Pilipino Express • Aug 16 2019

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Volume 15 • No. 16 • August 16 - 31, 2019 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Julia Barretto

Passing the torch Flor Marcelino retires from public office

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Ellen Adarna & John Lloyd Cruz

The Manitoba election race has officially started with Premier Brian Pallister’s visit to the Lieutenant Governor on Monday, August 12. The election is set for September 10, 2019 – more than a full year ahead of the not-so-fixed election date of October 6, 2020. While the election opens another chapter in Manitoba’s history, it also marks the happy end of an era for Flor Marcelino, the first Filipina MLA in Canada and the first female MLA in Manitoba from a visible minority. “I was with [my] son Diwa and his two boys when I learned the writ was dropped Monday afternoon. Immediately I jumped for joy and shouted, ‘I am retired!’” Marcelino announced on Facebook. “The two grandsons ran to me and hugged me.” Marcelino announced that she would not seek re-election on the last day of the spring sitting of the legislature on June 3. Flor Marcelino was elected See FLOR p7

MLA for Logan Flor Marcelino celebrates her retirement. “The two grandsons ran to me and hugged me. Diwa had his phone handy and captured the moment.” August 12, 2019

Working conditions a concern for bus operators

Filipino employees of Winnipeg Transit rally for safer working conditions and fair bargaining outside City Hall, August 7, 2019. Photo from ATU Local 1505’s Facebook page. Story on p4



AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019





AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Addressing the dengue epidemic in the Philippines Dengue is once again making headlines in the Philippines as the Department of Health (DOH) earlier this month declared a national dengue epidemic. This is in the wake of 146,062 cases recorded from January up to July 20 this year – 98 per cent higher than during the same period in 2018. There have already been 622 deaths, and more are feared if the disease is not addressed. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation going around about dengue and this makes it difficult for communities to battle it the right way. When my 24-year-old son contracted dengue early this year, we got the usual advice from well-meaning friends and relatives on how to treat it. Some told us to give him durian, which would have to be smuggled into the hospital since the heavenly tasting fruit also happens to smell like hell and so is prohibited in all hospitals and most buildings in Davao City. Balut, papaya leaf or tanglad (lemon grass) tea, and other concoctions were also suggested. Some even spoke of “magic balls” – apparently a kind of Chinese medicine. Most of the advice, however, focused on tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta), a very common grass or herb that grows practically everywhere in the Philippines. We were told of patients on the brink of

death, with platelet counts down to single digits, who recovered miraculously after they were given tea made from the leaves of this plant. Tawa-tawa, we were told, really is the best medicine (if you don’t understand that joke, ask a Filipino-speaking friend what the word “tawa” means). We took the advice in stride, knowing that dengue is a viral disease that has no cure but goes away in time. The important thing is to manage it, and to do that you have to know what it really is first. Fortunately, our long-time friend and doctor to our children is Dr. Richard Mata, a Davao City-based doctor who has blazed a trail in dengue management and is now a consultant for dengue of the World Health Organization (WHO). According to Doc Richard, the low platelet count associated with dengue itself is not the problem; what brings discomfort and ultimately kills dengue patients is dehydration. He has several videos in his website and on YouTube where he explains that dengue causes perforations to form in a patient’s blood vessels, causing fluids to seep out. “The symptoms of a patient with diarrhea are the same with those of a dengue patient,” he says. “I always tell my patients that there are only two diseases in which the patient is still not playful

even if the fever subsides: dengue and diarrhea. Why? Because both have the same weapon of destruction: dehydration.” Doc Richard thus prescribes that doctors start intravenous hydration at the second or third day from the start of fever. “Dehydration is more dangerous than a low platelet count. Platelets will naturally increase after six days from the start of the fever as long as you are well hydrated and urinate very, very well.” In fact, he says tawa-tawa and other folk medicines appear to work only because they are normally given by desperate parents a few days after the child is diagnosed with dengue, and at which time the platelet count begins to rise. Doc Richard also urges parents to err on the side of caution. “Always think about dengue especially if there is fever. Even if the doctor says it is another disease, still think of dengue.” What he does not want parents to do is put their faith in what amounts to quack medicine: tawa-tawa, durian, balut, etc. Even if these were effective in raising the platelet count, it’s not going to do anything about dengue itself. As Doc Richard likes to say: “The cure for dengue is proper hydration — and correct information.” The problem, however, is that even government agencies like

the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) do not appear to have gotten the memo from the WHO. The PCHRD actually announced that tawa-tawa “contains active ingredients that may help dengue patients.” It cited a study made by students of the University of Sto Tomas (UST) – Faculty of Pharmacy that showed platelet counts in lab rats, which had their platelet counts artificially lowered, increasing by 47 percent when treated with the herb. I’ve seen this announcement shared by a number of people on social media, and I’m afraid it sets back the information drive against dengue. The PCHRD, which is under the Department of Science and Technology, will do well to coordinate with the Department of Health (DOH) before it releases studies like these that move the focus from the real solution (hydration) back to folk medicines that not only do nothing to treat dengue but endanger the lives of patients. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Working conditions a concern for bus operators Winnipeg Transit workers held a rally at the new streetcar monument across the street from Winnipeg City Hall on August 7, 2019. About 400 people attended the rally, including transit workers, members of other unions, community supporters, and a few of the more than 200 Filipino Winnipeg Transit employees. The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1505 has been negotiating a new contract with the City of Winnipeg since October 2018 and has been without a contract since January of this year. The union voted overwhelmingly to reject two previous offers from the City and is currently tallying the vote on the City’s latest offer, made on August 2. “The parties are no closer to reaching a tentative agreement. We feel that a strike will be initiated by the ATU during the fall schedule when it will be most disruptive to passengers and residents,” said Winnipeg chief corporate services officer Michael Jack in a statement on August 6. The latest offer included four annual wage increases of two per cent, said Jack, however, union officials say money is not at the heart of the issue. “It’s our working conditions

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that we’re concerned about. And if they’re not addressed then we’re not signing a contract. It’s not all about the money. That’s what City Hall wants you to believe, but it’s not, “ said ATU 1505 president, Aleem Chaudhary at the rally. Among the concerns of transit employees is the slow pace of safety improvement promised following the on-the-job killing of driver Irvine Jubal Fraser of February 14, 2017. In a statement Chaudhary also said, “the ATU has continually raised working conditions including more reliable schedules, passenger education campaigns

and improved customer service.” Although Michael Jack has said there are no immediate plans to lock out transit workers, the City has not ruled out the possibility. The City increased the pressure on the union with an internal memo on August 8 saying that Transit staff will no longer be able to request shift trades or vacation switches for the remainder of the year and they will be assigned day off groups and schedules when the fall schedule comes into effect on September 1. ATU 1505 asked the city’s integrity commissioner to

investigate Jack for violations of Winnipeg’s code of conduct saying the move intimidates and harms workers. The union has had a mandate to strike since April but has stated that it has no intention of walking off the job. “We fear we will be locked out or forced to strike by the City very soon,” said bus operator, Romeo Ignacio. “Needless to say, our fellow Filipino transit employees are very disappointed at the City’s latest intimidation tactics and could use some support from our community who depend on the service,” he added.

The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

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AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019


Have embarrassing questions about your body? Dear Ate Anna, I have many questions about my body but I feel shy and feel embarrassed talking about it. Back home in the Philippines we don’t talk about this openly with our friends or family. How can I learn more about my body without feeling embarrassed? A Reader Dear Reader What you are feeling is very normal! Many people have a hard time talking openly about bodies, especially areas of the body considered to be more private. Feeling embarrassed to talk about things like sex and bodies is common in many cultures. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult to get answers to questions about these topics. For example, if a person has questions about pregnancy or puberty, they might feel alone, confused, and then might get information that is incorrect. If that person has incorrect information, they cannot make the best and most healthy choices for themselves and for their bodies. The good news is that we are here to help. SERC, the Sexuality Education Resource Centre, has

accurate information on many areas of sexual and reproductive health that you can access in many different ways. These areas include healthy relationships, women’s health, men’s health, STIs, pregnancy, birth control, menstruation, sexual orientation, and other topics. We have two offices in Manitoba, one in Winnipeg and one in Brandon, which, if you feel comfortable, you can visit in person and speak to a staff member. Our addresses and hours are located on our website at www. serc.mb.ca. If you do not feel comfortable or cannot come in person, you can call us at 204-982-7800. If phone calls do not work for you either, you can e-mail us at thefactsoflife@ serc.mb.ca to have your question answered. No matter what way you contact us, your information is kept confidential – this means that we do not keep any record of your call and nobody else will find out that you asked us a question. In addition to the option of visiting in person, calling or e-mailing, you can get a lot of information online at our website at www.serc.mb.ca.

Please keep in mind that we can only answer general questions about sex, bodies, relationships and sexuality. If you have very specific health concern about your own body, or the body of a loved one, it may be best to contact your health care provider to speak about this concern. If you are unsure about where best to ask your question, please contact us and we can recommend a course of action for you. Other reliable resources are available in communities around Manitoba, which we can help connect you to. Please feel free to contact us anytime. We would love to help you get your questions answered about sexual and reproductive health. Take care, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Visit us at www.serc. mb.ca. for reliable information and links on the subject of sexuality.

2019 USTAAM Scholarship Awards

The University of Santo Tomas Alumni Association of Manitoba (USTAAM) is now is accepting applications for its 2019 USTAAM scholarship awards. Applicants must: • be of filipino descent; • have a minimum average grade of 85%; • have attended grade 11 and 12 in Manitoba; • be accepted and entering first year in any post secondary school in Manitoba in September 2019. Deadline: September 30, 2019 For more information and application form: www.facebook.com/groups/USTAAMI/ or e-mail: ustaami@gmail.com.




AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Foreign trained nurses are still needed Occupational demand and immigration are connected in many ways. If a region of Canada, or the country as a whole, is experiencing a shortage of skilled labour, then one natural option is to consider immigration. If we take the challenging field of foreign trained registered nurses, then the entire question takes on a particular meaning. The profession is regulated in Canada and it is not easy to immigrate to the country as a nurse. There were better times in the past. The history of nurses immigrating to Manitoba through the provincial nominee program (MPNP) provides stark evidence of supply and demand affecting immigration. Consider the early years of the MPNP, when nurses were in demand, and current state of affairs, when the premier says there is a surplus. If we turn back the clock to the early days of the MPNP, there was a time when Manitoba recruited nurses directly from the Philippines and they even took qualifying examinations

abroad. The recruitment was an unqualified success and many of those same nurses are still working in Manitoba. The initiative was a great success and the pass rate was exceptional. There is no question that the Philippine schools and system produce high quality nurse graduates and this recruitment was unique because the recruiter selected the “summa cum laude” of the country. Success was guaranteed. Times have changed for nurses in Manitoba. Immigration is now more restrictive and difficult to navigate through. What changed is the demand for nurses. The current Manitoba government said that demand was low and supply too high as a rational to cut back on nursing positions. The governing PCs may stand or fall as a government on the health changes, the closure of emergency rooms, and the general public may be woefully unprepared for the impending crisis in heath care. How many know about the out-migration of Filipino nurses from Manitoba

because of the heath changes. Manitoba is now experiencing something of a shortage of nurses in some hospitals and excessive work demand. The pendulum is swinging and the marketplace readjusting itself. Shortsighted health reforms may convince dedicated conservative voters, but change is coming. The first province to come out and address the impending shortage of nurses is New Brunswick, which just released a recruitment strategy to attract foreign trained nurses. The eastern provinces predict that internationally educated nurses (IENs) will be required to address a looming shortage in the province’s health-care system. The recruitment of IENs is a priority for the province’s Nursing Resources Strategy. The strategy acknowledges, “New Brunswick has one of Canada’s oldest populations and is aging at a great rate than other jurisdictions. New Brunswick has the highest percentage of population over 65 years of age when compared to the rest of Canada,” according to Canada Immigration News. Forty-one

percent of existing registered nurses (RNs) in the province are 50 years of age or older. This means that by 2028 there could be a deficit of approximately 1,300 RNs in the New Brunswick healthcare system. It is anticipated that within this same period over 4,376 RN jobs will open. The details of the projected recruitment have not been released but New Brunswick is looking for a way to help IENs find work in the province while their professional registration is being processed. The Nursing Association in New Brunswick and the government are joined together in support of a plan to recruit and retain foreign trained nurses. We can wait for the details of their action plan but it is encouraging to read about provinces who are trying to bring in foreign trained nurses instead of finding a way to keep them out or encouraging them to leave. “Nurses play a significant role in the provision of high quality care in an efficient, patientcentric health-care system,” New Brunswick’s Health Minister, Hugh J. Flemming, said in a statement. “We are going to continue to face a shortage of

nurses, unless we take action now to ensure we have enough nurses to serve our population.” At least this minister is acknowledging what is just around the corner rather than closing Concordia or Seven Oaks emergency units and beds at other hospitals. We need to look not only at training new nurses in Manitoba, but also tolook anew at ways to recruit foreign nurses. They served the province well in the past and will continue to do so into the future. Rather than restricting foreign trained nurses, Manitoba should reconsider loosening some of the barriers to immigration and making it easier to bring in qualified nurses from abroad. needed to strengthen the health care system in the province. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

Back from holidays! by Tim St Vincent No, no, not me, you! Are you just back from holidays, all relaxed and feeling good? Ready to get back into your normal lifestyle? Good, because that’s important! Holidays are a great time to relax and enjoy the benefits of all your hard work, but unfortunately they do come to an end. We come home and we get back to the realities of life. Coming back from holidays we have to realize that while it was fun, we can’t maintain the holiday lifestyle when we get back. The tap and go mindset is great for a well prepared, well budgeted holiday, but it can be very dangerous and difficult to maintain in our everyday lives. When we get back, it’s time to return to budgets (or as they are now more popularly named, spending plans), tracking and enjoying our day to day lives. Within a few weeks of returning from holidays a little dose of reality will come your way – the dreaded credit card bill; that little piece of paper that tells us how well we stuck to our holiday spending plan (budget)! Wait, “What holiday spending

plan,” you say? Oh, I see, you didn’t have one. In that case you might be in for a nasty surprise when the credit card bill arrives! Holidays are an expense, and like any expense, they should be planned for and mapped out – not so much that you take the fun out of the experience, but definitely enough so that you aren’t shocked when the credit card bill arrives. That can be a delicate balance to achieve. Here are a few basic steps that can help you plan a successful holiday – including your holiday spending plan! Name the purpose of you taking a vacation • Visiting family? • Destination wedding? • I just want to get away from it all? (My favourite!) Decide on a location for your vacation, away or at home (Yes, you can have a vacation and stay at home!) Recognize all the different types of vacations • Adventure, sand sun & surf, driving, sight-seeing, camping, environmental, stay-cations etc. Plan for your vacation by exploring • Accommodation options (B & B, hotel, resorts, camping, etc.) • Transportation – the best

ways to reduce your flight costs (booking sites? Air Miles or similar programs?) • Transportation – the best ways to reduce your rental car costs • Food and eating out • Fun activities • Communication (e.g. cell phone roaming fees, check your carrier, they often have plans to help reduce the costs) • Insurance (health and cancellation) and • Other costs (ATM fees, currency exchange, gifts and souvenirs, house/pet sitters) Take care of business at home • Let close friends and family know of your travel plans, do NOT mention anything about your holidays on any social media site. • Create a vacation spending plan (we kind of just did that!) • Set the financial goal for your vacation and work backwards to find out what you need to put away each pay cheque to save. It is okay to put your holiday expenses on a credit card and generate some points with your favourite program, but only if you have planned for these expenses and can pay for them in full when the bill arrives. You should never finance a holiday. All of these items are important, but it’s also important to recognize the advantages of a stay-cation. Yes, you can have fun at home! Most of our readers

are Manitoba based, so let’s look at just a few things you can do at home, and ask yourself – have I done these things, gone to these places? If not, why not? • Have you ever gone to the Carberry desert? Yes, we have a desert in Manitoba complete with sand dunes! So pack a lunch and head to the hills, or in this case to the dunes! • Have you gone to Lower Fort Garry? No, not the hotel, I mean the actual fort that the hotel takes its name from. Yes, we have an old stone fort just a 40-minute drive north of Winnipeg! It was built in 1830 and during tourist season the staff dresses in costume, fires off the cannon, and even make and serve period food! You can even see and old-time blacksmith at work! • What about the Morden Corn and Apple Festival (Hmmmmm good food!) or the Altona Sunflower Festival? Or the Carman Country Festival (running since 1879!) • Then there is the Folk Festival and Folklorama, the Manitoba Museum, and the

Human Rights Museum, and so much more! When it comes time to have a holiday, whether you have one in your own back yard or go on an exotic trip, there’s one item you must ensure to pack so that you can enjoy yourself. Don’t forget to pack (and stick to!) your holiday spending plan. It truly is the key to a successful and enjoyable holiday! P.S. A quick thanks to my wife for suggesting this month’s topic – she is working on our holiday plan right now!. Thanks hun! Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact Tim for a free workshop or webinar, have a question or would like to submit an article idea please contact Tim at 1-888-527-8999 ext 1330. You can also contact the Credit Counselling Society for further information or assistance at 1-888-527-8999 or visit www. nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

CRISTY... From page 1 to the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba in the 2007 provincial election, in the Wellington riding. In the 2011 provincial election, she was re-elected to a second term in office in the new constituency of Logan. On May 7, 2016, Marcelino made history again when became the first elected woman of an ethnic minority to lead a political party in Manitoba. She was named interim leader of the New Democratic Party and leader of the opposition in the Manitoba legislature following the resignation of party leader Greg Selinger. Between 2009 and 2016, Marcelino served as Minister for Culture, Heritage, and Tourism, and Minister for Multiculturalism and Literacy, where she worked with dozens of multicultural

PILIPINO EXPRESS organizations across Manitoba and oversaw the NDP government’s increasing investments in adult learning and literacy. Flor Marcelino moved to Winnipeg with her family in 1982. Prior to entering politics, she was a small business owner – Padalahan in Garden City Shopping Centre, publisher of The Philippine Times community newspaper, and she was a support staff member at Red River College for 17 years. “I am grateful to the Creator for the opportunity and honour to represent and serve my constituents,” said Marcelino in her Facebook post. “I leave knowing there will be talented and dedicated people who will continue the struggle for social justice.” Marcelino’s daughter, Malaya Marcelino, will represent the NDP in the riding of Notre Dame in the provincial election on September 10.

Flor Marcelino with then-Premier Greg Selinger celebrating her first election victory in June 2007


Malaya Marcelino

Possible cyber crime at Grace Hospital A “skimmer” device was spotted attached to the pin pad of the parking pay station in the Grace Hospital’s main lobby. Thieves use this type of device to steal credit and debit card information from unsuspecting users. The parking pay station machine was inspected after an individual reported seeing

what they believed to be a skimmer, however, none was found. On August 14, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority alerted the public of the possibility that a skimmer may have been on the parking pay station sometime between the evening of Friday, August 9, and the morning Monday,

August 12. Police are investigating the matter. If you used a credit or debit card at the parking pay station in the main lobby of the Grace Hospital during that time period, it is recommended that you monitor your account closely and immediately notify your financial institution of any suspicious transactions.



AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Your feng shui personal chi traps Part 2: Solutions When life is frustrating and it seems like we can’t break out of a pattern of frustrations and problems, the energy that needs to change in our life is our personal energy. Feng shui has an amazing ability to provide opportunities and shifts in your life when you work with it, but if you are stuck in a personal energy trap, you may find that when the opportunities do come along, you may let them go by, not follow up, or that you fail to take advantage of what is presented to you. That’s why it’s so important that we look at both our personal energy as well as the energy of our homes in feng shui. When we have competing energies, there is a lack of harmony, and harmony is the basis of feng shui. By harmonizing our minds, personal actions and efforts, and feng shui in our homes, we multiply chi and that energy creates true shifts in our lives. Part one of this article (see Pilipino Express’ Aug. 1, 2019 issue) talked about personal chi traps, such as fear, worrying, and complaining. These are all personal chi traps that keep us stuck even when we work on our feng shui in our homes (and wonder why it’s not working). The second part of this article is aimed at helping you break free from those traps, harmonizing your mind with your home’s feng shui, to create a chi that is strong, free-flowing and that helps you grow and advance. Personal Chi Energizers Intention and awareness – Creating an intention to solve a problem is a key part of getting past it. Determination at working on what’s not working in your life begins in your mind first. Your intention has to be that you will resolve the issue irrespective of how you will accomplish it. This

is critical to helping energy flow in a way that helps you create situations and bring opportunities that get you out of circumstances that make you unhappy. Too often, though, the how of getting out of a situation is often what keeps people stuck in it. They can’t see how they are going to change it, or it’s not obvious, so there is doubt, and when there is doubt, there is desperation. Trust that you are going to make a change and that energy will move the way you need it to bring solutions to you even when you don’t know how it will do that or what those solutions will look like. Decision making and claiming – There are times when you must decide – or claim — for yourself that things will change. This is usually not a claim that you make for yourself but for the circumstances that you find yourself in, sometimes time and time again. It may be that you have to decide that no matter how it is you have gotten yourself to where you are, that you have decided that you’ve had enough and you are ready to claim a different way of living, being, and acting. It’s amazing how just stating you claim out loud can make huge shifts. Go neutral – When circumstances are difficult, avoid complaining about it, ruminating, and worrying. Avoid letting despair and negative emotions from swallowing you. Instead, put your mental focus and self-talk firmly on the steps you are taking and the outcome you desire. Use the power of 1 – Taking a single step or action and committing to it is powerful. Many times when we have a problem, there really is only one right solution. We typically know what it is, like my packing up and moving a full china cabinet before I sold my house. You know in

your heart what the answer is and what the step is you need to take. Now, just take that one step. It’s you, not me – When the problem is always outside of you, the solution is, too. Why do the same things keep happening to me? Because I have chosen to see the problem, and often times, all problems, as outside myself. It’s like the wife staying with the abusive husband. Who is the problem? Who is the solution? We have to be our own solutions in every circumstance. That may mean changing our thinking, our reactions and responses. When you apply your mind and thought, you change your chi. But your thinking must be accompanied by your actions. We can’t just think our way out of problems; we have to act our way out of them. Confidence vs. courage – It’s important that you believe in yourself. Doing that requires you take action on your behalf. You may even stop yourself from taking action because you don’t have confidence in yourself. You may believe that you can’t take certain steps, be a certain way, or take action until you have confidence. You may even wait for the confidence, like a city bus, to show up on a street corner, before you act. What you lack is not confidence – it’s courage. Have courage to take action on your behalf, and you will build your confidence. Confidence is something that’s cultivated, not given, bestowed, or inherited. Go for growth – In feng shui, moving energy with feng shui is a way to improve your life. You do this by applying feng shui to your home, bedroom and office. You need to apply it to yourself as well. Maybe you’ve gotten into a pattern of oversleeping, overspending, or other patterns of behaviour that are self-defeating. One quick way to shake up your energy is to change your look.

Seeing something different in the mirror is helpful for seeing something different in your life. If you don’t dress nicely for work, polish your image. Do something different for yourself, such as a new hairstyle or colour. See yourself differently and then see what changes in your life. Create a new image for yourself – What is the image of you? Do you have a picture of yourself or a painting that represents you? If not, find one that represents the ideal you. Leave this image where you can see it frequently. This can be an image of what you aspire to, or an image that gives you a certain feeling. I have an oil painting in a beautiful gold frame that I bought when I was 14 years old that I have always loved. It shows a little girl standing and looking out over an ocean scene. The colours are bright and pastel-coloured; she’s wearing shorts and a hat like she’s enjoying a lovely day at the beach. I’ve owned this painting now for 42 years. It represents the way I want to feel inside – like a little girl on a summer’s day at the beach – happy and content. Find your image that depicts how you want to live, feel, look like, or that represents your perfectness. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I have an open

space below my stairs and would like to use it for meditation. What do you think? Answer: It’s hard to find the absolute perfect space, and we often need to use the space that we have. This is a good example of this. The space below your staircase is open, so you can’t use it for storage, and not using it at all means it’s wasted space. While this isn’t the ideal location, it’s really kind of cozy, so I can see the appeal and putting an open to space to some use. Here’s my concern, though. The bottom of the stairs can be seen in the space. They create a knifeedge poison arrow that would hit you while you were meditating. I’d advise you to cover up the edges of the stairs with a cloth or curtain, and once that’s done, then you can go ahead and use the space. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019



Our duty to the environment as Filipino-Canadians Reuben Albert G. Mistas III was awarded the 2019 ANAK Liwayway Scholarship for Leadership Excellence last June based on his high school GPA, a group interview, and an essay in response to the questions, “How can you minimize Canada’s environmental impact on the Philippines?” and “How are people of the Philippines taking control of climate change?” The following essay was his submission. Ensuring the health of the environment is a task that cannot be done alone. It is a collective duty that all humans must partake in through living sustainably. As a Filipino-Canadian, there are certain responsibilities that I have, especially due to recent issues between the Philippine and Canadian Governments, wherein “from 2013 [-] 2014 [...] 103 shipping containers from Canada labelled as plastics arrived in the Philippines for recycling, but [were] determined [to be] filled with debris from Canadian trash bins.” As Filipino-Canadians, we must hold ourselves accountable for this problem, as this waste ultimately came from us. It is important that we educate

ourselves in order to effectively prevent issues like this from happening again, and in the process, save the environment. In order to tackle this issue, we must first start with the root of the problem: What did these shipments specifically contain? According to the Ottawa Citizen: these shipments “[included] plastic bottles, bags, [and] newspapers.” These are all materials that we use that can inadvertently contribute to our problem with waste. So, how can we minimize our environmental impact on the Philippines? Generally, avoiding one-time use items such as plastics is a good rule of thumb in minimizing waste; using reusable bags, straws, utensils, and bottles are all effective yet simple means of doing so. Moreover, our choices in our purchases can also lessen our negative impact on the environment. Avoiding products from large companies that produce vast amounts of waste and buying local, responsibly sourced items also aid in reducing waste. By educating ourselves on how our life choices can affect the environment, and implementing this knowledge in our daily

lives, we can minimize Canada’s environmental impact on the Philippines. Certainly, saving the environment is not a one-sided affair. It can only be achieved through the collective efforts of people all around the globe. With that being said, our fellow Filipinos are also doing their part in moving towards a sustainable way of life. Based on the information I’ve gathered from the articles given, it seems that Filipinos are taking initiative by creating sustainable businesses that provide for the demands of our kababayans. For example, the programs created by local companies such as Siklo Pilipinas and Lumago Designs not only provide people with jobs, items that would otherwise remain as waste are upcycled and turned into wonderful creations instead. It also helps when the government takes action on reinvigorating the environment, as seen in the recently passed HB 8728, which requires graduates to plant ten trees. When people work together to educate themselves, they can innovate and act upon environmental issues effectively and creatively. What we can take from these instances is that educating ourselves in terms of what we can do for the environment is essential in our aim to minimize

our negative impact on it. As Filipino-Canadians, we must take pride in gaining knowledge about the environment and taking collective action towards a more sustainable future. Reuben Albert G. Mistas III is a recent graduate from Miles

Macdonell Collegiate and is entering his first year of studies at the University of British Columbia this fall. Visit www. anak.ca to learn more about ANAK programs, opportunities, and ways you can get involved or support our youth.



AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Chemo Savvy makes waves at Canadian nationals! by Regina Urbano Chemo Savvy Inc.’s dragon boat racing team had a great trip to the 2019 Canadian National Championships in Regina, August 11 to 13. Despite high winds, long delays in marshalling and cancelled races, the team performed well. Chemo Savvy made history as the first breast cancer team to compete in the senior women’s category at the nationals. Competitors included former Olympians and world champions. The Chemo Savvy team paddled at their planned pace, experienced excellent race

times and achieved their goal of completing the 2000m race in under 13 minutes! A huge factor in the team’s success was the dedication and patience of the coaches Sylvie, Tara, Yvonne, and Marlene – all of whom are breast cancer survivors. A diagnosis of breast cancer can be devastating. These women, with their fierce determination, are examples of how to triumph and thrive. Chemo Savvy Incorporated is a charitable organization dedicated to: • educating the public about breast cancer and its prevention; • improving the physical

and psychological well-being of breast cancer survivors through fitness activities; • providing support to individuals living with breast cancer; and providing volunteer support to other charitable

organizations with similar objectives.Through participation in Dragon Boat Racing, every member of Chemo Savvy promotes physical and emotional well-being.

If you or someone you know is a breast cancer survivor and interested in fitness, e-mail the team at chemosavvy@gmail.com or check their website at www. chemosavvy.ca

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019












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Punumpuno ang mga sinehang pinagpapalabasan ng matagumpay na pelikula nina Alden Richards at Kathryn Bernardo. May mga kaibigan kaming pangkinabukasan na ang nakuhang tickets para sa Hello, Love, Goodbye dahil soldout na noong Sabado nang hapon. At nangwasak na ng takilya ang pelikula ay nakapagtala pa ng bagong record ang Hello, Love, Goodbye bilang pinakaunang local movie na ipinalabas nang sabay-sabay sa 450 theatres. Ang pelikulang The How’s Of Us nina Kathryn at Daniel Padilla ay ipinalabas lang sa 430 theaters kumpara sa 450 na sinehan ngayon ng Hello, Love, Goodbye. At sa kasalukuyan, ang pelikula nina Alden at Kathryn ay kumita na ng mahigit na kalahating bilyong piso. Pinipilahan pa rin ang pelikula ngayon at magtatagal pa sa mga sinehan. Nakakatuwa dahil lahat ng


mga tumawag sa amin pagkatapos nilang panoorin ang movie ay isa lang ang sinasabi, kahit daw hindi na bumalik pa sa pag-arte si John Lloyd Cruz ay mayroon na itong kapalit, nandito na raw si Alden Richards! Kuwento ni Liza, “Sis, mayroon nang kapalit si JLC! Guwapo rin, magaling ding umarte, napakasuwabe lang niyang gumalaw, si Alden!” Puro ganoon ang komentong naririnig namin, ipinaplakado nila ang husay at kaguwapuhan ng Pambansang Bae kay JLC, na paboritong aktor naman ni Alden Richards. Ilang lebel ang itinaas ng kartada ng pagiging artista ni Alden Richards dahil sa malaking tagumpay sa takilya ng pelikula nila ni Kathryn Bernardo. Itinuturing na siyang bankable actor ngayon, hindi na basta pakilig na Pambansang Bae lang, tumaas nang malaki ang kaledad ng kaniyang pagkaartista ngayon. See CRISTY p14

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

• Alden Richards – Bankable leading man na ngayon • Bea Alonzo – Pinangaralan ni Julia Barretto sa mahabang IG post • Julia Barretto – Masarap na pulutan ng mga bashers • Marjorie & Gretchen Barretto – Ghost Writer at Ghost Buster • Mommy Inday – Ipinagtatanggol pa rin niya ang kaniyang apo • Kris Aquino – Gumitna kina Julia at Bea • Raymart Santiago – Dinadalaw na ng mga anak sa set • Ellen Adarna – Humingi ng Temporary Protection Order vs. JLC • John Lloyd Cruz – Hindi naging sulit ang ginawang pagtalikod sa showbiz • Beauty Gonzales – Unang nakaalam tungkol sa paghiwalay nina Ellen & JLC

Bea Alonzo

Kathryn Bernardo & Alden Richards

Kris Aquino

Gerald Anderson & Julia Barretto

Gretchen Barretto

Marjorie Barretto

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019






Prima Donnas

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

The cast of Prima Donnas

Three siblings in search of their rightful place as heiresses Beginning August 19, GMA Network unveils a heart-warming tale about family and love among siblings with the Afternoon Prime series Prima Donnas. The original drama is headlined by one of the country’s best kontrabidas and Katrina Halili as Lilian Madreal; former Bubble Gang mainstay and hunk celebrity dad Wendell Ramos as Jaime Claveria; veteran and awardwinning actress Ms. Chanda Romero as Lady Primarosa Claveria; basketball legend and well-loved comedian and actor Benjie Paras as Agaton; fastrising teen star Elijah Alejo as Brianna; and one of the industry’s formidable and multi-awarded actresses Ms Aiko Melendez as Kendra Fajardo. Playing equally vital roles are

three of GMA’s brightest teen stars Jillian Ward as Donna Marie, Althea Ablan as Donna Belle, Sofia Pablo as Donna Lyn. Glaiza de Castro plays a special role as Maita Claveria, Jaime’s wife and the mother of the three Donnas. Married couple Jaime (Wendell), the sole inheritor to the affluent Claveria Group of Companies, and Maita (Glaiza) find it difficult to bear a child. The couple hires Lilian (Katrina), the daughter of their most trusted house helper, to be the surrogate mother of their unborn offspring. She gives birth to three beautiful girls. Life takes an unexpected turn for the three Donnas when Kendra (Aiko), managing director of Claveria Group of Companies who has been eyeing Jaime and

Katrina Halili, Sofia Pablo, Althea Ablan, Chanda Romero, Jillian Ward, Wendell Ramos, Aiko Melendez & Elijah Alejo the Claveria fortune, will stop at nothing to get a hold of all of Claveria’s wealth and Jaime’s affection at the expense of the three young heiresses. Family secrets, grudging relatives, and an endless pursuit of their real identity – will the bond of the three Donnas remain strong amidst the many challenges life throws at them? Catch the world premiere of Prima Donnas beginning August 19, on GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit www. gmapinoytv.com. Sofia Pablo, Jillian Ward & Althea Ablan

CRISTY... From page 12 Bankable leading man na ngayon si Alden Richards, pero kailangan pa rin nating tanggapin na depende ‘yun sa kung sino ang kaniyang katambal sa pelikula, tulad ni Kathryn Bernardo na napakalakas ng hatak sa takilya. ***

Niresbakan ng matagal ding nanahimik na si Julia Barretto si Bea Alonzo. Pinangaralan niya ang aktres sa inilabas niyang mahabang post sa social media. Wala siyang inamin kung sila na ba talaga ni Gerald Anderson, si Bea Alonzo lang talaga ang pinuntirya niya, na tinawag niyang bully. Sinasabi na nga ba. Barretto

si Julia. Hindi niya basta uupuan lang ang masasakit na salitang ipinakakain sa kaniya sa social media na kung ang kaniyang post ang paniniwalaan ay si Bea Alonzo ang naging dahilan. Heto ang kabuuang post ni Julia Barretto sa kaniyang IG na siguradong ilang minuto pa lang na lumalabas ay nakarating na See CRISTY p15

Inday Barretto

Ellen Adarna

John Lloyd Cruz

Beauty Gonzales

Joshua Garcia

Raymart Santiago

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AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

CRISTY... From page 14 agad kay Bea Alonzo. “These past weeks, my faith, may patience, and my strength were put to the test. I have endured many harsh words hurled against me and my family everywhere on social media. It is exhausting and painful. While some might have forgotten, I am also human. “I was attacked for two issues: 1. I cheated on my boyfriend. 2. I was the cause of another relationship’s break up. “Let’s be clear, Josh and I had broken up four months ago. We have publicly admitted it together and we have cleared that there was no third party involved. “From now on, anything I do in my private and love life is not considered as cheating and is none of anyone’s business. “Secondly, I believe Gerald has already made it clear that a third party was not the cause of their break up. I would like to disassociate myself from the break up of Bea and Gerald. Their issues are entirely their own. However, since I was brought into this mess without a choice, this is what I have to say. “Your heartbreak should have been a private matter, but you have selfishly turned it into something of national concern. “Bea, you wanted to keep your hands clean by not mentioning me in your controversial post, but with a click of your finger, in your sly way, you have charged everybody to destroy me FOR YOU. “You have encouraged a culture of hate by purposely liking harmless photos, putting malice into the minds of many, which resulted in the outrage of insults against me. “You are a woman of great influence and following. You could have used that power to promote strength and grace in woman, but instead, you’ve used that to promote social media irresponsibility. That is downright bullying. “You can play victim all you want, but I refuse to be your victim. “This post is not enough to sum up everything I went through. I took the time to step back and take a look at the situation that I am in. It so hard to be human in this industry but I still have every intention to stay in the business that I love so much. “For the longest time, I’ve always dealt with everything in silence, but this time, I am forced to grow up. I will not be sidetracked, derailed and be dictated by people’s judgments and opinions about me. “This is me setting myself free and getting my soul back.” Sa kaniyang IG post ay nagmistulang teacher si Julia Barretto na pinangangaralan ang kaniyang estudyanteng si Bea Alonzo ng good manners and right conduct. Kapansin-pansin na hindi niya tinutukan ang kalat nang relasyon nila ni Gerald Anderson, si Bea Alonzo lang ang pinuruhan niya. Parang nakikinita na namin


ang nagpupuyos na damdamin ni Julia Barreto habang binubuosinusulat niya ang kaniyang obra laban kay Bea Alonzo. *** Sa halip na maging salbabidang may hangin na makapagliligtas sa kaniya sa pagkalunod ay nakasama pa ang paglalabas ng saloobin ni Julia Barretto. Lalo siyang nilunod ng mga netizens lalo na ng mga bashers sa ginawa niyang lantarang pangangaral kay Bea Alonzo.

Nag-boomerang pa kay Julia ang kaniyang mga sinabi, siya ang nakatikim ng ampalaya at apdo, dahil sa halip na pagpapakumbaba ay pagyayabang ang naramdaman ng mas nakararami sa kaniyang IG post. Maganda ang komento ng kaibigan naming propesor, ang sabi nito, “Habang binabasa ko ang post ni Julia kung saan niya pinarurunggitan si Bea Alonzo, e, parang nakikinita ko ang ibang senaryo. “Parang nakikita ko ang isang

amo na nakapameywang habang pinagagalitan ang kaniyang muchacha na nakaluhod at nililinis ang sahig dahil sa tumapon na juice!” tawa nang tawang sabi ni prop. Ganoon mismo ang pagtanggap sa mahabang litanya ni Julia, sana raw ay hindi na lang siya kumibo, dahil ang kaniyang mga sinabi pa ang lalong naglubog sa kaniya sa sobrang kahihiyan. Pareho lang sila ni Gerald Anderson na negang-nega

PAGE 15 ang dating ngayon sa publiko, ito namang hunk actor na ito, pinaringgan pa ang mga bashers na nakikialam kuno sa kaniyang pakikipagrelasyon. Binulabog ng aktor ang kuta ng langgam, kaya ano ang nangyari, di mismong si Gerald ang itinali sa langgaman ng mga bashers! *** Si Marjorie Barretto ang unang naghamon pero ito rin ang unang sumuko. Pinalitan ni See CRISTY p16



AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Quezon Province Association of Manitoba celebrates 30 years by Lucille Nolasco This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Quezon Province Association of Manitoba, or QPAM. Founded by Quezonians Rod Cantiveros, Leah EnvergaMagsino, Normita Cymbalisty and Anselmo Fullante, the organization’s main objectives were to keep the traditions of the people of Quezon alive, such as the Pahiyas Festival and Santa Cruzan. Pahiyas Festival Every May 15, the townsfolk of Lucban, Quezon, decorate their houses with fruits, vegetables and colourful kiping – a leaf-shaped wafer made of rice and dyed with food coloring. It is in celebration of the Pahiyas Festival. The word pahiyas was derived from the word payas, which means decoration or to decorate. The reason behind such practice dates back to the 15th century when farmers used to offer their harvests at the foot of Mount Banahaw. Over time, they brought their farm produce to the church in honour of the town’s patron saint, St. Isidore the Laborer, who is the patron saint of farmers, labourers and peasants. The highlight of the Pahiyas Festival comes after the town’s procession when the spirited tradition of kalas takes place. This is when the townspeople carry off the harvests and decorations from the houses as a symbol of joy and merriment. Indeed, the Pahiyas Festival has become one of the most sought after festivals in the Philippines, luring in locals from nearby towns and even tourists from other countries. Santa Cruzan Santa Cruzan is a religioushistorical pageant held in the Philippines during the month of May. It depicts the finding of the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by Queen Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. He became the first

CRISTY... From page 15 Marjorie ng “Ghost Writer” ang kaniyang IG profile. Maliwanag pa sa sikat ng araw sa tanghaling-tapat na ang terminong ‘yun ay parinig ni Marjorie sa kaniyang kapatid na si Gretchen na naniniwalang may ghost writer si Julia Barretto sa inilabas nitong post na pumuntirya kay Bea Alonzo. Basta-basta na lang ba uupuan ni Gretchen ang ganoong pasaring ng kaniyang kapatid? Umariba ang pagiging sutil ni La Greta, “Ghost Buster” naman ang ipinalit niyang IG Bio, na ang ibig sabihi’y siya ang tagapamuksa ng mga taong nagmamalabis at nagpapaka-plastic. Nawindang si Gretchen na nangyari pagkatapos niyang palitan ng “Ghost Buster” ang kaniyang IG Bio. Dinagsa ang kaniyang account. Nagbubunyi ang mga kababayan natin sa

Christian emperor in history. The festivity commemorates the search of the Holy Cross by Empress Helena and her son, through a religious procession. QPAM Scholars Current QPAM President Maggie Chan-Urbano shares that in addition to celebrating Pahiyas and Santa Cruzan, the organization also helps educational scholars in the Philippines. “QPAM recognizes that one way to address poverty and the inability to progress, and improve the quality of life, is through education,” Chan-Urbano said. “So the goal is to address this need to support and help families in Quezon Province by providing them with the tools to help them in their current situation. Hoping that adequate education will result in sufficient employment and improve the life of the their families.” Past QPAM scholars include Rocelle Gando of Agdangan, Quezon. She studied AB Psychology and is now working as an HR Recruitment/ Psychometrician at Maneuveres Incorporated. Another is Michael Bahis from Lucena City. He graduated this year, BS Public Administration. Gala night On Saturday, August 24, QPAM will celebrate their 30th anniversary with a Gala Night at the Marlborough Hotel, wherein the new set of QPAM officers and directors will be inducted for 2019-2021. Elected officers and Directors are as follows: President – Magdalena “Maggie” Chan-Urbano VP-External Affairs – Rowena Arquero VP-Internal Affairs – Nolasco Merluza Secretary – Sonny Puache Asst. Secretary – Precy Merluza Treasurer – Rosario Lacandula

Asst. Treasurer – Jenny Novallasca Auditor – Abdon Chan Asst. Auditor – Federico Hinanay P.R.O. – Pipo Sarmiento and

Mario Arquero Sgts. At Arms – Glenda Relis, Rizalda Merluza, Claudia Cahatol O’Donnell, and Gil Lacandula Representatives – 1st District Eddie Revilla, 2nd District

Ronnie Merluza, 3rd District Ellen Sarmiento, and 4th District Salve Mujar Directors – Norman Padilla and Alden Novallasca Photos by Nonie Manalili

ipinakita niyang katapangan. Tinawagan niya agad si Jaypee, ang kaibigan niyang anak ng manager na si Tita Dolor Guevarra. Hindi raw siya sanay sa ganoong katinding importansiyang ibinibigay sa kaniya ng mga netizens. Kuwento ni Jaypee, “Hindi na kasi niya alam kung paano niya sasagutin ang napakaraming nagpost sa IG niya. Karamihan pa, e, mga beki na ang tawag sa sarili nila, e, Team La Greta! “Punumpuno talaga ang account niya, samantalang ‘yung kay Marjorie, e, puro pambabash! Ayun, natakot siya, kaya biglang umurong, tinanggal na niya ang inilagay niyang IG Bio na pang-iinsulto kay Gretchen!” tawa nang tawang kuwento ni Jaypee. Mas kilala ni Marjorie ang kaniyang kapatid. Alam nito na walang inuurungan si Gretchen, kaya ang pang-iinsultong ginawa nito ay tinapatan ng mas pang-

insultong IG Bio ni La Greta. Sabi nga, ang sumusuko sa laban ay isang malinaw na talunan, ganoon lang ‘yun. *** Sa kaniyang edad na otsenta’y tres ay nakikipaggirian pa rin sa mga netizens at bashers ng kaniyang apong si Julia Barretto ang matriyarka ng pamilya na si Mommy Inday. Sa lahat ng kaniyang mga depensa kay Julia ay sa isang litanya niya napuruhan si Mommy Inday. ‘Yun ay ang kaniyang sinabi na ang kaniyang mga anak at apo raw ay beautiful, wellbred, well groomed, intelligent at articulate. “Ano’ng wel-bred ang sinasabi ni Mommy Inday?” sabi ng kaniyang mga kaargumento, samantalang ang isang anak niya ay magiging forever-kabit lang, ang isa naman ay may mga anak sa iba-ibang ama, at ang isa naman ay napakagulo ng personal na buhay.

Sa halip na idepensa ang kaniyang apo, sabi pa ng kaniyang mga katunggali sa social media, ay bakit hindi niya pangaralan si Julia at kausapin ang lalaking “nagkama” sa dalaga? Matindi ang kanilang mga parunggitan, ayaw magpatalo ni Mommy Inday na maiintindihan naman, dahil dugo at laman niya ang kaniyang mga ipinagtatanggol. Nadala ng kaniyang emosyon si Mommy Inday Barretto, ang dami-dami niyang sinabi bilang pagdepensa sa kaniyang pamilya, nakalimot lang siya sa kasaysayang kinasangkutan ng mga kapamilya niyang palaging laman ng mga kontrobersiya. *** Nasa posisyon ngayon si Julia Barretto na kumanan siya at kumaliwa ay siguradong pamba-bash ang aabutin niya. Kahit pa wala naman siyang intensiyong saktan at kawawain si Joshua Garcia, ang tingin pa

rin sa kaniya ay nega, dahil sa pinaniniwalaang senaryo ng mas nakararami tungkol sa nawasak nilang relasyon. Hanggang sa mga panahong ito ay isang anaconda pa rin ang tingin ng mga bashers kay Julia, inagawan niya ng boyfriend si Bea Alonzo, kaya iniwan niya si Joshua. Siya pa rin ang tinatawag na Valentina ngayon, ang babaeng may mga ahas sa ulo na kontrabia ni Darna, dahil lumabas ang totoo na hindi pa pala hiwalay sina Gerald at Bea nang pumasok siya sa eksena. Magsalita man siya nang magsalita ngayon para magpaliwanag ay mamamaos si Julia dahil parang tengangkawali lang naman ang publiko sa kaniyang mga sinasabi. Hindi pa ngayon ang hinog na panahon para makuha ni Julia ang balanseng pananaw ng publiko, matatagalan pa, dahil sariwa pa See CRISTY p17

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

CRISTY... From page 16 ang senaryo at may mga umaaray pa. Habang may mga kuwento pang lumalabas kung paano nasaktan nang todo si Bea dahil sa pangangaliwa ni Gerald na siya ang itinuturong third party ay hihikbi pa rin nang hihikbi si Julia sa sobrang sama ng loob dahil bakit palaging siya na lang ang ibinabayubay sa krus ng paghusga? Pero isang araw ay lilipas din ang alat sa kaniyang katawan. Tatamis din ‘yun kapag nagtagaltagal na. Pasensiya muna siya ngayon dahil masarap siyang pulutan ng mga bashers, lalo na’t nakikisawsaw pa sa isyu ang kaniyang lola, talagang anuman ang gawin ngayon ni Julia ay kasisilipan ‘yun ng malisya. At siguro naman, kapag kalmado na ang dagat, ay maiisip na rin ni Julia Barretto na mahirap pumasok sa masikip na sitwasyon. Mahihirapan siyang makalabas. *** Nang-imbita na naman ng mga bampira at langaw-kantanod si Kris Aquino. Paborito na naman siyang gawing pulutan ngayon sa social media. Sa halip na manood na lang sana siya at manahimik ay kung bakit naglabas pa siya ng saloobin tungkol sa kontrobersiya sa pagitan nina Julia Barretto at Bea Alonzo. Kumbaga sa nilagang itlog ay malasado kasi ang posisyon ni Kris, hindi raw siya magsasawang mahalin si Bea, pero sana raw naman ay huwag husgahan at saktan ng mga netizens si Julia. Hindi raw naman si Julia lang ang dapat sisihin sa pangyayari, kaya bakit ito ang inuupakan sa social meia, pati ang kaniyang inang si Marjorie? Mahal niya si Bea, pero kahit anong pagpapaikot pa ang gawin ni Kris sa kaniyang paghalo sa isyu ay kitang-kita namang nakahapay ang kaniyang posisyon kay Julia, kaya ano ang napala ni Kris? Ayun, pinupog din si Kris. Ano ang sabi sa kaniya ng mga bashers, “You deserve each other, birds of the same feather flock together, pareho lang kayong mang-aagaw ni Julia!” May nag-post pa na isaisang sinariwa ang mga pakikipagrelasyon ni Kris na puro pamilyado na ang kaniyang minahal, talagang binalikan ng mga ito ang kaniyang kasaysayan sa pakikipagrelasyon, saka pinagtabi ang mga retrato nila ni Julia Barretto. *** Ilang beses nang nakikitang dumadalaw kay Raymart Santiago sa set ng Ang Probinsiyano ang kanilang mga anak ni Claudine Barretto na sina Sabina at Santino. Ang mga bata lang, wala si Claudine, dahil ang usapan talaga nila ay ang mga anak lang nila ang dadalaw sa aktor sa taping. Ilang kaibigan ang nagtulay kina Raymart at Claudine para makita ng aktor ang kanilang mga anak. Noong una ay nagdadalawang-isip pa ang


aktres pero noong bandang huli ay napapayag na rin ito dahil naghahanap ng father figure ang magkapatid. Inayos din ni Raymart ang pag-aaral ng mga bata. Hindi pumapasok ang mga ito dahil nabu-bully raw sa kanilang eskuwelahan. Matindi ang pagpapahalaga ni Raymart sa edukasyon kaya ‘yun ang una niyang inasikaso. Ayon sa aming source ay larawan ng isang happy family ang mag-aama kapag magkakasama. Wala man si Claudine ay parang

kumpleto na rin sila. Kitang-kita ang kaligayahan kina Sabina at Santino mula nang nakakasama na ng mga ito ang kanilang ama. Dagdag ng aming source, “Napakaresponsableng father ni Raymart. Anuman ang nangyari sa kanila ni Claudine, e, ang interest pa rin ng mga bata ang iniintindi niya. “Dati kasi, e, ni hindi niya nakikita ang mga bata. Kung anu-anong reason ang sinasabi ni Claudine. Kesyo galit daw ang mga bata sa father nila, pero hindi totoo ‘yun!

“Naku, kung nakita n’yo sana ang unang araw na nagkitakita ang mag-aama, maluluha ka. Ramdam na ramdam ang pagmamahalan sa kanila,” komento pa ng aming source. *** Mukhang malalim na ang problema sa pagitan nina John Lloyd Cruz at Ellen Adarna. Ano kaya ang dahilan ng panghihingi ng TPO (Temporary Protection Order) ni Ellen na kabahagi ng kasong RA 9262, ang batas na nagbibigay ng proteksiyon sa ina at sa kaniyang anak. May

PAGE 17 nangyari bang matinding pisikal na pagsasakitan sa pagitan ng dalawa? Bakit kaya nagdesisyon si Ellen Adarna na hindi sila malapitan ni Lloydie, nanganganib ba ang buhay ng sexy actress at ng kanilang anak, ganun na ba katindi ang nagaganap ngayon sa kanilang relasyon? Napagkuwentuhan sa isang umpukan ang sitwasyon ngayon nina John Lloyd at Ellen Adarna. Parang nadadalian ang lahat See CRISTY p20



AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Pearl of the Orient Philippine Pavilion

Photos by Rey-Ar Reyes

The Magic of Magdaragat Philippines Inc.

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019


Folklorama celebrates 50 Years!







NO. 330

AGOSTO 16 - 31, 2019

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Alkalde 5. Tumutulo 12. Uri ng asido 13. Alaga 14. Pawid 16. Uri ng batian 17. Nakakita 18. 3.1416 19. Pagtawag-pansin 21. Patunayan 25. Hilig 27. Batid 29. Kumpara 31. Matibay na hibla 32. Tinutulangan PABABA 1. Punit 2. Wagi 3. Pulmon 4. Inang perlas 6. Nagkamit 7. Uri ng pagsamba 8. Supling 9. Leksiyon 10. Tiklop

11. Alipato 15. Ipahuli 18. Tirahan 20. Riwasa 21. Bayaan 22. Inis 23. Mantika 24. Handog 26. Gapas 28. Alyas 30. Pagkakakilanlanan 31. Sabaw ng sinaing


AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Halo-halong karanasan ang darating sa iyo ngayong Agosto. Pamilya ang gawin mong focus dahil sa sadya man o hindi, may pagkukulang ka sa kanila. Makipag-usap ka sa isang kapamilya mo. Maaaring maging mainit ang ulo niya. Ikaw na muna ang magbigay. OK ang ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. Alalay ka sa ika-26 at 27.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Kung kaya mo, iwasan mong masangkot sa usapang walang linaw ang patutunguhan. Manahimik ka at huwag kang sasali sa pagbibigay ng opinion. Makikita mo, malalayo ka sa mga problemang mararanasan ng mga maiingay mong kasama. Tahimik ka lang. Mapalad ka sa ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-21 at 22.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Mapapansin mo na maramdamin o sensitive ang mga tao ngayon. Kaunting puna, masama na ang loob nila sa iyo. Hindi naman ikaw ang boss kaya ang mga maliliit na pagkukulang ay palusutin mo na. Mapapagbintangan ka pang sipsip. OK sa ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 30 at 31.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Hindi palagi, pero sa pagkakataong ito, malamang gamitin mo ang iyong puso o damdamin kaysa utak. Hindi lahat ng bagay ay dapat may dahilan, ang iba ay “basta” lang. Makipag-usap ka sa kaniya nang tapatan at malulutas ninyo ang problema. Lucky days mo ang ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-28 at 29.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Kung nauubos na ang pasensya mo dahil ayaw pa rin niyang tantanan ka, sabihin mo nang tigilan ka. Nawiwili siya sa pagiging bossy sa iyo. Nagiging problema mo na siya. Mabait ka pero may hangganan din ito. Hindi palaging nasa iyo ang pang-unawa. OK ang ika-16, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika20, 21, 27 at 28.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Sa mga darating na araw, pigilan mo ang sarili mo sa pagiging pushy o bossy. Oo nga’t sumusunod sila sa iyo pero alam mo ba kung bakit? Ito’y dahil takot sila sa iyo. Baka mapuno sila at layuan ka na lang. Paano ka kapag nag-iisa ka na lang? Kawawa? Lucky ka sa ika23, 24 at 25. Careful sa ika-21, 22, 28 at 29.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Kung may gusto kang bilhin, sige gawin mo. Masipag ka sa trabaho kung kaya karapatdapat lang na pagbigyan mo ang sarili mo lalo na’t talagang gusto mo itong isang bagay na ito. Para saan ang iyong mga overtime at sakripisyo? Ikaw muna ang makinabang. OK ang ika-23, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika16, 17, 30 at 31.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Walang duda, masaya ka kapag nasa paligid mo ang mga kabarkada mo. Malakas ang pakiramdam mo basta nandiyan sila. Sanayin mo rin sana na wala sila. Hindi palaging nandiyan ang suporta mo. Paano na kung wala na sila? Dapat ay kaya mo ang mag-isa. OK ang ika-23, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-19, 20, 26 at 27.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Buksan mo ang iyong puso at bulsa. Kung may mangangailangan, malaki ang maitutulong mo upang mailigtas mo siya sa pagkakabaon. Hindi mo naman kailangang maglabas ng hindi mo kaya. Babalik sa iyo nang higit pa ang kabutihang gagawin mo. OK ang ika-21, 22, 30 at 31. Ingat sa ika-19, 20, 26 at 27.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Nagiging sentimental ka at nararamdaman mong hindi ka na kasingtapang kumpara noong medyo bata ka pa. Kailangan mong magpakita ng damdamin dahil baka magkasakit ka kung hindi mo ito ihihinga. Hindi ibig sabihin nito na mahina ka. Magpakatotoo ka. OK sa ika-16, 17, 26 at 27. Stress sa ika-19 at 20.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Walang nananalo kapag ang debate ay tungkol sa religion o politics. Hindi ka rin makakakuha ng maraming kaibigan kung ito ang paborito mong topic sa kuwentuhan. Bago ka pa lang sa grupo kaya kontrolin mo ang sarili mo. Iwas-intriga. OK mo ang ika-16, 17, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 28 at 29.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Sa trabaho, pilitin mong huwag makalat o magulo ang iyong lugar. Naiinis ang mga kasama mo dahil puro ka clutter. Kaya mo naman ang maglinis at panatilihing maaliwalas ang iyong work station, di ba? Baka ‘yan din ang dahilan kung bakit mabagal ka. OK ang ika-16, 17, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-23, 24, 25, 30 at 31.

na nagaganap nang biglaan lang. Palaging mayroong pinagdadaanan ‘yun. May bahagdan ang pagtabang ng pagmamahal. Mahabang salaysayin muna ang kailangang maganap bago maghiwalay ang mga taong nagmamahalan. *** Maraming nagkokomento na hindi naging sulit ang ginawang pagtalikod ni John Lloyd Cruz sa kaniyang mahal na career nang dahil sa relasyon nila ni Ellen Adarna. Napakatagal na panahon nang hindi humaharap sa mga camera ang magaling na actor. Inunawa naman ng publiko ang kaniyang hiling na gusto muna niyang matikman ang pribadong buhay. ‘Yung nagagawa niya ang mga bagay-bagay na matagal na niyang gustong gawin pero hindi

niya maisakatuparan dahil milyon ang mga matang nakasunod sa bawat kilos niya. Hindi naging makabuluhan para sa mas nakararami ang naging desisyon ni JLC dahil ngayon ay putok na putok na ang kuwentong naghiwalay na sila ng seksing aktres. Nakapanghihinayang na hiwalayan. Buong akala pa naman ng publiko ay sa altar na ang tuloy ng kanilang pagmamahalan, pero mauuwi lang pala sa wala. *** Mas kalat na kalat na sa Cebu ang paghihiwalay nina John Lloyd Cruz at Ellen Adarna. Sa mga pahayagan kasi sa siyudad unang pumutok ang balita. Si Beauty Gonzales pala ang sinasabing best friend ni Ellen Adarna na unang-unang nakaalam See CRISTY p21

CRISTY... From page 17 ng magkakausap sa inabot ng kanilang relasyon, samantalang tinalikuran ng aktor ang kaniyang pag-aartista nang dahil kay Ellen? Hindi naman natin masasabing nagtikiman lang sila ni Ellen. Ang personalidad lang na ito ang nagsenyal sa kaniya ng pagtalikod sa mahal na mahal niyang karera, kaya seryosohan ang namagitan sa kanila. Sino kaya kina Lloydie at Ellen ang madaling nagsawa sa kanilang relasyon? May kuwento na nagising na lang daw isang umaga ang seksing aktres na lumipad na ang pagmamahal nito kay Lloydie. Isang malaking kalokohan ‘yun. Walang anumang bagay o sitwasyon sa mundong ito


AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

Puspusan na ang political campaign ng PC, LP and NDP for Manitoba’d September 10 snap elections. Nagpahayag na ng kanikanilang mga pangakong panilo ng boto sa mga mamamayan. Kabilang sa mga pangunahing adyenda ni Premier Brian Pallister ang tungkol sa balanced budget, health care na hindi raw magkakaroon ng negative effect sa mga mamamayan. Sinabi ng LP leader Dougald Lamont na isa sa kanilang plano ay magkaroon ng Manitoba Business Development Bank. Ang kawalan umano ng investment capital ay makakapigil sa kaunlarang pangkabuhayan and job creation ng probinsiya. Ang NDP leader Wab Kinew ay nangako naman ng balanced budget, repairing health care and creation of jobs at maayos na kabuhayang ng Manitobans. *** Hinikayat ng US President Donald Trump ang World Trade Organization (WTO) na sana ay hilingin sa China na ang mga developing countries ay pagkalooban ng maayos na pakikitungo. Sana nga dahil ng trade talk ng Washington at Beijing ay hindi magkakaloob ng positive effect sa maraming mga bansa na bago pa lamang mga developing countries. *** Nabalita na ayon sa US Supreme Court, ang president ay may karapatan na gumamit ng military funds for the construction of the US-Mexico boarder wall for security and rule of law. Kasalukuyang nagkakaroon ng mahigpit na patakaran sa immigration. Pilipinas Sisimulan na daw ngayong


2019 ang pagpapagawa ng New Manila International Airport sa Bulacan. Noong July 31, nakuha na ng San Miguel Corporation ang pagtatayo at pangangasiwa sa 735 billion pesos nang mawalan na ng interest ang Swiss capitalist sa takdang bidding. Ang NMIA sa 2,500 na ektaryang paliparan ay may apat na runways at tinatayang baka magamit na sa susunod na five or six years. Ang highways from Metro Manila na patungo sa Bulacan ay karugtong ng Manila Bay Express Way. Ang planong railways naman ay mula Tutuban hanggang Malolos. Nabalitang by about September daw ang ground breaking ng NMIA at ang simula ng airport construction ay before 2019 Christmas. *** Bagaman nakaraan na ang 2019 national and local elections, marami pang mga pangyayaring political killings. Mayors, councillor and barangay officials ang mga nagiging biktima. Kabilang sa mga problema ang tungkol pa rin sa illegal drugs. Sa Metro Manila, nabalitang out of 896 barangays, 89 lamang ang drug free na isa pa rin sa seryosong problema ni Mayor Isco Moreno. *** Sa October 18, ang current Supreme Court Chief Justice Lucas Bersamin ay sumapit na sa kaniyang age 70 mandatory retirement. Ang Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio ay dapat sanang maging kapalit. Subalit ang problema naman ay about 8-days lamang ay mandatory retirement din ni AJ Carpio. Ang Court of Appeal Associate Justice Rodil Zalameda

was appointed to the Supreme Court na pumalit sa puwesto na binakante ni Associate Justice Mariano del Castillio who reached his mandatory age for retirement of 70 years, July 29. Ang mga Associate Justices na maaaring makapalit naman ni Bersamin ay sino man kina AJ Diosdado Peralta, Estela PerlasBernabe, Marvic Leomen and Benjamin Caguioa. Ang deadline for nomination is August 20. Nabalita naman na sina Leomen and Caguioa not interested. Bagaman ang both house of congress are dominated by the leadership of president Duterte, ang panukalang parusang kamatayan na sinusulong ng ilang mga mambabatas ay waring hindi magkakaroon ng smooth sailing. Kung baga sa barkong nasa gitna na dagat ay may malalaking alon


na nasasagupa. *** Ang pangit na epekto ng lindol na nangyari sa Batanes ay isang wake-up call. Dapat ipatupad nang puspusan ng mga namamahala ang government code for the construction of buildings sa mga lugar na tinaguriang nasa ring of fire. Ang Batanes ay datnan at panawan ng mga bagyo subalit hindi nangyayari ang katulad ng pinsalang dulot ng lindol. *** Si Dr. William Dar was appointed by President Duterte as Acting Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. Ngayon ang DA ay nasa mabuting kamay. Gayunman, kailangan niya ng tulong para mapakinabangan ang mga biyaya at kayamanang taglay ng lupa. Ang mga financial institutions

na tulad ng Land Bank of the Philippines and Development Bank of the Philippines ay kailangan ni Dr. Dar. Ang pagbubukas ng mga karagdagang taniman ng palay at mais ay dapat makasama sa build, build, build projects ng gobyerno. Pagkain ang pangunahing kailangan ng tao. Kabilang sa problemang kinakaharap ngayon ng Acting DA head ay papano malulunasan ngayon ang problema na mababang presyo ng palay. Kasabihan Madaling mangako subalit ang katuparan ay karaniwang malabo. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

sa sabihin na nga sa kaniya ni Ellen na suko na siya,” kuwento ng aming source. Kung saan sumuko si Ellen Adarna ay malaking tandangpananong para sa lahat. Ano ba ang hindi na kinaya pa ni Ellen? Hindi naman siguro ang pag-inom ng aktor dahil drinking partners

sila. Mayroon kayang ginagawa si Lloydie na kinokontra ni Ellen? Wala raw third party sa hiwalayan. Malayo ang kuwento sa nangyari kina Bea Alonzo at Gerald Anderson. Wala ring Julia Barretto sa bersiyon ng hiwalayan nina JLC at Ellen Adarna. – CSF

HINAGAP O, Bayan Ko Huwag akalaing kung kaya nilisan, ang iyong malusog, maamong kandugan; Na ako’y nagtaksil sa mutya kong bayan, Sana’y unawain ang katotohanan! *** Tumalikod ako dahil sa adhika, Na ang kalungkutan, iwasang lumubha; Ang iyong larawan sa aking gunita, Mabigat na pasan, makayanan kaya! *** Ikaw walang iba na makakapantay, Ang bukal sa pusong aking pagmamahal; Sa bayang kong mutyang tanging sinilangan, Tapat na pag-ibig, magpakailanman! *** Huwag magkamali na isipin ngayong maligaya ako sa bayang umampon! Paquito Rey Pacheco

CRISTY... From page 20 tungkol sa planong humiwalay na ng sexy actress kay Lloydie. Ito raw kasi ang palaging kausap ni Ellen, si Beauty rin ang nakasama ng sexy star sa Thailand, habang nasa Vietnamn naman si JLC. “Matagal nang alam ni Beauty ang mga saloobin ni Ellen, pero siyempre, hindi niya naman puwedeng sabihin ‘yun kahit kanino. “Listener lang siya, si Ellen pa rin ang magde-decide, hanggang



AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

BCBP Winnipeg Mission inaugural breakfast by May Sales On July 27, 2019, the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) - Winnipeg Mission held its inaugural breakfast meeting at Canad Inns Garden City. The Head of BCBP in Canada, Etchin Sumagang, and his wife, Odit, inspired the audience with their thoughtful reflections on life experiences, the many challenges they face as entrepreneurs, and the success they achieved by upholding honest business practices. Seventy guests, including Father Joe Newman, S.J., of St. Ignatius Parish -Winnipeg, joined the breakfast meeting that was filled with songs and praise. The BCBP is a community whose membership is drawn from the world of business and the

professions who seek to practice Christian values in their daily lives and in their workplace. From the original 24 men who had met at the first breakfast at the Makati Sports Club in July 1980, the BCBP has expanded from its roots in the Philippines into 117 full chapters, five outreach programs and several missions in the USA, Canada, and Southeast Asia. In Canada, the BCBP now has chapters and outreaches in the Greater Toronto Area, Edmonton, Vancouver, Calgary, Hamilton, and Montreal. Its newest mission, BCBP Winnipeg, started in September 2018 when a small group of casual acquaintances who had initially met “through a friend of a friend� gathered every other Saturday to strengthen their Catholic faith by taking part in prayer meetings. Their

bond further grew in the course of the regular potluck meals that followed. As immigrants in Canada, they sought to continue their evangelical journey, which began when they attended their first BCBP breakfast and listened to a sharer talk about how his faith had comforted and helped him

overcome personal challenges to meet his goals. BCBP Winnipeg is recognized as a Catholic lay organization by the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. Its current mission team is composed of Ramon Sales (Mission Head), Abraham Salvador (Breakfast Head), Joseph Resurreccion

(Program Services Head), Leila Guerrero (Teaching Ministry Head) and Adora Reyes (Treasurer). Interested in joining a breakfast meeting? Contact the BCBP Winnipeg Secretariat at bcbpwinnipeg@gmail.com. Photos by Nonie Manalili

AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019





AUGUST 16 - 31, 2019

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