so must be subjected to such treatment. The President also ordered that, in the event a physical inspection must be done, the BOC must request that an Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) representative or a designated officer of an OFW Association be present, with provisions for CCTV monitoring of the inspection areas. This turns the tables on Lina and the BOC personnel, who are now presumed to be prone to pilfering from the subject boxes and so must be strictly monitored. And perhaps most important, the President ordered that BOC personnel who violate the above protocols and engage in pilferage be prosecuted and punished. Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares called this a “victory” that was the result of the people’s outrage. It also showed that the government can be forced to withdraw its own “anti-people” policies if the people only assert their rights. Let’s hope this is a lesson for all of us, especially as the 2016 election nears: we are the people, and the power rests in us. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

My time at Ateneo de Manila This past July, I had the pleasure of attending the Institute for Philippine Culture (IPC)’s 2015 International Summer School for Doctoral Researchers on the Philippines at Ateneo de Manila University. The event ran from July 2629 and brought together PhD students from around the world. Participants came from a variety of institutions: The University of the Philippines, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Australian National University, the University of Michigan, Kobe University (Japan), Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Japan), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), Western University (Canada), and the University of Hong Kong. From the Institute’s website (http://www.ipc-ateneo.org), the IPC is described as “a social science research organization of the School of Social Sciences of the Loyola Schools, Ateneo

de Manila University. Founded in 1960, the IPC seeks a better understanding of culture and society in the Philippines and other Asian countries, an improved quality of life for disadvantaged groups, and a more peaceful, just, and equitable national and global society.” The International Summer School brings together young scholars from across the world, united in their study on the Philippines. Participants came from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, including Sociology, Anthropology, History and Art History, Law, Media Studies, Politics, and Comparative Literature. This mix meant that while all presentations had something to do with the Philippines, we all approached the topic differently and brought our own unique questions. Not only did the format allow presenters the opportunity to share their research with a diverse group, but it also exposed

us to the unique approaches (and writing styles!) of our colleagues. In addition to the presenters, workshop organizers and moderators including Dr. Caroline Hau (Kyoto University) and Dr. Mary Racelis (Ateneo de Manila) joined us – as well as others who observed the workshop. The presentations were engaging, presenting some of the most recent research being conducted on issues relating to Philippine culture, and the discussion that followed each presentation was invigorating, encouraging, and challenging. Personally, attending this workshop allowed me to present my research on the Winnipeg Filipino community to a different audience than I normally engage. This paper drew upon research I am conducting on Winnipeg’s first Filipino newspaper, the Silangan, and how columnists negotiated their Filipino heritage in a new Canadian society. I was at first concerned that my work would not draw the interest of Philippine scholars based abroad,

so I was rather pleased when my presentation was accepted (and my travel and lodging costs generously paid by the IPC). The feedback I received from my colleagues at the summer school was more than I had hoped for, encouraging me on the value of my work while challenging me to ask harder questions of my sources. A major point I learned from this summer school was that, while my research on the Winnipeg Filipino community is in part local history, it also part of a much larger history of Filipino migration across the globe. While many Filipino immigrants to Canada arrive from Manila, it is not as if their journey is that simple. As the number of hometown associations in Winnipeg suggests, Filipinos in Canada come from many regions of the Philippines; furthermore, they do not always come directly to Canada. Many have settled or worked in other countries prior to immigrating to Canada (and may yet continue to move See MALEK p7

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SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015


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SPEED... From page 1 zones, according to information provided by Winnipeg police. Manitoba Public Insurance encourages drivers, pedestrians and parents to observe the following safety tips: • Look well ahead to spot school buses and school zone signs; reduce speed in school zones, and wait for children to cross completely before proceeding. • Stop at least five metres behind a school bus when the upper red lights begin to flash, and do not proceed until the “stop sign” is closed and the red lights stop flashing. Motorists travelling in both directions must stop for

the school bus, except if the road is divided by a median. • Scan under parked cars for the feet of children approaching traffic, and make lane changes early to allow room for children on bicycles, skateboards or roller blades. • If you are driving your children to school, drop them off in a safe area, away from traffic; use a designated drop-off zone if the school has one. • Cross only at intersections whenever possible, preferably at those controlled by signs or traffic control signs. • When crossing the street, regardless of the availability of signals, cross as quickly as possible. Minimize time in the roadway.




SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Divorce Philippines style What divorce you ask? Does the Philippines allow divorce? Most people would correctly point out that the Philippines is unique in the sense that it is one of the few places in the world that does not include divorce in family law or under it’s Civil Code. However, this uniqueness does not apply to Sharia law, which has been applied in the Philippines since the time of President Marcos. The roughly five per cent Muslim population of the Philippines does have access to divorce as an end-to-marriage solution. The majority of the population has been restricted in their options. However, the winds of change are blowing and divorce is becoming a legal option for the majority of the population. One of the more significant changes to divorce in the Philippines is now with the House of Representatives. They have just passed a bill that allows a Filipino to marry in the country if he or she is legally divorced abroad.

The House Bill 5907 entitled “Act Recognizing the Capacity of the Filipino Spouse to Remarry When the Alien Spouse Has Obtained a Foreign Judicial Decree of Absolute Divorce.” This Bill starts a process to allow Filipino spouses to remarry if their original partners are able to win a divorce decree from a foreign court. This would be a step forward from the present situation where expatriate Filipinos in Canada are awarded divorce decrees from a Canadian court but their spouses back home (and they themselves) remain married under Philippines law. The foreign divorce under the current Civil Code still contains Article 15, which states that “Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons, are binding upon citizens of the Philippines even though living abroad.” The first step is the passing of Bill 5907 and the next step would be

the revision of Article 15 of the New Civil Code. The changes are coming but are not yet here. Until the Civil Code is amended there is still no divorce in the Philippines for the majority of the population. The only current remedy to end a marriage is annulment. A marriage must be voidable for any defect in any essential requisites of marriage. There is also a Declaration of Nullity of Marriage where “the marriage is void from the beginning by reason of the absence of any essential or formal requisite of marriage” (Recognition of Foreign Divorce in the Philippines by Rebecca Ponce). What does all this mean for Filipino spouses residing in the Philippines and those residing outside the country? Consider for one moment a fairly common occurrence in Winnipeg where naturalized Canadian citizens, permanent residents and often even overseas foreign workers (who have been in Manitoba for over one year and are continuing) can obtain a divorce decree from a Manitoba Court. If Article 15 remains unchanged and there is no annulment or Declaration

of Nullity of Marriage in the Philippines, then both parties are still considered married in the Philippines. This means that the spouse in the Philippines cannot marry in that country and that the foreign based spouse, who obtained the divorce abroad, could be considered bigamous by the Philippines Civil Code if he or she subsequently married another person outside the Philippines. There has been some modification on these hard fast rules with distinctions made if the legally married Filipino citizen obtained foreign citizenship first, then secures a foreign divorce decree. But many abroad will follow the laws in Manitoba, for example, and turn a blind eye to the Civil Code of the Philippines. The question of divorce is one that plagues Philippines citizens around the world because the country is unique in not recognizing divorce. Bill 5907 is a positive step taken to address the issues that arise from judgments from foreign courts – but only a half measure. I read with interest the comments from persons back home to the passing of the Bill. They commented on

the expense and trauma of the existing annulment process where petitioners must prove for example “psychological incapacity” rather than “irreconcilable differences” as reason for annulment. This process appears to be highly invasive and traumatic. One respondent named Amabelle notes, “It is against the Philippine Declaration of Human Rights to only allow a divorce between Filipino/a and a foreigner. It opposes the principle of equality. I hope that divorce for Filipinos will follow soon and release people from non-existing marriages.” This may be the ultimate solution, but at this time, even a measure that recognizes foreign divorces is a step forward. However, divorce Philippines style continues to be uniquely challenging for all parties. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.

Change is good I’ve taken the summer break to look back at the past year and I’ve noticed that education and awareness surrounding gender identity has come to the forefront all over Canada and the United States. Caitlyn Jenner graced the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine. Jazz, of I am Jazz fame now has her own TLC television series. On the Canadian side of the border, individuals are fighting and succeeding in their struggle for equality in schools, at work, and in everyday life. As you may have read in my recent articles, I have a transgender daughter. She transitioned this past year and I must say, she is very happy and very comfortable in her own skin. Family and friends have been very supportive. There have also been people who just don’t understand, and that’s ok, because they ask the questions that help make them understand. Our response is quite simple: it isn’t a choice to live as a transgender

boy or girl; it’s who they are. We didn’t choose to be a human, giraffe or a zebra. It’s just who we are. And when it comes to gender, we mustn’t associate body parts with gender. It’s simple enough concept, but difficult for some to understand. What I’m calling a misunderstanding and lack of education is what led my wife and me to file a complaint with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission. The now 10-month process has been an eye-opening experience. Initially we opened the complaint against the school division in which our children used to attend. Our basis was discrimination and segregation. Without getting into details, the Manitoba Human Rights Code protects individuals, like my daughter, against discrimination and segregation. However, the school division did not agree. We simply wanted equality, but we didn’t expect our story to

make headlines across Canada and as far away as Japan and The Netherlands. But it did. And what has become a story of equality for one person has become a story for transgender people all over the world. My wife and I have gotten letters and e-mails from people who show their support and shared that they wished for understanding parents like us when they were younger. We’ve been contacted by adults who have transitioned and are now living their lives as their true selves because, “If an eightyear-old can do it, so can I.” The positive feedback has been overwhelming; yet, we know that policies are not changing in the school division in which we are fighting. How do you make a school division understand that they have discriminated against your daughter? This is where awareness and education from organizations that are knowledgeable with transgender rights could be useful. The board of the Human Rights Commission will be meeting this month, and we are more than anxious and optimistic about the outcome. We hope that the first steps to change and equality will

be their focus. Stay tuned! Had I not accepted a position in British Columbia, we would still be living happily in Winnipeg. Selfishly, I feel fortunate that my daughter no longer attends the school she did, however, I know firsthand that there are other children dealing with the exact situation our daughter faced not too long ago. Thankfully, the province of Manitoba (and many other provinces in Canada) is making great strides in recognizing transgender people. Some of the most important documents we carry are our birth certificate, driver’s license and passport. Not a big deal for most of us. However, for transgender individuals, this

has been a constant struggle. Imagine living as female, but not having a passport to prove your name or gender when you want to fly to Hawaii. Imagine not having a driver’s license showing who you truly are inside and out. But what was once an obstacle can now be easily overcome by filling out the forms to change the gender marker on your birth certificate. Who knew that a single “M” or “F” on legal documentation would be such a big deal? Trust me, it is. Change is coming and it is good. Dale is the director of communications for a school district in British Columbia and continues to submit articles from afar.

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015


BOXES... From page 1 An estimated 10 to 12 million OFWs routinely use balikbayan boxes to send home needed goods and supplies to their families in the Philippines. Using the Twitter hashtag #HandsOffOurBalikbayanBoxes, many of those OFWs voiced their anger on line at being suspected of smuggling and railed against pilfering and corruption among BOC employees. Connie Bragas-Regalado, Migrante party-list chair, said that while the government agreed to stop the random inspection, it still planned to impose additional taxes on balikbayan boxes. “For as long as the 600 millionpeso target collection stays, the BOC is given license to ransack our balikbayan boxes or impose other tax schemes. In fact, we have received reports from families who still receive ‘inspected’ boxes even after the BOC order was issued. Our main demand today is for the Aquino government to retract its P600-million target collections on OFWs’ balikbayan boxes now,” Regalado said. Bayan Muna Reps. Neri Colmenares and Carlos Zarate filed a House Resolution on August 24 calling on the Committee on Overseas Workers Affairs to probe the BOC. “How much revenue was lost by the BOC due to bigtime smuggling of luxury cars, smuggled rice, container vans containing luxury items, including the status of 2,000 container vans reportedly lost by the BOC a number of years ago?” Colmenares said.

MALEK... From page4 elsewhere). What this means is that the community in Winnipeg is a unique mix of Filipinos; each region represented within the city brings its unique culture, language, and networks. Filipinos in Winnipeg are not only part of this civic community. They maintain ties with other Filipino communities across the world, and with their family and friends in the Philippines. Attending the IPC summer school emphasized the importance of understanding these larger networks and connections, and the relationship that the Winnipeg community has with global Filipinos. Whether these ties are maintained via mobile phones, social media, personal visits, or balikbayan boxes, and whether they are regular or irregular, many Filipinos in

L-r: Sherrie Macmod of Migrante Taiwan, Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, Migrante Partylist chairperson Connie Regalado (Photo by B.Mallo/Bulatlat.com) “President Aquino exempted international carriers from paying VAT in cargos. So, they exempted these international flag carriers, then you will impose more taxes on your OFWs?” Colmenares added. OFWs in 16 countries staged a “zero remittance day” on August 28 to protest against the BOC measures, however, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) believes it had no significant impact on the country’s economy. On that same day, August 28, Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina held a media briefing to say that the BOC will no longer conduct random inspection of balikbayan boxes, according to the directive from President Benigno Aquino III. The BOC has now switched to mandatory X-ray examinations of containers, opening containers for inspection only when X-ray scans show something suspicious. This will be done in the presence of an Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) representative. Winnipeg maintain lives that transcend the boundaries of our city, nation, or continent. I was lucky for the opportunity to attend and present at the 2015 IPC summer school. The event was a great opportunity for the IPC to showcase the work it does, and I was struck by how well the workshop was organized, how smoothly the program went, and how delicious the food was! Many congratulations to those involved in organizing this year’s events. The connections that I made with friends, colleagues, and mentors at Ateneo will influence my work in the coming years, and remind me that although I focus on Winnipeg, my subject is much broader than our city. Jon Malek is a PhD candidate in History at Western University, and is a member of the Migration and Ethnic Relations program.

Although the BOC stopped random inspection of balikbayan boxes, Lina said the law still applies as to which items are allowed inside the boxes. He said the contents of a box must not exceed 10,000 pesos ($282 CDN) in value, and that OFWs are only allowed to send one balikbayan box per month. Only the personal and household effects of Filipinos returning from abroad are exempt from tax, and must be accompanied by the returning resident. Canned goods, grocery items, and other household effects must not exceed a dozen a kind, while used or brand new clothes should not exceed three yards per cut. OFW Family Partylist Rep. Roy Señeres said that it is about time to increase the 10,000peso nontaxable limit tenfold for balikbayan boxes. “I will propose na ang 10,000 peso, gawing 100,000 pesos ang limit.”




SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

What matters in a home inspection? Buying a home is perhaps one of the most costly acquisitions one will ever make. For most people, this process can be very stressful. You are going to analyze your financial cash flow, look for mortgages, negotiate offers, and zero in on the best deals. The next best and logical thing to do before you sign on the dotted line is to get that quality home inspection. The information that you get from the inspection report gives you a picture of the overall condition of the property. And as a buyer or a seller, more information is sure to give you more leverage and bargaining power. The stressful time spent in house hunting can push a buyer to just skip the process of getting a home inspection. Besides the obvious additional expense that it presents, it also gives the feeling of being overwhelmed since it becomes yet another “to do” item in

the quest to find that dream home. This is when you should stop and think if this makes a difference in your decision-making. Should you just jump in and put all of your hard earned money into this one big financial investment? Or take a step back and let someone help you make an objective assessment of the property you have fallen in love with? The time and expense of getting a full home inspection is negligible compared to the total price of the property you are buying. And hiring a certified home inspector can give you that peace of mind, that you have done your due diligence in buying the property. Most sellers are normally fair, honest, straightforward, and are oftentimes surprised to discover the defects found in an inspection. But do keep in mind that sellers have no obligation to disclose any defects or to even repair

anything that has been identified in the inspection report. You buy the home on an “as-is” basis. No home is ever perfect. The purpose of the home inspection report is to serve as a guide to see the property’s current condition. Once the inspection is done, focus on the things that are important. Do not call off a deal over items that can be addressed easily, like cheap repair work you can do yourself. Also, the conditions that the seller has already disclosed may have already been factored in the pricing, so tread lightly if you feel that these conditions should still be addressed as a condition for you to buy the property. Although home inspection can give you that peace of mind, that the property you are buying is not going to fall down on you, it can be overwhelming for some people. Homebuyers without any technical background are presented with a lot of information that they need to consider in a short amount of time.

It basically includes reading a 30 to 50-page inspection report complete with checklists, photographs, environmental reports, seller’s disclosures, buyer’s observations, and everything that has been discussed during the actual inspection. What should you do when you are in this situation? First things first, take a deep breath and relax. There is no home, even a newly built one, that is free from defects. Most statements in the inspection report are maintenance recommendations, life expectancies for various systems and components, and minor deficiencies. These are all good to be aware of prior to closing the sale. These issues fall into four categories: 1. Major defects like structural failure of beams, columns and roof structure; 2. Conditions that may contribute to major defects like small roof-flashing leak, improper grading and inadequate insulation;

3. Items that may prevent your ability to finance, legally occupy, or insure the home; like the presence of knob-and-tube wiring, sub-100 amp electrical service, and screwin fuses; 4. Safety hazards like wobbly guardrails, exposed and live buss bar at the electrical panel and damaged service gas lines. All items in the above categories should be addressed accordingly before or after buying the property to prolong the life of the home and to protect your most important asset, your family. And if you find yourself lost in the report, you can always ask your certified home inspector to guide you through it to be able to make an informed home-buying decision. Reference: www.nachi.org Norman is a registered Professional Engineer and a Certified Property Inspector. Please visit www.mrpeg.ca for more information on home inspection and maintenance tips.

A positive opportunity presented by devastating illness By Anne Caprice B. Claros & Nasser Barakat One bite, one man, a whole life changed. Twenty-six-year-old Richard Underwood shares his story; one that resonates in the hearts of many Canadians. His battle with Chronic Lyme Disease (CLD) began with a tick bite eight years ago during his service in the Canadian Forces. Lyme Disease is transmitted through black-legged ticks infected with the disease-causing bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. These are also known as deer ticks and can be found in tall grassy areas, similar to those in which the forces train. Richard has gone from an extremely active individual, playing three sports in high school to one who is daily plagued by escalating symptoms. Early in his training in the military, he experienced various symptoms of unknown origin. Unfortunately, this remained a mystery until May of 2015 when he finally came across a doctor who diagnosed him with CLD. He continues to suffer from prolonged fatigue, excessive joint pain, restless leg syndrome, complications with his thyroid, and a first-degree AV block in his heart. Most debilitating, however, are his cognitive symptoms; poor short-term memory, slowed cognition, and a reduced ability to organize thoughts and belongings. However seriously devitalizing these symptoms can be, they can be successfully reversed through proper CLD treatment.

L-r: Richard Underwood, Anne Claros & Nasser Barakat Although the Canadian Healthcare System provides treatment for Lyme Disease, its treatment plan is limited to short term antibiotic intake, which is more targeted towards cases in which the bacteria is detected early. To note, the 28-day acute treatment was the first time Richard experienced an improvement in his symptoms, albeit temporary. Since he cannot receive proper treatment in Canada due to the chronic nature of his disease, he was forced to seek medical attention in the United States and is required to cover his medical expenses out-of-pocket. To receive the necessary CLD treatment, he can expect to pay upwards of $110,000. Impressive progress is evident in the steps taken to aid Richard in achieving his goal of not only raising the funds needed but also sharing his story in the

hopes of preventing others from experiencing the same obstacles that hindered him from acquiring access to proper care. With the support of friends, his story was featured on CTV News Winnipeg on Sunday, August 23, 2015; with his fundraising page successfully launched as well. Your support, in the form of donations and prayers, is essential towards the success of the campaign. The journey does not end after Richard’s successful treatment, as there are many other voices to be heard. Join us as we, through his story, shed a light and raise further awareness for CLD. For more information, please contact Anne Claros at 204-803-7590 or Nasser Barakat at 204-930-9248 and please visit Richard’s official fundraising page at youcaring. com/richardlyme. E-mail Officialrichardlyme@gmail.com.

Richard with all the medication he needs to take every day to combat his chronic Lyme disease

The black legged tick that can cause lyme disease

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

There are few urges as strong as the parenting urge to want to see our children do well in life. Unfortunately, with the strong pull of media and social pressures, it’s easy to lose your way as a parent and succumb to those pressures. The key to raising healthy, filial, and successful children is the same goal of feng shui: creating balance. If the child’s room is a shrine to electronics, then is it any surprise the child is more concerned with electronics and video games than people, more interested in being entertained than being inquisitive or creative — or studious? Take a good look at your child and where their interests are, determine how you can guide them toward more positive choices and create an environment in their bedroom that supports those goals and helps them make those choices. Children think they know what’s best for them, but as a parent it’s our job to know what’s best and to make those choices for our child to ensure their health, intellectual and social development. Feng shui provides some great parenting guidelines that can help you make choices that aren’t just good decisions, but are also good parenting with the child’s highest good at their core. Help your child balance their lives for greater success


with these feng shui guidelines designed to help parents. 
 1. Support strong study habits. Make sure there’s a desk in the child’s bedroom and the desk area is set up to encourage school work. Be sure to include a framed map or globe, and plenty of clear desk space. Create a study area that makes your child want to work here and provide theme with desk accessories so study time feels “professional.” 2. Encourage your child’s creativity. Make a play, crafts and reading area in the child’s bedroom to encourage ingenuity, inventiveness, and creativity. Supply the area with paper, paints, markers, play clay, and assembly toys such as Legos. Then, give them free time to spend there! 3. Make your child feel secure. Parents often have pictures of their children in their bedroom, but rarely are there pictures of mom and dad in the child’s room. Give your children security and show your parental love by placing a smiling picture of you in the bedroom. 4. Give them plenty of good rest and sleep. Children need rest to grow and for healthy immune systems. Studies show children with adequate rest do better in school and have better health. According to the American Psychological Association, 60% of children are tired at school and 69% have sleep interruptions. Don’t allow TV and videogames


Ways to help your child thrive and be successful with feng shui in your child’s room, as these are too stimulating for adequate rest. 5. Establish routines. Regular bath, meal, and bedtimes give children security and constancy in an ever-changing and unstable world. This works from newborns to teens. Patterns of behaviour that children can rely on, from regular meal times and bedtimes create security and help them to create good patterns for themselves, such as play and study times. 6. Place the child’s bed properly. Always place the bed on the wall opposite the door. Bed placement is important for creating a sense of security when the child is most vulnerable – while they sleep. Do not place the bed in line with the door or on the same wall as the door. This creates a vulnerable feeling for the child. Avoid placing the bed against a wall where there is a bathroom, sink, toilet, or tub. This can create health disturbances. 7. Avoid water themes in the bedroom. Water, whether it’s a mural on a wall, dark blue ocean themes, or an aquarium, too much water is bad feng shui in a bedroom. Watery themes and elements in children’s bedrooms can lead to asthma, respiratory ailments, and depression. 8. Children need space. Whether it’s space in the bedroom or space in their schedule, allow children the luxury of having a room that isn’t stuffed to capacity

and a schedule that allows free time to relax and/or play and time with family. Too many children are overburdened with material items and activities making them exhausted, depressed, unresponsive and scattered. 9. Teach children how to just be. In addition to too much stuff, many children today don’t know how to just be. Institute a quiet time during the day or evening so they can see you just being. Read together instead of watching television. Stop games or videos in the car. Have your children learn the value of looking at the

trees and animals, scenery, and just being with you talking as you drive. Give them time to unplug and have unconstructive time. Adults need it but so do children. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Growing up as ANAK It was a little over nine years ago when I first came to Winnipeg. Living here made me enjoy the cultures of both the Philippines and Canada. As an immigrant and a youth, it was a struggle for me to balance that identity. When asked, “What’s your nationality?” Should my answer be “Filipino,” “Canadian,” or “FilipinoCanadian?” Generally, the answer for me depends on who is asking, but there is really no right or wrong answer. With the help of ANAK, I realized and understood for myself what it means to be FilipinoCanadian. For me, I have found a new identity where I can express both cultures. It was 2006 when I first met ANAK during their inaugural

launch of the Kapatid In-School Mentorship program at Daniel McIntye Collegiate Institute (DMCI). Joining the program made it easier for me to adapt both in school and in my new community. Inspired by their advocacies, I volunteered in ANAK activities and officially joined the group the following year. Since 2008, I volunteer to help provide resource, education, and mentorship to share and preserve Filipino-Canadian culture and heritage. I started from being a volunteer to a junior member, a Chair of the Mentorship Committee, an executive officer, and now this past year as ANAK Director. For many people, ANAK is known only for its mentorship

programs. Little do others know, however, that ANAK has initiated many other activities through the years. A high school conference (now Youth Forum) happens every year since 2007 to bring together youth from across the city in a workshop that helps them develop skills and participate in community discussions. In 2007 and 2010, ANAK launched Canada’s first accredited Philippine Studies course at the University of Winnipeg. It is intriguing that no such university course still exists despite the tens of thousands of Filipinos now here in Winnipeg and the rich history and culture we share. In 2010, ANAK also launched the

first Filipino-Canadian oral history exhibit, From Manila to Manitoba, at The Manitoba Museum. This oral history project continues to feature the growth of the FilipinoCanadian community in Winnipeg since the 1950s. As ANAK enters its tenth year, we aspire to continue providing resource, education, and mentorship to the community. We may have experienced challenges, but it only helps us to become stronger and to become better. For the past few years, ANAK has come together to assess how the organization can grow and find meaning for the future. One thing we instantly realized is that

we stopped dreaming those big dreams. We felt content with what we have and what we do. But this year, we encourage you to share your vision for the community with ANAK. Together we can help build an even better community for the future. If I could leave one message to the youth of our Filipino community, it is to dream big. Don’t let the doubts and fears of others scare you from pursuing it. Rix Reyes is the Director of ANAK. To learn more about ANAK, the Kapatid In-School Mentorship Program and how to become a volunteer, visit www. anak.ca or email info@anak.ca.



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

What’s your IEEQ level? I first heard of the Internationally-Educated Engineers’ Qualification (IEEQ) program back in 2009, when I got my assessment result from APEGM. It was one of the available options for me to partially meet requirements to become a professional engineer in Manitoba. Among the options, which include writing technical exams, being interviewed and taking equivalent courses, IEEQ was hands down my first choice. Taking equivalent courses would have been my second choice. Fortunately, I didn’t have to resort to plan B, as I was accepted to participate in the program. When I entered the program, I had no idea what I was getting myself into as I didn’t know anyone who had been there. In fact, I didn’t know any Filipino engineers registered with the province at the time. Anyhow, most of my Filipino colleagues in the 9th cohort turned out to be in the same boat as me. So we’ve set our sails to face the challenges and overcome the travails of completing the program. While in the program, and long after I completed it, I would receive IEEQ-related questions that I deemed would be best answered by someone in the know. And so I reached out to Ms Kathleen Clarke, IEEQ acting director, to grant me an interview and she gracefully accepted. In this interview, Kathleen takes us back to the humble beginnings of the IEEQ program and patiently answered all the questions I’ve received and collected overtime. By the end of this article, our “IEEQ level” or IEEQ knowledge should increase by leaps and bounds. The IEEQ Program was developed to meet a need identified by Engineers Canada for a clear and timely pathway to professional registration for internationally educated engineers across Canada. APEGM, the Manitoba government, and the University of Manitoba worked to establish the first program in Canada designed as an alternate pathway to meet the academic requirements of professional registration. The IEEQ Program quickly became a model for other programs across Canada on which to base similar academic programs. IEEQ has been around since 2003; it was when the first cohort was very small because the program was in its pilot stage. Eight students were recruited for the pilot program in the first year. In the second year, applications were requested and all 14 applicants were accepted. At the time, there were no Philippine-educated applicants. The IEEQ Program began to receive Philippine-educated applicants in 2009 after the academic assessment process

at APEGM underwent some changes to the way applicants from the Philippines were assessed, resulting in more applicants who were eligible to apply for the IEEQ Program. The IEEQ Program receives between 50 to70 applications each year, of which 30 to 35 are chosen. What are the bases for acceptance into the program? IEEQ Program applicants are chosen based on meeting the criteria required in the application, whether the University of Manitoba offers courses in lieu of the exams assigned to that applicant by APEGM, and the number of seats available in each engineering department in the faculty. If the result is “Waitlist,” how long is it until applicants know if they are accepted? Will they be notified? Can they reapply in the next school year and what are the chances of being accepted? When an applicant has been placed on the wait list, they will be notified if a seat becomes available in May, June, July or August. After August, the application will be closed and the applicant can re-apply next year. An applicant who was on the wait list previously has an excellent chance of being accepted the following year. If the result is “Not Accepted,” can applicants reapply? When an application is not accepted, we issue a letter stating the reason(s) why. If the reasons are things that can be changed to make for a better application next time, such as language level, then we encourage applicants to take action to improve their eligibility and re-apply the following year. Is there any limit to how many times one can re-apply? There is no limit to the number of times one can reapply; however, it is strongly recommended that the applicant actively work on meeting their exam requirements by writing exams or taking courses in lieu and improving on the areas that were the reasons for nonacceptance. Do APEGM students have higher chances of being accepted to IEEQ? APEGM students have the same chance as any other applicant. If an APEGM student has completed all but one course, can he or she still apply to the IEEQ and how many courses would are needed to complete the program? Applicants who have been APEGM students and have one exam remaining to be cleared are eligible for the IEEQ Program. If accepted, that participant would be assigned four courses in the IEEQ Program; two technical courses and the two core courses

(Engineering Economics and Professional Engineering Practice in Manitoba), plus the co-op work experience term. The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba now has criteria for English language proficiency waiver for international students; will it also apply to IEEQ? The IEEQ Program has University of Manitoba Senate approval for requiring all applicants to meet specific English language criteria. No matter if an applicant meets the waiver criteria, that applicant is still required to provide proof of language level with the application to the IEEQ Program. What are the common reasons for exiting the program? The most common reasons for an IEEQ Program participant to exit the program is that the maximum number of course failures has been reached, or the participant decides to voluntarily exit the program due to personal, financial or job-related reasons to pursue a different path to reach academic qualifications for APEGM. What were the common challenges that were encountered by both the participants and IEEQ staff? The most common challenges include the time and effort required to succeed in courses versus the participant’s eagerness to complete the program quickly or underestimating the time and effort that will be required to succeed. The IEEQ Program staff counsel students to remember that it is not a race to the finish line, and not to overload themselves with courses in an effort to complete the program quickly. Another common challenge relates to finances. Each year there are students who have not prepared adequately for their financial circumstances and find that the stress of financial obligations in their personal lives becomes debilitating. Many participants juggle full time or part time jobs during the program. Participants can be successful in the program by pacing their course load according to what is reasonable to accomplish when there are work and family-related demands on their time.

Has there been any case where a participant was not able to complete the program for not being able to find four months of engineering work experience? While there have been cases of delayed co-op work experience terms, there has not been a case where a participant was unable to find a co-op work term experience. Does IEEQ provide assurance of getting each participant engineering work experience? The co-op work term is not an option. It is a requirement for IEEQ Program completion. Finding the co-op position is the responsibility of the participant. The time and effort put into the coop job-search by the participant will determine the success of landing the co-op position. What are the common misconceptions about the IEEQ program? The most common misconception is that the IEEQ Program will place a participant into a co-op work experience position. In fact, it is the participant’s responsibility to search for a co-op position. The IEEQ Program and the Faculty of Engineering Co-op/IIP Program provide coaching and access to coop job postings and networking events with employers. We’ve been hearing a lot of success stories from IEEQ applicants. Was there anyone in particular who left a great impression on you and why? Honestly, all IEEQ participants leave a great impression on the program staff. We truly admire the determination and effort that the participants put into completing the program successfully and we enjoy hearing from graduates as they update us on their journey into the profession after the IEEQ Program. Do you keep track of the progress of each participant after completion of the program? Yes. We do track the progress of IEEQ Program graduates. We regularly check the new member listings in the APEGM quarterly magazine, The Keystone Professional, and we welcome graduates to keep in touch and let us know of their progress over the

years. What’s new to IEEQ this year? We are happy to announce that the IEEQ Program Assistant, Jennifer Mitchell, has taken on the additional role of APEGM Student Advisor for internationally educated engineers who decide to take courses in lieu of exams and who are not in the IEEQ Program. Our office has essentially become a one-stopshop for internationally educated engineers who wish to attend the University of Manitoba in pursuit of academic qualifications required for APEGM registration. Message for FMC-APEGM members and incoming IEEQ program participants The IEEQ Program is only one option for internationally educated engineers. Carefully consider the options that the APEGM suggests for you to meet the academic qualifications required for registration. Consider your personal responsibilities (family duties, expenses), time frame and cost. Weigh the pros and cons and choose the option best suited to your life at this time. For more information and how to apply to IEEQ program, visit http://umanitoba.ca/ faculties/engineering/programs/ ieeq. Ethel Clemente Fernandez is a registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM). She currently works for a federal crown corporation and is serving on the Executive Committee of the Filipino Members Chapter (FMC) APEGM. For inquiries, please e-mail lifeofcanadianpi@gmail. com.

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





Interesado pala ang international TV host na si Ellen DeGeneres na maging panauhin sa kaniyang programa si Maine Mendoza na mas kilala na ngayong bilang si Yaya Dub. Malapit ang puso ng TV host sa mga Pinoy, saludo ito sa talento ng ating mga kababayan, maraming sikat na singers at artista na ngayon ang dumaan sa page-guest sa kaniyang show. Pero hindi iyon mangyayari sa ngayon dahil sa napakahigpit na schedule ni Yaya Dub. Arawaraw siyang napapanood sa Eat… Bulaga. Ang araw ng Linggo na dapat sana’y puwede na niyang angkinin ay nagagamit pa rin sa kaniyang mga meeting. May gagawin pa siyang pelikula bilang guest sa pinagbibidahang proyekto nina Bossing Vic Sotto at Ai Ai delas Alas para sa MMFF. Ano pa ang natitirang panahon ngayon para kay Yaya Dub? Wala na nga, kaya ang kaniyang pamilya na ang dumadalaw sa kaniya sa set ng kalyeserye ng Juan For All, All For Juan ng Eat…Bulaga. Ayon sa mga nakakausap namin ay aliw na aliw sila sa tambalan na hindi pa nagkikita nang personal. Hanggang sa split screen pa lang ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Ayaw nilang mauwi si Yaya Dub kay Frankie Arenolli gaano man ito kagusto ni Lola


Nidora, dahil si Alden lang ang minamanok nila para sa dalaga. Komento pa ng isang kaibigan naming nagtatrabaho sa Belgium, “I can sense something different now. Parang nako-conscious na si Maine, parang tinatablan na siya kay Alden. Parang she’s more conscious on how she looks now, unlike before na wala siyang pakialam sa itsura niya. “May kutob na kami ng mga officemates ko na mangyayari ang ganito. Kahit pa may distance between them, mangyayari ang mangyayari, sabi nga ni Lola Nidora. Feel na feel na namin iyon ngayon,” komento pa ni kaibigang Arlene Andes. Malakas ang AlDub, napakalakas din ng panghila nina Jose Manalo at Wally Bayola, idagdag pa si Paolo Ballesteros na gumaganap na ring si Lola Tidora ngayon na kakambal ni Lola Nidora. Dahil din sa sobrang kasikatan ngayon ng AlDub ay maraming kababayan nating negosyante ang nabibiyayaan. Sa isang kilalang lugar na bilihan ng mga halaman at ibon ay may nakasulat, “Murangmura lang, #Al-Dove,” mga kalapati ang kanilang ibinebenta. Isang airline company ang nakisakay na rin sa kasikatan ng tambalan, sa kanilang promo sale ng tickets ay ito ang kanilang gimik, “#AlDubest seats.” See CRISTY p15

Nagsimula nang mapanood sa GMA PInoy TV ang revival ng isa sa mga pinaka-successful na telenovela sa TV history, ang Marimar. Ang primetime series na ito ay tampok ang tambalan ng Kapuso stars na sina Tom Rodriguez at Megan Young. Binigyan ni Tom ng bagong buhay ang role ng makisig at charismatic na Sergio Santibañez. Samantala, si Megan naman ang muling bumuhay sa maganda at determinadong si Marimar. Kasama sa cast ng Marimar ang mahuhusay na A-list actors tulad nila Jaclyn Jose as Señora Angelika Santibañez; Zoren Legaspi as Gustavo Aldama; Lauren Young as Antonia; at ang nagbabalik na Kapuso, Alice Dixson, as Mia Aldama, bilang biological mother ni Marimar. Kasama rin ang makulay na si Nova Villa as Lola Cruz; Tommy Abuel as Lolo Pancho: Carmi Martin as Esperanza Aldama; Ina Raymundo as Brenda; Dion Ignacio as Nicandro; Ricardo Cepeda as Renato Santibañez; Jaya as Corazon; Cris Villanueva as Padresito Porres; Candy Pangilinan as Perfecta; Frank Magalona as Franco; Ashley Cabrera as Cruzita Santibañez; at si Boobay – na siyang magiging tinig ng adorable dog na si Fulgoso. Tuwang-tuwa ang mga fans ng popular na teleserye sa muling pagbabalik ng Marimar at mga characters nito.

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

• AlDub – Sikat na sa buong mundo si Yaya Dub! • Wally Bayola – Naka-recover na – salamat kay Lola Nidora • Vice Ganda – Kahit ano’ng gawin, talo pa rin ng kalabang show! • Kris Aquino – Lampas 40 na, dapat nang alagaan ang sarili • KathNiel – Bakit nai-insecure si Mommy Min sa JaDine? • Susan Roces – Kailan pa naging kasalanan ang maging ampon? • Sen Grace Poe – Suportado ni Erap! • Gov. Vilma Santos – Walang balak maging VP ni Kuya Mar • Sarah Geronimo – Bina-bash dahil sa favouritism sa The Voice Kids • April Boy Regino – Maglalabas ng bagong Christian album • Rufa Mae Quinto – Masyado yatang KSP ngayon

Alden Richards & Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza

Rufa Mae Quinto

Wally, Jose & Paolo as Lola Nidora, Lola Tinidora & Lola Tidora

Sarah Geronimo

Marimar – Binuhay muli nina Tom at Megan


r a ra iM

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Doble Kara – Tampok si Julia Montes Mas magningning na ang panonood ng mga TV viewers sa pagbubukas ng pinakabagong Kapamilya Gold drama series ng ABS-CBN na Doble Kara – tampok ang tinaguruang “Royal Prinsesa ng Drama” na

si Julia Montes sa kaniyang pinakamahirap na pagganap. Mula sa kaniyang markadong pagganap sa mga dekalibreng teleserye tulad ng Mara Clara, Walang Hanggan, Muling Buksan See DOBLE p15

Julia Montes

Carmina Villaroel

Ariel Rivera

Patricia Javier

Mylene Dizon

Julie Anne San Jose – Celebrity Advocate for Children ng World Vision

Edgar Allan Guzman, Julia Montes & Anjo Damiles

Working for Logan

Nitong nakaraang Agosto 25, inihayag ng World Vision bilang kanilang Celebrity Advocate for Children ang Asia’s Pop Sweetheart na si Julie Anne San Jose. Ang GMA Artist Center star ay magkakaroon ng maraming charity at community outreach efforts, especially those promoting children’s rights, well-being and education sa ilalim ng World Vision, isang international child-focused non-government organization. “We are very honoured to now have as part of our family a staunch advocate for children, Julie Anne, who we all know started in her career as a child. We have been witness to how she genuinely cares for the children and we know that this will be the beginning of a beautiful journey with her in ensuring that every child lives his/her life to the fullest,” sabi ni World Vision Manager for Public Awareness and Experience Pamela Millora. Bago naging World Vision Advocate si Julie Anne, na-involve na siya sa maraming See JULIE p15

Julie Anne

Julie Anne San Jose

Flor Marcelino MLA for Logan

204-788-0800 | FlorMarcelino.ca

For many years, we have been serving the Filipino community with

Dedication, Commitment, Friendship & Trust

We have worked hard at this by providing a dedicated and hard working group of professional men and women offering: • full disclosure of pricing • ensuring our Lamay are professional with great service • offering two well-positioned facilities • providing the best product lines.. and the list goes on! We are not a nameless, faceless entity in Toronto or Houston. We live here, work here and play here. Winnipeg is our home, and we demonstrate this daily to the families we serve.

24/7 Compassion & Accessibility Phone: 204-275-5555

Two City Locations 1839 Inkster Blvd. (corner of Inkster Blvd. & Keewatin St.) 1006 Nairn Ave. (corner of Keenleyside St. & Nairn Ave.)

We are your Kababayan in the business! Feel free to call owners Darin Hoffman (Zeny Regalado), Shawn Arnason or our community representative Nap Ebora for a uniquely Filipino prerspective on prearrangements.

Phone: 204-275-5555

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015


DOBLE... From page 14

JULIE... From page 14

Ang Puso, at Ikaw Lamang, bibigyang buhay naman ni Julia sa Doble Kara ang mga karakter ng magkakambal na sina Sarah at Kara. “Sa dami ng mga role na nagampanan ko na hindi para sa edad ko, masasabi ko talaga ngayon na ito ang pinakachallenging na proyekto na ibingay sa akin. Dahil hindi lang puso at isip ang kailangang ibigay ko dito kundi pati na rin ang buong pagkatao ko,” pahayag ni Julia. Iikot ang kwento ng Doble Kara sa buhay nina Sarah at Kara, ang kambal na nabuhay sa isang masayang pamilya sa kabila ng kanilang kahirapan. Ngunit dahil nagkaroon ng malubhang sakit si Kara, mapipilitan ang kanilang ina na paghiwalayin ang kambal at ibigay si Kara sa kanilang tunay na ama dahil wala silang sapat na pera para maipagamot ito. Ang powerhouse cast ng Doble Kara ay binubuo nina Carmina Villarroel, Ariel Rivera, Mylene Dizon, Gloria Sevilla, John Lapus, Allen Dizon, at Alora Sasam. Ipinikakikilala rin sa teleserye ang bagong leading men ni Julia na sina Edgar Allan Guzman at Anjo Damiles. Kasama rin si Alicia Alonzo para sa kaniyang espesyal na pagganap. Ito ay sa ilalim ng direksyon nina Emmanuel Palo at Jon Villarin.

World Vision initiatives, tulad ng Bangon Pinoy, a concert for the benefit of Typhoon Yolanda survivors in 2013; at kamakailan lamang ay ang White Event, isang online celebrity auction for a cause. She also sponsors two children with World Vision. Bukod sa kaniyang charitable projects, busy rin si Julie Anne sa comedy-musical variety program Sunday PinaSaya, Pepito Manaloto and afternoon Prime series Buena Familia sa Kapuso Network.

CRISTY... From page 12 Ibang klase talaga ang mga Pinoy. Kung ano at sino ang malakas, kung sino ang sikat, ride lang nang ride pag may time! *** Maiaangkop sa sitwasyon ni Wally Bayola (Lola Nidora) ang kasabihang “You can’t put a good man down.” Tao lang siyang marupok at mapusok, nilatigo siya ng suspensiyon ng TAPE, Inc. para mabigyan siya ng leksiyon, pero ang tunay na talento kailanman ay hindi mawawala. Malaki ang pagkakaiba ng ugali nina Wally at Jose Manalo na nang magsabog ng talento ang langit ay nakasambot din nang limpak-limpak, kung kiti-kiti si Jose ay tahimik naman si Wally, palagi lang siyang tahimik na nakaupo sa isang sulok.

Seryoso si Wally, masyadong mahiyain, kundi mo siya kakausapin ay hindi siya magkukuwento. Pero kapag nasa entablado na si Wally ay isa siyang halimaw. Pareho sila ni Jose Manalo na pasan-pasan mo man ang mundo ay siguradong gagaan ang pakiramdam mo sa kanilang pagkokomedya. Nakakaaliw sila, nagpapatawa man sina Jose at Wally ay may kakambal iyon na respeto sa kanilang manonood, nasa bokabularyo nila ang paggalang at pagpapasintabi para wala silang nasasaktang kalooban. Panahon ngayon nina Jose Manalo at Wally Bayola. Mina sila ng ginto ngayon ng Eat… Bulaga. *** May ipinakitang rating sheet sa amin ang isang kaibigan, nandoon ang rating ng Eat…Bulaga at ng It’s Showtime, nakaramdam kami ng awa kay Vice Ganda at sa mga kasamahan nitong hosts dahil parang wala nang nanonood sa kanila sa sobrang baba ng rating ng kanilang programa. Tumambling-tambling na si Vice Ganda, nag-alis na ito ng kolorete sa mukha sa ere, naglitanya na rin ito nang milyamilya pero ang paghahalikan lang pala sa split screen nina Alden Richards at Yaya Dub ang bobokya sa komedyante-TV host. Naiintindihan namin ang komento ng isang taga-ABSCBN mismo na nanglulupaypay raw ang mga taga-It’s Showtime ngayon dahil araw-araw silang pinag-iiwanan sa rating ng Eat…

Bulaga. “Meeting sila nang meeting ngayon. Hinahanap nila ang reason kung bakit. Kailangan pa ba namang hanapin ‘yun, e, pinagpipistahan na ng buong bayan ang AlDub?” sabi ng tagaDos na nakausap namin. Pana-panahon lang naman ‘yan, sabi namin, dahil noong kasagsagan naman ng pagkaaliw ng mga kababayan natin kay Vice Ganda ay binigyan din nito ng

PAGE 15 magandang laban ang katapatan nilang programa. Kaso ay nand’yan na ngayon ang AlDub nina Yaya Dub at Alden Richards na magdikit lang ang mga pisngi sa split frame ay naglululundag na ang mga tagahanga nila sa sobrang kakiligan. *** Nagtataka-nagtatanong ang mga kaibigan namin kung bakit See CRISTY p16




SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Morden Corn & Apple Festival, August 22-23, 2015

Hon. Flor Marcelino, Minister of Multiculturalism and Literacy (front, centre) and Orlando Marcelino, Philippine Honorary Consul General with festival parade participants and their Philippines float. Congratulations to Marco Simpao and all the volunteers.

Philippines float

Visitors line up for fresh, sweet, free corn

Despite the rain, the parade marched on, with the leaders on horseback

CRISTY... From page 15 napakabilis magkasakit ni Kris Aquino samantalang ang damidami niyang inirerekomendang gamot at food supplement na ginagamit daw niya? Kapag nanonood daw sila ng mga programa ni Kris ay palagi niyang sinasabi sa kaniyang mga guests na maganda sa katawan ang ganito at ganyang produkto pero bakit parang hindi naman iyon epektibo sa kaniyang katawan? “Nakakapagtaka lang. Ang dami-dami niyang sinasabing brand at products kapag nagiinterbyu siya, pero bakit palagi

siyang naka-confine? Magkaallergy lang siya, nasa hospital na siya, nasaan na ang mga food supplement na sinasabi niya?” pang-uusisa ng isang kaibigan namin. May punto naman ang isang nakausap namin sa pagsasabi na kaya raw ganyan kasensitibo ang katawan ni Kris ay dahil wala siyang anti-bodies. Wala siyang panlaban sa mga mikrobyo dahil super-linis siya sa katawan. “Ni hindi yata siya nakapaglakad sa putikan, wala siyang karanasan sa maruruming lugar, kaya ganyan siya kasensitive. Kung may anti-bodies siya, e, di hindi siya ganyan

kamasakitin?” sabi nito. Pero ang pinakamatindi ay ang pagtaas ng presyon ng kaniyang dugo, 200/100, hindi birong sitwasyon ang kaniyang pinagdaanan. Hindi na bumabata si Kris, lampas kuwarenta na ang kaniyang edad, mararamdaman niya na hindi tulad nang dati ang kapasidad ng kaniyang katawan. Sobrang sipag kasi ni Kris. Kinakarir talaga niya ang kaniyang career. Sa punto ng propesyonalismo ay wala pa kaming naririnig na reklamo laban kay Kris. Maaga siyang dumarating sa studio, naghahanda na agad para sa kaniyang hosting,

propesyonal siya. Mahal niya ang kaniyang trabaho dahil masaya si Kris sa kaniyang ginagawa. Hindi iyon dahil sa kikitain niya, ano pa ba naman ang kailangan ng isang herederang tulad niya na nakapagipon na rin para sa kinabukasan ng kaniyang mga anak mula sa sarili niyang pagsisikap, mayroon pa ba? Pero ang hindi natin alam, pagkatapos pala ng kaniyang shooting at taping ay hindi pa rin nagpapahinga si Kris. Nakatutok siya sa social media, inaalam niya ang mga nangyayari sa kaniyang paligid, sinasagot niya ang mga followers niya sa Fb at Twitter.

Sa halip na ipagpahinga niya na lang ang mga natitira pa niyang oras na libre ay sige pa rin siya sa katu-tweet. Positibo at negatibong komento ay pinapatulan niya. Punumpuno ng stress ang buhay ni Kris. Wala kasi siyang pinalalampas, mahilig siyang pumatol sa mga netizens, Patola Queen tuloy ang tawag sa kaniya ngayon ng marami. *** Tagasuporta ng KathNiel loveteam ang nakausap namin. May asim ang kaniyang pananalita dahil mukhang nasira raw ang imahe ng loveteam na ipinakikipagpatayan nito dahil sa See CRISTY p17

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



Manitoba Filipino Street Festival, August 22, 2015 Photo by Henry Balanial

Photo by Alex Canlapan

Photo by Henry Balanial

Photo by Trevor Villaruel Photo by Henry Balanial

Photo by Henry Balanial Photo by Alex Canlapan

Photo by Henry Balanial

Photo by Alex Canlapan

Photo by Henry Balanial

If you want your MB Filipino Street Festival photos published, please email us at info@pilipino-express.com

CRISTY... From page 16 ina ni Kathryn Bernardo. Hindi raw ito bibitiw ng paghanga sa KathNiel, para sa kaniya ay nangunguna pa rin ang tambalan nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo, pero sana raw ay tigilan na ng ina ng dalaga ang pagpo-post ng kung anu-anong salita na makasisira sa kaniyang anak. “Nakakainis kasi. Doublebladed ang post ng mommy ni Kathryn. Gusto niyang ipagtanggol ang anak niya, pero ano’ng nangyari? Nakasira pa! “Si Nadine (Lustre) naman

kasi talaga ang pinariringgan niyang nanggagaya, kundi man ang JaDine, bakit kailangan pa kasing pansinin ang mga ganoon? “Instead na palambutin niya ang damdamin ng mga fans ng KathNiel, eh, kinargahan pa niya, siya pa mismo ang nagdiin sa panggagaya sa KathNiel ng JaDine, napasama pa tuloy ang motibo niya! “Huwag na kasing nakikisali sa laban ang mga magulang, away-bata, patulan ba?” inis na litanya ng nakausap naming tagasuporta ng KathNiel. Ayon sa mga kuwento ay kumilos na ang mga ehekutibo ng Dos tungkol sa pangyayari.

Pinagsabihan-pinaalalahanan na ng mga ito ang Mommy Min ni Kathryn na huwag nang mauulit pa ang pagpo-post ng mga salitang nag-iimbita ng gulo. *** Tumatagos sa puso ang mga binitiwang salita ng Reyna Ng Pelikulang Pilipino na si Susan Roces bilang pagdedepensa sa kaniyang anak na nilalapa ngayon ang pagkatao ng mga kalaban nitong ambisyosong pulitiko. Hindi na kinaya ng dakilang nanay ang mga salitang ipinakakain sa kaniyang anak, hindi na siya basta mauupo lang para tanawin ang mga pulitikong kung anu-anong pangalan ang

itinatawag kay Senadora Grace Poe, panahon na para humarang sa daan si Manang Inday. Habang pinakikingganpinanonood naming magkakaibigan ang footage ng paglalabas ng sama ng loob ni Manang Inday ay parang may nagdaang pari. Walang kumikibo, pigil ang aming paghinga, pagkatapos ng kaniyang pagsasalita ay pare-pareho kaming pinangingiliran ng luha. Isandaang porsiyentong makikisimpatya kay Manang Inday ang kaniyang mga kapuwa nanay, ang mga inang namuhunan ng atensiyon, pagkalinga at pagmamahal sa mga batang hindi nila kadugo, maiintindihan ng

ating mga kababayan ang sentimyento ng isang nanay na sinasaklolohan ang kaniyang anak sa mga kamay ng mga halimaw. Wala nga namang karapatang maliitin ng kahit sino si Senadora Grace Poe. Puwedeng kalampagin ng kaniyang mga kalaban ang kaniyang pagseserbisyopubliko, pero ang personal na pagkatao ng senadora ay hindi dapat maliitin at alipustahin, dahil iyon ang hinihingi sa isang makatao at edukadong lipunan. Ang hindi pagiging purong Pilipino ng senadora ay isang See CRISTY p18



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

CRISTY... From page 17 maling sigaw, pero puwede na rin kahit para man lang sa usapin ng argumento, pero sana naman ay isinaalang-alang at nirespeto ng mga kalaban nito ang kaniyang pagkatao. Krimen ang pagiging ampon? Kasalanan ng sanggol ang pagiwan sa kaniya ng babaeng nagsipot sa kaniya sa mundo? Napakasakit sa damdamin ng isang ina ang tawaging ampon lang ang kaniyang anak ng mga taong kahit ilang segundo lang ay ni hindi naghirap sa pagpapadodo at sa pagpapalit ng lampin ng anak niya. Ewan kung paano nakakatulog nang mahimbing ang mga taong para lang matupad ang ambisyon ay kinakailangan pang managasa ng kanilang kapuwa. Nakakatulog pa kaya sila habang may sinasaktan silang kasamahan sa paglilingkod sa pamahalaan? Ang pinakamasarap na unan sa pagtulog ay ang kunsensiyang malinis. Hindi iyon nabibili at naipagagawa kahit saan. *** Ayon sa mga kuwentong lumalabas ay hindi pa sigurado ni Pangulong-Mayor Joseph Estrada kung sino ang kaniyang susuportahan sa panguluhan sa darating na halalan. Kung sino sa pagitan nina VP Jejomar Binay at Senadora Grace Poe Llamanzares ang gusto niyang ikampanya sa pagiging pangulo ay wala pa raw siyang tiyak na maisasagot. Kaibigang-matalik kasi ni Mayor Erap ang Hari Ng Pelikulang Pilipino na si Fernando Poe, Jr. na ama ni Senadora Grace, kaibigan niya naman at kapartidong maituturing si VP Binay, nakapagitna raw siya ngayon sa dalawang naguumpugang bato. Pero kamakailan lamag, sa isang misang ginanap sa harapan mismo ng puntod ng nagdiwang ng kaarawang si Da King, ay nadulas ang dila ng aktor-pulitiko. Sa kaniyang maigsing mensahe para sa pumanaw niyang bestfriend ay binati ni Mayor Erap ang lahat ng mga nakaalala sa kaniyang kaibigan, pero pagdating sa pagpapakilala niya kay Senadora Poe ay binitiwan niya ang salitang, “Ang susunod na…” Hindi niya iyon itinuloy, sa halip ay itinutok niya ang mikropono sa mga nandoon, kaya ang isinagot sa kaniya ng mga ito, “Ang susunod na pangulo ng ating bayan!” Dahil doon ay kumalat na agad ang mga ispekulasyon na ang anak ng kaniyang kaibigang-matalik na si Da King ang susuportahan niya sa susunod na eleksiyon. Hindi si VP Binay. Lalo namang hindi si DILG Secretary Mar Roxas na minamanok ng partido Liberal. Si Senadora Grace Poe Llamanzares. *** Talagang nagsarado na ng pintuan si Governor Vilma Santos sa posibilidad na tumakbong vice-president katuwang si DILG Secretary Mar Roxas. Wala siyang kinalaman sa mga balitang naglalabasan tungkol sa pagasinta sa mas mataas na posisyon.

Madaling intindihin ang mga sinasabi ng aktres-pulitiko, dapat lang naman talaga niyang linawin na wala siyang interes sa pangnasyonal na posisyon, mananatili pa rin siya sa probinsiya ng Batangas na nagsimula at nagbigay sa kaniya ng tagumpay sa mundo ng pulitika. Sabi kasi nang sabi ang mga taga-Liberal Party na sinusuyo siya ng partido para tumakbong vice-president sa kanilang tiket, pero wala namang pormal na nakikipag-usap sa kaniya tungkol doon, ano nga ba naman iyon? Para siyang nilalawitan ng pamingwit na kung kakagatin niya’y salamat, pero kapag hindi, maraming salamat pa rin. Walang pormalidad. Puro lang kuda ang mga taga-Liberal Party. Hanggang ngayon ay wala pa ring runningmate si Secretary Roxas, kapag wala na raw talaga silang maitambal sa mister ni Korina Sanchez ay si Kris Aquino na lang ang patatakbuhin ng kaniyang kuya, naloko na! *** Hindi namin pinag-interesang pansinin ang mga mensahe noon sa amin ni SOS tungkol sa isang young male singer na diumano’y nadaya dahil mas pinaboran ni Sarah Geronimo ang batang lalaking kalahok na kababayan (at kamag-anak pa nga raw) ng kaniyang boyfriend na si Matteo Guidicelli. Ang pangalan ng batang taga-Caloocan City ay Francis Lim, ang pinaboran naman daw ni Sarah ay si Kyle Echarri ng Cebu, pero ayon sa mga netizens ay pinakain ng alikabok ni Francis si Kyle sa galing niyang kumanta at bumirit. Mensahe sa amin ni SOS dalawang linggo na ang nakararaan, “Asar na asar po kami kay Sarah dahil mas pinili niya si Kyle Echarri kesa kay Francis Lim na mas deserving po talaga dahil magaling kumanta. “Halatang-halata pong mas pinaboran niya si Kyle dahil Cebuano, kababayan ni Matteo. Marami pong namba-bash kay Sarah, maraming nagalit sa kaniya pati mga officemates namin, dahil sa pagiging unfair niya. “Sobrang sayang na sayang po si Francis Lim na napakahusay pong kumanta kumpara kay Kyle na walang kabuhay-buhay kumanta. Favoritism po ang pinairal niya kesa sa excellence. Nakakahiya po si Sarah na magaling na singer pero wala naman palang tenga. “Feeling po namin, eh, nabully ni Sarah ang isang batang sobrang deserving manalo. Parang sinira ni Sarah ang pangarap ng bata. Please watch po sa You Tube iyong piece ni Francis na I’ll Be There. Pati po iyong When You Believe. Napakahusay po ng bata! “Ang galing-galing po niyang mag-whistle na napakahirap gawin. Gaga talaga ang Sarah na ‘yan!” naiinis na kumpletong mensahe sa amin ni SOS. Hindi kami maka-relate! Pasintabi po dahil hindi kami nanonood ng The Voice Kids. Nababasa lang namin ang mga kuwento tungkol sa labanan pero hindi namin iyon natututukan. Ngayong nagwawala ang mga tagahanga ni Sarah dahil natalo See CRISTY p20

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



May buhay at kaluluwa sa loob ng bawat kahon Mabuti na lamang at kasama ko si Bro. Francis nang bumili ako ng PS3 na ipadadala ko kay Freedom. Bumuhos ang napakalakas na ulan sa Sharjah, UAE habang nasa loob kami ng mall. Ilang sandali na lamang at magsasarado na ang mall at wala kaming choice kundi ang suungin ang malakas na ulan. Pahirapan sa pagsakay ng taxi. Bihirang umulan sa Sharjah pero kapag umulan naman ay akala mo wala ng katapusan. Mabilis ding magbaha ang mga kalye. Madilim ang paligid at patuloy ang buhos ng ulan habang nakabalot ng plastic at ng aking jacket ang kahon ng PS3 para sa aking anak. Ang tagal naming naghintay hanggang sa may isang truck driver na nagvolunteer para maghatid ng mga na-istranded na pasahero. Para kaming basang sisiw ni Bro. Francis nang umuwi kami sa flat. Pero sa kabila nito ay nakuha pa naming tumawa sa sitwasyon. Ang mga OFW nga naman, gagawin ang lahat, susuungin ang bagyo mabili lamang ang para sa kanilang pamilya. Hindi lang materyal na bagay ang ipinapadala ng mga OFW dahil kaakibat nito ang pagmamahal at sakripisyo para itaguyod at mapasaya ang pamilya. Ito ang hindi naiintindihan ng mga buwaya sa Bureau of Customs at ng gobyernong Aquino. Inuulit ko, hindi lang material na bagay ang laman ng bawat kahon na ipinapadala naming mga OFW. Ito ay simbolo ng aming ugnayan sa aming pamilya. Sa pamamagitan ng mga kahong ito ay tila nagiging

isa kami ng aming pamilya dahil sa pagbabahagi namin ng mga gamit, damit, laruan at mga pagkain na nagmula pa sa aming tinitirahan na napakalayo sa aming tahanan. Ito ay isang sagradong koneksyon ng bawat pamilya. Ang bawat isang kahon na ipinapadala ng mga OFW ay may kani-kaniyang kuwento. May kani-kaniyang kasaysayan ang bawat kahon. Ang kahon ay ako rin. Bakit nga ba napag-initan ng mga buwaya sa Bureau of Customs ang mga balikbayan boxes gayong sa aking palagay, halos lahat naman ng nagpapadala ng mga kahon sa Pilipinas ay para talaga sa kanilang mga pamilya at napakaliit siguro ng porsyento para gamitin ito sa mga sindikato? Totoong may mangilan-ngilan ang umaabuso sa pagpapadala ng kagamitan tulad ng refrigerator at ng mga kinatay na parte ng motorsiklo. Ngunit hindi ito dahilan para lahatin na at bulatlatin ang halos lahat ng mga kahon. Isa pa, hindi ba maaaring dumaan na lamang sa X-ray ang mga kahon para hindi na ito bulatlatin? Maraming palusot ang mga buwaya ng Customs pero ang bottom line nito ay malinaw na para makarami sila ng nananakawin mula sa mga pobreng OFW. Huwag nang magmalinis ang mga buwaya ng Customs. Totoo namang ang ahensyang ito ay punong-puno ng mga magnanakaw. Hindi agad napupuno ang kahon nang biglaan lalo’t maliit lang ang kita ng isang OFW. Pero isa itong inspirasyon dahil lagi itong nakatanghod na parang

alagang aso sa tabi ng kama ng OFW. Halos kasiping niya ang kahon at pinipilit niyang sa arawaraw ay makapag-hulog siya dito ng kahit anong bagay. Ang isang maliit na delata ng Spam ay pandagdag na rin sa napakalalim na kahon na inaabot ng maraming buwan para mapuno. Kadalasan ay nagtitipid ang pobreng OFW para makapaglaan ng pera para pambili ng panlagay sa kahon. Ayos na ang kubus at laban para sa tanghalian at pamatid gutom basta’t mabibili naman niya ang Galaxy chocolate para kay Junior. Walang puso at kaluluwa. Maaatim mo ba na palamunin mo ang iyong pamilya ng nakuha mo sa pagnanakaw? Maaatim ba ng iyong konsensya na dugasan mo at lantakan mo ang hindi naman sa iyo. Tao ka bang maituturing kung kukuhanin mo ang hindi naman sa ’yo? Anong klase kayong mga tao – kayong mga buwaya sa Customs? Kung sabagay nasanay na kayo sa kalakaran diyan sa ahensya ninyo kaya’t wala na kayong nararamdamang awa. Wala na kayong nararamdamang hiya. Ang kakapal ng mukha n’yo! Kukulangin na ng panahon para makaabot ng Pasko ang kahon na pilit na pinupuno ng kawawang OFW. Wala na siyang ibang alam para mapuno ito – ang mangutang. Makiki-usap siya sa may-ari ng bakala (grocery store) na kung maaari ay makautang muna ng mga delata para mapuno na niya at maipadala na ang kahon. Mabilis namang papayag ang Pakistanong may-ari ng bakala dahil maganda naman ang record niya sa pangungutang. “Mafi mushkila” [No problem] ang

itutugon ni Pakistano kay OFW. Sa wakas napuno din ang kahon. Ite-text niya ang kaniyang Misis. Ipagmamalaki na ready na ang kahon at sakto lang itong darating bago sumapit ang Pasko. Hindi niya sasabihin kay Misis na utang ang ilang laman sa kahon. “Okay lang yan,” sabi ni OFW. Ang mahalaga, mapapasaya ko ang aking pamilya lalo na sa araw ng Pasko. Pero ano ang gagawin ng mga buwaya? Wala silang kaalam-alam at pakialam kung gaano kahirap ang dinanas ng mga OFW para mapuno ang mga kahon. Literal nilang ginagahasa at ina-araro ang mga kahon. Silang mga manyak ng kasakiman. May kasamang puso at kaluluwa ang bawa’t kahon na bumabiyahe pa mula sa iba’t ibang dako ng mundo patungo sa Pilipinas. Hindi man nakakauwi si Tatay at Nanay taun-taon ay pinipilit nilang ibalot ang kanilang mga yakap at halik sa loob ng mga kahong ito para sa pagbukas ng kanilang mga anak ay madarama nila ang nananabik na pagmamahal ng kanilang mga magulang. Kahit sa kahon lamang ay makauwi ang malungkot na kaluluwa ng mga OFW para balikan ang kanilang iniwang tahanan. Kahit sa kahon lang ay maamoy ng kanilang mga mahal sa buhay ang amoy ng disyerto at madama ang lamig ng snow. Ito ang hindi nila naiintindihan. Galit ang nadarama ko hanggang ngayon dahil sa patuloy na pagwawalang bahala ng dilawang gobyerno sa mga OFW. Bagama’t kunwari ay pinapigil na diumano ng palasyo ang random

na pambababoy ng mga kahon ay wala pa rin akong katiwa-tiwala sa hilatya ng pagmumukha at ng polisiya ng gobyerno para sa mga OFW. Narito ang isang tulang sinulat ni MJ Rafal na inilathala sa Facebook page ng KM64 Writer’s Collective: Laman-Loob Nariyan, sa ibabang sulok ang aking baga. Ang atay at apdo, sa gitna at pagitan Ng bituka at bato. Sa ibabaw ng mga iyan Selyado at nakabalabal ang aking puso. Espesyal na ibinalot sa kalinga ng lambot Pagkat malikot walang tatag ang karga Ng mga naatasang magtutulay ng ako. Sa iyo. Kung uuwi akong gutay-gutay. At hindi na natukoy ang aking pusod. At puson sa dahas ng malibog na nasa. Ng hindi makaunawa sa aking nilalaman. Loobin mo sanang tanggapin pa rin. Ang aking wakwak at sariling pangako. Hindi ako makakauwi sa ngayon, kaya’t naririyan Ang laman ng aking loob: kuwadradong daigdig. Huwag hayaang ataduhin ang aking pag-ibig.

Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Habambuhay na isang baboy? Tayong mga Pinoy ay maraming mga kasabihan. Paniniwalaan ba natin ang mga ito? Bakit hindi natin tingnan ang sinasabi ng biblia na siyang dapat na batayan ng ating pamumuhay dahil ito ang salita ng Diyos na siyang lumikha sa atin. May kasabihan, “ang baboy paliguan mo’t bihisan ay baboy pa rin.” Babalik at babalik ito sa madumi at mabahong pamumuhay. Sinasabi natin ito kapag tinutukoy natin ang mga taong walang tigil sa kanilang kalokohan. Kapag nabalitaan nating nagbagong buhay na sila, hindi tayo maniwala. Pakiramdam natin pansamantala lamang ang pagbabagong ito- na darating at darating ang panahon na babalik sila sa masamaang gawain nila dahil para sa atin hopeless case na ang mga taong matagal na at walang tigil sa paggawa ng

kasamaan. Sa bagay, hindi natin masisi ang mga taong nagsasabi ng ganiyan lalo na kung dalang- dala na sila sa mga taong baluktot ang pamumuhay o nabiktima sila ng mga kalokohan ng mga taong ito. Hindi na tuloy nila mapagkatiwalaan ang mga taong ito. Kahit naman siguro ako, kapag may taong tinakbuhan ako sa utang, mahirap nang magtiwala muli. Pagdating sa pagtitiwala, sang-ayon ako na kailangan pagsikapan nilang maibalik ang pagtitiwala natin sa kanila. Pero pagdating naman sa paghuhusga na wala nang pagasang magbago ang isang tao, hindi ako sang-ayon diyan. Naniniwala akong lahat ng tao ay Karapat dapat na bigyan ng pagkakataon. Naniniwala ako na ang isang tao, gaano man kasama,ay may pag-asang magbagong buhay

hindi sa sarili niyang pagsisikap kundi sa tulong ng Diyos. Maaring nagtatanong ang ilan sa inyo kung bakit nasabi ko ito? Dahil alam ko ang pinanggalingan ko. Trese anyos pa lang ako, mangiginom na ako, maloko sa pag-aaral at nasusuot sa kung anu-anong gulo. Pero binago ako ng Panginoon. Noong sinuko ko ang aking buhay sa kaniya at hinayaan kong siya ang maghari at magpatakbo ng aking buhay, nag-iba ang aking ugali at pananalita. Noong bago akong Kristyano, nagulat ang mga kabarkada ko noong tumanggi akong uminom ng beer. Sa halip, juice lang ang inorder ko. Nagtaka rin sila na biglang nawala ang pagmumura sa aking bibig at hindi na ako nakikisakay sa kanilang mga birong may halong kabastusan. Binilangan nila ako ng araw at nagpupustahan sila na hindi magtatagal ay babalik ako sa dating gawi. Pero salamat sa Diyos tinupad niya ang pangako niya sa akin na siya ang magbibigay ng kapangyarihang mabago ang aking puso at katauhan. Nakita ko

rin ang pagbabagong naranasan ng maraming tao. Mga dating alipin ng alak, drugs, sugal, pambababae na ngayon ay malaya na at masayang nabubuhay nang hindi na ginagawa ang mga dating bisyo nila. Ang sabi ng biblia kung sinuman ang na kay Kristo ay bago nang nilalang, wala na ang nakaraan at ang lahat ng bagay ay bago na. Lahat tayo ay makasalanan. Salamat na lamang sa Panginoong Hesus na nagbigay ng kaniyang buhay sa krus para mapalaya tayo mula sa kasalanan, para sa ating kaligtasan, para sa ating pagbabagong-buhay. Kahit tayo ay nadumihan na ng kasalanan, kahit tayo ay itinuturing ng ibang tao na wala ng pakinabang at pag-asa, pero hindi ng Diyos. Punung-puno siya ng pag-asa para sa atin. May nilalaan pa rin siyang magandang kinabukasan sa atin. Pakatandaan natin na anuman ang naging nakaraan natin, anuman ang katayuan natin ngayon, kaya tayong baguhin ng Diyos. Kaya niya tayong bigyan ng magandang kinabukasan. Kaligayahan niyang

pagkalooban tayo ng bagong destinasyon sa buhay. Hindi na tayo kailangan pang mamuhay na bihag na kasalanan kagaya ng caterpillar na naghihirap sa paggapang. May kalayaan na tayong tuparin ang layunin natin sa Diyos kagaya ng paru-parong malayang lumilipad. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. English service). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10:30 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.






NO. 235

KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro. Gerry No. 235 • Setyembre 1-15,Gamurot 2015 1




2 10









1 – 15, 2015 No. 234 • Agosto 16-31,Setyembre 2015 8





















PAHALANG 2. Lumagda

7. Samantala 1. Publiko 28. Bagal 30. Harang 8. Ikolekta 2. Lumalabas sa balat 31. Paharapin10. Bilot 3. Tumakbo 32. Parte 4. Pintog 12. Ayos 33. Muling pagkakasakit 5. Pera sa Saudi 34. Sapot 6. Mas gugustuhin 18. Tatay 7. Samantala 21. Abang 8. Ikolekta 22. Pandagat 10. Bilot 24. Pagitan 12. Ayos 18. Tatay 25. Ligid 21. Abang 22. Pandagat 26. Sabik 27. _____ Araullo 28. Mil 29. Pagkaing pangmasa

9. Ituwid 2. Lumagda 11. Ibigay 9. Ituwid 13. Lansag 11. Ibigay 14. Alok 15. Ilaan 13. Lansag 16. Danas 14. Alok 17. Buslog 19. Panimpla 15. Ilaan 20. Diwata 16. Danas 21. Pantukoy 17. Buslog 23. Unlapi 26. Matibay na hibla 19. Panimpla 20. Diwata 21. Pantukoy 23. Unlapi 26. Matibay na hibla 28. Bagal 30.KROSWORD Harang NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT No. 235 • Setyembre 1-15, 2015 31. Paharapin 32. Parte 33. Muling pagkakasakit 34. Sapot 1









No. 234 • Agosto 16-31, 2015 8













































28. Bagal 30. Harang 31. Paharapin 32. Parte 33. Muling pagkakasakit 34. Sapot









2. Lumagda 9. Ituwid 11. Ibigay 13. Lansag 14. Alok 15. Ilaan 16. Danas 17. Buslog 19. Panimpla 20. Diwata 21. Pantukoy 23. Unlapi 26. Matibay na hibla


L 23




Publiko Lumalabas sa balat Tumakbo Pintog Pera sa Saudi Mas gugustuhin









1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



1. Publiko 2. Lumalabas sa balat 3. Tumakbo 4. Pintog 5. Pera sa Saudi 6. Mas gugustuhin 7. Samantala 8. Ikolekta 10. Bilot 12. Ayos 18. Tatay 21. Abang 22. Pandagat

24. Pagitan 25. Ligid 26. Sabik 27. _____ Araullo 28. Mil 29. Pagkaing pangmasa


Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) sin H SMagiging I NbusyA L A MKa p aAp a n Y ang buwan na ito mong magiging magaan U S Apara sa iyo.AMayM O A Aang mga pagbabagong dating ng pera mga D I Tdarating U M naA T A sa Liyo.AMay B kailangan mong lalapit din sa iyo bigyan pansin. Kung hindi ka upang mangutang. Huwag mong A N I M S N I L A pabor sa mga ito, gawin mo pa rin papatulan dahil hindi mo na nang magaan sa kalooban dahil makikita ang perang ipapa-utang S Ang panahon, N Aito ayWpara mo.PGastahin A moSpara saI sariliGmo pagtagal sa kabutihan ng lahat. Best days ang extrang perang makukuha L 9 at 10.G L ka sa ika-1, M 9 at 10. mo ang ika-1, AlalayIka saG mo. IMapalad ika-7, 8, 14 at 15. Bantay ka sa ika-2 at 3.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Sa wakas, kikilalanin na rin ang iyong mga ginagawang positibo para sa iyong pamilya o sa iyong trabaho. Kung noon ay parang bale wala sa kanila ang iyong sakripisyo, makikita mo ngayon ang kaibahan. Magiging mapayapa na ang iyong relasyon. Masaya ang ika-1, 9 at 10. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-4, 5, 6, 12 at 13.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) A S IM a Ng a n d aD S Para A S A ka bang ang pasok ng nauupos na P A NSetyembre G GparaA G A kandila W Apagsapit Y sa iyo. Pati ang ng gabi? Kung problema mo gayon, A I A K A I Gmasyado A sa kalusugan mong pinapagod ayKnagkakaroon linaw.A angY sarili atI kulang A K naAng T N ka sa pahinga. T Makabubuting magpahinga ka Gusto mo bang humaba ang sa mga darating na araw dahil buhay mo? Maglibang ka naman napagod at alagaan mo ang iyong isipan. 24. Pagitanang isip at katawan mo 25. Ligid nakaraang buwan. Iwasan nitong Hindi kasalanan ang maging 26. Sabik mo ang dangerous sport. Lucky masaya. Suwerte ang ika-2, 3, 12 27. _____ Araullo ang ika-2, 3, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa at 13. Alalay sa ika-4, 5 at 6. 28. Mil 29. Pagkaing ika-9 at 10. pangmasa Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Makikilala mo Masyadong ang totoong m a r a m i n g pagkatao ng mangyayari isang inaakala sa buhay mo mo ay tapat mong sa pagpasok kaibigan. Huwag ng Setyembre. kang malungkot dahil mas Huwag kang mataranta kung mabuti na ang madiskubre mo mabilis ang mga kaganapan kung ano ba talaga siya. Huwag sa paligid mo. May masaya at mo nang pag-aksayahan ng malungkot. Kailangan mong oras dahil hindi siya marunong magpakatatag upang hindi magulo tumanaw ng utang na loob. OK ang mga plano mong gawin. OK ang ika-4, 5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat ka ang ika-4, 5, 6, 14 at 15. Kuwidaw sa ika-1, 7 at 8. ka sa ika-12 at 13. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Cancer (June 21 – July 22) May pagsubok Puwede bang na darating b a w a s a n kaugnay ng mo ang mga iyong relasyon pinagkakaaba– sa kaibigan o lahan mo? Hindi sa minamahal. mo napapansin Habaan mo ang iyong pangpero ang kalusugan mo ang unawa ngunit kung sa palagay nahihirapan sa dami ng inaasikaso mo ay inaabuso na ang iyong mo. Very stressful ang buhay mo pagbibigay, magsalita ka na. ngayon. Hinay-hinay ka muna. Alam mo kung ikaw ay niloloko Wala namang mawawala sa iyo. na. Umalma ka na. Lucky days Sa halip, mas sasaya ka pa. OK sa mo ang ika-7 at 8. Bantay ka sa ika-7 at 8. Ingat sa ika-1, 14 at 15. ika-2, 3, 9 at 10.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Kailangang lakasan mo ang iyong loob dahil may mga darating na pangyayaring hahamon sa iyong isip at damdamin. Magkakaroon ng problema ang isang tao na malapit sa iyo. Maging malakas ka para sa kaniya dahil kakailanganin ka niya sa oras na ito. OK ang ika-2, 3, 12 at 13. Stressful ka sa ika-1, 7, 8, 14 at 15.



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





CRISTY... From page 18 ang kaniyang mga manok sa labanan ay nag-text uli sa amin si SOS. Lalong lumutang ang kaniyang paniniwala na kung si Francis Lim ang pinili ni Sarah bilang coach ay malakas sana ang laban ng kaniyang team. “Ayun po, atungal ang mga bets niya noong semi-finals dahil nganga ang mga manok niya. Kung pinili niya po si Francis, eh, siguradong pasok ang manok niya sa grand finals. “Makikita n’yo rin po ang pamba-bash ng mga netizens ngayon kay Sarah dahil sa pagiging unfair niya. At ang kapal ng mga Popsters sa sinasabi nilang justice for Team Sarah




daw! Haler! Justice For Francis Lim dapat, noh! “Wala siyang kagana-ganang panoorin, kaya nga kulelat siya sa botohan, di po ba? Kaya vindicated po si Francis Lim, nakakapanghinayang lang ang chance niya sa grand finals. “As a singing contest coach, mga tenga po dapat ang ginagamit, hindi mga mata. Echusera ang Sarah Geronimo na ‘yan!” hindi pa nakaka-move on sa pagkainis na litanya ni SOS. Naintriga kami. Si Japs Gersin ang susi namin sa mga ganitong istorya dahil wala kaming alam sa social media. Pinanood namin sa You Tube ang salpukan nina Francis Lim at Kyle Echarri. Tama si SOS, mas magaling

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Maikli lang ang buhay sa mundo kaya pahalagahan natin ito. May mga pagsubok na darating sa kalusugan. Hindi mo kayang walisin sa ilalim ng kama ang problemang ito. Ibukas mo ang iyong mata sa katotohanan. Alamin mo kung paano bubuti ang kalagayan mo. OK sa ika-4, 5, 6, 14 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-2, 3, 9 at 10. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Mag-relax ka at huwag mo munang intindihin ang mga problema. May pagsubok na darating sa iyong karelasyon. Kung matibay ang pundasyon ninyo, malulutas ang problema. Kung hindi, malamang ay matapos na ito. Malungkot pero wala kang magagawa. OK ang ika-7 at 8. Ingat ka sa ika-4, 5, 6, 12 at 13. ngang kumanta ang batangCaloocan kesa sa batang-Cebu, mukhang nabingi nga si Sarah Geronimo noong mismong pagkakataong iyon. Sabi nga ni SOS, “Sa isang singing contest, dapat dyina-judge ang isang contestant based sa performance niya right that time, at that particular moment, hindi sa potential kuno ng contestant in the future. “Based po dapat sa present performance, hindi sa future, dahil ngayon ang labanan, hindi sa future! Naku, palitan na ‘yang Sarah na ‘yan sa The Voice! Walang puwang sa show ang isang coach na unfair at may favoritism!” maasim pang komento ni SOS. See CRISTY p21


SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Maligayang-bati sa mga nangasiwa at nakiisa sa katatapos na Manitoba Filipino Street Festival. Kung hindi dahil sa pagbibiro ng panahon, higit sanang naging makulay ang naganap na selebrasyon. Ang pagkakaisa ng Filipino-Canadian communities ang mahalagang kailangan natin ngayon. *** Serbisyong totoo ang plano ng Manitoba government na babayaran ang utility bills ng mga pasyenteng sa kanilang bahay ginagawa ang dialysis. Salamat po. Ah, eh bakit ngayon lang? *** Halos dalawa at kalahating buwan na lang, malalaman na ang partidong maluluklok sa Ottawa. Conservative, NDP at Liberal ang mga pangunahing partidong maglalaban-laban sa loob ng political arena. Canada’s economy ang first priority sa adyenda. Abangan. *** Sa darating na tagsibol naman gaganapin ang Manitoba provincial election. Manatili kaya sa poder and NDP? Maging majority government kaya ang PC sakaling maputol nito ang lubid sa pamamahala ng nakaupong provincial government? Ang LP ay natutulog pa rin sa pansitan? Pilipinas Patuloy ang China sa paghahanda ng kanilang depensa sa West Philippine Sea/South China Sea. Waring hindi natitinag sa banta ng US at Japan. *** Nakatuon na sa 2016 elections ang pansin at interes ng mga Pinoy. Malamang magiging madugo. Ang nararanasang kahirapan sa pamumuhay ng higit na maraming bilang ng mga mamamayan at lumalang kriminalidad ang dalawang pangunahing isyu sa kasalukuyan.


*** Malayo sa katotohanan ang mga balitang umunlad ang pambansang kabuhayan ng bansa. Hindi ramdam ng maraming naghihirap na taumbayan. Ang mga pulis mismo ang sangkot sa iba’t ibang uri ng karahasan. Ang Pilipinas ay lalong nabaon sa utang sa foreign financial institutions. *** Ang CBCP ay hindi raw mageendorso ng mga kandidato at/o partikular na partido. Gamitin na lang ng mga botante ang kanikanilang konsensiya. Opo naman. Huwag padala sa akalang matino ang iboboto. Iwasang magkamali na naman. *** Nireklamo ni Tarlac Vice Governor Kit Cojuangco ang kontratang pinirmahan ng BOC at Metro Clark Bureau of Custom na sa kanilang probinsiya tinatambak ang mga basurang galing Canada. Sinabi ko na noon at muling ipapaalala. May pera sa basura. Sino ang nagka-pera? *** Kinatigan ni Senador Bongbong Marcos ang kahilingang dagdagan ang mga tax exemption for balikbayan boxes. Sinabing sa halip pahirapan ang OFWs ay dapat kilalanin at pahalagahan ang ambag nila sa kabuhayan ng bansa. Ang bagong patakarang pinairal ng BOC tungkol sa balikbayan boxes ay hindi lang OFWs ang apektdo, pati mga turista. Marami nang disgustado kay Bert Lina. Hinihiling na ang kaniyang resignation, kabilang ang tungkol sa basurang galing Canada. *** Ang bilang ng drug lords ay umabot na umano sa may 15 libo. Malubhang trapik sa Metro Manila. Subrang inis na


Puso at Isip Ang buhay ng tao dito sa daigdig, Bagaman maikli subalit marikit; Kung hindi ligaya ay sakdal ng lupit, Mariwasang buhay lumbay ang kasalit! *** Sa punto ng mga magkasangang daan, Ingat sa tawid ang sana’y tandaan; Sapagkat kung hindi ay kapahamakan, Malamang makamit ng buhay na hiram! *** Katutubong lakas taglay ng pag-ibig, Na kapangyarihan ng puso at isip; Wagas ay sukdulang uring pananalig, Ngunit kung marupok lubhang maligalig! *** Ang puso at isip laging nasusunod, Kahit na sa buhay ang dulot ay lungkot! Paquito Rey Pacheco

ng mga commuter at maraming naluluging negosyo. Nadagdagan ang bilang ng nangyayaring extrajudicial killings. Iboboto pa kaya ang mga kandidato ni PNoy sa kabila ng kasalukuyang sitwasyon na lubhang nakakapa-galit sa mga tao? *** Muling ginunita noong ika-21 ng Agosto ang ika-32 taon mula ng pagkakapaslang kay Ninoy Aquino na Daddy ni PNoy. Ang nakapagtataka, eh, bakit hindi man lang nagkainteres ang anak niya na buhayin ang isyu kung sino ang dapat managot? Dahil ba alam na niya ang may kagagawan at untouchable pa rin? Sa totoo lang, kulang sa rekado ang kabayanihang kinilala sa Daddy ni Noynoy. Maraming nagpayo na huwag umuwi dahil papatayin. Suicidal action ang ginawa. Nanaig ang katigasan ng ulo. Nagresulta tuloy na ang bansa ay nagkaroon ng dalawang aksidenteng president. *** Binatikos ni VP Binay si DoJ Secretary Leila De Lima. Bakit pa nakikisawsaw sa problema ng Iglesia ni Cristo? Ah, baka po nakalimutan lang na sa bansang demokrasya na tulad ng Pilipinas ay malayang umiiral ang religious freedom? Hiniling ng INC ang resignation ni De Lima. *** Nabalita ang malaking halagang ginagastos sa consultancies ng mga senador. Nangunguna si Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV na pati raw katulong at driver ng pamilya ay tumatanggap ng pera as consultant. In short, ang taxpayers ay ginawang katulad ng gatasang baka. *** May bagong kapatid daw ngayon ang pork barrel ng mga

CRISTY... From page 20 *** Kapipirma lang ng recording contract ng Jukebox King na si April “Boy” Regino sa GMA Records noong nakaraang Biyernes. Puro Christian songs ang lalamanin ng kaniyang album sa pagkakataong ito. Noong minsang dumalaw sa aming gallery ang mag-asawang April Boy at Madel ay narinig na namin ang isang piyesang ginawa ng Idol Ng Bayan. Nagkasakit si April “Boy” Regino. Prostate cancer. Nabingit siya sa kamatayan. Ipinakita sa amin ni Madel ang retrato ng isang payat na payat na April Boy habang nasa ospital. Matagal na gamutan dito at sa Amerika ang kaniyang pinagdaanan. Hanggang sa isang araw ay nagdeklara ang kaniyang mga doctor. Cancer-free na ang Idol Ng Bayan. Ligtas na siya sa kapahamakan. Pero hindi doon nagtatapos ang pakikipaglaban ni April Boy. Nagdugo ang kaniyang mga mata. Nawalan siya ng paningin. Matagal na panahon niyang kinailangang matulog nang nakadapa para maampat ang pagdudugo ng kaniyang mga mata.


kongresista at senador – incentives ang turing. Ginamit daw sa pagkapatalsik kay former CJ Renato Corona sa korte suprema. Baka nga raw gamitan din ng million incentives para mabalewala ang inayos na mga probisyon ng BBL na hinanda ng komite ni Sen. Bongbong Marcos para sa nais na kapayapaan ng Mindanao. Kasama ang suhestiyon ni Sen. Marcos na ang mga armas ng MILF be destroyed. Kaiba sa nais ng gobyerno at MILF na itago na lang sa isang lugar na kailangan pang bantayan. *** Ang problema ng Comelec ay nadagdagan nang muling magkaroon ng papel ang Smartmatic. Naghihinala ang mga botante baka raw muling mahokus-PCOS ang kanilang boto na tulad ng nangyari noong 2013 elections. Kahit 23 per cent of votes cast not yet counted, dineklara na ang winners para mapagtakpan ang sobrang bilang ng mga bumoto? Ngayon naman ay tungkol sa mahigit 93,000 optical mark reader machine na rerentahan ng Comelec mula din sa ahensyang Total Information Management ng Smartmatic, ang supplier din ng hokus-PCOS machines na ginamit noong 2010 at 2013 elections. *** Si Sen. Bongbong Marcos ay wala pa raw malinaw na plano tungkol sa 2016 elections. Pero teka, lumalakas na umano ang boses mula sa iba’t ibang sektor ng lipunan. May logo nang kumakalat taglay ang mensahe na kung, “The Eagle of the North & Eastern Visayas and The Eagle of the South ay magsasama, this nation will be great again.” ***

Sa October 12 to 16 nakatakda ang paghaharap ng COC ng mga kandidato. Marahil, about four political groups ang lalahok sa 2016 elections. Katas Halos siyam na buwan na lang at si PNoy ay mananaog na sa Malacañang. Lilisan siya na waring maraming pangit na legacy ang kaniyang maiiwan. Heto ang ilan sa karamihan: 1. Diktador at benggatibo. Nagmamalinis at ayaw tumanggap ng responsabilidad. 2. Sinira ang judiciary at dalawang kapulungan ng kongreso. 3. Maruming 2010-2013 elections at hijacker ng mga probisyon konstitusyon. 4. Pinakamalubhang trapik sa EDSA, iba pang parte ng Metro Manila at Cebu. 5. Nadagdagan ang bilang ng taumbayan na naghihirap sa kabuhayan at 6. Lalong lumubha ang kriminalidad sa panahon ng kaniyang pamamahala. Buti na lang, ang kapalpakan sa pamamahala ay napagtiisan ng taumbayan. Kasabihan Walang malaking nakakapuwing at walang maliit na nakakahirin. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.

Maraming beses siyang nagpabalik-balik sa isang espesyalista, nagpaospital siya uli, hanggang sa huminto na ang pagdugo ng kaniyang mga mata pero naapektuhan naman ang kaniyang bisyon. Malabo ang kaliwang mata niya at ang kanan naman ay talagang halos hindi na nakakakita. Nakakabanaag pa ang isa niyang mata pero ang isa ay milagro na lang kung maisasalba pa. Walang ibang sinisisi ang singer-composer kundi ang kaniyang sarili lang. Inabuso niya ang kaniyang katawan, nagkadiabetes siya, at ang kaniyang mga mata ang unang-unang inatake ng kaniyang sakit. Sa pinagdadaanan ni April Boy ay hindi nagpabaya ang kaniyang misis na si Madel at ang kaniyang mga anak na sina JC at Charmaine. Napakasuwerte niya sa pagkakaroon ng pamilyang mapagmalasakit at mapagmahal. Hindi rin niya makakalimutan ang tatlong malalaking pangalan sa pakikipaggiyera niya sa buhay – Willie Revillame, Congressman Manny Pacquiao, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. *** May mga kaibigan kaming nanood ng concert ng managerrecord producer ng mga sikat na international singers na si David

Foster kamakailan. Okey raw naman ang attendance, halos puno rin ang Araneta Coliseum, siyempre’y pinupuri ng aming mga kaibigan ang mga performers na kinabibilangan ng sariling atin na si Charice Pempengco. Pero nakaagaw ng kanilang pansin ay ang ginawang pagpapapansin ng sexy star na si Rufa Mae Quinto. Habang nagpo-production number daw kasi ang pamosong grupong Boyz II Men ay hinawakan ni Rufa Mae ang microphone ng isang miyembro at saka nagsisigaw ng, “Go, go, go!” Nalokah siyempre ang mga nandoon, lalo na ang mga kausap namin, bakit daw gumagawa ng ganoong eksena si Rufa Mae? Komento ng aming kausap, “Dahil ba sa parang nawawala na siya sa eksena ngayon? Look, pati ang pagpapaospital niya lately, naka-Instagram din. May mga ipinakikita siyang pasa sa katawan niya, pero hindi niya naman sinabi kung saan niya iyon nakuha? “Maganda pa rin naman siya at flawless, in fairness, pero halata nang tumatanda siya. Hindi kagandahan ang balat niya, hindi na firm, may laylay factor na,” kuwento ng aming source. Papansin na ba ngayon si Rufa Mae Quinto? – CSF



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

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