Pilipino Express • Jul 1, 2019

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Volume 15 • No. 13 • July 1 - 15, 2019 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Andrea Torres

14 12

Willie Revillame

MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654



Malaya Marcelino wins NDP nomination Malaya Marcelino will represent the NDP in the riding of Notre Dame in the upcoming provincial election on September 10. She won the nomination at a party meeting at Burton Cummings Community Centre on Sunday, June 23. “The people and neighbourhoods of Notre Dame mean a lot to me and to my family. My brothers and sisters all went to schools here, we have a family home here, friends and church members here,” said Marcelino. “For the past few years, our neighbourhoods in Notre Dame and across our city have experienced a sharp increase in drug-fuelled crime. Public safety is currently the top concern for most Notre Dame residents, followed by concerns for seniors and children due to the Conservatives’ record of closing hospital ERs and underfunding schools,” added Marcelino. Speaking English, French and Filipino, Malaya Marcelino holds a bachelors degree in political science from the University of Toronto. She also worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Manitoba in the See MALAYA p7

Malaya Marcelino, NDP candidate for Notre Dame in the September 10 provincial election





JULY 1 - 15, 2019

JULY 1 - 15, 2019





JULY 1 - 15, 2019

Bottled up It comes as no surprise that in Davao City the single biggest cause of street flooding during heavy rains is single-use plastic water bottles. According to Auxiliary Services Unit (ASU) head Paul Bermejo, the teams that clean the city’s canals “usually get a lot of plastics, especially water bottles that clog the canals.” Other plastics are there, of course, like shopping bags, candy wrappers, and those tiny sachets that contain anything from shampoo to instant coffee to shoe polish, but the ASU singled out water bottles as the main culprit. Oops, sorry, that’s incorrect. The main culprits are, of course, humans who throw their water bottles anywhere. This is kind of ironic given the Davao’s reputation as a clean city. Here we take pains to look for garbage bins, holding on to our trash until we find one. I never actually see anyone throwing trash on the streets, unlike in Manila where, in the year I spent there in

2018-2019, it was a regular sight for me to see pedestrians dropping their plastic cups on the sidewalks or car passengers literally throwing out their fast-food takeout trash from their windows. Here in Davao City the streets are generally clean; even Roxas Street, site of the popular Roxas Night Market, which is put up at 6:00 p.m. daily, is clean after the market closes at midnight. Of course as street floods go, Davao City has relatively minor ones, and they usually subside after an hour or so. There have been some big ones in the past, including the one in 2011 that killed 31 people and submerged entire subdivisions in floodwater, but most of the time they are the kind that one can usually wait out until they dry up. This means our trash problem is not as big as in other urban areas like Metro Manila or Cebu, but the floods do happen, and as the rainy season sets in, we need to acknowledge

the reason so that we can work for the solution before it gets worse. The first thing to admit is that plastic water bottles do end up in the canals. It doesn’t matter how they get there; they’re there, and we need to put a stop to it. One simple solution is for people to stop or at least minimize buying bottled water. I personally bring my own water bottle, a thermostatic one that keeps the water from home cold. The problem is that it holds only half a liter, and I can finish that in basically one sitting. When my water runs out, it’s difficult to find a place to refill. Even the mall food courts in this city don’t have water fountains where one can fill up. I’ve been talking to some business owners here trying to convince them to put up water stations in their premises where people can refill their bottles for free. Most of them agree it’s a good idea and that it won’t really cost them much, but so far, none of those I’ve talked with have implemented it. There are, however, two restaurants in two malls that have placed water stations outside their doors inviting people to drink up for free. It may be a marketing

strategy, but you have to admit it’s a good program. Now when I go to those malls I know I don’t have to bring my water bottle since I could always go to these places for a drink of water. But two restaurants aren’t enough. The city – whether it’s the government or the private sector – needs to discourage Davaoeños from buying bottled water. Davao already pioneered the ban on nonbiodegradable plastic bags in 2012, and Mayor Sara Duterte has said many times that one of her priorities for her second term (which started in July) is the protection of the environment. I don’t think banning plastic water bottles completely is a solution since there are still valid reasons to manufacture, sell, and buy them. But there should be a program to wean the people from plastic bottles, and it will take the whole city to do it. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Time for calm and relaxation From the time that I was a kid, July 1st always brought on a feeling of being able to take a break. Canada Day would signify the official end of the school year, and even now as an adult, this day continues to have a feeling of renewal and calm. Although summer weather always makes it easier to engage in fun and calming activities, I have realized that relaxation should be a priority all year round. Even 15 minutes a day to put responsibilities aside and have a mental “time out” can go a long way towards long-term health and wellness. Why not start that daily practice now? Here are a few ways to incorporate relaxation into your daily life, no matter what the weather! A regular sleep routine An astounding amount of research emphasizes the importance of adequate sleep for children and adults. A sound sleep increases our ability to concentrate, improves memory, reduces the risk of heart disease and other serious illness, lowers the incidence of depression and helps the body to repair itself. So during these next couple of months, make it a goal to have healthy sleep habits. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, limit technology in the evening, and engage in soothing activities such as baths and quiet reading. A wise friend told me that her secret to a good night’s sleep is to “Treat yourself like a baby!”

The 4-7-8 breathing method This strategy is a relaxation tool that is easy to remember and can be done at anytime. Dr. Andrew Weil developed this strategy with the aim to decrease stress and anxiety. It can also help you to fall asleep at bedtime if your worries and thoughts are keeping you awake. This is because it forces you to focus on your breathing instead. The basic steps are to: 1. Exhale fully by parting your lips to make a whooshing sound until your lungs are empty 2. Close your mouth and inhale slowly for four counts 3. Hold for seven counts 4. Exhale for eight counts, making another whooshing sound 5. Repeat for at least four cycles Mindfulness meditation Research supports that the daily practice of mindfulness meditation reduces stress, depression and anxiety levels. It focuses on being in the present moment, and not replaying the past or worrying about the future. Meditation allows us to explore how our mind works without any kind of self-criticism or judgment. The result is that we have more compassion for ourselves and for others. Below is a simple beginner’s script to mindful meditation: • Start by getting into a comfortable position that will not allow you to fall asleep. Try sitting in a comfortable chair or sitting on the floor with your legs crossed.

• Close your eyes or allow your gaze to centre on one spot, unfocused. • Gently lean your head to one side and then the other. Roll your shoulders slowly in one direction, and then the other. Allow your whole body to relax. • Bring your attention to your breathing. Without trying to change your breathing, notice how it feels to inhale and exhale. Notice the flow of the air as it enters your body, and then leaves it. • If you find that your attention wanders to something else, or if random thoughts come up, notice them, but do not dwell on them. Let the thoughts pass. • Bring your focus back to breath and notice how you inhale and exhale repeatedly. • Feel the air enter through your nose, into your body, filling your lungs. • Notice the pause right before the air exits your lungs and out through the nostrils. • Pay attention to the sounds that your breath makes. • Picture the air as it enters your body, nourishes it, and then leaves again. Feel your chest and stomach expand and contract as breath occupies and leaves your body. • Now as you inhale, meditate on the word “calm” • As you exhale, the breath will leave on the word “calm” • On the next breath… inhale…. Calm…. • And exhale…. Calm… • Continue to pair each inhalation and exhalation with

“calm.” • Be aware of how your body feels. • Embrace what this sensation feels like to you. • See how your breath is calm and flowing, and how relaxed your body feels. • Now it is time to gently return to the room and reawaken mind and body. • As you keep your eyes closed, pay attention to how your feet feel, your hands, and how your head feels. Feel the chair or the floor underneath you and how it feels to be supported. • Take note of any sounds around you. • Start to wiggle your toes and fingers. • Stretch out your legs and arms gently and slowly. • Shrug your shoulders slightly and tilt your head from side to side gently. • Feel your consciousness come back to the room that you are in and open your eyes slowly. • Stay in position for a few moments longer and notice the serenity that is in your body right now. • Slowly start to move your body and bring your mind back to full awareness of the room that you are in. Come to a standing position, do some light stretches, and return to your daily tasks, feeling a new sense of energy within you. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

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JULY 1 - 15, 2019



Canada Day and honouring a hero I’m feeling especially patriotic this month – not to say that I am normally unpatriotic – but life has thrown me a curve ball and it has caused me to reflect. More on that in a minute. Right now, I’d like to wish you all a very Happy Canada Day! What are your plans for Canada’s 152nd birthday? Will you be braving the crowds at The Forks and staying until the grand fireworks show? Will you be taking in the festivities at Assiniboine Park? Unfortunately, I will be doing neither, as I don’t live in Winnipeg anymore. But if I were, you would surely find me at a venue wearing red and white face paint and belting out O Canada at the top of my lungs. As for my attire, it would surely be a Winnipeg Jets jersey while draping a Canadian flag over my shoulders. For food, I would find the best poutine money can buy. Can you tell that I’m a proud Canuck? We live a great country, but I don’t need to tell you that. Sure, we’ve got our issues, but it pales in comparison to what other countries (you know who you are) are going through right now. We live in a democracy that promotes freedom of speech and of the press, plus we celebrate what makes our country special – our diversity. I’m feeling pretty darn lucky. So should you. I wasn’t feeling this good last month. That’s when I lost someone very close to me; my Ninong Val. He’s the one who named me, and he was quite proud of that. I was the first Canadian born in my extended family, so he chose the most Canadian name he could think of. Not far from my childhood home is Martindale Place, a street in the Maples. I like to think that’s where he got the idea to call me Dale Martin. Pretty Canadian, am I right? Lucky he didn’t name me after McPhillips Street. Phew, dodged a bullet on that one! The other option for a name was King Edward, but that would have been a bit pretentious. He lived his life as a son, brother, uncle, friend, Ninong and a captain in the Canadian Air Force. I’m still feeling unbelievable pain at our loss. I have these thoughts running through my head, as one would typically have

when losing someone so suddenly. I wish I had more time with him. I wish I had asked him more about his travels and experiences as a member of the NATO Peace Keeping Forces or his stints in the Gulf War, Bosnia, Mogadishu and Somalia. He was also the lolo to my kids as we lost my dad 14 years ago. We stayed with him in Calgary last summer and we were expecting to stay with him this summer during our tour of Alberta. I’m told he had already prepared for our visit. He had bought the cereal and ice cream the Burgos kids fancy. When I was a wee lad, I liked to think he introduced me to

“culture.” He brought me to the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and cooked foods other than pancit and adobo. One such dish was escargot. Would I have eaten it if he told me what it was beforehand? Probably not. Now I love the stuff! I had the honour to give a eulogy at his funeral. My emotions ran high. I felt extreme sadness, grief and at times, anger. My tribute ran 18 minutes, a tad long, but that’s the time it took for me to get it all out. It felt good. He was a healthy 70 years old and was taken from us much too soon. He fought for the freedoms that I enjoy today and will in the future. A lifetime of thanks could

never amount to the sacrifices he had made in his career. His dedication and commitment to this country will not go unnoticed.

Ninong, I salute you. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in BC.

Valentine De Jesus



JULY 1 - 15, 2019

The feng shui of debt Everyone says that money doesn’t buy happiness, and it doesn’t. It just buys everything else. Money is a type of energy that, like food, when it’s in an abundant supply, we are usually happy. When it’s not, it feels a lot like starvation and like hunger pangs, you feel the psychological and spiritual drain of a debt hanging over you. The worry, dread and fear can sometimes build up. 

 Here are some ideas about the feng shui of debt and ways to help you speed up getting out of the hole and over to the plus side on the accounting sheet. 
Perk up the income and money corner 

The north is your income sector. Give it some feng shui attention, like buying pretty purple flowers or something that represents wealth to you to the north corner of your home, living room, and bedroom. Adding water symbols such as shells will help promote income and opportunity energy. Avoid water or flowers in the bedroom, though. 

 Feng shui your wallet and purse 

Show money respect and it will respect you. Make sure your wallet looks good and is in good repair. Ensure that bills are all organized in your wallet and that none of them is upside down. Streamline credit cards to only those you use the most. Take out receipts daily. When you do get receipts, put them into a plastic envelope, so they’re neat and tidy. 

Look at all your credit cards and make sure they are turned the correct way and that you place them in your wallet that way every time (otherwise, the money falls out of them). Use the

change part of your wallet; avoid throwing change into the bottom of your purse. 

 Take the teeth out of the debt and make it visual 

 Debt is a lot like a bogeyman. The fear of the lurking monster in the dark is far worse in our minds than it is in reality. Take some of the fear and bite out of debt by making a poster with thermometer like charity drives use. Start with the big number, the amount you owe, on bottom and add 0 on the top. You can make your own or find one easily online. 

What’s important is to see the debt and using your hand to fill in the thermometer. This makes the debt real and visual – and that links your eyes, heart, and head together toward eliminating it, which is powerful for manifesting money to get out of debt. Use a red colour to energize paying off your debt. 

 Display feng shui money symbols 

 Add a fountain in the southeast corner of your home or living room to help you save money. Put a figure of Kwan Kung by your door. He’s a warrior, but he’s also a God of Wealth. Not only will he help you accumulate more money, he’ll help protect it. Add a dragon tortoise to your office or desk. This hard-working hybrid will help you with job opportunities, added income, and growth. 

 Set your eyes on money 

 Whether it’s a picture of a pile of gold, $100 bills, or the image of a bank, keep images of money around you. Put images of money near you. Keep your television or radio turned on to money shows. The more you surround yourself with money, the more money you will attract. This can be in

the form of payments, winnings, promotions, commissions, and etc.

 See yourself accumulate money 

 Get a glass jar and throw your change in it. When it accumulates, turn it into bills. Have an extra $1 or $5 in your wallet? Throw it in. Watch as the money grows. 

 Soak up the money 

 Going to the bank? Don’t hide behind an ATM machine, walk into your bank and talk to the teller. Look around. Your money is there with millions of other dollars. Soak in the money energy of your banking establishment and you are one of their customers regardless of whether you have $10 or a million. Walk out the bank by focusing on a feeling of wealth and abundance. 

 Add not subtract 

 Too often we immediately start thinking of ways to cut out expenses to pay down debts, and if you have some pricey expenses (lattes, mani/pedis, cigarettes), cutting back isn’t a bad idea. However, it’s always better to find a way you can add money to your bottom line – and that you send it straight to paying down a debt. 

Extra money could come from a weekend job, selling clothing or items you have around the house, driving an Uber, teaching a class or doing some small side job or service. There is always a way to come up with extra money in our gig society. 

 Debt is a drag 

 Having debt can drag you down. Overspending or being stuck with a bill after a divorce, for example, can leave you feeling resentful. If you didn’t buy that jetski but the divorce judge saddled you with the bill, it’s important that you try to stay emotionally neutral, and that’s true no matter what the bill or debt is about. When you get into the emotion of beating yourself up for that shopping trip or anger over a bill you don’t want, or a tax payment that feels unfair, holding onto the emotion will keep you trapped in the debt energy. 

 Pay more, be free 

 So, the jetski was a real thing. A divorced woman was

stuck with a $3,000 bill for the remaining payment on a jetski when her divorce was finalized. She didn’t get the jetski, just the bill. She was mad and she took out her resentment for having to pay for it because “it wasn’t fair,” by paying the absolute monthly minimum. Guess who ended up paying almost $5,000 for that same bill? Take the emotion out and pay as much as you possibly can until the debt is paid. She thought she was paying $3,000 for a jetski, but she wasn’t, she was paying $3,000 for her freedom. Think about your perspective and change it if you need to. Move the chi

 Make sure that you streamline your home. Remove excess clutter and work to open up clear floor space. This will help chi move more quickly and that means money can arrive more quickly! Pick up piles of clothes,

shoes or papers from floors, under the bed, near your doors, and in your closets. Go through drawers and clean out one at a time. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I’m a single woman and I live with my mom and my younger sister. I am having a really hard time meeting any decent men. Well, actually, I’m having a hard time meeting any men at all. Do you have any feng shui advice? Answer: This is a great question for all the single ladies! If you live with your mother and sister, or another girlfriend, or alone, you need the dragon’s vibrant yang energy. When there’s too much feminine energy, it repels the male energy, so that could contribute to being single or only attracting needy guys. What your household needs is more yang energy. In fact, you have to have yang energy for love – just think about it…love is passionate, intense and can grow. If you’re ready to stop being single get yourself a dragon figure or image and place it in the East or Southeast corner of your living room – never the bedroom – to enhance your chances of meeting a wonderful, supportive man. Good luck! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

JULY 1 - 15, 2019



The new caregiver pilot programs are here The promised changes to the caregiver program were announced on June 15 and the excitement has been mounting. The overview of the program implementation was included in the recent publication of CIC News. The details provided include: • The two pilots are entitled the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot; • Canada began accepting applications for the two new caregiver immigration pilots on June 18, 2019 and are limited to 2,750 at this time; • The two pilots will only provide work permits for applicants who have a job offer in Canada and have IELTS General Result’s equivalent to CLB 5. The four minimum scores on the IELTS test should be Listening 5,

MALAYA... From page 1 Department of Politics while she prepared for a master’s degree, and as a research and communications specialist at a Manitoba agribusiness. A wife and a mother of two young boys, Marcelino has a track record in community service as a youth worker at Rossbrook House, a board member at Children’s House Montessori School, and as a Sunday school teacher and board member at Broadway Disciples United Church. “I enjoy campaigning because what it is, at heart, is meeting new friends and organizing to make our communities better,” said Marcelino.

Reading 4, Writing 5 and speaking 5. The candidate should also have one year of Canadian postsecondary education or the foreign equivalent and must be admissible to Canada (which would include immediate family members). Instructions on the submission of applications are given in general terms: submission of an application for permanent residence and a second submission for an open work permit. The entire process will start with the application submissions for the principle applicant as well as applications for the accompanying spouse or partner (open work permit) and accompanying children (study permit or visitor visa). All applications for permanent residence under the Home Child-Care Provider and Home Support Worker must be submitted to the Case Processing

Centre in Edmonton (CPC-E) The major change in the processing of Caregiver applications is that the IRCC will issue occupation-specific work permits instead of employer specific work permits. The job offer is additional but is exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). The changes will mean that the applicant has great flexibility in changing employers but must continue to work in the specific occupational area for two years in Canada. Foreign workers currently working inside Canada who meet the criteria are also eligible to apply on the new program. Caregivers with work experience under NOC 4411 (excluding foster parents) are eligible to apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot. Caregivers working under NOC 4412 (excluding housekeepers) are eligible to apply for permanent

residence through the Home Support Worker Pilot. The insideCanada applicants must also meet the basic requirements outlined above. I have an immediate concern about the cap of 2,750 applications, but at least it is a start. Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that the new pilot will ensure “a clear transition to permanent residence status for the successful caregivers and their families,” once they have the two years accumulated work experience inside Canada. The work experience must be obtained in the 36-month period before the submission of the application for permanent residence. “Canada is caring for our caregivers. We made a commitment to improve the lives of caregivers and their families who come from around the world to care for our loved ones, and

with these new pilots, we’re doing exactly, that.” Minister Ahmed Hussein, said in a press release. If you have questions concerning the changes, the application process and other related matters, contact a licensed immigration consultant or immigration lawyer. The changes are new and limited but represent a noticeable change in outlook, with more consideration for the caregiver themselves and their families, not just employer demand. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

And Marcelino is no stranger to political campaigns and public office, carrying the name recognition of a family with a history of public service and activism. She hopes to follow in the footsteps of her mother, Flor Marcelino, who was the first-ever woman of colour elected to the Manitoba Legislature in 2007, and later interim Leader of the Opposition in 2016. Her father, Orli Marcelino, is a former Honorary Philippine Consul General of Manitoba. “If I can accomplish half of what my mother was able to do for others during her time, I will count myself as blessed,” Marcelino told the Pilipino Express. The 2019 Manitoba provincial election is set for September 10.

Malaya Marcelino (right) and husband, Joel Capalad (left), with her young supporters in the playground of Burton Cummings Community Centre, after the nomination meeting. L-r: Joel Capalad, Elias Marcelino, Scarlett Sison, Sandigan Capalad, Damian Capalad, Malaya Marcelino, Jonas Marcelino.



JULY 1 - 15, 2019

The truth behind the most popular diet trends of the moment Thinking about jumping on the Whole30, ketogenic diet, antiinflammatory diet or intermittent fasting bandwagon? Read this first. Is skipping meals a bad idea — or a secret weight-loss weapon? Should you eat low fat, or high fat? You probably could eat less added sugar, so should you eliminate it completely? With so many competing — and often contradictory — diet trends, it can be tough to cut through the hype to find a healthyeating plan that works for you. Check out the evidence behind each of these four increasingly popular eating styles to uncover the real deal. Whole30 How it works: For 30 days, no sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy or treats in general are allowed. What’s on the menu? Moderate amounts of meat, seafood and eggs; vegetables aplenty; some fruit; and natural fats such as nuts and avocado. Herbs and seasonings are A-OK. What it promises: A reboot for your eating habits and your cravings. Plus, the founders say that eliminating these food groups may help with a number of ailments they blame on food sensitivities, such as skin problems, digestive issues, low energy and chronic pain. The upsides: No doubt the Whole30 is strict. But for some people, a black-and-white list of rules stating what you can — and can’t — eat, makes it easier to follow (at least for 30 days). Plus, the growing popularity makes recipes and meal plans easy to find. Cutting out snacks and processed foods such as chips and crackers is part of the plan. The downsides: Though the internet is full of anecdotal success stories, there’s no scientific evidence of health benefits — particularly in the long term. Most people return to their previous eating habits after completing the challenge. Mayo Clinic’s verdict: Not only does it cut out foods that most Americans should eat less of, like added sugars, but it also eliminates healthy foods, including whole grains, dairy and legumes. A more sustainable approach: Don’t cut out food groups. Enjoy the variety, including dessert — as long as it’s occasional. Ketogenic diet How it works: Bring on the bacon. This high-fat, very low carbohydrate diet typically means eating fewer than 50 grams of carbs a day — less than four slices of bread’s worth. What it promises: Getting most of your calories from fat forces your body to use different energy pathways. Instead of carbs for energy, the body burns fat, entering a state called ketosis. The upsides: While the precise mechanisms are unclear, ketosis is thought to have brainprotecting benefits: As many as

half of young people with epilepsy had fewer seizures after following the diet. And some early research suggests it may have benefits for blood sugar control among people with diabetes. An upcoming study will look at the ketogenic diet as a weight maintenance strategy. The downsides: While the research is exciting, there’s very little evidence to show that this type of eating is effective — or safe — over the long term for anything other than epilepsy. Plus, very low carbohydrate diets tend to have higher rates of side effects, including constipation, headaches, bad breath and more. Also, meeting the diet’s requirements means cutting out many healthy foods, making it difficult to meet your micronutrient needs. Mayo Clinic’s verdict: While the ketogenic diet may be recommended for some people with uncontrolled epilepsy, the high fat content — and especially the high level of unhealthy saturated fat — combined with limits on nutrient-rich fruits, veggies and grains is a concern for long-term heart health. Anti-inflammatory diet How it works: While there is no single anti-inflammatory diet, the general approach is a balanced diet full of fresh, wholesome foods. The diet calls for lots of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, tea (instead of coffee), and even dark chocolate and red wine. Fast food? Off the menu. What it promises: Eating whole, unprocessed, largely plant-based foods is thought to fight chronic inflammation and help counteract stress and environmental toxins. In turn, this may lower your risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s. The upsides: Fresh fruits and vegetables? Check. Whole grains? Check. Healthy omega-3 fats? Check. Chocolate and wine? Double check. The downsides: Learning to prepare fresh, plant-based foods can be more time-consuming than relying on pre-packaged or fast food. Mayo Clinic’s verdict: Just like the Mediterranean diet it’s based on, this approach to eating is nutritionally sound and not overly restrictive like some other diet trends. Intermittent fasting How it works: There are two common approaches to fasting: One is to eat very few calories on certain days, then eat normally the rest of the time. The other involves eating only during certain hours, and skipping meals for the rest of each day. What it promises: Even with free eating periods, fasters tend to take in fewer calories overall, resulting in weight loss. In addition, advocates believe that intentionally depriving your cells of calories may slow the progression of certain age-related diseases. The upsides: Some people See HEALTH p10

JULY 1 - 15, 2019



Winnipeg measles case likely contracted in the Philippines Manitoba’s chief public health officer confirmed in a bulletin on Friday June 28, that a travelrelated case of measles has been reported in Manitoba. The Winnipeg man, in his 30s, is believed to have contracted the virus while travelling in the Philippines. He is currently recovering in hospital. While the risk of transmission is low, the bulletin advises that people who were at the following locations on the dates and times listed below may have been exposed to measles: • Philippines Airlines flight PR 116 from Manila to Vancouver on June 24; • Vancouver International Airport customs area and baggage area from 5:15 p.m. (Pacific time) to 7 p.m. (Pacific time) on June 24; • WestJet flight WJ 458 from Vancouver to Winnipeg on June 24; • Winnipeg Richardson International Airport arrivals and baggage claim on June 25 from midnight until 2 a.m.; • Assiniboine Clinic on Tuesday, June 25 between 2 and 6 p.m.; and • Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg adult emergency department waiting room on Tuesday, June 25 from approximately 4:45 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. Pregnant women, people who have severely compromised immune systems and infants under 12 months of age are at higher risk of complications. Treatment to prevent measles may be recommended for these individuals if given within six days of exposure. People or parents of infants in these categories who believe they may been exposed based on the information above should contact Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for further direction. Although the risk of transmission is low, other Manitoba individuals who are not immunized for measles and are concerned they may have been exposed to measles at the locations listed above are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider or Health Links– Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or

1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for more information. Immunization administered within 72 hours of exposure may prevent disease, and is recommended after 72 hours to prevent disease from future exposures. Measles is a highly infectious, communicable disease that is spread through droplets in the air formed when coughing or sneezing. An infected person can spread the virus from four days before the rash appears to four days after. The disease tends to be more severe in infants and young children, and can be life threatening. All people, regardless of their immunization status, who may have been exposed to measles should monitor for symptoms for 21 days after the exposure date. Symptoms to watch for include fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, drowsiness, irritability and red eyes followed a few days later by a rash that starts on the face and spreads to the chest. Small white spots may also develop on the inside of the mouth or throat. Several days after the initial symptoms, a red blotchy rash appears on the face and progresses down the body. Measles can lead to complications including ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia (lung infection) and encephalitis (brain inflammation). If you think you may have measles and are visiting a physician or health-care provider, it is best to call ahead and make an appointment so health-care staff can take steps to reduce the exposure of other people to the virus. Those who are not immunized or who have never had the measles infection are at highest risk of measles and should get the measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine. The vaccine is safe and highly effective. Immunization is the only means of protecting yourself and your family. Contact an immunization provider such as a physician, nurse practitioner or local public health office to make sure you and your family are up to date. In Manitoba, a two-dose measles vaccine program was introduced in 1996. Vaccines for measles/mumps/rubella/varicella

(MMR or MMRV) are provided for children who are at least one year of age and again when aged four to six. To reduce the spread of measles, people can: • ensure immunizations are up to date, • wash their hands often with

soap and water or use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer • if soap and water are not available, • avoid sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils, • cover coughs and sneezes with the forearm or a tissue, and • stay home when sick. Public health officials will

continue to monitor the situation in Manitoba and provide updated information as necessary. For information on the measles, visit ww.gov.mb.ca/ health/publichealth/diseases/ measles.html. Source: Government of Manitoba



JULY 1 - 15, 2019

Summer is on! relatively short and sometimes plagued by mosquitoes, rain and thunderstorms. But you know what? More than two months of no snow and no thick jackets are It’s officially summer in this part of the world! After a long winter and an unsatisfactory spring, the sun’s shining bright, soliciting warm smiles from everyone. One major thing about summer is you can step out of the house or office without putting on a jacket or an extra layer of clothing. Another wonderful thing is you can spend a lot of time outdoors! Many people go to the park for a picnic, the more adventurous go fishing, long

HEALTH... From page 8 find it easier to have bulletproof willpower for just part of the time than to eat more moderately all of the time. Several small studies have found lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels with fasting. The downsides: Larger, longterm studies are still lacking, so most of the proposed benefits are theoretical or based on animal

drives and others. For me personally, among my favourite things to do in the summer is to walk, run, bike and do Zumba. Yes, Zumba. One of the best things that ever happened to me was to become an instructor of this fun, fitness program. We do it mostly indoors, but, like any other activities, there is extra excitement when you do them outside where it is bright and breezy. And, you can marvel at the beauty of nature just being outside. Summers in Canada are

research. Mayo Clinic’s verdict: There’s simply not enough research (yet) to support or debunk this trend, and shortening your eating window may make it difficult to get the vitamins and minerals you need. Athletes especially may find it difficult to fuel and refuel appropriately for an active lifestyle. By Mayo Clinic Staff – Courtesy Mayo Clinic News Network

blessings enough. So don’t waste any second. Plan your outdoor activities now, if you have not done so. They don’t have to be expensive, nor far. What’s

important is you get to spend it with your loved ones, you have good fun, and you keep safe! So get moving! Gotta love summer.

JULY 1 - 15, 2019




Kami man ang ama ni Alden Richards ay talagang mamamangha rin kami kung gaano kahusay magtagpi-tagpi ng mga kuwento ang ibang tao para lang paniwalain ang marami na nagpakasal na sina Alden at Maine Mendoza. At may venue pa, sa Vatican daw, at mayroon na rin pala silang anak na dumaan sa proseso ng surrogacy. Di ba naman napakadetalyado ng kuwento na milya-milya naman ang layo sa katotohanan? Totoong naabot ng tambalan nina Alden at Maine ang pinakaituktok ng popularidad pero sila na mismo ang nagsasabi, lalo na ang dalaga, na magkaibigan lang sila. Hanggang doon lang ang pagiging malapit nila, hanggang sa pagkakaibigan lang, walang labis at walang kulang. Pero ewan kung bakit may mga taong ayaw pa ring bumitiw hanggang ngayon sa paniniwala na may karelasyon na si Maine, nand’yan na si Arjo Atayde, lantaran na ang kanilang relasyon pero may mga nagpapalutang pa rin ng kalokohang kuwento na kasal na sina Alden at Maine. Sa inis tuloy ni Mr. Richard Faulkerson ay nasagad na ito, tahasang sinabi ng ama ng Pambansang Bae na wala itong manugang, lalong wala itong apo kay Alden. Ang tanong, kailan kaya magigising sa katotohanan ang mga taong hanggang ngayo’y nagiilusyon na sina Alden at Maine pa rin ang tunay na nagmamahalan? Napakarami nang naganap sa


buhay ng dalawa, nagkaintindihan na sila na hanggang sa pagkakaibigan lang ang kanilang tambalan, pero may kuwento pa ring nagpakasal na sila at mayroon pang anak? Nakakaloka nga naman! *** Anong kampo kaya ang nagpapasimuno sa pambubulabog kay Regine Velasquez? Nakakaawa kasi si Regine, parang wala na siyang nagagawang maganda sa mundo, palagi siyang inuupakan sa social media na pare-pareho lang naman ang mga sinasabi. Mula nang lumipat sa ABSCBN si Regine ay naging pagkain na niya sa maghapon ang mapaklang ampalaya. Tinututukan talaga ng mga bashers ang kaniyang mga galaw. Konting bagay lang ay malaking isyu na agad para birahin nila nang walang humpay ang Asia’s Songbird. May mga pagkakataon siyempreng nasasagad na rin ang pasensiya ng singer-actress, sumsagot na rin siya, kahit pa alam niya na mas magiging dahilan iyon nang walang humpay na bira sa kaniya. Pero kung aanalisahing mabuti ang sitwasyon ay positibo iyon para kay Regine. Isa lang ang ibig sbaihin noon, nasa gitna pa rin siya ng labanan, relevant pa rin siya. Mas magiging masakit at masaklap para kay Regine kung halos maputol na ang mga ugat niya sa leeg sa pagkanta pero wala nang pumapansin sa kaniya. Iyon ang pinakamalungkot na See CRISTY p15

JULY 1 - 15, 2019

• Alden Richards – Marami pa ring umaasang siya at si Maine pa rin • Regine Velasquez – Palaging inuupakan sa social media, bakit kaya? • Kris Aquino – Nakikipag-aregluhan na raw sa Falcis family • Jeric Gonzales – Shelved na muna ang seryeng Rosang Agimat • Manoy Eddie Garcia – Dapat lang hiranging National Artist • Joshua Garcia at Julia Barretto – Totoo bang hiwalay na? • Willie Revillame – Nag-aaral ngayon para maging piloto • John Lloyd Cruz – Nagpaalam na sa kaniyang ermitanyo look • Derek Ramsay – Sana’y huwag nang patulan ang mga bashers • Vice Ganda – Hindi nabibili ang breeding, kahit milyonaryo na

Alden Richards and his dad Richard Faulkerson (left)

Regine Velasquez

Willie Revillame Kris Aquino

Jeric Gonzales & Manoy Eddie Garcia Derek Ramsay & his exgirlfriend, Joanne Villablanca

John Lloyd Cruz

Vice Ganda

JULY 1 - 15, 2019






The Better Woman GMA Network unveils the most compelling and passionate love story on the Telebabad block via The Better Woman. The original drama introduces the much-awaited team up of two

of the Network’s hottest stars – Derek Ramsay as Andrew de Villa and Andrea Torres as Jasmine de Villa and Juliet Santos-de Villa a.k.a Elaine Reyes.

Andrea Torres & Derek Ramsay

Peace of M ind .

Pre-Arrangement relieves your family of last-minute planning and lets you choose how you’ll be remembered. Pre-arrange with Mosaic and we’ll provide peace of mind to those involved during this emotional time.

JULY 1 - 15, 2019

This is Derek’s first soap as a Kapuso and after months of teasing about the project, he is looking forward to everyone finally watching what they’ve been working on. “I’m really excited for this project. Hope all the Kapuso viewers will enjoy our show. It’s been really tough doing it but it’s See DEREK p15

The cast of The Better Woman


Fe e l at Home . I M M E D I AT E N E E D ? C A L L ( 2 0 4 ) 2 7 5 - 5 5 5 5 , W E ’ R E AVA I L A B L E 2 4 / 7 18 3 9 I N K S T E R B O U L E VA R D MOSAICFUNER AL S.C A INFO@MOSAICFUNER AL S.C A

JULY 1 - 15, 2019

DEREK... From page 14 definitely worth it,” he said. Andrea, meanwhile, is happy with everyone’s warm reception of their tandem. “Challenging at kakaiba talaga ang role ko sa soap. But I’m grateful na si Derek ang kapartner ko dahil magaan siyang katrabaho at mabilis kaming naging kumportable sa isa’t isa,” she shared. Also starring in the series is Jaclyn Jose as Erlinda Santos, Ina Feleo as Angela de Villa Castro, Marco Alcaraz as Glenn Santiago, Ashley Rivera as Chesi Rodriguez, Paolo Paraiso as Joross Baltazar, and Francis Makil as Amy Santos. Kapuso viewers from across the globe can also catch their favourite Kapuso shows via GMA’s international channels GMA Pinoy TV, GMA Life TV, and GMA News TV International. For the program guide, visit www.gmapinoytv.com.

CRISTY... From page 12 puwedeng mangyari sa isang artista. Kailangan na lang sigurong mag-ipon pa ng pasensiya si Regine Velasquez, kakambal noon dapat ang pag-iingat sa kaniyang mga pagsasalita, para walang balang maibabalik laban sa kaniya ang mga taong hindi masaya sa kaniyang tagumpay. Mahirap dn ang kalagayan ng kaniyang mister, napakasakit para kay Ogie Alcasid ang mga tinatanggap niyang negatibong pagpuna, kaya paminsan-minsan ay iniaalok na lang ng singercomposer ang kaniyang sarili para birahin para maisalba lang ang ina ng kaniyang anak sa stress. *** Pitong kaso ang isinampal ni Kris Aquino kay Nicko Falcis. Iba-ibang kaso iyon na pinagpistahan ng buong bayan dahil ayon sa aktres-TV host ay betrayal of trust ang ginawa sa kaniya ni Nicko Falcis na dati niyang staff. May resolusyon na ang limang kaso, dalawa na lang ang naiiwanan, ang estafa cases na nasa piskalya ng Quezon City at Taguig. Dismissed na ang tatlong kasong nakahain sa Pasig, Makati at Manila. Ang dalawang kaso naman sa Mandaluyong at San Juan ay winidrow ni Kris, pero may bagong progreso tungkol sa magkabilang panig. Noong June 22 ay nag-text si Kris kay Nicko Falcis, ang nilalaman ng mensahe ay positibo, ang posibilidad ng compromise agreement. Kapag ganoon na nag-aalok na ng compromise agreement ang nagdemanda ay marami pa ring prosesong pagdadaanan ang magkabilang kampo, pero maganda ang patutunguhan, kung paano sila magkikita sa gitna ng pagkokompromiso ay kailangan na lang nating hintayin. Kung magiging matigas at emosyonal ang pamilya Falcis ay



The Blood Sisters to premier in Kazakhstan The Blood Sisters, ABSCBN’s hit crime drama starring Erich Gonzales who played triplets, is set to thrill viewers in Kazakhstan as the Kapamilya teleserye is slated to premiere in one of the country’s leading TV networks, Channel 31. ABS-CBN’s deal with Channel 31 solidifies once more the media company’s reputation as a trusted producer of exceptional content for international audiences. The Blood Sisters follows the success of other narrative buys from ABS-CBN this 2019 such as “Pangako Sa’Yo” in the Dominican Republic, “Halik” in Tanzania, and the much-awaited local adaptation of “Hanggang

puwede nilang hindi pagbigyan ang iniaalok ni Kris, tutal naman ay dinumihan na rin lang ang kanilang pangalan, di ituloy na lang ang laban hanggang sa dulo ng walang hanggan. Nakaladkad ang pangalan ni Nicko sa isyung kahiya-hiya, damay doon ang pangalan ng kaniyang pamilya, kaya kung magpapairal sila ng pride ay puwedeng parang nagsalita lang si Kris sa bingi. Siguradong pag-aaralang mabuti ng pamilya Falcis ang senaryo, abogado naman si Attorney Jess na kinasuhan din ni Kris ng libelo, aabangan namin ang magiging pinal nilang desisyon. Natawa lang kami sa komento ng kaibigan naming propesor, ang kaniyang sabi, “Nakakaloka talaga si Kris! Siya itong very persistent noon tungkol sa mga kaso, kesyo pati raw ang pera ng mga anak niya, e, ninakaw ni Nicko, tapos ngayon, e, siya itong magtetext para sa isang compromise agreement? Only Kris can do that inconsistency!” inis na sabi ni

Saan” in Turkey. The Blood Sisters,” a crime drama about separated triplets who are reunited after a case of mistaken identity, performed strongly during its run on television last year, consistently winning the ratings in its timeslot. ABS-CBN’s content, popular for its heartfelt Filipino stories, are available across other territories through ABS-CBN International Distribution, recognized in the global arena as a reliable foreign content provider. It has been a premier source of high quality Filipino programming in over 50 territories all over the world and has sold over 50,000 hours of content worldwide.

Erich Gonzales

Eddie Garcia

Joshua Garcia & Julia Barretto prop. Pero sa isang banda ay maganda na ring magkita sila sa gitna, siguro nga ay naglalaglag na ng stress sa kaniyang katawan si Kris Aquino, para gumaling na siya nang tuluyan. *** Maraming naapektuhan ang pagpanaw ni Manoy Eddie Garcia. Walang may gusto sa naganap, pero nangyari na nga, na naging dahilan ng kaniyang pagkawala. Maraming nagtatanungan ngayon kung itutuloy pa rin ang seryeng Rosang Agimat na pagbibidahan sana ni Gabi Garcia, sa set kasi ng serye nangyari ang aksidente, tuloy See CRISTY p19

Lilibeth Romero & Nikki Romero



Manitoba Filipino Street Festival

JULY 1 - 15, 2019

JULY 1 - 15, 2019



Mabuhay ang Manitoba Filipino Street Festival!



JULY 1 - 15, 2019

50th Anniversary Celebration – Gendringen II (1969-2019), June 22

JULY 1 - 15, 2019



Umayos ka, love you! Kamakailan ay may lumapit sa inyong lingkod at nagmungkahi ng isang paksa na akma daw bilang kasunod ng artikulo ko noong isang buwan. Kaugnay ito ng mga hindi kaaya-ayang mga gawain ng ilan sa ating mga kababayan na tinuran kong “Not Cool.” Dahil napakaraming mga kababayan natin na nahuhumaling sa fishing, picnics, camping at marami pang outdoor activities ngayong summer ay kadalasang mapupuna natin ang mga basura na identified agad nating kalat ng Pinoy. Ilang beses na akong nakadampot ng mga basura sa mga fishing spots at picnic areas tulad ng pinagbalatan ng manga, barbecue sticks, wrappers ng Chippy o Boy Bawang, pambalot ng Jollibee, lata ng sardinas, nilalangaw na ulam at kanin na itinapon na lang sa damuhan at marami pang nakakainis na proof ng kaburaraan ng ilan nating mga kalahi. Hindi ko maintindihan kung bakit nagagawa ito ng ilang mga ireponsableng tao. Tuwing kakain kami sa

CRISTY... From page 15 pa rin daw ba iyon o hindi na? Noong isang araw, ayon sa aming impormante, ay nagkaroon ng meeting ang produksiyon. Ang napagkasunduan ay hindi na muna itutuloy ang serye, ibang proyekto na lang ang ipapalit, shelved na ang Rosang Agimat. Isa sa mga nalungkot sa pagkawala ni Manoy Eddie ay si Jeric Gonzales. Idolo niya kasi ang magaling na aktor-direktor. Lumaki siya sa panonood ng mga pelikula ni Manoy. Kung si Jeric ang tatanungin ay mas gusto niyang buhay si Manoy Eddie, nand’yan man o wala ang seryeng kasama siya, apektado ang aktor sa kinahinatnan ng kaniyang idolo. Maganda pa naman sana ang gagampanan niyang role sa serye, hahamunin ang kaniyang kapasidad sa action, pero hindi na iyon matutuloy ngayon. Malaki naman ang tiwala ng GMA-7 kay Jeric Gonzales, marami pang nakaabang na proyekto para sa kaniya, kaya sinasamantala niya ngayon ang panahon para sa paghahanda sa mga palabas na ipagkakatiwala sa kaniya ng network. Sabi nga, kundi ukol ay hindi bubukol, marami pa namang pagkakataon para kay Jeric Gonzales na puwedeng isalang sa iba-ibang linya dahil bukod sa pag-arte ay mahusay rin siyang kumanta. *** Mananatiling bahagi ng alaala ng publiko ang namayapang

lunchroom ng aming opisina kasabay ang mga Pinoy kong co-workers ay sinisiguro naming malinis ang aming iiwang tables, chairs, lababo, microwave at lahat ng aming ginamit. Bakit? Ayaw naming mapulaan ng iba naming mga co-workers na kaming mga Pilipino ay baboy gumamit ng lunchroom. Ang pinupunto ko dito ay ang wastong pagkilos natin sa iba’t ibang mga pagkakataon. Mahirap kasing may masabi sa atin ang ibang lahi. Alam nating lahat na kadalasan, ang kapintasan at kahihiyang ginawa ng ating ilang kababayan ay nagrereflect sa ating lahat. Napakahalaga ng reputasyon. Ang mga maliliit na pagkukulang at kawalang malasakit ng ilan sa atin ay nakapagdudulot ng masamang imahe sa atin bilang isang lahi. Ito ba ang gusto nating maging image? Natatandaan ko pa noong araw sa Middle East ay maraming mga companies ng nagpapaskil sa kanilang mga tanggapan ng “We have Filipino workers.” Bakit?

aktor-direktor na si Manoy Eddie Garcia. Hindi siya madaling malilimutan. May saysay ang pitumpong taon na ipinagserbisyo niya sa minahal niyang trabaho sa mundo ng pelikula at telebisyon. Isang marespetong pamamaalam ang ibinigay ng kaniyang mga katrabaho, kaibigan at pamilya sa henyong aktor. Lahat ay sumasaludo sa kaniyang propesyonalismo, sa kawalan niya ng kaaway sa lokal na aliwan, kahit pa napakaepektibo niyang kontrabida. Natupad ang kaniyang hiling na mula sa kaniyang death bed ay diretso na siya sa “prituhan,”kinagabihan nang tuluyan na siyang magpaalam ay cremated agad ang respetadong aktor-direktor, ang hindi lang naganap ay ang pagsasaboy ng kaniyang mga abo sa Manila Bay. Ayon sa isang malapit sa pamilya ni Manoy Eddie ay iuuwi agad sa Bicol ang kaniyang urn, bibigyan ng pagkakataon ang kaniyang mga kababayan na magbigay ng huling pamamaalam kay Manoy Eddie, at saka pa lang iuuwi sa bahay nila sa Alabang ang mga abo. Maraming personalidad na nagbibigay ng opinyon na dapat lang hiranging National Artist si Manoy Eddie dahil sa napakalaki niyang kontribusyon sa industriya hanggang sa pinakahuling sandali ng kaniyang buhay. Pero sabi ng isang personalidad, “Dapat, buhay pa si Manoy, e, binigyan na siya ng parangal para nagkaroon siya ng chance na namnamin ang produkto See CRISTY p20

Bilib kasi ang mga companies sa hardwork at husay ng mga Pinoy. Sa kabilang banda, napabalita din sa Singapore maraming taon na ang nakalipas na nagsulat diumano ang kanilang gobyerno ng public notice in Tagalog na nagsasabing: “Bawal magtapon ng basura dito.” Nakakahiya, hindi ba? Nakakalungkot ding malaman na maraming mga Pinoy o Pinay na OFW ang nagkakalat ng lagim habang nasa ibang bansa. Kung nanonood kayo ng Raffy Tulfo in Action sa YouTube ay matatawa, mayayamot, maiinis o magagalit kayo sa mga sitwasyong nangyayari sa ating mga kababayan. Napakaraming kaso ng pangangalunya, lokohan at gamitan. Ang nakakarimarim dito ay ang paggamit ng Internet sa maraming kababuyan na sa huli ay ginagawang pang blackmail kapag nauwi sa hiwalayan ang relasyon. Pinagpipiyestahan ng milyon-milyong online viewers ang mga bangayan sa programang ito. Imagine kung kamag-anak, kaibigan o kayo mismo ang nandoon. Maaatim n’yo bang ibulgar ang inyong mga personal na buhay sa harap ng camera at pinapanood na milyon-milyong tao?

Guilty ako sa pagiging “entertained” sa mga napapanood kong mali sa internet. Madalas, pinagtatawanan ko ang mga sitwasyong ito. Guilty ako sa pagtotolerate ng ganitong uri ng paghiya sa kapuwa sa pamamagitan ng aking panonood sa mga videos na hindi dapat na nasa Internet. Nakakalungkot dahil ang Internet at social media ay punung-puno ng kababuyan dahil sa presensya ng mga pekeng impormasyon, kabastusan at mga panghihiya sa kapuwa na nakakapag-establish ng maling imahe sa tao regardless kung anong lahi. Babalik tayong lahat sa basic ng ating buhay. Ipapaalala sa atin ng pagkakataon ang mga basic na social values na itinuro sa atin ng ating mga magulang, ang pagiging maayos na tao. Hindi kumplikado ang mga turo na ating kinalakihan. Gawin ang tama at umiwas gawin ang mali. Kung nagkamali ay pilitin huwag nang gawin ito muli. Ngunit sa sobra sigurong talino ng tao ay naitutuwid ang baluktot, nagiging tama ang mali, nagiging legal ang hindi dapat legal. Mahusay sa argumento ang mga modernong tao. Mahusay sa mga debate pero in the end, mali pa rin at hindi pa

rin epektibo. Gaano mang kahusay ang ating pagtatanggol sa ating mga paniniwala ay babalik pa rin tayo sa napakasimpleng tanong. Naging maayos ba tayong tao dahil dito? Para sa akin, regardless of what we believe in or what we practice in life, ang mahalaga ay ang ating pagiging tao at pagpapakatao sa lahat ng pagkakataon ng ating buhay. Ang sabi nga sa Bubble Gang sa isang segment ng mag-ina na laging pinagsasabihan ang anak: “Umayos ka, love you!” Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.






NO. 327

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 2. Matatag 9. Matibay na hibla 11. Bumatan 13. Kurap 14. Telecom company 15. Ikatutuwa 17. Pagbati sa Kastila 18. Alyas 20. Habag 22. Katas ng niyog 26. Pananong 29. Iniluluto 32. Korte 33. Giba 34. Katulong 35. Ihanda 36. Ginto PABABA 1. Sukat 2. Dalisay 3. Palagay 4. Dilantal 5. Igi 6. Alpha at _____ 7. Hiyaw 8. Bendahe

10. Uri ng kakanin 12. Sawa 16. Biyahe 19. Singaw 21. Banggit 23. Bughaw 24. Punung-puno 25. Sabi nila 26. Itinda 27. Sasabungin 28. Bulong 30. Ugali 31. Kanta


JULY 1 - 15, 2019

HULYO 1–15, 2019 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Kung may bata sa pamilya – anak man o kapatid – bantayan mong mabuti dahil may banta ng panganib sa kanilang kaligtasan. Hindi na baleng sabihing mahigpit ka – ang mahalaga’y ligtas sila at malayo sa kapahamakan. Mahirap magsisi sa huli. OK ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. Alalay ka sa ika-2, 3, 8, 9 at 15.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Walang duda na nakasulat nang maningning ang iyong pangalan sa buwan ng Hulyo. Anuman ang gawin mo, siguradong successful at walang kokontra sa gusto mong mangyari. Love life? Aha! Humanda ka dahil magiging mainit ang romansa. Time to enjoy! Mapalad ka sa ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. Bantay ka sa ika-10 at 11.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Nag-improve na ang iyong kalusugan. Salamat sa maagang pagkonsulta sa doctor at alam mo na ngayon ang dapat gawin para mapabuti ang iyong pakiramdam. Kadalasan, stress ang dahilan ng iyong panghihina ng resistensya. Kalmahin mo ang sarili. Masaya ang ika-4, 5, 13 at 14. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-1, 6 at 7.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Naging maayos ang takbo ng buhay mo nitong mga nakaraang buwan. Walang problema at malusog ka. Huwag kang magkakamaling isipin na tuluytuloy ito. May hindi inaasahang pangyayari na magdudulot sa iyo ng stress. Ihanda mo ang sarili sa pagdating nito. Lucky ang ika-6, 7 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-4, 5, 10 at 11.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Maraming drama ang mangyayari sa paligid mo sa buwan na ito. Hindi ka kasali pero dahil malalapit sa iyo ang mga apektado, mahirap na hindi ka maapektuhan nito. Maraming maramdamin at maiinit ang ulo. Manahimik ka lang. Hayaan mo sila. Problema nila iyon. OK ang ika-6, 7 at 15. Alalay sa ika-1, 13 at 14.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Napapansin mong ang iyong partner sa buhay ay tila nag-iiba. Mas nag-aayos siya ngayon. May mga bagong damit. Pati ang ayos niya sa sarili ay iniiba niya. Mas maayos na siya ngayon. Pero nagtataka ka kung ano ang dahilan nito. Puwes, tanungin mo siya! OK ang ika-6, 7 at 15. Stressful ka sa ika-2, 3, 8 at 9.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Kung kailan na akala mo ay maayos at payapa na ang takbo ng lahat, saka may biglang susulpot na panggulo ng buhay. Wala kang ginawa para mangyari ito – sadyang ganito lang ang kapalaran mo. Sumabay ka na lang sa agos. Lilipas din ito. OK ang ika-1, 8 at 9. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-6, 7, 13 at 14.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Pagsikapan mong nasa tama ang mga gagawin mo sa buwan ng Hulyo. Pag-aralan mong mabuti ang anumang desisyon mo. May nagaabang na magkamali ka. Hindi lahat nang nagpapakita sa iyo ng kabaitan ay totoo. Matuto kang magbasa ng body language nila. OK sa ika-1, 8 at 9. Ingat sa ika2, 3 at 15.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Ingatan mo ang kilos at salita mo lalo na sa harap ng mga tao na pinakikinabangan mo. Isipin mong may mga iniisip din sila at may mga kanikaniyang problema. Hindi lahat ng oras ay puwede ka nilang alagaan. Ibalik mo ang kabutihan nila sa iyo. Mas sasaya ka. Lucky ka sa ika-1, 8 at 9. Ingat ka sa ika-4, 5, 10 at 11.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Kung single ka pa, may darating na offer sa iyo na mahihirapan kang megdesisyon. Hindi mo dapat patulan ito dahil hindi pa nakaguhit sa iyong palad ang paglagay sa tahimik. Wala munang kasalan. Magkilalanan muna kayong mabuti. Mag-ingat ka. Maayos ka sa ika-2, 3, 10 at 11. May stress ka sa ika-8, 9 at 15.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) M i n s a n tinatanong mo ang sarili kung tama ba ang mga ginagawa mo. Malaki rin ang duda mo na gusto kang kasama ng karelasyon mo ngayon. Minsan nag-iisip kang baka nagsasawa na siya sa iyo. May dahilan ba ang mga duda mo? Ikaw lang ang makakasagot nito. OK ang ika-2, 3, 10 at 11. Ingat sa ika-4 at 5.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Maayos ang pisikal na kalusugan mo pero may mga sintomas ng panghihina ang iyong emosyon at isipan. Huwag kang masyadong mag-isip lalo na kung wala namang solusyon sa problemang iyon. May mga problema na dapat lang na pabayaan muna. OK ang ika-2, 3, 10 at 11. Ingat ka sa ika-1, 6, 7, 13 at 14.

CRISTY... From page 19

Diumano, isang araw ay may nakakita kay Julia na lumalabas sa private room ni Gerald sa gym, nakarating daw iyon kay Joshua na natural lang na ikinagalit ng magaling umarteng young actor. Nagkasama sa Japan sina Gerald at Julia, gumawa sila ng pelikula doon, kaya puwedeng naging magkaibigan na sila muna noon. Puwedeng dumalaw lang si Julia sa gym kay Gerald, nagkumustahan lang sila, iyon ang nakita ng mga miron. Minarkahan ng marami ang post ni Julia na ang gusto niyang lalaki ay matalino, masarap kausap at mahusay magdala ng conversation. May mga nagpalagay na patama iyon ni Julia kay Joshua, kaya ang sagot naman ng aktor, “I’m a listener, not a talker.”

Sayang naman kung totoong nauwi lang sa wala ang kanilang relasyon. Epektibo rin kasi ang kanilang pareha, bibihira ang ganoon sa kanila na tinatanggap ng publiko ang mga ginagawa nilang proyekto, nakapanghihinayang ang kanilang tamabalan. Napakasimple lang kasi ni Joshua Garcia. Magalang ang young actor, kitang-kita sa kaniyang ugali ang mga payo ng kaniyang tiyuhing pari na nagpalaki sa kaniya, hindi kaya type ni Julia Barretto ang ganoong kasimplehan? *** Basta wala siyang taping para sa kaniyang matagumpay na game show na Wowowin ay walang ibang pinagkakaabalahan ang actor-TV host na si Willie Revillame kundi See CRISTY p21

ng kaniyang pagsisikap at talento.” Oo nga naman. *** Wala pang kumpirmasyong nanggagaling mula kina Joshua Garcia at Julia Barretto tungkol sa kalat nang balitang hiwalay na sila. Tahimik pa ang magkabilang kampo. Pero may mga nagsasabing nagkakatabangan na raw sila, si Julia ang naunang mas tinabangan, ayon sa mga istoryang umiikot ngayon. Pero bakit nakakaladkad sa kuwento ng kanilang hiwalayan si Gerald Anderson? Bakit ang aktor na boyfriend ni Bea Alonzo ang sinasabing dahilan ng breakup nina Joshua at Julia?


JULY 1 - 15, 2019


Ang waring ika-152 taon ng Canada ay nagpapaalala sa katatagan ng bansa na tuwirang produkto ng pandarayuhan ng mga taong nagmula sa iba’t ibang bansa. Mabuhay, Maligayang bati sa lahat ng mga dito ngayon ay naninirahan. *** Pagkaraan ng biglang pagsara ng Family Reunification program, may bagong pakulo ang Ottawa. Tungkol ‘yon sa pagtanggap ng caregiver na umano ay bukas sa 2,750 per year na kasama daw ang immediate members ng pamilya. Gayunman, ang kanilang application ay tatanggapin lamang kung mayroon silang job offer for five years dito sa Canada. Pagkaraan ng two years, maaari na silang magharap ng kahilingan for permanent residence. *** Ang three political parties parties dito sa Manitoba ay naghahanda na para sa nakatakdang provincial elections sa September 10. Nabalitang ang Manitoba’s Premier Brian Pallister ay may planong amyendahan ang pinaiiral ngayong provincial pension. Sana naman ay maganda at hindi pangit na kaparis ng dati. Pilipinas Ang mapipiling speaker ay kailangang katugon sa mga legislative reforms na nais mangyari ng pangulo. Malamang magkaroon din pagbalasa sa mga kagawad ng official family. Tiyak na ipagpapatuloy ng pangulo ang paglilinis sa mga tanggapan ng gobyerno at pribado na hindi nakakatugon sa mabuting paglilingkod sa mga mamamayan. Hindi dapat ang paglilingkod sa bayan ay gawing paraan sa pagpapayaman. *** Tuloy pa rin ang kampanya sa peace and order. Kabilang ang solusyon sa anti-illegal drug.

Paghikayat sa mga rebeldeng NPA na magbagong buhay para sa katahimikan at pagkakaisa ng mga Pilipino sa sariling bayan. Ang mga kagawad ng mababa at mataas na kapulungan ng kongreso, sana ay hindi maging hadlang sa hangaring mapatatag ang pangkabuhayan ng bansa. *** Tinanggap ng Pangulong Duterte ang alok ng China na joint probe tungkol sa Recto Bank incident. Subalit dapat daw ang pag-uusap ng Maynila at Beijing ay gawin sa isang bansang neutral at kasama sa pag-uusap tungkol sa nabanggit na pangyayari. *** Nabalita na sa halip federal form of government ang priority ngayon ng Pangulong Duterte ay maamyendahan na lang ang 1987 constitution. Sinabi rin ng pangulo na ang two years na martial law sa Mindanao, nananatiling malabo pa rin ang hinahangad na katahimikan sa maraming lugar doon. May mga lugar na pinangyayarihan ng banditry and armed rebellion na kagagawan ng Moro separatists at mga local Communist rebels *** Ang proyektong BulacanNew Manila International Airport ay nabalitang nakatakdang pasinayaan sa loob ng kasalukuyang taon. Ang proyekto ay tiyak na magkakaloob ng maraming trabaho na about 100,000 workers hindi lamang sa Bulacan at Pampanga bagkus ay sa iba pang kalapit na mga lalawigan. Bubuhayin ang may 27,000 hectares sa baybayin ng Bulakan na 25,000 nito ay para sa NMIA na may four lanes sa baybayin ng Bulacan, mula sa Valenzuela hanggang malapit na sa hangganan ng Pampanga. Minamadali ang proyekto dahil masikip na ang


Hinala, Hula at Haka Isipan ng tao, tunay na malikot, At mapaghinala, madaling mauyot; Walang kasiyahan, paniwalay’y lubos, Sa katotohanan na hindi matalos! *** Maraming nabigo sa maling hinala, Sanhi sa batayang pawang sapantaha; Na ang sinusunod ay batay sa hula; Kaya napalungi ay sapagkat haka! *** Sino mang kilalang tao sa lipunan, Kuru-kuro nila’y dapat pag-aralan; Suriing mabuti bago sang-ayunan, Ang mga sinabi kung katotohanan! *** Maraming balita, ayon kay Balagtas, Sakaling totoo, marami ang dagdag! Paquito Rey Pacheco

lugar ng pangunahing airport ng Pilipinas. Ang former military airports sa Sanglay Point, Cavite ay kasalukuyang inaayos para magamit as domestic airport. Inaakang mailalagay na sa ayos sa loob ng four or five years. Gayunman, maaaring magkaroon din ng problema ang mga passengers na nagmumula sa ibang bansa para sa kanilang connecting flight for various provinces ng Pilipinas. *** Rainy season na sa Pilipinas. Panahon na rin ng mga gawaing pangkabukiran. Magpapatuloy ang pagtatanim ng palay at iba pang mga kauring pagkain ng mga mamamayan. Marami nang

CRISTY... From page 20 ang kaniyang pagpapakadalubhasa sa pagpapalipad ng chopper. Dati’y mayroon nga siyang eroplano, pero wala sa isip niyang maging piloto, pero nitong mga huling buwan ay nagdesisyon siyang mag-aral na ring magpalipad. Iba na nga naman iyong siya mismo nag nagpapalipad ng kaniyang chopper, naihahanap niya ng schedule ang kaniyang flying lessons, kinakarir talaga ni Willie ang pangarap niyang maging piloto. Marami nang nagbabago sa kaniyang pananaw ngayon,


lugar ng bansa ang kasalukuyang nagtatanim at umaani na ng kanilang tanim na palay. Gayunman., ang mga magsasaka ay dumadaing tungkol sa nangyayaring mababang presyo ng kanilang inaaning palay. Sana ang problemang ito ay malunasan sa pamamagitan ng NFA. Ngayon ang panahon na dapat silang mamimili ng palay, imbakin at ilaan sa panahon na kailangan ng taumbayan ang murang bigas. Ang pondo ng gobyerno na nilalaan sa importation ng bigas ay dapat gamitin na muna nila ngayon. Sa panahon ng rainy season ay hindi dapat nangyayari ang katulad ng nararanasan ng ngayon. Sa loob ng may anim na buwang

tag-ulan, sana ay hindi naging problema ang tubig na gamit sa mga tahanan tulad sa Metro Manila kung maraming imbakan ng tubig na mapagkukunan. Hindi dapat na sa Angat Dam lamang ang panagot na mapagkukunan ng tubig. Sa Taiwan karaniwang maliliit lang ang imbakan ng tubig na tinaguriang sahod-ulan na gamit pambukid at pantahanan. Bakit hindi magawa sa Pilipinas? Kasabihan Kahoy mang sa tubig laging nakababad, kung idadarang sa apoy tiyak maglilyab. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

palibhasa’y nagkakaedad na siya, lalo na sa kaniyang mga naipundar na ari-arian. Ang mga luxury cars niyang naka-park lang sa isang palapag ng kaniyang building na hindi niya naman sabay-sabay na magagamit ay idinispatsa na niya ang iba. “Sabi mo nga, e, isa lang naman ang puwede kong sakyan, hindi naman puwedeng dalawa o tatlo at the same time, kaya mas magandang ibenta ko na lang ang iba. “Ang mahalaga, e, natupad ko ang pangarap ko noon na magkaroon ng mga luxury cars, pero kapag mayroon ka na, ano na ang kasunod? Wala na, wala nang excitement, di ba?” tanong-

opinyon ng sikat na TV host. Ang kaligayahan para kay Willie Revillame ay ang makasama ang kaniyang mga tagahanga sa Wowowin, ang makapagbigay ng tulong sa mga kababayan nating nangangailangan, iyon na ang bumubuo sa kaniyang bawat maghapon ngayon. *** Markado pa rin talaga ang pangalan ni John Lloyd Cruz kahit mahigit na isang taon na siyang namamahinga sa pagharap sa mga camera. Siya pa rin ang itinatanong ng mga kababayan natin kung kailan siya babalik. Ang klase ni Lloydie ang personalidad na matagal mang See CRISTY p22




JULY 1 - 15, 2019

Brady Barrientos – Star Bound Brady Barrientos took home the second place prize of $1500 in the Starbound Talent contest at the Red River Exhibition on Sunday June 23, 2019. Brady is the teenage son of the talented Winnipeg singer Bernadette Barrientos and father Arnold Barrientos.

Garth Rogerson, Red River Exhibiton CEO, with Brady

L-r: Amily Cabrera, dad Arnold, brother Tobey, Tita Bernadette Luna, Lucille Nolasco of Pilipino Express, Brady, & mom Bernadette.

UST Alumni Association – 2019 Scholarship Awards The University of Santo Tomas Alumni Association of Manitoba (USTAAMI) is now accepting applications for its 2019 ESTAAMI Scholarship Awards Applicants must: • be of Filipino descent; • have a minimum average grade of 85% • be accepted and entering first year in any post secondary school in Manitoba in September 2019 Deadline: September 30, 2019 For application form and other requirements: Visit www.facebook.com/groups/USTAAMI/ Or e-mail: ustaami@gmail.com.

CRISTY... From page 21 mawala ay siguradong may babalikan. Maganda kasi ang markang iniwanan niya sa industriya. Bukod sa kaniyang talento ay pinilahan ang mga pelikulang pinagbidahan niya na iba-ibang aktres ang kaniyang kapareha. Nagpaalam na si JLC sa kaniyang ermitanyo look. Malinis na ang kaniyang mukha ngayon dahil inahit na niya ang kaniyang bigote at balbas. Bumalik na ang itsura ng dating John Lloyd. Umaasa ang kaniyang mga tagasuporta na isang araw ay sosorpresahin na ang sila ng kanilang idolo. Walang ingay. Walang promo. Tahimik na tahimik ang paggawa ng proyekto. Tapos, isang araw ay bubulagain na lang sila ni John Lloyd dahil may pelikula na pala siyang natapos, doon pa lang lalabas ang mga detalye na habang

hinahanap pala siya ay mayroon na siyang pinagkakaabalahang pelikula. Nakaka-miss naman kasi ang presensiya ng magaling na aktor. Marami nang lalaking personalidad na nagdatingan pero ibang-iba pa rin ang kaniyang suwabeng atake na minahal ng bayan. Hindi siya pinagsaraduhan ng puso ng manonood, sa halip ay inunawa pa nga siya, siguro raw ay gusto lang matikman ni Lloydie ang isang klase ng buhay na matagal na niyang hindi naaangkin dahil sa pagiging artista. Siguradong babalik sa pagaartista si John Lloyd Cruz. Ito ang bisyong walang rehab. Walang paggaling. Minsan kang naging artista ay hahanap-hanapin mo ang ingay at saya ng mundong kinalakihan mo. *** Paboritong i-bash ngayon si Derek Ramsay. Lahat na lang ng sabihin at i-post ng hunk actor

ay kinakikitaan ng negatibong konotasyon ng mga bashers. Para sa ikalilinaw ng mga bira ay sumasagot naman si Derek, lalo na ang isyung walanghiya raw siyang amo sa kanilang mga kasambahay, talagang dumepensa ang bruskong aktor. Kapansin-pansin lang na nagugat ang mga ganitong upak sa aktor mula nang maghiwalay sila ng kaniyang girlfriend na si Joanne Villablanca. Walang ganitong senaryo sa buhay ni Derek bago naganap ang kanilang break-up ng modelo. Nakakaawa rin si Andrea Torres na nananahimik pero pinagbibintangang naging dahilan ng paghihiwalay nila ni Joanne. Hindi kailangang mang-agaw ng karelasyon ng aktres, marami itong manliligaw, pero career ang binibigyan ng panahon ng napakaseksing si Andeng. Mas maganda siguro kung hindi na lang sasagutin ni Derek ang mga patutsada ng mga taong

Brady Barrientos performing at the Red River Exhibition, Sunday June 23, 2019 hindi naman siya kilala nang personal. Kabaligtaran kasi ng kung ano at sino siya ang ipinakakaing mga salita ngayon laban sa kaniya. Edukado ang hunk actor, mula siya sa isang buena familia, hindi rin siya puwedeng pagbintangang nananakit ng damdamin ng kaniyang girlfriend dahil tumatagal nang lima hanggang anim na taon ang paghawak niya ng relasyon. Hindi bumibilang nang mahabang panahon ang pakikipagrelasyon ng isang manlolokong lalaki. Buwan lang ang binibilang ng ganoon. *** Mabuti na ring paminsanminsan ay naba-bash si Vice Ganda dahil sa kaniyang pagmamalabis. Basta hawak na kasi niya ang mikropono, feeling ng sikat na komedyante ay baril ang hawak niya na handang lipulin ang lahat ng mga nakamasid sa kaniya, makapangyarihan na ang pakiramdam ni Vice Ganda. Sa kabila ng kaniyang popularidad ay mayroon dapat sumusubaybay kay Vice para maalala niya na anumang salitang

nabitiwan niya na ay mahirap nang mabawi pa. Masyadong madulas ang kaniyang dila, walang preno ang kaniyang bibig, dahil ang akala nga ni Vice ay naaaliw ang buong bayan sa mga pinagsasasabi niya. Sabi ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Masaya tayo na sumikat siya, na yumaman siya, pero hindi tayo masayang nakikita at naririnig siya na nagbibitiw ng mga salita na kabastusan ang konotasyon. “Totoo, hindi nabibili ang breeding, kapag wala ka noon, wala ka talaga. Kung ano ka, kung ano ang naturalesa mo, iyon ka na talaga. At bastos talaga si Vice, kaya kahit gaano pa siya kayaman, hindi noon mababago ang kabastusan niya!” napakadiing komento ni prop. Kailangang may bumabalanse sa estado ni Vice Ganda. Madaya ang kasikatan, nanglilipad iyon na parang hangin sa mga personalidad sa alapaap ng kayabangan, kaya kailangan siyang marendahan. Pakinggan lang sana niya ang mga papuri at palakpak pero huwag niyang paniniwalaan. – CSF

JULY 1 - 15, 2019





JULY 1 - 15, 2019

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